j. . ! 7 f : rvBLisaxa at-a-v' "i1" 1 ! ''jsiSae. ft Ha ti a 1 1 (i vu -- woTr . J 1 - ., has "V- w noi l : W w w oeaciaa I ""Wn i-ri s ni.t n SO M riianan V. 4 J ,.. e cee I J J. - UlijVill f).'fcJS SOS Sit ,8oi7 jsol Tl :'uvvi; no if? J , ti 4;"l:V fcM rjaaix fcX fid Ji ,'tnl'i lim4ta5ui Post C See at WllmiBStonv 8 .iu scqonw" class matter. t' till." I, 4flW, Kr iriQnvErice.:r . m, i;i.iij i -i-r srr laSXAH.i folloW8 f ...'r.yV- ifie pbpxI jka.fr P9tt&6 yaid, f 1.50 fl 3uUi"Vr t.:.: ; " .50 .The $TAKnotne -tteeks ago -gave it as it& -felief thai the Conservatives . o f h E n la u the f JJeaoonsfield-Tory pmrty-wb respottiiblo for the con diuonjof , .affair8,i m . Ireland that it was their arbitrary" coarse, and pro i fa cted oppressions that had placed thaVcOiiotry in a' condition of almost revVje. Baidfartber tliati do 8fatetoaB,"had ever entered office wy.h gpeaterj difBoaltiea before him than Mr. Gladstone, and that ihese difficnfties were ; "the ' products of BeaOtneiield and his Tory allies. . W e feel'morp' than . ever, assnred t of the correctness .of oa iL statement. If there' had" been" no, Conservative Go . yernment: in Eogland daring the last twenty years: 'there '.would-be no ihreateoed outbreaks and wide spread m'urmariDgi throaghoat what Dow is au- almost volcanic isle. - Mr.' Edward 'Kiagtti weifjnowb . writer who 'prepared the illustrated articles for JStribner eh "'The 'Great : Southiw a few years ago, is aiiQW, the London correspondent of the Boston Journal. In, his last letter he has this' to say, aod it confirms our own impressions, -r an:,pillle..Hif n'.;.g wgkee. kHffr& MocbtB4o h4beea devoted to showing tb'ti & CoitfterWifr5 Government allowed-' tha LaMl Leaguft agitaiibn to grow up ud' cfieckfevJ, and tneo smilingly bequeathed it -ui tee ' Liberals. This accusation seems lb cuaghly pruvea. The Liberals take uo m Xid dutigbt ia lelliDgLurd Beacon efield'a ad nirer4 that uoder Cooseivative rule there were ta ne agrarian murders ia Ireland than i ha; .have, bee a since Mr. Gladstone took trie, naps of, power. 'k Ii waa when the Conj sictyuyM were. ine,rultri thai Mr. Juan Djv..yr.'tjjn America and circulated iu ' 1 e!ii.4lis Utnuua letter about the recuvery ;i Iruii iiatioual iudepcodeoce, and pro po-K;d uo agitaihin for a Uod. reform aa the n.'s: s ep towards that indeBeodence. It ii4.uodcr: vh.Ooaacivlive: title that the . m-UaK.AV.Whicb the Land League orit oaitdvwaa held at lrishlowpi near Clare-m-H-ruUvitwai uader-ConartVative rale trit .Vir, PaeU made his famous speech at vV&atpoxiL iu 1840, When; he advised .1 he te.ot4 tu keep &r,m. grip, oa their bold- ma 7 ilore tao two auadred land meet i ta- were beld.iq Ireland, under Beacjoa tiri jjfdmjautratvoa aQil b never, raised Itfs was the Tory Ministry that got ui.thg excitement ia South . Africa an4 Afghanistan -'it was Beacons- &m4Wio&&iJl at Berlin and : n d ed : i n "a fissco.i Ireland is oon vufsecf andjlMrJ Gladstone, what ever may be his sympathies '..with the people' and helief as' to the originating causes,1 must deal with' events as they are.j JIe may inot be equal to the great -demands nporr' him, : and. may norffiafS.on t a,cVorse that will stand the'iad'gmetidf history; bat'5 his1 en vi roo men Is are peculiar and . his em barrasinfentV exlraordlnary If -the Engiish people could rise above pre- - judice!ahd' break'-' the shackles "of UHagerAnd long indulged opinion and . give tb Ireland a government like1 it han giveu to. Cfloada r and -Australia, the obtem Afild re' solvedat once, as we, think, 'The i late news : shows iiUeWsefeelfritf idtutf B'ritfsH CParlia meiktvaadsdcbi condition 4f uneaSt ness haj hWrreraiefV rsidenbe haa to beirgoordedy and he has to be w atchea bthef'polipe abe goes tp ParUameouaiPeople areuiireasbh- log. ".iiiCfme ik in danger.becauae' Beaeonsfieldf fnaiUyrant - at heart, stirrdVfi Ih'elrishy fresh oppres- sionsfTU3 fewve- lifeio r the Land T . .tl'l ' "Til ' ' L . T ' jjeagup.pe aaeriea pis preaeces sors -blunders and ttdw his very life is in danger from it. - . , , v , , : ApmVllI STATISTICS, k ; ', . VVen suggested recently that -it would te, -$t eodd 'ud; Useful, thing for t$j); Agriculltfral vDepartment-lo publisVaahighlesetiing: fprth good specimen rjf creppiog T Let cotton: 8tatisttoa be giveiK We copy alays meet wilb iaotif elcliangeft. We do . . I - ... . ... 