i'l" 'WILLIAM H. BERNARD Xdltor and Proprietor. (Friday, July 15, 1904. National Democratic Ticket. For President : ' ALTON B. PARKER, Of New York. J - For Vice-President : j HENRY O. DAVIS, I Of Writ Virginia. State Democratic Ticket. ! For Governor : 1 Robert B. Glebs. For Lieutenant Governor: ; Francis d. Winstoh. Itsoclate Justices of Bupreme Court: W. A. Hoke, Georqe H. Brown, Jr. State Auditor: B. F. DIXOR. State Treasurer : B. R. LaOY. Becretarj of State: ' J. Bryan Grimes. uperintendent of Public Instruction: j J. Y. JOYNEB. ommiisioner or Labor and Printing: - THE BALTTOH TTME ' ' Mr. J. c. Caddell, editor of the Raleigh Times, now owns a half in terest in the Raleigh. Times, having purchased the same from Mr. John 0. Drewry, one of the capital city's leading citizens. Mr. Drewry re tains a half interest. The Star is gratified to learn that the Times will toon remove into iti own building and increase ita facili ties for newspaper making. This is but evidence of success that has been well desorvcd because it has been won. Our esteemed contem porary is the only afternoon paper that Raleigh has ever had that is of the Times' class. Brother Gad dell has made it a newsy, sprightly, typographically neat paper, and his editorials hare given it a tone that predominates everything else about it. They are written by a man thoroughly honest, sincere, and just. He writes from conviction and what he says on any question strikes in. This accounts for the success which has come to the Times and enables the editor and proprietors to im prove and build np the paper on modern lines. We wish them con tinned success in the fullest measure. TDE TOWN IS STIRRED .. V RE t-lfPP TUB FENDEff. Nothing Like the Dispensary Cam paign Ever Seen in This (food City Before. I THff SPEAKING LAST NIGHT. Chslrmsa flerlot eiaiksesi ToM of the Prshlbltlei Fight la Charlotte ! terestlsi fcaaors Afleal Yes terdsy Keflstrstlos. t H. B. Varner. Gorporation Commissioner: ! S. L. Rogers. " Commissioner of Agriculture: B. L. Patterson. ; t BX LOQIC OF THE SITUATION. jj Republicans,' reason that theDem-h-t ratio 'platform is for the free and , illmited coinage of silver because ; - J is silent on the gold standard ";' eetlon. By the same reasoning it iu Kviu iiiBuuntu uovausa lb silent on the silver question. To a man who wants to look at estions as they are, the Demo itio platform is silent on the sll- ':t question because the silver Issue s campaigned to death in two j tional contests and rejected by j people both times. It is silent . ' j the gold standard question be etle it was not desired to offend j so call "radical" Democracy by parting a gold plank when that Ration is no more an issue than '!? silver PEOPLE ZIDfDrATS THE MOSEY QUESTION. doesn't make any difference THE It whether the discoveries of the world's supply of gold has been $2,000,000, 000 and that the share of the United States in the discoveries amounts to $700,000,000, the people of the ' United States decided twice that they wanted the gold standard. The people eliminated that Issue them selves and no Democratic convention was going to be guilty of the folly j for a third time of attempting to make a closed incident an issue In a campaign in which there was not even a little bit of ice for it to cut. question. These ques- j in have been passed on twice and f lod beyond the doubt of any jilybuta fanatic' -he Democratic party believes in ' j principle that the majority shall ?. The majority declared in 1896 the gold standard. In 1900 the ority was given a chance to vote I they were wrong in 1896. By igger majority than ever they flounced again for the gold stand- The Democratic party stands J lthe verdict, and Judge Parker 1 1 j poses to enforce it. Il!sues that are issues is what a j-j jwni democracy proposes to make I ht on in this campaign. U ;AT0B GOEMAH'S ATTITUDE. Jnator Gorman's attitude during fitting of the Democratic na il convention reflects honor 1 him. He was not a candidate .! t T he nomination in the sense of i Inir It. Vint t Via VbA . J j for it he could easily have had : j -., y Southern States at his back. J 3ft the choice for the nomina j;;,to the best judgment of the ' ! le and no doubt sacrificed his JUDGE PARKER WILL RESIGN. A dispatch from Esopns to the New York Times, under date of July 11th, says: It Is also now clearly understood that the Judge will resign as Chief Justice of the Court ofjAppeals as soon at he is officially notified of his nomi nation. The law upon this point, it Is said by lawyers. Is not very explicit regarding Presidential candidates. It stipulates that no man for whom the people bare voted shall hold another office. As It is not the citizens direct, but the Electoral College, which rotes for the President, the law seems de fective regarding the office of Chief executive or the nation. Judge Parker decided some time ago, however, that the law Intended that it should apply to a Presidential candidate as well as to any minor can didates, and he resolved to resign aa soon as he received official notification of his nomination. Senator Elkins, who is the lead