ne Weekly btar. THE SUMMEK RAIN. jlOfiEBT BURNS WILSON, Off KY. ,it blessed summer rain ah me ! ,i i mercy on taeuoueu, va there more than shrouded sky. ! I' 10. ; .1 -Hl I tod more man i&iuug taiu, . .ift-borne soula of flowers that fly Breeze-lifted from the plain. Iraoge joy comes wua uu iresneuiug ' 111 4 1 . V J I The wtntening or the leavee, tie smell of sprinkled summer dust, The dripping of the caves. due the lie soul stirs with the melting clod, , AaU'ii aiiant mirth no does not feel his heart help God ; To blees the thirsting earth ? :' I, rain oh, blessed summer rain ! j Not on the fields, aione. i ; wnndiands. fall nor flowery plain, lint on the heart of stone. I . VI P HEME CO URT DECISIONS Rileigh News-Observer. State vs. Kiog. I U,M. That turpentine, when in Les ready to be dipped, is personal operty and the subject or larceny; til UUUer OCU. i i Ul vuouu un. 40 the property in tnrpentine kased boxes is deemed to bo vested the possession of the lessor, as her crops under the landlordafid enact act. I : lit ., if the crop be in tne aotuai feme will not constituto larceny, bat afur the crop caa been put in tne ml : possession of the t landlord, otijrh undivided, the tenant takes sameLhe may be guilty of lar py, too legal ownersnip oeing in . , , . V . 2 lessor. btate vs. 1'atterson. Defendant was charged with sell- b spirituous liquors in territory in bicb the sale was (forbidden by iv ate acts, section 8t chapter 113, s 1887, and it appeared mat tne f i supposed acts had no enacting i'.ise. ; Vh'U. That the constitution of the I ate having prescribed an enacting Ml C iase, an expression oi me win oi legislature without the enacting use nas no sanction oi an ace. iTfce constitntional requirements list be observed, or - the legislative ion is without force. I Without: the enacting clauee re- l-.rtid by the Constitution there can tjj valid act of assembly. And so likewise without the ratifi- . . 1 1 . 1 aZm. I'.ioa prescnoea oy las tionsiim- r .n there can be no valid act of , as- .r.b!y. . . ' Legislation so defective is without ral force; the act in question being icient in the enacting clause is no Lli. i not the nature of Constitu- kns to provide con essentials use- ;:r,(i unimportant details, euch as ha disregarded and dispensed n. nat tee c:on6tituiiou . pre yed must be observed, i tate vs. Patterson & Kennedy. Il'iie defendant had on bis farm lo a mux ana irom nis ions ana nis lin raised on his farm he distilled Ints and sold the same in quanti- (a of one quart .and less than five lions on tbe premised without a li- lise. . ', '. lit Id, That the yjords of . the stat- iUowing a person to sell under ..r. limitations, Spirits, the 'pro i of hiu own farm, must be con ted to embrace . eftaljK the spirits J need exclusively from the grain rrrown by him on his farm, and t to embrace spirits derived from N taken at a mill, which are no rt of the products of the farm. Iitiiney vs. Kaicey.. lltsld, That a witness may be al- fved to testitv as to handwriting .hout having seen the person write, iiy correspondence or otherwise he i become familiar with the same. A remark made by a person nre- it at the time of the reading of a m tow lost and when existence is Idispute, in the nature of a sum- iry restatement of the contents of ieed, may be repeated by the Itness on tbe trial. I ' i! iO rriDoncjlAn rP n rieAA a -a fa nt pm which the jury may infer a de '-ry, bat the law does not presume Ideliyery from it. It is for the ir.tee to show a delivery, and a arge that so directs the jury is not rontons. ate vs. Patterson. rield; that under section 11, chap- i3o, acts 1887. a person has a rht to sell' snirituons liauors tbe iducts of his own farm in quanti- not less than one- quart, without license, except that he may sell no luor in the territory in which the la ot liquor is prohibited. iieia; that where the Legislature is maae an offense punishable be jre a justice of the peace by a fine Y' less man ten nor more than hfty luars or imnrisonment not exceed thirty days, the Superior Court 1 . 3 uu junsaiction. Braden vs. McLaurin. W here in a trial of I a proceeding partition between eo tenants the rendant in possession claiming ad- r-eiy under a warrantee aeea. ine Efundant being a witness, was asked any suit was brought the'peti liners oirered him. if thev recovered. let him keep, the lands and they to tt T. J .1. w arriPAy and if this was verbally treed to by him. Lo which he an ftred: 1 here was some such pro Nuon and ho bad expressed his pllincrnei.9 to accent it." . 0 1 Held That the above question and ls er were not open to obligation I'l DO harm itj,A enano to the- de nant from the admission of the Nenee. lUeld, That adverse possession for ltyeara at ieaBt ig ecessary to i'eitic estate of a co-tenant" in pninoa. JCaodle vg. Fallen. r 'a'ntiff had a judgment against Jars. Ingram which was docket4 ptne (Superior Court. Mrs. In- rw ayiQg her administrator paid f " we clerk's office 90 on that fgment. Plaintiff sold the iodn-J int to defendant for $25. and noon Covering that the $90 had been .a ,nto the clerk's office- broneht action against defendant to rfl- r" 05, alleged damages, on the u mat aercnaant by false and -..uHonr. ronrffipntat.inna aa in of the judgment had obtained "ansier bv a trick and contriv 100 lllrv frtw,A ,lf 4- J wuuu tiUOb ucicuuiuv make th f alA 'ions allflwe.l aA Plr.:-.fl! I. 1 W assigned as grounds of error general exception to the judge's arge. Held; That the judgment being of l ' "cm, M. uau w luucuiou. ""UK v I; 7-- I TimTG I llrTlDTlTlTlQ I ir litAIUkirn': . -I record, and the; money to be circu lated on it having been paid into the clerk's office the plaintiff in law was fixec. with a knowledge of the facts. The: e was no exception to evidence and there was no erroneous proposi tion of law in the oharge. A general exception to the charge of the judge "will not do." Hutchins vs. Hodges. The plaintiff had rented to defend- ant land, agreeing to iuruwu ruu, ' . 0 . . . 