The Weekly KONDEL.-IN WINTKB TIME, -i -- ' -v . ( 1.1. WILLIAM 8TBUTHBR8. . : 1-1 Illigbted and dark and grim, the once glad bills; - - : s.. Gloomy their kirtks hang with ice-wrought frills; ,..'.-., f ... Wiigbted with wrack of branches, gray and stark; . - . T Swcpi ana lasnea ana gasnefl ; by blast that kills. f . . ., Cuttirtfi and tearing 'thwart orchard, grovel i and park, )(u , . Blighted and dark, v1 f f i ::! Myriad kaves, that greened to grace the Mvriad streams, that lapped the Bummer by -! Myriad birds, that wooed-warm winds to' hark t, r '.,-, .-."-' -i Myriad songs, that yroke to throb,' and uia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaj an imum... . W(klUD U1H 111. - T I. - freight, afore aVohT If fi .,2JUCTT OP BATES. -v it- nM.; TiT" "Tcr common carrier Bri f L 1 - P0V1810rJ8 ; of this act BhaU print and keep for public in spection schedules showing the ratea and fares and charges, &, & k HOT1CB OS ADVANCB IH &A.TXS ' . ??!anoeaU be made in the carrier in a7'T. - UQ 106 "qairements of pnoiio Dlighted and dark. Whire be the rosea of the rose-red Jane? L ' Whereof soft zephyrs, : fairy sweet, the croon? . . W;rr oared by lover's bark T Where, on hearts graved, . -. . . precious rune? Los:, lost, all lost in Time's vast viewless ark, .: . ., Blighted and dark - ! Jan . 10th, 1887. Phil. American. i passion dreams, the tbet IoTC-most- except after ? ten dav - ... .uhviu IU MUQU 7" witnouL ; previous pubho notice, but whenever any such reduction is marlo tint;a t k; Main, .. ! " - .!:: I and it1n.. a -. . wmw V1WU f 13H 111 MIT U DIIQII imm.yli . !!?b,e madPWic by printing new schedules or shall immediatefy jbe plainly indicated npon the schedules at the time in force and kept for pub lie inspection. V j-: r i :,, And when anv.' Bur.h 1 nnmmnn ner shall have established and pnb. liehed its rates, fares and charges, in .oomphance with thej provisions of this section, it shaU be nnlawfol for oh common carrier to oharge, de inand, oollect or receive from any person or persona a "greater or less compensation for the transportion of passengers or property; or for any 7Z a i -' - wonnewon tnerewitn, than is specified in snob nnhUoiSn aohedqle of. rates, fares and charges as may at tha time ba in force. ; Every such ; common carrier- shall also file, with said commission copies of all oontracts,' . agreements or arl rangements with, other common carl ner s in relation to any, traffio affect by the provision of . this act to which it may be a party.', ";" ; CfIBINATIOK TO rBBVBNt CONTIXTJ ' " OVS CABEIA.GB. joec. 7. rnat it shall be unlawful for any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act to enter into, any comDination. .nntrnt. STATE JLEGXSIjATUBK ; i Fvorble! Report in tbe ' sHodh jn- Pinani - ' vrnment Bill. ' - ' .tSpeolal Star Telegram.) , r ; RaXElaH, February 14 la the Senate to 4ay the following bllla were introduced: 1 To amend the charter of the Atlantic oast Kauway po: i To incorporate the Northern & Southern Railway Co . ; I o-authorize Beaufort county to levy a special taxi j ' - . - -.The bill lo abolish the Mav term of Robe. on Superior Court passed its second read, ing. .'-- - - i The following bills pasted their third "reading, - s ' i . To aHow the Cranberry andiPiedmont Turnpike, Company onehundred: convicts at $185 each per annum; to construct a road from Cranberryto Morganton; to al- ww uitj peopie or JNewbern to vote on the io all aorta of schemes to avoid payment of wo, outu :;bs collecting,-money from vuo aaie . . pi iicaeu ana: tlieft raisihe o yu'wiu v intnung .me performance ires. The ' discussion: tonic v in and it was contended that the circus was a grea eaucawr ana should not be driven outi or me n country' by- excessive taxes Amendments were offered to tr u nir. Cuses $800 per" day;; or that there be a tax wneiaer me pertocmance ia free or not The latter was a ri an ted thn fnrmof iet j Pritchard said he. wished to- amend the S5 iuire the Tieasuler to sell the $370,000 of 4 per cent, bonds ia the treas ury, and cover- the amount into," tbe treas ury, asserting that therswirald! be in this way. ana oy ;uie use r of the drummer's license tax raised.'enbugh to i meet the taxes uu luieretsi on ue Donas;. eV" c ' Webster took; ground against' Fritchard d said that ther taxof 53 centa-on the w vajue wouia yielcf on the $302,000, or property, fltHOOOi and that tha piwi rriicnara suggested would not work. ; Pntchard thereuooa withdrew haamni. ment, io offer itTagain: when the bill comes up on its third reading. 7 f a : :. lSome discu8sionro8edve'a motion f Suttoa to strike out the eectibn. imposing a apoke warmly against the seetiou r'aavin it was unfair, a doublor tai.'a manifest inius- mbuub, jiiatua ana juwari tooK tna same view. Worth and. Broirden - STRANDED. from, fci vrpl, Anb ore on the Oater Bar of New rk Harbor. J 1 By Telegraph to the Homing Star. Peb- ."--The Gcion Line steamship Wiaconstn. from. Liverpool; for ew York, is ashore on the outer bar, fif miles east of Fire island.- The stranded vessel was discovered at 8.15 o'clock this morning when the fog that had prevailed durine the oisUt nfteS -JZa .Deaca, and a, heavy . sea ia runnini?. i Vln communication has vpt ,i.r .u. IS ?m e beich tout her Passengers and mails are stated to be safe. 4 - Agent Gibson, of the, Guion Line, have gone lo.Pascotheque,thepoint nearest wnere toe steamer W;.n take charge of Jhe passengers and see that J?k7 PropPtlrorwarded to. the city.. The Wisconsm, has on board 150 passen gers and 530 baits of mail, rw, jLTZl as soon as tmssiblA aftnr t. dispatch Line: "Ashore ;one COMMERCIA1 MARKET ' ' STAR OFFICE. Feb. 10 fi P M 8PIRIT8 ; TURPENTTNE-Quoted firm w nj cents per gallon, with safes of 50 casks at quotations, ' ' ,- ROSIN The market was . quoted Arm at 75. ceuu per bbl for Strained and 80 cents lor Good Stramed. a 4 ;:TARMarket auoledfirm atf r im tr ids.,-with sales f receipt quotaUdba. v'.'v;s---H?., - ' CRUDE TURPENTINE-Market firm ati w ror Virgin and Yellow Dip and : uu 1 I OW Market quoted firm at 9i ,wl atfuuimg, aBmaH silea at 9 cenu and 80 bales reported at 8i s &nt.d , TTMBER-Market steady, with quotations aaoiiowsf f rime and Extra Shipping, fiat class heart, $9 5011 00 pet M. ,feet ;' x tra Mill, 'good heart," $7 508 SOjMill Prime$7 007, 50; Good Common 5 Mill $4 006 tM); .Inferior to Ordinarv. tH 00 1 i AUjaMarke flrmTPrime 5?60 Bi ra rame 6g7o cents; Fancy 75 80 centaper.tusheof23 Tbi.0'i:i p.': STAR OFFICE!" Feb. 16, 6 P.