The Weekly. Star. IN NO FEAR OF TUB ORGAN j CaroilJB .EdM' Speak bla A Nortli J ? Scotland Neck Commonwealth., 1 nt :. -rr: State i Demoerati cj k i'l HA V I rri II Id Convention has declared. in iavor tn abt?Hhing all internal revenue taxes. Th-proposition' literally , stated, aTmronts- ta- this: The, -people pfj Virginia prefer a tax upon the ne-j cessaries oi life rather than g ,tax upon the . luxuries. .This may be; . sound political1 sagacity; but we are disposed to douDt it. ( to be virtually a declaration in favorj of a big tariff ; for the Government is? obliged to-havtrrevenue from some sonrceJ and if whiskey, tobacco, snuff,; and cigars are not made - to bear a t r v.n Kni-Ana. then it seems - J W 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 t l IUls v - m l . to us that a high tariff, follows as an incvitaoic cousequeuw. - vr of collecting tnese mwruai i uoa been so odious that the people are hardly prepared to reason on this nmnnratie Dartv to cease ' yielding to expediences and superficialmea- may come thereof. , . . ;-' . 5 It is impossible for the ..human mind to conceive of greater dangers n. nnr Aniintrv than those tbe con tinuance of a high protective, tariff th reatens The more generally , the; wealth of a country is scattered rtho more liberty there is in that country y j;flfilt ia tn fnrm. com-1. me iuuic uuuvuin mu . r binations to oppress; less corruption, is there: more virtue, more manli ness, more Independence is there. , So the only wise thing to do is to put tne great -struggling wuiug. of mankind on an equal footing so' far as can be done, by the enactment of just laws thai ' will bear equally ttjton all by the repeal of the pres ent unjust,---.oppressive, iniquitous monopoly -fostering tariff law. . The primary and fundamental object of taxation is to raise means necessary to carry on the government.; The taxes ought to be "so arranged as to bear equally upon every indi vidual and every industry. Revenue,; then, being the only object of taxa-f tion, we should take the best, and most expeditious modes of raising the most taxes with the least oppre s-j sion to the people. How can these: results be best attained ? I -' By a low tariff for revenue that will permit thei importation of foreign commodities,' thus creating competition; or by a high protective tariff - that will ex clude importation, thus aiding mo nopolies ? ' By the One . method, an abundant revenue can be raised, and the burdens will be light. By the other, revenue can oe raised, out n will be an unjust extortion from the people. In our judgment, it - low tariff can only be brought about by tlte retention of the Internal Revenue taxes, w ' 1 : . . I It is useless to say that the system of collecting these taxes cannot be done in a way more satisfatory to the people. It is Useless for one part ' c 1. v i. and acrimonious in the discussion of "this subject because the other part sees fit to express its vieios. We . see . no reason for strife and ' harsh lan guage. Why not denounce a per-j -son for his relisriousviews as well as for his convictions on this subject? i ne one wonia De as reasonaoie as the oth er. We think . the peopl e shouloTbe enlightened upon this sub ject as well as upon any other. We do not profess to be infallible, nor tq be wise above what is written. We recognize the fact that the .majority! rules. We are Democrats. Wheri the people speak through their repref : sentatives in convention assembled they are with us,, we shall be better pleased and much rejoiced; if ; they arc not, we will be pleased 'still, and inp. tmu. nnr. tpj.i. nne.'nn.Ti.i.rij tnnrsp. rnr ' j j-- - "..r- r' . having advocated what our judgmen t - O XV (M(C(C VJ CO try lib . v,3 CAROLINA. I Tne Star Indorsed Change tne Sy- . ' TltTolioth rStv l?..ln : ' ' It is not always our good "fortune y to be able to agree with the editor of .;the-STAE, but our tariff views are ' more on thi3 question within the past per, in the State, at least any: that . any particular hobby it is alow tariff, adjusted so as to meet the legitimate - expenses of the government. Our views, concisely stated, are: V A tariff' for revenue only mbney on imDorts to run . the-. r?overnment.-- uuiic iui tuc cuiibuuicui; ui lUUIIUULr t lists-and only so much tax'for reve- L - nue as mav be neoessarv a fter the. 