1 I for one-fourtn tne tooaoow mup. Aftfer the crop was off, plaintiff en taraA and Hnwfld crain on the land. Defendant sold the tobacoo and did not pay ! the rent, ana piainiui broAcht his action to reoover 45 as rent. Defendant pleaded that joontraot was for two years, and that he was damaged by not being allowed to retain the land for two years, but introduced no evidence as to his damages. .1 I Held, That rent was duo at the end of the first year. i Held, That plaintiff's entry raised the Question of how much defendant was' damaged thereby, and defendant by introducing no evidence showing damage, proved none; and plaintiff was! therefore entitled to recover the full amount of the rent without abate ment.' '-j ! State vs. John F. Divine. The defendant, superintendent of fhejW., C& A. R. R., is prosecuted criminally under sections 2,328-2330, chapter 10, volume 2 of the Code, making it a misdemeanor and pro viding that the president and super intendent of the company as well as thel engineer and conductor of tbe train may be indicted, whenever any stock is killed : by any railroad train in the counties of Columbus, &c.,&c; provided that the indictable parties do 'not refer the question of damages fokilling the stock therein provided for and pay the damages assessed. At the trial the jury found a special verdict covering the fact of the kill-: ing and that the railroad company: refused to refer the damages accord ing to the statute, that the defendant was not on the tram and in no way connected with the killing. The verdict did not conclude that the de fendant "is or is not guilty" as the opinion of the court may be on the facts found. Held, That the jury must pass on the guilt of the accused and the spe cial verdict not finding that the de fendant was or was not guilty as the opinion of the court might be, was no verdict at all, and the alleged ver dict must be set aside, and there must be further proceedings below. Held, That the statute, . since it makes an act divested of any pecu liar circumstances indictable only in particular counties, is lacking in those essential elements of equality and uniformity which are fundamen tal conditions of all just and consti tutional legislation. j Heid, That since the statute makes the killing of the stock prima fade evidence of negligence on the trial of the indictment against a person in no wise connectea witn tne act, it subverts the fundamental rule of justice that every one shall be pre sumed innocent until he is found guiity. ; J Held, lnat the state cannot de prive any one within its jurisdiction of tbe equal protection of the laws, by which is meant equal security un der them' to J every one on similar terms in his lite,! his liberty, his pro perty and in the pursuit of happi ness. rJo greater burdens should be laid upon one than are laid upon others in the same calling and condi tion. ' I .-I"-! Held, That the Legislature has not the sanction of the Constitution and cannot be upheld as within the competency of the law-making power. . No Boom for Doubt Wash. Post, Dem. Every Democrat who believes in standing by his party, in support of its principles and policy will fall into line at once. There is no other course to pursue, absolutely no other alter native action, innless he is willing to walk out into the cold and slam the door behind him. , I Heretofore the Chicago platform- has been the pnly Democratic law oearing upon iiie surplus, iid icuuu tion and the prevention of its in crease, mat; piattorm was amDigu- ous enough to admit of two con structions, and tbe high tariff Demo crats insisted that they, and not the great majority of the p&rty, were acting in strict accord with party opinionH as expressed in the record. j The message of the President,' re cognized as he is everywhere as the leader of his party and its candidate in the mighty struggle oi mats, is the law for every Democrat, and so he must consider it. Of course, as a free citizen of the Republic, be may do as he pleases; but he has been served with notice that tariff reform is the great 'party issue, and if he does not conform to it he becomes, with his eyes wide open, a deserter and an outcast. ' I The Democrat who now dodges or allies himself witn tne enemy knows just what he is doing! and must expect a creat deal of -justice and very little mercy. COTTON, N Y. Commercial and Financial Chronicle Niw Yoni, Dec. 9. The move ment of the crop, as indicated by our telegrams from the South to-night, ia given below. For; the weekj end ing this evening (Dec. 9) the total receipts have reached 24y,uiy Dales, against 252,406 bales last week, 249, 388 bales the previous week, and 284,816 bales three weeks since mak ing the total receipts since the 1st of Sept., 1887, (3,379,965 bales, against 2,941,476 bales for tne same penoa oi 1886, showing an : increase since Sept. 1, 1887, of 438,489 bales. The exports for the weeic ending this evening reach a total of 151,172 bales, of which 106,797 were to Great Britain, 14,550 to France and 29,825 to the rest of the Continent, j! To-dav an early ! decline under Liverpool advices was followed by a smart advance, most ot wnicn was last aS the j movement at interior towns was made public. :Cott6n on the spot has been very dull and stocks here begin to show some ao- cumnlatiorf. I Quotations were re duced M6o. jon Tuesday. The mar ket to day was quiet at 10o for mid dling uplands. I . i I The total sales for forward delive ry for the week are 600,900 bales. I - : ' 11 . tp- jpp ' I ; ' ; "Mamma," iald a little threcyearold, "papa says you wern't pretty last week, but you are beautiful to-day." "Ah! my child, last week I had neuralgia, this week Supreme Court Raleigh News-Observer. . -Court met at 11 o'clock yesterday morning and disposed of appeals from the eleventh district as follows: . Harry vs. Hambrigbt; argued by Hoke & Hoke for plaintiff and W. P. Bynum (and Gidney & Webb by brief) for defendant. ' Gentry vs. Callahan j argued by Batchelor & Devereux If or plaintiff and J. A. Forney and W. P. Bynum tUr uoicuuaui. r , r i Morgan vs. Bank of Charlotte, in the United the Supreme Court . of States. . ' f " Carolina central vsi Rutherford Railway Construction Company; con tinued. I ;:.-.:. 1 x Caddell vs. Allen; put to end of district.1..'" j-: .;) ' vV"' Smith vb. Fite; argued by Hoke & Hoke for plaintiff, and J W, P. By num for defendant. - j' State vs. Gar r is; argued by P.; D. Walker with the Attorney General for the State, and John Devereux and W. W. Fleming for defendant. Traders' Bank vs. Woodlawn Man ufacturing company; argued by W. Bynum and Batchelor & Devereux plaintiff and Bur well & Walker and C. B. Watson for defendant. Opinions were filed in the follow ing cases: -.hi. Slate vs. Gierscb. Error; reversed. Muuds v?. Cassidey (plaintiff's ap peal). Error; reversed. Powell vs. Morisey. Error. McCraken vs. Adlerj Affirmed. . Munds vs. Cassidey (defendant's -appeal). Error. j state ve. Liawson. ILrror; new trial granted. I 1 - .' McCanlesa vs. Flinchum. Error. Houston vs. Sledge. Reversed. Click vs. Railroad. Error. State vs. Crowsori. Error. In a Nutahell. New York World, Ind. Detu. Facts: . . M j . 1. Surplus taxation for the current fiscal year, $113,000,000. 2. The Treasury glutted at the close of the current fisoal year with $140,900,000 taken from private en terpise and stored in public vaults. 