7 f t I : f h i. 5 t I X - I. I it : v t V 1' . It- r '. L- v i I TheL Weekly :,Star.y? ' '.'' THE SLEEP OF THE JUST. , THE LAWYER. A :. IletJt in an editor's bed last night, -' When no other chanced to be nigh ; How I thought, as I tumbled; the editor's : , bed -' How easily editors liel , -'- , - ' . THE EDITOR. " .M -. If the lawyer slept in the editor's bed . ' "When no lawyer, chanced to: be sigh, .And though ho -as written and naively J Said, , . : ; ' ' How easily editors lie. . J m He must then admit, as he lay on that bed ? And slept to his heart's desire, . Whate'er he may say of the editor's bed, Then the lawyer himself was the lietv , , ; V Ceajnbers' Journal. . NORTH CAROLINA QONFER- SIXTH DAY: AJTEIlNOONi SESSION. , , (Raleigh Visitor'slteport.), i Tho following members were elect-" ed to iaerveon the1 Missionary Board. ... MISSIONARY BOARD. . -Clerical T. W. Guthrie, T. A." ! BooneF. H. Wood.-F. D Swindell, I T. J. Gattis. W. C.' Norman, J. T. Bagwell, A. R. Raven, . J4. D. Buie, W. C. Gannonr T.'H; Pegram, J. T. Harris. ' Lay ' Members W. C. Doab, A H. Merritt, J. W. Reid, J. B. Con nolly, R. B. Miller, .W.C. Wolfe, .WM. Parker, Dr. J. F. Miller, T. H. Gatlin, R. T. Gray, R. R. Craw ford, L. W. Harris." . ' Dr. L. S. Burkhead then rdSnmed his speech , on. the . paper question. The Rev. Dr. N. H. D. -Wilson re plied to Dr. Burkhead in quite a lengthy speech.' The previous ques tion was called, but failed for the want of a two-thirds vote. Motion to adjourn was lost. Rev.,'W. M. Robey and D. R. Bruton spoke, after which, a vote was taken and the majority report of the committee on Books and Periodicals was adopted, jfianx' session. a .' ; A Rev. Dr. Yates submitted a report from the Sunday School Board in re gard to : holding a Sunday School Convention.. Tho report was : read and adopted. , V Rev. L. W. Crawford presented a resolution in regard to the ministers of this Conference taking up a collec tion in May next for the benefit of the Edenton Street Chnrch, of this c"0l- , . - ; , .1 Rftv. J. K. ' Rrooks: A resolution I -i " If you are costive or dyspeptld, oraresufEertos;. in regard tO? taking Up a collection freiiny other of tiienuaierous diseases of the some time during the year, for the ?r bowete, itiaypur.own fault if you re , o 3 A- , : . mahrjn. for llop Bitteraisa soyerelgn remedy benefit of the Uxford Unman : AsVr; iaAQSe&owDiaHyw-w. .v t - li,rr-' ' Anntorl ''. . - '; rMmnKj?,. ai awwyfairmof Kid- . The Bishop then 4 annotinced nlf.iid?forttfe;t. 1 .v .i 1. if von are si ck witt nymn commencing, "Jesus oi irum f uu-puwev . sun? He - auaressea tue memoers OI r the Conference in; a solemn and jmiSsSv pressive manner mvokino; on them-r the . Divine blessinjis Of heaven?. iff " ments, after which the congregatioijj. engaged in singing the above hymn, ; and the. benediction was pronounced by the Bishop. : ! r ; Conference then adjourned siire 1 die at 10 o'clock P. M. 4 r EVIDENCETHAT THE SOUTH ', ls STILL FOR jL LOW TAR- - :. rnn h - - " -". r,-.t: y" ' J Baltimore Son.-- ; : A correspondent of the New York : Herald - who has been visiting the ; ' chief industrial centres of - the South .- is surprised to findwhat) The Sun long ago asserted that' Southern capitalists in becoming; manufactu rers remain too i clear-headed to-, be-' come protectionists The fallacies "of protectipn are exposed iu every text book, used in the universities and - -'colleges of the country,' and the pos sessors of large wealth in the? South are still in the main well acquainted with economic.topics, and little like ly to wish to impose pn themselves the suicidal policy; of high tariff rates for the purpose of- miscalled " pro-,. "Section." Senators Brown of Georgia and Butler of South Carolina did,, it U ' true, last winter ';ex presS; themselves ih f ayor iirft that policy. These ;gentieinei ere ' naturally Jiupposed Vbreffect the' wishes of their constituents land to " indicate a- radical v change'; of isentir mentas regards the'tanlf .;thrpnghout . iarrrt forliint.fnn:inBtaTi'nf t.hfi maihii-rQ. "tenance of the present tariff rates 3 abundantly proved by the testimpn,y: brought bv the 'Jdfcbresponi. dent South Carolina has cotton mills counting 'about 120,000 spindles, lb?; cated mainly at j iiraniteyllle,ty u? cluse and Langley. Tbo tockyiri them is held for the. most parH-jn South .Carolina and Georgia.; Mrs H. II. Hickman J president of the ' company owning the mills : at ' cluse and ijrraniteviue, on being ques-? tioned declared himself '"iti favor of an absolute abolition of the tariff rcfti cotton goods,' ? werb - that' 'possible? ,His reason was simple and cbtfclut 8ive: We jBuccjefisfdHy compete with the English inanufurers , t ownimarkets- ixiChina , andBrazil One-third of onr nrodnftt. ia eTnortfifl rii j -v.:. - 'fi.