3 1 1 ! K : 4 -t- 1 .A ! . Tue following parody oo Hamlet's soJU cgux.wuL.be appreciated, by the t'boys aoa. V?mny?old parties ;ais?. Jt j fn e. ,5 W. WU!Wy--- T it draw, or . uut iu uii; v.rrr . Whothr Vii safer in IK player to take . fftte aful rjsfcof. efcinhingfor a stiaigfcy ; DiLsiKUolPt10- vixexa &l 1110 Luaa .And tbua. by bluffing, get., it. Tu draw- to skin; - - ;' " --'.-- - I '- - ! No more and by that akiu tq get a lull,,.,, Or two Rate o' the fattest bouaciff kjugFt J , 'Vfhataucfc- is heir Ho 'Us a consummation , Tskipewbance tQ; bustaye, bie Vj iUhAirn!t- - J For in that draw of three what cards may; '.come . -. ": i.' t'j ?,:! . When we' have shtfaad off tbe uncertain pack, ..!!' ' i--y 1 s 1 ".) Mast give us pause. There's the respept Wiich makes calamity of J a bob tail -Hpso. For who would bear the overwhelming . blind ,! - - .- t - ; The reckless straddle, the wait uponi tae ;i . i dge,i ., a.- . - f - - . - . L-.Th&inaoleace of pat faaada, and . the lifU i That pftianj merit of the buffer, takes, -. When be himself mip:bt be much better By simply passing?. iiW&atwouId trays up hold, 3EfnPfT i-: I ' And go outoo a sinairprOgtessiye raisp, , Bat that the dread or something after call, Tbe 'undiscovered ace 'full, to" wfSose -strength 1 r sg- 'J,, k :l Such bands tbustbow, puzzles the .- AAdtaakes .os rather, keep Jlhe. chips we have,,, .. ,' . , -, I . i . Than becuriou8 about bands we fcoow not - - Of ? "5 " V" sJ r, 4" , I Thus blufang'doth make cowarda-of us all, i And thus the natiye .hue of four-heart flush ! Is sicklied with some dark aad cur,sed plub I And speculators in a jack-pot'a wealth. l With this regard, tneir interest turu awav, f And lose the right to open, s iV """""iiip Need jor Exodustln" 1 tJoldsboro Messenger. ' c I itvplyiei4i space to tbq follovjing i cof&muaications from (two li kaown colored men in this1 county ' Saul's X Roads, Dec. 28, 1880. Mr. 'JMitor Please publish in . your paper the following: On ray : farm, about two arid a half miles ! west of the Village, I made 68 bales - of cotton, weighing 500 pouuds, on ; 82 aores; On one lot th3t had 13 ."acres I made 633 pounds lint to the acre." , I also made this year 350 bar rels of corn. . ; On 35 acres! I made 14 J bales, it being damaged by tbe : drought. A word now to ray race. I do not see tbe use of ray race leaiirtg this counxry, or being so far deceived f a.4'to follow such men as Samuel Perry' and others to Kansas orj In I;Jiana to make fortunes, when there is a fortune for any man in .North laro- Iina that will be industrious, ... ?. ; Respectfully, " I ; Napoleon Hagans. , i: i f - Saul's X Roads, Dec. 27, 1880. Mt ' IHdUor; Please publish fiv "the Messenger tbe following: On my farm one "mile ;and a half from the . above place, on tbe road leading to i " Wilson, I made during the year 1879, . 44 bales of cotton with two medium i size mules, oa. 58 acres, and raised my support. . My entire income was $82500. I made this year with the same team, 40 average ba ea; there . . being 16 acres of the land daBSaged - by drought. I also made 30 barrels of. corn. My en iire . income exceeds v last-year's a sum notless thau $75 00.. On- 15 acres of my.. cotton' land I made 18 average balesof cotton. I. also made on six acres of corn land "of Napoleon ;Uaga's, on I Aycock's , -Swamp, 60 barrels. I find it often eai J,' among my race, and the labor ing classes, that they cannot live here. My success in this country, through "' the blessing of God, by attending to ' ray work and business properly, thus gives that assertion the lie. . j: . , Respectfully, j ' '" - i- - " ! Jonah Williams; .AN-lireBIESSB KTBtlcrtJRE : ioestroyed by tbe Failles la ; ot tbe . f' : tron Beof Tbe Crowd Beueatb -." " - i Kriao8telr Elncepe. I -.-i J ... .... :. . J 1 Charlotte Observer. i Yesterday afternoon, as sleigbers .aiid : Skaters made merry, a tremen--duas casualty took place at the depot of "the Richmond & Danville Rail-: road Company. Tbe magnificent! passenger depot, so recently j erected at! an immense expense, was crowded' witli passengers, hackmen, policemen , arid railroad men. Tbe afternoon' train was to"leave in a tew minutes,'! the Southern train having just ar- ried, Wfaile all was noise and cod fusion an ominous crack as of break ing Umbers sounded above tbe hiss! of escaping steam and bustling truck meoM The crowd, at once demoral-; edTi egah to scatter in all direo i - (tousj-the bells of the engines sounded acd ; the : tram moved uneasily to ward thevopen air. "Another 'crack, sounding and quaking like an eafth ; quake, atrd the arched iron roof came i ; crasbiog down; burying under f its ' bruad expanse waiting, rooms, bag gage;" rooms,-ticket' offices, esiau rasts, &c. 