The Weekly Star. .- PUBLISHED AT W I t, M I Ji OT O N , ; N ;I c ; f - I J AT ' -: - 1 - I - $1.,5 0 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE l - 5 ' "gSs82S8SgSSSSSS iJ" 8SS8888S888888888 : u -',,,,tv 5 5 Sf 5 5 g -g 's igglg 5 g g I ! - 5o5SSSS8SSSaS88S I r-l - H 00 83 J tO IO p" fc ".- - r8888SSSSSaS8SS8SS ! .', S3SSS8S888S88S8SS T"8 8S88g8SSS8SSS888S; I ; 88S8.8S888S8888883 :i z ; f - : t-; rr ; - - I : III . . . . ' ,' v. - .--'-... ; - "B ' - rf"- " "-,''. - s tl . - - j' - - . a g:tj::::::i:;: . "I S . ' '. - ' ! .: s Misocgooioin4ioqne Entered at the Post Office at Wilmington, K; C, 4 i " us Second Class Matter. - N- -Isub$criftion price, v . . - , i - - : " The suhscri6tion price of the Weekly Star is as follows : Single .Copy.l year, postage paid, ; f 1.50 - o months, " - i.uu .-" 3 months, "'' " .50 TOVBGEE INTERVIEWED ' AND ,- - - ! TWO OTHER . NORTHERN OPIN- IONSj liie Chicago Nines of January , 2d contains an interview of Judge Tour geei who passed through r that - city.. The Judge learned some things of the Soujh he will J never forget, and they wer$ precisely those things of which the jfNorthern j people are most igno rant! Tourgee is known to North Carolinians. . He is: certain to say some things they will not like, and, generally, sonte things that are not trueij But he is very smart, very. shar, ; very observant, and -i he sees howjjjvery ignorant his own-people are of the South and its people, and he is nowand then instrumental in correct insr some of their foolish notions. - He was interviewed as to the meaning and raportance of the Mahone move ment in the South. 1 He is quoted as saying: " ! ' ; 5 "It pu call it Mahoneism, but the move mcnt was on foot long before he took it up. He was a leader jn the strife, and so the viewtf which h(fe. "put forward-received a namej which is now given to the party. I don't! expect anything alarming from it, though the party may prove , triumphant in North Carolina and Virginia, and hold those States till 1884, which adds so much to the strength of the Republicans. It mean noth ing more tlian Republicanism." Toe Judge Itells the truth when he saysthis Mahone movement "means 'nothing- morej than Republicanism.' Just! so Mahone turned traitor, and I - 1- ' nowhe,is a Radical in full standing, havmsr" bHjii embraced byithe Presi- dent and fondled by the Stalwart Senators. It twill be ' so with other boltprs. They will become Radicals. Th say carpet-bag Judge has much - to abou t the need of education in the South, and it is i difficult to say too fnuch on .that subject, i Tourgee has jwritten for the Reviews, and lec tured in the North about it," and he hasj gathered facts and ideas that are worth considering. He says war was not the only, trouble but ignorance. We copy a paragraph : i- r : ''You must ged rtd of ;the 45 per cent, of ignorance there before you can expect anyschange in the country's condition. The increase of - manufacturing industries and thejbuildiug of railroads will have as much of & tendency to better and educate them as three drops of oil in a bucket of water-will hate a tendency ; to make rti? oiL ,. Pour $4,000,000 or $10,000,000' intofthe schools, and the coming: generation will grow up ennghtened, and the. differences - of i the North and South will disappear. It is not thf work of a day nor a year, but will take generations to accomplish it. The people of the North are. ever looking for miracles in Ithe South. They expect . the millenium about once in two years." - - Xiong ago we took the position that the North was in duty; bound to- pro vide for the education of the enfran - v - . - i chised negroes. : By T their ; own act they deliberately placed i the ballot in the hands of ignorance and then " canonized it, as if the great political cjire-all had been discovered at last Sow when the dominancy of ignorant negrodom is about - to threaten the rhole country, and the North is be ginning to suffer ! from its influence itnd power so , wide-spreading, , the . people of thati section begin to real ize that even too muchr ignorance and that they tnav nrove a icurse. were not wise, and just i when they icompelled thel whites of the South to fagree that ; illiterate negroes . should vote and pay no taxes to 'support the government and the schools. Judge Tourgee ' gives some speci mens of the stupidity existing in the North about the South, but we are not concerned just now i what s fools g " O "--LJ VLAU& V UOf : A llJ following contains a truth, and we, therefore, copy it: "People must remember that ideas and principles are the growtn or i years, and it takes just as Ions: for their passage inward. The Southerners are a different neonle from those of the ' North, and distinct in habits and m thought as the residents of St Petersburg and Constantinople." yWe repeat, :-Tourgee has learnt something by his residence in North. V VOL. XIII. Carolina during ten or twelve years; lie speaks the truth when he . avers that the people of, the two ( gfeat sec tions differ, i They differ as to a hunt dred particulars, j enough so .as ' to be two distinct peoples, t iThe ideas, tra ditions, attachments, prejudices,pnn ciples, : faiths of .the best people.' of the two sections are asunlike as thbsd cherished by. the French and the1 En giish.