The IBfeefclg fctr, . rVIUIUO AT' WILMINGTON, N. C, -At- fl.OO A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. T" 1 88888888888888888 ! 88888888888888888 " : 33888888888888888" i 8 jssaassssisggssgsss r; 8888SSS8888888888 I 10J; t 828SaSS8S88S8S8 . 888888S888888888S ! ""gsssftsaaataass 8288ei82S88888888 7 58888888888888388 ts J S ' a. r ' . Is '' . V: '.: s : : to - w .6 - o a o .-. o Mmed at the Post Office at wilmtgton, N. C, ai s Second Claaa Matter.l SUBSCRIPTION PICE. I be iubscription price of the wVlyfltr ii i oliow : -.ogle Cojy 1 year, pottage paid... 1 CO ... to - X months " Experience is a good teacher when people are disposed to learn. Sometimes it is a very costly teacher. For a long time the majority of the people of the Northern States viewed the negro problem from a distance ."ami iliscussed it from the standpoint of 'sentiment.; The negro they knew was the negro created by the writers of Action and by the lecturer who knew very little about his sub jo r. There was a great deal of svmruthy if not affection for the noiri'o of fiction, and it was not un til those people began to come into contact with the negro of flesh, liloo l and bone, and passions that the sympathy began to wane. Year by year the floating negroes have been drifting into some of the Northern cities, and congregating a tht-y do in Southern ; cities and tlit-n those communities begin to be dimfronU'rt by the same problem that lias confronted Southern com munities ever since the negro was emancipated, while they lacked the .knowledge of the negro that the thi m tc grapple with the problem. Afar sr olding at the Southern peo ple fur lo! these many years for their wav of meeting this problem, "they no acknowledge that it is, in their estimation, at least, one of boundless perplexity on which their attention bsH.ii en' more closely riveted by the r.eeiitrace riot3 in Northern cities. . . In speaking of these, and the ne gro generally in the North the Chi cago J'lurnttl expresses v its senti ments, and doubtless the sentiments of the thinking people of the North, injhe following editorial: "Anions the perplexing problems, upon the solution of which depends the health and happiness of the republic, is the problem of the American negro. What are we going to do with him? The riddle of existence seems scarce harder to read. But the riddle of ex lslenc-j may not be read, while the riddle of the negro may and must be. Much has been thought, spoken aud written upon this question. What has i: come to? Nothing. Whither has a logical consideration of it Jed? Nrmli-r-1. At every turn a paradox. We wish that we could say something wise or helpful on this matter. We mizht, indeed, repeat a hundred sug gestions, all well enough as far as they go; but there is the difficulty they go so short a ways. - y "rorty years ago the negro was a slave ; to day he is a' problem. The South disfranchises him and lynches him ; the North lynches him and buys his franchise.- Of the two the North uses him the worse. The South under stands the negro better' than the North, and. on the whole, treats him better.- It at least gives him what he piot needs employment; and it gives it freely. But his chances of employ ment in the North grow fewer every year, . In Chicago . the condition of the colored man is rapidly becoming serious. He must live, and to live he must have work; and work for him is getting scarce. One seldom sees a colored waiter now in restaurant or hotel; as a bouse servant he is well nigh extinct: few business houses will employ him in any capacity though he produce r diploma from Yale or Har vard; we permit him to ride in the street cars with us which the' South does not though we give him plenty of seat room ; and we draw the social line about as strictly as they do in the South, with none of the South's com pensating kindness in other ways. "The mischief was done early. The Ihegro was originally a survitor, and was well content to remain a servitor. In au evil dayfor bis race he was raised to citizenship. No one cares to seriously defend the institution of sla very. It is indefensible. But there was a middle ground, which was never taken. We 'lifted the negro to the other extreme, and when we placed -him there we turned our backs upon "him. For forty years we have treated him illogically, unnaturally, and, in many cases, inhumanly." Just after the war, when there w;re few negroes in the North, and they "lost themselves," as the negro Uwgressman White expresses it, among the white people, they got along without attracting much at tention, and as they did not come into f:ompetition with white laborers they excited ho antagonism, and seated no animosities. But as they continued to increase in number this condition changed, and the change was accelerated by the fact that the ; ( ' ortion of well-behaved negroes ( e influxes to the bad was The bad were decidedly in I i oritv. and the race was it : .. . tin. Wort,' that i 'orthe; too. them, as other races some--y their most vicious and . -raents. That's the kind h vocation for riots in ' itieaXandin the South, sa K there were an yHihing like ajlarge VOL. XXXI. and continuous migration of negroes into the Northern States they would find it a much more perplexing problem than it now is, and they could not manage it as.the South does, because they