The Weekly Star. PUBLISHED AT AT- $1.5 0 ggggS88S8S8S38 SSSSSSSSSS88S .8S8 Si 35 ?s6 cot- J iiiitM 888 S3 8 88 S 8 8 S 8 8 o so oi oo 'oo si t i-I K w ao ei go 3; gf a. Si a SSS3SSSSSSSS83SS8 SSSS33S33S3SS83S8 S il li st j! 88SSSSS888888S8 SS8SSSSSS3S3SSSSS a! -s i-.jissjss::::: OB I Entered at the Post Office at'Wllmington, N. i as Second Class Matter. S UJiSCBIPTJOX PRICE. t , rt The subscri6tion price of the' .Weekly Star is as follows : , -,. t ... , ; , . Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 L -.) 6 months, " " - .1.00 "V"" I 3 months. "K " TRIED AND ABANDONED. i r ' We called attention to the very ap posite point made by Judge Bennett ! at Sinithtille, in regard to the test,. made in the District of Columbia as to the wisdom and policy of giyjng, the'-iiewroes control of local govern--! ment. The Radicals were: so enthu r siastic over free suffrage for the ne-,. grd hat the Congress passed a law giving the ! negroes full sway , in the District."" ' Rut the experiment was disastrous. Corruption ran noU Tens of thousands of dollars were wasted under the full view of the legislators of ftho Union, and to prevent the continuance of oppression and 1 save the people of O.Washington, and : the District from '- bankruptcy the Con- gress had to repeal the law, and give the control into the hands of the in telligence! and . virtue of the Dis trict; Herq the controlling of taxes ami finances, : by negrp i votes was tried with signal ' disaster and Joss, ami abandoned in : complete despair and dissrust. But Radicalism is not o . . - content. The District of Columbia . . 4. n n nMiill C 4-1 n L 1 purposes. They, must have a wider sweep for rule and. ruin. v. So the plan is to place a section as large as several of the small Northern States ttiider the control of the negroes, and letrthemhave a chance to show how ni'ueh destruction thev can work un- . r tiVAinp ' ISA 11 io vom onf . fI ATT h Carolina the scene of their operations agam- provided the white people of the State shall so order at tlVe polls. But will they do it? We will not believe .that the white men of the Centre' and West will so -de-c'ule. . " ; ; But apropos of this question of ap "pointing Magistrates.- What is CoK '.pickery's ".record as a Legislator?-Di-1 he ever favor " the principle of apjoiutinff Justices? ; We find the following irij.he. Newton Enterprise;' "Oliver H. Dockerv voted that the Legis lature of the District of Columbia, - when . Congress passed an act creating a govern ment for that District, should appoint the justices ot tne feace for that government. GoMjrmional Globe, January 2Qth, M set. 4m Congress. But he is not willing for the legislature of JNorth Carolina to appoint mem. un, consistency, thou, art a jewel. Tell it not in Rockingham; preach it not in the streets of North : Caroli- - ----- - ' 7 na towns, that Oliver H. Dockery, the ""chosen leader of "Radicalism in the pending canvass, when' in the Con gress of the United States actually voted for a bill giving the appointing of Justices of the'Peace to the Legis- , hit tire of the District of Columbia, v or so warm an opponent of the pre- Mint system? of county government tlllr!-is a VerV MllOi'Vinrr rnnnt-A Let this not be forgotten. nnmTaonu tv 1 'Wrrackelford has tendered his services to the Demo cratic .Executive Committee of the Third District. The tender . has been I accepted, and Mr. Shackelford will make a number of speeches. He is a good campaigner , and will ' strike some heav IT' r. I lintra fnt tha Tinmnmuiiiit ' ; . . -- - .r ' ins hrsr appointment , is for Swans boro, Onslow county, Saturday Sep- tpmrin, I) "' - 4 T Unlform Price in the Bice Fields. We understand that the' Brunswick rice planters have had a consultation and agreed J upon a uniform' price, for harvesting rice. viz : i wo ) dollars per acre for cutting. "incnngand backing.'- It is said that this wiirenablo the hands to earn seventy-five cents or more per day if, they do more : man a "task, as many willdo. Mr.s J. H. Carlisle, 'the assist ant postmaster at .WhitakerX on the Wil- wingion & Weldon . Railroad, who - had both legs cut off by a train on Monday or nnJ nisht last-died fronJiia injuries nuay evening. , t li'ggs were retailing; yesterday at from 25 to 80 cents per dozen., VOL. XIII. sound views with an APi'LicA- t . .'. " T?ONr f; W by are toe negroes in tne oouin i qualified to exercise the elective f ran- chise and. to participate in all of th,e Democrats and.have, apparently at blessings of, a free government fof i8; sbeen-one with-them;' in thi law, when the ignorant ' whites some oiner ;ianas are,inougm noi io io ! rv"v'a in slavery; to give the negroes pecu-, liar qualifications ' to .perform hc imponant.aaties 01 uiuzeiisuip in a. I republic where the elector is the .