The Weekly Star. PUBLISHED At ...'.. - . 10 A Y E AUj I N A P Y A C B. S3S3S8SSSS3SSSSSS " 8SSgSgSSSSSS8.SS a. 8'2SSS3S3S323S3S8 S3888S82 w t! MJK I 3' r1 Ig88gg8ll3lll8888 ' -snsasssasasa : , .'.1388 8Sg8S8w4i.882SS8 ' l a' f r 'J- 1SX Jr 1 it .3.1 4 - t Fjirered at the Post. Office atTWumtagpn, V (X, , as Second Clasa Matter. 4 5" " A ! '. . . . .-'. - -. , . .;.. r 'T 1 ' XUBSCEIPTTO& PRICE. J; i it .t- '.t1 . ' ' ; The subscriGtion 'price -of the .-'WstacLTi .sniffle Copy 1 rw,lg38jagenM. - - 3iwsilh, " .: , '-. ..T -- 1. i u.A.iJj?-i.r, ! Many of the ablest .' Democratic jj:ip'm In the Sooth -, aref Miscly qp- ji.inff the wiping out of .thntiro; uwn lit tr, x. Among them re ,lre! Wa-'iHiion i3, - the,, lestori jWcfs Courier an4vtW'XHs'viei iyitru r-Jounutl. Thwf paperre, noi aorainated by. prRds" the mattt-r bnt look at-;rt ;b'iTnes8; traiwaotion. TheadQflCernmentv re-- qiiirfs mtH'h ,morw.jaearjsn'd! the ijucstion is . ho tQ raise it? Shall it be raised uponv necessanesTattdj Juxurio entirely, lor; partly '"upon; both ? Or shall it j be i raised lupon ' Meeemtries and the hjxiirics be1 ek- 4iiiit henceforth ? - ; ' .. 1 - i It proposes to take the tax off the diunk-i ur.iV glass of grog and put it upon hisr.hil-' (Iron's socks and mittens. It - proptwes to take the tax off thc.loafer pipe 6f. tobacco ami put it upon his wife's, cup coffee.; It. proposes to relieve; the ri distiller and the' brewer of a tax they don't feel and don't atk to have removed, nd which is. paid In the end by the ?on9UJBerp'iwho- iias -never sri memorializ,d r Congress sto legislate; cheaper drinks andj.cjgars, ?and ;"to put it upon honeet work.pepleMho-are already :hnrgcd twice m much for t,heneccssitjei of life as they are worth and would cost under a revenue tariff and upon Jhe hard earnings, and poor economies which frugal house wives are, able to save out of the sums spared them by husbands., who .drink and smoke, and don't care a cent for expenses I The Sun is wrong dangerously "wrong.; It is mifltaken-T-ruijaously X'mistaken.;: ; Thq Democratic party may be a trifle dazed by its recent victories, and it -.may; bp trifle weak in its upper story. . But it cannot be seduced into that hell's pit.? It cannot .be driven into that slaughter-pen."' 1 : ; v f The Cmri-jmtfnaly like Star, is a.; sincere and pronounced advdeate of fair trade and it cannot see how that rauch desired end can he secured without a-tax on at least drinkables. ; England raises jinore, than two-thirds, of sitsjreTetinie;rom . ..... ,1 .. f ,r , 1 ...... . . internal taxation., - England has free-t trade on most articles JSngland could not let the necessary contem. irom other counties duty-1 free withoat the direct , tax, ; on. 7imiri ;yipe..on the latter entirely ' and 'then there would f no- alternative but , to place forever a tiBin; the forraeri Both the. tarjff .andKthe7r)ntera should be reduced greatly and 'with; them the expenses . of . th ; jGoverpi ment. ;; ' "' ::' ' '1 ; V-; When t he State Convention passed a resolution fa voVinjt'AtKe. total aboli lion of thd"iiriial:;uxestaxes.on tob;xtOy 'iWh(sfcByfi &cUhUvpape -emphasized its proposition at once and repeated iagamj.'ajpgain' ?It")e lieved the proposition on wise :un4 statesmanlike irnd .pjntiiwHh; danger to the toorkiri& clahsei bfj7.the country, and thusgyijig:i$.W duty to refu'satOugeeJ oppose. it,; 'TStSSifwW to its own-. coics!'tf 1 right and if ;-tiie s rtf4JrAini'A 4' State start what it -belie8tbberan unjust and imprudentrteas ot lend its aid topjttJud trengthen it. It professes to be gut id m its adv.ocaej.ttrjnpjfey, .'ohsei0ncej and UlcannotTilrowSe ;'vtouv eoiuxions aaopea witiiout Fper eonsideraottWlilencltl -own honest conytoSSHghl!pljir 7 and sound principfeTlerewere teiiB of tbbuian'd vot0(1 the Dempcralic ticket thatdid not indorse ;the resoktibttof inen 'h ntion'v neh a s s'niftidal policy.. The Stab . "aa opinions and it has. a right tb iex- prtss thera freely, i -There is' no Au- tocrat that we. know of in the press in North Carolina t silence- free thought arid;freetDipni!g V e are in dead earqesti n trying to serve the I)embc?atier fighting fori victbWeU; principles - We meanslpv ercisbour ; W judgment ahdhb- essbir e done. We are bjeah opin. j 83888S883S8S888$4Joii:' that, to abolish, the internal taxes; of the tar on both, tobacco and Whig-; i ----T- --' ;t oBi anuom .w.Hw -wy; wMr t Key, aou me apouuon or neither. " I vol; XIV., tariff reform; towe oat i llc; d00,O00' raised on tobacc, , whiskey, f&c.,is not;the ay;t6 get the -tax, mtea or uguieneu even ou wooiuais,' I . ..'t-: 51- - viiluiii l woollens, tneaicines,' ana yine otner r I wise rather than'by" 'brilliant, men it' deVs Irf ilief ftorg Jlf tijtmt Were' worm in.e.canaier we roouni go jntoi this m alter -jn- txtenao. I f " ah x tral y aessipn. is called fe&ue, of; wioms blunder w fail are of-the :peraocrats' ilill hcjt AQd -it will not lie the; 'Baicala'eitlier - - . ; I A If .pOIfEST, J DEBT i REF CPIATD! arawwBB. ; fc f ; It is almost gFffpesqqev io see how! ;reaRly and" blnnderiBgly soraej .oi.AP ijiorinern rwaicais xaiupon; 00.0 incurred ior.the common defence j in tho War of the Revolution.1 ' Sub-! I . ... . . , , i: . , ; .. . ; i -uxy .- uupci-iwjaiuua , uctuciiiers . .'J"-j posed, and Singlr;of lllinoisVpar. . 1 i A L. J 1 ncuiaxjjr 6u, uii uic gruuiiu.uiaii.veor- irawji from the 1 Union. Jnion." -The -replies of .the South- jrners were to".th'o p6lht.'';The debt: a i ji "c -r.-r r erners was-a just ,one, and, as Mr. McLane I said inost ; timelytthei as inyff Muc xuvimij. wcu ,i iu ,MW'uu. i AmencarfstatesmanshipiTitwas that: j no -State ever did go - out ef the! j TKIs was low that was; irrcRistible, j Hie f bill t passed as. it ' mat - tvp -tliof. ' irhoi 'tivof' hnon nnH t With certain Northern demagogues' j it was.ehongh for them that it was a Southern "State thatllasked for the! Davment of ? a iust debt to induce I them ta vote-against so proper a mea-1 sure. The ;Sxf!M very, vemsorry its course does not meet the approval of the, Chaijotte ybwmai. fit r would I -be extremely gratifying to know, that we are always in harmony with" its views and'.v deliverances on grave political questions, but we fear, that this may not always be,- as we have ah old fashioned way of thinking for ourselves. We must either express our .. pwn,. honest convictions, . retire: from the press, or. be sUeht. Every aP??;r ni6 and they: ought tobe honest bpiniona they ought honest opintons, .ilieTAB has Bincerely.beUeved that ?nanfe "g : 0 1 JFfm; m ?incere.Iy beneyhatjfthe interna, . .... 'I"", ' i -(' ! 1 - i ; I amounting tonUfl million dollars, ah- f nuallv were wived - out comnletelvt f nd fPm rfymfn tobenaicL that it would be imbossible I tobeaid, that it impossible to reduce t6 a inaximtim pointLthe tariff tax the poors. pecesf iotr? 8 y chainshorse shoe nails,; &&. . If.- we avrthg, we are honestly: ao. CONGRESSIONAt TVOKK. Iliequestibii ofeducin sbr;abpl- I isliing the'internal taxed ought to be v v ; iluj 1 v.ifc settled,m some way and. peedily, f or TOe.aiscnssionja naymgyaivery. uma- wrable eff jf botli uh thp 1 ersts qf.thp ,95 tn; and I Northwest. long as 'tnereis f ulSCUSBJOii.' v .. xirey inAt AAtSHS ey cannot teli whetber-the resui t, will be tpjtalrCTalgteatvr slight rednctionor what? ' Every- thing comes tp as.taudstilaudthou aauis. tuaw auuiiuy. uau y, luereuy. ,1 unsettled tlie. tossiile greatT quetibipuuugub iu Mo-posbpoueu, mnu mined at bhoe; Pdstpdtfement would certainly ttrid to lessen the receipts f v - .".VJU i- iw.:,'.' iiiuuj,iv!iiuii ,woald;be left in doubt'as to the final action, but that:jdl ausb; less loss if determined: at -i once: than 1 two or hree -months of debate hwill bbst V soy l It begina to look as if the outcome of the agitatioh - will Tiea . reduction -i ' . . . . i . . ' ! !.;.,. . . ... i . artielea Senator Yabcedwelt noon in5 "P"11 j.-xnajpeopie are in a more articles, oonaior, v apqe taweti npon.m . ordinary 8tatfr & Jbcwjldermen as to j his speech herer? We are clear in ari-j "What the people expect of them in th,e,mat-. iU ? - -r, . w ,.;v ! ter of tax reduction. It is generally admit Other .opinion-, itha ;the - DemocraUci ted that'the turdeh otSatIpSbld.1 party- has teen guilty of ' many blnn-i lessened md the -opportuaitk 'fettfftxttav- f'jVif gance curtailed by .a.reductKnbfeTemJe. ders in the past and that it not led byi But as to how the two-mar be moat dudl- uugub io ui j ;"ct f mere was iw; 1 guarantee a jeoate, in, case xne repeaii pretence set np the debt was not of ahe taikes, Pe piacea in.TerjiawKMftpgH r hc?