1 :-Jftj fto 3V "u4 . ., . J u i'iulll t'diaota' 44 5: tiSJIldvij9safJ iT r Cjd thai ewr(!3te!iairigs arii Fr2;t.tacd?y:SthlfafefiBfdffgfti t UbeiSTB In HESarJe i:arreSioifc CieywMtavato But we like to hfeltifef aj,,knrj it -they vUl notvpiWsshoWiwHiiririal Itxtve to be asef ul.nd i iimoy ays3 y-Tbe fZtesLo Journal givev Mi W,1 11; irittH fexpriBc for itetot111 ' C?rii4ie! l&t&irZL&c&Xvtih Seres? j lilab pc Uoes f tfaaerc, arjd!i-etra tfitries i tf an ac-5. He splA from!.thi crop as f.Vows: I rjs' tojhe amount f C300;potat s, : aorsirawherrieSj f i5; i . ii .... riaitvj. tiia jfljw lou pv" 4 a to iandla coiioo oil the 6lb df Jbnft asdi made, three 500 pound, bales, which fat sold , m ft t V ... i a ? . ' . i . i aav' i luvtnts per puunu, 10 'Wfuicui vauu f 0 worth of frnge.-whicb ifc saved froni'the' pea crup, act we hare785 from fodrecreS $?ow a fact ott-. thia.sort isf nil of enoouragemeBtHtothers; ' Such' farming; is - instructive.' It ' shows w.h at can "be .done i n I Iorth Carolina. ' Mr. George Alien, of New Berne, is doing much to advance agriculture in his section. He offered ' $15 ia gold for the largest yield . of rice to the acre.. Here are1 some of the re- ,tttrna::? :iW,iiBj. i - . - . t t j r "Charles E. Baicb, Bay Creek,: Pamlico county, reports from one acre' 7? bushels rice-.- v. ' -"-A :; t6S5h.;cts ?. ?'Vy. B. Yuliva. . VandemereC ; Pamlico 3ouoty, reports from one acre 68 bushels.; i "Beojamin Hodges, Goose Creek Island, aalf an acre, 43 bushels. 4S si ' ' J "s "w "Charles Toler, near New Berne; " from ne acre 60 bushels, and from 5 acres 245 jasbela. " " , ' ,-0.i d; Lewis; Stouewa1t"amnco? CouBty, 10 acres, plaated last half of March and cut latter part o( . September ,601i bushels rice. . ' . P ' W. H. 'Lewis, Stonewall; from 2 acres 134 bushels rice.- - S J i ii! - I f 'James-A. Bryan. Havelock Craven County, takes - the gold premium of $15, having produced on one acre, near Lake EUUsi 103 bushels of rice. 'This acre was not manured, but was id position to be, at all limes supplied with the proper amount of water from the lake. . j i. "All of the above crops were planted without manure. Rice should be planted in March to insure best results." . He offered also $2i in sold for the largest yield of cotton for one acre. . "J. G. Sugg. .GrenvtilCK" C., report five acre? cotton averaged' 800 pounds lint peracre --!" -vw f--."?-.. ; VA. 5 IV. Avery, Core Creek;,' Cravetf county, reports rom one, acr 750 pounds Mot M'iTl-V-i-l mt Mr f uarouoa ieports nom-4rjres; planted fn v dptton, .after ; takiaar jofl ar crop of spring peas, a yield of 270Q pounds cotton, or an average of 675 pounds lint per acre. "Major A. Gordon Egypt lantaMonV Craven county, lakes the $25 gold premium on a crop produced on a plot 82 by dOyards containing about one. ap4 aJifilL acres. j "He reports having gathered 171 RPU&ds lint cottpc, or 85 pounds' lint . per acre. This crop was planted April 20th." ' ' ' ". .He. also reports a bal of 409 pourids per acre from 15 acres,' and an average of 800 pounds lint from his entire crop of 180 acres, v; ' " T : , ,J I Pitt, Edgecombe asSf 8 Halifax; Greene and ptber. counties, cap show returns equal to - this. .. 3ome. .years ago one : farmer f in Halifax -made three bales 'oti one a'cre Then staiJ tistics of fine tobaccshould be gigeiv It is worth telHng the i wtfrld lhat there are piaaters ittNbrtb' darollba who have made froth "$400 "to $60& to te acre, andy ibatu froni, , $800 4to $ 1 700 td -the .y hand rrsj sometimes realized.' - We throw out the sugges tion for what it is wortb.v ' The peo pe of our-own State do not know 'the half of its' capabilities.', Howi sball people beyond the Statekpo w?- Let the facts be scattered abroad ! tli 'M to BFPOttTS TO SECURE IlTIiniGKa 1? fit has been , announoed inutile StIb, that Col. A. Pope, General Passenger Agent of the Associatedlianlways of rgiDia ad Hbe-Carblinae bad formerl a1 cbnBectlonwil3 f fie IJorth -.i "SrT."7'!jKt. n. iii kin b-orm Carolina xeparimenir ol lgncmiure for the ,purpose,Gof ,i acilitating aod encoutaging imtnigr.atj.op. cTbe? obr. iect is to bringinta thisc&taie a" poi:- uon at least, or ttieimmnjLiiiajopean our shores during. 