v WILLIAM H. BEBIABD Xdltor and Proprietor. WILMINGTON N. C. Friday, -' August 10..1900, NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President : WILLIAM J, BRYAN. Of NeWa. For Vice-President: ADLAI E, STEVENSON, Of IMS, HOW EEPUBLICANS 15 WASH TJGTOH TAKE IT. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun has a letter wi der date of the 5th inst., interest ingly discussing the sentiments of Republicans in Washington on the negro suffrage question. Privately they approve of disfranchising the negroes,, while publicly as partisans, and for partisan purposes, they con demn it and may make much clatter over it, as some of their party or gans are now doing over the result in this State. As showing these in dividual feelings towards the negro we quote the following extract: One constantly hears its leading re presentative men admit. "We would be very sure to do the same thine under the same circumstances." Of course this is not said for publication and these gentlemen would be very quick to disclaim any such expressions if invested with their personal authority. They have no heistation in making; such utterances under the protection of private conversation. It may surprise the country at large to be informed, what is so well known in Washington, that there are no men anywhere who have at heart such a -contempt for and antipathy toward the negro as the Republican officials, high and low. This is carried to such an extent that not a few of them in both branches of Congiess and in the executive departments will not em ploy them in their households. "An evening or two since while sit ting in conversation with a group com posed, with the exception of myself, of officials entirely, an army officer remarked: " 'I wish we could have some of the North Carolina methods here,' " and a grunt of assent went all around the circle. This feeling to ward the negro in this community is not because of his illiteracy, for Con gress has provided the most lavish means of education, going indeed to a verge of absurdity. It is because ed ucation and civil equality have failed to produce the improvement which was anticipated. Ask any observer who comes from the North to Wash ington "Who do you hink are the best classes of negroes ?" ani stant reply will be "Those down from slave time." reeling as tney ao, perso: about the negro they may and probably will for nartv uur poses resort to' some retaliatory measures and possibly make an effort to reduce the representation in Congress and in the electoral college from those States where Suffrage is restricted, but when they do that they will be confronted by some obstacles that may give them a good deal of trouble to remove or surmount, some of which are set forth in the following extract: "Who set the example of disfran chising the negro but the Republican Congress In a very, few years after conferring the suffrage the Republican party in Congress at one blow wiped the negro from the bodypolitic of the capital of the coutry. Why was this . done? Because the negro had- shown himself to be unworthy of and unfitted for the exercise of the privilege. To disfranchise the negro in the District of Columbia, which was right, Con gress also disfranchised the white man, which was wrong. The white man in Washington had from the foundation of the city enjoyed, in common with his fellow-countrymen, the privilege of the elective franchise. He bad exercised that privilege intelligently and honestly, and until the 'wards of the nation' were thrown in one mass into local politics no scandal, no taint of corruption had ever attached to the municipal governments of Washington and Georgetown. As it is, the white man is content to be deprived of what was his by right and inheritance rath er than return to the era of vice, vil lainy, depravity and dishonesty which characterized and which mark ed equal and Impartial suffrage. "When the subject of negro dis franchisement comes up in Congress this feature of local disfranchisement will necessarilly enter into discussion and consideration. It is an embar- ?5nuertion' but u must be met. . If the illiterate negroes of the South should vote, why should not the edu- a SSP 16 1Jlstrict of Colum bial "nSllft'SS negro able to read and write. Rom nt through the prodigal generosity of Congress, may know music and book keeping and all that sort of thing. Nevertheless they are not good citizens and the substance and intelligence of the District would rise up in indignant remonstrance against any proposition to give them access to the ballot box. They not only disfranchised the negroes, but they disfranchised the white citizens of the district to get rid of the negro vote, not simply the ignorant vote, but the vote of all negroes. They wiped out the whole business. They did it to protect the district from the negro. With what consistency, then, can they condemn the Southern States for endeavoring to protect themselves from the igno rant, venal nd vicious elements of that race? ' . " But if a movement for retaliatory measure should be instituted" there will be lack of agreementfas-there is a difference of sentiment among Republicans as to what is the best course to pursue. xm