T. The Weekly ,Starv j5Ilwancb of THE EAGLES. WALT WHITMAN, i. . I fltirtin" ia the river Toad; faiy. forenoon ckyward in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles, -; . . The rushing amorous contact nigh in space together, - -!;. .. -. -' - - The clinching, interlocking claws, a living, fierce, gyrating wheel, - . i . - , Four beating wings, two beaks, a swirling mass tight grappling, , ' la .tumbling turning clustering loops, . straight downward falling, - H - till o'er the river pois'd, the twain, yet one, a moment's lull,! ' motionless still-balance in the air, then - parting, talons loosing, . ' t j rpward again brj slow-firm pinions slant- ing, their separate diverse flight, . She hersrhe his pursuing. f " EX - TREASURER .JENKINS , OX THE M UJS UHLUL. CU311S1- K AT ION. Gastoni Gazette. My Dear Sir: Your favor of the 24tli ult. received. Please accept my. thanks .for it. Your views in re fusing to vote fox the hybrid ticket attempted to be forced upon the Re publican party jby the Revjenue And worn-out, broken-down Democrats,' are the views of a large majority of the Republican! party in this State. JO am in receipt of a number hi letters sustaining your position. ?jThe -idea "that the great Republican.' party -Ui! party that saved'the nation, the arty of progress and. civilization, the "party of living principles,, the history of which party makes tne brightest pages in '.American' history, should be hawked about and prosti tuted by any Democrat - mean, vnoach to sell! himself for-office", i& so revolting to the feelings of a true; Republican, that I am struct with amazement that the Republican, party does not rise up in . its power and rebuke those impudentL revenuef officers and purchased ( Dempci-atsJ Tin's movement of the revenue offi cers to barter away the. : name ' andv fame of the Republican party, should meet the firm resistance of every Republican. Surely the time has not come when the Republican party must hawk its influence arid-power-in the market as "sjwiltjish." i f My views are that the Republican; party owes it to itself and the coun-; try to "call a convention aid : assert' its manhood arid brealtj the -chains, with which the "revenue, ring" has! endeavored to bind it, and overthrow: the tables of these money, changers and drive them! from its temple. If, it is too late to , do this,1 then I say whenever a straight-out Republican is' a' candidate support him, and when there is no such . candidate - support, the regular Democratic ticket. '.In! nr event support i this disgraceful coalition of whiskey ring! revenue, broken down, bought Democrats, let us tab i the best not ' those that the For God's sake of them, and Democratic party will not' have; . 1 ours truly, t I D. A. Jexkixs. . Gastonia, Sept. 13, ,1882. COTTON. Xew York Commercial Chronicle. New York, Sept. 15.--The move ment of the. 'crop, as . indicated by oar telegrams' from the .South to night, is given below. For the week ending this evening (September i"th), the total receipts have reached 49,512 bales, against 28,688 bales last week, 23,032 bales the pre vious week, and 12.352 bales three weeks since ; making the total re ceipts .since the 1st" of September, 1882, 83,255 bales, against 182,728 bales for the same period of 1 1881, showing a decrease since September l, ib2, ot y,473 Dales.1 The exports for the - week ending this evening reach a total of 3 1 ,329 bales, of which 27,855 were to Great Britain, 1,789 . to France, and 1,685 io the rest of the Continent, while the stocks as made . up this sow 114,225 bales. evening are On Thursday, with the news of the collapse of the rebellion in Egypt, there was a fresh decline of 9 12 points. To-day there was some reco--very, especially for'the'early months, which were evidently oversold yester day. Cotton on. the spot has been only moderately active, and there was a decline of l-16c.; Gulfs.reduced c. for low grades and 3-l6c. for medium and high grades. To-day the market was quiet at 12 11 -16c. for middling uplands. , v . f. SIX BALLOT BOXES. ' Raleigh News-Observer. 1. The . Representative in . Con gress' at larov gfljftw voted"f or 'On one ballot. '. ' " '""- - ' 2. The district Representative in Consrress will he vntpd f. will be ballot. v - av Wit 3. The Associate Justice of the Su preme Court, the six Judges of the Superior Court and the Solicitor f the district will be voted for on one ballot. . - ; ' 4. The Senator and ? members of the House of Representatives will be voted for on one ballot, " : o. The clerk of the Superior Court treasurer (in counties having thiof hcer), register of deeds, surveyor.cor ner and sheriff will be voted foron one ballot. . , , 6. The constable in each township will be voted for on one ballot. -'"' These boxes, for each precinct hould be Drenared bv the Officers, the commissioners, and fur-J nsnea to the poll-holders of each pre cinct. We trust : that ' this will be jone early, so that, there may be no default . through : inadvertence. .All f the prelikninaries should be looked atterwith We and in ample time and no officer, especfally no .Demo cratic officer, ought, to neglect auy uty particularly any duty touching tie election. "No Democratic official ought even to have any excuse to make, or be in a position to justify criticism. Every - detail should, be done exactly according to law . ' ' "-" AiB. a ' '- vi '- f - ' - . "';'v-'--- v't - t- , -t Louisville' CouriertJournal, Dem. Inquisitive Son What is a protec tive tariff, father? '''' Father It is a law made by great and good men to protect the poor American workingman ,and give him steady work and good wages. Son How good these worldngmei? must be, father.