The Weekly Star. WM. H. BERNARD. Editor and Prop'r. WILMINGTON, N. C. ,. 1 Friday, December 16, 1887. 1 Win writing to change :yonr address, abcoy give formtr direction u well as full particulars as where you wish your paper to be sent hereafter. Unless you do both changes can not be made, j EVNottoes of Marriage or Death, Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, &o., are o harped for as ordinary advertisements, but; only naif rates when paid for strictly In advance. At this rate 60 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Marriage or Death. ' "Remittances must be made by Check,Draft Postal Money Order or Registered Letter. Post masters will register letters when desired. 1 S3F"Only suoh remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. I t3eT8peolmen copies forwarded when desired. " WOIF, WOLF." Hqw the Protectionists rage oyer the President's able, manly, states manlike message! They foam and rave as if "Othello's occupation" was indeed I'gone" forever, j It is amus ing as well as instructive to read; the - Protective organs. There is such an innocency, 'such a confiding, unsus pecting ignorance in their revamping of the old. platitudes and threadbare arguments for the iniquitous Tariff. The I resolution, introduced . in the Virginia Legislature by a Mr. Wad dell embodies in tew words the lead ing abjections that are as vain and groundless as a mountain of soap suds1., j This apt reader , of the stale . and deceptive editorials of the regu lation organs of Protection, em bodies their combined wisdom in this tissue of fallacy and ignorance. His resolution begins by j making a false charge that the guardedvigor- - ous1, just message of Mr. Cleveland faVored free trade. That is palpably erroneous, for Mr. Cleveland proposes to tax a very great many foreign arti cles, and taxation is not in any sense free trade. What the President aims to effect is to relieve the necessaries of lite of a most iniquitous and unjust burden. He is for a fair and equita ble Tariff that will bring ill a sufii ' cient revenue to meet all of the legit imate proper demands of the Gov ernment when economically adminis- tered. That is all. There is no free trade about it. It is a Constitutional Tariff the President favors. A Con stitutional Tariff is one for revenue, is the decision of the Republican Su preme: .Court. It has declared that any other Tariff is "robbery." J The Waddell resolution declares that the effect of the reform recom mended and defended by the Presi dent M ill "break up manufacturing industries, paralyze the! business in terests of the country generally, and pauperize the laboring classes.". We 3o not believe for one j moment that it will do any of these things- It will ne t work this way as the past authorizes us to affirm. T 1. The greatest growth and pros perity of American ! manufactures were under the Low Tariff and when the average was not ' more than 18 perceit.- The present War Tariff averages nearly 46 percent. j 2. The business of the country has '. J 1 -j -LLs.r. L been as heaitby and satisfactory un- der a Tariff averaging but 18 per cent, as it ever was under a High Tariff 3. England has very greatly pros- pered under a very has outstripped all of countries. low tariff. It the Protection 1 I !L n. . . 4. Wages ui England are very much higher than they are in the Protection countries of Europe. So it is not a High Tariff that makes high wages, and a Low Tariff does not m ike low wages.' j . ! The Protective system of this country has destroyed the great American commerce and driven from the seas the once splendid merchant marine. What American commerce remains is carried to a very great ex tent in foreign bottoms. A change rs needed. The President offers an opportunity. But the Republicans have begun the old pry of "Wolf ! Wolf I !" It will fool no one but the ignorant. It wil telligent tax-payer. not fool the in- The monopolist laughs in his sleeve as he sets up the old cry. ; !. '. THE NAVY. Secretary Whitney,) so far as we are able to form an opinion, has made an efficient Secretary of the Navy. He has been j criticised, but so are all men criticised, and some times very unjustly Washington did not escape. In his report the Secretary shows how he has been engaged in creating in part a navy for the country. There has been tomer progress. But really there U but a ucgiuuiug. tue main worK is yet ahead it the United States are to own a navy equal to their requirements and necessities. Secre tary Whitney asks jfor appropria tions for the construction of more vessels, and we believe, it is the duty of the Congress to meet this de inandj It is stated that in six years more the wooden cruisers will have disappeared with the exception 6f four. But what are wooden cruisers worth in an age of iron clad steam rs, monitors and torpedo boats? This Secretary does not think high, ly of the monitors and torpedo boats He opposes repairing the single-turret monitors. They are not equal to the present demands as they could h aeily destroyed by a first-class new iron clad. It is a waste of money to repaif them. The country needs! a oavy and it is the duitj ofthe Con gressjto" make snch appropriations rom j year to year as shall secure this end. 1 McGowan's, S. C, brigade has been celebrating the anniversary of Gen.; Gregg's death. They also pro pose to aid in 'the erection of, the monument . to be erected at Rich mond, Va., in honor of A. P. Hill's memory. North Carolina ought to have a band in that monument for Hill commanded North Carolinians and held that they were the best sol diers in the Army of Northern Vir ginia, prove. This is a fact as we can There is not a negro in the Fiftieth Congress. The Republicans who love "the oolored man ; and brother" with suoh tenderness have not elected a solitary oolored man from a Northern District. O'Hara of the North Car olina Second, and Smalls, of the South Carolina Black District, have disappeared from the Halls of Con gress and the places that knew them wi 1 know them no more forever. I .. . i ; Hex Scars' Weatner. f The Star has j received Mansill's Al nanac and (Weather Forecasts for 1863, published by the Illinois weather prophet, at Rock Island. The spring he says will arrive early. The win tei nionths are summed up thus: Jaiuary is expected to average equal to or above the mean of the season; Fe bruary and Mar :h should be about similar in tempe rature, and April will in this way se the spring well advanced.. '. I -' -J . 