-A "-"..,.a COSt which we COUld of course UO under a lower tariff and' secure for oageS pai,Ho oar. employe, tho higher purchasing power that would fo av thft ahnl tion nr avaii ft nnn- . J ' " ment as regards tne parm jurougnout i v 'pwiw.1! the South. That, hbwever-the truetl H D1 uutuauin uiuvuiiuuwu ui, tuc;, o uiuc u agig of Tts4ass aU fma tl al hi d list Of tariff duties, dur ffobds miehtl-aDheatand eletantbroklrf eaKnm1 tnfr-a tho Klnrrliah mannfa-tnnH ot their own markets. As it is, we make a better class of goods at a noi greater cost than the JKnglish mills. ; JVlr. Hickman's 1 statement : is?. borne ..'out by the fact that the last report yOfytheinet profits of the Grlnlteville Mills pot them at nearly 80 per centi' foi theapitalvested Mr. Gi: Phinizy, President of the Georgia Pailrpad,..- and , also of the ' Au jerusta' vAnon iviiuH, to iargest .xactory p '-Tbt Dyspepsia, Costlveness, Sick Headaoh, Chronle .Diar- rboea, Jaundice, . Impurity of the 1 lood, Fever ani Malaria, ri tl M . j I7 and an Diseases t rangemenf of liver, Bowels and K tdneys. '. !srkpToais xoi? A' diseased xtvek. j "Vf Bad Byeatn JJaia toheide, sometime the , -pain U felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for XRhmausi: -'general lorf -appetite; Bowels t onvnlW mriw r ininMiiin lternatill2 with aXl ., the'head is trouoted-widi pain, is dull aad hesfft . v!lv.iMilT!ML, Inc -ntinemonr? accompaniea withapainfuisensadbnoffcaxingundonesometninK i ; XTichouit to have bn done; a: slight, dry cough , . 'and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often y misfiJcen for consumption; the patient complains -of weariness and debility ;-erousreasiIy startled; s feet cold or burning, somethnts afprickly sensation, ; of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, ' '. and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene-4..t ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to -try it-n &ct distrusw .. ererr remedy. .Several x " of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases : C ave pecurred wWutj them existed, yet : ' examination after death has shown he Uver to - -have been otenstvely awwipfl. i . It'&boiad be ttsed aH persons, old and . yc4ng,fwlietteer:nx o the above ; ; ; - Persons HftiveUng oef.irnis- in un-.i 'm-Mitt I jwllHtta Fi froV.nrr - 'ArM fmaMk' M.tA 1 1 fcif w ftoKUr nrtHrtW will flvrkllf all Malaria, Biliona attacks, Dixsiness, Nau- i sea, Urow8iaess, iJepfestion-ot-topints, etc. . will invigorate like a glass of wine, bat u noj it) . tozicaung beverage, t If Ton haveatri. anything hard ot loas at night, ak a idweaad you will be relieved, .' - tTlnie suid''p6rs.Brn;rin be saved j by always keeping theiBegulator - '--.-:.ln the House t I For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly. . : safe purgative, alterative and tonic can " never be out of placet" The remedy is harmless . x and does not interfere with business or ; pleasure, 1 , - - . r ' , . .- " f - -.. And has all the power -and efficacy of Calomel or , ;..jQuinine, jyithout any of the, injurious after effects. - tlr vt ACtoyerswrSjSTestimony. -i '- ' w Simmons liver Regulator has been in use inray . - ' family for sonie time, and I am satisfied it is a . valuable addition to the medical science. ' ; J. Gru. Shorter, Governor of Ala. .HoiSi Alexander, H. Stephens, of Ga.,!i' ;vys-Have-arived Soa? benebt from the use of . , Sunmpssrliyer Regulator, and wish to give it a ave touncTanv thine to benefit -me to the extent --Siaamons-liver 'Regulator has. I sent from Min- . , .-. iiesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for C 'sucha medicine, and would advise all who are sitn- " . gfjilarij affected to give it atrial as it seems the only". uung tnat never tans to relieve. j i i-XU.MJakkbt; MiimrapoEs, Minn. . v JD.-,3V"W Basen sayairTrom actual ix- : perience in theuse orSimmons Liver Regulator in my practice rf have Men .and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. BSTTake only the Genuine, which always ? has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark ,7 and Signature of J. H. ZEILTM ts CO. norlO D&Wly " tr sn'we '"too nrm chw xp ';.t6t.' ittB 'siCKf M)r,BTiTEBS WILL surely aldTSatore la making you well when else fatts. . - r ' .. - all ?Death'tli&( moment, lOD-Btttersr f : that terrible sickness Ker- - rrAiSifesC ybTi-rtirfind aaimlnGileadin the Lltyou - srfeouentiroraTesidentf amlas- matie dtsWctt barricade your system against the 4x,pi aayfoos ptmpiy vprtiauowsKm, Daa ",eT5IIytH6g Bitters "wfll gle yon fair skin, rich tlooa, and" fiweelest breath. health, and comfort. 7 la short they cure all Diseases of the Stomach, woweiirtstotxi, Liver, nerves,, naaneys, ditkm s liease, ,-)0 waQ he-jaid f or a case they will ' 1 ' . 1. t I. i - J 1 A i health. DV a iew bottles of .Hoo Bitters, costine Jjnt a trifle. Vill yon let them suffer J' ; oottj leoaiBwiy cuinsat nrm octa r j U enfSHiDeif'that Btamina, vital energy the life principle or whatever yon may choose to cail the , resistant power which battles ag -ins t the causes "Of dlgaSft and dfiath. ia. th exarif. Raf p.rnard rf kJieaitiin ,i.is fne, ftarrjson oi. tae Human tortress, tetter's Blfters.; " Yof e&t& hy Drugsts and Deal-: . La . 1 -A , r .A.AA- . A, . m . vu wiiuiu aypijr ioc jvitneu.tr -vuuanae lor ecDAWlm-itrni1 Sairt-Ve fr ap " 'itiBrwwnsjs us FQTHmRm?2EaiiCHaE OF , .