, ' ; T. '. r j 1 " T- . - ' ' . ."' """ " - ' ""l ' ' ' "I HI ' Ill" Ill- ' I LIJII.uilluil.imii .inn I. in n jMI IH Ill I lllllMM I I II III. I I m The-' Weekly Star.-,; .V" '., w ;ai 'i -- -. ; ' -V'-7Yi" -v--,- " .- , . , tut ' :' ' ' A77 -TT-T"" hit;: : :-'iv:rn'-v-' n: ' : . .. -L-. JLuLUJLd - .:n:;:7:A.;: )r.M- ,(. I . yi Yi -. - L . !h.-. i v-o 1 '': : SSSSSgiiiiiiiisis P', 3SssaSSSS8SS838SS: Si , -i si c5 03 ! s o S f-1- m i. 1 M (- r ; : ea a e a o e 000 OOO 00 Qe a tS0Ot-0DB ! w wetecc OS. 1 88S8SS888S88S8SS8 " j SSSS3SS83S8SSSSS' .1 rWH.rtrtlc 3 ae qo w a -wj io g t 9 03 i f - CO j. , EiUered at the Posfc Offioe at Wilmington, N. C, as &econa uiasa Jiatter.j strjsscxrrTioir pjuce, . The; sabscriGtion price ;of the. Weekly Sta is as f olio wa : r -. . L . i , i Single Copy 1 yer, postage paid, - 6 mouths, .' J ' " 3 months, $1.50 1 1.00 .50 A. 1J. Gillespie was ? before th4 Sixth Dist rict ' In vestigating Cora--mittec. ,The Dispatch's letter from" Washington: says of him: 'Tie refused to answer, on the ground that if did so he wonld criminate himself. The committee "will meet again Saturday. when it is claimed most damaging testimo ny "will be elicited. A : ) : Da. W. G. Budington, surgeon of the steamship Colon, contradicts flatly" the .testimony of Howry as to the, conduct of -.Mrs.; Christiancy. in her trip- to . Aspinwalh He says she behaved like af lady and was ; not un favorably remarkeu upon, , as is asserted, -Somebody is falsifying the record. - Geo. C. Haight alsa praises her bearing, t ' " , ; -The Washington- JPost satisfies it self that the next iHouse will give the Democrats 21 .majority the same as claimed by the Philadelphia JPress and N. Y. Times for the Re- onuhcans. ,1 hey - alt know as much about the elections to come off as Vennor . does about . the, weather " for. next Christmas." It is all guessing. Most of the Southern Democratic papers that have come to band approve the make up of the Tariff Commission. r Baltimore Amenca&f liepi " ;: We" have a pretty "large exchange and wchavcj not seen anyi indorse ment of the Arthur appointments among Southern Democratic papers, - with one New Orleans exception. To the contrarv - they iW denounce' it warmly.' v The Charlotte Observer; in its ac - - . . i . . count of the- killing or .the: negro child, an account of which we pub lished,who was-cutiia two by a tram, gives this as from ihe engineer:' "A shudder ran through the engineer when he picked up the head 'and lody of the child 'and the sensations he experienced -when it broke into a crv were indescribable, He hastily laid it upon the ground, when it uttered the mbst agonizing screams for full two minutes, before it gave a easp and died. It was a stranze experience to hear a ;dis-" membered body crying, and was well calcu lated to make the witnesses shudder. . . Mr. J. A; Long was nominated by mongrels at Raleigh but he" is but in a card declining any . such .very pe- culiar honor as the . nomuiation mi plied. He I Bays in Raleigh iVetc- Observer ; "I had never a thought of . such a thing,, nor had any 0ne directly or indirectly men tioned or hinted it to! me, and since it was made I have Respectfully declined to accept the nomination. II do not'pr&pose to board the vessel of the enemy in order to try to scuttle my own ship.! I do propose to stay on board and help beat back the assaults of the enemy, and if the .ship goes flown, i propose to go down with the ship. Well done Mr. Long. He: is not to be bought with an olfice. There is a project on foot to erect a monument at! Charlotte , to the memory oft the Mecklenburg patriots of 1775. Senator Bayard has written a letter td Col. Wharton ;J. Green, ..in which he says : , - ' " V "Will it not be possible to have a strong; impressive monumental .column raised at Charlotte totthe memories of the'signors T : "ThfrLioh of Luzerne,. by i Thorwaldsen; is the most admirable type of such com memoration; and it dignities immensely the ninety-odd Swiss, who were only military police at the "palace of Versailles, serving for monev onlv in ;a toreiffn country, out who fell at their posts ! r "We may not ' perhaps expect such - a . work of genins just now at Charlotte, but something (should t be done' to mark the place, arrest the imagination and enforce . ihe memory.- 1 ' . " - ' "Shallit not bo ?" f. r The Si'ae seconds the movement "heartily '' If North! Carolina i had ever erected monuments; to her sons : we-would! have hopes of success.' No fStatue has been erected to any of her illustrious men,' and but one monu ment, we believe, and that recently. We refer to the Kinston monument " in memory of Governor Caswell. A splendid work ! of art ought to be erected to commemorate the patri otism and devotion of the men of Mecklenburg. ' ' : . - VOL. XIII. -RADICAL ' EXTRAVAGANCE i IN t . COUNTY AFFAIRS. , Let us turn again to Halifax coun ty, and. the report of: the . Conigland committee upon county finances. . i he next thing they call attention ' to is the rascality of the Board in the mat- .ter of. interest on county : bonds. It had been -decided that the county -debts bore - interest only on demand and at 6 per jent. But the Halifax Board contracted at 8 per .cent. : The I feport says: I 1 : - - - and were a favorite investment with countv ofneers, and on the levy of 1875 the sheriff, wno was a special, pet or the. .Board, paid almost all the county tax that he did pay in mem.