'in. j . j j -- . T ; ternal revenue taxesm shall have been annlied to that end. - - i VV . ;L the internal revenue Ataxies; The present system of collection is iustl v odious and pernicious and ; should be chanired, but let the tares stand'! Wc fail to realize the great benefits that will come to , us from cheap ; r- ijirsivj auu. tuuauuu " - c are Will cles, for the purposes of revenue ; but aru unwilling to pay-, tribute oh our bats and coats and shoes and salt and sugar and other necessary arti ; cles to greedy corporations and grasping monopolists. - v J 1 REDTTCFITTTFI TA vusnvFrrw . ; NECESSARIES FIRST. )-. : Washington Post,.Dem. ' The Philadelphia Times advocates the abolition of f the ? liquor taxes. The Post will defer its, advocacy o f such a "reform" until We can W reduction of the cruelly oppressive tuxee yn ine aosoiuie necessit.iia of life. , y .i i .f --! I i u. c j ? -i :u - --FLUID. XL A Household 'Article for XTnlTf rsl ?.T io TypHold reyir'r, Dlpbterla, SaU-t r" ration, tVlcerated Sore Throat, Small ' Pox, Mea&les, nd UJ SiasBctc3 U ContarfcrBS Ddseases. . Persons -raidne oit - the Sick should ixse it finely. '. Scatter Ft w has V-n Vnnwa tn snread wbcre tne V liua wu used. Yellow Fever has been cured with k sites hlack vomit bad taken place. wors nwnfnirihtheriavieldtoit. ' Fevered and SlckPer-' SMAIXj-PO;:;; " " sons - fireshed and r." "Bed Sores prevent lr ed by bathing with , ' : Darbys Fluid. . , . 'Impure Air tnade '"' harmless and purified. For Sore Throat it is a v ' cure cure. - Contaerlon destroyed; t ' For roted Feet, ChDhlams, Piles i ii f ChaSng8, etc - - Bhenmatism cured.- ' rlSoft White Oompl Ions secured by its us, y Ship Fever prevented. , - To purify the Breath, '- - Cleanse the Teeth, , " " it can't be surpassed.. . Catarrh relieved, and cured. - ''' "' ?-v Erysipelas cured. prv- Burns relievedinstaatly : Scars prevented.: 7? 3Pvsentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured.' , , r - i ' An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, c Stings, etc i I used the Fluid during PTTTINQ of Small ; Pox PBKITEliTED . A member of nry &m- t; Oywas j taken f wkh ' t Small-pox;. , J used the, 1 Fluidj the patient Was ! not deliriousii was not.; t pitted, and;was; about : the house again in three I ;' weeks, and ; no i others i ; had it. l.W Parkk.i IK5QM JHHlirUlllii., FrvjSnteL s; The physicians here, r ose Darbys Fluid very. successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. ' A. STOtiBHWBHCK. ioJi r . Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Vf)Lf Cholera prevented. . Ulcers 'purified' and, '. healed.' i; . -In oases off Peath it ' . should be used about ""the corpse.-r-it will ' prevent any unpleis- antsmelL! . -fl-. The eminent Phy slcianyJ. MAJSION -: SIMS,-M. IXi New Tork, sayst "I ant'l convinced Prof. Xarbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." : v " our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de- - cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick room. Wm. F. Sand- 1 hd. Kvrie. Ala. 1 Tanderhilt .University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. ' Darbys Prophylactic Fhud. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically . superior to any preparation with which I am ac- " quainted. N. T. Lorron, Prot Chemistry. ' Darbys Fluid is Recommended by ' Hon. AxsXAiroBit H. Stkphbxs, of Georgia; . ; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N.,Y.; .;"; .c v-. f ,:, ;' : - Jos, LbContk, Columbia. Prof.,UniversityjS.C v , Rev. A. J. Battle, Prof., Mercer University; ;' Rev. Geo. F. Pierce, Bishop M. 'E. Church. INDISPKNSABUS TO EVERT HOME.' . ' Perfectly harmless. Used internally or i externally for Man or Beast. v . i The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we tiave abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, - J. H. ZETXXN A CO., ? MaBofacturing Chemists, - PHILADELPHIA. no 10 D&Wly ' fr sa we too arm cbw nolo ' " ' CHOLERA MORBUS " CHOLERA INFANTUM ASIATIC CHOLERA ALL CHOLERA DISEACESV YIELD TO THE INFLUENCE OF ; The Great Remedy for every Icind of BOWEL DISORDER. Captain Ira B. Foss, of Goldsborough, Maine, says : ' Une of my sailors was attack ed severely with cholera morbus. We ad ministered Pain Killer, and saved him," J. W. Simonds. Brattleboro. Vt.. savs : In cases of cholera morbus and. sudden attacksJ of summer compiamts, I have never found it tolau. ' 5 . .-,4,r , .. , , ALL THE DRUGGJSTS SELI IT. Jan. 1 D&Wly mm ch m dec 81 sniioiifiiiBs ; The only known ipedftc for Epileptic Flte;1 JS-Also for SDasms and EJdQn?:ickncaa'S?il Nervona Weakness quickly relieved and cured J jsqnauea oy none in aeitnam of fjver.-s 11 JNentralizea germs of disease and eickness; Cores ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores) ; . Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalda.-S jayPermanently aid promptly cures paralysis'. "Xes, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. ; KflU Scrofula and Kings EvUt twin brothers: Chan ges bad breath to goo3, removing caube. : t&itumta biliousness and clears compleiionl Charming resolvent and matchless laxative.- It drives Sick Headache like therind. , . T Contains nobdrastic cathartic oi opiates. Promptly cores Rheumatism by rooting f Liiffia Restores life-giving properties to Ine blood v- liSp.ttTateed to cure all nerrba clsordcrs.- - f-Beliffble wben all ciateaU.-aSKrt-Li ' Befreshefl inii a'nfl InrlgGratCsthcdyi . Cures dysnengia or money refunded .i-c a. . ndorsed4n-wririBg by over nfty thousand . Aieauinsr paysicians hi u. a. ana Enrnnai Leading clergyjnen In'ir.jSand,Bnjppe.