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We saw him in 1837 for tue Strst; Ld only time. He was then a neb, if ted, accomplished young mp.j Llv a few days ago his life ebbed 'oiit. He waa not a politician, al thmich once in the Lecialature. or a T ii 1 - 1 lawyer. He never was .prominent in the public eye. He was known to biit very few outside of the Bection ofj the State in which he passed his long life. He was an editor at j one tirai1, but that is not much in North Carolina. He was a scholar, a man of science, a man of originality. He was erratic, perhaps and he bad many novel views. By the ignoranti and the commonplace be would have been regarded perhaps as a crank, or oroe. And yet be was a gentleman, rain of rare mental f endowment, 11 1 1 - an J a man of extensive cultivation sua read id 2. Such is the impression we have received through the years from his occasional contributions to the pres., ad from what we have heard and read concerning bim. That he was nobly endowed intellectual ly we eugpoee there can be no doubt, but he may not have been well pois- d or have poesepsed that sanity that elongs to the plodder as well as to the man of the highest genius to tshaWpeare for instance, j j j Vh' u we 8a w his death announced a f.:w days since we were reminded of the fact that so many strong men, ho miuy oi eu of high parts live and die without fame, or without being kuown to the people of the State or taction in which ' they were born and lived ami died. Ho doubt many "mute, inglorious Miltons" die and' the world takes no knowledge of tbem. Sang the poet Gray, in his well known lines: 1 ' Full many a gem of purest ray serene ine dark unfathomfd caves of ocean bear. - , - , Full maoy a flower is born to blush nnseen At.d waste its sweetness on the desert ir" j- I I- 1 here is an aphorism of that astute Cramer of wise saws, La Rochefou cauld, that contains a truth. He says that "nature creates merit, and for tune brings it into play." There is many a quiet citizen about whom not much is said or heard, and. who has never sought popnlar applause or newspaper notoriety, who has ' more solid ability, more profound acquisi tion, more real merit than a half dozen of these noisyj frothy dema gogues who are. forever dinning the ears of the crowd and' whose praises are sung ad nauseam by a plastic press. : - .. j " ' "; .- j We were interested in a sketch of Mr. Proctor in the Elizabeth City Carolinian. It is evidently written by a kind hand,and by one who knew whereof he wrote, of him: The writer says "T wo oi his maternal relatives were mem bers or Congress. He received a collegiate eauciuon ana stuaiea medicine. He never practiced his profession, but followed the nslural trend of bis mind and' devoted his life to literary pursuite. Mr. Proctor had a very peculiar miod. He was a great reader and was belter versed in scientific subjects than any one in this State. His memory was retentive and his erudition as tonishing. Having an ample fortune, he gave but little attention to business, but lived among his books. He was in the world but not of the world. Thebrevitv and the uncertainty of human life were so comnassed noon bim. that he cared verv little for it Astronomy and theology were ms ravonte studies, lie aiviaea nis atten tion between the stars and that 'undiscov ered country' which lies beyond the stars. He was not orthodox in views upon the subject of -religion, nor indeed upon any other sublect. He did not think as other men. Pessessed of both genim and learn ing he did not know how to adapt himself to his environment, nor did he desire to do so. He walked the earth and looked into the heavens." The writer of the above adds that i he "was sincere, truthful, law-abid-' igt eenerouB." - These are noble qualities and adorn greatly any char acter that possesses them. Ha was a gentleman in the true sense, and although his life was a great failure, in that be accomplished nothing practical for the good of bis race, and we suppose rejected the Son of God, he was nevertheless ; a man of distinguished , mark, 1 and deserves this recognition, He was proba bly 74 years old or more at bis death. f ' i 21-- 1 8888888888888888 31--' T 88888888888883888 aj , t , - I 5 v j- ... . !: 3s : : : s s : : : : s s : : I " II . ! I j l""","0,D'-i,sasas8S8 VOL. XIX. TUB EFFRONTERY OF VENALITY If a person of fair sense could be aurpised at , any thing that John Sherman might do or say it would be eioited when reading his .- cool pre-- tenoe of the honest election of Ruth- i ... - , erf ord Hayes, who was installed ; by fraud and through the oonnivance of this very fellow Sherman and other rascals i of the same vile kidnev. Sherman will hold in contempt ever Hereafter all men who shall dare to assert that Hayes was not elected fairly. He will have to exercise his gift for contempt very vigorously me remainder 01 nis lite, mere is not a Democrat in the United States, and scarely an honest Republican, who does not believe that Samuel J. Tilden was deprived . of the . high office to whioh he bad been elected, by the most shameful falsehoods and frauds. The country long ago came onerman or any man ot tar more oharaoter can ever change that oon- viotion. The .infamous rape of Louisiana and Florida is a ein and crime never yet condoned for, and the dirty scamps engaged in it de serve richly twenty years in the pen itentiary if not the halter, j The : greatest of Republicans, Rosooe Conkling, now lying ready for the " tomb, had grave ; doubts if not positive convictions, that the at tempt to count tiayea in was a wrong and a fraud. To the credit of the Republicans it may be said that there are tens of thousands of them who do not believe in their souls that Hayes was legally elected or was ever legally President. If Sherman should be the nominee of the Republican party, his infamous record will be thoroughly exposed. The Louisiana rape is not all there is against him. He is a man of low morale oi a low sense of integrity, We are glad the able and ready Senator Vest replied to Sherman. It was effective as far as it went, but he handled the venal Ohio dema gogue too gingerly. He deserves no mercy at the hands of any Demo crat, and the South has the best of reasons for remembering him with unmitigated contempt, as it has for remembering his brother with un mingled