THp- WppIHv Star 1 0ffo. i , ' V , i 111 I f V V Jl.f I I 1 I JX A 1Tf O V I . I .WUioa 1 S&Y It IB I&1S8. ftirainat fnnr nf I nTTtfy m 9a Tnnnr . I . . L VAJ.U.YliiaiUlAi.. THK OLD-FASHIONED HAIR. MRS. K. A. OLDHAM. nh the old-fashioned hair of theawpet la tlin kind I shall alwava lnva host XnJ tho faces it framed with Us beautifnl )f the dear ones long since gone to rest. There were tresses, and ringlets, and lone n'ir. wpro heautifut hnnnin hrirrM nv.- " vimvuiio,- i i 'I. 1. - .1 ! I " . nu ingu yuujub BUU cuuiDs, ana fair Iiut wire worn by the old-fashioned ffirls. 1 romcmber the roach that my grandfather Erusbed back from his broad, honest ji ui u " With an elegant, easy simplicity, which, Though I look for, I never see now. Ami my grandmother's hair snowy white. 'Vnath a head-dreaa nf daintw T.;t i. , ii""' ' - "UUW t,nrius uunu iiuiu uer prow in a smooth surer u&uu. As the proud, noble face of my great-uncle ueirga N , T.nnks down from the nunm at ma With tho "old-timey" stock, and the fine puwuereu wig . Tis as handsome and grand as can be 1 1 But the dearest and loveliest hair in the woriu ;--.,! I mv mother' soft, han.nt.ifnl hrnn With a touch of tho gold, and a glint of iau sua. : . j And away to her knees falling down, j Ami it tells its own! story of womanly AdiI the old-fashioned modesty, too. Of that sweet, indescribablo beauty of soul, And tlie mother's love, tender and true. For the angel that painted the 'rainbow . couia unu a tint so exmilaita And raroi Oh the wealth of luxurious, ripplfng waves ui uiy uiuiucrojLjrown, oeauuiui nair ! :j So I honor the hair of the swaet long ago. Whether silver, or dusky, or fair, I For it brings back dear faces, and good, honest hearts j - . And I love it the old-fashioned hair) From Dress, New York. Suggestion to Mr. Randall. Memphis Appeal, Dem. I "Tla intornol . .1.. basit of our reform policy," saya ex Senator McDonald, "and from this onr country mast- receive its sup plies." This id a euccinot statement of the best policy of the Democratic party. The most intelligent and the most unprejudiced of the economist of the day are agreed thai the in watse of the eurplaa must be stopped ami. that the daty mast be taken off imported necessaries. To make whis key free and at the same time to place an embargo on imported necessaries is a proposition which is jso mani festly absurd that one may not argue it patiently. Yet Buch is the proposi tion of the Republican party and ' of Air T? i n ,1 a 1 1 Tko o A t; e .v MW HUVWVU VF. L11U policy suggested by Mr. McDonald vould so strengthen the Democratic party before the country as to make snccesa in J888 absolutely assured. The people would instantly perceive its wisdom and Democratic speakers could take the stamp- without apology. Never was1 there each an opportunity to put tho Republican party at a killing disadvantage. To i temporize will be to invite! de feat. A Republican Journal on Handali'a ' Letter. j ; Lancaster Examiner (Rep.) - Mr. Randall in his wonderful but non understandable letter to the St. Louis Republican says: "I am not a protectionist per se or a free trader per se." We are glad to hear this, as Mr. Randall over his own signa ture informs as that he belongs to that large class of statesmen Ma caulay was fond of sneering at 'j'a trimmer." In matters of govern raent oar leading statesmen should really tell us whether hci' are men, mice or long-tailed rats. We have respect for Frank Hurd and Judge Kelley, because they tell us some thine definite. Bat we cannot nn-i demand a straddler. Mr. Randall should write another letter. COTTON. U. V. Commercial and Financial Chronicle New Yokk, Jnly 29. The move ment of the crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the South to-night, is given below. For the Week end ing this evening (July 29) the ' total receipts have reached 2581 bales, against 3,295 bales last j week, 4, GOO bales the previous week, and 1,261 bales three weeks since; mak ing the total receipts since the 1st of Sept., 1886, 5,204,679 bales, against r,29S,672 bales for the same period of 1885-80, showing a decrease since Sept. 1, 1886, of 93,993 bales. S The exports for the week ending this evening reach a total of 22,145 bales, of which 15,597 werej to Great Britain, 2,260 to France and 4,288 to the rest of the Continent. . j 1 To day August options declined 34 points and the next crop" was much depressed. Liverpool declined 4 C4ths (&5G4ths and adjourned to the 2d August, in view of which,) and the favorable-crop- reports, there was a heavy selling movement Cotton on the spot was without quotable obange and the . demand mainly for , home consumption, until to-day, when there was a decline of 3-lCc. mid- ii . - "ling uplands closing at ITie total sales for forward; fo is 10 3-16C. delivery r the week are 633,300! bales Pleasant Home Life. Richmond State, j Ex Gov. GilpinJ of Colorado, who seeking a divorce, from his wife. charges the latter with making his ii e uncomfortable through the me dium of butcher knives iind tack ha mmers. Once when she had knocked him unconscious for several he urs by a judicious blow, she held family prayer and asked that some li sease might come and make him up and flatter with the angels. Brace Up. j J ou are feeling depressed, your ap atite is poV, you are bothered with Headache, ydu are fidgetty, nervous, ami generally out of sorts, land want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bit tcys, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stim ulate you for an hour, and then leave M?uiaworse condition than before. What von wn.nt in nn nltcrntitrn t.hnt lijl purify your blood, start healthy ,your vitality, and give renewed health IM'l strength. Such a medicine you Fill find in Electric Bitters, and only t'O cents a bottle at W. H. Green & Chet" Smith, the dramatic1 aeent who as Charffed with funr1inir irirla in Hiarnnn- Jsble concert balls at .Hurley, and other j'owns in Wisconsin; under pretence of get- j'UK respectable positions in country thea- r-0. oas oeen sentenced to one penitentiary. : i I year in the nr. t ":r; tu city subscribe "r ai 8l?.k ?f,the Onslow me municipality will have no representation in the directory of the comnanv. ThM ; -J. ,i ; " - provision ;id,; T"v:: ne. . co wny p'o- e fieaeotauon in the direc tOrV Of t.ha ' l'TwluuK' assome per sapposed. When the , wJ. Wi!.a!ked ,t0, bscribe, the amenaea so that the county should have representations oniner-Frrr nel-Another Duel in Proepect-Tne Rebellion In Afcnanlatan Proelanaauon of tne Aiaaar micratlon movement In Km vnoiin in inaiaTne Brltlsta Grain Trade-Irian Affair ln tne nonae or Commona. , ' La'",dex-?remierFe"y will pro- , ' piace tomorrow. Uen. Bou langer allows M. Ferry the choice of 1.WUUUB .ana pistols will probably be se- i-iea. ine Inenda of Gen. Boulanger " - iiuu tibw oi aaaira. M.fDelafo88 denies the Jruth of Deputy Laura accusation, to the effect that he ifeiaioHi maaa overtures to Gen. Boulan- V u eiai inzravor or a re but this does not annW f .fc"".?:!".! r.u"0 01 , monarchy. M. Delafoaa The seooi1 .