' ? Hie VVebkiy Star. I . I I'USLISUKD AT rtl I L -Mil N G T O N, Nl C, , no A IBABt IN ADVANCE. ' i i - ' . b ...I i i ggggggS88888S88 - i gggsssgssssissiii i 8S8888S8S8888S388 1 8l88fffilsl8lslfS HtUOW.1 Wwjgt;o;gjgSKSSSS; 88888888838888888; : gSgS8SSSS8S88S8S isS888SS88S8SSSSS - - S S S S S 3 3 $ Entered at the Post Office atTWUmlngton, K. C.; i at Seoond Class Matter J i ! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. I l'liu subscriotion price of the Weeejvj Star is as follows Siaule Copy 1 year, postage paid, " I months . " $1.00 ,.60 .80 6 months 3 month mmavo statesman and chv, Our rJorthern jcxchanges are be-j storing much time and space upon Blaine's campaign deliverance. .'It is Lis bid for the raom'mation, and bis economic scheme is as defective and unwise as other e6bemes of his have been in' the past He says tobacco ia now a necessary of life. It is only made so. by indulgence, juss aa opium I .ia become. a sense, a necessity to the unfortunate slaves of the! fatal drux. Bat no man of fairness and intelligence will speak of tobacco being a necessity in the sense that bread and; clothing are necessaries. Bat will the abolition of the to bacco tat be of k-cal benefit to the slaved of the weed? Will the chewer atjil smoker and dipper get tobacco at less brice tbailt now? Will the repeal of 8 cenlsj the present tax, bring the price down? We doubt it, and. because of the operations of the law in the past. The redaction of the tax did not make the price of tobacco! lees to the users. Every chewer and smoker in Wilmington knows this to be Hue. I A reduction of taxes will not no cessarily force down prices Unless there be foreign' competition. In the case of quinine the price eniMc'd from 85 an ounce to 37 csfci ad ounce, and why? Because the thirteen foreign manufactories eonld come in with their goods and compete with the three American fao tone. The foreign article W3S quite equal to the domestic aiticle. 11 be t-ltect ot the law making fjai nine free of lu si to open wide the dot.s. DiJ this hloo the American production ? So far from it there is more- quinine manufactured in the United Stales than ever be fore. ' TLe jopie were made to pay! from two i to four dol-; lars as a tax for lie sole benefit of greedy !and remorseless monopolists. .If there! had been no foreign compe iitiot these monopolist would bavd iilA kfpf. uii tibe price of quinixj to '.four t.r Sve dollar an ounce even s:ir - tK.'j! tiruu had been put ou the ?v ii.rt. : , Nov f. i.tj return to the toLaooo tax. vili the removal of th. tax cheupvii tbe -uFtiote to the consumers? We livlieve uot, and wby? Becaaso tbe uw of supply and demand and the law pf competition are not favor able to jthis cheapening. The pro duction of tobacco is in excess, of consumption. This tends of course to lower the! price. Too many oys 'ters in Wilmington any day will Ibring down the price. For some idajfl bejst .New River bivalves have ' Veen wiling at 60 cents a gallon (in stead of $1 and all because the market was overstocked. The law of com- - . i i petition earvwt operate because there are no ! foreigs tobaccos that can come in and compete with domestic production of the weed. And so 'we argue that a repeal of .the present tax would fail to practically benefit ; the consumer. Uow was it in the past ? In 183, the clamor went up for a reduction and it was reduced upon an average about one half. Who got the benefit ? Will you say the consumers ? Nay, ask them and they will tell you !not so. The favored few were the manu facturers and dealers. The con sumers still paid the old prices just as.if there had been no reduction. . HowJ was the farmer benefited in sy particular? Did be get more for his weed ? : Nay, prices have uetn utmsual'y low since the law was TfcPfaltl until this year. Price9 are P just now for fine grades, because of the successive failures of crops and the using up of the old supplies on hand. The plain fact is the reduction in 1883 d'd not benefit tie farmer one Pennyj Hj9 ieaf fetched no more. The chewers and smokers paid the same- for their tobacco. The redac tion of oce-hf m 1883was brought """ p removing a half ceDt from each ounce of smoking and chewinff tobacco, and three-tenths of a Scent horn each cigar. What chewer or smoker ever received anv benefit from thU? Not one. So if you wipe out the remaining fraction of a I tax. a there ia no foreign competition to come Sd, you will find tobacco sell- VOL. XIX. icg at the old rates and the only per sons benefited will be the manufac turers and dealers, j ininiGBATION BII.I.8. There are two bills before the Senate, or will be, aiming to restrict foreign immigration! . The Stab re ferred to Senator Morrill's bill that proposes to apply the remedy at the foreign ports.' Senator Reagan has prepared a bill that: will establish a rigid! inspection at American ports. Steamship Companies will have to give pond not to bring over paupers, convicts, inhabitants from infected ports, etc. It is a ' growing senti ment that something must' be done to prevent the incoming of certain classes of immigrants that in no sense are desirable, j This" is really one of the most im portant questions that will oome be fore jthe Fiftieth Congress. The in flux of a certain dynamite element must be stopped; Then the empty ing upon our Bhores ship load after ship jload of paupers criminals, and sickly and insane peopie must . ue stopped also, country and This is indeed a free the United States are not ready to close their gates against worthy, intelligent, eierners. One-third industrious for of the. present population is composed of either foreign born people or their imme- diater descendants.' But these will no more favor the introduction of and Asia than the dregs of Europe, will the natives descended through I i i i" - the generations from natives. The United States do hot desire to fur nish pomes for the inmates of Euro pean asylums' and prisons. Honest, industrious, sober,. intelligent foreign born people have il ways been wel comed to "the land of the free and the home of the brave." People who cornel "to labor and I to wait," and I ! who desire citizenship under our be nignant and ' favorable laws, and to aid in building up jour institutions and preserving civil and religious liberty on these shores are always welcomed. The Boston Post says of the lany plans suggested: "To impose a per capita tax on immigra tion would be violative of the"cherished idea of nearly pll classes of Americans. We now have I a statute prohibiting tba landing of a laborer who comes beie under coutract. If properly construed and ec forccd tbi law will be productive of good results. There appears to be something of a craze on the immigration question and a deluge of bills on the subject may be ex pected, but they will