1 It is anticipated by Mansill that May and Jane Will be moderately cool, even if the temperature is not a little lower than the average. The weather for J July is to be about the same, while Angus ; is rated to be low er thau the mean of the season. This is to continue through September and three weeks Jin October, when it; will become elevated, and range as high as 'the mean of the season, and con tinue during the month, f and prob ably this temperature will jbe kept up to the average of the season during November and part of December. To sum this up! we would have by! this calculation an unusua'ly,! early and long spring, with the usual storms, followed by a moderately cool sum mer ami autumn. .,,' Funeral oiih Luio Mr, flnske fhe funeral of the late Mrs. Kate Huske, wife of Mri Norwood Haske, take place at eleven o'clock this morning from St, John's Church. remains did not arrive here yes terday morning, as expected, being J - I.L 2 1 ' L i. X L ' i: 1. ueiiuueu at jessup, vjra., on account of an ordinance of the city of Sa vannah, I prohibiting ! the passage through that place of the remains of persons dying in Florida. Mr. Huske remained at Jessup with the body j of his wife, and Mrs. Snow den, wife of Dr. P. G.jSnowden, of Ocala, an intimate friend of the de ceased lady, came on to this city with Mr. Huske's two younar children. Mrs. Huske died suddenly from an attack of heart disease. Her hus band was not with her at the time. having left for his orpnge grove a few hours before. A Grand Trunk. Ltde to tbe Wtil. ' The Fayetteville News, speaking of thej travel and business on the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway says: 'Already great, the possibilities of its near future de velop rapidly 4ay after dayuntiljts completion shall giv us a grand trunk line, setting fprth from the fairest city and finest sealport of North Carolina, to place us. iWitu a few hours of ramd ridinsr. in communication with Cincinnati. Cleveland,! St. Louis, Chicago and other flourishing ci ties of the West, which in vears cone bv have seemed set far away from our reach by an imr measurable distance whieh could not be bridged." j Cllutou t our I, &e. A correspondent of the Stab, writ ing from Clinton, jays: J His Honor Judgje Phillips, is now noiaing nis jasc rerm or court for this district. Judffe E. T. Bovkin is at. hnm tnr recreation preparatory to entering upyu 111a uuuicB iu ,ue spring, xie 18 in Excellent health and looking bet ter than usual. T(our correspondent met Mr. James, the marshal who had the misfortune of having a sword run through his body, at the railroad celebration in this place, last spring; was pleased to see him restored to perfect health again. He never feels the effect of his! wound except when taking too much exercise. The completion of the railroad has given this hospitable and energetic ton a little boom. Several new buildings are in progress of erection and others in contmrln.t.irn , The grand and petit jurors having ueou uiBcuargea,- court will adjourn projbably Wednesday evening. PRESBFTKIi AJN S HOR1H A.KH ftbun, . '..' .).. COB'erencs to Laulavllir, Kt., of Com ' mlitees. .' Editor Star: The committee of inei eoutnern Presbyterian. Church which, according to yesterday's tele gram met a similar committee of the .Hortnern Church, in Louisville, Ky. on the 14th instant,! is as follows: M D. Hoge, D. D., Richmond, Va.; Jos R. Wilson, D. D.. Clarksville. Tenn. P.jyitherspoon, D. D., Louisville, v. r . jenKins, jj. u., unarleston S. C; W. M. MePheetPra. M. T) St Louis, Mo.; P. H. I Carter, Abilene, xeia,s; rv. j.. oimpson, jj'iorence, Ala W. S Primrose, Raleigh, N. C. . x ae ousiness of the . committee is solely to inquire Into and ascertain the facts as to the point above men tioned" (tha nncl isvn i-Yxa ATnvf hovn Church as to the spirituality of the Church, non-interferene with mat ters political) "and as to the position me norcnern Assembly proposes to clesiastical boards, and any other sub-1 jects now regarded as obstacles in the XBfkU ft nnirail AffAl -fw til TVAnflflFft facts to the next General Assembly for such action as they may war rant." -As usuavSelegrams as to church iiiaLters are in error, a roui me aoove it arjneara that it is not the business of I the committee to ; recommend some action in regard to a union of the two bodies, but simply to ascer tn.itl n.nA rpnnrt. taota Tho Aaanoin ted Press dispatches never do justice io ine oouinern cnurcn A telegram was received here yesterday, announcing the death of Mrs. Gamble, at Tallahassee, Florida, She was a sister of Mrs. Dr. Robert Atkinson, of Baltimore, who has been fa Wilmington since the funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Mrs, Dr. Atkinson left for Tallahassee Jast mgnc Keriy FUijr Hrrnr Ago, We were shown yesterday a copy of a newspaper published in thiscity in 1839 the Wilmington Advertiser, F.V.. Hill, editor and proprietor. " It was issued "every JFriday morning''; onlce, 'southwest of the Town Hall, , one door from the corner." It is a twenty- four-column sheet, ten columns 01 which are advertisements. One of the advertisements is signed by James of the Wilmington & Raleigh Railroad Co., calling on the stockholders to pay an instalment of $8 per share on the 1st of March, 1839. . :Vv.jB-r-- 't: I - An advertisement, signed by W. C. Lord and T. H, Wright calls for "pro posals for pulling down the Episcopal Church in this place and cleaning the brick." Barry & Bryant advertise sugar, coffee and molasses, just re ceived from St. Jago De Cuba; Hallett & Brown advertise a dissolution of copartnership; Wright & Savage offer garden seed for sale; Pj. Smithy boots and shoes; E. Buck, carriages and harness; James, ir. McRee, that a supply of Rocky Point corn will be kept in the warehouse in Quince's Alley and sold, in quantities from five to 1,000 bushels." W.-S. Humphrey kept a boarding house in "the com modious brick building at the corner near the Town Hall, formerly occu pied by D.-D. Allen.'! S. Hutchins sold groceries, ready-made clothing and stoves. Wm. Ware, dentist, on ''the south side of Market street, three doors below the court house," had just received a supply of "incorrup tible teeth." Blocker & Steagall give notice of a "stage running between Duplin Old Court House and Fayette ville six times a week," and add "Pas sengers leaving Wilmington by the cars oh Monday,; Thursday and Satur day, will be.taken to Fayetteville in fifteen hours." J. & R, Rogle invite persons to have their portraits painted; Hewitt & Brewington adver tise the tanning and icurrying busi ness in all its branches, having pur chased J. Northrop's tan yard. J Under the head of "Ship News," the arrival of sixteen schooners and brigs is reported, from: coastwise and West Indian ports; and the clearance of about the same number. The agents are Barry & Bryant, Hath away & Peckham, A. Lazarus & Son, G. W. Davis, C. Cf Stow, and R. W. Brown & Son. :: 1 ,: In the Prices Current cotton is quo ted at $11.00li.50 per 100 pounds; spirits turpentine 35-cents per gallon; rosin $1.50; tar $1.55. The only items of local news, are the following:" f , ' i : "We understand our friends in Wayne are taking steps to jollify so soon as toe railroad reaches their county town. j I We observe that J udge istrange has introduced into the Senate the petition of the people of Wilmington, asking