(; i, ""alie"Keu . buuuivu ui me original . V ,yg charter nf tl ri t-.m .uo vuoiuw j-vauroad gives lA ""r.r. urTB,x corporators -"v sucn omer Dersons and corporations as with them" shall b "aZ J I f.-vauuuv uu uave a comorata nTiatan. . nn" i.i C ."tvv.. A UO ii,u section TjrovidAfi t.haf if i- election ?Tmnnicirftlifw QmKo.;vT . 1 . 1 J . BuvmiuQO LU the capital stock of the road, the proper authorities i of the city or county Bhall immediate v m4v !. -wunpwon, ana appoint a board of trustees ot not less ; than three resi- flAnf . taw v . the bonds voted at the ouan uaiiver tne bonds so issued tn tho T7 r,l. omuu vumnanv nnon r ceivme therefor, fnr thn , u..e8-. ana 8y8 he will only punish the certificates of stock in the rai rnart approach the fmntiBr ti, nT a .i . . r i , 7-.. . . r yfj"w " vUmpuj, ine amount-of the sub- ," explain mat in issuing the proc- M. Laur to fieht a dner: -Paris. An or 1 graphed to his seconds to insist upon M. jccirjr masing an immediate apology for ""erences to tne General in his speech the Epmal, and in the event of refusal nu uouunue ine preparations for a duel. lltr 1 LAr1winAa a"1. dahar state that the Ameer of Afghanistan nas caused a proclamation to be posted in the Bazaar.- in that, ritv infn.m;n. v,;a . , --J v. luiut; uh Bllhlajit. tv.t .1 n . . 0 iae xtriusn eovernment is uomintr six inrantry divisions, each consist- iog or nine regimento, with cavalry and ar tillery, in readiness-to march intn Afghan istan to suppress the revolt of th Amr' oueuues m tne . interior. The procla- mauonaaas: "1 can suppress thehit- sara wnnout them, but they remain rcauy in case Itussia takes advantage of the rebellion to invade the country." The Ameer invites tho rebels to return to their ouripiion so voted. This makes tho municipality a stockholder in the company to the amount of its sub scription, and unlike the public stock U.UCD i oovBni oi ine railroads in the State, j gives them their propor- nuuaie Birenetn with the nrivaf.n oi.uuauoiaers in airectin? and enn. trolling the management of the com pany. Unless I am mistaken. th State; which owns much more than a majority of the stock in the Atlantic on r orth Carolina road, has not t proportionate voice in the manage mens or. tne road over the nrivate stockholder, which its predominance would 8eeinjto entitle it. Bat in the Onslow rp4d public and private stocKnoiaers are upon the same foot mg. a part of the 14th sectiou has been repealed, but not that to whinh I have above referred. - Under these circumstances, the city, if it subscribes, being probably mucn ine largest single stockholder, would be fatuous if it failed to secure share in the management, and places on the Board of Directors. It will be noticed that the Drovisinna of Section 14 above referred to. m- Ttjaire the proper authorities of the city or county voting a subBsnption to immediately make such subscrip tion to tho capital stock, and it cer tainly seems that when a subscrip tion is mae, the party making it be comes a stockholder. ' The "terms and conditions" udoh which tho subscription is asked, are for the security of the citv. If no road is built then the city spends no money. When it is remembered how many times it has occurred that mu nicipal bonds have been issued and sold, and the proceeds pocketed by those to whem the bonds were deliv ered, and I no road built, it appears that similar "terms and conditions" should bejimposed upon all municipal subscriptions. I am not aware in this case whether they were demand ed by thejeity, or offered by the company; but no reflectine person can doubt ,he advantage of them; ana without some guarantee of the kind a subscription should not re ceive a single vote. Respectfully, Yed. Kor the Stab. GRANGE ESC AMrMEJNT. The following preliminary pro gramme Cor the Hincampment has been announced: Detailed pro grammes win De published every day in advance, and distributed to visitors. " : jyionaayjjAug. tn uenorai pre paration day; reception and placing of exhibitors, classification of arti cles entered for competition, pitch-. ing of tentjs and assignment of guar antees to grangers and delegates. ineHdayj Aug. 9th formal open ing at 3 o'clock, p. m., by Rev. A. II. Wells, President of the local or ganization.! Prayer. Music by the Steel Creek Cornet Band. Address of welcome by Gov. A. M. Scales. Addresses by Hon. A. P. Butler and lion. John liobmson, Commission ers of Agticnlture respectively of South and Morth Carolinas, and others. i v Wednesday, Aug. 10th 9 o'clock, m., 3 o'clock, p. m., 8 o'clock, p. m., inauguration of the Farmers Institute, Addresses b r officers and members of the State . Agricultural Board and' by other er linent citizens. These meetings will continue not exceeding two hours, affording ample intervals for inspecting the exhibits and en joying the: amusements. The same rule will apply to the meetings Thursday and Friday. Thursday, August 11 Patrons of Husbandry day, morning meeting. Hon. Willis Williams, Master of State Grange, will preside. Ad dresses will be delivered by the Master and Other members of the Orders. The, meetings at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. will be : occupied with addresses by gentlemen whose names and subjects have already been pub- lsbed. 1 Friday, August 12 Meetings at & a. in. and 3 p.j m. will be occupied with addresses as on Thursday. At p. m. the Committee on Permanent Organization will report. The I re port of thri Juries of Awards will be made, the meeting ending with fit ting closing exercises. Saturday, August 13 Kemoval of exhibits and striking of tents and final wind up.! A great variety oi enieriainmeuui and contests will enliven the several days. These will be so distributed as to nil in the intervals, ine ad dresses will be' delivered in a commo dious tent. There will be dancing in a large frame pavilion, jWednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. For those who do not wish to live in camp and who cannot find suitable accommodations in the village, trains will run at intervals of two hours rom Mount Holly to Charlotte, at a charge of twenty cents for the round trip. Restaurants and eating stands will have an ample supply of food for Patrons. ! i ; . . congratulations. Mr. W. I. Dewoody, Pine- Bluff, Ark., writes: "Allow me to congraiuiaw you upon the large sale of your Hughes Tome ana tne general sausiacuuu " sou. Prepared by B.; A. KODinson a., WhniPHftlA nrartrists. Louisville, Ky. Sold at retail by DruggUts generally, t mmauon ine Ameer is niAvinv hia loot trump card, as he finds that the people vmuc Alio niillftUCB W1LI1 liinff Ann mnia than . - aa uivaw iiunu iney vaiue ine Ameer himself. St. Petersburg. Au p. 1. An im migration movement is nrnnenriinir in n-n. tral Russia. . The peasants and farmers are going in large numbers to western Servia, wuere iree pastures and arable lands abound. The movement threatens aaeii ous agricultural crisis. It is reported that mo uovernmeni is aoout to stop the migra tion j I Calcutta, Aug. 1. The citv of Peaha w if r,Tin northwestern part of India, in iuo jtuujsu, is mieciea with cholera of the worst type. Three hundred rif-ntha fmm the disease occurred duri nir mnnth nt o v. L.ONDON. August 1 f!nl TTinfr-TTon.on Under Secretory for Ireland, denied in the aouse or uommons this afternoon that mere waa any notable discontent nmnnv liumposiug mtj lrisn tjonstabulary. Of the number that had loined thn frr. within the past three years, 848 were Cath olics ana sou were Protestants. Hir James Ferguson, Parliamentary Seo rcmrjr ior; me f oreign umce, announced mac me communications between the nnv. ernmeni oi tne United States and that of ureal lintain showed that progress was being made in the work of &dinRiinr tha anauian lisneries dispute, and he added that the British Government were hnnPf..i of attain ing a satisfactory settlement at no aistani aate. ! . Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretarv for Trelanil replying to a question bv Parnelt. i that it was probable that the Government would withdraw the clause of the Land hill wnicn yet awaited action and was of a na ture 10 excite opposition, if the passage of the measure would be thus expedited. He sad it as un fair for the Opposition to in tro duce othed clauses outside the intention of Dill. ; Parnell disclaimed any intention of bring ing in extraneous matter, and nromisnd that most of the amendmends offered by the nawuuausui saouia do withdrawn. W. 11. smith, government leader, utatwi mat in oroer to iaciiitate the closing of the session, ine government wonld persist in 1 a. r 1 . uui lew oi ine measures Derore tbe House, including those relating to the regulation oi mi net ana me commutation of tithes. x ne uouse would, Smith said, set on 8at urdayuntil prorogued. L.ONDON, Aug. jl. The Mark Lane Ex press, in its; weekly review on the British gram trade, sayS: ! The harvesting of wheat is becoming general. A large Dro- portion of the oat Croo is alrenHv out Values are already tending downward. The croDS being reaned are in crnori miiiinir condition. Prices are expected to be lower than ever, i Rates! for foreign wheat are all in buyer's favor. Liverpool has re corded s decline in spot wheat every mar- nei uay. lue waeai iraae is very, much depressed. I Corn is weaker; barley is life less; linseed is 3 pence better. ' PARIS. Aug. 1. M. Ferrv has finallv chosen Proust Paynall as hia seconds, in his coming duel with Boulanger. Both sides will meet at Proust's residence to night, to decide upon the conditions of tbe duel. . H I St. Petersburg. August 2. The Blue Book on Land Proprietorship of Prussian roiana, has just been issued. It shows that of foreigners holding land in Poland. 3,000 are Austrian! and 29,370 are Prus sians. One thousand of the Prussians are large land owners and three hundred and fifty are manufacturers. Qoeenstown, August 2. A special de tective made strict search of all baecrafre be longing to passengers aboard the steamship City of Richmond on her arrival bere last evening frplm New York. Dublin. HAagust 2. The Lord Mayor to-day presented the freedom of the city of Dublin to Patrick! A. Collins, of Boston, Mass., "as a representative of millions of Irish peoplel banished from their native land by landlordism and oppression-" Col lins, in his reply, promised that tbe Irish in America would never desert the cause of Ireland. He also alluded to the fact that his luggage waa searched on his arrival in Iieland. and ithat during his travels in the country since, he bad been- honored with a detective escort. He said,' however, he did not care about the (treatment he had met tLL L The freedom of the city was also con ferred upon WmJ O'Brien, editor of United Ireland. Paris, August 2 The seconds of ex- Premier Ferity and Gen. Boulanger have decided that a duel Is necessary. Paris, Aug. 2. Ferry's seconds confirm the statement that they were unable to come to agreement respecting the condi tions of the duel between ' their principal and Boulanger. -They explain that they proposed the same conditions as those un der which Boulanger fought with Baron Lareinty, and that Boulanger's seconds re fused to accept such conditions, claiming that they had the right to settle the details of the affair. I Ferry Is seconds declined to admit the claim of the offended party to settle the conditions. Paris. Aug. 2,-J-Boulanger's seconds publish a report of what they say transpired at the conference between them and the seconds of Ferry, in substance as follows : lloulanger desired serious reparation one properly proportioned to the gravity of the affront. On this! account he proposed that tbe combatants pxchange shots until one was hit; the choice of distance to be left to the seconds ot Ferry. The condi tions not being accepted, Boulanger's sec onds agreed to bo content with !an ex change of shots between the principals at twenty paces, without any word of com mand. Considering this proposal to em body tbe extreme limit of Gen. Boulan ger's formal instructions, his seconds' did not feel authorized to make any further proposition. Ferry s seconds would only accept a duel at twenty paces, with a single exchange of shots; fire to be opened at the word of command.) Therefore as the offend ed parly has the right; to dictate conditions of the duel without being obliged to sub- re mit to terms dictated! seconds.Bulanger's second withdrew from the affair. London, Aug. 2. Commons this evening of the statement that vincial paper which he suspected was sup plied by a conservative member, charging him in a recent deba approval of the stoning of the daughter of the agent of Lord Sligo during a school procession in Belfast. it a rule not to notice : but this offensive and was too much for himJ os "It Is true. "I Dillon Who says it is uue7 n is ab solutely false. 1 Uaisey l say it is true. member the occurrence. MacLane. of Oldham I heard it, too. Webster So did L Price And I also. by his adversaries' -la the House of Dillon complained appeared in tne pro- ,e with laughing in Dillon said be made newspaper assertions, disgusting passage Conservative cries I distinctly re unionI say it is false, against four of you. Cries of order and Home Rule cheers It is a part of a srstem of infamous and atrocious raiaehood, by which an attempt is being made to bunt Irish members out of puonc ure. uome Kule cheers. xne opeaaer order.- You must not mane such charges against members. union i nave reason to suppose that the offensive passage was supplied by a member. JNo more atrocious an accusation could be mado. - Yet other members should think it true. Are Irish members to have any protection here f I have beard the Speaker call members to order for language ""wiii uesiuemiH. sinas mio insignincance. The Sneaker I am Ind The members who said that the accusation is true put their own Version upon what passed during the debate referred .to. aiacLiean, amid an uproar, maintained that when an assault upon the girl was mentioned laughter was heard among tho urueimes ana mat conservative- mem bers indignantly gave utterance cries of "Bhamel "r The fact would be found mentioned in the House reports.' He would acquit Mr. Dillon of sharing in the laugh ter. if he repudiated such conduct. . Dillon You misrepresent what occurred. I ask jnstice at the Speaker's hands. Thn accusation i ought to be withdrawn. Tr charges of this character are allowed to be hurled against us, there will be an end to au public decency and order in Parlia ment - - -! I he speaker The laughter which the members declare tbey heard was meant to be interpreted in an offensive ; sense.!