-. Ain't the working men all rich and happy, father? Father They are comfortable arid happy, my son. . .t Son Then ' those must have been bad workingmen TJncle Tom was reading to marabout in Pennsylvan nia, when they met and said their wages were cut jdown and they word not treated right. 1 ' ' , ' FatherThey must have been bad; my son, ;to talk about the good . men; who gave them ' work and ; ehigb wages. i "Son Didn't the men who got the tariff passed get anything for their trouble, father? y Father : Virtue is its own'reward my son.' - ' ' ; 1 i Son Do the people who give the workingmen such good ' wages and steady t work .i do it without payj father? ' ! 1 . : Father They keep just enough to live on, my son. " They think only of the workingmen, for whom they made the -protective tariff . ; rr ri ! Son Tbevbrkingmen,get most of the money then, father, . don't they? . .b ather 1 don't know, my son. Son What is ' the strike for,: father; why do the workingmen' strike if they. get -f stead y work and higli' wages? Father It's time for you ; to be going to school, my son. ;- ',,-- f Son Uncle Tom told , ma all the; iron mills at Smithtown shut up, yes-; terday. Why - did. the- good men who love the workingmen shut up' their mills, father? , .- i f : ; , . . . Father You'll be late at school,' my son. ; You talk too much. Son Protection means what will. protect, don t it, .'father? ; - ; JrJiXit father, suddenly. r ''"-.I-''"1 i For the" Star. " Marion C. II., S. C, September 19 1 882&&earMr2&Gahliinin a. 'iocai :. ii out buu xymps uuu, :s uurivr. . They charge from her&rto -Wilming-i ton 34 cents peripp ppundSwnCot-; ton,' posted 87 miles, -and -34 cents peri 100. ponnds to Charleston, posted 120; miles, over two railroads, and still Charleston "thinks they discriminate. Well when everybody in , North andf South Carolina ships to Charleston,! whether it pays them or not, it; will be all right from their standpoint.; Wilmington pays better to ship to than Charleston. ! : Yours, truly, ... Makion, S, C. Vj'V.'-l ''i ;:4 '.' 1 ualu'tKv. DlSCRIMIXATIOK AGAINST CUAKI.ES- ton. A factorage house in this, city received vesterdav from one of its customers . in Wadesboro, . N. C., ; the following letter: "All our: cotton is going to Wilmington N;uC.iat; 1,50 per bale; that .is. the rate. ;, The freight to Charleston, S,: has been put up. to. 45 cents per. 1 00 pounds, and the. agent1 is required to weigh each bale and bill in accordance. Not" a bale has gone to your city and will not as long as such rates prevail ? It will cost over $2 to ship 450 pound bales to your city, while the same bale arid 'even more in weight- can be shipped'Jo I Wilmington, N. C-, at $1.50 per bale ' I'deaire' to do busi ness with Charleston, S. Q., sbnt' can not n - "ll - V-- . Have Yon Ever :.;--"--"?' Known any person to be seriously ill without a weak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs are in good condition do you not find their pos sessor enjoying : good health? Parker's Ginger Tome regulates these important or gans, makes the blood rich and pure, and strengthens ever part of the system. . See other column. '""-'ft . LOUISIANA. s Destructive Fire at New Orleans Lom flOO,0OO. - : FBy Telegraph to the MornlnR Star.l -New Orleans, : September 20. A fire broke out to-night in the Boston warehouse. on Lafayette street: between ' Camp and Magazine." The building and contents were entirely destroyed, including nne furniture and other articles 'stored :,2iereV: The fire communicated to warehouses in the rear of the stores on Magazine street, between La fayette and Poydras, many of which were more or less damaged, including -R.- B. Post S? Sons and -the Yose Brothers' build ings occupied by James McGratb, grocer and commission merchant, which- was en tirely destroved with- the contents. ...The upper portion of the building was occupied by Grath & Lemon, as a bag manufactory. The rear of Odd Fellows' Hall and the residence of Edmopd .Heath adjoining, were damaged by fire and water. The total loss isstimated al $100,000; fully insured. "Not an alcoholic beverage, but a true and reliable family medicine is crown s iron Bitters. ; TELLO W FEVERi OfSelal Beporta from ': Infected - DI" . 1 trlcts.1 ' ;;AV'- ' ' By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l Washikqton, September UO. A tele- sram to the National Board, of" Health. from Pensacola, reports 26 new cases of yelldW fever there yesterday 'and four deaths'., ; They are sending all the patients they can to Hospital in, order.to reduce ex penses. . ' ;S ; A telegram to the Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital service reports l new i cases and four deaths at Brownsville, Texas, Monday, and 14 cases and no deaths yester : day. " The 1 city is full of people from Matamoraa. . . ' Enrich and revitalize the blood by using , lirown's Iron Bitters. ' ' 'f . t . - -.BJ -asi '- - r THEY A.RE TWAIN. Old Rlan Cnrlstlaney Secures a Divorce, Washington,. September 20.i-Judge Jtlagner to-day granted ex-Senator Chris tiancy a divorce from: !Ms wife i on the ground of desertion. OIZIJI Gli liG ti ;j. L Catholic Priest laed 'i-r UlcUlntf Blsmarck-Ilelease of Suspects In Ireland-Arrival ofhe Russian Im- erlal ; Party at Tloseow Prepara tions iorihe CbronaUoni'V'j yY , man f some rapKhH fephfifieaOO marks for libelling;,Bismarckj.iir a Ghancelkr5 'tdtudelo; aujmuuc uu tile ur- owing toihe releaseof a number 'of prison ersreonseauent nnon th 4m-mpif nt. n;l ration of the.