lac tOXMtlg Jfcir. J jlT YT v . spirits turpentine. T ; v .11 -IT n ."W A mr-i Tr-q tfttt tt . ttt a - -- JL ELD.-- . V V JHd JdJftJLrl Oi AdK. t.1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. ! . ! V ' " - "" - . t"V ' A U U x 7" , 8888888888888S8S8 , .H-.-i8i assgsssssssssgsas 88888888888888111 " -;- . 8S88888888888888i mow. 88888888888888888" !i!8!Sa8288S888 888888S882888888S im- 8S88S88SS8888888S a S88S88888S888S8 I - . s a. s 'I g n - Second Clan Matter.! SUBSCRIPTION P.CE, . oUow.,:ub,criptl0,,-FrU o the W'T Btiw h a Single Copy 1 year, pottage paid fl CO " 6 months " " THE BULLY ASD THE COW ARD. In his speech at Auburn, Nebraska, .last Wednesday speaking of "the ' land grabbing spirit, William J. Bryan said: -The same spirit that carries you to tlm Philippine islands will lead you in to other places and make you hold their people and make them subjects asrainst their- will. The same spirit of militarism and imperialism that car ri (i you to the Philippine islands will carry you wherever you can find a people weak enough to be whipped bv the United States. The doctrine of imperialism is the doctrine of the bul ly and the cowardl" This is as true as if it was inspired, ami is true not only of this country, but of all countries in this age which i infected with the land-grabbipg disease. We say of this age, be came there have been bold nations which have, pursued the policy of conquest, and made war upon strong as wcll'as weak nations in pursuit of that policy, but the policy of con quest ha3 apparently been abau- Joned by the nations of the earth ana in ussteaa-we nave lana-grab-bing from the weaker countries. It is not calling into question the bravery of the men-who compose tlin-.nrmioa nnil narioa gt fViooA land. grabbing nations, for in bravery they will hold their own with the bau'St, but the land-grabbing wars are not made by the people, but by the men who control the State, and they it is who show the bully, and the bully is generally, when con fronted Ly equal force, a coward. He is assertive and brave only when he tackle3 the weak, whom he thinks he will have little trouble in over coming. .,, A somewhat common thing these ilays is the so-called ultimatum" or something of that sort, but haven't you noticed that invariably the ultimatum comes into, play only when the weakness of one party en courages it and the strength of the other injpels it? When a strong nation the3e days has a dispute with a weak country or a claim against it. whethergood or bad, after formal preliminaries if the weaker country tloes not vield and come to terms an ultimatum is ..issued and if this fails to duly impress and intimidate the country to which it is sent a warship js sent along to enforce the demand by shooting into some of the (exposed seaport towns of the J victim nation.' We have had sev eral illustrations of this lately. But wnen misunderstandings arise Be tween strong nations, or one has a claitn again3t another, red tape dip lomacy is invoked and there are basketfuls of correspondence and palaver without any ultimatums. Englishmen are good soldiers. No one will question that, and yet Eng land as a nation, as represented by her rulers, is a cowardly nation. Does any one suppose that if the Transvaal Republic had ten mil lions of people, instead of less than half a million, it would have been forcett into a war . by the scheming , and aggressions of Cecil Rhodes and Joe Chamberlain? Eng land didn't issue an ultimatum to that Republic but provoked an ulti matum, which gave excuse for the war that was contemplated and and planned and soon followed. An independent country in that part 01 r the earth interfered with Cecil Rhodes' schemes of British expan sion, therefore the pretext was Bought and found to make war on th( RoArs. orrab their territory and 7 0 - - put it under the British nag. Does any one suppose that if the McKinley J administration had - thouerht that the Filipinos would have offered even such resistance as they have to our : arms that the course of forcible expansion wbuld have been eotered upon? Not a bit of it. If their foresight had been as good as their hindsight there never would have been, increase of the armv that was first sent to take possession of Manila. This has been admitted by a number of expansionists. Apologizing for be ing there now and for trying to get a tighter grab they say it is because Id U 1 - A 1 TTAmil4 "wo have the wolf by the ears and can't let go." But they thought when they saw the people of those islands simple, confiding, people dis posed to trust their neir friends the I TT- "' ' i " vyju. AAA1, - Americans in everything, and even if not, that they were poorly prepared or equipped to carry on a war with us, the expansionists concluded they had a Bafe soft snap, and that about ,00O, men could do up the job and have a sort of picnic at the same time. That's what influenced the gentlemen who -are running this Philippine business and transformed what' they once characterized as "criminal aggression" into benevo assimilation." It was an illustra tion of the big bully jumping upon the, small and weak, victim. That's imperialism as illustrated to-day MUST MEET THE ISSUES Hanna warns his clans against apathy, which he tells