'By a wonderful Provi dence, qq. one was killed, as the crowd, ;warr)ed by the premonitory cracky had escaped before the roof camec-down. A salesman, named Sm Posen, travelings for Isaiah, Jer efaiah fei Co., dealers in clothing in NewYbrk, standing-on the rear of 1 a Kullaa car, just emerging from lbe sbedwas knocked off tbe platform by a flying girder and remained 'un conscious for a half hour His "in j u -rifcH,-however, are not serious. The ' boly Jiving creature killed by tha ao cjEd was a large Newfoundland dog belonging to oue of the passen- f grj'&tSeverat - narrow ? escapes' were adcyfaowver.-,,vThe.fallinf.;,;Bhe4 igraiiad'the qoat-tails of - a polioeman "P a.just taking ;a.; drink at thd . momdnvofitbe first crack and had atayeJ to finish it. i - . jtLt itx "wriwr m me new xoric oun ,sas reformers make a mistake in begin ning at the poor'Tbey should commence upon the ricb. He adds that' the sios of owfc life are prien to, iDspection'ttTsd mer dlfesslV rvalid, while th crimes pf bifiu li(e're refined away and hiddo. i i I NoiwiihMaodioK ib country 5. Anintfinrr a evAfW perity, conservative .aiines men rp , u-ard with nQdieoiscd" ntrneiipiMti the immediate future of .business afT faire. Stock- Bpet?ujalionsy. a"6v cojuducled presage "Cdisastrqu re-; action that may bring ou a? pan-ipv Extravagance is becoming as uouuy ablet assuring the flush, times pie ibeding the panic of VtZ.-I?idip$ap- vlis iSentsTiti.- '"r".J" " T I ' JtTlefeii8us returns show tlje ,negroeP, instead of declining in uuia ber, as some would; .have, ha-Bsbi-; lieve,-tohave increased in the last dt cade at a , mo re'riHd" proprj.ioaier were one of the mott' rate than the JPress. You persistent disseminators J;6f "th8 yarin" that Xhe netzroesjuring the lasu teb, years have been "massacred" at i tble-j rater of 100,000 xi aily. The yarn anki the census 6en1iiGU--Jj0uisyille Pouy rier-JournaLDem ' i i r i ' Thackeray, the irenial humor-, ousSvriter anct lovable raarfherrtti ment to English letters, compared to whose style-that of Disraeli is that of an j auctioneer's, .advertisement of p clapboard palace, is said by the key to be meant ' by St. Barbe,' .a coars , v ulgar, slanderous writer f or-' ficu i -rilous papers,rankling witBTenyy of a I men, a character:; monstrous in meat -! ness and evil-tmpdedness, and, aSui -naturally " despiable' f as Disrae i could make it. If Bsaaonsfield in tended to make thss libel apply tb Thackeray, it was a most vile an jl cowardly revenge, and a piece csf scurrility so mean that a horse-whip laidjo n h is Ear 1-go w o e 3jctc'by a,ri y relative of .. Thackeray- would, be. i fitting return, notwithstanding5 i s age i If this.does koi jyUg edAMai' 1 him the ; coydeinoatioo of, tbtf dg- ljsh people, than , w may oamjliide that snobbery has taken thpiaceTuf a sense ol decency ;r .Cincinnati Gasette, Rep.j t)'.J ova. sx iTE i'fen w t a 4 ,s. DeSDite the causes, social and pulit'tca wbich have conspired to retard- the ;prjj uress of our State, and which have weighed heavily on the energies of our people slcce tbe war, we bave, through persistent sand heroic effort,, struggled up to thaf pcsitioji from which we .may look .hopefully to the 'cwe.Baleigh Mws Observer. i-. Bat seriously, tbers are reasons ,foi; be; lievirig that the movement wilt receive a wide-spread, endorsement. While, jherp may be many differences as to the manser of controlling tbe matter as to the proj visiods of the proposed act, there is but one opinion a3 ta the evils which .come to us as a people from the indiscriminate sale of inj toxic&tiog liquofs. Certainly-public sentij meot is as ripe- for the movement as it hs been at any particular period in ourhistorjj. Charlotte Observer. : ' j c-Bk m mrwttm m m m - i ia . I i The scheme to have the Repubj Jicaa CoDgress cut off a slice of Western Missoari and erect it into a new Republican State, might turn out as badly for theprty hh did the division i f Virginia..- 'Lours Post Dispatch.. . , :; : . Indications multiply thatbefoVe the 1st of next May the friends of Tra4 many liail wili be embeilisbed with a 6; go hearing the suggestiye legend,' To ler. f Brooklyn Eagle. ., ' , ' ! ! j - Two rumors about President Garfield's Cabinet seem to have a basis of fact. One is that Senator Blaine will be Secretary of State, the other that Governor Foster will be Postmaster General. Jfashi ingtonPo&U . . - ... ! TUB WEATHER.,." 1 : U. .. ..?.'