3. John Sherman's blundering funding of the' publiodebt forbids bonds to be called or paid, except with his own premium to the bond holder, until 1891, when $230,544,600 will beoome due and payable at their face, and 1907, when $732,440,850 will become duo and payable at their face. " !.!; - j ' Proposals: if Tne Democratic Policy. i) ft with the needless taxes on clothing, fuel, shelter, food, i Let alone the taxes on whiskey, beer, tobacoo. The Republican JPolicy.OS. with the taxes on whiskey, beer, tobacoo, so as to keep the war taxes on cloth ing, fuel, shelter, food. Rosy RIouilia furnished with teeth rendered pearly and glistening by fragrant SOZODONT, usu ally regarded as an indispensable adjunct of tbe totiet, are perfectly bewitching. 8o irresistible does the broadcloth sex find them, that it requires the utmost self-restraint to forbear imprinting a kits upon tbem wherever seen. No corrosive sub stance contaminates this standard beautifler of the teeth, from which it removes every Impurity. Use it regularly. . t FOREIGN. Tbe JBdkIUSi Catholic and Homo Role Tbe Condition of tbo Crown Prince' Tbroat Suddenly Become Worse RIanebeater markets Gen. ' Bonlancer Expects War Balfour Addresavs a meeting at manebeater. DuBLiu, Dec. 14. The Dublin Express says tbe Duke of ! Norfolk and Sir George Emngton, both of whom are prominent Catholics, declined to sign the address which ia to be presented by the English Catholics to Mngr.l Persico, in favor of borne rule for Ireland. It says also that Cardinal Manning is debarred by etiquette 'from signing it jj j .j : Vienna, Dec. ! 14. Dispatches received here that the condition of the Ger man Crown Prince's throat has suddenly become worse, and that a special medical consultation has been called at San Remo. This, the teport says, explains Pr. Mac kenzie's hurried departure from England. Ban Remo, Dec. 13. The doctors who examined the Crown Prince last evening discovered symptoms of a fresh growth and an increase in the swelling. A special con sultation of medical experts was determin ed upon. Dr. Mackenzie will attend at tbe request of the Crown Prince. Pakis, Dec. 14 Radical and Extremist groups in the Chamber of Deputies to day decided to oppose the vote of tbe provis ional budget asked ! for by Prime Minister Tirard, unless it was made a Cabinet ques tion. I j t St. Petersbubg, Dec 14. The Novoe Vremya publishes in its Paris correspond dence a letter from Gen. Boulanger to Sasini, member of the Chamber of Deputies, declining the latter'8 offer to surrender his seat in Boulanger a ravor. l ne lienera writes that be considers it a patriotic duty to adhere to his military position, in view of the fact that he expects war, and con cludes by declaring that France has greater need of generals than of deputies. London, Dec. i4 Balfour, Chief Secre tary for Ireland, addressed an immense as semblage in the Free Trade Hall at Man ches;er tj-night.f In consequence of warn ings that a plot had been formed to assassi nate Balfour, police guarded the approaches to the platform and were stationed at vari ous points in tbe interior of the ball. Barri cades around Free Trade Hall were extended to the Town Hall, where Balfour sleeps under guard. ! j As Balfour appeared upon tbe platform tbe cheering by a portion of the audience failed to drown the hisses of another portion.' The preliminary speak ing was amid great disorder. , A number of rights took place and many persons were ejected from the hall. - The malcontent element was finally subdued. Balfour, in an elaborate criticism on the most recent speeches in favor of home rule, compared Sir Gecrge Trevylan to Bunjan's Pitiable, who started with Christian on the right road, remained a short time, but falling into the SlougbJ of Pe8pond promptly used violent language toward bis former com panions aod finally telurned to the City of Destruction The Radical party in Jan nary, 1886,' thought that everything was right which they had thought wrong in December, 1885. Wheeling about at Mr. Gladstone's word of command, with tbe regularity of soldiers on parade, they had gone now into tbe ranks of the Parnellites, ohanirinir nntnnlv their old doIicv. but their old morality.! iCheers They had sullied th nhArncter of. their Dart v forever. With tbe deterioration of their moral fibre the Radicals bad adopted the methods of their Irish allies. jThose bad long been accus tomed to copious streams of violent rheto ric, which made them incapable, of that apbriety of btaiement which the country ex-' peeled from practical statesmen. The ut terances even of the foremost separatist leadeis showed an increasing want of moral perception ! Mr. Gladstone had been forced to retract some of the assertions made by him in his infamons speech at Nottingham, but only undet threat of a lawyer's letter. Mr. Trevylan had said that farmers in Ire land were being evicted by wholesale. The fact was, that during the first three months of Mr. Trevylsn's administration 89 Chief Secretary for Ireland, there were 853 evic tions, while j for- the same period of the Speaker's term of office evictions 'number ed only 152.) After rebutting the state ments of MrJ Dillon and others on the con dition of Ireland, he concluded by pre dicting the (triumph of order under tbe policy of the government Look out for counterfeits! See that you get the genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup 1 Do not let the dealer sell you some "just as good" but insist upon getting the genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark on the wraDDer. 'Jm! i - -. Raleigh Visitor: Died, at the residence of her father. Col. h L. Polk, No 414 North Person street, at 12:50 o'clock, this morning. - Mrs Mary A. Browder,! wife of Mr. D. H." Browder. She was about 23 years old. New Bern Journal:- A gentle man of this city has ngresd to attempt to eat a quail a day for thirty successive days, for which he is to receive twenty-five dol lars in cash. - Tbe dwelling house, kitchen and pantry of W. W. Franks, of Trenton, were burned on Saturday night last The fire originated in tbe kitchen and is supposed to have ciught from the stove-pipe, j Most of the furniture was saved in a damaged condition. Tarboro Southerner: Reports of building a railroad from Norfolk to this place are again current Tbe stock holders of the 8hiloheil mills met at that place Tuesday and permanently organized. Dr. L 8. Staton was elected president. The autumn raina and early frosts damaged the cotton crop seriously, which taken with tho summer down-pour and floods will make the shortage nearly if not quite 25 per cent, oeiow an average. ! Statesville Landmark: Las?' Sasurday Miss Daisey Barkley was in the room of her lister, Mrs. C. W. Boshamer and had occasion to go into her trunk. Mr. Boshamer's pistol was hanging in one of the leather handles of the trunk, the muz zle up Aa Miss Barkley lowered tbe trunk lid and turned away, the pistol dropped out As it fell it was discharged and the ball passed through the fleshy part of the young lady's right thigh at an upward an gle, and was bumd-out of sight in the ceiling. Just such an accident