The .Weekly Star, HOW HULL SPLIT, HIS TIGHTS. ; ; An Old Story orthe Fight Between tbe Constitution and the Guerriere. r From the New York World. . v ! - The late Ogden Hoffman, who was a midshipman with him, used to tell an odd story of the engagement be tween "Old Ironsides" &nd the Guer riere. lie said that as the ships drew near to each other an officer came in haste to Hull to ask for orders to fire.; "Not yet," was the quiet re sponse. As they came- still - nearer and the British vessel poured in her fire, the First Lieutenant of the Con stitution came on the poop and beg ged permission to return the broad side, saying that the men could not be restrained much longer. .".Not yet," was the reply. . Still nearer the British ship came, and the American nnsoners wno were in tne cock- pit of " " the - jGuerriere afterwards said . that . they, began to . be lieve that their own countrymen were afraid to measure their strength with the enemy, and this thought gave them more pain than the wounds which some of them werev suffering from. In a moment ' the tiuerriere gallantly came forward, showing her j burnished sides, " and as the swell carried her close to the very muzzles of "Old Ironsides," Captain Hull, who was then quite fat and dressed in full tights, bent himself twice to the deck) and, Iwith every muscle and vein ; throbbing with excitement, shouted out: 'New, boys pour it in to them." That broadside settled their opponents, and when the smoke cleared away; their commander's tights were to be seen split from waistband to ; heel. Hull, nothing disconcerted, gave orders with per fect coolness, and only changed his tights when the British commander's sword was given np. - r ' - "' Wild Horses In Australia. . j; From the Colonies and.India. : i Horses which . escaping now and then from the paddocks of" colonists on the edge of the settled districts of Australia, have made themselves at home in the freedom and. abundant pastures ot tnei interior, nave muiti- piiea to sucn .an extern, uiab uoiwuu- i standing, the numbers captured! or shot every year, it is estimated : that there are something- like 100,000 of them in the two most populous1: poP onies Victoria l. and New South' Wales or roaminsr the plains im mediately contiguous to their borders, To Europeans the proposal to have a I -. . . , v- lav's horse-shooting sounds mex- tressiblv barbarous; but the Aus- iralian farmers, near - the interior re gard the troops of wild horses which av often be L seen trespassmo- on heir inclosed lands as vermin. Ihey ? T do not possess any of the ; qualities which often make the wild horses i of the South American plains valuable, and besides ; destroying vegetation which might be made to support more valuable j life, they not infre quently tempt the settler's horses to -join them and leid a vagabond life. "Worse than this, they are suspected of communicating disease to settled districts. To meet the difficulty, of dealing with th!e increasing' hordes of wild horses, the Chief Inspector of Stock in New South Wales proposes that they should be classed as noxious animals, under the Pastures ana Stock Protection act.; ; A Little Girl's Cliristma Letter; ' f' : Cleveland Herald, j J: i A letter was received at the post- office yesterday addressed to "Mr. Santa Claus, Cleveland, O." The . direction was in printing, and bore the ear marks - of a child's inexperi enced hand. . The letter itself was in printing also, and covered, in a very irregular manner, half a sheet of note paper. It read as follows: r K l . "Dear Darling old Santa" claus. Please Send me: a nice little bed "and A Dolly and a tree. Like the dolly To have Blond Hair and Blue eyes . Wax But you know Best what I like I am a sick little Girl I cant walk. 3Iama told Me how to spell ; some of the Words. I made ray Letters Big and small swill love you. I is eight Years old. . Maud." The address was affixed and one of the carriers in that part of the city quietly investigated and found Maud to be a reality and .the little daugh ter of a poor widow living on Wood lank avenue. A little fund was im mediately raised and an elegant large doll purchased. ' The wife of one of the clerks has dressed it in handsome attire, and on Christmas morning lit tle Maud will wake up to find that old Santa Claus got; her ; letter and granted her request. ;, r : ' ;f; 'id A Virginia Prodlsy In Arithmetic - Page County (Va.) Courier.'