- - i 2W&twe has i this to say: . ., - j c xt is iiuiciy iu uuscitc uiat uuiv Trerj few demagogues and very ignorant people assert the present fitness of all th sons of; Adam for free government Wherever the' people have had. experience Iti governing. themselves, and have tmis gained ; Rome knowledge of the conditions under which j Wilmington yestesday to 'impair the effl-self-government is possible and beneficial, I ciency of the postal service!" Iu fatit a there is always a keen sense of the absolute necessity - of some degree of intellieeace- and f patriotic -feeling: in-order to1 make such' government worth having. Here in the United: States,- when we watch; the be- havior of such voters as !crowd into' many of our cities; we are taught that hardly any kind Of government can be worse for the people than self-government, ? when the majority of the voters do not realize their responsibilities, nor possess the capacity to . meet those resrtonsibilities intellisrentlv.; Hence it is that doubt as to the -desirable ness of self-ffovernment for any compara tively unenlightened people is a great deal stronger in a self-overniqg country than elsewhere. ' 7 v ....!. .- . Xow the TH&une writes very sen sibly, very wisely, "very justly. It has no film before its eyes now. - It has no malice just here in its .heart.. It has no political - axe to grind. It has no party ends . to subserve. It has no election schemes to further. It has no outrage-mill - to turn. It writes . calmly, statesmanlike and truthfully. It, writes like thousands .'of the men of the South! have written and spoken. ,' , i But of whom, is; the Irilnme wri- ting? When it says' that only. 'demagogues and very ignorant peo ple" will assert that "all of the sons of Adam" are fit 'for; free govern-' ment'T to. whom does, it refer ? ("When it refers unfavorably to certain sklnooAa P irntalm m Any avth rkllnt.1Y7. who crowd, into the cities and who show that f'they do not realize their respMsi bill ties, , nor possess the ca- I pacity to meet, those responsibilities, intelligently do" you r iuppoie"" 'ft means the negroes ? . Not a bit of it. It refers to the Egyptians first, and mainly to the Irish , voters secondly 7 The negroes of course are well quali fied in the eyes of Horace Greeley's old paper. t But iJthe . .Irish, .t who are. staunchDemoeratsr are not equal to the "responsibilities" 1 of exercising the rights of an elector, according to the Radical TYibune. CONSISTENCY.. "Their Toy the World." 1 , k . Shakesfeake. The leaders in the present cam paign, both" Radicals and Mongrels,. are a wonderfully, inconsistent, set. Glance--at the '-Radicals. Russell, Moore, Loge Harris, Secretary, of the' Radical State Executive Committee, were all strong advocates of prohibi tion. Now, where- are ' they?j ; Dr.. Mott, Chairman of the Radical State Convention, voted for - prohibition when in the Legislature. - Then look at the "Radical Assistants" the der serters from the, grand old Demo- cratic party ,that has weathered many, a storm and withstood the enemies of a government of, the people, for ,the t people and. by the people for nearly I one' hundred years.': --CoL. IFolk,' years. Radical - -candidate for Supreme Court Judge,, actually drew -the bill organizing the present excellent system of county government, s Gen. CJingman stood by it through thick and thin, voting ,f or it, Gen. 'Leach was its rstauncha friend . also, voting to sustain it whilst in . the Legisla ture. Mr. Charles Price was its fnend also and stood by. - the people of the East while speaker - of . the. House. Mr "noT-Ktr T?o i ' - , : I Superior Court Judge, affiliated with the Democrats . heartily, held office under them, was ..Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of NewHanover,andwas always under- stood to be band , and glove a'friend of ; the present v county - government. Not a Democrat in .'-'the county ever heard of or- ever suspected the con--1 Lastly, but the list is not exhausted,1 Col. Dockery voted, while represent ing the Sixth District in the United: States House of Representatives, , for a bill that contained the very prin ciple he now professes to oppose? to give the appointing of Justices of j the Peace to the Legislature. . You may;- search the world over WILIJINGTON, andou cannot find such a coinbina-, tiou of incoiiMstent politicians. iTtea ttere are .stome; half dozen; or more editors who have cooperated with the matWr of county go Vernmenl. They' have had new lighVand lo! they are nowopposmg ail mat tor;years they contended for, Suck is the Radical Mongrel Combination for .'1882, in Worth Carolina. - - ' . f'So in thklabvan fable it is' tblcL r I Anal once an eaele. stricken with a"aart.V oaiu wuea jaesaw ine iasmon 01 ine snaiL With our ova feathers,uot by pther's hand. Ji Panto n the Wilmington Peatofllc, Caused by a kSo-CaUed" Mad Dox.' ' ! nTere . was aletefmine ; effort Tinade la- attacktwas made upon the postpfflce, cor ner of Second - and Chesnut streets, the ' Postbfnce brigade under command of , Col, i Brink .was routed and .' fUght. and the enemy, which : proved to be a mad dog, so called,' became firmly entrenched -under . uie sate. - uou .is. s scattered lorcesjainea at this juncture and ; made a .furious attack upon the dog, trying successively such ex-: pedients as coaxing, punching and poking to get v him - to ;Ieave . his , cover, . but all -ji to - no' purpose.' Unally ; a ' -pack of fire-crackers was brought' ' iato requisi tion, but the dog was not toj be frightened off by such mild - expedients.. Next it was resolved to try ' what virtue there' was in' fire, and bundles of paper were ignited