The Weekly -Star. : VTEL H. BEENAED. Editor and Prop'r. witMmaTOJsrm c.-j - Fbipay, - June 23, . 1882. - tIn writing to change fyour address, alwy friveformp- direction as well as full particulars as where you wish your paper to be sent hereafter. Unless you do both changes can not be made. -. ; rHNOtlcegor jaarnaeeor weniu, umura Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, &o., are cnareea for as ordinary advertisements, but only . half rates when paid for strictly In advance. At this rate 50 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Marriage or ueatn. . : . . t-Romittancea must be made by ChecfcJXraft Postal Money Order or Registered Letter. , Post masters will register letters when desired. - - i t"0nly such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. : -. '- - - - - y tSpecimen copies forwarded when desired,:. i BIGS TAXES. ' -'" ,'--y. I . ... ' 1 We regard the j c ounty government question as incomparably more im portant to Bertie and Bladen, to - J 1?MAnMnha 1-JrftTlVl 1 1 A i - Viaicu uu ' and Franklin, to Greene and Halifax, . to Hertford and Jones, to Lenoir and Pasquotank, to Pender and Pre quimans, to Warren and New Han over, and other counties, than all others combined. County govern ment comes directly home to every tax-payer, It Is !a question of dol- lars and cents. It is a question of It honest, fair and just government. is a question of-high or low taxes. There is no mistaking the significancy and importance of this question. r In twenty-three t counties the ac tual saving to the people in one "year by the change made from the old imported ! Radical system and that now in use was- over $100,000. In ten years more than a. million dollars would be saved. - The people groan under Federal, .State and; county taxes, propose to vote i for men Do , they who come out openly, Jtmt under a false pretense, and declare that they are in favor of restoring negro domination? This is to give i financial matters again in to the hands of ihe negroes. This is to return to thej extravagance and plundering of all the years after the Radicals got control in North Caroli na until the Democrats changed the system, and thai went into effect in 1879. 1 Tjhat vear over one hundred thousand dollars - was saved to the taxpayerjj of twenty-three counties. , The Raleigh! News- Observer has published -A table in . which are con- i. r. county government 1 i f ' systems' in fifty counties. It takes the taxes collected for county pur- poses in lSli- '5 system -negroes under the Radical bossing and mani- pulating I the finances and" the white man?s system now in - use in 1880 : "'81. The result is that there was a positive saving of $227,176.05, or nearly a (quarter, oi a minion aoiiars in one yean. In 1874-'75, the taxes - in these fifty counties for county purposes were $651,302,65. -.In 1880- '81 the" ior the same purposes were but $424,126.60. ; There are Democratic papers that are dissatisfied with such grand re- us, and are favoring a restoration of the negro plundering system, There are Democrats jwho are for affiliating with thej Radical-Mongrel ticket upon 6ne plea1 or another, but chiefly to get - bach negro, rule. ' They are not so much enamored of Radical loaves and fishes as; they are in love with a rascally system .that pillaged and oppressed th 3 people most' unmerci7 t fully. . . Since the Democrats changed the system and gave the honest tax payers the control of 'county finances many hundreds of thousands of dol- ;Iars have' been saved to the people. The saying ini the years 1879, 1880 and 1881 to the .tax-Da vers of the entire State ' must; be, approximately or quite one million dollars.' ; ; Will the white tax-payers of the Third Cftngressional District vote for any men for office who have the .; cheek toT stand up" before them and advoeate a return to negro rule? - - - Will the white "tax-payers of the' Cape Fear country sustain any party that will -be wicked andy unjust and cruel enough to attempt to remand them to negro; control to high and grievous taxes to i be squandered ' and stolen as was th"e case under the old . system? Go to your county records and see - how.yonr money was taken from you r under the forms' of law and thrown away recklessly, misap plied and stolen. ' " . ; t -uuuuu giviiij; mt) people the right to elect county com missioners and magistrates -is trans parent demagogism." Why do 'riot these men who shriek' for . a change . ' here also demand . a chanaje as to postmasters, revenue collectors, Fed eral Court officials 'and all offices . directly concerning th people of - ;North Carolina? - The fact that they are ait dumb as oysters, and as silent J . as thV grave about these important offices,1 in' which the -people are very much interested, shows that they are not sincere or acting from principle, but from unadulterated demagogue- ry. They hope by, this means to divide and conquer. They -h'ope first to divide the 'Democratic 1. party. TFhev hope second to divide the West and East thereby. . " It remains to be seen if the white tax-payers of the East will agree? to any, change i in the, countv govern ment and if they will-embrace .Radi- ealisra in order to increase the taxes. - AMERICAN LEGION OF HON- ,. .- A '. OR.. ... ' - ' . Institution of. a Grand Council for ' Nortb Carolina Election and Instal . latlon of Officers, &c, &c. .'s1 v The Grand Council of ther American Le gion of Bonor for North Carolina-was in stituted and organized in this city on Tues day evening last, the 20th inst, at 8 o'clock, P. M., by Supreme Commander Jacob Rob erts, MD of Philadelphia. - A constitu tion was adopted and the time for the an nual meetings of the Grand Council fixed for the third Tuesday in July. -' . The following officers were elected and installed, to serve until i the third Tuesday in July, 1883: . , --. ' Past Grand . Master James H. Baker, M. D Tarboro. . - t Grand Commander Nathaniel ? Jacobi,v Wilmington." J ', , ;; : Grand Viee Commander Robert It ( Ly on, Ellzabethtown. . ", - . - . - Grand Orator John A, Collins,; M D. Enfield. x - Grand Secretary J. L Macks, "Wilming ton. - - - . t - r - GrandTreasurer John G. Snyder, Rocky Mount. ' , -."