&$ eping them;on:.nm. 8. , I Tbpebplb spbkb a the'polli ition; - 'The frew'York 2$me$ saysjofr the matter: ? V-" :' jur w impossiDie 10 say wnatrare, the; -chances in Javor of the consummation ef so ! uie tooacco ux; because the minds of 1 the ciously combiaed no two' members seem-to .rhp- tobacco iraqe lanffering sen- ocrSly f romi the idditatlon .and: delay. and tbe sense "of LortH' Oarolia! th tobacco arotoer 'wilHe.benefited one doILat by":thtf repe4l.--'j:la-ax! tax jafter aU?iiXs i,nothf consumers?; We can remcnAber. when:a' Gra'uvUlel Lfaira'er'aTera'n - '6 per1 vhundred J'purias,! pis entire brppana. jtwas tne jaiKJOJ Jtaei.ipwjay9Wi?S are not; clamoring . for .reduction .WKct navs for thA. linuorrtnnanmpil ? : rrv-; , oureiy it is nottne marrwuo maEes,; butithe'rnan wbo &mf&.l ff?.tk . . T-h . 1 ... . But .the point; is to.decuhs thejna.t- ter as soon as practicable.. v-Wa' are; satisfied that a reductioncan bo made wittf safety ano tneVamonnr othe -i ,.-. . reduction; will depend of. course upon the amount of Government expendi-j lures anu me "sum- rauseU uy "iiic other ay steniof taxation theiariff. ;-It is saitK that, the tobitccof maun-. facturers ;are?already: driven, toji thej necessity,1 in order to make sal es, Hoj,.i. A!nt nff :tkn v.'Tnlii' 1683. Some think that the- time- shlotild be extended to Oner-yearVahdj without -a rebate f t-atufo in .the bilii Thi imnrA4iiAn in Washinot,on tori Wednesday was that the Kelley i bill tax would be siranlv reduced-. cr lj - tthMeantim .Wavsan teaB-nimit: WF&AZi'hul lrtM:fVU mission's report and torarae a tajiff bill as soon as possible. 1 The time is snort -i or sucn- important wors :du something to relieve the country can be done with both tariff and 'internal 'taxi "'j;otJ The Republicans- in tho-Senate are anxious, to r break the force" of an in- Uestigatioii.into.;thfcpcditi I -r .t.r iwi.tsAAi mPnt of 4hri Vertmehtthe :at - e Thpgl unberl duced bvSenitoBeck:withi amehdL hments; the wla purpb kf which?i -rf " . . etibnu This isiiarty lUl ' i'"'. : "? 'LJ try.T ,The emciratibpapers irom vV i W.ti i a J 4 j'.i; . Lj Maibe tb;Mbridi deWncedkhA' Cxi WosedJthafe Ilubliell: busineand ReniliipCmthrwig t ibWortfidid -Atotfail- to :conl tones as have shaken .hp, thnr and his Cabinet , and ev.erv"Ke to Halba amendment the KewVTork iHsme says: f : yery likely Uie mea Who applauded the I production of thisreoluaou ohmk that it I L a,' sufficient answer tosayyou are hnbth- ".TtSn ;-Senacor Beck need not ,thiok. foe a moment 1 incjuireu inio. j iae uewer ciassoi nepuou - investigation.?X"iif tDenibcratic majowtyO iri the ikiiexjt House' at 59,'t' Eno'tibrh and to'sDare. I He places them as follows: "101 Pemc?- 1 eraiS,: iv;i xvepuoucans, SIX rveaajus- 1 01 ntcy-nine . oyer ..xvepupucans xve- I maioiitv will probably not be changed by the result bf f th. ! 'elfetjtibn tb.fill 1 tne vacancies causeu oy.tne aeatn 01 jngrgsslnbnject i;l!JpdegTjaEi;v)i' Ohioj Repubiicanp'antl Ilerron, 1 of l Louisiana, Democrat. ? r " Gov. Stephens expects to deliver the annual address at Savannah's sequi-oen- i i uiauuitiireii uoi,rVpeaf yi taxe prpothvngi .lqdoinpi.bjel)eye Ar tennial.. .7' .-r'rli , , .TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. 1H J A Well Kn-fvn CdaxteMn Sliooia nir-; xier jBrfana wot. . . Florence Morrisj well -aowtt' irhlte' "woman f the town.iviisiin wha'has hfei) known -as Uie 'anry. Turner" house,1 oa the east side, of IJcRae, betweJphe-j nut andlulberry streetahotherself lathe! head yesterday moruing.i about a Puartert past; eleven ci9CK,()anq. jOxett ,m a jew: minutes f alterwardsi tX jcolored woman iame4 SSl8 Howard, isaid she had just? .wgifchij tpBdfroJiu-the rear. rmUjtbes south side'of the building, with a avulstol iu? hh?iib4jjipdrthTeateDlns1t .aq. tijapdfloaUy left thti rciom.bu1 had ipot fjbeen.jV outside of n ,ibre -than i fldaute or two when xh$ reportf ,a trtetolwa heard, upon . whicn Yshe rushed intp tb, room; and; found . Florence down upottvthe floor,-, between the lounge and .wjndowrxuncoq8ciou3, and .with the blood flowing froxua wound ia her head. v . - I Offlcerj SamueJ. norland, of Jthe police .forcewas, the, first, .tq arrive At the scene,' and fouod tho, unfortunate , woman on the. verge of death, a slight-puiver of.