would not know how to go about managing it. If the South were left entirely free to solve this problem for herself with out outside interference or captious criticism and malicious misrepresen tation, she veould soon effectually settle the problem for herself and teach perplexed communities in the North how to solve it. The South era people have never made a move to settle it that was not adversely criticised by the partisan press of the North, which thus encouraged the negroes to resist the methods of settlement. - The first step in that direction would be to remove the negro en tirely from the" domain of politics, and thus-deprive him of the oppor tunity to make a fool of himself,, and the temptation to be corrupted, and demoralized by the men who look upon him as so much stock in trade in politics. Removed from the domain of politics they would bo less prone to overestimate their importance. There would then be less temptation for them to crowd into the towns and cities where their very numbers are against them and have a tendency to keep them poor, even the more industrious of them. Too many negroes in the labor market means competition of negro with negro, in which both suffer. In the country, away from the temp tations, enticements of the towns, and the demoralizing effect of cheap intoxicants, the negro would be com paratively very easy of management, and, out of the political field, would present a problem very easy of solu tion, compared with what it is and has been. One thing is certain, and Verhaps the Northern people are be ginning to realize this, and that is that the South is by far better quali fied to solve that problem than the North is, and with the experience Northern cities have had their people may be more disposed to -view with justice the efforts of the Southern people to solve for themselves tl "perplexing problem." MARKETING C0TT0 That was a very sent able resolu tion adopted by the meeting of Southern Commissioners of Agri culture, at Raleigh, urging the cot ton planters ojrthe South to dis tribute theirsales throughout the year instead of rushing their cot ton in and dumping it on the mar ket. At a glance anyone can see the good business sense in this, but it will be about as difficult to arrv it out practically as it has been to carry out a number of other good suggestions that have been made, such as the reduction of acreage, raising home supplies, etc. When the marketing season opens too many of our planters find them selves in the need of money to meet obligations contracted. They have to sell whatever the price may be. but if prices Btart off well there will be a rush any way, the planters who are not in an independent condition preferring to sell rather than take chances. For these and other rea sons a large proportion of the crop is marketed early in the season, and itwill, in all probability, continue so, notwithstanding good "sugges tions, until our planters generally adopt the system of raising their home supplies and other products for market and make cotton the Secondary instead of the first consid eration. When they become- so in dependent that they can hold their crop or a part of it indefinitely, then the planters can follow such sugges tions as here alluded to, handle their crop in a business-like way and avoid the mistake of overstocking the market and taking money out of their own pockets. Last year Wisconsin produced $20, 000, 000" worth of butter -and $8,000,000 worth of cheese, and Wisconsin is one of those . States where cattle must be housed and handfed most of the year. North Carolina could produce butter and cheese at half the cost that Wiscon sin can, and yet.enough is not pro-1 duced in the State to supply the de mand for home consumption. -It is said that Senator Teller is the only one of the sixteen original Colorado Republicans who left tne Republican party on the silver ques tion who hasn't gone back. It is very .hard to prevent wicked oia -sinners from backsliding after con version. , Senator Scott, who is managing the campaign for the Republicans in West Virginia, says he pays cam paign speakers from $10 to $300 a week. The presumption is that the $10 fellows whoop it up in the woods. '-. . "-''-." First-class warships come high, but the fighting nations must have them. The Alabama, when equip ped and ready for sea, will cost about $6,000,000. US TS. JdUli EX-SENATOR . Ex-Senator EDMUNDS' IDEA. Edmunds,' of Ver mont, has done a good deal of anti expansion talking, has made some of the strongest arguments against it, and has stood practically with Sena: tor Hoar in protesting against the administration policy of expansion. But Edmunds, like Hoar, is a Re publican first; an . anti-expansionist afterwards. He doesn't propose to let imperialism or anything else stand between him and the party. The following is his latest deliver ance on the Philippine question: "The Philippine Islands belong to the United States, by all rules of inter national law; we bought and paid for them and the inhabitants of those islands are citizens or subjects of the United States just as surely as-you and I are. If we had dropped out of the Philippines after Dewey fought at Manila,' all would have been well. We should have done so then. My idea is that a year ago we might have said to the Filipinos, You stop fight ing and we