ing Republican in West Virginia, is the son-in-law of ex-Senator Henry G. Davis, the Democratic nominee for Vice President. The Washing ton Post says of Elkins: "He will probably be open to offers to speak a good deal outside of West Vir ginia this year." The papers are again mentioning that Roosevelt's mother was a Miss Bullock of Georgia and a descend ant from a South Carolina family. Well, watch South Carolina and Georgia spurn their claim onhla, mothers son. interests for the benefit of his en after the convention assem- at St. Louis Senator Gorman have made a strong fight for jomlnation, but he declined to and asked the Maryland dele- to support Judge Parker as lost available candidate. Utor Gorman alwava hn.A nnr f cation and is greatly honored ciuveu inrougnoui me couth. a heroic Democrat, an able can and an unselfish patriot. ka lofty view of the sitna- to the Presidential nomina. -he declined to hunt it, and : occupying, a high place in ; jtlmatlon of the public men of mted States, he has greatly to our opinion of him by his in this historic crisis in the the Democratic party. Col. Bryan now gives notice that he is going to bolt after the elec tion. Not long ago he declared that he was going to put the reorganizes in the tureen 1 Col. Brvan will please let ns know when to take him seriously. We have learned from the Repub lican statisticians that they wonld have a small surplus of $13,000,000 With only two more full days for registration and the election less than two weeks off, the expression at the polls upon the question of the eatab llshment of a dispensary In thls'eity is about the warmest proposition the people of Wilmington have ever gone up against. A few days ago the Stab took occasion to refer to the widespread Interest In the coming event and It was said then that nothing like it had ever been seen here before. This week the situation has Intensified. The people are talking little else: thinking of nothing else, and 'the leaders of the campaign are adapting themselves to the strenuous life demanded by the exigencies of the occasion. As to the result of the election there Is no end of speculation and each aide with confidence Is claiming victory, admitting, however, that the struggle will be Titanic. On the part of the anti-saloon people the campaign is nothing abort of spectacular. Speak ings will be held each night, Satur days excepted, until the day of the election. A brass band has been en gaged to furnish music with a detour of the city on one of the large subur ban trolley cars aflame with light and streaming with mottoed banners. At the open-air meetings barrels of tar are set ablaze and some wag has said that If the dispensary campaign would keep np for any considerable length of time longer, Wilmington, by reason of the home consumption, would soon re gain her former renown aa the greatest naval store market In the world. Even bets in small amounts are be ing laid upon the result of the election. Yesterday, In the course of an argu ment, Mr. Martin O'Brien, a leading anti-dispensary man, bantered Mr. W. B. Cooper, a strong anti saloon advo cate, to lay a wager of 1500 upon the result. However, for some rea son, technical points were raised and the wager was declared off. Voters should bear in mind that there are only two more full days for registration and that the books are open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. at the several polling places, desig nated by official advertisement else where In to-day's psper. Thus far approximately 1900 voters are regis tered, Including names placed on the books In the revision by the registrars. A rumor, apparently well founded, went the rounds yesterday to the effect that In one of the largest Industrial plants In the city, employing, more than a hundred men, a placard had teen conspicuously posted, calling the attention of the employes to the fact that while it was not the company's purpose to coerce or intimidate any one in Ha employment, yet the mana gers of the plant deemed It to the mutual interest of ail concerned In the operation of the plant, that a dispen sary should not be established In Wil mington: .All were advised toreglater and vote in the election. fpeiklnr Last Hlght. Hon. Herlot Olarkson, of Charlotte, addressed a gathering of ladles and gentlemen In the Court House last night The crowd was large but not so large as that which heard Mr. Carr the night previous. Mr. Clarkson was chairman of the Anti-Saloon Commit tee which was so successful In the re cent election for prohibition In Char lotte. .His address last night was largely made up ot reminiscences of the campaign there with particular reference to the Mountcastle Incident He declared himself first for prohibi tion and second for the dispensary aa the lesser of two evils. Mr. Clarkson is being entertained at Mis. Price's while In the city. Dr. McKelway, os Excursionists Relied Off Track, Thanked otormsn and Offered to Treat. ' The city was full of excursionists yeaterda and there a greater evi dence ot druutteunesi among them than on any previous " excursion In a long time, though