and pushed under the safe.' when. with a Wood-' curdling howl, the desperate animal dashed out and commenced a war- dance around the room ' when such a demoralized set of postal clerks was never before seen in Wilmington;: One young gentleman jump ed upon the desk in the money, order office, and the dog made, frantic efforts to jump there toowhictudid hot have a Very sooth ing effect, upon the nerves of the young dis ciple ef Uncle Sam.r Finally, the dog ran out of the postoffice, immediately after which a; doof was incautiously opened to get a peep at the animal and he dashed in again, throwing the? force , into 1 another panie, from which they; rallied when ' by ' some means he was again, routed from .. the pre mises. He afterwards made an attempt to jump into an open window; ' but without success. .:'''' .. '." '".' i A few minutes afterwards the dog entered. the premises of a lady on the same block ana causea ner a ternuie ingnt. ; ne leaped upon a high counter,, when the dog - (ade an attempt to follow herr aad he did finally succeed in getting a foothold but at this juncture he was seized oy ai party ot "avengers on the street and put speedily beyond thereach'of harming any ohe. Col. Brink does not think the dog was mad ; He had a succession of .spasms, and his strange behavior CoL B. attributes to this cause. He certainly caused a complete suspension of business in the office for at least a half an hour, v " 'V. '. - Another dog, in a similar, condition; was soon afterwards killed on Market, between Front and -Second streets, "ty Officer Mints. , . t -... -. -i J i- '.v :. '. v! Sbootine an AUVsato in lie Hirer. tA huge alligator, about twelve feet in lengthy was discpvered . swimming -on the west side of the river yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock when Mr. Eugene Mafflftt," who was at his office, near by being in formed of the fact, seized his double-barrel gun and hurried to the wharf, i His' alliga- torship was swimming leisurely aiongwnen Mr. Haffitt fii.npo9'hind.i8CK,4lm ia me ngub eye.- - uts ; iu4wtsr MivniBuiii- deniy turned aboutj 'exposing the other -side or his bead, anatne contents , oi ine;oinerr barrel, was pmptied into his left .eye. WThis was jnore . lead . in ie head : than even a twelve-foot' 'alligator ' coaM ' very con veniently ' stand, . Jwhireupqn, he, 'opened his jaws to their 'utmost . extent, ; exposing two -tows' of ponderous teethand then quietly gave up' the ghost sinking 1 soonaf-- terwards out of sight a.nd leaving the water for Yards around tinged with. . ,his 5 blood.; in! the meantime a large people had gntheredT tol crowa f oi coiorea see sthe. A un;; but none of them would ga near the alligator even after the, breatoihaolfilt.him; Stricken with; Apoplejacrt?r;'-;'tri;r ;V Mrs. Elizabeth Saylprs Aftged-iady, re" siding on 1 McRae, between? Mulberry , and Walnut streets, was 'stficken; with an apo I P'ectic fit tate Friday' afirnoOn; :and tnqw lies m u. oriuuai uuuiuuuo, ,1 ue nast oi ,iuc family? were away r from home -at the time. and some of the neighbors heard a' sudden heavy fall in the hpUM.Wnfpme i'p.f children were directed to0 and see-what was the 1 matter1. I They ; entered the house ana iouna me jaay prostrate, upon tne noor. insensible and foaming at the . mouth.'. A number of the neighbors assembled and did what they could for herJunta therrival.'of the physician who had , been , summoned Her son, Mr. Henry Taylorwhoas an.em- &32j8& ilV being at tne soundi- is r ; Since writing -the above she; haspassed over the river.; May her rest be sweet. . j e Col. Pp IaHarneM A(lB.- J lit??? 1 We have received an official Circular n nouncing the appointment of Col. Pope as General Passenger and '.Ticket Agent of the ..Virginia, Tennessee .& - Georgia -Air- Line, to taue enect to-aay. t.i J'ppe s address win be iyncnDurg, va. rj , . ,:; felC Hani. ( ' V-i We learn that one hundred and twenty barrels of ' fine fat - mullets' were' taken at one haul, on Tuesday last,at William Simp- Bon's fishery, : at Moore's Beach Wright .ville, Sound, This Js the biggest haul we 1 have heard of this season, p far.r. .N. -,,04- ??roAY;:SEPTOMBEIt 8, ; 1882. "The ."Cotton . .erchant" Cornea Ont at the Big End cf the Ilorn. - ' The "Liverpool Cotton Merchant" was evidently born under a lucky star. The, case against him for obtaining monev under false, pretences, referred: to' in our last, Which was to have been heard, before' Jus Itice Gardner yeterday, . Was' duly 'called, When the prosecitor, Burrell Amey, failed. nut in an ap arance to testify, and con sequently the C 4.1. was discharged from custody There i a reason assigned for the 'allure' of the1 pi secuting" witness to'come' to taw, and it is o the effect that he listened io the advice of f iends, who.convinced him that he could make no case against the cot Ion merchant f.oni . the simple -fact that he money v received by the latter wasa voluntary loan on the prosecutor's part,' who had so much confidence in the stranger that he refused even to take a receiptor due bill for WoThe-C. MJ. therefore, went his way rejoicing. 