- v. We come now to 7 examine n few points presented ik . report that concerns a Very richsention bf the State. It will -. bo. remembered . that in 1876 the Democrats .swept the State! under Vance's ."splendid leader ship. But still twenty-three couu ties remained under negro control. The report says: - - t "They contained, in 1870; three tenths of the population of the State, . and paid in 1879 two fifths of all the taxes collected by the state. . Their condition m 1878 was desperate.. . They -were taxed "to death; they were deeply in debt; they .had almost "gone to the dogs, a or county purposes alone they paid in 1874, $419,220.83; in 1875, $388,358. 48j in 1876, $404,500.77." 4 Before doing anything else read over that paragraph carefully again. Here arc only twenty-three negro ridden counties in 1879 three years ago paying- actually -t, two dollars in every five of the whole : taxes of the State. -Remember; there are. 96 counties. Less than one fourth of the 96 paid two-fifths of the whole, -The Conigland report shows that these twenty-three counties paid, under Radical rule Radical j extravagance, Radical plundering, in- three years one million two I hundred and twelve thousand and seventy dollars. This would . bave run the entire State Government before the war nearly or quite, an entire decade.1" ; The Stab, was right when it told its readers that the taxpayers were much more concerned, as far as their pockets rwere involved, in , having honest, economical .county; govern ment' than they were in having the State 'government -honest and eco nomical. It is county expenses that burden and oppress under profligate rule. ' The Conigland report refers to the changes wrought in favor of the tax payers by the change to the present system that the Radicals are clamor ing to get rid of. They are demand mg a . return to the very system by which .these . twenty-three counties were plundered, and m three years only were made to pay $1,212,090.07 taxes rneariy; a million, and a - quar-' ter dollars ; of taxes for county pur poses alone. Remember these start ling facts and figures, ye taxpayers. We quote from the report: -; f ; '.'The system of countv government was changed,decent men were made magistrates, tax-payers became tax-levyers.1 The result is, that these counties are once more pros perous, their debts paid off or in process of : . 1 . . : . . payment, anu xneir taxes immensely, re duced at the same time. We annex the list of counties ief erred to, and the amount of county tax paid by each in 1876 the . last year of the i old system, and in 1879,. .the last year of, the new. The tax returnsfor; 187o are taken irom liadical Auditor lieilly s report, and those for 1879 from, the report made by Auditor .Love, as follows:. ; ; Bertiev. I..... $12,124 68 Bladen..! 3,195 27 Brunswick.;..;; 14,897 81 $ 6,290 59 i 6.755 60 4.351 02 Chowan . . . 6,332 50 Craven........ 36,412 83 4,509 58 33,136 75 24,685 07 .16,675 36 ... 16,070 23 31,76 17 29,893 52 " -Edgecombe. . . Franklin i i . . ; ,19,895 34 21,983 66 12,168 56 19,099 98 -10,736 61 ' 6,812 16 12,750 10 . -47,722 71 16,392 69 7 ; 12.826 05 5,960 23 8,779 88 19,870 71 37,091 .12 . 14,436 08 v 4,942 04 Granville. . . ... Greene. ..,.;. .-. Halifax.,...., Hertford . . ; . . . 7,682 34 5,122 92 19,216 86 . 7,732 53 . 7,356 65 - 7,770 99 Jones . ..... . Lenoir...... New Hanover. Northampton. , 41,160 90 15,402 95 rasquotank.. ... Pendcr.iiL7;. Perquimans. Richmond... . 4,130 89 , 5,639 89 5,337 67 17,634 40 LWake.r: J 41.785 72 Warren Washington... 10.625 65 .2 934 88 .-. . $404,500 77 $303,049 93 Over $ioo,000 difference in the ex penditures under the two systems in ono vear m less than one fourth of the ' counties in the State, and in favor of t7ie peoples By the change in ten years in twenty-three counties at least, one million dollars, can be saved to the ' tax-uavers. ! 1 hmk on 1, :..;'.. these things. Cotton Receipt. :' -The receipts of cotton :, during- the past nrmlr footed lm 219 bales, aa azainst 142 bales for the same period last year. ". , - The receipts for the crop year up to yes terday foot up v 135,861 bales, ; as against 117,895 bales for the cropear up to June 29th last year, showing an increase In favor of 1882 of 18,473 bales, , " " We re glad to learn that Miss Mary Lewis is not deadr hut improving. DEMOCRA TIC - EXEC UTl TTE t COMMITTEE. r ' ' . j ITIeetins; of .the ' ConntT--Bemocratlo Exeentlve Coiiuntttee-Reslsntlont of F, JO. Darby,'. Ei-Hli .ResIgniH tion Accepted. r - At anadjourned meeting of the-.&mnty Democratic Executive" Committee, heldyest terday evening," Chairman F. Darby tendered his resignation, which was in terms as follows ;, t k ' . z. ' . '' ! Gentlemen of ihe Democratic County Execu tive Uommutee of JSew Hanover Vounty: It is especially due to you my friends and associates on this committee, with whom I have been, .with 'great pleasure to myself, and I am sure with entire confidence and frankness on the part of us all, associated in official position in the Democratic party, that whatever action I should take, or reply I .should make personally; in regard to the rumored nomination oj inyseir (for"? x .nave received nothing official or authoritative) for the position of-Judge of - this Judicial Uistrictj. should first pe made to you.