5 m - - . , .r-- t- .. . . . . i V tJSr - V n;i;-;--J- ,u -vr':- - - .,' . : ' ' . V- 1 SPIRITS IUreNTINE. " 1 . V J rVTYTT :Tr AW tt- tt-- ir tt -it' -ttt'" 1 -n-. -rr- . II. . II " II II J 7 - - Vv f Hi-. M . n : : -WW m nir i IT AV . hK. WILMINGTO, BIOTA V' EAR. IN ADVANCE. -3 w w a 88888888888888888 npaow 8 88888888888888888 0.3. ;- . ,.. ggggggggggSS5-WBirei e wnite people generally zT 000s I --- 1.1 - ... , - r . OToowt-iocsooowoo- I 4,0 Bet! luh conBLiLULionAi Amnnnmafit. TTBaB(.aao I ; ; ; wMt ittuBu, oecause mey ieic tnat it 8888888S88S8S8S8 8S888SS323SS388SS 888888S8828888888 MM. 8 8S88S88SS83S8888S o t as o j oj jj o o at g jj g gj g S8S8888888S838S8S " " c0 2 S S S 2 S S S H U a, I a a S s sat Kntered at the Port Office kt ilmtgton, N. C., at occonawuun Matter. 1 , SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. The tubtcriptton price o( the "Weekly 8tw li u sing., co,, i 3 S monthi 80 THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. Many of the Northern Republican papers have expressed their views on the election which took place in this State last Thursday, and most of them seem to have taken it for granted that the Constitutional amendment would be ratified and ; the Democratic State ticket elected by fraud and intimidation. They probably came, to this conclusion be cause the fusion managers had given out that they would carry the State if there was a "free ballot and a fair count." when they knew that they could no more carry the S ate than they could carry . the Blue Ridge mountains on their backs. They never had any hope of defeating tho Democratic State . ticket from the ' beginning, nor of defeating the amendment. The fact that they nominated two State tickets is proof that they had no' expectation of electing either and that they had no expectation of defeating the amendment, is shown by the meth ods they adopted in fighting it. In pursuing these methods they both contradicted and stultified themselves and thus lost' instead of making votes. The Populists when among white voters of the Vest argued that while the negroes would . remain voters under it, the illiterate white voters would be disfranchised, and thii3 they weakened negro oppo sit ion to it nd angered a good many of the white voters by the insinua tion that they and their children are )es3 competent to learn to rearLand write than the negrpes are. . ; The Republican campaigners talk- . ing to the negroes declared that the Amendment would disfranchise -them, that it discriminated against them in favor of the ignorant white man, and the illiterate white men heard that and felt indignant that these professed friends and defen ders should insist upon patting them on the same plane With the negroes . and on their being disfranchised if the negroes were. - 1 lThey blocked their own game, too, wheu they asserted and per sisted in asserting that the amend ment would be declared unconsti tutional, or that feature of it which permitted the illiterate white men to vote that it would be declared null and rvoid and the rest would r stand, and therefore they would ' lose their votes; while they told the would be a good thing for North Carolina, they were disgusted with the trickery and hypocrisy of its opponents, : and with the trading methods adopted by which & mon grel State ticket was put out in the i1 1.1. l. n eujYeubu. nour, ana ropuusts. are, asked to support Republicans and .Republicans Populists for the sole purpose of sending Marion Butler back to the Senate, who in return was to reciprocate by working to send Pritchard back when his turn came. The people saw through all that and hence thousands of them holted the whole trading gang. People who -understand the situation can very easily account for the large majority given last Thursday for the constitutional amendment and the - Democratic State ticket, and if some of . these Northern edi tors had been down here for a little while before the election they would understand it too, and see nothing in the result to be surprised at. A CHARACTERISTIC WHINE On the night of the election when he knew He and his gang were beat en out of their boots, Marion Butler sent a signed telegram to the Wash ington Post, and . probably also to other papers, asserting that if they were not cheated in the count as they probably would be, they would de'eat the 'amendment by 60,000 majority, which was going 10,000 higher than the Democrats were fig uring on for the amendment. But ler knew as well as he knew that he was in Raleigh when he . sent that telegram that he was beaten, and practically confessed .it many days before the election. He must have been as blind & a bat not td have seen defeat in the outpourings, of the people, in the immense meetings in all sections of the State in. such striking con trast to the small gatherings that met the Fusion speakers where they appeared, and in