-toother disease is so prevalent in tttiaooon tryaOonsttpatioiana'n remedy has ever eqipga X'iiBT:7Toxt as a onre." Whatever the cause, however obstinate the sa: tills rataedy will overcome it. . ESI I R7C THIS distressinr eom-l BT" quaint is very apt to b oompUcatedwitbtiCmstipation. Kidney-Wort streilgthena- the weakened parts and qniokly cares aU kinds of Kles even when phyaiolans ana meaicmes save Derareiouea. ; - ; : Q. tT-f yea nave ettner or these troables PRlCg. USE Druggists Sell Sb "oo1! i' 'su we fr nrm ; i oct 1 rl'ri'e i a s41p!.i ws v sw . s wj: aoiiis . The newest and best general collection. " Sa newest coUection of the best Piano music I MINSTllET, SONGS.mnAWD NKW. The most popularmelqdiesln the world. r tz's album Ppongs. v v , w SSSSSSSSSSSSfM. t Large mnnbersotth6 bestsomrs. s ? ; h 1 "Y-.'?' lnury Ywa. f raOit WUWHIl! more ldh.it auu tmpa ano.T.mn, sfaffi&nSlri oil Yiaci bn -l.ArTQt. K-va-V. Mji Wf a..!. Ia!.; o-rrrr. c ui- W", BilUUlM.oy, Kilt, ' A TEB KOBWAT tMTJSIO-ALBTJM is a splendid and i' wuifii uuvk, wuu R(ut iorse music ana xtn ." r: nto rhymes, such as LonfffeUow loved and Ole " id'. i-Bull best interpreted, and costs 62.60 rlain.S3 Htv-' in cloub-S4 olLsJiM ..a .is ,. -: . SEND JOB LISTS, describinif tjur attractive and . wopifwf ROOKS OlfV 'MTTRI(?At. T THUD AmTTDC r1$M!& $;ouf, collections of -classical music, .. .as. ovunuw u juuuuk ur aeetnoven tea per Any boomltecf for jkne retail prioe. : 1 iivirs Drrsou & co'Eostoii.. rCfa.DTTSO?f & COW -843 BroadwaTi'Kew York"' YVeo.J3 &W tr . WedtSat r- ielO ' ..vfat in reMorcemenU.;;W .other words,- When such i taVpa id tit Vniilro hti VSrijriTr. nrl ixr att emersencToccur.commenAe a conrseofHos- I taxes is to iraKe ,xne; . consumer I pay the kind in-the - South; 4 agrees with Mr.IIickman J tbaf "theHcotton fac tories ofptba South, as well as .'the producers of cottoni would be greatly oenefited by the total abolition of all H tariff duties.:; Mn j Charles ii,stes PresidenjtfiftbjBf Board of Trustees of the. Ao-gusta Water-Ppwer Canal, ari4presdent I also i of a&oprripanyi which ia now building at ""Augustas a, cotton milt ;atr cost of $1,000,000, no gorily; favors "ihe abolition of I all ; duties .on - cotton goods,' but: prcP qsts ihat"but,f orthe additional cost Of $10O,00a entailed by the tariff 'on; thenrchase"pf DTrr,; m conld have had that amount to. put into additibnal looms, or to add to our working - capital. The saiae 4 gentleman hectares tne .tanri. ;;a posi tive clog npori the developmeni of our cotton' jnanufactbring industries. .Mayorfi Courtenay lof . I Charleston, South , Carolina, f who . is- largely ; in terested in Vjcottonanufacture a3 well :, as: iron, favors the largest modification .'possible in uthed tariff," and thins;rtheybte ohiis;; State would be?S6verwhelmingly Jagainsti protection: General - Phillips, who is building ' " a railroad in" northeast Georgia; j leading to . iron and coal. mines, thoujrh - himself In favor of. protection, says: ; "The fact? is,' the cotton growers of t 'the' South need protection r against' protection, ' our. protection policyhaying led . to . the fostering of the East . Indiincotton crop by JEnglandThe' optton corn and grain interests of Georgia -sp vastly outweigh1' in- importance its .mineralahd nctr interests that birr State niut lalWaytf be in f aVor of the utmost freddorn of trade'.' Other, north Georgia iron men are of opin ion that i reduction 'of J,heVtoriff on iron would materially help them, as ;- competitors U of Pennsylvania iron men! . Mr." nillrnanl'1 President of one of the largest1' pig-iron manu- iaciuring estauiiBumeqiH at XJirmni ham,'jAla4 states that tho average cost- per. ton at his furnace " last year, including""' all charge Was$12.43. The Pennsylvania ciare tnat tney. must . oiow out. ineir furnaces if the prico falls' below $21.50 per ton, the cost of its manu facture beijig estimatj6d'1atl ; -.f rbm $18 to sia per ton.. . ..ence me easy ar gument isnado- that the Alabama iron with an average freight charge of $4 or. $5 per toni can t)-day un dersell Pennsylvania iron; much more would it do so if the ; Penhsylvania manutacturers ; were no longer pro tected.1' Summing up the conclusion is that South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama will remain free trade in sentiment.-; -cJfe t :i INTERNAL REVENUE. ; Echoes from the State Press. "j ' Shelby Aurora. : : i Some advocate its . total abolition with the loss of $126,000,000 annual ly. 'With due deference to the opin ion of - our .Democratic friends, we think that now is not the ' time for its total extinction and a total loss of - $126,000,000 to;, the Treasury, It will not be conducive to the in terests of; the Democrats to remove at once the. whiskey ' tax. Let the whiskey tax' remain. : It is a luxury, and whiskey as now used is tool often a curse, to America,' and the' whiskey drinkers do not- demand its removaL I- We preferto have the tariff reformed and the whiskey itax reduced Let our import taxes on the necessaries of I ,t : r - . Tl At 1 ' me do removea. or tne revenue men we have no lPve. Let th4m! go lectl the whiskey: tax.'