a c S i XJ1 3 9- I T EM O i i c s THE STATE CAHPAM. looms Democratic ExecutiTB Conniltee, " I r Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 16, 1882. The Committee desire to express their sincere thanks to the Democrat ic Press for the -intelligent use made of the facts-gathered together and printed in-Document No, 1, To that heaTty cooperation; they attribute the Icheerful tone "which: the r canvass has markedly assumed. To win a glorious victory in November, it rjeeded only to arouse the people of the State to a sense of the blessings they enjoy un der Democratic rule, andj of the dan gers: and losses they have escaped in J being free of -Radical misrule- Some of us had beguu to take! the' goods of these better days as mere matter or course; others of us in'ai dozen years had begun to'iorget the j evils; of the dark days- of 1870 ; ' some had :been (misled by the designing or, left unin- 'v-.rmed as to current administration i . . ... . , by the careless all needed warning iof -danger and arousing to exertion. ! Still further-to inform land arouse, the CommlUee have collected official statements of county administration under the Canby systems and under the present system. - These, with other matters of information,'they ask you to issue as s sipplement to your pa per if too long fcT the columns of. your regular issue. - And anticipating your cheerful asseat, - they! have : already commenced ' the collection of other statements from other counties which vvill soon be forwarded, to you. ; For the Committee: - : ' 1 - ; " OCT: COKE, Cu'm'n. ; J. J. LiItchfobd, Secretary. ' 1 ; r COUNTY G0TEE5TSLE5T. Mr. Charles Piice, who appears to be its " by authority " speaker,- is can vassing the State in the interest of the Radical party. . The1 point of; his speech, we .'understand, is - to deny flatly that the present system of coun ty government ; is' more economical than the Canby system. .f" ' : ; . It has seemed to us that the sim plest and surest way to correct an error so extraordinary is to. print : official statementsfronvthe.icountiea more nearly concerned,, giving the facia as - tney -eaisted nndef tne Canby system, end as they eefst under the present system. Such, statements ? from a number of those counties are annexed, and they will be followed by Hke offiU cial statements from the other coun ties..; They all tell the tame -story of waste,', deDt,' j' bankruptcy coder the Canby system ; of economy, prosperi ty, restored , creditunder t the present system.-, There , can be 1 no further question of the facts. It would have been most wonderful if.' the facts had been otherwise. It required hundreds , of years of schooling the most costly . in blood and treasure to educater the great Angio-Saaon.race into capacity for . self-governmenv: The Order of Gen era! Canby for a brief space might make .the negro, backed by. "Federal i baj-onets, the master of i North1 Caro- ! lma ; but the Order that could have qualified the negro to govern himself, I or to govern the great governing race ! of the world, required , to be written !-by the Hand of Omnipotence. -' The Canby Convention, whose' ig norance was only surpassed by its im pudence ; ,; the ' Canby Convention, which, w&s not a Convention of the , people, but the creature of a soldier i who ordered its assembly, elected . its members, discharged its members, and" controlled its every action; the Canby Convention taught the . North Carolina Radical the notion that the peoplb hold ttheir rights . at the will of parties. That Convention even ,stnppea tne great v uecxakation op Rights " of its high prerogative Ho define the uoo-given rights of ; tne: people, and made it a simple article of ;the Constittstion ! This ignorant . , . , , i. , and impudent body of men thus un- aertooK , to givey r the people of North Carolina those rights which man did not trive nor can tak hwv which parties cannot give nor take , i ,x . , from the people. From that day to this we have been hearing that the cent this funded debt will be extin Radical party." gave the people " tha guished by the Sinking Fund in fif- right , to i elect ' jriagistratesi and the right to do this, that or the other thing. It is time to look to first principles. me people- have the abstract and original .right to; -choose their masis t rates, and . to. choose all other officers, and everyyear to chop and change them'esfljey please. "But as man nec essarily ': surrenders rnariy - abstract rights to society, so the people, very properly, in' all States; mortgage some elementary "rights for; one practical right the right to be well-governed. The people of North Carolina in 1876, by an immense majority r decided' to elect magistrates after the old Demo cratic fashion, and not! in the manner ordered by Major General - Edward Cauby. There. is but! one thing we have now to ; consider; : which plan, tne people s plan . or I uanoy s plan, secures good government ? . - The question is answered-5 by ihe statements" annexed, as it is .dailyan swered in the'every dayTlife of every ..." -r ; r'- i- - WAT? COUXTY GOYERXMENT. YEARS? rtxX QN POHL. Tax on . PROPER Y, - .1869,:.' .95 cents ....... .31 . 