uxu.uciy of sentiment is stated m the follow; ing-extract: , . "Many of the deep-thinking and far-seeing men of the Republican party, while they may be driven by Wir nrAfiaure and discipline into the support of repressive and retaliatory measures rowaru ne duuuioti which are eliminating the negro from politics, are inclined to resort to other courses for maintaining and. enlarg ing party supremacy. These are be ginning to doubt the efficacy and the expediency of force bills and reduc tion of representation. ' "For years past it has been the talk among the politicians of both parties that the fear of negro domination dnce and forever removed from the minds of the people of the South, the States of that section would split up on party divisions, just as do all the other States of the Union. This, whether true or not, is certainly most pleasible, and the idea has found a deep lodgment. Through motives of policy no! Republican in Congress would be-apt to publicly allege such a reason for influencing his action, yet this consideration is bound to have more or less effect. v "If the white vote of North and South Carolina, Louisiana and Missis sippi, no longer drawn together by common interest and common fear, should disintegrate and the Republi cans pick up some of them, they would not think they had dOne a smart thing if they had cut down their electoral and Congressional represention. Fig uratively they have been kicking against themselves very hard for the last twenty-five years because of the negro suffrage for which they are re sponsible. Fervid eloquence and croc odile tears will be expended without stint in the old cry of human rights and human wrongs. This is and al ways has been nothing but rot." , The whole course of the Repub lican party, in emancipating and afterwards enfranchising the negro, was one not only of arrant hypoc risy but of absolute criminalty, -for the men who did it never seriously contended that they had any right to do it and when they did it they knew they were breeding race strife that would bring untold trouble to the South and injury incalculable to both the white and the black man, and they knew, too, that in the conflict of the races the fittest would survive and the weakest go down. The correspondent thus shows this hypocrisy, and how easily the Republican party, this boasted party of principle," shuffles off its prin ciples when they cease to serve-its purposes: "The Republican party was not actuated by one atom of sentiment, by one iota of the principles of right and justice when it through arbitrary force ana power estabiisnea negro sun rage. There is no politician worthy of the name anywhere who does not know the deadly blight and curse of negro suffrage was fastened upon the south for no other purpose than to benefit the Republican party.- The purpose failed in its object. The whole history of the Republican party is proof that it cheerfully surrenders any of its cher ished 'principles' or doctrines the very instant they are found not conducive to party advantage. "The Republican party originated the greenback heresy, clung to it un til it had been worked for all it was worth and then threw it overboard for the foolish leaders of the Democracy to pickup. The Republican party was the lather of the unlimited coin age of silver. When its offspring was af no further seervice it was also tossed to the selfsame foolish leaders of the Democracy. So it is with the unre- egro suffrage. Uonceived l no desire more noble ease of Republican votes and powevthere f would not. be the lightest compunction in acquiescing tstenmg its lingering viction should come nue useless as a party The writer of this letter is a gold Democrat who supported McKinley, which will sufficiently account for his sneering allusions to the green backs and to free silver.' But he has shown up some of the per plexities of the Bepublicans if they should tackle the negro auffrage question, and has sized up the Re publican party in it's relation to the negro about right. THEY WOULD LIKE IT. TOO. Elsewhere wo publish an article showing the feeling of Republicans in Washington on the negro suf frage question. But that feeling is not confined to Republicans in W ashington but exists to a great extent throughout the country. Speaking for New York the Evening Post, politically an independent pa per, says: ; "Nine men out of ten of the educa ted classes, when asked privately' what they think of negro disfranchisement, will say that they wish the franchise could be restricted to the North also, and that voting could be limited by property and educational tests. While this feeling pervades the influential classes of the North, it is needless ft to say that the South has nothing to fear from outside interference with her constitutional amendments, her 'erand-father clauses. ' har tiiwun V al lots or her falsities of any kind at the polls." .4 . Thereare several Northern States which have qualified" suffrage, some educational, some property and ROTTlft ' hnt.h ami anma toT.mi!n P;!!8 noting. There are uu la wo turning especially at negroes for thereasonthat while there are a good many negroes in some of the Northern. States they are not