ttklg WM. H. BERNAR0, Editor and Proprietor. WILMINGTON, N. C: Friday, November 8th, 1878. tW Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Postal Money Order, or Registered Letter. Post Mastera will register letters when desired. J j tW Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. f ":; 53F" Specimen copies forwarded when desired. : economy, that regulates Supply and demand. v Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., of Georgia, has recently prepared a life or Commodore Josiah Tatnall, a very meritorious naval officer wlia THE ELECTION. ItetnriiM from ibe Virionii Congrct luual kltricl In North' i Carolina. BBIT1SH VOI.IT1CS, It looks very much as if th6 Berlin treaty will fall to pieces- before the j rendered good service to the '"Lost wax naraens mat seals tnej agreement. uause." lie was a brave old fellow, Mr. Gladstone is achieving a! more j and when an officer of the old U. S. rapid triumph than he of his f jiends Navy as we as when serving 'the WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER, could have hoped for. The' recent elec- cause of his native Georgia, he showed - -Ve hive frequently had occasion to refer tions for municipal officers THE LABOR QUESTION. ' In listening to the very able, com prehensive and statesman-like 'speech of Senator Merrimon, delivered on 3Ionday night, in the City Hall a speech concerning which there; are no two opinions as far as we can learn we. regretted that he did not have more time to elaborate one pr two points to which he referred briefly, and to discuss one or two points to which he did not refer at all. ; In his discussion of labor, which was timely and judicious, he said nothing of the influence of machinery upon the pros pects of the workingmen. jln the South this topic has not arrested the attention of editors or speakers, be cause it is not a felt evil, but : in the show nimseii every men a hero. He wrote to theNjuiet elections in this city; but that quite plainly that the English people well, .he fought well, he . lived well, J of yesterday was decidedly the tamest that have already returned tojthat "sober- second thought" which generaljy en- TlieUoplIu Canal. ,For some weeks past Major W. L.Young has been eDgaged in procurmg conditional subscriptions to the proposed Duplin CaDal, and has succeeded in getting the desired amount subscribed. -This movement, as we understand the enterprise a tangible basis for future action, and will ensure the .success of the scheme, provided the people of Duplin Pender and other counties inter ested, come forward in aid of it The citi zens of these counties, being familiar with FBOM WASHINGTON. T1 n mon t--- Tne m rat err of the ninhr Tlvnm. r. T Ifyvwuc. crelary Sherman and ine Weber Auderton Letter. ! ; iu- autyw; ' Vr wjau iBpecl.tptspatchcaUbeBalUa.oresup., tT r lm . t . . I - I nF I I. .. - - - . "'UK vajurAiwjji &UAJNliAL,S. , I " luc" uair, sumai we UllgUt know arestl t Mrin - M-., abies men and nations to arrive at just conclusions. The utterances of the public press of Great Britain show a powerful reaction Beaconsfield policy. The truth of the matter is the Washington, Nov.-3. The bro ther-in-law Of l.hfi laff Kunoln f I A tOliasfl "maliinp!ii t. ton confirms the statement that the citcumfereuce and weighing 75 pounds ia Democratic cipher telegram's were ??M sSS?. It tesf achievement. &rr. furnished to Senator Morton's com, LiDlutonleLn " and ,he mittee by the authorities of th ; ' tit' -: , the route of the proposed canal and the re- Western Union TeWraoh Comnn,; " John and rip- eu,t8 ,hat are expected to the way MrHolloway says the dispatches of EffiS'tS8 poll- of extending navigation and the reclaiming this character and other dispatches nn tbe track of the railroad, were tried t English people do not like the idea aud he deserves well of his country I we bav.e ever known . There was not a np- Th Ananato nh;i i .. Ple or excitement around me various pou- of extending navigation and the reclaiming this character and other disna liner hlanai '- nnA Fnf na omnrla nnnfffft. I , A A n 1 .. ' .1 I J il.. honHailnit.. . K nit work OI Col Jones ' W,1U,11",7V,!'""?V""?',.. v .wciuuncu iuiu,, uuum;ieiu.ip,iuii uu;utir tu otJuaior iliorioil niieu . i'Ti ... 