- Diseases of the blood Own It a conrraeror.-eai For oale by nil Jeau1rg:dniggIst8.- :$ilK).-e ! y The Dr. L AlUcliTnond lle'dical JCp., Propd I 'For'te8timeniiU Bnddrilan send stamp, - ! UUD1UIIIII ! Z S Ask the rnost ernineiit bnTsiciaii U ' :Lff; vji any BcnooLrwnai n inn rtftsr. r.nino' iin tho world lorqnietiBff and allaying all irritation of fflA VtOL7 AfWl - It Mini All V.f T t . . V"1 "'A A&l V1 tilO VH K3 UU1B' piauua, fpyinff Ha.urai.-oniiQiine re&esblng-sleei always r - . .r 1 .f;' ; , I : And they will telLyon unhesitatingly . . . i "Some form of Hops ?" is lAfe ny or ait of a9l(nliiyl(l : What Is thebeBtandorily jemedythatcanbe relied on to cure all diseases of tbte kidneys and urinary organs; such as Brigbt's disease, diabetes, retention or inability to retalrX urine, and all1 the isapecuiiar w women"-- ; tell Ton TTnllritW on "r phalicAUy, uchu." W- iff A. T ask tne same Tnysicians -"-h v5 ; "What is the most reliable and snrr. 'nnwA f Av ail aver aiseases yr ayspepsia, conBtlpation, Indi- Kcdviuu, uuiiuubuoib, uuuaruu lever, agUe,T4KC.i and thev will teU von: . "Mandrake l or Dandelion 1" n Hence, when these remedies are combined with And compounded into Hop Bitters, snch a Concluded next week. , oc 1 8 Deod& Wly tuthsat ui urm ootS WESLETAH FEMALE .IHSTITOTE I STAUNTOH, YXBGCNIA, : :d-v- OFKWS SEPTEMBER 20TH, 1883. ONE OF THE First Schools ron Youxo Ladies tkd States. Sarronndin beantifaL 5 Climate uucuruiWHSeU. JTUU11H . ITU III CIKUieen ntATM Board. Washimr: KnrilBh fJonrsal" T wri German. Instrumental Mnslo. An', tnr bi, year from September to June, ft 38. Por Cata logues write to . r - Tr ' . "T ,;v fiAKKis, President, - Btauntvirgtaia.! Jy 71lpd4wAW6w ; ear, tu tn j :v;' Scarlet Fever i HIICJ; GRAF.IIITJ2:(ANt ':. CO- .s RVNDUM'rtN.NORTIl CAR- I OLINA. I 1. il ..i.;.A. i ft! J . v;?rWashington C;Kerr, Siatetdeologi ? A great many, mines of this mine- rairnaveoeen opene in ipe lasi.six or eigtitvyears, ' inrsomJQ.of, the Vjjpt erhl "counties, of C the t State, in.tho Archreahvrocks.V .It ' is found in ledgesr (yeins) of' very coarse granite, Man v of th'e.'ptates'of Mica'are "of re maskable izej reaching'Uhree ; and even t lourieei. inf; aiaraeier.:tviij is used (fhiefl v in- tho manuf actu re - of stoves', 'and 'the' raining of it is 'a'yery prohtable lndnstty.l-: . Graphite Ah ; Very abundant in the State bath in the middle And West, gfeherallv rn'ore or less f earthy and slaty, -outj occasionally quite pure ana crystalline. It has, been wrought on a large scaiei at several points. -, ; une yeiria few, miles .f rxni the capitat, is one'df the'- most Extensive known, paving jbeen traced fifteen miles. --hl U lUorundum has been found in large Quantities in seycral counties west Ae'BlueRidge and ia "noW eX cn sively mined. c Several valuable ru bies and ''sapphire's have' been 'ob tained, among them a crystal of 3 12 pounds," which is'(- in the Cabinet of ALUIUlV VVIIVy .aaL3K '-The principal use j of Atms imireral is in thekraarinf actareof the " finpr kind of emery, for y which purpose it has noeqnal. at -i'----.ntfi- ."f' ;" -; - Tarboro Souther ner The Wiimington Star, has ro- pduhdedla series .ioT.''ttesti6ns;jtMj t lie tariff to the Ucraocratie papers of the State. The subject matter referred to in these questions : has been cov ered thorousrhl v in ' these' coin inns. The Southerner ik in full accord with the. iStaSl's .position with regard to each of tliem, and ' to -;thatlrosition our answer, then is yea, midTamen ! In this connection we quote from and endorse the .following, from the- Goldsboro Messenger, one of our most level headed of exchanges: "We are "surprised that the Hfews-i Observer should for a moment doubt! whether the -Wilmington Star 'will) auiue oy me- action ot me oiaie con vention of the Democratic party,' and should ask the Stab whether it 'will support the platform and declarations. ot principles aaoptea oy tnat con vention.' The Star's record of the past sixteen years: certainly, does not leave a particle of room to doubt its position in the next canvass." ' . If newsDapers cannot advise the; "people of their interests, cannot point out evus in .ooaies pontic wiiaouu airst getting ine , sanction or approval oi tne party, tney are not entitled to; respect or confidence, , nor . can they possibly fulfill their mission as edu-i cators. -.. -. : . . . The Star is stannchly Democratic, and as true to Democratic principles! as the north star for fixedness, and for which there; is no fellow in tho State Press. ' 'V ;?t I SILVER. LEAD, ZINC AND 1 COPPER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Washington C. Kerr,' State Geohrgist. j .Silver, ' lead and zinc .have hecn mined to some extent for more than thirty years in the Middle region; Davidson county, at SilYfer Hill and the neighboring mines, and