-' : " ' , - Grand Chaplain A. H. McLeod. Lum berton. Grand Guide C. O. Mercer, Bladen boro. . . . Grand Warden Joseph Schwerin, New Berne. Grand Sentry-Qeorge G. Newman," Ma-. kelyville. , - , ' i , ' v - Grand Trustees C. M. Brown, Wash ingtonj J. H. Bell, Tarboro'; Menrj Mor ris, Tarboro'. -' Finance Committee M7. Paterson, New Berne; S. K. Fountain, Rocky Mount; A. Arnheim, Greenville. , - i v - Committee on Laws, Supervision, Appeals and Grievances Owen Fennell, Jr. .Wil mington; J. A. McDowell, Ellzabetown; S. Trueblood, Weldon. : . " Representative to the Supreme Council Jas. H. Baker, M. D.J Tarboro.-- Alternate Nathaniel Jacobi, Wilmington. f - There are nineteen Councils' in the State at present, embracing a membership of about seven hundred. ' .' - . Twelve Councils were represented. ' ' The Grand Councilj by invitation of .Tar River Council, -will meet in Jnly, 1883, at Tarboro, N. C' . "f - " - j Supreme Commander Roberts expressed himself ' as being well pleased -with the Grand Council, and "predicted ' a. bright" fu fure for it - " n ' v By invitation of Clarendon Council No. 67, of this city, , the Supreme Commander and members of the Grand Council, ' with the members and families . of Clarendon Council participated in an excursion down the river yesterday, leaving the city on the steamer Passport at 9 A. M., and , returned at 5.30 P. M. The boat landed at Forts v . .. . Fisher and Gaswell and at Smithville, at which latter place a sumptuous dinner was served at the Hotel Brunswick. , r i,. - An Instance of True JBrotnerlr 8ym- pathy. ' ' - ' , Rev. R.; O. BHrton Presiding Elder of this District, who held quarterly meeting J at Whiteville last Saturday and Sunday, and who has since been in this city. left yesterday to visit the venerable Dr. Closs at Toisnot, Wilson county, who has been very sick and is ; still quite feeble, although he has to return here in order to .meet his ap pointment at Elizabethtown, Bladen coun ty, on Saturday and Sunday next; the 24th and 25th Inst. This is an evidence of Chris tian sympathy and brotherly feeling which it is very pleasant to find existing in this world which is giveir "so much to hard hearted neglect and indifference or the cold formalities which carry' with . them no' warmth of feeling or words of cheer. In -this trip merely to see an aged friend and brother, the reverend gentleman" will have to travel two hundred and thirty-two miles (going and returning), and, he always pays as he goes. - , . 1" ; , - : Simmon Llrer Regnlator 1 -v is simple and harmless; and yet has proven itself a sovereign remedy1 f6r dyspepsia, costiveness, sick headache, bilious colic, sour stomach, ; diarrhosa, biliousness and -other like evite of .va,. disordered liver and stomach. .. - - , - , . - . - Genuine prepared only by J.- II. Zeilin &Co. - , . J t f Chnrcli Improvement. v , Through the efforts of their pastor, Rev. John - S. Parker, ' Mt. Zion A. M. E.' Church,' corner of Seventh and .Howard streets, is about to be thoroughly recon structed, it being arranged ; that the work of the carpenters would be given Out to the lowest bidder last night The pastor de sires us to express the thanks of the con gregaiion and-; himself to the citizens t of l Wilmington for their kind assistance.'1 Revelation suggests the" idea that from Woman comes the power to "bruise the serpent's head." The words take a new meaning to-day since this is precisely what Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Remedies do for the physically diseased patient. HerYege table . Compound reaches the ultimate sources of the evil.' Its action is gentle and noiseless, but it is more powerful than the club of Hercules. Bazar. . f - j The Norwegian barque Regit buen, Capt. Olsen, ' was cleared from this port for London, yesterday, by Messrs. D. R Murchison &-Co., with -1,669 casks spirits turpentine, valued at $34,7TV HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE a necessity. Dr.- C.. O.'FUes,. Portland, Me.i says: Of all the samples of medicine seul me during the, past i; dozen years, it is the J come a necessity in my own household.- f A Iiost Child and Tain 8earenlns, o Anxious Friends. f : We learn from Capt. David Sherman, of the steamer JohnDawson, that , Mrs. Geo. W. Corbett, of Callie Creek, Penders county, went -fishing .. on , Saturday- last, , taking with ' her two of her little boys. -Upon the approach of the storm, about 5 . P. M.. she called her children and started for home, and had reached a point .within two hundred yards of her gate, .whea she looked back and jsaw . one of ? her t. h.ilT dren and a ; little colored boy . : coming through the swamp.