1 gated on the streets in the vicinity, no one I matter, as lhe r.o'nditi Knnoin "Indeed, what we hke best in ';a, work would have snboosetJ I that anythine ubusus videaJ Promnt actinn on ih rrt nf; thn. Morton liad " vsrv - Mfnllv raa.i XTT Y & TA tt- AA in ma. A J cnUhvZi was goings. The leading politicians were against the I thought is condensed of ten in one sentence. eyen unable tp get up a bet on .the result, liius, ia me mtaaie OI a hot: .fight, amid I though various opinions were hazarded pro the crash and cry of destruction : he turns and con around and savs to his comnaninns- "Wait I . . . :"tr z. :'-tr ... . if war doesn't make life longer, it makes it lt6l . Ward-Upper Division, VVaddell a heaD broader, hv fJnrl i .. Airin .t ti.a 147; T?naPll iah ' r of becoming tho protectors of the ef- Fieho, when he saw the English suffering 83- Rusaell 580 ' ' ! fete, corrupt and cruel Turks. I That aKade?Serv Second Ward-Waddell 285; Russell 123. policy wbich identifies civilization with 0a lustfu very counties rnost deeply interested will do ovef ail the cipher telegrams, more to prove to the people of Wilmington an ayowed . to his i friends his the practicability of the scheme than any purpose to - have them - translated thing else that could be dont. So let the 8J , 8vi,Whea in tbe 8PriPS people of these counties act at once. This 1 87J. he le 1 Washington, the ci- conditional subscription shows the willing-: j , 7 ."IT yeuiea ioge- ness or me people or Wilmington to aid in i me matter. - , a Christian is thicker than water, by God!" he paoks Third Ward Waddell 250; Russell 129; iuo wuoiq argument oi numanity into these I Can ad ay g. ; . v Ward- Waddell 219; Russell ana napan I hoif f, uuii-iiiirn nuiua. i : ' i ;L. j : 1 Tfii - 1- i .. i j-purtu jjcupio us nub puuuiar wuo - me more I 0, o -wi. tuunucuceu iq me year I ' : ,i.v....f,i .;j .vL j.J. 1812, and ended six years ago, when in- 125 luuuS""ul .i4,lu portion oi terred beneath his -ancestral oaks of Bona- Fifth Ward-Waddeil 117; Russell 537 tne country. ino oneho has ex- SUhE Majority for Russell in the city 923, amined any of the many works conT of these two generations of men. His dash Harnett Township-Waddell 29; Rusiell cerningthe East that hive appeared I aQd gallantry, his conspicuous courage, his 109 tner ana put by themselves in his wuiiuxiieo. room, ana. it is now cer tain that from this committee room they, through some agency not yet uu.iuocu, luuim tueir wav inio tne lienoir, last week. aDd'acquilted Raleigh Observer: Mr. A T Mial'agin house; on his" farm in '.T..i.nB., " county, was burned about four o'clock Snn day evenmg. No cause is givea for ??. Tlri'r Atuint Ari.. L.l. . . . . ' stroyedV i couon were de- Southern Home: Mr. S. D. Bar giu, of Lincoln county, has. within the spaceof only Jaw. weeks, lost four chil dren with diphtheria. , The parents of th 9 household have beeo made chiJdless by this terrible scourge. -- - : ' lU18 recently in England, can have to note how terrible is merit; of the Turk before Tho facts and incidents failed the' arraign the tribunal North it is a subieet of constant dis eussion iu the oublic oressi in the I uroPe' urave miarterlies, in magazines, and Siven Te of tbe "t stirring and yet " f- ' " - - I 1 1 . ! . m : -n lepeuaub unaiauier. 1 lie lsritisn pe riodical press, loo, teem with' criti- pride in and devotion to his flag, his zeal for intrepid acts, his keen enjoyment of danger, his clear judgment, his loftv con- tempf of all that' was mean- and small, are well illustrated during these sixty eventful years." .r . .. i Cape Pear Township-Waddell 16; Rus sell 217. - - 'v-j: :-i-..- ; Masenboro' Township Waddell 11 ; Rus sell 4a; Canaday 1. neati of Mr. Vance. A telegram, was received iu this city yesi teVday1 announcing the iad 'intelligence of the deaili of Mrs. Vance, the wife of our esteemed- Governor, ; Z B. Vance, which occurred at Raleigh, on Sunday afternoon lust, at 4 o'clock, after a liugeiiug illness.' Mrs. Harriet Newell Espy Vance was 0reS8 that the cipher telegrams will born July; 11th, 1832, was the daughter Bobesonian: We .regret to learn that a son of Mr. A A. ltiman, of Lee3- It IS intimated t.hnt. Sprmtnr AIKo ! rtav criM cnirhi 5 it. ...u. J.K . Chairman of the Stanley Matthews 8ti"ily killed. - He was about 12 years oU uuuiuiuiee, win can that committee i Z - promisiug yH .ugcbuci ueiure me meeting or uon "K of Rev. Thomas Espy, of Salisbury, and was married to her preseut husband at Morganton, August 3d, 1853. She was an' estimable lady, possessed of much decision? uauucu uvcr to iue committee: PiM'nf ,b u,n r."-. ol,ss MrsvGov. Vauce'8 remains Wer(. fof interment. Mi,, taken -ito : Ashevilte f. . J even m DOOksJ . 