ntlUUUD AT " WILMINGTON. N. C H.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. 88888888S88888888 S8SSSSS8S8S8SSS83 sqinow 2 88888888888888888 iMinow 8S88SS88SS88S8888. 8S88888SS8S8888I1 qjuoW .1 888888S88S8S88888 o ko a eo to t o 8S88S88SS88888888 1SSS8SSS8SSSS8383 U 3- Entered l he Post Offica t Umtgton, N. C, ai Second C1M Htter.l SUBSCRIPTION P-ICE. The inbscription price of the-Wo follows : s Jy BUr i hi Single Copy 1 year, poatigi paid... 1 r a " Smontht " :::::::::::::::: a? - PENSIONS AND POIITICS A couple days ago we quoted a . brief editorial from the Washington Post showing 'how the Republican campaign managers are playing the soldiers and practically boasting of the prodigality with which the money of the treiwury has been dis tributed among the ex-soldiers. The following editorial on the same sub ject enters into' more detail and. is interesting for the figures it gives, which cannot be suspected of unfair ness because the Post being a non partisan paper could have no object in trilling with the facts or figures, or in misrepresenting the case. It says : . , , ;in the Post of the 14th instant edir tonal reference was made to a cam paign document on the subject' of pen sions recently issued by thd Republi can National Committee. As a bid " for the support of the-Gk A. R. men and other ex-soldiers of the Union armies it was deemed expedient by the Republican campaign committee to show that the government has spent more than 12,612.000,000 through the pension department since the civil war; that sine Mr. McKinley became Presi dent there has been distributed upward of $121,000,000 to- more than 900,000 civil war pensioners; that the list of pensioners has increased 2,000 in the past 5 ear; that awhile the Cleveland ad- ministration .allowed only 31 i percent. , o all new claims, the McKinley ad ministration has allowed 52 per cent, alxF-flnallj that 437,000 -claims ard pt-p. !ir.;r. The Post has always depre icuif ihr Custom of utilizing the pen jsin.i burettu and its work as an adjunct iof tbjf political machine. The Post his frequently noted in years past the "idis'Teditable fact -that pension certifi cates have gone into'doubtful States in t unusual numbers whenever an import- , jam election was pending. We have ' nut charged, and do not wish, to be 1 understood now as intimating that any of those certificates were unlaw fully issued; but it is a notorious fact that their issue was hurried up and applications from other States laid by for political effect, and nothing else. This will not be denied by any em- Eloye of the pension office who has ei-n long in service. The manifest unfairness of running that bureau, the immense expenditures of wmcn are delayed by taxation of all the peo ple, as an adjunct of a party machine ought to have admonished the com paisrn committee that the issue cf such a document as the one under consid eration would be attended with some risk. "There is reason to doubt the exis tence as any such faction in politics as the soldier vote. The survivors of our grnat war are not banded together oa either side of the party fence. Like other chizeos, they have conflicting views of issues and condidants, and are divided , among -all the parties. TMany thousand's of them are not iden tified with the Q. A. R., or any simi ' lar organization, and those who are thus organized represent various par ties. Theat thev can view with appro bation this prostitution of the pension - system to a partisan end is as assump - tion that lacks a solid basis." The history of the pension busi ness since the war between the States is a history of hypocrisy and plun der, a systematic scheme of robbery of the treasury, not primarily for the benefit of the soldier or those who may have been dependent upon him, but for the benefit of the-party and the politicians who claim to be the special friends of the soldiers, the party and the politicianrwho estab lished this pension system, which is now the biggest thing of the kind on the face of the earth. . If the purpose were to help needy soldiers, and the money were hon estly expended among them, there wonld be little disposition to find fault, but when the system con tributes not only to the soldiers, de serving and undeserving, between n - whom there is no distinction made, but also a small army of pension sharks, there is every reason to find fault. Or if the motive of the pen sipn voters was to help and provide . for disabled or dependent soldiers; there might be little disposition to find fault with the men who vote away the people's money in pensions, but when it is,known that their mo - tive in votingthese extravagant pen sions is todraw the recipients of pensions and their friends Jo the Ke publican party, then therf is reason to find fault; for the act is hypocriti cal, and instead of being inspired by laudable sympathy for the soldiers is . basely mercenary and in as much as it votes aways theieople'6 money for a selfish and indefensible purpose it is criminal. Of course under the circumstances the pension system as now adminis tered must be practicaUy sectional, the great majority of the pen 8ioners being in the North and : about nine-tenths of the money going to them and through them into circulation in that section. If as ?..