have a hard road to travel before they find, their way into the statute book," j j j ; The Morrill bill will probably be morel effective in restricting immigra- j i' --it tion and getting rid of offensive characters, than the Reagan plan. But bothjwill have to be carefully and intelligently discussed. The Now York Times, that discusses question s with calmness and force ordinarily, says: . ) j "It is obvious that the most effective in spection can le exercised nt tbe ports of de parture. It is easier to certain there than here tiio uotecedenU of those who propose to fav-x us with tbeir presence, especially to Can out wn-lber tney are convicts, pau pers, or luuaiw or professional disturbers of tba peace. One great source of this kind of immigration is toe assistance given by locu or national authorities in sending oa tbeir undesirable population. Il is safe to a&eume lha. persocs whom foreign coun tries are desirous of getting rid ot at some C'jUj to themselves are of a kind tbat we do not want. If they are a burden to tbe community at homej they uta iiaU e to become so here. i OPINIONS. it The Lyn6hburg iVeujs classifies the Stab as free trade because it opposes the abolition of internal taxes. The Stab and the President stand to gether? How can the News support, with; its notions of political economy, a free trade candidate for the Presi dency. But has an advocacy of internal taxation really anything to do with free trade? lit is known that the Protection kingdoms, also have internal taxation. ! The News asks: s m "What satisfaction the Stab Iderives from misrepresting the political etatus of tbe News whenever it has occasion to quote from these columns? In short, why should the Stab denominate a public journal that has repeatedly declared in express terms for "free trade and Sailors' rights," as 'Democratic and on tbe other hand class the News as "Protectionist," simply be cauee the News prefers ito stand squarely on tbe platform of the' Democratic party adopted at Uhicago, ana not sdiii wun every changing windt't J f vyur reply id luau.wo wm uuv ugaiu misrepresent it. j Tj'tje Chicago plat formj was constructed of. gutta percha material in part that bad made it susceptible of . be- ing quoted as authority by all shades of politicians fairer trade, j free trade, protectionistsjtariff reformers, advocates of a "ianff for revenue only" and others When a i man stands by the Chicago platform it is in order to state what he understands that platform to teach on great econ omic questions, r Hie interpretation of the instrument is necessary in or der to correctly understand his advo cacy and to properly classify him Tbe News is an able paper and we would be glad to see it standing in 1888, and now, by the message of the Democratic President, that unlike the' Chicago platform is a clear, do- i . ' I ' . , cided. visrorous document, with no chance of misunderstanding or mis applying it. The President does not advocate the wiping; out of the whis key tax, as did the Virginia Demo crats in their Roanoke platform. He does favor reduoing jthe War Tariff and stopping the1 inrplns. Bat we i have no purpose of engaging inja controversy with; the News. It teaohes doctrines that it holds and construes documents as it under stands them, and 40 this no one has a right to object. - I L ' . A telegram to tbe Richmond -Dis- pateh gives the following horrible details of a tragedy in Alabama, of whioh later particulars re given in our press dispatch; j ' ; i Moktqomkbt, Axs... December 16 A special to the Advertiser from Eufaula tells of a horrible murder In Henry county, Ala. Bradley Johnson, I ) ex-sheriff -; ot tbat county, is one Of i the oldest and most respected citizens. Thursday two of bis' sons got drunk, and at night in cold blood butchered aa older bro ther named Charles, aed tweney seven years., Tbe murderers tire aged eighteen aud twenty years respectively. The old fa ther, wbeu he went to his mur dered son's rescue, , was made by tbe two younger I sons to kneel on the floor and beg for mercy. Their old mother came into the room and tried to separate them. She was knocked on the head by the sons and horribly bruised. Their brother-in-law and another brother, .Bon, tkiso drjunkr were fmade to leave the house. A neighbor came and discovered what jid happened and spread the news abroad. When the two murderers fouod that their brother was dead one whistled and the other danced in his blood. The surrounding country is greatly excited, and the latest news is that lynching is almost certain. ..The victim was asleep when bis brothers. Kobert and John, began their murderous work. !i !! . i " Referring to the kicking Liberals and their uew allies,1 thej Tories, Sir William Vernon Harcourt: in a re- recent speech said;:! s i. , ''The process of absorption was proceed ing The Tory boa constrictor was lubri cating them with the saliva' of adulations before swallowing them. Dtssidence thus disposed or, tne country would once more sec tbe two great parlies facing each other. with tbe usual result of a Liberal triumph. ' Mr. R. G. Mills, of Texas, tbe sup posed new chairman of tbe House - i . . i- 1 . Ways and Means; committee, was horn in Kentucky,! and lis 55 years old. He lives at Corsicana. He has blunt manners, is of commanding presence, has a big toreneaa, dresses ikes gentleman5 and is a man of troth and honor. 1 be Cn.to ma Redactions. Inquiry at the Custom House here reveals the fact that no orders or di rections have yet been received con- . . xi ! ' - j :La i." i m : oerning lue proposeu reuueuon lore- shadowed in the item 'published in the Star yesterday morning. Since 1885, the expenses of the office have been cut down from $13,508 to $11, 217. A farther redaction, as proposed, of $2,800, would make the expenses $8,417. It is true the receipts from imports have fallen off from $28,054 in 1885 to $24,869, but the cost of col lecting in 1885 was 48 cents on the dollar, and in 1887 44 cents, and for the six months ending January 1st 18S8 all expenses added and no ac count taken of further probable re ceipts from imports before that date the cost of collections in this district will amount to less than seventeen cents on tbe dollar, or in the same ratio not more than thirty-four cents for tbe fiscal year.) It is hardly possible that a further reduction can be made without impairing the efficiency of the service. Tbe injustice of the treat ment of Wilmington is apparent when one notes jthe fact that no change or reduction is proposed eith er at Charleston ; or Savannah, al though the cost of collections at the former place in 1887 is 47 cents on the dollar, and at Savannah 44 cents- three cents more at one port and the same at the other. There is no rea son why Wilmington and through her North' Carolina, should be