4 It is stoutlw held by one class of writers that the multiplying of ma chinery is extremely - hurtful j to the laboring classes; inasmuch as - it en argumeuts cisms and Beaconsfield policy. inese tmnss prepare us against tbe to ex- blcs farmers to dispense with two- pect a Poweiful revulsion, sooner or thirds of the labor found necessary in former years, and even manufac turers can get along with one-half of the usual number .. of ' employes. There are other writers who con "lend that the introduction of later, in popular opinion. We have within a day or two read a long and very interesting letter in the Chris tian Intelligencer, written byj a close observer, who has been travelling in Great Britain. He is machinery of every imaginable kind Amencan, and we copyj a paragraph has not had the tendency insisted that illustrates what we haye said upon-that it has not thrown out of ana Slves us a reai glimpse of British employment anything like the num- Polltlcs- lhe writer says: PCTBIjIC expenses. lhe expenses of the State Govern- &om& 10 Press lhs morning iudicate the ment is attracting more and more of c,cu"uu Ul .xwnneii Hou-ine defeat of our ganaui hianaara -oearer oy a small ; ma- iorilV. thoucl) thcrr' nrr nn!to o miml,n a. mi . . I- n , 1,v " vi ui viCWH iue omer aay. 1 ne suDject is Democrats who are still confidant th important, and concerns every tax payer. There has been too much ex travagance. Officials have not re alized that they are the servants and not the bosses of the people. When men seek office, and' men xoill seek as there is one to be up their l be Probable Result. The returns received up to the: hour of I of uaracter,.and was greatly beloved and esteemed by all who knew ber. During! tnat'Anderton will then consent to Miss Lavme Havw lesury, ana tnat other witnesses w 1 son, ui. L, tie forthcoming, It is noted by the Harrjsburg speech of Secretary Sher man, last night, that he has at last summoned up sufficient courage to .uenyxne authorship of the Weber 'H1U. KeV. . . M Ail.:.. L Polk. MhI r ' :Z uccicibi sq .ana a.. A. Gudwr Ksq , accompanied the remains to AghL' ville. 1 . ...... ' . Uern,nganu painiut uioess she was conH AndArsnn lt.i .n II : vw riuuuuillfQ lb office as lone cv.ut.jr an held they shoul( make minds to do faithful service if they are successful in obtaining place and pelf. The junketings , of the present fraudulent President, and the splen latCol. Waddell is elected, and are staking their money pu him as we write this article. I Asa matter of interest we give Judge Russell's own figures, but with the remark that the Democrats by no meaos concede his election by as large a majority as they indicate: j . ! For Russell Ne w ilauover 1,325; Bruns wick 300; Bladen 525; Pender 450; Cum berland 300. Total 2.900.. I For Waddell Columbus 325; Carteret 250; Duplin 600; j Sampson 175; Ilarnett 250. Total 1,600. j in this calculation Moore and Onslow forted and sustained by the untiring de4 votion of her distinguished husband, who has the sympathies of the people of the en tire State in the great and irreparable loss he has sustained. a forgery. Symptom of ai 1 1 1 , , . .1 iw nun wc with in (4 nsffnnr .rtrri i',.i;r oer 01 laoorers supposed, and that the Campbell, the youngest soq of 'tCelDuke of did style with which the old toper counties are omitted, as will be injunction 01 macmnery, on tne ZB1 lived for months each other hand, has proved a. real, sub- STTX year at Lonir Branch Wrn ih, nn sf nntin.1 Vilpssinrr 1r t.Vio nnnrkr nlacsnc. J about twentvfive hnnrtrpd i Tho ITInlra I - yr one of the foremost; Rr h ctcr:'; 8tant themes ot newspapers, and tho in supplying them at a cheap rate orators, and one of the chief opponents of butts for the gibes and flings of the WltU a thousand comforts and cnnvA. I preseoi aammisiraiioni. The election' I . inuescent, paragraptiers. Ut course seen. statesmen and istrationL The election1 xtraa rfirro rrr cr with 1 i c . ,,; tUt v-i,i I "" a gicai Meat oi; iniere8i ..iv-o 1. li in uuuci IUC UiU SYSLKLU 1 HS ft tfcRl Ot nil h lin spnfimnnt an A 1. f 7 . nuu uic IC3U11 was received with decide manifestations thev must 'Jisva nnn w?t.lirnt n .f.fu j,... of feeling. It was naturally the subject of uwv u luunuiu pnues ior inem; i conversation. We foundj more ! Liberals it is contended that the home life of I man conservatives among! the gentlemen c met uu me puoiic conveyances - and iu iue noieis. a numbr bh iti to tbe laboring classes has been "lifted such officials render no service, to the country when they are "bobbing around" continually. It is the duty of State officials to stick closely to their offices. They cannot otherwise perform those constant round a We have no further comments to make just now. j COLUMBUS. Special Star Telegram Flemington, Nov. 6. Waddell's! ma jority in this county is aboutthreeTiundred. Died on the Tralu. As the incoming train on the W., C. .