- i Xiet the tax be reduced and: the present mode of collection Vb changed. v; ' lhe revenue, system, should be re modeled, and. "the "tariff reduced, but neither should;; lb totally wiped out ac once, ine wnote question re quires good finandieringand unless it lSvdisposed or in an equitable! way the people will disapprove. j CVRRENT COMMENT ' The taxes ' on whiskey, beer and tobacco . are the', easiest' paid of ;any, because every dollar paid bV the consumer... goes I into" t the Jtreasn ry,- the home mahuf acturefhigher prices f or.domesttc articles;; without yield ing any revenue.-; Cincinnati Ga zette, Ben.. . ' ' : 1 ; !' i;: v jrgiiua ,-ueBtres mail tne in ternal revenue tax ttpon tobacco shal be rembvedin order that the amount : of that tax,' which" is hpwpaidj by laose ; wuu cuw,;;pr, BmoKe-tooacco. shall paj?87iritolthe hands of 'the to bacco growess and "manufacturers of Virginiaji jeniis'iyanii sqtiite wilI-: ihg,toalloTO people in, this: wayjif Yirginiairi turn, will help Pennsylvania rob the iA,i .t a.2. is..i.-fi!i pcojio, uy means P,li a. .AUIgn , . taTius ChQrl&t6n2 Dem. --Biitvit is true.Mr; Kelley is not a protectiohist in the sense of . .-a.. -..'- : i ; 3'-- ' ' . . t ' t uruteutiQjr ait 1 domestic capital ana labor against the competition of for uut tr-i tectionistbnly.,i.n con nebtibn with notT protecting, but enriching at the ' con sumer's 'expense' a. few gigantic mo nopolies. . He !' is the' especial sub- porter of the ships of John .Roach, which f driy.e -.AmericaQ r commerce from the oceabf andivpf cthb "steel of the Bessemer steel monopoly, which declares annnal dividenolsbf seyenty'- seven per cent, k HewtintrConsrress i luh ; Hunnon.p.r- nr nvprv Rnpmai . in. terest which amasses annuaUv enor 1 1 - . i ' -.1 : m i ujuus lonunes ; irom- tne tanir, PbUadelphia Telegraph Jtep: , y-'r- Oxford: fflree ZaneerCat. Ste phen Terry died at his fesidence near Wal. ' n .i il I A . f, , . uu u(uve, vrranvuie county,: ory ineseay secern Der Otn, 1882. . Agea tx years.? At the late session bf the! Methodist Hnn f ereoce the question of divisibi?rs again brought up- end a contlmittee iappointcd to report upon it. Ther oormmteecreoorted. recommendihg that the Annual Conference oi- ioo appoint s committee; v oraw up tuaa toriae amsion rt&e uonzarence,; to ue reporua at t&e session or lSia. u U I w MP" P il r3coinpo of HtrbaJ and, lluoiiagmous ipeotorates tlio acrid matter i UiuteSIScts ill the ronchialiJbes. and forms a t UooUHns oatlngi rmch reveres tba ir- sitattottW cao.es ihveough. ''It cleanses " the lnnes oral 1 Impurities, strengthens ; Vtixtm wtoesx emfoebledL by dlae-invigor ates the circulation of tho blood, and braces the : nervons system: Slight eolda often end in. eaarainptioa, ltl4 danfxerevn to neglect - them. Apply the remedy promptly A' ' ; Mt of twenty yita. warrants the asseruon hat4 -? noremcdThaaewer leen fonnd that it ; prompt inibwtfeotsftsTUTTS EXPECTC8AH t. - A. line le dose raises the phlegm,ubdutj - obstinate eongh; ApleasaMt cordial, eUU- dren tshe it mdUy. ,XottToup..M h xaram aoto nna snsma iw in cmrj kuuu. - - In ase.snd isoTtiea if AOTrrJlRECTLY O H THE LIV , Cure chilis sd Fcverj" JDyspepsia, Sick Head acbe IslUons Collc,CusUpa-' tion, Blieumatism, Ipiles, PalnltatlOBof r. t!ie Heart, Iixxiiess, Torpid Jliver and Female IrregttlarlUes. If you do not lfeet;' teryrel1,wasi!ne till stimulates the stomach .IWtoresihdhppetitt.lmparts vigor to the systemi A KOTEO DIVIHE SAYS: '' - 1u..Tutt: X3r Sirt For ten years I hawI iweh a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation snd ;V 1'iles. Last spring y our pills "were recommended -. j to me; JL used them (butwith little faith). 1 1 am ; novr o-well man, hare good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gene, and-1 have . gained forty pounds solid floah. They are rorth Cifirveightinfinld.'?:: K1' :. . EEV.B.I SIMPSON, lonisvffls,Ky. Offleci S!5 lrninray St;', Pfew Iork.s jrJtr TUTT'S MANCAIi of Usefisl) t, "Seeetpts FldX on appUsstton- ) , ? jnne 18 DAWiTvi'sn-we fr nrtn jo 18 ' gATe&Si K o tt S 3 & lf i 3 3 A I ri gts S3a S 3-o.r. a sa 2 Us ?2 6tsS Hi 2 Ma CO 5 n 33 : .aLSSW June30DWly 85O,O0OFOR 02. r:f;-as:-.5.is,r.i: jiai.ia Af . AA'lUAUUlllilAU X jSOLIDAY DEAWilTG . f -.OF THB Hi '" :. ,!'-'; In the City of LonisrQIe, on ' Satiirday, Dec. "3d, '82 I tThese Drawinirs occur on the last dav of each month (Sundays excepted). .$50000 Capital Prlss- this nienth osiy Kepeated adju dication by Federal and State Courts has placed tins company Deynna tne controversy or tne law, To this Company belones ihe sole .honor of hav ing inaugurated the only plan by which their nra wings are proven nonest ana xair peyona question. . - : -- s " - V N.B. THE COMPANY HAS NOW Otf BAND A LARGE CAPITAL. RESERVE ..FUND. iREAD CAJtKFDL.l.X THE LIST OFFRIZES FOR, . i , . .. - THE DECEMBER DRAWING: I '? 1 Prize... ..$50,000 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 1 Prize. 10,000 800 Prizes I 60 each ? 10,000 .t Prize...... 800 COO Prizes.,. 80 eaob.: 12,000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 each : 10,000 SO Prizes 60010.000 '.. I --- ' 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes, $2,700 . rnzes xieacn, , l.auo Prizes 100 each. I!"" " , 900 1,960 Prizes. ..