suffi ciently numerous to cause any special aiarjuv If they were there would have been steps taken long- ago to eliminate them,, as was done in the District of Columbia when they be came an imperilling factor there. Notwithstanding the clatter of the partisan organs the people of the North, with but few, if iany, excep tions, approve of qualified' suffrage in the South, even-when it elimi- natesthejiegre' an lets every whltF man in. They put themselves , in our placesand judge us by what they would do under similar circum stances, ti LOOK! A STITCH IN TIBUB. Saves nine. Hughes' Tonic new improved, taste pienstint, taien m early Boring ana can pre vents Chills, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acta on tne liver, tones np the system. Better than Quinine. Guaranteed.try It At Druggists. 60e anu w.w uotues. t , - A BAD MESS. Whatever view be taken of it the allied powers have made a bad mess of the Chinese imbroglio, beginning with the firing upon the Taku Forts, which was practically a declaration of war against China, before they knew the fact, if it be known now, that the Chinese Government was encouragingxne uoxers. Admiral Kempff showed a level head when he refused to participate in the bombardment and capture of those forts.- With the capture of the forts, which was a practical decla ration of war, the movement on Tien Tain became a necessity, for that was the way to Pekin. If the Chinese had been a weak power, thero might have, been good policy ;in the capture of the forts, for that might have caused a scare and brought them to terms, buttheyJ were not a weak people, but had large and well equipped armies in the field, and among them some hard fighters. But even then there was.no understanding among, the allies, and no concert of action, each one apparently acting for itself and each having some ulterior object in view which prevented them from acting in concert. Even now since the march on Pekin has begun there are said to be misunderstandings and suspicions among the allies,' which prevent unity of action, while they have to move against a wily foe who has the advantage of immense numbers of men inspired by hate of foreigners and religions fanaticism, and .who will resort to the most desperate ex pedients to obstruct the march of the allies on Pekin, an illustration which is shown in the cutting of the dikes to flood the country through which the allies have to march. The march has begun, there has been some hard fighting, but the end has not been reached yet. DISTURBED OVER ROOSEVELT It is said that the Republican leaders; especially Mark Hanna and Mr. McKinley, are very much wor ried over the style of speeches that "Rough Rider" Roosevelt is making, which are driving away votes that will be very much needed by Mc Kinley. They are working for the support of the gold Democrats, whose votes helped if they didn't elect McKinley in 1896, and Eoose velt is doing all he can by his asinine uttterances to drive these votes away from McKinley. The follow ing, taken from his speech before the Republican clubs at St. Paul some time ago, is a sample of the sort of- offensive rot he spews out. Speaking of Democrats he said: "They stand -for lawlessness and disorder, for dishonesty and dis honor, for license and disaster at home and cowardly shrinking from duty abroad." xnis is simply the raving oi a unatic at large, and is not only a malicious arraignment of 6,500,000 Democrats who supported Bryan in 896 but the more than 6,500,000 who support him now. It is an ar raignment not only of these but of thousands of Republicans and non partisans who are opposed to the McKinley policy of forcible expan sion, ana in addition to that it is a gross reflection upon the country which has so many of that kind of people in it. No. wonder the Re publican leaders are becoming wor ried with this kind of performances, and no wonder that some of the Re puoncan organs are calling upon Hanna to send Teddy out to Okla homa, New Mexico and, Arizona where cowboy oratory might be less offensive. CURRENT COMMENT. The removal of Marion But- er from public life will be one of he results of the constitutional amendment in North Carolina, and by no means the least beneficial to peoTpe.-Chattanooga Times, Ind3 Senator Hoar will have to hold joint debates with himself while stumping Massachusetts. The Democrats will confront him at every stage of his canvass with extracts from his speeches in the Senate attacking the Philippine policy of ne j Adnun8tration. rhmmlvhw liecora, Hem. There is quite a cackle be cause John Bull is borrowing $50,- 000, 000 from this conntry . If John Bull were to send over his thousands of millions of American, bonds for redemption, tho cacke would tnrn to lament and penic. Auausla vnronicie, uem. , sti t -r s lhe time has come when to stop petty quibbling and diplomatic fictions and face the situation honestly, If the President feels that ne cannot now withdraw from the entaglement he is in, and that the conntry muBt eo to war. (with China,) let him summon the war-making power of the government and have it take the responsibility of the decision. JPniladelphia 2 iraes; Ma. Democratic Senators Elected. Advices -from Clinton are that Messrs. J. W: 8. Bobmson, of Samp son, and George H. Currie, of Bladen, are certainly elected from the Four teenth Senatorial district, the vote of Sampson to the contrary notwith standing. Both gentlemen are well known in Wilminfcton, and their elec tion beyond a doubt is gratifying to their numerous friends here. When others fail, take Roberts tasteless cans xomo. it cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad health. 