them (al though he knows better) is the re sult of over-confidence; but at the same time he informs the campaign contributors that he must have more cash and lots of it, whereby he gives himself away on the over-confidence racket. He admits that there is ap athy; others of his associates admit that there, is apathy, but they don't admit the cause, for no one is fooled by the over-confidence fraud. The Washington Post, an independent pa per politically, gives in the following editorial some of $he reasons for the apathy about which Hanna and his lieutenants are bo concerned. It says: "Senator Hanna's aDoeal to his fel low-Republicans to overcome the apathetic condition into- which they seem to have fallen is all very well as far as it goes. The trouble is that it does not go far enough. Mr. Hanna cannot expect to win in this campaign by merely Droddin? his nartv into ac tivity. Indeed, it is doubtful whether he will be able to infuse energy into' the rank and file by such appeals. "Apathy in the Republican party will continue just so long as the man agers refrain from making an aearres sive and spirited campaign. The un satisfactory platform of the party seems to have been accepted as outlin ing the policy to be followed by the leaders in managing, the campaign. . instead of meeting the imperialism issue; with a bold and courageous front, defending and ex plaining it, Senator Hanna has appa rently directed that the attention of the voters shall be diverted to the dead and buried issue of the free coinage of silver. This is neither wise nor brave. The Democratic party has arraigned the administration upon certain defi nite, emphatically expressed charges. It asserts that the action of the Republican Congress in respect to the Porto Rican tariff is a step in the direction of a colonial policy, inconsistent with republican institu tions ; that the war in the Philippines is unnecessary and - has no other pur pose than to deprive the Filipinos of tneir liberty; that the proposed in crease of the standing army is a men ace to the country, and . that the atti tude of the Republican party toward the trust evil is one of dishonest pal tering. There are other counts in the indictment, but their enumeration is unnecessary. In the four we have mentioned the Republican managers will find sufficient ground for active opposition. "And, it seems to us, tne party in power must meet these charges with argument and fact if it hopes to stir its voters is to lively support. JNo man, no political organization, ever gained anything by hedging and dodging. Brvan's popularity in this country is very largely due to nis outspoken ae votion to the principles in which he believes and Mr. Hanna will gain, rather than lose, by firmly grappling with the very issues which he seems now disposed to ignore. The peo ple want to know, as they have a right to know, just wnai the administrotion proposes to do with the Philippines in the future. They are sincerely desirous of enlight enment upon the subjects of imperial ism, of militarism, of trusts. J. he Re publican party can undoubtedly de fend its position on all these topics. Why. then, the silence apparently im posed by Senator Hanna? If he ex pects that he can obscure the vital issues by dragging forth the skeleton of free coinage of silver, he is sadly mistaken. "The Republican party cannot win its battle by deploring apaty. It must assume the aggressive. It must meet the charge of imperialism without evasion. Continued silence will be a costly error." The fact is the Republican party is on the defensive and its spokes men lack the courage to defend it in a bold, candid, manly way. They resort to evasion, to dodging, to mis represention of their opponents and to slanderous abuse of Democrats, after the manner of that mounte bank slangwhanger, Teddy Roose velt. They are silent about the trusts, they are mum on Porto Rico, Chey are mute on the British war against the Boer Republics, and when they are arraigned for their numerous offenses of commission and omission, they bawl out that the country is threatened with free sil ver, which they had been assuring the people ever since McKinley's election was dead and that the pas sage of the gold standard bill put the nails in the coffin and clinchecLthem. They are now on the defensive and haven't ;the pluck to defend their party in a bold attd manly way. No wonder there ia4"pathy. The people cannot become enthused over party which lacks the courage to meet the issue by which it is con fronted, or to answer the questions demandedof it, and they don't like cowardlleaders,who resort to hum bug d subterfuge to dodge the issues. There is an active and. growing demand in Germany for the cotton wood of the South, where various uses are found for it on account of its lightness. One firm has con tracted for, several million feet of it to be delivered within the next year or two. SENT TO MANILA. The McKinley administration 8eemsto be somewhat embarressed as to how to proceed ivith' the Chinese question. According to some reports from Washington it is regarded as permanently Bettled as far as, this country is concerned, while others -represent the crisis as still "acute," with possible compli cations that may prove very