- , 1 J" ' ' '-- ' - " ' '"' MATTERS BROUGHT TO AN ACDTB STAGE -4 , - v, .' - ' The Chinese Situation Considered Very5 Grave by the Author Jties in Washington. ANOTHER DEMAND ON CHINA. Determination to Show the Chinese. Gov ernment that the United States , la , ., Not to Be Trifled With-rMore : j L Troops Are Available. By Telegraph to the Mornlna Star., .. Washington, August 8. The Chi nose' situation is considered very grave .by the - authorities in Washington. The receipt of the message from Mr. Ccmger last night which indicated a con tinuation of the firing upon the le gationers and the Chinese govern ment's insistance that the ministers should leave Pekin, which Mr. Conger considered would mean certain death, brought matters to an acute stage. All day the cabinet officers who are in town have been consulting with each other and. the President has been com munieated with by telegraph and over the long distance telephone. Secre tary Root held two conferences with ' Attorney General Griggs and several with acting Secretary of State Adee,and their views were communicated to the President. As a result of these consul- ' tat ions it was announced officially at . the close of the day that a message to the imperial government at Pekin . had bee a delivered to Minister Wu - for transmission to his government. . The text of the message was prepared : by acting Secretary of State' Adee and Secretary Root and in its final form was made known to the President, in a talk conducted by Mr. Root over the White House long distance telephone. It was then stated definitely that the authorities of this government would - not make public the text of this latest communication to China till Minister Wu had had opportunity to forward it to his government. ." -.- -The chief officials of the government were not willing to outline in any def ' mite manner the contents of the mes sage although it was accepted general ly that the communication was Emphatic and to the Point. . The message sent to the Chinese government through Mr.' Wu, accord ing to the best information obtainable', informs that government that the re moval of the restrictions upon com munication with our minister, evi denced both by the receipt of Mr. Conge r's message and the transmission . of the edict of the fifth, is very grati fy! ne, butisnotan entire compliance with the original demands of the Pres ident in. his reply to the appeal for mediation. The President, in his orig inal communication to the Emperor or China, . laid down three conditions precedent to any action looking to negotiations for the settlement of the difficulties between China and the powers. These conditions in the Pres ident's own words were as follows: "I most solemnly urge your majes ' tvVgovemment- to give public assur ance whether the foreign ministers are ali ve and if so in what condition. "2. To put the diplomatic represen tatives of the powers in immediate and free communication, with their respec tive governments and to remove all dauger to their lives and liberty. "3. , To place the imperial authorities of. China in communication with the relief expedition, so that co-operation may be secured between them for the liberation of the legations and the pro tection of foreigners and the restora tion of order." Demands Reiterated. These three demands practically were reiterated in the dispatch which Secre tary Hay sent to General Goodnow at Shanghai August 1, for submission to Earl Li Hung Chang. The authorities consider that the opening of com munication with Minister Conger, therefore only "partially complies with the 1'resident's demands. With the legati oners still under fire, the Chinese government cannot be said to have re moved "ill danger to their lives and property," and moreover, so far as known here, the, imperial authorities of China have made no efforts to com municate with the relief expedition. The new demand upon the Chinese government is for square toed com pliance with those conditions. There m hnrw crrnwin? out of the fact that the Chinese government has yielded partially, that when confronted with lh firm nnflition taken bv the United 4 States it will be sufficiently impressed to make complete acquiescence, xais irrwern ment b determination, it is honed, will show the Chinese govern that the United States is not to be trifled with and will bring the shift incr evasive authorities in rekin to a full -realization of the situation and the consequences of refusal. ' Mloister Wu Disturbed. ,' Minister Wu. early iu the day, brought to the State Department the imperial edict removing the 'restric tions from free communication with the ministers. He was plainly per turbed over Minister Conger's report that the-legationers were under nre, but still contended that his govern ment UTA actinir in good faith and pro tested against a misinterpretation of the situation. He pointed out the fact that the absence of artillery fire might indicate that there were no regular troops engaged in the assault and that the rifle fire spoken of by Mr. Conger might be simply niping of disgruntled irregulars who were engagea m rumu "la fat.fs 4 ' The text of the edict of August 2d is as follows: . " irhout the disturbances re- . cently caused by our subjects on se r.nii nt nf the Christian missions, which have resulted in a conflict ' of forces, it has been- found necessary to afford protection to all the foreign ministers in Pekin. On repeated occa- sifvna ih Tsunc Li Yamen f snt notes. inquiring after their welfare. And as Pekin has not yet been Ksfcjrgd to order and precautionary measures may not Kpcnrn absolute safety. the foreign ministers are being consulted as to the proposed plan of detailing troops to escort them . safely to Tien Tsin for temporary shelter, so that they may be free from annrehension or fear,'' "We hereby command Jung Lu to appoint, as a preliminary step, trust worthy military officials. who,;together with