the. enthusiasm for the amendment and the Democratic ticket, which increased from the be ginning of the campaign and con tinued to increase till it closed. The success of the amendment and of the Democratic ticket was in the air, and so much in evidence that no one of Ordinary' intelligence for a moment doubted it after the campaign had fairly opened. But ler realized it, H'olton realized it, and both showed that they did by the . dejected countenances they wore. For some days before the election Butler had been acting more like a lunatic at large than a sane person. But they admitted defeat when they practically abandoned the fight against the amendment and the State ticket and combined their scheming and their effortffoh the Legislature, hoping to . carry a ma jority in that, thus thwaw the peo ple and re-elect Butler to the Sen ate. As a proof that Butler does not believe in the cry of being counted out how did he expect to carry a majority of the Legislature if the Democrats, who, he says, had con ROOSEVELT VS. ROOSEVELT. Theodore Roosevelt is now the typical expansionist, ; who being less prudent than others goes further in that direction than any other recog nized spokesman of his party. iHe Sol only believes : in and advocates the doctrine of forcible expansion. but denounces as "cowards" those who differ from him. He advocates this not only as to the Philippines, but practically as to China, where he thinks we ought to f qllow"the example of the Euro pean nations and do some grabbing on our own account. He doesn't exactly say as much but this is what his language' means, if it means anything.;. '. But he was. not always that kind of an expansionist. He wrote books before he conceived an ambition for national political honors. In some of these books he has expressed him self in - regard to expansion, and Democrats are now confronting him with some extracts from these books, one of which, Jaken from his "Life of Benton," is as follows. Referring to the expansion sentiment in the West just after the war with Mex ico, ne says: "The general feeling in the West upon tais subject afterward crvstal- ized into what became known as the 'manifest destiny' idea, which, reduced to its simplest terms, was that it is our manifest destiny to swallow up the land or all adiominer nations too weak: to withstand us. a theorv that forth with obtained immense popularity among all statesmen of easy "interna tional morality 1 of couise, no one would wish to see these or any other settled communities now added to xur domain by force we waul no unwilling citizens to enter our union." "We Want no unwilling citizens,' he said then, bnt the probabilities are that he would reply to this by saying that it isn't the intention to make "citizens" out of the yellow people in the Philippines, which, is doubtless so for the intention seems to be to hold them as subjects and work them for our own gain. But what is the use of quoting Roosevelt the writer against Roosevelt the pol- tician, or McKinley the President against McKinley the politician? ThejLare all built the same way. There isn't one of the prominent . 1 1 i 1 . t expansionists in tne country wno hasn't changed base; nor one who would admit two years ago what he now advocates. Less than two years ago McKinley as President de nounced as "criminal aggression" the very course which he has since as a politician been pursuing. NEW HANOVER COUNTY VOTE. TROUBLE IN BAYBORO As Gathered Yesterday from the Official Count of the Board of County Cm vassers The Majorities. NEW HANOVER'S OFFIC X m V v i a w s O w mp2oS 1 T ; row J, S?" : 385 3 KEEPS ON CROWING! I i 1 1 5SI Ffl 1 1 FFI The Majority for the Amendment and State Ticket W01 Ex ceed Fifty Thousands 88: Governor Russell Has Ordered Newbern Naval Reserves . to Pamlico Co. ENDANGERED BY A MOB. IAL COUNT, IS v r 3 w to gggg: for Amend ment. NEWS IS MORE GRATIFYING. Against Amendment Thirty-six Democrats Elected to Senate and Ten Republicans Members of " House, Ninety-five Democrats and Thirteen Republicans. ' Ay cock. - Turner. ,gaigsiasll WORK OF MALCONTENTS. trol of the noils, could count out a ' negroea-that it would be declared I fosion majority of G0,000 and return unconstitutional because it discrim-' I a Democratic majority of 50,000 or inatod against them. They made the mistake of supposing that the average white man didn't have in telligence enough to see how they stultified and ' contradicted them selves in what they advanced as strong reasons against the amend ment. Their action didn't accord with their assertions, and the man of average sense discovered the duplicity of the . men who talked one- way to white men, another- way to negroes, and then stultified them- - selves by declaring that the whole thing which they were fighting was unconstitutional and would fall to pieces when subjected to' the test, of the courts. These are some of