car The Weekly; Star. 1'' ,- ' cnr -: : : : VTny-:-":'-'-r" J ;-VrN--4i r;' -I i:i.-T"':;! .i:swifi5 ,1.00 A YEAB, IN ADVANCE. ! ' "- ! ' " '." - . r. . . ,'...,...,.... J -. , ) " ' , . 1 - ! " 8888S88S8SS88S8SS 88888888888888888 vqjaon: (I 8S8SSS8SS88888S88 8SSSSS888S88888S8 8S88S88888S888888 niliaow t 888S88888S888888S 09 K3 o j; eg jj jo" j oo jj g jj g g jg g 8888888888888888 n oo j oo o jj e en g jj g gj gj SS88SSS8S8S88S8SS o .4 : t : : : i : : : : : : 3 : : I ' ''-!" Altered at the Post Office aCTVUmlngton, N. C, futere as Second Class fiatterj . S UBSCEIPTION PRICE. ' T'ue subscription price of Uie "Weexj.v Tak is as follows : ; , din"le Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.00 ? 6 months " .60 3 montht ' "! "-'.30 f LEVEliAND not the man. - Gov. Lee, of ..-Virginia, ha9 beeo tbIUiag out in meeting. He saya !.-V . r . ItHli V irlliia l8UlourtB are wjjwoou nominated upon a platform em- od vine' the essential features of hia l-o?i:t mSKage to Congress that Virginia will not Bupport him, or irnrA to that effect.. VVe have long V i'uspected that Virginia .Democrats I were not very much more; Demo Jsratic than the Mahone-Wise crowd. The Stab took occasion to say that the Jeliverances of the ant-Mahone pjarty and the deliverances of the Mahone party were very much alike. tn fir't. t.ha f.wn nlatfnrmH a far a Federal politics are concerned, might have been easily drawn by the same m. So it need surprise no one if puty of that sort shall be found oting with the Republicans in the Y-sidtntial election. Thev have ot far to go to do this. The . Vir gir.ia press advocates very much the ime doctrines that the Northern Republican pres advocates, j So Mr. Cleveland is not good enough for the anti-Mahone party Virginia. He must not be nomi nated if be is backed up by a plat- orm thai is Democratic for that is he rjeaning of the opposition. Ran dall ia the man for the Virginians. There are tens of. thousands of fei mine, eira on-pure Democrats l.o Souihtrn Stales who id not vote for Randall. He is .. Protection Republican in disguise. Mr. Cleveland has not said that i v.ot said that ho would accept if fnurrnatid. He h believed to have inrimaxed tnorb than once that he did iioi ue.-ire to serve, a second term. It; liss given the country a clean, lout-si, just, patriotic AdminiBtra- tioii. but be is not pood enonsh a o r the Virginians. If Virginia is to be pbc3ld by abandoning Demo cratic doctrine and slaughtering the 'nei.leni the Democrats may as well make up their minds to be defeated. Such a course would lose to the De mocracy a half-dozen States.; If Mr. Cleveland cannot be elected without Virginia it is not worth while to nominate him. That seems to be the outlook. If Mr. Cleveland cannot be elected where is there a man who can be elected? Most one , -- j or two States dictate to the remain ing 36 or 37 States what shall be (heir policy, their principles? Must the measures of the Democratic party all be shaped to placate and titk'e the extraordinary and wonder ful Democracy 'of Virginia or any other State ? Is ' that the calcula tion? Alas, alas! if suocess depends upon such log-rolling as thatj j Mr. Cleveland will, no doubt be nominated, kick as' Virginia may. He will be nominated upon a Dem ocratic platform of sound Tarifi Re- iorvn.. If Virginians cannot stand phat thn they can vote for Blaine or rorne other Republican howler and atcr. But that the President will Je renominated is almost certain and 'o can probably be elected if Vir-: inia votes for the bitterest of Radi- als who hates "the Mother of States nd etatemen." . TOO IiATE. , We copy a part of an editorial from the New York Times concern ing North Carolina and other South ern States. We did not see the let- Ver it refers to, bat the editorial com- pents copied elsewhere show what tag the purport of the letter.' In puute respects me xvaieiga wniar is porrect. The Ingalls, Forakers, John permanB, not only will solidify the pouth, but have already done bo. It )8 too late now to try to placate the Hite men of the South after the re pnt displays of the leading Republi rin politicians, the bitter deliver f ices of the Republican press, and he foolish; vengeful action of some f tbe Grand Army of (he Republio 08t8 in their antagonisms to the Puthern people and to the Demo-p ratio President. Enough has been id and done to show that bo far as Republicans are concerned neir professions of amity and jas- lte and reconciliation are all mitigated boeh. . The Republicans t ; ; t -i i ,1 ( I I; " l! r VOL. XIX. placable, inveterate haters of the Southern people. The Republican press in the North is always unjust, unfair and vindiotive towards : the Southern whites. Lies, slanders, in sinuations, are the chief things which . Northern Republicans rely upon in their campaigns. Every four years the South is subjected to the same bad treatment. For months the old lies have been circulated and the. old bitterness has prevailed in the Nortn. The South has been so long aoeustomed to these mean, malicious displays it regards them as a matter of course. j It is too late to begin an insincere and hypocritical campaign of mercy. The Republican leaders have taken their attitude of hostility. The South understands the situation pre cisely No amount of palaver and pretence ban deceive : the South. Sherman last year talked love when in the South, but when he got back to Ohio bis tongue was the tongue of an adder and poison was oa his lips. - ! The South has been solid. The South is Bolid now and will remain solid until the present decayed breed of political marplots and braggards have gone to their place. There will be no real peace as long as Republi cans in the North are eternally slan dering and abusing Southern whites and misrepresenting the plain facts of history. How the political dem agogues Toared when the true men of the South proposed a few months ago to honor tho illustrious Davis. How Gen. Jackson was Bet upon by the howling hiennas .of the Northern press for daring to speak the senti ments of every manly, loyal South ern heart. ..' j It is too late. The Southern whites will stand together. They come of a stock that is brave in war and self respecting, and self-reliant, and de termined in time of peace. j The Chief Justice of the United States is no more, j When President Grant appointed Morrison D. Waite, of Ohio, Chief Justice in j 1874, the general question was asked, who is he? Outside of his State he was but little known. .He was born in 1816, and he had therefore passed bis 71st yearx Ho