! t. . CONTINUJED COLD AT THE , NOfiTH ICE IiT CHESAPEAKE BAT EFFECT OF THE COLD I2T TIEGrHIA; H 1 ' ' t iBy Telegraph to flieMornlng Star. v '! j Baltmokb "January irThsteamer d H. Miller, from Boston, arrived to day tihe reports ice all-the way up the bayJ from Core Point, and very heavy fcef frora Poplar Island. Ice boats went down'1 to4 day, keeping open the track for vessels andj to render assistance to any in seed?1 The schooner Evserotthihence for Savan4 nab, became 'Jammed in.-, the ice, gnd was towed into-AnnapokisJor a safe harbor. Fkedebicksburg, Va .'"January lJTh4 train : on tbe Potomac, Frederickebiirg &f Piedmont Railroad, which left.' h ere on VVtdoesday last, returned to-night for! supplies and fresh; hands, beiog, unable 4of proceed further than Jfamer a, .17. mue est.Be?eral- men, were frost-biitendu-i nog Thursday night, when tbe tempera ture was 23 degrees below zero. . Traiss on other roads are running irregularly.!- Much sufferiog prevails on account of i tbe uni versal and intense, cold, : against c which many:, in the country were unprepared, j Cattle have been lost by exposure, and game! frozen. Deer have been caught near-dwel-i lios ia tbe country, forced in. by the severe! cold and want of food. . . li ; !.-. j Bostuk, January 1. In tbe'''fo4tQWing tfiwrs tbe. thermometer is below wero?? M.nitpelier'rVt.. 2T aegreeBT"Woodstock,i V 2G; Stu!'ford,'N.'H.2G;.?Newport. N.i H., 25; North vTlle,-JT." H.,-27; Contoocook, ! JN. a , and Hancock Junction, Li. Hi, SO; Antrim, n VIRGIRfa. M 'A MANDFACTUEING INDUSTRIES OF. RICH f MOND -DURING THB PAST TEAR, Ad ST; IBy Telegraph to .the Mornlne Star.l Richmond, January X'rrThc sDfspatch publiebea this morning a Vast' budget siatistical end, other, ioformatioaL'Bliowihfir tbe tuy'a progress, in maaufaclnres: "trada ! and commerce, together; with facts' ' and j) ngures xui biting tlie social' oD3tida of the people, etc.. These statistics" ebW 'an mcresise during the year, just closed of '187 manufacturing establishments over the pre vious year; making the wbdjtf' number" obw ia , operation 702,' with a"'iutal '."capital i'n vHsud of 18,692,626, hrt increase o-nearly $2,000,000,- The opcrattvea employed ior the past year ' numbered 17.000.V bf a'rly 3,0001more thaq in the yean 1879. Tfie! rbor amounted to $24,704,892; an -.'increase of $128,000 . AlTtbH-other Ugures ' atiil "lafor msiion Ehuw ao(jally ; estitefactory state of affairs, aoti the DispateJi 'fCdosratalates the peoploim their present "cjunflUiooBbd spoafes hopefullybf tbe-'prdiet'odS eutfobk for the future;1 Hi-.is?. j:-Ai. (.tijwhi 'A uew assessment showi'the' total va'lue of real sod personal property 'ftf'-fhe'city'Wl Peteburg, V to a'f 5,003,095.'Of this amount $659,800 v woflb is exempt from taxation.- 5 ". , . -Ju-t-i.L juil . ' PERU ABO CHUIj THE CHILIANS WITHIN TEKt'MSEe9 u 1 j'"-. -ycwxiMA.:-4 ,;i 'l-'uiiirt y lj?fv Telegraph to tbe Morning Star " v.Lpkdon, J an The met JiAits fihaaj. cial column, says: "A telegwm, , hS. .wa believe, beeu received, from iJfeTi iaUng that.,. the. Chilians ; arrived iwithln;a,werl miles of JJima Pecember g3. ) v .. c 'SS J'iWftllJU RMWfeS -mnsswitii short br,mt.iyouharc-ai -..congRinj oa lyinfr ciowrr Asnarp pain po'.vi i faia.i tacniaitltdrdilonoif th hcartiiwlfthoiil- . , (isisX . Aichilly 8eri8ation down the back? If tso, dclrt.t ftv&sagwoittaj ( "Hlight'tblds; If tae rnraeily, if applied nromptly, wonlu have avcsicdi4lltftnpri Fir tventirffl"r eoida . ; yon coa get the rgmedy iyhich ,tlxo teat of ! J evenly ' year has -rrfoveato be the tH6st uabla itimg Balsam ever discovered.? uni t Tlelwiint Bicfnt andiToa xaorniug, cough gone, lungs working freely, and breathing easy. It isi a preventive'1 tod 11:1 cure, lor cropp aott a yneasau i cMvdlai. Children love it, JN o family should be without t- Itiii Sold b drnsrtrlata ia aba ad fil otki. .EhjcpaloiEcSonwJ u?SAA-!kafe 'AHA jgentle tmyga.tlve, reionif. DM;ischdedhfori the s cute .of - alLi dfasdasesHjef ;A.obonontheDigestiYeQrgang,Ilcfrnlai!8fcrols . ore produced. Aaaeare for, CJiiUftand JW ,,ver, JJyspepsiii, Sick "Hpvwhej ilious , Colic, Conetipatieii,' BKeamatut J'n'es PaJpltatioa of the Hearts, PalrifntUpSjaf'; ' Back and LoIhs, and ! Female-' -trWfe ' laritles, they are without a ri-ral IP yod 4o not " feci very well," ai single pill at bed-. 1 tine 'efiihulatea . the"BtO?iach, to'rVdjtho '' 'i aprietite, 'and Inrparts ' VlsoV to itii Wsterai J-Price''Ofuee,51rtirra'SUWiwliyI ' WJilTE FOR WTTi iUA"t' Ai. iliBFl aplSeodDiWlv tutll etwfi- Sleep, Appetite and Strength f .