selected for this rigorous treatment by the Treasury Department of the govern ment, and we trust that our represen tatives in Congress will see to it that sucn, unfair treatment is not metea out to us. ! ; ; Jurors for tfce criminal Court. The following were drawn yesterday as jurors for the January term of the Criminal Court, which will convene on the first Monday in January next : W. H. Sneeden, J. E. A. Grissom, John A. Everett, J. H. Hewett, Wm. Watters, J. W. Barnes, John A. Wil son. J. M. Donlan, Charles M. Bon- ham, W. W. Campen, J. W. Fulcher, A. J. John8on,I T. B. Henderson, Archie L. Freeman! C.J. El well, R. B. Freeman, Thomas K Davis, N. E. Bunting, M. J. Corbett,; W. J. Beach, H. VonGlahn, W. J. Burton, J. R. Williams, T. C. Bonham, C. H. Ward, H. H. Kure, Fj G. Sellers, W. R. Beery, W. E. Springer, J. T. Han cock, J. T. Mclver. John Dyer, D. J. Fergus, H. H. Wpebse, jW. A.Cornish, Frank Meier. Cnance of Schedule. Beginning to-morrow, the 19th, there will be a change of schedule on the Cape Fear and TadkinValley Rail road. The passenger and mail train from Bennettsville and Maxton will arrive at Fayetteville at 11:50 a. m instead of 1:30 p. m., as heretofore; and the train for Maxton and Ben nettsville will leave Fayetteville at 4:30 n. m.. instead of 3:30 P. m., as heretofore. With the present sched ule on the Carolina Central, tf this chancre will add somewhat to our mail facilities, the Wilmington mail reaching fayetteville one. hour and forty minutes earlier than at present, while the business men. of Fayette ville will have, one hour more in which to close up their correspondence for this city. Cotton movement. ! The receipts of cotton at this port, from September 1st to December 17th, were 141,570 bales, against 106,099 the same time last j year; an increase of 85,471 bales. Receipts the past week were 7,231 bales only four bales less than the same week last year, when the receipts were 7,235 bales, The stock at this port is 20,331 bales; last ve&r at same date. 24.049 bales, Total exports since September 1st, 121,894 bales; at same time last year, 82,211 bales. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER1 23, congratulatory. . His Honor- Mayor Fowler received the following telegram . from Mr. B. Or. Collins, chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Horry ooanty.Sonth Carolina; "CONWAX S. C. Deo. 15. 1887.' 'To John J. Fowler, Esq., Mayor ; "The Whintln nf t.hn Irutnmntivii in the inafn street of Conway, the com pletion of the Wilminerton. fiharl- bourn & Conway Railroad, and the "Western Union telegraph uniting ns with the outside world.-for the first time, call for congratulations on all sides. We send you a hearty greet ing." . i. ; To this Mayor Fowler responded as follows : 'Wilmington. N. C. Dec. is. 1887. "2b B. Q. Collins, Chairman Board of Commissioners, Horry County, 8. C: "The city of Wilmington extends congratulations and fraternal greet ing to the county of Horry. She re joices exceedingly over tbe comple tion oi tne Wilmington, Urrad bourn & Conway Railroad, which brings us in closer communication and pro motes our mutual success." Bon. Alfred Uowlaud. . - - Hon. Alfred , Rowland, member, of Congress from . this district, passed; through the cfty last night on his way home from Washington. Mrs. Row land, bis wife, v accompanied him. Several of his friends were at the At lantic Coast Line depot on the asri val of the train to meet him. ' They were gratified to find that he was ap parently in better health, than report ed. Through the courtesy of Col. Jones, Superintendent of the Caroli na Central, the train on this road was delayed for the accommodation of Col. Rowland until the arrival of the train from the North. Vorelgu Exporii Iteaterdar. Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son cleared the Norwegian barque Auguslinus Yesterday for Ghent, Belgium, with 1,847 bales of cotton,' weighing 863,682 pounds and valued at $88,550. Also, the British steamship Stranton, for Bremen, with 4,977 bales of Cotton, weighing 2,317,303 pounds and'valued at $231,750. Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. cleared the Norwegian barque Orient for Cardiff, Wales, with 4,788 barrels oi rosin, valued at $4,576. Messrs. S. & W. H. Northroo cleared the schooner Belle Brown yesterday, for Cape HaytL with 75.500 feet of lum ber, 50,000 shingles and 70 tons of ice, valued at $1,598.32. Mr. Edward Kidder!s Son cleared the barquentine Clara E. McGilvary, lor .Ponce, IV K.,1 with 280,00 J feet of lumber, valued at $4,501. Changes In tbe,. Collection of Customs. A Washington correspondent says that a reduction in the expense of collecting customs revenue has been determined upon and the plan pre pared by Assistant Secretary May- card has been approved by Secretary Fairchild and will be put into effect with the beginning of the new year. The orders as to these changes have already been issued. Mr. Maynard summarizes the plan as follows: v There are now 139 collection dis tricts in the United States. In 64 of these the revenues are much less than the expenses. For instance, there are 44 districts in which the total collec tions do not exceed $5,000, while the expenditures aggregate $95,000. In the other 20 non-self-supporting dis tricts the collections are less than $25,000 and the expenditures amount to $52,000. The expenditures of these offices will be reduced oy $1,110 two a year, principally by dismissals, and also by reductions of salaries in sev eral instances. The orders as to these chaneres. to take effect with the be ginning of the new year, nave aireaay been issued. They have been made gradually and with due regard to the interests of the service. Anion er the norts affected and the amountB of reduction are the follow ing: Alexandria, Va., $1,575; Apala- chicola, $1,251; Beaufort, N. C, $1,437; Beaufort. C. 688: Fernandina. Fla., $1,321; Georgetown, S. C, $835; Uherrystone. Va.. S3.56Z; Jetersourg, Va., $3,085; Pamlico, N. C, $2,198; Tappahannock. Va.. 707; BrunswicS, Ga., $3,336; Albemarle, N. C, $1,132; St. Marks, Fla.,! $2,314; Wilmington, 14. C, $3,800; Mobile, Ala., $3,'J35; Shieldsboro, Miss., $1,095. Tobacco Break at Rocky Mount. A correspondent of the Stab wri ting from Rocky Mount yesterday says: , : "To-day at the tobacco warehouse a lerge break took place. A quantity 01 tobacco was on tne marsiec, ana being mostly of a low grade, prices were fully sustained. Farmers were well pleased and find that it pays bet ter than raising 1 cotton. Messrs. Til- lery & Burnett, the proprietors of the warehouse, are live and energetio men and consult the interests or the farmers in making their tobacco bring good prices. Every Friday a sale takes place and more or less nne grades are ottered on tnese days. Tbe Late Capt. Parker. The following, from