was a sound lawyer, a man of ability, a man of high character. He was rnnchgrespected, as much for bis personal worth as for his high position. He Was an ex ception to moBt of Grant's appointees. President Cleveland has the selecting of his successor. We hope the ablest, be6t qualified I jDemocratic jurist in the land will be selected for the very important place', provided he is a man of high morale, and is a genuine believer in Constitutional limitations and the reserved rights of the States, i I j - A CORRECTION. Since preparing our. editorials for this issue we have had Bent us a copy of the Richmond. Dispatch of Wednesday containing 1 a report of an interview of j Governor Lee of Virginia, that appeared in the New York Press, a Repubhcanj paper, of last Sunday. We do not see, that paper and we do not of ten read the Dispatch. Our editorial j of yester day was based upon what we saw in an exchange. We are gratified to see that Governor Lee Was misunder stood and misrepresented.1! His con versation has been variously reported. As the Dreaa Aa a loud Protection organ we hope its report the cor rect one. Here is the significant part with which we are concerned : "I suppose all the Democrats In vour State are for President Cleveland's reuomi tion T't asked a reporter. . i i "Yes; I hear no other candidate men tioaed. In my opinion the President is stronger than he was in 1880. Of course the delegation to the. convention will be solid for b,im." S M "Can he carry Virginia ia the face of his message T" j "Tea; although we have a good many Protectionists. Protection is not the para mount issue in the South. It is a question of Anglo-Saxon supremacy with us, and always will be as long as the negroes seek, through the aid of a few whites, to control affairs. It matters little whether a white voter is a Protectionist, Free Trader, Tariff Reformer, or Prohibitionist, he sinks every thine in his detire not to be controlled by the blacks. This fact should be recognized by the Republicans, who claim that Vir ginia may go for their party this fall on the protection issue. This puts a much better faoe on the outlook than the report we had before us gave when jwe wrote yes terday. Perhaps Virginia will stand by the President, Protection or no Protection.' But we confess that edito rials we have now and then met with in Virginia papers had shaken our confidence and hope. Senator Allison is the favorite of his party in his own State, LJwa. He has been selected as their candi date , for the nomination for the Presidency. He was warmly ' eulo gized,, resolutions were adopted, and an Allison delegation was appointed. The speeches were strictly partisan, and Allison would not probably please the Independents or ! Mug- wumps.- - I -' ' j - i A voune Chicago! girl : named Nellie Thompson did not like her first name, so she had it changed into Helen by judicial sanction. pretty girl could be as pretty called Mr. Thomas Nelson Page; the gift ed Virginian story writer, gave some readings from his own writings in Washington, D. C. The Star-of that city said : "The readincr made a deeper impression on the audience than anything else of the evening, and not few ladies were seen to quietly put their : handkerchiefs to their eyes as the quaint narration unfolded in the picturesque dialect of the plantation the trials and the heroism of 'Men Ladv' and her lover." j '-' . One of the most- distinguished gentlemen in Raleigh writes us on 23d, inat.: ;":.'; . X. l--,;.- "I aeree with ; vou in vour estimate of Mr. Pearson as a preacher. I have heard many distineuished ministers, including Beecher, Talmage, Dr. Tyng, and ' others pernaps less : celebrated, ana l must &ay (hat .aa a Gospel preacher I have never heard his equal, in my opinion." Speaker Carlisle says be has been misrepresented. He denies that he ever favored removing the tax on su gar, 'v:.; ... A FlourlaMoa: Enterprise "Busted." ; Samuel Copper is an enterprising colored man who wanted to assist in booming Wilmington," and with this object in view, no doubt, announced that he had started a new enterprise a bag factory.1 He didn't state, how much capital he had invested in the business, the extent j of his plant, or the number of hands employed; but he turned out good work and supplied his customers with five-bushel grain sacks that, if they were not made out of "the whole cloth," were of excel lent material and were f urnished'at a r , - remarkably low price. The enterprise was apparently a pronounced suc cess from the; start, and Cooper was looked upon as a man of more than, ordinary importance the proprietor of a , bag manufactory who could knock all competition into smith ereens with his low-priced goods. Suddenly a bomb i shell burst, fig uratively speaking, in the neighbor hood of the factory, and before its reverberations died away the enter prise was "busted," and Cooper found himself in the meshes of the law. . Mr. R. N. Sweet, who deals in salt and other commodities, found one morning that some person had gained access to his j warehouse on South Water street and had stolen a thous and new salt sacks which he had bought some time before and stored away. Investigation was made and the theft was traced to the proprie tor of the mythical bag factory, and his arrest soon followed. It was found that Cooper's enterprise con sisted (after stealing the sacks), in converting two into one by ripping np the seams and then sewing the two together, thus making a. fine large sack that would hold1 comfortably about five bushels of bats. Cooper evfdently realized that "it is j the small indus tries that pay best" and was thus con tent with stealing the empty sacks. He might have enlarged his enterprise by stealing them again after they were filled, but this would have in volved additional care and trouble that he didn't care to be bothered with. . :. j ; . When arrested Cooper gave bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance be fore theCriminal Court at the present term,but he cannot befound, although officers of the law have been search- ing-for him all the week. It is not at all improbable that he has removed his bag factory to a more apprecia tive community, Naval Stores. 