.:, . , A man by. the name of Price, near Alma, who is almost blind arid who is wholly "uneducated and : not at all spi-ightjy. in" other respects, is said to iDaaoie solve almost : .any prouiem n mathematics that can be" given him. He uses no figures, but makes his cal culations on 3ns angers. jlr.g Hamp- ton, who is teachjing m that njeighbor- hood, crave him last sveek the follow - ing problem, which he solv'ed qnicker tnau a good scholar present com ctp y aigeDra: A man OOPgUt a uorse, ggy and harness. ' The, hprse cost fortv-eiffht dollars .more vthaii the "uy rTi and the harness one-seventh off the whole sum paid. What - was "the whole sum paid ?ji what did each cost? He has no difficulty in working frac tions, however complicated and intri cate. Mr. J ames P. Graves informed us that he once isked him s what was the third and the half of one-third of three and one.thirdfHd he was ready with the answer almost as soon as ne had finished the question. Tlfo s Sbout 23 years old, . ' v-1 : r.r - From a Cotton Spinner. Editor of the Star: ! have been very much interested lately in read ing your various' articles i on cotton spinning and manufacturing in the Southern States, and fully endorse all your remarks. It is a good and safe investment for capitalists and other parties of smaller means to in vest their money ' in cotton 'mills, if they are "well arranged" and "effi ciently managed;" but the great mis take of many mills in the South is in having superintendents who have no "practical . knowledge"; of the busi ness, hence the reason why so many pay such very small dividends and some of them none at alL. . A cotton mill to be successful should be "man aged" not merelyurperintended- by a "thorough practical man," who is thoroughly acquainted with all the details -in each , department, or how can he know when anything ls goin' wrong, which sometimes happens? Of the relative advantages of water or steam as a motive power much may be said for both. Water power is an advantage if there is an "abun- dant and constant" supply of water, and it the mill is located near-a rail- way depot; the disadvantage of it is tne want ot uniform speed. iJrom steam power one regular and uniform speed can be obtained if the engine is properly constructed, . and any practical man knows the advantage ot regular speed. If steam power is used the engine should be worked on the "compound principle," and it and the boiler f should have all the appli ances that are to be had for reducing the consumption of fuel to a mini mum. Nothing so' surprises1 me than to see high pressure engines used, be cause the consumption of fuel, is so much greater than with one working high and low pressure. In all the mills I have seen in the South there is a great waste of; "floor space" ; for the quantity of machinery in the mill, thereby causing a' greater out lay, than; is - necessary in build4 ing yi the mill. - There is also a great want of proper management of the machinery, which prevents "econo- mizing labor" to the fullest extents l would not advise any one to build a mm mi win noia less iaau o,uuy spindles' and 160 looms ; and a mill of that capacity could- be erected and filled with machinery - with All the latest improvements for about $120,- 000, and 5 if properly "managed should pay ; handsome dividends. Small mills, with 500 to 1,500 spin- dies, are very undesirable; they can-? - . i - i- - : T ' : - not oe worjteu. as auvanxageousiy as a moderate size milL If agreeable! to you, I shall be glad-to refer to this. matter again in another letter. . Yours, respectfully, ' t.-1 :v!): SrnofER, FATAL EXPLOSION. By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l - Richmond. Va., Dec. 27. -An explosion occurredjyesterday at West Point, on board the steamer. YV est omt, , piyme ; oetween; that nlace and Baltimore. More than twelve colored men were in the forward hold at the time, all of whom were either killed by the explosion or burned to death. Five other men were'after stowing cotton.who jumped overboard and lour of them were arownecu .The first officer of . the steamer, Geoghe- ean. of Baltunore. ; was blown overboarcL but was saved, although he is badly burnV ed. Quartermaster Wm : Bohannon. of Baltimore, was seriously and possibly fatal ly burned. Several others were . more ,pr less severely burned., .-. -.' -.. . I - The boat's cargo was made Bp of miscel laneous freight, among which were several hundred barrels of oil sixty of which were gasoline oil, and becoming ignited the flames reread with such rapidity that there were no chances ' of saving the -vessel nor any of the persons oh. board of her, i even if thev were Jiot, killed by the xploekn. The forward nortion of the deck and a I great part of therstarboard side were blown out, and there is po doubt but that all those in the hold or near the forward hatch.;wjete instantly killed. -The four men wno -were drowned were stowing cotton in thcaf ar hold. : After they jumped overboard-.alarge . . - - . . . 1 j 1.1 .1. 1 JiaiCH leu upon .mem, uxsauiiug mciii au that thev drowned. ' :The cause oi tne , ex plosion is as yet a mystery; The oily fire on board was under the boiler- which runs the hoisting engine, and the engineer-; run ning it I remained at his post and was nn hnrt. - ' - r ; ; -r! i . The steamer "West Point was built atBal timore at a cost of 470.000. and this was her : second trip. She was owned by the Balti more. Chesepeake & Richmond : Steamboat Company, and was doubtless well insured. SOUTH CAROLINA. '. , - By Telegraph to ttie Morning Star. I Augusta. Ga.. Dec. 27. Between five and six hundred negroes from 1 Edgefield countv, S; C., passed through" Augusta to day on their way to Kansas. They are un der the leadership of a colored preacher named Hammond, ..who promised