- t . Betnrn when Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is pystc matically fused by a Ml loss dyspeptic sufferer Moreover, since the brain sympathises closely wit the stomach and its associate organs, the liver ant . the bowels, as their derangement is rectified bv th action of the Bitters, mental despondency produced oy mat; aerangemem disappears. . -. ; For sale by a) Druggists and Dealers generally Jal DeodJWly- i;:tmb.ar nrmj., will enable you to raise thephlegm.cansa .illelu'iint'Bicfnt and -Ton ;wilV wnlte liii' tile ,13: VJ Kt the stomach, iivier and , bowels, , tUhex JRurwy ''"thri 'Blood, InctcJMQ thff pppctite, "cattse tUi body to Take on Flcgh. ,fflnaJbyjftlcn''Ton56 it .fx : $ ' , ID Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon tlae Liver, arid cures - Liver Complaints, Jaun ' dice 'Biliousness alaria, -Cqs-- tivenes, Headache. Itafssistsdi ! gestion, seagthens;th6 systri, ' regulates the bowels, purifies tftej . piooa. jdqok. sent.iree. jur. SANFOKD,ftt5j? roadway, N. Y. ' 70S1 BALiE .BTft,. WTJOGZaL" ' 3eS9eod6ra ;V tjfa aai t'. srm.;.;(' Valuable; '"ii'.i i or gT viBrojr.oir AarDEaasKi and dkcrek rendered by the Superior -onrt of Bladen. County, at Fail term',' 1880 llf he case ' of J. F. OHVer vs. jj.'i-.'.l ' n'-'-'H l ii.U. iinMn' y. W, Tffaultsbv and wife,- for forecloenre of Mort gage, I, as Comruiisloner, will sell at public Vecdtte, onthe'Tth of Febraaryj 1831 at the Court House door, in BUzabethtewn, that desirable Plantation, on the Cane Fear Erver, known as NEWFlBLOS,' containing 1031 Acres. Term s cash; Title perfect, i ., .,i.l .' "'-iK. -K. COUWCfDi.-Comm'r. F. Oliver, Mti QUv8,U.,C., Will toll Jttdffmeafc orglvaparticularg.:, y f ,f j Jantl DSw:KSt; PRESCRIPTIONS FHE! ClorthepeedTCrabfSnofjislWeakngiLo8t -I- Manhood, PreMatnreDebillt7,Nerroiisness, bv dmggist has the Ingredients. 'Address; ! ii80 Weat &kth St7iTCIS3HTI,oiial febUB lyD&W .a-a , ' -1" 'I L 7H'"'.J' j nu i ; v "'. KJUiaAlJHTaTOH, BLABK3SJ fCOUSTY, i ;03Jce Up stairs, in Brick Building,! eccnpledi'ttj kiaaljl & Co. I. I .. i Special attention totJlaWh ColtectaensonBtims of lQ0and apwards.madifprOPlvaiPer Cent if wlthoTit suit' Drawing' Defease Hottgaj?e,'ftc.,a epesislljjr. . 11t j- .r.iiul .!Jiii1p6-DJillKti,J -"' - - B1? HrSI business now berore the public. Ton Si O JL can make m&fey faster at; work fo r us than at anythiapole. CapitaLIntit jreautsad.vW will start you.f $13 a day anda ppwards made, at home by the induitrioue. Meal women, boya and girls wanted everywhere to worlrfor us -Now' id the time. Yoacan devote yoof waele tlmeto'tni vurt, vi umy yoi uesa l work once. Costly TTntflti enilati in f - A crrt. 7n S.!fln?a'4f'lao5l:?wil7 ihonobl!. dcjressTBUB&Cljrntftlne. jy22 6m -ji W mn-jii no isJno idi(tirtoai vjI strnction " monmrrt octwuiri tiflWlshed msmbars Mfth Batf. JOObfrle ri areJ Fee aruto! -:sl5O00-: del9oaw&W3t sa . .(JEtaleiatt, wJaip IBB (KjQj1,' . IeRiKndener CoBfasioa of. Ideas, Attfnlon to Society i DereetiTe 9lenorr aad jvj Iiisoxder ' ., feooRht on by Secret Habfts and ExeBS0s. Any , n session more 4han lialf the vaar. ffivatlMal "aovamages oyer arryotngr sectipiiol'the atatet imw'tiiatBgtv uooia. i . OorrecllSbelJAM .HoU H a New -Cook -Book, 1 MRfanbo gqis bU wice by4h same dog is better adapted for that, Wnd oftbasuiessjtbaa-aaT.'Otheii j - JihsiT is::)B$raal,a.Qal'iof;'relifion ib iiiUiii?awsar4d ib;avis.like. at life f presert- vf ija pnnonc at ithe., oment,i..uf i.W mAWtf Awg r , an.d bH'h h aji tb b-; mau icarus vvcai ,a ms root ne.,ua tKi rjefi AT rnao who deles levein an "ilieMfterlni'a,tf'oV i 'dig'adf utly l, niea tnni OP'hftnlelfri'd 'his'chaiiceH. Thbre?ai'e iwo'kinda Vf Jd6UlH' this , world tbos4H)fijai,t76hanWe,tbeik- m?1i 4xh w m .play tthrtes'dol larS' a ivisl r t or ad visipg m tmmt less audi Exercise ef j i n -'O-O t i y at hj, miJT i d . titi e n ( a ho w us twb Um?f Vf,me?siB;i)ajftgtejsj pyhe bre-f JbiVery man baa bis follies and often times hev are the most interesti,ri; ... Owing'io ilCbealthirfiey., llAiinoo wrs transferred, .frpm, the fbuhn'e'ftt Ftn'dleV.'Ofcio- 'btcaiise V biob svuieh he lisd 'Wntfen met with,noBlf... ? Roy. G. B. Strick;ort ; of Au gusta county, bis declined the call to ihd :'al(erid the Coh ferfebfcer1" S?i export,1 !,. jbecpasaj be fad tio imoiHj y,:Dur4rtji.'