the reasons which drew thousands of votewto ,the amendment because they saw that efforts were being made to humbug them and they resented the small estimate the opponents of the amendihent put upon their in- 1 telligence.in thus" trying to humbug them. . Tho Northern papers which at , tribute tho result of the election to intimidation and red shirts under stand neither the situation, the people nor the red' shirts, which figured in only a com small area of the State. In over : four fifths of tho counties of the State there was not a red shirt visible and in those counties where they were worn they- were worn by comparatively few men and not a single voter refrained from-voting wrought fear of the red shirt or anything else, as proof of which, notwithstanding the large number I of-counties .in which no red shirt wa visible, notwithstanding the warmness of the campaign and the wik oi violence, there never was a quieter or more orderlyelection in "e state. - 1 he fact is that aside from the morer it tnis were so wnere was nis chance of capturing the Legislature? He discredits himself by this sense less chatter. If the Northern papers know Batler as well as he is known in this State thev wouldn't pay the slightest attention to his telegrams, which carry their own contradiction with them. Democrats Fired Into Prom Ambush While Returning From Election in Robeson , County Bloodhounds Wanted. Special Star Telegram. Lumbebton, N. 0., August 3. In formation reached here this morning of ah outrageous . occurrence as St. Pauls, this county, Thursday night. Mr. N. A. Mclntire, a prominent citi zen and Democrat of St. Paul's town ship, while returning from a nearby voting precinct, was fired into from ambush while riding along in hia buggy about one mile from St. Paul's village. Four shots pf large size lodged in his arm and his hat was shot irom his head. The buggy wasrvir- tually demolished by the shots. Mr. Mclntire dropped into the body of his bu ear v and the firing ceased. He is not dangerously wounded. About fif teen minutes later Messrs. S. F. Tolar, C. P. Jackson, Gray Tolar, and another Democrat whose name is un known, were passing the same spot and theyt too, were fired into from ambush, about ten shots having been exchanged. - They escaped without serious iDiury. Fayetteville and Florence have been wired for blood hounds. MERITED PRAISE The State press is paving some warm and merited tributes to Hon. F. M. Simmons, Chairman of the Democratic State Committee, for his tireless work and able management of the campaign which ended in such a blaze of glory for the Democracy of this State and for white supremacy. No man ever worked harder, more persistently, faithfully or zealously than he did from the day the cam paign opened ' until the result was announced, and the glorious victory won is in no small degree attributa ble to his watchful alertness and superb management, in organizing the lines and selecting the leaders. There are thonsands who deserve praise for good and patriotic work, but there can be no too warm tribute x- i I paid, or too free recognition made of paratively f raTA bis people and the State by this, tireless, able, matchless organizer ana leader, whose record of valuable services has culminated in thisgrandest of victo-ries. Some of the Republican papers are beginning to insist that if Koose velt persists in conducting a personal oratorical campaign he be assigned to and kept in Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico, where the cowboy style of oratory and campaigning may suit better than it does among thoroughly rational and more sensi ble people. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION Has Been Called to Meet in Wilmington August 1 1 to Mr. Bellamy Will Have No Opposition. Mr. W. C. Maxwell, of Charlotte, chairman of the Congressional Execu tive Committee, has telegraphed W. B. McKoy, Esq., of this city, secreta ry, to call the convention of the Sixth Congressional District to be held in Wilmington on Saturday, July 11th at 4P.M. Mr. McKoy has complied with the request and the contention will be held as stated. Mr. Bellamy, without a doubt, will meet with no opposition for re nomination. Nearly every'county in the district has instructed for him and endorsed his action in every particular in the present Congress. Those coun ties which failed to instruct for him did so through oversight, or as the secreta rv of the Columbus County Conven- tion wrote: t "We thought it unneces (mrv to instruct for Congress, as Col umbus is always solid for a second tAm when our Coneressman does right." Died at Hertford, N. C. New was received in the city yes terday of the death at Hertford, N. C, of Mrs. Elizabeth Jocelyn Tolson, wife of the Rev. George M. Tolson and daughter of the late William Beaton. Mrs. Tolson was a native of this city and was a sister of Mrs. J. V. Grainger, Mrs. Isaac Bates and Mrs. Walter Smallbones. The bereaved members of the family have the sincere sympathy of many friends. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh. N. C, August 3. Thirty six Senators elected are Democratic, nine Republican, five doubtful in the 14th, 19th, 22nd and 34th districts. The chances against us in tha first and, last, and for us in the others named. Ninety-four members of the House are Democratic, 16 Republicans, ten doubtful being Ashe, Brunswick, Chatham, Clay, Dare, Graham, Tran sylvania, Yancey and Moore. The majority for the amendment is about fifty-3eveu thousand; for the State ticket about sixty thousand. Raleigh, August 3, 12 midnight. Corrected returns, to-night, show that the Legislature will stand as follows: House Democrats, 95 ; Republicans, 13; doubtful, 12. Senate Democrats, 36; Republicans 10; doubtful, 4 In most of the doubtful counties and dis tricts the Republicans Wilt winr though it will take the official count to decide. " The returns from the west indicate that the Amendment " will run 5,000 behind the ticket. The majority in the State will be at least 50,000 for the amendment; proba bly more. The figures at Democratic headquarters to-night are 58,743, with several western counties to hear from. Report From Charlotte. Charlotte, N. C, August 3. A special to the Observer from Raleish says: "The Democrats rejoiced quietly all over North Carolina to day. The re turns to-night show that Democratic majorities aggregate 64,676 and Fusion majorities 6,125, making the net Dem ocratic majority 59,553. There will be contests in several counties, there be ing alleged irregularities in Randolph and Harnett and smaller, ones in Wilkes and Chatham. In the latter county, .at Congressman At water's precinct, the Fusion stronghold, the Fusionists are reported to have as saulted the election officers, smashed the ballot boxes and burned the bal lots. The returns show that to the Senate there are elected thirty-eight Demo crats and nine Fusionists, with three seats doubtful, and the House fifty- nine Democrats and thirteen Fusion ists, while, twelve seats are in doubt. Talk to-day was about national politics. This grew out of a rumor that Senator Butler had declared North Carolina's electoral vote should be cast for Mc Kinley. Chairman Simmons said at Democratic headquarters to-night that the State's vote would be cast for Bryan beyond a doubt. Mecklenburg, Edgecombe and Kobe- son are the banner counties, so far as the vote on constitutional amendment is concerned. Each gave it 3,500 major ity; New Hanover ranking second with 3, 410. There will be only two Populists in the Legislature; both are from Senator Butler's county. PENDER COUNTY. Burgaw, August 3. Returns from ten precincts in fender county and a conservative estimate of the result at the two i remaining precincts show a majority of 1,003 for the Amendment, 1,013 for the State ticket and approxi mately 1,100 for the county officers. BLADEN COUNTY. Elizabethtown, Aug. 3. Bladen's Democratic majorities are: Amend ment, 218; State ticket, 226; county ticket, 325 to 600. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. Sotjthpobt. Auzust 8. Three lower townships of this county give McNeill between 600 and 700 majority. The amendment is in doubt The entire Fusion county ticket is elected. Jen nett, Populist,"for the Senate, is possU bly defeated in? the county. The above are semi-official returns. Exact figures cannot be obtained. CRAVEN COUNTY. NewbeenJ N. C. August 3. The Grimes. Lacy. Dixon. Gilmer. Varner. Corporation I S I S S 5 1 Comml8slon'r. 09 H Q Election Board Held In Court House by. I Mob Led by Sheriff Trouble Be tween Democrats and Popu lists With Republicans Special Star Telegram. Newbern, N. C, August 4 mid night. Upon word from Governor Russell the Newbern Naval Reserves will leave for Bayboro, Pamlico coun ty. The Election Board is held in the court house there by a mob led by the sheriff, threatening the lives of mem bers of the board. The 'phone wire has been cut between Bayboro and Al liance. Citizens appealed for aid and" Russell has ordered the reserves to go and protect lives and property. Ap prehensions are grave. The fight is between Democrats ' and Democrats who fused with Pops and Republicans. Throwing out Bayboro's vote and giv ing the regular Democrats office is the cause of the trouble. . FURTHER ELECTION RETURNS ibupt. of rabuc in Bt ruction. 3Sg8ggS8feSSa'gTlcnltare, Commissioner! or Judge 10th District. 