there was occasion to make few arrests. One of the amusing features of the day occurred on South Front atreet. between Market and Dock. On a of the visitors, pretty well top-heavy, was tacking across the street dlivn. nally. All at once he found himself about to loose his feet and began one of those long falls toward a car that was approaching at a moderate rate of speed. The countryman eot In front of the car before the motorman could stop, but . the esr man dropped his fender, scooped np the conglomeration of "booze" and . countryman and rolled It off to one side. .The expe rience . seemed o have sobered the man and jumping to his feet he re marked to the motorman, "Cap'n, I like them there dern cow-catcher you got; I'm much oblige tojoufor yer kindness and If you'll git off that there kyar and come along we'll have a drink together." The motorman had a car load of people and wasn't a drinking man, either, ao he turned on the current, leaving the countryman bowing his thanks as the csr dissp. peared up the street NOBLE GIFT AVAILED: THE MURDERS IN CUMBERLAND. DEATH ON THE RAIL; 17 "FP ONT 1NJUUD Sprunt Cottage on Wrightsvllle Beach for Convalescent Pa- -tientsand Nurses. WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEATHER BUREAU OFFUULS. Mr. P. Fever's Father Dead -Mr. P. Mcllesry Arrived Yesterday. Mr. G. W. Felger, in charge of the United States Weather . Bureau in Wilmington, received a telegram yes terday announcing the death of his venerable father at his home in Wash ington. D. C. Mr. Felger's father was In the 88th year of his age and had been feeble for some time. His death was not altogether unexpected. Mr. Felger left last night to be with the family and to attend the funeral. His many friends here sympathize with him in the deep bereavement Owing to the death, Mr. Felger will remain In Washington a week attend ing to some matters of the estate. In his absence, Mr. B. W. Gray, who has been ordered to Atlantic City and had expected to leave yesterday, will remain at the Wilmington office, ac quainting his successor, Mr. F. B. McOleary, with the routine of the office. Mr. McCleary arrived from his home In Toledo, Ohio, yesterday morning. He is cordially welcomed to the city and commended to the people as a clever gentleman and capable official. STATE VETERINARY ASSOCIATION. Or. Carroll Back from Greensboro Meetlof. Officers Elected-Concord Next Dr. T. B. Carroll returned last night from Greensboro, where he attended the annual meeting of the State Veter inary Association and the session of the State Veterinary Examining Board. Dr. Carroll says the meeting of the association was well attended and the entertainment at Greensboro first clasrr The discussions were all of a high order and of great interest to the profession. The following officers were elected: President Dr. J. W. Petty, of Greensboro. Vice President Dr. O. J. Fleming, of Winston. . Secretary and Treasurer Dr. T. B. Carroll, of Wilmington. Members of the Examining Board were recommended for appointment by the Governor. Of the class of applicants for license this year only one passed. Thessso ciation decided to meet next year in Concord, the exact date in July to be designated by the president Board of Managers la Session Traasact Principally Roatlne Basiaess Jaly Larrest Month on Record drouBds sod New Annex. The Board of Managers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital at its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night agreed upon a plan by which the noble beneficence of Mrs. James Sprunt in placing the u3prunt Cot tage" on Wrightsvllle Beach at the disposal of the hospital managers to gether with a donation of $600 In cash for Its maintenance during the Sum mer, will be made available at once. Readers of this paper will remember that Mrs. SpruntSnade the offer to give the money and the cottage forthe occupancy of convalescent patients and nurses, in need of rest and recrea eion, a few Hays before she left to spend the Summer at a Northern re sort and that the Board of Managers were at work upon a plan by which the kind offer could be availed of without interference with the splendid system and order whfeb now obtain at the Institution. The plan has been happily worked out and several pa. tients will be sent down thts week with their nurses, who will continue their professional duties and at the same time enjoy an outing. The Board adopted a very expressive- resolution of thanks to Mrs. Sprunt for the gift upon the formal acceptance Tuesday night Members of the Board nresent wer Uiun. Walter G. MacBae, president; George B. French, secretary; Jchn H. Beh der, Samuel Bear and Martin 8. Wil lard. The committee on improvements to the grounds around the building re ported that the work has been com pleted and the general appearance of the place is greatly Improved. The grounds have been graded,' grass planted and a circular macadam drive way laid. Some delay on the new annex was reported, due to plans and specifica tions. But the committee reported progress and the work will be com menced as soon as possible. The monthly