Ux have a chartered train waiting for , them at Au gusta but failed to. do so and the party had to pay full rates to Atlanta." They say they found it too hard work to make a living in flriuth Carolina and determined to go else where. HammOnd went to Arkansas some time'ago and examined the country ind on hia- return advised the negroes to: go on there. It is expected a thousand altogether will go. . . "'-- A Smile of Satisfaction; - This, from the Cleveland (Ohiojiinwy "Press, carries its own suggestion i'-' Recently meeting Mr. Hv G. Kefier, treasurer of the : Cleveland Eerald, f our; representative ; in-: nniredof that gentleman; after statmg liis missioni if hei personally-knew anything oHrkiit AW Great German-Remedy,' bt. Ja- i a emilD Ttln-irml Twrnaa Mr. Kef- - . exr,ressive face and his eyes twinkled I mrr5iv n be rcnlied in .the affirmative. '.' I ' will not refuse to state my experienceyrith K-fes j -which, as you are aware.'entails much suffering. and jsometimes leaves the I limb in a condition to -remind one ire- auentlV of the old nurt.' unionunaieiy ?his result ensued: t Wheneverthe weather became damp or my system; absorbed the slightest cold my ankles pained me.. - mis went on at intervals for over three years, and I could not obtain relief, hli&st winter I applied the St, Jacobs Oil andi in com pletely cured me. I have not sinc felt a return of the pain;-' '"'"'-; The Trenton (N. J.) Gazette mentions the case of Mr. John Wood, with the American Kf2?SS had confined him tohisbedfor seventeen weeks.' JIepfa,ises it,,unstint- e'd!, ' ' , v , Charleston Blee Market Decemner S4r Charleston News and Courier. ' $ There was a quiet movement at' un changed rates. Sales 80 tierces clean Caroli na, we quote : Common 55$c ; Fair 5f 5Jc; Good 66 cts. Carolina rough rice was quoted at 80cf 1 per bushel for com mon, $1 101 35 for fair to good, and f 1 401 50 per bushel for prune to choice qualities. - ON TIHETY DATS TRIAL. Wa will send Tir. Dye's Electro-Yoltaie" Belts and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to young men ana oiaer persons wno are amictea witn m Debility, Lost Vitality, etc., guaranteeing i arsons who are afflicted with Nervous st Vitality, etc.. traaranteein? aneedv relief and complete restoration of vigor and man hood. Also for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paraly sis, -Liver and Kidney Difficulties, Ruptures, and many otner oiseases. illustrated pampwet sent free. . Address Voltaio Belt Co- Marshall. Mich. MANY RICHER: NONE POORER. The 13th day of December, 1881, came In its regular course, and on that day took place the Extraordinary Semi-Annnal Drawing of the Louisiana State Lot tery, under the sole management of Gens. G. T. Beauregard of Da., and Jubal A. Early, of VaJ, being the 139th in monthly sequence. Over half illnon of dollars was niacedat the dlsiiosalof the luoky investors in tickets. - Some are much rioner, ana no one feels tne imperceptible arain on his cigar fund made by the sending of a dollar or two to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., and others will follow suit by January 10th, the next uisinouuon aay. --- -, -jr...-. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS ! MOTHERS t-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by ck cniia suiiering ana crying witn tne excru ;lng pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once I get a bottle of MRS. WTNSLOW'S SOOTH ING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once mailt wm regulate tne Doweisana give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use prescription of one of the oldest and pest female physicians and nurses to the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle .'.. DIED, . BRIDGER. At Little River. S.C.. on the 12th instant, of cholera infantum, little ZLLLAH, in fant child of E. J. and R. L. Bridger, aged nine months and fourteen dava. Suffer little children to come unto me. and for ma tnem not, tor oi sucn is tne Jdngaom of Hea ven. - . . i .:. ' . . - ' , ; COTTON AND NATAL STORES ; -WEEKLT STATEMENT. j RECEIPTS ' r For the week ending December 26, 1881. Cotton, i Spirits. - Rosin. ' V Tar:-: " Crude. 5,843 1,484 8,140 2,433 1,480 -'--J-J- RECEIPTS ' ; Prom Dec. 20th to Dec. 27th, 1880; : ; Cotton. . Spirit. . Rosin. Tar. - s Crude. 2,150 1,421 8.197 1,853 200 f . EXPORTS i For the week ending December 26, 1881. ! Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domestic 3,114 1,088 275 905 25 Foreign.. 8,129 1,276 4449 000 00 Total. .11,243 2,364' 4,724 905 25 EXPORTS From Dec. 20th to Dec. 27th, 1880. , Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar'.Crude. Domestic 1,745 129 544 388 27 Foreign. . 2,951 4,970 6,321 000 00 Total. . 4, 5,099 6,865 388 27 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat. December 26. 1881.' i ' . t ".4 5: Ashore. Afloat. Totals. Cotton .. . 9,318 Spirits............. 4,493 4,655 13,973 4,493 000 9,869 384 000 Rosin.. ....... 66,029 Tar..;.'.;...,.;,.; ,5,345 75.8 5,729 887 Crude -T887 STOCKS . Ashore and Afloat, December 27, 18S0. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude'. 