1 ' 5 I 1 I I1" s L 'A "ML -i f 1 r. r . ' - - " .'- . - -JJiM..,,,,,isJsAa,sJsAMBMaiMBMBsisssssltsss s. From the Spingfleld ?puWlea.r'" -- '-. I ' .Ar. a.chjatghqxjs act . ,; That TT111 be Appreciated by in Who Care :;for "Tbeir ' Complexion ; and Skin. ''..' - It Is not generally known that the nervous sys-',-V tern has a wonderful Influence over the skin, but - this is a fact known to medical men who have - given much of their time to the study of diseases of the skin. No one can have a clear and fair complexion unmixed with blotches, 6r pimples - who is very nervous. ' ' ' . ; . Whatever tends to a healthful condition of the . - . nervous system always beautifies the complexion , . and removes roughness and dryness of the skin. . Some skta diseases axe not attended by visible, signs on the surface, but an intolerable itching ' that renders life miserable. , ' We copy the following deserving and interest- vlng compliment from the Tribune which says: ' "Dr.,C. W. Benson's New Jtemedyt KiH UKB,' ; is received by the public with great confidence, ; and It is regarded as a very generous act on the ) Doctor's part to make known and prepare for general use his valuable and favorite prescription for the treatment of skhV diseases, after having devoted almost his entire life to the study and treatment of nervous and skin diseases, in which he. took great delight: He was for a number, of ft years Physician in ' charge of the Maryland In-. . ' Urinary on Dermatology, and anything from his : hands is at once accepted as authority and valu able. The remedy' is fully the article to attack the disease, both internally, through the blood, " and externally, through the absorbents, and is .the only reliable and rational mode of treatment. These preparations are only put up for general use-after having been used by the Doctor in his private practice for years, with the greatest suc cess, and they fully merit the confidence of all .classes of sufferers from skin diseases.": Thts is for sale by all druggists. Two bottles, internal and external treatment, in one package. Don't tbe persuaded to take any other . It costs one dollar.- - V ' - : '' " IwloH, MY HEAD! - ' ' i, .-.-', i'j i.jrar wax tot suiter? - - ii Sck "headache nervous headache, -neuralgia, nervousness,' paralysis, dyspepsia, sleeplessnessj and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. Ben aeon's Celery and Chamomile Pills. (They contain io opium, quinine, or ther- harmful drug. ' Sold by "druggists. Price 50 cents per box, two for" $1, six for $2,30 by mail; postage f ree. DrC W. Benson, Baltimore, Md . C. N. Crittenton, New York, is Wholesale agent for these'remedies. I .' sep 1 DeodtfcWlm t, We fr su. 1, . nrn ... r,: fXS A; rUBBLY VEGETABLE BXStXSTZ " For INTEENAL and EXTEBXAL Ute. ' -A sure and speedy cure fbr Sore ThroatjCoxishs, Golds, Diphtheria, Chills,liaiThea,Iysentery,Cramrs, , Cholera, Summer Complaint; Sicfe Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Braises, Cats, Sprains, etc. ; . - . : ' Perfectly safe tonso internally or externc2ly,and Certain to afford relief. No femily can afford to be without it Sold by all druggists at 25c. 60c and 81 a bottle. -i v PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, " -I -ProiJencot R.!. ssp I IT&W2ni " ' larnt ""'- The" true antidote to the effects of mkimo Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is OTl ft nf ttin in oat. nnrtnlai. ram aili n. nMA A successful proprietary specificSi and is in Im mense demand wherever on this Continent fever and ague exists. A wine glassiul three times a day is the best possible preventive for encounter Ing a malarial atmosphere, regulating the liver and invigorating the stomach. -L For sale by alt Druggists and Dealers generally, sep 1 DjbWlm i arm i su we f r Five Husic Bbbks, OHS5YTIPERI0R CHARACTER, FOR USE DURING TUB ENSUING FALL AND WIN- THE PEERLESS JOB cGeteHOOLS- TiSfH?!' f8h ?nJ eJ-ery Wfty desirable book, with abundant material for the instruction of singing classes and lor social singing. By W. G. Perkins SONG BELLS. . fflK00 Has had a year's trial, with universal approval, In a multitude of schools. Large variety of wide awake songs. , By L. O. Emerson. LIGHT AND LIFEidnl00 Great success has attended this exceptionally w nectionv Which har been before te public .uuutuo. -MiLiiusiastic commenaations wherever used. By R. M. Mcintosh. - - UJ CHORAl. m,SaSSSD rrice i. it is the companion book to Thk Pebb lar,ger. amd has a much greater number ?l? eces f0Il choirs. The singing class course is Perkfns6 M thatm the smaHer opk. ; By W. G. MJWELGOMEraORDS. hE BSou. tnehigherischools. By W.!S. TUden.. Any book mailed free for the retail price. OLIVEE DITSON & CO., Boston. SSSSSgS - S JfcgtfW. New York sep2D&Wtf Wed&Sat r f - 1 ' - -t ' tr" -'i ' r . 