recently they have been discovered in several of the Western counties . Copper has been1 found 'in moro than a dozen counties, " and a large number of mines have been opened in the last twenty years throughout the middle and mountain regions and were wrought ;quite extensively DeioreCMtne vwar.a tfpur. or nye pi them have bepii reopened "since,, and one, Ore.Knob,f in Ashe county, hai been put in operation 1 on a Iargd scaW . Its 6 res occur in rocks of both Iaurentiah'and llnrohiari age, chiefly in a gangucof .quartz, but also in hornblende slate, syenite and tre mo lite, and in talcose and 'argillaceous slates;. Most of the gold : veins-of the 'Stkte contain copper -fn'large :paft .aiiUf.Kouie ot mo. nimes.oi copper weie.uiBii vpuucu oaguiu, fumes. i- exists mostly in the form- 6f. coppct pyrites, although the other common Ores are, of frequent occurrence,' . ( jleyen fonbsorn Hen b: a "Jury al WnEMNG, Aug. 11,-r-One month agt yesterday the, trial of, . pilot Kellar, of the steamer -Sci.QtQ, .which.s csrne in,, collision, with the steamer John Loomis, July 4th, 1882, by which nearly sixty-teight lives were lostv was commenced at Parkersburer, in the US. Circuit Court. f On'Tuesday -evening last it was given to the'-lury and yesterday the Jury was discharged without agreeing.. jiileven , stubborajnea are -said to have caused. the disagreement. WW r 1 qpHE HANNAH MORE ACADEMY FOH GIRLS, .X near Baltimore. Noted for heal thfulness, thoroogh instruction, tarefnl traming and refin ing influences of a christian home. The next term Will begin SEPTEMBER 19tb.. REV. ARTHUR J. RICH,1 A. M.,' M. Da Rector, Reisterstown, Md. j anK22tawDfcW2m v. ,; ;-;,thn-. i HEDICAL . COLXEGE OF iegiitia; r ; X ifnfe;ifc;:niCHitXOND.'W: ml f SV- . l&m-iviT-P'L'j't -:tl rfc'. 1.'. '": ' :.-V' '';-.. ' :; 'r. ' ' " ;;'. ..;:,;i:, fJHE FORTY-SIXTH. ANNUAL SESSION.wfll bejrlri on MONDAY' OCTOBER 1, 1883. ? f.t I t'For Announcement,, or , further v Information, address'-' '5 A rrr MV L. JAtMES,Mijt , '.; Je 20 Poaw&WGw . tu , Dean of the Faculty. ! It 4 I 500 Rolls and half-roill BAGGING, 000 Bundles TIES, T i ? v- 4 4V. 'r StOOO Saeks Liyerpool BALT, ' .,:0O BaRB 1C0FFEE, J1 -..4;f.ifJS ; V . 50 Bbls SUGAR, aU grades, , ! ; ZL , SO Shds and Bbls MOLASSES !; ' I v Water-groTindMeaV Snuff, fcc. HALL & PEARSALL. aug5 D&w tf V"r-'c:i.v-'':,.:t , , y:r: : f;i . ai - - t ;;;;; SIOE HEADACHE GTTiRElIC),!. w The real and first eause of these headaches to hrfht .light. hot :sun.- goln . wlthoutitbnsuai meal, stimulants.' and various ojherthlngs imay tnnfr;on an attacsr.-on all Decauo systero,,ls ran down. , JNow foi ;ho cure. ; s . fae-SIMILE- SIGNATURE OH EVERV BOX.: ; f n-. - Thonaandfrof tmaf fmnnf ala tn 'nrOVC: IhR abTO assertions. -We plve a few samples . (. . - uuorai or otner medicine would o nJt,r C'rftry ifo didS'S. G:Harburg,Ctown,(V .... 7 had aick htad- Your Pius have cured meT??0!: Hf n, bard, Manchester. N. H " ' . . "J?br 7 years I had sick headachtV Yiner FM wed meJ.-xJTli Buckler, Leesburg, ?.'.-, rO ' 11 f he headache k my case was one ofpmgland no-, but vour PUZs 'nrmmuredfi. T." Reiner, Ger man Minister of the'Gospel, Leslie, O." -'. ,, want you to ' krihw how much -ymirJHus have improved my nervous iystem,V-r-Bav Bv Taylor Lawrencevllle, Pa. ;:: -Z.r-K': " TYr TtAnann,a filrln rv. nnnsiatjl of Internal ana. external treatment (at. game time, and- it makes the skin white, soft and smooth.. It contains up poisonous drugs. -$t at druggists. " . ;' Dn Benkm younPUta'tire simer-excellent, your SHn Cure also. It is fast curing my daughter a ring worm, which had spread all over' Iter body.'---Mm. js. ii. Mernaifv ciuo hui, Mass, ; . . (: L li O. N. Crittenton. Sole Wholesale Aeent for Dr. O. W.Benson's Remedies, 115 Fulton St.. New York.' :- - ' " ,- feb lSDeod&Wly, ; . tu th sa uH nrm. feblS; ' TORPID BQWELS, 5; DISORDER E D kL'I V ER. -r- and i-M ALARIAVr-: From theso soaitu a uL-bjo'three-foartbso the diseases of tliu uiiiMan nsce. These ssrmptmsindiouuvh.ri-si!f.Mt?.- Txissof Appetite, ltowel4 t-.-;.i ,. ,NM,;vd- exertion of boiiy. ji.- , .uuttiun - of foody Irrltnl:'l:t , "' ' C itiu!r,'Iiow spirits, ;ffftnrt ,,jf.;i, tvtus; ut-lccted , some dnty, ' : '. luttiliu; at the .'Heart, Dot . warfM.nlghiy ol . ored Urtu 4 iJl'A'l'loJW.i and da. innniltbeaso t'tvs. 'no!y tbat acta directly vu mo uror. , amjufn mcuieme Turrs IL.U3 havo;i, jt-innL'1.. Their action on the w Kidneys and Kkm ts also -prompt; removing all impurities through these three scav '--gen of Iio system, ' prodncint? sppe ; Ute, sound ilisairtorii regular stools, a clear skin and a vitforoiis body. TCTX'S 1'II.US f; canso no jjmi-wia . or gt-iping nor Interiero with dully work and are a perfect . ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. ' HE FISErjS IJKE A MEW MAlffl ' iU"'-i Iwveihad Dyspepsl, with Constipa . tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TUTT'S are the first thatave done me any good. . They have cleaned me out nicely. My appetito Is splendid, food digests readily, and I now have natural passages. I feel liko a 'new man. W.JX. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. r SoldeTerywherc,2!5. Offloe,44MurrsyStN.. TOTTS vcinin dye; t Gbat Hair or Whiskers changed In- Btantfy to a Grxtssr Black by a single ap plication pf this DTK. Sold by Druggiata, or sent by express on receipt of 1. , ? Office, U Mnrray street, New York:' 1 y TUTTS MANOAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FBEL . Jy 20 Depd&Wly , suwe fr . nrm . jy 20 " IS A'SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It haaapeoiflo action on tbia most Important organ, enabling It to throw off torpidity and inaction, Bttomlating the healthy aeoreUonof the Tttlo, and by kocplnf fbo bowala in fine condition, effecting ita rcraiar discharge. -t PloldwiQ " If yon aresoffering from ' UJUIUllCla malaria, have the ohilla. axe bniona, dyspeptlo, or eanatipated, Kidney- Wort will surely relieve ana quickly ouzo. In the Spring' tori rum the System,' every vnf ainTi1t taV. m. thnmnfrli iiiiiium nf II E! U- 80LOBY DRUCQIST8. Prlcl. oc I bodDAWly" Laa we fr f-Vami "i" oct i - ' Ilostetters Stom ach Bitters, by in creasinsr vital powt er, and Tendering the physical fnnc- tions reenimr and t active,; keeps : th system in gooc a working order, anc protects it aeains disease. Per eon stipation. dyspepf sia and 'liver com- 3 plaint, nervoasnesi ' Kidney: and rheuf . matio ailmentsj it Is Invaluable, and c it affords a sure det fenee- arain8tmai- larial fevers,' ber sides removing; all traces of such dis ease from ; the sys tem, t 7or. safe' by aJlDrafrelsts and Dealers generally. my 17 DA my nrm tu th sa , my 17 '1 M Queen; OF THE OUUUi FARM MILLS For Stoek Fesd or Meal ft J 'IO.OOQ XBT 1ffi4t far PunnMat. Ssoioa A G&ttlt llj Cot : saoeenen M btbaus juuun. rrannraiTi ri - Comnlete t WemmU9 Mill OutHtml f W. B. SPKCNGKR & CO., Agents, v a'n 3 W3m . , , . , at. Wilmington, N. C. SLIGHT ODDS; . .... ..Ji:.... l( j . . l c- A Little Story with a Lars;e Moral Onp . ' ,! - ... . ...-.: . . . :,.' - ; - .1 ''?- ' ;" , ' ..) , ITIa.11 who Knew his own Business. . . .. ..-tii.. i. .i - - . '! '! ' ' I.': "No. my dear,') said the yenerahle keeper ot a country 'storetoai timid ,little -irl , whose headr scarcely came, up to ,ihe level of . ttie' counter. Nbl 'my dear, We havnt'atoy red flannel,' bnt we have some fitst' rate - New j Orleans i njolasseiji. Softly hinting that ehe ddn't think that would 1 answer the purpose quite as well, the, ctlld went her way In search df the article she wanted. ; ; "Have you BENSON'S CAPCINE PLA8TERS f asked a:genleman of . a certain druggist whoe1 name couldj be .givenf wereit, desired,r''I jam' troubled just, n6w,with a tonohyOf my old jfrieni. t.hfi Inmbnion aniT't.KA Tln!rtti1ii'PlllHtfer seems o"t go td the spot klrhost as 1 soon as it touches 'thef ,". !Not at. Ttrcannt. ronltnd the dm?list ffeniallvJ bnt.vre jiaye lots of plasters just, as good- ine: is Allcock's. tne Cansicum and others won,4t bi i them'dd as welf ?--'-i- ?1 1 1 tJtty dear sir retored the. genman'irllh fa sllghtf shovf ;-pf temper, ''JLfsay i noting; againktr those articles, but I am a business man, ana al ways ask for precisely thing else. I may enji t say that sometime 1 ago which the Capcine has cured me, I tried all those. you mention, with no appreciable benefit. v. They are inefficient, every one of thenti tbe meanetf; act of the proprietors of spme;o,therftenghs that they make plasters .with .simflai!iljt(fl4i4g:.i. names to deceive the belie ting h4y-.i ' are the.same thing :. Experience taught 1 me te" aiaerence. rii go to the next man m yonr ime-r Good da;;' ,;t -:;'v '-ft: J'-i Be on your guard amsf imltat lonsV ?. Thegenf; nine has the'wof$.t?APt5NE"sc tte.; middle of the plasieri'' AH others are Impositions; ' ; Seabury Johnson: Pharmaceutical Chemists' New' York!' ; ! i;"-tW : f--l.U ap32D&W6m nrm K su we ch sm oct 22 .mem m a 30,0001?OE 02. d . ... ,.. ... t Poputo HonthlFA Jrawinff 'J 1 jMTPu 1 L .1 liiiiiiiiUiinKiCD 7 re hjg te.'Clty of' lawlSVlliiLan ,,v- 5'- Fndayraugust.31, ,83. - rThese Drawings' occur on the last- day of each month (Sundays excepted).,- .Repeated adju dication by Federal and State courts has placed his Company beyond-the controversy of the law!. To' this Company belongs the soje honor of hav- ing inanguratea ine oniy pian Dy.wmcn their drawings are proven' honest and -fair beyond queution.' . ' - - - N. B, TOS COMPAjnr HAS HOW ON HAND A LARGE CAPITA!, RESERVE .. FUND. READ CAREFULLY" THE LIST OF PRIZES FOR 'Hsi. ADQUSt DRAWING: : ,.'.,! Priaiey. ,.f SOOtt 100 Prizes $100 each $10,000 Prize, i 10,000 : 800 Prizes ,60 each" 10,000 Prize. .. .. 600 ' 00 Prizes' - 20 each 12.000 10 Prizes $1000 10,000 1,000 Prizes 10 eaeh( 10,000 30 frizes, ow ; n. r-r 3 Prizes 5300 eacn Approximation frizes, 9 Prizes" 100 each, v,: " - s. 903 w- '1 . t' , I ' 1 1 ' 1J960 Prizes . . ; -5112.400 Whole - Tickets, $2. , Half Tickets $1.00. ... 