for the i erection of light houses on Oak Island and (Jampoeii Island." Papal Nomluaiiooi. The Rt. Rev. Leo Haid has been nominated Vicar Apostolic proper of When Bishop Nor North Carolina. throp was consecrated Bishop of Charleston, North Carolina was left without a Vicarj j Apostolic. Bishop Northrop then acted as administrator to North Carolina until a ! vicar apos tolic should be nominated. This nomination, the Charleston News and Courier says, has i been made by the Pope, whose choice, as has been men tioned, fell upon the Rt. Rev. Leo Haid. All will remember his conse cration as abbot of St. Mary's College, in North Carolina, on Thanksgiving Day at the Cathedral Chapel, by the Rt. Rev. H. P. Noxthrob in 1885. Abbot Leo Haid, previous to his coming South, was chaplain of St. Vincent's College, in Pennsylvania, the largest institution under the di rection onhe Benedictine Fathers. Here, also, he taught the higher branches of the English language. His merits, i piety and indomitable energy in administering the duties of his position won for him the high es teem of the members of his Order, and it was because the Benedictines wished to make St. Mary's College in North Carolina one of the first of the excellent institutions under the su- fervision of their Order that they se ected Abbot Haid. Oh the day of his arrival at St. Mary's College a complete change begm. The num ber of applicants was so large that a new and more capacious building had to be constructed. This was soon done, and while la. vsar ncn the num ber or students aid not exceed rorty. now it exceeds a hundred. All this was owing to the the Rev. Abbot, recting and his zeal and energy of His ability in di- prudence in acting him to the Pope has recommended and the position of vicar apostolic of North Carolina could not be filled by a more worthy person to succeed the admirable administrator the Rt. Rev. H. P. Northrop, jj ! Pr p.rlaj lor Florida Travel. The 'finest railway trains in tho world,' as they are described, will be gin rifnning on the 'Atlantic Coast Line between New York and Florida, about the 1st of January. These trains are cbmposea exclu sively of drawing-room cars, contain- W. ii ing library, reading ana smosing rooms, dining cars in' which meals will be served en route, and sleeping cars fitted with all comforts, conve- ed by means of vestibules that each train constitutes one continuous car forming a series of apartments, so that the traveller: may pass from one end of it to the other, precisely as he passes from one room to another in his own house. Exteriorly they will present the ap pearance of a block of artistically fin ished houses, while interiorly they will rival both in j beauty of decora tion, and in varied living conveni ences, an elaborately furnished and richly appointed city mansion. The vestibules are formed by en closing the platforms--they are as elegantly finished as any part of the car carpeted so as to entirely con ceal the points of connection between Lthe joined cars, and illuminated by from t.ViA nnilinca vnnaa raxra foil through cut-glass panelled doors, full upon Due steps. j Many of the advantages of the ves tibnled train are ohvinna Tt. roliairaa the traveller in passing from one part of the train to another from the an noyance of trie whirlwind on t.ho nlnt. form, caused by the rapid motion of the train, as also from the cold of open air in winter from the dust in summer, and from the storms at all seasons. It forms an easy connection with the dining-room, the smokincw room, and the library. The sched ules for these trains will be so ar ranged as to leave New York after breakfast, say about 9.30, and reach Florida the following day in time for dinner, being but one night on the Knock Dtvn f'oaoiry. ' Larry Williams, colored, was com mitted to jail yesterday by Justice Price in default of i bail in the 'sum: of $200 in two cases of assault and battery with a deadly weapon,, and $50 in a case of forcible trespass. ' . '. . The complainants in ! the cases are Button Ponton and wife Lizzie, also colored, Ponton is foreman on CoL Roger Moore's plantation, about four miles from the city, and Larry Wil liams was employed on the place as a laborer. , Ill-feeling had existed be tween the two men for some time past and a fight took place between them last Saturday evening, during which Ponton received a slight cut with a knife in one of his legs. As the story was " told in Court yester day, Wiliams, after the fight, about nine o'clock at night went to Pon ton's house with an axe and proceed ed to : clean out the establishment. It didn't app'ear clearly what became of Ponton, whether he SQught safety in flight up the chimney or down in the well. His wife Lizzie, however rushed in to save her furniture from d estruction and was knocked down with a blow of the axe,' which cut a terrible gash on her head over the left eye, and maimed two of the fin gers of her right .hand, Amos De vane, a brother of Button's wife,came to the rescue, but was knocked out in short order, and the work of des truction was resumed. Williams smashed the bedstead, demolished the tables and chairs and broke the! stove all to pieces; after which hef went in search of Button's wife, swearing that he would kill her. "Bu the woman Was secreted by some o her neighbors, and the infuriated darkey, being foiled in further af tempts upon the Button family and domicile, went tor his own hous, where he was found Sunday morning by the minions of the law, captured without a struggleand brought to the city. ..;! ' i .- . : ' Bad Does Killed. f Mr. J. Hill Terry, Superintendent of the County Poor-house, Reported at Police headquarters yesterday that he had been attacked by twp savage dogs just within the city limits near Smith's Creek bridge. Mr. ferry sue-: ceeded in beating the dogs on! with an umbrella but not before his clothing was torn and he had received some slight scratches from their teeth. The dogs belonged to a colored man named Sol Ballard, and acting under instructions from the Mayor, officer Turlington accompanied Mr. Terry to Ballard's premises wher the two dogs an English bull dog and a bull terrier that attacked MrJTerry were found and killed. Ballard and an other colored man named Wright Johnson, living! in the s&me neigh-j borhood, were afterwards arrested on warrants charging them with keeping unlicensed dogs. They will have aj hearing before the Mayor this morn-j ing. Wine mud B"r SPlrUuou Liquora. The Supreme Court has rendered an important decision in regard to the local option law, in a case brought on appeal from the Superior Court for Wake county. A telegraphic dis-j patch to the Star, received last night, says: ' ! I The Supreme Court this afternoon decided the Gursch case. The decis ion is that th& sale of wine and beer is not allowable under the local op tion law and other like statutes. Jus tice Merrimon rendered the opinion, which