& A. Railroad was passing Register's Station, about thirteen miles from this city, yester day, the conductor was requested to take up a white man who was sick and in desti tule circumstances, and who was desirous of reaching a place where he could receive medical attention. The man, whose name was ascertained to be Wra. Anderson, and who was to all appearances a tramp, was received on the train and placed in one of the cars, but died before reaching the city. Coroner Hewlett was notified and held an inquest over the body, the jury returning a verdict that deceased came to his death from some natural cause to them unknown.: Deceased was apparently about 25 or 30 years of age. . j Raleigh News: Dr. J. A Sex ton, of Apex, yesterday sent $10 for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers the amount being the proceeds of a concert given by -.Miss Kate flanks, of Pittsboro and the ladies of .Apex. The capito was closed yesterday, aamarkof respect for the death of the wife of tbe Governor. 8 The biblical Recorder contains the following revival returns: Polkton 6 baptisms; New Bethel, Warren, 10 convex Biuiia; miiis mver, 14 baptisms; Colerai Id baptisms; Salem Church, Randolph ram. n Approacbine ived- :l-' dine. 1 New York Graphic. , ; The engagement of Miss Edith May, sister of Miss Carrie May, for merly affianced to Mr. James Gordon . . . , - , vuuiv.ii! ivauuuiuil, it bennett, and one of the survivors of baptisms; Cedar Falls. Randolnh as nUO the yacht Mohawk disaster, in which iqa8i RoQaest Chapel, Bertie, 20 baptisms Commodore Garner and wife Miss Sapha-l'Ber.tie' baptisms; Holly Grove. Ad?..H..ur,Mr. Frt'rK fS&SSS11 perished, is just announced. The hap- Charlotte Ohwrvov i py Capt. Randolph, an IrisL with alafbfteciS- man, formerly in her Majesty's ser- B. Hussey is about to reenter journalism vice, whose name was formprl v Mni. having Jormed a connection with th f' lins, the change having been made in Leigh 2f0? 88 Political editor. This should . i . . " 1 I be ffratifvinff intplliirpnno tn th ....i... . t oruer 10 innprir. snmo mnnou frnm i ."r'p . iuus u - - w vv su v s m w . i i ii in ii n I it u mjjfina r m s tn ..... i . r- mother's brother. CaptJ Randolph generally, as it is a cause bf congratul alion if 119 r r .. . x uicu iui a uouservaiive a lew years ago ucuause x was aispieasea with tiladstone s oner for a Liberal.' We said very frankly that I to the places which they are supposed the KPRCVlnBfiplrt rnli.r in ill.. X.v,-rn-l- i I . - 1 - - f-UO Um- I tf, fill 7 When those inthe employment of up, to use Judge Mernmon's words that fife with them is far more tole rable, and comfortable, and cheerful. O.f course much may be said on both sides. We would like to have f5" seem?d1to H! a father mean and . vuuiu iiK.e 10 nave tricky one .and that Britain mijrlit to .u.v. . c JLU.C111LUUU a mamrea i u"cu ii ikussia in aemanainT at the i v . 1 - . ;o .1? L , Cutset a reform in the Turkish wTerimen? tbe PeoP,e are tnVeled to work as '' "T "e fauuo6 Ior To this we received a ready and cordial other peoole wprk who learn a liveli- a moment accept that view Chat at- I assent The intelligent people I of Great I nnA i " .1 -n t ' . hni.4L.-.j:ji..L:'. .... Britain are indisposed to maintain th Hooa Uien tbey,.will have no time for there will btf no noua tu iue iiiiroaucuon ana multi- I icoie mat. win. amount to anything over I j ' . u .f m, Asia Minor: they feel tbd thev 'Lv need for 80 mY offices. . .i, fle causes enough on their hands fwithout thisand We find an editorial in the CharJ -" nuugc meriiuiuu go JU- l " uiiug; muuey iue trO- :.n . v i . n ' . , I vciuuieui win ieei cidly,- strikingly and" convincingly sinon. We found are no doubt the . true causes have mainly brought about the pre sent condition of affairs. We can but I The Raleigh Observer of Sunday and 800. Reported gains in Ilarnett but no returns from that county. Kitchen is beaten about 500. j Davis miijoritV is about 8,000. CARTERET. Special; Star Telegram. Beaufort, N.jC, Nov. 0 Full returns not yet received. ) Waddell's majority will noi ue less than two hundred and fifty, or more than three hundred. ' MISCELLANEOUS. I a,.-:i 'u...- m-i vernmentwill feel the power of this disno- lotte democrat that contains views iu. Nov r.Thn i0t L .V smon. we found no. such attachment to that are in accord with our own. TW r.iiM r; , J T that I Ij0ra -"jeaconslield as is j felt towards Mr.. I iiwucu a gam in uriausione. i ; Bays; . iiarneil ana. a laree maioritv in SAninann "The Raleigh JPs advocates the rrt nni etteville, jn ov. 6.-The latest.con AXTOT MTT voitt. 1 A remperance Lectare. j I Special Star Telegram 1 An observant friend New Rivkh, Nov. 6 -Our people, I to "crook his elbow," except in a strictly fear, have not turned out. About COO ma- legitimate and proper manner, was heard jority for Waddejl, I think. j j to suggest yesterday that election day. No- -."