- If Mr. Dillon!' repudiates the statement I thn iiouse can accept the repudiation. j Dillon insisted that this was insufficient, ne demanded the protection of the chair in the Withdrawal of the p.hanrnn nr that 4.1 o . . . r-.. ' mo opeaaer require members to withdraw. The Speaker Order. I have settled the incident, i Dillon Then these measures of Inatirn arc i or uos Bet oi memners. and there is nn justice tor another set. Home rule cheers! . Mjaimus un me .Liana diu was then sumed. ! - LONDON. Aug. 2. Advices received frnm Malta say that there have been two fatal cases of cholera there and that foul bills of health are being issued to vessels departing irum me lsiana. .LONDON. Aug. 2. An election was held ioaay in the Bridgton Division of Glas gow, to nil the Parliamentary seat made vacant by the resignation of E. B. Russell. uome Uule Liberal, who at the last elec tion received 4.364 votes, against 3,587 for his Conservative opponent, Colin Mac- jv.ensie. lhe election to-day resulted in tbe return Of Sir George Oim Trewln T II , ; j-j . . " . . J xjiucrtu canaiaaie. oy a vole Of 4,054. LiONDONJ Aug. 3 There have been fiwe cases of cholera and one death from the aisease at; Malta. Ten days quarantine ionium, mat piace uas oeen established 1 at uibraitar. lhe land mil passed through the com. mittee stage in the House of Common. this lorenoon. r i Manchester, Aug. 3. The Guardian says: I be market is very auiet. and fresh inquiry smaii. inoia merchants have re ceived a few telegraphic orders. Although ju mime losiances lasi weefc's low limits were raised and business was done which previously had not been feasible, actual transactions and new demand are auite neuv. inquiry ior uuma is unimnortant Shippers to Eastern Mediteranean mar kets are fairly occupied with regular biisi- jjcoh mr iae curreni season, yei orders are Djouerate. ! iiuyc-rs for South , Ametican and other foreign outlets continue to niir- chase steadily, but as a rule in small quan tities. Home distribution is very small. Jxport yarn sections are inactive There is a moaerale demand and in some cases prices are a trifle easier. Home manufac tures are averse to buyiug more than they actually require for immediate use. India and China shirtings ' are steady where en gagements are full. Manufacturers whnan orders are running out are weakening. The same Conditions prevail for iaconets. For shirtings there is some demand for heavy goods, chiefly from nearer foreign Tba Defence Rett Their Cut and Ar,- eoment Begnn. By Telegraph to tho Morning Star. IvHicaoo, Aug. 3. The defence in the Dooaie inal rested their case this morning. practically no testimony, -was produced uu ucuan oi tne accused, except a general denial from each of them, and evidence as to their previous good character. Judge Jamison immediately limited the lawyers to two hours each in pleading and tho speeches began. ine nrst address was made 'by Assis tant State's Attorney Walker and was a ter. nnc excoriation of the defendants, particu lariy of Commissioner Wren. As Walker went on with his denunciation of Wren, me race or the huge defendant grew , pale with anger and passion. He tried to smile at first, but gradually his brow became overcast and when Walker alluded to the fact in the record Jhat Wren had forged iiwMnnune' to a tint ior buggies sup Pjjed to,the county by him (Wren) under Walker's name, he turned round and point ing to Wren said solemnly,. "And when be bbiu m court that he did not know his own writing when, bis forgery was placed under bis eyes he perjured himse f. Dave rrcn is a perjurer.. XOUrea liar." mmn thiinrlerinir the defendant's corner, and the ponderous vA-uiiuisaioner rose steaming with passion. instantly all was in commotion. Walker's race turned crimson; his eyes sparkled tenure. -x eg." -ne. cried, "l repeat Dave Wren you're a perjurer." i xoure a har; you'ie a liar," yelled cu us, wun ciencnea hands and teeth he advanced towards the 8tate advocate! aa now it was Judge Jamison's turn Cease, this moment." exclaimed the Court tne moment tho interruption came from Wren, and he hit the desk a blow with his hand. When Wren repeated his insulting remarks the Judge turned pale, and then turned red. "Don't let me hear another wora out of your mouth. Wren." he thun dered. and in another moment Wreh had been forced into his seat by a pair of bai- mis. At once wren's attorney. Crl. Vnnn. sprang to his feet and tried to address the Court. The Court !anerilv ami flpcisi vol V : ,.t mi " . . .. J iu. m. win near noimnir. i4.t nn Walker." , Col Nunn "If tbe Court please T": ineUOUrt "I won t hear nvan9nh from counsel or any bodv. Go nn! Mr Walker." . if Col. Nunn (exciledlvl "If. the Cmirr pleases. I do not want to make any speech ; I want to exercise our right of mkihi i explanation io tbe remarks of Mr. Walker." The Court "Well, take your exceptions WILMIN GJT O N M A RKKT 30 er receipts at Mr. Go that ury. without making any speech -about it on. Mr. Walker." tne speaker renewed hia dsspninr. wrennaa repeatedly committa l ner Unce more Wren strugglel to hia feet in the hands of a bailiff, and. fflarini? at Walker again exclaimed. "You're a liar and you know it." And then rilHhffl nut. of the coHrt room. Walker. whnThxri never flinched, continued his retnlrka closing with a fervent appeal to the jury to uu meir uuiy, upnom tne law and i Bend each of the defendants down to the oeni- tentiary for three years. H Uol. JNunn replied for the defenc ' He made no reference to the Wren incident further than to say that Walker whs at times so frenzied that he did not know what he wa9 saying Tbe Colonel's ar gument extended until the close off tbe court, his best point being au assertion that at least five of lhe defendants were entitled to acouital under the statute of limitations. me jury appeared weary with two Jay's mass of expert testimony and there is likely to be two or three days more bf it before the evidence for the defence is in troduced. The court to-night took under advisement a motion made by the common wealth's attorney to employ a stenographer to take down evidence and facilitate the trial. The jury is evenly divided as to color, and while practically they are ! kept together the white and colored men eat at different tables and sleep in different rooms. CHICAGO MARKET REVIEW, NEW YORK. anoiaer DefanltlDE Xrcaanrer Cornea to the; Front A Craxr Irish man' Attempt to nealroy m Urltlab Steamer. . New York, Aug. 3 A crazv Iriahmi whose name tbe police have not vet dis closed, tried to blow uu the British ocean steamer -Queen." of the National line this aflernoon.j He rowed up in a sow11 at along side the Queen threw a bottle containing some fcind of explosive on board An explosion followed which set fire to the steamer, j The flames were soon extin guished, j The