will stop; you set up a Government and we will see that you are protected, but on condition that you shall not make a treaty with any oiner rower, except it has -first been submitted to and approved by the United States.' I believe the Fili pinos would have accepted a proposi tion of that kind. "We should maintain an interest there. As for throwing them over, as the Democratic platform proposes. I am opposed to any such proposition. If we should do that I firmly believe that within at most three years the islands would be in the possession of England, Germany or Spain, and I should not like to see that." This is simply the chicanery of an unscrupulous advocate, who in the exigencies of a case will throw the equities overboard and swallow him self.. There is no doubt that undel international law the Philippine islands may belong to us,- but fiTsn't a question of international law, but a question of right and honesty and of national good faith and honor. He thinks that a year ago we might have said to the Filipinos, "If you'll stopfighting, we will," &c, and thaj the Filipinos would have accepted that proposition at that time. That is precisely what Bryanproposes to say, if he be elected, and what ground has Mr. Edmunds or any one else to assert hat they would not accept such a proposition ? It is an unwarranted assumption that they would not. Then he would have been willing, (for that is a part Of his proposition,) to offer them our protection against foreign aggression, but here he says it would never do to turn them over to themselves as, he says, the Dem cratic platform proposes to do, for they would within a few years fall into the hands of Germany or other European powers. The Democratic platform does not propose to turn them adrift, but to secure such foot hold as we may desire in those islands, with their consent, in return for which we give them self rule, independence and protect them in it. If our protection a year ago, would protect them from falling in-, to the hands of European land-grabbers, wouldn't the protection offered them by the Democratic platform be as effective? With all his astuteness, legal lore, etc., Mr. Edmunds is not only in consistent with himself but illogical. THE SENATORIAL PRIMARIES. As the plan of the Senatorial pri maries does not seem to be gener ally fully understood we publish the following resolution adopted by the Democratic State Convention: "We hereby instruct the State. Ex Acutive Committee to make provision for the holding of a primary on the first Tuesday of next November for the selection of a United States Sena tor by the Democratic voters of the State, at which every elector who has voted the Democratic ticket in the State election shall be entitled to cast one vote for one man for United States Senate, and the candidate who receives the majority of the votes so cast in the whole State shall receive the support of the Democratic mem bers of the legislature; ana ii no can didate shall receive a majority then the committee shall hold a second pri mary, at which only the two highest candidates shall be balloted Jot and the . one receiving a majority of the votes cast shall receive the support Of the Democratic members of the Legis lature. "Provided, that if any third candi date shall receive at the first primary, so held, within 2,500 votes of the sec ond highest candidate, then in that event the three candidates shall be balloted for at the second primary, and the one of the three receiving the highest number of votes shall receive the support of the Democratic mem bers of the Legislature for United States Senator." At its meeting on the 5th instant the State Executive Committee will, as instructed, make provision for the holding of these primaries. The New York Sun is an in genious paper. It Irots out a "paramount issue" about every other day. A short while ago it was free coinage, then it was Bryan, now it is Bryan's Secretary of the Treasury. It hasn't hit on Bryan's boy Willie yet, but it probably will before it gets to the end of its paramounts. It is said that in his letter of ac ceptance McKinley will make copi ous quotations from his messagea and speeches, and other utterances. He will also make copious omissions. No allusions to "criminal aggres sion," "plain duty," or anything of that sort. TTTTT' WILMINGTON, N. 0., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, TRIAL AT WARSAW, George Butler, Ex-Congressman Fowler and Others Charged With Criminal Libel. ' THE HEARING POSTPONED. An Effort Will Be Made to Have Case Bound Over to Sampson Superior Court, But Prosecution Will Fight This Move. George Butler, a brother of Senator Butler, Ex Congressman J no. E. Fow ler Ex-Representative Cicero John son, and thirteen other Populists were brought before Justice of the Peace J. F. Woodward yesterday at Warsaw at 10 o'clock on the charge of criminal libel. It was claimed by the prosecu tion that Butler wrote for the Caucas tan an article in which he charged DemocratSi. with openly and boldly stealing one thousand votes ana l which he compared them to the 1 est criminals. The charge against the other defendants was that at the in dignation meeting at Clinton, Satur day, August 18th, they adopted a reso lution endorsing the article published in the Caucasian. V . There was a large crowd present to hear the