probably never happened before in the world and probably never will happen again j ReidsviUe Democrat: Mr. David Hufflnes, a merchant living fifteen miles outb of ReidsviUe on the Giosonville road, had the misfortune to loose his store house and a large stock of good by fire one night last week. ; Friend Jim Peay carries 57 small bird shot in his body as a result of an accident! discharge of a gnn in tbe hands of a friend while out bird hunting some lime ago. Jim is a lit tle sore but nothing serious is feared from the effects of the wounds. We are reliably informed that a daily newspaper will bo started in ReidsviUe on or about the first of January. The enterprise is backed by two young gentlemen who havo plenty of pluck, braics and experience. ; Oxford Orphan's Friend: A splendid box cnie to us from the citizens of Greenville. N. C. A box of goods for the Orphan Asylum from Rocky Mount, which came to us as a Thanksgiv ing offering, deserves special mention. In addition to a handsome contribution in cash, the Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M., sent us one of the most valuable boxes of goods for tbe orphans that we have ever re ceived A check for $34 97 additional from Wilmington, ctms to us lastnight. This was from the Mission 8chool of tbe 1st Presbyterian Chuich of that city. Wil mington has always responded most liber ally to all our calls for aid. This last con tribution runs their ThanksgiDg offering up to about $250.00. . Lumberton Hobesonian : 'The ail-absorbing topic of conversation and theme of interett for the past week is the senes of meeting? now conducted in this town by tbe Rev. Dr. Mack Last week's Columbus Times rontains the sad intelligence of tbe death of tbe wife of tho editor of that paper, Mrs II. A MeEach erh. The beautiful obituary notice which conveyed the intelligence was clipped for this issue of our paper, but baa to be left out. It will appear next week. To Bro. McEacbtro we extend our heartfelt sym pathy in his great calamity. The many friends of Bon Alfred Rowland will be glad to learn that be was able lo be in his scat 8t the opening of Congress, and that he is now rapidly recovering Represent ing, as he doe?, probably the most impor tant CoDgrest-iooal District a tbe State, his health is a sjurce of great solicitude to the people of the State Mrs Rowland is still with him. and she writes very hope fully of his early restoration to perfect health Salisbury Press : There are 274 stoie-heepcrs under commission in this district. Vi this number 88 were appointed by Collector Craige - A little boy. son of Joe Alexander, who lives near Fisher, mill in this county, was burned lo death this morning, j Crissa Beard, one of Salisbury's most aged and respected wo men, died last Monday evening at, 6.30 o'clock, and was interred in the Lutheran cemetery to- day ; aged about 89 years. -There were only four burials in the ceme teries here in November two in the Eng lish and two in the Lutheran. The tobacco barn of C A. Armstrong, of this county, together with his entire crop of to bacco, was burned on November 26. Mr. Armstrong's loss" ia about $1,500 The origin of the fire was accidental. Du ring the past year there have been 109 ac cessions to the membership of the Metho dist Church here and the collections have been satisfactory and much larger than those of last jear. We are informed that thirty-ooe thousand dollars worth of capital stock in the cotton factory has al ready been taken and it is thought that the remainder of the $100,000 Will be taken by one or two caoitalists to-dav. . j j Windsor Ledger: The death of Mr. Frank Nixon at the age of 89 years, re moves one of the oldest landmarks in East ern Carolina. He was a gentleman of the old school, and lived ia Perquimans coun ty. It pains us to chronicle the death of Mr. R. R. Riddick. of Cashie Neck, this county. He was born February 25, 1857. He died November 26, 1887, and was con sequently SO years of age. He was a grad uate of Wake Forest College, and was an earnest, consistent Christian. A negro child was born about three weeks ago in Cashie Neck on the Jordan plantation, Its parents are Jarrett and Polly Jordan.- It has no upper gums, there is a cavity ex tending from its month to top of head on right side, the nose is perfectly flat with f&ce and helps to form the upper lip, it has a hard gristle or bone substance growing from its nostrils, it has only one half of hands with thumb and two fingers on each, one half feet with big and twin toes. In ten minutes after its birth its grandmother states that it stood upon all fours and clear ed its tbroat - almost as strong aa a grown person. The child is said to be strong and healthy and doing well. Raleigh Biblical Recorder: The church in Scotland Neck has extended, a unanimous call to Dr. Hufham to become its pastor. Rev. A. D. Cohen has re turned from his visit to Florida, and would be glad to accept work as pastor or mis sionary in North Carolina. Write to him at 8ouiuport. N. C. Prof. Poteat iof Wake Forest College, is in advance of any man in North Carolina on Microscopy and kindred sciences. Rev. T. E. Skinner writes of the Pearson revival in Raleigh: Theie were over five hundred converts, and even more backsliders restored; of the lat ter there were one hundred and thirty at one of the afternoon Bible readings. There were as many as fifty conversions at two consecutive after-meetings, and at the laet one thirty-four professed faith. The en tire city was arouted and,a large number of business men were converted. Nearly three hundred have united with the variona churches, and many more will follow. Ral eigh never saw the like in all its history. Several aged men in tbe eighties were among the converts, A venerable Episco palian minister left his charge, fifty miles away, and spent several aiys in successrui co-operation. . Mr. W. P. Strad- ley, of Oxfbrd, ' North Carolina, at tending Johns Hopkins University, writes: Rev. E M Poteat seems to be meeting with marked success as pastor of Lee Street Church. - Mr. C P. Smith has just finished writing bis "History of Education in North Carolina." I have had the plea sure of seeing tbe advance sheets of this work, which is a work of permanent value, and the first along this line ever done in North Carolina. The! govern ment will pub lish 25,000 copies of the book, to be dis tributed among the chief universities and colleges of this country and Europe. Revs. Thomas and Frank Dixon passed through the city several days ago on their way to Boston the former to take charge of his new pastorate, and tbe latter to enter Newton Theological 8emlnary, Frank looks just as of old when I knew him at Wake Forest. If he carries into the pulpit as I have no doubt he will, the same orato rical powers he displayed in debates on the floor of the Eu. 8oc his brothers may look out for their laurels. The Old North State ought to be proud of ' the illustrious sons she has in tther- States. Alas! that the State didn't iteep them. , Bv Telegraph to the Kornhur 8tar. i Mnaneial. . Haw Yosi. Dec. 14. Noon. Money l5;!!? . 