reliable and emcieni troops, shall, at such time as the foreign min isters may agree Upon for leaving Pekin. ear.nrt and nrotect them throughout their journey. Should lawless characters manifest evil de signs upon the ministers or attempt to rob them or in any way create trouble' thev (the high officials) shall at once repress them without fail." Military Situation. Two disnatches were received dur ing the day, one from Admiral Remey and the other from General Chaffee. Both related to the fighting at Pei Tsane. Admiral Remey's dispatch stated specifically that the Americans were not engaged and General Chaffee's dispatch explains how it was that they: practically were out of it.' jr uwupieu roe rear oi the turning column. Owing to the limited ground or operations, wbich he mentions, it is probable that the Americans could not be brought Into the thick of the fight ing, and they thus escaped without casualties. The fact that the Ameri can troops did not have an opportunity to distinguish themselves was some thing of a disappointment to the offi cials of the War Department, but, knowing General Chaffee as they do, they are confident if his men were not engaged, it was because it was physi cally impossible to bring thera into ac tion. The continued brilliant work of the Japanese, who seem to have borne the brant of the .fighting at Pel Tsane, as well as at Tien Tsin, attracts un stinted .praise for the doughty warriors of the Mikado's realm. Secretary Koot said to nighCthat the events of the day had caused no change in the military situation so far as the advance on Pekin was concerned and no additional orders had been sent to General Chaffee. ' 4 ' Delayed Chinese Edict The Chinese minister has received a copy of the imperial edict of August 2 which was delayed in transmission. It directs the safe conduct of the for eigners to Tien Tsin and assigns Jung Lu to select efficient officials to give this safe conduct. . ----- Mr. Wu has also received an edict under date of August 5th in which the Chinese government permits the .powers to hold open and ' free com munication with their ministers. This includes the sending of cipher messa ges. ' Message to Minister Conger. A reply has been' sent to Minister Conger by the State Department to the message received from him late yesterday. It advises him of the ap proach of the relief column and ex horts htm to be of good cheer. The dispatch was sent direct to -Minister Conger at Pekin, and a duplicate of it to Consul General Goodnow at Shang hai. Goodnow was directed to spare no pains or expense to get the mes sage to Minister Conger. The message is in einher anil intanHul trw tact tha assertion of the Chinese edict that free cipher communication would be al lowed. Acting Secretary Adee received a cable message this morning from Con- . 1 - 1 . M, , ' I 1 Bui urooauow at onangnai, giving me latest information in his possession in regard to the situation in China, in cluding the operations of the allied lorces engaged in ' the advance on PaHh ' Tt was MfmiH in tha Ron. tary of War and was not made public. More Troops hi Readiness. The critical situation developed here day by the receipt of the Conger to message gave rise to a number of rumors of renewed military activity. It can be stated on the authority of the Secretary of War that no actual steps have been taken, but it is under stood that acting on a precautionary message, addressed him some time ago. General MacArthur has so ar ranged matters in, Luzon as to have a considerable body of troops on which he can draw in an emergency should there be a sudden and imperative need to send them, to reinforce. the inter national column in China. PARLIAMENT ADJOURNED. he Queen's Speech Brief Reference to Sonlh Africa and the Trouble in China. " By Cable to the fiorniiuz 8 tar. London, ' August 8. Parliament adjourned to-day, after the: appropria tion bill had been passed by both houses. The Qeen's speech, after stating that the relations with the powers of, Eu rope and America continued friendly and a reference to the establishment of the commonwealth of Australia, refers to the war in South Africa, say ing: " "Believing the continued independ ence of the republics to be a constant danger to the peace of South Africa, I authorized the Free State, as the first step to the union of the races under an institution which may in time be developed so as to secure equal rights and privileges in South Africa." Kefemng to China, the speech from the throne says: "Tne British and other legations at Pekin have been unexpectedly at tacked by an insurgent mob and it is feared many of their inmates have been murdered. How, far ' the Chinese authorities are accomplices n this atrocious crime and whether the British minister and his family are among the -victims, are mat ters still in uncertainty. The utmost efforts will be made by mvself and my allies to visit with worthy punishment tne authors oi this unexampled crime." An innovation in the Uueen's speech which caused some comment was the mentioning of America specifically. The speeches from the throne usually allude to the powers generally or to European powers. . IN THE TRANSVAAL. Believed That the British Garrison at Eland's River Has Been Captured. Methnen Fighting De Wet. By Cable to the Morning Star. London, August 8. Lord Roberts fears that the Eland's river garrison has been captured after ten days' re sistance. The War Office has received the following dispatch: 'Pretoria, August 7. Delarey, hear inerof Ian Hamilton's approach toward Bustenberg, and seeing that he had no chance of capturing uaaen-roweii, hurried off to Eland's river. Hamilton reported that firing in the direction of Eland's river did not cease yesterday and Lieutenant Colonel Moore's garri son had evident v been captured. "Hamilton left Rustenberg this moraine, bringing Baden -Powell's force with him. - DeWet commenced crossing the Vaal river yesterday. Kitchener