-' Having no misgiv ings of anything being wrongs-she gave no more attention "to them" nntir about one hour later. '. The storm had then ceased" and little-George, about 8 years of age was found to be missing. ' Immediately a search was commenced and continued throughout the night, v -but without avail, and all day Sunday the swamps and creek were being searched by anxious friends, to the number of over one hundred, but up to yesterday morning, at 7 o'clock, when "the Davison lef t. no tidinca of the lost child had been Teceived. ' -. Blade a Good Imprenlon, fiii A correspondent at Wilson, North Caro lina, writes us that Rev. W. T. Jones, who was ordained here on Sunday the 11th inst. . preparatory to assuming the pastorship of the Baptist church at. that place,' preached his first sermon there on Sunday morning last to a very large congregation, ".His ser mon, our correspondent says, was well con ceived and happily delivered, and his church people pronounced it a good experimental Christian sermon. . lie adds: "lie made a good impression on the whole congregation, and our belief is he will develope into a . . .... , . -2- - very fine preacher, not only acceptable to the congregation in general, but edifying to the faithful. W. & W. Railroad Meeting "of IM- -rectors. " At a meeting of the Directors of the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad Company, held yesterday, at the offlee of the Com pany in this city, Mr. H. Walters; of Balti more, was elected a Director of said road to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Thos. C. Jenkins, of that city. . . The-Board of Directors ralso declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 percent No other business' of public importance was transacted. Foreign Slilpmenta. The following comprised , the foreign shipments from this port yesterday: The Norwegian briff Alkor. Capt. Madsen, for Antwerp, Belgrave, by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son, with 800 casks spirits tur pentine and 1,116 barrels of rosin valued at $18,800; and the German barque Soli Deo Gloria, Capt Meyer, for Rotterdam, by Messri E. G. Barker & Co.; with 4,028 barrels of rosin, valued at $7,583.86. Total value of foreign exports for the,. day $26,' 383.86. ' - . ' I For the Star. HARNETT CRATIC CO UNTY DEMO- CONVENTION. " Pursuant to previous notice given by the Chairman of the County Executive Uom mittee. the Democrats of Harnett countv. assembled-in Convention in the courthouse at Lillington, on Saturday the 17th of June, for the purpose of electing delegates to the State Convention, and also to the Congres sional and c Judicial "Conventions. ' The Convention was organized by calling B. F. Shaw to the chair and requesting E. E. Brumly to act as Secretary. ; ; The following delegates were 'elected to the Judicial Convention to be held in Fay eueviiie, aist June: . - r , : N. 8. 8tewart,HJ C. Avera. Edward Smith; T. W Harrington, John : Harring ton. J as,--. Cameron, Jacob U. Williams, b. G...Collins, S. J. Gardner, J. D-Pegram, Jesse Morgan. Dr. R. . T." S pence. L. A. Johnson, J. A. Stewart, A. J. Turlington, D. E. Green, D. T. Grady, R. H. Smith, A. C. Buie, D. Morrison,- F. J . Swann, M H. Melvin, J. R Grady, J. A. Green, D. Wm. McKoy, J.- A. Matthews, W. A. Green, J. P. Hodges, J. A. Hodges, D. J. Parker, D. C. McLean, John Ray. Dr. J. A. McDougald. - - 4 . Delegates to the State Convention N. 8. Steward, J; A. Cameron,M. E. Byrd, J. T. Harrington,, Daniel Steward. D. E. Green, K. q. lieedew, U. 11. W. Jjean, W. A. John ' son, J. M. -liodgers, w. D. Harrington. - Delegates to the Congressional Conven tion JNiven liay.Ui.. mitn. A. J. Cameron, D. W. Matthews. M. V. Prince, J. K. Steward, J.' A. Smith, R. C. Beedew, J. A. Green. H. H. Poe, J. A. Hodges, J. At kins Cameron. . . ,--..r On motion, the Chairman and Secretary were added to the- list of delegates to the Judicial, State and Congressional Conven tions. -. ' "-. .'.;.- ; : Mesdved, That the Democrrts of Harnett county respectfully recommend J. D. Mc Iverto the Judicial convention for renomi nation for Solicitor of the Fourth Judicial District.- -I - . ! 1 . ' ' BesoVeed, Thatihe Democrats of Harnett county, in ; convention assembled recog nizing the claims of the - upper Cape Fear section upon the Democracy of - the Third Congressional District and believing those claims wortny oi consiaeranon ana recog nition take pleasure - in presenting to the convention J to . assemble at .Warsaw; the name of D. 11; McLean,. Esq. , of Harnett. for the nomination as ' candidate for Conr gressman fromthis District. - . r-i -1 Resolved,. That while we asperse" neither the character nor the' abilities of any aspi rant for this high and ; honorable position;. yet Wfc eis leUow-countymenrecostiize in the person of D. H.. McLean"' one who -by his unsullied character as a gentleman, his high attainments as a lawyer, his great suc cess as a politician, as - well s as by his un tiring energy in the cause of Democracy, and unselfish- devotion to : the interests of his State, is preeminently qualified to unite the faith of the party and every, section of tne .District, ana thus insure success m the coming election. - - - Resolved,' That the delegates elected by this Convention be, and are hereby instruct- ea to cast tne vote - oi this county for mi, D. Hi : McLean, and to use all honorable means for his' nomination; but shoald the Convention, m its ..wisdom, see proper to nominate any . other ; Democrat,- tned ana true, they are requested to give him their 'heartiest endorsement. ' ' .-. U - Resolved, That.a.copy of these ? resolu tions, with a request to have them publish ed, be sent to the Wilmington Star and uemew, 'ayettevuie; J&camtner ana Uoias- Doro Messenger. -;- -E.;K Beumlt, Sec'y. -. -- - v B. F. Shaw Chairman. ;!! General James IL - Lane . has been unanimously elected President of the West , Florida: Seminary,-; Tallahassee, in which institution he was a Professor before the war. -'" ' - " - - - - - -Smile Again on Mel - sighed Tom to bis beloved.1 He knewot ,wbat- gave her uch a. charm in his eves." Her. teeth, V preserved ' by SOZODONT which she had used from irirlhood. did hia business." She held her Invrn hv virtiio tf For the Star. : MASS MEETING IN PBNJBEB. "ArTnass---- meeting of.': the- Uemocratic party of Pender ; county washeldr at uur- jjaw, Monday 'June 19th" 1SS2. , - Dr. W. T. Everett-f was "-called ' to the chair; Mr. A. H. Paddison was requested to act as secretary. , The following -resolutions were reported