1 ' ' "' Some of the colored people still put faitti in the professions of the stranger and have confidence in his honesty and integrity. al though they have never seen the contents if his 'package. " And they may be; right' Portf-1VIlmInKtou Cotton Receipts and. Exports. , Lr . 1 m . The receipts, of cotton for the , month of August just closed footed up 1,204 bales,, as against 653 bales- tor r the same month. ast year. ( t r- , rv I ; . . , ,- FOItTHE CROP TEAR. : ': fj ? X The.receints for the ;erop year ending 3lBt August, 1883, footed up 137,341 bales,, as against. 119,713 bales for. the crop year end-: ing August 3j8t( 1881, shQwing n increase h favor of 1882 of 17,628 bales. . The exports for the crop year , ending August 31st, 1882, were ; 137,708 bales; of which ,73,875 were shipped to domesticand 62,833 to foreign ports; as against. 119,843 bales forthe crop year. ending August 31st, 1881, of which 60,032,: bales were "shipped to domestic and 69,810 bales to foreign ports. Foreign Exports from the Port of The - following is., a statement of,.the foreign exports from this port 7ifor , . the months of July and August, 1882, as com-, piled from the books in the Custom House: , JULY. Rosin and Turpentine 24,559 barrels, valued at $48,142. - ; . t , , Spirits Turpentine 162,866 gallons, val ued at $201,866. '. . . - Lumber 231,000 feet,, valued at $5,030. Total foregn exports : for, the month, -all in foreign vessels, $25i,'538'.V f 1 ' AUGUST.-- .-'. -:' ' ' ) Rosin and Turpentine 26,527 "barrels, valued at $48,S75. V ' ' i Spirits Tvurpentinf 309,384 gallons. yal ued at $128,688. -'U '- . , Lumber 245000 feet, valued at $4,708. Total foreign exports for the month,' aTI in foreign' vessels, $182,271.' Fire on the River. !-.,, The steamer Clinton, a small stern- wheeler,: running between this city and Bannerman's Bridge, on the IforUieast,. river, took fire at her. wharf .last night about, 11 o'clock, from some unexplained cause and .burned to the Water's edge The fire, was. discovered by some one on North. Water streets who gave the alarm.. . The only person on the boat, a colored, man, being asleep, and. himself making a narrow , escape. ! The-, lines . by which, the boat wa8;.made fast to ; the wharf. buTnigg im ; two ( the ; little, steamer : 'driftedjup i, the riyerjiw.itJi r the tide, j a j veritable .fire-ship, land, but; for tbeener- getic efforts. pf persons along: the; wharves would have caused7 .great destruction; as she came i n contact -awith-wharf : after wharf, until she .passed ;thW'f!'tht Wl-J mirigton & Weldon Railroad Company,' and just above wnicn she was nnauy consumea. The burned 'steamer llad'Jittle of no freight on board.' She was insured but for what 'amount could not be a'scertaiqed. - ''.' ' fThe Fire Department,' "as. usuali J was prompt in attehdahce, and the Little Giant .hose managed to get a stream on for a few mmuies as me ooai uniteu ciose mo XiShorlnffla t.?Uw&-v? ,Ki( i Capt W. J. Potter, who, as agent of ;the American JMbie society, nas been trayemng quite extensively : recentlv, has completed his labors for the-summer'and returned 1- - - TT- 1- . t. C I. the comparatively isolated, AeiTitory , on the west siaeor w accamaw lass, ancrn wnai is known as Crusoe's Island, situated at the junction of 'Waecarnaw " Lake ahd',Wacca: mkw River, on the line tetwee Briihswick and Columbus counties, and .a great resort lot deserters during thewar ln this neg- lectea region vapt. iroiier aistriouiea t& m - - if 1 ' - A. Tliit - a. a " 'iaige number of trMts, organized Sabbath schools, etc. , doubtless accomplishing much) lasting , good in hiB quiet, unpretentious way; IThe' world would be much better off, religiously, if - it ! contained many ' earnest .workers likeCapt. Potter.'. i 5-:'; - '-.- f ssssi sssi In a, Uylng Condition. , Mr! ' James Hi Carirsle,' the Assistant Postmaster WWhitaker'sTnpnthe &iW, R. R., who had both legs crushed by beingrun overby a train on Tuesday last; was thought to be in " a-'dying condition whetf -- the -'incoming- train" passed :i .there Thursday night; At least it i wassaid he Could not last till daylight; aMx.' Carlisle is the father in-law of the present, postmaster, but he himself filled the same position for Bound jttrari, , 'iicAi f;: Pennington, theEostmaster. at .Rocky Mount, charged with" robbing the mail, mention of which was made in our "paper a day or two ago, hadanexantttiqn before Commissioner Cogdell. at Goldsboro, and Koonrl opr ,Tn. thft ntim if 42 KOO to I. the next term of to XL j S; District Cqnrt. -. JSTAR BO UTE TRIALS. , - i ..... ' ' ; ; . v . r i V 1 i Argument Tor the Defendants hy 3TXr. . Benlcle. . v- fBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. "' Washington. August 81. In the Crimi nal Court this .morning . Mr. Henkle, of counsel, for the 'defence, "began his argu ment Before addressing the jury the called the attention of the court to the scheme ot indictment vThe government had conclu- ded that the branch of the conspiracy which a tne indictment nao Deen attributed to Tur ner, was not sustained by proof, and he' ar gued that Turner and Turner's performance were a necessary part or, the scheme of in- dictment, and that if the case had failed as to him it had failed' as- to- all v'This view of the case Mrv Henkle rpreseuted at great; ength, and with