- , I his I conceive aa a matter, of propriety - is due to you, and this I mustepnfess Xcheerf ully and wuungiy conceae; - eveff tnose wno have been the opponents of -our. committee in the Democratic party, must acknowledge that we have been faithful, energetic- and aggressive, and, have striven by every means in our power, ; consistent with the laws of our country, and with the personal integrity of each oius, to advance the out posts of our party as far as possible in the enemy's lines, never, allowing, ourselves to compromise or pesmirk Democratic prin ciples by the employment of any means for. .their ; advancement - which would iiot- be proper when applied for the advancement of our personal ends with our fellow men. .All the .more reason, therefore, why:, frank ness should characterize this communica tion in order that the honorable record our committee has ( made, as well as that the high personal and political integrity, of the gentlemen, as a jresult of whose canvass we were placed m our present position, snouid not be questioned even by inference either by my silence or my want of frankness, in this matter. I . First, then, utterly to my surprise, I was some days ago informed by a gentleman, a friend of mine, that I was about to be no minated by the Liberal Convention a their candidate for Judge of this Judicial Dis trict. I promptly authorized the Stab and liexiew to say that I would not accept the nomination. , . Since then I have been relia bly informed that that nomination has been indorsed by the Republican State Conven tion, and that I a resolution was thereby adopted endorsing me as a life-long Demo crat, requiring jj no sacrifice of my " well- known Democratic pnnciples, but reciting that the position of Judge being entirely non-nartizan. thev had confidence in my fairness and ability, believing that if elect ed I would be a Judge without regard to party. , Certainly not - even the most cap tious could say , tnat i nave saia or aone anything that bears the faintest impress of compromising or giving up any principle in any connection I have with this matter. In answer, therefore, to the question, as to whether or not I would serve in. such po sition, if elected,! I answer unhesitatingly that,- if elected on such a platform, my de termination, (the result of my own delibe rate conviction, unchanged and unchange able), is that I will take the , oath oi office, and serve to the . best of my ability, with many misgivings: as to my capability aud experience for filling the high and honora-. ble office, but with absolutely no hesitation as to it bemsr mv dutv to serve as a Juage above and irrespective of party, and I would sooner be defeated than say that I would not run if elected under such cir cumstances. -It would not be creditable to anv member of a community or State, in my opinion, where the bbhgationto per form a public duty is a part of the alle giance that the citizen owes to . tne govern ment, when a call to perform a public duty 1 1 A 1 is made, unsolicited- ana unsougut, ami comes, if it should come, without1 the slightest compromise of honor or principle, to say in. advance that he would not per form such rmblic dntv. s Again, if 1 am correctly lniormea. xne platform of the convention above referred to lava down tnis clause "a iree oauoiana a fair count" as one of its principles, j I certainly should be derelict to all the ideas I have heretofore entertained or expect to entertain of popular government, if I should hesitate to say I am in complete accord with that principle. The right of suffrage is a : fundamental and necessary principle of our government. It has been purchased at the cost of millions of money and of the blood of the fathers of the Republic, and has been ' a ; Democratic- pnnciple. The right of suffrage,; unless free,: with a count f unquestioned Sntegrity,is simply a direct contravention ana aeaiai oi a mnuameuuu principle. To make a popular government the ballot must pe tree ana tne count iair; otherwise the government which is the re sult of that ballot' will be the government of force and fraud. . Again,' another principle of the platform is opposition to the county government. T am and have been, as 1 is , by many well known, opposed, to county government: ilt is in direct and positive - contravention of a cardinal principle of popular govern ment: that is f local self eovernment,' which has always been one of the leading principles of "the 'Democratic party. To tak the election of county officials away from the people;: and put it in the hands of the Legislature lis ? consulting expediency, not beine euided bv principlclSuch action on the part of our party justifies the other extreme by the other partywhen in power, which will end in a surrender of principle on both sides, and . cause expediency to be taken altogether; as a gmde, eventually leaa insr oDDosine factions to break down prin ciples that are the bulwarks of liberty, and bringing us gradually to the disruption of nodular crovemment. . There, seems to me no difference in principle .-.between knock ing a manriu the head because he can't be controlled and annihilatineaTnajority be cause it can't be! controlled. , There may be abuses under the old. system that do not exist under the 5 county . government, but that is no reason why a grand principle should be surrendered. "Then, gentlemen, to put this matter en tirely at rest,', reiterating my allegiance to the general Democratic pnnciples, 1 consid er it my duty, holding-the views that I do. the result of deli Derate renecnon ana oi my ideas of the eeneral ; principles of popular crovernment. to say that,: while accepting no nomination, if I am elected, and " so far as this determination is concerned I care not whether I am ot not, that I will serve to the hest of mv abilitv. I will ask that my re signation as Chairman and member of this Committee be accepted. . . . " - . Respectf ullv. with kind regards to each of you individually and collectively,' : ; . F. H. Dabby. ' On nlotion the resignation of Mr. Darby was unanimously accepted. - The Committee then arranged a call for a Democratic County Convention, which will he found eisewnere. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE. 23, 1882. Mr. Darby's Nomination. The ... Observer has stated upon the au thority of the Wilmington Stab, that Mr. Frank Darby, of the Cape .Fear District had declined to. accept the nomination as candidate for Judge, tendered him by the anti-prohibition convention, and" we now state upon the authority of Mr. Thomas P. Devereux, of Raleigh, that Mr. Darby has not declined. ipi. w m. Johnston yester day received this - dispatch, which he re quests us to publish: Raleigh N. d June 13th. 1882. : CM. Wm. Johnston, Charlotte,' N.- O.. m ' Darby does not. decuneour nomination for Judge. - . - ' t . -'I i . THOMAS Jf. DEVEttEUX.' It is to be remarked that so far "nothing has been said by Mr. Darby himself. - How is iti DTanfer -Unarlom uoserver oftie 11th. The Stab :aid in its . issue of the 9th inst: . t . r We are glad to 'announce, by authority, that Mr. Frank H. Darby will not accept the - nomination " for Judge of the Fourth Judicial District '.tendered him by the' Cda liuon uonTenuon at4-Kaieign. - we nave never "for ya 4 moment"- doubted Ibat this would .be Mr. Darby's' conclusion: Mr. Darby ,: authorized this statement at that time and being interrogated yesterday repeated it, and added that" neither would he Accept the ' Republican endorsement.' - - , - - nomination and 4- Fire In tne Country, : ' '."' 7 Mr. JohuvD. Mints,- living in polumbus county , about three miles from Brinkley's Depots had the misfortune to lose his kitch en and smoke house by fire yesterday morn ing. -Mr, Mints awoke : between the hours - of 1 and 2 o'clock and discovered them in a light biaze. In addition , to the build ings, ; Mr. M. ; lost 'all his provisions and kitchen furniture, not having so much as a pound of . the former left, or anything to cook it in or cat it on. In the early part of the night he had taken a lot of honey and that was also lost. .Mr. Wm; . Mints, his brother, living 'In this city, also had about $25 worth of furniture in the kitchen -that was destroyed. There , was no .insurance on the property burned, which was valued at abo'ur $200. " ; About to Flgnt a Duel. The Greensboro Patriot has, under the above head, the following' blood-curdling item of. some interest to people hereabouts: "Passengers on the -: Charlotte train I this. morning broughtrumors of an expected hostile meeting between Jones, of the Char lotte Observeri and W. P. Canaday, of the Wilmington Post. Jones is the challengin party. The casus beUi is an editorial in the Post charging Jones with being 4a liar, a thief and a coward.' We are reluctant' to believe that any gore will be shed though both combatants have brilliant fighting re cords. : Jdhes has ; been blown up on a steamboatL slung-shotted, shot at, caned, bludgeoned, "-. clubbed . and mauled and is still a finej specimen of physical manhood. Foreign Shipments, i '.--i ' f-'s ', The following comprise the foreign ship ments from this port yesterday:, , The Nor wegian barque JEolus, Capt. Krogh, for Antwerp, by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co.y with 750 casks of spirits- turpentine, and 1,800 barrels' of rosin, valued at $17,- 636.82; and the Norwegian brig OaeeUan, Capt. .Weibye, for Belfast. Ireland; with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 1,561 bar rels of rosin, .valued at $16,100. Totaj valuation - of foreign exports for the day, f $33,736,82. , . A Prisoner. Escapes from tne County H Bouse of Correction. . A colored convict by the name of Levi, Walker, sentenced at the late term of the; ririmintil fVirlrt tn two vftnrs confinement in the County House ; of Correction j, for; false pretense, rnade his escape from that institution a few days since, and is still at large. It appears that Superintendent Savage took five of the prisoners out to do some work, placing two of them under a reliable guard, armed with a six shooter. with instructions to dp some ditching, and taking the other three with him to another part of the premises. - Pretty soon Walker made some excuse to get from .under, the immediate eye of the guard for a moment, and the next instant he was flying through the . thick undergrowth with almost ; the speed of an antelope,- completely- baffling the -efforts of the 'guard to halt him or shoot him.;,f.The latter soon afterwards re ported the escape to Superintendent Savage,1 who immediately took all the necessary steps td insure his capture, himself remain ing out during the entire preceding night engaged id searching for the fugitive. The last trace of him was lost at Little Bridge,' where he was. reported as crossing in the greatest hurry on the fallen timbers coming in the direction of the city, Superintendent Savage oilers a reward of $10 tor tne capture ana connnement oi me fugitive in some safe place where he can get him. ; , - . Tine Weather and tne Crops. -We hear of u ; planter: in Bladen county who lost his entire cotton crop from the ef fects of the cool weather, and has replaced it with corn. ,' Itt other' localities the cotton has been badly ; stunted and is so small on account of the cool and dry weather com bined that it is almost impossible . to plow it. A friend who .' has been - traveling re cently through some .of the adjoining coun ties, savs he has never ; known so r much corn and potatoes to be planted in any one season before smce the war.., it is Ukeiy, therefore, that we shall haye enough to eat. jf nothing to wear. Corrections. 