1 4ft ,.. :....j...35 cents. 1870.. V 90 i87i.::$i.oo 187&.'; 1873.:. 18751, 1876;. 85 ....35 ;...'.i...46 ;....:.:.4o M it 11 95 ' " isoy " 80 " ...38 30 1877;.'.$1,38 1878.;. 1.38 46 J...46 . L..32f .........32 a tt H 1879..; 1880... 1881..; 1882.V. 98 -98 -78 ( 78 ,...,U26i . 1..20J . From 1868 to 1874; the Republi cans had absolute control of the gov ernment of Wake county. During the years 1875 and 1876, the Board of Commissioners were all Demociats, having been elected in August; 1874. In September, 1874, when they were inducted into office the county scrip was hawked about ; Che streets of the city of Raleigh for' fifty cents in the dollar. ' In October, 1874, just one month after, the scri p wen t up to one hundred cents in the dollar, and du ring the two years of Democratic ad ministration evey nao got par for his order. - ' In August, ' 1876, a Republican Board was elected, for two years and the increase in taxation for these years speaks-for itself. J - . Under the present system ot county governtnent, a .Democratic Board was appointed by . the ; J.oetices in itsw. and the decrease m taxation for the . i " i years since, as snown - Dy tne - aoove table, was accomplished under tbeir, management. ' - The debt of Wake county, as ap pears by the Treasurer's report, is $15,86977;: over. $lI,D0tf of which was totrtactech by Kepubhcan 15ard Within the past three vears, umder Democratic admiuistration, all the current expenses of the county have been promptly, paid and $34,028.07 of old '.debt extinguished during these years--a debt contracted- by the Re publicans, r W1JLL.R. PUOLE, Chm'n Board of Com'us. : ; -V; , crayejt couimr. v ' f" 't Newbeen, feept. 5, 188fJ. ' v. Dear Sir : The Boardf of Com mis sioners made their " annual report ta 4.he Magistrates on the 7th of August. A copy is sent you herewith. - ; The expehsesjbf the county for 1878, the last " year of - the j old ' system of County Cbvemm ent, vwere $15,375.04. The expenses for .18T9, the first year of the present system, were' $12,471.30. Saving t the county $2,903.34. The expenses for 1880" Were $10, 838.7ag Sating $4,536 84;v ). ; ' The expenses for 1881 were $11, 547.47.': Saving $3,827.57. - . The expenses fox , 1882, $11,769.62. Saving $3,605.42. " - The tax levy in 1377 arid t1878, nn def the old system, "wt-i $1.91f on the ?1UU. : in lovy; under the new sys tem, the tax levy was at Once reduced to $1.41f. Saving 50 cents, or more than 5 per dent. The taxes collected under the old system were $44,274.40 in 1877, and $4,307.43 in 1878. Under the new system, the collections were $35,679 29. ; Saving to the people $7,737.19 as comparecrwith 1878, and as compared with 1877 a saving of $8,604.11. In' 1880 the collections were $34, 269.50, showing a still further saving of $1,400.79. i Folr 1881:and 1882 i the levies are $38,622.89 a saving of manythoa-. sands of dollars as compared with: the old system, but larger, than l7y and l88QUecause the county is building vyz r iruv maieau of renting a building as heretofore, :Tfae debt of the county when, its affairs passed t the new system of county government was; $145,296.32. The interest on it has been promptly P, and $16596 32 of the debt has been paid. The debt is now $129,700, and without . increasing the taxes a teen years, principal and interest, in full, and a balance of $10,684.16 . left in the county treasury. ' . " r c - When- the present Board entered upon their duties m 1879, thev found it .( ; .l. j. - . . iue auairs oi me. county m any but a prosperous -or desirable condition. j uasments lor. a large amount were entered against it ? mandamuses were yearly issued for: the levy' of a lax- t.n pay them; its obligations were selling for any price that one chose to pay for them, and its credit was dead and a by-word. j . To-day its bonds and scrip are vir tually at par, its finances are in a healthy and sound , condition, andf its credit good. The interest for 1882 upon its debt has been paid as fast as the coupons liave been presented, and the Treasurer has in , his hands! be longing to the various funds the sum of $9,351.52. -rZ j - In allrespjectswie Board report a most -excellent condition of