-M " SPflUTSTTtaPl Arm at, the opening at 38 cenUiper gailoo. ke5.,of ' 5? cks at tbiko figures; Uvr tLetets ttii sales of about 20 cwks ou JtOSDS-Thel market waa at 75i centd, wr ini vcuvk xor uooa strained, r, - quoted firm Strained and. 80 question of maintaining white and colored irraded snhnnlB 1 4: ' m : ',. F- 6 wi aujuuriiment ot tne Jjeg- j buuiibubu ipe. interest on, tbe public ramiure ie aie March 7th ' ' 1 ' I uo- "u1m noie mew., Mi-.- , V At the session of the HoiisVtolrfaA'kl iAvfH;;Ph. , -- . , - - I The followiniy''ar.'hv.i-..-;r., - Att Market Quoted firm.) t .vuum nuu.eent toe roiiowmg J; .c ' . r ;r,'!"i, qMuiauoa--4iWW t C-iL? v , " to-. 1 he v manager.', of ihe Guion f al the Produce Exchange';. r. ' m 1 o;.t!h.falea ot receipts at , ':Wiih .'rudder; and t-rn I OnnirwiSn.";"!i"' " ""J?? . -'r' ' . fifteen miteastf wf.i.T. fTu"'' V .'V ' ' ?, i "liT"l"J!"Jir Wrecking Oommnv ". . ; , I wiUi.i ,"? '? i ; tl 00 for Hard -: -! ; ' - f ; KIOE.-Marketi steadv:- Wn rWW'w firmrcn a lave Merritt The th!.MJlim Exchange this afternoon aw p m.i and proceeded westward No passetigera or mails transferred." - ft TER-STATE COMJHERCE. j , SYNOrSIS OF TUB LAW. That the provisions of . this aot . sliall apply to any common carrier or; carriers engaged m the transnorta. tion of passengers or property wholly " 6y railroad, or partly by railroad or water when both are used, uuder a common control, management or- ar rangement for a continuous carriage or shipment from one State or Ter ritory of the United States or the District of Columbia to any other State qrTerritory of the. United States or tbe District of Colombia or fmra aDy place in the United States to an adjacent foreign coun try, or from any place in the United Stated through a foreign country to any other place in the United States, and also to the transportation in like maimer of property shipped from any place in the United States to a for eign country and carried from 'such place to a port of transhipment, or shipped from a foreign country to any place, in the United States and :- c3rri:d to'such place from a. port of, entry in too u nited States or , an ad ; ho mt foreign country; provided, aowever, that tbe provisions of this v t shall not apply to tho transporta lon of passengera or property, or to the receiving, delivering, storage or ' handling of property, wholly within one State, aDd not shipped to or from a foreign country from or to any State oiFerritory as aforesaid, 7 REASONABLE AND JUST CHAEQKS. j All charges made for. any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or pro perty as aforesaid, or in connectien therewith, or for the receiving, de livering, storage, or handling of Buch property, ehall be reasonable and jnst; and every unjust and unreason able charge for such service is pro hibited and declared to be unlawful DISCRIMINATING BATES FOBBIDDEN. Sec. 2 . That if any common car rier subject to the provision of this act shall, directly or indirectly, or by any special rate, rebate, draw back, or other device, charge, de mand, collect, or receive froai any" person or Dersona a o-ratAr nr ia compensation for any service ren dered or to be rendered in tbe trans portation of passengers or property, subject to the provisions of this act, than it cfiarges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or persons for doing for him or them a like and contemporaneous service in the transportation of a like kind of traffic r.ader substantially similar cir cumstances and conditions, such com mon carrier shall, be, deemed guilty of uojast discrimination rhich is hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful. . ':) ; vorable report was made by the committee on Pearson's bill to changejthecounty gov ernment,, .rj ; j .1. .-...-.v. :". '.-.!-, V . - The following bills passed third reading: - To charter! a pavings bank at Fayette ville. -, v To repeal the stock law and allow people to vote upon the. question ia the counties of Greene, Granville and Richmond. , - committee, rose and reported or agreement; ; expressed i or imnlifl to prevent, by ohange of time Bchedule,1 carnage in different cars, orby any ' other means or de vices the carriage, of freights from being continuous from the place of shipment to the place of destination; and no break of bulk, stoppage orin terrnptions made by. such common carrier shall prevent the carriage of freights' from being treated as one continuous carriage from the place of shipment to the place of destination, &x, &cv' t' I ., oeo. 10. Provides that i any viola- act shall be punishable, tion of the &c. Sec. 11, Creates a commission of five not more than three of whom shall belong to the same political party. - .- . . ; , ; POWEBS OF THE COMMISSION. Sec. 12. That the commission here by jcreated . shall have j authority to inquire into the management of the business of all common car nersj subject to the provisions of this act, and shall keep itself informed as to the manner and method in which the same is conducted, and shall have tne right to obtain from such common carriers full and comnleto inform a. tion necessary to enable the commis sion to perform the duties and carrv out the objects for which it was cre ated;! and for tbe purposes of this act tne commission shall have . power to require tne attendance and testimony of witnesses and ' the Drodnction of all books, papers, tariffs, contracts agreements and documents relating wj any matter under investigation, sua 19 mat end may invoke; the aid of any court in the United States in requiBg the attendance arid testi mony 1 of witnesses and the Drodnc tion of books, papers and documents under j the provisions of this sec- tion.- : ' j rru -.1 .' . .lue uiuer sections relate to, pro- ueuuiugs oeioro tne commission. 1-v.'l.';t-- SENATE. . . introduced: . . - .To incorporate Lsxington Female Academy. : ( . .:.,-.? . . To restor citizenship to thosa deprived. To incorporate Monkey Island Club. Kelatmg to judgments against femme coverts. - i !" " (.' '.' : Concernittg Clinton & Warsaw Railroad. - To repeal Chapter 683 of the Code. ; ' ; BrLLS OK THE CALENDAR. ' Concerning incorporation of the town of Beaufort. ) Passed third reading. To amend" the charter of Greensboro. Passed third reading. For the relief of certain citizens of Samp son county. Passed second and third read in.! -.:,- . Vv V,. - . Resolution to ' adjourn Monday, March 7th. Passed final reading. Concerning the Wilmington, Chadbourn S Conway JlailroacL ! Passed second read ing.l . -if j -t - - 1 ' To amend the charter rr ti t Hendersonville. I Passed second reading. " To incorporate . tha Wsotpm : Passed second and third reading. ICoccrnin charter; of Oxford & Clark ville Road, i ( Passed second reading. ; To abolish the office of Superintendent ;or Fublic Instruction for Rockingham .county. Passed third reading, i ' For the better ' protection of records of jthe General Assembly and library. Passed third reading. . k0,1111110"28 tne Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago Railway Co. to construct tele--graph linea. Paseed second and third read ing. 1 j I -,.; . .:: I Relating to fees of clerks in certain cases. Lost. - - ;- . I ., i The bill to provide for the working of public roads in certain counties by taxation was taken up. A motion to refer was lost. There was a lengthy debate . The session was prolonged, j . ! A great many amendments were offered but nearly all were! voted down. Finally, by a vote of 28 to 13. 