- " " 1 ' -r , - ,. ..... i iii-i mm - r i VOL. XXXI. uiuun oi is came soutn as goes North, the pension appropriations would not have grown to the pro portions theyhave reached, but while nine-tenths of the sum an nually paid, out goes to the North while the South pays her proportion of the total amount, there will be little disposition .to cut down the expenditures. That's a business view of it separate and apart from the politics in it, but while the peo ple's money makes votes for the Re publican party and helps to keep it in power, the Kepublican politician is not going back on the soldier, or going to show any disposition to economize in the expenditures. If the Republican politicians were candid enough to admit that politics had anything to do with the pensions they might claim the merit of frankness which would be some offset to the plundering system they have devised and built up to such colossal proportions, but the shame of the thing is that they basely play the soldier for his vote and make the people pay the bill. . THE BOXERS BOXED. The-object for which the allied Powers invaded China and marched on re kin was accomplished when they entered Pekin and rescued the inmates who had sought refuge in the British Legation grounds. The little resistance they . met with on the march, in view of the reports of the great armies of Chinese to con test the ground between Tien Tsin and Pekin, is rather a surprise, for the general impression was that there would be some very hard fight ing done before the "Sacred City" was reached, even if it couid be reached by the comparativelyisjnall force that was marching on it. The fact that they met so little resist ance, and overcame what they did meet with, is another illustration of the characteristic cowardice of the 1 Chinese, who are formidable only when they are in overwhelming num bers. This war, if it can be called a war, has in the cowardice shown and in the hasty flight of that doughty warrior Prince Tuan, and the Dow ager Empress and so-called Emperor, ended as" ignobily as the war with Japan did and China comes out of it even more deserving of contempt than she was then. The only dis tinction achieved was the heartless savagery with which foreigners who fell into their hands, Christian mis sionaries and Christian converts were butchered and the horrible atrocities that characterized the butcheries." - This they, will have to pay for now and the penalty should be commensurate with the offense against civilization and humanity. riThe relief of the foreigners in Pe kin having been accomplished, the next question is, will the allied pow ers now proceed so as to avoid con flict in the settlement of their claims against China ? As each of them, aside from the just claims they may have for indemnity, has selfish in terests to subserve, there is danger that these interests may clash and a more serious condition evolve than in the war with the Chinese, as formi dable as that once seemed. But per haps the very dangers that threaten may serve to avert, a clash between the powers, which ought to be more interested in providing against a possible recurrence of the late upris; ins than in taking advantage of events to promote their own schemes. A farmer in Davie county recently died from the kick of a mule which he had worked for fifteen years without ever suspecting of malice. This justifies the remark of the dis tinguished Josh Billings that he has known of mules that would behave demurely for twenty years just to throw people off their guard to get a good chance to kick some one. We are indebted to an American lady travelling in Brazil in 1868 ior. the seedless orange, which she found growing in that country. At her suggestion cuttings were secured, and from these trees were propo- gated. The crop of these oranges now nroduced in Southern Cali- fornia amounts to 1,600,000 boxes. JL .... There is a new kink in politics in Chicago. One of the light fingered fraternity with a flow of gab har- anffnes a crowd on a corner and j- while he is orating his pals go through the pockets of his unsus pecting auditors. The police keep an eye on these impromptu meet ings now. It takes some men a long time to discover things. A man in- Ken - - TT tucky, who" was injured by being thrown from a railroad train, walked a hundred and four miles to insti f.ntn a an it for damaeres before he discovered that his neck had been broken. A Socialist paper has an editorial on "What Roosevelt Represents. RnnRAvelt represents Roosevelt, the man with the powerful jaw and co lossal grinders, supplemented with monumental egotism. HI WHY THE PEOPLE BELIEVE IN BEY AN. There are many reasons why Wm. J. Bryan has such a strong hold on the masses of the American people, a stronger hold even than he had in 1896, when he was less known than he is now. The Chicago Record, an independent paper politically, gives some of these reasons in the follow ing brief editorial: 'The explanation of Mr. Brvan's popularity must be sought in a cause which lies deeper than any politicaf issue, inat cause is to be found in a growing belief among the people that their government is slipping away from them into the control of power ful interests.