1880, only a .little over 6,000 came into the BolTK'-ia&'j ought not to be Jjrtvfhr nursec- other section. xheneVerj European couatnea are oraugnvito uBaersiana immigration which hitnerxd nacs gone j colcfredf descriptivp passages' in some: I -In this fnstahce, we;mttst believe thp : West or Stopped in thej;Mlddle and rnt thAiTmlrnritynirnfiTrd u. i ; m, t4; ;lri?A.nf,,th rnnlrf av,th v.rA hf i SS-S.O from (heMonthly tiflf &d..:WhatYb tion offers advantages iffcvmpatably l and vWake; countte t These were trreater everv wav than those of ' inv t rectedtoOTStatathroaRh theag the vast differences lseupnftertnfin braced in the J4orttavdhostr trath- I er ed u nder "the c dnefal . name . South. J and the immense s aperwriy ftlihai WMlS We have also the latter to- tne rormer,ine vuie immKt i .1 . ' S rr. t n 1 7 ' fi Ii. : j uni'fl gra;tion must eeasfe ;e , run all oita: trav.-t Ai.iii y i v i v.v"3""'1 TF, ir Niirtk4 4ii;iiSnV fa16 mit is rio doubt wbatevefe3 fortwitbukl any, Spates oan offer is atioter'truth culiar ad vantab'soU asi ftfry'- s,1a j. r;.wds f IdatT' i.. ..f. ...... .. .bund lnt tif? t.'U' irortbfttBad?ibdstfriosi 'ifaffliffrants tt6'si!tm"at sAt'tuiMtji Tit pouita may bo rt&fT2Je,rli5aidi - scd u; toil lU-Dv.t- J.v'b -aia4iasifcf. ,9il3 itnjrtaimpanaatpa) proper rlpjhs !o boeh ttidM 8 &;a$eja4vairtar ljinsha GoVernear.! Jarvi fid bout iS fixx-iy'or iiW) yideif, How: can tbey tbe kripwu ;.unles8 they are publisberl ? How can Germany add jj ranee, idiOgtana, ana ireiaud, Know ;thQ great ad vantages Jthe bou tb pos sesses over the North nniess the facts and figures and particulars are con- t .jliliiiL . iveyeu to lueui in ue usual anu weu Another .reashn whyimmigration as not fip wed largely into our State is because .of the gross and infernal misrepresentations of. -otfrs people by. lying penny-a-liners the mere whipi-?er-s nappers fa subsidized and ti sious press, ox the carpet-bag advent .urers fromthe North in:.eearoh:pf: jqoty. - The , slanderers ,;have been inreading zpfvt .ala. io,ods anii defamation, it rbilat.ihe' lenials and cprrectiona arenyeri leard. p.' .The.ji.ialate'V'ary. done to North Curoliua. by, Tpurgee'a Yepomous - an mendacious . atatef ments, presented under the garb of a story, a'nd made forceful and life like by the introduction of charao? ters ( in "; whose destiny the readers become, interested, cannot be esti mated. Twenty-five years . hence Yankees will read Tourgee's slander ous books; and believe his pictures of the South, are true. Such unblush ing maligners have done, and can do us au injury mail cannot' be mea sured. Wemay not-eare-what a Hoar - qr a Jay or a Boutw ell may syor jhujk: concerning -our people - t It is. an art okaUll1iJb''l it4rri!9rjo-,iu4' wuku oeth. yr But 1weyrnay object td being held up to decent . people ' the .' .world over as a set of cut-throats, assassins and hypocrites. tOther reasons might be mentioned, but we leave this part of the subject. niv:il"-4..js i j We. learn from a recent circular of. CoL Pope's that a (oomplete system of Settlers', and Immigrants' fares from leading Eastern cities exists to each station upon. fhe. lines pf xail way s of this organization, and that methods are beingemployed 5 col- lect valuable information of unim proved lands," improved farms, sites for manufacturing purposes, supplies and' location of growing hard woods. xieDosits of minerals, '.metals ana 'building 'materials, .together with Boca aciB ox poyBicai attractions, ac- cessiouiiy to railway or water, trans portation or; desirable markets, ; as Will lie calculated when published. I. 1.1 . .11- 3 . - ss wiu uftj penoujcaiiy- apnej to in vite the attention .of immigrants and all persons seeking investments , in the Southern States. .This is moving J in tbe right direction, it strikes us. cirst oouect an mat is important ana necessary concerning North-Carolina then 'give it to' the; world.': We' must' eth- aaops iar a orca - viarouoa toe metn ods thit.have been found so efSoient; el8enrhere.n By the free' use of prints era ink and the mails, 'the people of the ortJt and f North Wdst hf ave?adyi erfs ink and (he emails, 'the p'ebplef of verUsed Ithef world 1betK what the i are,:woat' tney nave - ana wnat tney have notM iThe last i refers to highly the Agricultural Department., that within a, few weekjfty jmnth feaiB me,iOnt.fromEnslaO(l: and found homes in -xjriven Halifax dP ent f 1 " i Wftiave .hefora.nft thft.reDort ef. BCheme of apportionment. If it is made on a basis-ofS4f905306 ;pr at 1 . . - - . memoers or niener,- up xo vzo, varouna win nave memoera with the Head justers. iyhyhe44v0sHefimrala daftake ito1 -diwn the" ypiabireaM)tvtdiiwo,8ev8roavfa 4ait iw.