-.coerciori hjtct Ihe" auth6ntws ;or-tringeat -police-onfa:oliia CStsPeters party Biartea lor -laoscowiast'mfflrt t ?s9 mense- crowds ? lined thf streets throgb; to jthe X&Bf'&i! with the 'utmost enthusiasm. ' .rft j n. the lr emlin. . , An torrtfei-4 h5;' nefeiii imi mul rated Rtat.in .-. th at the arrival'of Ihe Emperor and Empress a2 jumscuw auu oi me ; impenai procession va be made: to, the. Cathedral, the.following ErcmUn this aftenmon.yiz;ilTfte pnndpalr uiuijr nuu uavy vmixm, au persons enuuea; i- -il 1 .i. i.1 .in !.-'. - t cow, and ' Other cities,'' and the, principal members of the' "Russian arid' foreign mer- cantile community and trade guilds. " c sv ' 1 tin je indicate that' an ; offensive and defen-l sive aiuance nas oeen conciuaea oeiween Runsia and Montenegro.1 ,'i;ri,j ' 5 POLITICAL. ! I Republican Nominations for Govern or In Connecticut-and Congress In New Haven. Conn.. SeDtember ; 20.- The ; Republican I tOonvention . nominated Gen. Wm. II Bulkely fop Governor by ac-, clamationfjii;;;' ti'y':-.: "iV'i v'r,'i. 1- 5 WASHiNGTON-jSept. 20, A dispatch: from Bayou Sara,, La,,' announces that the regular Republican Convention of the Sixth Louisiana District,' at Red River Landing, nominated by Acclamation Louis t Frazer, ; of West Feliciana parish. .Frazer was for-! merly U.,S. Consul at Balogne. and is now; one of the most extensive cotton; planters in Louisiana. . ,a c:. z,-'-: t. e '4 2-. vv 1 " tot tjlt A Krr-i-r?M irHfij .' "st-.'"i New York Stock Market Firm and r ui r. - 'Hlffher.' i j . . New Yoni: Sept. 20. 11 A.; M.--The stock market opened -firm and generally ; ii per tent, higher than' it closest "yester-1 day. immediately after the opening the mar ket jbNcame,,Weakr,ancf at 11' o'clock de cline "of lli percent' was .recorded, in; which Omaha preferred, Missouri Pacific, Minn,& Manitoba. were the; most conspicu- ous. .' !- i:-: . ;':?'JwriT,;j;-';-" ;;' - Abdallan Pasba Snot by His; Own '.ir ; Soldiers. '- J ' ; ; . London. Sept 20. The Time, in jts second edition. Jias a dispatch from Cairo. announcing - that Abdallah Pasha," i com! mander of uamietta, lias been snot by nis own soldiers.-. . . . , I CONNECTICUT. ' ; ! li- Completion of the . Republican . State Tickets-Resolution Adopted 1 Favor ins a Reduction of the TarLflV , : . New Haven," Sept. 20. In the Republi can State "Convention, to-day John ,Cau der was nominated for Lieut. Governor; S. T.'Stsntoa for Secretary of State; Julius Convose for Treasurer, and Frank D. Short fori Co'mptroller.f The" platform,- declares in favor of a reduction of the tariff, not only for revenue, but . also for the protec tion of American labor against the labor of the old world.; -: ; - : : -MEXICO. Five Persons Killed in a. Church by . . . ijuotxi-jkt Xlhtnlng;4-1J! fl - '. Titcson. Sept. 20. A special from Guay- mas says that at Concordia, a town near Mazatlan, live persons were Killed, in a churcn which waa,strnckjby i lightning. A numbcr.of other persons were seriously in jured In a rush to escape. . , Permit no Substitution. Insist Mpoa. obtaining Floreston Cologne. It is preeminently superior -in - permanence and rich delicacy of fragrance. " jf ELECTRIC SPARKS, The Strike of the iron workers at Pitts burg, Pa., has been' adju8tedand work will be resumed, in the mills ina few gays, Harvey -Chase, one of the pioneers among cotton manufacturers ia Rhode Island, died at Valley Falls, . 1.1 yesterday, 'aged 85 years. - "'.. v : 3a ' The British I Bteamer Comus, having on board Lord Lome and Princess Louise,. a& rived at Victoria. B.C. Monday; all, safe, notwithstanding the threats--"that she WOU tu oe uiowa up at ea. Ofllcial returns of Ithe vote at the recent election in Vermont place Barstaw's m&jor' itv for Governor at 19,829. The House stands 185 Republicans, 49 Democrats, one Greeribacker and one Independent. ;The Senate 28 Republicans andtwo Democrats. The great value of Mrs. ILydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for all diseases of women is demonstrated "by every day ex perience. . The writer of this had occasion to step into the principal Pharmacy of a city of 140,000 inhabitants, and on inquiry as to which is the most popular proprietary medicine of the time, was answered, that Mrs.; Pinkham's Vegetable Compound oc cupies a most conspicuous place in , the front rank of all remedies ,6f this class. Journal.