1 the hill nai it second reading. As passed it provides that any counties whichi erect suitable and safe stockades can upon application to the pen itentiary receive such 1 convicts as are sent from, said county for terms of tea years or less. 1 These convicts so granted to the counties are to be used in working upon public rdade. , The effect of this bill if it becomes a law will bej in 1, few years to take all the convicts out of the peniten tiary, save those sentenced for high crimes and for long terms. The bill only applies to such convicts as ! may hereafter be re ceived. The counties are to pay for their support. . i; . Ml The Senate indefinitely postponed the bill to repeal the Wake county stock law . r HOUSE. . .;, . MOSDAY mOHT'S SESSION. the session I of; the House MnmUv night the following business of general im- on o clock the progress. 4 . Mr. Leazer was granted the use of lbs aouse to-morrow" night," when the ques- t Inn o r9 Vi 1 4 : 1 . . v -i .-t . . mo AgiwuHursrvAxuiege ana toe vcptukuieuy m . agriculture will be consid ered by tbe Committees on Agriculture and Educatiou,and. ---the Farmers' Convention ; At 1. 10 o'clock tlie House "ad j ourned. ' .'"Z NIGHT SESSION. . : . . At the session: of the House lo-night. urogncn - rose .to a question of personal k if-g a8am attacked ...the editor of " "uimgion star, ror tlie editorial in iue issue or tne paper on ihe 9th inst . His .language was grossly discourteous. He rcau bis remargs ana consumed nearly half an hour The House ridiculed him and he .DocaaiB very angry, is ins-o!ii to amend the charter of the muuiugion, uosiow isast Carolina Rail. ruau was rerened to the Committee Corporations. : Af ter some debate a bill passed the second and third readings increasing the appropria tion for colored normal schools from f3,000 to $3,000 annuallv. eivncr otmh r-.t th. buuuuib f,i,ouu., it j was stated that there was a pressing demand for competent col ored teattheia The vote was 86 to 24 : WASHIXQTOX. - Both Fttrtlea la the Senate Hold 'Or der of Boi1dci Caacutt-Items In - River and Harbor Bill Iccreaaed bv ibe Senate Committee Another Veto , ' IBv-Teletrranh to tb Morafnir Star.l x - WAsnraaroN, Feb. 10 Both parties in the Senate held "order, of business" cau cuses this morning, i The list of measures on the calendar prepared by the Republican caucus committee was laid before the Dem ocratic caucus and certain changes were in dicated as to the order in which it was de sired that the measures should come up. In the Republican caucus Senators were Buoruea an opportunity to express afresh their preferences. ... Senators Sherman and Harris, chairmen respectively of the caucus committees, armed . with opinions of their caucuses. t were authorized to: confer with each other' and reach a compromise upon the points of difference. They will proba bly meet to-morrow morning and arrange definitely the order of busineea for the rest vi uib session.' ; ,. Washington. Feb. 16 The following ISA list of the total amounts of items in the River and Harbor bill which have bsen ia serted or increased by the Senate Commit tee on ApprcDriatious affciinthi snt. Approach to Norfolk. Va . $100,000; water way between New Bern " and Beaufort. N. C, $10,000; Savannah, $25,000; Apalachi coJa, $10,000j Mobile, $36.000r-Appomat-x PTl I?- l.i,NeBioBd river, Va., $10,000; Cspe Fear Tiver.. N. C $140,000; Conteutnea creek. N C $7 -.500; Pamlico and Tar rivers - N C $3,000; Meherrin river, N. C. $2,000: Manatee river, Fla . $5,000; mouth of St. Johns river. Fla.. $125,000 Arkansas river.-: $125,000. - The . appropriatiott for Cumberland Sound Ja reduced to $75,000 from $100,000. The total appropriation recommended by the committee is $10,885, 800 tbe net increase over the House biil being $2,827,020. For continuing tbe im provement of the Potomac river, with refe- icuwj vo iue improvement or navigation, the establishment of harbor lines andraising of uiiun me uirccuon pi me secretary of i'SSf1 ,n aocordDce With existing plans. VENN Si: L VA XI a . Kew Iron steamahlp for the Plant vetmnt Company. ' ' '; " PhM-ADELPHIA: Feb 1ft Tho ',o' 5i.i. steamship Olivette, built at Cramp's ehiv yards for the H. P. Plant Investment Co . to run in the Dafsenrer nnH mil otn J tween-Tampa. Fla.. and Key;. West and ""'u.5 ws successruiiy Jaua'chcd during high tide this morning The vessel 2Rn feet long and 85 feet beam, and haa trini. fK0" eDeine8. wih 36-inch stroke aid J casks' at 884 1,400 horse power. She will run in cconec- l " V uon witn tne nf tho which was built here a -.out a year ago ' ' " , GEORGIA. ; $1,000 Cine Imposed for Vloiaitn f . f , Prohibition Lam. - S3 the Morning &Ur Atlanta. Feb. 16.- J. O. was Hoed fifty dollar in tha Tnli for violating the Prohibiten lo:a eo,i weeks ago. appeal, d to the city court and beini: convicted to day; - was' fined one thousand dollars by Judge Howard Yann ril.GINJA - Developmeat of fllneral and Graxlns Lands. '- IBv telegraph to the Mornlas Star i LtKCHBTJBG. Feb. 1ft ThB Mnrtnr .ft. Western Railroad Co. commenced work on a branch road yesterday from Graham mining town, to Tazewell C. II , a distance of twenty-five miles, which will one of the richest mineral and grazing sec tions of the State. Coal. iron, fcati, zinc and other minerals have r been rtimnwraA on tbe line of the road. Ex-GoV. Hoadlv's ramntal tn New York Jdoks like a personal maEceuvre for Presidential vanti urmmH ms? Record, Dem i HieaUV. Wa nitrJo-tt-t RotroH : TJplahdi. 5565c pr bushel ; , Tide"; water ; uc$l.l0 c Clbas: Fair 8 cents.' . x-ma,raei steady, with quotations as follows! Prime andExtra Shipping, first.' class heart,$9 50ll 00 per M feet; Extra MIL good heart, $7 508 50- MUI Prime $7007 50;.- Good Commoh Milt ' $4 j 0Q 8 , 00; Inferior to Ordinary $3 005 00 x Axt u i d mancetrflrm. Prim& 55 60 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 7580 cents per bushel of 28 108.'' j j; . 