- - .., $183,400 - wnoie i iuaets, nair ncKets, 51. SI Tickets, $3a .- 65 Tickets. $100. Remit Money by Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express.. DON'T SEND BY -REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, bV Express, can be sent at onr expense.-"Address all orders to R. M. BOARDS MAN, 4ConrjewpnrnaI Buildlng-J. LOUISVILLE, n.entucKy. v -. - -, deo t eod Aw t . , ttt tb sa 1. Parker's HAtRrBSiSAH; The Test, Cleanest and most' Economical Hair Dressinat.- 'rv - - r; ; 'MerratlstBEestore-' the youthful tolor'ttj prey aair. , 50c ana.fi szcsat dnrggbta. llorestflu .Colore, Jj ' A new ftnJ mm&ualj rra- v rnuit awl uutisg pvluuM. met rSSal 16tt MEWS A tun Family Bedldne that Kev6r lotiucatss. ,.- If voti are mechanic' or iarfPCb worn'. out with 5 overwork, or a mother ran rlown by family or ho use hM A..:-m T) a 'l'... , If vott are a lawver. minister or business nan ex hausted by mental strain or anxious caresdo -not take intoxicaUBjj stimulants, 'but tise PABksfe's Ginger Tonic..-,". : ' ', V- Tf you have Dvsoeosia. Khetimaustn, Kidneviox I Urinnnr Comnlamts. or if vou are troubled with anv I disorder of the lungcstoinach. bowels, blood or nerves 1 you can be cured by barker s oinckb a onic. 4.- If vou are was tine away from aee.' dissinanon or I any disease or weakness and require a stunulant take I P-i.-a .. ' ... a : ...:n . : ... ; A.1 U.-Il A VA ,..vjrn AVmi ill , It Will IIIVIgUlillB MllU UUlIU you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of hyes it may save yours. HISCOX A CO.a 1SS WniW St.. New York. Uc ul I oo datlar iixct, stall 4mlr m medKWft. ; . j GREAT SAVING BtmXa DOLLAR SIZE. '.' BBBBBSBBBSBSSaBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBSaBBSBBBl ... -. y - my 80 D&W1T, ;.'a th M ' C ch .te. y, , H ew Crop HsOHolassBS & Carolina Eica ': 1. - ' 2- jsj swa mlv vvA'4-asi . i 100 Bbl ?filld SIjaA:lJ v 100 TTrii.a oti1 Phil P "R VflT.AaSTia . aljf 1 ..(.!,. I .. , A- ' . - A. 200 Boxe f029 1111(1 CAKES, " ' ?nfi Poos CANNED GOODS - Jj XUU Y i . and RAISINS, 1 " 200Bas"fiBOT L ; "t . Q Cases and Tlerees LARD, f l J It "1 deotDA'wff orDUPOIJT'aPOWDEK ?t nAUi rjvannAtiLkl For Oalo of lease, A STEAM ATV AND GRIST; MILL, situated' on ijoexwooa's Folly a- t: BopdIv KO Bnuswiolc Co- TS.:bXA 90 I fill S T V - a a s 5 32 5 8 Iff 7 snirsM-rBaaffsS GlfJGER xvi voi, luuuimuk wuxitj, t- wilb ootu' me. lfa ere Slants and . i.Vo xurtner articuiars ano.rePs '-i-.'.-tT' section, 'aricl -trticularlT -'witlr i vi .t'f.:--l . 1.,., rt " M' W MXITITITIV' f. .nil llnk.-r. ai . Ilotice. I STATS OF I0AE0LINA-:' - . .r yi." - t" " f - -1 . V " - - ONSLOW COUNTY. SUPJ2U0I COUET. : Abram N. Sandlin. ' '. -7 Plaintiff,' - " Apalnst Robert W. Sandlin and others; Defendants. - NellySandlinrSarah' Sandlin," Bobert Sandlin, ana Lewis Sandlin, some of the defendants in the, above entitled action, arer hereby, in pursuance of an order of . Court, made therein, notified as follows: . - . .. , - . r v j, .r f . - vf.;;-;-; it ; . v - ' . i.' That tbe'.pTirpose 0f said action is to procure a' JudOTienlf for the .sppciScf performance toy the defendants rof sn alleeed contract for the non- fTeyanoe to tbe plaintiff by; Henry H. Sandlin, now1 us. 'that relief be for anv-eabao- mfiisnrl- .fnr mlm bnrsinit tlie plaintiff certain payments made by him on account of the -purchase money and for his improvemente onsald land. . .j ' ,-. --; . Teat they are required to be and appear be ; fore the Jndeeof the Superior Court, to be held for said oounty .of Onstow, in Jacksonville, on the sixth Monday after the first Monday in March, iAiD.-1883; and then and there to answer or demur : to thecomplaint therein, filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court, at. PjU -Term. An lftft m. ' if they fail to -so answer or demur the plaintiff wui. appiy 10 -tne turt xor tne reuet aemanded Jn the complaint. ,-, ti t-i . j 7xf')li'jC 0' ti " """ ' " SiSf "f'V! : t -rVy f Glyen under my hand and the seal oj 4 easir. f said Court, this the sad day of October, i:: -. -4- 7 Lr-JT'l'-V A. U.'UUOOINS, ' ''..."rifA-JW a a, a f .. : i& nova W6tf weravit vue oupenor tonn . ' -' :- ; of Onslow County. ..;..... . . . rresmer.t ...V.-iVice President .s . ... . . J ;aehle r Isaac Batks.., .... , & 1. Waixaok..; ; -1 K. : Bkasff ITew 'Hanover. CAPITAL PAID IN S35O.0P0 jfATiTpdttiziij) iC ait - si-bdotooo I-1 St '5 -DIRECTORS . lihelnstelD, of.' Aaron, "fiheinstein, i V wrwiUiamsof 'Wlir A liams A Marehlsoa i'ion. .R. It. Brlduere, Pres '-W. tfe'W. K. ft. 4L' Vcllersrof r Adrian- , jVollere. - . .t r . 'no.' W..-Atkinson. : v fsasc Biter. ' 1 - ' '' Jas. A - iMk, of Wade- .. Borden, of; tioldsi . bon N; 0. s , " tS.Mcltae. . v. f S3- 1 ). M. Stedmsn President 'U1..' ,i 1-.'.: -;' 3 ji.i 1 a ) K. B.BoE&kj.t, n ftli.Hr. ft nn Dnnn sVt K. P, Movkix Presiirtenh. w uuiauuuiu uiauuut Cashier.:- DIRECTORS: : B. B. BordenWiTT. Falrcloth, W. F. Kornegsy ; Bdmnnrhwro, HemeA "WolU ' - ; pdWaiari Branciisf . ..'.V DIRECT6Ki ' ' J. A Lealt.R.T. Bennett. G, W! Little, J. V: Marshal A V . : Issues Certificates of Deposit besrlnff interest. Is authorized bj ; Charter : to receive on deposit. monevf held in trust by (Executors, Adnunistrators, Guardians; &cV&c,'&c. -. Strict atteationtrtveii, to the. orders and requests of onr country Wends by mail or otherwise. . " tiov IrWwtT- '. ', -; . 