-.the lips being th,e only perceptible sign, that the yi tal spark yet -JUngered.,. As . soon -as . she L cea8edttt. breathe j Officer IIowJandw.took . Larger ehousCj ; Intelligence of the L suicide Roon-jgot abroad on the sto-eets and a.large crowds quickly : garnered ., in :-; David. Jacobs, :. the newco)o..-pr4. 'fled . and summoned his Jury,.; who rei paired v to; j ihc scene of; .. he tragedy , aid viewed the body, which was removed, to a front room fotohat purpose.-. .. 1 peeeasedi WasTbork and: raised in-SCor-i :olk; buthidUyed inthisM number p( yearaJi y Shc had rwp sisters here -with' hef both' o'f wbOD are. dead; -one of them, Genev Morris, having died from thu effects of an overdose of laudanum, togeth er wtth dissfplAibifiib! expbsurevsonse foot months ago'Shfe has an older sister,Kate. f w4earnj:living ia otfo Ax;-:ri a-Flbrenoand'OenevatMorris; are said to have been quite handsome : when they, first. came to W iimington, -out . a course oi aissj- palion andr exposure soon did its work,; though they still retained t their death somewhat: 'of the - good , looks which had formerly;- distinguished them. Deceased was aoout sa years or. age. jsue naa oeen ia low' s-biiitg : ever since her sister's :Md iJMth aba hadlrequenlly resorted to drink- iS, m ru.wu tier reroiiecuous-oi lueneut. On Wednesdav afternoon she .'seemed to be peculiarly ' depressed, ' and ' endeavored to get some one tostay t witn ner-au nignt, as she waav alone Y, Maggie; .Howard finally consented to do so, and cooked breakfast yesterday morning, bf "which deceased par took, and aooa after which aha commenced talking of killing hersetf . The baU entcml near the corner of tthe rieht eye. ranged u p the temple and buried itself in the forehead, -j The Coroner s jary "was composed as lol lowst' X Ili Allen, Foreman; J.; D; Samtv son. Lewis Bryant, Edward Davis, tW.o fi. Gerken, E. P. Macindoe. Theverdict was to the effect -that deceased came to her .death from a pistol shot wound inflicted by her own hand.. . . V ! military "Bleettoa of Field Oflcers ; The commissioned officers of the Second Begiment ' of the North Carolina State Guard met at 12 5t yesterday in the' arm ory of the ; Wilmington laght - mtantry . Capt TE; F.' McRae, of the Shoe Heel Company, being the senior officer "present was called to the "Chair; and Lieut! W Oldham, of tlwilmintbn light Infantry; .was made Secretary. , ; , - 1 The following officers were elected ) Cfelboel. Ai JI- Worthrof FayetteviUe. 'Lieni ConlasVjG; Kenan;' Captain rilajor,- K T.lcRac; Captain -.'of Shoe HeeTBifle.,'..;n" , " I The. Sh'oe,eel-.I:afIek,,, Sampson Ught Infantry and WilminttonLhrht Iafantrv were represents rby. offiira, and the An- soa Aiuards, jano Auft Yeterans DJ Pre ies. '."";.; ' .". .. '."t ' ' ! :iy ': . ' . Ther 'ndvisaDflity of toemorialiang- the gutlnure.ln"tfsaH6the" enactment of iome lWlookliar fcy the sustenance of - the BUteGuard-aB mSMSf discussed; A. OonvehticHf of the State Guard wilt be held in Raleigh-duringJsHuary to take some steps towards the draftragof ropeil-iU At the meetincrTO the organization of the ,y e8iernt insane yium f rf 01a, ijt. r. 4 urpay, 4orry jLiriHi titonern ';Cls citbutb anajwlsmiln rthc"S . washed -sWlS , ur. jnurpny apuumwuicu.w iu iuis iiuu- ture.rhen' so m'acydejeros.tlpoh a proper beginning . and a vigOCOUsupAaudicious 'matoagement v'ofJihisnew.'Asylu :sMered;anAuguryiof ;rgobd tofhejfulure. His friends in the medi?profesaion, wiio know his: worthy fare greatly gratified. Sxvecf ed Entertainment at JBureaw. tileafn that; ffie ladies of Burgawprd pose io fioia A.J!"i-r iiave a . ieciure from Bev. Dr.