Tbtmlmd. -That in .view of -the faithful services .rendered , to the State, , by those well known gentlemen," Hon.. a. a. --oiw-Koy, Judge of the Superior : Courts and Capt. , Swift Galloway, , Solicitor of the Third Judicial District, - in the impartial discharge of the many and arduous duties of their omces, we, the people oi rentier coun ty, take this opportunity of expressing our entire and hearty approval of the upright, fair find imnsirtial manner in r which they hayelA discharged their olnciai duties , during , their -terms of office which are now ramdlv - : drawing - .to a close, ana it. m tne souna aiscreuuu ui mm m . m . i M theConvention to meet m Magnolia on tne 27th inst.. these gentlemen should be placed on the ticket for re-election to the respective positions which they now so acceptably fill with honor to themselves and credit to their constituents, then the people of Pender can be relied on to. nve them a warm, ana heartv surmorL . . On motion, the Wilmington btab, review and Journal. Goldsboro Messenger, Wilson Advance and all mother, good - Democratic papers were requested to publish the same'. For the Star." BLADEN COUNTY CONVEN- The 'Countv " Convention was . called .' to order at 12 o'clock, the 19th of June, 1882, bv I. H. Smith. Chairman Jfixecutive Uom- mittee. who asked ,U W. Williams to act i as temDorarv Secretary' v' ' The committee ' on .ureaenuais reportea every township: represented . in Stale and Judicial matters and every township, but Carver's Creek, was represented for all the ueiusaiiouo. . ; ' - 1 - W. J. tshaw placed. J. VV. iurdie in nomination for permanent chairman, and Col. J. J. D. Lucas put L H. Smith 'in nomination for the. same.. The vote, re sulted: For L H. Smith 30 1-6; for J. W. Purdie 21 5-6. Mr. Smith was elected.'' . Mr. C. W. Williams was. elected perma nent Secretary without opposition. i The following preamble and resolutions were introduced by N. A. Stedman, Jr. who espoused them at length and With much warmth. j-; . ' - ' . Mr. W. J. Shaw opposed the resolutions with great energy, and the remarks between him and Mr. Stedman were certainly em-, phatic Mr. Shaw offered an amendment to Mr. Stedman s resolutions, - that each . township appoint or . select its delegates. : The amendment was lost by the following voter For it 20 5-0: against it 27 1-6. rThe preamble and resolutions were next adopted by the following vote: Dor Zo l-o, against Whereas, "We, the Democrats of Bladen county, in convention assembled, realise the many ana great aangerslnreateningour party in this county and in this Congres sional District, in . order therefore to avert the same, and as a warning to other coun ties, we adopt - the following resolutions. not in a spirit of faction but of patriotism : Resolved, That we earnestly hope our aei egates will not from a factional animus, be a clog to our proceedings at Warsaw on the 20th of July, ;1882; but will refrain from imitating the example " set at- FayetteviHe two years ago. liesoicea, mat our aeiegaies to tne cxaie, Judicial and Congressional Conventions be entirely uninstructcd, and requited' to act for the best -interests or tne uemocracuc parly. Itesolvea. l liat tne . cnairman oi mis con vention appoint nine delegates and nineal ternates to the, State Convention, to be held at Raleigh on the 5th of July next; and one delegate and one alternate from each Town ship in the county to each ot tne otner two conventions, viz: To the Judicial at Fay etteviHe,' on the 21st of June, and the Con- gressional at Warsaw. On the 20th of Julvr" liesoivea, rnat our aeieganon to tne con- gressionai uuuveuuuu ucjusirutieu iuutc as a unit, the majority casting the vote as they deem best for our party. - 4: : ' j r -, ... i - . . a . 4 n Resolved, That the chairman be requestea to appoint as delegates representative Demo-1 crats. - Resolved, That we deplore the want of harmony existing in our party, and call upon every wnite man to remember wnat defeat means, and to rally , to the wail of our old mother county: "Bladen Calls upon her sons to prove themselves worthy of her fair daughters."- - -. ; . - t ': Resolved, -That we discountenance liberals; independents, bolters, and pledge our support to regular nominees; and recommend that henceforth, in our primaries, no man be allowed to vote who has not abiaea oy our conventions and supported our nominees at the last election immediately-preceding The chairman appointed the following delegates and alternates: ..: 'M To State Convention Delegates J. J, i). Lucas. C. H. Stevens. G. Vf: Jones, John D. Currie. M N. Tatom, A. Sted man, Jr., S. F. Dickson, John McDowell, Jr.. Dr. Geo. Graham. ? ! - f - Alternates W. Kl Cromartie, D. G. Ro beson. Shade B. Thonrpson, J. Q. Elkins; T. D. Love. Jr., C. V, Hines, J. D. John son. P. L. Cromartie,' James J. McDougald. ' To Judicial Convention N.'A.-Stedman, Jr., Alexander McDowell, IL L. Mason, A. E. PaiL J. H. Clark. W. S. Clark. . Thad J. Stevens, John F, Croom. "John A."Mc Koy, W. K." Cromartie. Theo.' Sessoms, ,I.: J. Cain, Wm. Whitted, John' a.:' Melvm, W.i J Shaw. Gumore Edwards,. Jj H. Bal lenline,. Ervin Johnson. J. M. Pearce, Capt. Daniel J. Clark. It. M. Devane, It. P. Allen, W. J. McDoffle, W. J. Cromartie, W. H, G. Beatty, E. w. Melvin, J. Mclv. rltobeson, A. II. Cain. : Congressional Delegation.-Nil A.'. Sted man, Jr., R. J. McEwin; .C' Wf Williams; W. . N . Campbell, J ohn Monroe, Jv. J. Braddy, J. J. D Lucas, ,R.;PJMelyin, N. Corbett. M. McK. Smith, Dr. M. Mcl Tatom; J. L, Singletary, W, C. Dunham, R. W. Tatom, J. O. D. King, J- H Thompson. Sr., David Callihan.' M. W, Buie. J. S. Russ, Levi Benson, A. J. Barn hill, George F. Thomas, J H.' Meredith, Luther Cromartie. D. ? B. MelvinNeill G Bnsson, Mat. Byrne, D.