the Fayette-i ville Observer, ishows the high esti mate placed upon the character of the late Capt. Wm. M. Parker by community in which he lived eleven years, and we are sure ic win pe read with interest by the people of Wil mington, who always classed him among her most useful and honorable citizens: : Capt. Parker was a Northern man. but resided here from 1850 to 1861, and during tbat time : had made many warm ana. true menas. in iodi ne went with the LaFayette Light In fantry, of which he was a member, to the seat of war, and there as here, he was one upon .wnorn periect trust misht be conferred. His close asso ciations with the young men at that time, and with the citizens here, previously, had gained lor mm tne respect of all, and he was looked up on, as really a Fayetteville man, who though residing elsewhere, always turned with fond remembrance to this place where he knew he had many friends, and the honor paid his memory, by his old comrades, bore lull and ample testimony that ne was right, for they by their every act showed that they keenly felt his un timely death and sympathized deeply ;n. i 1 jni.i.j mi ; Wltu nits auuuteu wiie. .. jL lie louiamo were escorted to the depot by a nu-, merous band of his old comrades,' headed by CoL J; B. Starr and Maj. Wright Huske, and preceded by the following pall-bearers: Judge Jas. C. McRae, Col. J. A. . Pemberton, Capt. J. B. Smith, H. R. Home, J. N. Prior, B. R. Taylor, E. J. Lilly, Jr., G-H. Haigh, W. W. Cole and Rev. J. H. Hall. . Greensboro ; Workman : The tobacco men of Greensboro are greatly elated at tbe fine growth of the trade which is going on here. There is no mistake about it. ' --. - t- - , FiRsr session. :" Discussion In the donate or ih Mm , not Swlnson Patent Tbe Coin Cer tificate : BHIJExblalned Adlonrn. meat until We day. tit, w ozaia 81. NATE Washington, December 15. After introduction of Jeverat bills.: a. itsolmioa was reported bv Mr. Paddock, from the Committee 00 Contingent Expeueea, to pay to the widow of ibe jaie 3en Perley Poore a sum equal to fix months' salary of hU po sition as clerk to the Senate Coinmilteeon Pruning ($1,100) Adopted. j Bills were introduced and referred as fol, lows: . .4 : 1 . I : ! By Mr. Call, to .prohibit. United jStates Judges and Courts from authorizing ibe borrowing of money by receivers of rail road and other corporations ; beTond the amouui of tbeir attnual uel income j Also to prohibit the appointment of such iccei vers without evidnee of the floancial c tu- ditioa of the caai jany. II movnd their te- ierence 10 tne committee oa Inter-Staie Commerce, uo Ordered. A. resolution ouered eeveral dava aeo by Mr. Plumb, WasUea ud difectimr the Attorney General to investigate the issue of a pateat to Magnus 8 wesson last October in connection with the manufacture of su gar from sorghum and, if iovajid. to commence 8Utt-;3 have the patent cancel led: ' Tlie poiotlieiog that. ISwenaan was an employe of the Agricultural Department wane laaKiog experiments outot wbich the patent 'resulted. . Mr. Plumb hoped tbat the resolution would be adonted.tas the question involved - was a very important one. The resolution, he said, did not im ply any censure on the Commissioner of Agriculture, who bad been very .zealous aud active in alt matters relating to tbe 'devel opment of the sorghum sugar industry. ; jar. jsamunas moveo rerereuce oi.ine re solution to tbe Committee on Patents. After discussion bv Messrs. Edwards. Plumb, Saulsbury, Riddleberger, Call, Hoar. Gray. Butler, Teller. GdoreeJ Haw- let. Btck and Sherman, tbe motion to re fer was rejected, and the resolution adopt ea. K reads: Betolved, That tbe Attorney General be requested to investigate tbe hsutnee of let- tern patent to Magnus Swenson. of date October 10. 1837, and if in his judgment the aauie is invalid on any gtound, Or. was procured by reason of information obtained from experiments made by the government, and if iu his judgment, suit can be main tained, in the name of the United States, to commence eucii suit promptly to have the same canceled or toe use of tne tame by said Swenson or any one claiming under bun, perpetually enjoined Air. isutier onerea a resolution wnicn wa3 adopted, directing the Judiciary Com mittee to enquire and report whether in the present state of the law, tbe government has power, or the Attorney General of the United States authority, to institute judicial proceedings to vacate the patent for an in vention on any grouna whatever. Tbe beanie then loot up the bill intro duced by Mr. Stewart last Monday, to pro vide fur tbe issue of coin certiflcstts to cir culate as money, and was addressed by mat Senator ia explanation and1 support of the bill. The purpoitof the bill is to al low deposit at any mint or assay ofnea of cold and silver bullion, iu quantities not less than five ounces of gold or; eighty ounces of fcilvtr, aoi leceipt thertfor of coin certificates which are to be legal ten der; to have existing gold and silver certifi cates cancelled when received at the Treas ury: to have no 40M coined hereafter ex- cspt aa "necessary to redeem obligations ex - . 1 T I . 1 1 11! presaiy paytoie ia coin ; 10 uavo iuu uumuu received under this act melted into bars and deposited in the Treasury, and to re- Deal the act nf tbe 558th of February. 1878. requh tog coinage of two million silver dol litis moniniy. j At tne c'ott) of Mr. Stewart s remarxs the U'll waa referred to the Committee on Fmsniie - Toe Stnats then, after a brief tecrtt ees- sion, uajoumea 1111 Juonoajr. WASHtKGTOK, IX-c 16. Senate not in se68lou. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr Uatch. of Missouri, submitted a concurrent resolution tbat when tbe two houses adjourn on Monday, December 19th, they otand adjourned until Thursday, Jan- uaiy ota Sir. Keed. of Maine, inquired the reason for tba submission of this resolution. i Mr. Hatch replied that it was the usual resolution brought in at the first session of Conpre3. The House ha t been in session since the first Monday ia December.' It was well known that nothing has ten ac complished. Tbe House was waiting for the Speaker-to announce we committees, and : he was satisfied, from his personal knowledge and from what he bad seen of tbe occupation of the Speaker's lime by members interested in committee assignments, that it was impossible that the committees c u'd be announced until after the -holiday recta. Be bad submitted the resolution as much in tbe interest of pub lic businesi a for tbe pomfort and conve nience of the Speaker. j ! Mr. Reed said that the peculiar condi tion of tbe bueiaees affairs ot thai country rendered the action wbieh has been taken, or rather, the non action which had been Buffered, by the Democratic side of tbe House, a matter of legitimate comment, both here