- Wilson, oti-;this,city; on Mondaytntghtsof Ootirt week ? (December 18th), ibeginning at CT o'clock, .on.. the sub ject o'fYurage'31 ;'tbrb tviUH asuppe entertnment, . we understand, is to aid & "struggUng church; and as such apart, from its : 1 sodaand i ihteectual merits,' should cbnan'dilt't cpuragemebtpithe pubjic.;iitjshelythat h;idte aWmber will ko-from thiaclty.9 , There lsjgmtTfife"lP here jut now thfimillabeincaU outf and only One raft c.thaunarket,arf act almost un- precedehtedin: theinilling business of.WU- mington' the onngujg;a gpoa :. rr.. r.i:-.iV.i-.rsjH.-iri ,-tu-,i price here now. ? ,. : .5 -!! . 'r f ,ri uxi'uija FEAR, v -I 3SES??S , W!uv-w .v-.-vv tXh. fait train; on. the, CJoaSLRoitte! pa8?,1!'1111!?1?? at. 3,15,sitx gaiter noon. Winter was abroad Snow coyercdthe groxtnd The yttS Pm Wfre sagpgcjrpssjthft iw3u iagftcu uetjL usui -:oeen spreaabVeV hefaTrhe 'orehards. wnneveryt i w rg-; xncas eucavrz steet stood. puljani.hp.cleaped, ground, Vikpi a lairv loresi ln-ice- in aacra wpk. 'trotting towards the top stackf'oV The niilchfoow, i!aitiirg f or her evh- ting rPieaJ, JMQWf;& the, turbaggd epps; apont tneyara , 1 be , air was ohkfcwl with a" trhftlf fmUtS fU ThettA 'was5 a!lones6mo'1Td6k aboutf thiaffeoun try trcfusea itrt,P,'.$v-A nijrtt of dEcs Ljjpw.Juang ,ovfa:jt3 landscape. The ya"8 . J; B t3?5 ofe'fflL the c6acV and'named --the farbis, cross ngs, and, culverts as, the '.ars sped.through themkydarkness... He! wheeled ( bar track : r .-v ; . " .... . . f - : i . . . a. - trotted 5oach? stopping' at any ; point V where! a passenger way ed a ht-$l$om me rnn((vjen!s w.vsv pauseand aa.gartundr fashioned locomotive, r Thirty-five; ' -a r T;a- it.M. . -j ruaui man AvtMe sneus ausw.ereu. 114a rmsuLu, aw m Uie ,seige.; -terbnrg.1 Soldiers ha torn up tne iron rails "be- fbiw''''HisrehM I ment of trains, dj presently ;tbP United Statesofficersngave him oH I era-'fi iviia&.a pasaenser iwji, m aukso three dad!;watatm,4 J:. .L-I'ji -iSi.JLtiifai -LL-zJ H3V tZ 1- princes, Unurch dignitaries, queer dwarfs arid Kentucky giants ! f v And; the Cburca has k been gamer, in the modern facilities for travelling. The services- of eminent men have been prolonged to the jlebi pl, v . .", 1 Steamships T aremis-l sionaru-s. voraraeree cnanneis a route for Christianity.-' -'"'- 8; ,...tT i As n igh t s came ' . on " I. opened hi y valiso and , brought out Dr.rDeeras's ne w y pi u me . "The ; Lessons, in , Uie! Closet. ? It" contains brief, deVOut raeditaiions' on "th Sunday Schdol lessons fofimT? S rstsix" months in 18 83. It IS' Oil "the befirinnmca of vuri8Liauii.y hi uob jiuib, - au oiuii 1 book i iia flexible ? boyers.1 paeilyxpni I m jtuejpocKet isnoi crwoat-or 1 ing. -1 ne soui was'sootned ana oeiH lamp of j that - rushing -irainTJie na.t.senfrmnmiitAd -himself to the Ono. wbbhathi:alllpQerandislepi Mil iub var vuiu i.w ; iiuiiugtuu. s'pectable ahd solid burg The strbetf arewidelThere rare many' pritate residences ntf ti substantial eleganfcel The ! chqrches;)ire;. superior tp .likb structnrea.iaonr latitnoe xne oap tist edifice. wtraldornamentairy:;cit3r Unr people have m the; Jjiuht.tstreei church j& - building I of comfortable, ample ad excellent; .arrangement 'yMr. F. H. 'lBusbee submitted an I, saw: the list ;of . itao pastors xdating araehdment to the constitution- mak ;from J.800.2C:Punwopdy- served., ih 'ing the office of "Deputy Grand Mas- 4808. ..,Capers,t1813. Andrew, 1817. Daniel'JrtalL J823.1Viitefbjr6rSm 1843"! f Dftftrrisl 185 "7. ' Tthas"the Lest parsonage'ih thelCbnferehceT "Slm hostl" Rev:' Prank Wood: is tbe resf The citV'rs bnly: seVett" ifiuesfrora the CKjean Tbe beacn sandslehferoach 6n the J,reets;; Rice'is1 ?one ofith cr6pk.iiarge lumber inilla are iusy, with the pine rafted down the; rivert la,'the.'cityieAUdayJ heaj-d thecpt4onCT ton. compress at work squeezing palep tot4he:8ize-.of an tavjerage-saV;! 3ave space jn-shiping ;0 c&m i . .... a text sieet- ana now in .xuenmonq. I . f bnrid , in Wilmington aclear skv with onljSiijmorikw 'nd yet had -the good sense, to recognize, the attentions, -mot ? personal iwmpu- i,-siu:ir"- ."T"& T-rr"rj-i, mT r ,'r niliiihaf thd nnninii nvncEa rtr perature. ti. had " to. lecture in,' my overcoat, .line audience, at tne peril 'h.brfri; Tt . i ft. toark: bf ;ji6liteness'- will ever: have- a warm place iir' my hearts iTherei was iomethirJg 'ithe tiiannera. m Tne TeoDie.