-a..aaij9p3i cm I - ' : .viyu'wixa ato- . sai ct-.cj -t; .v i v trwixa 1 inaq q s JOi i?sJIf IAHPIAJH9W EJB;il 9 t'li askjIiOT which ii the .more manly, generous and christian like tprrit 4o say to your enemy, (H;$ sps) AiffcellfOrveiyfM or; to command htm" kneel-like-a-dog and lick ttyliari'thad Tit forgive tdu:!.! Vpuriid .opoanjas'uhQabora feeeaus9i0f 4hft paxSaph ki the8Tai vbicji.teCerred iouthe remaral of elp ftftyP, rr?lde.n'ft fpolitical - disahiHtiea li J,ajjfvprhinu?s japBicupVof :ajmaaxiTJp0h PPPrJgiaucc u,d, iam,endmtentpf majn. Ajdprnne p condition pfp6al'jestbratiott'-if-' ter. trial and condemnation pagh to be ; repeutauce j and, amendment f ' In. 1872, abQut jhe, month of . Sep-T tember, the time night, the place the towfl of Raleigh, the : locality Gov. Holden's front , porch, the writer, of, ;this t heard that , genUeman,. .,u a 'speech to a large crowd that bad as seinbled on the occasion of rejofcing; over Gov. Caldwell's triumphVsay, that upon reviewing his past'pohtical life and remembering what he had. Governor he was cphstrained o declare that he.saw nothing to re-.': ;ret in it, but if oircumstanced as he ad been he would act precisely as e had done. These are not his ext act words as at this distance of . time we cannot undertake to remember them, but we think we haye given the spirit and intent of what be said. jVYe remember the occurrence more particularly from two considerations : first, we were much surprised at what, we heard, and, second, it became pur duty to comment upon' tbe speech soon af terwards in the columns of the . The remarks of Gov. Holden show-, ed that after two years of reflection he still regarded his course with fiatis faction. The, Legislature that tried nimaor bigb crimes and misdemeaq- -,. i. . . . a "1 The people of. orti Carolina, who i had been shock ed' an A outraged in their liberties by his coursel : thought differently. . It Was a very great crime' against lib erty! and against the people, that be bad been guilty or. jmo one unaer- liij.'i-iv". . a-r A . . .i.."i stauds the genius of our government and ' constitutional law better than ov. Holden. At the bar of bis own nscience he cannot stand approved. e knows f all well that he' wai guilty of a great crime against civilization, against justice, and against the lib- erties of the ' people, when he lorded it .with such a , high hand in North. Carolinaduring those dark, troublous, afflictive days 'when i 'the hearts, of good men failed them; 'when despot- ism and.yifie appeared supreme.; when corruption and immorality ran Hot1 and Bacchus held his : carnivals and oVgiesn.the jveapiCoI'ofttbe pep-1. plewi'J!'s5y3t, ol i-al'.o fit tbax Visi-ftY' i:;' , But fyipleU(Cfe and Oppression cannot list always,: In this instance even- jianaea.,iusuQe came sooner mat waa ekpacted. The whole people of North juarpiiDBj were f?HIs9SPH'A'y.wa as gtiardians over their rights and lib erties. They were resolved that the cor- j roptors of the'ePple and the abusers vtFauiHonty hOuidnotave it all rcry , hill "and I -.jll -.-!(- 'rs-,f -.,4 iiv.A"ny vrcij bcoAUAVK F.caavji nvw wi cut mansion from the poor and the fich, the demand,. went up as one, voice-r 15rog the greatestottender to justice came net aciugeanaarpjgcnjprvjQt; G?lvii9)PVte cfcWasrraigfie,dibf . fpre.thft f.pfjbeSenate which sat is a jury;, ,upu: the r(charge : of high5 f i " .I . ..a : -rr m a pnmesaijqmeanors-Jtienjaa, e abst cpunseUa Such; strong; and .well jEurnif lie4 jaenj, ,ue rjiemocrataj as Chief AtustejSntbandljEdward cCbnigJand peape ai?d Wessiig,ta;bis; mempry-T-stopd npk1 lor, bis defence, fif badjt. lgiiiffMaiV ni4Wgl8pefcb,iaf:,we fe-ta hjf present pure. 0 and learned GijRrtpbwjlQ, con -friend votina fo& ' hi condemnation j sb strong anji oyrwhelming 'Was the evidence. He was broken of office been outraged-by some of ; their owtf pjBopletToy Pxen who had been placed ',iswmi viaiilim aii .ilivi sr. s3rN .is iiaw. f. a;,t3 usmyu f . N. ' . . r. r. i im-xiniatt salt n y;!:k -siov Sii ar eli And WaaforeverdlsffaAcfclsCCbThis It;addheaftferfi tratra .oaFOanft jiaf. Q Opf a UOmArtror KetoiGarrlfdekw -'f.Oft,''!ii;iiJ3jI 1'A 6iJ5aiJSiiita Averyy emUjj laUeiNcUlkCcwuaa thanked God an,eatJelleeViSi:, But; yneagrffitp- " ' famftilriess Mteaiok'ieani 1 hn Vonst'rttitionat fe in' Ihe' hMrof triaW bav tbta m& I !wedom feobaGoTf IJoldereslresi bis'disames'slialf te removedV 8ucnVtati?e hispiCuie; ly'aod deeply, sorrowf foHbe;?r3asf; ?afad WseeB1 JwlfWiil terrible assault, bejnadupon. free Constitutional government &nd iipbif the dearest liberties of" the people and will ,1 ask for .the removal of the political disabilities