rIBLE ACCIDENT TO AN EXCURSION TKAIPu U With Preifbt Near ibe City of u.T,ieCTaphtothoMormn(tBtar. .ij Tsrenttr naranna i nio.1 ar.u in a collision on the Illinois railroad. . til twentv-three milea t" nhicaco. xne couuiou w 1"' .IahIa train from - l. nrPRii m u I v - - . wAlnvnlllAl ftwivn 0 111 . and a ireigm tram, invo encf. nf which tne excursion Lhcd at high speed. The picnic ' li co ne north, and the freight iM ie south bound track. Am a- (tfii threw tne picnic tram unulh bound tracr. and engineer could apply the '..ran at ion nines an nour the first lfr . . train wnrM ilnmnl j il'U J I,. . . nicuic was the annual outing of ..nibersof Doremus. After spend- 1e f,.,1 nn th 'Sip. running In aa the second Aif du In Chicago at 8:85 P. M. 'hill l"" JJifcuiw mwiiwMvv. w.m.w vi four milea be jond Glenwood, itho accident took place, It was Ce(ltothe regular aoutn nouna Jc . .1.1.. ...k l mmlno , -1... i.a.k h tVi Jil at Chicago Heights until It (Tk. (rain After leaving Chi- GflalshU gradually increased Its hart K.n n nn. the two ..."" Viraspiuociag along at the rate ml BJ i u- . - wood there is a sharp curve. Aa train tore around this on Lnth bound track, it waa part y tnoki and no train could .Zed it in either direction. The 'tote train did not see the freight ' i .t it ii wma inn be was aiiuua. ,0 do anything, but to set the but before they could take Irtthe pawenper imainea into jdo rhia. iUlt SPCCU. luo iuvuiukuh .-.nt through - the freight and Llled up in a heap -of wreckage, r " . j.i ih. .Mllih I wmtr lseiurtuer smeui mo nv '..fl.it rnarh of the picnic train lord Into tbe wreckage and burled ill In a mats .of kindling wood. coica were caugm uoucu mo la joldtbrlf, and It was nere m loiiof life occurred. The people tbe rear coaches were hurled irorn ,i.mii nd manv of them were LiKd. butstli of the serious casuaL- oCCUrrru iu iuu " - red paisencers ana trainmen uned to ihe relief of ihoie who ipliintd under the wreckage. Tbe ., xai two nn es rrom anywnerj dnuch delay enaued befpre some of Injured who were held down by tt timbers could -be extricat- RothiD,.' couia he aone ior mem ;il liMrg machinery came from latollolahts. Tbe first train to hire ai the wreck came from (Jhica- Htljhli and it carried six physl- kni anion uiue aner w sru ice- Id Wu arrived from Qlenwood, isiliif additional Dhvsiciana and a nber of r.urafs Darkness naa ei!.d rescup went on by the itof boutires. ' ireiular relief train wan made up WDood and it brought the dead ff.unrtMl lo Uhicapo. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. M Killed tnd Another .Man Fatal- Ij lujared- Reealt of a Collision With a Railroad TralD. Bj Telegraph to the MnrnlDg Star. Roowille Center, L. I., July IS. Jimet Snyder, of Rrooklyn, and .nk J. Correll, nf Amity v. lie, were lUntlj killed and a man believed to J.W. Jewell, of Brooklyn, was so dl Injured that he died soon after- K" th result of a collision be- en a big touring automobile and a ion the Lon? Iiland railroad at ftlctrniii CMs!ni tn nltht "Merrick road aod the railroad fctmn for a ion? distance aide by Hi in Kock Ho Center the road witbetrackj at an acute ancle. u an UDutually long and dan wueroanne. Tho automobile and fteopittSi was racing with the train s ansad as it approached the nnr l'eraont familiar with thm "Iwhower watchinif th mc at. me car to How ud. but Instead Pea wai increased. The flagman "crouing waved his flag and his r ii a warning and the engineer ".rin. rninc at full .nH fa. 1,1 meenr ne ar.it hlw ht whfatiA. 