-V. Thompson; The following resolutions, offered by N, A. Btedman, Jr.. were aaoptea: Resolved, That the chairman and secre tary be added to the several lists- of dele gates appointed here to day. ; Resolved, That the thanks of the Conven tion be tendered them ,f or the , manner; in which they have discharged their duties. 'Resolved, That the following- papers be requested to publish our proceedings: War saw " Brief -Mention, Wilmington '. Star, Wilmington Review, Whiteville Enterprise, t ayettevule JSxaminer ana cartnage (Ja zette. , . . . . On motion of A. Stedman," Jr., the Convention adjourned sine die. -, ; ; v ' C. W. Williams, Sec'y. - r' - , .Isaac H. Smith, Chairman. ' 'f.:.' ' -i iUffffai ffffffffTfft tmr:- ' '' " "- ' - Onslow Oats. i- -.. If l . Mr. John Walton, of Jacksonville, Ons- ' low county, writes that he has raised on his farm in Jacksonville Township, and ex nmuea in tne town or jacKsonyule' on Saturday,. the 10th inst., a bundle of oats, the tallest of ; which measured .7 feet H incnes in neignc The fairest faces are sometimes marred by. myriads of pimples, and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily., re-; moved by a popular toilet dressing, known as Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Cure. 1 Even scrofulous ulcers yield to it. .'.. f . " For the Star. PENDER : CO JjNTTT DEMO CRATIC CONVENTION;-; Burgaw. June 19. The Convention of. the Democratic party of Pender county met here to-day, pursuant to a call of the. Chair"-; man of the Democratic executive Commit tee of Pender. M. C. Collins Esq. Thomas J. Armstrong, Esq,, was. made Chairman1 of .the Convention, -and Jk ; D. f Murphy iwas requested to act as Secretary ' ine lomecs oi ine uonvenuon was ex plained by the Chairman to be the appoint ment of delegates to. attend the Judicial." CongressionaTand State Conventions. ' 1 , Un the oasis of representation issued by the Central Executive Democratic Commit tee, twenty delegates were appointed to at tend the Judicial and , Congressional con ventions., .and the State Conven tion, v ' " 4 . . ' KBXEQATES "TO-XOKGBESSIONAX .i CONYXN- Caintuck B. Fr Keith, Jr.. J. G. Parker. Alternates7-A Moore, -T. .A. Smith, ' a v. Caswell E. A. Hawes, Jno. R. Paddi son. Alternates-L. V oilers, O. Ji.-. Wood cock. - 1 ' M, ' - ; .Columbia R' C. Johnson, C. C. 'Wood cock. Alternates Geo. A. Herring, W, K Henry.- . , - t (irant--Li. H.McClammy, J. M. Barlowe; Holden W. T.- Ennett. J. R. Moore; Alternates A. H. Paddison, J. T. Collins: . Holly JM. Shaw.,R- T ..Williams. Alternates-K. ;F Powers," J. K." James. t. Lincoln Bruce. Williams., J. P. Ricli- aTds. Alternates tW. C. Henry, D. Bor- jleaux. . - ; , v . , , 1- Rocky Point T J. Armstrong, J. ; M. ,WestbrookJ ? Alternates Lafayette Robish, J. VV. Westbrooix. J - - , Union Edwin Fennell, E. M. Johnson, D. S. Alderman.. . : Alternates D. J , Rooks-, J. W. Murray, R. TV Rivenbark. : . i County at Large-r-A. H. Paddison,. . Al- ternaterw. y. jyiurpnyiTj; Glfe.' DELEGATES TO THE JTJDICIAL COHVEKTIOK. 1 Caintuck W. ,C. Keith.-" J. " W. West, Alternates) 8. A. Flinn. A. B. Prideen.- Caswell George F. Lucas, R. P. Paddi son. Alternates J. H. croom, H. A. coi- vm. ' - - - ' : ' Columbia--George W. McMillan, I. N. Alderman. Alternates W. B. Henry, J. D. Alderman. . , - 'tX''"'': '''r-'' ' Grant-i-J. W. Sidberry, W: H. King, !, Holden W. T: Bordeaux. M. M. Moose. Alternates A. :: H.-Paddison, T. J. Brad- Shaw. !i :;C':-r:yiJ'i:i-l. Holly Daniel Shaw. J. R.'Bannerman. Alternates Thomas B. ; Rochelle, W. J. Player. ' i'iM?;K'K Liincoln Bruce Williams, J. Q. ; Belt Alternates--John Scotty C. P.- Moore ! Kocky Point T. A. Mclxjndon. J. ' 1 Bowden. . Alternates J. E. Durham, J. V. Duncan. ' '-y?'-iy' Union J.'.'D. Murphy' Pettigrew Moore, Teachy i Riverbark. 7- - Alternates Peyton fage, J. ii. Mills, K, H. Hall. County at Large Jas. : N.' - Henry." Al ternate 8. Satchwell. : a- ff y ? Delegates to State ; Cohventiori-r-D. 4 J. "Corbett, A. IL Paddison, James F, Moore, Charles W, McClammy,- W.' B. Hocutt, GibsOn James, vf, W. Larkms, J. F.- John son, ' J, D. Murphy '-''Alternates J. - J. Pndgen, It. T. Saunders George DLar kins, J. T. Foy, G. T. Cowan, J. P. Rich ards, R. H. Murphy, J: H. Alderman.' . All the above delegates . to the several conventions were - recommended by the several township delegations, and unani mously elected by the convention. " Jtsruce w iiiiams. iisq.. offered a resolu tion endorsing' Judge A, .A. McKoy and Solicitor ualloway. A maionty. of : the convention" held that" such endorsement would amount to a virtual instruction, and deeming it best to leave their delegates free and untrammelled." ' the resolution was tabled by an overwhelming vote. i amen enthusiasm- was snown, wnicn augurs success for, the Democracy of Pen der in the coming campaing: -'- ' i " -v.'-.-J'.J-'.-J. 1. J. ARMSTRONG' J. D. Murphy, i:i ' : "' Chairman. ;; Secretary. " ' : ' Getting Ready for the Campaign A Susseitlon from Wllmlnstom A' gentleman of ' this , city oner of the "Old Guard" wrote a letter a few days since to F.