8Aerli?K exchange oimoit "uu (nsS4t. state bonds neglected . Government securities quiet but 111 111.; Maw Yokk. Dec. 14, Evening Sterling exchange dull but steady. Money easy at 45 per cent, closing at 4 per cent Gov ernment securities more active and strong;" four per cents 125: three ner eentn 1071 State bonds dull but steady ; North Carolina Bixcsiiot: i ours vi. . " ', ' ixmimerciaL : New Yonx, Dec. 14 NoonCoauu dull but firm; sales of 25 bales; middling uplands 10 9-16 cents; middling Orleans 10 11-16 cents; futures steady, with sales at the following quotations: December 10.48c; January 10. 58c; February , 10.69c; March 10.78c; April 10.85c; May 10 92c. Flour dull and heavy. . Wheat lower. Corn lower. Pork quiet and steady at j $15 25 15 50. Lard easier at $7 75. Spirits tur pentine firm at 37ic. Rosin firm at fl 05 1 10. . Freights steady. Old mess pork quiet ai uugl4 73. ... ; I - Nkw York, Dec. 14, Evening Cotton flrm with sales to-day of 26 bales: mid dling uplands 10 9-16c; middling Orleans 10 ll-16c; net receipts toay at all U. 8. -porta-28,165 bales; exports! to Great Britain 18,566 bales, to France hales, to continent 1,400 bales; stock at all U. s! ports not reported. Southern flour barely steady, with trade moderate. Wheat op tions advanced 1fc, and closed steady at near the top prices; cash grades -a bhade lower aod rather quiet ; No 2 red December 87i88ic; January 88f89c; May 92 9-16 93ic. Corn opened lc lower, later reacted lJc, closing firm; ungraded 59 60ic: No. 2 December nominal at 6Jc; Jan uary 60i61ic; May 61f 62c. Oats ilc lowtr and heavy, closing firm, however No. 2 December 3737tc; January 37i 87c; May 3939ic; spot "prices No. 2. 8737Jc; mixed western 3633c. Hops qniet and weak; State 418e. Coffee fair Klo on spot firm at $18 50; options active and higher, closing weak; No .7 Rio Decem ber $16 4016 70; January $16 1516 40; May $15 7515 95. Sugar Bieady; refined quiet. Molasses steady. Cotton seed oil rude 3536c; refined 4044c. Rosin quiet at $1 051 10 Spirits turpentine steaoy at 87ic Hides quiet ' Wool quiet and weak. Pork quiet and steady; mess $15 2515 50 for one-year old; $14 5014 75 for two years old. Beef dull. Cut meats firm and very quiet: middles dull. Lard opened 35 points lower, closing a trifle better, with less dbiog; western steam spot quoted at $7 75; January $7 637 74; May $7 98 8 05. Freights dull. Cotton Net receipts 717 bales; gross re ceipts 19,262 bales; futures closed steady; sales to day of 132,000 bales at ihe fol lowing quotations: December 10 57 10.59c; January 10 6410. 65c;' February 10.7410.75c; March 10 8310 84c; April 10 9110.92c; May 10.9911.00c; June 11.06n7e; July; Aucubt ll.14ll.16c . ! Green & &... in their cotton circular, tuy i The market h&s beea a little nervous to day but on the whole had considerable strength and made t,uite an advance along the entire line.- At first matters looked a little toppy and evidences of a long cotton spilling were not wanting, with something of the same kind I noiicable throughout the session, but the demand came cut fully and took tbe cost up in spite of resistance. Buying was largely on New Orleans account, and burst out suddenly about the lime of a 10 points advance at the latter place. With a buoyancy additionally stimulated by a light iun of receipts and more or less cheerfql accounts from Liver pool, some 1012 points advance was made with a small reaction from the highest, but closed fctcady. j Chioauo. Dec 14 Cash oubiatioas were as follows: Flour dull. Wheat No. 2 No. 2red77u Corn No. 2.471c. Oats No. 2. 80Jc Mess pork $14 2514 50 Lard, per 100 lbs. $7 37. Short rib sides (looee) $7 457 50; dry baked shoulders (boxec) $5 805 00: short clear sides (boxed) $7 807 85. Whiskey 10. , The leading futures ranged as follows opening, biebest and closing: Wheat No. 2 January 75f, 78J, 76; February 76. 76i, 76f; May 82f. 83. 83. Corn No. 2 De cember 47. 47j, 474; January 471. 48i, 48i; May 63i. 58, 53f. Oats No. 2 De cember 30i; January 29i; May 824, 33 . Mess pork January $14 60. $14 70. $14 70; February $14 72, $14 85. $14 85; may u a j. ijra January zi 93. S7 W, ou; ceoruary s oif, oil, jf. OUJ Miy l of, tp oi $s OD. snort t ribs Jan uary $7 53, $7 52, $7 50; February $7 63 $7 02, $7 83; May $795. $7 95. $72. dT. Louis. Dec. 14. Flour weak at $2 203 24: Wheat- slow and No. 2 red cash 80c; December 7979fc: May 834c, Corn lower; cash 4747fc; January 45 40 tc: nay 474ic. Uats lower; cash 80c; May 81Jc bid. Whiskey steady at $1 05. Provisions weak. Pork new $14 50. Lard $7 25 Dry salted meats boxed shoulders $5 756 00; long clear $7 507 67: clear ribs $7 677 75 short clear sides $7 757 87. Bacon boxed shoulders $850; long clear sides and clear ribs $8 378 50; short clear Bides $8 50 8 67. Hams steady at $10 25 12 00. Baxtucoss. December 14 Flour steady and quiet; Howard street and western super $3 372 75; extra $3 003 60 family $3 954 85; city mills super $2 87 2 60; extra $3 003 60; Rio brands $4 50 4 75. Wheat southern easier and quiet; red 8891c; amber 9293c; western lower and dull; No 2 winter red on spot B3Jc. Corn southern easier and quiet white 5455c; yellow 5556c: western lower and quiet j Uincinnatl December 14. A1 lour easy and slightly lower. Wheat easier; No. 2 red 85c. Corn dull and lower to sell ; No. 2 mixed 5353c. Oats easier; No. 2 mixed 8434c. Lard neglected at $7 5.1 Bulk meats and bacon quiet and uo changed. Whiskey unchanged at $1 05, Hogs easier; common and light $4 00 o 10; packing and butchers $5 25 o 60 Chabt.icstoh, Dec. 14. Spirits turpen tine firm at84c. Rosin firm; good strained Savannah, Dec 14. Spirits tuipenline nrm at 35c. Kosm steady at 92c. i -New YorJt Peanut Triarfcet, N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Dec. 13. Peanuts have a moderate call. Fancy hand-picked quoted at 414fc and far mers? grades 83c. j The Kaleigh News Observer'. says that there is pending in the Supreme Court a case in which a man named Still- well is involved in blockade distilling, and another case in which a man named True- love is charged witn beating nis wire. . Backlen's Arnica Salve. Thb Best Salve in tbej world for Cnts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rhenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gua ranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money Tefunded. Price 25 cents "per box. For sale by "W. H. Green & Co. I t CONSUirjPTTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from praotloe,having had placed In his hands by an Bast India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the SDeedv