numerous citations of au-. thority.i Mr. Henkle then proceeded to criti-i cising.the practice, , of . the prosecution in Villifying defendants, insisting that- brave, men ought neverto pursue such a course' The only solution t for this .method of pro ceeding on the part of the prosecution was' that thev-had not made out their case. They k I saw "'their ' victims were escaping "them. J Mr. Jtientie then addressed hnnself !to -the consideration of the. amount and kind of testimony' which in'a- criminal case- can justify a verdict of '"guilty." ' Presump tion of innocence 'was -astrong "one and: not only : must it be overcome, but the evi dence must '' ' strong as; to ' eliminate fromthe minds of the jury5 any trace of, reasonable doubt, He expressed the opinion that the Government had hopelessly, fatally and finally1. failed to 'produce any such evidence- -Pending the. conclusion- of iMr,i-f Henkle-'s argument the Court adjourned.: VV A nTnrwriTmsr' fisntsmrwrl LL"Mr TTontrloK of counsel for the defence in the Star Route case, resumed his argument to-day. : It was mainly devoted to. a detailed review and discussion of the" evidence relied upon by . tne prosecution - to sustain tne cnarge of. conspiracy. - pending the conclusion of his argument the. Court adjourned until next, Monday. , ... -4 NORTH CAROLINA. NEWS.'-:. Withdrawal of Col C - R. Jones. :. the ' .Independent Congressional Cand-. date In the.: Sixth District Suicide i or a ITXall Asent -Detected In Bob. r- ing; the HalIa fMl W3- ! '.By Telegraph to the Mornlnsr Star. : v Chaklotte,, N. C. September 2. Col. Charles R. Jones, editor of the Charlotte Observer? who announced '1 himself j some, weeks ago as an independent candidate -for. Congress from the Sixth District of North Carolina," will publish , in his paper to-mor-' row morning a card, retiring from the race, oh the ground that a Republican candidate, will probably be placed in the field. He adds that issues are now so drawn in that, he cannot longer continue a candidacy which can only result in detriment to: the, Democratic pariy-; ''": ,' Raleigh, N C. September 2. Daniel N. Sherwood,; who has since October, 1865, been route agent on the North Carolina Railroad," from Greensboro to Goldsboro; committed. suicide today by taking lauda num. j or some time numbers or registered packages nad been received ; at the Raleigh office rifled. ? He was suspected, but .man aged to elude detection. . He then began on packages delivered5 at the Goldsboro' postoffice. , . Detective Booth was ; put on his track and this morning: ho was arrested t Goldsboro with marked money in his. possession. lie made a confession that his robberies' hadi extended over, a period of ten' years-, He wasbailed in .the sum of $2,-' 500, and tooK tne train for ureensboro. Before leaving he' purchased a large bottle of , laudanum and drank a -quantity suffi cient to cause death, and., died on the train on reaching Raleigh. . He was 60 years of age and leaves a wife and family. ; He was i for many ears one -of the 'most trusted men in the service. - '. ; - :,!-;-. ,-, TOBACCO. The signal Service1 to Famish Warn ings of Frosts Threatenlns Injury to the Crop. , ( -, -- . . ' i . By Telegraph to the Horning Star. J - , i Washington. Sept, 2. The. Chief Sig nal Officer of the Army has issued the following- important notice, with & view to aiding planters engaged ; in tobaccorgrow ing :-. t'The Chief Signal Officer of the Army hasdecided to send to the sections of the country ; where this industry is important warnings - of anticipated frosts ,. which threaten the ripening crop. These .warnings .will be telegraphed as early as possible before the occurrence oi frost, and sent, to all telegraph stations in tne- dis tricts threatened , It is suggested that par: ties interested! arrange among .themselves for the prompt diffusion of these warnings can. be done by couriers, at slight expense. . m ' ' -i l ' . . j - Ane warnmgs wiu cover uie penoa irom September 1st to Kovember 1st, or specially for each locality until a killing frost shall have occurred and made further -notice un necessary, .CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. A Steamboat Captain. Fatally Injured Hillsdale, Michigan-Fatal Accident at SandnskypNall Works Burned. ! 'By Telegraph to the Hortitng Star.T'is 5 St. Louis, September 2. During an al tercation between the mates of the steamer Grand Republic and Henry Harris,, a negro roustabout tnrew a stone wnicn strucs Commander Best over the left eye and frac tured bis skull.? . it is thought Jie will die. His residence is at Dubuque. - , , J. HrLiiSDAXE, Mich., September 2. Rich ard- Martine," of Adams' township,' died Thursday night of genuine Asiatic cholera, There is no otner ease in tnis vicmity.p m Dper 3ANDUSKT, Ohio, September 2. John :JJ. wiCKsor and Unas. Uline were buildinga"school house near here when the structure fell, crushing" and instantly kill ing them.-. X? i,-.'!.:.. . '''.v $ Habrtsburo. Pa. , . September 2. A fire this morning in the puddling department of theUhesaneaKeiNaii vv or ks, destroyed Sou, - tOOO worth of property Onfr hundred men will be thrown out for a month. The 'loss- is covered by insurance.; - Virginia: Another ; Duelling; Sensation Two .