- In their view the tariff is the mother of trusts: im perialism is the costly crusade for political and commercial spoils; the government itself is a citadel of special privilege. They see in the commercialism that has debauched our municipal, State and National governments the sufficient cause of our political ills. Mr. Bryan pecu liarly represents the forces that seek to overthrow those who have tried to turn the flag into a 'commercial asset' His admirers wish to destrov the in fluences that stand between the people and their government. He represents a rising tide of democracy, in a kind ii Ke inose or moo and 1828." This is true, every word of it, but it is only part of . the truth. The American people are perfectly satis fied of the fact that Bryan is honest, that he means what he says and that if elected to the Presidency he will stick to it. Even those' who are opposing him most vigorously con cede this. The people admire a man who has the courage of his convictions, and they saw a splendid illustration of that courage when Bryan declared that he would not accept the nomination at Kansas city ii the silver question was ignored. And with all this the cleanness of his character stands out in bold relief under the full glare of tne search lights, and no selhsh in terest or mercenary combine has ever been able to utilize his services or influence. All these, aside from the superb oratory and other gifts of this remarkable man, are sufficient reasons why he holds the lofty place he does in the esteem and ad miration of the masses of the Ameri can people. THE GERMAN PRESS. As the German-American vote is to be an unsually important one in the coming Presidential election, and in all probability a dominating factor, this makes the attitude of the German-American press inter esting as indicating the sentiments of the constituencies for which they speak. To ascertain the position of the German-American press the Brooklyn Eaqle, a supporter of the administration, has been sending out letters of inquiry to the German editors in the central States which are classed as doubtful, it pro pounded the following questions with- the results as it reports below 1. What candidate wul, in your opinion, get tne majority or tne uer man-American vote? 2. Will this be a change from the election of 1396 1 If so. how? 3. Do the German-American voters reerard the issue of imperialism as a real and vital issue? 4. Do the German-American voters recrard the money question as a real and vital issue! 5. Is imperialism or the money dues tion regarded by the German-Ameri can voters as the paramount issue? 6, What are the ctnei causes that you think will influence the German- . : a; 41 : o ' Americana in cosuuir tucir ruwa i xweniy-iour replies were receiveu . tT. i I from editors of newspapers whose combined circulations, according to the newsnater directories, is 325.000 daily. Of these, fourteen expressed the belief that Bryan would receive the majority of German-American votes, five thought McKinlev would receive a majority and five were non committal. Fifteen declared imperialism to be the paramount issue, and four were nan committal. Some made brief cate gorical replies, while, others wrote ex planatory letters, j This being from a Republican paper it may b assumed to be cor rect as far as it goes, but it does not go as far as some others, both Re publican and non-partisan -papers which have been pursuing investiga tions on this line. But the Repub lican managers are very much alarm ed at the attitude of th0 German roters as shown by the persistent and studied efforts they are making to subordinate the question ol im perialism and bring to the front the monev Question, which they had j - - pronounced settled. A nw indnstrv-has developed in Minnesota. The State pays a liberal bounty for wolf scalps, and some of the farmers are getting handsome results from the wolf crops they raise. " The price we have paid for the Philippines so far is 2,394 American lives and $186,678,000 American money, and neither the life or the money account is closed yet. "The Society of the Army of the Philippines" has been -organized at Defiver Colorado. Now shortly look for a Philippine raid on the Pen sion office. The Chinese proverb "he has the mouth of a Buddha, but the heart ofa snake" was invented before Butler's time, but it fits pretty well. w EEK WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900. BELUMY NOMINATED There Was None to Oppose Him iththe Convention Here Yesterday. MR. W. C. DOWD ELECTOR. Sixth District Democrats Very Harmoni ous Platform Adopted and Com mittees Named Speeches by Bellamy and Dowd. Everything was by acclamation at yesterday's Sixth District Congression al Convention, held in the New Han over Court House at 4 o'clock P. M. A more harmonious convention or more, representative body of men was never before gathered together in the shoestring district. "From the elec tion of temporary and permanent of ficers of the convention to the motion to adjourn, every item of the proceed ings, practically every utterance by speakers on the floor, was graciously a ad enthusiastically concurred in by the hundred and more ; delegates in attendance from every county in the district save Scotland, Robeson's new neighbor, which was here in spirit but not in person. Hon. John D. Bellamy, for Con gress, and Mr. w. U. JJowa, oi unar lotte, for elector, were chosen without a dissenting voice. The convention was called to order by W. B. McKoyEsq., of Wilming ton, and he called to the chair, J. G. CoyiDgton, Esq., of Union, as tempo rary chairman, .representatives oi the Democratic press from the dis trict were requested