3 Twoerrors occurred in Mr. Darby's letter, which we are reouested to correct. - In the second paragraph : occurs this sentence "And I would sooner be defeated than say I would not run if elected under such cir cumstances. The word '"run should be serve, .;- in anouier piace ne . is quouai hmtiiar hTmnsiAd to (niintv government.' He v , . i ; . a. am quoted J gays it should have read ."present county 6,w.-. FOEEIGX. Anareny . and I Insubordination In Esypt Energetic r. Instructions to French and Encllih Consuls De parture 'of Europeans Cnange In tne - Plans ' of tne Eastern -Cable Companr, &c. 'j .. -- ,- , ' , .... i -.. . fBv Cable to the Morning Star. .. Londow, June ;15.-A dispatch- to 'the Times from Alexandria states that the Gov ernor and the military commander admit that they have no control over the situation, and, that the soldiers only , obey . their Colo nels. , ' - Alexandria. Juno "15. The Khedive has expressed the hope that 18,000 Turks wm shortly be on their way to .Egypt. After the reception' yesterday he informed the Europeans 'that he - had divided the town into districts, and had made an officer responsible f or; each- i He - said 430 ring leaders of Sunday's riot had been arrested ana would be placed on board or a snip in the harbor, ; where they would - be well guarded. ::v'-''.. v; i:y - - - The. Turkish vessel .Wythe, which ar rived, yesterday, brought Osman Bey, Aide- de-camp or:tne Huitan. witn instructions forTDervisch PajBchaJU':i5;S'':'r-!'?v:' 'Admiral Seymour has seized thesteamer larengo to carry fugitives f rom Egypt Paris savs identical' instructions have been sent to the French and English Consuls and Admirals in regard to the protection to be afforded , Europeans residing in Egypt A News ' correspondent at Paris says the instructions are described as energetic. The Untish Channel fleet, i consisting of five large ships, sailed east from Gibraltar at 7 o'clock this morning. vi . ' iTivate advices irom uairo state tliat all Europeans haye left there except the staff pf the Eastern Cable Co. who have been advised to quit, in which event the ' route of the Company's main : line to : .India will -have to be altered, i , - . . Lateb. :A? dispatch ' lust received says that the Cairo office of the Eastern' Cable Co.' has been closed.' - -- ' . LoNDosr, . June i 15.t A- dispatch from Alexandria savs the number of Euroneans killed on Sunday is now estimated at 250. 1 r . .i ? a j ' Jiiiuiy were uiruwn, into uie sea anu are us ing daily washed jashore:. Twelve bodies yesterday and 4ive to-day were thus re covered. All me bodies bear the marks of bludgeon or bayonet wounds." Several witnesses of Sunday s riot assert that the rabble were pressed by a detachment- of gendarmes, who drew up in the middle of a. square and looked on when the massacre be gan and afterwards took part in it. The Con suls uenerai are preparing another circular addressed to their respective ; countrymen, expressing - confidence that order j will be maintained by the Egyptian army, the ob ject being to instil confidence pending the arrival of- the Turkish troops - ; ; ; ; Constantinople, July 15. The Coun cil of Ministers have not yet arrived at: a' decision in regard to the dispatch of troops . to Egypt ti is stated that the government hopes that the. proposal for a conference wm nrss oe wunarawn, nence ine aeiay. The troops, if sent, will be taken for Cyra. London, June .16. The -i. Manchester Guardian, in its commercial article says tne strong appearance . or , tne market . en courages a hopeful . view . of the, future. Sellers asfc extreme rates. t" ? rj Gebbaltab, June 16. Rear , Admiral Nicholson; wiih the United States steamers Lancaster and . Quinnebaugh, has arrived here, and will proceed to Alexandria imme diately. -;,. fV-- .; J';q:iJ . -,L- M f farts, June -16. it i: is semi-omcially stated that all of the Powers have agreed to request Turkey's immediate acceptance of the Conference on me. i&ryptian question. Failing to get her assistance the Conference will meet elsewhere than, at Constantinople without Turkeys participation. . . . r- Lonpon: June 16. In. the House of Commons - this afternoon, debate was re sumed on the Repression bill. . Clause 7 was adopted by a vote of 208 to 67; . Gov- enimeui previously accepieu an amena ment .that magistrates should appear -at meetings and: summon . the people: to dis perse, but aa amendment- confining) the operation, of the clause to the proclaimed district was reiected. :;: ; ; u. -. :;.: Trevelyan.. Chief Secretary-for Ireland. aeniea tnat permission- to erect nuts ' lor evicted tenants of Lord Clancurey had been Mr. Gladstone! replying to Robert Burk, stated that England's relations with Turkey were never, more friendly, r-in answer .to Mr. Bartlett, Conservative member for Eye, Mr. Gladstone said ne was not aware tnat Turkish ; : troops iwere oh- their way 'to Egypt. V:; r ::-- :t!?,i - A Press Associauon ; dispatch says it is Understood that the channel squadron will embark with a large ' number of . troops at Malta, and will then proceed to Egypt- - t Admiral Seymour telegraphs that the tran sports provided for refugees are sufficient A J. tmes : corresponaeni . at Aiexanaria telegraphs that 10,000 persons are supposed to have left there thus far, and , leaving many servants and workmen without em ployment rne ; postmaster .,i doubts n his abiltity to.continue postal servicer owing to the .: probable : sight or tne employers The engineers at. Atiesn, junction