county affairs succeeding the wretched sitiia tion under the old system. : In noth ing is the advancement more gratify ing than -in educational interests. Through the labors of County Super intendent Jno. S. Long, the Board say, tiie whole county has caught a new inspiration in this important work. New.schools, both white and colored, have been put in' operation; a most efficient corps of teachers have been put into the field; (he new books pie scribed by the State Board of Educa tion :have been placed in the bands of the -children ; a number:; of. n$w school houses, among them a 'hand some two story house for the colored children of the city already completed and Occupied, will be ready for the next school term ; the increase ki the attendance of pupils has exceeded thirty per cent, and the Superinten dent by a personal visitation and ih spectfon of the .various schools in the county; and by h is fairness, ' energy and wisdom in the management of both schools and teachers, has given to Craven county an enviable position in tbe ranks of the public school sys tem of North Carolina. The Board of Education apportioned in January last amotfg the different districts, the sum of $10,738.98. James A. Bryan, ' CAWn County- Commissioners. : KEW HaNOTER COUNTY- . WiiiMJKGTON, N. C, August, 1882. . Sir : In compliance with your re quest I herewith submit the follow ing statement of the financial condi tion of ptfew Hanover County, and in doing so I have dsawn a comparison between the governmentof the County under. Republican administration for the four veers 1874. '75. '76, 77, and under Democratic administration for the four years 1878, 79, '80, '81. I have included the vear endinsr Au gust 31st, 1878, in the years of Pemo ciatic administration for the reason that the affairs of the? County in 1877- 78 had become, under tepup lican admkiktration, in such an em barrassed and unmanageable condi tion that two of fibe Republican mem- bona rcaigned- m oraer to maKe way for two ' Democrats of fine business habits,' who were appointed ; in their places, and afterwards a third died and a Democsai. was appointed in his place, i . ' UNDER! REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. Expenses for year endtag Aug. 31, 1874.......$5707.16 - t r " 1875 65,426.82 , . ! v , S' - 18T ;50,m.9 u 1. 1 . - 1877 . 55,086.00 For four years,....... ..$218,743.97 UNDER! DEMOCRATIC ADMINISTRATION. . . . . i -. , i Expenses for year ending Aug. 81, 1878, ......$41 ,037.37 v - ' " " 1879, 8146.95 " " " 1(880, 24,735.61 "J.." " . " " 1&S1, 25,695.72 f " For four years,...............: .$123,015 65 Difference of expenses for four years,....M..t95,72833 Cash on band Aagi 1st, 1882,....$23,939.Qp " . " . " 1877, ' 65j45. 17,0740 '4300.00 And daring the last four years the Bonded Debt of the County was Saved in foiar years,-... $156,302.82 - BONDED DEBT OP THE COUNTY. The Bonded Debt of the County August! 31st, 1873, was $45,900, evi denced by bonds to the amount of $10,900 due March 1st, 1874, and : Jby bonds to the ariiount of $35,000 due March 1st, 1879. : (See Book C, Min utes of County ' Commissioners, page 125. : Special Report of Chairman.) On ' August i 31st, 1878, the bonded debt of the County consisted of $30,000 Of bonds issued March 1st, 1869, and due March 1st, 1879, and bonds to the amount of $29,900 issued March 1st, 1S77, and due Marcn it, ? Making total bonded debt, Aug. 81st, 1878, $59,900 ,.,!-"" lSf, 48.200 1 " 188L 5300 v ; - 1st 1882 16,400 Money on band August 1st, 1882. $23,039:95 Set aside to pay bonded debt...$ia,400.00 Xjeaving to meet current expenses - until revenue rrom levy or uss shall become available,..... 739.95 - $23,939105 - There is no floating debt. The assessed valuation of taxable property and the levy was as follows : In 1874 valuation $f ,906,762, Tax levy. In 1875 . " 6, W7.209, " " In 1876 , " " 54K9S, " In 1877 - " 6,737469, - " .... 60 cents. ..... 72 cents. 60 cents. J00 cents. 282 cents. 70j cents. 75 cents. 8T cents. 63 cents. . 63 cents. Toeal for 4 years, $25,362,963 Average per year; 6,390.731. 1878 valuation $4,626,464, Tax levy,.. In 183$ " 5.420.4M, , ., fa 1S80 " 5,2851703, ; . I11I88I " 6,201,434, . Total for 4 years, 52034,032 288U 288 cents. Average per year, aaisaus : 72 cents. Amount raised on S6,3fl0.934 7GK cools 45,054.47. . - " $5.13308 72H cents-37joa,42i Difference,........... TAX LEVX OP 1882. ..