- AV"e return for a moment' to the bounden ;. duty ; b the North to edu cate the enfranchised ; negroes. The Southern. States. have done excellent ly, all things considered irl . their ef forts to improve the mental conditiopi of the .negroes.Tn.l.faot'.atentb.cof what should be done has been aane In their efforts to provide schooling for the millions of negroes the whites deprive - theirs own race ' of many very needed advantages. ; They could give several ; additional weeks of ! schooling lyearlyi to 'their i;own cniiaren 11 iney aia. no, nave vq pay for the' s schooling ' of the ' other race. ; l he . wnites s neea eaucauon very ! much. Ignorance s of a very dense kind prevails . to ,a; learjui extent, and" in ' some sections'; the whites are not much, xf ,anyx better educated than the former slaves: We wish in this ,-connection; to ; give some extracts from a letter in the Boston Jidvertiser concerning the ed ucational condition of the South and the power : of : ignorance; and also a paragraph from an address, of .Gen. Armstrong before the: American Colonization Society.. The write-in the Adoertisert a Republican paper, says: . - ' " . .i ".'Everv uneducated voter is a blind ruler; a king on a throne of vast power without knowledge of his position a navigator without chart or compass. 'Honest igno rance is more dangerous than the .political demaeoeue. V. At nresent the ignorant .voter wields a vast power in the country, and if not checked he will soon determine tne aes tiny of the nation. In the cotton States the ncaro vote is for sale to the highest bidder. It is a fiating vote of vast proportions. : If it depended on their (the : negroes) votes,- a gentleman of keen observation writes, 'and if recent elections can be taken as examples, the ablest statesman in the land could be defeated by any demagogue who. had the money" ' ' I : --K-. ''T.l-. v - - 6en. Armstrong is at the ; head-of the: negro - school at Hampton, ; V a. He is a Northern soldier. Her says: f'The African race has been pushed sud- denly from the depths of bondage to the highest liberty; it has skipped centuries in . m i i -a. S Ji tne line oi aeveiopmeni. ua us unaccus tomed height it-is confused, easily victi mized by bad 'men; 'and ' troubles are inevi table. Tne argument usea in vir 'einia with' thenegro ' voters in a condensed form was th& sophistic but captfvatiog one : -You had no part ia reatiag this debt why should you pay'iti ii-v- s j j The writer in the Advertiser&ds this: i - - . . I' 'The great addition to the ignorant suf frage of the country was made by Acts of Congress by constatutional amendment.;' It was thrust upon a section of our common country without preparation. '. .That sec tion is unprepared at present to educate it; if time could be : allowe3, it would do it ; the law -of self-preservation will demand it. But, unfortunatelyr the nation.' cannot af ford to wait- the , States most directly in volved cannot afford to wait ; it is unrea sonable and unjust to demand of them, the vast outlay ana saennce. - ;; ::- j He wishes, the- Congress;, to make education compulsory; and to provide the means. I But: more' of this here after. We have said and l think that the rich North : should educate: the "man and brother.' Since 1865 not over seven tfrilKoTidoliars is known .to have been. given, iby theNortkior educational purposes. The poor. stripped South ;the whites at that-r- give half of that sum annually, possi bly the whole of it or even more, t educate the nesroes. -; The North has not done and is not doing its duty in regard to the true ; welfare of the ne gro. It is eternally ; fussing, about the negro's right to vote; but takes good care not to qualify him for ans intelligent and virtuous exercise of ! the right. i - , . J.-l -,a good man gone.!' .. -,-- -v; In. the death of -Hon. George W. 1 Brooks, of Elizabeth City, IT. S. Dis trict Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina, our State has lost forever one of the truest and noblest of her sons. . A more honest, a more candid, a more;. honorable, and pa triotic citizen North Carolina did not have. , Measured',-by: the high stan dards of the past, When v men of the loftiest moulds presided in our Courts, Judge Brooks in purity and eleva tion of character, in devotion to prin ciple, in simplicity of -life, in amia bility of deportment, in ftrue: .manli ness, deserved to rank, with "the fore most., ,? .He was a i good'avryeir, a good jurist.' 'He aimed to do .what he cot ceived to be righ?and be had taken pains to instruct ; his'; miiid in those grana . unaenying principles. vii tiu ; i, ; .1 tu -r tT. 1f If B ti ? '- i 'tit t fi -.1 ! i " i ? r ' ; . ---if n ir)i j. :.;u,-;TOMlNiSipv N. C.v FRIDAY, J ANIJAIY; 13, ,1882. ;; - j true ethics that he might kno w -what was right He Kethe.scalCofFiSr tice with an even: balance, sd that his fellow .' men "jnight;. have "meted j to them ' what was,', their - de.',; ' Strict justice was is governing,' principle, tempered ..with mercy. l;- It wai Tthfe rudder of the jjhip jja which steer ed through all the shallows and deeps of , judicial ; . life. - .An upnght, , an amiable, a-lovely if e vhas , been for ever. quenched, iin.the , night of the grave.'r Said Daniel. Webste inhis lofty, sonorous English:-! .( j: ;1 "Whoever labors "oa the edifice (oi j:urisprttdence);i' with ltisef nlne8 " nd distinction, whoeverclears Hxi ounida tions'strengthenVrts 'pillars', ; adorns its , entablatures, i or contributes to raise, its august dome ; still - higher to the skies, connects bimself, in name,' and fame, and character,-, with 'that which is and must be as durable as thie f ame ipf " human society., V J udge Brooks adorned his profession,; and reflected j honor, , upon the pameof North Carolinian.'