or tne Mahmondish. Canal with the Nile, Ihave threatened to : quit, work, which action miffht imperil the water supply. - A dispatch to Tunis; from Constantinople, states that the Porte has been assured that the conference will be - stnetly confined to the discussion of the j Egyptian questionf Spam considers that t she snouid be repre sented at the conference as the Suez Canal is the shortest route to her eastern posses-' sions. .T 1 fi: . , London, June 17. -The r. Central News states that the : government with the ap proval of France and .Turkey,, has deter-; mined to protect the Suez canal withrit ish troops.: Transports have accordingly been ordered to be ready for the embarka tion Of -trOOPS. S B-i.t -:;i5 The Standard's correspondent at Alex andria, telegraphs that up to last night the total number of corpses found of,. Euro peans,' killed in last Sunday's riot was 840.' Eye witnesses state that - the JKuropeans, who sought refuge from .'the police were massacred . by : the Gen.. d'Armes. . tThe correspondent declares that : the rising was organized by the prefect of police. m S t ' ', A dispatch from Alexandria to .Renter's Telegram Company, says' that thousands of Europeans are arriving from the interior. Sine limes Bays that five battalhons of in fantry and a company, of engineers at Mai tar, are-available for service in Egypt! ?i k -The London correspondent of the Man Chester Guardian says it is5 ;thought that Sir Edward Mallet, British Consul General in Egypt and Admiral Seymowy may; at any moment order the occupation of Alex andria, . if the attitude of , the .Egyptian trooDS appears doubtfuL , . . . f Special dispatches from Alexandria state that troops are becoming insulting and hos tile towards Europeans. - . .....",- i ,. A Dispatch from: Alexandria savs it is stated that the British controller will resign if Arab! Pacha is included in the new min-: istry. . . : - - V ' ': .'. . " ';" v Consxantinople, June 17 The Sultan yesterday reiterated to i the ".Marquis i De xtoaies, uie xrenuii moassauor, uis uujec tion to the conference on . he Egyptian NO. 34 question, and maintained that the- assem bling thereof woukL.be attended with inr superablo drawbacks. . ' -, . . : ALexandbia. June 17: RaghebPacha; has consented to undertake the formation of I aMiniatrv. . . ,b ' a Ministry. 1 St; Petebsbpbo! June UIt has been finally decided to'separate the political police from the ministry of the Interior. Gen, 'lrepoit, will be appointed Chief ot the new Department - - s ' , 1 ! The Journal de St. Petersburg states that Russia is preparing to send men of war to Lonpon. Jane 17. The police have made a raid on a stable itt Clerk-Enwell, London; and seized 100,000 rounds of ammunition acked in -boxes for removal' to Ireland 'our hundred rifles,5- with j bayonets, and 25 boxes of revolvers were also captured. V LTJNENBtJBGi June 17, The Jewish com mittee here have informed the London com mittee that they will cease "to -act if the latter committee persists' in forwarding to America only able-bodied emigrants. if : . . .. - ' : ' --' -'v"- .-'- :-.) OHIO. Striker Badly r Beat, a Non-Union Workmaa-The Private Secretary of k Blsndp , Gilmonr Forelbly Ejected : 4 By Telegraph to the tfdnilnir'StaAj- V CiJEVEiiAND, June 15. The strikers have men designated from their number toract as police , and assist' in . preserving . order. : They asked to be appointed by the city as special patrollmen, but the request was de- med.twTwO of these, quasi; officers .arrested Thomas Blytho non-union workman. last .Friday mght on the charge of cohceahng a concealed weapon.-: wnen ou tnal in the police court Blythe swore that he carried a revolver to protect himself from, assaults by the strikers. He was acquitted, and the men who arrested him were arrested. at the suggestion of the court, and charged with assault and battery, it being in. evi dence that they seized Blythe without war rant or provocation and found the "revolver m his possession. Their cases were set for trial for the 21st inst. . This morning,. when: on his way to work. Blythe . was attacked hy a gang of tnen, presumed to be strikers. and was so badly beaten that he may die.e Kev. Jb ather iiouek, private secretary to Bishop Gilmour, of this Catholic Diocese, was elected from : the Jjeader. office this morning under circumstances which caused a sensation. The Leader is ' anti-Catholic and yesterday contained 1 an- editorial to which Bishop Gilmour. replied ; by letter. which he sent . by : Father : Houek to the Leader for publication. ; As . it did not appear in to-days issue. Father Houek went to the omce. it is supposed, for an explanation, and the manuscript letter is said to contain matter personally very Hen-. sive to Mr. Cowles, editor : of the Leader, and when Father Houek called, 'Cowles, without waiting to hear . the object Of the visit ordered him out, and. assisted him so energetically that Father Houek swore out a warrant of arrest for assault and battery. KENTUCKY. A Neero Fiend Commits an Onlraxe ,and Jndge Lnch , Attends to tne ; Case . '' '; '' ' ;"."';' ; 's?i?i?f : : I By Teleeraph to the Morning Star.) ;':- LouiBViiXE, June 15. A special - from JMt Herlin says a negro named Jim Mitch ell waylaid tne wife ota respectable fanner, named Thomas" yesterday, ' and assaulted her in a brutal-manner, Only; two-smiles from town. Within, two hours afterwards he was in jail. - Last night five men armed with pistols entered the jail and forced the jailor to deliver the negro into their hands. He was taken out and nung to a railroad trestle half a mile from. town.. The body was taken down this morning and buried by the ' coroner. . He confessed ' the crime and was fully identified by- Mrs.: Thomas: A.FJLTALFEUJ). An Old.: Feud In Texas, Results In a. Flsnt In which Several . are,. Killed and .Wounded. '. ' 'f 'Z U cy -l-eiegrapn iq me jaonuag oiar.j - '.