to act as tempo rary secretaries and later the temporary organization was made permanent. Mr. Covington, upon assuming the chair, took occasion to congratulate the representatives from the counties of the Sixth District upon the splendid victory achieved on the first Tuesday in August. "I feel proud of the result of the battle of ballots," he said, "which was so manfully fought and which was so signally successful for the white people of the State. Out side parties waited with bated breath the result of the conflict and the world will applaud when North Caro lina will sing, 'Ho! for Carolina !"' Here he repeated a few'&tanzas of this favorite air so dear to every North Carolinian, the words being adapted to the wonderful victory in the State for white supremacy. He concluded with a beautifully expressed hope that the next generation would see the eradication of the Fifteenth Amend ment from the Constitution of this Re public. A roll call of counties was next made and the convention was declared duly organized. As there were no con tests, upon motion of Wade Wishari, Esq., of Columbus, the appointment of a committee on credentials was dis pensed with. The following committee on plat form was chosen by the various dele gations: Anson, J. CBoylin; Un ion, R. A. Morrow; Pender, George E. Shepard; Robeson, W. B. Harker;New Hanover, Geo. L. Peschau; Bruns wick, F. M. Moore; Mecklenburg,. Heriot Clarkson ; Columbus, M. M. Harrelson ; Richmond, A, J. Maxwell., The committee, then retired and the; convention waited some time for its return. In the; meantime there were calls for Messrs. P. C. Whitlock of Rockinerham and R. E. Little, of Wades boro. The latter suggested the practicability of proceeding with the nomination of a Congressman. There were those who desired to wait until after the report of the platform com mittee was received, but when Mr. E. S. Williams, of Mecklenburg, arose and placed in nomination Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, the action was spontan eous and before one hardly realized that a nomination was entered into, representatives from eacn county ra the district were arising from their seats to second the nomination. . The prettiest speech in seconding the nomination was by Dr. E. Porter, of Pender; the' most enthusiastic by Messrs. George Warburton, of Rock ingham, and Frank Gough, of Lum berton. Dr. Porter said, in behalf of the De mocracy of Pender county, it afforded him great pleasure to second the nom ination of the gallant son of New Han over, coming as he does from a family noted for its energy, talent, persever ance and its adherence to the tenenls of Democracy proper. It is abundant ly proper that he should receive a sec ond nomination, which he has merited by his course in the last Congress, where he did honor to himself and credit to his constituency. Col. W. J. Woodward, as chairman of the New Hanover delegation, said that Wilmington people knew him and all over the district he had been found faithful to every trust reposed in him. He thanked the gentlemen who had preceded him for the nomi nation, and characterized Mr. Bellamy as a Democrat from "heart, soul, mind, body and strength." Wade.Wishart, Esq., of Columbus, in behalf of his county, seconded the nomination and endorsed what had been said in Mr. Bellamy's favor. Mr. Frank Gough, of Lumberton, in behalf of the "Banner County of the State." he said, wanted to be heard from and he recounted Robeson's atti tude toward Mr. Bellamy in previous campaigns. "In 1894 we sat up all night in convention for him," said Mr Gough, and in 1898 we would have repeated the experience if it had been necessary. ; Robeson had the world, the flesh, the devil and Oliver H. Pockery to contend with in the last campaign, but she came through all right and August 2nd out of 4,100 voters she gave a maionty of 3.543 for Aycock.v" He predicted success for Mr. Bellamy in the coming campaign and promised the undivided support of his county. . i Mr. George Warburton, of Rich mond, asked to speak on behalf of the "Home of the Red Shirts." He spoke of the redemption of his county from Radicalism and of what it proposes to do in the future. "I feel honored," he concluded, "to second the nomination of Mr. Bellamy." Mr. Williams, of Mecklenburg, then amended his motion and asked that the nomination be made unanimous by a rising vote. Chairman Coington sub mitted the question and every man in the room rose to his feet, tfessrs. Wade Wishart, of Colum bus, H. McL. Green, of New Hanover, and P. C. Wbitlock, of Richmond, were named by the chair to notify Mr. Bellamy of his renomination and es cort him to the hall. ftatfWm Committee's Report. In the meantime the committee on platform came in and Mr. Heriot Clarkson, . of Charlotte, chairman of the committee, read the following, which was adopted by the convention, upon motion of Mr. H. C. Moffilt, of Columbus : We congratulate the Democracy of North Carolina on its recent splendid victory in ratifying the Constitutional Amendment and in electing its entire State ticket by a majority far exceed ing any in the past. We extend our thanks to those itatriotic Populists and white Repub icans who aided us in winning this great victory. We believe that the political inde pendence of the white man in North Carolina can be realized by the sub mission of all political differences to a white primary