4. EAESES1IIILI0N ! .,,.Fm Qiao's Balsai of SM's Oil . posrrrvELY restores the hearing, ane( -.f IS TU tiSt.Y ABSOJL.UTJS CUKB FOR f:?;-.-i.v DEAFNESS. KNOWN, .-i . : Ihla Oil is abstracteafroni peculiar species of small WHmstjHARK, caught in the Yellow Sea, Known as vabchakodoh hokdkletti. nvery unr BeBe fisherman knows lt. Its virtues as a rvstrt- rative of hearing was discovered hy a Buddhist raest aDont tne, year 1410. .its cures were souu 'merous and many so seeminelv miraculous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over -the en tire Empire. v Its, use became so universal that Tor over SOD years no deafness has existed among the Chinese-people. iiSent, charges prepaid, to any aaaress, at i.uu per ootue. ' : - .Hear What, the Deaf Say. It baa performed a miracle in mv case. : . .1 have no unearthly noises in my bead and hear innca Deiuir. . - . - I have been rreatlv benefited.' ' 1 1 1 i My deafness helped a great deal think another oome wyi cure me; y- t . a-1 : '- . :x.l . 1: : . "Its virtues are TqtrEsriOAAsiAB and its ccba Tiva CHASACTEB ABSOlIaCTK, .AS THB "WBITEB CAK 7BK80SAlXX:TESTtrr, BOTH FBOX SXPBRIENCS AKD obssevatios.i, Write at. once i to Hatlock & jBiofSTi 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing $1.00, and you win receive by return a remedy . that will enable-yon to -near like anybody else, and whose curative effects wiU be permanent. . You win never-regretjo;otog so." Editor o Mkb- -a er To avoid loss in the Mails, please send money Dy jx&bimeiw.o IaETTkb. , Only imported by HATLUCK Sc STENfiVTSt, ooJaE aoehts roa amebic a. octoWlyf, 7 Dey St.. N. Y, ANDJNFWSQADFR WANTED T!A V a. 1 Ja a ' a-L , aJ.,' , a . a iiaiucr .auy or Kcutieuuuj, in every city, town, or precinct not already represented, to furnish the xAmmmjyei0 AicAaare-with prompt and reliable:. reports 01 au venis ana-pews 01 importance political news, amusement notes, crop prospects, society events, labor iteins: snortinsr news. nr. sonal mewtiorv railroad news, accidents, literary matter, etev Previons pxperlenoe not necessary. Position permanent; pay liberal, and every privi- ; V5S -ujoy eu tonueviep. ,fp , iaj5: proieBSion. 1 nvDfi 1 tinnrs ., 'ni ' t : awjm v jfw a .u;rtantisi !' rf a5 iW- th,St Clsteianatl, 6..;-- . i,, Newspapers supplied at.iavhrabte- rates witb i full particulars of any event? transpiring in, any part of the world. Correspondents detailed, for special -work at -v moment's notice. Branch offices in all the principal cities. kiUot 3 W4t m i6l AnimportirA -bV; 'COvfery, iiv- Yvhirvh1 every tanniv m.-. f !give their linen"? that beautiful tin- ish pecuHa r to fine liunAry worlc;;ifi 1. r , i Akyonrrocer. aT.B;,DOBBllTg.'rIhIladelohia. PaJ . - L S For sale, iWholesale and It 1 , Zl RetaiL bv AT1T1T AM " VOLLER8..- P. BRIDGERS & CO. and J. a , 8TEVENSONJ -.aofi Peod&WlT i,,'-tuthsa , - dec 24 "iiWisiA VAirJii1?"!? -TOI3S to " applicants, and to cuh-' " Tomersaflyejrithontoraermg-it It contain" ' I Vi' A" .r A s ' "VISlWW OUU A SWT V A 1 1SSfe a'Jteifsttif, eepeo- ,D.M. FERRY Ccd. tROlT MOH tuKIiAirv 1a3 ) f ix: .FPBLrsHEbWEEKLTAT -Tt Jiis 4 lari-e anT&cteaslfnff cfroulation in the heart of the Pee Dee -eountry, the best Cotton section of the two States.1 w a 'Oeslrabie medium or oommnnloatloti Farmers of this those of Vsrtnn fa thAMflM tli A mn.w , ucau, uub ra,Lo.Qr Baia eouniy. ana state, or cer ; tain lands to! said .oOMty, therctofora conveye i by deed to: said Henry: H. Sandlin from Starkey JS. Koten and wifet 1 dated; , August 4th; 1680: or. If t DOBBIHS'vrSTARC 11-03 -f i:rinitrT ' FWs tfiiJ !.,; - r ruu Aii.oi.iKim 1 vrnnriAi ir U.O uflineas en pr w.iimAiigTon. . -.sjof Ve.tf ''h -T&s&ggtgt, , - I--1L AAAVA WAAA-W "l Jlmaupplies.f Fireworks of all Kinds ICTTTS HAISINS. CUKKdHls, C1XKUN. iKO., e1 Malaia grapes, 'Apples,- Oraiil-.;k- f ietehQuliiceXamsoii8 r ,'. 1 1 - r - ' ' r t . , AN OTHER . .i ( 'VARIETIES PRESERVES. ; i A-- "fie Finest Assortment of Ever Exhibited In viiminffion. 'V ROYSTER'S -'CANDIES ; aie better than all others Twenty varieties Pure, :s v and Freah tot the Holidays, $ .'- " - 50 Cents per Pound. . Call and see onr Stock .of Fireworks, Canaies and other Xmas Goods before pnrohasin. . P: I. : Bridgers :&6 Co. -AFTER Electric sDollancet are seat es 30 Days? Trial TO MEfJ DULY, Yourio CR OLD, sir ho are snfferms; from Kxsvous Dsbiutt, VY Lost VrrAUTT, Lack, or Msbvr Foacs ass Tioos, Wasimo WsaChbssks. sad all those diseases of a Psasoif ax, JIatusb resulting from Abuses and Othbb Causss; Speedy relief and oomplete resto ration of Hsaltb,vioob and Uamhoob au aba steed. The Krandest dlaeovary of the Nineteenth Century. Bend at ones for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address T fBlTAIS BUT CO., HABSHALt, HI8H. iang f Deod&Wly . , tu th sat aug8 . THE DAILY STAR! OLDEST DAILY PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA I C fTIMK DAI1T MOBSWB STAB, A FIRST-CJxASS DEMOCRATIC NK WSPAPEB, 'published at the following low ,1? KATES OF sCBSCRlPTIOIti One Tear, postage paid,. Six Months, . Three M M .... One - " " . " 97 00 A' .AAA. . A . . - 4 UO a re .... 