- xneir - nouses, theslyy that mark them as of T tTTirkri,rlTmiTio inn baIit" ' Honr .W ;Ioreli ,Aiinonne4 aa a ; j f!anime r Senatorial Da-nora. n rtruTvrro T)ert '8.-TTrtn' Vt. -"'T ortoh;'pf Wayne county is officially an- nminAMi 'a a canuiaattf iot tub" unitea IiadTdhrihg last winter.' Flowers live the committee, n x"'-" - . - , ' ., ! hnSsedhrbugTjhb year if 'Tneieref Jthesbity ati-bther tMli&fSZd&A:vm emiheht ' citizens,1 ; among c thethu the; . AUeseii iedoi Fraaiaa-iaaietmenta HdnjMrDivis df 'ihpiConfederate .,.Preparatloiu fair ItEardl raa JPea- Gab1nei&ir4ia-he sUiei?b.Dooi ' io9iisall,' JiTttieW -L'-- K " a". . : . srf I INew Orleash: Dee. -The .'Federal on me -uurin meats, jofu ;mara vi Tespect w a.; , .i'?t;M uumuu w s" , p T ri'" oinia.n v H j - f -'" i I 1 parties , implicated in -election .frauds. uvwuwv- if".. j - Tsdslature which meets inanuary. - 1 -;:?T : t-si i.filyA .Js-L--Z.--?'w jiepreseniati-ve.jaKins. oi, .-a en- ,neseey'Saya,uafc".owiifrifl -win-tKjjiia wntuwessor..j .xj . States senate' w succeea- tion. auj w. Kan- ? CknOTessmatt'Undegraffe. -somi The election, wJU :bert made by the ' ' m mT wT r, ObiervVs'port. -oh., n j i.a'r 't.u '. Ji'iJ yesterday jjnortung .ant; af ternoo atj wnicn consiaeraote xoutine ousmesst tas transacted. Last evening ,he bmniltteenthapcdhhfs 'of- G9 TJ Bain reported, highlynjpijmentind those .worthy ?pfacers. 1 hfl elpt,ifn of )fhr,Grs for thft nn suingMas6hic yckr Vas hfeld,e&Hlt-j lag as follows? asn ilC b! jg u" c I rJvRobert BiDgham. iGrrand- lasterm i Chas.y Robinson, Senior Gfandl "Wjarden ' 'f,,- i v3rae.";-s -tjj -i) s.L' L:;a W. E.' "Anderson, "Grand 3Jre JFaMilisVaeteAedfiprtateft dent of the Orphan Asylumf . v - , The jpecial comtnLee - J rT-; 7 wL r idand adopt K : tT, ' . VJ OrphaiiAivlun Ti The following committees ? were; announced ;II -.'. 7; a r r c.. ;Qn Orphan, Asylumr-.George., W, BloVnt HrAger Itr - .t. r- w .o j -r l'VVA0tterj. ..On Memoirs-Georgo W. Blount, Nicholg)P. G. ft.'s, and A7 Mi urmi, Owing to "the necessary absenco P i Jurisprudence; tha Grand Master ap ;Tiw h'-if :.-r ai.t.,!. pm:Qlo constitute that com J;mUtee. 1 flvvi mif faaa : were, rannounced.- as f follows: , - ... . ..... .. On Returns of Lodges, lOi 1. JJ M.JFleming, J W. jPerdew and D a White. -No. 2. E. B. Heave; H E; Hoggard and C T. Barwick. No; 3. a. u. Jonnson; -ss. iiong nd ji Rice;? ?',::t; j Tho special:pr,der, being vthe reso lutiohs of . Air, C4 D. luce.vprovidin for the appointment of , District Deputy Grand Mastere, came hp f 0 consideration ana- ereaaopiea:' rijfYraripuy reports . were submitted among them - that , pf , ; Mr. Geo.. W b mXnnfJnt iKa'WnmmittAa' bhthe Oxi lord jsy mm. it ; .recommends tni rusual leeislatidn.t "with tbe samo'an BualapopriatiohirOtofO. bjthf Urand Master-elect Itert, xsingf r I rW. fT RnalA " T?alA5fb . ;.'TWnnt.v Grand Master; T. J. Allison, Mebanev 1 vuie, ttrana ' unapiam ; samuei xi. : ch; ;J.o W.' Gidney, Shelbyi I Junio Grand Deacon; s John j,W Opttonp "Tarboro, Grand Bearer;. Georke A- Scruggs, Grand ' Pursuivant; : tfiles -j lioodwin, ttaieign, wrand tuer; , K oflicersi: elect; and :ap I pomtedj were then installed by. . Past Grand Master George W. Blount..' I ter ? an elective.. instead ; of -an ap- It was adopted by the l(Znnrl T.ror"nVI nrdernd to he sriH- mitfed'tb the subonlinate"; lodges for Tatification, these to reportlto Grand 1- Mr. J. IL Mills offered a . resola- : tibn as follows: f " f -' ' ' ? J Resolved, That GraTnd Mastet be reces.Se339BP'CPmmtte? J of three fx prepare and present to the .eenre future, and proper? .protection 1 a?y detriment tor those to whom they t may oe apprenticed. ... j 1 ?4'rfh&' TwolfltTorf :Waa ' kdohted.f and 4 :Messraii J.nS.fBattIeV Wu-JL Bailey xe8 brought before them yesterday, and iexaminnigv :; a . .numoeru ot ? witnesses, 7-1 J ! . I cused J.tis unaerstooa mat mere are many .A j the grahd jury:wfll'6Vitsijtmo8t to unearthj i u "uvu, auu. nm wuk. uupuuwa f are .welf advanced. A cbmpetitive drill 1' :a: uauroar-iiiecuon uoniwi. - i ... ujn --a i ... c. I uiatiaaATl. . ir .