serious. Before the capture of Pekin some 4,000 troops had sailed to reinforce the army in China. When - the an nouncement of the capture of Pekin and the relief of our legation came, orders were issued for these troops to go to Manila, instead of China. The reason assigned for ordering them tc Manila was that they would be more quickly available in the event that more troops might be needed in China, which, if true, is proof that the administration is far from believing that the Chinese question may not give more trouble. But may not this be a mere ruse to increase the army in the Philip pines which, according to Gen. MacArthur, is not. as strong as it should be and is daily becoming weaker from disease, there being now five or six thousand men on the sick list and in the hospitals? It wouldn't do, with a campaign open ing, to acknowledge that these fresh troops were wanted in those "pacified" islands and to order them directy thero and "therefore advantage may have been, taken of. the opportunity to send these troops to the Philippines and utilize them there. That's politics. " We make the prediction that if it be fonnd not necessary to send these troops to China, they, will be kept in the Philippines to help on the work of "benevolent assimila tion." According to General Mac Arthur he has none too many men for the work assigned to him, and according to the reports of obser vant and well informed newspaper correspondents he has not enough, which doubtless accounts for send ing to him those troops intended for China. McKinley and his polit ical counsellors are playing under cover, but it does not require a very penetrating eye to see through it. They may fool some of the people some time, but they can't fool all the people all the time. CURRENT COMMENT. Senator Hann's speech open ing the campaign at Asbury Park was startlingly descriptive of his fellow partisans when he said "New Jersey Republicans are like JNew Jersey mosquitoes they know their business." The business of the New Jersey mosquitoes is blood sucking, as the victims everywhere know. Brooklyn Citizen, Dent, - The censored dispatches from Manila have ceased to give the causes of the deaths of our soldiers in the Philippines. It is a matter of no small public cencern to learn what climate diseases beneath the equator are most fatal to the army which is fighting in the morasses and everglades of Luzon. Philadel phia Record, Dem. Mr. Hanna's tribute to Mr. McKinley's devoutness will stir some one to make a list of the scores on scores of devout men whom history has condemned not for de voutness but for acting under the delusion that the approval of their errors and. misdeeds which they got while on their knees came from heaven and not from their own vain, misguided, self-complacent selves. New York World, Dem. There is no telling to. what extent the imperialist policy of the administration is going to increase the pension rolls. Already the applications of pensions on account of ,the Spanish war are more in number than the men who saw actual fighting service in that war. The war in the Philippines will furnish, probably, twice as many more, and even that will ESt end: it. A vote for McKinley willTe a vote in favor of still increasing this colos sal expenditure. .Sdvannvh News, Dem. MR. BATTLE EXPERIENCE. Former Wilmington Citizen Shot at a Bar- tlar In Greensboro. Greensboro Telegram. Mr. Lee H. Battle, who resides on East Gaston street, had an exciting ex-' - -ii i - n penence wiiii an ubkduwu couct imh night. About 1 o'clock this morning he was awakened by a noise on the back Dorch. and looking out through an onen window observed the figure of a man. The porch is enclosed by lattice work and Mr. Battle was un able to get a good view of the man. but he began shooting in his direction. When a servant went down stairs tnd turned a light on the- porch, in order to get his exact location, the fel- Tnw made a break through the lattice door and ran like a wild horse, while Mr. Battle did his best to give him a dose of cold lead. Five or six shots were fired, but if the would-be burglar was struck he was not seriously wounded, for he kept running until nut nf fiicht. ThA children keen a goat in the back int. and some of Mr. Battle's friends ara unkind nriouph to suggest that in- offensive Billy was the cause of all the trouble. The Yaqui' Indians, in the State of . 1 1 Sonora, Mexico, who have been at war with the Mexican government for over w orA now suing for peace and Andnavorinsr to be reinstated on their fnrmnr reservation and retain their property. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1900. WILLARD MEETING. Pender, Sampson and Duplin Democrats Celebrated the State's Great Victory. SPEECH BY MR. BELLAMY. Two Thousand and More People Gath ered In Ratification Assemblage. Big Basket Picnic and Dance in the Oak drove. The Democrats of Pender, Duplin and Sampson counties were present n large numbets at the big Democratic basket picnic and ratification meeting at Willard Friday. The crowd was variously estimated at from 2i000 to 3,000, and the meeting was thorough ly enthusiastic and .characteristic of the good people living in that section of the State. It was a'' voluntary out pouring of the people in grateful rec ognition of the wonderful deliverance achieved by them in the beginning of the present month.' The meeting pri marily belonged to Pender, but coun ty lines could not be observed in a celebration . of this character, and trains on the W. & W. railroad both ways brought many people to the scene of the festivities. Many also came by private conveyance. ine committees in charge did their work with credit to themselves and credit to the people they represented. Nearly a hundred ladies were included in the list of those appointed to ar range the dinner and no one who par took of the sumptuous feast of good things spread out on a large table in the oak grove on the east side of the railroad will challenge the assertion that there was a lack of preparation on their part. The tremendous crowd was fed well and there was enough left to supply most as many more. The reception committee consisted of Messrs. J. A, Stanford (chairman), W. F. Bowen, C. V. Batts, J. C. Jenkins, E. F. Johnston, Isaac Cottle. That ou music was composed of Messrs. J. M. Johnston (chairman), J. ' D. Alderman, C. C. Rivenbark, G. J. Powers, W. H. Wells, J. M. Loftin, R. N. Bowen, G. H. Robinson, Oicar Thomas, R. Rivenbark, F. T. Croom, J. G. Blake. Mr. Bellamy's 5p;ech. The meeting was called to order by R. G. Grady, Esq , of Burgaw, secre tary of the Democratic County Execu tive Committee of Pend r. A' report had gone out that Governor Aycock would speak but yesterday morning the Star corrected this impression. The speaking took place from a large stand erected in the grove and Mr. Bellamy was introduced by Mr. Grady, who referred to the speaker's record and his recognized ability in Congress. Mr. Bellamy began his Bpeech at 11 o'clock and spoke for about an hour in one of his best ef forts. His speech, in the main, was in accord with the spirit of the meet ing that of joy and thankfulness for the great victory won. He congratu lated the people upon their diligent work during the campaign and its cul mination in one of the most glorious victories in the annals of the State. Coming to more live issues, now that the State campaign is oyer, Mr. Bel lamy treated the questions in the im pending National campaign with great comprehension and earnestness. The imperialistic tendency was reviewed and the evils that will accrue if it is not checked were recounted. He also referred to the good effects of the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment and its incentive to im migration. North Carolina's indus trial importance as. the third State in the Union for cotton milling was re ferred to and the betterment of this record under the changed conditions was predicted. He also referred to the incentive to education that would grow out of the adoption af the measure. Mr Bellamy was accorded through out this Bpeech great and enthusiastic applause. ; Music and Dancing;. After the dinner hour a large num ber of the young people in attendance repaired to a platform which had been ercted in the grove and a dance of Sev eral hours was indulged in. Music was by a string band, which furnished excellent accompaniment for the "trip ping of the light fantastic." After the dancing the people departed on the evening trains and through the country, MAJORITY FOR AMENDMENT. Some Observations of Returns As Made by Canvassing Board. News and Observer, 24th. The State Board of Elections met yesterday and canvassed the vote cast on the 2 ad of August on the Consti tutional Amendment. The vote stood For, 182,217; against, 128,285, the ma ioritv for the amendment being 53, 932. The total vote cast was 310,502, This vote will not be officially an nounced because the board canvasses this vote merely for information. The official formal canvass will be made by the Legislature at its session in Janu ary. Until then nobody can officially know that the amendment was adopted. The vote this year is 26,458 less than in 1898. We have not yet been able to make an analysis, but there was a large number of negroes who did not vote this year. The vote in 1898 was 336,960. The Democratic judges re ceived 177,449 and the Fusion judges 159,511, giving a Democratic majority of 17,938. At a public meeting of citizens, of Sherman. Texas, resolutions were passed protesting against uncivilized I .J3..4 ah V A aI ttyaii-M BIOTA conduct on the part of "our sister State of Ohio," and admonishing them "of the pernicious example thus dis played in setting the laws of the land at defiance in this age of civilization and land of Christianity." DIED AFTER AN ILLNESS OF SEVERAL WEEKS. Mrs. M. C. Gore, Wife of Mr. J. C. Gore, - Head Bookkeeper for the D. L Gore Company Pnneral To-day .' The Stab is pained to announce the death of Mrs. J. C, Gore, the wife of the head bookkeeper of the D. L. Gore Company. She passed away at 4:30 o'clock Saturday morning at her r late residence, 519 North Third street. She had been sick for about three weeks with typhoid fever and for some days past it had been seen that there was little chance for her recov ery. Mrs. Gore was before marriage Miss Carrie Stanland. She was born near Lockwood'a Folly, Brunswick county and her parents were Joseph and Martha Stanland, both of whom have been dead for some time. Soon