'HA - '- t 'Zi':v, I " ill l ' -' j-" ; TO VIBGIIi. Roman Virgil, thou that sinst ; " j Ilion's lofty temples robed in fire, Ilion falling, Rome arising, Wars, and filial faith, and Dido's pyre; - Landscape-lover, lord of language j. More than he that sang the Works and Days,, , '; 'r ' . .' All the chosen com of fancy , . . . Flashing out from many a golden pnrase , Thou that singest wheat and jwoodland ; j Tilth and vineyard, hive and, horse ana herdr'-'; ' ' ,VV' : 1 ' ! All the charm of all the Muses1- . Often flowering in a lonely word ; j ' ' " " 2 .r " ; Now the Rome of slaves hathpemji'd' j And the Rome of freemen holds their place. - j7 ! I. from out the northern Island,- ; Sunder'd once from all the human race, I salute thee, Mantovano.V ' :'jr s - j I that loved thee since my day -began, . Wielder of the stateliest measure : - J Ever moulded by the lips of man. I. From Tennyson Muy Foem. WHY TITLES.. ABK : SHO W Richmond State. j The weakness - o.f ! ifar1 average American for a title, or; -rather the universality- of the' custom to" bestow one upon " everybody, c whetber be likes it - or : not, fs which prevails in .America, is Tvery happily set off in the , subjoined -.-brief ".anecdote, in which he hinlsel! . figured .as the hero, related "by CapC jfames Barron . Hopej of the Jforf oik .Ijazidmark, in thai paper: - J" - iU "Not very long ago, at the Allef ghany Springs," the i present writer formed ; the; acquaintance of a pleas ant-. young fellow r .fromV Georgia who deluded by "the "martial gleani of - our ; - gold y spectacles, forth with promoted us to the' rank of 'Cor lonel;' 1 He :y ielded to our quiet re monstrance against this and called us 'Judge. Against this also we pro? tested,;' and with(:.ari air which we; shall neve forget he answered: 'Sir I could not think: of -addressing a gentleman of your age without some title of honor.' . . f "We fled from that young mari aghast; but on recovering our sereni-T ty we bethought us that these things are . relative after" alV and- that the' French maxim TFontenelle's, we think,) is right-namelyj that 'You are no older than vou feel " yourself tobe,,?- ,.g- -. ! . xiuu uere we uavc; inc. njtc cvpi-; nation, perhaps. . THERE'S NOTHING LIKE FXESHEWS. , ! , . " - ' "Boston Herald. While country papers have "patent outsides'iegregious blunders are -to be expected. As a sample, ' the fol-. wwiug irom an vjuio paper oi jxu gust 15, 1882, is-' all suflicient: "Gen eral Garfield, a correspondent notes, now, receives nunareas oi newspapers with the articles marked. referring to him. . -He is gaining an experience as an exchange reader, and all : kinds, of experience! are needed as the head of a great nation." f r ;'fGeneral Garibaldi's. health has 'been: entirely restored by - his residence on the Genoese coast. He frequently visits the villages along the shore in a canoe or small boat." ; His , friends believe that he will live ten years longer at least.", .. . - , -; - , OUR 8TATE CONTEMPORARIES. When the i Republican party was over whelmed in this State it was not crushed, , it was simply beaten. ' Year after year it has waged the same hard fight to regain power, and year after year .it has put its candi dates in .: the ' field and voted solidly for them. .It met defeat with the resolve to try again,! and has never despaired of finally recapturing the State. -While there was : a ' prospect - of doing so without any outside - alliances it sought no such alli anees, but when the repeated experience of years demonstrated a strength in the Democratic-party which Jjt could not- unaided overcome, then came resort to intrigue and strategy.' The result of this intrigue and strategy was the birth of the so-called Libe ral party. , Who are its originators?. The same men (save a small' faction) who for years have led the Republican party in its contests with the Democracy. -Charlotte Observer, - -. , - 4 f .'.-"',, ' Shall we go Back to the dark days of re construction and the gloomy years which f ollowed,;when,the public welfare was com mitted to ignorant aiidorresponsible hands, or shall ,we continue " in .-power the party which, under many.dUfflculties, has caused the 'desert (which Radicalism left our good old State) to blossom as the rose ?" Let it be remembered that Radicalismt stripped of the "shams and pretences" under which it appeals to thepeople to-day,' is the same that it "was then. '.'The Ethiopian has not changed his skin nor the Leopard his spots. " POLITICAL JPQINTS. I , -T- The attempt .-.to- galvanize the Greenback party into life again is the most extravagant undertaking of the yearPAiZ adebplda Press, Hep. : , ..vr . , .-" , ;Te3tobiine toad Journal declare "the River and Harbor bill is a big steal." Gen. Ben Harrison, "Republican' Senator, says "this is untrue,.and it is in no Bense a steal.". . . ; n e v - 'v.". "The Republican party is not what it ought to be," says one of its most candid organs. True, true, it ought to have gone to bo an angel long ago; It ought now to be in the past tense, Washington, Post, Bern. ' Charles J. Folger is a gentleman of irreproachable personal character, but as Secretary of the Treasury he has proved himself the most obsequious- tool of Conk ling and Cameron of all the members of President Arthur's . Cabinet.