report of Dr. Aker man.surgeon in charge of the hospital, showed that a larger number of pa tients were treated during July than for a corresponding period since the hospital was rounded. The total number of days treatment fur nished was 1,231 againit 1.099 the next highest month. The ambulance also broke the record in response to calls during the month, the number having been 66. Other business before the Board Tuesday night was routine. Occarred ea Scotlaai Liae Oae f the . . Namber at Bay la Swamp. ' -; Yesterday alt rnocu'a FayetvHle Observer has thn following: - -It was. learned tc-day that the two murders, which we spoke of In Mon day's paper as having been committed In the western part of the county on last Friday, did not occur in Cumber land, but just across the Scotland line. All the parties, however, were resi dents of Cumberland. Denuty Sheriff Andrews, of Que whiffle, who was In town thia morn ing, gives the following particulars: 8andv Blue and hla wife, who live In Cumberland, county just, about a mile from the Scotland county line, quarrelled last week, and the woman left him and went to her father's house just across the line in Scotland county. Friday night Blue went after her; and as she refused to accompany him back home, he struck her a terrible blow on the back of the head with a stick, breaking her neck, from which ahe died Instantly. He made bis escape, but has probably been captured by this time. Two Cumberland county nerroes. named Bay and Sutton, went over Into Scotland county Friday night, and, during a quarrel. Bay shot and killed Sutton. Shortly afterwarde Bay broke into a Mr. Covington's house.whlch la on the Cumberland' aide of the border line, .stole two pistols and made for a big swsmn near by. where he la now defying a large posse or men. The authorities have sent for the Maxton bloodhounds, and they are probably on the scene by this time. A son of the Covington whose house was en tered by Bay is now in jail here on a charge of blockading. He ia a good looking and very Intelligent young man. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. After Horrible Suffering Negro Succumbs to Injuries Re ceived in the Morning. AN A. C. L. YARD EMPLOYE. THE EXCURSIONS YESTERDAY. in the treasury if they did not have 1 0narlolle wh hw expected yeaf a big deficit of over $50,000,000 that 1 5wdydIdn't "tarn nome from the St is not in the treasury. Hon. E. C. Wall, Wisconsin's . M !e son for the Presidency, sent iyJ Parker this telegram from asm: "Please accept my hearty taxations on your nomination esldent. No one will strive to secure your election than ere is a reasonable prospect of Sceiving the electoral vote of asm. Yon can rely on every Eat in the State doing his full accomplish thia result." We to Republicans will be up I it hard when they try to get le Wisconsin Wall. a man goes into politics can thing he had done from jth np is remembered against when he joins the church he reminded of his mean acts, son is that religion aims to i np, and politics Is bent on R him down. In the St. Louis convention Col. Bryan denounced the Illinois Dem ocrats as "train robbers." Yet, Col. Bryan never misses an oppor tunity to hold np the plutocrats. It is estimated that the wheat crop this season will yield 635,000,000 bushels. It is not mentioned in the Kepublican platform but it is under stood that they stand for it. A Bepublican paper says "Mr. Roosevelt is always v improving his record." The people are always re proving his record. It is abont time for Senator Hoar to declare for Judge Parker. ijouui convention In time tn rM.h Wilmington, but he Is expected to day. Mr. Olarkson, and perhaps Dr. McKelway, will address the voters (of the First ward at corner of Fourth and Harnett streets to-night Hon. H. A. London, of Plttsboro. will also be here to-day and speak to night at aome point In the Fifth ward. Mr. N. B. Broughton, of Btlelgb, will speak to-morrow night Tuesday night next week iredeJl Meares, Esq., will speak with George Bountree, Esq., at the dispensary rally in the Com House. Meetlsg of Ladles. A fairly large gathering of ladies of the Third and Fourth wards assembled at the First Baptist church yeslerdav afternoon and organized for exertinar an Influence for the dispensary during the campaign. The meeting was ad dressed by Pastor Fred. D. Hale and B, G. Grady, Eiq. ' superintendent Streeter, of me .worth Carolina Children's Home Society, at Greensboro, is much pleased at the nomination of senator Davis, of West Virginia, for Vice President. He not only has given a $20,000 home for the children in West Virginia, but has added a perpetual fund of $100 a montn tor its support. PROM JUDQE ALTON B. PARKER. Editor of Stsr Thanked by Distlsf nlshed Jurist for Messsge of Cong rstulstlon. The editor of the Stab Is In receipt of the following letter from Judge Alton B. Parker, written on the official paper of the Court of Appeals. New Charlotte News: Wadesboro is I York dted Rowrnont Esopus, N.Y., all now threatens that he es to kidnap the biggest America." J udge Parker is to take precim lions at once suspicious