- - --v - f C ' Quarterly Meetings. Wilmington district, -Methodist Episcopal Church, Soutb fourth Kound (in part) ' Topsail at Scott's Hill', Sept. 23 and 24. A Wilmington, at Fifth Street, at 7 P. M., September 24. . , . r Whiteville, September 30 and October 1 "Waccamaw Mission, October S and 4. ; R. O. Btjbton, v - Presiding Elder. -Major Wm. A. Smith, of Johnston, long recognueu ua a xeauei among iu leauera ui tlio "Rfmii'KHnnn nart.v 'fn Nnrth -Cftrnlinft and the party's candidate ; for Lieutenant Governor oil the ticket with Judge Settle', ronsr in thft'citv lastThtirsflftv and enimressed his disgust freely . and ': emphatically :with the COailuou muveuieukuu wiu uuii taut; onrr nrtolit.inn in his tip.kfit. Thf Mftior:"' al ways outspoken, says if he must vote for Tiomnpmta hi will vote for th hftst men and not for those styled deserters, smelling -. 11 ; 1.1 .JQ-.t arouna me rvepuuuuau uauxu iur ubsuwh. lie will vote ior uen. vv . ; iv ox ior wu in nrfiffiTftime to riflvflreiix: He wil vote for ; Judge Ruffin', for the Supreme Court against Folk. He ; will vote for J udges Uiimer ana uc.ix.ay in preierence tft riai-w nnri VA wards, and th ft Mai or savs ' that thousands of other Republicans will do : likewise. In short.' Maj. Smith has on a big disgust with the Revenue-Coalition have seM awaj certainJ pejsb Suspected M informing; fearing theywdifliitbeiuri i uurg nuu jiiqscow naveDeenpxolQngedonQ ?lWEmptajdjs the Urand ilJukea AlexiK-'.fffHhaAttAl Czarina", arrived ;hinr Aafifte-t AJtav-J T'tnJ Ting.(TOl080oro Messenger. COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. BPJRIT v tufji fxtJTlie market wast dull at 41 cents ' per gallon -No sales to "report; 0 i h v r , f-t-I i ' t' ? m t - f. ROSIl-The:arkerwa3;;ouoted 1 firm at ;$i'SJor Strained and $1 47, for Good Strainedwitb sales as' offered ;TvI.f X: l TAR-rThe market was stead -at 70 per uut oi ou iun, wuu uca a. tuuuitioiis.- CRTjpm TJJRPMTI-PThe; market is firm flat $1 50 for Hard and $2 502 70 for Yellow Dip ; closing at $2 70 bidbyshipi' v tU i l-UJH rDaies xeponeu oi ia, oaiea on a basis of life for Middling; and later we hear of 'Sales of 50 bales at Hi cents..' The fouowing were ! thie '. official quotations: Ordinaryv I...!;. .i,. . . 9 '4-16 cents1 U tb flood Oniinary,. . iilO; 3-16 V" Jr Low Middling. . .r:.... 11 : 5-16 ?a Middlings -.4tl& 1 :1 PEANUTS Market lquiet.. We cfuote Ordinary fl 10; Prime $125; Fancy fl 40, 150150, STAR OFFICE. September 15, '6 Pi$tl was steady .at 40 cents per gallon, with 'sales of 400' casks at; that pricebeinga decline of IcenHn last reports: - ' 1 ; ROSIN The market was quoted steady at f i oo ior,trained ,ana f i t$ ipr. uppa Strained, with, .sales as bflered.:vv . TAR The market was firm 7 at . $1 7Cj per bbl of 280 lbs,: . witir'sales at 6UUb-4 yizvuia x jUAU'iiusTlJNJfcine market is quoted quiet 'at $l-i 50 for Hard . and $2 50 for Yellow DipBy distillers r f 1 70 2 70 bid by' shippers:;;;: - $ l t COTTON Sales reported of 1 Op j.bales on abas is of H cents for Middling, closing quiet. The following were the ofllcial quo- tations: b' uxr.-.si u. a 1 OralajuT.i': Good Ordinary...... 10 3-16 " -: " Low Middling. ;i'tiH' 1141-16 ' l" t Middlingv i ,nt.i SI -11- ?? -t Good Middling,-r. .rv ;4H y : PEANUTS-Market quiet -and-business. f i JJ5; rancy f l 40i 6U ' ' y ; n i i STAR OFFICE, September 16, 6 P. M. i i BPIRJTS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 40 cents per gallon bid, with sales reported of 5CTat that price. 1 ROSIN The market was quiet at $1 ,35 for Strained and $147 for Good Strained, with no sales to report. : -,: 1 TAR The ' market ' was firm Jat tl 70 per ddl, oi, zcv , ids, witn sales at quotations.; CRUDE TURPENTINE The market is quoted quiet by distillers at $1 : 50 for Hard and $2 50 for Yellow Dip ; $1 70! 2 70 bid by shippers. ' ' : ; ' ' COTTON Market sdyj with sales re ported of 125 bales, on a basis of ; llic per lb for Middling. ' The following were the; official quotations Ordinary...,....., cents lb Good Ordinary....... ,10?-.r,i-i!..H -.v.i-; I' ll 3-16; ; 11 "t 11 . . JLow .Middling. iudcuing.,.w. Good Middling 4 . h STAR OFFICE, September 18, 6 Pi Mr BPIRITS TURPENTINE-The market opened firm at. 40 . cents per gallon ibid, with sales reported later of 300 casks at 41 cents, being an advance of c on last reports. ; ROSDT The market was quiet at $1 . 35 .for Strained and $1 47 for Good Strained, - with sales as offered. ' ' ,; ' , TAR The market jwaa firm at $1 70 per bbl. of 280 Ibe, wltlimles at quotations, . (mutiE t is. quoted quiet, by .distillers -at $1 50 for Hard' and $2 50 for Yellow Dip; 1 70 a.o mvM v'n' .i.!...-, ' : '' ;; :- ': - ' .CQTTPNT-Market quiet, with sales re ported of 150 bales on a basis of life per fb for 'middling. r The ' following : were the uiuguu jjuujttuujiB ; ifrr - icViXlfifa'Oi f.';E ".ill, - Ordinary. . . . i . i . . J . . . 91 .i cents $ tt Good Ordinary.,,.-.. i40f sitnln ViM; IxwMiddlinff. . i i4, .ll i&16b Middling. .-. ... . 1U : f :-,." it-.'I' ,GoodMMdlmv-.-.i.lli ? "i T STAR OFFICE. .' Septf 19, 6 P. M.' ; SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 41 cents per: gallon bid,? with sales reported later of '150 casks at 41 en ; ROIN9-The market: rquie. ' at. il for Strained and $1 47 for Good Strained, -with sales as offered. " TAR The market was fifnf at 1 70 peT bbl of 28 lbs.t:Wlt CRUDE TURPENTNEe , market was quoted quiet by distillers at $1 50 for Hard "and $280 foa: Yelkf tpV4l 6 2 70r;bid by ddptietiif&&&':-il - COTTON The niharket 6pened'rdnli, with sales, reported later of 300"bales on; fiasis ,pt i ip.pe .tb , for Middling closing quiet. ThefollQwin the pfficial quotations: - j vv . ;iy . Ordinary. . ,1 ; ; 1 . . ' 9i h cents lb rv s - a Low Middling: 11 3-1 J', ; V-:, Middling. ; .uy.