26c A red cross on the label assures you of the- pure, high-class material that makes Roberts' a 'suc cess. Don't take a substitute. E. R. BezjLahy. Job. C. Shepabd, jb., and J. Hicks BuHTora. THE CRIMINAL COURT Young Mr. Simons Was Found Not Guilty of Cruelty to Animals..- A LONG DRAWN OUT CASE. Keeper of Disorderly House Found fJoilly After Hard Fought Contest Betweea Attorneys-Other Dolag s of Yes terday's Session. Almo&t another entire day of the Criminal Court was taken up again yesterday in the hearing of a single case that of the State against Mamie Sheridan charged with keeping .a dis orderly house. Quite a number of prominent citizens residlng,-in the vicinity of her place, No. 530 South Fourth street, were present to testify, and as both sides were represented- by the best of legal talent, the case was hard fought Thex jurors had been selected and empanelled by 13 o'clock noon, and the hearing of testimony immediately began. A recess for din ner was taken from 1 to 3 o'clock and it was near seven o'clock, when the jury after remaining out only a few- minutes returned a verdict of, guilty. Judgment was reserved by Judge Moore until this morning at the open ing of court, defendant having given bond in the sum of $100, justified, for her appearance at that time. The bill in this case was not re turned by the present grand jury, but has been on the docket and continued from time to time for more than a year. . Solicitor Duffy vigorously prose cuted the case, and was assisted in the same by Iredell Meares and L. V. Grady, Esqs., all of whom made ar- A. A ll mi mm gumentw we jury, me aeience was conducted by Herbert McClammy and Brooke G. Empie. Esqs. The first action by the court yester day morning was the receiving of the verdict in the case of Mr. W. D. Simons for alleged cruelty to animals in driving a horse to death belonging to the S.. P. CoWan Livery Company. The jury, after remaining out all night, returned a verdict of not guil ty and Mr. Simons was completely exonerated. It is learned on the best of authority that one-man hung the jury alt night, the other eleven hav ing readily agreed to "not guilty." A small negro boy, who was sent with Mr. Simons to drive, it is under stood, '.will be prosecuted for perjury. His name is William Henry Hooker and his t stimony was very damaging, if believed, to Mr. Simons. Other cases heard yesterday were Victoria Sid berry and Deleman Sid berry, affray ; not guilty. Julia Mur ray, colored, larceny of $11 in cash; guilty; judgment reserved. The following talesman have been summoned for duty to-dav: M. H. Curran, Frank Haffner, Thos. H. Thornton, J. S. Brock, Geo. H. Dicksey, G. F. Flynn, Jno. W. Muhcey, H. C. McNorton, W. H. Northrop, J, J. Winley, J. G. King, Louis Capps, Jno. E. Silvia, C. M. Kelley, J. E. Boyett, J. D. James, Wm. Hayes, Jr., Henry Savage, J. T. Mcllhenny, L. H. Kelley, Thos. Evans, E. W. Edens, B. F. King, W. H. Bonham. -; There were no startling develop ments from the grand jury yesterday, but it is learned that searching inves tigations are being made against species of infractions of the law hitherto unnoticed or for reasons A' passed over for the lack of evidence to admit of a true bill. Disorderly houses, it is learned, will come in for their share of attention. The penalty against keepers of such places is $500 fine and a maximum term of two years in the work house, either or both, in the discretion of the court Every species of gambling and illicit liquor selling is also said to be on tapis for a rigid investigation by the jury. ALL QUIET 4IT BAYB0R0. Mob at the Court House Dispersed Satur day Night Tie Naval Reserves Returned to Newbern. Special Star Telegram. Newbben, N. C, August 6. News from Bayboro is to the effect that all things are quiet. Upon hearing Satur day night that the Governor had or dered military to the scene, the crowd about the court house dispersed. Some people now say there was no need of soldiers, but many good citizens of Pamlico declared that the threats and general conduct of the mob warranted the request for protection from the State. ' . ; - The Naval Reserves reached Bay boro Sunday about noon, having gone by boat to Oriental and marching across the , country. They returned Sunday night. To-day, by telegraph, Lieutenant Commander Hill, of the Reserves, re ceived the command to disband his di vision, from J. C. L. Harris, acting adjutant general. This command is not generally understood here. Maintains Its Claim. An enthusiastic Democrat of Robe son and a loyal citizen of that grand old county, writes from Maxton: "Now comes Halifax cla.-iminn' that banner. We shall never submit to have a Democratic banner va fto Halifax neither good Democrats nor their banner go there. It's the other crowd." Wm. S. Thomson. Esq.. a North Carolinian and a native of Clin- 122! 