$8,029.05 On the $100 of personal property and real estate, 34 cents. On the poll, $1.03. The bonded debt being provided for there has been no levy made for tne same. Respectfully submitted, . j Horacx'A. Bago, (1 Gwn'n Corns. New Hanover County. : . . yi. ABKE coustt. j -J i Waeeenton, Aug. 28y 1882. : Tne following is an accurate and true statement of bur finances from the records, under Democratic Boards, and also a similar one for a series' of years, embracing the financial admin istration of county aSairstttnder Re Dublicari ? Boards in '1;;nAVs;ik:AW .- , - -yuaj.vi TV JUlVvU years- did they levy any special'taxes ing statement '.showa; the amounts disbursed of general and school funds from December 6V 1878 to December 6,1881, . ; - i BISBT7KSK3TKHT3 -f iJJ Of fands recelvsd- from - .retiring Republican au- ' ' '. 1 . -tbaritlB,- Inoladitie v ' - 44.. ooUecUd nndr ' V - Schedule B nd C lor -' ' . 1878, and ta06.S8 collects - "" v ed under Schedule B 122 " ""- ' ' and C, for 1879, in..;. 18 j 1389 58 8,358 59 - , " . . - 1880 j 8.455 69 ,- .017.82 Total expenditures, three years, 8225'zr f 1574 41 Average annual expenditure.!...; J741 78 1' 5,124 80 Average monthly expenditure... 611 81 427 07 In the total amounts of general and school funds disbursed by Democratic Boards as ' shown i n abi vo "stfttem en t is included the sum of $13,114.81 of general fund and the sum of $6,021.21 of school fund, which sums were i n part the accum ulations - of several years' taxes, levied and collected by their ! predecessors, the Republican Boards, over andabo've Ithe Coristitu tional limitation and over, and above the necessities of the county. ' . " The flagrancy of these unconstitu tional levies, which is fully explained below,.is the more apparent when we state that iri August . 1878, the time for the levying of taxes for. the next fiscal year, the Republican Board, knowing that the county was free from debt, and that .there was "more than fifteen thousand dollars general county fund in the Treasurer's hands, the greater part of which was placed there by the sheriff a. week before that time, decided not to . levy I any county tax on property, but did ille gally levy and collect 61 cents on the poll, making $1,625.65, which the Democratic Board refunded. And further, notwithstanding these un warranted, unlawful. and unnecessary levies by the Republican Boards du ring these back years, there was money in the treasury only occasionally, and county scrip; or; orders from 1873 to 1878 were generally sold for from 50 to 60 cents in the dollar. On the Other hand, the ; county scrip since the Democratic Board took charge has always been par and the credit of the county A No. 11 . in August, -18Vy, when the Demo cratic Board, with the Justices, rnet to levy taxes for, the next fiscal year, af ter discussion and mature considera tion, they concluded, that the money in the treasury, to-wit, $7,376.03, with a small loan, would be sufficient to defray the current expenses of the county and save cost of collecting the amount' needed, nd they determined not to levy any tax for county ? pur poses. So that under the administra tion of the Democratic Board jar the two years beginning Sept. 1, 1878, and ending Sept 1, 1880, there were ho taxes levied for county purposes on property or polls'. -. It is. to be further noted, that out of the general fund above received there was expended the sum of thirteen hundred; dollars for repairs and im provements made upon the poor house and jail. - - The following statement shows the amount disbursed of general and school funds from 1873 to 1877 inclu sive": UNDER REPUBLICAN RULE. ' ' DISBUBSEKBITXS. V ' ' i::- " i ' i? ill. - J 6 - I 1 - Taxes collected on lists ' .v of - - 1873 8,708 63 4,924 43 :;. . . 1874 10,560 23 5Ji26 84 , , : ' ' : ' 1875 1228 72 2,107 67 , - iy : : . :: i's : 1876 9.437,97 ' 6,27701 V, r r -. J 17 - 1067 48 ,4,441 03 Total expenditures, ; . ; : 6100 93 23,076 53 Average annual expenditure..;... 10,80018 4,615 30 Average monthly expenditure 858 36 38161 In addition to thri flKnvb tht Rfl'. publican Boards, for the five years mciuaed m the table, collected t the SUm Of $13,114.81 o-PnproT f,-,nA VJ $b,(J21.21 school fund more ; than the table shows as disbursed, and turned the same over to the Democratic Bof ras before stated - which sums added to ,the aggregate general and school -funds disbursed, makes 'the to tal levies and collections by them for sum, ihirty-one . thousand three hundred u,i siuA,y-iwu wuura ana nmety tour cents was levied.; and collected illegally and unconstitutionally from the hard earnings of our peaceful and law abiding citizens, for the Constitution says the.tax on a poll shall be equal on each to the tax oh property valued at three hundred dollars," and -it fur ther says, " the State': and County capitation tax combined shall never vawuu wv wmuio uu me neau, mere fore thft fil v riTi $1 00 wnfW t Jj cannot, except