-Ui v; 11 4- : Good; Mlddlinifni.. ,121 'ci ' , STAR OFFlpE." Sept20, '6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market was held at-41 cents per gallon,) without buvers. 1 " t - ROSIN The market was quiet at $1 35 for Strained and $1 47i for Good Strained, s toreporiKn:;vt with no sales to report. , TAR rThe .,market was- firnv. : at '$1 0 per DDI. oi zov ids; wiiu saies at quoiauons4 CRUDE TURPENTINE--The ; . parke is quoted quiet' by distillers at 31.' 50 for Hard and $2 50 for Yellow. Dip; 1 ,70 2 70 bid by shippers. - ' yy COTTON Market I firm,- with Bales re ported of 300 bales ona basis of lif cents per lb for Middling. ;KThe following" were the official quotations: -: Ordinary . . . ii 8 - cents lb Low Middling,; . ;. ', 11 l:16iS Middling, , , i , llf -v Good Middling:. . "t J COTTON MARKETS. 1 -' By Telegraph to the Morning Star.l : September, : 20. Galveston, weak..-- and lower to sell at ; Hie net receipts 1 4,202 bales; Norfolk, quiet at llc net receipts 780 bales : Baltimore, quiet at 12c net receipts bales; boston, steady, at 12fo net receipts oo oaies j x-iuiaueipnia, uuii at 12c net receipts . bales ; Savannah, RtPftdv at 11-ic net - receipts- 3,836 bales; New Orleans, easy at 12ic net receipts flflft balesr Mobile, weak at 12c net re ceipts 262 bales Memphis, nominal at 121c net receipts o oaits; Auguaia, qui-i a. llc net' receipts oo oaies; vnariesioa quiet at life net receipts ,oou uaies. COXXON AND NAVAL 8TOXXX3S . , . .RECEIPTS ! For tlieweeend tt. CtJ-'Ji'J T..' Ckude, 738 ' 1,498; . ; 6,602 ". 708. -'-.: 625 ; RECEIPTS ' jfFrom Septr?12thoSept. 19th; 1881 (btoth Jf Omde. 3,056 : 2,494 f 6,535 907 1,391 VSv" 'm-:-::M EXPORTS For the week ending September 16, 1882; ' - ' Cotton: &nrt linstin. ' TW n,J I Domestic V 78 ' 983 2,425 388 000 Foreign'.. 00 1,578 00Q:r 000 S 000 tiV i" EXPORTS'1 ' -i v'i'tH-;"' feSMPthSSl j,ssi;o(w;i:ioo P7S.916-113 .--STOCKS - - i i rn u Ashore and AflbaVSept. l6, 1882. . . .v.v3 1.050 - 118. al .1 Rft Spirits:i .. i'ii. 4,259 89 ! 4;834 Rosinv ?i-i::100.521 ':!J29 100. Mil Tly;57150;ft 25 5,175 J V .'!Ashore and Afloat. Serit19 tRSt - ! " tMTH Crud 2,85.!? 5,994 j ? aj 45,6151,144- 1,117 Sent. 19.1&S1: : Snnt 1ft 1 s. Cpttpna.--lli.-,gi;;i,li, Spirits, i ft 49 -tWVt&40iis-Rosin 2. 00 a2 -iOiijit 85 ai 471: Tar.iJ--2-50 JJ0 Crudei i 3 50 2 80 1 50, .1 702 502 70 NeW iTori Comparative Cotton. State fcioSriwHi i.iit-. mnt;i-fqp"uv;' itAA'S :1;1 ; s - By. Telegraph to the Xorhinf; Star. : NEWYpESi Septembeicl5-rhe follow; mg is tlie cpmparatjyeeoiton statement for the, week - ending this datei r ..;-o -ri r Net-receipts at all United . j week. ... . . . i . .... 49.034 91:5 m. wwa IV WHO r -jiate .3'Bv-82.704Sl59.763 Exports fof HiA;Week.KiL 32,318 "" 0,366 TotalvrexBorls:pl'this 3.;? i?r .'AT 59.056; 73.673 Stpck in aUUted States "ti S S :t J ports.V -1 x i' 1116,425:297,707 Sktlinterior? i -1 f iowns4:h;?S c 6,876; 51,762 Stock in Liverpool ..v 562K000'l706.000 American i- afloat ? ; for f V : j ? Great Britain. , i f .1 43,000 ? '83,000 f ; cnarieeton Rice lamrltet,! v r ClestenewsMdjCo j ; Rice.. There was a: moderate business done in new qualities to-day and purchasers took About 75 tierces.- -We quote as follows: Commoii 55f c; rFtax f 66ic ; Good 6 ; : 1 1 ",- Jl.Breipn Appointment ",' f : Co1 Wharton fi Green. Demoiratui candidate for j Congress,: will address his! fellow-citizens :aS; follows s; :t W; t .Tom." Mcteithan's i Store, C:iRrunswicki county; Saturday; v Sent 23 v."', s:l New Bridge Church, Duplin county;'Sep-; tember-26th wLcn Gov. Harris will r also: speak. -j zzr-rjiit . Richlands. jpnslow codntyj- Wednesday, SeDt..27th; l.V . Jacksonville, Onslow county Thursday, Sept 28th; a :- Stump Sound; r.OhslbwouBiy,; Friday, Bept-aytn.' k - . -. . - -f f , ' Swansboro,- Onslow county, '.Saturday, SeptJOth. i " . . ' r' ' .Oak Grove School House, Carteret coun ty,' Monday, Oct. ; 2nd. .-'.:: , ' Newport, Carteret county, Tuesday.Oct. - Mill Point, Hunting Quarter, Carteret counfyWedBesday. Oct. 4th. Temperance Hall, i Smyrna, Carteret county, Thursday, Oct 5th. 'county; Friday, Oct 6th.U ' - - . . , -V. V. KlCHARDSON, Btf Wlt .-; Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. DIES .- WESTBROOK, At Rocky Point, Pender co., N. C, on the morning of the 11th of September, 1888, of typho-malarial fever, ANNIE B., eldest daughter of Mary B. and James M. Westbrook. She was twelve yeara and six months old. Thus has another choice and precious- flower been transplanted from earth to bloom In unfading sweetness and endless- fragrance among the an gelic hosts of the celestial home. - Of rare prom lie and the brightest pacts, this sad event again verifies that death loves a shining mark. The Idol ot adorine oarents. the lieht. life and iov of a 'happy home, now desolate , with sadness and giv ux. i iuuu uwuwu nuu ititoi r-in-ft icn ners made attractive and radiant the fine social circle in which she moved. Bright and gentle Annie was not alone the pet and favorite of a large number of relatives and loving friends, bat the admired and delight of the whole communi ty.' "None knew her