and permanent cure of Consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical onre for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints' after having tested its wonderful cura tive power In thousands of oases, has felt it his dntv to make It bn own to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suffering,! will send free of oharge,to all who desire It, this recipe. In German, Frenoh or Eng- usn, witn iuu directions tor preparing ana using. Sent hvmall by addressing with stamr. naming this paper W.ANoTxs,149,7tor'loc,RocheB- ter, h. x. - ' A DOWN TOWN MHRCKANT. bavin it passed several gleepless nights, disturb e d by the agonle and cries of a suffering child, and becoming oon vinoed that Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, procured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to have It administered to the child, as she was strongly In favor of HomoeoDathv. That ntehtthe child passed in suffering,and the parents without sleep. Return ing home the day following, the father found the baby still suffering: and while contemplating an other sleepless n&ht. the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestlo duties and left tne iatner with, the onlltt. : inurmgner ao senoe he administered a portion of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, end said nothing. That night all hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and happy" The mother was HAltcrhted with the wonderful change, and al though at first offended at the deception prac ticed upon ner, nas continued, to use tne oyrup, and suffering crying babies and restless nights hfivn dtaarmeared. A shurla trial oi the Svrun never yet failed tp relieve the baby, and over come the prejudices of the mother. Sold by all Druggists, so cents a ootue. COa!MERCIAL. WILMINGTON' M ARRET STAR OFFICE. Deo. 8, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm at 34 cents per gallon. Sales of receipts at quotations. " I ROSIN Market firm at 82 cents per bbl for Strained, and 87 cents for Good Strained. ' -' J !-; -; - ' ;r . TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10 per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales at Quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillus quote at $200 for .Yirgin and Yellow D;p and$l 05 for Hard, j COTTON Market quoted steady , Bales of 500 balea at 9 ceuts i or Middling. .The closing quotations at the Produce Ex chance wertt as fYillnwn- 1 Ordinary........ ...L..7 Centsiplb. wood Ordinary.... Jj...8 9-16 " : Low Middling 9 7-16 V " Middling .......9 y " Good Middling......:.. .10 V ' CORN Quoted firm at 60 cents for yel low in bulk, and 62 cents in, sacks; white is quoted at 62 cents in bulk, and 64! cents in sacks for cargoes. t TIMBER-Market steady, with quotations as follows; Prime and Extra Shipping, first class heart, $8 0010 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill..$3 007 50; Good Common Mill, $3 005 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 00 4 00. i . PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 5560 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 7580 cents per bushel of 28 tts. RICE Market quiet Fair quoted at 4 4c; Prime 55c per pound. Rough 8590c for upland $1 001 15 for tide water per bushel. STAR OFFICE. Dec. 9, 6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 84 cents per gallon. Sales of receipts at quotations. ROSIN Market steady at 82 cents per bbl for Strained and 87 cents for Good Strained. ' . TAR Market quoted firm al $1 10 per bbL of 280 lbs., with sales at Quotations.! CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $2 00 for Virgin aod Yellow Dip and $1 05 for Hard. COTTON Market quoted dull. Sales of 300 bales at 9 13-16 cents for Middling. Quotations at tho Produce Exchange were as follows Ordinary ... ... Good Ordinary. . . . 7 cents 13. & , 8 9-16 " . 9 7-16 " . 9 " ' .10 uow Middung. . . Middling , Good Middling. . , CORN- -Quoted firm at 60 c tits for jti-l low In bulk, and 63 cents in sacks; white is quoted at 62 cents in bulk, and 64 cents in sacks for cargoes. TIMBER-Market steady, with quotations as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping, first class heart,$8 00l0 00 per M feet; Extra $6007 50; Good Common Mill $3 00 5 0$ Inferior to Ordinary $3 004 001 PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 55 60 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 7589 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. RICE Market quiet. Fair quoted at 44fc; Prime 55c per pound. Rough 8590c for upland; $1 00 $1 15 for lid water per bushei. STAR OFFICE. D c. 10, 8 P. M' SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 34 cents wr gallon half S of receipts at quotations,. J ROSIN Market firm at 83 eta per bbl for Strained and 87 cents for Good Strained. TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10 pier bbl of 280 lbs., with sales at quotaiiuDs CRUDE TURPENTINE- Distillers quote at $2 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 05 for Hard. ! ! COTTON Market quoted firm Sales of 300 bah-s at 9i ceots for Middling. Quotations at Produce Exchauj n t e were as luuuwa. Ordinary Good Ordinary..; 7 8 9-16 9 7-16 9i 10 ctsij Liow Middung. . . Middling 1 Good Middling... CORN Quoted firm at 60 cents for yei low in bulk, and 62 cents in sacks; whito Is quoted at 62 cents in bulk, and 61 cents in sacks for cargoes, j TIMBER-Market steady, with quota tions as follows: Prime and Extra Ship ping, first-class heart, $8 0010 00 perl M. feet; Extra $6 007 50; Good Common Mill, $3 005 00; Inferior to Ordinary, $3 004 00. - I PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 5560 cents; Extra Prime 6570 cents; Fancy 75 80 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. j RICE. Market quiet. Fair quoad at 44c; Prime 55c per pound Rough 8590c for upland; $1 001 15 for tide water per bushel. STAR OFFICE, Dec, 13. 6 P. M SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The market opened firm at 34 cents per gallon . dales of receipts at quotations. ! ROSIN Market steady at 82 cents' per bbl for Strained and 87 cents for Good Strained. I i . TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10. per bbl of 280 lbs., with sales al quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $2 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 05 for Hard. . COTTON Market quoted steady. Sales 400 bales at 9J cents for Middling. Quo- I tations at the Produce Exchange were as follows: Ordinary... ........... Good Ordinary; Low Middling. 7i ctstt .... 89-16 " .... 9 7-16 ' .... 