by special act and for special purposes be more than one mird of two dollars that is 66 j cents. Now then,.in 1873 the . total of State tax levied was 50 cents on, $1Q0 wortli Of DronertvVo7riiph -f?orlitJ nns - tile Xn&Ximnm rati firal Vi. u yrj... stitution, leaves 16f cents as the max imum" rate ' that , could lawfully , be levied by the county, but" the records show that the Republican Board levied 46 cents 4n the $100 worth jof property; deducting then 16f cents, the amount which' they could leyy, from 46cents, the amount which they did unlawfully levy, leaves an illegal and unconsu- fiationaljsxcess of ,29 J cents on every $100 wortrr oi property in the; county arid aiphe 'aggregate valsaj&jytop erty ? in the county that year-was. $2,251,208.00, thismultiplied by the excessive 29 J cents, gives $6,678.53 in excess of what : law allows on prop erty. ?y And ' these unconstitutional levies continued ; during -, the whole series of five, years. ;The following table shows these unconstitutional levies in detail on both property and polls : UNDER REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION. ; .a. i : ' : ' : Aggregate of t - - Tear. ,-. assessed . 1'utuU value of c- -l - -i : property. s - ' : 1?S ... .....A $ 2,251,203 00 -3S $ 6,678 50 1874!.-.....u..-'. .. 2,191,778 00 5J14 13 1876, ' .... . 2,236,768.00 .23V 5,219 11 1876.. 235,174 00 .23i -5,2150 1877 ........ 2,12j.092 00 .21) 429 25 Grand total on property ..... $26,756 89 . ' Fear. - Total JVo. Vll Total. ; t: . g - : - .. . . , s I ' . ' 1 t 1873...,,..-;. , '2,434 -.125 $ '. 608 50 1874............. 270 .25 592 60 187S..;;...i..;;.,.;.-. 2.473 i i. .25 5 . 618 25 1876.. . - 2,610 .19 ,495 90 1877...j.v.....'.i i. 2,91 ' ' .25 ' ' 672 75 1878. ..,.A J, .2,665 v i .61 . 1,625 P5 Grand total.......... ..... $4,613 55 Total am't lUegally collecti on property ' -and poU..,..: .. $816994 And further; the Republicari Boards repeatedly allowed the sheriff to give promissory'notes for large amounts in payment of balances due by him on tax lists in his settlements with the Treasurer, and ' turned Oyer to him the , new tex list; tyheh the law is im perative that they, shall' not permit any sheriff to ha vej succeeding tax list until he ha accounted for. and faid oyer all, moneys due on former, ist, and' these rjotes were allowed for years id lie idle in the treasury, and too, when county scrip was going at a heavy; discount, v They also paid ta. large, amount of interest, torwit, $1,-? 088.78 onT county scrip for the years 1873, 1874 and part of 1875.. n : ; We have left; out of this compari son the; present year's "Operations for the reason that the sheriff has not paid the whole of the taxes levied and due for said year, he being behind On account of general fund ,$2,928.26, and on account of school 'fund $4, 827.58. ' ' - 'ai "Suit has been brought according to law on his; bond, which is absolutely good, being justified for about $30,000. The county is hot1 in debt, except for $3,500 ; recently ; borrowed, ; $1,448 of which" was in the treasury on the first of August! From this, it is apparent that if the amount due by te sheriff had been paid in at the' proper time no loan , would have been necessary on the part of the county. , : From all of the above it appears conclusively that the annual county expenditures for "ordinary purposes under Republican rule, $.10,300.18 and those under Democratic -, .rule were,...... , :.,.7,341.76 showing an ; annual saving -s "under Democratic rule, 2,958.42 And that the annual expenditures for schools - under ' Democratic rule were, ii.i.... .v...;.....$5;124.80 and those under Republican - rule were1....i.....i.. ........ 4,615.30 Showing increased annual ' appropriation under Dem- r ocratic Board, $509.50 It is . proper - to state in conclusion, that the public schools under Demo cratic rule are more numerous, more largely attended,- and conducted by more competent teachers than under Republican rule. , . 1 1 - ; Walter G.. Plummer, 5 ' Cliairman Comm'rs Warren County. ' GKANYILLE COUNTY. : ' Oxford, Sept. 6, 1882. ' Dear -? Sir : The - Board of County vuuimisBiuuera ui aue tneir report on the first Monday in Ausrust. : Under the Canby system of county government the county expenses were paid in " orders' ..These- ord ers were iU 1 " it. a' . -,,.. nuiiu less mau uu cents in me uoiiar. Under the 5 present system; from the day it went into operation, the county expenses have been promptly paid in money by the County Treasurer. . When the Canby system ' went into effect in 1868, the debt of, Granville was less than $5,000. A special tn-r to pay this was levied in .1876, and $8.1 31.80 'collected for that