-.j u. majority I vembcr 5th, 1878, would long be remem m Moore is 325; in Carteret between 200 Ibered aa, mol J - 3 m vvj v povvu l. pC13U(t sive and exhaustive temperance lecture ever brought to bear upon the people uf this or. any other community. The bar rooms were closed, the keepers thereof faithfully ac quiescing in the requirements of the law,; and, per consequence, quiet, peace, and good order were triumphant no broils, no to the JUemocratic Dartv. .Tnm-nnikm Capt. Hussey's natural field. lie is not on Iv an original and strong thinker, but a bril liant and graceful writer. Charlotte Observer: The Caro lina Central Railroad has cut off from the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line, or thehV leigh & Augusta from the Carolina Gen came over here last snmmer and spent most, of the time at Saratoga, where he renewed an acquaintance with Miss May, made originally in" Dresden, They are to be married shortly, and they will reside abroad. Miss Edith May is a tall and hand-; some young lady, with fine dark eves j tr?'' in consequence bf which the Seaborn d J t 1. ' 1 Aim r 7... Mn.. . : "XT' r 1 1 ann rpnrn ar rnatm-ao i au-uiuc iuuic via ixuno k is nn nmrp 5 . ' I tWltA. U A .1.1 ' .. . .'. ruav-iut: iruuuif is me puDJIc lias not been permitted to know. Our towus man. Dr. C. F. Brem, bus invented a car coupler which seems to supply a want which has long existed, and which must commend itself to every one wbo examines its workings. During the mouth of October there were only five interments in xuimwouu . cemetery, une ct these was tion of the salaries of State officers and all I sidere(i reliable,; is that Waddell gains in thins that machinery should be in- contains a handsome and deserved other public officers, (both State and coun- Harnett, and has carried Samnson bv nn- 10 eluded in the array, but to what ex- tribute to the late lugh Waddell. K SJ Ju ard8 of 80ft Democratic loss in this kwin, tent it has aided in creatin!? the traa We copy a portion with rileasnrp officers, or. at least ston their inm nri county on the vote of 1876 is from 335 to 1 . 1 ,! 11 1 Hisn srfin tnnrnnr .linn., c I H(l naravsifl ann nmniatn .i . : . e I il win lnrnrpet an mn. r -i i rf.vMuuuuo iui caucudivk ana i u-xv r j r- 1 wm auou, pi w f J "l Mur reau" magnificent public buildinira. ItlamtiPr tew uayu ago. xowara evening the person on watch saw a large red fox steal slyly out of a piece of woods on one side of the pasture. After arrests, station additions to looking carefully about for a few mo- the inmates of lhe county jail 5- bright and I ments, the fox trotted direct to the eheerful faces in place of bloated, bruised, I spot where the cow was feeding mangled features all powerful arguments I Taking another survey of the field. iu iavor 01 temperance, ir not of total abJ I UB.IUUK "s position nnder the cow as stinence J I a calt would and sucked her milk with evident enj'oyment. The cow stood In this court yesterday the Grand' Jury V EmU L" ."t" OSl wasempanneledandchanredbvniaFTonnr .!a again .Tnv nra .f... -. r " ii r l"e wooasana then went on with ...v.. nun-u, aw a quarter I uer fepdinty - ; .i ' rt-ii I . " ictcaa was iah.en. ine Key nard Jnilklns a Cow. LNew York Sun Special.! Middlebtjeg, N. Y., October 31. Andrew Freemeyer pastures his cow on the flats near this village. It being evident that the cow was milked everyday before she was brought I from lhe countr7 and another from South uume, a waicn was set for the thief following comnose the Grand .Turv A. D. Brown, Foreman; Joshua Meares, H. H. Foster, Samuel A. King, R. W. Middleton, Georee H. Bell the varied industries nf tho rnr,r,t I ers. It snnnlp Ar. i, I of doubt whether thfl ftftlnripa at nnr ioi t Sunday School Contention j, I " rr . T mo nfflnn,. tj vu a g,., o...' oa..i 1. .... I ik.. r.- . we cannot determined It was upon &TAE S announcement of one of onr Z?? :LT.,T,",a'.ufJ?a ouu"w ,ven- , , , . , I i . J I i,7,i x .7 me oiaie uuu mei ai uaieiga onrriaay. ! Mr. I veorgej?ranK.un, &. schriver. Lewis Her- that point we would have been glad i"o8tr,ous and mentor ons citi- 11 Hobert T. Gray fade the address of ring, Charles W. Bradlev. J. n wl . 1 vwawuuuu-im ,( nn 111 11 iiiiiiuMii h n 1 1 to m im - r - j 1 a resDectahin itwinw t v,:m i welcome, andJVlr. J. C. Scarborouch I J. A. Evans. JoseDh Gore H Vnitra t? "Mr. Waddell SDraDe 'from an knnrJ bribes and gifts. But the number of sala- responded. Mr. John B. Burwell was W. Hargrove. - ' j " and distinguished family,) being the grand- I Y m?8rs might be. dimmished and no made President, heverai counties re- During the afternoon the case of H wyuiuuuuuuui, ue g aa to nave the I oljr Aaujc auu 'so 01 uen. Franc s Nash I . u;r . 8 ,u . ionf.n!