'wiutoanoblle shot on into the L'Mfl upon the track. lur mail hp l.nai4 i,. i,.. r ..n " wjh in the air and landed u enroll tw " irom the rails. Uis skull 't'aihed la and he died an hour acciaent. The car with Its '".jpamawas carried five hun " ICDl 01 thft rnnxilnhu 'r.t lha PDOtlTe and then Hrnr.n1 itnan ;"dfedsome dlttance under lr Pn,y truck of tho engine had e ruiuii k , --ciuie me wrecaea car UH mntrlpfl Kn,ll.. 1 V s .M, r - UUIIIC. lUUIU UV U PROSPEROUS COTTON MILL. Ulll. r. . luaiy Enterprise Earns Thirty. Per Cenf. nn Canltal. Linii -uinnfi t,.i i., m. , " j xuo annual .r ii in inn i,mm!.u'J -. ii 1 1,nl Mill waa htild at tha nrt,.rt I 'n.. . - wi.F pres- Tfi. , ulrectora were re elect fl na.il m a. ... hi.... "Lua GI no mm fnr thA nr. ...I 1 1 i iL,. J Vl iaS amount 10 WhfS.:.wrri' dividend to the "edf. c" "u Per cent, was rfc p lf,riki"i Purjftsi t,f paying off r"Hi'ii ..in "ii. aiiw P'tki..., ' , Procfit-ds of tbe W, 1 m,nl "'is in- if"1 th" '"'UhdocUrfd out i. n',ftl,(' "it ia four veara Ml,,:, mon-' s.ttcJ. besides I.. ' I f 4 i li.nl I f . . ,'rNti. r i' !rn oeoi was uvo mousand spin- Tot ' " ,r"''-.nd first put io. of building and was about ciohtv Ieaafc . .: and 11 ! thought Wdta ay for one bun li1Drlhe "u "onars, thus rhif lock WOrth "bout a dollar ! '"' i Have Always Buwtt W IM . m TOE JAPS' ATTACK NEAR PORT ARTHUR Russians Maintain Thev Were Repulsed With an Enor mous Loss. DURING NIGHT OF JULY 10TH. General Oka With 50,000 Hen Advasclcf Rapidly on Ta Tche Klao-The Via. dlvoslok fqaidrea Rosslaoa Retreatlai Before Japs. By Cable to the Horning Star. St. Pktebsbubg. July 13. An offl- cial communication from the Russian general staff says: "According to information derived from Japaneae aourcea and received by Admiral AlexIfTa military ataff, the Japanese attacked the Russian oosl- tiona at Port Arthur during the night of July 10. They were repulsed with enormous lost. It la difficult to cal culate even approximately the number oi japaneae casuaitlea, which amount ed. It la said, to the immense fiffur nf 30,000." Rejolclof ia St. Petenbarf '. St. Petersburg. Jnlv IS. B-skp. M. This city was thrown into a fever of excitement this afternoon by the newa that the Japanese were repulsed in an attack on the fortreaa or Port Arthur on Sunday night, with a lots said to reach 80,000. .. xne original report reached Bt. Pe tersburg last night in the form of a newspaper dispatch from Mukden and waa received with incredulity, but at about noon, when Vlcero-v Alexleff officially telegraphed the newsjtothe general staff, it created a tremendous impression, It waa immediately trans muted to tne "Official Meaengern and a row minutes afterwards the news- boyawere racing through theatreeta electrifying the crowda with the tidings. The boys were fairly mobbed by people eager to buy the extras. xne members or the general ataff do not offer explanatlona of what Ad miral Alexieff means by "Japaneae aourcea," but they declare that the viceroy would not have officially re ported auch Important news unless it had reached him from aourcea entirely worthy of credence. At the same time they say the story should be ac cepted with reserve. The Japanese have not yet attack ed Ta Tche Kiac In a dispatch from Liao Yang General iSakaroff de scribes a serlea of skirmishes east of Kal Chou. The troops belonging to General Kurokl'a army are meeting with resistance at every ateo from the Russian rear guard along the Sal-Ten road. - The moblization of two more armv corps ia expected shortly. Geo. Oka Pressloc On. uhk uo. juiy is. a dispatch re ceived from Lloyd's agent at New Chang, says: 'Japanese scouta were seen thla morning at Black woods Pond, six miles south of here. "General Oku with fifty thousand men la advancing rapidly between this place and Ta Tche Klao. Shipping and trade are progresing aa usual." Russian Warships. Loudon. July 13. According to a dispatch to the Central