is now moving in pursuit. Methuen.ontherieht bank of the Vaal, has evidently come into contact with the advance guard, as his guns were . . . -r - , 1 A 1 : neara Dy &.ucnener wis moratuK. CRAWFORD NOMINATED. Democratic Candidate for Congress In the Ninth District. By Telegraph to tne Morning star. Asheville, N. 0., August 8. W. T. Crawford was nominated for Con gress by the Democrats of the Ninth district to day by acclamation. Crawford received the certificate ol election in 1898 but was unseated after toot Kv T?ihmrtnd PfiarsoiT.Bepub- lican. It is probable Pearson will be -nnmnaaH Rw th T?Bnil hi 1 AAT1S at a convention to be held at Waynesyille Wednesday next. TO CXKANSB THE 8ISTKJI Effectually yet gently, when costive or bilious, to permanently overcome habitual constipation, to awaken the kMna and liver to a healthy activity. without irritating or weakening them, to dispel headaches,7 colds or fevers. use Djruu ui ins, "j f omia Fig Syrup Co. only. BRITISH TROOPS SENT TO SHANGHAI Disposition in London to Take a More Hopeful View of the Situation in China. i 1 HE INTERNATIONAL FORCES. A Qerman Field Marshal to Be Com mander-in-Chlef Opposition to the British' Qovernment Landing ' Troops at Shanghai. By cable to tne Monuns star. London, August 9, 4 A. M. Beyond the official news givenofft yesterday, the morning papers contain no direct information of importance from Chi na. Thanks to the dispatches, of Sir Claude McDonald and Rear Admiral Bruce, there is a general disposition to take a more hopeful view of the sit uation. The report of the 'appoint ment of Field Marshal Count Yon Waldersee as commander in chief of the international forces meets with general approval. The Rome correspondent of the Daily Mail announces the reception there of official dispatches from the Italian minister in Pekin, asserting that he left Pekin on July 31st. pre sumably for. Tien Tsin. This, how ever, is so utterly at variance with the action and intentions of the other ministers heard from, that it seems al most incredible. If true, it opens up an interesting field of speculation con cerning the fate of the Italian represen tative. The Chinese legation believes that the members of the foreign lega tions have not? yet left Pekin, but that they will do so. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily News, wiring yesterday, says : .- united states ueneral Goodnow strongly opposes Admiral Seymour's intention to land three thousand troops on the ground that such an act would not be warranted by the-cir cumstances and would be likely to create trouble. M. Bezaure, the French consul, agrees to the arrangement but says that if the British land forces, the French will do likewise. The Aus trians also will land men. My per sonal opinion is that the landing of troops at the paesent moment would be a grave mistake." - To Command the Allied Forces Berlin. August 8. The German Foreign Office, in confirming to - the correspondent of the Associated Press this evening the report of Count von Waldese'fc appointment, said that it was only to the command of German forces in China, and that the question as to whether he would command all the international forces had not been settled. The correspondent asked if any other power had suggested an ap pointment, but the official interviewed declined to answer. Nevertheless all the evening papers publish that he has been appointed commander-in-chief of the combined forces. It is understood that Emperor William has arranged the matter personally and directly with the other powers.' The appointment makes an excellent impression. . The British ambassador. Sir Frank Lascelles, has expressed his satisfaction in the most emphatic terms. British to Occupy Shanghai. Shanghai. August 8. Vice Ad miral Seymour has arranged with the viceroy of Nankin for a British occu pation of the foreign settlements at Shanghai. The German warship Beeadier has arrived at Tsin Taub from Apia. Hong Kong. August 8. Two de tachments of Indian troops here have been notified to prepare to proceed to Shanghai. About 3.000 Black flags left uanton to day. ostensibly for Pekin. It is re ported at Canton that the French in tend to clear tne uninese crait irom the creek separating the artificial island or Sba Mien and iinton. - The Chinese protest against such action .as calculated to cause disturbance. Berlin. August 8. The Post says Field Marshal Count VonWaldersee starts for China in a fortnight. Situation In Pekin. TtaMv. An cm at 8. The Foreign Office here has received a cipher dis patch, bearing the signature , of the Italian minister at fekin, not dated, in which the minister, the Maranis Q.lironn T?a rrrri mnfirmi thA rRTVrt f,f the murder of Baron von Ketteler, the German minister, and adds that the legations of Belgium, Austria and Ttaiv havA heen evftfiuatea. me mem bers of the legations, missionaries and foreigners, to the numoer or vuu, seed ing refuge in the British legation. The Catholic missions in the north city, it is further announced, hold out, defended by thirty French, and ten Ttalian mnrinAH. The Kritisn location. when the dianatch was sent, was pro visioned for two weeocs. Eastern Slneria, Hp ,PiBnirRsrRTTRO An trust 8. Wat Office telegrams, received here irom eastern biDena, snow me jmnese have destm-ved the railroad in several places, interrupting the passage of through trains. Repairs aro proceed ing. The uossacn now guard z.vuu ' versts of the frontier railroad. Cable from Che Foo to Taku WiawniH'mw Alienist 8. The War Department has been informed that the Great Northern Cable Company has laid a cable from Che Foo to Taku, Thin nahle will be opened as soon as arrangements can be made with con necting lines and tne consent oi tne varinim' envernments obtained. It. also, is stated that a cable will be laid H I TT! A .. Dy tne jiiastern nixteusiou iumvHujr, from Che Foo to Shanghai, which will rri tto nninfAi-rnnted teleerranhic