trial, the Democrats number ing about one hundred and the Popu lists fully as many. In order -to give all an opportunity to hear the proceed ings Justi ce Woodward held the trial in the big strawberry shed nearthe de pot. Despite the large crowd present there was no disorder of any sort and the proceedings passed off without any startling developments. Senator Butler was not present to hear the proceedings against his broth er, although he returned Friday from Chicago and was at his home about seven miles away. His father in law, Col. E. L. FaisoD, of Elliott's, and his private secretary, J. B. Hoover, were both present. H. L . Stevens, of Warsaw, and F. R. Cooper, of Clinton, were attorneys for the defer, ce. John D. Kerr, E. W. Eerr and H. E. Faison, of Clinton, conducted the prosecution. Counsel for defence contended that the trial could not legally be held in Duplin county as the defendants lived in Sampson, and as the paper in which the alleged scandalous article appeared is some times published in Ulinton. The prosecution on the other hand claimed that the trial could be held in any county where the paper circulates. This was the view which the magis trate took after hearing both sides and he ruled accordingly. Then the de fence stated that they were not ready for trial as they did not have all their witnesses present. To meet their con venience the hearing was postponed after argument until Monday, Septem ber 10. at 10 A. M. at Warsaw. The warrant was taken out several days ago by Jno. D. Kerr, Esq., of Clinton, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Sampson county, and H. B. Chestnut, of Clin ton. Acting on the principle that the trial could be held in any county where the paper circulates, Duplin county was re elected. The trial was not held in Sampson, because of the bitterness and political prejudice which prevails there. Mr. Eerr, the Stab learns, was somewhat disappointed at the result of the trial. He had hoped to have the defendants bound over to the Superior Court of Duplin county which meets this week. An effort will be made to jhave them bound over to the Superior Court of Sampson county. END OF THE COTTON SEASON. Receipts 9,005 Bales Short of List Year. - Col. Cantwell Busy Yesterday. Wilmington's cotton season for 1899- 1900 closed Friday and Col. Jno. L. Cantwell, secretary of the Produce Exchange, was busy yesterday getting up the figures for his usual complete and thoroughly accurate report The receipts for the year were 282,- 360 bales, 9,005 bales(short of lastjyear's receipts, which were 291,365 bales. The heaviest receipts ever known here were those of year before last when 323,273 bales were received at this port The exports of cotton for the year were 288,260 bales, against 2e,47 last year. Democrats Must Organize. Those who long for the defeat of Bryan and Stevenson, whether they call themselves Populists, Republicans or Democrats, wish to see the full negro vote polled in North Carolina. Real Democrats should, therefore, be on the alert. The work of organiza tion should be pushed vigorously. Meetings of the White Supremacy Club of New Hanover should be called at an early day. "To hesitate is to be lost" P. S. Since the foregoing was writ ten we have received from Chairman Simmons an address relating to the matter-of organization which we print in another column. Let every Dem ocrat in Wilmington remember that Friday night Sep, 14th, is the date fixed for- the clubs in this city to meet On the Presidential Election. A Wilmington Democrat authorizes the Star to offer the following wagers on the result of the Presidential elec tion: Fifty dollars each that the fol lowing States will be carried by Bryan Virginia, Maryland, North Caro lina, Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, Georgia, Delaware, Alabama, West Virginia, Arkansas and New, York. Twelve separate wagers of $50.00 each. In 1896, six of these States, were car ried by Bryan and six by McKinley, bryan .n north Carolina, The Situation and Prospects as Seen by Correspondent of the New York Herald. Charlotte, N. C, Tuesday. If the November' election depended entirely upon national issues the State of North Carolina might well be placed in the doubtful column. Local questions, nowever, nave assumed an importai which obscures questions of national pontics, ana tne indications are now that because of these local questions W. J. Bryan will surely arry the Btate. The State election, 1 which was held on August 2, resulted in a majority of more than sixty thousand for the Democratic candidate for Governor, but the most sanguine Democrats do not expect a majority of more than fifteen "thousand in - November for the National Democratic ticket" - The burning issue is, of course, the race question. If the thoughtful and conservative element in the State had its way this question would hot ob trude itself into the national campaign, ut as tne hope of the Kepubiican oartv lies in organizing and voting the ne groes who will be disfranchised in 1902 it is almost impossible to keep it out of the discussion. But many Republicans are very san guine in regard to their success in No vember. They will appeal to the ne groes to roll up a big majority against the party which cast them out, for the effect this might have upon their po litical future. In addition to this