-! ' Richmond Editors .who - Want r to hFIsht. . v - IBy Telejrrayh to the Momlng Star.l '"-New York, September"' 2. A special disnatch to the iwfrom;" Richmond.- V a.. says i that C. O'B.' xCowardin, one of the editors of the Richmond Dispatch, the lead ing Democratic paper of the State, was ar rested here this morning,' charged with be ing about to engage in a. duel with W. CL Elam, editor of the Wiig, ' the organ of the Coalitionists. . A warrant is also Out for the arrest of the latter, but it has not yet been served. Tne troumcgrew out' oi an edito rial written by Cowardifl. which : appeared in the Dispatch, . last'- Satufdayand Which Elam regarded as loiiensive and injurious P. to him? .... v.. j v SOUTH CAROLINA, L : , Eneonraxlns, .- Crop - Prospects The: : Trade of CharlestoH. v . ., r . ' " By Telegraph to the Mornln Star.- " . 1 CHARiiESTOK. Aug 81. The' annual - re view of the trade of Charleston, to beeiven in the News and Courier to-morrow, shows a marked improvement f Crop returns 'are so favorable as . to 'more than' compensate for the disaster of last year. I The yield of wheat, oats and corn far surpasses that of auy previous season iu South -Carolina. The business of the city for the i. past year foots; up $75,000,000 against . $71,)00,000 Jast yeart notwithstanding the falling off of receipts of the latter, owing to the dimin ished yield of the last cropTrade in naval siores,iumDer anq pnospnate rocs: exhibits a jieavy, increase. - j. ne ractonesof ; the city how number 138. employing 4,456 persons,' and a new cotton factory with 2,000 spin-' dies is nearly ready to start- The condiUdu of truck farmings the? jobbing and railroad, interests is more prosperous than for many years past V The city debt has.' been re-' duqed $362,300 during, theast Iwelve; months and provision has"- alreadVbeeir made for the payment of arl installment of. tne debt matunng in1883,and;1884, while an increase of debt tor any purfJbse is Dro- uioueu Dy law.; 1 ',v v s r VIRGINIAS AIfegro who murdered . his Chlld- Congressional Nomination A Boom In Confederate Bonds. n By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Petersburg; August 81.--Isaac Booth, ho' murdered his child ? iniBrunswick County, was arraigned for trial a,t this term ot the County Court, but because of the ab-1 Sence of an important witaess for the Com-, monwealth, the case will be continued un til the next term of the court. The murder ' was a most atrocious one, the child having; been brained by an axe 4h the hands of its1 father ' :''fi,JH -: ' Danvile.3 August 31. Hon. George C. ; Cabell was.nominated for Congress by the Democratic Convention, to-day, at Martinsr " ville.-.' - ? i-;- j : e i - t ' : ;i . o -':., : Richmond. August 31. The brokers of Richmond are buying Confederate bonds again, lo-dayi as much as seven and a half dollars per . thousand was paid for them. It is evidently a speculative scheme and expected td soon explode. ' NORTH CAROLINA CROPS. Generally "Good Condition and FaVor 'able Prospects Report of. the De partment of Agriculture. ,'."' " -! : CBy Telegraph to the Morning Star. f ,Hi ! Raleigh,: September 1. The North Car olina Department of Agriculture has re- ports from sixty-six counties, making- 370, 000 bales of cotton by the census-returns. These now give an average condition of 80 percent. The weather has been too wet,' but an open fall or a late frost will advance the condition materially .- .'-' ' J- f , Seventy-two counties report the condi tion of corn at 108 per cent. ' ' ; Thirty-two counties growing -24.000,000 pounds of, tobacco by the census returns, report an average condition of 100. - -eA The yield of wheat and oats is exception allv heavv. rmminff un to- six and ei?ht millions of bushels; respectively." ' . Kice, in twenty counties, -averages 95. 4-The-rWeather is, favorable - for maturing- --!.- "77 ALABAMA. .i:J - -. 'I. Trial of Frank Idttle for Complicity in the Knssel Shoals Robbery Jesse James' Widow a' Witness;1 ' ,; ; ; By Telegraph to the Morning Star. -nT,-, HuNTSviiiLE, September 1 The trial of Prank Little began at 10 A. M., yesterday, beiore: Commissioners ;j Uoon -and ; jacoui- lpugh. The first witness called was Mis. Jesse James, who was examined at length. It was developed vt the first . part of the testimony that Prank and Jesse James were witu l IXC-11 louuuca m xzusuvjuiu iiuiu o. yj vember, 1880, till the latter part of ; March 1881. Her statements were, not at ail dam- affins1 to the Prisoner as the tuerpetrator bf 1 the Mussel Shoals - roDbery, ,'iMrs, James exploded the story that has been going tne rounds of the press about ' her ' returning a watch to MrrDaney in Philadelphia. She indigrnantlv denied doing so. and claimed thatLittle stole the watch1 and returned it in her name.! Mr. .Alex. G.' gmith,..who was robbed, was the next witness examined aid gave his story of the robbery.-: ; He did net recogmze Little as one of. the nisn wno. committed the robbery., utner witnesses were examined, but nothing important was brought out Six other witnesses are trabe examined. 