-H. Busbee, Esq,, of Raleigh, sug- a circular to the county commissioners of each of what are known as thei- "negro counties,''' asking them' tomake up a state ment of. the receipts and expenditures of their counties from .1868, when the Repub lican party assumed' the reins of power in this State, up to 1876, and from 1876 to the present time, showing the expenditures and management under Republican and Demo cratic rule; and also to gather from the Auditor of the State the expenditures of the State government - from 1868 to the tim that, the . power passed " from the hands ' of the Republicans; and - then make up a comparative statement of Dem- ocratid expenditures ' since that time, all to be completed , and printed, in :h.and-bo0k form to be distributed through the State for the use of j stump speakers, : etc., in or der that they may be enabled to show to the people of NoilJi'.CSaTelinai.whatthcy may effect if ITorth Carolina' is remanded back into the' merciless hands of the Republican party.. Mr. Husbce, in reply, states ins en- tire approval oi uie siggesuon, auu . says the letter of . bur' friend . would be placed in ; the hands of Chairman coke at once . , He also - mentioned as . a": co- incidence that he riound' upon his table another letter from a' distinguished politi cian in another part ot the btate embody1 ing theame suggestion. ' - . , ; i ; . ,. it is , by uca means as this, to a very large extent, that thinking people are to be convinced of. the danger of; allowing the state to revert oacK to tne ltepublicaus in the coming election;- t ''f.: . DEADEN ...CO UNTY EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE, v..: " At a meeting.of r the various Township . Executive Committees held immediately after the adjournment of the County Con vention the following County Executive Committee was elected 'for the next two years;- I. n. Smith R. W.: Tatum, N. A. Stedman,1 Jr , ' C..W; Wiiliams, Alex. Mc Dowell,-M.W. Brico, Dr. W. H. G. Lucas, E. IL Moore, R. P. Melvin. C. V. Hines. A,. G. Davis; Dr. Geo. Graham, W.I. Shaw, P. L. ? Cromartie. N. A.. Stedman. Jr... nominated I. R Smith for Chairman of the j Committee; and C W: Wilhams for Secre tary .They were unanimously elected. -! , - : L" H. Smith, Chmn.. Meeting. W, Q Clark, Secy. Meeeing. .'i f a 7 . . , 7; x ne commencement exercises of Fair Bluff . High School come off 'on Thursday,' June 23rd ; (to-morrowV The literary address will be -delivered- by : Hon; A. M. Waddell, of this city. , 'The - Mar shals are. M.. A- Goodwin, J. H. Cribbs, D. B. F. Vance, J. C. Williamson, B B. Manning and D. G. Barden. -- Thanks for an invitation to be present; . i ." . Avuafi.vv. iuuu jjjABJii. mere lare times in every one's life when encTgy fails anu a miseraoie ieeung comes -over them. iuic.i,ajveu ior laziness. uanger lurss in these symptoms, as thev knse from diseased organs.. : Parker's Ginger Tonic will restore perfect activity to the Stomach, Liver and Kiklneys, purify the blood and renew vonr tease 01 neaiin ana comfort.--Advocate. - TEKEIBLE TOBNADO GreatJDestrnctlon ofLlfe and Property - In Iowa-Towns Nearly Swept Away About One Hundred Persons Re- ' ported filled,' and Abont Two Hun dred Injured. ' , - - ' ' , " " 'ByTelegraph tothe Morning Star. Des Moines, Ia., June 18. A ' tornado. swept through Central Iowa late last night, from ; northwest, to southeast. - -Twenty' miles north of Des Moines the town of Grin-; nell was struck, and one-half -of it was left in rums, the following is the latest in formation received i a- ' t-v- Grinnell; -Jufae18. "4.50' AIM.- A special train from Des Moines reached - this piace at 3.4U, witn twelve pnysicians on board from Des Moines.Colf ax and Kellogg.; The situation is even worse than the first reports made it appear. -"Thirty-two peo-;. pie are dead, ; and about' one. hundred - or more are wounded, - Eight deaths reported.' from Malcomb, which is entirely destroyed. : Brooklyn also suffered. Eightstudents are Dadly injured, having been dug out of the ruins. The Chapin House is turned into a hospital and some of the most dangerous cases are being .carried there. - r . v A special sent at 7u50 says, from the nu merous and contradictory statements of the startled citizens wo gather the story of deep roaring sounds " preceding 1 the funnel shaped cloud. Mr. C. Pittman's house was. completely levelled, burying Mr Pittman'3 his wife and three children, his wife's sister and her " little;: baby three , months old. The girlHattie ; was taken out dead; the boy Harry-was fatally ' injured and Arthur' slightly injured. v- Not far away, at the res idence of Mr. .Lewis, an old gentleman and lady were killed. . - 7!-'-- " From here . the storm: pursued a zig-zag direction-to the north, of the city, when, af ter wiping out the finest residences, in. that portion of the city, it went toward the col lege, the next building; which was dumped into a heap of lathes and plaster and broken timbers, burying; beneath it eight students Who roomed therein,' all of whom were af terwards rescued more" or less injured, but one subsequently died. - In a two-story house Miss Abbie : Agard was killed, and there is hardly a . sign . left of ihe. house.. Out of a block which, contained nine houses all - but -one were levelled to the ground. In one house of this block four persons were killed: Mr. Ford and wife, a hired girl and Mr. TottenL In this vicinity F.-W. Williams house was unroofed; ana the houses of Prof. Herricks and Mrs.. Mor ris were bunched together.. ' r ' -i : X .. The scenes around - the rums are heart rending. . The engine house, where seven teen, of the dead bodies are laid put; pre sents a sight that carries us back to . army days. Some of the dead are in the wrecks of their homes. ? The number of dead and wounded ranges up among the hundreds. 'At Malcomb seven are dead. ' ' ' Des Moines, La.; June ! 19. A special from Grinnell says the surgeons now report that forty-one are dead at U-nnnell, &nd that five ; or six more cannot rlive through the night. .The number of - wounded, ex ceeds 150, and the number of houses de stroyed is between 140. and 150. f The total loss of, property : is : estimated at $600,000; It is feared the number "of deaths at Grin nell; will : reach : seventy-five.' News, has been received that Mr. James, his wife and two daughters, and two other persons living four miles northwest of Grinnell, are dead. It is now thought that the loss of life out side of Grinnell will reach twenty-five," and the total loss wiU be nearly one hundred. ,j ; ';' ; WASHINGTON. ' . ' i Gnltean Refused a Writ of Habeas Corpus The Bill for ' Payment of Soatbern mall Contractors. -' ;:, ''' "; By Telegraph the Monunic Star. -2 - Washikgtok, June 19.