negro vote and the regular Republican vote they hope for strong reinforcements from the dissatisfied Populists and from the con servative Democratic element, which is large in this State. A large proportion of the democrats are very anxious to avoid the race question in November, for the reason that they believe it is a settled fact that the negroes have been disfranchised, and they seriously object to further abuss of the negroes toward whom they have the kindliest feelings in all matters except those political. The Republican leaders, however. will spare no efforts to organize the negro voters in this the negroes' last Presidential campaign against the -democratic party. ' In doing this the Republicans will force the issue into the campaign, as the Democrats will. be compelled to meet this organization by once more arousing the prejudice of the whites against the blacks to hold in line the same vote which adopted the recent constitutional amendments The attitude of the negro toward his political fate is one of indifference. About twenty per cent, of the negro vote of North Carolina is sufficiently literate to retain the franchise. . These educated negroes are nearly all resi dents of cities and villages. The illit erate negro is found in the agricultu ral districts. There seems to be a gen eral acceptance among the negroes of the situation which the whites have made for them. They are apathetic as to the loss of their vote and seem in different as to any means of regain ing it The Democrats, who are confident of Bryan carrying the State by a great majority, are depending a great deal upon this apathy among the negroes, for they say the negroes, recognizing the fact that they are dead politically, will make no further effort to over turn the dominant raceTn its political supremacy. The factors which favor the Demo crats in the national election in North Carolina are two. Firstit is the party of disfranchisement ; second, a Demo cratic Legislature has enacted an elec tion law which puts the ballot and the machinery entirely into the hands of the Democrats, so that it would be ex tremely difficult for the Republicans to develop sufficient strength to over come Democratic manipulation. SECOND ADVENT CHURCH. Elected Elder J. W. S. Harvey Assistant Pastor Lsst Friday Night. At the regular monthly' meeting of the Second Advent Church, held Fri day night Elder J. W. S. Haryey was elected assistant pastor, to occupy the pulpit during the absence of the regu lar pastor. Mr. Harvey was elected by a unanimous vote, a'nd his election meets the approval of all who know him. He is a gentleman of the old school, who, through his patriotism, will allow nothing, cost him what it may, to come between him and his convictions. He is one of the pioneers of Adventism in the South, having been united with the church at Wil mington for over twenty years, since which time he has " been a most zeal ous worker for the .advancement of Christianity in this city. The Star congratulates the church upon her selection, and wishes Mr. Harvey suc cess. m City Tax Book. Capt A. L. DeRosset yesterday turned over to the city the tax books for 1900. They showed gross taxable property to -amount to $7,171,538. This amount was divided as follows : ' Real estate, $5,404,138; personal property, $438,368; solvent credits, $191,115; stock of incorporations, $357,852; stock in trade, $576,945; incomes, $120,086; money, $173,033. There has been a healthy increase in practically every item over last year's figures. m km Arrived in New York. Mr. Clayton Giles, Jr., received a telegram yesterday, stating that Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Giles and Miss Lucile W. Murchison had just ar rived in New York on the steamship Deuschland, which broke the record for the fastest time across the Atlantic on that trip. The party has been making-a tour of England, Scotland and France. Mr. Giles was one of North Carolina's commissioners to the Paris Exposition. Harbor Master's Report. The report of the harbor masterfor the month of August is as follows: American 4 steamships, 5,040 tons; 1 brig, 350 ton; 4 barges, 2,296 tons; 3 schooners, 988 tons. Total, 12 ves sels, 8,674 tons. Foreign 2 barques, 825 tons. Total American and foreign 14 ves sels, 9,429 tons. . Star 1900. a b.q monthwork Many New Cars Were Turned Oat from the Atlantic Coast Line Car Shops During the Month of Aognst. J! rom tne Atlantic uoast Lane car shops yesterday the general manager's private car was turned out fresh and bright after a thorough overhauling. All the interior wood work has been revarnished and everything inside of the car put in apple pie order. Mon day night the president's 'car will be out, after having received the same treatment The work at the Coast Line shops for the last month has been phenome nally extensive. About 330 men are employed, and they have been busy as bees All the time. Six standard new cabooses' were turned out for a single item. .These are for the use of freight conductors. They can be seen in the yards, and really look nice enough for passenger cars in fact, they are reproductions of the old time passenger cars. In addition to these, ninety-nine standard Atlantic Coast dispatch cars were built. These are far superior in make and finish to ther ordinary box car, being built for the transportation