News from Tokio, it la reported there that aeveral torpedo boats of tbe Vladivostok squadron appeared off the Island of Hokkaido last evening. Tbe Japanese Advaacc. St. Petersburg. July 13. The general ataff haa received a dispatch from General Sakaroff, dated July 12th. reporting that tbe Japaneae, July lOtb, commenced to construct field works on tbe heights between the railroad line and the road rrom Kal-Ohou to Ta Tche Klao. Japanese out post a were observed July 11th between Hadllnkau and Sangalaba, and aklrmlahlng occurred July 11th between the advance guarda near the village of Bla Ulan Taia. Tne Japaneae retired when the Russiana were reinforced. A Japanese detachment of one bat talion of infantry and three tquadrona of cavalry was discovered about eight miles northeast or Kai-Uhou, their outpoats extending along the valley oi the Pan-Tak, from Ta Die Tien, about nine milea eaat of Ktao-Ohou, ao far as ran-oni-rutie, aooui iour milea south of Chl-Dla-Kau. General Sakaroff also reports that the Japaneae are throwing np earth worka on the heighta on both aldea of Khelon. A Japanese force la encamp ed on the road between Si Mou Cheng and Feng Wang Cheng and ita ad vance gnard haa occupied the valley of the Saukber river. General Sakaroff adds that a num ber of outpost engagement have taken nlace in different dlrectiona with trif ling loasea on both aides and indicating the nersiatent advance oi tne japa near. He aava there ia no change in the poaitlon in the direction of Ta Paas or Hal Chen Bands of Chlneae bandlta are active In the nelizhsorhood or Lalo Lang. The Russian aentlnela exchange ahota with them. v Farther Accounts. Kt. Petkbsbvro. July 13. A spe cial dispatch, received from Mukden In-nle-ht. dated Jnlv 135 in. reneaia me atory of a Japaneae repulse at Port Arthur with the loss or su.uuu. xne dlarjatch aava: "News naa oeen received irom relia . . . . . , i ble aourcea that the Japaneae third army, on the night of July 11th, at- ticked Port Arthur and waa neaviiy defeated, an lmmenae number being killed bv Kuaalan mines, xne toiai Inn la ahont 30.000." There waa great mtereat tnrougnou. Hi. Ptrsbnrff all this evening ior further details or the reoortea aiaaaier, Tt haa develoned that the official report which was at first supposed to emanate directly r.om Viceroy Alexieff waa not specifically fathered by him, but was lyin.n ntit aa a renori reacumir ui headquarters from 'Japanese aonreei.' What these aourcea are naa nut j been explained. Posaibly the report was Intercepted by wireless telegraphy but it Is more likely it cornea irom tuB nUu. a'n VS. i .rdhe Fooor the RuV- sian consul at Tien xsin. a t!ns! Foo. July io. o r. M. The British fleet, whoae movements ias. Air way a tins-ed with mystery, has been located cruising in Yang-Chung ka. art mi - from wei-uai-vv ci. w TT M 1IT.I There is authority for say log that tne utiii w uih- ... .a fleet is watching the developments at r.rt Arth.ir t Chinese refugees from iron arinur who arrived here to day report tnat th .lanmMA nave rivcaoiureu iwu nn-iition-i from which they were re cently driven, namely, forts Fourteen aud Seven. . . , , " Ta Tche kiao, uonaay, juiy xi, .iairi In transmission.) All ao counts or General Bamsonon a retire- m.t,t frnm Kal Uhou agree u waa IIIVHI " m .rrtAii out with the most pence. order and tbat the itussian xossea wero -- - - - - . . Intla-nificant while tne epaneae iur fered heavily irona mo kmuwj Battle North of Ml Choa. London, July 13.