police captured the man- be fore he succeeded in making a landing, and orougtii mm to police beadauarteri. He said he was one of a band of men who had belonged to an organization having for its object the destruction - with explosives bf every vessel carrying the British flag. The mans name H believed to be Thomas J. Maloney. ; j. 1 be broken bottle was brought to Dolice headquarters also. It contained kerosene, naplha. and rags soaked in chemicals. The prisoner took it coolly. "I was thwarted in this," he said, "but there are plenty bf others at work who will avenge the insult 10 American vessels and burn every vessel carrying the British flag." i I New Yobk. Aug. 3. A special frrim Bath, N. Y., says: At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New York Sol diers and Sailors Home, yesterday. Treas urer Robie was arrested. His accounts are f ao.OOO short, which his friends have made good. The Corn Boom Overdone Wh.itt Hull aud Provision Unsettled. By Telegraph to tne Morning Star -CHICAGO. Aug. 3 The corn boom of yesterday was overdoue and everybody bad corn to sell to-day, notwithstanding that the only rain reported officially anywhere near the neighborhood of the corn belt Was at St. Pa. Huron, Dead wood and North Piette;" which points in fact are a imnrt many miles from the seat of war. Offer ings soon turned tbe fancy figures of TW. day. The liveliest trading was during the first hour, when September had tumbled down from the opening of 41c to 40c. October and November showed one cent drop also; the former from 43e to41c. and the latter from 43c to 42c May hav ing made the most marked advance, Was also in the lead in the retreat, and touched at the same time 44 Jp, or 1 jc under yester day's closing. Dullness followed the de cline and until the noon hour, when there was a utile rally and September sold un tn 411c, with other futures less affected. The slose. however; was weak, in keeping with tne ieenng oi me morning, and tbe closing prices were4ic for September and 44Jc May. . A lew local scalpers did most of trading in wheat, and on the whole wheat crowd rather sought what tie excitement and gain there in the corn pit. or abandoned KENTUCKY. A Light Vote Bnekner's maiorltv Over 20,000 Ltelslatnre Lara-elr Democratic Severe Storm at Lonle vllle. LouisvrLLE. Aug. 3. The Courier-Jourl nal's returns from 64 legislative districts show the election to theHouae of 44 Demol crats, 13 Republicans, and' one Prohibi-4 tionist Union Labor candidate, i There are 86 districts yet to hear from, which will! largely increase the Democratic list. Gen. S. if. Buckner. Democrat, is elected Gov ernor by a reduced majority, the Demo crane vote as maicaiea by returns now in being very ; light. Buckner's majority is now estimated at 20,000 to 25,000. Lotjisvtlle. August 3. Returns from Monday s election come in very slowly, An omciai report irom ou out or 119 coun ties shows a Democratic loss of 7,000 as compared with Cleveland's majority, which was 34,000. At this rate Buckner's ' plu rality will be between 20,000 and 25,000. LouistTjule, Aug. . 3 A severe wind. rain and hail storm swept over the city yes terday morning. It rained in torrents and large hail stones fell, covering the streets. The storm is thought to have been local, as no damage is reported from the State. The ferry wharf was swept away and lodged at thegateonthe falls. The ferry boat was blown into the river and ran aground on the Indiana side, no great damage being done, however. Some coal barges went adrift and sunk. Five persons in the city were severely shocked by lightning, and several roors were blown off. ALABAMA. Montgomery. Aug. 3. The trial of Harris Gunter. charged with the murder of Policeman Montgomery in this city last August, has just closed at Prattsville, Au tauga county, where it was removed on a change of venue. Gunter was arrested for being drunk and was bailed by 8 friend and taken home. In a few minutes he got up, seized a shot-gun, rushed down town in his night drees, went up to police head quarters,' mistook Montgomery for tbe man who bad arrested bim. and shot bim dead. The defence pleaded insanity. The trial lasted a week and the jury gave a verdict of manslaughter, in the first degree, -and as sessed the punishment at thirty months' imprisonment. The case will be appealed. EXPOBTS FOB THE WEEK. COASTWISE. I New York Steamship Regulator R37 casks spts turpt, 305 bbls tar, 314 bbls rosin, 53 bbls crude. 16 bbls tar oil, 17 bbls peanuts, 30 bales peat moss, 3 bales pine hair, 2 bales hides, 74 bags chaff, 87 bas kets grapes, 17 pkgs mdse. 10 empty bbls. 200.000 feet lumber. ! Philadelphia Schr Clara Bell-232.- 845 feet lumber. -1, ; : - FOREIGN. . - ! Nassat. N P Br scbr Brothers 65.431 feet lumber. ! Atrx Cateb Br brig Harrv and Aubrev. 04,217 ft lumber, 70,000 shingles. for the the lit was Ira ding altogether for the day. The decline yesterday from the opening prices was continued this morning on tbe selline- of longs The market opeued lower for; all futures from September to May, and ire corded a decline of lc. There was a slight rally toward the close, which left the market steady and promising, but lifeless for tho time being. 1 Oats were fairly active and unsettled and prices reacted from the advance of yester day, the market closing finally at a Jc. de cline for August, ifc. lower for Septem ber and October, and f ic. lower for May. Provisions were moderately active, but an unsettled feeling prevailed. The slump in corn bad a depressing effect on the near deliveries, short ribs for September break ing 17Jc. and January advancing 20c, biit lost 10c. of the appreciation. September ribs sold at $3 008 17i and closed tame at the bottom. Janaary lard sold at 6 40 G 50 and closed at $6 50. Lard remained steady at $6 706 774 for September, and closed at $6 721; January at $6 776 821. and closed at $3 80. The only action in pork was from $12 75 to f 13 00 for January and an advance of 71c. in the year options. Mrs. Cleveland, who is at Marion. Mass! with General Greely and wife, is avoiding publicity as much as possible, but may ac cede to tbe General's wish for some sort of reception. INDIANA. Destructive Fire at Evansvlllee-Loas Estimated at $250,000. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Evansvtlle, Ind., Aug. A fire this morning destroyed the lumber yard of the Armstrong Company, with some 2,000,000 leetoi lumberArmstrongs saw mil. sta bles and two dwellings, and the lumber yard of John A Reitzes & Son, with some 5,000,000 feet of lumber, fifteen cms of grain on the Pearia Decatur and Tbansville H. H., and a large warehouse containing ! tobacco, grain and general merchandise. The total loss is $250,000: Insurance $1000.000. CONSUMPTTION CURED. An old Dhvsiolan. retired from nraottoe.havhi? had placed hi his hands by an East India misslon- i ary tne iornrala of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent core of Consump tion. Bronehitla. rtotarrh. Aat.hini and all Thrnat. ; and Lung Affeotions, also a positive aad radical i cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints' after having tested its wonderful cura tive power In thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Aotaated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suff ering.1 will send free of all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or Eng lish, with full directions for preparing and using. ! Sent bymail by addressing with stamr, naming this paper W.AJ4oTzs,149,it0cr'O(,Koohe8 ter, N. Y. THE FLORHNnW NiaHTIROALB YF TTTTB NTJBSKBY. The following ia an extract from a letter written to the Oerman Reformed Mettenger. I at Chambersbnr?h. Pnnn. A BrazvAcrrasa. Jnst open the door for her, and Mrs. Winslow will Sroyo uw American jriorenoe nignnngaie oi tne ursery. Of this we are so sure, that we will teach oar "Susy" to say. 