of fruit and equipped with ventilating arrangements. There has also been a good deal accomplished in the way of building flat cars. DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. Circular to the Democrats of North Carolina Meeting Called for the 26th Instant Recently the Honorable William J. Byran, the Democratic candidate for President, the Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson, the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, Honorable James K. Jones, Chairman Democratic Na tional Committee, and the Honorable William R. Hearst, President National Clubs, issued the following, to wit: To the Democrats of the United States: In order that the fight for the rescue of the country from republican policies may be carried on everywhere with vigor and earnestness, we urge all citi zens throughout the United States, who' are willing to meet in their re spective communities on Saturday afternoon or evening, September 1st, 1900, for the purpose of organizing city or precinct democratic clubs, where such clubs have not already been organized. These or ganizations being Democratic, should avoid ostentation and extravagance. The fight must be carried on by Amer ican citizens in behalf of American principles, and there should be no de lay in perfecting club organizations, When a club is organized, the secre tary should at once send to Wr R. Hearst, President of the National As sociation of Democratic Ulubs, jno. 1370 Broadway, New York City, the name of the club, roster of officers, date of organization and number of members. Wm. J. Bryan, Adlai E. Stevenson, James K. Jones, Chairman Democratic National Com mittee. Wm. R. Hearst, President National Association Demo cratic Clubs. On account of the election recently held in this State, as well as the short ness of the time, the undersigned do not deem it advisable to undertake the organization of clubs in this State be fore the middle of September, and. af ter conference, recommend Friday, 14th day of September (at night) as the time for the organization of clubs in the towns and cities, and Saturday, the 15th day of September, as the day for their organization in the country precincts, and request that on those dates meetings be held in the several precincts of the State for the purpose of organizing clubs in accordance with the suggestion contained m the call above set out. There are in North Carolina about one thousand white supremacy clubs. It is recommended that wherever these clubs now exist, that they meet on one or the other of tne days above men' tioned, and that they be organized for the present national campaign into Bryan and Stevenson clubs, under the i i . . .. i general pian oi organization unaer which they have heretofore operated. In addition to the precinct clubs here' tofore mentioned, it is recommended that there be organized in every county a club, to be composed exclusively of the chairmen of the several precinct clubs, and that the chairman of the county executive committee shall be ex officio chairman of the county club. For the purpose of appointing dele gates at large to the convention oi tne National Association . of Clubs to be held at Indianapolis. Ind., on October 3rd, for the purpose of holding a great mass meeting in the State's Uapital to ratify the nomination of Bryan and Stevenson, and for the transac tion of other business connected with club work in the State, a State convention of the Democratic clubs is hereby called to convene in the city of Raleigh on Wednesday, the 26th of September, and each precinct club is hereby requested, at its first meeting. to select delegates to this convention and elect one delegate for every ten members to the National Convention. Each club shallVbe entitled to one delegate to the several conventions for every ten and fraction over five names on the club roster. When a club is organized, the sec retary is requested to at once send to Hon. w. a. Hearst President na tional Association Democratic Clubs, No. 1370 Broadway. New York City. and to F. M. - Simmons, Chairman of State Executive Committee, Raleigh, N. C. name of the club, roster of officers, date of organization and num ber or members. F. M. Simmons, Chairman State Democratic Executive Committee. Joseppus Daniels, Member National Democratic Commit tee from North Carolina. J. S. CARR, President State Association of Demo cratic Clubs. B. C. Uecxwith, Secretary State Association of Demo cratic Clubs. Ed. Chambers Smith, Vice President for North Carolina and member Executive Committee Na tional Association Democratic Clubs. The vigor and enthusiasm with which the- Newborn Journal is sup porting Bryan and Stevenson is fearful to behold. If that ticket is elected Bro. Stevens ought to have a place in the Cabinet NO. 45 ONBOARD ALGONQUIN deputy Sheriff MHHs Went to Make Arrest and Didn't Make It. COULDN'T SERVE WARRANT. Went Away and Came Back Again This Time the Cntter With the Man That Was Wanted Safe Aboard Was Steaming Down the River. Deputy Sheriff George W. Millis tried to serve a warrant Saturday af ternoon on board the United States Revenue Cutter Algonquin and was denied the right He went to find out if the law backed him up in insisting on the right to serve the papers and after satisfying himself that the law was on his side went back to the cut terwhen