! This Judge . ; : ' 'Math borne bis ; faculties ' so meek nam .been - . ai j.- j. ' ' - - So clear in his great office, that his, .Virtues Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued"- in the Great Day, and twill make his name for generations to come a sweet smelling savor in North Carolina, , "His eyes diffused a venerable grace, And charity itself was in his face; ' 1 : ( "Yet had his aspect nothing of severe !'i:;f':' But such a face as pronused him sincere." it To the true people - of North Caro lina the memory, of Judged. Brooks must long be cherished. He proved himself a man every inch a acAN when other guardians of the5 law quailed, , -slunk away, j and left the people to their - fate.- ' When1 the Chief Justice of the . State declared with the helplessness of 1 infaricy--"the. powers of the . Judiciary are .ex hausted" at a : time when - the best citizens of a portion , of the State were ' seized in their persons by a set of cut-throats acting under orders from the Governor,' who had lost his head and his principles with itand were hnrjied to. prison 'at a 1 distance of thirty or forty miles from their homes without any real offence, being as innocent as the angels before the throHe, the pure and admirable Judge Brooks said, Bring : these citizens ; before me, and , I will show the people that my judicial authority is oif exhausted." - This was done, and J udge Kerr,' and Dr. Roane, and Josiah . Turner, and Mr. , Bow, and Frank Wiley, and the twenty or thirty other excellent citizens who were in ; prison with Kirk's Tennes see : cut-throats ; over them threaten ing to murder theia,: were soon at liberty enjoying that freedom which under , wod and the ; Uonstitution is .... . i i , i . , i. . , guaranteed' to every good, law abiding citizenj ; ... J . AH honor, say we, in our hearts, to the upright nd fearless Judge! , Hq nor and praise? and glory to the name or Aieorge nVy. jotooks now, ana tor ever!15-4' '"ul "H" "'' ''- it tilf :;Nortb Carolin oloes not erect a monument, to his memory it will be a blistering reproach. A shaft of pure native granite ; should ' be ! erected in capitol square at Raleigh i to teach the youtWof, this and coming Igenera tions a grand lesson of duty and ho- noix .andx to- let.i.hem ee of. what - ad mirabl4ftoerial :4re;;.beM. men of - past .generational fashioned.- ,t We hope there4 'will1 be' nix delay 1 in this inciter Vf 'cuments,',-! kbry town c 'an-virlagMJ ithif Movement should1 "be sponaheous lahdJraedi- ate.; The legal, profession should see to it that this": rapper -tribute;; should be paid: to the eliaracter -.a.nd. name of an ideal :3ix$ge, in; the simplicity, purity, iirbanity, justice and decisive nesS of hia rulings and his conduct, s , Not being in: possession of the. ne cessary. data we shall copyLthe facts of his life "hereafter 'from ''other sources. , , A Sujcfijeatlon and a Reminiscence. It has t been : suggested to .the Histories and Scientific Society; of this city that the ;"Devirs Tranvping Gtound,"in Chatham, recently;.: described by a -correspondent, is only the -remains of several' tar -kilns of ancient days. "'In th connection, a, gen tleman reminds us of an anecdote that prominent . lawyer .- of : this ."city; not . long since deceased,' used to tell with great relish, to the effect that, whenever Mr. B., a prom inent, citizen, long: since dead, used to be passing- the remains of a kiln, he was in the 'habit, of 'striking, an attitude,, and,, shaking his Angers excitedly, point into space and suggestively ask, in a deep,; guttural tone, ' the man that ' built that, ax tar- kiln now I'lvo And the echo would answer, Where J" . " - - ' ? - , L 1 - i -St t; iff Foreign Shipments. ' ., ';.''.- .-.".' The followlng' comprise the foreign shlp ments froni this port yesterday :: ; . The Nor wegian bartjue Chriittne, Capt Jtenseni1 tbi Bremen,' Germany, by Ifessrs. Williams & Murchison'. with' 1.180 bated of c6ttori. weighing ' 670, 930 1 pounds," and ' vated 'at $62802; the Norwegian " barque 'WorbC; Capt'Christenseri; for Hufl.s iEngland,' by Messrs: Paterson; Downing & Co.. with 1,638; barrels- : of rosin" and' 'f ,478 barrels of tar, valued at $7,460.TdtaI 5 value ' of foreign exports for' the day,' $76V27i; WllaUvston & Weldon,Raira4 The 3,000 shares pf. WUmmgtoa .We- don Railroad : stock, , for which proposals were Jnvited up. to 12; o'clock, M.,on yesterr deyr were awarded to Harmanus Tosher & Son,, of Baltim.ore, at $10150 per , share. Only 100 shares were Jtld, for at above - that price; hut as the proposal of Messrs. fisher & Son was for the whole or none? the; whole was of course awarded to them. 1 1 -: The owners of $391,000 pf the 7 per cent bonds of . the. company also. notified the Treasurer that they would avail .themselves of the privilege accorded them; by a resolu tion; ! of the stockholders at their annua J meeting. , in November, , last, ; to, exchange .their bonds at $1 10 for stock of the compa ny at par., Init. GUITEAIT. A Proposition from a Ifledical Gentle man to Purenaae the Rody of . the Prisoner Gultean Pleased with the 8nggstln He Insists Upon IKIafcln the Closing 'Argument ; tor the 1 De tenee .i' :.i:',t . , By Telegraph to the Horning Star. t . , i - Washington.. Januarv 6r-Mr. Scoville