nurnnsA The debt was not paid ; the whole amount was ' squandered or disap peared. In 1877 the same levy , was made for the .same purpose. Half of it was applied to the debt: -the nthr half disappeared. ( . ' ' In 1874 the debt had reached the great sum Of $32,769.53, as stated in the Board's exhibit for that year. In 1876, it had, been increased, as shown by the exhibit, , to $37,707.57. : . In 1878. the debt was audits nA to be between $34,000 and $35000 An ecemuer, 15 , tu e Democratic Board took charge under thn rrc systena of county government, and in September,' 1880, the' debt;, was found reduced to $25,878,9$. In 1881, the debt was audited: for ; a settlement with the. new, county of Vance, and was found to have 'been 'reduced to between $17,000 and $18,000, of which Granville's share" is . about $12,000. Large as this f reduction is, it would liave been larger by $4,000 to $5,000, but for the formation of Vance county, which has diminished our resources one-third and , lessened expenses very little if at all. . -- . . K ... . . .... ;. Th Dejnocrats under the ; present system, then, incfouryears, havo paid off half the - debt contracted by : the Radicals under the Canby system, and for which there was nothing to show; have reformed abuses in the manage-, ment of school moneys, and-ireorgan-; ized and. made efficient and useful the school system;: have :: restored J the credit of the county to par; and have paid all its expenses in cash and not in worthless orders. All this has been done without anc increase: in the tax lev3v: J: f v : ;r n'fii' -l tFroia. the StatesyiUeljandiBarifj " Until labout a fou 1 the county 1 affairs had been 'administered by the Republicans,, i Then-the pres. ent Democratic' Board of Commission ers j who, were elected j-the"hojrid Magistrates, who' were ; appointed r by the hofrid Legislature, which; v was, elected by the ; horrid Democrats: tHe natural foes ot lioerty and the , sworn enemies of the people, went into office about four years ago. the poll tax was $3.24 andjthe tax on real and person al; property was . $l,08.:pn' thel $1Q0 v41 uatiohv i The county, was involved t& the' amount of ,$22,000, and. county claims were worth 25 to .50 cents in the dollar. .3btt the county is out of debt, county claims are .worth v dollar for dollar, the poll.taxris $2 andthe State and county tax -is 66fc.it on -the $100, while the county buildings, have been repaired .at-considerable ;cost and a safe purchased at a:cost of $400 Or $50.0. ; - : .. f,J .4". :-. - This is what.the present sy stein of county government has done for Yad kin, and these few stubborn facte are worth all the sophistxy' that demagog ical orators can' spout or "the hireling press can print between this time and doomsday. For the state : of - affairs as: now1 existing Yadkin "owes" the Democratic i party j a '' vote of thanks whicn: we are -pieasea to believe she will record on next election'.day. 1 It has reduced her taxes, it : has 'cleared her of a heavy debt, -v it has brought her county pipers up to; pa What more perfect--fulfillmeht could there' be of the Democratic promise of re trenchment and reform ? - f -Wt ; 1 -y ' FAYETTEvrLLE, SeptVll, 1882:'; ' Dear Sir:' The Radicals were in power in this county in 1868, 1869,; 1870. The fol lowing statement of expenses by the Radical Board, and the statement oi expenses by their Democratic successors, is taken . FBOM SHEBIFF HAEDIE'S EEPOET. f . j : Statement of the amount collected during 1888, 1869, and 1870, and expended by the Radical Board of County Commissioners for Cumberland : . . . Amount taxes collected In ima ' ' fn.n.H . " " .nun---. -,, ' " 1870 THZZ sa.wm " ' debt created and left unpaid after spending total amount of .taxes colr 1,773.82 7,000.00 Coupons left unpaid.. lectea in xsos. Amount debt created and left unpaid after spending total amount of taxes oo lected in 1869. Coupons left unpaid ... 2,744.98 7,000,00 Amount oi aeoi creaxea ana len unpaid alter spenuing total amount or taxes collected in lSTO..........,.- 494.47 Coupons left unpaid . 7,000.00 Amount of old orders paid, issued before ' July5r: - 8,706.89 Coupons of 1865-'66 paid-.............. 9fiSS0 Leaving unpaid of current expenses after : paying whole amount of taxes 1L421.08 Amount of taxes by Board of Commission ers during years 1870.187L to July, 1872 42330.05 Amount county expenses paid-.........-...,;.,,, 22,106.05 - ; " - coupons and old debts paid 20,488.78 u. paid County Commission-. :. ers from July , 1868, to Sep tern- , ' ber; 1870.Wi..... .; f 6,950.76 r . Amount paid Clerk of Board . 2829.68 9,280,44 " . paid County Commission- i ' . ",: ers from .September, 1870. to .i- July, 1872- . . -447.40 Amount paid C'lert or Hoard... 