and before the country, j Take it all in all it was without precedent! Many changes in tbe rules of the House had been suggested, but had not been acted Upon, and yet it was proposed that the House odiourn for tbe holidays and commence after the recess where it bad been the custom to be gin at the opening of the session. If there were no matters of public interest before the country such a course might awaken only passing comment, but to-day Congress was pressed upon by a serious public duty, which was the reduction of ; the sur plus which was coming into the treasury in a manner calculated, under tbe manage ment oi the Treasury Department, to be an embarassment to tbe finances of the coun try. All were agreed, (at least on the Re publican side), that this surplus should be reduced, and tbe Republicans stood ready now to make one reduction to which the other side was agreed, and that was in reference to the tobacco tax. He hoped tbat the opportunity would be given them by the powers that be, or were to be, to vote thereon, and show to tbe country some proper disposition in this regard. If gentle men on the other side found it somewhat difficult to range themselves alongside of the recent message which had been sent them, that tbe Republicans could well un derstand and could give their assurances of most profound sympathy. Laughter. The message was to some Democrats a summons from a very great J way off, and it required that tbey should traverse a very, good distance before tbey could get alongside of tbeir pioneer brother at the other end of the avenue. If time was wanted for that purpose he hoped that tbe gentleman from Missouri would frankly say so. Laughter. If gentlemen on the other side were in grave doubt how they should comply with the suggestion of the message; if, after they had made up their minds iu the interest of moderation and reform; and tbe most ad vanced of them would be content with the destruction of a few of our industries, and thev needed lime to select those; they saw fit to destroy, tbat would be ground for this motion ; and he hoped the gentleman would say if that was the reason" under neath, i Mr. Hatch said be had hoped tbat be nonld vield the floor to the gentleman from -Maine, without that gentleman im proving bis opportunity to make a political harangue. He did not think tbat gentle man bad improved it much, because be had made the same old sueech. If the gentle man had not had opportunity! time and aeain. during the 49th Congress, to vote for a consideration of the tariff bill, and had not alwavs voted against it, there miirht he some ainceritv in bis talk to-day. Applause. Time and again the Dem ocratic side of the House had tendered to the other side an opportunity to reduce taxation and the surplus ia the treasury. but the gentleman from Maine by his voice. and his vote had always bioou as tne icauvr TAR. 1887. of his parly to. mist it. The Democratic side would mve the gentleman an early op portunity tu t mutate his views' on the tariff questio. and vtafor a reduction of thi tariff. If-b wUlitd t . . Mi. Ktri Wby no, now ? a f iMr Haicb The veuf teinau knows that tbat m clao-iran. Until 1 he committee o Ways sua Means i ar-voiuted and bills aro 1 eat t" that committee. : tbe gentleman knows tb&t mere can be 00 fair considera tion of thia qutfrti'iu i It is to give the Speaker sn cpportvmiiy to furtn this com' mitlee ia the intenn uf (be public business of the country that I ffer the resolution. Mr. Cox. ot &e Yotk, commented on what ho termed the tudden conversion of the gentleman from Maine. He did cot think that these bad been such a tudden conversion since tbe time of Saul of Tarsus. rLaughU-rl He did not know wby tbe gentleman should urge upon the Speaker toe immature making up of the commit tees The Uiute wasi without rules, and it bad no cummitttts f.nijitd for the con sideration of ibe reduction of the tobocco tax. In a matter of so much consequence tbe House tbuuld give to tbe Sittaber the same opportunity wtiioh has been accoided other t-pcakets II was nown that the treasury had a plethora, which paraljzed the channels of trade, and hurt farmer and artisan, and that there must be seme re lief; anil it came with little grace from tbe gentleman from Maine to make this sinis ter and ironical and sarcastic objection to the message of tbe President He could re call the time when the most eminent men 00 the other side of the House had insisted upon, a reduction of the tariff to prevent the accumulation of a surplus . Among the rest bad been tbe gallant man from Maine with the whito plume i Among them had been Prye and Hale, insisting on a reduc tion (if the tax on salt ! aud. other articles, txcppt lumber. Laughter. He would like to Bte every man in the House regard this fkcal question as outside of politics. It was a business qutslUm in every eense of the word. There were members! of Congress from Republican States like Minnesota demand ing a reduction of taxes, but ibis could not be done by picking out one article It must be general ; it must be stable and per manent. He hoped that when the tariff bill was considered all parties fould unite and act for tbe best interests of the whole people, and not for the aggrandizement of one man. or one set of men, or , one party. (Applause 1 Mr. Mills, of Texas, offered as substitute for Hatch's lesolutiou a resolution declare ing tbat when the two Houses adjourn on Thursday, December 22nd. they stand ad journed until Wednesday January 4 h. Mr. Hatch accepted ! tne Mibstiiute, Bad the resolution as modified wan agreed to. -air. lownsbenu, 01 llliuois, pnered a re solution, providing that Mondy next eh nil be devoted to the introduction and refer voce of bills and resolutions. This resolution gave rise to tome discus sion, its advocates arguing that if hills were introduced before the holiday ricsibey c mldn t be returned from the printing office in time to be referred to tbo com mittees when appointed; while its opponents contended that tbe introduction ot dills before tbe announcement ;;t com mittees would lead to great confusoo asd delay. 