behold the bird had flown or what amounted to the same thing the Algonguin had left port More in detail the account of the af fair is as follows: Mr. Millis had a warrant for the arrest of William F. Fieldman, a coxswain but at present serving as quartermaster. The warrant charged Fieldman with committing assault and battery on John Brown, a young white man in the employ of Mr. F. A. Montgomery. Mr. Brown states that he was going around taking orders Friday after noun and was sitting in his buggy in front of Williams Bros', store on Water street when Fieldman came up and struck him in the face two or three times He got out of his buggy and ran, thinking that discretion was the better part of valor, particularly as his assailant was a much larger man. He stopped as soon as he saw that the quartermaster wasn't following him. He stated to a reporter that he didn't know why Fieldman attacked him un less it was because the quartermaster thought that he was one of a crowd of boys who "guyed" him on Castle street He denies that he was one of the party. The warrant was sworn out before Justice Bornemann. Deputy Sheriff Millis expected no trouble and went cheerfully to the performance of his duty. He boarded the ship with a light heart, but bis feathers fell when he gave his warrant to the officer of the deck to read and saw him walk off without returning. The officer's in intentions were good, however, and in good time, forth came a lieutenant with the warrant in his hand. The deputy relented and told him he was there to serve the warrant. The offi cer said that he couldn't serve it Mr. Millis wasn't prepared for an emergency of this sort and after arguing a little left in order lo fortify himself legally. He told Sheriff MacRae of the trouble he had had and the sheriff consulted lawyers and government officials and found out what he believed all along that he had a right to insist on, the man's being given up for trial. He and Deputy Millis then went down to the cutter's wharf only to find that the vessel had proceeded down the river. The officers are bent on making the arrest just as soon as the cutter ties up at her wharf again, and any one who knows the determination in Sheriff MacRae's make up can well believe that he will carry out his intentions. Not only this, but the officer or officers who, as alleged, refused to allow the arrest to be made will be dealt with. It is believed that there is a law which makes dismissal the penalty for the offence referred to. ROBERT WESLEY WHITE. Died of Hemorrhagic Fever Friday Night at Georgetown Remains Laid to Rest in Oakdale. Mr. Robert Wesley White, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White, died in Georgetown. S. C, at 11.30 o'clock Friday night of hemorrhagic fever, and his remain were brought to Wil mington Saturday afternoon, accom panied by his wife and father, Mr. I. A. White. The death was unusually sad, as Mr. White's brother, Mr. Geo. W. White, preceded him to the grave by only a few days. Mr. White died in the 29th year of his age. At the time of his death he was chief electrician for the Atlantic Coast Lumber Company at George town. He was atone time a travelling salesman for Mr. Chas. Whitlock and was also at one time in the service of tne street Kailway Uompany. tie is survived by his wife, who was Miss Cora Varner, of Winston, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. White, and Mr. Preston G. White, a brother, and two sisters, Misses Annie B. and Mary White. Upon the arrival of the A. C. L. train the funeral was held from the station and the services were concluded at the grave in Oakdale Cemetery. Rev. Calvin S. Blackwell, D. D., offi ciatea. xne pan bearers were mem bers of Hanover Lodge, Order of Odd Fellows, of which deceased was a member. Those acting as pall bearers were Messrs. E. F. Johnson, J. E. Wood, E. N. Penny, S. G. Hall, B. R. Penny, R. O. Banks. The grave was covered With beauti ful floral offerings presented by sor rowing friends. Mayor Bridges Smith. Mr. 8. L. Yopp received yesterday from his nephew, Mayor Bridges Smith, of Macon, Ga., who is a for mer Wilmingtonian, a handsome pos ter advertising the Street and Agri cultural ' Fair to be. held, in Macon September 24th to 29th. On the pos ter is a cut of Mayor Smith, and also one of the Board of Aldermen. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sanford Express: There is talk of a railroad being built from some : point on the Aberdeen & Asheboro railroad to Jackson Springs before the next season opens at that popular health resort , . Carthage Blade: On last Fri day the little son, .aged 7 years, of Mr. A. W. Uagle, who lives near Uar-, thage,was bitten by a poisonous snake, from which the child died next day. ' A physician was sent for, but for some , reason the doctor did not arrive until ' next morning, when it was too late to : sa ve the little sufferer.. Durham Sun: H. B. Bagwell. the celebrated watermelon raiser of Garner, Wake county, planted fifty acres in watermelons this year, and notwithstanding the very dry weather that has prevailed, raised over five hundred that weighed more than fifty pounds each. Some tipped the scales as high as seventy pounds each. Mount Airy Neios: The pro duce dealers are making things hum and scattering lots of money among the farmers, which is helping every