8TAR OFFICE, Jeb..'li, 6 P, iV , SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm t '86f cents per gallon, with sales of 65 cents." . I . io-ia8 marset was quoted firm at 75 cents per bbl for Strained and 80 cenu for Good Strained. ' j TAR MarJtet quoted firm at $1 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs., with sales of receipU at quotations. Incorrectly reported yeoter day at $1 25 instead of $1 15 per bbl 1 CRUDE TURPENTINE M & rkt a uaf"at cents for - Middling, with small sales The following are the closing quotations at the Produce Exchange-; t -3i "-..ft' i.. .r. ............ . ... ; urdinarv. . : . l . : . . . tc iiM-w. .. Good Ordiiiaryf...;...7 13-16 iOwmiaanngU...,.8 11-16 " Go-Middlinis:1,A..,d 7-16 -RICE. Market steady. We quote: uuh: . upianas." 5585c er bushel; tide-water 90c$l 10. Clean; ; Fair 3f TpIBErl-Market steady, with quotations ay follows-. Prime and Extra Shipping, first Siffsieart, $95011 00 per M. feet; Eitra 'Keart, f OUa 50; Mill Prime, llw?W:GoodCommOnMill, $4 00 0 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 605 ,00. u t-lSAW UTS Market firm.. Prime 5055 rant. -. - T "" i uj ouiaoo cents; Fancy 70 wu it uusnei oi as ids. , EXPOBTS FOBTHK WEEK. A OHILB'S SKII Ears and Scalp, Covered, with ; Eczematous Scabs and Sores - Cared by Cutleura. J . MTmHSi eight years., has beeil.. nJrJr ote1tt Rozema of the soalp, and at .e!ifat Prttoaof the body, ever since he. .iJTiij . JZr " " , " m di eara, ana ex tended to hia calp, whtoh became oovered with S.n5.BJrM'.a"d.fromhtol tloky fluid poured ont, oansmg Intense itoblnr and dlBtresr. ' "?th theae eoabs the akin was raw. like a piece ' ot.beefateak. GraduaUy the hair came out and U SlfhlKtT.yedlJ?nLubu"Bm&11 Patch was left' at the bank of tha haa.t II. H..I... " .. he would soratoh bis head uatil bia pUlow was wW wlti ?,ood I used to tie his hands bT I SsSftM'? ft,many trted to prevent hij -t 2w. K hut tt was noasajha would aoratch -itTi S. 2 boepltal and to tho best physl ctaM In Peabpdjr without anooess. About thla ume aorne friends, who had been oured by the ' , TV pnjvmiuu upon me to try SS?" i1 . Kan U8e them on the isth of Janu- disease was removed. Dot a spot or aoab ro- ! mains on his soalp to tell the story of bts Buffer- l,r, oas returned, and Is thiok and , IaP', hlic'P a aweet and clean as ay S?.. 1- the W0Ildv 1 onnot aav enoat h to ex press my gratitude for this wonderful cure by .miJ'VV- "bd. and wish all similarly , affltoted to know that my statement ia .true and wilbout exaggeration. . I' nrt ,ao. CHARLES HcKAY. I Oct. 6. 1885. Peabody.Massl i-a72J??,!IriMcKa,8 b0 hen bsdly at IfSSJ sotta, ' He was a pttlfui sUnt to look at. Tlcnnw thotko k... .ij i. . Sbff?H15,l.i;5d.did "Jla, father oould difora ; suffering child, but availed nothing. I know that the statements hn hsu, m.. nn Ji cutuv of his boy by yonr Cuiicuba Bbmbdibs are' true In every partioular. i J-:: :ji: ; c-e ; ... WILLIAM J. MoCARTflY. I h 3JIfo8terBU.Peabody,Ma88 Boia everywhere. rioe:- CoTicxmi.tO centst UUTICuaA Soap. 4 Oentu: Cm-ionm Rnnmir. f t.00. Frepared by Pottbu Dbuo and Chemical hiii ror "now to Car Shin Dlaeanca ' PTIVrP?S' Blackteads, Skin Blemlghea, an AJJU. Baby Humors, use Cpticuoa Boap. 1 ... I ill IN OWE MIJiUTE, Bheumatio, Neuralslo, Eolatio,- Sad- . pen. nium Ann Namina .i.ia anA AVeakneases relieved one minute oy tne vauenra Antl-Paln Plat ter. At drugglata, 85 oenta. Potter k Draff Co.. Bnstnn. ..'' TT - feo 1 DAWlm t . - wed sat - ' too or fim WHOLESALE PRICES. -. : .1! ,4 - coastwise. 0? r-Schr Peter 0 SchuUz 236,000 feet lumber, 53,300 shingles.. ; , A : NEW YOUK Rtfiftmahin at $1 SO for Virgin and Yellow Dip and ""f8 cotton. 294 casks spts turpt, 450 bbls $1 00 for Hard. ' r?1? 55. bbls ter 25 bbl3 crude, 10 bbls COTTONMrir.t a ' I pitcu, ou ddis rice, 62 bbls lirhtwood, : 80 - wl rON-Market quoted .firm, at 9, bags coffee, 100 bags peanuts, 493 bags mill cents for Middling. Sales 100 bales on a 'eea,' 18 bales hides, 22 crates eees. 54 Dkes basis of 9 8-16 cents for Middling Thpfni.- S8' o.Plttniper bolts. 79,950 feet lum- .u i '1.1 "V. wosmg quotations at the 'The following; quotations represent wholesale prices generally. . In making np small orders higher prices have to be charged 8 a & ....i.6f ....7i ........8f 9 . steady. 00(0000 per Clean: We cte lb qu6te: bushel: Fair 8, ; Bocklen's Arnica Salve. A The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped a.nd?; Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gua ranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. : For sale by W. H. Green & COiroN AND NAVAL STORKS : WEEKLY STATEMENT. " : RECEIPTS - . For ihe week ended Feh 12 lpjw- Cotton 926 Spirits. 715 Crude. 100 1886. Cfud. 515 for xo pkeferexces. ' f j c. 3. That it shall be unlawful oy common carrier subiect to the .provisions of this act to make or s;ive any undue or unreasonable pre ference or advantage to any particlar person, company, firm, corporatiop or locality, or to any particular -description of traffic, in any respect whatsoever, or to subject any par ticular person, company, firm, cor poration or locality, or any particu lar descrption of traffic to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disad vantage in anv resDect whatsoever. Every common carrier snbject to tne provisions of this act shall, ac cording to their respective powers, afford all reasonable, proper and equal facilities for the interchange of traffic between their respective lines receiving, forwarding .! Renews II er Youth. . Mrs Phoebe Cheslev. Peterson.1 Ol a v ;w.u.T luwa, iens me ioiiowiner remark- Vvl a I A 11 A LI. - M . . - uic oiury, me irutn oi wnicn is voucned for by the residents of the town: r"I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without heln. Now T iiree rrom all pain and soreness; and am aoie to do all my own housework. 