placed upon Jiirn after fair an d o thorough trial, hj the! representatives of the : people, t then, we think lie ought to be granted full and complete amnesty and be restored tWMMhen.ffi s -Without suoh confession and such application for pardon, then.' we j are, unqualifiedly opposed to amnesty" and! restbrajitpptp forgetful -that ?the' quality of mercy attribute of God himself jfNorv ;! afe we forgetful that" ::, : ... -.U:l'l I i 'Earthly po wer doth then -shew likist. -, : Whenjmercy 4an justice." ; ' F jtiod manifests his mercy and forgive-. pees, we are iaugu in nis yv ora, wnen true oontrition fills, the heart 'and is pxpre88ed by tbe lips.: 'It is onlyben. that mercy is extended where hituert.o justioe had threatened. - iNor ase wet forgetful of ,tb golden rulef-donittf bth'ers as we would be done by. : Wa; bOuld not expect pardon eitfier of Gfod or of . man. if we had been - Governor and had tprneVbursel his high office, unless we had humbly confessed our sins, felt them deeply, in our souis, ana impiorea lorgiveness. In saying what we. have said we. i said we 1 . noft. a -jt eo. ii ft - e;j ys tiJ feelings of personal resjntment ana nkindness. We have known Gov.: Holdent for 'tbirty-jSve years. We" have long, admired his iSne 'abilUies, and regard him as one of tbe ablest, ournalists North Carolina; or . the South has produced. v We .would not in j ure a t hair of his head . or wound his heart in the least in a spirit, of wantonness. r r We have written, from a profoundnseWatyTr-Two weeks ago we wrbTe' anJarticle and threw.it aside. We' hoped that no' occasion I ould arise' that would seem tor call pon ns .for a statement of our news andcnvictibnVor ''owe 4 duty to tbefpebplb bigheir than any we owe tb Sny man, even though that man ' were our j friend or our brother. 6ur fii4t ailegiad ; otat:b to ibe pebple.' i Upon ardecla1 ' i ' i ' !"5T, -" J':":";f'' .inr-? iratiou 01 repentance . ior sins against the people and an" application: for pardon," we say to the " Legislature r ft .'f graub ii, uut upon uu ubuer liermu. iuse of Mr. j. it. raddison. swelf,"Bead'er c'oiywas dUcoveted tb bb ba fire, and the fiames Spread so rapidly tiaj jn.a very:short tlme.L and .bef are the' jipighbqrs could reach thegpt, the i bnild- iQg an 4 the entire swck pigpoas swere con sumed, together 'with a fbt'of turpentine iwreu uu iu& juu ol uug uon it n as tljoHghlf fiat Ih'e1 stoMessrs.. fyoV lersand D. Sheniura would shw Jatebut by greatexertions ton' thApart of the citizens tbev were: saved, it is suo- jsed .by kiC Paddisonihat ' tbtTfire ras pwfv 'accidenial, andthat it orig.aatebf .. f-.V.-ft.- .twWfl'A-' 4runi Bouio isu, iu iu mub -iiuiu uia olwvc- pipeA ssUhel fiames W era; first discovered: bdrstinggrough,, to&rroQ closed bis store, and gone home but a short lime rjeXore the ni was.diflpovered.3 u lAttbJs flme tt iStratjOssIble ltf say what this lwUrfboju win segregate betweenOQ and $6,000. Mr. J BvPaddispn has insurance W stock .toi the amount or sa.otxj. in the. .Liverpool. VLdndpn. 'and Globe,", represented, "hera'.'.by. Messrsv Gordon; & Btq.t and thebulld Ingowhea .'byXJnpt,: B.vp Paddlson,. was toiuf ed' in the . same comDanv for 500. Fk tnear l.ll. tiain W'lt'n fi i T T? C.AIftnti Avon iwa ua i J aia.. ia. A. A. auuiauUf' i as, toe insurance we are uuormea, wia not f ddyer t'alf thB.ioss po stock.': f-1,' 1 A JJ IbLblbUbU V BVUIUIklia VftA AWWAM A JA.W Custom BTduse We 'leam that fme ioreign-exporfswfroioibisipot-the fnenth' of: January just ckjsed 90ted tup asinllww ''!K68bandCruaeTurpentiDe7,S0ibar- I' . . AMn .A. " ml. aJMA . . V7U AMI t t- T Lumber 2,864,000 feet, valued ai J3S,T : j Bhingles 143.000, valued at $941. . . . ; f Total valuation of foreign exports for the montu fdod.iw. cEfohwryirmendoUscrimeagM Belftle'glibertvX me'Klmi lieve but If oyer Ktf-wtiTOpreeatf that hexis truly apfl, deeply.sorsowfal Oeatr octire Fir at Point, aawei3 j fU Friday evening, about 7 o'clock, the store Tibuse ubf MrV'. TL Paddisonl at Point pounds ivaiueriiWd,o. , . . r Spirits Turpentine 91,586 gallons, val ued at ; 1 -JS UJJ 1 f Oil! JciV I la UUi tKl oi af3t .f f About the time orthe CHntor5rair; m tnefatekrtdf lirfMgre 'p'ort jB eSrcttlatJbn tdftlllllebtfibatipaiB iQpyl Brjam, colored; vho had been ,U8r lmiiWymutferd Boone in Fayetteville some years ago, had been - found swpngr to the limb of a tree somewhere between Fay U. the deed of lawless violence 'beiig al leged to have beea commuted. 