alter she and Mr. Gore were married they moved to South Caro lina. After living there for a time they came back to Brunswick county and in a few years moved to Wilming ton. They Have made this city their home for the last thirteen years. The deceased was a good woman. She was a faithful member of Brook- yn Baptist Church, regular in attend. ance and always willing to do her part of the church work. She lived a con sistent Christian life. Her husband and five children sur viveEarl, Glendora, Wilbur, Ray and ' an infant nineteen days old. There is also a sister, Mrs. F. P. Len non, of Brunswick county. MR. TH0S. D. MEARES LEAVES FOR DETROIT. Will Stand-Tor Re-election as Supreme Master of Exchequer, Which He Has Held for Four Years. Supreme Master of Exchequer Thos. D. Meares left last night for Detroit, Mich., to attend the biennial session of the Supreme Lodge, K. of P. Mr. Meares has held the responsible posi tion of Supreme Master of Exchequer for four years. He was elected four years ago for the hrst term of two years, and two years later to the sec ond term. He will be a candidate for re election to a third term. The Supreme Lodge will meet Tues day, August 28th. Mr. E. A. Ebert, of Winston, and Mr. C. A. Webb, of Asheville, are the supreme representa tives elected by the Grand Lodge, Do main of North Carolina. There will be about 150 representatives present. "In connection with the Supreme Lodge meeting will be the encamp ment of the variouB divisions of the Uniform Rank, It is estimated that 15,000 to 20,000 Knights in uniform will "be in attendance. Col. W. J. Woodward, one-of the aides of, the expected to attend the encampment, but could not do so on account of the cotton season opening so much earlier than expected. The Strawberry Crop. Mr. T. B. Pierce, of Warsaw, the big crate manufacturer and a man of much experience and observation in the trucking interest, says that the month of August, on account of the prolonged drought, has not been favor able to growers of strawberries, who invariable want to set out plants dur ing this period. A good many sections have been favored with rain, however, and a great number of plai.' s have been set out, but taken altogether the weather has not bean favorable. Many growers also put out plants in Septem ber but Mr. Pierce doesn't think they do so well when started so late. As to the outlook for the strawberry crop. Mr. rierce saia 11 was a litue early for one to approach any accu racy in forecast but he was of the opinion that the crop would be large. The outlook for prices, he thinks, de pends altogether upon the weather during the shipping season. LITTLE BOY DROWNED. Eight .Year Old Son of Mr; Clarence Hun ter, of Graham, N. C. Special Star Telegram." Graham, N. C, August 24. About three o'clock to-day little Ray, the eight-year-old son of Mr. Clarence f Hunter, who is head machinist for the Scott Mebane ' Manufacturing Co. while fishing in a small lake back of the Oneida cotton mills, fell in and was drowned. The 'cries of his several companions attracted the at tention of Mr. J. It. Teal and a Mr. Penny, who were in the vicinity and who rushed to the lake with all haste possible and dragged the body from the water. Doctor's Long, Golery and Thompson were immediately sent for and arrived promptly, but too late to resuscitate the little fellow. Died at Jacksonville: Mr. Thos. E. Gilman, a well known and popular citizen of Jacksonville, Onslow county, died Thursday at his home of blood poisoning, ne was a member of the Legislature at one time from Onslow and served as postmaster at Jacksonville under the last Demo cratic administration. He frequently visited Wilmington jand had many friends here. The Alexander Jones. The Cape Fear Towing and Trans portation tug Alexander Jones is just off the ways at Skinner's shipyard and is as bright and fresh as a new pin. She has had her bottom cleaned and painted and has been otherwise brightened up. She will be kept up here instead of at Southport for the present , DR. JOHN GIU1AN Came Across the Continent and Reached Here After His Brother Died. FIFTEEN YEARS IN THE WEST. Lived First In Central America Then Moved to Tehnantepec, Mexico--For Some Month's Past In Texas . for His Health. Tired and dusty after a hot ride across the continent and annoyed by various delays, Dr. John Gilman, of Tehuantepec, Mexico, arrived in the city last night on his way to Jack sonville, where he was summoned several days ago by a telegram tell ing him of the critical illness of his brother, Mr. T. B. Gilman, who died Wednesday night of blood poisoning. Dr. Gilman was near Waco, Texas, when the news of his brother's condi tion reached him He practices den tistry in Mexico, but had gone up to Waco to recuperate. The news of his brother Tom's dangerous illness was a severe shock to him, for be remem bered him as being an unusually well and strong man. Dr. Gilman didn't learn of his brother's death until he reached North Carolina and picked up a daily paper. Later he received a telegram from his sister telling him that the - end had come, Mr. Gilman haying died on the very night his older brother left Waco. Speaking of his trip, Dr. Gilman said that it was trying to the extreme, especially as he is something