'A blessing- on Mrs. Winslow" for helnlng her to survive and eanana the griping, oollcklng, and teething siege. Mbs. tWnraiaw'a Soothihs Sybup relieves the child from pain, andycures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums,rednces mflammation,ciireswmd oolio, and carries the infant safely through the teething period. It performs precisely what it jroresses to perform, every part of it nothing ess. We have never seen Mrs. Winslow know her only through the preparation of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teething." If we had the power we woma make her, as she la, a physical avionr to ine iniant race, bold or au druggists. sj9 cents a nottie, . STAR OFFICE, Jnly 28. 6 P. M SPIRITS TTJRPENTINE The market opened firm at 23 cents per gallon bid. without sales. Later 200 casks were sold at 28 cents. " uwut uuu at ou cents per ooi ror otrained and. 85 cents for Good 8trained. ;For better grades quotations are as ioiiows: JS S5c$l 00; F $1 001 05; Q$l W; H $1 15; I $120; K $t 40; M $ I 55; N $1 80; W G $2 10; W V $2 30 i Alt-Market quoted firm at 1 ooi. or aso lbs., with sales of quotations. lUUriSNTINE Distillers quote at $1 80 for Virgin and Yellow Dio anu i iu ior Hard. --i -.u.iiiciuuuicu noaiinRI nn a basis of 10$ cents for Middling. NW ri. a n .. . are tne closing quotations at tne rronuce Jfixchanee: Low Middling.... ...... 9 Middling. .............. i(u Good Middling. . , . " ". .iQi TIMBER-Market steady, with Quotations as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping, first class heart, $80010 00 per M. feetj Ex tra $6 007 50; Good Common Mill $3 00 o uu; inferior to Ordinary. $3 004 00. riiaiN U 1 a Market firm. Prime 550160 cents; i!,xtra Prime 6570 cents: Fanov outHjaj cenis per Lushel of 28 lbs. I . STAR OFFICE. July 29 6 P.jM, SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The market opened firm at 281 cents per gallon.! with sales of the day s receipts at quotations. KuoiJN Market dull at 80 cents ner uui ror strained and 85 centa for Good Strained. For better grades quotations are as ioiiows: JS 95c$l 00; F $1 001 05 G $1 10; H $1 15; I $1 20; K $1 40, M f 1 55; N $1 80; W G $2 10; W W 12 25 TAR Market quoted firm at 1 30 ner om oi sou ids., with sales of quotations. T T is - ' T U UrENTLNE Distillers' quote at $1 80 for Virgin and Yellow Dip ana si iu for Hard. quoieu nomina on a basis of 10i cents for Middling. Nosales lheroiiowmg are the closing quotations at the froduce Exchange: Ordinary. . . ............ 7f ctslb. Good Ordinary .....9 1-16"' " Low Middling ....9 ' v Middling. .1 "in n ''W Good Middling lOi 6'.' TIMBER Market steady.with quotations as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping, first class heart, $80010 00 per M. feet; Extra $6 007 50; Good Common Mill. $3 00a 5 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 604 00. f JiANUTS-Market firm. Prime 55a60 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; . Fancy 8082 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. STAR receipts at receipts at OFFICE. July 30, 6 P.M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 28J cents per gallon, with sales of the day's receipts at quotations. KOS1N Market quiet at 771 cents per bbl for Strained and 82 cents for Good Strained. For better grades quotations are as follows: E95c$l 00; F $1 001 05; Q $1 10; E $1 15; I $1 20; K $1. 40; M $1 55; N $1 80; V7 G $2 10; V7 W $3 35. TAR Market quoted firm at $1 30 per 11. at 80 lbs., with Sales of receipts at quotations. CRUD.E TURPENTINE Distill-" quote at $1 80 for Virgin,-- fellow Dip and $i 10 for HarJ- COTTON Market quoted nominal on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. No sales. Tie following arc the closing quo tations at the Produce Exchange: Ordinary ! . 7 cents ft lb. Good Ordinary 9 1-16 " " Low Middling....... 9J " " Middling 10J ' GoodMiddline 10 ' " TIMBER-Market steady.with quotationa as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping, first class heart,$8 0010 00 per M feet; Extra, $6007 50; Good Common Mill $3 00 ' 5 00; Inferior to Ordinary $3 004 00. PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 55 60 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 8082 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. STAR OFFICE, Aug. 1, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 28i cents per gallon, with sales of the day's receipts at quotations. ROSIN Market quiet at 774 cts per bbl for Strained and 831 cents for Good Strained. For belter grades quotations are as follows: E 95$1 00; F $1 00 1 05; G 1 10; H $1 15: 1 $1 20: K 1 40: M $1 55; N $1 80; W G $2 10; W W $2 35. TAR Market quoted firm at $1 30 per bbl of 280 Tba., with sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Distillers quote at $1 80 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 10 for Hard. COTTON Market quoted nominal on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. No sales. The following are the closing quotations at the Produce Exchange: j " ' Ordinary 7f cts $ tt Good Ordinary.. 8 13-16 " " Low Middling. 9f ' " Middling.. 10 ' GoodMiddline. 10i TIMBER-Market steady, with quotaT tions as follows: Prime and Extra Ship ping, first-class heart, $8 0010 00 per M. feet; Extra $6 007 50; Good Common Mill, $3 005 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 004 00. j PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 5560 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 80 82 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. I ' STAR OFFICE, Aug. 2. 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 28 cents per gallon, with out sales. Later, the receipts of the day sold at 29 cents. 1 I ROSIN Market quiet at 77J cts per bbl for Strained and 82 cts for Good Strained. For better grades quotations are as follows: E 95c$l 00; F $1 00$1 05; G $1 10; H $1 15; I $1 20; K $1 40; M $1 55; N $1 80; W G $2 10; W W $2 35 TAR Market quoted firm at $1 30 per bbl. of 280 lbs., withales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $1 75 for Virgin apd Yellow Dip and $1 10 for Hard. COTTON Market quoted nominal on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. No sales. The following are the closing quotations at the Produce Exchange: - 1 Ordinary 7f - ctofllb Good Ordinary... 8 13-16" ' LowMiddling 9-- ' " Middling........ 10 ' " Good Middling........... 