hatred, henceforth. The two Shermans are treacherous and corrupt men. The politician Is scarred with corruption. The sol dier conducted war in the full blaze of the nineteenth century as the Goths and Vandals did fifteen hun dred years ago, and then lied about it and kept on lying. PETITIONS) INTRODUCED BY MR. ROWLAND. From the Cdnorestional Record of the 11th we see that a petition was introduced by Mr. Rowland in the House, by request of the citizens of Charlotte, praying for a law to establish a system of telegraphy, to be owned and controlled by the Govern ment of the United States, and operated in connection with the Posloffice Department. On the 14th Mr. Rowland introduced a pe tition signed by thirty-seven citizens of Mecklenburg county, praying for the enact ment of a law providing temporary aid ior common schools, to be oistriDuteo on ue basis of illiteracy. Charlotte Chronicle. I i ' -1 We regret to see such a movement in benali ot centralization, it is a dangerous move to inorease the power f the General Government. It has now control of the mails, which ought never to have been the case; it has the army and navy; give it control of the telegraph and the next move I will be to petition for Government control of railroads, and 'then we have a Government fast gravitating in the direction of the Russian, which is personal and des potic With control of the railroads, mails and telegraphs of the country and another Grant in the Presidential Chair, and farewell j to a Republic. The Stab has fought and ; will con tinue to fight all strong government tendencies. The worst enemies of a free, constitutional Government are those who favor the curtailing of the prerogatives of States and the power of the people, and the gradual strengthening of the Federal Govern ment. While the United States Su preme Court, a Republican body, is making decision after decision in behalf of the rights of the States and local self government or home rule, North Carolinians are asking Con gress that it shall stretch its powers and get "control of the telegraphic system of our vast country. There are many objections to the. scheme asked for by the petitioners, The extravagance of such an enter prise would rival the plundering Pension sohemes of the Northern Radical's. There would be no sur plus, 4ut an enormous increase of taxation. Then the farmers and la boring classes generally do not use the telegraph, or but few of ! them. Are they to be burdened farther for a small number of people mostly well to do, who mainly patronize the tele- graph? The Augusta Chronicle in a well considered article, says of this scheme of having the United States Government embarking in the teles graphic business; "Qf the sixty million people in this coun try less than one million patronize the tele-, graph. The fanners, the professions, the shop keepers, the mechanics and tha labor ing people generally should not be taxed for the benefit of the few. More than 80 per cent, of the revenues of the telegraph i .... s " t - v . :- - .... ' . - L , 11 .- 'I - 11 1 1 i" nrwnr rn n -rwn Tt ia derived, from speculative and commercial I uiBBSBKea, me greater part being from the former. The buying and selling of futures in cotton, stocks, grain and provisions, and all DUSineM ftf & .noonlpflvn , nr aruvrttno character. conatitntB tha main lAnnm (mm wmcu tne revenues of telegraph companies arederlved. About five per cent is de rived from family and social messages, and ouuu us percent, rrom the news service." With Government s control and ownership there would be added to the alreadv 115.000 office-holdflra probably; 40,000 "more. Let us not regard with favor any ; suoh wild. undemocratic, uarepublican. scheme as that, asked for. It is loaded with nitroglycerine. It will increase very greatlyj taxation, and it will add largely! to the army of office-holders vf ho live off - the people. But it is more than this. There is no certain ty it would work well as a financial scheme. " The Chronicle says: S "la EuroDe. the sovernmenU control thn telegraph lines, not for commercial but for jreiiucal reasons. The. deficit ia Great jKiwuuafrf me was Marly a 3,400,000. la uHcauyseiuea, country, in the United States, with the telegraph in the hands of the government, the deficit would not fail short of $10,000,000-a year with the pre sent mileage of wire and number of onlceB." - - - - . . ... ; .If ; we had a; ' (jfovernment tele graphy system it would soon pass under .j. the control of demagogues wno wouia use it for - political ends. just as Jay Gould attempted to use uio iiue iu tne Hfiw xorsr ninnrinn nr I 1884. That example ought to be enough to banish forever the idea of giving the - Government control of the wires. It would prove a terrible engine in the hands of a oorrupt Government: : Beware of it. The scheme is almost sure to come up in some shape before the present Congress, n No j Democrat - should think of supporting it. How would it have been in 1876 if there had been a Government telegraph? Grant was willing to use the army to install Hayes .and arrest Congress. Here is what the New York 7H.rn.fi.it. the ablest of Republican papers, says of it: -:- -;" "Does anybody' doubt that if the Gov ernment bad had control of the telegraph system at the time when the Presidency was at stake in the contest between Tilden and Hayes does anybody doubt that Zack and Bill Chandler i and their crew would have saved themselves the expense of pur chasing the alleged "cypher dispatches" and simply gone to the files of the telegraph omcesT (Jan anvnooy Question that it rould have given the Republican leaders an even more overwhelming advantage than they already possessed In that great contro versy" ..' . .". .;--.' Let Democrats at home and Dem ocrats in the Congress think of these things, ji That the Government has had control from the Btart of the mails is no reason why it should have control of the telegraph and railroads and I steamboat lines. The Times pertinently says: "It would be the longest step toward centralized government, and towards sub jecting the business and private affairs of individuals to government inquisition and interference, that has been taken since the Constitution was framed and adopted. "The fact that the Government conducts the postal service of the country is in real ity so argument at all in favor of