of an in valid. The very worst part of the trip, he said, was between Greensboro and Wilmington, but it had been suf focating ever since he left the prairies of Texas. Dr. Gilman has had interesting and valuable experiences since he left his home in Onslow fifteen years ago to go West, but his life in Mexico has had perhaps more exciting and picturesque features than it has anywhere else. He was located in the city of Tehuan tepec, on the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Life there he found as tolerable as it is in any of the Spanish-American countries the people are cunning and treacherous and especially difficult to deal with. From conversation with people in the locality he became very familiar with the plans which the famous civil engineer, Eads, made for cutting a canal through the isthmus of Tehuantepec, thus joining the Pacific with the Atlantic ocean. . Before going to Mexico Dr. Gilman had lived in Central America. He left there partly on account of the revolutionary conditions prevailing and partly on account of the unsettled state of business due to lack of per manency in coinage regulations. ATLANTIC MANUFACTURING CO. Mr. H. L. Vollers Elected President and Mr. S. P. McNair Manager. The Atlantic Manufacturing Com pany, which was recently chartered by the Secretary of State 'with a good capita, yesterday held its first meet ing of stockholders and elected Mr. H. L. Vollers president and Mr. 'S. P. McNair secretary and treasurer and general manager. As before stated in these columns the factory will jdst at present make baking powder alone but later, other lines will be added as set forth ' in the application for the charter. The plant has already been installed in the old U. F. isc x. V. passenger depot and a good product is being turned out in the "Jersey" powder which is the factory's leading brand. The Star learns that the new goods are taking well with the trade and the enterprise promises to succeed well. BELLAMY FOR CONGRESS. ; Cluzdboum Messenger. At the Sixth Congressional Conven tion, held in the city of Wilmington last Saturday afternoon, Hon Jno. D. Bellamy was honored with the nomi nation for a second term in Congress without a single dissenting voice. Mr, W. C. Dowd, of Charlotte, was chosen Presidential elector for the district. In the words of Dr. Porter, in sec onding the nomination of Mr. Bel lamy, we think it was proper that he should nomination, which he has merited by his course in the last Congress, where he did honor to himself and credit to his constituency," and the convention acted abundantly proper in according him the nomination by acclamation, Will Speak on Century Movement. 7 Rev. Dr. A. G. Voight, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church, will leave to-morrow for China Grove to attend a reunion of the Lutherans of thi State. He is scheduled to make an address on the Century Movement to raise an endowment for the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Mt. Pleasant, N. C. He will address the Woman's Missionary Convention at China Grove. The Peanut Crop. Growers say that the peanut crop has been damaged much by the recent drought. The leaves are wilted and the plants "dried up." .The estimate of damage is from one-third to one- half of the crop. One grower thinks the ISpanish variety will escape with little damage; the North Carolina pea nut with about 10 per cent injury. while the Virginia crop is cut off fully one-half. ' A private letter received yes terday by Mr. W. R. French from Judge Moore, of the Eastern District Criminal Court, says he is still quite unwell and will go to the Panacea Springs to recuperate his health. STABBED IN NEW YORK. Oscar Millte, Former Wilmington Boy, Received Serious Wounds. Jailor Georgo W. Millis has received news from New York of the serious injury of his brother, J. Oscar Millis. who left Wilmington about a year ago to make his home in that city. Y oung Ir. Millis was employed in a saloon kept by Jones & Culbreth. Monday night as he was going for his supper to his boarding house, he was mistaken for another man and stabbed seriously in several places about his body by a white man in hiding. , He was taken in charge by some one after his in juries and sent to Hudson Hos pital. Yesterday a telegram to Jailor Millis said that the injured boy had been transferred to Bellevue Hospital and was in a critical condition. He did not learn whether his brother's as sailant was arrested or not. The most definite news Jailor Millis has received of his brother's mis fortune came from Mr. J. J. Burnett, a photographer, formerly of Wilming ton. Warrock Property Sold. A deed was recorded yesterday at the court house conveying from Mr. A. C. Snead and wife to Mr. Jesse S. Williams the place in Masonboro township commonly known as the Warrock property and containing about 95 acres. The consideration w'as $1,500. The plac? was sold to Mr. Snead by the late Capt W. S. War rock a short time before his death. The Stab learns that Mr. Williams will make the farm his residence in the future. ATTACKED BY BOXERS. An American Woman's Brave Fight De fended Her Home With a Revolver and Killed Several. By Telegraph to tne Hoi nine Star. Minneapolis, Minn., August 25. Mrs. Eugene