has received a bona fide proposition from a medical gentleman for the body of Charles ; j.iliuiteau. ? ? This gentleman. whose ; name Mr. - Scoville declines to make known at nrftsent has nfFfiiwi to nav dnWn'' imitifidf- i ately 81,000, the amount of tne purcnase money, on condition that lie shall . have tne , body of the prisoner as soon as the-exac tions of . the law have been met, to be dis posed of as he shall see ' fit; 1 He 'also agrees to ' take : his chances of i waiting one month, or twenty years for the con summation of the bargain on ..Guiteau's part. This somewhat liberal ; proposition was submitted to Uuiteau " to-davi and : seemed ; to impress : him quite favorably. After reflecting a moment, he suggested, 'T think I ought to bring more than that; per- naps some otner fellow will oner a.UW- Then 1 can pay my debts, and if I have, tp get a new trial that miserable Corkhill can;t. bring on a lot of fellows just to swear how much I owe them." The only persons ad mitted to the prisoner's cell . to-day were J. W. Guiteau, his brother, and a friend .who accompanied him, . : The brothers held a long cohf erence ins an effort to arrange, the order of arguments to be. mad -before the jury. ,. liuiteau not only msists upon speak ing in nis own benalr, but iu making tne closing argument for the defence.". He can not; lie says, artnla- tete-stage leopardizse his case by , allowing Scoville to, have he ! last say. , , , The Programme .for Saturday Arsn- ments of Counsels Guiteau to be Al lowed to Address the Jury. " WAsmNGTONi January S.-The counsel ! lor : tne : oefence in tne Uuiteau ; case wul present their law - points to Judge Cox to morrow . morning. His . Honor will rule: upon them Saturday morning immediately upon tne opening of th3 court. jnr lJa vidge will then make the opening argument for the prosecution, which will probably occupy the entire day. Mr Scoville will reply for the defence on Monday,"' and will be followed by Mr. Keed and by Guiteau, who will be nermitted to address the iurv if he desires to do so. Judge Porter will make tne closing argument to tne jary. Mr. Scoville remarked : this morning that he did not think the arguments would con sume more man tour days, if tnis expec tation is realized the case will probably -go to the jury not later than Thursday next. ! THE TKIA-Zi ' OF t XTTTEjL The General PnhUe Scelnded from the Court Room A ; Number ' of Ladles . Obtain Seats aa. Members of the Rar ' or PressMr. Davidffe Opens the Ar gument TTpon the IeKal Points Gnl team sets up in Ui stirrups-1- Jsige Porter Insists that the l.on-Enaeted . Farce Shall StoplEtc..; -,; tj , By Teleeraph to the Mornlne Star.l . i Washington Tanuary' 7. None 'hut members of the bar, - members 6f the press, and those who are engaged upon this Case, j will be admitted to-day, was the announce-j ment at the outer door of, the court roomi this morning. ' Every avenue to ' the' court' room was caref.ully guarded, and ; ven the 1 policemen on duty indicated that the , day j would be one of unusual -importance in the; pruirress oi w inai. numuer oi lauies succeeded in ; persuading Marshal Henry that they were either members of the bar or press; at least such would be the natural inference, as the seats reserved for the legal f mtftrnitv "wprp. .fji$rfclvt fiTlpfJ mfth I lswKfl There was a fair representation of .the. bar, though by far the greater., part of the audi-! ence was. maae up oi ine geniier sex. rue. court room was filled, "and with "probablys the best '-representative-' audience- since the; opening of the trial, in point of standing and mtelugence . ' ' ' Mr. Davidge opened the argument upon the ; legaF points. and!' was followed !wifli! elose attention,! ..! - ' . it I ;. tt .-kt The jury were told .by , the Judge that they might be excused for ' the 'day, ' hutj they preferred to remain and hear The pnsonerassured his counsel thai lie; would not ask; to ;take nart !hl ' the legal arguments : to-day, but'- he should insist upon making any" comments he might deem. necessary to set them nglit on- either were. fi As the argument progressed Guiteau pre tended to read a letter, .but. in, reality .ifol-j lowed Mr. Uavidge with the, closest, atten tion; The 1 few interruptions 1 which he made were unheeded by counsel; save when; Guiteau called out "1 .didn't 'know the difference between right and wrong: I had no' choice; if I had I would hot 'have' done; it" To.thisMr. Davidge said "We will nnma tn that Vtt utifl fT ; - - , The first sensation of the day was caused by the reading of the charge to the 'jury of Judge Davis. Of New York. " in the Cole-! man murder case! Judge Porter relieved: Mr. Davidge, and read from1 a" "newspaper: slip.; - ,J :J '" -"'j ; .-. iMt.-Scoville.' with some impatience. -ob-! jected tq any more such dramatic efforts on! the part of Judge Porter, intended for effect might asweu read a stumps speech : to : the jury; that he, (Porter) knew that- if hadi o bearing upon the case. . v . ut course ne Knew n, snouted ui-s teau : "and more than - that, the jury I de hi -If -.1." .." r -P.. : cided the case directly against , the charge Ul I1XC VUU1 1. . -. , i Judge Porter, repelled the, intimation, and insisted, that this .farce which had so long been Enacted"' by counsel for' the- defence must ! now,- 4torx If .not, a-ebuked . by. the Court it would be by others. v' , i j uaee uo-x ' enaea tne aispuxe Dy saying that the, ; matter tread was , undoubtedly, au thority; its apph'cability to this case would be conimehtedupon by counsel at the rpro- pertime,. ,.!.. I V,lh-."''li - 'r &a wr. uaviuge resumed uuiteau again shouted -' 'I w-ant to get this thing right be fore the jury.t :t Jlvervpne knows all,about that Coleman case. The ': jury gave a ver dict against thafe :chrge,1and tffia prosecu- toon knew ijt wei V. . ,., , f, A - . 