27 Tickets, $50. - . V - R5 Tickets, tlOO. Remit Money oy urns uraii in Xietrer, or sena .v RTTtrftRS. i ; DONT SEND BY REGISTER KI) LETTER OR POSTOlfiriCJS VKUtSdi.. uraers or $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders, to R. M.. BOARD MAN, (CoorlerJoTfrnal Bnllding.) LOUISVILLE, Kentucsy. - : - - . .-. . ' -:, aug 1 eodjfcw - tn th sa - T .2a2.rYmtM CMebtote,fha bct prepantttoa of plain ehocokts for ftm lly Baker' Brtakfast -Cocoai bom 'which the exeeai of oil baa been, removed, eaiily digested and admirably v -adapted for invalid. Baker's VcmUla Chocolate, am wl drink or eaten as eon- AetioBeryia a deUekma article 1 highly jceommeaded by toartati. Baker' a Ilromo, inTalnable as a 4iet tot ehQ dren -Oerman Sweet Chocolate, m most exeeUeut aroelafbrBuniHei. .r- Sold by Grocers everywhere : W.BAKER bCOr ' 'Xrftafer JfOM, i 1an S D&Wly we fir su jan 3 ; Cptton ;Brahd: High Grade Acid Bhpsphite. Gibbs & Co'sHigh Grade - AMOHI ATED' PHOSPHATE ; - '-. ' - i-i - - t sr. nnm c e 3 DftWtf ! ' ' - WILMINGTON, N. C.? EAES.for theUILLlON ' ' Fdo cftVMaa'ef Siark's OH POSITIVELY RESTORES THE HEARING, AND IS 111IS UiXLiX ACKUliU l JS lUKU JU1( i i -"- DEAFNESS KNOW N. ' , .. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small Wtotk Shark, caught In the Yellow Seaj . nese fisherman knows it. . Its yirtnes as . a restoj rative of hearing. was discovered hya Buddhis Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so nu merous and many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the en tire, Empire. Its; use became so. universal thai for over 300 years no deafness has existed among the Chinese, people." Sent, charges prepaid, to any address, at i.uo per ootue. j ' -' : ' . . .- ...... i . . .;v y Hear What the Deaf Say. ill una (icnunueu it lumuc 1x1 uijr uaso. . ; I have no unearthly noises in my head and heai mnch better. ' s I have been ereatlv benefited. ? . - My deafness lielpeg a great deal think anothet bottle will cure me. ; "Ita vlrtnea a.ra rrwomoyrrow a rir anri its frrrnA.1- Trvn chabactx' jasoum, as ;ni writer cah PKK8ONALLT TKSTTTT, BOTH FROJt EXPJ5KIKNCK ANB OBsiBVATroS-," Write at once to Hatlock & Jxnhxt, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing $1.00, and yon will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will be permanent.. Yon will never regret doing , so."' Editor or Mer cantile KKVTBTw. , I K V3ST To avoid loss ln'the Mails, please send money by RK8TXRirD Letter, t : It . i Only Imported by HAYLOK & JENNKYi DO US AUKNTo fUU AXAHiUA. - UCV DU, il, i. - oct 6 Wly . '. . " . - Ilendelssolm Piano Col - -t " ripdlln flffpP : fflP thP TIP Yt rfifl flTC 'flnlT $85D SqiiarijrailH T3T A TCfn Q'l'V I t? 'Ql Magnificent rosi rl A Nil ft I IllXl Oa wood ease, ele gantly i finished, & strings ,1 1-3 Octaves. full parent - cantante agraffes, our new patent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine And large fancy moulding, full iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Ham mers, in fact every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument has been dded; 1 ' 1 - 350UR PRICE FOR THIS INSTRUMENT, BOXED AND DELIVERED ON BOARD CARS AT 1 NEW YORK, WITH FINE PIANO dJOl R fifl COVER, STOOL AND BOOK.ONLY kpZrCiUU Just reduced from our late WHOLESALE, FAC TORY PRICE, $2854 tor 60 DAYS ONLY. This is now, by far, the GREATEST BARGAIN ever offered the musical public. Unprecedented sud cesa 1 . Tremendous demand for this style 1 -Send in your order at once. ; Do net lose this rare op portunity. , . , ,' , ' , ' J This Piano' -wili be sent on 15-daystest tria. Piease send reference If you do not send money with order. CASH SENT WITH ORDER WILL E REFUNDED AND FREIGHT CHARGES PAID iY US BOTH WAYS IE PIANO IS NOT JUST AS REPRESENTED. Several other special Bargains: PIANOS. $ 1 GO UP. Over 15,000 fa use. and NOT ONE DISSATISFIED. PURCHASER. Don't fall to write ns before baying.- Handsome Illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed "free, giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any Piano manufactu rer. Every Paino fully warranted for five years. Hi SHEET MUSIC at one-third price, i Catalogue . of 3000 choice pieces of popular Music for S-cent stamp. f, MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO.; ;4 ' oct 0 Wly ' - f t P.O. Box 8058 New York Cty. '- - " ' . SALEM, N. C. ,.-;-; vr f EIGHTIKmiNKUAxir, SESSJON .BEGINS ' SEPTEMBER 6TH. " - 1 - For new Catalogue containing Requirements 'for Admission,' Courses of Study in the several' departments, Terms and-Expenses, address the; Prinrtlpai:' '" 1 m - : j U ang 10 DAW2w f ST.- IIAEY'S SCHOOL', '. RALEIGH. N -!i.