413.60 . 861.00 Making a difference of......;..... 8,419.44 Expenses of poor from July, 1868, to Sep tem- .- ber, 1870...... ................... 1304.44 Expenses of poor from September, 1870, to" ' ' i July, 1872.....,...-. -..w.--r-.t781a . Making a dlSerenoe of.,...f 6196 Supporting prisoners In Jail from July.. 1868, to September, 1870........... 5,1544 Supporting prisoners in Jail from Septem ber 1870, to July, 1872 888J0 Making a difference of-?JLlJj 1,788.44 Expenses of tax list from July. 1868. to Reni " tember, 1870................ ...... 6X97.88 Expenses of tax list from September, 1870, to July, 1872 l79.1rf Making a difference nt: f 118.73 JB.xpenses of courts from July, 1888. to Sep- Expenses of courts from September, 1870, to temoer, iou.M.... v 7,608.74 , j uiy, is..-.. 8,09159 - Making a urrerenceof..8 454106 , The following comparative statement wag printed in 1378 and Is certified to as "a cor rect statement from the records of Comber- tandcounty," by MaJ. A. IT. Campbell, Reeu . . r UNDER KADICAIj ADMUnSTBAXIOBT. r L fi-Jc;. .3. " ?BI5' si - ' . Poor,...... JI3.204 44 ..,.,6507 87 County Commissioners, 6,950 76 267 83 Clerk of Board.; 229 00 , 89 60 UNDER CONSERVATIVE ADMINISTRATION. . - lv if ' . ' ' . -0Q . fa(p .. - - - Poor,. ...:...;. 18,716 24 J363 18 County Commissioners, - 654 45 27 27 Clerk of Board, 878 25 15 78 The Radical Board assessed taxes in 1869 and in 1870, and Tax List expenses, were $3y 097 88. The present - Board assessed Tax Liars of 1S75 and of 1876, and as per above ac count, expended J i Tlie R.idicaL'' wl,5l ' as. in power ims K cjrtT 1&U, created anrl lo ,Uu amounting to 19,113.27,' and no Uart of t'ie interest which accrael on the puhlle tleht daring their term as paid f that Interest was $7,000 per year, making t21,000, whleh,v with . the nnpatd expenses of $3,113.27, matea tZO, 113.27, which had to be provided for by. the Conservatiye Board. ' - .x- r - A correct statement from the records of Cumberland county. ' '.. - " " . t ' - rr'A. 31. CampbelIi," I , y: J "ed6ecoxbe cojjisti.'' "9 T tV- i li Tarboso, N. C, Sept fch, 1882., f. Dear Sir : Tbe','following is ,a cempara five statement of JEJdgecombe finances': ' KEPUBiicAif adhhostratiox. ' ' , ETTW1AM trrvm A rn erf. 1 1SAQ tA'TAAAm. ' From Dee. 1. 18' From Dm. 1. 18rS. trfTSenl From Deo. 1. 1870. to r. i ism 1 t ) 1931 1 rrom veo. i, i7a, to lec 1, 1873, From Deo. 1. 1878. to ten. l. ist? r nfiss ea . S5.B79 S5.775 21 88,099 03 ,T 21,037 W- t$&17 03' From Pea 1. 1874. to Deo. 1. 1S7S. From Dec 1, 1875, to Dec 1, 187,.l From Dec 1, 1377, to Dec L 1878. AggreeateoteneaSS-. Average per annum, t289L80. .- r DEMOCBATIO ADMiNTSTEATIOW. Front, Dec 1 1878, to Dec 1, 1879,; From Dec l, 1879, to Dec 1, 18o0, 1078 25 '" 8,779 68- Agrrfeffatelbn 130,427 09 Amount of old Indebtedness ontsUnft- , . - , lne against the ooanty Angnst L 1868, -' ' ' : paid by the EMblln toard la j - ' .rlng their admlnlstraUon, 10,lD7 24 ' Amount of taxee doe for -the -i ij s f -' ui years 186ft-'7 and, paid te ; vv - " ' the BenubUoah board . so w si - s--l--s'. Amount received by the Kepnb - . !; , cans irom sales of real estate ' - in 188-70,.v. HM.'..amMMWM 8,654 00 - ! - ' 113,628 81 " It wfll be seen; frtm the above BtatemenV -jthat the Bepnblican boards received from'the -old Sheriffs for taxes due the county prior to ' August 1; 1868, and from sales' of real estate -belonging to the counts at that tlme. three f thousand, five hundred ; and ; sixteen dollars i ana seven cents (93,516.07) more. than. they., had to pay on account of claims outstahdv ing against the county- at the time of their 2 accession to power, August 1, 1868.,- , f, .-, ,r . : Amount of Indebtedness outstanding, . " - - . against the connty Dec 1, 1S78.... $24,719 28 Amount- of Indebtedness' outstanding-. r ' i l iii against the oounty Bept 1, 1882,....... t ' $200 00 County taxes from 1858 to 1889,.. County taxes from 1869 to l870, County taxes from 1870 to 1871, County taxes from 1871 to 1872,., County taxes from 1872 to 1873. County taxes from 1873 to 1874,, Connty taxes from 1874 to 1878,4. County taxes from 1875 to 1876, ,i-?9,164 25 : 28,248 75 ,. 23,196 6Q! 84,843 81 , 28,264 72 ' 29,420 15 24,730 75 26jm 61 17.467 44 voirniy uu.es irom 10 to to loll. County taxes from 1877 tol878,.j... 1812 08. County taxes from 1878 to 1879, JE15,28 15 County taxes from 1880 to 18S1. J wiiniy taxes irom lsva to iasu : 17,930 40 i, .1 'When the -Republicans were- in . power fti . 