says that spirituous liquors, under our statutes include lager beer and wine. The county authorities had no right to issue license to the defendant Gursch. This opinion over-t rules the decision rendered by Judge James H. Merrimon in this notable case last August. CQeinoilal ervlec There- was ah unusually large at tendance at the Sabbath School of Grace M. E. Church Sunday after-! noon, the occasion being memorial services held in accordance with pre-j-vious announcement in respect to the memory of the late Superintendent Capt. Wm. M. Parker. j Mr. W. M. Poisson was called to the chair and Mr. W. W. Hodges, the Secretary of the school acted as secre tary. ; Remarks suitable to the solemn oc casion ware made by Rev. Dr. Yates, Mr. H. M. Bowden, Mr. W. M. Pois son, Mr. Thos. E. Davis, Mr. John C, Davis, Mr. G. H. Kelly and Mr. W W. Hodges. j I The preamble and resolutions offered by Mr. J. i WJ King, acting superintendent of the school, were unanimously adopted by a rising vote, after which the meeting closed with a few words of exhortation by the chairman and benediction by Revj Dr. Yates, Foretga Exports keiterday. Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the British barque! Paragon yester4 day, for Liverpool, Eng., with 3,082 bales of cotton, weighing 1,443,961 pounds and valued af? $147,910. f Messrs. E. Peschau Sc Westermann cleared the German barque Trabant for Stettin, Ger., :with 3,550 barrels" of rosin, valued at $3,800, Hon AUr4 Rowland. We are deeply pained to learn that the health of Hon.! Alfred Rowland has so far failed him that he is com! pelled to return home. He will reach here to-night on his way to his home inLumberton. His condition is very feeble. :-. . 1 .-; j ,': -: " j 1 This announcement . will be re ceived with profound regret, npt only by the friends of Cot Rowland in the Sixth Congressional District,' but throughout the State of North Caro lina, where he is known and esteemed for' his many good J qualities. With the devotion to duty characteristic of the man, he went to Washington to serve the people who elepted himL but the feeble condition of his health compels him to abandon that cher ished hope. The Star trusts that the attention of kind friends and the comforts of home may soon restore mm to health, v i i qplnloaa ol Leading Editor. Almost all toe diseases that afflict us from infaney to old aep have their origin in a disordered liver. A really good liver medicine is the most important io the whole range of pharmacy. We believe Simmons Liver Regulator to be the best among them all. We pin our faith UDon the Regulator, and if we could persuade every reader who is in ill health to buy we would willinely vouch for the benefit each would receive. Ed. Cracnmvri Qa zettb. . . ' f vrrTiBTH co y a ttess. FIRST SESSION. Mnat Standing committee Mamea lacnny Bill Introduced Sneaker Car lisle Ueq.neeta tlie Heme to Appoint UmailiiM a Bletnoai. . j. 1; rv Tsiraoh t Mornlnt wt.- : SENATE. '" Washington, Dec. 12. Immediately ter the reading of the journal of Thurs day, Mr. Hoar offered a resolution naming the t Senators to constitute the standing committee for the fiftieth Congiess . The rtSoluUoa was adopted. A-similar reto'u tion , naming Senators to constitute tbe slfcf commitiees, was also offered by Mr Hoar, tnd adopted. .y r 1 A lare number of communications and pstiiloyH 'were presented and referred. Among them the following: Relating m tbepmp.)rt.aUon of rum and other liquors into the Congo States; to prevent the man ufacture, importation and sale of Intoxi cating liquors in tbe territories; for the al lowance of a bounty or $8 88i per month to all men w ho served in the army during Use war; tor pensions to all who served during the war; for a Committee of Arbi tration wit b Great Britain; for amendment of tbe cuDeiUutiuQ allowing Congress to pa uniform laws on ihe subject of uiar ritge and divorce; for an amendment to the constitution probi -UiDg tbe manufacture, imporiKtinu or a:e of intoxicating liquors: in me United dutes. j Mi'iy bills were introduced and referred, B(xie 'f which bad been before last Coh gnrs but failed of action. 1 - . Uy ilr. Bt-t:k for retirement of United S'lies lesl to. dt.ra and national bunk notes of soioll d Domination and tbe issue of coin ctrtiucatea io ltu of gold and silvtrcertifl eves" '-' : ! r By Mr Do) ph. for the admission of the 8 euf Washington into the Union.: Also, rtjxiug to the United States certain lands graced to the Northern Pacific j Railroad . Coin pa n v . Also, repealing the pre- erup tion auu timber culture laws. I By Mr Harris, to authorize juries in tho U A Circuit, and District Courts , to ha us' i) ioietchangeubly. Also, -for . ware- bnuj-iDg fruit brandy. i " ' B. Mr. B'lwen, for fiee coinsge of silver. Bv Mr Morrill, to credit and pay to the hbv. rI atatea aud Territories all moneys collected under tbe direct tax act of 1863. - By Mr. Butler, authorizing tbe Secretary of War to transfer certain property in Cuajrietion to that city. j By lr Aidricn, to authorize tbe Sucre tary of tbe Tieasury to apply Jbe surplus money in tbe Treasury to the purchase of Uni ea oonas, or to tne payment or he interest on tbe public debt j , By Mr. aianderson. granting a pension to every soldier and sailor who is incapacita ted for the ueifoimance of manual labor. and for pensions to dependent relative of r.eceast.d soldiers and sailors. He said be introduced this bill at tbe unanimous le - quest of the Executive Committed of the Grand Army of the Republic Also, for the admission of the State of Dakota ai.d the organization of tbe Territory of Lincoln . By Mr. S ewart, for the issue or: coin cet- tiacites to circulate as money. By Mr KjvXi. for tbe retirement ot United States Judees on account cf disability. By Mr Culloin, for a pension to tbe widow of General John A Logan! By Mr Hale, to prohibit the .letting of g ovarii me di woik io contractors employing convict labor, j By Mr Wilsou, of I.iwa to crealesace among nations by an arbitration committee By Mr Vance, to amend tbe civil tier- vice act. it provides that the Uivil ser vice Commission shall have no power to make any rule or regulation excluding any applicant for examination . and j appoint ment by reason of Hge; nor for dropping any one from tbe libt of eligiblea because of time of limitation. It further provides tbat at tbe request of any appointing officer of tbe government it shall he tbe duly of tbe Commission to send to him ihe names of all who have been examined and found competent from wbicn to make bis sclec A great many . hills providing for the erection of put-hc buildings wre intro- I duced The chief among these Call for a a-jl a half t New Orleans; a mil- liou an.J half at Omaba. and twelve bun dred lUnueaud i Milwaukee. Mr. B'Jaiunds ie-introduced ft' Postal Te'-grnph bill of two years ago l Mr. B i!l-r rffere l a resolution, which w4 adopted, for the appointment of a se Itc caramillee of five to inquire into tbe advisability and practicability of establish ing tad maiuUioing a postal telegraph. ! Toe cit-dei.tials and papers in the West Viritioii election case were referred to ih-i Committee on Privileges and Elections. After a short session lor executive uusi nefs the Senate adlourned. i j HOUrE OF REPRESENTATIVES A n'..mb-.