com- munication between the governments ajid their armies in urana. THE LATE KINQ HUMBERT. Italians in Norfolk, Va., to Hold Memorial Services Next Thursday. Bv Telegraph to the M ornlng Star. Norfolk. Va.. August 8. The Ttalian Society and the Italian Dem ocratic 31ub have decidedto hold a joint service in memory of the late Kinsr Humbert. The service will De held oa Thursday, August 16th, at St. Mary a UatnoilC lnurcn. xnere wiu u . Hnninm mass, and it will be a most solemn and impressive occasion. Mayor Johnston and other prominent .ttv nffimala will be invited to attend. Thaantira Italian colony, which is large, Will be present, xnere win ov a street parade with brass band and aarvia at the church. The Italian vice consul, Mr. J. Davis .t&eea, win be received and escorted to tne cnurcu. The Appetite of a Goat To untriul nv rwir d-rsnentics whose Qfnm.oh anil T.i-VA1 ftrft OUt Of OraCr. All such should know that Dr. King's Maw T.ife Pills., the wonaerrui Diom- fth and Liver Remedy, gives a splen A'u armetite. sound digestion and a i iuinv hahU that Insures ner- feet health and great enorey. wiujr a Mnta at ht. it. tseuamy uriur miuid. i DEMOCRATIC CAMPAJON I FORMALLY OPENED. I Bryan and Stevenson Meet the Notifica tion. Committee at Indlanapolis-The ' Speeches Large Assemblage. ; - By Telegraph to the Morning Star. - Indianapolis, Ind. August 8. William J. Bryan and Adlai E, Ste venson were to-day, in this city, offi cially and formally notified of their nominations by the Democrats at the recent Kansas City convention,; to the offices respectively of President and Vice President of the United States. The ceremony was made the occasion ot a demonstration with which the Democrats may-be fairly said to have begun their national campaign. The notification occurred in the Military Park, ; a beautifully shaded tract of ground in the center of the city. The park -contains probably thirty acres of groundand it was well covered with people. In the vicinity of the speakers' stand the crowd was very dense. Probably a majority of them were residents of Indianapolis. but many were, from other portions of Indiana,- while many, also came from distant States. There was also a quite general gathering of the members of the Democratic National Committee, while of course, the members of the two committees appointed to make the official notifications were also present. The occasion was, therefore, regarded as or national political importance. -A Street Parade. The ceremony was preceded by a parade through the principal streets of the city, which was participated in by a number of visiting and local Demo cratic clubs. These acted as an escort to the notification party, and the cav alcade was an imposing one. The meeting began a few minutes after 8 o'clock and was concluded at 5.40 P. M. Five speeehes were made, Mayor Taggart. of Indianapolis, add ing a welcoming address to the noti fication speeches of Representative Richardson and Governor Thomas and responses made bv Mr. Brvan and Mr. Stevenson. The weather was hot. but toward the close of the ceremonies a slight breeze alleviated to some extent the suffering occasioned by the high temperature. At one time it appeared as if actual suffocation might be the result of the terrible crowding in front of the stand where the ceremonies occurred, but beyond a few fainting attacks and much personal discomfort, no evil re sulted. The meeting was called to order in a brief speech of welcome by Mayor Taggart of this city who introduced Senator Jones, the permanent chair man. , Senator Jones made no speech upon taking the chair, but confined his re marks to the simple introduction of the speakers to the audience. Congressman Richardson. Congressman James D. Richardson. of Tennessee, to whose lot, as perma nent chairman of the National Con vention, fell the duty of notifying Mr. Bryan of his nomination, made the first of the notification addresses. Probably no man ever made an im portant speech under greater difficul ties. The sun was throwing its rays directly upon many of his auditors. and besides they were present to hear Mr. Bryan, in this crowd, where a hand once down could not be raised and one raised could not be lowered, were old men. frail women and small children. Soon the mass began to sway back and forth through the efforts of those in the rear to get nearer the sneaker. There were a few screams.more groans, and it became necessary to get some of the feeble people out of the crush There were loud cries of "Cut it short 1" "Give Bryan a chance f ' "We can't stand here?" and other signs of impa tience. f For a time Mr. Richardson did not appear perturbed by this clamor, but when there appeared to be real danger of serious results he brought his re marks to a somewhat precipitate close. speaking for only about fifteen minutes. Notwithstanding the gen eral coniusion, Mr. Kicnarason was liberally applauded, especially when he spoke of Sulu slavery and Oriental harems. Mr. Bryan Introduced. Mr. Bryan was introduced at 3:15 P. M. by Chairman Jones. After one burst of applause the crowd quieted down and remained well behaved through the delivery of the speech. There were occasionally cries of 'louder." when Mr. Bryan began ' to speak, butthese were offset by huzzahs for the speaker. After a few contests of this kind the auditors made no fur ther bigns except to applaud the points of the speech, Mr. Bryan read his speech, depart ing not from his manuscript except in a word of explanation at the begin ning of his address. Mr. Bryan never appeared to better advantage. His face was slightly flushed, but his eye was clear and calm and his voice was never more completely under his com mand. He was dressed in black sack coat, which was loosely buttoned about the waist A white shirt front and white necktie gave the appearance of coolness, which comported well with the speaker's personal bearing. His voice was far-reaching and that he was heard at a great distance was made evident by the fact that people far out in the crowd listened appar ently as intently as those who sat on the platform. There was general cheering oyer the speaker's promise to convene Congress immediately to remedy the Philippine situation if he were elected. No part of the speech received the earnest com mendation that was bestowed upon the peroration. ' This called out ad out burst that was both tumultuous and prolonged.' Mr. Bryan spoke a few words ex temporaneously in introducing his speech, all of which except the perora tion was read irom manuscript, xne closing sentences were repeated from memory in a most effective manner. - Mr. Stevenson's Address. Concluding at 4:40 he was promptly followed by Gov. C. S. Thomas, of Colorado, who introduced Mr. Steven-son.