75 7 THE: DAILY STAR Contains full Reports of the Wilmington Mar - ket s, Telegraphic Reports of tbe Northern and European Markets, and the Latest . Ueneral Sews, toy Telegprapb anfl , T. . sf ailA, from all parts of the World. A.. Urgest 0AILY CIRCULATION In the STATE !: :wm- a: bsrNaArd,' , ; r Gorres Pi opbistos. ': Jl-:x'-r':f ' Wilmin ton, N. C. t-i. ITotice. STATE OF kORTH CAROLINA - .ONSLOW COUNTY. ; . ' ' ? SUPERIOR CO URT. David Newman and Martin fNewman, partners ..under the name and style of U. Newman & Son, " - - suing in behalf of themselves and all other ere- . Jb a, n. v. . aa . T a-.. . tjuwn 01 w.sosepn nang,j,. j fiamtins, Richard Nixon,, Executor of KT. Joseph Ring, !i and others; .-e -"- Defendants. re Ann M.Burgan sand her husband Frank Bur- gan, two or the defendants in the above entitled . action, are hereby,, in pursuance of an order of vun maae tne rein, notinea as follows t - nat tne purpose f said action is to procure . a construction by the Court of the will of W. Jo seph King, and a due and lawful application, nn oer the direction of the Court, Of his estate to the jymentof his debts,' legacies, devises. Ac. i " -ttheyAare-reqniredto be and appeaT bei .fore the Judge of the Superior Court, to be held for the County .of Onslow; ;lu Jacksonville, on the-sixth Monday after the first Monday in March,-A- D. 1883, and then and- there to answer or aemur to . tne complaint therein, duly filed in the1 office- of the Clerk of said Court, at Spring - ciui, a. u. 100s, ana u iney isit so TO answer or demur thei plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint - l Given under my hand and and the seal of bkaju V said Court, this the 23d day of Octoi ) A. D. 1882. t u r,t T .A- C. HU66INS, " - r-.- 0161,1 of the Superior Court noy t W6t' h vpf Onslow Connty MeildassoliiiVPiimb Co. 'Gmifllfcfor tlie next 60 iafffily; iiBfj$2iS: J v Ai, Aui V - " i' 1 n'inM J..'-y J..-.--. ' --2 a - V' PIANO STYEE oiS'X gantly finlshedV.3. Strings, t 1-3 Oeta-ves. full parent -Cantante 'agraffes, our new patent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine and large fancy, moulding, full iron frame, French flrand Action, Grand Ham mers. In fact. everV Improvement wnch can in' any way tend to the perfection of the Instrument t37"OUR PRICE 'TOR ''THIS" INSTRUMaESNT, ..iJUXIH AISU U1SUI VUKKU OJ UOAKD CARS AT COVER.STOOL AND BOQKAjONLY ElZ4bO.UU Just reduced from our late WHOLESALE. FAO ixnx rtava, yv&yior4u days ONLY. This is now, by far, the; GREATGST BARGAIN ever offered the musical public. Unprecedented sue. cess ! ' Tremendous demand for this style 1 Send In your order at once. Do not lose this rare ot portunityj.:'T .-,-1 1?- , .j-; 5. rsiuti i.-t -. This Piano will be sent on 15-days test triaL Please send reference If you do not send money with order.'-eASH SENT WITH ORDER WILL BE REFUNDED AND FREIGHT CHARGES PAID BY US BOTB WAYS IF PIANO IS NOT JUST AS RKPRES ENTED, Several other special Bargamsf PIANOS,$160 UP.i OverlS.oOOfa use andNOT pNEpiSSATISFIED; PURCHA8ER x Don't f afl to write ns before bnvinir.. itstk, mnatya Piano Catalogue, mailed free, giving the highest wBciiuuuiais ever.awaraeo any riano mannfactu peFvrSS,7ralBO warranted for five years. ' SGS. MUSIC at one-third, price.- Catalogue t)f 8000 choice pieces of popular Music for 8-oent stamp. "t MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., oct6Wly P.aBox 2368, New York City.' 1FEBTIiiZEES. It! ".1 :1 HO A Ton UEN tl ESAINIT, - - 1f.nftr o ACffl fHCSPHATB. i 100 1 v f prrnsF -1 Akin waftfr . ''-Tofsaloby' Chacr. attoitliLC? Ca. dss X DAWtf - ... 0 QE 4 1 f u css a osss tuts a uu uitb moiM ,., . a m s tlms and then have them return T.!? ton 7 cal core. I haw muds tho dlaease of S'licPW or FAIaLUO 8ICKNE8S a Ufe.toS?LPT1T8, sM remedy to enr-th worst u. 5 fallrnl I na reawm for not now nJ.i im .rl. aa. f.lT & fcmtlAMt .Iwl A Y.. lui BOtiU n for atrial, and I will cura t ll i Aaonw nr. i. u. aoOT, lss i P,, a. WasDn t Hami for sixteen Tears: no r.rn,li 3 Aioltuir m fnutui mml n y,.. . , ""Van NT.T A I HaIVI nnilLVDD BnffiAt . uni power, with best quaUty, for Donmt!!?? secular music m schools or famiiUo .J - AimlllllldrMl nlA. .T . - Qn iRTS. 7S. S96. KI . 114 ssfm " W .73, $78, $96, $1 J $114 to $500 and lLh for easy payments. Hew liliJf AlriO for easy payments. rise MASON St HAHTI.tiv I Piano CoW 164 Tremont street. IW J 14th fitreetr (Union Square), Kew pawn Avenua, ymcago. Thi. Old! Wftll-TriPd xtr rM : 1 "UUQeni t- HtalthrfIeEemedieiI Stronss SansttiTe Piiu fn. .v. . I speedy cure for. Liver Complaint RMmiSl Bowels, Pirrifyine the Blood. ciRMN larial Taint. : A Derfcct f nr fof.,' Stronc's Peetoral mils insure W, PfiiWi gwKi uiesuon, regularity of thrk;1 A sure-remedy fer Colds and ftwr1. precious boon to delicate femairi ing ana Bracing me nervous system. inPl vigor and health in every nbre ofthebodA by Druggists. For PamDhtets, etc., addS, 656, New lor City.1 ; ... Q4t I bave a positive remedy for tbe above dinua VI lss thousands