--llie juaucbw w 1 anciniiati. JtaJBroad was sold under, fore closure, to-day to uoot. tiarreK, oi tne btjk CottntBns. Dec; 9. James E2 Campbell has petitioned the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus, directing the canvassers to issue a certificate to him in the vtn. mstnet, instead of jto Henry L. Morey. The motion is to he heard Thursday. i , "V Gdv' Foster has ordered an election to be held January f 2nd, to fill the vacancy for kwm wwiiiOy VMU9bi J both terms, caused by the death or tne late 1 r At Bloominrton;- Ills..- the family 'of - i i mih Krannen nr - a wm -Known ciuzen. i . . . . . . . ? 1 -. 7: a . . . . - . I were poisoned by eating tncmnae msau rwga. - uwvi me iiuuiijr vucu jwwiuoj . f Brandenberg and-his wife cannot recover. tharlotte had nine interments - durlngTT ovember - - - - - -NewiBertieiwH -Two tbousand bushels of rice Bold in this mar ket yesterday at t to tl.Oft. 1 , ' .t-. Ine Charlotte . Journal . says a V pointer pup died in that place from eating phe-tourth poundof 8hfngte nail' ' .Vv ashinrton.'.,corresnondent Tof f Richmond: (Va. rXMpafcfo North Caro- umass nere say r mat ; UenV'tScales will, he their-next Governor. Z . ' " ' " 1 4 J --v-Mrrf-W.wDj Billiard of Ban CombeliasbCQa elected 'Assistant' Superin tendent of the Western; Insana Asylum lie is about 80 vears of aw.'.'"t tc.j' j' Pr0xWd. 1 that thevacatcy in the Rectorship of the by the acceptance of Rev. Mr' BushTJ 1 -; .4. 5reebrSfnby jTheKorth Coliaa mp mbrof gressamanjtin demanding thetotalholition of the inter- - nal revenue laws. --i Raleigh is modest- lyxntertaininK this week.tbe Methodist L Conference, the Sapreme, Court, the United utora uitun tuun, ia vr raau ijouge anu -Hum6tv DuDtv.-r --rOuiF iaformaUnn Lfrom Conference is that Dr. .A W- .Man- Dqllegeaoo) thatOoaferencrwill,reeve the institution oL her financiar embarrass- ioi-!NewB'erner e7ourua.OD-Satnr-days.eweningjast,, about 5 o'clock-a well- , dressed ladY called oa Eaauire Stantv arid Pintormed him th&fi ttrhila-dMWnliiilaff tlint day.aorae-.aaehad entered .her room and : taten away her 8 month? old- babe and a lot or tne oaoe a: clothing; some YOt 'iJthem unfinished. A.ftetmakhis the necessarv-in. - gullies',' the" "Esquire at once sent out his runners. 'jiAhout: 12 o'clockthat mgh some 1 of- his officers .returned with the infant, hav. in-foundlt'otf-boatd of 'a Kghterabbnt-SO mi-jinwu;Me.r3yrc3ini eha?ge,jpj ihe 5ab cuotor. . , v . , , r .Oxford ' Torchlight : Frauklin- tonl tuns a flonrishm"ff" graded-school Boon a capital f $l,2p0jSuperiBtendent Jenkins . tens us ne wouia pe able to throw into a fund for a similar purpose here about $800. 5 .Wo are pleased to, hear often qod most favorably from; Mr Janjes A.iSatterwhite a.wH4aiowaxatizenof . old Granville but ' now a" wealthy .railroad . and,, stock man of tne great metropolis of i fiew Yorki Mr. , Satte.rwhite has a seat in ,f the , Stock- Ex- ! cnange wnicaaione is worth a. small for- ; tune;'? Jlia frequent and kmd attentions to ' his former countymen visiting the .great Gotham is commeadable and. Draiseworthv indeed;? v -r) s-i'i a xQ:in . - -TRoxbord-7A?eM)a'7 MrPJas. P ' Tillett was elected Superintendent of Pub- lie Schools for Person cOuntvr to fill the va cancy: occasioned by .the , death. . of" C. A. V vriouuua.. ; t c xiuicu io uouue me death of a negro ; boy on the plantation of Col,.C. S, Winstead last week,? which was caused by his falling out 'Of a "wagon, the wheel passing ' over his head crushing it. Hon.. Bedford Brown of Cag,wellV was fi rst ' elected to tne (State .Legislature nr lSInt the ge of 20 years and 6 inooth, ' - and was eligible and took.his seat,. as the constitu tion defined the age of the -voter but not of -the member., r "In; 1840, Hon.. Kenneth Ravner and William Monteomerv-were . membt-TO of Cbngress.4 They had-a -diftt-culty in the lobby of the ; capitoL r Ravner struck his colleague with his cane. and was arrested and fined fifty dollars; . sr2- Washinirton. Pnt?.Tht RttontJoti OtMr.