- Mr. Stevenson was apparently slight ly nervous as the time approached for him to take the stand, but he soon gained confidence as he proceeded. Mr. Bryan led the liberal applause which greeted the appearance of his f ellow candidate as he advanced to the front, and many points of the speech were liberally punctuated by appreci ation of applause as the speech pro ceeded. He read from his manuscript, but held the majority of his audience to tha end. Mr. Stevenson closed amid liberal applause at twenty minutes of six o'clock, and Senator Jones then de clared the meeting adjourned sine die. Robert M. LaFollettee iwas yester day nominated for Governor by the Kepubiican tate convention oi w w- cnnsin. xne niatiorm among outer things declares for the abolition of caucuses and conventions and the) nominating of candidates by direct vote under the Australian nauot sys tem. . SUCCESS WORTH KNOWING. - An mn mtwMa fn t.TiA Rrnith. nrOTfifl HWUUJS Tonic a great remedy for Chlus and all Malarial severs, oewer uum uusm wumumuiiij It . , TkrncTtrtmtM Mm and SI 00 DOUJaa. T ARRESTED IN RICHMOND, VA. An Italian Alleged to Be an Anarchist. Charged with Plotting to Blow Up 'the Cathedral. :: By Telegraph to the Morning star. Richmond, Va., August 8 Alex. Brasce, an Italian about thirty years of age, a marble cutter by trade, is a prisoner at the second police station, on the charge of being a suspicious character. Detectives arrested- him this morning on the complaint of a committee of prominent Italians, who declared that Bresce was an Anarchist and that he had made a plot to throw a bomb into the Cathedral to-morrow while the memorial services in respect to the late King Humbert were being celebrated. - Brasce is a poor English scholar. He can hardly make himself under stood, but to a reporter he tried to make it plain to day that he was not an Anarchist. The gentlemen who have the cele bration in honor of King Humbert in charge was informed yesterday that an Anarchist were in the city and that he had. been making threats. -It was said that he had declared that he did not care that the King had been killed : in factTthat he knew the monarch was to die, and that he knew the date and time in advance. ILwas also charged that Brasce declared that a bomb would be thrown into the cathedral to-morrow and hay another would be thrown into the parade. Chief Howard heard the complaint of the Italian citizens, the chief of de tectives was7 sent for. and after hear ing the report, assigned detectives to the case witS'histructions to arrest the man and bring him to headquarters. It was learned that Brasce was at work at a marble yard, but the alleged An archist was picked up on the streets and taken to headquarters. Later it was said that Brasce had been at the Anarchist meetiDg in Paterson, N. J., at the time of the laying of plots to kill the king. It is also charged now that Brasce had been trying to organ ize an Anarchist band here. The man bears a striking resem blance to the picturesprinted of Bresci, the assassin of King Humbert, and the similarity of the names has led many of the local Italians toj think that the two men are brothers.! THE FIGHT AT PEITSANQ. Japanese Bore the Brant of the Battle. Americans Arrived After the Engage ment Was Over. - " - By Telegraph to the Morning star, Washington, August 8. The War Department has received the follow ing cablegram from General Chaffee: ' Che Foo. August 6. Peitsang handsomely taken early this morning by Japanese troops, supported by Eng lish and Americans. Japanese loss considerable; English slight; Ameri cans none. Ground very limited. In the morning the American troops oc cupied a rear position, which was to form a turning movement, but were unable to form on line. We will cross Pei Ho to left bank to-morrow morn ing and move on Yang Tsun. Consul at Che Foo furnished copy dispatch from Tsung li Yamen which he has just cabled." The Navy Department has received the following cablegram from miral Remey: "lafcu, August 6, via Uhe r oo, Au gust 8. Chaffee reports the Japanese took Peitsang the morning of the 5th. Engagement was over before the Americans arrived." Movement prob ably continued to Yang Tsun. In form Secretary of War." DANIEL A. TOMPKINS Appointed a Member of Industrial Com mission by President McKlnley. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Washington, August 8. The Presi ¬ dent has appointed Daniel A. Tomp kins, of North Carolina, a member of the Industrial Commission, to succeed Ellyson A. Smith, " resigned. Mr. Tompkins is largely identified with the cotton interests of the South and is one of the principal owners of the Char lotte Observer. . Night Sweats, loss of appetite. weak and impoverished blood, colds, la grippe and general weakness are frequent results of malaria. Roberts' Tasteless Chill Tonio eliminates the malaria, purifies your l!od, restores your appetite aud toies up our liver. 