system, and we urge the Democratic Executive Committee of the State and the members of the next General Assembly to have the plank in the State platform declaring for a legalized primary enacted into law. We denounce the plank in the na tional Republican platform condemn ing as revolutionary the Constitu tional Amendments, etc., in the South which are aimed at eliminating the negro from politics. We denounce Mr. McKinley, the Republican President, for appointing negroes to offices of trust in North Carolina, and we hereby appeal to all white men m North Carolina to vote against a party which condemns our constitutional amendment. We approve the course of our dis tinguished Congressman, Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy, and we condemn the con test of his opponent for his seat in the House of Representatives as wholly unwarranted in law and morals. Wer approve the National Demo cratic Platform recently adopted at Kansas City and congratulate the De mocracy of the district that our stand ard bearers are those true and match less leaders, Hon. Wm. Jennings Bryan for President, and Hon. Adlai Stevenson for Vice President. Mr. Bellamy Presented to Convention. Mr. Bellamy was escorted to the stand, after the adoption of the plat form, and after being presented by Mr. Wishart, he said in substance as fol lows: Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Convention: "To receive a unanimous endorse ment for Congress in this district makes me feel profoundly grateful not alone to members of the convention here assembled, but also to the people of the great section of country which they represent I have tried to do my duty as your representative in the last Congress, even though handicapped, as l was, by the most outer ana re lentless contest, based on misrepresen tion and slander against the voters of the Sixth district, that was ever waged in the House of Representatives. I was arraigned as a member elected by force, intimidation and fraud, for the evident purpose to belittle me as your representative and neutralize my work in Congress. My opponent has utterly failed thus far in his attempt, and I still retain my seat in the Fifty-sixth Congress.' "In the campaign which has just opened new issues have sprung up and imperialism and trusts present them selves for discussion ana upon me solution of these questions depends whether we will continue our govern ment as originally intended by the makers or go to the contrary. These are the paramount and only issues in the campaign before the people oi the nation. The whole drift of the times is towards an empire. All that is lacking to transform it into a mon archy is the time, the place, the force, the man. The time has not yet come ; the force is represented in large stand ing armies; the man is McKinley. If let alone the Republican party will erect an Aligarchy a monarchy or whatever you may choose to call it. "Wer have either to annex' the Phil- iDPines or get rid of them. We can not hold them as subjects, for this is contrary to the Constitution as Filipi nos would have rights guaranteed to them which would be respected. They are not desirable as citizens as we do not care for any more dark skins. A republican form of government, so say the Republicans, is no longer aaaptea to conditions; wealth will not be pro tected by a Republic and they want a strong standing army and an empire. "The other dominant issue is tne crreat Question of trusts. These con tribute to cheapen products of labor. The Democracy mates no war on organized wealth but believes in extending justice to all equal rights and equal justice to labor and capital alike. It believes in encour aging trade, in fostering commerce but never at the sacnn.ee or govern ment. These questions are the great paramount and predominant issues.. "In the present campaign I shall go upon the stump as I did in 1898, and wul do air l can for tne success oi tne party and its cause, i nrmiy Deiieve Bryan will be elected. The tendency of affairs is that wav. The election machinery t)f all the great cities in the United States, except Philadelphia, is in the hands of the Democrats, where as in the last election it was in the hands of the Republicans and the most wicked intimidation was practiced upon the laboring classes. The Demo crats will this year see that Bryan's vote is cast and counted correctly. They will not resort to fraud, but the election result will more nearly reflect the desires of the masses. The will of the people, like -the sea of Holland is always in sight,' and this year it will be more in sight than ever before. Then buckle on your armor and go into the fight manfully, for our cause is enveloped in justice and justice will prevail." Star. When Mr. Bellamy had concluded W. B. McKoy, Esq., of Wilmington, nominated Mr. W. C. Dowd, of the Charlotte News, for elector. His choice, upon motion of Mr.' F. H. Stedman, was by acclamation. He was then called upon and responded in a speech full of enthusiasm, prom ising his most faithful endeavor dur ing the campaign and assuring the convention of his sense of the trust and honor reposed in him. . In referring to the issues of the present national .campaign, he said that ;for "business" and other reasons some objected to bringing the negro into count He declared that as long as a city the size of Wilmington, the principal port of entry in the State, had a negro collector of customs and that as long as counties of North Carolina are infested with colored postmasters the negro will be an is sue. Those who seek -to stifle this issue, he said, are not friends of Bryan. The following Executive Committee for the ensuing two years was next named and the convention adjourned sine die : Anson W C. HardisoD. Union R. A. Morrow. Pender George E. Shepard. Robeson Georee H. Hall. New Hanover W. B. McKoy. Mecklenburg E. S. Williams. Columbus H. C. Motfitt. Richmond A. J. Maxwell. r Scotland's representative oh this committee will be named later. After the convention the Executive Com mittee organized by electing Mr. E. S. Williams, of Charlotte, chairman. A secretary will be named later. 