1 i The naval stores crop year begins April 1st, and with only one week more to wind up the business of the present season, the statement of re ceipts at this port will show a consid erable increase in the more important item of spirits turpentine, and a slight decrease in other articles, as compar ed with the previous year. ' The receipts of -spirits turpentine up to and including yesterday were 69,59 casKs, against 64,426 to same date last year. Receipts of rosin 342,231 barrels, against 351,663 last year; receipts of tar 59,727 barrels, against 71,332 last year; receipts of crude turpentine 23,597 ' barrels, against 23,862 last year. The stock at this port is 1,020 casks spirits turpentine, 63,050 barrels rosin, b.uo4 tar ana 387 ; erase turpentine. The stock last year, at the same time, was 1.400 casks spirits turpentine. 109,011 barrels rosin, 11,011 tar and 767 crude turpentine, i The Palmetto Railroad. Mr. Wm. jMoncure, Superintendent of the Palmetto Railroad, was in the city yesterday, and left last night for Hamlet.. -The Palmetto road runs from Hamlet to Cheraw, and is about eighteen miles long. The road is in good condition and does considerable traffic. Since the building of this road to Cheraw the town has grown rapidly. Recently iron works have been established, i and also a banking house opened, and a - building association t started. Cheraw is a good field j for our Wilmington mer chants to cultivate, and with proper efforts a good trade could be opened up in that i section. There is talk of extending this road to Camden, S. C, and the Camden Journal, in reference to this, says "We understand that a meeting will be held on the 3d of April to discuss tne question or extending the tras xnetto Road to Camden. We trust that some definite arrangements may be effected by wjaicn worK will begin at once. We reiterate what we have said before: 'This is the only road to build np and help our town, and the one we ougnt to nave naa. Cotton Movement. The receipts of cotton at this port since September 1st, 1887, are 166,011 bales, against receipts of 132,099 for the corresponding period of last sea son; showing an increase of 33,912 bales. Receipts the past weeK are 349 against 283 bales the correspond ing week last year. The stock at this port is 5,802 bales, as against 1,528 at WILMINGTON, N.;C, FRIDAY, MARCH ;30 1888. FA YETTEVILLE. I v. I Cape Fear 4c Tadktn Valley Hallroad Work on tbe Line to Wilmington A New. Cotton mil-A . silk! Fae- - tory MeJ. Stedman for Governor Improvements In tbe Upper Cape FearSevere Storm, etc. ' ' ' Star Correspondence. I . , j ' '. Fatkttbvu.i.b, March 21. To-day the engineer corps of the Cape j Pear & Yadkin Valley -' Railroad 'com menced work J on ; the line between. Fayetteville and .Wilmington. Last week G. M.. Rosev attorney for the company, went to Washington City,, and obtained the right, of way from the Government . over the Cape Fear, Northeast and : Blaok rivers.' .1 The building of the road to the coast is now as nearly!, certain as .you can maker it prior ' to y the accomplished fact and so, with it, are theTincr eas ed wealth, .population and commer cial prosperity of .Wilmington. ; The Stab may congratulate itself that it has had a good "stomach to this fight" throughout, and that, too, in the face of the indifference of some of its friends who; "knew the road must, go to Wilmington, anyhow," subscription or no subscription, and the sneers, of others, who "would be clams" in spite of all. The new Fayetteville CottontMills Co.,J. P. Thomson President, and E. T. McKethan Secretary and Treas urer, will soon be at work In the ereo tion of the building. The JUallett and Mims pond property, with extensive sites, water power and other privile ges, hai been purchased irom Messrs, E. T. & A A. McKethan, and nothing will hinder speedy operations. Mr. Morgan, in the southern su burbs of town, has almost concluded to convert his plant, originally in tended for a cotton mill, into a silk factory. u it is a signihcant fact that no news paper article nas attracted more gen eral interest here in a long time tnan tbe editorial in the Wilmington' Re view, formally announcing its advo cacy of Lieut. : Gov. Stedman for Oovernor. Leaving a little to one side his shining intellectual gifts and kia tmAAmliMviTAaflVtla rtAMAnol m k T1 T a thoushtful Democrats have pondered over the points incisely made and cherished by the Review that Sted man, with his admirable qualities as an organizer and campaigner, is the man to torn: and the conviction is rapidly crystalizing in this section that in a campaign where so much depends on success, his will be the safe nomination. The Stab would be gratified if it could know the revolution which has taken place as to the Blair bill. Of course it has its advocates yet, but they have ceased to be clamorous, and are rapidly diminishing in num bers, i in fact, tne most oi ns line tne Democracy of a paper which warns the people boldly flippant gibes at "hypersensitiveness as to constitu tionality" to the contrary "notwith standing. . ! - .t arming in this country is to the full twenty days late, but work is pushed as actively as possible. To bacco cultivation has had its draw backs and its adversaries, but it 1b still taking hold, and your corres pondent believes it will prove a good thinir for this section vet. Capt. Humphreys, of the TJ. S. En gineer Department, is at work im proving the navigation of this part of the Cape Fear, and during the past few days has been blasting rock for his needs a few miles above Clarendon Bridge. He is accom plished in his vocation, and could well and profitably employ a larger appropriation than he has at com mand, i A very severe storm, surely the equinoctial, visited us this morning before day, and raged several hours- heavy rain, furious winds, vivid ngnt nlng and deafening thunder. Burled Treasarea. The finding of old Spanish coins on the beach at Bald Head, recently Ire- ported, has revived . interest in the tradition that pirates who infested this coast in j the early part of the eighteenth century buried some of their ill-gotten treasures in the sands below Wilmington. Belief in this tradition has long held mastery over the minds of many colored people and perhaps some whites' in this section, as is evidenced by the nu merous mysterious.excavations made from time to time for years past by the" "money hunters" as they are call ed, in the wooes near the river a short distance I beyond the southern limits of the city. . ; According to a South Carolina his torian the pirate Teach or "Black Beard." as he was called, made his rendezvous - sbmewhere about the mouth of the Cape Fear river, and was captured there in 1718 orj.1719 by an expedition,fitted out for the pur pose in Charleston, after a'desperats- conflict. Teach and forty of his men were carried to Charleston, and were hanged" there . for their many mis deeds, 'm ' Tbe Cape Fear. Recent heavy rains In the up- country have caused a great freshet in the Cape Fear and all the lowlands along the river are again under water for the third or fourth time this sea son. Although the present flood reached to as great a height as any of the procedin&r freshets, but little drift wood is coming down. It is re- ported,however,that one or morerafts of timber have; been broken np. Per sons who came from the Bluff yester day, said that there were a number of sticks of timber at that place, thought to have come frbm a raft which was broken up by the flood some distance above. ' " - - A survey was held yesterday on the barque Nellie E. Rumball, at South port. The board consisted of CoL John W. Atkinson, agent for the underwriters; Mr l. T. stetson, spe cial agent, Philadelphia; Mr. George Harriss and Mr. E. D. Williams, port -wardens, and Captain; Joseph Price,' master mariner. . It was decided to have the cargo! of molasses restowed, and the sails and rigging repaired and replaced, j at Southport, when the barque will sail for. her destina tion. : - m - " : "" ; Did it ever occur to some of our North Carolina exchanges that the letter writers for papers beyond the State relied on the State papers main ly, almost solely, for their fresh news? OUR CHOICE FOB COVBttUOR. I (From th ARriAvilla flnn ' ' 1 What we have advised others .to do we .have done nnrselvea - Wo hav made up our mind as to whom we re- gara tne strongest available man for the Democrats! tq nominate for Gov-: ernor. . , . . w. v : -f That man is the Dresent Lieutenant Governor, Major Charles M. Stedman.! We have eonsidered - all - the names mentioned T, in i connection" with this matter; have canvassed, their, merits and dements; their Strong points and their weak ones. This we have, done without prejudice or predilection, for or against any one of the number; for we admire them all, more or less, We simply want the Democratic party to put out ltssstrongest- available man; him who seems to be most certain of election. ; '- x :.:l In such a snirit. all newsDaoers and all individuals who aid in moulding public opinion, should approach this grave subject, burying out of sight Jersonal favoritism and personal pre udice. Resolved also - are ' we, and every Democrat should be likewise; that we will cheerfully bow to the de cision of the State Convention, and support with all the zeal and power it may be given us to employ, th nominee of that august body, who he may be. .; - J We shall from time to time, present at length our reasons for regarding Major Stedman as the safest leader in the fight this year. Briefly, he is an able, intellectual man, gifted with fine executive talents, thoroughly conversant with our laws and the principles of our government, both State and . National ; -he would no : doubt make an excellent Chief Magistrate. Again: He is a man of firmness, decision of character, and positive opinions; he is vigorous, en- ergerio, ana unnnug; ub is a jjuuu organizer and an effective cam paigner; he is bold, aggressive and determined in debate, a match for any adversary the Republicans can put out. Again:. He is a true Democrat, be bas never faltered in his devotion to the party; in no crisis, before, during. - or since the war, has he shown the least uncertainty about his convictions; he has always been found in tbe front rank doing Dattie with the bravest and the best against the enemies of North Carolina. In peace and in war he has ever been true to the State. In the times that tried men's souls he "bared his breast to . the storm in her defence," and honorable scars are there to-day to testifv to his eallantry and love of country. The candidate will, oi course, come from the East this year. That section is fairly entitled to the honor, in sub servience to the unwritten law which has prevailed for a quarter of a cen tury and more. Particularly, should the East have it in the approaching contest, as the county government question will be the uppermost one among the state issues; in wnicn event it is best that we have as our standard bearer a man who is an ex ponent of eastern sentiment on thie all important question; one who lives in a county where the negroes havs tne majority; one who nas leit ine evils of negro domination, and can tell the DeoDle of the middle and western sections exactly how it all is. The ereat and vital question in our politics here must necessarily be that of race supremacy: The negroes and their white leaders will make a des perate effort to carry the State in or der that thev may overthrow the county government system. To meet and defeat the Africans -it is best we have as our leader a bold, fearless. eloquent Eastern -Democrat, who can arouse the white masses to a sense j of the degradation and ruin that would certainly overtake us in the event of negro domination in our local poli tics. ' i I The Democracy of the glorious Cape Fear region will present Charles M. Stedman as the standard-bearer j to whom they are willing to trust their dearest interests and fortunes. . They of the East who know him best re gard him as a safe leader; so may we of the West. j Teacber'a Assembly Building. The Atlantic Coast Line will run special train on May 1st on the oc casion of laying the! corner-stone of the Teacher's Assembly building j at Morehead City. The train will eon- nect with the A & N. C. train at Goldsboro, so the trip can be made in one day, returning to Wilmington at night. A low rate of fare has been made for the occasion, and the round trip ticket from Wilmington to Morehead City is only $3.70. About seven hours will , be spent at More head City, and the day promises to be one of great pleasure to all visi tors. The corner-stone will be placed by Grand Master C. H, Robinson and the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, and the address will be by that eloquent speaker Mr. Fab. H. Busbee.Eof Raleigh. The Grand Lodee will have a fine escort of Knights Templar, military, and s everal schools in a body. Homicide in If aan County. A correspondent writing the Stab from Nashville, N. C, yesterday says: "Buck Dixon, superintendent of the Nash 'county Poor House, shot and killed his son-in-law. Will. Jol- lins. last night. Collins married Dix on's daughter sometime last year, in onnosition to her father's wishes, and there has been hostile feelings be tween them ever since. It is reported that Collins drew a pistol and threat ened to shoot Dixon, but the old nan was toe qmiek for &Ism." A Canning