-r of Executive communications. piincu'lly relative to private claims in New Mexico, weie laid be lore tbe House by tbe Speaker and appropriately referred. Mr. Springer, of Illinois, presented the petition of Owen O. Cbase. wbo claims to be elecWd delegate from the Territory of Cimaron, commonly known as ."Public Lcd Strip " Speaker Carlisle having left tbe chair, and having called upon Mr. Crisp to pre side, briefly requested the House to relieve' kirn of the responsibility of appointing the Committee on Elections. He said that the tarly Wiciion of ihat committee by tbe House would greatly facilitate the appoint ment of other committees. 1 A resolution was adopted providing that the House will to-morrow proceed to tbe elecuou of a committee on Elections, and the Houtte thu adjourned, Immediately after adjournment the Re publicans held a short caucus andselected tbe following as their members of the House Elections Committee all are law yers : Rowell of Illinois, Houk of Ten nessee, Cooper of Ohio, Lyman of Iowa, Johnson of Indiana, and Lodge, of Massa ehusetts i Half an hour after the adjournment of the Republican caucus, the Democratic representatives met in caucus to choose a majority of lhe Elections committee. Mr. Boiman moved that Mr. Turner, of Qa., who was chairman of the committee on Elections during the last Congress, be again appoiutcd to tbat position. Mr. Turner declined. A committee was selected to, choose a majority of the Elections com- miueo, and before it retired, Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, moved that the caucus com mktee be instructed to report Mr. Turner name as chairman. Again Mr. j Turner declined, although the vote on the motion was unanimously favorable, and the committee retired to de liberate.' Their consultation lasted over an hour and considerable difficulty was ex perienced in the task of selection. Mr. Crisp, of Ga . was sent for and asked to accept the chairmanship, which he re spectfully declined. After further dis cus6ion, however, the committee insisted on its choice of Mr. Crisp as chairman and reported his name to the caucus, together with the names of the following gentlemen to constitute the majority of the Commit tee on Elections; Messrs. Outhwaite, of Ohio; Barry, of Miss. ; O'Perrall, of Va. : Marsh, of Penn ; O'Neall, of Ind ; Moore, of Texas; Johnston, of N. C, and Heard, of Mo. The caucus accepted the report and adjourned. ' . , . ' -.0- p" ;, -. senate. . Washington, Dec 13 .After tbe pre sentation of a large number ' of i petitions, Mr. Morrell, from the- committee on Fi nance, reported, back Senate bill to credit and pay to the several States and Territo ries and to the : District of Columbia all moneys collected under the direct tax act of the 5th of August, 18(1. Calendar. Mr. IngallB introduced bills to remove the limitation in the payment of arrears of pen sions; granting arrears in certain cases to those: pensioned by epeci d acts of Con gress; an i for the condemnation of land on Rock Creek (D. C ) for a park. Other bills were introduced, among them the following: -: By Mr Hoar, a constitutional amend ment for tho extension of the Congressional term till the last Tuesday in April. ' By Mr.. Cullom. tq amend 'the Inter State Commerce act Also, for the estaV lishment and operation of a United States Postal Telegraph. I ; By Mr. Reagan, for a conference of American nations on a common standard for silver coin. j i Mr. piatt offered a resolution to amend the rules so that hereafter the Senate shall consider and act upon treaties and Execu tive nominations io open session, except when otherwise ordered, Referred to the committee on . Rules. " . Mr. Dolph called up the blU introduced by him yesterday to provide fori fortifica tions and other sea coast defeuoes.and after a brief speech upon its merits, moved refe rence of the bill to the committee on Coast Line Defence. The bill was so t referred, and the Senate at half past one adjourned. - A largo number of Executive communi cations were laid before the House by the Speaker, and appropriately referred, and then , at 12.10, the House tooka recess until 1 o'clock. After the recess, Speaker Carhsle having called Mr. Mills, of Texas, to the Chair, Mr. Cannon,' of Illinois, offered a resolu tion declaring that the following named gentlemen shall constitute the committee on Eltction8 : Messrs. ; Crisp,-chairman ; O'Ferrall. Outhwait, Barry, Marsh, Heard. Johnson of North Carolina, O'Neall of In diana. Moore, Rowell. Hauk, Cooper, Ly man, Johnson of Indiana, and Lodge. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The Speaker having resumed the Chair, directed all papers in the various contested election cases to be referred to the commit tee just elected, and then the -House, at 1.10, adjourned until Friday. - SENATE. Washington, Dec. 14. Mr. Hoar, from the committee on Privileges and Elections, presented tbe report in the West Virginia case. He said that the report was unani moua. The questions raised were very sim ple ones and easily comprehended. One of them had been long ago determined by the Senate, and he supposed that all Sena tors had bad occasion to reflect on the oth ers. Ia order that the Senator entitled to file seat might enter at once upon his du ties, he hoped there would be no objection to having the report disposed ot at once. ," i The report was read at length. It con cludes with two resolutions, one declaring that Daniel H. Lucas is not entitled to the seat, and the other declaring that Charles J. Faulkner has been duly elected Senator from the State of West Virginia for the term of six years, commencing 4th of March, 1887, and is entitled to a ssat in the Senate as such Senator; i The resolutions were agreed to viva voce, and the oath of office was thereupon ad ministered to Mr. Faulkner. , j ! Mr. Hoar then moved that Mr. Faulkner beiassigned to the Committees on Claims, District of Columbia, Mines and Min ing, and Pensions. 'Agreed to. ' Mr. Harries, from tbe Committee on Rules, reported an amendment to the Slat rule. That rule provides that where an ad verse report is made on a claim and the re port agreed to, it shall not be in ordar to take tbe papers ; from the file for the pur pose of referring them at a subsequent ses sion, unless the petition states that new evi dence has been discovered and the sub stance of it. The amendment is to add to the rule the clause, that j in cases where there ia no adverse report it shall be the duty of tbe Secretary of tbe Senate to transmit all such papers to tbe Committee in which such claims are pending. Agreed to - , " .