its con ducting the telegraph service. .Letters are sent sealed, and the officials who handle them cannot, without violation of law, be come in any manner aware of their con tents or purport. On the other hand, with the telegraph system under its control, the Government omciais would . have the op portunity at least to become acquainted with every detail of the private business of individuals, firms ; and corporations; with the secrets of political parties and political leaders: and with all the avenues and sour ces of information from which the press of tne country derives its news." The other petition to become a pensioner upon xederal bounty for school teaching is only another form of the objectionable and unconstitu tional features of the dead Blair bill. Congress has no right to make any such appropriation. If it had the right the exercise of this power would be simply injnrious to the people and would break down their self-respect, self-reliance and spirit of eelf-sacrifice. The beBt thing to be done with all such petitions is to throw them in the fire.? The sick Kaiser is said to suffer horribly. He told his chaplain not to pray for .his recovery, but for his release. With undying energy he still transacts business of State. I. . Vessel Wrecked. The Austrian brig Vat from Kings ton, Jamaica, to Trieste via Savan nah, 6a., came ashore on the beach between New Inlet and Masonboro last Friday. The crew landed safely. The master of the brig.CaptCapponi, came Jip to the city Friday night and sent a cable message to the owners. He returned at once to the scene of the wreck; and I was engaged all of yesterday in trying to save some of the cargo, succeeding in getting sev enteen bags of pimento and the olotning and . effects : of tne crew ashore. The vessel, he says, will prove a total loss, but perhaps a con siderable portion of the cargo. may be saved. The Fa is a brig of mamt vuuof niuu uctrgu ui iugnwu,iuiu ooo .:iv. 1 -nA coffee and spices. She. put in at Savannah,1 6a., February 3rd last, in distress, and after repairing sailed on the 15th of the present month. Capt. Capponi says that soon after leaving Savannah the vessel sprung a leak and became unmanageable, and was driven ashore. Yesterday afternoon, CoL Jno. W. Atkinson agent of the Board of Un derwriters, received a cable message from Genoa, Italy, asking him to pro tect the underwriters, the vessel and cargo, being insuep. in Genoa. , - Capt. John Hewlett died yes terday at the residence of .his son Mr. Elijah Hewlett, on : Masonboro Sound, aged 82- years. -His; funeral takes place at Masonboro to-day. WILMINGTON, N; C.; :!PRIDAY; APJRIL 27 1 1888. The Superior Court for this" county f finished the business of the term and adjourned vesterdav. The followiiiir cases were disDOsed of: "1:: Henderson Davis vs mington.-. Continued, owing-; to sick-1 ness of a witness for theplaittiir. ''-' , : .- r T---. I Julia M. xiarj V8 .. woairey pan. .Continued for defendant. , , i Adrian & Vollers vs. McCaskill and McQueen. ; ; Continued. V. . Stewart' Bottle-rstopper Company I . , - Ii ' vs. A. P. Lucas. Verdict of 1251.28 in favor of the plaintiff. 1: 1 A. C. Wessellys. Ben Wilson. "Re manded to Clerk to make sale of personal property and distribute' be tween plaintiff and defendant accord ing to the 4 respective interests ' in volved.: : '".r:-:V" - ' i E. S. Jaffray & Co. vs. Sol. Bear, S. H. Manninsr, et al. Nonsuit. . R. D. Jewett,administrator de bonis non of estate of Stephen TJ ewett, vs. W. & W. R. R. Co. Nonsuit. Jerry & Co.' vs. J.' A. . Springer and -F.,M.:.Kln3.;...Jadgmen.for"plajAtiff in the sum of $1,737.79 and costs. John, Dawson ys. Virgil Hill and wife. . Action abated. " ' f ;- Sally Sampson vs. Wm. Sampson. Divorce granted. - - R. H. Berry vb. j J. C. Herring et al. R. H. . McKoy appointed referee ti state account. M Abram David vs i J. i A. Wepcott. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of W.; C. & A. R. R. Co. ' vs. Kenneth Hayne et al. Nonsuit. I Jno. Taylor and wife Dora vs. Sea board & Roanoke R. R. Co. Judg ment for plaintiff in the sum of $700 with costs. 1 .i J Navassa Guano Co. vs. js. F. Norris. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $1,830.98. ; j First National Bank vs. Ceorge M. Crapon etaL Judgment for plain tiff in the sum of $2,842.75. : Jno. E. JLippitt & Co. by T. C. Mcllhenny, administrator, vs. C. C. Walker. Judgment for defendant.. Adrian & Vollers vs. W. C. Patter son. Judgment for plaintiff mine sum of $719.34. i ' Elizabeth Wilson vsj A. McQueen and W. McQueen. Ordered, that William McQueen's name be inserted in place of the name of Wallace McQueen. ; -. . " First National! Bank vs. Y. C. Allen. Action dismissed at the cost of plaintiff. . I I First National Bank vs. J. R. Dunn. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $753.84. j J. L. Wescott vs. J. M. Burriss etal. Judgment for foreclosure of mortgage. i j 6. W. Grafflin vs. Grace Stanford. Judgment for possession. O. H. Allen, Esq., Solicitor of the Superior Court, made j his customary report to the Judge presiding, which was Approved. The Solicitor said that he found that the books in the Clerk's office bad been kept accord ing to law. He said that as there is no grand jury in this Court he had no means of ascertaining whether there are orphans in this county without guardians, and ' with a view of getting information upon -this subject he had requested Mr. Van Amringe, the clerk, to make a report of all funds in his hands, which had been done, and he (the Solicitor) recommended that the same be spread upon the minutes. The Clerk reports the amount of $852.75 deposited in the Bank of New Hanover, drawing 4 j per cent, inter est belonging to the Cassiday estate. I Also, the amount of $245.82 turned over in the matter of Lincoln Brown vs. Rufus Lane; and held, not being certain that all of. the heirs have been made parties. Also, the amount of $223 belonging to the estate of De lia Gavey et al and held for the same reason. . ' j The amount of $62 belonging to Florence Joslin, a minor. Also, $42.01 belonging to F. A. Knowles, a minor. Also, $40.20 twenty dollars of ; which belongs to Ella T. Bishop and $20 to Jno. A Knowles. Also, $186.75 for Frank A. Knowles, a minor. The amount of $44 55 turned over by the administrator of the estate of Miss Maggie MaLieod ana Deionging