9i ....10i Miaaiine Good Middlihe: CORN Quoted firm at 60 cents ! for cents in sacks; yellow in bulk, and 63 white is quoted at 63 cents in bulk and 6 cents in sacks for cargoes, TIMBER-Market steady, with quotations -as follows: Prime and Extra Shipping, jfirsi class heart, $30010 00 per M. feet; Ex-J tra $8 007 50; Good Common Mill (3 00 08 00: Inferior to Ordinary, $3 004 00 j PEANUTS Market firm, Prime 556Q cents; Extra Prime 6870 cento; Fanor 7580 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. BICE Market quiet. Fair quoted at 4 4c; Prime 55ic per pound. Rough 8590o for upland ; $1 001 15 for tide water, per bushel. - STAR OPFIOE. Dec. IS, 6 P. M. aPTTMTS TTTRPTCN'TTNE The marki ooened firm at 84 cents pertzallon. Sales of receipts later at 841 cents. ROSIN Market firm, at 82 cents' per bbl for Strained and 874 cents for Good Strained. " TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10ier bbl. of 280 lbs., with sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $2 00 for Virgin and Yellow Dfp and $1 05 for Hard.. ! COTTON. Market quoted firm. Sales of 400 bales at 9 18-16 cents for Middling. Quotations at the Produce Exchange were as follows: Ordinary. ...... Good Ordinary. ? 3-16 cents Low Middling. . Middling...... Good Middliruz.. 15-18 10 8-16 u CORN Quoted firm at 60 yellow in bulk, and 63 cents cents in sacks;- white is quoted at 62 cents in bulk and 64 cents in sacks for cargoes. - ;. vx TIMBER Market steady, with quotations as follows: Prime'and Extra Shipping, first class heart, $3 0010 00 per M. feet; Extra $6 j007 50; Good CommonMill, $3 00 5 09; inferior to Ordinary, $3 604 00. PEAXUT.4 -Market firm. Prime 5560 cents; Extra Prime 6870 cents; Fancy 7580 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. - j RICE Market quiet. Fair quoted at 44c; Prime 55c per pound. Rough 8590cfor upland; $1 001 15 for tide water, per bushel, I " I 8TAR OFFICE, Dec. 14, 6 P. M V SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened firm: at 85 cents per gallon Sites of receipts at quotations. ' ROSIN Market firm at 82 cents per bbl for Strained and 87 cents for Good Strained. : ' . TAR Market quoted firm at $1 10 per bbl. of 280 lbs., with sale9 at quotations : CRUDE ; TURPENTINE Distillers quote at $2 0Q for Virgin and Yellow Dip and $1 05 for Hard. COTTON--Market quoted firm. Sales of 100 bales at 9 13-16 cents for Middling. Quotations at the Produce Exchange were as follows: I I j Ordinary. 7 3-16 ctsftfb uooo ordinary 8f : . LowMiddling 9 Middling.... 9 15-16" I Middling...., 10 8-16 RN Quoted firm at 60 cents for yellow in bulk and 62 cents in sacks; white is quoted at 62 cents in bulk and 64 cents in sacks for cargoes. I TIMBER Market ; steady, with quota tions as follows: Prime and Extra Ship ping, first class heart, $8 0010 00 per M. feet; Extra Mill, $6 007 50; Good Com mon Mill, $3 005 00; Inferior to Or dinary. $3 004 00. i PEANUTS Market firm. Prime 6570 cents; Extra Prime 7580 cents; Fancy 8590 cents per bushel of 28 lbs. ! RICE Market quiet Fair quoted at 4 4fc; Prime 55c per pound. Rough 8590cfor upland; $1 001.15 for tide water per buehel. j COTTON AND NAVAL STORES WEEKLY STATEMENT. RECEIPTS For the week ended Dec. 10, 1887. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 10,159 1,865 9,337 1,690 611 RECEIPTS ' For the week ended Dec. 11, 1886. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Cruds. 9,681 1,351 7,733 3,134 589 i . EXPORTS j For the week ended Dec. 10. 1887. j' " Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar.Crude. Domestic 3,363 1,057 339)1,454 496 Foreign. 000 1.348 4,975" 000 000 Total 3,363 2,405 5,314 1,454 2 496 EXPORTS For the week ended Dec. 11, 1886. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domestic 2.438 276 516 2,193 605 000 605 Foreign. 15,331 Total.. 17,767 1.895 7,890 000 2.171 8,406 2,193 STOCKS , Ashore and Afloat, Dtc. 10, 1887. Ashore. Afloat. Total: )lton 113,168 11,254 24.422 Spirits 2,830 45 2,875 Rosin J 74, 630 1 0. 500 83, 1 30 Tar ...! 4,060 20 4,080 Jrude 1,043 00 1.043 STOCKS Ashore and Afloat, Dec. 11, 1886. vwt r Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. ,816 ! 4,147 100,203 2.690 758 . j . QUOTATIONS. Dec 10, 1837. I Dec. 11, 1886, Cotton,. 9i 8i Spiritsi . 34 3 Rosin. J. 82 87 7580 Tar...:. ! io i () EXPORTS FOR THE WEEK. COASTWISE. Nbw Yobk Steamshio Benefactor ,429 bales cotton. 500 casks spirits turpen tine, 175 bbl8 rosin, 516 bbls tar, 25 bbis pitch, 28 bbls rice, 115 bbls bulbs, 100 bbls fightwood, 17 bdls hides, 40 car wheels, 5 ackages merchandise, 70,000 shingles. New Yobk Steamshio Gulf Stream ,320 bales cotton. 129 casks sots turnt. 178 bbls rosin, 256 bbls tar. 40 bbls Ditch. 25 bbls crude, 19 bbls empty bottles, 201 bagB rice, 113 car wheels, 17 pkgs mdee, ft umber! FOREIGN. ' Hull, Eng Nor brig LaPlata-2,275 bis rosin. t Newcastle. Esq Ncr ba'raue Flora 2,700 bbls rosin, i ,j(assau ur senr aiaoei uarung o.iou feet lumber, 43,000 shingles. Liverpool Br barque Paragon 3,082 bales cotton. Stettis Ger . bara ae Trabant 8. 550 bbls rosin. Aotjadilla. Pobto Rico Schr Aldine 196,833 ft lumber. i new Tom Rice market. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Dec. 18. " The market statistically has good fea tures, and there is no reason for holders to be apprehensive of the future, but just at present demands are remarkably light, and an effort to sell important lots would bring about a decline. Quotations are kept to the basis of Sic. for fair, yet it is conceded that if a line of the article was forced on the market ic. : less price would follow. The quiet feeling is in good part owing to the period of the year, as approaching the holidays, when grocery men-and others are compelled to pay attention more to fancy fruits and miscellaneous goods. (Quotations : Carolina and-Louisiana common at 5 cents; full standard fair at 51 cents; good at 5 cents; prime at 5 cents; choice at 6 cents; extra lots at 6i cents; Rangoon, duty paid at4i4 cents; do in bond at t cents; ratna, duty ' paid, common to good, at 4f4ic; do. in bond at 2J3 cents v. CUmrleaton Rice market. Charleston News, and Courier, Dec. 13 There has been no activity in the rice market to-day. Quotations -nfnchaDged. : Common 4f43;Fair 4J5c; good 5i 5ie; prime 51c. j Absolutely Pure. (0)y7o This cowaer never vame. A marvoi ci panty stresgth and wholesome&ess. , More eoon(alo4 tnan ordinary Einas, ana cannot De soia iiooa petition with tho multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate po-wdora. Hold onivin ROYAL BAKING POWDBK IK IOC WaU St., K T . Wholesale, by AIWSAK it VOIiLBRi Jan 1 D&W lv ota tno or J.rra 4o lOr GVTTWN HIAB.f I. , - IBy Telegraph to th lloroln Star. December 14.- GalveeioD. firm, at 9c nrt rocipta 4,903 bales: Norfolk, steady at 10c net ' receipts S.354 bales: Balti more! nominal at lOjc net receipts baits Boston, quiet at lOJo tiel rewipu 934 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 10c net receipts 424 bales; Savannah tady ht 9jc net receipu 2,559 liali s . St 0loii., strong at "9 13-18c net reipu 8 450 bales; Mobile, firm at 9 U-16o net reipt 1,449 bales; Memphis, firm at 9 11 16c net receipts 6,474 bales; Augusta, firm at9c ne t receipts 1.448 bales; Oharleitton. firm n 9 15 -16c not receipts 2 323 Iwles. MAHiNK. j ARRIVED Ger brig Atlantic. 