1 in rsveage Xorjthe jspiipoaed : smff?,01 lynching rgotinto Jbe,- papersi,,thef. prising New "York having, sensa tional' deacriDlIon of the "latest Sou ouuage and some of the reports went es far'astb'say that- thfjbody had av placard atjadheji JeJb8;back Qbhtaiftlng th worses tlHanelor, the. murder of fJhariey Boone.?. olfes moM w as heard of; the "affair, so far as fwe,.know, until last Monday, when QiV .identical individual' mJ.qtt,esUon'fwb5 wis well known" Irpund Fsyef'te villi as a noted horse trader was seeoidriviog ahdut the etteets of .,lhat;tpwo beingHhe liveliest corpiB, considering the length of Ume since, his peck: was broken, that has been seen id thatjaficienl burg for many a day." 'f x SIX Seems thai Bryant and another party were ' arrested on suspicion soon after;;tho murder of . Boone, but were acquitted when the case came to'WaUUVvIs- J'aimfcd !: a r t - Proposed, Change; In ibe Law with. JOteaarM to Carrrlns .Ou ihe pealli i -stteaia.K3t'ii.'-l vxbaz&iw aai i-.p.:.3 We learn from Geo. Manning that there is a prospect that the Legislature WiH pass an actdaring Us' present sessloa to so amend; the law io regard to- banging as: to take it out of the hands of the sheriffs of the vari :0us counties; anT havea exebuUons' pf ( capital felons totake place in the BtatePen. ! herniary, tinder the auperviaioh of the War den, after a Japsp of aine, d a vs rbuV the passage of the sentence Vbill ; to h ef fect has already been -dra wn Up f or presen tat ion, and a good many of the members' of the Legislature who have' been consulted on the subject seem inclined to lookjwith favor upoa the proposition.; Some objected at fint on the score pf ; expeoae, but' when they came to understand that alihpug the ' bill provides that the cost of transporting", jtneleion to the' State prison is to1 be borne, py the, county v where the indictment ' is 1 found and ; the - prisoner: convicted, bihe-j expense of aach tranBportatioa will be much J Uss than the cost of erecting 'the; scaffold : and taking he pthef preliminary ' steps re- bulstte"' to ;carry! out '"the "whence 'of 'ifie lavr."The parllculaf. advsBtages;urgedla its favors however.' is ths gbftg awayiwilh i the, periodical jexqitaiBfintss ?eommttn,iea where thes? : executions take, place ;asdJ we avoiaaHcaDr .4ue irequeni nung- iog executions by. inexperienced fanc- tiOBaries. We must . confess :that. we like the idea as presented to us, and will be glad td hear that the bill has become a law. Rlcecnitore. Though the article of rice has been one of the j staple , products of North .Carolina ever since; 'its earliest existence, it was not until vary lately that a general Interest be ganjto be awakened as to its importance.: It is now considered that US cultivation mayprbve more remunerative, than that of cotton,: the hitherto favorite jtaple of; the South. sAuudtng to the subject the Monthly BuQetiti issded by the 'State Department of. tgriculture .says , "The , crop T presents - singular .instance; of ..the revolutions which ; are accomplished by the. break up of pld's ystems ; of industry and '; the latro duction of new systems. Before the tern mloation-of the war, the valley of the Cape Fear possessed a monopoly of ibis crop in I this State. That event broke up; the old system of labor and broke down the calf tore pf is opthere!K was lpng sup pbed it tcould. be ;grpwn only, under; tbe peculiar conditions tube there found.; But during- the war v r icej " was furnished as an article of .food generaiccessiblei to our people. These circumstances combined led to general1 experiments in its cultivation, and rbese experlaisnts proved It could be grown upon ; lo w'lyicg lands up to the foot of the 'mountain range. :. The introduction of upjaud ice gav a : still further impetcs to its coltivationi; , This ne w industry dew because under conditions so different from those existing before has now . becomej an established and a naost . 