Factory for Borgtw, A number of the public spirited cit izens of Pender county met at Bur- gaw last Wednesday for the purpose of taking steps for the establishment of a factory in that town for canning fruits, vegetables, &c. Mr. W. T. Bannerman was chairman of the meeting, and Mr. R. N. Blood worth secretary. The matter was discussed at length, and the unanimous ex pression of opinion was that thb pro ject was a feasible one and would re ceive hearty encouragement. As the outcome of the meeting, a committee consisting of Dr. R. T. Sanders, and Messrs. A H. Paddison, E. McMoore, John W. Cowan, A E. Taylor, and D. J. McMillan, was ap peinted to make estimates of the cost of the necessary plant and the ex-. pense of operating the same, and to report to a future meeting. Indicted for "manslaughter. The grand jury of the Criminal Court returned a ,4true bill" against John S. Bissett, engineer on the.Wil- mington & Weldofi Railroad, who had charge of the locomotive of the train which struck and killed Mr. Souther- land, of Duplin, county, on Smith's Greek bridge, a short time ago. The case was continued until the! May term of Court and the defendant gave bond in the sun of $500 for his ap pearance. . WASHING TOJV. Amendments to tbe Tariff Bill Inter nal Revenue Collections Washington. March 22 At this morn ing's session tbe tariff bill was amended in the following particulars at the instance of Democratic members: - . ; . The paraerapb imposing & 25 Dfcr cent. ad valorem duty on .tarletacs, mulls and crinolines waa stricken out, leaving the duty on these goods at 40 per cent., as at preseot . : j . . Uncleaned rice was denned as 'having the outer off. and the inner hull on;" paddy was defined and the duty fixed at 1 cent per pound, instead of f of a cent, as in the original, bill;! whiting aad Paris; white were stricken off the free list, and made to pay a duty of 20 per cent ad valorem: lin seed oil was also removed from the free list and a duty of 10 cents per gallon imposed. The clause of the free list relating to brick was 'amended by addition1 of the words "other -than fire brick.' The com mittee adjourned j subject to the call of the chairman. ' It is the present understanding that the bill wi!l he reported to tbe House Saturday. - : L . j Washington, March 23. Collections of internal revenue for the first eight months of the fiscal year ending June 80, 1888. ag gregate $80,760,467, being an increase of $6,511,599 over collections during corres ponding period ot the last fiscal vear. Col lections on spirits were $44,984,058, in crease, $3,787,604; tobacco, $20,828,076. in crease, $1,212,247; - oleomargarine, $489.- 152, increase, $771113; bank notes. $355. decrease, $2,645: miscellaneous items. $113,672. decrease, $65,133. The ; receipts tor February last were $959,074 ereater than those for February of last year. Washington, March 23 The President was informed of the death of the Chief Justice by Col. Lamont. The latter was at his residence preparing to go the White House when the messenger arrived! with a note from C. C. Waite, son of the Chief Justice, saying that his father died this morning, and requesting him to notify the President. He also received a letter from D?. Ruth, of the Navy, giving him the same information and adding a few de tails i 6 to tbe cause of death. Col. Lamont proceeded at once to tbe White House and found the f resident in the library opening bis mail The President was very much shocked at the intelligence He was aware that the Chief Justice bad been ia bad health for some time, but he was hot pre pared to hear of his death. Quite an inti macy had sprung up between the two offi cials since the President's term began, and the latter has often been heard to, express himself in terms of the highest praise of the Chief Justice's character and ability. Tne President at once wrote a letter to Mrs. Waite. expressing his deep sympathy for her In her sudden bereavement, which he said was not only a personal loss to him self, but a great loss to the public service. Later in the day the following was issued: "To the People of the United State: The painful duty devolves upon the Presi dent to announce the death at an early hour this morning, at hia residence in thia city, j or Morrison it. wane, umci jusiice or ine United States, which exalted office he had filled since March 4, 1874, with honor to himself and high usefulness to his country. In testimony of respect to the memory of the honored dead, it is ordered that the Executive office in Washington be closed on the day of the funeral, and he draped in mourning for thirty days, and that the Na tional flag be displayed at half mast on public buildings and on ail National ves sels on the day of the' funeral. By the President : v i T. F. Bayard, Secretary of State. I Washington. March 23. Tbe Senate' P.-immiltPH nnnnintfd tn tdfcft order in rp-C gardi to tbe funeral of the Chief Justice, . . O .A Q T T TTT . 1 son, of Iowa,. Puna and George. Mrj Edmunds bad first been designated at the head ot the committee, but felt compelled to decline on account of ; ill health. The committee appointed by; the, speaker to represent the House, was as follows: Messrs. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Beney of Ohio. Grosvenor of Ohio, Breckenndge of Kentucky, Stewart of Vermont, Carlton of Georgia, Cannon ot Illinois, Anderson of Iowa, and Kussell of Connecticut. Additional particulars of the illness of Chief Justice Waite are obtained from Dr. Caroline B. Winslow, who has been the family physician for the last thirteen years! The immediate cause of his death, the Dr. says, was nervous failure of action of the heart, and it came with such startling sudf dennesi as to be absolutely appalling. There was not the vaguest symptom of heart complication throughout bis sick ness. On Saturday night the Chief Justice attended the Authors' reception, given by Senator and Mrs. Hearst but, .feeling slightly indisposed, he left their house early, about half an hour after he arrived. At home be was taken with a chill and im mediately retired.