10J " TIMBER-Market steady, with quota tions as follows: Prime and Extra Ship ping, first class heart, $8 0010 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill, $6 007 50; Good Com mon Mill, $3 005 00; ! Inferior to Or- dinary, $3 004 00. -' Ii PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 5560 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 8082 cento per bushel of 28 lbs. STAR OFFJCE, Aug. 3, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 29 cento per gallon, with sales or the day's receipts at quotations. ttuom-Market dull at 77 cents per uoi ior btramed and82cenu for Good Strained. ; For better grades quotations are as follows; E 95s$l; F$ll 05; G $1 10- a fi-!5, If I 20; K $1 40; M $1 55; N f 1 ou; w- W ?2 10; W W $3 35. -ojv juarxei quoted firm & l 30 per ui. oi aou ids., with sales of quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $1 75 for Virgin and Yallow Din wui iw ior uard. . .qi .ci uuuieu nommul. on a basis of 10 cents for Middling. Nosales The following are the closing quotations at me rroduce Exchange: " Rl cents ttlb Low Middlino- ... 04 Middling. ...j... io Good. Middling ,10J FXw- r-T . --. littusK-Marketsteadr. with ouotationa as follows; Prime and Extra Shinning, first- ciass heart, $8 00 10 00 per M. feet; Extra to uu7 50; Good Common Mill. 3 OOfA" o uu; inferior to Ordinary, $3 004 00. risw u rs Market firm. Prune 556&60 'me 6570 cents; Fancy vw-.uw jjci uuauei oi ids. COTXON AND NAVAL STOHKS MONTHLT STATEMENT. RECEIPTS For the month ended July 31 1887 wwtn. ajnrus. Koain.. Tn v., OKI -an r... . v o. 1U,11 Z7.55U1 1.700 3.716 RECEIPTS For month ended July 31. 1886 wwoti, symrws. limnn Tn n i. o 6 oaci r- --VT'- o,oo 4,K31 1.046 2,285 EXPORTS For month ended July 31. 1887. 'JOlton.tim.ntJt Tint, T -U...J- "uuipaiau S.131 3.893 roreign. ooo 7,895 26.854 Total. 1,021 10.026 30,747 EXPORTS For month ended July 31, 1886 UOttOn. tmvrtta Ttsurim n Foreign.. 000 6.200 35.575 ! New York Peantif ntmei. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Aug. 2. T. . " i l-buuis nro neia up easily to strong prices, ine distribution coniinues fair. vguuwu at-jo cenis rncy hand-picked ucuw ur irmers graoos. MARINE. ARRIVED. D.ih barque Herman. S83 inno ni,,;.i.. ocu. iuuK.irn. r rance. rieide & Co. &p prig Jisperanza. 207 tons. Bongoaher Hnmacao, P R, E Kidder's Son. Br brig Electric Light, 249 Ions. Pike Qcr baraue (hArInt.ti nnrl An, aqo I Krueger, Southampton. Eng. E Pencil a u & j CLEARED. j Schr Clara Rftll. Hm Phii..ri.: t HChadbourn&Co er schr Brothers, Gibson. Nassau, p Parsley & Wiggins. ? Br brig Harry and Aubrey. Tofci'n, Aui leaves. Geo Ilarriss tin pcr., a jf. r Northrop. ? " V teamship Benefactor, Chichester, New York, H G Smallbones. :.. - i BABY HUMORS 2.831 ooo- 3.597 000 2,831 3,597 1.834 000 2 426 000 Total . . 519 8.470 38.017 1.834 2.426 ! STOCKS Ashore and Afloat. Aug. AsTiore. 458 Cotton. ... Spirits. . . Rosin. .. . Tar Crude. . . . .4...... 5.079 loo J. 84.722 2,023 ....... 3,075 10 1,442 00 STOCKS Asnore and Afloat, Aug. 1. Oottoh. Spirits. ... Rosin. Tn.v 303 2,799 . 71,891 503 QUOTATIONS. 1, 1887. Afloat. Total. 000 458 5.179 86.744 3.085 1 44!? 1887. -Crude. 590 Aug. 1, Cotton.. 8pirits. : Kosin. . . Tar. 1887. 10 28i 7782 $1 30 Aug. 1, 1830 9 31 7580 $1 45 2,581 New for Comparative cotton state- i ment. Nkw Yobk, July 29. The fnll the comparative cotton statement fr tv,a week ending this date: 1S.Q7 lOOff Net receipts at all United States ports during the week Total receipts to this date k 99R am k qoi Mporis i or me wees. . . 21.813 2? - lotal exports to this . . - date J .ioi.JQ Stock in all United v8 J.' all" " interior wwns Stock in Liverpool American afloat for Great Britain 8,914 62, 189,058 233,167 0,279 676,000 21,087 596,000 25,000 40,000 CJI"I1"Or MAR August 3. Galveston, quiet at 9ic net receipts 106 bales; NorfolR. quiet at 10c net receipts bales: Baltimore, nominal at 10c net receipts bales; Boston, quiet at u$c net receipts bales; rbilauelpbia, quiet at 10fc net receipts 6 bales; Sa vannah, nominal at 9Jc net receipts bales; Npw Orleans, easy at 9c net re ceipts 45 bales; Mobile, nominal at 9tc net receipts bales; Memphis, dull at 9jc net receipts 14 bales; Augusta, quiet at iuc net receipts bales; Charleston. quiet and nominal at 10c-rnet receipts 10 uaics. ! new Torn Rice market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Aug. 2. rues mere is no aimcuuy found in sustaining a firm range of prices. Trading is not vigorous, but proceeds in a fair way. The following are the quotations for: Carolina and Louisiana.full standard, fair to good 44f cents; prime to choice 45 cenis; iancy bead M5i cents; Rangoon. duty paid 44 cents, do. in bond 22f cents; ratna, duty paid, common to good. 44 cents; prime to choice 5J5i cents; in opnu ai(6d cents; Japan, fair to good 4i3fc cents. UTinnah Rica market. Savannah News, Aug. 2. Rick The market was active snd The business being done is almost entirelv from second hands; very little stock in first hands. The sales for the day were about 37 barrels. We quote: Fair 44 cts; gotftl 4J4 cts; prime cts. Kough nceTCountry lots 6090 cents: uae-water yocrasi 15. firm. DOITI ES TIG IIIAKH.X'1 Bv Telegraph to the Morning Star.) New York, Aug. 3, Evening Cotton easy; sales 406 bales; middling uplands iu cents; mioaiing uneans lUi cents: consolidated net receipts 162 bales; exports to Great Britain 8,720 bales; to the con tinent bales; to France bales: stock in all United States ports 162,414 bales, southern nour dull. Wheat de clined c; options fo lower, closing heavy at near bottom prices; No. 2 red August 78J79c; September 80i80ic; Corn declined c, closing weak; No. 2 August 4647ic; September 47 15-16 48c. Oats ic lower and moderately active; mixed western S43tc; JNo. 3 Au gust 81i31c; September 3131fc. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee fair Rio on spot nominal at $19 00; No. 7 Rio August $16 9016 95; September $17 1017 25. Sugar quiet and unchanged; refined quiet. Molasses steady. Rice steady. Cotton seed oil quoted at 2831c for crude and 4143c for refined. Spirits turpentine steady at 31c. , Hides quiet and firm. Wool quiet and barely steady. Rosin dull at $1 02f 1 10. Pork steady. Beef dull; middles dull and nominal. Lard more active and generally steady; western steam quoted at $6 uuo Vif, August $6 sutj 92; Septem ber 7 027 04. Freights to Liveroool dull. Cotton Net receipts ; gross receipts 280 bales; futures closed steady, with sales of lll,4uu bales at the following quotations August 9.829.83c; September 9.35 U.cSBc; October .249.25c; .November 9.19 9.20c; December 9.20c; January 9.22 9.23c: February 9.289.29c; March 9 35 9.86c; April .429.43c; May 9.499.GGc. Greene & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: An irregular tone has prevailed in cotton futures, with the run of cost gene rally lower. During the early portion of the day the continuation oi tame accounts from Liverpool had a depressing influence, and under rather iuii seuing there was a shrinkage of 1012 points. October show ing the greatest weakness, but afterward more or less unfavorable crop advices created a reactionary feeling, and there was a recovery that put late months to about last evening's figures or a fraction higher. and the close was steady. Angust went of! 12 points and recovered 8 points,' but was quiet and without feature. Baxtimobb. Aug. 3 Flour about stea dy and quiet: Howard street and west ern super $2 352 90; extra $3 003 75; family $4 004 40; city mills super $2 50 3 00; extra $3 253 75; Rio brands $4 254 37. Wheat southern steady with moderate inquiry: red 7981c; amber 8083c; western easier; No. 2 winter red on spot and August 7878fc. Corn southern firmer and quiet; white 5052c; yellow 5051c. And all Skin and Senin it. - f a.