but to love her, none named her but to praise." One so sweet lovely, and in tellectual, was too pure for earth, and just as she was budding for the graces and attractions of a noble womanhood; God has seen proper to take her away to dwell with the redeemed of His peo ple and with the . angels in eternal Paradise; In this their hour of bitter trial and sore affliction, her heart-stricken parents have the sorrows and sympathies of the entire community, far and near. No better evidence of this,- and of their high social position and great popularity, could be given than was shown -in the very large and sorrowing numbers, from various sections, who attended the solemn funeral services, conducted by Rev. F. H. Wood, at the home of the devoted and grief-stricken father. : - ' A Fbikkd. if 1500 per year can be easily made at home working for E. G. Bideout & Co., 10 Barclay St., New-York' Send for their catalogue and full particulars.' .V - octagWly r PERSONAL ! TO MEN ONLY 1 Tins - "VtaTAic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.v will send ;Db. Dtb's Celkb rated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Elec tric Appliances on trial for thirty days to men vnimffOT' aid who are afflicted with ; Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality and Manhood, and kind of troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete re storation oi neaiin ana loamy vigor. jvaaress as above - N. B. No risk is incurred, as thirty days trial is allowed. ; 1 . . -. . ' Malaria. Chuls and. Pever, and Bilious attacks positively cured with Emory's Standard Cure Pills an infallible remedy; never fail to cure the most obstinate long-standing cases, sugar coated: causing no tfriDtne or nursrinir: thev are mild and efficient, certain in their action and nanmess in au cases; tney eneciuauy cieanse xue RVHtem. and srive new life and tone to the bodv. As a household remedy they are unequaled. For Uveruompiamttnetr equal is not ..Known; one bos will have a wonderful effect on the worst case. They aroused and prescribed by Physi cians, and sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 and 50 cent boxes. Emory's Little Cathartic Pills, best ever made, only is cents, standard uure Co-114 Nassau Street. New York. . , ' A LUCK ACCIDENT TO A R. R. STATION MASTER Mr. J. A, Burks, the Station Agent at -RnhaHna. was the luckv holder of one-fifth of tinkpt. No. 56.021. which drew the canital Diize of 1 75,000 In The Louisiana State Lottery Drawing of August 8. no iorwaruea xne noicei w 11. u and the stun of 815,000 was paid in cash. He is a nnmnarativelv voumr . man: has a wife and two children, and is a native of Sonora. Ky., where he owns some real estate. He takes his good for t.nn miite nonchaiantlv. and in a sensible man ner will retain his present position for some time to come. This is out ope of the invariable in stances showing that the Louisiana State Lotte ry Company deal honestly with the lucky hold ers of tickets drawing priises in the wheel of f or- tune.--JNatcmiocnes vua.j reopie-s v inmoaur, August 19, - m . - THE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE OP THE NUKSEB Y. The following is an extract from a fetter written to the German Reformed Messenger. o t. rrh dm hfirnhn r?h . Penn.: A BBjnsFACTREsa. Just open the - door for her. and Mrs. Winslow will prove me American xiureuco iigukiugiue oi vuo Nursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teach our "Susy" to say, A blessing on Mrs. Winslow for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colicking, and teething siege. Mas. WnrsLOw's Soothdio Stbxtp . relieves the child from pain, andjmres dysentery and diarrhoea. - It softens the gums,reduces mnammation,cureswind nrMn anil narriM the infant s&felv through the teething period. ' It - performs precisely what t professes to perform, every part of it nothing Toss WnhavnrTever seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through th preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." ir we. had the, Dower we would make her, as she is, a physical saviour uj luo uutuib raiio. - oviiu uj cut ui ukkiblb. 85 cents a bottle. , rt - 1 1 -tli--) .w jjJKUVViH S IKUN I3ITTERS. v .f is one of the very'few tonic L mecUcinesrJiat are not com- , j. pbsed' mcay of alcohol or -' 1 whiskey, thus" becoming a ! . fruitful source of intemperri7- vftv for rum.. .-. - v-i ? i s-?' i - Brown's Iron Bitters ' ' is guaftmteed a nori- "i - intoxicating stimulant and Y'i ! k ;itfll, in neitrly eVerycagjHv take" the place bf" all liquor; " . .-'a'atdllsaIhe-m(asb-' lutelv-kilt-tiierdesire for ! . w eating. beverages ' -if:--- t-":' Rev. G.W. Rice, editor of li the Atnertcan Christian Re- i , m-i view, says otBrown'g Iroii i if l fft. Bitters : y ffi y " mfetf'sf&vi M6--CinJVOov.i(6;i88i. VA 'iii X Gents ?-The foolish wast-i f o j i1 of tal force in business,; hj ;; for temporarv recuperatipn,'; .1 " ! rf..BR6WN's IrM BrrTERS,' ' ri' has been thorouffhlv tested ,!. ?Vfor'v dyspepsia,- mctifipestibiu ?i : ty, pvenrorlc, i riieumatm t n ji neuralgiaf 1 3 i ojosumptiQnyfcia 1 - i" troubles, &c,f'and it never'. : I feils; j:cvs rencler?speedyr'aadfi -'nerrnarlerit relief 5 - Jfti t : ap 25 D&Wl'y.' j. iw nrm' r.Sdp Fpr Sheiiff., ; .5, A' T THE SOLICITATION OP MANY FRIENDS ; I hereby announce myself an Independent ean- didate for the SHERIFFALTY OF $kw HANO-I YER COUNTY. --'!