- Secretary Foleer is resrectfnllv. in vited to this statement; One "of tho oiuciala of his -department, a man who us 'nalvcr- sally known at home as ,"tbe worst man in North Carolina," arranged through the dc- " . .tiartment ;'pf -i cofruptioni under 4he::.fi0o. . Jay Am Hubbell, , for a number of special ,. Washington" to the 'First -North Carolina , District, for the purpose-of .helping -in the election of Pool to Congress. ' When tbis disreputable character had: compreted ;. the arrangement, and wai-sure of men and mo- .. neyv for the" enterprise. : he ' wrote to the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Committee of that Diatnct, offering to bring ' such men as ' would help the Democratic " eandidateLatham,if;the Democracy, would pay' him for the job. . No attention was paid to his offer. ' ': ,;"' - Greensboro Patriot -: . ? From passengers . on the Charlotte train this morn mg. we learn that Gen. Leach was assault-' ed on the streets in ' Lexington, yesterday, by Mr. Heitman, & lawyer living in - that town.. Leach and Heitman met on the streets when angrywdrapassedbetween them, aoout the compromise 01 tne case ot Garrett vs. R. &D, R. R., mentioned a few days ago in : the Patriot It ; seems-that Gen. Leach was not an attorney jQf record . for Garrett, and the , clerk Of the "court re fused to accept the costs in the case when tendered. by him. Heitmaa, who was Gar rett's regular attorney; hearing of the trans action, was looking for Leach when they . met on the streets. In the course of a qua rel" that ensued,' insulting' words passed, when Heitman' drew apistol, and was only -prevented from using it by the interference of bystanders. Parties' from Lexlngion, in town to-day think tha affair has not ended, - -and that bloody results may be looked for. ' 1 Gbldsboro" Jcssener. We have received' from CoL J.' Wi' Andrews; Supr- .intendent of theMidland.N. G. Road,- a copy .of his report relative to the condition Of the rolling stock and road bed of the At--lantio&rN, CL Road. The report puts . the road in much better condition than we were led to believe if was from Gen. Lewis re port, read before theatockholder's meeting. We are informed by a neighbor of Mr. Joe Parks, who lives in the county? hat the latter gentleman! had .nine sheep( killed by bird dogs Saturday morning. ' ' The gin 'house of Mr. li. E. : Grantham was de stroyed by fire , a few days ago. . . We learn that the property was partly insured. Mr. Ben Albrittan lost his barn of corn and a number of farming utensils by fire one day last week the work of an incendiary. A Gbldsboro man last week; in response to an, advertisement, sent to New York for ' an accurate,' twenty-inch; "double-barreled -:hreech-loadin g gun -. This gun; Would be sent f or five dollars, two dollars of which must be paid in advance, the Temamder C 0. D. An hour after theguh reached pere there was a very mad man in town. It was the man who ordered the gun.- That -gun, was single-barreled, ;j and long enough for a coroner s report, V ' -u Charlotte ; Journal: ' Rev. T. 8. Brown, of Wytheville, Va.," has been called, as,. supply to St. Marks Lutheran Church in this city, by the council of that church. Yesterdav afternoon a bov. J lSyeare of age, named McKnight and Uv- mg wim ms uncie iu jueciiauiuavuie. . was ; badly burnt upon the face by the explosion ' of about a gill, of powder with which he was playing making spitting devils, &c. The boy was found insensible in the yard. . Extensive improvements are to be r . made at the All-Healing Springr in Gaston county. Plans have been received for lay ing off the . large grounds ' in avenues which divide them into 110 lots. These, lots are .to be ; sold. The design ; is to -make a summer village ot the property. We did hot anticipate any serious op position to the re-election, of Senator . Ran som at the ensuing session of the Legisla ture, but we learn that Hon. W.:TiDortcb, State Senator from Wayne,; has announced himself to the members-elect as a . candidate and bases r his ; opposition to Ransom's re- -election Tipon the ground that the latter has been Senator twelve:, years that he. has voted for nearly all the extravagantappro priations proposed by the Republicans, and especially .that he voted -to pension Gen. Grant. . -: ' : . . 1 V - 1 1 f f : it. - I 'J t- a .1 i T . '. -V