7a S?8 cme7ed success in his adopted State. Georgia a. h. yesterday, returning to his old home w ayouu a anon vacation. ' L fdim LOADED SHOTGUN SHEIlsZll j "ncwmvat,''''LcadGi'nd"RcpcafGr M TimIb nana LmI.. l. . . "" - W . ---"s bo oil aadyoawWsat to bt shell tfastmoMycaa boy. t ALL DEALERS MONUMENT UNVEILING. Cape Pear Camp of Veterans Will Stnd Large Delegation to Raleigh August 22d Association Meeting. The indications are that a large dele gation of Wilmington veterans will attend the ceremonies upon the unveil ing of the Vance monument and tbe annual meeting of the Uonrtoemte Veteratis' State Association at Raleigh, August 33d. At last night's meeting of Cape Fear Cmp No. 354, Commander Metts was instruct d to name delegates to the event and he will do so in a few da; s; It was also the sense of the meeting that it would be quite the proper thing for the entire list of active members of the Cmp to attend the exercises. . Upon motion of Col. F. W. Kerch ntr, a committee, consisting of Com mander Mrtts and Col. W. J. Wood ward, was appointed to secure reduced rates from the railroads for the occ aion. It was also moved and adopted, that delegates cast their votes as a unit for the election of a General of the Division. Col. DdRosset at the meeting last night made a report of the proceedings at the Louisville convention in June aad explained his action regard ing the Gen. Sickles' affair. The camp sustained his action in the mat ter. He also expressed grateful appro ciation of the sympathy expressed by the camp for him during the recent operation for his eyes at Richmond, Va. ' ' : Mr. Samuel Hall, upon recommen dation of the membership committee, was elected a member of the camp.- ROBESON CLAIMS BANNER. She Bases the Vote Upon Oovemor and Defies Mecklenburg Prophecy for Future and a Retrospect. x Special Star Correspondence. Maxton, N. C., August 6. Jtobe- son's official majority for the Amend ment is 3,311. You will note that Mecklenburg-.is claiming the banner on a majority of 3,553 for the Amend ment, but only 3,468 for Aycock .Kooeson's majority ror Aycock is 3.543, and as the vote for Governor is the basis of representation in Dem ocratic conventions, of course it must regulate the movement 01 that ban ner (which must be written with 1 bis B this year). Let the Stab shed true light on this important subject. xne Amendment, ror wmch many KepuDiicans voted, is only an mci dent to 1900, while the banner test has been a biennial event since 1876, at least. Let it go down in history that in 1875, when the first great protest was made against negro domination, Robe son was carried and held and the State saved; in 1900, when the first experi ment was no longer enicient. Robe son led the Democratic procession for another term oLwhite supremacy. Then, by way of prophecy, when the final step shall be taken and the erasement of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the once United States (now semi-empire) shall be tub muted to the States. Robeson's renre sentatives will go up to the Legisla ture or convention instructed by the largest majority given by any county in the State always sunnosine that she shall not in the meantime be made into a number of baby counties. Butler at Home. Marion Butler and a few of his henchmen have closed up shop at Ra leigh and the "endless chain," as he has been appropriately dubbed by the Nexus and Observer, has taken up his abode in Sampson county, his native heath, which came very near repudi ating him and his gang at the election last Thursday. There were reports here last night that a guard was neces sary for the Senator from Warsaw to Clinton yesterday morning, but these could not be confirmed. Telegrams from other papers to the Star last night, asking for a confirmation of .the news, indicate how closely his move ments are watched. Nobody is won dering if he will pay Wilmington a a visit while he is in this section. Death Of Aged Engineer. ' Mr. Henry Brahmer, who for a number of years was employed as an engineer by the Atlantic Coast Line but who during recent years has been confined to his house by old age, died early yesterday morning of heart trouble and the infirmities of age at his home, No. 303 Wright street He was born in Hanover, i Germany, Oct. 15th 1815 , and was therefore in the 85th year of his age. He is survived by one son, Mr, J. P. Brahmer, who is the on ly remaining member of the immediate family. The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from the resi dence and the interment will be in Bellevue cemetery. Congressional Convention The delegates to the Democratic Convention of the Sixth Congressional District will meet in the city of Wil mington, N. C, August 18th, 1900, at 4 P. M. for the purpose of nominating a candidate and choosing an elector for this district. By Order of the Executive Commit tee. W. O. Maxwell, Chm'n. W. B. MoKoy, Sec'ty. Papers in District please copy. M. C. Richardson, Esq;, for merly solicitor of this district, died last week at his home in Clinton, N. C. Beware of Ointments for Ca tarrh that Contain Mercury arTOKanynsnrelr-deeU:py-jtli sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Buch articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the DIood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buylifg Hall's Catarrh Core be sure yon get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F.J Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75o. per bottle. Hall's Family Fills are the beet. t KEEP THEM. eHOICE Vegetables will always find a ready market but only that tanner can raise them who ha9 studied 5 the great secret how to ob- j .... . 