55 I tSQ0ie.CftlUN.O3 Judge 12th Pistrlct. ReDublican Ticket. Wake County's Official Vote Chairman Simmons Letter Concerning Pederal Office-Holders. . .sisaillllMMl Bountree. S 9 Or A MMCB' Wlllard. qg -J ep e IS 5 S 2 - Morton for Senate. as O m HE . w -4 M h i Sheriff. Register of Deeds. . o o . a - c Treasurer. Coroaer. .Mi a Surveyor. Constable. Scattering. Q o 0 as RETURNS FROM BRUNSWICK. Entire Fusion Ticket Elected-Amendment Defeated by 143 Majority. ' Speciaiptar Telegram.' Southport, N. C, August 4. The entire Fusion ticket i elected in this county by the following majorities: Walker, sheriff, 132 ; Brooks, treasurer, 124; commissioners, 62 to 96; Taylor, register of deeds, 70; McNeill, for the Legislature, 398. The Amendment is defeated by 143. Jenerett, Populist, for the Senate, has 28 majority Over Morton in this county. Confusion over McNeill in the lower townships undoubtedly was the cause of the bad showing made by poor old Brunswick. Bound Over to Court Riley Smith, the young white man who it is alleged several months ago cut and severely wounded Lonnie Gur ganus, also white, waived examination before Justice McGowan yesterday and gave bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at Criminal Court Monday. Young Gurganus was cot expected to live for along while and yesterday was the first time he was sufficiently recovered to attend the hearing. CHARGED WITH SWINDLING. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, August 4. The official vote for Wake is: For Amend ment, 1,190 majority; for Aycock, 1,384 majority. The majority for the legislative ticket is 1,270. The county tieketis Democratic by, 1,426 majority. Chatham county elects a Democratic senator and two representatives and register of deeds. The rest is Fusion. Dare county is Democratic, as is also Yancey. Watauga is Republican. Butler is advising contests where ever his people can find any grounds for contest. Chairman Simmons yesterday sent out to county chairmen a letter, in which he says that the election having been won he now wishes to take up the matter of meddlesome interference of Federal officeholders. He' adds: "We had as well settle this question once for all, and know whether the people are to be allowed to manage their local affairs, or the Federal office holders." He, therefore, asks county chairmen to send him as early as pos sible any information in the shape of personal statements or affidavits, "showing the meddlesome interference of Federal officeholders in the politics of your county." V WARM WIRELETS. Mmply Confirms Returns Gathered from Private Sources Contest fokthe Banner-Simpson Affairs. Pursuant to provisions of the el tion law framed by the Legislature oi 1900, the Board of County Canvassers met Saturday at noon in the grand jury room of the Court House, went carefully over the returns of Thurs day's election and declared the result as published elsewhere in the columns in tabulated form. The amendment vote was reduced 2 by official returns from Federal Point township, but oth erwise the vote was exactly as pub lished by the Star the morning after the election. - Upon the assembling of the Board Saturday, Mr. 8. H. Fishblate was made chairman, Mr. W. A. Wright secretary, and Capt A. L. DeRosset assistant secretary. At 2 o'clock in the af ternoon a recess was taken until - P. M., when the work was com pleted. Itisa statement fairly and honestly voted and counted and should be, gratifying to every loyal white ma in the city of Wilmington. The contest was extremely close for the White Supremacy banner offered by the Executive Committee and the line of achievement' by the various wards was so materially different that it was decided yesterday to award ban ners to the three wards laying claim to the banner originally offered, and that each of these ba givt-for the special distinction attained. . Ttie for mal award will . be made Wednesday night, at 8.30 o'clock, from the tour nament grand stand on Market street and a large crowd will witness the ceremonies attendant thereto. The First Ward will be presented with a banner appropriately designed for the largest Democratic gain and all round good work in the campaign. The Fifth Ward will receive the ban ner for the largest Democratic ma jority given in Jihe election and the Third Ward will be given the original banner offered for the casting of the largest per centage of the registered vote. The exercises Wednesday night will be interesting and the public is cordially invited. The news from Sampson Saturday was that the canvassing board was in session at night. It is believed the Fourteenth State Senatorial District, comprising the counties of Sampson, Bladen and Harnett, will give a ma jority for Messrs. J. W S. Robinson and George H. Currie, the Demo cratic nominees. ALABAMA'S ELECTION. Sanford JZxpress: Crops are looking fine since the good rains of last week. EarJv corn was damaged by f the dry weather, but the late crop promises to be good. .The cotton crop 13. IB IB. ' . " -V Rocky Mount Motor: Mr. C. H. -vTvy it) ; Harris, tne cnampton me J ion grower, ViJ has pulled melons this season which tipped the scales at 65 pounds,: and numbers of them weighed as much as ' 45 pounds. . I Scotland Neck Commonwealth: Sunday night about 