1 xne eneciwas eieciricai wnen jar. xjbl--vidgeiiin' -the 'most; deliberate ind earnest mannerr said; ''Your.Honor, this man was for three weeks held up td us as an imbe- eue; and now listen, to himi Tine noiionlv knows--, the diHerencebetween- right . and wrong! but he understands fully .the law of tfhd-caBcc'i. iv-ff,t:f -.a A YU -m,- Jiii .-Gmtu.V'lTSnatory matrtacthars Tiry tsaseJ j 1 Uoim pretend rm insane now;?: 1 ve ot as good a head: as you! oc Porter either, icoville's a fool thousrhc tI i repudiate him aaxlihis-i whole theory of- defenea-' All I want is two oours before that) jury, and i ean set this thing all ;right." ,s-nil' Tueuscene'. was a;. lively i one for a lew mmutea. Judge. Oex rapped for : order, and soon iGuitean j subsided, : and Davidse continued without , further interruption, to the end x his argument' ; l ' i, i i' CoL :Reed addressed, the Court in replv to Judge Davidge;; and eonnned his argument to tne. consideraxlon of two questions: nrst, the : definition laid. -downs in . the Revised Statutes of murder and-manslaughter,: un der wnicn, if mauee be not proven; ne con tended the. icrime would be manslaughter ; secundL.tho application ton this case of the -question of reasonable doubts ia connection : with the plea of tnsaaity. : Col.tJKeed con cluded . at a quarter past ,2 o clocis,- witn a - peroration m wnicn nenaruredwitn a glow ing! allusion to the latitude of liberty and ; the far-reaching impartiality of law under UUi 11 w UUUkUblVilO. , , Mr. Scoville, .upon ibeinsr. informed by the Court that Jheprosecution were entitled to the opening andcfoiing where both par ties prayed instractiohsi called attention to tbtjfact that the prosecution had made one argument to which the iurv had listened 'this moTBiii 'ahd 'Would have some advan tage Monday j while the defence probably : u was a mere acciaeni, iiKe mr. uaviage s cold in the morning, which allowed Judge Porter tq ajr his eloquence .before the jury ! uiusi. ik couieui. w uiscuss luetse uues tions in their absenay A lively and some what sarcastic jcolloqwy between counsel' ensued" The Court aid not think any re-1 section upon tne prosecution was intended by Mr. i ScovilIe, sand put an end to the dis pute by telling Mr. Scoville' to proceed -with his argument, o Mr. Scoville criticised severely tne action, of Judge Davis (in a New York ca& just decided) in going out Gf his wav.' as -heCScovilleysaid. to render a decision that might be made use of in this trial. " - '-' Guiteau r" Yes ; and the jury in that case went out of their way to rebuke Judge Da ,lpJVI VAXiU uou nut iuuuucu uu uu- ment at 3 o clock, and tne court adjpurned until Monday. ! -J'"'i- n ' : Governor Cameron's First Message to , the General. Assembly What ,he has to Say About the State Debt and Its Settlement. V'A :" -! .r.ETelefflrjiuli'tothellojJflng 8tar.l,, , Richmond. ; January 6,' Gov. Cameron sent in his first message to the General As sembly to-dayr-Itt-it-he--Tecommends the adoption without unnecessary delay of measures' which shall provide ' for a dis charge of public obligations upon the basis set forth in the act passed by the last. As sembly; and known 1 'as the - Riddleberger bill. , ! ; Great misapprehension exists, he say s as to the purpose of the people of Virginia in regard to the final settlement of all the controversy concerning tne state debt., As he understands the views and will oi the people, they do not intend to' repudiate any .just obligation, but to assume and pay, that I - i - .i..f. i i i t i l portion oi. uie priuciptu. wiucu is unjpti chargeable to the present state of V rrsrima, and. to "restore . all classes of -creditors to a plane'of equality. The true indebtedness of the State, he says; should be determined by competing rail interest to-toe cate oi setue- ment, from the period when: Virginia lost control of and ceased to draw revenue from the territory of !West Virginia. -Second, crediting against th sum- total of the prin cinal and interest so obtained, the acknowl i 'edged payments bu bothaoeounts made by - V irgima. , i uia Bvau rue uyuc auu pruvx ion made for theliguidation of the amounts so tounu to' De one, bo cnarge oi repudia jk . . m '..!.- w t: . i .m- ... 1 tion can be laid at the. door, or the people of this commonwealth.' As "to the 'rate of interest, which cart and should be paid on the principal oo oooortainod -and assumed, the Governor ssysi all. parties in the State are agreed tnat tne .present rate oi taxation cannot be increased, and Uhat careful esti mates establish the proposition that three per i- ' ! AT. 1 A. k- .? 1 1. cent, la uie wrset iaxo iij. niteieau uiui van be provided for with5 icertainty. f ;The Gov- eraor concludes,, 'we are supported in - this conclusion not onlv bv a financial exre- rience of many 'years, but also by the. fact that the proposed interest is as great as the average rate raid bv the debtor class of the world on public securities "at" the present .oay,,.!.n 1'''"''lif',i'IT':'' " -?t 5 Rescue of a Portion of the Crew of a Shlp-ineeked'KeaseWTlKeir : Endure f Agonies from Runner and Cold'and , jv m aa a mmm? afAVviij j t ssw - awva, vwi aav. . to Allay Thirst. s ,f. , - r - GibiJCESTER: -Ma8s'.'