-j ". Among the bills referred were the fol lowing: : i . By Mr George, to protect innocent pur chasers of patented : articles, making it a valid defence against actions for infringe ment that the article was bought for use or consumption, not for sale, and in good faith and in the usual course of trade; and providing tbat all patents shall be subject to purchase by the government for general use at reasonable valuation. Referred to tbe Committee on Patents, after an effort bad been made to have it sent to the Judi ciary Committee. j -; The Seriate then took up the bill intro duced by Mr. Morrill, to regulate immigra tion, and was addressed by that Senator io explanation and advocacy of the bill. Its main object, be said, was to have tbe char acter of foreign immigrants examined, first by U. S Consuls at the porta of departure, nstead of by State Commissioners at the ports of arrival. The foreign idea, he said, was that the United States invited free im migration, regardless of the character of the immigrants; but the American idea was tbat it never really offered an asylum to couvicls, to irreconcilable enemies of law and order, or to occupants of .the old world's insane asylums and workhouses. The doors weie left open only to persons of good moral character. The fact that nearly five million immigrants had come to this country within the last lea -ears proved that the question was one trf very great importance The great Americ&n principle of free admission of immigrants was not proposed to be aban doned; but that principle had always been ou eoridiiinn that immigrants should be of good moral character; and should be able to support themselves.- i j Al tbe conclusion of his remarks Mr. Morrill moved that his bill be referred to the Judiciary Committee, but Mr. Ed munds suggested that the subject more properly belonged to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and he moved that reference. Later, the motion was. agreed to, and then after ten minutes in executive session the Senate adjourned. ; Several hundred nominations were sent io i be Senate to-day of postmasters who were appointed during the recess of Con gress Among those ia the South were the following in Virginia: i Connelly T. Litch field, Abingdon; Wm. F. Fisher. Liberty; Wm A. Fiske, Portsmouth; Samuel B. McKinney, Farmville; John S. Grayson, Luray; Henry A. Jordan, Manchester; Jo seph L. Deaton, Pocahontas. Also, Albert H. Mo wry. Charleston. S. O. ; Ellis Hun ter. Brunswick, Ga.; Maurice B. Throck morton, Birmingham, Ala.; MaryL. Clay, Huntsville, Ala. CHICAGO MARKET REVIEW. bower Prleea In Grain and Provisions wit to; Free Selling. Chicago, Dec. 14. Before business be gan on 'Change to-day. predictions of lower prices with further breaks in the grain markets were made. May wheat opened atJc lower than last night's close. There was good buying at this price, and May firmed up Jc in less than ten minutes. Buying was mostly by scal pers who sold short yesterday and took ad vantage of the early weakness to even up trades In corn, May opened at 53ic, with sales at the same time at 53c There was an unexpected good demand at 68e, and ten minutes later May was up to 5Sc. May pork opened unchanged. Heavy early pur chases of corn by two prominent local oper ators advanced May to 53Jc in the first half hour. A break at 10.30 landed May corn at 52ic. May pork broke from $15.25 to $15 05. An hour after the opening May sold at $15 and was weak at that. The break continued and May wheat went down to 8282ic. The lowest pricestbf the morning were reached by both corn and wheat on the: -break directly after 10,30. At that time May wheat got down to 8282i& There was so much excite ment and so much selling when prices got down to this figure that the crowd found itself short before it knew it. A few at tempts to even up made the crowd quite nervous and values reacted. Before noon May wheat was baek to 83, and for a long time it held moderately steady around 82 83c. May corn got down to 52c on the break and it reacted on covering by ner vous, shorts. The break was largely brought about by heavy sales by a Detroit plunger. Packers flooded the corn pit also, just be fore the break, and helped the decline for its influence on provisions. At 19 30 May corn was reasonably steady ardund 58c. but the crowd - was still ner vous. Provisions were featurelesr. Any little demand would firm prices up a trifle, but they would drop) off of themselves when, the demand was withdrawn. All the afternoon markets were higher, being largely influenced by corn, in which there was tree covering by shorts. - May oorn advanced to 580. I - THE PRESBYTERIANS. Representatives of tbe Nortbern and Moutbern Assemblies at Louisville Louisville, Ky., Dec. 14. The com mittees appointed by the Northern and Southern Assemblies of tbe Presbyterian Church to meet here - snd confer upon the proposal to reunite the two branches of the church, held separate meetings to day. All the members of t'ae Southern committee were present. Qf the Northern committee all were present with tbe exception of Rev. David C. Marquis Both" meetings wer secret, and not a word is given for publics wuu uy ui? uiemuera oi me committees. Uenew7 Uer Tonth. Mrs' PhmViA flhoaliv DA nvoAn Plow Co., Iowa, tells the following remark; ftble story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town: 'I an! 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." ;, . i ........ -Try a bottle, only 50c. at W. H. Green & Co.'s rug Stoye,' V r - j Democratic membership of the Senate . Committees Nominations of ttllnls : terr, t:onols, &e , Sent to the Senate Appointment; Clerk HIkcIus Intends to Resign Resignation or the Second 'Assistant P. : M. Gen-ral Public Building Matters-Indictments tor Depredations on Public Lands In Montana. - , : By Telegraph to the Horning: Star. : - Washihgtoh, Dec. 12 The following is a full list of the Democratic membership of ihe Senate committees, as fixed by the Democratic caucus this morning: ' -' Agriculture and Forestry George, Gib- ' son. Jones, Bate. . i ' Appropriations Beck , jCockrell, Call, Gorman. Contingent Expenses Vance. Census Berry, Blodgett. DanielTurpie. Civil Service and. Retrenchment Voor hees, Walthall, Wilson, Berry. , Ciaim8-Jones, Wilson, Pasco, Faulkner. Coast Defences McPherson, Hampton, Reagan. Commerce Ransom, Coke. Vest, Gor man, Kenna, Gibson. - . District of Columbia Harris, Vance, Blackburn, Faulkner. Education and Labor CalLPugh.Pajne, George.. .: . . . . i ' jEogrossed Bills Saulsbury, chairman ; CTl. .; . :- -,::;: Enrolled Bills Colquitt. . Epidemic Diseases Harris, chairman; Hampton, Eustis, Berry. . To Examine the Several Branches of the Civil Service Hampton, Gray. Expenditures of Public Mouey Beck, Kenna, Gibson. . Finance Voorhces, Beck, McPherson, Harris, Vance. i i Fisheries Hampton, Blodgett. Foreign Relations Morgan, Brown, Saulsbury, Payne. improvement of the Mississippi River Eustis, Walthall, Bate. , . Indian Affairs Morgan, Jones, Hearst, Daniel. '. .) . Jnter-State Commerce Harris, Gorman, Eust s, Reagan. j ; j judiciary Pugh, Coke, Vest", Gourde. Library Voorhees. Manufactures Colquitt, Blodgett. Military Affairs Cockreli, Hampton, Walthall, Bate. j ! Mines and Mining Bate, Turpie, Faulk ner. !! .