1 Mr. Kaadaii suggested in&t tne resolution be laid over until Monday, on which day be understood the Committee on Rules would be anaounc-rd This resolution toel 'with favor and the resolution whs accord- ioglv laid over i A resolntiun aa adopted ! r Ue pay ment of monthly salaries, of employes of tbe House on Dec 23. Nr. isiancnvo, or licuibiaua. onerea a resolution expressing the regret wi k which tbe House has I. oar ! of the death of W. . Robertson, late member elect to the 50 b Congress from Jj uisiana, and itu-u, as a mark of respect to the memory of tbo deceased, tbe House Hi 12 45 adjourned un til Monday. BASS. ROBBERY. Over 960,000 Stolen by tbe Book keeper of a Philadelphia Bank. Philadelphia, Dec. 13 J Knigbt: bookkeeper of the Manufacturers' Nation al Liana, on rnirn stree.ti above aiamet, was ta&eu before U S. Commissioner Edward, at 4 o'clock this afuraoon, charged with stealing from the funds of lb bank be- tweeu $60 000 and 570 000 Office s or the bank discovered Knight's deficiencies several weeks ago. Tbey placed tbe case in the hauds of tbe Pinkeiton agency, and Knight was arrested a few day ago. Tbe matter wss kept quiet by the bank until to-day. It is said that Knight has been ap propriating to his own use the otnk a money for nearly twenty-dve years. Knight was bookkeeper of the Manufscturere Bank for thirty-five years acd has always been considered a trustworthy msi. John W. Mom?, president of the bank, said tbat be rSret discovered that the bocks were being falsified on the 9th of ibis month, tbe balance sheet not coming out correct witbin about $20 000. Knight ;s a large-sized man, witu almost snow white hair and grey beard. He aopca- S 1 - be about sixty years of age. GEORGIA. Woo I folk Convicted and Sentenced to be Hansted. Macon. December 15. This was the tenth day of tbe trial of Woolfolk. The jury was charged at noon, and in twenty minutes brought in a verdict or guilty. The prisoner was then sentenced to hang .February 10. lu bis statement Delore sen tence Woolfolk asserted his innocence be fore Heaven and said tbe witnesses bad sworn falsely He seems to be absolutely without nerves. A motion for a new trial will be made at once by his counsel. VIRGINIA. Conference of Committees on tbe Debt Question. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Richmohd. Dec 17. The Finance Com mittee of the two houses of the General Assembly held a special meeting to-day to hear W. L. Roy all, counsel for the foreign bondholders, on tbe debt question. There was much talk on tbe subject, which was participated in by nearly every person pre sent. Mr. Roy all asked that all action in coupon cases he suspended for thirty days, saying tbat during that time he would use his best efforts to prevent any coupons being presented in payment for taxes; that he would go to London and endeavor to get the English bondholders to settle upon terms satisfactory to the State, and that if the bondholders refuse to agree to his proposition be would resign his position as counsel. The sentiment or the commit tee, as expressed by many of tbe members. was tbat it would be useless tor oir Royall to undertake any negotiations which departed from tbe principles of the Riddle berger bill. A committee was appointed to prepare a resolution in relation to the matter to be presented at a joint meeting of the committees next Monday. ALABAMA. -Tbe Henry County Tragedy-Lyncblnz ! Probable. By Telegraph to the Horning Star Montgomery, Dec. 17. Additional par ticulars of tbe Henry county tragedy. in which Robert and John Johnson killed tbeir older brother Charlie, say the difficulty occurred at two o'clock at night. Their father had made Charlie manager of the farm, and this caused bad blood. Fresh fuel was added to the flame when the time came to divide the crop. - The younger boys went off and got drunk, came borne and killed their older brother, stayed around till nightfall and then coldly went oil whistling. No doubt it entertained that they will be lynched. The scene of the tragedy is thirty- five miles from any teiegrapn station. Fire yesterday at i the town of Franklin, on the Seaboard & Roanoke K. K., de stroyed Pretlojr St Co.'s .warehouse, con taining 7,000 oags of peanuts and three car loads of coal The loss ia about $30,060; insurance not ascertained. NO; 7 I . WA&HINGION. Presidential Postefllcea-A Case Be for tbe later-State Commerce Com mission A Sensational Scene at ibe Grand Opera Bouse. By Telegraph Horning to theStar Washington, Dec. 15 The following fourth class posteffices become Presidential offices January 1st: Biloxi. Miss. ; Dayton, Tenn., and Christianburg, Vs. The Senate Com mittee on Commerce t . day appointed Messrs. Kenna. Vest, Coke. Cullom and Palmer, a sub committee, to whom shall he referred all executive nomi nations which may require any investiga tion, j . . j i The Inter-State Commerce Commission to-day gave a hearing in the .case of jhca. a. Jieard, i colored minutar. living in Charleston, S. C, who complains tbat tbe Georgia Railroad Company, June 18th, 1887. compelled him to ride in a coach of inferior accommodations, although be bad a first class ticket: . The Star to-night says: It is said that ex-Congressman McKenzie, of Kentucky, is to be appointed Minister to Mexico. He has been heartily endorsed by the Demo crats of Kentucky, and bis friends believe ne will get the appointment. Washington. December 15 During tbe performance of "Article 47" by Clara Morris, at the Grand Opera House to night, the play was interrupted by a scene which recalled the! famous shooting case in this city some six or seven years ago. Seated in the midst of the large audience was Miss Annie Horton. a great-granddaughter of John iC. Calhoun, who is now an emolove in the Post Office Department. Several years ago this young woman went to- the Treasury Department, where George Mor gan, son of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, who vas at his desk, and calling the young man out in the street, fired at him repeated ly' with a revolver. The shots, however, inflicted only a slight wound and the young clerk refused to prosecute. At the end of tbe nrst act ot "Article 47" to-night, where Miss Morris, as the Creole girl. Cora, is shot py her lover, George Duhamel, Miss Horton, became violently insane.and she bad to be taken from the theatre by the police. Washington, Dec. 15. The House Committee on Elections organized and held its first meeting to day. All of the mem bers were present except Messrs O'Neall of Indiana, ane Hauck of Tenn. The first business was the selection of a clerk, and W. H Mobiley, of Georgia, was chosen for the pjace, A sub -committee on procedure was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Crisp. O'Fefrall and Lyman. Almost without discussion tbe Committee resolved to take up the Thoebe-Carlisle contested election case, land notices will be issued to the con testants or attorneys to . appear before the Committee at its next meeting, when the time for the beginning of the consideration of the case will be fixed. The Committee adjourned to next Tuesday. Beyond a general desire to speedily dis pose of tbe Thoebe- arlisle case, there was no intimation during to-day's proceedings of the order in which the contested election cases now before tbe Committee, will be considered.: At) the Postmasters', Convention, this morning, one delegate from each State lep resented was appointed as the National Committee. A committee lo draft and ta6 el charge of 'a bill to be presented to Congress was appointed, as follows: Ar thur D. Markley, of Pennsylvania, chair man M. E. Sprague, Vermont, George U. Flagg. West Virginia. E J. Clurk, New York. Frank E Fitzsimmons. Rhode Island. Tbe Convention then adjourned, subject to the caH of the National Com mittee. ' Washington, Dec 18 The Senate i committee on Education to day unanimous ly ordered a favorable report on the Blair Education bill. It will ba leported as it passed tbe Secate in tbe last Congress. Acting Secretary Muldrow to-day ten dered a decision in tbe case of .the Ala bama and' Chattanooga Railroad Co. vs Nathaniel P. Clabourn. on appeal by tbe Railroad Company from tbe decision of the General Land Office The decision affirms the commissioner and holds that a home stead entry made in . November, 1868, on land! included m tbo indemnity belt of granting aid to plaintiff's road, must be sustained under the act of April 21. 