1 hose, Who Were Here. Among the visiting delegates yes terday were the following: Anson R. E. Little and James G, Boylin. Union J. G. Covington. Pender Dr. E. Porter, J. R. Ban ner man, Geo. E. Shepard. Robeson W. B. Harkeif Frank Gough, C. T. Pate; Geo. H. Mall, Dr. J. L. McMillan. j Brunswick Geo. H. Bellamy, G. M. McKeithan, F. M. Moore, A W, M. Weeks, W. P. Gore, M. A. Robbin's. Mecklenburg Heriot Clarkson, Jno. W. Odom, E. S. Williams, D. G. John son, W. T. Wilkinson, W. C. Dowd, J. O. Alexander. Columbus H. C. Moffitt, J. M. Smith, Wade Wishart, J. M. Shipman, Furney Richardson, Vernon Baldwin, B. F. Stephens, M. M. Harrelson, A. B. Lumsden. Richmond George Warburton, Jno. W. LeGrand, Paul C. Whitlock, A. J. Maxwell. Proposition To Mr. bwathmey. Sunday's Richmond Times in its sporting columns, delates an interes ting story of Mr. A. B. Gwathmey the well known president of the New York Cotton Exchange, who is pleas antly remembered -in Wilmington. Mr. Gwathmey, as every bodyknows is a horse fancier of national reputation and owner of the finest trotting stock, perhaps, in America. The incident relates to a propoiition of A. B. Spreck- les to play a game of seven up with Mr. Gwathmey in which the stakes proposed were horses belonging to each and which were believed to be pretty evenly matched. Mr. Gwath mey declined, and afterwards said that he had taken a good many liters in cotton, wheat and other commodities, but the idea of sitting down and play ing seven-up for a couple of mares worth $10,000 apiece was a little two much for him. Died In Pender County. Mr. James H. Alderman, father of Sheriff W. W. Alderman, of Pender, and one of the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of that county, died Friday at his home near Wallace. Mr. G. J. Boney, of this city, went up yesterday morning to attend the fu neral, which took place at 3 o'clock -yesterday afternoon. Deceased was a brother of Mr. I. T. Alderman, f or- merly of this city, but now of Toma hawk, and for a number of years was a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Pender. Is it R. A. Curtis of Wilmington. The Star learns that Mr. T. K. Curtis last night received a telegram from his brother, Mr. Jim Curtis, of Georgia, stating that the R. A. Curtis, who was reported in yesterday's dis patches as having been killed in race troubles in Liberty county, Ga., is his brother Mr. R. A. Curtis, formerly of this city, the initials having slighly confounded in telegraphing. Death of Mrs; MacRae. Tars. Margaret MacRae relict of the lateQapt Roderick MacRae, of Cum berlajad, died at the home of her son, Jfr. Colin MacRae, in Fayetteville Friday. Three sons of the deceased live in Wilmington as follows: Messrs. J. D. MacRae, W. D. MacRae and Mr. Roderick MacRae. A wide circle of friends sympathize with them deeply in their sad bereavement Mr. L.T. Cottingham, a promi nent lumberman and merchant of Maxton. N. C, who is well known in Wilmington, and whose assignment was recently noted, has made satisfac tory arrangements with his creditors, it is learned, and will resume his ex tensive business interests in his 6wn and adjoining counties. Rev. W. M. Shaw, the newly elected president of the James Spruht Institute at Kenansvflle, was here yesterday, returning from Summer ville, Brunswick county, where he has been recu4eratin& his health. He will moveWfamily from Bouthport to Kenansville about September 1st NO. U TRIAL OP LAGRANGE CITIZENS. Messrs. Mnrchlson and Taylor Pally Ex onerated of Charges Against Them. Special Star Correspondence. Goldsboro, N. C, August 16. The trial of Messrs. J. M. Murchisoa and W. H. Taylor, of LaGrange, N. C, before Hugh Humphrey, Esq., upon the charge of usin? the mails for fraudulent purposes, took place in this city yesterday and after thorough ex amination of all the witnossAn th Commissioner discharged both defend ants, remarking that after the, most careful and thorough investigation, it gave him pleasure to say that there; was noi even a susmcion acainat either: defendant. The Commissioner further remarked that in his opinion it was a case that ought to have been investigated bv the postomce authorities and com mended the zeal of the Inspector and the District Attorney in the matter. Messrs. Murchison. and Tavlor are young men of hieh character and the charge again&Mhem was humiliating to them and their many friends and it is a cause of congratulation that they came out of the ordeal completely ex onerated. Cotton and Naval Stores. The following weekly and part crop year receipts of cotton and naval stores for this and last season Were posted yesterday at