- . Naval Affairs McPherson.Butler.Black burn, Gray. ii Patents Jones of Arkansas, Gray, Kenna. -jl Pensions Wilson of Md., Turpie, Blod gett, Faulkner. i Poet Offices and Post Roads Saulsbury Colquitt, Wilson, Regan. : Printing Gorman. Private Land Claims Ransom, chairman ; Colquitt, Pasco. . j Privileges and Elections Saulsbury, Vance, Pugh, Eustis. Public Buildings and Grounds Vest, Daniel, Pasco. i Public Land8Morgan, Cockreli, Wal thall, Berry. ! . Railroads Bro wn; Kenna, George, Black burn. Revision of Laws Wilson of Maryland, Daniel. r Revolutionary Claims Coke, chairman; Pugh, Hearst. Rules Harris, Blackburn. Territories Butler, Payne. Gray, Turpie. Transportation Routes to the Seaboard Gibson, Vest, Call, Butler. To Investigate the Condition of the Po tomac River Front McPherson, chairman; Ransom, Hearst. Nicaragua Claims Morgan, chairman; Wilson of Md., Hearst. Woman Suffrage Cockreli, chairman; Brown, Pasco. Additional Accommodations for the Li brary Voorhees, chairman; Butler, Gib sonr II Centennial of Constitution and Discovery of America Voorhees, Eustis, Colquitt. Indian Tradership Coke, Blackburn. Mr. Faulkner is not yet a Senator, and his name will not be announced to-day when the committees are elected by the Senate, but as there ia no doubt of his ad mission places have been assigned to him. as ajbove given, to which he will be ap pointed when he is seated. The President has sent the following nominations to the Senate: To be Envoy Extraordinary and' Minis ter Plenipotentiary of tbe United States, Osckr S. Strauss, of New York, to Turkey; Alexander R Lawton, of Georgia, to Aus triaiHungary; Baylesa W. Hanua, of In diana, to The Argentine Republic. To be Minister Resident and Consul Gen eralfof the United States, A. S. Carlisle, of Louisiana,! to Bolivia ! To be Consul General of the United States, Jared Lawrence Rathbone, of Cali fornia, at St Petersburg; D. Lynch Pringle, of South i Carolina, at Constantinople; Harold Marsh Bewail, of Maine, at Apia. Secretary of Legation and Consul General of the United States, John G. Walker, of Texas.. at Bogota; James P. Hosmer, of New York, at Guatemala. ' Secretary of Legation of the United States, Charles Chaille Long, of New York, to Gorea; Samuel T. Williams, of Mary land, to Brazil. Gl Browne Goode, Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. i i ' Rchard W. Dunlap. of Tennessee, Con sul at Stratford, Ontario. Consuls N. J. George, of Tennessee, at Charlottetown, P. E. I.; Edward J. Hill, of North Carolina, at Montevideo; Wm. O. Patton, of North Carolina, at Bohia; Geo. C. Tanner, of 8outh Carolina, at Pictoo, N. $. . i -: ' Leigh W. Reid, of Virginia, to be As sistant Register of the Treasury; Marshall Parks, of Virginia, to be Supervising In spector of steam vessels for the Third dis trict, (Baltimore), ii Ppetmasters Louisa T. Loner, Green ville;, Ala.; James W, White. Kosiweke, Miss. - ( ... ,1) Collectors of 'Internal Revenue Kerr Crafge. Fifth District of N. C; Whitfield Walker, District of Florida, Collectors of Customs Stephen Hunter, for the District of Tappahannock. Va.; Peter F. Cogbill, for the district of Peters burg, Va. - Almost all of to-day's nominations were of persons appointed during the recess of Congress. - i In? secret session of the Senate to-day nothing was done except to read and refer the dominations already sent in. The Se nate; is about to remove the injunction of secrecy from the Journal of executive pro ceedings from the year 1829 up to the end of tbe Fortieth Congress twenty years ago. It fills fifteen volumes.; Washington, Deci 12. Eugene Hig gins, appointment clerk of the Treasury Department, confirms published report that he intends shortly to resign at a date in the near future not fixed. He has long de sired to retire from office, but refused to do scj as long as he was the subject of ad verse criticism. I , ' Judge J. T. Goolick, of Virginia, Chief of the Inspection Division in the office of the second assistant Postmaster General, has resigned. i Supervising Architect Frenet to-day gave instructions for the location of the new pub lic building at Huntsville, Ala. This ac tion is taken in accordance with wishes of citizens of Huntsville; who were not en tirely! pleased with the site originally se lected, and who made a respectful appeal to the architect for a change. Mr. Frenet, in speaking of the matter to-day, said tbat hereafter, in the selection of sites for pub lic buildings, he will be governed almost entirely by the wishes pf the people most directly concerned. ; WksantewoN, Dec.. 12. Information has been received at the General Land Of fice, that the U. 8. grand jury in Montana has fpund indictments ! against Thomas T. Oakes, J. M Buckley,! E. L. Ronner, A. B. Hammond and L. J. Hathaway, for un lawfully taking timber from public lands of the United States and shipping the same out of the territory. Oakes is Vice Presi dent land General Manager of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, Buckley is Ast sistant General Manager of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co.i Bonner is timber agent - of the Northern Pacific Co., and president of the Montana Improvement Co., I Hammond ia timber agent of the Northern Pacific and : General Manager of the Montana Improvement Co., and Hatha way is Assistant General Manager of the Montana Improvement Co . These indictments are understood to be in connection with the proceedings pend ing against the Northern Pacific Railroad Co . and the Montana Improvement Co , involving trespasses upon public timber to the amount of about $2,000,000. Washington, December 13. The total number of bills and joint resolutions intro duced in &e Senate to-day was 594, a larger number than were ever before introduced in the Senate in one day. The aggregate amount of appropriations provided for by puuilO uuuuing OlilS 18 7.e45.0f)n n;n were introduced bv Mr. Call to increase Z appropriat ion (nr a public buildhie at Jack sonville. Fla., from $175,000 to $275 00o' and at Key West, Fla., from $175,000 in $250,000. ' l0. Washington, Dec. 13. The Senate com mittee on Privileges and Elections held a meeting this morning to consider the Lucas-Faulkner contested election case from West Virginia. : Mr. Lucas addressed the c-mmittee. The committee took a re cess st 12 o'clock. Mr. Faulkner will be heard this afternoon. Washington, Dec. 13 The Striate Committee on Privileges and Electious tag decided uoanimously to seat Mr. Faults uer of -West Virginia. i Washington, Die. 18 Senator Chan dler has introduced