.! : January : O.-The -fishing: schooner Cora Ie arrived at Pigeon Cove yesterday, . bringing in a small open boat and five ,of the ,crew.of, the schooner Windsor. N; for 'Alexandria, Virginia. with tfi eargo of plaster, .who were picked .up yesterday morning ou the , eastern part oi jenrrey s.jtsank, iorty mnes east oi nortn east 'Of Cape 5 Ann: The' vessel shipped a sea during jthe. storm ;on- Sunday night, which smashed ill the" hatches; and; filling iL 1 .1 J . . j fT.1 . , . ine uuiUi Banii. iitir.tu me crew consisting of eight men, took .to, .the boat.. Two of them were deacLwhea picked up, and one has died ;: since.. 3T he . three survivors are badlv frozen ..and greaflv exhausted, They' were itnprbpefly clad.5 " They had no water and have been on a scant ' allowance t; of food since -Supday. ' .The names - of , the dead . men ,were. Charles Chapless, Horace Small and a man called Patrick: The sur vivors ar&Capt.' Paekard, 'William Hark man, Allen: Small, A. B.- Henderson and IFrank Hamilton , They tell a, terrible story of suffering' from cold and' lack of water. The sfcond mate-died last in the boat and the crew, maddentjd syRh" thirst, opened his veinB and'drankf his'blood.- They then tossed stlie body j overboard.' :The captain; and one man are so badly frozeU .that they; ceiving every attention. ' y--;-m . ', ';NO. 11 . j rs WASHINGTON.: : - Gen. Flta John Porter's Justification Grant's Aeknowledsment of Error and Prejudice A Letter, from Gen. Terry of the Scbofield Board of In quiry. ', f ' vv'f-.; ,,l .r,, i-f: - Washington, Jan. 5.-i-Senator Sewell. of New Jersey, has' laid before President Arthur a letter from Fitz John . Porter . to himself, calling attention tp his . appeal for vindication and asking the good office of Senator Sewell in the matter. ! .With r Gen; Porter's letterr is L one from Ge"n. Grant to President Arthur",' in-which Grant says he has recently, read carefully the testimony in tne rorter courts oi rnqmry; and nas, given tne matter -mucn Thought and caretut con sideration; and as a result, has become oori- ymced that he has for nineteen, years been doing- injustice to a galltitntand efficient sol dier, anp now feels it inpumbent upon him. to j do au - in Jus power to renan the miustice len. Grant feels this more strongly;- be- j cause, he says, auriug; the, time her was, Gen. emui me ariiiH. liuu.m -tus power to pro cure for Gen Porter a? hearing" which he only obtained at a Jater , period,- and i while : President it was at any time in his pdwer to ? have ordered such a hearing. Geiwi' Grant here goes on to say;-i"In justification for my injustice to Gen. Porter T can' only state that shortly after, the war closed his defense, was brought to my attention; but I read in connection with it a sketch of the field wherei his 'offences were said to. have been, committed, which I now see, since perfect maps have ' been made by the en gineer department of the whole field, were totally incorrect as showing the, position of ! the two armies.' I have read it and in con-1 nectioh. with; statements made on theTother side against Gen. Porter," and I am afraid. possibly with some little; prejudice in the case,, although mmctcd upon any but the most guilty, I am, very truly yours, , 1 "u. B; Grant." Among the , papers . submitted is a letter from Gen. Terry, who was a member of the Schofield board of inquiry, in reply-i to one from Gen, Porter, conveying thanks for his action as a member of that .board, in which Terry says:f "I write'now to 'say'that it is not thanks but pardon which )I should ask from you.' ' 1 For years ' I did you wrong in thought, and j sometimes wrong in speech. it is true tnat tnis was tnrougn. lgorance, , I might have learned something at least of the truth had I, diligently , sought it. If I you nnd anything in my action as a mem-: ber ot the board which you . can accept as an atonement for the wrong which I did 'you, 1 shall "be more than gratified. ? " " W ith - great respect and admiration, am yours, most sincerely, 1 1 ' r '. " ' ; AXPBED 11. TEEHT, " ' "Major General. " J . Washington, Januarv ,6. The Presi dent sent the following nominations to the senate to-day: Samuel U. Parks, of Hew Mexico to be Associate Justice of the. Su preme Court of Wyoming; Joseph Bell, of New York, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico.. The House Committee on Appropriations met this morning and the following assign ments of sub-committees for the considera tion of the regular Appropriations bill, were made : Sundry Civil-iliscock, Jiutier, Worth, : f Blackburn. Jfavy Robeson, Ketcham. Atkins.' Legislative, 'Executive and Judicial Cannon, of Illinois Con sular and Diplomatic Burrows, ..Robeson, Cox.' i Army Uutterworth, Burrows, Jfillis. x uaifUiuvc xsaa vv piy vau-uwi. -. -- Lxiii9.,. y -Indian Affairs Ryan; Caswell,. Lefeyre. Pen sions U JNeui, Kurrows, 1 ijetevre. Min- tary Academy Blackburn. , Ryan; Butter- worth. Fortifications Forneyv Ketcham, Ryan. 4 District of idolumbia-; Ketcham, Hiscock, Forney. Deficiency Hiscock, Kobeson. Cox.. - -- ' ' 'y The President sent to the Senate i to-day the followme letter; from the late. Postmas ter General, with regard to the responsi bility of sureties upon bonds accompanying bids and contracts for mail service