to Mr. Horace .Burr, represented to be non compos mentis and in the asy- lum at the North. The c, F. & Y, v. Survey- Trie surveyors for the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad are camped about two ! miles and a half from the city on the west; side or JMortneast river. The survey is a preliminary one, under the direction of Maj,R.P.Atkin son, chief engineer, with Mr.H.L. Foy in charge of the party. They started from Fayetteville March 20th, crossed the Cape Fear river at that place, and made their survey through portions of Cumberland, Sampson, Pender and New Hanover, reaching Wilmington on April 20th, the distance l being about eighty-five miles. They found the country pretty level and think grading will be easily accomplished. The line crosses South river at "Aud rey's Bridge, and Black river at Beatty's Bridge. I The party will be engaged here se v eral days in making preliminary sur veys around the city to ascertain the most accessible point for an entrance. After they ' are through with this work the party J will start on this re turn and run another line to Fayette ville, which it j is thought will ' be found shorter than the one just com pleted. Tbe Cotton movement. "' "''.' The total receipts of cotton at this port since September 1st, 1887, are 166,555 bales, as against' 132,927 bales for ; the corresponding period .last year an increase of 83,628 bales. The receipts for the1 week closed yester day are 46 bales, against 91 received the same week last year. tn H The stock at this port is 8,678 bales, against 2.216 at the same time last year. . j ' : -1 - ! The State Convention of the Young men's -Christian Association met in Charlotte Testrlftv A ryt.Jai Hafr I tire delektea Present, m tkrtid in I rayettevtile-ReA L'Phillips,W S 1 fryor, w a M&Iloy. - .' f - . G-aston1& .T n Twia . TT P. Anllanf I j c Carrv. E P GHenn. J Holland. C E Adams, J D Moore. - f -. - Orovev-Preston Sreen. r-'T f u KinstonW FXjewis. f j 1 , , Lineolnton-jB W. Ward, J P Pox. i LaurlnbiiKP-iJ"D-Bnndy.JR B HilL . Monroe-O O Curlee, C Laney.W J MoCaoley, W Biiouston.; 7 -t j f. maxton William JilacK. . . NewtonJ C Leonard. . " 1 ' Newborn A M Baker, CL Gaskill. i Oxford-rrB KHays. ; " Oak Ridge-JS Williams, IT- M Johnston. W L Spence. , . U r; xtaieigh j osephns ? Daniels! JBl ii Harris, V7 H ' Wetmore,' R T Wyche, Rev R H Whitaker,. E Waughan, H 6 Coyte, . D S. Hudgins.' F. H i Argo, J W Cooper, H ' W Jackson, W . R .Bureh.' ( ' ' "!.; i -i.iti-, ! t v' ! - Soserman's W 6 Newall, S J Best. Statesville A i D Cowens.1 RiH Richer, Geo Woodward, W & Lewis and A M WithersDoon. rA ' -! 4 4 . . ITrinity College 6 T Adams,0s C Roper, Rev J F CrowelL . a Morganton J G Bvnum. E F Reed. Wm MoGalliard, Phifer Erwin, Wm koss, K r liritton, J 1 Avery, ana T 6 Cobb Lenoir W Scott. . Gilbo, Burke Co. C T Walker, D B iarriRon. s m asdutv. ; Tarboro L Weddell. J B Porter, J B Kuck, W A Hart, 6 B Wright. Mooresviue -r a nau. i Huntersville J s A Brown,' Choat, RWSossaman. - Wilmington F. L Hoggins, Nutt, GC Worth. - Shelby-J E Gidney. " Henderson Rev A Sprunt, Young, J H Goodrich. Salisbury J F McCubbins, Foust. W H Reisner. i J L John I J R J H Winston -Vernon Long and A R Wright. .-. 6oldsboro J B Whitaker, J Y Joy ner and H Y Moore. f Reidsville Wm Lindsev. ifr. Clans Olandt, A T Jamison, and E W Wat- Binsrham School--W S Hoggins, H D Martin, J T Henderson, WB Hen derson. Ti W Binerham. - - i ; Davidson College Prof H L Smith, C G Vardell, J K Smith, H W Smith, D N McLansrhlin. J A McArthur. Jr. Durham J H Southgate, W G Burk head, R M Bregis, H G Griffin E J Par ish, L G Cole, R?v H T DarnalL C P Sellers, Prof W H Reinhart, Leo D Heartt, S WHolman. ! . - ChaDel HUl Gaston Hill, Gaston Battle, Hugh T Miller, A H Patterson, G S Willis, W M Coles, L L Little, H D Harris, Dr Thos Hume, S B Weeks. Altogether one hundred and thirty- three delegates had reported.; The Convention met yesterday afternoon in the new building of the Charlotte Association, ': holding a night session in. the First Presbyterian Church. Capt. A. G. Brenizer, ; who was presi dent of the Convention held at Ral- eigh last year, it was announced, would open the Convention. fw bo Stole That Ham f William Brown and Betty Toomer, both colored, were arrested, yesterday and locked up on the charge of steal ing a ham from the grocery store of Mr. J. L. Croom, corner of Princess and North Water streets.! The ham was found in the old woman's basket but she denied all knowledge of it, "Aunt Betty," as she is called, sells "pies and things" at the entrance to the Custom House, and yesterday af ternoon after the "close of business" dropped in at Mr. Croom's store as is her usual custom to have a few min utes' chat with her friend and neigh bor William Brown, who is employed in the store. She set down her bas ket of "pies and things'Vat least what was left of them after a dull day's business and Brown, while his employer's back was turned, took down a ham and placed it in the bas ket, carefully covering it np with a piece of bagging. A few minutes thereafter "Aunt Betty," having made a few small . purcnases, piacea ine basket on her head and started np town. In the meantime another of the employes in the store who had witnessed the proceedings mentioned above, informed the proprietor, and an officer was sent for; and the old woman overhauled as she was slowly trudging np town. j At police headquarters Brown ad mitted the theft and tried to shield the woman; but both were locked up to await a hearing before the Mayor this morning. Tbe Iiate nira. Wllaon. A correspondent at Augusta, Ga. writes: I "The Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Wilson passed through Augusta Wednesday morning with the remains of his wife. who died Sunday evening in Clarkes- ville, Tenn., where Dr. Wilson is a Professor in the Presbyterian Theo logical Seminary. The lunerai wiu take place in Columbia, S. C. : Mrs. Wilson was a sister of the Rev. Dr. James Woodxow, ' the well-known anostle of evolution, and was greatly esteemed in Augusta, where her hus band was pastor of the First Presby terian Church for thirteen years. The Doctor was met by sympathetic friends on his wav to Columbia, and when the news was known in Augusta general regret and condolence were expressed. Mrs. Wilson had been in delicate health the past winter, but