-i'. s Galveston; June 15. A dispatch from Llano.; Texas, says at. an early . hour on Wednesday, morning an . old feud between the McJMatt and Coggras party culminated in' an engagement witn wincnester rines. Hennr: Hatly.-oti the Coggins party-.was killed, and , John,- and - Jack Coggins were wounded, John fatally. Un the McJNatt side Jack Herriage and -Ben Carter were wounded. -: Mr. Harwell, a non-participany was wounded by a stray balL , ; hiyiA :'. i s--s i 1 ; L: 'i ' ,-.;-'-- SOUTH CAROLINA. Political ' Arrests by! the - State and (i , Federal Authorities. ... ! IBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.) Charleston, June 15. Duringthe regis tration ot voters to day at ine nonnern boundary of the county.ninety colored men were arrested oy a u pstate .magistrate '.ior intimidating and obstructing voters. Late in the evening, the supervisor ofv registra tion was arrested on United States warrant for obstructing registration several days ago. - tE ' ' j PENNSYLVANIA. C i The Labor. Demonstration at Pitts burg Immense Procession Enthu slasm, IXIottoes, &c. i fBy Telegraph to the Morning Sur. Pittsbubo June 17. The labor parade took place to-day. The immense column. which moved m ociock v.. M.,:con- tained. it is reported, fully 25,000 men and comprised five divisions. : Ureat , interest was manifested - in the fifth;, division, which was composed of. various" lodges of amalgamated associations of iron and steel workers. It is - estimated that this portion of the parade contained from 8,000 to 10.000. it was oy ail oaas tne largest division in the ! column and was greeted with enthusiastic cheers. A large number of mottoes were displayed by this division, from which the : followingmay be selected as worthy of mention: "we want protec tion that : protects." "The i wealth ' of the r country is ' produced by labor." "Labor ' has Tho : protection. V 'The weak are devoured by the strong." lRairoad monoply manages - our steam highways." : "Land monopoly is stealing our ' surplus . lands." "Bank monopoly manages our money. ' "Monopolies are trying to manage labor." "All monopolies must die or the republic will fall." Stand by the flag ".-"Six dollars is pur determination. " The : procession was an hour and a half passing a given point ' To-night the city is as : quiet and orderly as on any ordinary occasion, and no disturbance is expected.' Taking all- in : all the demonstration - was one of which the workingmen can justly be proud. r -j; ' - .-, r:irr, omuuneia; jaercua: iwur- cor-? respondent from Clayton, informs us that T. J. Pate, Esq., killed a snake that is called the coachwhip, measuring nine feet; four feet of his tail wag plaited more beau tifully man any work oi art ne nas ever seen. - - - Spirits 'urpsntme. i-f iJh&thirk.i2Brd)hi iDem- ocrats of Chatham who voted against 1 pro hibition are just as true to their . party as those who voted for prohibition; - and they have no idea of being used as cats-paws by Republicansr and enable that, party vto re- gain their supremacy in this State. It ivaa i twenty five feet that Judge Henry GilEam' leaped; :The Farmer - and -Mechanic says: ,vA.shower of carpet. bags, kerosene bottles, judicial . decisions,- etc. . rained through the tree tops for miUs! . And ; finally, while the while party were running, t and tremulously calling out, i"Js the Judge , kiUedlt iUood Uod, Uelps the Judge!?- -voice Was heard far down the ' mountain side, saying calmly. ""The court has arrived, and taken its seat 1 Sheriff, v loosen' : that boss VX'i rir A'ti -?' 1 hoss I" Tarboi-o :l&utherneri ;:-;The Lib erals want the CtountyjCkmmissioners elec- ted by the . people. Their idea , is higher ., taxes, and, therefore, fatter jobs. " ; - Capts.? Darling and Price of the. U. S. Sur vey Service, are at our wharf : with their boats engaged uv a" survey of , Tar river. . " The prospects lor a cotton crop are very gloomy. The stand is very bad end the plant is small-and still dying..-; Corav oats and wheat are good' ? - Edgar and Paul Duncan, two promising young men, died on Warren county in JJlay, i ney Had -but recently gone f rom j this (Edgecombe) county. ' : -'. - '.: ..- ; Raleigh News-Observer: "On yesterday the -Judicial conventions for the' second - district, nominated for Superior Court 'Judge Capt Frederic Phillips, of .Tarboro.' - Capt Philips is-a native of Edge-; combe, about 43 years of .age, and a lawyer of fine reputation.. - lie graduated withdis-, tinction at the Universiyf of North Carol'" na, mjhe cjass of 185y. i- Mr. W C - Bcweh, nominated for- solicitor orthe sec- - ond-distnct ' Is a native of Northampton,", about thirty-two' years Of age. .He gradu-- ated at the University of Virginia and lo cating at Jackson, applied nimseii at once to the practice of his profession. . " ' L'enoir Topic: The cold weather , - which has just passed has been very hard on cotton in. the lowest, part of the Pied mont seetionr r--r; Jake' Halliburton says . he is5 now! heart ..and soul 5 withj the new party?: What more can the new party want? ; Gen. :: J .- JD. . lmboden was in Lenoir ; last week,.