-SrooA;Zw7i! Timet. ' ' ' : , ; We need among us a more en tire consecration of brains and money to God; We need intenser devotion to God. and therefore to man. The love of the God man produces the love of God and of man; and thence follow Christian asylums ' and hospitals We need .that the well-haved men of the world, who sit v in so many of our pews, shall be converted to personal faith and repentance. We need the sub stitution of soberness ' and ! dignity in place of the frivolity which characterizes that class of butterfly women who have justified the satires with which the secular prints puncture their bypxcrisy.-r-Jpwapai Bishop oflUtnois. ' . -'A' NOTED BUT UTITII WOIZAJT, i - .r-e CProm the Bostoa Globe. - Jtc8r. Editor t . - - The above Is a goo4 llkencsa of J&ra, Xjdia E. Ptofc. i , i bam, of Lynn, Mass,, who above all other human beings ' may bo tmthfnnyjBaedtlio 'T)ear Friend of Woman," : , as gome of her qprrespondentei loTetacaU her. She Is aoalonfily deroted to her wort, which Is the outcome of. -liX(HStTtd tmi ili Obliged to kep glx lady assistants, to help her answer the larsre correcpondenoe .which daily pours in npoif her, each bearing it special "burden of Buffering, or joy at release from it. Her 'Vegetable Compound is a medicine foe good and not evil porpoaea. I hare personally Investigafedltaiid am satisfied of ihetrth of 'this. Onaeooanfe of its proven merits. It te -reoommended and prescribed by the best physiciani in the country, t Onq gays i "1 WorkB like a charm and saves much - pain. It win cure enttrely the worst form of falling1 of the uterus, loqcorrhoea, irregular, and painful . Kenstrn&tion, an Ovarian Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Floodings, all Displacements and the eonr ' sequent spinal weakness, and U eapecially adap ted to. the Change of life."' ,- , It permeates every portion of tha system, and gives newUfe and vigor. , removes falntnesa, flatulency, destroyi aQ craving for stlmolants, and relieves weak- ness of thOBtomach.-'It cures Bloating, Headaches, Kervons Erogtratioiy General Dehmty, Sleepleesneas, Depression and Indigestion.' ' That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and "backache, ja always permanently -cured by its use. It win at all times, am) under all oircumstances, act in harmony with the law . that governs the female system.; . . . - ;. . , ; It costs only $L per bottle o at? for tSu, and Is sold bji druggists. Any advice required as to speeial eases, and the names of many who have been restored to perfect), health by the nsB of thS Vegetable Compound, can be obtained by addressing lira. with, stamp for replyK at her home in Lynn, Mass. -;,rf " ; ' . : For Kidney Complaint lot either sex this compound to : unsnrpasged as abundant tinsttmonialH ahoaHyti . : 'lira. Rnkham's Liver PiUs," says one writer, "are ' the best f the toorkl for the cure of Constipation, Biliousness and' Torpidity of the Hver. Her Blood Purlller works wonders in its special line and bids fair . to equal the Compound in its popularity. '- AH must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whosole! ambition is to do good to others. ' - .Philadelphia, Pa. CO - Krs.A.U.U ' tiict 18 Deod&W ta tb sa.' , ,.", nrtn -V for mm gars SIM' ss S'trS&'-v llfill Sf6' mm SLi -eg- 8 S3 8 amari . -( nidi a CJ k c i i. je 30 D&TVly tuthsa ' '," . THE .DAILY STAR. St. , - OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN ..fi-APTyARpLiNAIr u , - v - -f j ... fJlHK'j ' 0ltJ NTAR, a FIllST-CIiASS NWSrAjPiSB, - '.' ' '; ; lrttAt8lX Ht.tbn follow UW tof f , 'V;,--,i:'i' ... . y. -, '-.;.. -.5 t -'t T -i : !-:! : . , ?.i !' . . .: . : One Year;' posiagn' prid;. r !j :?j).';.'irS., $7'00 Six Months ;. ,'4 00 nSy-.-.'yl ' : 6 J ".'ht-'f - ... .'f 'K''y.. ; r-Ti tj".v.:-''.t--? "' : . . : .-'-. i. I .it., it ttJ. H ii'rf .- --. f ' .v ; n-r :t; ; ". - i i:; ' : ConuiliiR ruU Kep L3 of the Wllimluukn Har - . . n1 i: ! ..! .t , ketflf Telegraphic liepoi-te. of the Noithern " - ' i ' ' t ' : f . t , ! and Enropeftn Markets, und the XAtei ' . . ' ' ' .:; ' - .! " -) -t-.J iienerar.Newa, by Telegraph atni -. . .. ' 1 ' ' - ' ' ' -. ' ' , e t .,MHil, from ail parts of th. . World; -Jr., Largest DAILY CIRCULATION ihihe STATE WM. H. BEBLNAHU, -'.-!? :'KfiTOB 4 PibpBTjrroB, t - - WilTnin ton; N O C..uSTlsDiAK..if.1 v.: j.mi ... J ..- rresuient Jsaao Batks....;. ' . . ;..,Vice President S, p. Waiack.,'.. ... . IVi. , ....... . j.. ....Oashicr Bank of Hew Hanover. CAPITAL PAID, rSfp - $350,000 . ' tf AUTHORIZED CAPITAL - SI. 000.000. ;'" DIRECTORS: W. I. Gore,, , G. W. Williams, Of WiJ i Uams A Mnrchlson . ... Hon. K. H. Bridgers, Pres .ff. & W. B. S. a. Vollers, of .Adrian A Vollera.- . . ,'.J, . Jnn. W. -Atfelnann' ': I". Kheinstein, of Aaron - & Kheinstein, L . . C.M.Stedman, . ',.''. Jaa. A,. Leak, t Wadoe boro. -' ' K; . B. Borden, of, Gold boro, N. O. . . Isaac Bates, . Y.", . I ,j C;''M. Stethnan Presidonu. D. McRae E. B. Bobden "l&oWslioroBrpch.c; llOWEIX ' President Cashier.,-. .. UIBEUTORSi. E. B. Borden, W. T. I'aircloth, V. P. ' Koniogaj R. Edmandson Herman Weill ", 1 : - f. M aWoro BrancLt.cfejB -s " , . a DIRECTORS i . 