the Produce Ex change ? Week Ended August 17th. 1900 -Cotton, 4 baleS; spirits, 1,225 casks; rosin 3.004 barrels; tar, 733 bar rels; crude, 784 barrels. Week Ended August 17th. 1899 Cotton, 1 bale; spirits , 1,187 casks; rosin, 3,269 barrels; tar, 2,135 barrels;! crude, 396 barrels. Crop year to August 17th 1900 Cot ton 280,536 bales; spirits, 13,172 casks, rosin, 43,577 barrels; tar, 16,493 bar rels; crude, 9,023 barrels. Crop year to August 17th 1899 Cot ton, 289,693 bales; spirits, 15,204 casks; rosm, 52,845 barrels; tar, 17,762 bar rels; crude, 4,805 barrels. Died from Heart Disease. Calvin Bell, colored, aged 63 years, living up stairs over J. L. Croom's saloon, corner Water and Grace streets, was found dead In his bed at 5.30 yesterday morning by another negro who occupied the same room. Bell went to bed as usual, so say the other inmates of the house, and was cold and stiff before it was discovered that he was dead. Coroner Price ex amined the body yesterday and pro nounced that the deceased came to his death by heart disease. The negro was employed by the Carolina Cooper age Company. Dr. Worth Coming. The Charlotte Observer of yester day says: "Dr. George C. Worth and wife, of Wilmington, are expected to spend Sunday in Charlotte, on their way from California home. When the trouble in China broke out Dr. and Mrs. Worth refugeed to Japan. From there they went to California. landing a few days ago. Dr. Worth went to the Orient four years ago on his own responsibility, as a medical missionary. He is a man of ability and intelligence. ' Miss Parcello Married. The marriage of Miss Marie V. Par- cello, the well known contralto singer, who gave several entertainments here last April under the auspices of the Hospital Circle of the King's Daughters has been announced by the Albany (N. Y.) Argus. Miss Parcello was married at noon July 17th, at Amherst, Mass., to Mr. Geo. Bixby, a prominent young New York attorney. With the Richmond delegation to the Congressional Convention yes terday were two young lawyers of Rockingham who are rapidly achiev ing success in their chosen profession and who contributed very largely to Richmond's big majority August 2nd. They are Jno'W. LeGrand and-P. C. Whitlock, Esqrs. FRANKLIN J. MOSES. Former Governor of South Carolina Ar ? rested for Larceny of $5. By Telegraph to tne Morning star. Boston, August 18. Franklin J. Moses, at one time Republican Gov ernor of South Carolina, and also a former Speaker of the House of Rep resentatives of that State, was arrested here to-day, charged with the larceny of Ave dollars from John D. Hardy, a Boston business man. Mr. Moses has been living in Winthrop and for a time conducted a weekly news paper at Revere. It is alleged that after disposing of his in terest in the paper he continued to solicit advertisements for it and Mr. Hardy's complaint was entered as a result of an alleged payment made to sax. Moses of five dollars for an ad vertisement which did not appear. Moses was brought to the attention of the Boston police in 1885 when he was .arrested qn the charge of obtaining money unuer xaise pretence iroru me late Fred Ames, Colonel Thomas Went wor th Higginson and others.. He was then found guilty and sent to the State prison for three, years. QEORQU RACE TROUBLE. ' Riotous Necroes In Liberty Cotmty DIs- . persed and Order Restored. ' j - By Telegraph tQ tne Horning Btar. ' Atlanta,' Ga., August 18. Gov ernor uanaier received : a telegram from Sheriff Brewer of Liberty county to-night, saying that the negroes in that locality who had been giving con siderable trouble during tne last iew days, had dispersed and that there was no longer any heed of the Liberty Guards. A cavalry troop, called out yesterday, remains on the scene. The citizens wno naa armea mem- selves have returned to then homes and order has been restored. Some further arrests may yet be made. A. Morris, a passenger on the steam ship Kansas City, from New York for Savannah, jumped overboard while the vessel was off Cape Romaine, S.C., and was drowned. Captain Fischer is satisfied it was a case of suicide. SPIRITS TURPENTINE - Tarboro Southerner'. Farmers- ; are saying all kinds of unfavorable things about the peanut crop.t f " " Monnt Airy News'. The corn crop in this part of the county will be cut short one half. An immense furniture factory is going upinKer nersville for the manufacture of a high class of furniture. The Ban- " ner Chair Company, of this' city, is in ; ; good shape. The business is growing very fast, orders for their goods com- -ing in more rapidly than they can be manufactured:. . v.