body. The apple, potato and cabbage crop is fine in the counties of Patrick, Uarroll, Grayson and Alleghany and along the foot of the Blue Ridge in Surry. Nashville Graphic: Tonie Wil-' liams, colored, was brought here Mon- day and put in jail by Constable Otis" Strickland, of Jackson township. Wil liams is charged with assault with in tent to kill Manoah Bissette, a white man of that township. From what we could learn of the affair it seems that the negro went to Mr. Bissette's house early Sunday morning and, without provocation, attempted to kill Mr. Bis sette with a shot gun, firing one load at him. A number of the shot took effect in Mr. Bissette's side and face, but none of the wounds were of a seri ous nature. Monroe Enquirer: The crim inal docket for Superior Court which convenes week after next, is very large. Fifteen prisoners are now in jail awaiting court A little 4- year old son of Mr. Louis Weill, of Rockingham, while visiting at Mr. J. . T. LeGrand's, yesterday, found a shot gun and accidentally shot himself through the head with it. Death was almost instantaneous. Light ning struck Mrs. Alice Vann's resi dence on Tuesday night A feather bed in an upstairs room was set on fire, and one of the head posts of the bedstead split None of the inmates of the house were shocked by the stroke. The bed caught on fire from the underside, and it is supposed that the springs of the bed becoming over- charged set fire to the bed tick. Tarboro Southerner: Within the last week or ten days W. H. Mc- Nair, on his farm a few miles from here, has lost fouiteen headpf grown cattle from tick fever. A majority of . these died last Friday and Saturday, when he sent for Dr. Curtis, State veterinary surgeon, ' who Came t and yesterday made an examinsT He gives it as his opinion thaV ut cows died of tick fever. Mr. McNair says that by looking closely under the hair of the animals innumerable ticks can be found. These he believes came from Martin county on cattle brought from that place by Perry Jenkins. Prior to the arrival of these Mr. McNair' cattle had none of these parasites on them. The Martin coun ty cattle had them and have them. fbut they had become immune, i Clinton Democrat: Mr. Robert H. Matthis died at the home of his brother, Mr. Z. E. Matthis, near town, on last Saturday morning. Mrs. Bettie Pieford Norman, wife of Mr. B. F. Norman,, died at her home at Spring Hope on the 22nd inst, after a lingering illness. we regret to learn of the death of Mr. Henry Cro martie, at 'bis home at Garland on last Saturday. He had been in declining health for several months. - The nrst bale of new cotton, sold on the Clinton market was on last Fri day, the 24th of August. It brought 3 cents. Mr. Martin B. Wil liams, chairman . of the Republican Executive Committee of Sampson county, who has the position of store keeper and gauger at Mr. W. H. Rus sell's distillery near town, lost a $1,000 bill on the streets in Clinton on last Thursday evening. He was carrying it in his pants pocket and it slipped out and fell on the ground at the pump in front of Mr. B. E. Herring's store. - The loss was soon discovered and a diligent search was made, but without avail. Mr. WilJ liams spent a sleepless night the fact that he was a poorer man by $1,000 being a waking nightmare. It hap pened, however, that a crippled negro boy, Ferd Brewington, who lives near town, found the bill soon after it was dropped. He thought it was a Con federate bill and took it home with him. He told of finding the money and of its queer appearance. It was a gold certificate and '.looked something like a Confederate bill. When it be came known that Mr. Williams had. lost a bill of money those who heard Ferd speak of his . find were satisfied that it was Mr. Williams' bill. And sure enough it was.' Mr. Williams went out and got it the boy giving it up readily. He was liberally reward ed. . CONGRESSMAN JOHN D. BELLAMY. He Will Make a Vigorous Campaign In the Sixth District Congressman Jno. D. Bellamy will make a vigorous campaign, beginning Sept 10th, the time fixed by the State Executive Committee for the national campaign in this State to open. He will not depend on the majority won in the previous congressional contest, but will go in to make it still larger. Of course he is confident of re-election but prefers to be on the safe side and to avoid all possible danger arising from apathy or disaffection of any sort Therefore he has made up his ; mind to go up and down the old Sixth from the tenth of September up to the sixth of November, not neglecting any section. He will make out his own itinerary and will have it prepared in the course of several days. Health Officer's Report. The report of Dr. Charles T. Harper, city superintendent of health, for the month of August, shows the follow- white and the remaining 30 colored. a - , There were 68 births, 24 white infants and 44 colored. There were four quarantines for contagious diseases, 1 being for diphtheria and' the other three for scarlet fever. Register, of Deeds Biddle yes terday recorded the transfer of a tract of property on the northeast corner of Sixth and Castle streets, from Junius Davis, receiver, to T. H. Wright for $1,072.50. The Stab guesses that the re cent census will show that the popular tion of Wilmington, not including the suburbs, is about 24,000.