'L' . Ji'A. Lcak,R. T.'Bent ett,G.W. LlttleTi. C. "MarahsL' - I '- ; r ' ?f i . ; 'I - - '' " Iaaues Certificates of Deposit beating interest. 1 Is authorized by Charter' to receive on deposit moneys held in trust by Executors, Administrators. Qnaraiang, &c, &crfcc. . i.. ... j . Strict attention given to the orders and requests of onr country friends by mail or otherwise. - llOVl8-Wtf- , - , , , j SSHTHTfliliE HIGH SCHOOL, - 1 ' M AXE AND FEMALE, SMriHVILLE; N.C.' '., , . J. gCROQQS. A, M.y Pkihcipai.- FALL. TERM WILL OPEN MONDAY, SEPTEM-T BER 4th, 1888. A School affording many su perior advantages. A most Intelligent oommu-' nlty. anatne place celebrated as a HEALTH EE-' SsOKT. The course of study embraces all branch- .' es usually taught in High Schools.- Students pre pared for any class in College, or educated for the practical pursuits of life. Experienced teach-, ere. Good discipline. Thorough instruction.' Tf18 of tuition moderate.. For full particulars address the Principal. . ang 17 Bit W2t ' :; ... . . . i vks err: i 1 S p 1 iffstaa tea-. 1 3 i IIP q TIZ CALIFuLlGN. . Judge Bennett speaks at Fayettevttle oh the 22nd inst ' ' ' Our old friend Charles N. R,' Evans, of the Milton Chronicle has. been .nominated ' fbr the State Senate' bv the Democrats of the Twentieth District; Well done. - We congratulate, the Democrats; ow .be sure to elect him., r . ... , , ,T ,v. ' , .The, ..following , are - Tecent . Democratic nominations: :iLenbir, Dempsey Woodr Jr. for House;1 3VIartin,-D.'' Worthinghton, -for House; Durham: Robert C. Strudwick; for S6th Senatorial District. Riley jNeil and B, A. .Berry ;t U61umbus. il,, v. ,,w uwamson for House.-" '-' ,l' 5 -' " A. Hockin sham friend Writes V JiTher6 "Are no' Mongrels alias-'JLiberals'.aaiRocki- ingruara,- but the Independents are ..aoroaai - and threaten" mischief." ' They now say that W. S. Ball will be the mixed can didate for Congress in this district it Keogh will agreo. to,, support him.t Qreensboro Patriot. ' ' ,tri-, . We have read with pleasure in the Fayj etteville Examiner a pretty ' f uM synopsis' of the speech 'delivered by Cot.:; Wharton J.l Green, at ..Fayetteville. The points made, are capital; and he puts them 'strongly .and well. .Thousands of copies , ought. to bo distributed throughout the 'Third District.! Ra(eigh Nevis-ObserverY- J " ' " i We iearntLat there is a movement "oni foot among the colored voters of the county to nominate W J- Heritage ;f or . Register of.Deeds We are glad to see signs : of the; spirit of independence growing among them and we hope to see'the daywhen the- col-i ored voter of North Carolina ?will. act and think for himself. Washington Press. t , j Senator Vance and -Gen.' R. BL- -Vance spoke at Morganton, last . Saturday.; On Monday Judge Bennett spoke there to a' large crowd.!. A correspondent of the Ra-; leigh . ipc-06snr..write8:.",His" speech' .was extraordinary, and , kept his; hearers spellbound for, -nearly ,' two . hours, which, was considered' a -short time, as the audi-t ence was sorry'when. it closed." . ' i We are pleased; to see that Col. Wharton J. Green,' Democratic candidate for Con gress in the Third' District seems to be growing in" popularity every day, and to be, impressing the audiences which he addresses: most; favorably. CoL . Green : is , a man of sense and a gentleman, and will prove him-' self worthy of the support of the Democrats of bis Hstrict.TC3lww JournaL V: ! Maj. Louis C. : Latham, Democratic can-j didate for Representative from this Dis-j trict, began his canvass at Currituck Court House on, Monday lastly H i spoke to a; large crowd who - were . delighted at thei speech. He stated hat he had approached! . Mr. Pool, his opponent, and endeavored to; .arrange a joint canvass, but Mr. Pool wouldj enter into.no arrangement. iW2wtA Viiy. Falcon. v . , ;,,, , . J Col. -W .J. Green returned on the 12th inst;,. from an extended canvass through' the lower part of this district; ,The Colonel, looks fresh and vigorous, as if he had been! successful in his work, he gives an encour-' aging; account of . the enthusiasm - that is' prevailing among- the people. From the; best information we can gather; it is thought the district will give at least sixteen hun-j dred majority for. Col. Qx&xi.