'Important one.J It has become a staple crop in .counties where aoue wis produced a few years ago.' 3 1 As an evldende of the increased produc- tioa Of the article in sthis particular section: during the last few years we give, some Bta jtistics and estimates obtained from an emi nently' tru8twortbyiourcp.T In the . year 187 lbeotal? receipts pf rough rice of all grades in this market did not exceed 80.000 bushels, vlq 1879 the receipts were proba-: bly 40000 bushels or about double those pf the year previous, as near as can be estir matedT f For the' present crop year it ia esi limated1 that they will reach not less than lOOOOO' bushels about one-half of which Is uplaocf; while' for the fyeartb; come, judg ing.Lfrpm present .indications, the receipts ill probably be iocreased 'at least 50 per cent.. , , ru --h,;:. : .'Ui; ; The foreign shipments yesterday con fisted of 'the J Swedish : brig itorie Zouise, for daeenstown or Falmouth for orders; by ABsrs. Williams & Murchisoni with 943 bales of cotton, and the American barque Glacier, for j St. t John's, . Porto Rico, by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons, with 184,413 feet of lumber. mmm ' ' I- Et.t.iH Vt oao i '.:At. rvr upupa ;ui jliu jmvym h uit i .jiu fence law, to prevent live -stock from run !niog at large in ITew Hadpyercbunty.'e of tile. qapV esV jr)motor passed its inai reading in the House and- now goes to the Senate;-:; It is utuieritbbdtAiat'. t-ereT is ta provision in the' bill' requiring.it to be sub mined tome vote or the people, rrv 0. " ' Clay, Dare, rabLa,av; Pojkj SwalrivTrarisylvanv add 'Tytiei cooniiei combiaed-ha vfr r total population of bat 3,000 inEabitants .eaca. And sTilt lpe,cry i?X6ias cu" b 'fiWl BtAlbisjortWi fcjuuniie4 M.WA IS..,. - l V - , I: ' night." ,The deceased Wasff the5i'th year of her aand Waaefdved aTnd hejd inthe bighest esteem by an whd lirewhejrvlsbn "; of the most amiable and good.?!". jipWegrei to learn Ih'at o.n yestef aay one of our towns .men, "Mr. R. tf "MfcComb. 'wclle' liauliDK ; wood was ifirowfi Tromth'e ag&h and seti ousfRS if zJioM Jfatally a jaredrBe-was alone and remained upQaJhejcraund, lying -on his face in a helpless and almost oucon-t-scious condifietf tor'sfctna'aourt: " He wai - Sowdea,etfSBlbtf.sold abeitillbsl of tobaccor at 11 Q. CoopQr.'a warehouse last week at an average of $40 fpr all ttrades. - An affray odeutr-'aOteWnlgits since jin Franklia county, near the Granvljle linei in which twq jouqg :roeij,; llaoV FittS and Jarpigao were -badjy. woaDdedbyiGorgS langum. and' his br,oVhera,riUsia. dead aocVwaspurl'rUaAaVhttihercIf yhiMapgum boys have 'Boljetbte ajb rested nor j is their wbereabpatg taqw w StW eldon Xletes -The tbPrMPmeU ler registered - eighteen degrees yesterday morning Mf-W -o'clock.- Mr: W. H." Smihpf Scotland Neck,r was iar our. office last week,' He sa'ys the "Railroad wU he bail! without doubt. iJWe believe then is upt au.iuooccupied thpuse. ip-jW-eldo The place' cannot increase in size .until mote houses krebuilt ; akhough fte popdi latioa may r.. What Weldon needais plenty, ot house robtri. ' We are informed by Mr iW; 21. B'iields, f Beotlaad iNeck? that the' gin house of Mrv,,Fred. Lewter, about five miles frotn. that place was burned ast . :-r Raleigh ftetos Observers llajort Winder will - to-day-pit on" ft daily wood train oo the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line1. He has employed- a. number of convicts. The object is specially - to supply the city witn wood. Hunday. J anuarv oU. Mr. Ellas Lowery, the son of Wm. Lowvryi of New Light, while on his way to Mount Vernon church,-was thrown from his horse . against a tree and received ftneh jttfiea air" proved ratal on the loliowing Wednesday, about 4 o'clock A. M.:i u.Among the im portant matters discussed in tbe Legislature ' jou yesterday war Hi Richardsod's bill,1 i which passed the Senate, ."providing that :the $230,000 of bonds, now known as the jirreducible school fund, shall be applied to -present educational purposes J -tis ,ul .t. h ; j t Sonie ag rdrp w alt abodt a ; .new bounty t6bedilledr;VSas9afras,r.'tb,be juiausuui ui a lunueuiu .u wo eaiuc uaiuc ' 111 a.'GranviUer It was rratroducad 'jin the jHodse.; ' It provided for three court houses .-. -and two members in either branch of tbe Legislature,' and .they , were to , be of oppo-. site pojitics.": NO ; lawyer, W editor is to. fee allowed to live In "it; no taxest; are to be levied,",, and.; all ' children born are5, to be -inamed; after the : Governor. V. Sections .12,,. 13 and 14, are z follows V" See. JL2. Any' lawyer or judge who violates the'prToviiions r tnis act or : ralle to carry at out strictly,. -hall be madeJtorJnk, 8aaBjvi-tea until ' eatn ensues. - sec is. no manvwomari or iud .by'itbe nameiofcVTsiaiar.' JdiaiUii-s In laid cpunty of Bassafras, nor shall anyqitr zed thereof imfeke of bhewaD(rrham " to. Jftcoft ,fos8;l This act thalbi)ecomB a . aw when Jie Jbeglslature " ceases to make National Bank of Wilson did $1,770,067. 