1 " '" ' , ' I ' ' THE MORMONS. An Address to the Faithful Urging; the f Upholding of Polygamy. -. X fBy Telegraph to the Horning Star.K-' f- f Salt; Lakev City;; September jl;4r3bhn Ft Taylor, George O. smith and Joseph J? Smith, have issued ' an 'address tb the Mor mon people reciting the measures taken, by the general government for the suppression of polygamy by means of what is- known' as the - Jidmuna3 law, . and exnorung tne faithful to stand by and uphold plural mar riage,' which they' say Mis a part of our re ligion and interwoven with our dearest and holiest hopes connected with eternity. " rjvCj;-: NEW;: JERSEY, .--v - l Fears of a Small Pox ; Epidemic at '-r,..(e. Ni .Paterson. ,77 ,, 4 By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l - Paterson, September 2. Ten new cases of small pox have beenTreported .to the city authorities, making' a total of ? eleven cases now in the pest house. i;: The iiew cases are from the thinly populated part of the city . "J . -1, F 3 anu an epidemic 01 smau pox. us luureu. .& . .t ' . , t . t issbssssj1' sss BssTssaa ' ri i ELECTRIC SPARKS.; ;. .- 1 , 1 ' The Toluca division of the Mexican Na tional Railroad, will be. fopened .to s traffic next MondayJ"" .--' t , -'' .: ;"" . "'. ': '5 The Pacific Mills, Lawrence; Mass. '.I have increased the wages; of box-loom ; weavers from fi su to fi.45per cuv - 4 " The wages question between the glass manufacturers of Utica,' i N; Y,' and "their workmen has been settled, and all the iac tories in the J State ', will resume work - at once. Mutual concessions were matte; s-? 1. A Washington : dispatch says that an ef fort is being made for the removal .01 LOi lector Haynes, at' Brownsville, Texas and tne appointment 01 ueputy ouector uooa- rich as his successor The charge against HayneS is that he deserted his post at the nrst approacn ot yellow lever.' ; , -Ti The weekly ' statement of the , Asso ciated Banks shows the following changes I Loans decrease ,388300; specie decrease $2,953,500; legal tenders decrease - $92,000; deposits decrease fO,J57,owr circmauon m nrease tfiO OOO: reserve decrease $128,750. The banks now hold $97,975 less thaa legal renuirements. :".-?"?(, ? ' te'f M ;t l Rev. . G. G... Smith's iLife of Bishop Andrew' hr ready for the ' pYiftter1. Greensboro JZuale: Col. 1. TL Winston , has . agaiar takea the field as a Greenback candidate toi Congress. " " ' ; ' - 'Mr." A. ,. D. ..JBrooks T enroll i n o -. clerk of the last 'LeffialatnTe. dhxl i w.. ikesha, Wisconsin, of euremia, at ten uw, uu jirumy.iie nan gone mere ior - his health. ----- 1 Tho frequencv:with which chil- ' dren stray and become lost in Raleigh, N. " C. has induced the town authorities to cut ' - down the vegetation in the streetu. Wtuh. inqton Post .Os this a slander? Star. " - -.rrr Toisnot Some'; ' Jere Cox, theV negro who turned State's evldetioo in the,. ' (Worleytnurder case, and who was tried at ,! -Nash.court last . week for the murderof a " ' wnite woman at Uattleboro, last fall, by tho v uauio o js,ujM xiawKins, was round guilty ;" and sentenced to be hung, but took an ap- ; peal to the Supreme Court. " f ' r- -' - - - Kew Berne Nut Shell; Darin? a ; conversation ; between. Messrs. Isaac- R Ormoad land W. R- McCarter, of Stone wall on Wednesday, they becameentangted 1 " in a scufae,T durihgl jarhich "McCarter cut Ormond several times in different places, - -fend two or three times on the throat, one ' wound not quite reaching the jugular vein. - The wounds are. not thought to ha .rinn Cause of difficulty : - Difference of opinions in politics. ; j 1 :r ' " -. . a w ayettieville Meamifter; J1 The - -iberal Republican anti-Prohibition Is verv much such a nrfiatiirp so tho nnia bully described himself to be, tyhalf horse, half alligator, end the"r balance snapping ' turtle." The negro is the horse part of the " concern , Be carries th burdens, does the' T " voting, but gets verv little of tho-nrnfit - The white man; is- the- alhgatorefeme'nt.v : The Liberals "constitute the mud-turtle ele- ' ment. The peculiarity of the turtle is that he don't kn'owwhea he is dead.; Men like 4 Clingman, Leach and Johnson if not po litically dead are moribund. If you cut off the turtle's head"and : throw-it away it is -asserted ''that "it- will- 'snap at any thing passing by'-i Just so with these Liberals, i . - WeliodWeiM hit 'is! said that Senators '., Mahone and : Cameron are part qwners of the: canal property and that as -son as, the sale, is Iconfirmed steps will be r. . taken to develop it. They will erect a car " factory and a cotton seed oil mill on the ba- sin Weldon, and will induce other capital- i$ts to follow in building cotton and other - mills. ' One day last week a neerro wo man with two children arrived here, seek-; j. ihg aid to get to. her old home in Lenoir couniy. one siaiea mat sne emigrated to r Indiana during the exodus fever.. She found ' ' it very difficult to live out there, and had gotten this far on her : Way back home by ' the aid of various people. -., She said there' were others there who would gladly return if they were able. She was sent on towards -r her destination . . ,. . , . .. . . 