characters off the on at Esopus. the first town in the United States to climb in the band waron with a Parker club. Now let ns hear from the real original Parker man and all will be lovely. There Ig mora ruturtt in m. v. S""""7tfnll other diseases put together, and "J'liM'few years was eopposeTto be iE "'e; ,or a great many years doctors pro onncedW a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing, to core with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science US PTOTen Catarrh tn ha a nnntltnHni..! .l.u u ip ' ""l"1"" couBuiauon&L treatment. .vvmi wnre, maauiaccnrea oj f. d . Cheney ial fturse President Alton B. rill executively construe the is platform an saying that turn the rascals out. A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only constitution enre on .tne market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 dronatd a teumoonfnl. ..It anta di rectly on the blood sad mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Bena for circulars and testi monial,. Address, F.J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druirrlsts. 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. . . July 12, 1904, and bearing the auto graph of the distinguished jurist: "Dear Bib Just a word to thank yon for your kind messsge of con rratulations and to assure you of my grateful appreciation. "Very truly yours, "Alton B. Pabkcb." Imsllpox is Blsden. Clarkton Express: "The health au thorities r-port new smallpox cases at U jblin ard B.iUr' Cross Roads. - O Mr. Jobn tshaw'a family, all are well except Mrs Bhaw and Miss Maude, tne laiici bMng critically 111 with It. Mr. Bruton. of Bladanborr, Is improv ing and will be releaaed tn a fe dsys. UI the two cases at East Arcadia I recovered and the other died." V f olored Berchsats DIssxrce. Two members of a colored mercan tile firm doing business at "Five Points," in the northern section of the city, fell out over a dissolution and distribution of assets upon the with drawal of one member of the firm' a few dsys ago and a law suit In Justice Fowler's court yesterday was necessa ry to clarify the situation for the erst while combination of capital. Kirk Highsmlth had sued William Nobles for an equal distribution of the assets and the recital of the facts In the case would make an Interesting page in the commercial history of the country. Highsmlth won the suit, securing judgment for his half of the property In the sum of something orer $11. Consty Pension Board. The County Pension Board will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock for the pur pose of recommending a list of worthy Confederate soldiers and their widows to the Btate Board for pensions. The meeting was deferred from the first Monday in the month- on account of the fourth of July holiday. The num ber of pensioners from New Hanover this year will be about as large as ever. While several have died, others have become worthy of the small pittance which the State la able to give and have been added to the list. The Board ia composed of Col. W. L. DeBosset, Capt. Geo. W. Huggins and Mr. O. M. Filyaw. The Excursion Wsb Qslet. Yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville Observer aays: "The big Odd Fel lows' excursion, which went down to Wilmington yesterday morning, re turned here at 3 o'clock this morning. There was not a mishap of any kind. uu bmi mo excursionists report Hav ing had a splendid day of it. Though there were five hundred or more peo ple on the train, there was not the slightest sign of disorder, and for this the Odd Fellows' committee of man agement is to be congratulated." no Pity Shows. "For years fate was after me con tinuously," writes F. A. Qu Hedge, of Verbena, Ala. "1 had a terrible case of plJer, causing twenty-four tumors. When all failed Bucklen'. Arnin SalTe cured me." Equally as good for Barns and all Aches and Pains. umy zse at B. R. Bellamys drug store. j Bit One from Osrilof ton aod Florescr, ?. Relora ol another. John Beb Drake's excursion frorn Darlington, 8. O , reached the city yesterday morning at 11:30 o'clock, bringing only about 275 people who ! spent the day in the city and at the beacher, returning at 10 o'clock last night. The Seaboard Air Line excursion from Chester, 8. O , and points this s'de returned1 early last night after the bet part of two days here. Nearly 503 of the visitors went for a trip on the steamer "Wilmington" to Carolina Beach, Southporl and out to sea yesterday. A Remsrkible accident. During the electric storm Sunday afternoon lightning struck a reducer on a pole In front of Taylor's Bazaar on Market street, setting fire to the pole. The hook and ladder truck re sponded with the chemical engine and soon had the flames out While com ing down Market street at a rapid rate, a shoe flew off the fore hoof of one of the big horses attached to the hook and ladder truck, struck a colored man on the shoulder at Davla' stables, some fifteen feet away, glanced off and struck Mr. Owen Home, another bystander, in the head, Inflicting a painful icalp wound into which Dr. Eoonce found it necessary to take two stitches. The accident