.ihtl .whole ycqr hisigregflttuii utd joi, hmi only and O'S atl bi lutie ,ao ,errf 'fobtittPti to Pack fc rtttriSti .rdi-r to' vV-t nionev ! li. f'Ou'r p'rea'cher f)4s beir returned tous. od'w4 jhrft'iU-'gl vi, for hJi. ii'.o W.0?;POPUr W.3) ,tijt . iti j, 1 .Ui; said' a'rioffltfaV'ramhtr. J'A' Mc'-h4i, frreactier 1s!a ivbatrf? f d a int1-ct fr't St lQUO1 Btudyr,t iNittil-'lpr -, class ot rnea eyprj aghcvd popular i,:y,ft(3d. success . auionK aj pedple'who'did'adtYfli'd ih'ern.' Grace alone- Ctitrived the plaa Kmmond Vhmtutri A Jish6pji Pierse'! arrived- in the .city op yesterday mqroin?, returping frotn; ,lha Florida Con ference. , lis has been ab-i 'scat from 'home' for ' bver" thfee' mbntbsj having held several coo ferecces 1 In1 Texas ,aod Arkansas;: aqd then: the South. Georgia5 Cooierence in liaw&msviue recently, clos ing up his Tabors on last" Sunday uieht at Ocala. Fia. The cositioo of a Methodist Bishop is do-sinecure, judging fronr thel labors of Bishop Pierce, vibe a Jtfisbop health has held up under this continued strain wonderfolly, and,, although feeble! 8till.be does not pomplaiu. Macon Jete graph. i.;U !..,-, rri- laughter! ! ;f"!'J - A little ' boy in "Georgia ; who wrote to Saoia CUus ;for a pony was wise enough to add: "Poacnt. If be' is a mule plese ly his bellied lege." ' J 'f'Wbat, a blessing i it ie,'f said a bsurdr.wcfkiQg lnsbraan. fihat night mver couic3 on till late ia the day, wben a man is ureoaoa cant wots aoy more 01 an, bi an." rj Emma. Abbott says that kissing 'oA'ttiJ 'stage is no ; fun. ' Of coarse it isn't. TheFo's- iioe of lh.l feeliog- that you're doing somethioKihu yqjought uot about rEr". ti .,(......, Vy;by., dtdiloses.wnte the three Commandmeuta oa oaa table of stone and seven ou tbe otbei ? aiked h G.-ilvesion Sun day SchofJl WuchOr of a smart hlWq pupil. Because be wanted to .nuke ua evt'oten of them,,, ThatVwhy! t . -r.A, young girl attendiej Sunday School saw picture of Cain and Abel in r-tbeaessoil bok." I She looked at the teacher Acd sasd. 'fSIiei 4r-; man dead V, ,.'Well, .Stella, what killed bim?" said the teacher. ,"l)qa't know,", said, the bright little girl; '"'rua over' fey the caTS, I suppose1. i i "Is dot s6? 'VJaked:I Galycsod 'bankrupt of ar;JFr!eudr;:Mdut SChwindelWey ex .;b&8ii'fax!edi.ia t pi3bae8s';'di!Tbec1rtfp!y was iah pegaive whereatf $hai bankrupt said entli8ag0cai!y,T ''I am lam glad 'Schwia'dBlmeytjf vah an hbbesf man; den 'def vasb ttouitniocb competition already in dish binkrupt pisnntss." Galveston News: -iHOfiAL.' 1 lis I 1 ! It' ",lr.Jt,f u 'i-li J'X? VV:Toargee k at work Ji6,Ph4ladephi,, "where be ia speadlng the ,wtntrdramiing; V4 ool'a Brrand'fes Uiitr, Jay. Gouldy ? latest acquisition ,makes,a:tota of, J.0, 000 miles of railroad under bis control, or a ninth, of the entire raUroad'maeage' of the country.' 6rKti8?B. $7lPox is gradually con valescing, but is yet' very , feeble and ja not allowed to recpivo visitors. , Be .may .not be able to take his seat in Congress Ibis ;winter.,. - .'.-..;i,iiL,:.ji: i V ..fWr,P,harefl , IL, VVorhern,.who loot a, leg by, an, accident, on the Grapd Truuti "Railrdail several years ago, has beep paid 4?;5r 'damages. - This is the1 largest sua eterreqeiyedi from a railroad corposa tion in a suit for personal damages. n;M, Bancroft, the historian, is thin in pfcy'slquef,' jftVofigbt! as a soldier ttri'd' walks 8lucdiy. , rea a tall pijl bat and car ries "a waTking-sHckand 'those who do not kbow-ijlfb WixuldrJover gucss hia Bgs. '! He Udnsliywfllks jjear tho-earbstooo of the siuejqi he rad wayto avo.td; jostling by, the ciowd. ' . " . , . . u uiii:soui;iisaM. sxwmS -1 lot Hi , is Hufc f, iiiT ' luiliUlirt 1 Tl il - . here. . It iaitfebdUH fihto-!1riflrjef8etf 3'haVtntf WUSl yi ajiiatjut .1 he satistaeiitm X those ,mTTT 3bmmS ? t q?H-n! c .States Ttiire'fi?e &MdiA fbtf pftrtfe schbdls 3,82fl.o(iroiiveiPake:rBraaufc pwd teAe(aersJJ,$84;5ii,Cor)inleSsiia $81 01 fnArkahla8, t. The tms Income of the scHool ft '$43.fl SitS-JJrHssduVi beiri n the badjiwitiiiftlatyjiaadaDd .Keotueiyif611ow fi;rrjTi lQiW-T"OUDtytflp.riogS;iof,)eDel-; Saffyyiffrfefe rWe1 Tbi WeWif tb be ths largest: f jridgib ahK3lUflUeditSta,teB,!if not l9l ttfmW' v-TbiL.ifatflr-rises. fQtn;ihe earth inuch volume that frpmbeitbeginej ning a river of Lover 9Pie'ind;re&r)yafd. widthroBs, affpriiBgifio finestjwer powen it has ever been our good ' fortune. sepy. The current Is. erV'-awffXhffe.Jtre, terday. Loss between $50,000 and $60,OOO..i assoei pMijratjjxtt Revi'lijuart flo)in sou's Piclsbytetlan CliuVcli, Louisville. :i lo TriiftyWffpWmftW peowe-attno. Nprth.wijl neyerbe satiefle.d j wilh lhe StHith-'or plefefefl Stf arivtbTrif:d'Deii'(Vt, said MttByunltPaAefe1'de8iroveaf; bv "flVe o '5 -(t .UK,. pCrowncd withfoaa is tbe goblet, but His hoi "chant-. ' ; 'Eoufca of 'headaches,' and' heartaches, and gastric rtffa the JiBLTBta flEBiexjiT," balm' fdr theTiraln. , Ana o, cnreior tne viisroaacea ov excess n It tempers the blood, the clogged system relieves, New life from the draught every organ achieves, And a cload from the mind of the invalid roll r Bucn are tneetrectsor.TABBAHT's fiirrsavBsosKr ,KrfVT i.TitY,. ntnl.T1 jy 1 L'(ilW8i cov tath-sa ' tmc3pp w HAS HVSn FAILED When used according the printed directiora incloslDg each bottle, and i perfectly cqfeeuea mpa& inexperienced Juntas.