--FayetteviUe Examiner. ," . ;V , - , - - '! '- - i c . f M . Capt. j. S. Lane. . we regret to ) see,; Las. announced himself an indeDendent.. candi date for the Legislature iti Pamlico county, ; an a the negroes ana itadicars- uave nomi nated him. ; -5 We had rexpected better . of Capt. Lane. Snow Hill correspondent : O'Hara mounted the stand at the usual hour, and told the negroes that he was the regular Kepubhcan - nominee 7 for -Congress in the Second v District, - having been dafy declared so at the late Republican Conven tion held at Wilson; -About-this time "the negroes shouted out,- 'tyieslyou are;'' and i we are going to suck by you as long as there is a 'pea in the dish.' " -The negroes of Greene county will go solid for O'Hara at the coming election, h There was a big row amongthe negroes in; the.. town during the day. , Knives and -sticks, were freely used, and several of the "negroes ' 'were sen- , ously stabbed and otherwise bruised up and ; KnocKea aown. ureat . excitement ; pre vailed .for a while.' Ooldsboro Messenger. i a .... . . - - ' t .i . -sir. Ai correspondent ? of ,;the Nevs- Obsers&r gives an account of the colored Republican Convention that met " at '"Carthage," Moore 'county : Si ' Buchanan was nominated f,or Senator, and,; J.i A, .,'Barrett . .for - the House. Many speeches, were . indulged in by delegates, some of- which ; were bitter aeiust the whites. D. C. Evans'stated that they iiad waited lonn ccnough for oflBces at the hands of their white ' Republican breth ren, and that they intend to have their share. After adjournment. Col.- W.' B. -Richardson, a staunch Radical of Kirk war times, declared himself an independent Republi can candidate for the Senate. He denounced -Buchanan, the iriegro . nominee, .in round, flat terms as .having secured his nomination unfairly- by the use of vmoney- among tlie .negroes,' and that his aim was to carry, the election by money On' the campaign fie wonld show: him inp - to the people, and dared iim to meet him on the stump , Mr. H. H.'Nickens has declared himsolf an in dependent candidate for the House of Rep resentatives' ' Ji-'l -- ' 1 bi: i ' i. ' DirBRUTZ CCTLAE, President.-. -tT- f: J. 8. GROVES, Vice President and Genl Manager. H. M. BO WDN, Teller 1st National Bank, Treas'r S-jJEWETT, Beoretaiy. M H.' M.-'GBOVES, General Agent.J y K '" J I. 1 U" l'f U: a'.-'iiii'" . j" ; The ; North Carolina v Mutual , , Matri monial Endowment Associafioniv -j HOME OFFICE, WILMINGTON, JSt C: ' Organ ized and chartered under the laws of the State of North Carolina. . New Association,, new plans, splendid features. ' Endowments promptly paid on Marriage. Can marry to three' months. Reliable active Agents wanted in, every town. For any Information address ' 1 H. M. GROVES, Oen'lAjrent, or S. JEWETT, Secretary, j sept 17 8 - - D&Wlt . WUmington,' N. C' ' . fiX&V5flrJfe f2rP?P"tand Price tv&avuoaiiiAKMKCO. angjtW2m - ; .'i,:'t?'l Mansfield, Ohio.' WESLETAN FEMALE IHSTITDTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. OPENS SEPTEMBER SOTH, 1882. ONE OF THE mlTFIRST SCHOOLS FOB YOUNG LADIES IN THE .UNITED STATES. Surroundings beauti fuL. Climate unsurpassed.- 'Pupijs from eighteen Btwteav .-XVEBICS AMONG TOE BEST DT THE UNION. Board, Washing, English Course, Latin, French, .German:! Instrumental Mnsic Ac; for Scholastio year, from September to June, 8238. For Catalogue write to i ''. - ' ' JEV-WM. A. HARRIS, D. D.,v . , .jy4eodlm W7t tuthsa Staunton, Va.' ' Randolph Macon -College; . ASHLAND, TA' 'I, . (FOUNDED 1830.) ; THE FORTYsEIGHTH SESSION WILL BEGIN September 81st, with a full Faculty. ( Course of instruction embraces the following Schools, Latm, Greek, English, Modern Languages, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Natural Soi ence, Chemistry, Biblical Literature and Theolo- gy. Location accessible, pleasant and healthy. Ijcpenses moderate. . For Catalogue, full partic- UBSTTLIITE C0ITEITT - Vaile qrucis' , , Neab COLUMBIA, S."C - , , n This Institution - resumes its Academic Exer: cises September 1, 1882. Address ang 11 W4t : - ; - MOTHER SUPERIOR. : rpHE( nTJT.V DPI) utirrm H'av rrr-. JL Also BNGINKSL 1C 1 1 S K SSZXV1 San!!?? WTMAN & TAYLOR COMP'Y,: .i.'v. i - s - i r - s -! 0f tha yr-ment generation. It is for tne ' Cure of this disease and its attendants, ; -rf"Tr T.TTTr-ST-1. - DY3- TllTLEJ"' 1 HP ATI"! ?. iTLI3. eto.. that ' ,T II 3 have gained a world-wide ', TeRtatioa.' Ifo Remedy haa ever been ; diacovered that acta so-gently on the j , digestive orrma, givipsc them vigor to as- 5 ".' isimilate food. As a natural resnlt; the Uervoua Eystem ia Eraoed, the Llusolea i V ere Developed, and the Body Bobust. ' " B. RIVAL, a Planter at Bayou Sara, La., says: ! ' Sty plantation la in s malarial dlatrtot. For 3 several years I eonld net make balf a crop on aoooont of bilious diseases and chills. I was . , ' nearly1, discouraged- when I began tne use or -TUTT'8 PILU3. - The result was marvelous: ; f iny laborers soon became hearty and robust, V and f have had do farther trouble, 3 ;, - g - L" ,.--'t": i ' Tfcwy wHere the ewwusa Uver, rienn ' tbe llfod firom peiMnoa kBonvrs, smi ; canw the bowels to stet nataraLly',,wWl Out wnicu nu uw mu neu. 1 1 QsatHaTR or "WhTsxbs changed to a Glossy Black, by a single application of this Dyb. It imparts a natural color, and aets instantaneously. v Sold by Pruggista, or sent by express 00 receipt .of One Dollar. . , .- - r "Office, 83 Murray Street, New Vork. Cf . WTVS StA.XtJA.Zi of FioItucbleV fnormotioH ana Vsetel JteeeipC B will be oiaOed FSKB am application. X je 18 D&Wly i." Yi suwefr ,-'..' ' i v - ' ' Public is requested carefully to notice the new and eniarqed Scheme td be drawn Monthly., - Z "CAPITAlT PKIZE,1 $T5,Od L ! Tlcltets only f 5. Stiafes In proportioni r.