a bill to legulatmu holding of Congressional elections ia South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisi, ana It provides for the appointment t,y the President with, the advica and coDseut of "the Sesate, lof four supervisors ()f of election for each Congressional District in the States to which the measure appiw who are required to sub-divide the districts into a sufficient number Of voting products In each precinct: the Circuit Court of ihe U.! 8. is to appoint four inspectors and two poll clerks, who are to mike registra tion of voters and conduct congressional elections. The supervisors are to act as a canvaseing board, to receive returns from inspectors, and ascertain and declare the result of the election. Supervisors. jn Bpectore and poll clerks are to be divide i equally between tbe two principle political patties, Tbe measure is made applicable only to the States of South Carolina, Flori da, Mississippi and Louisiana It is elab orately drawn, and contains minute piovU sions governing the whole matter ot registration and conduct cf elections, together with penalties for election frauds! To an Associated Press reporter who asked for an explanation of the theory and purpose of tbe bill, Mr. Chandler said it was drawn under the clause of the Consti tution which provides that tbe times, places and manner of holding elections for Representatives in Congress shall be pre scribed in each State by the Legislature thereof, but Congress may by law make or alter such regulations. He said the cou stitutional power is ample either to press a general law for all States, one applicable to a number of States, or a special law in re spect to any particular State. In reply to a query as to his purpose in limiting the operations of the measure to the four States named, ho said : "It is my desire to se cure if possible tbe passage of a national election law in those States where ibwe 4 manifest j and avowed suppression of Re publican suffrage. In Louisiana tho Dem ocratic leaders declare their intention not to allow colored people to vote the Repub lican ticket, and have also asserted their in tention to settle this question without tbe slightest regard to northern sentiment on the subject. Hence, I think that both northern sentiment and interests should lead to the passage of laws to limit sup pression of suffrage to elections for State oflcers and give us free suffrage for Na tional officers. Mr. Chandler said his measure did not cover Presidential electors, for the leason that the Constitution gave no authority for it. He expressed the belief that the bill or a similar one.will pass the Senate, and honeys that it may pass the House. drowning" accident. A Ferry Boat on Nenae River Sunk Two tlvei Loit, Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 12. Ed. Morse, white, and a colored man named Elinton, were drowned in Neuse river in this coun ty yesterday. They with five others wtre crossing tbe river in a ferry boat. Morse had a mule on the boat. When near iu middle of the stream the'uiulc became rest lesB and stamped the bottom out of the boat. All hands sank. Morse was swim ming to the bank when Hinton, who ci uld not swim, seized his ankle and holding on with a death-grip both were drowued. All the others, with the mule got out safely. . A special to the Stab says the scciduut occurred at Milburnie, six miles eat-t of Raleigh; that Mr. Edward Moraenged about 40, and a negro named Willis Hin ton, were drowned and that there are ai 1 sorts ef conflicting rumors in regard to the drowning CHARLESTON, S. C. Democrats Carry tbe Municipal Klec4 ! tlon. i . v By Telegraph to the Morcltu Star. Charleston, Dec. 13. The municipal election here to-day passed off quietly. The Independent vote was light and the whole Democratic ticket was elected by a heavy majority. GEORGIA. Ninth Uar of the Woollolk Murder Xrlal-A $25,000 Fire at marietta. ! B7 Telegraph to tne-Horning; Star. Macon, Dec. 14. This was tbe ninth day of the trial of Wool folk for murder. Mr. Rutherford, for the defence, concluded his twelve-hour speech at one o'clock, and at three o'clock Solicitor Hardeman began argument for the State. Tbe Court took a. recess at five o'clock until nine to-morrow. During Solicttor Hardeman's speech he was interrupted by cries of "Hang him!'" from two or three men, who were promptly put Out. This created some excitement in the great crowd, but order was promptly restored, i Atlanta, Dec. 14. A. fire occurred at Marietta early this morning, destroying two buildings and burning the roof off a third Loss $25,000; insurance $18,000. Springer Bros., dry goods; J. W. Bogman, jewelry; Drover Bros., insurance agents; Q. C. Burnop, banker; T. W. Glover, gen eral store, and E. P. Dobbs, hardware mer chant; are the chief sufferers. - OHIO. Postponement of tne Fidelity Banlc Trials. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Cincinnati, Dec. 14. At midnight last night Judge Sage, of the United States Dis trict Court, was advised by a telegram of the serious change for the worse in the con dition of his wife, who has been an invalid for a long time. She is Jit their home at Lebanon, Ohio, thirty miles away. No train being available tbe Judge took a car riage and drove to Lebanon at onee. This morning court was adjourned until Tues day next, and the trial of Hopkins, assist ant cashier of the Fidelity Bank, goes over until that time. I . . j Worth Knowing . Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken .with, a severe Cold, attended with a distressing Cough . and running Into Consump tion in its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and i was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Guar anteed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at W. H. Green & Coj's. Drugstore f Lonisbnrg Times: Mr. Frank Davis has a May-pop vine 27 feet in length. Mr. Rutherford Perry informed the editor that one of his neighbors had a gourd vine containing 84 gourds, in addition to nearly a wagon load which he had already pulled from it. To off set this our old friend Louis Bartholomew, Esq., told of a man in his neighborhood who planted peaa on shares. He planted one bushel, and at last reports had already received 43 bushels for his share, and shelling was still going, on. -. -. i" -. Charlotte Chronidei Charlotte; is still moving forward, and the latest evi dence of her increasing prosperity and commercial importance ie the fact that an other steam cotton compress is soon to bo built here, thus giving the city two largo and ! powerful presses. A party of colored boot-blacks were scuffling and play ing in their usual fashion. yesterday, when, one of them had his flesh laid open in s serious way. One of tbe knives with which they were digging at each other, struck the boy on the flat of his arm. about two inches above the wrist and ploughed a furrow to the palm of his band. - . . Lit. 1 II J- . . . . J .