-; 't.,"ut, t, !3U-3T J:iO fell Jl! fc"";' J-Jil--) jl 1 . ntit ,ii iMinVurJ If. 8 ililU t, J.t S'tj''iaT -fj')t J 41 Sl'J C7 SI IF . a t3 ,-lt in UUtt Ul ! -Jia J.- -.K-.i CI i ft if r J.JO S s.-fiiii5 IS nCOI33EmD ' '.'V by Mechanics, by Curses n SoepUqiti .,.! ' PIT EVERYBODIT. ii-a.vii PAIH KILLER fSffiSa' Throat, Chills,- Diarrhoea, -Dysentery, - y- Cramps, Cfaolcre end all Bov&t QalpiM3.:yl t ' "We "lave . Innmnerahlft tAnHTtnnia,i, fiorft p t parties in aa parte of the world who haye uaed : PAIN XUiIi!ER -1 5 InteniBlly with never-faJQIng success in. Cases i "of eickneas of ahnost every natme. -' ' PAINiiaUER :, tm the vVorld. for tlefc Ilradmche, Bern ' , McHBps,Ptitm lB the Bnck.Pmfn In thy Blie, RhtanrntlsuaiOnd ItenralgUu i ...1 mCQ,TJZSTXOHABIT THB ' '5 '"'" lJlT BEST Linir.lEUT MADE . - Ji equal having never yet been found. r pui! hlleRmS's cases ol jh, jsral! Severe Barns. etc.f PAIN ROLLER cases of Ct, BralM, 0pnUn taOda, ; Be-rere Barns, etc. -i- !b (he well -tried and ;v; trusted friend nf th. farmer, Planter, Sailor, Blechanlc, and , a fact all classea wantuur a tan and aafia i auecUclike which will always be at hand, n .nd can be freely iise4 intcmaUyorvx- i uiiuujr wiiuous roar or norm ana wuji i, rlalnty oTrelier. Alfi KILLfc.i is a Medicine Chest in -i itaelf, and few vessels a ve pon witnout BVe Dort withnnt a nnnnl nf It . , i. V&Im If II I CUuldhavoaplfteelii. Hill illLLCII eimlrr.UMhtn.i '. top and Mill, on every Farm and Plantation, ' 'd in every Household, ready for immediate ' not only for Accidental Cuts, BrulseB,' -, res, etc but in case of Sudden Sickness of s iy iind, j , . f , t i. j, - ii,. IN'o family can safely be without tMafnvaJuv le remedy in the house. Its price brings it : - ithin the reach of all, and It will annually ve many times its cost in doctor's biDa for sale by all druggists at asc, 50c, aad . : 8.1 per bottle. - - , . ' PERRY DAVIS SON, , PROVIDENCE. R. I. : froonetors V1 ! ap30eod&Wly fr we su arm . It'. W , ,.l VrvL Iftli-jJ.JLJ ill- Is a compound of the. virtues, ot- sarsaparn-, la, stillingia, mandrake, yeliowi dock, with. the iodidfWif nntanh unA H-rtii nTl 'Vinvirrfnlc blood-making, blood-cleausing; arkflife-Bus-i vuuijuj$ cieuieu,. "Ait -ia xne pureBr.isaiesti and most f effectual 1 alterative medicine', 'knotrn or availahle to the public., The sci-; ences of medicine and chernistry have never J produced so valuable a remedy nor one so, potent to cure all diseases TeOTUinff &ont' impure -.. blood;, ' It cures Scrofalt and" all scrofulous dlseasesv Erysipelas Rose, or St. Anthony Birer Pffiiplesl1 and Face-grubs, JpuslulejlotcJlfiiC Boils, Tumors, Tetter, ! Humors, Salt Rheum, Scajdhead,- Rlng-woTfij Ulcers," Sores, Rhenmatt am, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Affections of . the Liver, Dyspepsia Emaciation, and General Debility,, . By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions s$iich. contaminate ihe blood lifer causederakige ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes energy and strength, restore and preserves health, and infuses new life and vigor throughout the whoje, syateioo sufferer from any dis eja( 'wjiiebi arises from impurity of the blood need despair jsvho. will give Ateb's Sarsaparilla a fair trial-. , , It is follt6tiperfmen"l;iwitti i3i& uHMer ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-purifiers, iwbile disease becomes mbreu firmly seated, q Aran's SARSAAixrA w inttdicine of .such concentrated '-curat ivo' power,' that if is by far the bec'heipest;'; and 'most ; reli&ble Wbpduectoow Physicians knw.its .compositt64 aud .pr scribe it. .It baa been widely nsedT, JEor iort jfo years,; and riaa .won. theH nnqiMOined onli'; uence o millions whom it has benefited u Prepared by: Dr. J.C Ayer & Coy - iv- LowelU MfiMt" ,1i,0fr,,1!!f?.? . ... aoLD ax'Ait OTa6ttxs,fjdusi;,r. t apSeodly f-t.' iawsrr-'f nra'iiWi,,T POLISH, miSH AKTD GORDON SETTEES,' of ihe Clioieost Qraed. wlthraiiteed 'pedigreeai'- . P. W1L8H; 15 .m .. ,.i.,j., v.? ..- n-ji.'.'.ia f f"l a.weeJt in vonr ewnf townA fSiOutflt' ft'eej" VuNarisk. Reader, Wou wast "toKifl9 at whioh persona of either sex caA make sreat ayi ?,U. Vi1? tneT work write for particular-to B J- HALIjETT & CO. , Portland, Maine, ..iiy c6m .JfiiS rd..iiJ '''4 Sfci J ' 1 Vffli- I ;vi..I ' t ! , ... . iii fl U V . i V. xi?iu i TTTTrvi'r'Wrrrt'TttrTiT'T a 6 MitlW'VlH A -,iSBl .