1 owe my thanks to Electric Bitters ior naving renewed my youths and removed completely all disease and pain.7 I - ,,. ., ; i Xry( a bottle, only 50c. at W. H. reen & Co.'s Drue Store. -I and and for the delivering or - Dasseno-ers and property to and from - their aeveral Jinea and those connecting therewith, and shall not discriminate in their rates and charges between such con necting lines; but this aball not be' construed as requiring any Buch com mon carrier to give the use of its tracks or terminal facilities to anoth er earner engaged in like business. LOJftt AXD SHORT HAUL CLAUSE. I bee. . That it shall be unlawful tor any common carrier subject to l"e provisions of this act to charge ?r receive SOY orratnr nnmmnn.linn J? ltle aggregate for tbe transporta tion of passengers or of like kind of property, under substantially similar .circumstances and conditions, for a porter than, for a longer distance ver the same line in the same direc W i Bhorter being included with-' the longer distance; but this shall "oi be construed as authorizing any commoa carrier within the terms of on!! act t0 charge and receive as great compensation for a 8horter M for a "ger distance; provided, however, J upon application to the commis on appointed under the provisions i Dm8.act such common carrier may, 'n special cases, after investigation efiet ?ommi8sion, be authorized to JJge less for longer than for short r aistances for tbe transportion of Tbe Devil After Zea Vance. It' Washington Critic. i i Senator Vance is a thomno-h Dftm. ocrat in every sense. . He - converses with hia fellowcitizens in the hnm- blest walks of life with as much live- Unesa i as be exhibits at ! a Presiden tial reception. His abounding humor is elicited by the- slightest occasion. A he other afternoon he was riding in a nerqio down trom the Uapitol in company with four or five ) other Senators. A newsboy jumped on the vehicle and offered . the evening pa pers. 1 Senator Vance, with a merry twinkle in his eye, when the paper was nandea to him, said: Sonny, I can't read. I -1 ' The boy looked at him hard and Offered his papers to the; other Sena tors. Just as he was ready to step out of the herdio be shook his finger at Vance and said : : I H The devil will get , you for lying, f inerei was a general -laugb, in which the North Carolina Senator heartily Homed. He called the boy back and reached in his pocket for his chance, but the little rascal had darted off to find a fresh victim. Lime and county to sell mifrger8 op Property; and the eom- Ztt extent l which auche- lieVnrlT m?0D carrier may be re" offSacrPeratiMOfth6e0' OOLISG UNLAWFUL. . . 5- That it aVi all Ka nn1.nir-t ay comnion carrier nr.iAt. ; A Gift for All. I In order to give all a chance to test it, and tnus be convinced of Its won derful curative powers; Dr. King's JMew AHscovery for consumption, Coughs and " Colds, will be, for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but - shows -' un bounded faith in the merits of this great remedy. All who i suffer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially re a nested to call at W. H. Green & Co.'s Drusr Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free, Large Bottles $1 t 1 Sea for tbe into ann r lo eaw binaSj cot!i0t agreement or com ; nation with any other common car- ail52S dlfferent and competing th Zt' r t0 divide between them 0arn?re8a or net proceeds of the Portion5 ti? BCh raUro or any , hereof; and in any case of Raleieh JYetcs-Observer: It Is with pleasure wo learn that the Hon. J. J. Davis has accepted the' appointment ten dered him by the Governor to the vacant place on the Supreme Court bench. "Hon est Joe Davis?' will remain "Honest Joe Davis" on the bench.' The Governor yesterday pardoned Henry Kennedy, who was convicted of manslaughter at the spring term of Lenoir Superior Court. 1888, and sentenced to ten years in tbe penitenti ary. . . The pardon was recommended by the solicitor and a large number of the best cit izens in the county. Important facts in the case were developed and laid before the Governor, which strengthened the recom mendations, - - 1 4 ' Richmond its second reading. On the third reading an amendment allowing only stock owners or land owners to ote on the question was tabled. At the night j session the matter came up, and 8peaker Webster ruled that the tablioir of the amendment tahWi tho bill.! There was ereat laughter t thia a the Republicans ! Wero difliriiRfefl . ThA HoUso refuted to' reconsider the vote by which the bill was thus tabled. The followine bills inassed their snmnrf reading: -1 ." ' i r . - -, , To authorize Washington county to levy a snecial tat. ! s i TO authorize Cleveland county to levy a special' : j' n ... .. ... ro allow Salem and Winston to rnnatrnt a system of sewerage. ; ine loiiowmg bills passed third reading; To allow convicis for use in draining thA lowlands in Iredell county. To regulate the pay of jurors iu New Hanover county. ! To establish JJeeo Creek townshin Ri; fax County. I -j ft .. - To incorporate the: Carolina rhospbate Company. ! j to autnonze lirunswick : . t,i a n . i. IW UiU pwt IXUUM3. y . To regulate the sale of seed cotton in Richmond and Anson counties. To incorporate tbe colored ornhan v lum at Oxford. ) h . The revenue bill was set as the snecial .order for Tuesday at 11 o'clock. 1 ne House decided to meet hereafter at 10 a.m. and adjourn at 1p.m. ' J todat's pboceedings. Tbe House met at 10 o'clock this morn ing. I . : ;. . Jl - . " Petitions were presented for an annrnnn- ation; for the agricultural college. i IHTBODUCTIOir OP BILLS. The following bills were introduced: To ratify the purchase of the Oak Farm hear Raleigh, by tbe Penitentiary Board. Dor iue oeuer regulation of the peni tentiary. ' fi i - ;l- ... lo allow Madison countv to lew a sne cial tax. f ;"-,. By Hollo way. to abolish the Januarv and July ; terms of New Hanover Criminal Uourt, tbus giving four terms annually. By i Hollo way, to,, protect deer in New tlanover county. . . To forbid tbe penitentiary to furnish con. victs unless money for the same is deposi-' ted. -. v:-R- :-'rvi' To extend the corporate limits of the town. of Whitaker's.! - -- To prescribe the form of tickets for elec tions. I ' - i t -: 4 - : ,". To amend the charter of Fayetteville. -To require magistrates to furnish itemized statements of costs, -j To allow: Wayne countv to work it own convicts on its publiq roads. - r; , BILLS TIMED BEADIHO. Thti followioff bills passed their third reading : ( . . . . . : To incorporate the Danville & Carolina Railway Co. . To enbance tne State's interest in tha North Carolina and Atlantic and North Carolina railways by aiding in the con struction of branch lines. - To amend the charter of the Roanokn & Tar River Railway Co. I The be venue bill. . The House took un at 11 o'clock, as & special order, the act to raise revenue. Tbe. House went into: committee of the Whole, Doughton in the chair, on the bill. and considered the bill by sections. - - mere areas sections in the act.. which covers 19 pages. It provides for a tax of 23 cents on the $100 valuation on real and personal property, &c, and for a tax of 69 cents on the poll, for education. - . Tbere was not a great deal of debate on the bill. Several members favored a re duction of the rate of taxation to 20 cents. but, finally withdrew amendments to that effect. ; Section after section was adopted. There was some debate on the Question of taxing circuses. ; It was represented that In some sections circus companies