-Justice Bradley.of the United States Supreme Court, to whom (iuiteau s counsel applied for a wnt of ha beas corpus, toAiay, filed a denial of the ap plication with the Clerk Of the Court. Jus tice Bradley, ; holds that -the Court of-the District of - Columbia had full jurisdiction of the case, and that no reasons exist for granting the writ.. ..v ;. The loint resolution which passed the Senate to-day Appropriating $375,000 ap propriated in 1877 to pay certain South ern, mail contractors. .. authorizes . the secretary ? of - the Treasury at ' once .? to jay -V to the . .late - contractors of the States of Alabama, Arkansas. Florida. Georgia, Kentucky! Louisiana; Mississippi; Missouri, JNorth Carolina, bouth Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia and West Vir ginia, the amounts due on, their respective contracts for the years 1859. 1860 and 1861, with the proviso that no payment shall be made for mail service - rendered .after May 31, 1861,! or after the .Legislature of any State or any State" convention bad passed the so-called ordinance of recession J 1 he resolution also prohibits the payment to these contractors . of the one month s ex tra compensation usually allowed m cases where the mail, service . is discontinued by oraer 01 tne uovernmant. n 5 DE LONG'S PARTY: ( Particulars of tbe Discovery of Tbelr :. '.'t' By Telegraph to the HornlnK Star.J -i 1 f .j New York, Junfer 1 1 9. The Herald his the following particulars of the discovery of Do Jjonjra party. vl ' i f- " After Melville reached the neighborhood where jNmdermon and JNason left DeLong, he found the wreck of a scow, and soon came upon a rifle barrel; supported by four .sucks. - uigging- near tncse. sucks, . tney found two bodies Under "eight feet of snow. Exploring furlherj Melville found a tent, la. camp kettle ahd the 'remains of a fire; On approaching he nearly stumbled upon De Long's hand sticking out of .the snow about thirty feet from the edge of the bank: ille Was under about a foot of snow; .Thev; rouna me ooaies; oi iie ijong anaAmbler about three feet apart, and Ah Sam lying . l. . .n . :n j , . a tucu an yaiLuuijr . wvereu uy pieces 01 tent ana a few pieces, ot blankets. , All the others, except, Alexia,; they found at ine piace wnere tne tent was pitched. ; ! Lee' and Keoch were close by; hi the; left bank, toward the West."-, ; , . - None of the dead had on boots, their feci m ... - - ... . - . ... ' . . ' Doing coverea witn .rags tied on. v In the pockets of all were peices , of , burnt skin clothing, which they had been eatinff. The hands of all were more or less burned, and u iooKea as 11 wnen dying, they bad crawled . 1 - m m ' into tne nre. lioya was lying over the fire. his clothing being burned through to the skin, which was not burned, r Collin's face was covered with a cloth.. All the bodies were carried to ; the top of a hill 800 feet high, about forty yersts to the southwest,. irom wnere tney. were founds and then in terred in a mausoleum, constructed of wood from the scow, built in the form of pyra mid twenty-two feet long and ; seven feet .high and surmounted by a cross twenty two feet high and one foot aauare. hewn out of drift wood and .conspicuous at a dis tance ot twenty versts.-; ; -: S FAYETTEVILLE. . ine .Democratic judicial Convention ; of tne Fonrtb. District. ' -, Special Star Telegram.! ; '1 he Democratic ; Convention for the Fourth Judicial .District; met here to-day. I ,Maj. Jas. C. McRae, of Cumberland, was nominated for Judge on and Capt. J. D. Mclver the eighth ballot 01 , Moore, was nominated for a second term as Solicitor on the first ballot. It was understood that Judge R- T. Bennett was not a candidate and declined a . nomination. , . The utmost harmony and greatest enthusiasm prevailed. ; SOCIETY BELLES, On account of its remarkably delicate and .lasting fragrance society belles are' loud ; in their praises of Floreston Cologne. , .. . . : . ,Vritsi Turpentine, Lexington Dispatch: We hear ereat deal about the .hif nrnna nf .it : and oats m the country. It is no exaggera tion to say that owing to the short last year many are in straitened circum- owuh,cd, uuu. hcic iii, uuv iur tuis OOUntlful ' harvest not a few would be destitute of ob-; taining it. ' ' Concord Sun: The machinery i being; received at the new mill, and not many weeks will pass before the hum of the spindles will be heard.' Tho mill contain 4,500 spindles, 126 plaid looms with tne accompanying macninery. All of which will be driven by a Harris Corlis engine of i.m liorso power. y . 'iWinston. Leader . Let vpnr thoughtful Democrat remember that "Ia dependentism'f i and - 'Liberalism'' means aid and cnmRnrt tr ftpniiKlinniam onit they desire to . help the - Republicans to re- mom in nMvwJ fVir. ' (.nnn . A .... luuiu ... vrnvt, r bUCJ - lure MJ lUlO the side show of Liberalism and walk through to the Republican eircus. Raleigh Recorder: Rev. T. R Owen, who for man v. veara wna tli w loved pastor of the Baptist Church in Wil son, was stricken with paralysis on the 5ih mst, at tne nome 01 nis aaughter, Mrs. George Gibbs, in Tabernacle. Tenn. Hp has lost the use of his entire left side, ahd is greatly depressed.; Mr. Owen has been ' in feeble health for some time. - Hickory Press: The wheat, cm 11 of Watauga js very good this season, hut it is tnougnt mat tne ny nas done a little damage. Mr, R. T. Stephens, of the lower edge of Burke county; was bitten by a snider on Thursdav of .fast wapIt -fmm whifh time he has beem in intense agonvi j xjverv assistance DOSSiDie nas neen rpnriprpM uu uuuuug Bccuio m rtjuevc uib suuenng. 