25c. per bottle. Insist on having Rob erts'. No other "as good." R. R. Bellamy, Jos. C. Shepard, Jr., and J. Hicks Bunting. t Concord Tribune: ive very enthusiastic colored voters- in - south Iredell were on their way to Moores- yille to vote Thursday when a spider bit one on the finger, then there was four. The four thinking their com panion was good for another precinct weeping and gnashing their teeth, took him home to die among nis people. Afterwards two decided that Adams needed allhe could get and they, turning ran all the way to Mooresville. Only one however reached the desired spot in time to vote. Thus one spider spoiled four anti-amendment votes, and did no damage to the negro except scare him out of his life and vote. Oar Greatest Special Its . For twenty years Dr. J. Newton Hathaway has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknow ledged to-day to stand at the head of 1 12 TT" - nis oroiession in tnu uue. xiis exclu sive method of treatment for Varicocle and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautory cures in 90 per cent of all cases. In the treatment of Loss of Vi tal Forces, Nervous Disorder, Kidney and Urinary Complaints. Paralysis, Blood Poisoning, Rheumatism,Catarrh and Diseases peculiar to wcaien, he is equally successful. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treatment Write him to day fully about your case. He makes no charge lor consultation or advice, either at his office of by mail. J. Newton Hathaway, m. u., 22 J South Broad St, Atlanta, Ga. tror over' Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allavs all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im' mediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle, lie sure and asc ior - alts. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other t CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J9 SyruRgs A&fleasaiitfyMdJhoiitptly. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually 'when bilious or costive. resents in the most acceptailefann me Jaratjye prjnapjes of plants Anoivn to act most Jfeneffcialy: TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANF'D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. , NEW YORK, LOUISVILLE , KYv N.Y for sale fy druggists -price SO per bottle. LET NO GUILTY PARTIES ESCAPE. Editor Star: All honor to Judge Moore and the grand jurv behind him in their courageous work of breaking up the many disreputable quarters in the various alleys and other parts of Wilmington. ; Let the good work go on. The disgraceful scenes about the old "Racket store alley" on Front be tween Dock and Orange streets on Saturday nights, should be speedily suppressed and kindred other places broken up. Decency, morality and virtue cry out for an early abatement of such nuisances. Let no guilty par ties escape. One Of The People. FINANCIAL MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York. Aug. 8. Money on call steady at 12 per cent Prime mer cantile paper 45 vper cent Sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at 488K for demand and 484 X for ASxty days. Posted rates 486485 and 489. Commercial bills 483S4832f. Silver certificates 6162. Bar silver 60ft. Mexi can dollars 48. Government bonds weak. State bonds easy. Railroad bonds irregular. U. B. refunding 2's reg'd, 103 ; U. S. refunding 2's, cou pon, 103J4; U. a. 2's, reg'd, 100; U. B. 8's, reg'd, 109; do. coupon, 109; U. S. new 4's, reg'd, 132f ; do. cou pon, 132&; U. S. old 4's, reg'd, 114; do. coupon, 114 ;U.S. 5's,reg'd, 112j ; do. coupon, 1125; southern Rail way 5's 108X- Stocks: Baltimore & Ohio74c; Chesapeake &Ohio27Kc; Manhattan L 89 ; N.Y. Central 128 ; T 15 I r f J 4 A- i)J mr tt S . flj. arPaul ll;do. pref'd 170; Southern Railway 10; do. pref'd 52 Ji; Amer ican Tobacco, 83 X; do. pref'd 12s; eople's Gas98H: Sugar 121H; do. prefd 116 ;T. C. & Iron 69Si; U. S. Leather 10 V ; do. preferred 681a ; West ern Union 79 NAVAL STORES MARKETS. Sy Teleeraob to tne Morning Star. New York, aue. 8. Rosin quiet. Spirits turpentine quiet Charleston, Aug. 8. Spirits tur pentine nominal; nothing doing. Rosin firm; sales casks. Quota tions unchanged, w Bavajtsab, Aue:. 8. Spirits turpen tine firm at 39c; sales 300 casks; re ceipts 1,515 casks; exports 232 casks. Jttosin firm; sales 871 barrels; re ceipts 3,329 barrels ; exports 321 barrels. Quotations 5c up. COTTON MARKETS. B 7 Telegraph to the Morning Btar. New York. Aug. 8. Cotton quiet; middling uplands 9 1316c. Uotton futures closed very steady Aucust 8.81. September 8.37. Oc tober 8.27, November 8.17, December 8.14. January 8.14. February 8.16, March 8.18, April 8.21, May 8.23, June 8.25. Snot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 9 13-16o ; middling gulf 10 1-16 ; sales 3,417 bales. Greensboro Record: A colored man named Judd Gantt, livinsr near Brown Summit, has solved the race problem so far as he is concerned. He is a farmer, and, in addition to raising his supply of meat and bread, he sold his last year's crop of tobacco in tms city a few days ago for the neat sum of $500 in round numbers. The Con stitutional Amendment need have no particular fears in it for a negro like that. A Life and Death Fight. , Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day, AH my doc tors said I must soon die. Then I be' ?;an to use Dr. King's New Discovery or Consumption, which completely cured me. i I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hun dreds have used it on my recommenda tion and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $1.00; Trial bot tles 10c at R. R. Bellamy's Drug Store. t Raleigh News andr Observer The cotton crop in' this section was never better. The plant is small, but it is heavily fruited from top to bot tom. If the fall is a late one the yield per acre will be as large as has ever been known. Very little, if-any, in jury seems to have been done cotton by the drought. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. B, Mohr. of the Marine Hospital Service, in a cablegram says there have been no yellow fever developments at Bocas del Toro. since July 26th, when three cases had been reported. , Be Fooled the Snraeoma. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth. and the best Salve in the world. "25 cents a box. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, Druggist. ' t ins Kb d "oi; tea Always BflogW COMMERCIAL; Wf LAlINGiTfjN MAKKET, 8TAR OFFICE. August 3. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doing. 5' - ROSIN Market firm at JL20 per bbl for strained and $1.25 for good strained. f TAR. Market steady at $1.40 per bbl of 280 lbs. , . CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard. $2.50 for dip and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine firm at 4544c; rosin firm at 90 9 5c; tar firm at $L 60; crude turpentine . firm at $1.35, $2.102.2$. RECEIPTS. ' Spirits turpentine... 233 Kosia 1,105 Tary 187 Crude turpentine. 28 Receipts same day last year. 205 casks spirits turpentine, 375 bbls rosin, 189 bbls tar, 63 bbls crude tur pentine. , " OOTTOS. Nothing doing. Same day last year middling steady at5c. Receipts 00 bales; same day last year, 00. COUNTRY PRODUCE PEANUTS - North Carolina -Prime, 70c. Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 77j80c. Virginia Prime, 50c; extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm; 53 to 60 cent per bushel. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85c; upland; 5060c. Quota tions on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. N. C. BACON-Steady; hamsllto 12c per pound; shoulders, 8 to 8c; sides, 10c. SHINGLES Per thousand five inch hearts and saps, (2.25 to 3.25: six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00: seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to $10.00perM. - STAR OFFICE, August 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Nnthnc doing. ROSIN Market firm at $1.20 ner barrel for strained and $1.25 for rood strained. xajt juaricet steady at si. 40 ner iii u - DDI OI 20U IDS. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market quiet at $1.50 per barrel for hard, $2.50 for dip, and for virgin. Quotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin firm at 90 95c; tar firm at $1.60; crude turpentine firm at $1.35, 2.10 RECEIPTS. Spirits turpentine. . . . 121 401 xtosm .... ar 60 Crude turpentine. . . 171 Receipts same day last year. 104 casks spirits turpentine. 334 bbls Tosin, 106 bbls tar, 46 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. Nothing doinsr. Same day last year middling steady at5c. T Receipts 00 bale; same day last year, oo. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime, 70c. Extra prime, 75c per Dusnei of zs pounds: fancy. 77540180c. ViwriniaPmrwo K(r afwo rMn'tvia doc; iancy, euc. uukjn uum. 63 toeo cents per ousnei tor wmte. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85 cents; upland, 5060 cents. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds to tne ousnei. N. C. BACON Steady: hams 11 to lzc per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8$c: les, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five- inch hearts and saps, $2.25 to 3.25; six-men. 14.00 ! to 5.00: seven-inch. $5.50 to 6.50. ! TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to lu.uuperm. STAR OFFICE, Aug.. 6. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doing. itUHiiN JviarKet urea at ti.zu per barrel for strained and $1.25 for good strained. TAtv Market steady at $1.40 pei bbl of zsu lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market easy at $1.40 per barrel for hard, fs.4U ior dip and for virgin. uuotations same day last year. Spirits turpentine, nothing doing; rosin firm at 9095c; tar firm at $1.60; crude turpentine firm at $1.35, 2.10 RECEIPTS." Spirits turpentine 51 Hosm 126 Tar... 33 Crude turpentine 103 Receipts same day last year. 163 isks spirits turpentine, 441 bbls rosin, 355 bbls tar, 59 bbls crude tur pontine. COTTON. Nothing doing. Same day last year middling steady at 54c. Receipts 00 bales; same day last year, 00. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime. 70 cents; extra prime, 75 cts. per bushel of 28 pounds ; fancy, 77 'A sue, Virginia Prime, 50c;? extra prime, 55c; fancy, 60c. s CORN Firm; 53 to5 60 cents per bushel for white. a ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85 cents; upland 5060c. Quotations on a basis of 45 pounds, to tne bushel. N. C. BACON steady; hams 11 to 12c per pound; shoulders, 7 to 8c; sides, 7 to 8c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five inch, hearts and saps, $2.25 to $3.25; six men. E4.U0 to 5.00; seven inch. $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to siu.uu per xa. STAR OFFICE, Aug. 7. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market opened nothing doing; at 1:05 P. M.. r39 cents bid per gallon for machine made casks. At 3:05 P. M. machine casks dull 39 cents; country casks flat and nothing doing. KUI.N Market nrm at fl.0 per barrel for strained and $1.25 for good strained. TAR Market steady at $1.40 per bbl of zso lbs. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market dull at $1.40 per barrel "for hard for dip and for virgin. . Quotations same day last year. spirits turpentine firm at 4746c; rosin firm at 9095c; tar - firm at $L6Q; crude turpentine firm at $1.35, z.iuz.zu. BKOXIPTO. Spirits turpentine - 114 KOSin .-. 316 Tar..... ;.. 58 Crude turpentine 75 Receipts same day last year 101 casks spirits turpentine, 84 bbls rosin, 124 bbls tar. 52 bbls crude tur pentine. COTTON. Nothing doing. - Same day last year middling steady at 5HC Receipts 8 bales; same day last year, 2. COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina Prime 70c Extra prime, 75c per bushel of 28 pounds; fancy, 7734 80c Virginia Prime. 50c: extra rime, p55c; fancy, 60c. CORN Firm r 53 to 60 cants ner bushel for white. ROUGH , RICE Lowland (tide water) 85c ; upland, 5060c. Quota tions on a basis, of 45 pounds to the bushel, v N. C. BACON Steady; hams 11 to 12c per pound: shoulders, 7 to 85c: sides, 7 to 8c. -a ; SHINGLES Per thousand- five- inch hearts and saps. $2.25 to 3.25: six-inch. $400 to 6.