1 tain both quality and quantity 1 by the judicious use of well- balanced fertilizers. No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least S Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, v 93 Nmuu St.. Nw Yo COUNTY CONVICTS. Mr. Chadwick Made an Explana tion to the Board of Coun ty Commisssioners. AN AMICABLE ADJUSTMENT. Regolar Meeting Continued from Monday Held Yesterday Afternoon Rnllnr Wlttr Reference to Tax Valua tions of Bank Stock. Mr. M. G. Chadwick, superintendent of the County Work House, in response to citation, appeared before the Board of County Commissioners at its meet inz yesterday afternoon and an amica ble adjustment of the differences with reference to the keeping: of a certain number of convicts for use on the county farm was reached, it" being understood, however, that the County Commissioners have plenary power over all removals, the number em ployed, etc. Mr. Chadwick stated that his refusal to turn over four of the convicts to-the road superintendent was for the reason that their services were badly needed on the farm, and that it was his understanding of the contract that he- should be . allowed sufficient number of the men to con duct his farm. It was shown by ref erence to the records that while this might have been a verbal condition the contract did not show it. He was assured that the board was willing: to deal with him fairly, but at the same time they did not care for a disregard of their orders with reference to the employment of the prisoners. Mr, unaawiCK aisciaunea any sucn mo tive on his part, and the matter was satisfactorily adiosted both to the superintendent and ' the commis sioners. The petition of Thomas Belcher and others for a public road in Cape Fear township, leading from the fourth mile post on the Castle Haynes road, was referred to Commissioner W. F. Alex ander for further investigation. The, following: order, upon motion, was made with reference to bank stocks: Ordered that the Register of Deeds add for taxation the stock of the differ ent banks of the city, to the holders thereof as given by the State Auditor, not including: those who have listed and treated stock as solvent credit. Also all non residents of the State who hold stock in banks of the city shall be notified that same not having: been listed by the banks is liable for taxes and must be listed. At the session of the Board all members were present and an ad journment was taken subject to call of the Chairman. - North Carolina Press Association! Mr. J. B. Sherrill, of Concord, secre tary of the North Carolina Press As sociation, writes that the local com mittees are making; all arrangements for the entertainment of the editors during their stay at Henderson ville upon the occasion of the annual meet ing August 22nd and 23rd. The Niagara excursion will be taken Sep tember 25th. Nearly every editor fa vored a late date for this outing. The Pullman car fare to Jersey City will be only $1.25 per person where two occupy berth, or .$2.50 per person where only one occupies berth. This money must be paid at the Henderson ville meeting. , (CONDITION OP COTTON. Improving in the Carolinss-Two to Three Weeks Late in Texts. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Washington, August 3fc The Weather Bureau's weekly summary of crop conditions says or cotton and to bacco: Over the northern portion of the central and western districts of the cotton belt the condition has improved. While an improvement is reported from tbe Uaroiinas, the general condi tion of the crop in Georgia, Florida and Louisiana is less promising, com plaints of rust; shedding and prema ture opening being numerous. In Texas the crop is from two to three weeks late, its condition in the north ern portion being promising, while complaints of rank growth, shedding, and ravages of insects are received from the southern part of the State. The tobacco crop has made favorable advancement and its condition is gen erally promising, although needing rain in Virginia. Some cutting has been done in Ohio and cutting will soon begin in Indiana. 1 iHfsjE"Eaw 1 CHARLES A. TOWNE Declines the Nomination.for Vice Presi ' dent on the Populist Ticket. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Dtjltjth, Minn., August 7. For mer Congressman Charles A. Towne, of Minnesota, who was nominated for the Vice Presidency by the Populist National Convention in May, has sent a letter to the Committee of Notifica tion, declining the nomination. He says lie will advocate the election of Bryan and Stevenson. During its history of seventeen years there has never "been a death among the puDils of Littleton Female College, Littleton, N. O.1 This is a remarkable health record and those who value health may do well to think of it This institution has a large patronage and is offering to worthy applicants a limited number of scholarships. t A HAYRACK. ' Knockdown - Arnutscmeit Tfcat Save Hea-ry Handilns. Thi lavrsick - here Dresented was originally figured and described In the Ohio Fanner, the chler merit claimed hairier the convenience and ease with which It can be placed upon or re moved from the wagon. A A are the sills. 2 by 5 Inches, or any good wood and of such length as de sired, only if more than 14 feet tney should be heavier. Two short pieces of the same size should be bolted edge wise to the undersides of the sills at E B, where they rest on the' -wagon, and two cleats on the outside to fit HANDY bayback. snugly before and behind each bolster stake. Cut tenons 2 inches square and 2A inches long on the ends of the sills. Make the end nieces B B fronvjthe same sized timber and long , enough to make the rack of suitable width. Cut mortises In these to fit the tenons on the sills and Just far enough apart so that when in place the sills will fit snngly between the stakes. The cress- pieces C C are 2 by 4 Inches, of the same length as the end pieces, with a half Inch notch in thenTto drop over the sills and a small cleat on top of the sill on each side of them to hold them in place. The boards D D are 10 inches wide and of the same length as the sills and lie flat on top. There should be a tenon cut on each end of these boards two Inches narrower than the board. Now go to the blacksmith and have four staples made of three-eighth Inch round iron of proper size to go over the tenons on the ends of the boards at F P and clinch on the undersides .of the crosspleces B B. They should aot be tight 6n the boards. Also have made four staples and four hooks and eye bolts as In Fig. 2. The nut on the eye bolt should have a crank, as shown In Fig. 2. Put the staple In the sill on the outside near tbe end and the eye bolt through the end piece at G In such a manner that when the nut Is tight ened on the bolt it will draw the hook tight in the staple. When the parts are all In place and. the four nuts screwed tight, the rack is perfectly solid. , In order to suit wheels of different heights the blocks E E may be varied in width, or blocks may be placed un der the boards on the crosspleces B B and C C. Uprights may be placed at the ends by putting large staples in the sills at the corners -o the frame. In which they may be inserted and re moved at pleasure, t ' Any one using a rack of this pattern will never go back to the old fashioned back breaker. When you wisX.to move it from the wagon. grv tie crsLai nuts one or two turns to looses tltemv lift the hooks from the staples ixt tie sills, slip the end places frpca-tlte tenons, and the rack will lift off a at a time. When jwr wish to pet it on, put the sills on first, then one end piece and fasten with hooks, then put on the two middle crosspieces, then the boards, placing the ends in the staples in the end crosspiece already on, then the other end piece may be slipped on all four of the tenons at once and fas tened with the hooks. Kafir Corm. A variety of Kaffir corn of ,wl much has been heard of late is blacl hulled white Kaffir. Tbe Kansas sta tion recommends this and tbe red VARIETIES OF KAFFIR CORN. Kaffir and says: For seven years we-1 raised the red. The black hulled white was then tested, and from 1896 to 1898 the two varieties were grown side by side, the red giving an average yearly yield of 37 bushels per acre and, the black hulled white 43 bushels per acre. Kaffir corn heads very considerably in form and compactness. We prefer seed from long, closely compacted heads. Kaffir corn is a warm weather plant, makes a slow early growth and should not be planted until the ground becomes warm. We usually plant im mediately after corn planting is com pleted. First Party Funny thing! Hamac ter jiever wears a tie any1 more. Second Party Yes. He says the very thought of ties makes him sick since he walked back from Frisco. New York Journal. Th Ideal ud the Mercantile. "Oh, where are the poets," the critics ask, To tell how the rosea bloom T Oh, why do the muses neglect the task Of lightening- care and gloom t We must search far back through the weary year! For lays to brighten this vale of tears And bid us smile and restrain our fears So long as the roses bloom." But a poet, faith, must have common Joys, As weU as the sosVs bloom, And en soap and dry goods his pen employs for clothes and a furnished room. It IS misguided and most unfair To scold when to . commerce he turns his ware 4nd think that he ought to exist on air to long ss the roses bloom. ' Washington Stay. blch I Kl - flatfEaoiigli of Them. A Pale Face l a Dromlnent ivmt iptom-of vitiated vidence !,onplete. h s Hiturcl wsyofwarningyouofyourcoBditioV Johnston's oiooo. 