-'Tr,:fis;aeC's!l 0 : LoMsiaiia : State Lottery : pdmpany. ' Incorporated In 1858 for 25 years by the Legisla-j tare for Educational and Charitable-- purposes; with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve "fund of over $420,000 has since been added. ; ! By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution! adopted December 2d, A D. 1879. -f. ; j 1 The only Lottery evef voted on and endorsed by the people, of any State. . - ;.- "t- ' ' j :.-( -IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES, t . S ' ITS BRAND 1 SINGLE NUMBER DRAW INOSj TAKJE PLACE JiONTHLY. ; "A SPtKNBtD OPPOBTITNrnr 'to WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DRAW-; ING, CLASS K, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY,! October 10, 1882 149th Monthly Draw tag, ir-.-'-.-j - :-'t , a ' ; Iiook at tne following Scheme under the exclusive supervision and management of Oen. C T, BE1VREGARO, of La and en. JUBAJU A. EARK.Y, of Va., , - I who manage all the drawings of this Company,! both ordinary and semi-annual, and attest! the correctness of the published Official Lists. , , CAPITA1 PRIZE, $75,000. . IOO.OOO Tickets at Five Dollars iSacli.; aTraetlons In Flftbs In proportion. - LIST OF PRIZES. : ' i 1 Capital Prize:;.; 1 Capital Prize....... ... - 1 Capital Prize...."."..;... s 2 Prizes of $6000 . .5 Prizes of 3000.i.'.;s..t. ........$75,000 :. .. ... 25,000 10,000 ...-......-12,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 .30,000 ..fv,ij ,"30,000 :.lO Prizes of l20 Prizes of 100: Prizes of . 300 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes'of 1000 600-.. . 200.. 100... 501 25..-. .'25.000! ' . - '1 ! APPROXIMATION. PRIZlfe: 0 - Approximation Prizes of $750.-1... s'. 9 Approximation Prizes of 500.;..;.... 9 Approximation Prizes of 250.... . 6,750 . 4,500 . 2,250 I.9C7 PrikWmoSnting tolJ.C --v; J265.500: -Applications Tor rates to' clubs should only be made to ther office of the Ccminanv in New Orleans. . f For further Information write ciearly, givrngi full address. Send -orders by. express or Regis- ' .onlytO"-.' .ti. . .. .1 - - - -1 M. A."OATnMlV' . ' '" - ' . New Orleans, La.) OriU. A.JIAUIfitlll,.. ,.j " -i - - 60T SeTenth St., Wasnlngton, .C. I ? N. B; Orders addressed to New Orleans ,wHl xeceive prompt attention, ; . - . - sept 13 D2aw4w&W , we sat ' " 1 1 '. . ' I . ' : - 1 - Cotton Bagging & Ties, Septeinlbeflllullets; 4 AND OTHER " - ; Seasonable Goods, - .-, - e -: AT LOWEST- PRICES. HALL & PEARS ALL. sep 12 D&W tf ! : ' nn'i'i W -f-4 B J o - -a v I:1 - a .-a - CO r.tg . o S "'SSSS - , . VW rg - w rO r; .tc3--O :VS. O 1 w ftl ., ; : Q j -2 a 0 XT"' -i o ' .- O ... M 3 - ; o a ' ? -a t . o . g : CD '.'('" r CO eS 1. s ' . s -- ir- 'S- ? 'i-': ! ft " - -a ' " H 5 ; .'I: 2 a! 08 .a..; C5 a . : O - 1 . 9 ' .V- . 'Ea For Sale. pOR SAEE,; AT AiAKGAASHABP'S MU EANGH EIFLB good, for 800 yards), with Ver nier Scale, Vlnd Gauge, Spirit Level, and all im proved Sights, s Has been, used very littie. ahdto practically; as good as new. Just the thing for deer shooting or target practice. V.V- ' " -. jj , L Address. ' -1 ? " , 5' LONG RANGE, sep U mt Wat' togton, N, a Attorney and Connsellor at Law, 5 firABETHTON,' BLAb )UNTy; C. RhSd1&Io!1r8' to.Brfk bnttdlng occupied hy JSQA1? to' ciafans.' Collections on. nf t ZJXl11?- npwards made for Five Pe 1 without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mor gages. Ao. -a specialty. - T- aps p&w t ' Medical College' of Virginia,; "V V V , 1 RicnnosD, - TfeS4ALjESSTONBE - patalogne or other Information, address t aa 13 D2aw&Win- . an . .'.. IV- A X.; Bridgers Co To the gopdllousewives . - t pF OUA CITTvi r . .'j We wOnld like to say, that we bavo just received - ' 'some of the celebrated ' - ' .. .. y . ' V . ,. , V'J i I Vl" ' , ,J j . - ' -' tft " J .:'...'.-i, i"V ..':.'':'. ' .' r . '-"' - ':''..' . "5 PRiDErFLOiT r; V,MADE FROM NEW WHEA 'J ,v- -1. We guarantee ' it to bo". SUPERIOR r'TO: ANY 1 ' FLOUR SOLD . IN WILMINGTON.-' So t To the srood Husbands, t 3 t j . That we have added,, - V' .To our. already large and; well selected, stock of CIGARS.' The "LA CORONA, " i X . i . i i i - s i 4"" ' - rf . f., So well , known to the trade, - Has v " - ' ". ,. ' ; no equal for Ten Cents. f ' t . t' ;ty -Jr 1 i" V r i'-'VCV .' ' ' v - "- - ' . I - , . ; . , r, ' f To the Unmarried lien, it -,' . ."'J (' 1 . !- ' t! i i ' 1 -r-i;-tt , ' : ... . f j - - ; . . , . !' Who cravepopnlarity iwith the' ;;';'!' -? J ' Young" Ladies, we offet - - i Royster's Candy;-; As a means of effecting that end. ' 50c per lb j CBEAP i CHEAP! CHEAP 1 ' TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY we 'exlerid a "" '- I . . . t "-'..if ' ; "I t . r nnrvfnl fnvit.n.Hfm trw frtatt Anr Strkr. if ..Ttni. to'hllV.? to inspect the quality and price' of Goods.; : P. L:, Bridgers & Co. "septl7 tf . , a aeoimt fcngexperienoeincnringili9eor the blood, Skia aad ) - Boaea. If errons lebliltr, Im Omnlfl rracea. 