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. . r n v) TIMBER Market steady at $3.50 to 10.00 per M .v- ;; STAR OFFICE, Aug. a SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 39 cents per gallon for ma chine made casks and 88 cents per -gallon for country casks. v KuaiiM Market firm at $1.20 per barrel for strained and $1.25 : for good strained. - , TAR Market steadv at $1,40 nei bhl ' - of 280 lbs. -:; CRUDE TURPENTINE .MafVet t dull at $1.40 per barrel for hard. $2.40 for dip, and for Virgin. ; i Quotations same day last year. . ; Spirits turpentine firm at 4746c; , rosin firm at 90 95c; tar firm at ' v $1.60; crude turpentine firm at $1.35, ' 2.102.20. Spirits turpentine 214 Rosin... 659 . 133 Crude turpentine 99 i S Receipts same day last year. 85 - casks spirits turpentine, 106 bbls. : " rosin, 74 bbls tar, 47 bbls crude tur pentine. ' ' OOTTON. x Nothing doing. Same day -last year middling steady. - at 5c. Receipts h)0 bales; same day last year; 00 bales. - v i"Vkl T VTUV 1kTSTtTTVl PEANUTS North Carolina ' : PnmA vris, 1Tv4m mmma VRa bushel of . 28 pounds; fancy. 77 j Oc. Virginia Prime,' 50c; extra prime, 55c: fancy, 60c. CORN Firm: 53 to 60 cents per ushel for white. ROUGH RICE Lowland (tide water) 85c: upland 5060c. Quota tions on a basis of 45 pounds to the bushel. - . :. N. C. BACON-Steady: hams II to 12c per pound; shoulders, 8 to 8jc; sides, 10c. SHINGLES Per thousand, five- nch hearts and saps. $2.25 to 8.25: six-inch, $4.00 to 5.00; seven-inch, $5.50 to 6.50. TIMBER Market steady at $3.50Ito $10.00perM. ' PRODUCE MARKETS. By TeleKrach to the Morning Star. New York, Aug. 8. Flour was again neglected and barely steady, without quotable change. Wheat Spot weak; No 2 red 79c Options . opened easy through the Influence of unexpectedly weak English cables. . Afterwards sold off still further as a result of liquidation, small seaboard -clearances and large hew wheat arri vals in the Northwest, closed llc net lower; March closed 85 Xc; Sep tember 'closed 80c; December 82c. Uorn Spot weak ; W o, 2 44 Js c ; options opened easy with wheat and declined during the day on liquidation, small clearances and prospects of rain West, closing weak and Xc net lower; September closed A3c, December -closed 40c. Oats Spot firm; No, 3 26c: options slow and easy. Lard easy; Western steam $7 15; refined quiet Pork quiet. Rice firm. Butter steady; creamery 1720c; State dairy 1419c. Cheese quoted firm; large white9H93; small whitelOX. Eggs steady; State and Pennsylvania 1417 at mark, for average lots Western 11 13c at mark for average' lots. Pota toes steady and unchanged. Peanuts steady and unchanged. Cabbage quiet and unchanged. Freights to Liverpool Cotton by steam 25c. Cotton seed oil was quiet and nominal on spot. most of the interest being centered on new crop deliveries. Prices closed: Prime crude, in barrels, 33c, nominal ; prime summer yellow 34c; butter grades nominal; off summer yellow 35c; prime winter yellow 4040c; , prime white 3940c;prime meal $25 00. Coffee Spot Rio firm; No. 7 invoice 9&C; mild quiet; Cordova nominal. Sugar Raw steady ; fair refining 4U : centrifugal 96 test 4 13-1 6c; molasses sugar 45c; refined steady. Chicago, -August 8. All markets' drooped to-day from the lack of in terest due to excessively warm weather. Wheat closed at a decline of Ic Corn closed at f la lower, oats iic lower and provisions a shade to 10c lower. Chicago, Aug. 8. Cash quotations r Flour quiet ' Wheat No. 2 spring ; No. 3 spring 6973c; No. 2 red 7577c. Corn No. 2, 39c. - Oats No. c: No. 2 white 23X24Kc: No. 8 white 23X24Xc. Pork, per barrel $11 5511 80. Lard, per 100 lbs, $6 806 82. Short rib sides, loose, $7 107 40. Dry salted shoulders, $6 757 00. Short clear sides, boxed, $7 707 75. Whiskey Dis tillers' finished goods, pei gallon, $123tf. f - The leading" futures,1 ranged as f ol lows opening, highest, lowest and closing: Wheat No. 2 August 75 Hi 75X75X. 74JI, 74Me; September 75H, 76, 75X, 75H; October 76 76, 76X, "76Jc. Corn-Na 2 August 38i, 38, 37 38, 3738c; September S8M38K, 88, S7fi, 37X; October 37&37K. 37X, 37, 87ic. Oats August 21. 21. 21K. 21 Wc: September 21 22, 22, 21. 21 c; October 22. 22X, 22, 22c. Pork, per bbl September $11 85, 11 85, 11 75, 1177; October $11 85, 1185, 1180, 11 80. Lard, per 100 lbs September $6 85, 6 86, 6 80, 6 82j ;October $6 87, 6 87X, 6 85, 6 87; January $6 70, 6 70, 6 67X. 670. Short ribs, per 100 lbs September $7 15. 7 15, 7 22X, 7 15; October $7 15. 7 15. 7 12 W. 715 : Janu ary $6 07, 6 10, 6 07& 6 10. FOREIGN MARKET. By Cable to the Horning Btar. Liverpool. August 8. 4 P. M. Cotton Spot, increased demand," but business, only moderate and prices higher, r American middling fair, 6 l-32d ; good . middling 5 23-32d ; mid dling 5 9-16d; low middling 5 7-16d ; good ordinary 5 5 16d; ordinary 5d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and included 5,500 bales Ameri can. Receipts 26,000 bales, including 2200 baler American. Futures opened firm and closed steady. American middling (L m. c) August 5 19-645 20-64d buyer; Au gust and September 5 3 645 4-64d buyer ; September and October 4 49-64 4 50-64d seller; October and Novem ber 4 20 644 30-64d seller ; November and December 4 34-644 35-64d seller; December and January 4 31-644 32-64d buyer; January and February 4 29-644 30-64d buyer; February and March 4 28-64d buyer; March and April 4 27-644 28-64d seller; April and May 4 26-64d buyer. Washington Gazette-Messenger: A gentleman from Hyde tells us the drought still continues in that county, and none of the recent rains have reached them; that it has been eight weeks now since any rain of consequence fell, and that more forests fires have occurred and done more damage than in years. , o Signature t Till Kind You Haw Always Bought 4 Is i' ifi T I I' '

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