Crane, of Shanghai, China, arrived here to-day. While visiting at Sinu, fifty miles from Wei Hai Wei, Mrs. Crane was attacked by a mob of Boxers at the residence of J. T. Elliston. Mrs. - Crane had been visiting at the house of the British consular agent earlier in .the evening, in company with Mrs. Elliston. As they started for home about 9 o'clock a Russian accosted them; saying he was fearful of a Boxer uprising and that they had better look . out for themselves. Thoroughly alarmed the women hast ened home and had barely entered the house before a dozen Boxers were hammering at the door. They tried to break down the door, but failing in this, one of them secured entrance through a window. Mrs. Crane ran into the next , room for her revolver. When she returned the Chinaman was inside the room and helping another man to enter. She fired and the man dropped. The one in the window hung in full view and Mrs. Urane rushed up and placed the revolver against his breast and nred again, tie fell back into the crowd. The mob started for the rear of the house when Mrs. Crane opened fire again, dropping another, She and Mrs. Elliston afterwards dragged the Chinaman who had fallen in the house out on the street, where a half-dozen other dead Chinamen were found next morniug. N. Y.'S MURDER MYSTERY. Another Development in the Scharn Case That May Give a Clue to the Murderer. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. New York, August 25. After seven days something has been found upon which the police may go to work in the Scharn murder case. They have learned that Catherine Scharn was in the habit of receiving a male visitor in her flat on Saturday evenings. Also, there is a probability that the girl was strangled with a bed sheet, which has disappeared since the crime was com mitted, although it was in the flat when the body of the murdered girl was found. - From the first the police of the cen tral office have insisted that the mur der was due to the jealousy of some man. The new discovery is the first thing they have learned that bears out this theory.- They are now directing their efforts to locate Miss Scharn 's regular Saturday night caller. THREATENED TO KILL BRYAN. Wm. Williams, a Welshman, Arrested in Omaha But Subsequently Released. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Omaha, Neb., August 25. William Williams, a'Welshman, employed in a smelter here, announced, it is said, to one of his fellow workmen to-day, that he intended to kill William J. Bryan when he came to attend the Jacksonian picnic this afternoon . He was imme diately arrested. Williams is charged by some of his fellow workmen with being an anarchist. The police this afternoon released Williams, haying Jailed to verify the charge. They believe the infor mation denouncing Williams was purely malicious. RICH FUTURITY STAKES Won by Whitney's Colt Bally Hoobey, Ridden by Ted Sloan. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. New York, August 25. After -journey of three thousand miles to ride ex-Secretary of the Navy Wil liam C. Whitney's colt, "Bally Hoobey." Ted Sloan, the whilom American jockey who has done all of his riding in England for the last two years, succeeded in sending his mount nrst past the wire in the rich Futurity stakes at Sheepshead Bay to-day, and gathered in $33,830 lor his employer. The favorite, "Olympian," was second and 'Tommy Atkins," from the same stable, landed in third place, with the others trailing, A fire yesterday afternoon in the top floor of a building in Wooster street. New York, occupied bv manu facturers of ladies . under wear, caused a loss of about f3UO,ow. Newton Enterprise: , Mr. A. - C. Boggs has started a Belgian rabbit -ranch. These rabbits are much larger 1 than other breeds and as said to weigh when dressed from 5 to 10 pounds. They multiply very rapidly and live on the surplus vegetables of a farm. The meat is fine for food, - Mount Airy News: Vegetables are scarce and high, especially beans, tomatoes, roasting ears and cabbage. -In fact, the local products along this cut no figure this year on account of the dry, hot weather. The supply in the mountain country is abundant, we are informed. State8ville Landmark: The heat and the drought continue. The heat is almost unbearable at times and the drought adds to the burden. There, were a few showers in this section last week, but not enough to afford much relief. The crops are almost past re lief. A rainfall now would do them little if any good. Clarkton Express : ' The w eather is still exceedingly dry in many places. The corn crop is almost destroyed in sections of Bladen. Peaches, of which there was a good crop, are stouted and. shrivled, not having attained their growth. The sun shines down with such forse that in places the cotton bolls are blackened and the vitality of A 1 - J . J 1 . 