'Qatawba Mercury : . Col. . Ben nett filled his appointment at Newton to- day. His andience numbered more than a 1 tnousand, and. much enthusiasm was mani- ; f ested. " Bennett is doing much to revive " the old Democratic spirit. k His- speech at : i Newton did not disappoint those favorable ; to his cause "1 It is with regret ' we' L learn that Mr.! John Gabriel, of ; Mt. Creek . township, met with a verv serious accident. ,He has lately erected a new steam saw mill. , and was commencing to saw while the saw , was in motion, whena piece of timber ' . coming in contact witlf the saw was thrown ;.. , with Almost the ' velocity 'of a '; rifle' ball, ." striking Mr,' Gabriel; in the left eye, pro- " . ducing severe concussion of the brain and '. the loss othe eye. !V C4 :'; -. ; .' : Greensboro : . ; JPatriot;i . Senator Vance will speak in the : Eastern' counties i at such times and places' as the -Executive - Committee may designate I '-A- private letter from is. G Worth .of Wilmmgton, who is well known to many, readers of (the Patriot, eloquently and 5 patheticahy sayst ' 'Do all you can to save us from negro rule . ; m the Eastern counties.. We appeal to the west and centre to save ll.''Therpe8ent, f system of county .governmnat does not hurt y0ur;while it saves us from absolute ruin. That's the campaign in-'-a. nut-shelL -iTo, r save the Eastern counties from negro domi- ' L. -if . .1. - ; . .1 . t a? - uaiiou ia uie iuissiuu ui uie ieiuuuruiu; party in North CarolinaJlf The issue is not of our making, y . White men,, you .see the peril aheadt ; Forewarned is forearmed t as: y-2u NewBeme Journal Leach is ah -Oily Gammon in ability as well as. in , manner, ,and he may be expected, to give trouble1 The "'deserter dodge, even if ft is " demagogismv ? will be ; very- likely to; do , i ; effective work in the hills of Randolph and wmuora. ioe letter 01 vui. -a-snew,-declining the nomination for Senator in the NinthJ District, reflects great credit on the Cplpnel's devotion to "partyr ,. t t DembQratio success to' any personal, prefer-", -ment On inquky at the rRegister's J , Ibffice. we find the official vote of Craven- cdunty in 1880, for Governor, to standi for 4 . jarvis, i,io; ior . Jtsuxton,oio, bo tne record stands that two ; years ago the vote of Craven county imounted to 4,006, . aad to day her taxable polls amount to 2,094. . , What does that mean ? Simply- that some ; ; epidemic has swept over Craven' in the past two years and killed out about halt of her .. mfen or that the county is being swindled out of hcrtaxes. :; :4 v-l ll : i 1 ' Elizabeth City Economist: .We , heard an "extensive Hyde bounty farmer say ' a day : or twoiago that there was more money ' ' ' in; Hyde county than, he had ever known j -owing to the good crop and high price of coraTa8t season.. -rrr-We go for civiliza tion and the Democratic party.;.We oppose :'c barbarism and the Republican party No y -people-should? support any party that in siits them with? some such candidates ; as : the Republican party ha" put in the , field r " - -here and hereabouts -The Republican convention of Chowan . county, nominated , for Jthe Legislature Sambo Sutton. The i Republican t convention of -" Perquimans ; county nominated for the Legislature Frank , : Nixon. . The,-Ropublican convention of .- Pasquotank county nominated for the Legis- . ; lature Sambo Newby. aThe . Republican -convention of Dare county nominated for the Legislature - A.. W. ? Simpson. The present Republican member of the.Legisla ture -for Pasquotank county is in jail in 1 , Hertf ord,awaiting trial for larceny. Is not , the Republican party in the First' District of North Carolina setting civilization back? Charlotte Jovrnali Jxl Hickory ... , Nut,T Gap,; Rutherford county, right under the Chimneys Rock, there is a business es- , tablished and in full operation which is ;, well worthy of a: more-extended 'notice x- . I than the Journal can give It lihis morning. , ' A.JSLT. iiuam, a native- ui. nuuic..u., has this year four fruit evaporators which, , dry between 80 and lOO .bushels of j green . fruit per dayl He has orchards containing 4,000 trees which furnish the fruit for the r evaporators. The. product of these evapo- r,'r on Virinmi 1AA rur rVTlt ' mftfR , U14CU 11U1 uu wsA.-ifrJ aw as-- " y tho TnavL-of. . AT r JrA. ' A . John. . t ston, of Davidson College, died early yes-, f . terday morning, in the 71st year of his age, ' ' of dropsy of the heart. He was a brother pf ; i CoL Wm. Johnston, of this city.and the eldest : of a large family ot brothers and sisters."J ' , We do not remember, in the .course of - a long experience, ever to have heard a more effective speech than that delivered by Gor. V-' f Yance yesterday in this city and we feel sure that if he will make as good a one on . every platform which he mounts mNorth ? Carolina this fail (and he tells ukhe intends to "mend hislick),' the result will be that ', , new life will be put into the canvass, and a full vote, which is all we want, .will be uls&su vuv am.w -, - - - - - given in November. Knowing the prover bial tendency toexgeratiah in describing . the speeches of popular favorites we put a guard on our sentences,' and still we must' say that in our .judgment, this, effort of ; , VJTM T sa yui v axil? nao vuw vi oufiviuv ws . . lence. " "J ' . "

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