10 o'clock Mr. Henry Baker, an ex-Confederate sol If dier well known in this community, died at Mr. Barfield's. - He waT-about 75 years oldjand fought in the war '61 to '65 and carried an empty sleeve as a mark of bis suffering.. Columbus News: Mr. Frank Pierce, an old and highly respected Uzen of tnis county, died at bis home tt$ar here last Sunday morning of cancer of the throat. Mr. Pierce was. abottf seventy years of age aud was a member of the Board and County Commissioners for several years. WMonnt Airy News: The im provement in the condition of the com crop is wonderful. Only early corn suffered during the dry weather. ' We heard a prominent tobacco man remark a few days ago that : the out look for a good tobacco crop was less promising than he had seen it at this season in ten years. Concord Standard: r We are told that near Wadeville in Mont gomery county Wednesday morning just before day some disturbance ' occured between some white men with red shirts and some- negroes and the latter fired on the white men, and one Mr. Parish of Moore county, was severely, if not fatally wounded. Now there is a hunting party for the three negroes involved and the chances are bab if they are caught. Wilson Times: Last week Mr. W. B. Barnes, our, clever Register of Deeds, showed us a paper which re quired $18,000 worth of revenue stamps before it could be registered. This paper is a mortgage contract be tween the various lines composing the recently combined Atlantic Coast Line System, and had to be registered in each county through which these lines -run. Few people have seen a mort gage which required $18,000 worth of Stan lIUMKUUUi All 'f - sjk Democratic State and County tickets and amendment are safe in Craven by a majority of at least 1,500. Carteret is safe by 150 to 200. SAMPSON COUNTY. Cunton, August 3.:-Sampson has gone Fusion; majority not definitely known, anywhere from 300 to 700; all townships not in yet. Herring town ship's voting place was in a house. While election officers were counting the votes boards were pulled off and Populists came in; the officers refused to continue j the count. They have not yet reported, but am expecting official news Any minute. DUBLIN COUNTY. . . Kknansville, August 3. Complete, semi-official j returns from Duplin county sholf a majority for the Amendment of 739. The estimated majority of Aycock and the State, County and Legislative tickets, is 850. ONSLOW COUNTY. jAOKSOKVUiLK, -August S. Semi official count gives an Amendment majority in Onslow of 800. Cottnty . and Legislative ticket equally as safe. Rev. Henry M. Wharton, of Baltimore, Ar rested at Ocean City, N. J. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, August 4. Rev. Henry M. Wharton, D. D., of Baltimore, was placed under- arrest at Ocean City, N. J., to-day. Dr. Wharton is charged by Miss Somers, of Ocean City, with obtaining money under false pretences. Dr. Wharton came to Ocean Grove at the close of the Spanish-American war and agitated a home for destitute, and orphan children. Miss Somers, it is said, offered a home for the purpose. The house was to be put in trust, but it is alleged that Dr. Wharton secretly had the property made over to him self. Miss Somers claims that she signed the agreement without taking the precaution of reading the papers. It is further alleged that iu Virginia Dr.Wharton borrowed $5,000 on the property, but at the request of the doc tor the mortgage was never recorded. Later, it is claimed, he borrowed a further sum pt"$8,e00 from A. W. Cooper, of Baltimore, using the prop erty to effect it. TORNADO IN NORTH DAKOTA. Hundreds of Dwellings and Barns Wreck ed Many Persons Injured. By Teiesxapn to tne Horning Star. Grand Forks, ND., August 4. A tornado, accompanied by terrific hail and rain storm, started near Thomp son, N. D., at 7 o'clock this morning and swent to the northwest through Archfarm county and many thriving settlements, across into Minnesota, where it spent its fury in the Red Lake Indian reservation. A strm of country, varying from eight to ten miles in width and a hun dred miles in length, was torn by the furious winds. Houses were par tially wrecked and hundreds of barns were torn to nieces. The remainder of the wheat and oat crops, which were aooui nan narvesieo, was puuuuou mtu the ground by the halL Fortunately, no persona were killed, outright, al though many received in juries which .will undoubtedly result in death. The board of health of Macon, Ga., has decided not to quarantine against the yellow fever at Tampa. The Secretary of the Navy has ex tended the contract time on the battle ship Kentucky and the Kearsarge. .Former Congressman Perry Bel mont, of New York, has offered his services to the State and National Democratic committees. Representative Hard wick will intro duce into the next session of the Georgia Legislature a bill providing a constitutional