1B78, such entry having been made ' by permis- sion-jof the land department after expiration ot t lie grant." The act ci April Hi. 1870 is construed to mean that so far as concerns lands covered by entrees otherwise regular, prior "actual expiration of grant" (by lapse of time) shall be deemed to have revoked the withdrawal, even though such "txoira tiont may not have been decided and lusisled on as a ground of forfeiture as lo such lands; that is to say the act of 1878 is itself the iegis Utive i proceeding needed aa expression of the will ot Congrees that forfeiture be instated on. The. act of April 10, 1889. 'reviving and renewing ' the grant, the acting secretary holds, does not prevent operation ot the act ot 187S. as tbe act of 186ft must be taken to have been made with reference to the state of things existing at the date of its enactment. Secretary Lamar to-day issued au order directing that all lands heretofore with drawn and held for indemnity purposes un der grants to tbe following named railroad companies, be restored to the public do main and offered to settlement and entry under the general laws, after giving the usual notice : South is North Alabama, Bel ma, Rome & Dalton, and Alabama & Florida, in Alabama; Florida, Atlantic & Gulf i Central, Pensacola& Georgia, and Florida & Alabama in Florida, and several Northwestern roads. While it may re presumed, says the Secretary, that there is but a small amount, if any, ot vacant un appropriated lands within the indemnity limits of these roads, tbo fact tbat with drawals still remain in force renders this order necessary to final settlement of the grants. Washington. Dec. 17. Perry H.Smith of New York, a cousin of Secretary Fair- child, has been appointed .Chief of the A p. pointmeot Division, Treasury Department, to succeed Eugene Higgms. of Maryland Smith is at present Disbursing Clerk of the f ostomce Department. ; Secretary Whitney this afternoon re ceived a telegram from the Commandant of the Navy lard at New rork. saying that the trial trip of the Chicago was sue oessful. 8be made fifteen knots per hour. I PRNN8TJL VANIA. Tba Embezzling Bank Clerk Beleased oh Ball Seven Deatba from tbo Botl- 'e Explosion at "WestlCbester. . j iSy Telegraph to the Morning Star. Philadelphia, Dec, 17. Jos. Knight. who was committed to prison Thursday, in default of $35,000 bail, to answer the charge of embezzling $65,000 from the Manufacturers' National Bank, while em ployed in the institution as clerk, was to day released from custody. Wm. H Kem- ble and Wm. H. Harley entered security in the amount required. . j - - West' Chester, 'Dec. 17. The dead body of D. O. Taylor, Clerk of the Connty Cobrt, was found this morning in tbe roms ot the Edison Electric Co's works, tbe scene or yesterday s terrible fatal boiler ex plosion, i Taylor had called at the works only a few minutes before tbe explosion: occurred. Edward Schoneld, laborer, who was taken from the ruins last night, died this morning from his injuries. This makes seven deaths from tbe explosion as follows: Walter JSmbrere, superintendent of tbe works; D. O. Taylor, Edward Schofield. three colored laborers, JSlwood BecKet.Jto. Bradley and Sam'l Ebb. and Hettie T. Jones, the 18-year old daughter of Wm, Jones, who was struck by a heavy piece of lumber some distance from tne scene of the explosion, while3 returning from school Five other men were severely injured, but will all recover. Tbe weekly statement of tbe Associated Binks shows the following chances: Re serve increase $1,721,000; loans decrense $3,683,400: specie inciease $724,000: legal tenders increase $962,500; deposits decrease $188,800; circulation increase $800. Tbe banks now hold $7,931,700 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. opmxs uuipenxme. Dnrhansff!cor?er.-. Th i H. list church last nighWnanimouslv -fecied r. u. c. James, of Culnem-r V. pastor of that church Mr VV H Muse was elected rtn .uauusi ounoay ocnool ror the net year. ano Mr. P. il W. Vaughan, perintendent. . A-fsieUiil 811- ;--- Asheville Citizen : V hw.r.i a farmer say yesterday that the f aimers ,.t Buncombe were generally in belli r .condi tion than he had known for year.' .There are over two thousand men ugane t in gold mining operations i.v Mootgomw v and Stanly counties, this 8:ats ThnV hundred tobacco wsguus In ibe city iu on- Hy, an toauea with tbe golden leaf, beuli n to look like business. And it m hum. ..... uuusiuering me excellent prices obtained. Judge Montgomery sentenced Mr O L. Jenkins,!) convicted of libelling Mr" Trantham, to three months' iinprtaonnieut in the county jail ; Dr Weaver ty Mitchell count? is ccriaiulv imniotn, ."..t - substantially,! The Thrt-e C.'s Railroad t.t Cranberry is considered a certainty, an t everything is stimulated thereby.! Mic mining is again becoming active, ss a heavy -. demand for that article has suddenly sptuuk: up. The Clarissa Miue, which has bu-a idle for BOine time has again been put la active operation, with continued gixid le sulte. In Yancey he found the ipeople : more than anxious concerning the! Ashe -ville, Burnsville and Cianberry Railroad, and ready to do anything within their power, by way of subscription, to secure it. , Fayetteville -News : Persons from the surrounding country report that paiuiuges are very numerous mis stasnt, . The home of Mr. 1 lexander Ediie. in the neighborhood of While Oak, Blades county, was the other day -the scene of a heartrending calamity. His little child. 