- ford and Rev S n Adoma nf . V. . & . - uavc LUB Who fell mnrtiil)ff mnaA s .il v...?, .1 tion might be decreased to the amounk nf l?ra ana Atev B Adams, of Carolina. In Pinewood (colored) cemetery mere were ten interments. .Smitbfleld corresx)ondent of the Raleigh Observer; The case of rape was one which was removed from Franklin county. It was tried there last court and a mistake made. It Beems from the evidence that Jesse Davis, colored, passed the house of Mrs. Margaret Champion, of Franklin county, in the afternoon, and saw that she .was there alone. He returned ab6ut ten o'clock at night, broke open the door ar,d ravished Mrs. Champion. Mrs. Champion lived alone, but was absent from her house most of the time, nursing the sick, which was her regular business. This was the first night she had stayed at her house for several weeks. Jesse Davis was tried on Thursdayilast and a verdict of guilty re turned. His Honor Judge Buxton sen tenced him to be hanged on Friday, No vember 22d. j Raleigh News: The trial of Cal vin Smith, accused of the murder of John to hear the able and thoughtful Sen- I zeni3: ator. ;" . . j : The Radical papers 'and leaders - . , . . . i nuu leu iu country peneve that they are not re- Germantown. iMWadde twoor thrcc 'hundred thousand dollaril snonsiblft for thn Anii,iA I the third of fim hfi,l T7 I . :. . i 1 uw utuiwittUIC VUUUr I . V . -".1.UVIO, mice Ul WDOUl tion of" affair. n thA !ercisN Waddell, of Or- alone has Oglesby, from Robeson, county, charged with retailing spirituous liquors without j a Phillips' Sober Tuoozut. LSt. Louis Times.") Gen. Shields, in one of his JatP visits to Boston, mot OTniAn Tu.i I Johnson, is now in nroffTes Smithfio'ii mM T UUCTII H III 1 - m Hi- " S HU11V,1. lips, and had a long and f riendl v talk ? I e .parties were wtlile and residents Jth him Rr- pl-S i.a,uu.irienui7 of Johnston county.! Mrs. A. E. Black- with him. Mr. Phillips, in the course well, living near Ruffin,- sold Tuesday, at of the conversation, exclaimed with Graves', Warehouse, in Danville, one lot of , great earnestness: "Gen. Shields, I toacco at $100 and one at $80 per hundred want to see the Southern Democracy OTd8i.and lhey were not Bn"ll lots. , f'"'0 pMseS8ion of this vernment. time to get a railroad from this nlnce to Shields asked how that could b iDheraw, S. C. a distance of twentv-Uvo As to reducing tbe salaries of Judges. Rrppnshnrn nnolrp nn ka Qnn1w' . wiuiuut a i atiatsu UOW mat COUId be . fftV ' u a Uiance Ot twenty-UVO ijreensDoro, spoke on the bnndav irense waain nn hntfln.u. .-.-..La aftor h ua rui , o. ... m ies. hm Hmn i... - rin,v Snnl wnrlf ! . " V miuueu - wuguu UUB OOUinem I th miJu,;" ,'J lirf:: J ""'!"a, ,0""'"; dtairs, and that machinery ange; Maurice Q. Waddell, of Chatham- We do no bel,eTe thev can Pav travelling ma(je bv Mr' Dunoa done all the mischief-that Alfred M.VVaddell of LouiS exPen8e? (ahd they have to travel about six S 2 T K nA :a- . fat . Mr. Waddell leaVes his venSXle ntil8 ,1eaeh Jia?d support their f am- J:& tl l until this morning ' On t.liA spnnhrl Anxr araanaa I n.n . J C 1 I A liprAA rif rrtnHom .ot ... . . ' nnAnn wh nf an;i i u.u..wu ua euierea r T.in0lx.,.lr f s.i,. in a libel case against a lot of smoking to- the enforced idleness ofj millions has wife and four mtolSSXnEn i,ies. on leS9 than $3500 per aSnumT in re bury; Rev. W.C. Norman and Mr. P. baccose'zed ,n n8low unty about been brought about by man's invent: with those of hosts of triends throughout gWa 10 l? Uovirnor and otner Stale offl- if. Fescud, of Raleigh; Rev. G. S. "go lue owner nav,nS abandoned invent- I thfiKinie Hi. .n. :.i .uS,. Vs cets. we do not know hnw mwh if Kt. f t . r:i -n v I MttRinnt m.a. - . ive genius, and is not a resultant, of delUf Chatham;" HonTAlfr" 1 Raleigh; if ilcunT. K LVr- f0rr7 ZZZ"" "ta .vw u iivcuoc. No other business wai transacted terday. Three true bills were found by the Grand Jury yesterday. people so hard. though there is a chartered company and dell, of Wilmington; Hugh Waddell fr ?ura wu? Justice to U concerned, we are "ui. wmminee . I rt aar. u. j "s ,lJ?urr1,. "r, I in favor of it hnMnn't iofv-.,0 ,n.;nw n, I was annointed to issup. an nrlrlrpa tn ' r;.""4"""'.'' nuu Cameron VVaddell, of " " "V .r,r." "T'l??.":" luc.m o" r j 7 t. C ; V. , Hjr tuuu8u m jive on. nainer man ua i toe ounaav ocnooi workers ot t.h t i T l . . iicauir an iue KrauiUK uoue: oui now we - u, sum jrmuips, "but nave what is next best, that is. a fast a it ra unwise, unjust, unequal legislation P.Tlfi nf TC7lta wl .1 J ... . f . .,.ulvuuuuuyuauu wasierni- I Janon, d. .: Thn ,i. ness and extravagant nn fi,0;, ., he has gone down to biakrave foil of veara lV8 . of, th.e oces and ai r -..T " r"" and Abounding in all She' qualities that "ai"P tQe..Iarge yes-: State. stages, with a change of horses half way. Gen. Robert Ransom, in charge of the Neuse river improvements, has writ; We are satisfied that. m'.nii;n..