wis most un usual. One report has it that a third man was struck in the stomach by the shoe and was also more or less injured. Mutual Life Prize Winners. Mr. Gaston L. Myers, of the firm of Mcintosh & Myers, district agents of the Mutual Lire Insurance Company, of New York, is at the St. Louis Ex position enjoying a week's sojourn as the guest of the company; Early In the year the company offerea a num ber of special trips to agenta for a cer tain amount of paid business, and Mr. Myers was one or the successful con testants. The party has been delight fully entertained at the company's club house. No. 5001 Washington boulevard, St. Louis. They are ac companied by Mr. Harris R. Wiilcox, manager of the company in this Stale. In the party of agents are Messrs' ir H. Smith, Fayetteville; F. P. Brown. nsieign; t. B. Bprlnkle, Winston Salem, and G. L. Myers, Wilmington. Mrs. McSIsmmy Dead. Friends will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Dora McClammy, wife or Mr. George McClammy, formerly of the police force but now a watch man at the Cape Fear Machine Workr. Mrs. McClammy died at the James Walker Memorial Hospital Tuesday afternoon in the 46th year of her age. uesioes her husband sh leaves sev eral children. The funeral was con ducted by Bey. A. D. McCiure. D. D . pastor of SL Andrew's Presbyterian church, at 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing and the remaics were laid- to rest in tfellevue cemetery. The pall bear ers were: Messrs. Alex. Hewlett, J. G. Carney, Silas Saeeden and Jno. M. King. Miss Bena Mills js the guest of Miss Davenport, of .Newbern. Mrs. P. M. McOrary left yester day to visit friend In Durham. Mr. J. A. Moore, of Fayette etteville, ia registered at The Orion. Miss Grace Jennings, of Fayetteville-, is the guest of friends In the city. Miss flattie Bnnn, of Rocky Mount, Is the guest of Mrs. J. Hicks Bunting. Miss Agnes Makeley, of Eden ton, is the guest of the Misses Beebs at WrignUville Beach. Miss Upchnrch, of Raleigh, who has been the guest of Miss Louise Harper, returned yesterday. Fayetteville Observer: "Mies Fan Williams is visiting Mrs. D. M. Williamr, in Wilmington." Miss Janie Pearson, of Mor ganton, N. C, is visiting Mlts Olive Armstrong, on 8oulh Fourth alree. Miss Hattie A. Gilbert has re turned from a visit to Mr. and Mr. John E Hair in Cumberland county. Mrs. Ada C. Harriss and little daughter, of Verons, N.O., are guests of Mrs. Harriss' brother, Mr. W. H. Cox. Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth, of Ports mouth, Va , is in the city on a visit to her father, Mr. 8. L. Yopp, and other members or the family. Mrs. Clark and grand-daughter, Miss Mary McPheraoo, of Louisville, Ky., are visiting Mr. Ed. Clarr, of the A. C. L passenger department. Among yesterday's arrivals were:. T. a Clark, Wadesboro; O. E. Holton, Greensboro; John W. Billet, Charlotte; T. S. Differ, Charlotte. Mr. John C. Wagner, a promi nent oUken and an alderman or the city or Kinaton, N. 0., is here on a visit to the family of his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. T. Hewlett. Mrs. John A. Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, of Chester, 8. a are here on a visit to Mr. T. W. Olawson. Mrs. Graham is Mr. Claw. son's aister and Mr. Graham, his ne phew. Pender Chronicle: "Mr. A. L. Bo wen, who hss for some time been stenographer for the A . O. L. B. R. Co., at Wilmington, has returned to his home In West Burgaw. He la go ing to farming." Col. J. w. Reed, of Chester, S. O., was among the excursionists from Chester, S. O., yesterday. He Is an "unreconstructed rebel" and still wears the gray. He waa on the staff of General Btephen D. Lee during the war. The many friends of Capt. Landon O. Jones, one of the jolly At lantic Coast Line conductors at Flor ence, were delighted to see him In the city yesterday. He brought in the Darlington excursion, reluming at 10 o'clock Iait night Cedar Creek correspondence: "Miss Flora Downing, who has been working for Messrs. J. H. Rshder & Co, Wilmington, came up on' the steamer 'City of Favettevilln Thursday to spend a few weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nell I Down ing." Mr. H. L. Darr and little daughter, Miis Ruth, Mr. and Mra. Cbas. M. Newmann, Misses Genie and Grace Naismlth, Mr-. Peck, Mrs. Hicks, of New York, Mrs. J. L. Neely and children, Mrs. Heap, Miss Ida Heap and Willie Heap were among yesterday's arrivals in the city. Among the Florentines on the excursion yesterday were Dr. E. M. Matthews, J. J. Gee, Bernard Early, Jerome P. Chase; Jr., George Will cox, Albert Muldrow.Dawson Latham Dick Abbott. Olas Howie, win m Meadows, Leon Tlliery, Leo Keefc! Teader aid Drlviag Wheels Braised Off Lets of Ssss Bellamy Early Yeiter dsy Near Jhamploa Qompresr. isopntatloa gloss to flips. Both his legs maahed off just below the hip jointr, Injured Internally and Buffering nntold agony, 8am Bellamy, a young negro, perhaps not over 25 years of age, died In the Jamea Walker Memorial Hospital yesterday after noon at 5:80 o'clock, having been run over by a shifting engine on the A. O. L. dummy track on Ninth, be