8; and Merearial oa Klentiflo pciiioiplea. vith aate and ran remedies. Call or write tut List of One. ttou to Im annrnred by tbooa desiring treatment lqr mitt. CPffMnianrlaffroa Koptare shouU send tketr eddran, aad lean soaetkiaa; to tbeir adTaatasi. Itbaot a trass. J A Jrt re , DK. BUTTSy IS If. 8th 8b, Bb bakj a E8TAB1JHHF.W OYES THIRTX" YEARS. . FREE ''THE SCIENCE OEHEALTIT y Is a twy iateresUos book, having been pronounced to , . by thousands of readers. It explains principles of life , : : aad death, and origin of diseases. Should be read by all thinking people. Contains valuable prescriptions i for the on re of Nervous and Physical I)ebilit7,Ixet Vitality .Defective Memory, Despondency, and the - . whole train of diaordni hrancnt nn hv 0vnnrrir or in discretions; prescriptions for Catarrh, Scrofula, etc . Aoopyoiama woric oy man, seaieo, iree. dt aaaresaing W.8. JAQTJE3,Mp, ISO WjBth St. Oincinnati.Ct METROPOllTAfl LiFE UfiVEILEDI Kost Eieitin Booi lesned. -iOOpages. 150 niustratioia! ' ..Revealing miseries of hifrb. and low life ia America's great cities; fashion's follies and frivolities; behind the scenes; tricks of pretty deceivers; city'srich and poor: lascivious corraption ut Washington; ruin of innocent girls ; old hoary-boadtxi sinners b gas-light ; bewitching ' sirens t Victims; Youdou and Mormon horrors ; Start- : ling Beveiatlonar Price $2.50. Jlrastfd oircnlarg free.s Outfits 75c Add. . ANCHOR PUBLISH'Q CO, '6T.IiOTJIS.Mo. CHICAGaili. ATLANTA. Qa, . mi Will vmi ...t - Ml.. " . . ' . . 1 52! IWist. ud Sets Pnpt et I- ...a. win suser from Nervonsosd Physical DebU. Ity, lfMmatnT Bni., ..j . Ih.l w. l ences,: : Tbe Kenedy is pat ap ta ;---r-iJ vJ p wee. as. 1 (lasting a month). Sa. tuning a menta). ajaagtonNth.). . 'sent bylaS S'wrapSeri! DCi 1 1 r 1 r cci c niinr IlLUsLt 0CLT-UUUC. - A. favo favorite prescriptionr of one of the i piain seaiedorelope 4-ee. Droggista can fill it. Address OR. WARD ft CO.. Louisiana. Mo. Je80D&Wly " '. ' 1 tn'thsa DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. SHf Na?V JT ' Aip-tUtlIi. Ui- L. T - - 1 - covery, by which ! every family may give tjieir linen 'fliat beautiful fin- I isli peculiar to fine 1 laundry work., i v Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINSV PhiladelpiAial Pa.' 4 Por sale, Wholesale and Retail, by ADRIAN VOLLERS, P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. and J. C. STEVENSON. 1. . tu th sa . i , ap 6 Deod&WIy DrtwUig. A4iuirA forittcleaaliueMviidelegnDtptH'furjM. j Nerer Fails to Restore Grer r Faded liairl : T 1 . . . . . . . . . 7 many of the best medicines known are here com bined intaamedicine Of 6uch varied and effective powers, as to make the GreatestBIood Purifier&the Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever Used. 'It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumalistri, Sfceplessness all diseases of tlio Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, livery Kidneys, and all Female Complaints. .- , If you are wasting away -with Consumption or any diseaseu-vse the Tonic to-day. It will surely uciivu. r cmcmocri u a lar superior ro ciuera, Essences of Ginger and other Tonics, as it builds up the system without Intoxicating. 50c and $1 size, at all dealers in dru gs. Nonegenutnewithout signature of Hiscox&Co.,N. Y. Send ior circular LABr;K SAVIN (3 IN BUYING THE DOLLAR RI7E, my 80 P&Wly V; T tu Ct aa ch tu QT. GEORGE'S HALL, an unsurpassed. Boabd J XNQ School for ,Bots and YouNo Mnv jmwTowK.. Baxto. Co., JiarydroDarefor .' I t'-'sliiiiii, i j 31 0 Mm w m .. ?:,:,'-,;:':.': :1E Best, i- NEW ADVEUTMEKTif The A eon tea of Billons Colic th inj. scribable pangs of Chronio Indigestion, thp rtov ity and od mental - stupor '"resulting from a costiVe habit the ' ... t . - .-7. "matia, system with - that asrreeable and refrest idard. preparation.:' TARRANT'S stjt standard. APERIENT. ' ' ' . " " IROCTJRABLE AT ALL DRUGGISTS. THOMAS FENNER & C0 Cpnunissipn: ilei;cnants i-'i"-5' i-x v'-. ' 5 ....NO.JI34 Pearl Si.s New York LIBERAL-ADVANCES HADE ON SHIPMEjm ..'OP JCQTTON. , Havinpr been established hi the Cotton BusinM. for the past twenty years, we feol ourselves onm petent to give satisfaction in the hanoiius nf r5" ton oonsigned to us. - wv.ot . September 1882. p ;,' , - ix :i$ 1 &;toi $20,000 In legitimate judicious speculation in Grain, Pm. visions and Stocks on our perfected plan, yield, sure monthly profits to largo and small investors Address for full particulars, It. E. Kendall t Co., Com'n Merchants, 177 179 La Salle street Chicago, m. . jf ; t, ,- ; :. .. .. DE. STEpIIG'SiPILLS ! -1 r ;The j Old, ' Tt'eiTriefl, .Wonderful, - Health Renewing Remedies. ? - Strong's Pectoral Pills' insure healthy ap petite, good? digestion, regularity of the bowek A sure remedy for Colds-and. Rheumatism. Apre- ; clous boon to delicate females, soothing and bra cing the nervous system, and giving vigor and health 4n every fibre of the body. . J Strong's Sanative Pilla for the Liver A speedy cure for liver Complaint, Regulating the Bowels, Purifying the Blooa, Cleansing from Ma larial Taint; j A perfect cure? for Sick Headache, .Constipation and Dyspepsia. Sold by leading druggists.