- make hi rr.J 1 Js"u"aM priations for public b - ".-uuiucijr i 7..j .vijr a iiou lniieruance 10 I ... 7 has to some, extent brought about the fartSSratS These views appear to us to be jQJ YU reaus; that it has lessened the tJiat we make the announcement the death dictous and proper. Cut down the number of laborer,, and has at the StSSSL ta d DOt: same time caused over-orodnritirtn -and with so much nrofitJ T?nii f infnmo officials. ; Rednno r,mU: f Danger ot Dlacardlner a JLover. Rock Islakd, Ixl., November 2. Yesterday afternoon a tragic shoot ing affair occurred at the little town of Milan, near this citv. The victim is. Miss Mary Buff um, a school-teacher of prepossessing appearance. She was. on her way home from school when by Frank! Stur- FBOM WASHINGTON. j Carrent Political Topics Tne Preai. deni SaiUfled with tne Situation. fSpecial dispatch to Baltimore Sun. j 4. Several Washington, Nov. By this the number of the unemployed cunrf a 2 Jf1?"? officers, and compel those retained id , , . . s - I 1 uu,t,6i vi uicu auu luiaeii, I , - l on nas Deen innrooaaH nnA L. : . I and nnqspaainrr a ntnna.f..1in ' I wnrlr . Tf'.mnnU U . e I V r I morv. ever Hiotinrrnior. 1 i ut 1-iJ I . . : . . & I SHeWaS. Overtaken OV Crank: Stnr- It . . .. . puilllOian8 I try, and not for lnHlvidnol r..Afii I Will be made. Thi nnnrhnrioiinn Afi articles or consumnt ori hair- ffltinn I Mr.'.T.Tr-."'"5" m uivaifMj i..Nortb fjarolina if tho nontfani.ioW V. ' . u c i ; A -, : . irom DOtD the Jfiast and t.h W.fif t u.a ... nru. ,;n k "i rr:rr.r'. 1 1 -w vwuiraj ui uu manner, Kina,; generous.-I . : " jr gcuu, iwcuty-irve years ot ago, who- ...u v trr , . "vo,i mby uau 'uoumc luaiances oeiow the cost of uuuu.uls m nospnauty, excelling in con- swinate were aoonshed. It will always irew a revolver and bred two I shots i V , "igwii in ine '-. .P .people, f; J -fes HoZSSS had been engaged to Miss Baffum f ePt on"ent political topics. The ie coun- a prominent Republican Dolitioians ,he West. :uuT Veen in wasnmgton. m the acted as if thera wer hiwn; - - ".uvy., iai auu 1 tnat was. on account of slaverv. Sla- comfortable staee line. Dntou.liv Mp9rs. very is dead now, and I want the I Qaaheril, of Cheraw, and Huntley & May, South to get control of the Govern- of.tuis PIace- Tbey will run a daily line, s ine govern- using two large and comi ort abl ef oui-horse "But you used to'say," argued Shields, "that the South held the lash nvni V r IVJTrw I T 1 . ten a letter to Hbn.IC.-H. RmvA M i luow i did, and the Northern from the Newbern District. The following Uemocraoy deserved it," continued is extracted therefrom: "The purpose is to Mr. Phillips. "We have no states- remove from the Neuse .river obsiruc manshipinthe North. I Our leaders lioQ8 s .a10 Permit boats to reach the rail areaflmprPflnari o3 .fc road bridge of south Goldsboro. Some aie all merceuary, and there is a mer- work was necessary to make navigation ceoary taint about all our legislation. sfe below Newbern, at the 'Blockade We want the old stvlei nf '. Snnt horn Obstructions.' Iu a few davs that will be . . - . I VlAm nM.J .. J . 1. a,.. . -11 t wmfireicu, auu tueu iue oueraiions win oe river. Some ex- to deeoen and fix the channel where the depth is insuflicient. statesmen who had thoughts above comPlf ef.and then the dollars and who Ipgblafed' aa thTy ESER-Jltf!", iur me wenare ot th production is not profitable. -bat we are WDdd fd at -aIi limes a gentieman. Hugh it can never become self-sustaining not. prepared . to'-' sav I thousands of nmiint.w. m . JzXrLl -there are some new exDensea that. , .... - j . r ..u.i.uo TTin icici viucuou I - i iiiai mis etate of. things is strange I ia tar neart of hearts' j- ! should be incurred. The Orphan Akf- or unheard of. The experiences of , T 7T. ' L should receive an endowmcnt,and -.uer times would probably show' M 7 71-1 ricn the Public School Fund .should be mat such trials as we are now going f C 01 "T0 DOe enlarged. We agree with the Wades xnroagh are similar to those of other Z r oeonlea anS 3 . Albrecht Von a -r-- . kujco, auU taai, too: be- I nr -.. . . . ' . --. .