-Jlij -01 TR i!.. li.j'i i TiHrnR i ifi t K(sl 'iinurr ? iuuTnTa m-mi n"i tato olavera or, aiaear will tie f Ithe foffowuig elegaj fy bound Dooka, , i .sr. DOtt ffeti for uJ. hico 'here OM O00,u-'o,4'i Each pf. the Masio? 'STUDBNT iflUMOSIflRl BBRTHOVKN. HiRfiTMKS AN liLiaYAN'&.V' Atf AXjBUtfc ,1.50. ii.'ti TA1KY FlNQS l ,0 J .- rrt 'ffJsnH 7 i 'TTAU coxrespaadeics atoolivbe with- Jtill DanpbJn as -fiejqw,; tiirrcaS..it!jaaQllSXij themselvea-are eeaijj ganeper, cjircujararin 5WsW bii'h'l.f owk behaff at tiuii di Wxitora'pkny ;ia! 2l?OOTUN8i jBiUBVaiSTH. ilSEAND DJS-i TiuuuTiun. i;uah A, AT THEW. OKLEANS J TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1881 --128 & Slonthiy - 4k UIO UlKUWiUUU WAD f lyHilabio Jtjhf thetfitntd Iaipledgedi which: pledge has been renewed by an overwhaiminir ponular SPSP 1 I'i873 with, a capital i,vuu,uTO, l wiiicnii jjss- since aaaea a reserve! ODOte w 85.e00i 4UOI1 UE StCOU.PUOl III .-H,i W r.i. ,-; 9IUN'winialn:'tffaeertabntMv hirtha'ilnSi'iX. day. II never scales or postpones. Jii') : iOOk at the folloifyi.jjpintn.r.TI : j - I t i OAKS A?Ll PRIZE,' f39,l9a." 'I - lOO.Ofrj T1CKET(( jATnTWJiirOLLiS KvCH HALF TICKETSr-OIiE DOLIAR. .li i iA&T QP' PJStt3B3j li i , 1 Capital Prize.... f.'.y II 1. i 5'(H)0 S 3 Prizes of $8600.. .....' M..".".t.. 6,000 .'. 5 Prizes of ioooa.1:?;..-;: r S1D0 Prizes of -100. ....j.. ...J.. 10,060 S368 J "O -.J-'-t . : -v. li..::-. . lelooo iies Si ?o::r.r.:::!::r;.:i:r.C mnii-L ! APPEOxratATroit phizes: ""i " ib..l9 Appiiaxiraatias Puteei Of $900.0. ..ii. ficTOO j , i.. ApproximaUon Prizes of . 100. i . 1,800 ' S-A&prorrmation Piizea df ' ' J75.C!!!M"? ' ' 800 'J I 111 ' s J, iKif-ii t.U!l- 1 til ii t ,.1,857 Ruses, amounting to - i ; , . - Vl-. . . v J10,400 ' ' feespdnslbie (torrespopding agents 'wanted at 'all prominent poiats, to whoma liberal compensation will be paid., j , . ... j j . . ror inrther information; write clearly, giving full oi a. lx: bAUPHm;'at-T v1"" liu. nui;, No.S191iKOADWAT, SEW YOBuV.'i hIU our Grind Extraordinary Drawings are under the supervision andimanagement of (1ENERAL8 Q1 T".-BEAUKB6ARD and JOB AX. A. EARLY. , , de 15-03aw4wJtW . , , . we sat ;.. v ") -.. . i y tiz I28TH Popular Moathiy tDrawing of the s ;l At-. ffiacanley,s! Thcbirei '' ! ij.'ii-,- i.".'.i i ,i; !-!-. n- . ,. j la tie cttr of afxivill&J.Qn. tj- Monfey;; ;! lst, 1881 ' These drawings occur montjaly (Snndays except ed) under provisions of an Act of 4he General As sembly of , Eentacky,? inccrporating the Newport PrmtiDg;and Newspaper Co., approved April 9. 1878. VfVKt'HIS 18 A SPKCIAXiAOT, AKD HA& HnV yfiH BSEN RBPEAUCD. . : . ... .... t,V(. The United States Circuit Court en March Si ren dered the feuowinx decisions t i .:; . M.JTS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR.'-u; vilu The Company has new on hand a large reserve fand.i;:ReadtoeljWof rmzes for - .. .... -Jtml JHK jiATOAHiSAWING' -V' -' i '1 Prose ii. .$80,000 1 10S Ptites $100 eaeh flO.-Mf 1 Prize. ...... 10,000 300 Prises , ,80 each , 10,000 1 Prize.-. ! 5,000 SOOPriiea 1 "SO each : li,000 10 Prizes $1000 ifym,m IWuli 10 each 10,000 SO Prizes, -u 500, lfliKClO , t ... ,-1 .9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $3,700 iSflJ??.-.' Vti; aV ,b.1.- fnifW 1.8G0 Priites. ? lijjt.Jn oifl' !i 1 Xia-tOQ o-U-rWr' .psif.Tickcts, $l..7 4; WTIoketa, $60. " ' - TicketstlOcC BrpreeSk -DOS'T JEISD. 4iY, RSQ16TER8D i.EP TEROR 3POaTOFMCB WtDSK, Orders of$S Aemiuoionev or Jtanic iirajr. in itr rr nmR v IV- an baisenl) ntt em, exv ense. - R, ,M. BOARDitAN. fGonrier-Joiirnal ainfti? msviLLEi Ky. 1 nd j nos 807 a jahleOiw , tat a pa' ., , 9.ir ii tit; i ij- ,-.v "Jisvii Jiwi,7 l)iK'in:i;.'ii jiiid .ii.9y .m:unj -jdj g-i I vf, If yonmre.il man ltyaxba.V. 4(iedyb StntU ot' yonr. dnties. iTOta man of lefe hop. pmerr.. tl. ' aTf yeuaTeyotriiflf aftv Wed 0C siniill; old or poor health o laQKuish aees," ry rob Hob wst9nelHopB,!i, BnSter&g f Km any tn ttom ii yoa are mar--young, suffering front awyi; be sick- i cWHfefres lyoaara vhmerer tod feel v.ousaatia an nually C r o m wm fonaoicidh,ey disease thas miet Hare baeapreieoiedt by a timely use of , seeds eleftnsn tor r- atisnai without intoxicating, o nop nopsmers HauiVMjffmL vlatnt. dlsearse !ftthetomK, ouwlt, Mood, HxxriWtrvt 1 Ton (Wlllibe eared.lfyonuet ffleftSa savetttthanH "'iiii ,1 ii tb a J -nrm ,fiot,odi r.l O PJilEXE Pit ;aij adi uo luogi&fij moil ilioY a. KlBTiCLASS.WORK: A! HEW TORS? sT an arv a iaaa -wm -rf 6r MaV1V AtfAwT0'l sale fiul ill t '."'s'.r?y li 1 j i J1-" ui j ii i "T rt A, ""v- DouuiMMuwB -oyi express. er -iteeiccerea tetter or Money Order by maU. , Addressed only to -:k. ti J i m. , 'flt.A.'BUPSflllN,1 f ' '"' l Til f ill -a X T 1 . n aW iW J: 4Sfiffi!Ut flOTIjnaiSI! f JiyonaueBim-f ty'Wakaod Ltia a tel I smMc K s. t ii. jf vortnto, Lmu till nifit'f'44 tfil. 14., i lii nniiTi. ,T...r ITaii'i.v VaWi MbfnomenaJ4' tetefofoy' li totheTrado. , :, -dec 4 Diwtf l! V . ' 1 A.e !,-i. J. "I I ..