- At 3 o'clock in the morning Dr. winslow jwas called, and found the Chief Justice suffering from an acute pain in his back and bones. Later on in the morning he felt somewhat better, and rested quite comfortably. At this time he said to bis physician, iina tone of in quiry, that he must attend Court on Mon day, out was cautioned to take no chances, tie persisted mat ne ieit quite well enough to ride to the Capitol and return,, and an ticipated no unfavorable: results from little outing. On Monday, after his return from the Capitol, the physician called and found him complaining of soreness in his right lung, and when asked to take a long breath said tnat tne esort caused him pain. An examination showed that part of his right lung, rwo or more inches in diame ter, was hepatized. This was accompanied by a slight cough. He was extremely rest less, as, indeed, he had been from the first. and his face was much flushed, t He was very wakeful during Monday night, lying on his right side most of the time. He rested easier on that side, he said, than on the other or his back. While his illness was by means regarded as critical, his physicivn, on Tuesday" suggested that his son, Mr. C. C. Waite. be tele graphed for, which was done. . His condi tion showed but little change from that time until his death. He was in good spirits, laughingly asserting to those around him that be did not Know now to oe sick Notwithstanding that on Wednesday he showed svmotoms of pneumonia no per son felt any alarm. He was getting j along well, and when at ten o'clock last night his physician and Dr. Frank Gardner, who had been called in consultation left him, he responded to their "good night as cheerfully and in as strong voice as he did in health. The nurse who remained with him during the night observed no change In his condi tion, not even in tne expression or his race. until six o'clock, when he turned over on his back and in ten minutes" was dead, f At the beginning of his illness the Chief Justice, fearing to needlessly alarm his wife, who was on her way to California in comnanv with an invalid sister, cautioned moae aoout mm to seep aa cuuuiuou nam the newspapers. ' He was not alarmed him self and was unwilling that his wife's jour ney should be curtailed or interfered -witn. 1 L! t.JWAail!.." Tt S mlA Vn Dy ms sixgllb xouuniuuu is bbiia. ;:ujt his physician that this was the only severe illness the Chief. Justice ever had hi his life, except that of two years ago, when he suffered sometime from erysipelas in his face and bands. I Dr. Gardner, consulting physician, who was called last evening, said to-day that he found the patient suffering from croupous pneumonia in his right lung. He was very ill. but he did not regard his Case as hopeless by any means. In croupous pneumonia, the doctor explained, there: is always a well defined crisis, and in about five days after, the patient is taken the crisis comes; the fever subsides, and very often at this Doint the heart, although hitherto free from organic disease, sudden ly fails to perform its functions and the patient is dead. It cannot be foreseen and cannot do anucioaiea in treatment, naa -his heart not failed at this crisis the Chief Justice in all probability would have recovered from the attack of pneumonia. . There is an universal expression of regret at the death of the Chief Justice among public men. and from the President down all are eager to nut upon record their testi mony of appreciation of his personal and social qualities and respect for him as NO. 21 learned jurist and upright judge. Tbe telegraph to-nizht is bringino- manv such expressions from all parts of the country. - Washington.: March 24 The Senate and House Committees deputized the Ber- geant-at-Arms dt the two Houses, respect ively, to confer with the Marshall of the Supreme Court as to the arrangement of details for the funeral of the Chief Justice A telegram was received from Mrs. Waite, stating that she is en route to the east and will arrive in Toledo either Wednesday eve ning or Thursday morning next. She con- jsentstolbe public funeral services here, and unless 'some change shall come from her to cause a change in arrangements, the runeral wiu take place in the hall of tbe House of Representatives about noon of next Wednesday The ' remains " will be conveyed to Toledo for; interment; and there will be met by Mrs. Waite. At first the family expressed a desire that the ser vices should ba held in a church, but they readily assented to the suggestion that the hall of the House would be preferable At a later conference it was decided that the ceremonies in Washington shall j take place in the hall of the House of Represen tatives at 12 o'clock Wednesday ; Bishop Paret and Doctors Bodine. Leonard and Mott, of the Episcopal church, officiating. There will be no oration. Tbe Judges of the Supreme Court, including ex-Judge Btiong, will act as pall bearers. The Presi dent and Cabinet and both Houses of Con gress and tbe Bir of the Supreme Court will attend the funeral as a . body-and Committees of the two Houses will accom pany the remains to Toledo. aafr l-sas ' ' " -cr v i . . FOBEIQN. General Bonianger Affairs In Ireland England Urged to Join tbe Franeo Rnssian Alliance The Tbeatre Hor ror at Oporto. Pakis, March 22. Gen. Fevrier will ore- side at the council to be held to-morrow to inquire into the conduct of Gen.- Boulanger. The latter has been summoned to appear before the council. ' - Le Paris ia of opinion that the withdrawal of Gen. Boulanger renders the inquiry un necessary. . The Temps holds that the Government should not stop the proceeding, since the breaches of discipline, which form tbe sub- ect or inquiry, remain. Dublin. March 22. The local branch of the National League, in tbe Mausion House Ward of this city, passed a resolu - tion .condemning Mayor Hewitt, of New York, for refusing to allow the Irish flag to be hoisted on tbe City Hall on St. Patrick's day,, declaring that such refusal was an in sult to the Irish race throughout the world. Opobto, March 22. The bodies of 66 victims of tbe theatre fire were laid out for identification to-day. Many heartrending scenes were witnessed. Beside the bodies there are also 53 heaps of unrecognizable remains. Several projects bave been or ganized for the relief of families of the poorer victims. .The Chamber of Deputies at Lisbon to-day decided to tend a tele gram or condolence to the municipal authorities of Oporto. Tbe Chamber then adjourned as a mark of respect for the memory of tho victims. London, March 22 The Moscow Gazette, in an article discussing the subject of imminent international combinations, continues to urge the necessity of England joining Russia and France. Paris, March 22. Gaillard, acting for tbe Extremists, will give notice in the Chamber of Deputies of an interpellation on the general policy of tbe government. Berlin, March 24. The situation be tween tbe central allies and Russia re mains unchanged. The only alteration arises