04 amount of i business in 1878 and $2,996,- 982,72 in 1879.- Colonel ; Sebrell, aged " 77 years, pf Martin -county, was paralyzed . on Friday of last week and fell on the.. wood-pile. He died on -the Tuesday fol lowing. We . trust "solicitors," for ; the State will promptly prosecute every viola- . tion 'of the law to -prevent cruelty to anl- mals.; -The Halifax commissioners do ? not grant licenses to retail by Smaller mea-, sure than a quart U This sounds the: knell Of "shorts." Joe Peale,,. who lives , about five miles from .Tarbdro, stands six feet in his stockings. Asa feedist he is the most eminent success; ia - theBe parts. ... He is a flat, broad-shouldered, rawboned man. carrying but little flesh, i On a wager, of $5 he tackled five boxes of sardines last week and quietly got away with, them, in four -minutes and three-quarters,; the .bet being . that he couldn't eat them in fivej.tnlnutes. He went into- Dixon's the other -day ; and i.: offered him seventy-five.. cents for-as maay ' oysters sb be could, eat ; ;DiXQu; took: JaimV up and he devoured fifteen plates.. Dixon; -says be lost $3 25 on him. pre w , says be ," bad tucked in a quart at his place before gotojE tojJ3ixon's... j'ayi viV. i Toisnot Sunh omey,Wrom . the best1 information we can gather, the ' farmers of this county are i much pleased ; with chufas; "and many of them , contem plate raising them more'- extensively this year. ( Several farmers of this county; have fattened a large , number of hogs on their last year's crop and think there is nothing more valuablerro-rfarmmialrrespect. Mrs. J. .. M., Dodson r of Goldsboro, a former citizen of Wilson, while descend- -ingthe sfeps from her husband's photo-l graph gallefy, on , Saturday evening last,. with her little girl, -only about eight months "J old, .caught her- too ia the top step, which caused ner to rail a distance or some ten or twelve feet to the ground below,' crush-' Barab'E. "130606?,; mfot. 'QVJXCSi fOOef. ireDartfirf this" life '"On last Frtda dUcoered .b Alfred iiawkirj84,a colored man, who notified the "family' and friend?; ing ner cnua s Dead ana otherwise, injuring ,. -it, from "which it died a few bpurs . ; afterwards. Mrs Dodson; Wel leari.-'i received right (painul injuries; :t'-bu,t ? . they '"areC hot considered " dangerous. -4 -Wilson items:: There is a spirited coo- test, in our town and vicinity , over the ap-,1 pointment of cotton weighers. 'There are fourteen , candidates ; alreadyi ia the f field, " A and a few da-en more are almost persuaded, to offer their services to " the appointees. Tea cents a bale,: oa 20.000 bales of cottoa, f pays very welt for a few months labor.: At - five cents a bale good weighers could fee readily obtained. A petition prayipg tbe Legislature to repeal the act appointing two - cotton weighers- f of the town 'of Wilaori ' has been in circulation ; this week among t the merchants. r' -; ; i ; f Ralei gn' ' 'News- Observer : ' Tho . ' statement that Grace Episcopal Church at' -' Plymouth, was burned in the great, fire there - g Monday evening tnrns out to be incorrect. . t. Some! buildings, the 'property ' of ' that Church, were destroyed. ., A. H. Mer-; r rut, or unatnam, cnairman or me senate . Judiary committee, at tbe close of is elo- - :J " qnent speech at the. University supper.-, gave" the following sentiment,- whlph.was greeted1 with great applause: The' com " mo'n school system and the Universiry two, ,f. but inseparable. Handmaidens of intellf- ' gence and virtue,' which bear their wel-4 V come blessings alike to cbttsgevand palace, arid M?tff His poor la the level'of the peef.V " ' -The attendance upon the 3tate;GingW-; was large, some forty subordinate. Granges : being represented. -There were also a laree ' I-number of visitors.'; Much : business: .was u. transacted, nearlyall of it being of apri- ; vate character. -The report of the commit- ' tee on the Pations'fRellef Association waa. , read.' It was agreed that the election of officers for the ensuiog tWo years ! be held , l this evening. A-letter "WW atTfrdm the . , Secretary pf the National Granger.iI2esaya inif.';,Tbe business of -this. ofSce, is in- ,,,, srasiog very rapidly. There tcemrto be ' 1 a huge boom in, progress, sad 5h mot enroll ' cour aging reports pome from all quarters. . Success is sure to crowa'o efforts. v The !'; evening session was short It was agreed - - iu aujuuru uiia evening, ' u .; ; -I

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