-a j : THE ADVElPESMOFTrHE 85TH SEMI-f . LAnnual Session of this School begins THURS - r UAX, BJfit-rKMBKKr 18TH. 188& ,,i ot Ctal6gneladdress the -Reetor oO FOB YOUNG LADIES. ; Uhi Pi xnaon. -Kneiand. a distin&ruisl .OrrMmdrtTlLTiA1 Arf:- nornl -nhtraWl. mental and moral tramirig. ' Unsurpassed advah 'tage.1:":TJSrm3 from ao .-to: SO percent, less than at other.gFemale Schools of equal grade in North .Carolina. : . '. ..- . ' . .. ' : : v For partioolars apply'to' I t. MS. ; m ; . Wilson, x c; ; f 1 n! ' ifllllfli ...L,..., -.m .... dJ?52!fean;d other cities to Zvt v w)ivaoau auu . x xaaj intiTo i 1 : 'dAESTO'KAciciiES ... . . TW STOCK. " - .'' 'ft1 il If . ,1, f -i-.'.-f, it J .y;;f,c. 1 STRIPS r AND !. 'SHOULBJSRtS." .1 U !fu'" ri.; 4" i . a IT IS THE- BEST iANDpWmTEST. g TRE MARKER,;,: .1 rrnxif-'.'j-'' .. J1 if,; ';.ij,t ; n llO lVoiptli. Front St. io.: IfflOW THYSELFw .Ci; u-rat fits, .i'.ijj --It - it A Book for Every pfflan ! , r Vpungv Ttliddle-agcd land Old ! TUB nntold- miReriesthat Tesnltlf rom indiscre tion in early life mayte alleviated and enred. Those who defubt this1 assertion should -purchase! ; t.hAnnw -mfiriiraJ work nnblished bv the PEABO- 'DY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Boston, entitled THE SCIENCE OF LIPU ; OBySEIiK-j PltESKIlVATlUN. jxnaustea vuaucy,mer vous and Physical Debility, Premature Decline in; Maoor Vitality Impaired by the Errors df Ypnth, or too close application to business, may be re Htnrnd nd manhood recrained. : -l '- .' - 1 lished.. It is a standard medical work, the besti In the English language, written by a .physician of great experience, .to wnom was awara ea a ffold and lewelled medal bv the National Medi- - al As3ux-.ia.tinn i' It contains beautif ul , and very; ;oxpen8ive engravings. 300 pages, more tnan ixaj vatuaoie prescriptions ror an iurtusvi bcw acute and. chronic, the result -of many- ears 1 extensive and successful practice, either one ol - which is worth ten times the price of the book Bound in beautiful French cloth," embossed, f uli gilt - Price only $1.25; by mail, postpaid, on re mint- of Tfriru. Hlriat.ra.ted Ramolft , six . cent TUB SfllKWflK DV V-tlTHi 01ISEl1.s7( ' "'' VV . ; PESEKVATIOif';;V'v5 I Is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary! .swork on Physiology ever published. There is nof thing whatever that the married or single can i ther require or wish; to .know, bnt Pt is, foil? explainedv-London Lancet. "" ; '.' V . . i TUB SCIENCE OF LIFE OB, SELF .ur'uJJ); ;lBESBBVATION tnlj-Hi.t is a marvel of art and beauty, warranted to be 4 better medical book in everv sense than can be obtained elsewhere for double the. price, or the money will be refunded . in every instance. Aur thor.-': s -U - 1 in. B. Youxiu and mavun-msu nusn car save much time, suffering and expense by'readf insr the Science of Life, or eonferrine with the au1 thor, who may be consulted on alt diseases requi ring rkjh and experience. Address PJ3ABODY MEDICAL 1 INSTITUTE, .-;-,, .,r.W. H.P1RKKR. M. D.. - 4 uninnca uoiiobiJihis, VKW1J ' ; , ' ''7'V' T:. 1 ... .. o ' .j: . i 1 WI ILIi bV iIaNE, Blan asrer. BranchofLTJBDEN&BATE r . - J 3. ,T '- -1 f ,,'- ;. - ' ,;-T , -fy. i';j. ,-' ' f Priqes and Terms tlie.Same. ii i .i.:-': .Hfifllilsioro Brancli ttnslc 'House. Por'ihe more convenient supply of onr'Cari lina and Virginia trade we have ppened a Branch Music House , at Goldsboro, N.C., under chargo of Mr. Will B. Lane, who has been our General Travelling salesman lor some years. tuis House we control absolutely, and dealing with it is the same as with us. Prices, terms and management are precisely the sime as at our Savannah House. Save freight and delay by buying at our Golds-. IAHU.JHWWU iUOHU uuiuc : i ..... t ' . i ' . -. : . - f LUDDEN.& BATES, Savannah, Ga. iNo other House in America can-offer snpb in ducements to purchasers. - :" ' ' ' -"' I : PIANOS and .ORGANS sent On FIFTEEN DAYS test trial. . No money required until satisfaction? 13 given. it not satisfactory, instruments win oe . exchanged for others sold by us, any irao .within six months After the, purchase,,' , '.' j a : li'.'ri. KJf.l "J 1 i-. j t: . .'.!.! C? ,Tr ITi -' J 1 WE LEAD ALWAYS, BIT FOLLOW NEVER.'- -. . T . Ti . ti- ; re.- ' - "..r ' - I .-. Instruments Bold on the Monthly Installment 'plan.i ':v i 1 ill -..-. ... ,,. - . umy nouse m. America selling fiAssuo anu ORGAN S- On thB NK PRICE SYSTEM. V i I r- i .,' Send for illustrated catalogues, special offers. i ... . j ' . . je 15 Wly :,!.; Goldsboro ,NvO. i THE DAILY; STAR. -V OLD EST;p A 14. Y PtAPE R .I :s?ifi; wnfatru ADrti inj a irr 'if Ify.-'V' - 1 t mK uAlLY..IfOft NllWW -mfAB,' ..FIRST-CLASS DEMOGIATJC NEWSPAPER, published at thn" foUowhs low - i One Year, poetago paid.l . .Ii ;v 4". $7 0 Three - - " One .': ;75 np.