- Concord Standard: Mr. Luther Harwood, son of Emsley Harwood, near Finger, in Stanly county, was killed last Monday evenings -He was riding, home from plough- ing in the usual way, sidewise. when his mule became frightened and ' -started off in a run, throwing him off. -His foot caught in the trace and the mule ran with him about three hun dred yards. Mr. Harwood expired within about fifteen minutes. Mount Olive Advertiser : Mr' . Willis Martin, one of the most respec-' ted and successful farmers of this sec- ' tion, died at his home near this place last Tuesday morning, aged about fifty years. The copious showers on Monday night were of untold value to v.: this entire section. Cotton, corn, and -in fact all crops, were suffering very much because of the drouth; wells . were suffering from the intense heat and dust "Wadesboro Messwger-Intelli- ?' gvneer: Wadesboro is to have two f cotton seed oil mills. The new-mill will be built by the Atlantic Oil Com- pany. This company, which is char . ; tered in South Carolina, has a capital stock of $250,000. It already owns three mills, one at Sumpter, Camden and Bennettsville, and a refinery lo- cated at Charleston. The mill will have a capacity of fifty tons a day, &nd will be equipped with the latest . ' and best machinery. Concord Times: Mr. W. D." Anthony sends us from Mt Pleasant V an Irish potato which resembles a ter rapin, and writes us the following note . . concerning it: "I send you a Dutch side terrapin of the genus vegetable, species potato, -genealogical descent v Irish, political class Democratic, pro duct 16 to 1, because they average .16 to 1 in the hill. Down here they are considered a great Democratic dish, healthy and nutritious without any -Republican or Populist mercurial in gredients in their composition." Lincolnton Rolesonian: One v of the largest forest fires that has been in this county for several years has been burning in the Moss Neck section since last week. It originated from sparks from an engine on the Caroli na Central railroad. This is the sec-" ond recent fire"we have had from this cause. From all parts of the county, reports indicate serious" dam age to cotton and corn by the drought In some sections corn is almost en tirely ruined and the damage is gener ally estimated at about on half. Cot ton is shedding badly and in some sec tions dying. Taken all together the prospect is a gloomy one for the farm-, er. , Goldsboro Headlight: Dr. N. R. E. Mayer, who farms one mile north of here, brought to this office Monday a limbless cotton stalk of the cannon gold drop variety, which showed 53 balls, shapes and forms. Dr. Mayer has fourstalks in a hill and intends to make two bale's to the acree. A one armed white man named William Morrissey, was jailed here' Monday in default of $500 bail for stealing several cows and mules in this county, and also in Lenoir and Craven counties. He seems from everywhere save Goldsboro, havingegn brought here frjbm NewberD, acd Justice Broadhjarst remarked he hoped Moris sey jould be from here after awhile. Sahford Express'.' One con cern at Southern Pines has shipped oyer 2,000 crates of peaches this sea son. They also ship as much as two car loads of grapes per day. The continued dry weather is playing havoc with crops in this section.' "Up land" corn will not make- a half crop. Cotton is very small, though well fruited. Even fruit has been injured by the prolonged drought and the Summer winds. Foxes seem to be very plentiful in that' section of the country four or five miles south west of Sanford. Several gentlemen from Carbonton and gulf came down with a large pack of hounds the -' first of the week and have since succeeded ' in catching several foxes. They caught two Wednesday morning and one yes terday morning, t Greenville Reflector: Monday afternoon near Wichard, in Carolina township, a 7 year-old colored boy murdered his 5 year-old playmate. . Thje particulars as telephoned to the . Reflector are that several children had gathered at the the house of of a colored man named William Chauncy, the grown people all being off at work. Gus Chauncy. aged 7 years, and Elijah Wilson, aged 5 years, fell out about something) when Gus went into the house andioj; -his fath er's gun and shot Elijah. VThe load" tore the top of Elijah's head off; kil- " ling him instantly. Some investiga tion was made of the matter, but the boy was deemed to young to put in jail. He said he- did not know the gun was loaded. His father was not in the habit of keeping it loaded but lent it out a few days ago and it - was carried back doaded. AFFAIRS AT SHANGHAI. Watching the Chinese Fleet The British Forces Landed Arrival of U. S. Cruiser New Orleans. By Cable to the Morning star. Washington, August 18. As the result of an exchange of cablegrams between the powers concerning affairs at Shanghai an agreement has been reached by which all the admirals of the several powers represented at Shanghai will act concurrently in a survey, or watching- of the Chinese Yanetse fleet, instead of having this duty performed entirely by the British admiral at Shanghai. This Chinese Yangtse's fleet consists of four cruisers and several torpedo boat destroyers. As many transports are carrying troops of the various powers to unina it has been deemed necessary to see that the Chinese do not attack the unprotected transports. The cruiser New Orleans has ar rived at Wu Sung, the port of Shang- -hai. She has on board 800 men, in cluding" forty marines. It is under stood that the British forces landed to-day and will be followed by French' and German landing parties. It is not expected that the Americans will land a party. In consequence dt the landing of British troops, the French have ar-, ranged to land 150. blue jackets at their concession. Jim Strickland, a negro living in Henry county, Ga., was taken out by a crowd and given 150 lashes on the bare back and then shot, once in the arm, twice in the thigh - and once in the leg. Strickland had been using highly incendiary talk, saying what he would do do' if a white man man crossed his path, and has been re garded as a fire-brand in the com munity. - . 51. i V- -f