- in company, with a contractor, looking at the railroad bed. The. General that he will , have the Narrow Gauge finished to Lenoir ih time to ' ship, off the " present wheat -crop. - As soon as we ' heard of this nomination we at' once felt in dignant that any one, end especially , a ne gro, should have taken such a liberty with . the name of our friend, Col. Folk, as to nse -. it in this conclave'bf Mongrels. We made haste to call upon - him and to hear from his own lips -an avowal of his repugnance at being so associated. 1 . Pittsboro Record: Wheat " and oats in this section are looking remarkably fine;: - Harvest is ! in full blast. .' Through the courtesy of Gen. Ransom we were admitted to the floor of the Senate and introduced by -him to numerous . Senators. Among them all we candidly ; thought that , North Carolina had the best representation, and this Opinion is quite prevalent in Wash ington. , The nomination of Col. Folk for Supreme Court Judge was thrown out as a snare to entrap some disgruntled Dem ocrats,! He has been a pronounced Demo crat quite extreme in his views, and was the. confederate officer who hunted vdescr- ters in this and Randolph counties during therLate war, and whose men took Bill Owen (aKandorph county deserter) out of the jail at this place and shot him to death without any trial whatsoever. - " - Fayetteville Examiner: Bishop Lyman arriyed in this place last Saturday, and" preached at St. Joseph's on that day; and on ounday morning at Kdcknsh. A .colored man by the j name of William Marsh, in the employment of the C. F.- & Y.-V..Railwayvwas badly injured on Tues--day last near Little River. - He was at work ' on tne , track. at tnat point, and went be- , tween ah engine and. a gravel car for the 1 purpose of coupling f them, when he was r caught " and severely mashed. - Mr. ' Cross JJavis, of tnis place, nas completed a boat 10 feet long and 4 feet 5 inches in t length, and of 2i tons burden. She is called I the Lily McUadyen, and is intended for ; navigating the waters of the lower Little River between McFadyen's Springs and ' the C. F.' & Y -V.; Railway. She will carry passengers and freight : and make regular t : . trips to the springs.; : : ,.: ; ; : Raleigh -' News-Observer: Col. Folk is a burden to the ticket, rather than 1 help. The Republicans have gone far and ; fared badly: But it suits us if it suits them. 4 The attempt of the Republicans to play ' Mahone's game without a Mahone,' and , without any. Democratic: f ollowing, is one : of the oddities of the day. : Old Col., Forney used to speak of "My two papers," both daily;" but Dr.- Mott is a luckier man he can pat himself on the breast and say. My two parties,, both weakly, i The Republican Convention yesterday : was about the same as usual. ! We have seen the ' same men meet here before and pass reso lutions and denounce Democrats, and pro- " aesy success, and all that. - Mr. Jehu -avis, not unknown to fame, was present' - at roll call on yesterday, f Kwe recollect aright, Ma per: diem account for attending the Legislature of 1868, coming alt the way from Montgomery county, was something- v. less than $2,000. . Yesterday he sat in the amen corner and raised hjs tuneful voice on , occasions. Wilson a correspondence : There is no doubt about it ; the State Nor mal School at Wilson has opened under the most favorable auspices, -i Everything, is working well to make it a grand success. Raleigh News- Observer : ' Col. W. L. Saunders,- Secretary of-State, has re-- ' turned from a trip to Warm Springs, but is, we regret to - state, confined to his room, j , Col. W Jr. Canaday was interrogated yesterday in regard to the rumor as to a- uuei wikii . uuanes : xv. ooiiub, oi uiu Charlotte ' Observer, and said, no challenge had been passed,nor was there any prospect of trouble. The case of the 'North ; Carolina Navigation Company vs. the South- -ern Underwriters Association occupied the Court yesterday,' and will be concluded to day; when the Court will adjourn for the -term. Judge Bond goes to Charlotte to hold Court. Judge Seymour goes North to deliver an address before the Alumni Asso-. ciation of Hamilton College, Oneida county, r New York State. - - From an article by - Rev. R. L Vevin, in the Christian Year.we " extract the following: Thef Rev.; Theodore . B. Lyman,- D. D. , now Bishop of" North Carolina, - must fairly , be considered the . actual' founder of the American i Epis-. ; copal Church in ; Rome, and the i. ener getic nanner in which he secured an luuepeuueut uwKaue wvut uuuroi lucre, -.- and his earnest and faithful ministrations. in the sick room as well as in the chapel, -' without respect to denomination, will long - be remembered by thousands of his fellow- , countrymen who visited Home an the win- . ters of 1865-'69. As one of Raleagh's industries which is. rapidly becomingliota ble, we make some notes of the Raleigh ; Nurseries. They are ilocated on the Tar boro road, a half .mile from the city; and are owned and managed by Mr. S. Otho Wilson. Mr- Wilson brings to the conduct of his business both ability and experience, - -having begun. the business with his father in what is now Vance county, in 1870. -The present year he has 20 acres of . excel- r lent land in vigorous young nursery stock, . comprising apple, peach, pear,; cherry and mulberry trees, also grape vines, raspber- -ries, strawberries, etc.; In order to encour ; age and develop fruit-growing in the South ; he will furnish this season 50,000 peach trees for planting in orchards of from one . thousand trees upwards, taking as pay only -one crop of the fruit of the trees. . - ,.; x 1 r . 5 t ri :i - 5-''I ' ' 1 C .1-

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