death was quite sudden." Naval 8treat. The movement in naval stores since the beginning of the crop year April .1st shows a falling off in receipts of all products as compared with! last year. A result, it is said, of tke un usually backward spring. The receipts of spirits turpentine for this season at Wilmington up to the close yesterday, were 1,454 casks, against receipts of 1.998 to the corres ponding time last year; rosin 13,068 barrels, against 15.789 last year; tar 4,018 barrels, against 5,005 last year; crude turpentine 615 barrels, against iw last year. Foreign Exports. Messrs. S. & W. . H. Northrop shipped yesterday to Port "dn IPaix, Hayti, per brig George E. Dale, 143,527 feet of lumber and. 800,000 shingles, valued at $3,630.50, !. Mr. Edward Kidder's Son shipped per schooner J. ldinet to Port Spain, Trinidadv417lD30 feet ot lumber, valued at $2,989.53. - A new poetofnoe has been es tablished In Wilson county ; on the line of the Wilson and D'ayetteviiie railroad, named Boyett. Mr. Nathan Boyett is postmaster. WASnilfQlON. Ituilhbuthi of Navr Bona PurcbaaM. . WiJJHnseToir. April i.-The comphca- Pressure is now 'being ' brought upon the secretary to anow wm to resign from the Nm. and the Secretary has virtnullv mn. sented to that course as the beat solution of the matter. Secretary Fatrchild said to-day that the treatment of offers - (or the " Bale, of bonds sext week- under terms of -the -circular of the 17th inst., will be the same as last year, except that the names of those offering bonds will be-suppressed, - This will be done, i be i said. ' because many bondholders do not caie to hare the fact of their willingness to part with .their bonds made known to the public He said It. waa easyo see how auch information might be used against a business man, and he had therefore decided to treat the names in each case as confidential J ' Wa8Hihqtoh. April 19 A' caucus of Democratic Senators was held this morning to near senator Morgan upon the nshery treaty. . It was pot very well attended. benator Morean discussed for half an hour the treaty in its political and economic bearings, and the action upon it of the Committee on Foreign '. Relations. - The question of considering it in open session came up. and it was decided adversely bv a small majority. : - . "" Washthgtoh. April 20. The Metro politan Club House, corner of 17th and H streets, was damaged by fire and water this morning to the - amount of $10,000 to $15,000; fully insured. The fire origina ted from- an overheated, range in the kitchen at the top of the building. Washington. April 20 To-day was tke 100th day of the present session. The total number of bills and resolutions intro duced in the Senate and House, up to this date, is 12.568. exceeding by more than 2.000 the number presented in the first one hundred days of the last Congress. bo far the House has 'passed 425 and the Senate 831 bills; and 185 House bills and 24 Senate bills have been sent to the President for his approval. . .- M119 1STER PEnDLETON Stricken wltb Apoplexy Ho Fatal Re suit Feared. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Bkblin, April 20. Mr. Pendleton, the American Minister, while travelling to Frankfort, waa Btricken with apoplexy. He was taken- to a hospital t Wiesbaden, where' he now lies. Nbw Yoke, April 20. Minister Pendle ton's son, Francis K. Pendleton, who is practising law ,in this city, has received a cable dispatch from wiesoaoen, inform ing him. that while his father sustained a slight apoplectic stroke his condition has not at any time been considered dangerous, nor is danger feared now. This morning he was again reaassured by cable dis patches, both from Wiesbaden and Berlin. The Secretary of Legation at Berlin cables: 'Continued improvement; dancer is not feared; your father telegraphed me himself to-day." i Minister Pendleton went to Wiesbaden to visit some .friends a few days ago. His daughter has been stopping with him in Berlin, but is absent visiting friends in Italy. Minister Pendleton's son does not consider his father's condition at all serious. Wibsb iden, April20. The condition of Mr. renaieton has considerably im proved since his admission to the hospital. The paralysis of his side is pronounced to be slight. A ' complete! recovery is ex pected. Berlin. April 551. Lister iniormation concerning sax. renaieton a attacK oi paralysis, Bays that ne was stricKen witn the disease at the Nassauerhof. Dr Franz Hoffmann waa summoned to attend him and pronounced the attack not serlouB Mr. Pendleton a left arm and left leg only are affected, and they slightly. He -either retained consciousness and the power of speech, or regained them speedily after the attack. He is now in the hospital under the care of Dr. Elenz. The proprietor of the Nassauerhof, Herr Goetz, is paying everv attention to his wants A telegram has been received at the American Legation here from Mr. Pendle ton, announcing that be is much Detter Mr. F. V. C. Crosby, (second secretary, has assumed charge of the affairs of the Legation ad interim. FOREIGN. Eanperor Frederick Slowly Falling; Proceeding In tbe French cni bera Biota Between Stadenta and Boalangeiiata. By Cable to the Morning Star. Bxbuh, April 21. The Emperor's ap petite is failing, ills temperature through out the day has been over 89 degrees Vel sius. His breathing is hard and he has oc casional shivers. It is not expected that his lungs will remain long unaffected. The Emoeror recently wrote to the crown Prince on a piece of paper, "Learn to sur fer without complaining. That is the single thing I can teach thee." ! , This afternoon the jsmperor received the whole of the Imperial family. The Em press Augusta and Bismarck came in to his . . nr. A n hour. ; ' ; Paris. April 21. On the reassembling of the Chamber of Deputies to-day a com mittee was appointed to consider the ques tion of revising the constitution.; The committee consists of eleven members, four of whom oppobo revision, while two are in favor of an immediate revision, and five desire revision but are willing to accept the proposal of tbe Cabinet to postpone action upon ine question. (Copyright by the h. T. Associated Press.) j Bebxin, April 21. After a paroxysm of difficult breathing, preceding a discharge of pus this morning, the Emperor i wrote on a slip of paper, "How much longer of