-" .For circulars and almanacs, with hiU particulars, address Box C50, New "Sork city. H'.'OT.l;E8!- - - HOMES FOR FARMERS &MECHANICS r HOMES FOR EVERY OXE ! ! Jistads for Sale on. iTenV Years' Credit v i Lands for Clearing! Clear us forty acres and We will deed you twentyof the cleared. We own oran control more than 500,000 acres of GOOD TIMBERED LAM) in "Eastern' Arkansas or 'Western Mississippi These lands, if cleared, will make TEN THOUSAND-COMFORTABLE HOMES, jf These lands we, will sell in tracts to suit pu chasers on TEN YEARS?- CREDIT. Every matt cmhavea&ofnelfMwarUsones Plantations, Farms or Timbered Lands -will be exchanged for good merchandise or well-secured notes, or for improved City; Property. .. ' . JACKS &. CO. -. For particulars address " 5 -"..--, t DJtt. X. M, JACKS, Helena, Ark, MDDlfiAL STUDENTS. 2& -3SSmS5S information, address the Dean, of the American Medical College, St. Louis. Geo. C. Pitzer, M. D., 1110 Chambers. St., St. Louis, Mo.. septllmD&W DYSPEPSIA CURED ! -'"."s- , - APEPSIA! 'PHK GREAT SCEESTTFIC" PREPARATION will J. positively cur& old chronic cases of Dyspep sia, Dyspeptic Fits, Dyspeptic Vertigo andUys peptio Consumption, where very other known medicine has failed to even give rcliefT I refer to a few of the cases pronounced incurable that have been cured with APEPSIA: Miss Katie Hoff man, 873 Randolph street, " Philadelphia, was a case of dyspeptic Consumption; had not been out of her house, for one year, or her room for six months; a living skeleton given up to die bj our most eminent physicians, but cured with four bottles of Apepsia. Matthew Robinson, No. 303 21st street, Philadelphia. This was a very dange rous case of Dyspepsia Vertigo of long standing but cured with only two bottles of Apepsia. Mr. H: A Clark, firm Clark Bros. & Co., Philadelphia,.; was an old chronio ease of twenty years' stand ing; paid out one thousand dollars; was pronoun ced incurable; but cured with three bottles of Apepsia; been well over one year. Thousands of similar testimonials can be seen at our office. 1 refer with pleasure to the following gentlemen of Savannah, whose characters are irreproacha ble: Dr. J. R. Ealtiwanger, Clarence S. Conne rat, Capt. George M. Weymonth, r Price f 1 per lottle.VFor sale by - WILLIAM H GREEN and all Druggists. V. R, STONE, M. 1)., , mh lSD&Wlv "219Lovant St.. Philadelphia. f Popular Monthly "Drawing of the Tnthe City of Louisville, on Saturday Sept. 30, '82. -These drawings occur monthly (Sundays ex cepted) under provisions of an act of the General Assembly of Kentucky. . The United States Circuit Court on March 31st rendered the following decisions: 1st. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH DISTBI BUTION COMPANY IS LEGAL. , 2d. ITS DRAWINGS ARE FAIR. - The Company haa now on hand a large reserve fund.1 Read the list of Prizes for THE SEPTEMBER DRAWING: -.1 Prize... ..$30,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 . 1 Prize.. 10,000 200 Prizes -60eaclT 10,000 1 Prize...:.. 600 600 Prizes ' 20 each 12,000 10. Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each 10,000 20 Prizes 50010,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes, $2,700 1 9 Prizes 200 each, . i--4' s-i . " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, ; " ' "900 i 1 1 'i ' ' . ', S . 1,960 Prizes. - ' ;. - $112,400 o- J01 Tickets, $2. Half .Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $50. . x. . 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money by Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICEutRDER. Orders of $5 and upward, , by Express, can be sent at onr expense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, ' (Courier-Journal BuOding,) LOUISVILLE, Ky.,orR. M. BOARDMAN, 809 Broadway, N.T. ang 81 eod&w . tu th. sa - DH EsTOIiETT AFTER Electric Appliance are sent on 30 Days' Trial, TO 1M11 CTiLY, Y0LTI3 CR OLD, W"HO are Buffering from Hsavous DsBnurr, Lost Vitality, Lack or Mxava Foaca akd Vioob, Wasttmo WBAKmssBS, and all those diseases of a Pzsaoxai, NaTubb resultingr from Abuscs via Oimnt Causes. Speedy relief and complete resto rationofHui.TH,Viooaand Manhood GDABiKTEKD. The grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VSLTAIS BELT CO., MARSHALL, MICH. aug 8,Deod&Wly tu th sat For Sale, A T ABBOTTSBTJRG. BLADEN COUNTY, N. C -V a valuable CORNER LOT, containing one acre, npon which is situated Three Valuable Two Story Buildings, the most prominent of which is a fine Two Story Hotel, containing seven-rooms and a fine large store room, known as tha ThomP" son Hotel property. Any one desiring to pur chase would do well to call on the undersigned at once. Terms, one-fourth cash, and balance in one and two years' time. : . . . , au 4DlwWlm ,., f . d. W. THOMPSON. 1

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