1 I t IUS B1W US WO DUU ucsuujeu. Greenville Reflector: There was a general "free for all" fight be- -tween some of the prisoners confined in jail Monday. Deputy Sheriff Leon ' Tucker went in, the jail to stop the fighj when some of the prisoners at- ' tacked him. With the help of the Chief -Police and one or two others the prisoners were soon tied and put back into the cells. Tarboro Southerner: It is no exaggeration to say that in many sec tions the crops are literally cooked and worthless. Great forest fires are raging in a tier of the eastern counties. The 8mokefrom these widespread confla grations was viewed from the sea Sat urday afternoon and formed a vast bank which nearly obscured' the sun. Swamps and streams are now dry which never in man's memory were so before. Columbus News : Sarah Davis, a colored woman, who hailed irom Bogue, died suddenly at the depot last Monday. She was seen to go and drink freely of water nearby", and after drinking she walked up the railroad a , short distance, sat down on the end of a cross-tie, when she fell forward dead a few minutes later. It is supposed that she was overcome with heat and drank too much water, the cause of her death. ' Sanford Express: The farmers are busy gathering their early crops of fodder. The early corn will not make a full crop as it was cut off by the drought. This, has been a busy Summer with the J. Van Lind ley Orchard Company of Southern Pines. The Super in tendent informs the Express that since the opening of the season they have shipped six thou sand crates of peaches to the Northern -markets. Besides this they have mar keted six hundred bushels of black berries as well as large quantities of ' grapes and plums. . They recently' pulled a watermelon that weighed 75 pounds. Mount Olive Advertiser: The. strawberry growers are heave suffer ers from the long continued spell of hot weather. Very few who have set out the plants have succeeded in the . effort to increase the acreage, even after ; repeated re plantings. ' Old patches have been plowed up and a scarcity of plants prevail that handi caps those desirous of preparing their land for this crop. Unless there is a change id Condition the outlook indi cates that the next season's crop will be less than usual. Lucy Mc- Clamb, a colored woman, who has 101 years to her credit, was in town last Saturday, and attracted no little attention. Before the war she be- , longed to Mr. Whitney Roy all of Sampson county, an uncle of Chinf Police Royal; the latter says that when he was a little boy that Aunt Lucy was considered quite an old woman. - Weldon News: Cotton is be ginning to open in this section. Too many of our farmers have gone back to the Western corn cribs. That means poor horses and cattle and no hogs. Peter Harris, who lives on one. of Major T. L. Emry's farms, had his hogs all in a pen when the storm came up last Thursday. Liigntning struck the pen and killed four of the hogs, which weighed over two hun dred pounds each. The other hogs were knocked down, but recovered and appear all right now. - The excellent prospect for a good cotton crop in Halifax county has been cut short by the long drought, and corn is almost entirely ruined. A well known farmer remarked to us this week that . there will be one of the smallest cot ton crops in this section for ten years. Peanuts in some sections are said to be , good. The only hope for the farmer , is ten-cent cotton this Fall, and many people believe it will be eyen higher. fWadesboro Messenger-Intelli gence: The crops in Anson county. and throughout tne entire section, are the poorest they have been in many years. The drought and hot sun have . simply played havoc with them. To say that the cotton crop will not be more than two-thirds , ot what it was last year is a liberal estimate. In some sections there will not be more than. half a irnn marin And. to malrA thn matter more serious, corn is almost a complete failure. Unless our farmers realize at least 9 cents a pound ror their cotton it is; hard to see how they can can make both ends meet. A few nights before the election a party of red shirts went to the house of a negro man named Baldwin, who lived near Wadeville, Montgomery county, for the purpose of warning him against a continuation of offen sive conduct in stirring up the ne groes against the whites. The party. on reaching Baldwin s house, called on him to come out, as they wanted to talk to him. This the negro re fused to do, and one of the red shirts. a Mr. Parish, of Wadeville, went to the jjoor and attempted to push it openv Baldwin then opened the door and1 fired on Mr. Parish with a shot gun, wounding him in one of his shoulders and in the breast. . Mr. Parish was taken to his home, where he lingered until a few days ago, when he. died from the effects of the wounds. The negro escaped, but was later arrested and then turned loose, and is now at large. IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. The Fusion Political Situation Is Very Much Mixed. By Telegraph to the Horning star. Seatle, Wash., August 25. The Fusion political situation, almost on the eve of the State Convention, is much mixed. The leading candidates for Governor are John Rogers and Charles Voorhees. A. V. Fawcett, of Pierce county, is said to be in the race' simply to hold together his supporters against Governor Rogers. To-night the opposition to Rogers seems to be uniting on Voorhees. He is opposed by Senator Turner but seems to be in high favor elsewhere. It is about conceded that Governor Rogers has a majority of the Demo cratic convention but the Populists seem very bitter in their opposition to him.