11 covered wi ilia never falls to rectify air disorders nr the blood. MJght or severe, of ion? Dianaing or recent origin. Itethlm- iold everywhere. Price Sl.on n eft quart bottle. Prepared only by MICIII6A.N DKCO COMPAN Y Detroit, Mich. ' For sale by HERBERT L. FENTRESS, Wilmington, MINISTERS IN PEKIN. Rifle Pire on the Legations from Ctinese ' Troops asd Boxers Continues The Killed and Wounded. By Cable to tbe Morning star. BKELIK, August -8. The Foreign Office has received the following dis patch from Herr Below, first stcretary of the German legation at Pekin. dated Tsi Nan: "Since July 21st the situatfoistgs not changed. There has been iitttler attacks by the troops en masse upon us nor shell fire; onlydesultor rifle fire. The health of the memotrs of the legation is comparatively gocd. The wounded are progressing." London, August 8 In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Brodrick, par liamentary secretary for the For?i?n Office, read a telegram from SirClaude MacDonald, British minister to China, received in cipher at the Foreign Office this morning. The dispatch was in reply to a government message and bore date of Pekin, August 3rd. It was as follows: I have to day received ydur cipLer telegram forwarded to me by the Chi . nese minister. The shell and caucou fire ceased on July 16, but the rifle fire has continued from the Chime positions held by government troops and Boxers intermittingl y ever sinca The casualties since then have been slight. Except one private of marines, all the wounded are doing vrell. TV rest of the British in the legation are well, including tbe whole garrison. The total of. killed is sixty and of wounded 110. We have strengthened our fortifications. We have overSiK) women and children refugees in ih legation. The Chinese governmtui has refused transmission of telegram; in cipher until now;" Mr. Brodrick also read the followiug dispatch, from Admiral Bruce, filed at Che Foov August 6th: "The allies, about 12,000 strong, at tacked the Chinese entrenched position at Hsiko. ahoat ten miles outside Tim' Tarn eajty this morning. The-r?!iine were drtrett oat and retired north waul; pursued by the allies, who occupied Ptettsaaa:. Transports followed up the troooav Byroad and river the advance apca fVkin has. been begun. Xr. Brodrick said he thought He messages were, on the whole, satisfac tory. The country understood the policy of ' Her Ma jesty's government in regard to China which was to carry On with absolute fairness and deter mination the measures taken to pre serve the country's interests. EXTRA SESSION OP CONGRESS. Talk ia Washieitoa of Probable Action in the CfaiBege Matter. By TOeeraDh to the Morning star. ASHINGTON, August 8. Willie there is talk of the probable action of the United States government in the Chinese matter and some discussion o! the possibilities of an extra session oi Congress to deal with the whole situa tion,"it is very likely that nothing nil be done until additional informatioi is received from China. The tenor ol the message from Consul Genera Goodnow this morning and which hi is expected to communicate to tin Chinese authorities, was such as tt necessitate an answer at . once: Thi authorities here are now awaiting tha reply. r It is stated that President McKinle; will not return to Washington unti next week, when he will be accompa Hied by Mrs. McKinley. As to lh possibility of an extra session of Con gress.it was said to-day by aprominec official that such a session was in probable. The situation, he said, one of rescue, and were Congress ! session now it could not get addition: troops to China in time to participat in the entrance to Peain. U. S. TRANSPORT GROUNDED. The McPherson With Troops Struck on Reef She Was Floated Again. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. On Board Norwegian Steamshi Jamaica, August 5, yia Cape Henrj Va., August 8. The United State transport McPherson, which struck oi Windsor Point reef. Fortune Island Thursday morning, August 2d, at o'clock, succeeded just before hig) tide to day, with the assistance of ttn Norwegian tramp steamer Jamaica, i putting water under her keel afte fifteen minutes' hard pulling. Th Jamaica, it is assumed, captures bif Salvage monev. The transnnrt is uu kinjured. I Tkn 1LrTll, - . 1 :l., cot I uo JUbi. UUflUU WBUI 111 ICC UJilc-a of hercourse when she was grounded xne second omcer was on tbe briugr. and the night was dark and, squallv Both troops and crew showed excel lent discipline. The former wer landed with considerable difficuitro" the island, which is about a szrffe dis tant from the reef. The cartro was discharged as rapidly as possible,. nd. at each high tide the transport made an effort to pull off with tackle on the anchors astern. The Atlas liner Elene made two unsuccessful attempts to re lieve her. Glorious News Comes from Tjiil D R P.aivrile. of Washita, I T. He writes: "Fouf bottles of Electrie Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which hau caused her great suffering for y ears. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure i complete and her health excellent. This shows .what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is- tw best blood purifier known. It is supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, sa rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowe's, expels poisons, helps digestion, buii"5 up the strength. Only 50 cents, bo'" by R. R. Bellamy, Druggist: an teed. t si