thin?" t For the first time since the final crisis set in ' the sufferer yesterday and to-day displayed signs of restless and irritable temper. Questioning tne uoings oi tne doctors and attendants, and giving and countermanding orders. His fever does not show signs of abating, his temperature for the day averaging lua.iu fanrenneu. The Question the Emperor put is in every body's mind, and attendants and doctors are assailed on every nana witn tne in quiry, "How much longer?" Physicians are studiously silent, but it is per mitted to be known that the Emperor's life may be prolonged for two weeks, though any moment may bring the last phase of the malady death by suffocation The jsmpress watcnes cioseiy at me jum- -. . i i . -n. peror's bedside. - .besides curtailing inter views with other members of the family. ahe will not permit any officials to have ac cess to the .Emperor unless ne especially oe aires It. - it . : ' To-dav the Emoeror was able to write a long note to Bismarck, which it is surmised . . . . .. . i ...... waa inteBOea ior presentation to mb minis terial Council, held this afternoon, over which the Crown Irrince presided. g In a long interview between the Crown Prince and his father and mother, Thurs day, the Emperor referred to the position of the .Empress after bis death. i Bismarck and . the - Empress appear to have become reconciled.and the Chancellor never - fails, after leaving the Jfimperor, to hold a long conversation with the Em- There' is a current report, which now obtains credence, mat iw couu . . - . cil of Ministers has already discussed: the terms of the proclamation to be issued by the coming l&mneror. . ine .dm press , a.u imata. the Grand Duke and the Duchess of EL . . . -m. n i m a Baden, and tne vuxe ana iucuuos ui oaxe- Meingen, came to the castle this afternoon and were permitted to see the Emperor for a short time. " I The North German Gazette to-night atatea that tha discharge of pus is some what diminished. . The Emperor's appetite Is not great, but he consumes a sufficient nnantitv of specially prepared food.! His brain remains clear and his capacity for business is not lessened. The Gazette pro ceeds to comment upon ; the. Emperor's NO. 25 courage; during his illness. The paper states that while conversing recently with the Crown Prince, through the medium of pencil and paper, he wrote: "Lsarn to suffer without complaining. That is all I can teach thee " The Gazette also recor d the Emperor's reply to Gen. Von Blumene that's letter, hoping for his speedy recovery: ' My Dear Blumenethal lean hardly bear it any longer." i Jrro lessors Lietden and Benator.on return ing to Berlin to-night reported that the patient was quieter. : v vjueen Victoria,, during her visit here, will pass all her time in the Charlottenburg Palace, except when she goes out to drive and to attend a reception which will be given in her honor by the Crown Prince in the Berlin residence. Her stay in Berlin is certain to be marked by popular abstention from any notice of her presence.. Papers which I predict mob demonstration against her are utterly out of tone with the temrer of the people. All classes, from the highest to the lowest, share this common feeling, that the English royalties have steered their way through the circumstances attendant upon the Emperor's illness with more re gard for personal gain than for German in terests. Thia impression Is supported by a consistent chain of facts. It has become a conviction since , it has been ascertained what is the nature of the settlement upon' the Empress, arranged during the current weeki Besides twelve million marks, the allowance as widow ? of the Emperor, the Empress acquires the right of succes sion to ..Empress Augusta's residence as fixed by the will of Emperor WiHiam This is a small matter per e, but taken in con junction with the baffled intrigues to over turn iiismarcK, gives the masses a settled sentiment of antipathy to both the Victo rias, i Still the people of Berlin are not the mob of Paris. Foreign papers are talking as if extraordinary police measures were ne cessary to protect the Queen against the people of Berlin, but they entirely mistake the habitual sell respect of the people, who are too self-restrained and well bred to show any disrespect to the Empress or her mother. Should any evil minded person attempt to insult the Queen during her visit to Benin, citizens would be apt to matte an example of him. - Pabib, April 21. There was a renewal of the conflicts between the students and Boulangerists to-night The police charged on the rioters and in ; the scuffle that en sued many persons were injured,, some se riously. The Boulangerists assembled at many points, intending to march to tbe Boulevard St. Michael. The police, how ever, dispersed them and prevented them from carrying out the idea. The ctty be came quiet after 11 o'clock. "OHIO. State Republican Convention No Nominations for 'State Office Dele gates to National Convention I (.Ev Telegraph to the Morning Star.) Dayton, April 19. The State Republi can Convention assembled here to-day. Daniel J. Byan was nominated for Secre tary of r3tate, J. P. Bradbury for Supreme Judge, Wells 8. Jones, of Jackson county, for member of the Board of Public Works; and - Gov. Foraker, Charles Foster, Benj. Butterworth and William McKinley, Jr., were elected delegates at large to Chicago. The resolutions adopted direct delegates to the National Convention to vote for Sherman. John 8. ' At wood, a colored man, who was placed in nomination for delegate to Chicago, received 213 votes, being the lowest in the list of five; Foraker having ' been previously chosen under a suspension of tbe rules. .The platform was adopted without amendment, and with applause, which was augmented by tho unveiling of the portrait of John Sherman', suspended over the-centre of the stage. At this point the Conven tion listened to several songs from glee clubs, the burden of which was (Sherman for President. i The platform reaffirms the platform of 1887, adopted at Toledo, and presents the following declarations additional: 1st Free and untrammeled suffrage lies at the foundation of the Republic, and its restoration by every constitutional means in the States, where it has been overthrown dr impaired, and its maintenance every where, is our settled and determined