13 years of age, caught fire, in the absence of its parents, and received injuries which iu -suited fatally. The poor liulu creature, n- vetoped in names, ran screaming to tbo branch and plunged in. but this desntrate effort did not avail tq save iu life. me otner day our reporter bad an oppor tunity of seeing and admiring four new box cars, lattice work; lust turned out from tbe work-shops of the C. F-& Y V. R U. One who has never paid a visit to tbeteex tensive shops forming, in all their depart ments, one great and busy hive of ekillul labor can form little idea of tbe extent and scope of the operations carried on, or of the degree to which the company bus become independent of other manufactur ers for the rolling stock of. the road Tba new cars combine durability with excelleut finish and workmanship, and reflect credit upon even tbe high character as artisans of Uapt. I. W. Clark, Mr. M. W. Johnson and their assistants. Raleigh News-Observer : The young ladies of the two Episcopal churches were out in full force yesterday soliciting contributions for their Christmas tree and the young men haunted the back streets and unfrequented portions of the town in consequence. Hod . Isaac N Biker, Jr., of Comstock's, N. Y., has Ismi- d his catalogue for 1888, and in it is tbe follow ing. "Pamlico, by Meander, owned by Mr. W. P. Batchelor, of Raleigh, N C. trotted a half, mile iu bis two-year old. form this last season in 1 .20, last guaittr iu 87 seconds, on the half mile track at Fair Haven " This is at the rte of a mile in 2 28 Beaufort, Dec. 16. The Cat - teret County Oyster. Fish and Game Fair is in full blast and very laigely attended. The fair was formally opened esterday by Hon. V. It. Thomas, Jr. It is the most novel and interesting exposition ever held in the State. I There is a remarkable ex hibit of native oysters and fish, and North Carolinians are astonished at the splendid resources and productions of the Stale waters in "this respect. Lieut. Win - slow, TJ. 8. N. who has recently dono much work of permanent value to Norinr Carolina in conducting tbe oyster survey In ' our eastern! waters, says a lighthouse Is very much needed at Gull Shoal, in Pam lico sound,! and be knows whereof to -speaks- I ; Irittsboro Jiome: Miss Amy Yarborough died on last Thursday evening , at ber home near our town Annio Sutton, a colored girl, was badly burned on yesterday in our town Her clothta caught while she was standing befoie thn fire. She was badly but not fatally burned. before the fire was put out. Ben Fou - shee, a colored local preacher of this coun ty, carried a load of cotton to Durham, a week or so ago; sold cotton, wagon and mules, and! skipped to parts unknown. with his wife's daughter Georgu Sellers, a respectable colored man of Bald - wm s township made 165 barrels of com and eight bales of cotton during the pat.t season. He worked two borses, and did nearly all the work within his own family. A. A Foushee, another industrious col ored man, made with one horse, 95 barrels of corn and 4i bales of cotton. Rev. J. P. Mason has picked from ono acre of land this year 2,975 pounds of seed cotton. He has also raised on two acres that has on it forty fruit Jrees, 3.723 pounds. He baa butchered seven hogs, 14 months old, that averaged 2741 pounds, leaving his big hog to kill later.! Messrs. A. A. & O. F. An drews, two young men who live with Mr. Mason, raised this year on eleven acres 11 baits of cotton, averaging 500 pounds. They also made 85 bushels of wheat on 15 acres, 91T barrels of corn on 16 acres and 142 bushels of Oats and did not pay out $20 for labor in addition to tbeir own ex cept for picking cotton. Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. II. A. Deal, assignee, has sold the Charlottes Observer bookbindery, to the Observer Pub lishing Company, of Raleieb, and the ma chinery of tbe bindery has been shipped to that place. ! The North Carolina cor respondent of the liicbmond JJispaicn says of our excellent United States Marshal tor this district,) Col. David 3ettle.- some charges made against him nave been inves tigated by i the Department of Justice at Washington, but his excellent general char acter and efficient discharge of bis official duties have proven him unimpeachable. -The motion for alimoav and counsel fees in the suit of Mrs. Alice C Coze, of Charlotte, against her husband, Franklin Coze, of New York, for divorce, which was argued in the Brooklyn Supreme Court this week, has been decided in favor of Mrs. Coze. The decision of the court is, ia brief, that Mrs. Coxe is to receive the sum of $300 per month during ber lifetime, and that the defendant in the case, Franklin Coxe, will be required to liquidate the ex penses of the suit. Mrs. Coxe's counsel asked the court, previous to its decision. for a verdict of $500 per month, and f 10.- 000 counsel fees. Those familiar with the circumstances of the case, expected that the plaintiff would be awarded a verdict for the amount asked for by her lawyers, ana about the only comment heard "upon the verdict is that the amount allowed should not have been more than $800. The suit : for absolute divorce, instituted by Mrs. Coxe, is to: be heard in New York on tbe second Monday in next February Raleigh News- Observer: Mr. Nichols, it appears, sits with the Republi cans in Washington. That is where he be longs. His so-called independence is a mere pretence. Yesterday the Raleigh Tobacco Board of Trade was thoroughly reorganized and began work in dead earn-; est. The Roster of North Carolina Troops in the war with Mexico prepared by the Adjutant General or tbe State under authority of the legislature has been printed and will be distributed as tbe law directs. The work makes a pamphlet of fifty pages, and contains the complete muster-out rolls of the First Regiment of North Carolina foot volunteers, and companies ; "G" and "I" of the Twelfth United States Infantry. Rev, R. G. Pearson and Mrs. Pearson left the city last night and will arrive in Salisbury to-day where he will remain until Saturday morning. .Then he will go to Concord where on next 8unday hecom mences a seriea of meetings to continue one week . From there he will go to Cbarlorte where he will spend the Christmas holidays as the guest of Capt. A. G. Brenizer. Oa January 1st he will go to Spartanburg, S. CI, where he will conduct a meeting, after which he will go to Morganton.in this State. Yesterday evening Robert Coleman, a colored shoemaker on East Martin street, was cut in several places in his shop by John Cotten, colored. Cotten went to the shop in an intoxicated condition when Coleman thrust him out, Cotten then tried to enter the shop by the back door.. Cole" man met him when he stuck at him (Cole man) with a knife, cutting his left arm se verely. Cotten made two or three more thrusts, cutting Coleman in the arm a sec ond time and also in the hip both being severe cuts. An officer was notified, who went down and found Coleman lying ou the floor of the shop painfully, though not seriouslyi hurt Cotten was arrested and lodged in the calaboose. I : . . i . : I ; t - E -I - - - , . ... I - . i

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