efcaaegor the worn kind and oTlj Kandlng have been eared. Indeed, bo strong; it mt 1,1 In its emcacy, tnat 1 win lennTWO BOTTLE fssi ..totrMher with a V U7ABLB TKKATISE on h,u to an aofferor. "Give Expreu and P. O. addrwT , , ,. T. Jl. StOCOJt, 181 Pearl 8t,N, Newspaper Advertis'g Bureau, 10 Sprarajts estvoV DEMOEEST'SIllTistraed M05TE " Sold by all Newsdealers and h, masters. Send Twenty Cents fi uui'iviuisi-- ' ruuuauen, 1 7 rourieeuiu sireeit new xora. ETTne New Volnmc (19) mences wltn November. Send 1 vsiiiv a 9 ivr uireo 11.10111118 it wilim lars for a year and set ten tins f aloe.' "t- ' f novWklur : t j MONET 1HAK.1NG. A tabulaUin ment showing how $200 realized $.7! days only $27,0u0 in- one year at same ma highly lucrative-English System of TnrfSws tlon. Also particulars of how each reads j test the above: v Systematic Investment ted at (he coming Savannah and New (Met Races, Jockey Mounts, etc. Profits ratnm . weekly, with charge of 10 pe r cent, from winnk Betting on English Derby, the greatest 3 yenf race in the world. $50 will realize $1U)j with win. - Send stamp for our Racine Guide. EC, ARDSON & CO., 116 to 420,1 Washington St,5 cago,- iU. , - j deoUDtfflit AWord -taOiir Eeadei When you read of a medicine that will cms diseases, beware of it, for every scientific rb; clan on earth knows now. fallacious such su ments are. But when you lead of a media compounded by a regular physician and surset or nign stanamg, tnat eiauns to cure oniyici taindlse sease, and famishes high proot tnatnoa this; you can safely try it, and with the smmn i, ana wuu uie hhsu DR. V. R STONE mat vt wiu oure you. physician and surgeon of the U.S.A., bas pis before the public a preparation caiiea ! '''- - ;' iAPEPSIA ! ! which no doubt is the greatest "scientific m ration yet discovered for the cure of dyspeps in all its forms, and refers to thousands of ladi and gentlemen of .the highest respectability th .have been cured of cases pronounced tncraii by the best physicians in the country til lowing references should be sufficient to warine the most sceptical. - -s . ' Mr. Albert Howard, of the Howard W&tt u Clock Co., 114 Tremont street, Boston; Ftkm Smink. business manager Reading Iron Wort Reading, Pa.; Moses Thompson, Thurlow.PM & W. R R.: Miss Kate 8. Vulard, Seminole, M Capt Geo. M. Weymouth, Savannah, Ga;0 rence & Connerat, .Savannah, Ga. They furnii the best of references from every State tot Union when reouired.. Write then at liWlen St.. Philadelphia, Pa. i . AH first nlsuw drnirtrlsts have it. mhlBDAWlT ; i ' . mhlf B?BuTK and sear th Isog zperlcneaia otuius diacaaea ot the Blood, Skli Bosea.-Kervss- IeM0y. Impoto, U'tw' Weaksess. ChwnThosiiPSrBjaUItlo tod Monte Affeettona speeisOly tres-twT oa Miendtte pruopa : vith aatb and nira reawdiea. Tall or write tor Lis ofQart , Staoa to ba aaawoicd by thoas taring treatmmtbj' att. (FanoBasaffwlac from Raptiuie should wnd thebkMna and lean MMwUtair to their KftBte. UbaatatraW Asdreos, SR. BCTT8, 1 Ar 8th St, St !,, s E8TAP' ,tangp OVEB s 1BT Y Ygasa 90rll TION8- for the speedy ears of Sorrow sj Fhyaieal SebUity.. Loot Vitality, Dmpo""??!' nAnA,.4AM aa T.tu.. ...I it. wIiaIii train 01 Vf . Vmil.1M U. aumj IWU .AAA. A- AA -A. . orders - brought on by Xndiaorotloa and xum Any DrneiriBt has tbe ineTeaienta. . ,77 Addcess DR. JTAQCK & CO., J ' . .- 130 West 8ixth8ucicnwiArr r, A CENTS WANTED FOB TBI -4 Grand Holiday CsilX Kook, MOTHER. HOME AM HEAVEH. A richly ILLUSTRATED BOOK of singular be A riAm n v 1. . v.i(vi Daot Ant tiara. J2 larged and newly electrotyped. A book for bp Home and Fireside; appeals to every taste, j Fast Everywhere, alike fast in town and co tay Endorsed by Press, Clergy and PeoP: rare chance, to MAKE MONKY. Send for ten B UC1UU1. lAlLBllltUlV UT Umi . .t.l ana rail description to N. D. THoansu 0. Publishers, SU Louis Mo. . .- - . ninniytETTEDY co., bm . PR3F.HARR18' PASTILLE I Vm Mm and other. "2 I rram Rerron and rhractl W Iitj, Freaiataro Exhiimw tbdr ana daamT eon4a fcuctr ma. kwublt w"i ; -. rL -a i.4iMii. a T Eetaedyto pot ap la boxaa. o.i (lmxhit a awAJ : S (epooyfa tooffnot.CTir, irnlMi tnmrero.l: SaMinCthreOIIUHIthak AT- (teat In mail I. aiaia WIWO r quickir I ""--' -ftrlMlojaiiiBiaaj wit Bai rABphfctdoen- uiuiiUHHtud BodoofeanaaBt sealed oa w ! XnilL'ILESElF. 7 A favoritA MiwdiMi' nf ens of J '' p6 noted and sueeeasful specialtots in tbeD UfOWiredy for thecureof osfs Pe , peftatamhooa, tftmfetmm aud .Oees.?? ' lu plain sealed envelope --. irusKlstscaa'1' t 'Address OR. WAR3 & Ca. tWulsoa. ' June KID&Wty f . V, tn th sa Jr. SasliBpprs, Bliiids, t, - v '5f ? , r Manufacturer and Dealer in it BTJllDnTG;;;mTEEIAl ;-,WS,a ITT. TTTVTifl Ormeital Woof it ail Stair r A SPECIALTY. C' r dct8D&Wtf- . Hi A; v STEDIIAH; J r.i AttoTiiey gLnd CoiiwUbr at Xa' sU JZ ABETHTON, f BLADEN COUNT x. JomtTniiUJn,WBAo hnildlng oocnp w Rlnaldi Co.. . -t.- w- s . -v t'r .i.. urns of tioo and. upwards- made, for lTV,r r' . .-1 . :i. Tttaau..i fiMwil. OemVllf . without -suit. PwtwtuAf ; PeTiaii ipiciltsjal Wow Address A. BTIAlAfj r --A; r s.,. sasse. eo. a specialty. WSP6 V v V.

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