pur pose. We denounce the Democratic party for its nullification of tbe war amendments to the constitution.whereby the Republicans of the South are practically denied a voice In the government of the nation, and the power of the Democrats of that section is unlawfully augmented. We charge that the Democratic party ia now in the enjoy ment of power confessedly procured by the unlawful suppression or the franchise in Southern States. We affirm that the ac ceptance of the power thus secured, the apparent purpose of the party to continue the methods -mentioned, and its snameiess .defense of criminals who, in the States of Maine. Illinois, Indiana and Uhio, have sought to stifle the popular will by frauds and forgeries, justify us in charging mat it has practically become, in a national sense, an organized conspiracy against free trade and fair elections. In view of these facts, and believing that to deprive a legally qualified voter of his franchise or to impair puoiic connaence in me iairness oi tne countjis to weaken and to ultimately de stroy free institutions, we call upon the pa triotic citizens of Uhio to reouae me party responsible for these crimes against suf frage, and we demand oi congress mat in the exercise of its constitutional authority it enact such laws as will insure freedom and fairness in elections of Representatives, to Congress. ! - : Una. we lavor sucn economic legisla tion as will protect all American indus tries that can ; be profitably pursued by American citizens. We Insist that our producers are entitled to the control of their own marxets to me extent oi ineir ability to supply them, and we denounce all efforts to open those markets to com petition with the cheap labor and abun dant capital oi foreign nauons,as nostue to the interests of labor and destructive to national and individual prosperty. We regard the last annual message of the Pres ident and the recent action oi the managers of the Ways and Means Committee, as a direct and open assault upon industries which will if unresisted result in introducing thepolicy of free trade, that in the near future will paralyze or destroy our own in dustries.reduce tbe compensation for labor, nd impoverish the nation. 3d. It is tbe duty of Congress to pass, and of the President to approve, a wide, just and comprehensive pension bill, giving relief to disabled veteran soldiers, and sub sistence to helpless widows and orphans of deceased . soldiers, without regard to the time when disability was incurred, or to the cause of death. . 4th. The people of Ohio unqualifiedly condemn the refusal of tbe Democratic ma jority ot the House of Representatives to permit tbe passage ot tne uirectiaxreiuna ing bill passed by the Republican Senate, which was a proposition to reiunn to the loyal States, without interest, money paid by them at tbe beginning of the war, to aid in suppressing the rebellion and to cancel the unpaid balance due from the rebel States upon said taxes; and we de nounce as treacherous and cowardly the surrender of Northern Democrats in Con gress to the small minority of ex-Confederates and their allies, and the abandonment of the bill, which, if passed, would con tribute nearly a million and a half dollars to the relief of the tax-payers of Ohio, i The fifth and sixth sections endorse Foraker'a administration and the action of the present State Legislature. The seventh section is as follows: The Republicans of Ohio recognize the merits, services and abilities of the statesmen who have been mentioned for the Republican nomination for the Presidency, and, loyal to any one who maybe selected, present John Sherman to the country as eminently qualified and fitted for the duties of that exalted-office; and "the delegates to the Republican National Convention, this day selected, are directed to use all honorable means to secure his nomination as Presi dent of the United States, i - The steamer J. M. Woodward arrived at Fortress Monroe from Washington yester day, and reported to Surgeon Drquhart of the Marine Hospital Service for quarantine duty on the Capes. :i i Morehead City added ninetee s to the Metnodist Church. Durham Plant : v Black well -Church has extended a call to Rev. Mr. Oliver, and have tendered -him a salary of $1,100. A collection amounting to $664.21 was taken up at Trinity Church Sunday morning to pay tha balance due on the stained glass windows that have recent ly been placed in that Church. The Can Church congregation on last Monday -began work on a parsonage for that charge. The lot has been secured for soma time.and with about $900 in cash and good subscrip tions already in handv the work will, be pushed to speedy completion The par- -sonage will cost about $1,000 or $1,200. Oxford Torchlight: The Gran ville Grays are now having made drawings . and specifications for their new armory. They propose putting up a flrst-class build ing in every respect It will be eighty by " eighty feet with offices and storerooms on the first floor. I i -North Carolina does not possess a I more patriotic citizen the State never had ; a more faithful, more ca pable and more popular Chief Executive officer than Bon. A. M. Scales. . We have a broom i factory. We have two new sash and blind factories and two patented . brick .machines turning out brick. We have now two tobacco factories. We have a splendidly equipped iron foundry. We have brick stores and warehouses and prize houses without number. New Bern Journal: The young man giving his name as M. Harlem, who has been in the city a few days handling Prof. Humbelt'a prevention for lamp ex- . plosions, was arrested Friday night by Marshal Hargett and taken before tbe Ma yor Saturday morning. He was fined $10 and cost for disorderly conduct, and made to pay $3 a day for -the time he had peci pled on the streets without license: Also he was notified to leave the city ; within twenty-four hours. Different parties were in search for; Harlem on the evening before his arrest to reprove him for bis conduct, but the authorities got ahead of them This is the same young man previously men tioned as boldly going into residences and making himself impertinent and even in sulting, i I Wilson Advance: We see from the Southerner that a negro woman charged with larceny escaped from jail at Tarboro. It is Intimated that the people believe that the jailor