-..tiAPiEVl.iU'io'i-... i -: - J -- .. .... .. . 1 lf5 ;' Ji'visJ i.'.i ' . Ml ,iJ ssi i.-'- J 1 . ' - V ;.;-!ll i.t. ii 1 'Sl'lil t.. CUSTOMERS l. v i - 1 u:-l f WJ' , y U,! ft-, 1 "OF liJUl I lkJUl M t it n . I'. u u it j P.I Ii.Bridgers & Oo, i-: d n bi i -' i. 1 Olii w ! ,l-'i .1 111- Jt U .i I I'! .1-1. :' ' ii. ..ft . "i'J-',- f , - ?.lf 1 If ;." L j' . : ii- S : A nAiii ;;u!. l-.M. . i . (!- JO I Sn-WW"' ' '"''! tit' Liunnsr 1880 we hi tave tried lo ,i 1 . ; ta J 'us 1. 5 .iit .-. pleM,$ -and. a a tiotisequenee -have iofeJvban kloabled bur businessWOur s l;i:,fi in-i.-ii ?.-. . . i XoiSs" j Jrade was v'HrfV tban th're'e . ....itl.ijSiLrt ..1 . it-! A. j'... . - Uiiiij much a'187& t I ..f.H- i , :..' i-Ji'.t .. -i.i. , i.'c.vi . , Ai ",!.-. .i . wis sensible. I-xample of otbera ami kive l.'.f. H i.-'U' ,- : ,! i' U.jfr.. . T, '- r- P.fiD: Bridgrs'v&'Co, ; . 4 .. :j : ,;.';.'.': r . j i -.--,.,' a part p your trade, and before 1882 ".at it-- ..; "i.'i. j-.... - fc' .tj ! lii :---.r .". " .. . . oome8 in they will have it all. " .1 . t . J j " ' l.i..- . t,;, i t. "! ; . ; ;:' Janus ry lst, 188l,; , ir-. i C. JVl, iiTpDMAX. Isaac Bates.... S. ,D. Wailacb. ...rrpeweBt Vice President i...iCash5ej Bank; oHfeTHanover, CAPITAL PAID IS C55O.00O, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL-81.000.000 ! JDIBECT0B8: ! John "Dawson, D R. Muchison, of Wy. li&ms & Mnrehi5on Eon. R. R. Brideers, Pres W. & W. R. R. ,j H. Tollers, of Adrian & . Vollers. i . Jno. W.- Atkinson,: Isaac Bates, i C. M. Stedman, of Wiht Stedman., Jaa. A. Leak, of Wados- DOrO. . . if r: . r. T T.' E- B. Borden, of Golrls boro, N. D. XcBae, , ' s . , XJi- . U Lit?, C, M, Stedmaa. President E.B.BOBSEK, i, .President. . GoporoBraiicli.? P. HOWEM. Cashier.. DIRECTORS: y "E.'i. Borflfin. W. T. Fninplntli WSi irAnia B.Bdmnndson, Herman Weill. - ' I " ' t t!- President! : f aiesiiorfl Brancii. ?-!- rt P. LSAK Cashier, i'-Vil". ) 111 r - . DEBECTOBH; ri ;-.;V. J. iA teakR, T(. Bensett.G.W. Little, x! C. Marshal! -i Issues CerUfleatea of Deposit tiearinglnterestw Is authorized bv Charter to receive: on riennnlt money s held in trust by Executors, Administrators, Guardians, &c., &eifei t Strict attentioa sriven ,ta thm crier mttA ,nMii of our country friends by mail or otherwise. . , rrjr THE PAJLT STAR': 1 1 '-.,jii "??V'l I 1 - r. -I - ainu ManMst,A - ' .u.i.wwri n. vAttwLifiAjju. ,1-' i, ' i: ' " V : ' MiJlij. ji-j t .-'.; r..- iti yjlj te'..j -;ji".! ' il'.' if j; TTT7hj ., Imi: .I'!-'- fiSST-CLASS BEMOCBATld iJrjSWSrAFXn; pablishedat the following ip-w' ' ' i 1 " s - 5 ... .i n. , j .. One Year, postage pjd4, Tf.-jji . i 10'Mfci thi i',j ;f':r:rl5Vttvtff;: " Six Months: V:"m 4 UU 9 36 i"ftl une " i- (i. f 1 00 'li'i ; uiu't i b,dnuy tut r. "Tt.iij limits i jl 1-U V" i i-i S4-, "I el, r ! , 1 -i,-"&s 1 1 ? .- t-.i-i, - ..... , - I 1 ! j -.a ... f . i .. i ...... .. v; .. . (uaiwains iuu eport or tfie Wllm'Bgtea'va i TcetSi TeiegrapMbepdrriof tneOTUverh' i yMail, from all parts of ttia ,kl.i;hij ji'r. .ii.i World; ; t: -1t'''t- .'-. I'l vl j'SO 1jif s?ljj; rsill rii .tiljUil.!!'; j 1 hii-.".' l".'i -lii'lil.'1 ;l 'i'ny i -jh; lijini i .in'.vi,:i ( i-ili; iiijl ii sJ:ii w i. II .f? l.iw .Mill-.'. ''"! j Vilmlagton. KsCt i rtrtTI Oreat caanee to ia.li.ir ikeiif. UUiilf need a person in every utwo to case. subscriBtiona for the lartrest. cheapest and best niasteatea fatally pobUcation iaitke tworld.-' ' rrr. i one can become a anecessfal apenw,,lx, elegant. worts or ait given tree w saDscnoers. xne price is so low tat almost ererybedy sabecsbea -4qw agent report tasang iu suoscni bera ia .UOelet h KOBlM i ladv acBnt reports makine over 1 ten4ay.;' All whe engage make aoMaey faab -iXoa, can' devote all your time to; the business, or .only omI Qntfttfree.; i-I yemJ want profitable: workmen Am: your suurass uuee. -. xi costs notning te trvJthe bosmeee. .Ketone who eognfea fafaa to make treat' pay. AddreaeEqifftf.jOQ,.,! and, Maine. ivM6m f yMrflMrtame. ixoooeeanot beaway nop! averajgni. xpu can ao u as weilsi euiera. , direcnonB aha terms' free.i Ee?ant and -irriA 41 I 1