- - Ti.TT'TrTTTr. ! . .iuT. i, . .'i t Contains full Reports rCWttnUVlIat. . . . I 0,GneraLNews, ; by, Telegraph nnet 1 iri n i MallvfromAU parta bf :th3y Worlci: urn. 10; l'..l. . I' j 'iJ Si," Jftstiiiff st DAItV CIRCULATION Uthd ST ATE V"V - : ' .mI-'U)- ' i'f 'V ; 5 115 4 VM.'H.; BERNARD,' MMhppii : tLtjvon' PiOFBTJtroa, f IN BRYAN COTTNTY," GA4 TWENTY-ViTb' miles from Savannah. ;' Five Thousand Acres of . Round Timber attached to the place, and more . can be gotten. ' Eight Yearling Crops, Twelve -8 Year Old Crops, Mnles,-Wagons, and .Still in complete running orders ;Fot further in formation address r s , -. ,WMtt LETFORD, f; i fay Station l)f, S.y, &W. R R.; Gal I 'iio. rr.'V, and RiimWyin Markets.' knd thn TAt.t i r Chbnl' , - LADIES ANITCniLDREN YOlTNQ TOE TWErSFIriS'? ;SCHOOL YEA M . THaRDAYi-SEPT.a'u. BBGW8 !CirenlarsenioppIkaOH tothoPr - - Mr jl. ft. LEKKBVRB, Nogg'ff- The practical advanta'ires of fMa t-.i. surpassed. Clinics held ut City " Hoar",1 1,11 ternite and Maryland Woman'B Ilowiit 'ii" 'n13 which belong to this School. .PhvffiA " ?n of cnemicati lADoratory Work reonirr' T1 anl Btiirlpnt- Inn t fni o notoiA.,.. . ''i student. Apply, fora catalogue I to ry , : vts. TUOA1AS OPIE ! ' , i W( :4 A' i-rt ti 39 N. Carev"'- DIVORCES. No publicity; residents ' State.'-1 Desertion-, Non-Support M anv applicatwns for stamp. W. II. , LEE Alt' SS Broadway, N. Y. . 11 S9 BeUeviie-High School, For Boys and Young Men. Prepares ness,' CoUege, or Universitv. 'rhnI?r for Busi uanuBoraeiy equipped; jrail corps of instrnM uu Beautifutand healthy location: mstrn(,tors. 1 -1 L . -. . - - " - r n. .1 or -ajajogne, address w. b. Abbot, BeUevuP,ov ju.&S , WESTERN r MALE AND FEMALE DEPARTMENT u ation most healthful and delightful tTi SItn" of instructors, both in COLLEGE and ptes TORY-SCHOOL S.Well ordered Christian ft government, . Terms moderate. TH ptv thh IS SESSION begins SEPT. 4TH lk K.'i11 lfl) Ac, addressTREV. J. T . WAI D& lnsco' " or MISS L.! A. owiwJin25.-Int'' BETORE-AND -AFTER Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, I HO are suffering fronv Nrrvous Dkbilitt f V Lost Vitality, Lack of Nuvp. Force ahb Visor, Wasttho Weaknesses, and all those disease? of aPESSONAl. Natuuk resultiiur Iroir. Abcsgs uoC Othku Causes. Speedy relief anil complrto resto ration OtPBAIiTHjVlGOBanU'MANIlOOD UUARAKTEEI). The grandest discovery of tho Nineteenth Century. Send at oaee for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL, MISH, aog 8 Deod&Wly i . i. tuth sat angg BEST OEALti' FOB 2IMT -AND BEAST. if For moro than a third of a century the MexicmnBIitstaiiglinimenthasbeen known to millions all over the world as ti the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It Is a medicine above rtrlito aaff praise the best of its fctatU . For overy form of external pain uw Mtrstang TJlniment is without an equal. It penetratea Heart and muscle to tne very bone making the continu ance of pain and Inflammation impos sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh and the Brute Creation are equally Tronder fuL The Mexican , : Tfntmftnt Is Vieeded bv fiomebodv in every house. 1 Every day brings news of the ttgomy ofan awful scald or burn snbdned. of, rhenmatic martyrs re stored, or a 'rninanle none or ox saved oy tne neaang power oi una GDE3EHT whicji spee dily ctrres Buch ailments oi the HUMAN FLESH as HhciimatUm. Swellings Stiff Joints Contracted Muscles, Burns and Scalds, Cuts, Bruises and MDnlllurtPnfaAn An-s . Kites B" Stlnca. StiffYiAaa. - Tamene'ss, Old Sora,TTlcr8, frostbites, ChUblabu. Indeed every, form, of external dis- cm, it tieais wltnnt sears. . For the Buute Ckeatioh it cures ' Stmim. Stnrfnnv.' fUlft Joints Founder, Harness Sosres, Hoof Mis eases, Coot Rot, Screw Worm, Scan, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind falls, Spavin, Thrash, llingoonr, Old Sores, Pol Evil, Film npon the Slglrtatidvy other ailment to vvhiri i hs occupants of the M HnA'StoKk Vurd are liallle. , M Tho Mexican Mustang; JLIniment always cures- tmd,, never aisappoiata; win -itii: -. ? Ss ) "I - . - " - i BEST OF ALL t mimu I ?0S OB .BEAST LSI .n..-,, mh 2 Wly J. 'r i - ' ' (T(sieLt " Vice I'regW"t "....'.... 'afhiir Qio. WWhxiajis, S., D. Wallacx J !.f;;l. i f "is-f.- . Bai;pf jHew Hanover. bjLJdjftA''isr V - $350,000 AXiraOEnaELTKMCAL- $1,000,000 ; ; ': ' '' '"-.yi l.VrA- ir jIBJSSCTORS: p. Rheinstein, of Aaron V & Rheinstein, C.M.Stedman, Jas, A. Leak, of Eoraen,or3Gol- boro, N. 0, DiMcRse. W. I. Core., y G. w; Williams, of Wil f li&ms A Mnrehiflon u f Hob. R. R. Bridgers, Pres ' W. 3B W. it K. - :' ! H.; VoUera, Adrian, Vollers.- ' . Jno. W. Atkinson'- Isaac Bates. t -. , . -' -: . isaao nates. rrcBiacuu '.ri0f ri ; -.vfO JSC.. : - - E. B-UOKOTH, ,- President, OTOBMCll. Ckshier." naJ B. BOrderi, wi Psircloth W. F. Eoniefray B, Edmundson, Herman WcilL Presided faiesliflro Brancli.J''&K'JB J. A. LeakJS. BenTiett,G, W. Little, J- C. Marsn 'i Issues Creates of Deposit hearing : Injfgo, il moneys held in trust by Executors, Administn"" Strict attention given to the ri?"?Lm Of our country friends by mail or otherwise. c,novl6-wtfv -.1 ' f: ' Jiiagewortli S 1 iiVij; -.'-i.')v IK 1 . MH&TflMG 111 mTTTI rs