allowed her to escape. The . Louisburg limes contains an article an nouncing that Capt Charles M. Cook, of , Franklin county, will not be a candidate ' " for the Congressional nomination in the Raleigh district this year. - It must be most gratifying to Judge Connor, as evi dencing the stronghold he has upon the affections of his Wilson fellow citizens, that before his return from Snow Hill, where he was holding court, a number of his friends,;1 by common consent, came to gether and raised among themselves a suf ficient amount to rebuild his residence, which was consumed by fire last Friday. This is as Creditable to the generosity of the people of ! Wilson as it must be gratifying to Judge Connor and grateful to his feel ings. j j ! --Raleigh News Observer : Rev. Dr. O. T. Bailey organized a new Baptist church at Merry Oaks yesterday. Dr. H. B. Battle left yesterday morning for an extended trip to the North and West where he will visit various experiment stations of note. Mrs. Battle accompanied him as far as New York. The Observer Print; ing Company have commenced work on a new Directory of Raleigh, and the hearty co-operation already manifested by the en terprising merchants of the Capital City will justify the publication of ! the most complete : and attractive directory ever issued. Scotland Neck. April 17. The brilliant Blount, the gifted genius of the Wilson Mirror, has deluged our place with wit and humor and eloquence and -oratory, and has evoked a storm of enthu siasm that will be heard far and near. He delivered the annual oration last night be fore the Scotland Neck Temperance Club, and never have our people heard a finer effort, i j ' Wilson Mirror: Yes, Johnny .the ghost of tbe "Haunted Tavern" might be called an inn spectre. Four per sons were ! baptized at the Baptist Chnrch - last Tuesday. We- deeply regret to announce i that T. J. Gardner, a very prominent merchant of our town, died at his home in this place on Monday evening about 7 o'clock. That popular gen tleman and excellent physician, Dr. R W. King, of this place has accepted an invita tion to deliver the literary address at the closing exercises of the Bennettsville, 8outh Carolina, Graded School, of which fine institution the accomplished -Prof. Britton is Superintendent. On Fri day morning about 10 o'clock the fine resi dence of Judge Connor, which is situated about a mile from Wilson, was discovered to be on lire, and before our people could get there and render the needed assistance, the flames got such control of the building as to defy all opposition to its sway, and so that home went down in its crimson bap tism of fire. Most of thegfurnilure was saved.:: No insurance. Fayetteville Observer: We have made inquiry of Mr. J. S. .Breece,. who is much interested in such matters, and he reports that there will be about half a crop of peaches, and that apples and pears are not hurt. Capt. J. B. Broadfoot has declined the appointment of Inspector General of rifle practice of the N. C. State Guard, recently tendered him by Gov. Scales. We learn that the mysterious light that appeared beyond the toll-house on, Haymount last year has again made its appearance, much to the discomfort of the colored race and small boys ' of that, neighborhood. At a called meeting of the County Commission ers, held on Monday, 16th Inst., Mr. J. B. Troy was elected County Treasurer to fill the vacancy occasioned by tbe death of Capt. W. T. Taylor. In Guilford county (as we learn from the North State) the sales of the nurserymen amounted to $200,000. All who travel on the C. F. & Y. V. have noticed a little lake near the road between McClenahan'a Cut and Manchester. It has neither outlet or inlet, but keeps . at just about the same depth the year round. Now, we are told that this place is filled with fish jack, perch, &c. The question is (as it has not been stocked) where do these fish come from? Raleigh Visitor : At More head City, on Monday last, while parties were engaged in drawing up their seine . for porpoise, something unusual was dis covered among the large drove which they -were bringing in. It proved to be a small ' whale of the fin tribe. His whaleshipdid not like the idea of being surrounded In such a manner, and so with a few plunges he soon managed to tear the seine In pieces, carrying a large portion of it to sea with him. ; Whales are becoming common along our coast. Yesterday will never be forgotten by the people of Oxford. Ten thousand people gathered there to celebrate . the completion of the Oxford & Clarks ville Railway. The procession was formed ; as follows, tender the direction of Chief Marshal R. V. Minor and a large corps of assistants: Band; battalUon of troops, com posed of the Warrenton and Oxford com' panies; the Governor's Guard, the Horner Cadet battallion and a section of tbe Rich mond Howiters, with one gun; Governor Scales, his staff, and State officers in car riages; band; Industrial display, on floats, -illustrating Oxford's enterprises and pro gress. The procession waa a measured mile in length. . it passed over some three miles of streets, and It was 2 o'clock when it reached the Orphan Asylum grounds. The speaking began about 2:15 o'clock. Major N. A. Gregory made the' address of welcome, and gave a sketch of tbe new road. The next speaker was Judge Fowle. the orator of the day, who was introduced by Mr. Winston. Jndge Fowle made a capital speech and was given a very hearty -reception. Gov. Scales was introduced by Mr. J. S. Amis, and spoke in a very im pressive way. He was heard with close attention and his remarks merited it Capt. Baldy Williams read a telegram from Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, expressing the latter's regret that a family affliction (the death of a brother) prevented him from Joining in the celebration. Capt Williams ntroduced Gen. Peyton Wise, as the rep resentative of Gov. Lee. Gen. Wise made an admirable speech and was heartily ap plauded. Other speeches were made by Major McPhail, president of Mecklenburg railaoad; Mr. J. 8. Cunningham; president of the North Carolina and Virginia Far--, mer's Convention, and ex-Congressman W. H. Kitchin.- The last speech was con cluded at 4' o'clock. Dinner was at once served, on long tables in tbe grove. (1 4 : :i I :i ,'; ( i li 4 S 5 5 i : ; f m V 1 it I i f Ml ' i ' f i r I I