4- Monroe Express :' Union is now harvesting, what, is probably the largest wneat and - oat crop ever known in the COuntVJ So far as we are ahl in If am the so-called Liberal party has no strength 111 uinon couniy except wnat it is able to araw rrom tne Kepublicans. If any Dem ocrat ioins it will be simnlv heennsp. ihtv have a hankering: after the- fleshpots. or secretly desires the defeat of the Democracy. , 1 Beaufort Telephone: A sensa- Ratinn was nrodncfid in" niir strppta on TV? day. last by the - appearance of a huge alli gator dragged through the town by the boys. It was caught in lower Bogue Sound. . The Messrs. Dey make their first shipment of fish scrap to . Wilmington this week, where it will be so manipulated that one ton of the " scrap will make about 10 tons of sruano. which mav lie reshinrinri .here and sold to our farmers. - Goldsboro .Messenger: Golds boro Normal-School bids fair to do good work- The attendance enrolled up to Fri day was about 100, and this does not in clude a number of the pupils of our graded school, who are availing themselves of the benefits the .Normal alfords. .Exten sive iron furnaces or smelting works are t be located on the banks of the Neuse; near this crty, by a company composed of Gen. Hoke, Hon. R. Rv Bridgers, and others. now operating a valuable iron mine near Chapel Hill, from whence the iron ore is to be brought here; term of Guilford Superior Court has been ordered by the Governor to begin July 10. Judge H. A. i Gilliam has been commis sioned to hold 'the court. - r -How to save the magnificent fruit crop is now an im portant and absorbing question. The fruit and berry crop is immense, and with the aid of evaporators and other improved dry ing ; processes.the" most of it ought to be 8aved ' A well posted farmer says that the poorest acre of ground in this county will rial1 l-io xraa frm 1ft trilK Tiiialiala rf whftat. wh lift much' of the best whp.ftt land will vield .23 bushels The harvest is aroinsr on with great energy. " All the farmers say mat it is tne oest crop since iaav. - j , 1 Charlotte. Observer.: A Little negro boy, aged about fifteen years, :- was yeste r day lodged 'ia jail at Concord, on the jacoD otirewait, ai miu mii, in uauarrua county. Nothing has been heard as yet in regard to the sale of the Richmond & Danville road to the; Baltimore & Ohio road, and the rumor is ; generally regarded " as somewhat doubtful,; There hasror will ' be; a change of : stock, but it is not hkely that it will be sufficiently large as to affect the ownership of the Richmond & Dan ville railroad. 7- Saturday night about 12 o'clock, George Dean, a colored man who lives on Seventh street, came up town and surrendered himself to Policeman Ir- opin IpT-nlainincr thot. a -. ha1 mot V5111 a negro woman. The officer took him in cus tody ; and on the way to ; the guard house : Dean.J stated that a short - time ; previous . some v one ; commenced ; a bom bardment ox nis nouse witn rocks, and after it had continued for some, time he picked up an old musket and went t)ut to stop it. He saw a negro, woman in the yard and af ter some hard words between them, the wo man stalled off. ' When she had gone about ten steps Dean raised his musket and fired. She dropped to the ground without uttering a word, and supposing that he had killed her Dean came - up town and ; surrendered himself- The woman is alive but is probably Tnortallv-wonnrtpii; l-- A tplp.oram was received by the relatives of Miss MaryRan- i nouncing her death at Marion, whither she, naa gone. iil tne nope oil oenenung ner health. - " . .: !- :; ;-- v ;;-. " ' - New Berne Journal: Col. J. N Whitford received the recommendation for Senator from the Jones county; Demo cratic Convenrion on Saturday. , We learn that a serious affray occurred at Tren ton last Saturday between Mr. George II. McDaniel'and "J; M. Pollock. It is said they, were in ; a controversy about prohibi tionboth antis when MraMcDaniel drew his knife and stabbed .Mr. Pollock in the neck, inflicting a serious wound. Capt. Page had a conference "with- Mr. Best on Monday in reference to the railroad run ning from Core Creek to Trenton and on through Onslow, Mr; Best accepts the propositions offered and will construct the railroads if - Jones J and Onslow will give bonds for $25,000 each, to run twenty years, and not' to be delivered ;- until railroad-is ' completed. The construction corps can be ready for work in JU days. - - We learn that Mr; E. VR. Stanly has sold most of his stock about 400 shares in the A. &.N. C. Railroad to Mr. Best at $13 a share. If a fight is made to oust the Midland at the stockhers meetmg we ..'pre dict that Mr. Best -will hold-the winning cards. A large; whale came in Brown's Inlefthis week and was ;caught by Capt. Joe Bell and son; with the help of -Mr. L. Fulcher and one or two others. . . Maj. A. R. Dennison, the proprietor of the oil . miH in this city, has ordered a barrel of the refined oil and. pronounces it a complete success. In order, to thoroughly- test its qualities he had it used in his family for a week without their knowledge and no one detected it. He thinks it is more wholesome thanhogs lard. The Major intends estab lishing a refinery in this city at an early day. On Thursday, . last two colored boys, Charles Whitfield and Ruffin Smith, living on CoL J. N.. . Whitford's plantation, en gaged in a fight with hoes, when Charles inflicted a blow upon Ruffin's bead which caused his death on Saturday, evening. Charles is still at. large. He is a dark, smooth skin negro, about five feet eight or ten inches high, walks a little knock-kneed; has black - eyes, wears a No. . 9 shoe, is twenty-four years old . and weighs about 150 pounds . " Liver 'diseases headache, and constipa tion, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Brown's Iron Bitters. .1 f