amendment similar in form and provisions to that adopted in the Old North State. The coal miners of Alabama have accepted a reduction of 21 cents per from August 1. Under the con tract that went into effect July 1, the maximum price to be paid for digging coal is to be 55 cents a ton. Dredge Boat No. 2, owned by Rit tenhouse Moore was consumed by fire in the middle of Tampa bay yesterday morning. Twenty persons were aboard when the fire began but were rescued by two tugs which came to thieraid. The Southern Railway Company has issued an order restoring the pay of locomotive engineers employed by the company to the rate which pre vailed before their wages were cut ten per cent about seven years ago. The collier Southery, now at the Norfolk iitt vard. probably will soon be placed in commission. The Southery has a capacity of 3,000 tons and carries two 3 pounders. She is destined for service on the China station. ' Prince Eny Wha, second son of the Emperor of Corea, arrived at San Fran cisco on the steamer City Of Pekin en route to Raanoke, Va., to enter col lege. He was accompanied by Sin Feh Moo, a member of the Corean le gation at Washington; A Chattanooga telegram says that a man entered the postoffice at Mulat, Fla., last night, smashed the windows and doors, destroying some of the con tents othe building and threatened the life of the postmaster. It is., further stated that the postmaster has become terror-stricken and fled and that no one is in charge of the office. The weekly bank statement shows the following changes: Surplus re serve, increase $1,608,900; loans, in crease $2,596,200; specie, increase $2,188,900; legal tenders, increase $1,080,200; deposits, increase $6,640, 800; circulation, increase $1,387,700. The banks now hold $29,144,875 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent. rule. Campaign CIosed-The Democratic Ticket Will Win There is Very Little Opposition. . By Telegraph to the Morning star. Birmingham, Ala., August 4. The State campaign closed in this State to day and the election takes place Mon day. The Democratic ticket' headed by Colonel W. J. Samfor. for Gov ernor, will win. In a number of counties in the State there is no oppo siton to the Democratic ticket in most of the others the opposition has) made only a pretence of a fight. Should every Populist and Republican legislative candidate be elected the Democrats would still control the next General Assembly. The principal point or tne campaign was a constitu tional convention and it is claimed by the Democratic committee that there will not be thirty members in the next Legislature who will oppose submit-' ting the question to a vote of the peo ple. In Jefferson, the most populous county in the State, with one State Senator and six Representatives, there is no opposition to the Democratic ticket. A great many negroes are openly advocating the election of the Demo cratic ticket. Chairman Smith, of the Democratic campaign committee.stated to-night that the Democrats would carry every county in the State for both State and county tickets. Chairman Conway, of the Republi can campaign committee, says the Re publicans will carry forty-six of the sixty-six counties. SUPPLY OF COTTON XMd8boro Argus: Old uncle Elishs) Holland, of Great swamp town ship, who is 95 years old, and his son Thomas Holland, aged 73 years, ' and his grandson Willis Holland, aged 53 years, and his great grand- son, -George Holland, aged 21 years, are in the city, rejoicing over Governor Ay cock's big majority, at the polls yester day. They all supported the amend ment and the Democratic ticket. Un cle Elisha Holland has as many as 150 children, grand children and great grandchildren. Southport Standard: The rain on last Saturday and Sundy broke one of the longest droughts that was ever witnessed by the peopleNf Brunswick county. They think generally that the crops or county are cut snort one third of what they would have been . with good seasons. Woods by the drougth were in a highly inflammable conditions, which resulted in some fires. On last Saturday while some of the County candidates were speaking at Shallotte, a storm came up and lightning struck :a tree to which a horse, owned by Mr. George Stanley, was hitched. The tree was a tall pine standing in front of Mr. R. V. Leon ards' store, the horse was instantly killed, and the speaking was stopped by the storm. EMPEROR WILLIAMS' POLICY. r Not in Accord With His Prime Minister's Views Regarding ' China More Troops to Be Raised. The World's Visible Secretary Hester's Statement. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. New Orleans, August 3. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's sup ply of cotton shows the total visible of cotton to be 1,350,234 bales against 1,413,675 last week and 2,990,621 last year. Of this the total of American cotton is 828,234 ales, against 881,675 last week and 2,244,621 last year, and of all other kinds, including Egypt, Brazil, India, etc., 522,000 bales, against 532,000 last week and 746,000 last year. Of the world's visible supply as above there is now afloat and held in Great Britain and Continental Europe 824,000 bales, against 1,858,000 last year; in Egypt, 65,000 bales, against 68.000: in India. 288.000 bales, against 472,000, and in the United States 173, 000 bales, against 593,000. i Br Cable to the Morning Btar. Berlin, August 4. In official cir cles here it is stated, that there is a strong divergence on the subject of the policy regarding Chioa between the Emperor and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count von Buelow, the latter being aware that Germany's aims at obtaining suitable satisfaction in China are seriously hampered by the Em peror's impulsive utterances.- It ia-" further stated that hot words have al ready passed between the Emperor and Count von Buelow on that subject - The Associated Press correspondent here understands that before the ad vance upon Pekin was definitely de cided upon, the powers concluded that hereafter they would not consider the Chinese thirdhand advances, because it has now been shown, that the Chinese government is not willing to allow the legations to freely commu nicate with their home governments. The conclusion was also reported, unanimously by the powers, that Li Hung Chang was playing false, hiB main object being to retard or frustrate the advance on Pekin by various ruses of which Chinese statecraft is . al ways a master. The latest news on the poinUof rais ing more troops has been given by the Frankfurt Zeitung, saying that despite the absence of official admission of the fact, it is certain that three other large ' steamers of the North German Lloyd line have been Chartered for Septem ber and that in the cabinet an order is impending for the formation of a corps of 10,000 men. Opposition papers criticise this because the Reichstag has not been asked to sanction the step, and point out that another heavy army increase will be asked at the Fall ses sion of the Reichstag for the organiza tion of a colonial reserve army. LEPROSY IN THE PHILIPPINES. YELLOW FEVER SITUATION. FIRE AT ASHLAND, WIS. A Million Dollars Worth of Property De stroyed In the Lumber District. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Ashland, Wis., August 4. A round million dollars' worth of prop erty was destroyed by fire in the lum ber district of this city to-day. The flames were checked after three hours' struggle, and before they reached the valuable saw mills and ore docks along the water front Thewind fav ored the fire-fighters during the after noon and probably nothing else saved the property along the water's edge and perhaps a good part of the city. No New Cases Reported at Tampa Ex citement There is Decreasing Bv Telegraph to the Morning Star. Tampa, Fla., August 4. The fever situation here is unchanged and no new cases are reported. : State Health -Officer J. Y. Porter and Assistant Surgeon General White of the Marine Hospital Service, arrived here to-day but have no report yet A number of people have left on outgoing trains and many are also leaving in vehicles, going through the country. The excitement is decreas ing. . . fv Worse Still She "How dread ful it would be if one'were suddenly to find one's self in the clutches of a shark." He "I wouldn't worry me; I once borrowed money from a phil anthropist" Brooklyn Life Efforts to Be Made to Prevent Farther Spread of the Disease. - By Telegraph to the Morning Star. ' .Washington, August 4i-rGeneral MacArthur has convened a board, con sisting of Major Louis H. Maus. Sur geon Captain George P. Ahearn, Ninth infantry, and Captain W. E. Horton, assistant" quartermaster, to select an island in the Philippine archipelago for the segregation of lepers, to prepare plans and estimates for suitable buildings thereon, and estimates of salaries for the officers and employes. The board is also charged , with fixing the ration - and other allowances for the support of such leper colony. This action was taken in view of the large number of people in the Philippines who are afflicted with leprosy, and who are reported as a menace to public health. Efforts are being made to prevent the further spread of the disease. Mismanagement "The trouble about Nero," said Senator Sorghum, "was that' the people around him didn't know how to manage him. AH that was needed was a little tact and diplomacy." "What would you have suggested?"' "I would simply have got the capitalists together and made arrangements to present aero with a block of stock in every insurance company in Rome. Then he wouldn't have had the heart to set fire to the town."-- Washington Star. i i. 'i t ' i ii I I .1 - it ir ft .-1 r - i'S -I ! ..r. . :

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