1878, taxes for county purposes were 261 cents on the $100, and fcounty orders brought from , 50 to 60 cents on the dollar. At the present -time imder'Democratio 5 rule, ;the: taxes for county purposes are V) cents on the-Sl00-and county orders are at rjar. and are Dald on . presentatibc-to the county treasurer. ;"' ' v x nereDj eerniy the above to pe correct as appears from the records of, the Board.,. ; .' ). r; ' . " ' " W. H. Knight, ., . , :qs '"wChmn-Bdard Co. Commissioners. ' ' :v, ' Pasquotank cotirtT. , , JPasquotank county suffered severely under the Canby system.; Since the. present system was adopted, annual expenses have been largely reduced; a heavy debt paid, and coun ty scrip, , which was at 15 to 35 cents, restored to par value Its r nresent: condition ia thna stated.: ,' s . -., -r . ' EUZABETH CITY, pec. 1, 1881. -The status oi the. county -flnaneea la almnl v this: .The county owes.-, af 'date.LfiaLito: To pay this debt and .current expenses. unlU December 1,1883, she .has the tax. of 188U which will net $9,044.57, and will have to her credit, December 1, 1882, 6n: general county " account; $76.85. She ohas at present,: as al c ready. Bnown,, to- herr.credit on ,, account -of Court-hoUQe fund, $2,288.13, and will realize . from present special levy for same lund about $2,288.13; total to credit of court house fund, $4,576.26, y : ..... M . We cannot refrain from congratulating the Board and the citizens of the county on- tho ' financial condition of the oounty. Less than lour years since an able committee of fl after long. and patient Investigation, reoorlp to this Board a county Indebtedness outstann ing exceeding $1,000.00. Three ' years of economy and care has- caused . this enormous debt to disappear. ...When the .present, tax is - E aid into the treasury the county will riot op Iy ave paid current expenses and the presert ' debt of $1,699.99, but have, December 1, 18i2, -a small balance to her , credit ;on general pp- - , count, and also a credit of .cash on account of court house fund of $4,576.26. -'-.. , This has been accomplished while there has' ' been a decrease of ten cents the present yea x. on the $100 ..valuation of property, and de- ' crease of tUrty cents on the poll. " . ' ' W."W,'.EEN"NEDY. iV' ' A M. GODFREY, ' u xi ' 'I A D. A SAWYER, 1 3 i '. i-. ."-, - t Finance Committee.' , , ' BLADES COUJfTY. n EliiZABETHTOWN, March 3J, 18S2. 1 Dear? Sib: In 1876 the debt-of Bladen county was $25,000.00 ; . October 1st, 18S1, it ; was $19,22L38. , The. whole of thia indebted- ness was contracted under Radical rule prlor to 1876, for ordinary current expenses or the ' county5 government.' : The' present admlnis- tration. pays everything as it goes, and has -decreased the debt , about $6,000, and this . without the aid of a 'special tax.. The Radi- " cals had several special taxes; and still created a debt each year. - : , in y ; .; About $4,000 now pays the whole expense of the county. The, Radicals spent Irom " $7,000 to $13,000 per year. 'The lfferenr between the present and the-old: system Is about 50 per cent, in favor of thprescnV - m r W AYSECl ; -4- .v.- iQtxuSB6Bo. March 15." 1882.. .Dear; Sir ; ..Wayne 'county- had no deb " In 1876.- Her debt was extinguished in 1875.. It was then $13,000, and somewhat more, as found by the DemocratiO Board of Commfs- sioners elected by tbe people in Axurust. 1271. r? aaa was, . inrougn -, uus oaru, paid in tui during tbe succeeding: year. . - i Z Wavne couhtv has no debt now. pw - " she had BteeUm-;;imA cdfe fiir c:r" -y ' : ' ' GrRKkNViLi., jikrch 17, 1882. ' ' DbiAr; Sir i '-The Democratic party went " into power in this countv In Seotember; 1874, - and the county debt at that time was $23,083.01 i ; In September 1875 this debt was reduced to. ?-' $13,309.39 arid in September, 1876 to $5,667.63,, and at the end of the next fiscal year the' county was oat of debt with a surplus on hand ,t , and has remained so up to the 1st day of Marcbr ... . 1883, at which time she had in tbe Treasury the. ', sum of $8,770.99 belonging to the General Fund .: ' and the sum of $14,915.39 belonging to the, school fund, making a total of $23,686.39 now . in her Treasury. - ' " ' ' . '. Previous ?bo September, 1874, our county. . scrip was hawked upon the streets at 50 cents ; . in tbe dollar, and all public work and. services " were upon a credit system, but upon the' ad- " -vent of the Democratic Board of Commission-' ers' all such ; work, and ; services , have - been. ; 1 strictly on a cash basis and immediately a dollar ' '.' In county scrip was worth. a, dollar In gold and -..' t HHM .fn Al3 M A ........ ntMAA -' . ' - . In addition to paying the debt of the county Li . - c 5 U 4 7 a v 2cc (X , o C 11 c ;.. u S la c? - a 5 a i Of r- c ? I It P i f T c t "i c r c c nance. - - , .mr ?