307 tots.' Soh'.otts- mantl, Porto Pray a, E Pc&ehau & Wtster mann. i - Qejr barque Marie Hevn, 833 tons, Dia him; Porto praya, C V, Patertn. Dow -ning & Co. Ger barque Fortuna. 428 Ion, Unruh. Oporto, E Pe,schau & Westoi maun. Steamship Gulf Stream. 999 tons. Pen-" ningtoo.New York, H Q SuialTtJoce?. i j" CLEARED. .. ; Steamship Benefactor, Chichester, New York. H G Smallboncs Nor barque LaPlata, Aodresscn. Hull, Eng. Williams & Murchuon . Nor barque Flora, Kloster. Newcastle. Entr, E G Barker & Co. Br schr Mabel Darling, Ranger. Nassau, Parsley & Wiggins. Br barque Paragon, Doxue, Li vet pool, Alex Sprunt & Son . Ger barque Trabant, Schiel. Stettin, 12 Pecchau & Westermann. Steamer Gulf Stream, Ioamm. New York, H G Smallbones. Aldine, Dennisoo,- Aguadiila. Porto Rii'O, Geo Harriss & Ci, cargo by E Kid der's Son. i liMFAIMTILE SKIIM DISEASES, Oar oldest child, now six years of age, when au Infant six months old was attacked witn a vlru lect, malignant skin disease. All ordinary reme dlts falllnir, we called our family physlolan, who attempted to onre it; but It spread with aimoBt Incredible rapidity, until the lowerportlon or tho little fellow's person, from the middle of hla back down to his knees, was one solid raah, ugly, palatal, blotched, and malicious. We hal uo rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, we wer advised to try tbe Cuticuba Uunm. The ef feot was simply marvellous. In three or fonr weeks a complete oare was wrought, leaving tne little fellow's person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion yonr valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he Is a strong, healthy ohlld, perfectly well, no repetition ot the disease having ever oc curred. ! i GSO. B. SMITH, Att'y at Law and Sx-Pros. Att'y, Ashland, O. Rxfebxhse: J. Q. Weist, Druggist, Ashland, O. j TH0USANDSOF CHILDREN Are born Into the world every day with some ec cematons affection, such as milk nrusr, soall head, sourf, or dandruff, sure to develop Into an agonizing eozema. the Itching burning, and dis figuration of which make life a prolonged tor ture unless properly treated. A warm bath with Cuticuba 8oip, an eigulslto Bkin Beautifler. and a single application of Cuti cuba, the Great Skin Cure, witn a little Cuticuba. Resolybnt. the New Blood Purifier, are often sumoient to arrest the progress of the disease, and point to a speedy and permanent onre. Hence, no mother who loves her children, who takes pride In their beauty, purity, aod health. ana in Des towing upon tnem a oniid's greatest inheritance, a skin without a blemish, and a body nourished by pure blood, should fall to make trial of the Cdticuba H bksdiis. Sold everywhere.- Price, Cuticuba, BSo ; 8oap, S6o ; Risolyint, $1. Prepared by the toTTsa Dr.ue and Chixioaii Co., Boston. Mass. E send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 61 pages, SO Illustrations, and 10J testimonials. D 1 RT)Q Skin and Scalp preserved and beautl DaO 1 U fled by Cutiovba Medicated hoAp. IlOW BIT SIDE ACHES! AohlngSides and Baok. EId. Kldner and Uterine Pains, Rheumatlo, bctatlc, Neuralgic Sharp and ehootlng Pains, reiievea in one minute py tne Wflflret and only pain-kUUng plaster. 2s ota. de 1 U&Wlm wed st nrm j WHOLESALE PRICES. The' following quotations represent wholesale prloes generally. In making up small orders higher prloes have to be charged. BAGGING . j Gunny 1... 1 O ! 1 Standard 8 & BACON North Carolina t HamS, 9 18 a bhoulders, V lb.. 8 a Sides, B. 10 & W SSTfiBN SMOKED I Hams, V ft W4& tildes, V ft 10 & ' Shoulders, V ft 7 DRY SALTED I Sides, ft 7 I Shoulders, v ft 0 O BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. - , Second Hand, each . . 0 00 a New New York.each 0 00 m 8 10 u . 15MJ to4 8 7 a i 1 76 Q 1 70 II New City, each ). 166 BKBBWAX, ft 0 BRICKS. Wilmington. V M C 00 a 8 oc Northern .' BUTTER. lb 0 00 14 06 I , North Carolina lb II Northern..., CANDLS3, 9 ft " I : Sperm...; ... 18 I Adamantine 9 CHK3SB, ft i ; Northern Factory H Dairy, Cream..... , IS ' I State... .v,. a C0F7BB, V ft . i i Java . . . 27 & & a 10 13 14 10 38 .84 SI 6& 8& 1 2 i Laguyra 28 I ' Klo 19 CORN IDEAL, V bus., in saoka 00 VuirlnlaMeal 00 COTTON TUS, 9 bundle CO DOMKSTICS i Sheeting, 4-4, fl yd... .. 8 ! : Yarns, v nunon w EGK3S, dosea 8H WflM ; Mackerel, No. 1, bbl..... 00 00 MaokereL No. 1. Shalt bbl. 7 80 MaoKerel, no. ii, DDI MaokereL No. 2, half bbl . . -MaokereL NO. 8, bbl..... Mullets, flbbl..... Mullets, l'ork bbls..: N. C. Roe Herring, V keg... Dry Cod, ft. F10TJ&, bbl I " Extra i i Family.. City Mills-Super I - Family GLCB, 9 ft i GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags, white i; Corn, cargo, In bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from store..... ! Oats, Bust Proof K23COW Peas SLOBS, S ft Green': Dry HAY, V 109 fts Eastern Western North River HOOPIHON, ft LARD, V ft Northern North Carolina LIKE, barrel LTJHBEB, City Sawed, V M ft, Ship Staff, resawed ' Rough Edge Plank 18 00 IS 00 Q 20 00 a is oo west inaia cargoes, aooora- lng to quality 18 DO Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 Scantling and Board. oomn 14 00 MOLASSES, m jrallon New 'Zrop Cuba, In ahds...i 28 " In bbls. .. 88 Porto BIoo, lnhhds 28 r In bbls 80 Sugar House, lnhhds 00 IT " in bbls is Syrup, hi bbls 23 RAILS. V Keg, Cut, lOd basis... 8 85 OILS, V gallon Kerosene 9 Lard..... is Llnseea 90 Rosin 18 Tar..... 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY. Chickens, live, grown 15 i " Spring 10 Turkeys 75 PEANUTS, V bushels 88 fts... SO POTATOES, ft bushel Sweet?... 85 Irish. bbl 8 &5 PORK, ft barrel inty ji Prime Bums RICB Carolina, ft Rough, V bushel, (Upland).. " Lowland). RAGS, ft ft Country City ROPE, ft ft SALT, V saok. Alum... Liverpool Lisbon American SUGAR, ft Standard gran.. Standard A White Ex. C.; ... Extra O, Golden. - O Yellow...... BOAP.y ft Northern SHINGLES, 7 in. V M Common v Cypress Saps..... a 7 oft 8 50 a 5 o a 7 s auo a to o a a H o a j o a 8 w a t a o o a 40 a o a w a so SSG 1 cypress Hearts 8TAVBS,J8 M W. O Barrel.. R.O. Hogshead... TALLOW,ff ft TIMBER, feet Shlopiug. - FlneMUl Mill Prime . Mill Fair .... Common Kill Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, V gal Northern. . North Carolina WOOL, ft Washed Unwashed , Burry it OliW a s co 9 oo a ii oo 4 75 a 40O 7 80 a 9 Ou 4 oo a Bt 8 oo a 18 00 s oo a oa s a, io 80 . a bo a oo 4 oo a 4 60 a 8 oo 4 00 a 4 10 4 50 a 6 00 s a io 00 65. oo a c 00 a 68 eana 66 00 a 45 70 a t so a so 6 a oo a io i 1 05 a i is 85 a 95 90 1 00 am s 8 a s)i 8 a io i) a ooo. 1 have salvation Oil. ' f i T

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