during the last four years : " . '' ; "Sir? I have the honor to transmit herewith a (letter from Hon. George Bliss, special counsel of the United States for the prosecution of the Star Route cases, and the report of Inspectors Tydball and Shal- lews, detailing the result of a most Careful examination into the responsibility of the sureties upon bonds accompanying bids and contracts for maU service during the last four years. This report seems to show conclusively that there have been imposed upon the Postoffice-' Department (not less than 13,000 bonds; the sureties upon which were, with perhaps few exceptions; worth less, and were known to the parties present- Ingthemtobe worthless; s There is reason to believe that the same parties will present - a. large number of proposals at the: letting oi mail service west or the juississippi rrver, which is to take place on the - 7th of this month, and I am advised that the Postmas ter General would have no authority to re ject such bids if regular inform, t While it is impossible to properly investigate the xe-j sponsibility of th sureties before the : time when contracts must be awarded, under. these circumstances it seems to me proper that the attention of - Congress - should- be called to this - condition of the -law.- change be made by which some power may! be vested in the department to debar from bidding persons, who have hitherto been en-? gaged in such .practices. As; in order to make the remedy effective at the next' bid ding immediate action upon the - part : of Congress will be required. I call your at tention to the matter; instead of leaving : it to my, successor. ; ; 5 i (. - 1 "Very respectfully, -''' f ,! - . "Thos. S. James.- .; -! v; l-i:- "P. M. GeneraL .. It appears generally conceded to-day that ex-Senator- Sargeant - has been definitely, selected by President Arthur' fori ;appoint- ment as Secretary of the Interior. , It is understood, however, that the nomination will not be sent to the. Senate until after the Senatorial . election in Iowa, towards the enu 01 tne present month. NEW YORK. New York. Jan. 5. At a . meeting of the Military Legion of the United States," held last night at Delmonico s, a letter, from Mrs, Garfield was. read acknowledging the re-i ceipt of the obituary ' resolutions passed by the Commandery on the deceaseQf the late President. 4t ,..; , , '.' ' -' After the routine 'business' was transacted a formal : reception was tendered , to Gen Winfield Scott Hancock, acting commander- in-chief of the order. The dinner was par taken of by. one hundred and fifty guests. Gen. Henry W. Slocum presiding. , Gen! Hancock ! thanked his 'comrades, for the nonor paid mm. i ne iestmues were pro-: longed untu a late nour. . Ill DEATH OF. JUIGE BROOKS District Court Judge for the iSastern District of North Carolina. ' : i fBy Telegraph to the Morning Star.l r " Raleigh. N. C. Jan, 6. Hon. Geo. W, Brooks, U. S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina, died at his residence in Elizabeth City, this morn ing, alter a lingering illness, 1 .'gSEiTSP.mei-'1 :-. Snow was fifteen inches deep at' Weldon. and the . mercurv stood at 12 de, grefes below freezing. -v. The Tarboro Southerner has just begun' its sixtieth' year. A'good old age that, and a good old paper besides. "Frosty and kindly." it is still full of the virility at -youth." Long may it flourish 1 '' - Tarboro Southerner: The Jher- niometer, was only;:4 degrees above zero yesterday. Vr-'-'-Tarboro parties increase in costliness and- elegance. - - One Tarboro hat holds , nines ostrich - plumes. '. Our third ward- hasOO voters and two commis; sioners ;. pur second 125 voters and one com- ' missioner; but our first ward has at least 49 voters, and only three commissioners.""' jS;, l Kockmchara Bee: . .- First thread spun at the Leak; Wall & McRae Factor - on Friday, December 80th, 1881; -' The' llolmes family of Pee Dee village, .have, had a 8eries"oi affirctions and bereavements duringthe pastfew weeks.--ThejPTflrst took measles, then pVeUmbhia: ? During the lat ter d ays of last year two 'of the daughters died ; Mrs. Holmes, the mother, died Janu- J Ralei arh k 'Neios- Observer. 1 The people of Wake intend to have a new courl v house. They mean business this time, and no mistake. '- - The 'AdiutahV General has notified ail companies to send in then annual, returns ot strength, retq., by-the 1 Ot.h iriat.. :" A' IfittAi frnirt ' .TiiHfrrt Ttntiil ; directs the'iUnited Statefi - Circuit Ctwztito ; be adjourned from the second Monday in January to the third Tuesday in January. wl&n he'expects;,to attend and "hear .theen . ture civil docket. - r - , Raleiijh .JNew's-Observer : : Hts tExcellcncy Governoi; ''Jarvis returned last night from the eastern part of the state. -The following prisoners escaped from the 'Hillsboro'. jail:; John' ,W:; Smith' and xnos.' pnipps, white, in tor horse stealing; George and Joe Morphis. colored: larceny: Philip Roberts and, Wm.' Thompson,"," col ored; larceny juiisha Hasiuns,. whue, lar ceny; Dock Jones, colored, larceny: ; lioan Shaw, celored,. and. James; Jones, white, failed to escape. . -": !. ' ,'V"i - Elayetteville, ,Meaminer:S. -We learn that CoL Wharton J; Green: has been -eminently successful at the Atlanta Pair in competing for: premiums: for the wines of to-day-i-taking four-fifths - of .