('; -!'.i'-Vf-J Bep 80 Dim Wit . ELIJAH HEWLETT. '-. .'k ! .... BURGAW MALE AND" FEMALE ACADEMY.! A good, cheap School for Boys and Girls' Healthy locality. Session will.begui 2d day of ? October. Tuition Sl-50 to $400 per monthBoard -$7.00 to fasOrf .For further information address ' - - -v ' JAS. F. MOORE. . isep 15 W2tf: OR-i? JBurgaw, n;c . :. .NONSENSE.,. . .,i -i: '-- Now'is f the " 'tinieYto pull f' the British lion's taiU Gorged with' slaughter, he can only sinllelOiiu3n7iati (hmrimiyial. '' Sqventvor a 'huridredf'toeotle must have been killed in thef late Jjgyptian It is now; believed tha Hamlet was a stock-broker, for he said it was better to 6ear,theill8 ; we ;bave ; than fly to others that we know not oL .-J , " - .: 7 A domestic, paradox : ' You know, Johnny you cannot have yqii? cake and eat it, too." Johnny' 'But. mother. how can I eat it unless I have it Y'iBoston BMt UJ Mil ''', 'v pleasure, ani. viciousindHlt ' " ' ' '"' -n gence 'of bur people,' niakes ;A jtM, 1.14 yourMeparation a necessiryf l' sir ,indifappUed, wUtsirehuni- So 4 Originality , , Brown is nothing if not hypercritieal. He wnt . to .hear a noted lecturer" the other evening8 and he was heard to say.next mornimc:;; -'fThey ' all ' told ' me ' Mr. Verbose was an 1 original speaker. It's , all bosh! all bosh,'sirl; ;'He didnt utter a single.'word the : eh'tire even ing, but was in mydictionaiy at home; and I have had that book two years at least. " Boston Tranacrija.; -. y ;!;-;; !'-.t.u;'. 'y-Challenging the Ju3ge A young .Austin , lawyer .was .appointed to defend a negro who was too poor, to employ counsel ofapwn. .;After;the :ury waa in the box the young lawyer challenged several juryr men , whom his client said, had. a. prejudice against him. I.- "Are . theretany jnore, jury inenTyrho have a prtjudice , against you .? whispered the young lawyer",'lo, boss, de .jury am all right ; but; now 1 wants, you to challenge - de, .Jedge,'.,. I "(has been-, con. yicted under hira seberartimes. already 'and maybe he is begfnnih' to hab prejudice agin me." .The young, lawyer this . beingjjis first case, took the advice oi his client, and, addressing the court, told the Judge he could slwp, wiTe Sittings. ' Tir: GREAT COMET. Remit of Olwervatlona sit the National in n U ,'- Obwervafte-rT : WAsitiNQTON,September 20. -A' series of observations i)f the new comet 'were taken tonday atihe' JTaval; Observatory ,by Prof .' Frisby arid his assistants0, and Prof. Lewis Boss, of . ; the Dudley" u Observatory' Albany, .1;!whd' is now here5 preparing ior- uepariuTO xur otuiuagu ue ouui, where he is to observe the 'transit ' of Venus. The results, werfrso perfect that Professor Boas' aimounces' as a practically demonstrated fact that the present comet is identical with, that5 recently discovered by Cruls in Bio de Janeiro;, Gould's Comet dia- covered in South America inr18miand great comet of : 1843, and he, predicts r. . l . .,i . . i i . that . - tne same comet win reiurn m auorwjr iuier vals, and within the next ten years it will crash into tne sun ana become lost as an in dividual body . .t . ill: V ! !r.' LoNDON-r-Nor barque Liv 1.578 casks soirita tuiDentine. ; :k;i ':; uM?i :; .r MARINE. , :;f 'ARRIVED . Brig Havana,, 886 tons, Leland, Philadel phia, Geo Harriss & Co;, .withf ns (wal to J a. opnngeri - , ,, .r., . JSchr Snow Storm,' Morse, Little River;, naval stores to T L Gore.?. VA? Schr Mary . Wheeler, . Javis,:; Calabsh, N U, naval stores to u Au trore . ' itehr Annie. Burns, Little River, naval stores tq A Martin.V,' : T- .'. ' .-Q : r ' . . Steamship Regulator, DoaneYork New T E Bond. . .., ,. Stmr 'Gulf Stream,". ..Ingram, Hampton itoaas, x Jiiijona. ;, ; ... ..-.!..;.?. Ger baraue Sirene, 500 tons, , Colliess, Cape de Verde, U PeschaUf&.yvestermann. ' 'iF ,j CLEARED.- !- i f Nor barque Liv, Pedersen; London, Eng land. Murchison & Co.' '.' "-5 Schr Snow Storm. Morse, Little River, Schr Mary Wheeler, Davis, Calabash, UJDL tiOJIB. , WHOLESALE FJ2ICE3. i T err Our "iubtataons,- It should be understood, represent the wholesale , prices generally. Ia makeup small orders higher prices have to be iABTKXKS. r. rmexs. BAGGINQ Gunny. 11 BACON North Carolina, 18 " . 15 IS r 15 12 - VShonlderaj J)...-. . 00 , 15 & 00 ml - - 1 uuw.W, .... ....... Wxstx&h Sxoked Hams. V ; sides, .-...-.7!7T:.T...:: V; Shoulders, H.. Dbt Salted Sides, - Shoulders, 9 B t BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. : . ; Second Hand, each .... . . ..." : ' New New York, each. -.. . . . . w ' ' New City, each BEESWAX fl........ . 4 - BMCBS-WIlmington, (m!;!.. ; JTorthernv. .... .. ; . . BUTTER North Carolina, tt . Northern, ft..7n7. ' . CANDLESft B-ufeperm..v ..! " ; ,. Tallow vi.Ui, ; Adamantine. 1 85 1 90 0 00 83 7 60 OOO .,18 S5 00 8 00 & '1M . 85 050 14 00 80 18 : liwa CHEESE j O Northern Fact y M & jv Dairy, Cream,-. ' 15 "ia. .10 18 -18 coppee s--java..::. - Laguyra. i . H-. . . .. .CORN MEAL-Hg bush., in sacks, ' - Virginia Meal. .77' COTTON TIES- bundle .. v . w - DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, ft yd Yarns, buMhVT..T7.r...r EGGS sp dozen.... 