14,889 8,067 ' 135,903 5,277 - 1,807 QUOTATIONS. 1 TW 9.7 1Sft . TW . 9A' 1RS1 Cotton. . llf& - . Hi Spirits. . 42i - 50 Rosin ..$1 45 1 50 - 1 95 2 00 Tar..... 1 45 1 45 Crude . . 1 80 &2 80 , - 2 00 2 60 MARINE. - ARRIVED. Nor brig Regnbuen, Olsen, Tugnmouth, c Me bane. Schr Eagle, 103 tons,' Nunan, Boston, guano to (J U 1( K; vessel to & U uarKer &Co. Swed baraue Eulala. 547 tons, Bergstone, Barcelona, b pain, Alex bpnrat & bon, Bng Eugene Hall. 443 tons, Hillman, Navassa, 514 tons . phosphate to Navassa Guano Company: vessel to E G Barker & Co. . :;' ' - Ger baraue Charles. " Langhoff, Rio de Janeiro. E Peschau & Westermann. Nor barque Jason 500 tons, Christian sen. Stettin. ujr.jaeDane. SteamshiD banto llomingo, Bennington, New York. T Jfi Bond. Ger barque Albatross, 318 tons, beibe, . Bordeau. E Peschau & Westermann. Schr E H Drummond, tons, Miggins, Baltimore, kainitto C C R R; vessel to E G Barker Co. Schr Irene E Misservey, 245 tons, Hart, Baltimore, guano to C C R R; vessel to E G. Barker & Co. Ws.,:. n - j ' Schr David Faust. 216 tons. Smith, Bal ttimore. guano to C C RR; vessel to E G Barker & Co. ; - -'-i Schr Lorenzo, Bloodgood, vNew River, naval stores to ttall Jc' Jf earsalL Schr Stonewall, Hsll, New River, naval stores and cotton to Hall & Persall. Schr Sarah, Reynolds, Lockwood's Folly, naval store to A ; Martin. Schr Maggie, Bloodgood, New River, cot ton and naval store to nan as i-earsau. : ; : Schr Eva Leonard, 115 tons, Macumber, Boston, guano to C C RR;vesselto E G Bar ker & Co, ; - Schr John A ' Griffin,' ,'405 ' tons," Fisher, Philadelphia. Geo. Hamss & Co. Steamship Regulator, .Mills, New York, T E Bond. Schr Mabel Darling, "111 tons, Ranger, Nassau.N P. to master with fruit. ? w Schr Arthur Burton. 197 tons, Coombs, Baltimore, guano to C. C R R; vessel to E G Barker S5 uo.t'V r ?r: CLEARED." Steamshhr Gulf Stream . Ingram, New York. T E Bond. Schr Harry C Whort Rich, Baltimore, H R Short : vessel by Geo Harms & Co, Schr BaUie Mair, ilouck, fmiaoeipnia, Parsley Wiggins; vessel by Geo; Harriss & Co : ' " Schr , William . Deimng, Madgms, uassa Terre, Gaudaloupe, Northrop & Cunimingj vessel oy m u uariser oc vo. $ .,H :, . , - Nor harque Adger, Johannesseh,i Liver nool. Williams & Murchison. s;h - j ;i '-Y a Ger - barque Solf Deo Gloria, Meyer, Hamburg, Paterson, Downing & Co. t' , Dan barquentine Margarette, Hansen, St John's. P R.' E Kidder & Son, Ger barque Ribnitz, Fretwurst, : Liver pool, S P Collier, agent for Russell & Pot ter. 'J - .-X: - , Nor barque Pallas, Pedersen; Liverpool, Alex Sprunt & Son. '; ."fJ.'V-' ;'";;; ;' .Nor barque Erragon, Weber, Liverpool, Williams & Murchison. . : Ger brig Gwef Bismarck,: Kleist, Queens- town for orders, uness, caney an wo. ,, s t.; i-;. Steamship Santo Domingo,'. Pennington, N-fiw York. T E Bond. - i' i : - Stmr Clinton, Gray, Jjannerman s image, : Henry VonCampen.-Ws itaf Schr Lorenzo, Bloodgood, New? River, TToll .fc: Pfiftrsall. ' ...- - ,-, Schr Stonewall, Hm, New BiVer, Hall & P3arsallvi: ' i.-,3f. iztrmA atio-n 'Vi Schr Sarah, RebldSjLockwood's Folly, Schr MaggieBloodgood4New River.Hall & Pearsalli e 1 f-J" zrj&zs.$. :r::c-;- -Nor barque Nina, Olsen, Antworp, Wu" Xb barque Northern Queen.Tucker.Gran tnn . Scotland. Alex SDrunt&Son. ' Ger barque Lucy & Paul, Andreis, Bris tol, England, raterson, xiownrng a tw, COMMERCIAX. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE; Dec. 22, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing do ing; the market being dull and nominal. ; . ROSIN The market was firm at . $1 95 for Strained, and 00 for Good Strained, with sales as offered.- " lr- ' ' TAR--Market dull at $1 90 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations.;' . ., ' CRUDE TURPENTINE-Steady at $ 25 for Hard, $3 50 for Yellow Dip and 3 80 per bbL for Virghi, a reduction of one-fifth on Virgin. . Sales at quotations. . ' . . COTTON The market opened steady, with sales; reported of , 300 bales on a basis of 11 Jc per-lb for Middling, closing dull The following were the official quotations of the day: - ;;v!:.i!; ; Ordinary, ; .... ... . . ; 8 3-16 cents lb Good Ordinary. ; . .... 10 3-16 4'' ,,'.' Low Middling.. 11 1-16 i Middling. . . ...... . ' ' I Good Middling . . r. . V . i 11 ? - " 1 PEANUTS Market quiet at 65c for Or dinary, 75c for Prime, 85c for Extra Prime, and 1 90c, 1 001 10 per bushel for Fancv. Shelled peanuts 4c per lb. . ! ; STAR OFFICE. Dec. 23, 6 P. K : SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing do ing; the market being dull and nominal. ROSIN The market was firm at $1 95 for Strained and $2 00 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. . ' , 'TAR Market dull at $1 90 per bbl of 280 lbs, with , sales at quotations. - ' CRUDE TURPENTINE-Steady at $2 25 for Hard, $3 50 for Yellow Dip and $2 80 per bbl for Virgin; a reduction of one-fifth on: Virgin. Sales at quotations. L . ! COTTON The r market was steady with sales reported of 350 bales on a basis of lljc per, H for Middling. Tho follow ing were the official quotations of the day: Ordinary..;. n:r:;. " 8 3-16 cents R uood urainary. .... . . 