resorted $200,000; provided, that no part of the sum appropriated shali. be expended upon or with xeference. to anv ni i which the title of the United States ia ia doubt, or in respect to which any claim adverse to the United States has been made. The Portage, Lake and-Rlver Improvement Company Canal, at Lake Superior, Ship Canal Railway and iron Company Canal ku.vuko ul tjv.uw; proviaea, mat do , part shall be expended until tbe property is convoyed to the United 8tate s and the Attorney- General shall have certified that the title is perfect. The Cullom amendment .with respect to the Hennepin Canal, is in corporated in the bill and the sum of $50 000 in addition to any Unexpended balance of the last River and Harbor- bill i9 appro priated for surveys and expenses; " - The President has vetoed the bill" appro priating $10,000 for distribution of seeds to the drought stricken counties of Texas.. . Senator Coke to-day Introduced an amendment to the River and Harbor bilL making appropriation of-$600,000 for dredging the channel across Galveston bar NOT AFFBCTBD BT AGE. ' Some old snerinWna r.f: 'Tinwoi 'ni,i!n Powder that had been kept on the shelf of grocery store for tea "years were recently tested by Prof. Schedler, of New York, for the purpose of measuring . the . loss of strength they had undergone. It was found that, although the powder had been ex posed to atmospheric changes during all this time for it was not in air tight cans its loss of raising power or strength was less than one per cent., the powder being practically as good as the day it was put up. This is a most valuable quality in a bak ing powder, one which few possess. Most powders if not use when first: made are iouna to ne ineffective. If kept even a few weeks, they loose their levening power, be come lumpy or caked, and valueless. - - '' This ' superior keeping quality lh the 'Royal' arises from the extraordinary care in iu manufacture, and the scientific prin ciples employed in its combination. The articles used in its composition are tho roughly dfied by heat before being com pounded.and are so prepared and coated as to prevent the action of the acid upon the alkali prematurely, or exnent uniier tha in. fiuence of heat or water necessarily used in - wju&iujc ur uniting. !' , The Royal is now 'used .'extensively in" Australia, Africa, and other low attitudes, where it has been found to be the only baking powder that will withstand the hot, moist atmosphere without deterioration. Rosin. Tar. 8,812 8,432 V . V RECEIPTS . For the week ended Feb. 13, Cotton. Spirits: Rosin. Tar. 1,578 451 4,189 741 EXPORTS . . Pur the week ended Feb. 12, 1887 Uotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 1.040 1,207 712 17.178 000 20 Total Domestic Foreign. 1.260 2.830 18.218 1 207 ;'"'' EXPORTS For the week ended Feb. 13. 1886 733 Cotton. Sairitn. Riafn- Domestic 239 311 4' Foreign. . 5.425 COO 3 833 Toiif. 5.694 Tar. Crude 652 ,131 000 ; 000, 652 131 ; Produce Exchange Ordinary.....;.-; Good Ordinary... Low Middling. . . Middling......... Good Middling.:. I RICE-Market ' Rouoh: Uplands. Tidewater 90c$l 10. cents. i TIMBER Market steady, with quota tions as follows: Primeand Extra Ship ping, first-class heart, $9 50U 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill, good heart, $7 508 50 MiU Prime, $7 007 50 j Good Common Mill $4 006 00: Inferior to Ordinary $3 O05 00. - 1 P2ANUTS-Market firm. Prime 55a60 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 75 80 cenU per bushel of 28 lbs. I STAR OFFICE, Feb. 12. 6 P. M. I 1 SPIRITS TURPENTINE -Quoted flrin at 86J cenU per gallon! with sales of 56 casks at quotations. ! ROSIN The market was quoted firm at. 75 cents per -bbl for Strained and 80 cents for Good Strained. , - i ' .TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10 per bbl. of 280 fta, with salea of receipt at quotations, - ' . : . , CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm at $1 90 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 00 for Hard. ' . ' . , j COTTON Market quoted firm at 9i eenU for Middling. Small t ales on a basis of 9 3-16 cents for Middling. The fol lowing are tho closing quotations at the Produce Exchange: ...... ..Of -i 7i .....;..8 .. . ;....9, - steady. ! We 00000c per Clear: J , FOREIGN. - -" Hambceo.' Ger barque Frilz Schmidt . 314 bbls rosin . ,; .v ; Stettik. Ger: barque Lud wig 8.873 bbls rosin. f:--. J, ' . ; Fjabdo, P R. Schr Belle Brown jil. 384 feet lumber, 924 bundles shingles. ' n. Ahtwebp Nor barque Emma Parker 350 bales cotton, 3.872 bbls rosin. Lohdok Nor barque Monica 1.512 Casks spts turpt 3.672 bbls rosin Loudon Br barque Arda 8 547' bbls rosin, 20 bbls gum thus. - . fOET-AU-PEiNCE- Schr Hattie Tur ner 225,714 feet lumber, 100.000 shingles. -- Nassau Br Schr Mabel Darline 26.684 ft lumber; 600 paliugs, 169.000 shingles. - Stettin Ger Brig Atlantic 2.867 bbls rosin. ! 1 ntlno. I 8 . i7;o 40 00 0 00 CO 6 CO 8 e 1 ro 1 75 1 75 8 CO 0 00 M CO 18 & 11 14 60 00 & 18 25 80 25 13 11 13 10 IS 10 - 03fc& 65 1 10 5 . 85 MARINE. CUtt) quote: bushel. Fair , 3, 3,051 1.872 90,918 9,884 745 311 3.337 .,. STOCKS Ashore and Afioat Feb. 12, 1887. ' ' ! ' Ashore. Afloat. Total. v-ouon.. 3,051 000 Spiriu.........;.;. 1,872 " 000 Rosin......:. 87.088 3.890 Tar 9.284 100 Crude 745 000 V; .. ... . STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, Feb. 13, 1886. Cotton. Spirits, Rosin. Tar. Crude. 6,178 1,559 116.167 3.298 870 . . QUOTATIONS. Feb, 12, 1887. . . .. , . Feb. 13, 1886. : Cotton.. 9i . 8f Spirits.. , 36J B9i . Rosin.. ,75 CaSO 75 ra 80 ' Tar..,.. $1 10 $1 10 New rorb Comparative Cotton : : BUHL State 107,464 105,784 By Telegraph to tha Morning Ktar. . , NEW YOBE. Feb. 11. The folln-nina io the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: "LJ " - ! 1887. 1886. Net receipts at all United . ' . . d tales ports during the ' week Total receipts to this - - date. 4,581,976 4,295,997 Exports for the week.'. . 117,805 104,733 Total exports - to this - date. .v... ....... .. . 3.239,0852,688,739 Stock in all Unitedtates . a ports. . . . ; . . ......... 881.495 1,044,762 Stock at all interior towns..;..;......;. 155,183 228.986 Stock m Liverpool. . . f ' "912,000 '63,000 American i afloat for ? " Great Britain. ..... . . 