tween Walnut and Red Oross streets, at 8:50 o'clock In the morning. The negro formerly Hyed at Chad bourn, N. a, and his remains will likely be shipped there for burial. Tne accident by which the negro lost his life wss unusual la some re spt els. What Is known as "Saddle Bick" shifter No. 100, in charge of Engineer Charles Grant, was proceed ing backward at a low rate of speed up tte street, the negro sealed in front on a board. Suddenly the engineer felt something under the engine and with his eyes straight ahead In front of the shifter he saw the negro under the wheels, writhing In agony. The engine was stopped in a moment, but not until after two wheels of the ten der and one of the driving wheels had passed over bis legs, bruising them practically off ; one about five Inches below the hip joint and the other about an Inch lower down. The colored man was pulWd from under the engine, bis legs practically ia a pulp and pieces of fir ah and ground bone on the rails. He re mained conscious and cried out pit eously until Dr. D. W, Bulluck came and placed him under the influence of n opiate. The Buffering man was then taken to the hospital In the am bulance where he died eight hours later, Drs. Akermsn, Bulluck and Caldwell having amputated the mash ed limbs close up to the body. Bellamy came to Wilmington sever al years ago an had been employed for aome time on the Atlantic Coast Line yards. Just how he came to fall from the board in front or the ten der, where the couplers and brakeman usually ride, Is unknown. Passesfsr Trsio on Kalelfb and (spe Pear Railroad Wrecked. i By Telegraph to the Morning star. Raleigh, N. .0., July 10. a ds. senger train, consisting of twocoacbes and a locomotive, on the Raleigh aud thsJTiJn" rftUrod. "Jlng more man lOO pasiencera vu aMwk.ri .... here yesterday, and 17 persons wf re injared. Theflrat car jumped the track, ran about 50 feet on the croaaliea and then tumbled down the 80-foot embank ment, making two revolutlona atd landing right side uo minus its tmb. The rear car was nulled ar thL track and extended lla lmth the embankment All the Injured were in the first The engine did not leave the track. Seashore Hotel irrivals. Among yesterday's arrivals at the Seashore Hotel were O. B. wiki. man, wife and child, Fayetteville; J. W. Brown, Wlcaton-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Gold and child, Greens boro; Wilton Brlney.Memphls, Tenu., W. J. Parrolt, of Darlington; Mrs. W. K. Glllepsie, Charlotte; J. W. Bryant, Wilaon; T. 8. Clark and W. . James, wadesboro; A. J. Ham, Charlotte; Mrs. J. DeJough and Misses Beatrice and Reulh DeJougb, Florence; Miss Lena Scbafer, Dillon; Misses trannie Wlenberg, Edlin Weinberg, of Darlington. Parker's Cbaoces Excellest. , ' Iredell Meares, Etq., and little son, George, are back from a ten days' trip to New York. Mr. Meares was in New York during the St. Louis convention and saya that the nomination of Judge Parker waa received with great enthu siasm by the business and financial ele ment there. Mr. Meares says there are some power fnl lnfluencea and interests at work for Judge Parker's electiot,, and in some quarters it is freely and confidently predicted that he will win. roc At dots. After several days of inactivity on the local market, spirits turpentine opened yesterday steady at 52J c. and rosin steady at $3.40. King Kelly tho earst while manager of the Jackson villa baseball team, will be taken on by the Savan nahs to play second base. The Mayor had only two cases for trial yesterday. Thn nefendants were charged with disorderly conduct and were fined $5 and coats. Standard Oil Barge No. 81 ar rived yesterday from Philadelphia in low of the tug "Astral" with a supply of oil for the local b-anch of the com pany here. The Mecklenbnrg Republican Executive Committee at a meeting Tuesday decided to put out a full county ticket there. Heretofore no oppoaltion has been made to the Dam ocralle ticket In that section. Col. John D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior .Court, has been advised that Judge Oliver H. Allen will re main officially "judge tiding this dis trict" until the coming of Judge Fred Moore, to hold Duplin court August 89th. A. C. L. common stock has been quite active for the past few days, having advanced about ten points, usoiain Hew York yester day at 1131. L. & N. is also going up in sympathy with Coast Line and was quoted yesterday at 114. V7m. Armstrong, colored, was orougnt down rrom Castle Haynea I onwng. As a part of the diversion yesterday morning and turned over I tne placed a cup on a stump in the to rouceman u. Jfi. Wood on a charge I w?tBr ana iook turns shooting at it or tne larceny of a bicycle. The trial I V Psoi. but. uray rowea into . C. L. Conductors Ihanie. The transfer or Capt. J. T. Garvey, one of the Coast Line's finest condur ' tors, rrom the Florence-Savannah rur, lotho Wilmington and Norfolk run was noted tn yesterday's Star Cspt. Gar vey succeeds Capt. W. L Morris, who waa lately transferred herefrom Florida and who will now go on thn "shoo fly" betweea Goldsboro a;.d Norfolk, making the first