10 Low Middling. ..... . . 11 1-16 Middling. ..r..... lli Good Middling....... Hi PEANUTS Market quiet at 65c for Or dinary, 75c for Prime, 85c for Extra Prime; and 90c, $1 001 10 per bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 4c per lb. ' .! J -. . -'- , : ! STAR OFFICE, Dec. 24, 6 P.M. SPHUTS TURPENTINE The market was quoted quiet; tne last sales, wmcn were not reported, being at 50 ctsJ ROSIN The market was firm at fl 95 for Strained, and $2 00 ' for Good Strained, with sales as offered. . ! TAR Market dull at $1 90 per bbl of 280 lbs, with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Steady at $2 00 forHard $3 25 for Yellow Dip and $2 60 per bbl.t for Virgin; a reduction of one fifth on Virgin, with sales at quotations. COTTON The market was steady with sales of 40 bales reported on a basisi of llc per lb for Middling. The following were the official quotations of the day: : ,1. ' Ordinary........ Good Ordinary. . Low Middling... Middling. iV;.;.l ...813-16 cents D lb . . 10 3-16 ..11116 .. 1H . .. llf Good Middling... PEANUTS Market quiet at 65c for Ordi nary, 7oc for Prune, Hoc lor Jxtra lrrime, and 90c, 1 001 10 : perbushelor FancyJ Shelled peanuts 4c per fiV. : ' STAR OFFICE, Dec. 27, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 50 cents, with sales reported later of 50 casks .at 50 cents, 50 do at 50 cents and 800 do at 51 cents per gallon, closing strong at 51 cents, with 50 cents freely bid. - f ROSIN The market was strong at $1 95 for Strained and $2 00 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. . " TAR Market steady at $1 90 per bbl of .280 lbs.; with" sales at quotations.' - !- " CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $2 25 for Hard, $3 50 for Yellow: Dip and $2' 80 . per bbl. for Virgin;' a reduc- uonui one-iULU on v lrgin, wiiu sue at quotations, being an advance of 25 cents on last reports, according to the quotations on: ,'Change. .-.:J..--kv . -J ' !i? COTTON The market opened quiet, i with sales of 100 bales reportedjonja basis of llc per B for Middling, closing dulL-The following were the quotations of the day: Ordinary.......,.. 8 13-16 cents lb tiood urainary. ..... . iu 3-ie t Low'lDddlmr.".r::T.lllr?,'"',' Middling. .. .... .... .. 11t.; .: .";:;.:. ;' Good; Middling...:... 11J g ifl PEANUTS Market quiet at 65c for Or dinary, 75c for Prime, 85c for Extra Prime, and 90c, 1 00i to per bushel for Fancy. Shelled peanuts 4c per & Xrf "! t a I f STAR OFFICEDec 28, 6 P.5MI SPIRITS TURPENTINE-r-The market opened firm at - 51c, with sales reported , later of 100 casks at 51c, and lOOdo at 51ici per gallon, closmg firnl i; -.'y-k.v ROSIN The market was firm at $1 95 for Strained, and $2 .00 for.frood Strained,, with sales as offered. j: :;- ' : TAR Quoted steady at f 1 90 per bbl ,of 280lbswith sales at.quotatiphsr;' U'li : CRUpE . ,TURPENTINE-r-Steady , ; at VV 'xr " ; 3" I and $2 80 per bb! for.. Virgw, a reduction i of one-fifth on Virgin, with sales at quota- tions. . . C0TT0NThe market was quiet; with sales reoorted of SOOTbales on a basis of HJc per B for Middling, closing dull, rneioh lowipg were the quotations of the day: Ordinary . .'. t. : vrr: . 8 13-1Q cents lb. Good Ordinary.i;:;; 10 '3-18 Low Middling,. . Vli; il lI-16 " Middling. . , ... . , 1H v . . u Good Middling, t v; . 1H :; : V PEAHTJTS Market quiet at 65c for Or dinary, 75c for Prime, 85c for Extra Prime and 90c; fl 001 10 per bushel for Fancy, , ohelled peanuts 4jc per; lb. New York Naval Stores Market, re-1 i: New York Journal of Commerce." ; ' Spirits' turpentinesThe market is wholly of a jobbing character,, and is limited. . No radical Change occurs in prices : mercnania- ble order Quoted at. 55a552c. u. Rosins There is very little good strained on Offer, and $2 30 is bidr medium qualities move out moderately rsojme 400 bbls E P Q live been Sold at sqnotations.4 Fine grades are auiet and . firm. , r The last reported quotations "are "as3 follows:" Strained and good strained, $2 802i 85 per;280abs; E 2 O0(a2 40: F $2 50rG t2 652 70: H $2 802 85; I $2 902 95; K. $3Q5 3 15: M fo 253 35; JN f3 0U3 70; W $4 004 25. Tar quoted- at f 3 003 25. WHOLESALE PRICES. . l3?Onr quotations. It should be understood, represent , tbe wholesale priees generally. In wiuVIp p small orders higher prioes have to be charged. , ; . . . TBioxa. : Standard BACON Nerth Carolina. ... - ... 10W - Hams, B.........L..;..... ' 00 ' Shoulders, $ lb....... 09 & Sides, ehoioe, H.... .. 00 & WK8TBBH Smokjcd Hams, S lb..r ,15 ' - Sides, W B. ... v 00 : Shoulders, B 0 & Pet SALTBD-rSides, $ lb.. - 00 Shoulders, S.r 0 . BAHEELS Spirits TurDentine. --.. 16 10 16 16 & seoona ttana, eaon.:........ i va 1 85 118 00 & 1 90 New New York, each. : 1 90 jsew city, eaca 0 00 SO 7 60 0 00 30 25 1 18 RKKSW AX 99 . . . BEICKS Wflminjfton, M .... . ?7 60 9 60 Northern........ .........i... 0 00 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina. lb. 20 25 Nortnem, m .......... CANDLES B--8perm........ 85 25 12 15' xauow . i ... i .......... . Adamantine CHEESE B Northern Fact'y 14 15 & 10 & ; . 