217,000 239,000 Ordinarv Good Ordinary Low Middling...... Middling......... Good Middling.... - RICE. Market Rough : Uplands, jTide water 90c$l 10 cents. TIMBER Market steady, with quota tions as follows: Prime and Extra Ship ping, first class heart, $9 50lt 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill, good heart, $7 508 50; Mill Prime, $7 007'50; Good Common MUlj $4 006 00; Inferior to Ordinary. $3.oo5 oa v- PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 5560 cents'; Extra Prime 6570 cento; Fancy 7&tiU cents per bushel of 28 lbs. : 1 STAR OFFICE. Feb. 14 6 P M. : SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm at 36j cents per gallon, with sales of 60 casks at quotations. ' ; j - ROSIN The market was. quoted firm at 75 cento per bbl for Strained aau tso cento for Good Strained. -1 j TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10 per bbL of 280 lbs., with sales of receiptt at quotations. - ' 1 i CRUDE TURPENTINE-Market firm at $190 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and$l 00 for Hard. . 1 j- COTTONMarket quoted firm on' a basis of 9 3-16 cento ' for Middling, with sales jof 80 bales. The following are the closing quotations at the Produce Ex change; ...6 7-16 cents lb; ...1 ...8 11-16 ...9 8-16 " ...9 7 16 " steady. N . We quote ;'; :-,; ARRIVED. - Ger barque Ferdinand, 431 tons,.Blus mer," Liverpool, E Peschau & Westerroan. with salt to Heide & Co - Ger barque Fortuna, 442 tons. Unruh Rochefort, France, E Peschau & Wester mann. . - .. ; Nor barqueektor, 395 tons. Jahanesen. Buenos Ay res, Paterson, Downing & Co Steamship Benefactor, Tribou. New York, H G Smallbones. . Schr Adventure,, Willis. Hyde county, with 1,900 bushels corn to B F Mitfhpii Son and GJBoney.! . Schr Regulator, Lewis. Elizabeth City, with 2,300 bushels corn to B F Mitchell & OOn. t- : ! ! - 8chr Beulah Benton, DaYis, Elizabeth City, with 2.000 bushels corn to B F Mitch ell & Son. 1 - 1 . Schr William & Richard, 253 tons, Pat rick, Charleston,- Geo Harriss & Co, with phosphate rock to Navassa Guano Go. r Schr Carrie, Chad wick, Elizabeth City, with 1,700 bushels corn to B F Mitchell & Son- ! ' H ! -; i . Schr Annie Farrow, Rose, ' Elizibeth City, with 576 bushels corn to B F Mitchell & Son. vl) C. Schr Eunice Reynolds Yeamona, Eliza beth City.f with 2,000; bushels corn to B F Mitchell & Sons. -1 i Schr Harry PrescoU, 434 tons, Turner, Boston, E G Barker & Co, with cuano to order, - -jU.; : . . i - Schr Otello. 832 tons. Bond, Boston; E G Barker & Co, with guano to W & W and 00 00 7 50 9 00 4 75 7 80 4 CO 7 00, 3 00 6 8 60 4 00 4 75 4 10 4 50 8 C0 58 58 00 45 CO I 2 50 8 00 11 00 00 9 oa 5 00 9 CO 4 ou 10 5 10 1 05 1 00 I 10 ) 8 1 40 18 00 15 00 4 00 4 BO 5 50 4 10 5 00 10 62 60 60 ' 58 45 75 13t 1 10 - 1 05- . 1 15 8 10 0.00 OCRR. CLEARED. Frilz Schmidt. Schmidt, Stettin, Gfer ibaraue Hamburg.! S PShotter & Co. . Ger barque Ludwig, Schaher, Paterson Downing & Co. 'a Schr Peter C 8chultz, Thompson, Phila delphia, Geo Harriss & Co. J Schr Belle Brown, Perry, Fjardo, Porto Rico, E G Barker & Co. cargo by Edward Kidder's Son. , ; j . Steamship Regulator, Ingraham, New York, H. G. Smallbones. Nor barque Emma Parker, Larsen, Ant werp. Alex Sorunt Ss Son. . Nor barque Monica, jJohannessen, Lon don, Heide & Co, cargo by Williams & Murchison and Paterson, Downing & Co. Br barque Arda, Kearon, London, Pater son, Downing & Co, cargo by Williams & Murchison and Paterson, Downing Co. Schr Hattie Turner, Keen, Port-au-Prince. Hayti. Edward Kidder's 8on. ; Br Schr Mabel Darling, Ranger, Nassau, Cronly & Morriss, cargo by Parsley &Wig-gins- 4 .. j COSSUMPTTION CTJSED. retired from praotice.ha vine t India mlsslon- EOBEIGN. Reaiatanee to Evictions la Ireland. - By Cable to the Hornlno- Star. Dublin, Feb.' 16. A conflict occurred to-day between a force of police on their way to execute a number of eviction orders ana part or tne population of Dingle, a tea port in the county of Kerry.: "The people barricaded the roads, in some cases building stone walls across them. 'The police were at first driven away and compelled to re- ueai. xaey reiormeo and then charged with batons and clubbed rifles upon the people, compelling them after a severe struggle to give way. A number of men and women were injured. Lohdon, February 16 Sixty British members of the House of Commons, at a conference to-day, adopted a resolution to call the attention of .Parliament next week to the alleged packing of juries in cases against Nationalists in Ireland. Durham Hecordef: Tbe citizens of Williams township, Chatham county, .will petition the Legislature to annex a por tion of that township to Durham county. The Legislature will ba netitinned to establish a Criminal Court' io Durham county,, and . Include . this , cdunty in the ume uiamct wiin newManoveT and Meck lenburg counties, and to abolish tbe May term of the Superior Court if the Crimina Court is established. , i - An old Dhvsl had D laced in hia handa Kv n Knot fry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, lor the speedy and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive an J radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- Slalnte' after having tested lte wonderful cura yo power In thousands of oases, has felt it hia duty to make it known to his suffering' fellows. Aotoated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suff eting.I will send free of oharge, to all who desire it, this recipe. In German, Trenoh or Eng lish, with full directions for preparing and using. Bent bvmail bv iulilraw Vith afvU -Tll. this paper W. ANotks.149. Jtr' HiVv-i' jtnnhZf thU paper W.A.Notks,149, ter.N.Y. ' ANOTHER LTJCKTMUSKBaON (MICH.) MAN ' TS0rAf reoB.'l,(ld t8 ,at e last IJan. 11th," JS?Pidiawlonc.fiThe inllana Btate Lottery, ticket No. 91,930 drew $159,000, the First Capital frjf-.itnow transpires that Mr. John Camp bell, of the 1 flfm of Qow, Ma Jo A Co, North Mas-kego2;lloi,-own8teIlfch Interest inthistiok-et- .."be anuounoement created considerable xoltement.-Muskegon (Mich.) Chronlole, Janu- f WHO IS MBS. WINSLOWr-As this "question a lady who for upwards of thirty years has unti ringly devoted her tune and talents as a female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the TJonatitntlon and wants or this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge, obtained in a lifetime soent as a. imm &ni nhndkn k. compounded a Soothing Syrup for children teeth It operates like magic glvinf rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this artlole Sirs. Wlns low is beooming world-renowned as a benefactor i nor mav; uuiiaren cenauuy ao Eis up and bless her; especially is thia the case in tills city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are daelt sold and used here. We thWMri Winslow has immortalized her name by this Invaluable art! cle, and we sincerely believe thousands of chil dren have been saved from an early grave by its tjmeiy we, and that millions yet nnbora will share its benefits, and unite in calUng her blessed. Tt has discharged her duty to