-r competence, and thev "vr,WUI oe sea entirely neiow tbe railroad rewereh.heraimflflnJ .fe (i,. .u , 118 ""toove mai point, l suall he awe, 1 amoitions than the mere accumula- hope, tAjIearthe river sufficiently for pre fer some months, but she seema to fPoauon wnioii they have brought have discarded him. : i f 10 him, and the letters which he has looetveu or late as to the condition of tion of wealth. We want such men sent use, but. to -put that part below ihs in Congress again,and in control too " railroad bridge in proper condition will re "But, Mr. Phillips, in killing slave- qmre further aPPropriation. ry, haven't vou killed off that, .loo- : " Charlotte Observer: Tho follow- of statesmen and the nnuiWi; t M,nS postoffices were established in Norib i i- - - . " vi obaLcBuiHii ann t rtAoaik i;i e i i-" Tne Georgia Confederate JHondmeut. P0W '8eounaent,. has resulted in put- their reDrodnction? ' m . a Carolina during the week ending October The Confederate monument, which .1DS nim 10 a frame of miud more en- Southern Rriatni.rW -ki ml amai '-"ro, Anson county; Uolman's, Ala was nnvAill nn Z? loyablethan anv tn Whinh hi,0. wl 7."lne anocracy possible. The mance;- Round Mountain, Wilson. -No ffl.; m the. pre.ent Cm. J. oe of S Zi W... TJS JaX UUCLilV. II VH IITla I CI 1 - . . - . WIIIMH 111 C TT fT I tlltf - W MB.W..-a.l I wawu Vra, U11D I w II 1 liM 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mf- I niu Anninn I , l i 7 '7 mon ocnooi system sboald either h " r i"" oouiq. , , r faithful to her .husband, and how a d - . .. j . uuuiuiiuu v. gteaviT IIUUIUVCU. iVflrftfl hoc .a m. I a J f rwv" : n- - aGGur uuLuiuK i. inn fore machinery was ever hoar of The labor guilds of Europe were formed to protect the laboring men against undue competition, to regui late the number of employed, and to limit the amount of production.::,: :U It may become necessary in 'this' country for the people Uo regulater this matter. In the South; we -all know there Is tod mnfti 3.. -. . P "Y-v- Wj!i In.:,-. O.L. t-'. ! I ' r . I 1UUUH Ot tBA-WOrlr marck r-n,anA 1 -cea Anover-supplyaiway8bring8 ?f 00J ! the Ladies' Meml As that after: the eiectinsol down the nricfiR. Yftnnn....:.i.?: tooer, iu,43P bales of cdttbnan ini 1 :'"W,avnoiLinff.2;n,WB'.:.'i-.-'4kA: fJ0or: ' vi ? - ' to-mnrrnwiU , , . 7 . - v iiwiaw cares to questions of state. I ven ture tho assertion that, tho srtk e Hoose. Thia comes The monument is of 'marble, and was not 80 much from and idea that the : J n -w ' . . . .,7 :' I Fn.inn.. .1.1 T 1 i . . maue in errara, italy. ltiS7I feet ."P" ?an PtJ look without slavery won't nroSn tfc. guiltyMrs; bhUdren, She is t,. sv , : - the, - foundation, "lt7!ua?alWn qaality of 8tate8man8hirvon now residing at the ConveW of Vot;n , " M m . ?.ee Bquaro-at the baae.- - The- k u?.,Pr cnaoces 80 mnch Ji v." Dame. " ' neMtroffltte vote 18 as follows: e8,ot Btonemountain granite. ;POQ8aerapiy of, late, "Ah, there's the trouble tw.iw, f r; ; HaUfax-KitcbcB, Democrat, 739; ue "alUQ u a Voufederate Mier: gr"1- " ni ,tne personal trouble," said Phillips eflectiveiv llH 0'Hara,Radical,nei; Harris, kadii Vftil TZ f: M port trade, takes into count all ; that cal, 453. P-asea vorougn. it iWUmington were Craven Kitchen inoor n'n, Thomas R. R. CobK nA aln,i nr . J- il . ...U T. i- . . --. . r--- TI, wv uo tnat. our exhibits would surpass 2000; Harris 300. ,' 1 those of Norfolk. ;It claims t6 have WiUnnJsc'A v. mivuuuu o uia vutv 11 vht Ah, there's the trouble, there's the )g of the preseut situation. The "I Is of the President say now that i they are well satisfifid tW no is t.itl WUI .uv..-', - """Lr1: -James Koyster, formerly of General Stonewall Jackson,' General ad thjy are well satisfied that no Petersburg 7nX, Wo ' Thomas R T?. nKK n nLt iS- . further efforts tdat.talr th. t..:. -e?eDnrg ncfec: We. nnder- he has as much as he can do, and has had for the lasjjsix months! He is putting the finishing touches on several new and hand some residences, jr The intercollegiate base ball match game between tbe cadets of the Carolina Military : Institute and, the students of Bavidson College, came oft at the latter place yesterday, and resulted la a victory- for the Davidson boys by a score of 26 to 12. . The Greensboro $ev NorlhStaie gives currency to the improbable rumor that the Richmond & Dau ville Bail roaa Company have decided to move all with impunity the law . of politicai TWe crease of 32,401. put how received? ;,v7ayne-itchen, Wajority isboj Georgia VVarronilTf 5f sl.An 1 QBirWn.- in'nJ- I T . W U UlbljUCII luU . V I .1 1 M ,111 I I . . . . . . ,. . .. cuu 1. II t1 Ifeis V 're:-': . nrifoo1 Heel NKepubhcan leaders, whp have, been -. , , : i ""yov unica. . urOSS purposes. :' );; ;V to-morrow the tendencv 'will ha to reunite the administration and the iffnificant it is supposed that Maior Smith and Col. ri - . lfi I "Uium uuivuaacu ail LOG IHuu ID LBc DCli;u . wocuira are to guard uman . life and; borhood some two years ago." -Mr. H. 'S?hf relief to the s ickl So does Dr. Bull's J. ElanC tHrenterprisiag compositor io tbe 2Syi?y i Ps P1"09 hing injurious, 05s-r office, will issue a daily paper dur and is always reliable. To h h.n -n inff ih - .ut .-Z A i.J i,n ' wutautan an i wa uw awua ua va iiih imit in iih a nun drug stores in our city. Price 25 cents. as the Fair Week Advertiser.

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