from a vitit of the Kid g, of Roumania to Vienna, which has resulted in a definite treaty under which Austria pledges herself to resist any violation of Roumanian terri tory. Jbeaumg omcers ot the uomaman army, who are strongly pro-Russian, are about to be removed, anu will be replaced by German or Austrian officers. The Emperor s decree of March 21, au thorizing Crown Prince William to repre sent him in the transaction of State busi ness, is cow recognized as tantamount to the creation of a co-regency. Since the published decree, another exists' which; gives Crown Prince William fuller powers in the event of the Emperor suddenly grow ing worse. Both were obtained by Bis marck during his interviews with the Em peror at Cbarlottenburg. Ah incident of one interview is told by Bismarck himself, and is as follows: While talking to the Emperor, the pain from swollen veins in Bismarck's legs was so se vere that it made him cry out. The Em peror rose and lifted Bismarck's limbs into a couch and wrapped them around. Regarding tbe real state of the JSmperor 8 health, it is difficult to obtain authentic in formation. The bulletins issued are utterly unreliable. Of his private life what is known is that he is able to take a little daily exercise in the orangery and heated conservatory of Charlotte n burg, and that he receives family visits and listens to the reading of official reports. He does not move out of rooms that are beyond a cer tain temperature, and he cannot receive a public deputation, it being feared that any disturbance might precipitate a crisis . Dr. Mackenzie does not leave him more than half an hour at a time. The feeling against Dr. Mackenzie is abating. . I A medical consultation has been held regularly, and the condition of Prince William, who is suffering from otitis media purulent a disorder not dangerous in itself, but a symptom of general health has been advised, if the work of the Re gency permits, to take a tour in the spring of Scotland and Norway, Empress Victoria held a grand court re ception to-day, at which princesses, minis ters, diplomats, and all the members of the Bundesrath were present. During the week the Bourse has shown another improvement all along the line. Russian securities were especially fa vored, rising about three marks daily. DAKOTA. A Flood Sweeping Down on Bismarck. Bismarck, Dak., March 24. The ice in the river broke at Stevenson, eight miles above here, yesterday, and the river is out of its banks. Telephone messages bring information that the flood there is one of tbe greatest in the history of the oouctry. The water was turned loose by the break ing of a gorge about four hundred miles above here, and it is breaking tbe solid ice as it comes. ; Tbe flood . at midnight had reached a point near Coal Harbor, fifty miles above, and is coming at the rate of nine miles an hour. It is believed by those who have made the river a study, that I a gorge will form near Washburn, forty miles north, which will delay the flood at this point for at least a day. There Still exists an immense gorge at Poplar river, and this is holding back a vast amount of water which must come within the next week. The river' has risen three feet, and the ice is raised in the middle of the stream by the pressure. Everything at the river landing here is in readiness for a flood, and the railroad men and river men are preparing for the worst. The cold weather of last week has solidified the ice, and if it gorges, as in all probability it will at Siblev Island, the flood south of here will be as great as has ever been known. It is believed that the thrilling experiences of last year in rescuing people from the low lands will not be repeated, as the settlers have had ample warning and nearly all are out of danger. ; At Stevenson, where the flood was at its height yesterday, the river leaped its banks with terrific force, submerging the entire lowlands near the banks so suddenly that there was no time for the removal of pro perty. Immense piles of wood cut for the use of boats have been swept away. The Indians have been driven to the hills and other settlers are wild with confusion. If the gorge does not form at Washburn the flood will reach this point this morning, There is no danger here, as the city is one hundred feet above high water mark. - Rev. J. W. Pratt, one of the best known ministers of the Southern : Presbyterian Church, and at one time president of the Central University, died at his residence in Louisville, yesterday. -! . f Lenoir Topw. The injury to the Methodist Church by the storm of wind' last week was much more serious than at first considered. It will cost about $200 for repairs.1 '- i Pittsboro Home: ' Mr. J. B. Al-.. bright came to a serious accident of ar Ore . Hill a few days ago. The horeo .ho was " riding stumbled, fell and broke H neck, and injured Mr. Albright seriously, if not : fatally. . . 1 Goldsboro Argus: i The Wil- -mington Star bas been exceedingly rener ous ' and happy in its laudations' of l he Rev. Mr. Pearson, who ia now holding a series of Union Meetings in that city. The highway robbers, Joe Doricu and Sea- : berry Sasser, colored, weic convicted of ' the offense in the Superior Court in this city yesterday and sentenced to ten years ' each in the penitentiary. Thev have both served terms of imprisonment in the peni tentiary before, j I Greensboro Workman: A se- j vera storm passed over this section of the country Wednesday morning. 'We learn " that the roof of the Por Home, which is situated about three miles from t tie city, . was blown off, causing great damage t J the ' plastering. At Kernersville 1 the tobacco factory of Messrs. Beard & Roberts was unroofed and other damage dono. We also learn that some of the slato oa the roof of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wins ston was blown off. j ) Wilson Mirror .-Johnny "says ' the figure 9 is like a peacock because it it nothing without its tail. - Rev. W. J. Fulford, of Snow Hill, bas resigned his . charge in the county of Greene, and accep ted a call to four churches in ' the South Yadkin Association. ' At a meeting on Friday of the Local Board of Managers ' for the Wilson Normal School, Prof. Silas jWarren of the Wilson Collegiate Iustitute was elected Superintendent, and Prof. Mc I ver, of the Peace Institute,; was tlected Principal. ; . j Raleigh News-Observer . Died on the morning of the 4th inat , at 1 o'clock -a. m , i William B. Carter, at Hibcrnia, bis country residence, in Stokes county, in the, . 74th year of his age.