heruffer- n v r ""ir "i ,""f "Ejnion. unni ne nas given tttte benefit of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup York City. So - u d marts ts. 85 eta. a bottie Ordinary. Good Ordinary. . . . , Low Middling.... Middling ;. . , . Good Middling.... ; RICE Market KOUOH; .Uplands, 55tt5c per bushel; Tidewater.90c$l 10 ; Clean: Fair 3ici ' TIMBER-Market steadf , with quotations' as follows; Prime and Extra Shipping, firsti class heart, $9 60&11 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill, good heart, $7.5Q8 50; Mill Prime; $7 007 50; Good Common MUX $4 00 ,6 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 005 00. j PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 556& cento; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy. 75 80 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. ' i : "V 8TAR OFFICER Feb. 15, 6 P. M. ' j SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quoted firm" at the opening at 86i cento per gallon, but without buyers, when tales were made a 36 cents about 180 casks being taken at these figures. ' - ; !; ' 5 - ROSIN The market was. quoted flrin at 75 cts per bbl for Strained and 80 eta for Good Strained.- .'. :.. iWvi;; . ' TAR Market quoted firm at $1 lO.per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales of. receipts at quotations. t , v. , , - : CRUDE TURPENTINB-Market firm at $1 90 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $100 for Hard..: :; .COTTON Market quoted firm on a basis of 8-16 cento for Middling, with sales of 150 bales;" The following are the closing quotations at the Produce Exchange: f Ordinary ' 6 7-16 centolbr Good Ordinary;. UfJ 7 18-16 : ' " " ' Low Middling. ;-. .. ' 8 11-16 ' IDddBiutr.". i . t i.v 9- 8-16 -.. a" Good Middling.. . .:K y 9 7-I6 - ; ' ITOK--Market teadyl We - qubtoi Ropoh: Upland 5565 centoper bushel Tidewater 90c$I 10. Clean: Fair 3 cents. -' J;.'' ' j . "'1' " BAQGINO ! p Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina Bams, $ lb.. Shoulders, B....... Bldes. .... i....... WK3TKHN SMOKED Hams, 9 S . Sides, V 9...J. ..... Shoulders, W lb DBY SALTED Sides. lb... ' Shoulders. S t... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. oeoona nana, eacn -. NewNew York.each New City, each . BEESWAX. W BKICBB, Wilmington, iionnern , , BUTTER, lb - North Carolina. . Northern CANDLES. V lb . Sperm .1 Adamantine CHEEAE, 9 lb - Northern Factory Dairy, -Cream ..... State. COFFEE, 9 at Java Laguyra..... .. Rio CORN MEAL. bus.. In sacks- Vlrrlnla Meal COTTON TIES, bundle....... DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, yd.......... Yarns, w bunoh EGGS, y dozen FISH - Mackerel, No. 1, w bbl : Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl. Mackerel, No; 8, bbl Mackerel, No. 8. half bbl.... Mackerel, No. 8, p bbl..... Mullets, V bbl ....... Mullets. l'ork bbls N. c. Roe Herring, keg... Dry Cod, lb..."..;....?... PLOUB,aibbl- Northera Super.... ...... " j Extra I Family........ City Mills-Super ... . nr" Family GLUE, j) lb . GRAIN, y bushel Corn, from store, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, earso. in bairn, white Corn, oargo, mixed; In bags. Oats, from stores EEaCow Peas BIDES, Jb Green.i , ' Dry j... .. HAY, V 100 lbs Eastern.. ;. Western ; . North River HOOP IRON, f) B : LARD, fl lb-1 Northern. . North Carolina LIME, V barrel. LUMBER, City Sawed. M ft Ship Stuff, resawed ; RoDgh Edge Plank....... ... West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality ....18 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 - Scantling and Board, oom'n 14 00 XOLASSJtS, V gallon ew ltop uuoa, in bbds. in obis. ... 25 Rico, lnhhds 88 " inbbl so House, lnhhds........ , in ddis... 1.. m hhla .. oa NAILS, Keg, Cut. lOd basis... uiia v gauon- Kerosene v : . f Lard.j. - Linseed : Rosin Tar... I , Deck and Spar.. . POULTRY Chickens, live, grown '. ... " Spring............ Turkeys PEANUTS, V bushels ti Bs... POTATOES, V bushel . Sweet. Irish, W bbl.. v. PORK, ft barrel - CltyMess Prime. 1. ...... Rump.. RICE Carolina, lb Rough, V bushel, (Upland).. -1 " - (Lowland). RAGS, V -Ctountryr... Clty..ii . ROPE, t lb . ! SALT, v sack, Alum ' Liverpool ;...!. .... ' - Lisbon , , American... 8UGAR, 9 S Standard gran.. Standard A " White Ex. C Extra o, Golden CYeUow..... SOAP, y lb Northern... SHINGLES, 7 In. V U...... Common - Cypress SaDS.... Cypress Hearts. . . . STAVES, y M W. O. a v. iiogsneaa TALLOW, y a TIMBER. jf U feet-Shlpplng. Fine Mill... Mul Prime........ . ... . MUI Fair...; .. Common Mill.....: k Inferior to Ordinary....... WHISKEY, f) gal-Northern.. , North Carolina. WOOL, V ft Washed:. Unwashed 1 ... .. ?-.; Burry..i.... ... , qonsur.ip.Tiorj I PltiT remodjr for lot ttiar, Uwu; tj Iu an tbewudi of cum o tb wont kind and of loaf (Undine rf'?.b.cor1- ft ii itroiw U my blth la It rocacr, ?i?l?D&2?r0 BOTTLES FRKB, toffothor with a. VaL DABLB TBBXTISB oa tbls dlMoao. to aorraSarar. 8lv Kx KMaaaar.O.addrtM. B.T.a.BiCUlt,inroailSt.,a.V Uo!81 D&W6m 15 if6 14 ' 9 7M 80 00 10 00 18 00 23 00 15 00 Porto Sugar Syrup 8 75 ib 25 87 80 85 18 85 1 a . Barrel.. d Absolutely? Pure; Thlspowoer nereryane. a maryoi or parity' ftreagth and wboleeomanesa. More eonomioal than ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold lnoom petition with the multitude 'of low test, abort weight, atom or phosphate powders. Sold an vim am. - - . . . . !- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., iw wail St., n. iLBfl Jan 1 DAW mm too or ma YJ IRat, 4U Dysnensia is tlie Dane t the present a-eaicrsvtloii. It ia for Its careand its attendants, siek Head Mil, Censtlpatlon and Files, that - ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American : papers: by addressing Gea P.:Rowell& Co., . . Newspaoer Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York, i Send loots, for IQCPage Pamphlet i "h'i 1) . PAYETTEVILEL J; - Dollar Weeldy News. mm laSuooeaaor to ; . FAYETTEVILLE SUN, WITH SU'S SCBSCElr TION LIST, AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAS. , 1f .ALSO, ' ' hsT tweoas so famous. .Tbcy aet saeedlly and arently en tne dta-estlve : era-ano, irlvins; them tea aad vlgrer te asetmt late feed. Bio arri ping rnaoaea. 1 : Bold Everywhere. , Office.44 Murray St., New York. febI7D4WIy. nrml - thsatu EVENIN& NEWS wrrn good local " CIRCULATION. Good Adrert'slEK Medhna for Fayetteville nu t surrounding country .- 1 - 8end for Copies and Rtt'S of AdvvrMniii w '. " j " ' - t. d. WORTU. ' feb 13 DWtt . Editor and Proprietor.- : it' mm . ..... . n si - I' mi .'-Vff.fji.-1 .vft m t .tit M . ... MM ;? k'iftV: vj Gfi. mm .. l ; i. . ' . . -It' ) . -,;Vt 11. . 1 m : M f I ... r ' .h- J.I -'i;"i;-'-. v i. - Jt