26 ' 14 11 1 60 - 7 t 00 00 & Dairy, Cream....... State .,. '. '..w.i 14 COFFEE $ B Java.... ... 28 16 15-- 1 00 1 75 1 10 30 xagiyra. .r. : . v. . ; -, CORN MEAL-HP bush., in sacks, COTTON TIES bundle......... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $ yd - Tarns, bunch..... ....... EGGS W dozen......... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, $J bbl..-: 16 00 20 00 10 00 Mfw.KfvrM. no. l. w nail DDI.- 8 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl. . 9 60 lo 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 8 00 6 60 -Mackerel, No. bbl. . . , v 8 60 , 9 00 Mullets, bbl ... ... .... 4 00 4 60 MuUets. Pork bbls. 1 00 8 60 N. C. Eoe Herrine. keg. .. . S 00 4 00 9 , Dry Cod, D FERTLLIZERS 2,000 pounds. 6 Peruvian uuano, no. x , , . . . , ,. " No.St. 67 50 30 00 62 50 87 00, 5100; 60 00 50 00 40 00 45 00; 67 00 45 00 : 67 005 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 001 Loboa. 00 00 Baugh'a Phosphate. 00. 00 Carolina Fertilizer... . ....... 45 00 Ground Bone, 00 00 Bone MeaL. 00 00 Bone Flour.... 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure . . . .-. . ... . 00 00 Whann's Phosphate., i : . .'. . . j 00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 - Berger & Botz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Exoellenza Cotton Fertilizer, 55 00 FLOUR bbl Fine. 0 00 5 50 jNortnern super... " siExtra... " Famuy.. City Mills Extra. . . j. . . , ;rA Family.. j .... VI Extra Family. GRAESr-jp buaheL - r corn, rrom store, in Dags . Cora, oararoi in bulk.. i... Corn, cargo, in ban. . . f Corn, cargo, Mixed, in bags. , oats... Red East Proof Oats Cow Peas ... i .......... .- HIDES $ Green Dry ....i... HAY 9 100 lbs Eastern. . . . ., North River. HOOP IRON Ton. KDfi n jsortnern... ...... North Carolina LIME barreL... ....... T-TTMBEBCitv Sawed M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed.,.. is oo Rough Edge Plank... 15 00 West India Cargoes, accord-1 ing to quality ....v 18 00 Pressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 Scantline and Boards, com'n 12 00 20 00 16 00: 18 00 23 00 IB 60 MOIahsjus i gauon, . New crop cuba, in nnas , " . " inbbls. Porto Rico, in hhds '1 -, Sugar House, in hhds. . . . " inbbls Svrnn. tn 'hbls. . . . ...... . ; . ... . NAILS KegCut, lOd basis.. oils v gallon kerosene...... Lard.....r..i.. Linseed.. j. .. ' Rosin . . . iu: . i . Tar j... Peck and Spar. POULTRY Chickens, live, grown .-4fr. , spring..., Turkevs .v. -i ....... .-i-.w PEANUTS S bushel..:. . ....... POTATOES bushel Sweet .. insn..w u.. PORK bbL-City Mess : Jnrune . . . t . a ... .... RICE Carolina, lb..... Kougn. ousnei ...... RAGS $ Jb Country. City -'"; ROPE lb ;.. ... .... SALT-HP sack Alum.... laverpooi, jj . .. . . . . . . Lisbon. t American 1 . . .. .. ., SUGAR a B Cuba. . A Coffee ........;..-... ..-..v B "t ;....'. . '. .: , "- . j - t .. .. .. . .. . 1- C .....a,i.......'.'. ....... w Crushed i i?.ivji ?Ht ;f .-. SOAP lb Northernr-i.......". SHINGLES M Contract. . . Common i....r.. a oo Cypress Saps. 4 60 CvDres8 Hearts........!.. .... - 0 00 STAVES M W. O. Barrel. ... 12 00 18 OOi R O. Hogshead ...... ... i .... 00 00 10 oo TALLOW lb . . i. ... ......... . . 5 TIMBER 'Q M feet-Shipping.. 18 00 6i 13 00 14 50 7 60 S 6 80i .Extra snipping..... . ..... io w Mill Prime 6 50 Mill Fair .....i........... 5 50 n . . i, . A UV i uommonjmu. ......... ....... 6 00 4 00 6 00 2 60 Eaf erior to Ordinary j.' O 00 WHISKEY gallon Northern 1 00 North Carolina ......... 1 oo WOOL V lb--Washed......i..:.. ;'v 25 unwa8nea.....i....-.....v. .. Bnrry :k.. 10 23 15 WILMINGTON MONEY -MARKET. Exehange (sight) on New York. . . . . . , M dlsoount, itainmore. Boston...; Philadelphia...... Western Cities... Exchange, 80 days, 1 $ cent- Bank of New Hanover Stock.;. 104 75 140 Wrst National Bank Stock, Navassa Guano Company Stock. . . . . j North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons . i i Funding, 1866 . ... . . . vt --' Funding, 1868 . ... ... 1 f New 4s.. . 88 Special Tax..: 4 I . . n Tf O. TtsMmaA - 03 W. & W.R. R. Bonis, 7 $c. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina Central K. Jt Uonas.o wo...; iua Wilmington, CoL & Augusta R. R. Bonds .. . 106 Wilmington City Bonds, (New) 6 c. ........ 100 fM-t--w--.-.-il"" 8 C. ....... 1...... 100 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 $G. . . i -. . . . . ; 97J4 Wilmington & weidon 4. a. stock.; . . ... . . . iuu North Carolina R. R. Stockj........... .....: 80 Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. . .... 50 Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock. ...... ; . ..... 100 EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Gulf Stream 32,000 ft lumber, 1 bbl potatoes, lfbag -cot ton, 3 cases, VT uerces and. 404 bags nee, 260- bbls . taTj 75 casks ..Bpiiits " turpentine, 1,823 bales Cotton. ; "" Baltdiore Schr Harry C Whorf 58, 000 ft lumber, 107,500 shingles, - PHnEKPHiAir-Schr SaUie, Majr- 203, 117 ft lumber.; -f-; f . ;: . I New;Yck Steamship Santo Domingo 2,480 bales cottph,-53 tiercegrice, 14pkgs mdse, 2 . X'iA ;jforeigk: r BassX Pemihg-T440,530. ft lumber.