-.'those for - which he. was contending. ; -1- It appears ' from the annual ; statement of the trade of Wilmington, published, in another column of .this paper, .that its business as a cotton market is on the increase,-- whilst the naval store business , is declining. : '1 A similar change is going : on in : this market, and in the Cape Fear country it is evident that tho production of naval stores is giving way: to that of cotton. , Yet it will be. many a year before pitch and turpehtine will altogether cease to - be important; productions in our Stated . -. S. . ; Goldsboro essewo'er."-. The ne gro who robbed the : store - of Asher Ed wards has been captured and is now m jail. He says ' other parties were implicated in the robbery, sheriff ; Grantham: is ' after them:' ' Sunday morning last found out : city covered . with snow to the depth, of two and a half inches- -Mri' J. D:- Came ron; late of the Durham Recorder; "paid us a short but pleasant ' visit .Tuesday; and j we were pleaseu to learn that he contemplates connecting himself with one of the leading papers in w estern Carolina. A corres pondent .writes oh the 2d inst..: Our un usually quiet little village was thrown Into great excitement last Saturday evening. It seemed that ' everybody wanted to fight. Knives and sticks were freely used, though no serious damage was done.1 -'- 5 V A letter from Philadelphia1 to the Baltimore limes gets 0$ the ', following: Gov. .Vance, , of North : Carolina; was in town the other day and while- here met In the person of a hotel "waiter, a negro; ad vanced to middlegei'-whom he had known. down South. ; He had made a few pleasant remarks to the colored man and got led: into twitting him about religious matters on which the darkey spoke with some fervor. "Well now, Joe," said the Governor, i ' 'do you really believe in this matter of election by God, that you speak of?" . "Deed I. do. Massa Vance," said the negro seriously, with a shake of the" head; ; Well, do you think I am elected to be saved ?" "Scasly know; Massa Vance; but I : nebber "heered of anyone being 'lected what wan't a . can derdate." , ' ', , ; Mr. A. D. Gaylprd, Mayor, of Plymouth, has written a letter to the -' Go vernor giving a history of the late riot, Mis o letter closes as follows: On jthe following day sheriff Spruil arrived "with a posse . hastily summoned from the body of . the ' : county!, I at once issued warrants, against Matthew Wilson, Cain Jenhett; " Elias Jen- V nett, John Johnson and Albert Nixon. The sheriff, with his posse, arrested them, .and ; fearing an . attack, upon the jail here, I caused them to be confined in the prison of Chowan county. The negro named Gus Wuhams has absconded and thus -iar has . evaded arrest, I should have notified your Excellency of the facts supervening the sending of my telegram. . but for the fact , that I could not do so before Friday, . when ' it was too late", nor is it to ! be regretted, since the presence of. the troops ? has had, and I trust will continue to have, a ' very -salutary effect. 1 ; Weldon News: Mr; Morrjs, the mail, carrier between Littleton 1 and Ring wood, was carelessly handling a gun at Mr. : Joe Dickens', near Brinkleyyille, on Mon day, the 29th ult., .when one barrel was dis charged; 'and the load passed through his boot and foot. ? Dempsy Bryan, of Enfield, one of the parties under indictment -for alleged election frauds iw this county, , some time since went to - Baltimore to live, having obtained a position in a wholesale ; store. He was arrested there: last - week and brought back to this county, where he y readily gave a bond of .,.$2,000 for his ap pearance when wanted at the Circuit Court. On Tuesday of last week Mayor Emry : received a telegram from Mayor Johnston, of -Littleton; asking him to arrest Peter -Little and George Starke, colored, who had' : dangerously stabbed a man and -: escaped. Officer McGee caught them and sent, them -to Littleton the next day, and after an exam- .. ination they were Committed to await, the action of the grand jury. t -r Warsaw Brief Mention: A son . of James F. Shine, Esq., of Faison Town ship; aged about fourteen years, had both oyes severely, if not fatally injured by the : .explosion ; of a bomb of some sort, with - . ! which he and a lad named Herring were ; Playing -. ; The store of Alex. Powell, Esq., of Reed Ford, Sampson county,. was 'destroyed by fire on the morning of , the - . 27th ult.,, together with its entire contents.- . -Mr. . James W.: Loftin, living near Bowden's station, ; Faison: Township, lost " his dwelling on the night before Christmas. Most of the furniture was saved. The fire was accidental. No insurance on the build- . ing1 - According" to the last census re ports Duplin county raised 830,437 bushels of corn; 6,132 bushels of oats; 1,931 bush els of rye; and 6,292 bushels of wheat. According to the last census report Sampson county raised 486,768, bushels of Indian corn; 6,297 bushels of oats; 2,086 bushels of rye; 7,970 bushels of wheat, -r- r . Whatever will build up a large city or large cities within our borders will certainly build up the whole State. . If the company fail to complete the work it has undertaken, it will be compelled to do a great deal, and all it does will put the C. F. & Y. V. R.- R. that much nearer completion. It will be done sometime even if this company fails-, but we hope it will be done within the next three years. When completed ' Wflmington and 1 the whole State will take newt and rapid 1 strides in the march of material prosperity.