named city his headquarters. Capt, E. C. Oobt-n will lake a run at Florence to succet a Capt. Garvey. the Bad "Blue" Pamlly. Fajelterille Observer: "Friday night, near Bseford, a negro namrd Bay, a brother or the Ray mentioned In another column aa having killed a man named Suttoo, ahot a woman named Blue, the bait pasting through the jaw, cutting the lower teeth en tirely ou. The woman will rtcovcr. This ia the third or fourth woman t.f thia Blue family who has been shot recently." Raleigh correspondence of the Charlotte Observer: Unless the revenue officers are very great pre varicators county officials are doing very little to break up moonshining. It is asserted that the moonshiners, who at first kept by tho Watts law. are getting ready to do more busi ness. It is said by the revenue people that the reason why county officials will not aid in enforcing: the law is that they fear they will lose popularity and votes. It will be in teresting to know how many moon aliinn.. .4?.f-l A ' ouiucio uuuuvy uuiuiais ia iMoriii Carolina have caught or have aided in catching. It was said that in one county where there are 5f county officers, in the way of depu ties, etc., and only 4 revenue offi cers, the latter have done all the tracking and cat) t urine of violators of the Watts law, while the county officers have not made a solitary arrest, or taicen a single step in this direction. It is said that the reve nue officers find it harder than ever to get Information as to location of stills. They say that country peo ple, or a great many of them, who are in the vicinity of illicit distiller ies sympathize with the moonshin ers. There was a peculiarly sad funer al at Scotland Neck on Saturday. On Monday, July 4th, Mr. Walter Gray, together with some other yonng men and some ladies, went to White's Mill for the pond to replace the cup when it was knocked off. As he was nnah. lng back to the shore a pistol in the hands of Mr. Will Alliirood VM nor . dently discharged. Mr. Gray ex claimed that he was ahot. W ha did not fall those on shore thought he was iokiocr. He nallod w ... sistance and when nn Brinro if htqq i - -- wuva v mm VT (U found that the ball had entered his 8tOmach. Ha waa hAfi rvKf a Friends of Rev. A. B. Holton. I and sen to the hnsnitai at ovWa was poiiponed yesterday awaiting witnesses from Rocky Point. The young people of Si. Paul's Lutheran church have organized a tennis club. A court has baen laid out on the church lawn, The first meeting of the club to play tennis will be held this evening from 5 to 8 o'clock. pastor or Market 8treel M. E. Church, will sympathlte with him in the death of his youngest sister which occurred at her home in Tennessee yesterday. Rev. Mr. Holton received a telegram conveying to him the sad Intelligence. SORELY STRICKEN PA WILY. Veaersble Father and OloVat, Osorhler Clslmed by Death Simultaneously. iii me fcTAE at Rico, Coiumbus county, chronica Manly Hlnes and J. A. Brown. Nlant Was Har Terror. , "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. CHiapla A or Alexandria, Ind., "and could hard' ly get any sleep. I hid consumption so bad tbat if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood; but, when all other medicines failed, three $L00 bottles of Jr. King'a New Discovery wholly cured x xameu nny-eig&t pounds.' Its absolutely guaranteed to cure Sift PoL PPe. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung troubles. at R R Bbllaxt's drug store. i OASTOniA. Bean ths ll Kind You Haw Always Bonghl the death of Mr. Joshua D. Ha.kett one of the most prominent cfHzana nr his community, who passed away at 8:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the advanced age or 90 years. Mr.' Has kelt was a native or Jones Ount?, this Btate, but went to Rosenda!e be fore the war and was an t-xtentfve naval atore opnrator and mtnattc u rer. He served gallantly during the civil conflict, and. rulnrnlna kAm. foubd himself impoverished by the fortunes of war. For more than half a century he bad been a devoted m Am . ber of the Methodist church and was held In the highest esteem in the com munity. His sons, M-srs. Edgar, Jesse and Marlon, at their fath er's bedside when he passed awt Withln less than ten hours after Mr Haskelt'a death ,' oldest daughter also died of mucii .h- ramo nmess and still another daugL.tr is critically ill and not expcc.ed to live. OOOn an Oneration was norfnrmAil and it was found that the hall had cut through the stomach, had cut away part of the liver and lodged in the back. Mr. Gray died from the WOUnd Thuradav aftnrnnnn if A o'clock. 1 TRUCK FARM SUPERINTENDENT WANTED. atrawhHtii.or??"Wy understand erowlng or ns; or same; cultivation or notatoaa haana ana cantaloupes: and. In ract. all k vegetation. Moat be man ot familv Adnnna.2 accommodations for the honsedold t?t2 salary exoectea, experience and send belt ol references. Address o. j"BUaDiOK Jenw W Mt:rr-oTiafnM?B: I. 11 '"rut. Gin Machinery ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW MILL and WOOO-WORKINQ MACHINERY WRIT FOR PRIOKS GlBBES MACHINERY COUPSNV "1 COLUMBIA, S. a Mmm wtntloathlspapar.