-: .i. ror;;barquo AdgeiHrli669 bescpttpaihljrrsh jdf , HAMBUitQ-r-Ger barque Soli . Deo Gloria -3.949 bbls rosm. - t.-w;.:.. i StI John's, P R Dant barquentine Mar garette-136,504 ft junb; ;i ia LryERPOoL-Ger oarquentine Kibnitz UiO PaieS COHOn f axe &a ;r. ,u Nor barque Pallas 230 bales cottony - j Nor barque Erragonl,633 bales cotton. ; QTrtsToy.ToR QRPEBs4-Ger brig Graef ,Bismarok--l,lJ7; . casks pts turpt, 500 bbls .rdsinfeii?.-- . .Antwerp- Nor barque Nina- 4,400 bbls Granton: Br barque Northern Qui een jBRisTOlir Ger barque Lucys alid Paul 3.520 bbls rosiEu,.,ri,. Lis M Charleston Na.yal S(Qre AfarlceV- . ;; - :? ft .;rfilf r h. v . vi I. Charleston JNews antt-Uourier. -. ?w The receiDts, were 322 casks spirits tur pentine - and 2,4?5 bbls rosin. vThere were no transactions j reported; iTrevious raws 1 95 per bbl for C D and E. $2 00 for F, 2 05 for G, $2 10 for 2 25 ;for I, $2 50 for K, 2,75 for M, $3 00 for N, $3 25 for .window, glass : Spirits turpen tine quiet; ho sales" reported ; Jast "rtea gS : per gaiion. . - . 0 00 (0 0 w 6 60 7 50 7 75 10 00 - 0 00 6 50 , . 00 8 60 ' 60 9 00 I 11 13: ffS7 . 95 - 3 - 78 'f 80 ' J 90 65 : 67 . 00 4f 95 .t 1 20 i 25 . 4 ' t -6J$ 10 ! 11 1 30 1 85 1 20 1 25 I 1 00 1 15 80 00 85 00 j ;12 J,! 13J4 00 J 14 : 1 10 1 60 00 39 ! ; oo - 43 1 00 & 45 it-00- 48 26 27 00 293 40 80 -i 10 00 8 50!; i 11 & 12" 1 10 & 1 45 , 90 100: '. 15j - 18 i-oq) 20 . . La-t 00 . 38 K 28 30 . 12 25 75 1 25 65 .1 40 r 60 75 ; 1 00 80 . SO 00 21 00 ; 00 00 15 00 f 16 00 17 00 4Ji., 7H A 95 a -155 i4a 22 ': 00 ; 75 I 00 t 85 ! :oo ;' oo ! . oo ; 75 ; :. ; io oo .- i 0 00 j o r iovi ' 10 - 18 - 9 9 9H 11 'i 6 ; 6J4 -5 00 7 00 . 2 50 , 6 00 i 7501 .:.;I,E!EKFBGT-';. , -j BALL SEWING THREAT). COLUMBUS, PREPARED Br A 'PROCESS 18 Balls to Pound, 1 lb. Packages. Packed iir Cases of 20. 3D. t'niform i frir. j Slst roTt "l4LC5T,T! & PEFJiIX;" USE If O OTHER, COTTON MARKETS. 7 j V ! 'December 28. Galveston, quiet at lllJc net receipts 3,748 , bales; Norfolk, steady at Hie net receipts 4,347 Dales ; uattimore, very quiet at 11 13-16c net receipts bales ; Boston, quiet at 12Jc net receipts $.167 bales; Philadelphia-quiet at 12ic net re ceipts 599 bales; Savannah; dull at illjc net receipts 5,497. bales; New Orleans, quiet at ; llic-rnet receipts 15,396 bales; Mobile, ; quiet at life net receipts 1,165 bales; Memphis, quiet at llfc-rnet receipts 1.204 bales: Ansrusta.; auiet atf 11c net re ceipts 1,356 bales; - Charleston, ; unchanged at -11-Jc net receipts 2,075 bates., .- ; ; $ 1 5 OO per year can be easily made at borne working for E. G. Bideont Ss Co., 10 Barclay St New York. Send for their catalogue and; full particulars. . : . ; .; 'v: . oct22Wly -; ;Tarpentine Hands TANTED, TO WOBK- AT MT TUKPlfiNTIKE Farms, in South Carolina and Georgia. Hands of good character, that want to work and receive good treatment, with fair wages and prompt pay, can apply in person .or uy letter. . i.- i OCt Zi JL1W WOW A. M. VAlWUhKKI.HiW. j Notice. STOLEN, FROM MY STABLE, ON THURSDAY Tiie-ht. the 13th instant, mv GRAY HORSE. Harks of identification a scar under where the right saddle skirt works, and lifts up her left foot when turning around. I will pay a liberal reward ior tne delivery oi tne mare to me, or ior any information tnat wiu ieaa to ner recovery. xnis mn uctoDer, ibbi, 1 oct88W6t v ' ISHKAM WEIGHT. taortaEtto CrttOujPlanters. rpHOSE FARMERS WHO WISH ;TO OBTAIN A Cotton Seed for Planting, of the most prolific varietv. can obtain such at One Collar ter bushel. hv iwtndinff their orders to me. I have been se lecting and improving my Seed for the past six years witn my own nanas, ana can connaenuy recommend them to farmers as much better than the famous Dixon or Simpson, from which they have been improved. Those who wish to avail themselves of a chance to increase their yield; of cotton, can send their orders to n. llllx, ttttton Buyer ana commission juercnant, wummgton, JN. U- oy tne letn oi u eDrnary, itstss, or to . ) i ; G. B. SHEPAKD, -f:! j--;s-.-;---tv..-,--.-...;r Tonsail Sound. N. O. ' Orders accompanied with cash will be promptly filled. - aecsa wt THE DAILY STAR. O L DE ST D At LY PAfE R IN NORTH CAROL! NAI'' nnH DA1LT HORM IW TAB, i 1- t I...., .i . t : FIEST-CJxASS DEMOCRATIC NUWorAPfiS, published at the following low , RATES OF STJBSCB1 PTlONj One Year, postage paid...... . , ; ; . .... ,1 00 Six Month! " - " ......... "... Y. 4 00 Three j i M ' i S6 One u'trHA 1 00 THE IPAII. STAB: Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Mar -, kete, Telegraphic Reports of the Northers and 'European Markets, and the Latest , ; Mail, from all parts of the -': World.;:. - Largest DAILY CIRCULATION in the STATE :.i ; . ,. WM. .H.. tsB&NAKU. . . , ;t- KDITOR & PVOPBIXTOa.- ; ' .. . 1 Wilmington, N O This great specific cures that most loathsome dis- . - ease t ---.,-j. 7- SYPHILIS j ; Whether in its Primary, Secondary er Tertiary Stage. i -1 Removes all traces of Mercury from the system . Cures Scrofula, 01d Sores; Eheumatism, .:. . Eczema, Catarrh, or any Blood Disease. - OT7RES WHEN HOT SPETNGS FAIL I . ; , v i . ,. Malvern, Ark May 2, 1881,; We have cases In our town who lived at Hot Springs, and were finally cured with SI. s. 8. i, i.i - McCAJOtOK & itPSBT.. 