-T- The Eiypt Coal Company perfected, Iheir organization yesterday by electing the following officers : President and Treasurer,! Samuel A Hens zey; Vice President, A. H. Leftwich; Sec retaryj Daniel W. Slack: Directors: Samuel A. Henszsy, A. H. Lsflwich, Peter M. Wiisoa, Samuel I. Wright,- Alex ander Knight Kinston Free Drees: The pro bable sale, we spoke of last week, of the Seven Springs hotel to a Kinston syndicate is now almost a certainty. Mrs. Mary M. Brooks, of Pitt couuly, i was taken to the insane asylum at Raleigh Tuesday. She took the cars from this point, in the charge ot three men from that county. Her in sanity was caused, we are told, by religious excitement. On Friday night last a negro boy and girl, ages about 13 or 14, met on the street, had a few cross words, then fell into fighiing like tigers. The boy cut the girl in one or two places with his knife. It was thought Monday the girl would die from her wounds. , - .Raleigh Advocate: The Metho dist Sunday School Conference of the Fay etteville District will be held at Jonesboro, N. C.j, on the 18th, 19th and 20lh of May next, embracidg the 3rd Sunday. An -attractive programme of addresses, songs and entertainments will be arranged for the oo casion. Rev. J. M. Pool's health has failed and he has been compelled to sur render the pastorate of Antioch Mission. We regret that this is soi ' Rev. J. R. Brooks, the Presiding Elder! of the Shelby District, has appointed Rev. V, G. Rollins preacher in charge ot the mission, j It is known to most of our readers that Edenton St. Methodist church, of this City, was completed last year at a cost of nearly $37,000. Henderson Gold Leaf: smoking tobacco factory is one of the new enterprises soon to be started in Hender son. On Wednesday, March i 7th, 1888, at the home of Mr. Thos. W. Hicks, near WillianiBboro, Miss Jane Hicks died in the 100th year of her ge. Deceased was born in Granville county on the 4th of July, 1788. Making her at tbe time of her death 99 years, 8 months and 3 days old. - Kev. Alex. Bprunt, the pastor ot the Presbyterian church, bas completed) the third year of his ministerial labors in Hen derson, and took occasion last Sunday ' morning to speak upon the subject, and as is customary to lay before his congregation a report of his work during that time.; He has preached 417 sermons in the three years, I (loo Sabbaths) and : delivered 85 prayer meeting lectures 07 pcrsoBs have been admitted to membership, in the church. j I Raleigh News-Observer: tfp to last night 150 delegates had reported j their intention of. attending tbe Sunday School Convention. The Granville Grays will join, the Governor's Guard in the memorial exercises in this city on the 10th of May. Other companies bave also; been invited and will probably accept. Some time ago the News-Observer spoke of a French company which proposed to en gage in the manufacture of fine cbmaware iu this State. Many samples of the: best kaoline, from various counties, were sect from the State museum, and the quality was so promising that representatives of the manufacturers visited the State for the purpose of looking - over the ground and examining its properties. They have lately applied for and received samples of other materials used in the manufacture of por celain, which are found abundantly in our State: f ' ! L-MouroeJ?nquirer-Mcpre88: Emp ty wagons are coming into town from every section but they go out loaded; with guano. Within the last two months Mr. A. O. Johnson has shipped from this place more than 3.000 dozen eggs. "Fool ing with an unloaded pistol": has brought another man to his death. Joe Richardson and Frank Henry, two colored boys," were laborers on Messrs. Boyd, Stewart fc Thurston's Contract on the new railroad. On Monday of last week Frank Henry polled out his ready self-cocker and began snapping . it at Richardson. Richardson gave back some distance but finally drew hia shooting iron and pulled down on Frank, the ball striking him in the thigh and producing a mortal wound. He was removed to Monroe by some of his friends and died on Monday. The sequel proves that Frank's pistol was unloaded and that he was only in fun, but Richardson didn't know it. Richardson has fled. j - ! Charlotte Chronicle: The dwell ing house on the Charlotte & Concord road occupied by Doc Sloop, was totally de stroyed by fire yesterday morning. A body of very rich gold ore was struck a day or two ago in the 850 foot shaft at the Ru disill mine, located in tbe western suburbs of the city. The ore will assay $180 per ton. The vein is broad. It has been understood here for some time that the offi cials of the 8C's railroad company desire to build a branch line of their road from Lan caster to Charlotte, and they will do so, if at all encouraged. The contract for building the new Steel Creek Church, has been awarded to Mr. H. J. Norris, of Steel Creek. The contract was awarded Monday last. The new ehurch is to be of brick and will be a handsome and commodious build ing. It is reported that a man, name un known, was killed on the Mc Aden villo Air . Line Railroad, which runs from Lowell's station to Mc Aden's ferry, a freight car . running over him, it being the first acci dent on that road. I Asheville Citizen: .About one thousand people witnessed the baptising ceremonies by . Elder Rumley (col.) at the French Broad Sunday afternoon. A difficulty occurred on Little Ivey. near Rays P. O. in Madison county, list Friday between John Norton andTP J. Murray, in which the latter sustained several severe cuts and bruises. A prominent citi zen from the county told us that it was a fact that half of tbe peach crop in the . county had been killed by the recent cold weather. In the two suits instituted by J. R. Jones against the Western North Carolina Railroad for damages caused by trains running through his land, and tried in the Superior Court yesterday, the jury awarded him one hundred and fifty dollars in each case. Yesterday evening about four o'clock Solicitor Moody arose in court and prayed tbe judgement of the court upon Myra Conley, convicted of the manslaughter of Samuel Sumner in Dccsm berlaat. The counsel for the prisonor In terposed no motions for new trial or arrest of judgment, and Judge McRae, amid si lence which reigned in the court room, sen tenced the prisoner to confinement in the penitentiary at hard labor for ten years, . : .i ! I M l I- - ft ) ' Si I .11 fcuo ii orm are toe im by any other name. i I the same date last year,

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