-' . cases Speedily Cured ly I Cull cura. a"t 1 f t t - m vm ULbiU Hllll win na TAiit vaaa nnH n. - 25th tost In . May MsVEe" w'aTatUcked with. Jnffi11 bre!1!f- 0,lti" the 8kln. We called SjtPiiyan,7fi5treatednim t(r about four weeks. The child received little or no good from tho treatmnnf.. a ti,o kM.i,i.. K " u posed bv the physician to be hi;, a in iuVBri- In.fVT'f' &me, rffcr J" blotches, and nioro and more di8trsln vtra i. ebliged to get npln the night and rub him with f"? n water, gtrpnft liniments, etc Finally, we called other physicians, until no less than six had child steadily gettinflr worse and worse, until about the aOth Of liut. .Tnlir hon m i. ' " . five him Cuticura Risol vent Internally, and tli CirricrmA. and CtmcunA Boap externally, and by tbe last of Anamat hn mi an ....i. mii ' :. gav him only one dose of the Rssolvbrt about every second day for about ten days lopjter, and H??Jlrto,ent,IJnbledslnoe with the ho" S bi9 k.17; In M we nsed lo8 than one half or a bottle of Cuticura Resolvent, a llltlo less than one box f Oiminirnt Hnl.i.. . CuncunA 8oap. ' ' "l SniJki BAN.5ayncta, Livingston Co.. lil. Snbscrlbed and sworn to before me this fourth day of January, 1837. c. N. COB, J. P Scrofulous Humors. Last SDrln? I . , " , ' J " 1 "WlUfi KUWIDU Willi some kind of scrofula. The doctors oonld not help me. I was advised to try the Cuticura it solvent. I did so, and in a day I grew better vdfbtr,nntUIama8,weH ever. I thank J .V.ortverymuch,and wonld like to have it tald to the public. Bw. HOFMANN. North Attloboro, Mass. CuTlcrmA. the frrflafc nlrln nm-a r.n.i Soap prepared from it, externally, and Cuticitra Hesolvent the new hlnnri nnHfi in,n.nn ... . . ...... . luwiumir, m v a positive oure for every form of skin and blood disease from pimples to sorofula. Sold everywhere. Prioe: CtrrionnA, 53 cents:. ii01? BoAP 25 cents. CnTicnBA Kksoi.vunt, S1.00. Prepared bv Pottbk Diiin Ar r'-. cal Co., Boston, Mass. Send for "How to cure NklnlDlsea.r.." MSSfPLES. Blackheads, Skin Blemishes, and AU. Baby Humors, use Cdticura Soap. IN ONE MINUTE, Rheumatic. Nenralvin. Rnlntin den, sharp and Nervous Paius and Weaknesses relieved one mlntitn by the Coiienra Anti-Pain lla- ter. At dniKKi8ta, ffii cents. Potter Dnie Co.. Boston. au 1 D&Wlm - "wod sat too or f m WHOLESALE PRICES. faf The fOllOWin? niintjlt.lnna mr.reat Wholesale Drlces irenerallv. Inntbir- orders higher prices have to be cba. ." BAGGING Qnnny ......... (Uflnn. . BACON Noi Carolina Hams B--v.' Shoulders,. Sldes.ftMOKKlJ WESOffis, ?1 lb Hiues, v id Shoulders. 58 lb DRY SALTED Sides, $ B...., Shoulders, ft lb. 12 8 10 1 40 0 00 0 00 80 6 00 0 00 IS 10 11 IS 9 00 00 7 60 9 00 . 4 75 7 80 4 00 7 00 . 3 00 S . 3 50 , 4 00 . 4 75 . 4 00 , 4 50 8 6 10 05 Mi 10 3 BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. fiocona liana, each New New York.eaoh Now Citv. each BEESWAX, ..... BRICKS, Wilmington, VM Northern BUTTER, $ lb North Carolina Northern CANDLES, V B sperm Adamantine CHEESE, V ft Nortnern Factory Dairy, Cream State COFFEE, $ D wava LaKuyra .. Rio CORN MEAL, bus., in Racks Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, V bundle... ... DOMESTICS Sbeetlnc, 4-4, ip yd Yarns. bunch ESGS, dozen if its it- Mackerel, No. 1,9 bbl Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl macKerei, no. a, fli bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.... Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets, bbl - Mullets, Pork bbls N. C. Roe Herring, $ keg... DrvCod. B FLOUR, bbl Northers Super. I " Extra Family. City Mills-Super " Famllv GLUE, 9 lb GRAIN, 9 bushel corn, from store, bass. white Corn, careo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo, In bags, white. Corn, mixed,' from store .... Oats, from store Cow Peas.. HIDES, V X Green Dry HAY, 100 lbs .Eastern l Western North River 1 BOOPIRON, V ..... Nortnern North Carolina LIME. V barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, U M ft. enip cu a, resawea Rough Edge Plank West India Canroes. accord ing to quality. 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantllns and Board, com'n 14 00 XOLASSES, V gallon new urop iUDa, in nnas. . " in bbls.. Porto Rico, lnhhds i" " . In bbls Sugar House, in hhds. 8" " in bbls Syrup, in bbls NAILS, ft Keg, Cut, lOd basis OILS, 9 gallon- Kerosene ... Lard Linseed Rosin Tar.... Deck and Snar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown "I Spring Turkeys , PTtANlITS S hrmhnlH 93 lha POTATOES, 9 bushel- sweet Irish. bbl PORE, lb barrel city Mess io no Prime. 15 00 RnmD HICK Carolina, B Kougn, V bushel, (Upland).. ' i " (Lowland). BAGS, V lb Country Cltv.J HOPE, lb a SALT, V sack, Alum uverpool Lisbon ... American. SUGAR, v lb Standard gran.. standard A White Ex. C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, V Northern... 8HINGLE8. 7 In. M.... uommon Cypress Saps.... , Cypress Hearts STAVjKS, V M W.O. Uki-rel... it O. Hogshead TALLOW, V t TIMBER. M feet Shinning.. FloeMUl II Mill Prime .. 7 SO MM Fair Ii i3a 7?i 8J40 0 6, 8 M 15 11 14 IU m r 1 50 1 75 I 75 25 8 00 & 14 00 18 23 M 19)ft 62H 1 15 a 4& 00 & 8 (0 sec 25 12 13 16 10 28 24 21 Oft G7K. 1 20 5 85 0 1 2 50 d 8 00 11 00 0 00 !l OU 5 00 9 00 4 00 10 & & St & 44 (A 58 58 6i G2H0i 45 to H to & at ' rm 8 (0 1 40 4 00 4 50 5 50 1 10 6 00 10 05 60 . GO 65 Ml SO 1 10 tf 1 15 10 0 Oil 18 00 15 00 28 28 30 not 1G 'M 2 60 9 1G 00 15 00 00 20 15 7S ' GO 35 2 25 20 00 16 00 18 00 22 00 15 1)0 1b 26 30 30 35 15 18 .'if. 2 75 14 1 45 1 00 18 20 22 25 20 1 00 05 70 e 75 17 50 16 00 15 00 Common Mill. Inferior to Ordinary WIIiciKEY. V gal Northern.. North Carolina ......... WOOL, S Washed Unwashed Burry. 00 4 tl 516 GO 80 80 1 03' - 1 1!4 70 75 70 75 00 00 00 70 .CH 7 6 Cfi Wfo 6 & 5U 5 54 5 5)i 8 00 7 00 8 00 2 50 4 Ml 5 00 0 00 - 7 50 ' 8 Oil 14 00 0 00 l'J (X) 5' i (- I 00 it 14 00 13 00 8 50 6 50 0 Oil 4 00 2 00 2 M :w 85 15 5 00 2 50 I I 00 15 10 SELECT. BOARDING & DAY SCHOOL . FOR ' - - YOUNG LADIES & LITTLE GIRLS, IIIMsboro, N.CM I . Misses NASH and Miss tEOLLOCE, Principals. The Fall Term commences September 2.1887" Spring Term Janaary 19, 1888. i circulars lorwaraea on application. anSDlm&Wlt welrsn University Law School. THE SUMMER 'SESSION OF THfS " SCHOOL begins Jnly 1st and ends September lt, 1"87. Two Classes : Junior fees 930; Senior fees!t30. For both fees $50. i For particulars address ! JOHN MANNING. Pro., Je4Wlm Cnapel Hlll,!N, O. . - t M iv n 14 if. I , I -if i I " ... . 5 ' j , ..' hi: t'"- ' it? i-s'. hi I Hi rv. tv t(. vr. "5 ft! 't, r