1- :- " Memphis Term., May 13, 1881. - We have sold lOQ bottles pf 8. 8. 8. in a year. It has given universal satisfaction. -. Pair minded physicians now recommend it as a postlve specific. "f ' -.-y. S. JaANBITELD & CO. ' LouisviUe. Kr.. Mar 13. 1881, ; '. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. . J. A. Pxknek. , 'Rvaitv nnmhiuwr Kr.Vfl In the hichest terms- of B. B. . 1 - I U. JOJIISBITBa. . -. TT tool You can refer anybody to us in regard to the merits of S. S. S. - - - Poi, Mnxsa & Co. Have never known S. S. S. to fail to cure a case of Syphilis when promptly taken. , - t , r r Eu.Wibbxs, lerry,ua. , - The above signers are gentlemen of high stand ing.' , 1 j A. H. CoiAiurrr, Gov. of Georgia.. i Zfyouvh.'mwintaUtourcage.TOBEPAIL fOS WHEN CXTBED. r .-..-t-t'-? t $1,000 Reward will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis 100 bottles S. S. S., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any min era! substance. 8WTFT SPECIFIC CO.Propra, i Sold by druggists everywhere. 1 ; Atlanta, Gal y Write for particulars and copy bj ft tw "hook. j'Message to the Unfortunate." ... - - i - Price of large or regolar size reduced to $1.75 per bottle, and. smausize. holding, half the quantity, for. $.0O, ... ;v i.; i 1 . .. .. t Epr awther information call or write for the BtWhioM, r : , . W. H. GEEEN, . v ! Wholesale and Retail Aeent. Jy 8 Dedexs&Wly. WUmingtou K C I"- liMJ GEORGIA. -USED, IJf JfO OTHER MILL. 20 Balis to Pound, 2 lb. Paper Boxes. 50, 100 or 500-PoumJs each. IvtrarUiblt ffistoitnS. ' 7- PIANOS and 0BGAITS. Grand Sjecial HolUaj Sale: For Christmas, 1881, make yoanelf and familyhappy by the' gift of a Piano or an Or gan, tnat will nil your home with music, not on Iy for a day but for a lifetime. ; m i. Special Holldar Sale. 800 first 'class In struments from six best maker; .163 styles, all grades, all prices, but no competition with cheap makers. Wo sell none but Reliable llnstruments. from old maker. Others may deceive purchasers . witn oners or ?iuw rianos xor $aao, ana -top Organs for $65, but we wont. -Gold dollars can't be bought for 60 cents. . True economy lie in the purchase of a Sellable Instrument,, tost what it may. -. - -. .-c ...-r .. Msem insirnmenu ior lean money is bur claim, and in this we compete with the world. . Send for Catalogues and Special Holiday Sale Prices. Address - i - HIDDEN Sc BATES, Savannah, 6a. The Great Wholesale Southern Piano and Organ aeoio w --li veaiers. - -:- -- THE ; : of all FOB HA1T AND EEASZ - For more than a third of a century t!ie Mexican M ustanfr Llnlmeut has been known to millions nil over tli world e fhi atiIt enfft i-oH&iinn for lliti-roliei ot ncldenta and rtain. - It, is h tntlk'b)e H 3 bind." For every lo:i:i of tzl:--l palu tho; Mnstaiipr Liiiiraetit. 1 Itir-1 f.ti c -j si tke very K-.e 1 ntl';5 l!iJ 6 M fit-lri susce pf rain i nd;'!itn...r,ip- 5 sib'f. l-nt-rie".".! ts .nji-t I'l'lw.. i t!n a I r tt Vi if i ful., 'jj ItivMcq i -r -: .':.! j- " . : - lif i h vi i h - t t ' i ii-8Cmr.!,' .r- jv- 'f 5-tjt." - 1-..r- " n , Li 1 imiwsm jwalcTf WPG?? f Ev.o! f-i: peats .ti - i ! Joints, ;itiiUii;B ((i'J(i, .t5srt: : and: fcffniJ- Cot. , Iin i e a a a d fr SrIi, lisw.H 'ri3:'X;lti ...tttln-f : ;Sorfci,lcer,l,'t'lt5;.i.IaSl;l.p', . , jSore ,. riipnlrir, -4 M..-ci -i-?r and H i eosa. It ht.?!t wnorix FortheBat i " Ciav rio:? i'.i uros 4, t-: Sprain.' EtTviuuv. "..".T 3. .i jr..-. ; Founder 13 -".rnesf fiir-, Woof 1 cages, foot liot, ncrevr Vorss, S siollow , aovi Bicratcites, s Jra-rii, TlvnUs S'n<ene 4 ! 'whith tno oc--nnn.u'l of. !Kej4 Stnble and-'SiocU Vara an liibk. )s The -SIexiean SItutan;r;"X.intment always euros - and never disappoints ; and it la, po8itiYe!7i - . "THE ' BEST OF ALL :, POB MAIT OB SEAST. feb 5 Wly ate I Llf.Tou uiant to txry viothmg xor r len or Doys ctdier ready-msode orm&de b cr&tv, do not fail to send. ?ot our C&ialogbe akm nov4 W3m C. M. fTIDHAH.. . Isaac Batm 8. D. Wallaos... ...... ........ Mresicieit ... ..r.'...Vice Preeidei.t ......... ....-.. .B&u-r Bank of Hew Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IS - - - $350,000 ATJTH0EIZED CAPITAL - $1,000,000 DIRECTORS W. L Gore, G. W. Williams, of Wil liams & Murchison Hon. R. R. Bridgen, Pre W. &W.E.E. . H. VoUers,of Adrian A Yollers. Jno.W. Atkinson, Isaac Bates. F. Rhe taste tn, o( Aaron & Rheinstein, . CM.Stedman, " Jas. A. Leak, of Wades-. boro. -Z. B. Borden, off Goldt- boro, N. O. -: O. McBae. - -. CM. Stedmao. Presideat. fd'GolislioroBruiicli. DIRECTOBS: R. P. Howxu Cashier. K. B. Borden, W. T. Faircloth, W. T. Koraegsy S. Edmundson, Herman Weill, - President. 2' dieectors;' . - . . ; 3. A . &eak,B. T. BennetUG. W. Little. C. Martha .l i : mmmm ... Issues Certificates of Beposlt bearmK interest. -Is authorized Charter tr receive oar deposit moneys held is trust by.BxeciitorSv Admiaistratorsv Guaroians, Ae., Ac. - of Stel atten0oa gives to the order mkt reoaeat of oar country friends by mail q othcnriM, " .BOXl6-Wtf- f " . . " , -1