10 1 10 64 1 ia 1 50 r 7 1 00 - so 81 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, y bbl... 16 00 & SO 00 10 00 10 00 6 60 M , uuerei, jmq. 1, 9 nan DDI 8 50 9 60 5 00 I Mackerel, No. 8, 9 half bbl? . , mauaerei, no. a, w ddi " Mullets, f bbl?...... -! 8 60 V 00 4 88 8 SO 4 00 10 -COO. 7 w f N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg.i a oo Dry Cod, y B.. FERTILIZERS 2,003 pounds. " i-iivr vTenca-stuarDonate or ume i -i; French's Agrleultural Lime . ;.Pernvian Guano, No. i:. i,.. - . ..- u.atk... TOO: 8 60. 1 60 a oo 57 60 (A t SO 86 00 ' a 87 00 IB-''' "V ' liODOS-ii.. ... Baugh'8 Phosphate....,...,. : Carolina Fertilizer.; ....... round Bone .i. . .:.. .i.. ' Bone MeaL i Bone Flour. .. ........... . Navassa Guano Complete Manure . a oo oo: ta 6i oo 00 00 45 00 ;00 00 00 00 -00 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 45 00 67 00 45 00 t7 00 70 00 70 00 60 00 60 00 6 60 6 00 760 10 00 6 75 7350 7 60 18 40 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 Whann's Phosphate .......... Wando PhosDhate .-a .i . Berger & ButE's Phosphate 00 00 tlenza Cotton Fertilizer, 65 00 UR 18 bbl Fine...... 0 00 northern Super.. : 0 00 i . -) .-. jsxtra:.... ....... '660 i Family..., .i... 7 75 City Mnis Super... ,.;....,. 5 50 K-- " Family 6 26 ' ' Extra Familr : . (..00. GUml ft.............. , U uorn trom store, bags, white - 1-10 r Corn, cargo, in bulk, " , . 00 ; Corn, cargo, in bags. ; 95 , Corn, oargo. Mixed, in bags.? ' 95- -Oats, from. store 55 Cow Peas no 19 1 00 - -06 1 10 ;i5 1 25 1 95 1 15 - ' HIDES ft -Green 4 - Dry......... io HAY-Hp 100 lbs Eastern........ 1 15 western.. ....t. l 20 North River 1 00 HOOP IRON Ton.".,...'..::... 8 500 90 00 ' LARD 8 ft Northern,. ...... 12 North Carolina v.. 00 ffh 14 14 1 50 30 00 16 00 13 00 82 00 15 00 LIMB barrel. . . . i. . . ... : . .t, . . - 1 1 LUMBER pity Sawed V M ft. snip stun, -resawea.. is oo Rough Edge Planks J. ..... 15 00 West India Cargoes, aecord- - ing to quality..! IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Scantling and Boards, com'n 12 00 MOLASSES eallon.' .jNew urop uuDa, in nnaa 00 0 , 44 40 45 48 29 in DDIS., 43 - Porto Rico,' in hhds. .. .1 1!. .. 00 " M inbbls.... 00 00 " ' 5inbbis..,.Tr:.. Svrar. in bbls. .a. : ' 00 40 0 00 11 1 Iff - 90 : 15. , 00 :.oo ' S3 . '1 75r 1 80. 60 S 50. 13 00 80 8 75 12. 1 45 100 18 20 22 30 25 1 25 1 70 75 3 75 NAILS v Keg-H iCut, lOd basis OILS gallon Kerosene...;..' - Linseed. . . ."a . . . Rosin . . . ;. . ,-' Tar....;;...... Deck and Scar POULTRY-rChickens, live, grown i. . springs. 4 Tnrkevs .... i. J . i . .... .' i PEANUTS-HP bushel. .. . . i POTATOES bushel-Sweet . Irish. Der bbl . I TiA-nir m sii r P"" 24 00 17 00 16 00. RumD .. ..-.. . 17 00- 18 00 RICE Carolina. ft 4a 8 BongW bushel ..1 ' RAGS $ ft--Country..;.J..j.., City...Jl , .-" . ROPE ft. -.f.-!;,--OAT m BQ A 1M .. . 85 1 15 i! . 00 " 00 f-.oo Liverpool,.-..... . . .... j 1 Lisbon.... .11 American : .. ,00' SUGAR ft-Cuba. . . nr. 0j . Porto Klco..; A Coffee ,0 .0 C "I 'J 9 Crashed .5....;.i. iv.. SOAP 99 ft Norfchftrn...- 5 c xrrvr TT?a 90 "M" n,4 kn I 5 00 2 00 4 50 ; 7 00 2 60 5 00 j OvDress Hearts. : A 7 60 18 00 STAVES p M-W. 0. R.Oj Hogshead ..-. 00 00 10 00 TAXAAJWi B... 5-T -6 TIMBER 39 M feet Shipping.. 13 00 .13 00 jnne snipping...:... :.. i w u& ia ia Extra 5"? do - -; . . , . !. . . ..... . 13 W 14 00 . mux mnme,ui. 1 06" 8 00 6 60 .-jiLtux-au - ... ........ , . . . . ... 00 4.00 0 00 1 00 1 00 . B5 21 10 common Miu... -. .,- , Inferior to Ordinary 4. 6 00 4 00 ..5 00 , 8 60 -, 6 - 25 1 15 WHISKEY gallon Northern - North Carolma.. . ...!.!.. i. WOOL ft Washed unwashed., ....... Burrr.;.. . VTI.liaNCTONi MONKS' MARKET. Exchange (sight) on New York; . .': .discount. uainmore...ir..o ' Boston. . ? .-l Philadelphia..;. . A t' Z -Wmrtitm fHtina 1 change, 30 days, 1 cent, ' ...I .V TV. WWV... .4 . ............. . V First National Bank Stock 75 navassa uuano company block.. ; aw North Carolina Bonds Old Ex-Coupons .... 82 - IFnnding, 1866 i-.v. .... 12 ... . Funding, 1868 .... 12 New 4s 88 CJ " Special Tax......... 4 to N C Railroad.. . 93 W. A W. R. R. Bonds, 7 e. (Gold Interest). 116 Carolina CentralR. R. Bonds, 8 fc. ......... 105 Wilmington, CoL & Augusta R. R. Bonds .. . 106 Wilmington City Bonds. (New) 6 o......... 100 .i " . " " 8 Wo... 100 New Hanover County Bonds. 6 c..'.......-I100 Wilmington A Weldon R. R. Stock. Hr.rth damllnn. Tt R Htnnk 10O Wilmington Gas Light Company Stock. Wilmington Cotton Mills Stock... 100 YoungJilen, r U SHOULD STUDY THAT WHICH WILL stand by you best in the future; that which will aid ypu the easiest to obtain a good paying em- -ployment., . t . ... A ."You should become good, thorough, practical Business Men, and always command remoners tive employment. Attend the . : v" H -" - , v,.-,. '-'v Balne8 and . Phonographic :- COLLEGE, . -f The greatest Institution of the kind in the ooun- - '- t w .':-! try, where , the best Teachers, the finest Pens- nen, and most experienced Bookkeepers, Pho- ' r- ' ' '' - . ' ; .1 ' tographers, Operators, etc., are employed. - '. t Send for Circular, and send the names of your r ...... . -J:.- ' . ..'.t : , 3 friends to " ' ' ' " H A . a'UM ENT PRINCIPAL, ' A'r-'OTPEnuiiro, Illinois, V . sept8"W3m " , , the D N? - "V 1: ( . .V 85 85 18 15 39 14 88 14 M 15 ' 80 75 , iS J, it. f I i 85 85 00 75 , 00 00 JSP. 6M I 4 80 60 It "I t I-