-The Ylnkow cor respondent of tne Luuy unroB. of Berts that a battle cccurrcu uunu Kal Choa July 12th when the Japa nese were repulsed with great lose. , Ta Tohe Kiao, July 11, (delayed in traDtm'talot) The Japaneae attacked Ta Tc) . KIs . yeaurday, but the attack waa nr i senously nresaed. the Japa nese r.'irlne eventuallv toward Kal imou. Uacoatlrmed Rumors. ' LONDON. Jnlv 11 Thara la nub- lished thla nnptilnv b mimfiv 11iat Port Arthur hai fallen, hut It ! dlrcredlted a. J 1 "u lacia connrmauon or any aort. a-oe aneciai dla-oatehea . f rom eonrea- POndentB at thA aaat nf war nnbliahed in this dq not give any .confirmation or the sensational reporta of Japanese losses a irori arinur. The Takashaa Army. London. Julv 14. The Tokio car- respondent of the Dally Telegraph Sends official dispatches giylng the Srogresa of tbe Takushan army mp to ulyllth, on which date the heights south or Beklsalyau were atormed and Uken after a stubborn resistance. Tbe Russians, the dlsnatchea sav. have re tired from Senklavan. where they had strongly fortified positions. xne correspondent or the Standard at Che Foo says that the United States cruiser uaieigb arrived there yester day. foBflictlni Reports. St. Petersburg. July 14. Renorta oi me Japanese movements in the di rection of Ta Tche Klao are conflict ing, A special dispatch from Ta Tche Kiao, dated July 11, says: "The Japaneae are comlnar within aeveral milea of the town, apparently to extend their line or to await the arrival of siege gunr. No attempt has oeen maoe ror a land attack. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Preparloi tils Speech for the Notifies. lloa Committee His Favorite Ex. erclse ia fnoppiog Wood. By Teleg-rapa to the- Horning Btai. Oyster Bat, L. I., July 13. Presi dent Roosevelt and Secretary Loeb wero engaged to-day for several houra in the transaction of official business at Sagamore Hill. A part of the time waa devoted by the President to work in the preparation of hla speech to be de livered on the 27th Inatant, when he receives hla notification of nomination. The President ia preparing this speech wnn great care. The President devoted considerable time to exerclae about the Sasramore wi-aa -a . . am grounds to-oar. Tula exercise or dinarily includes awimmlngrowing. horse-riding and walking. Sometimes toe President iolns bia children or hia house guests on the tennis courts. A favorite 'exerclae of the Prealdent la chopping wood, and he Indulges In thla every day. Secretary Loeb to day received the following telegram from John E. Bar rett, editor or The Trutb.of Scranton. rennsyiyama: 'Did President Roosevelt personally refuse to see a committse of mlnera yesterday, aa reported In this morn ing'a papera ?" In response to this inquiry. Secre tary Xiaeb eent to JCditor Barrett a tel egram saying that the President did not know of the committee's presence. It was atated that the President was abient and cot within telephone com munication when the miners' commit tee called. Secretary Loeb explained that there Is a rule tnat no delegations shall be received oy the President unless they have made an appointment, and under the circumatancea be could not ar range a meeting, j WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. National Democratic Committee Decide Not to Have Him for Oae of Us Speakers ia the Campaign. By Teletaph to the Horning Star. Chicago, July 13. Roger O. Sulli van, the new member of the National Democratic Committee from3 Illi nois, declared to-night that It was not thought desirable by the members of the national committee that William Jennings Bryan take the stump for the national ticket. Several daya ago Mayor Harrison invited Mr. Bryan to speak at a ratifi cation meeting, which ia to be held in Chloaeo in a few daya. Mr. Sullivan declared when informed of the invita tion that had been extended to Mr. Bryan that "Bryan must not come into Illinois to apeak." Explanations were at once asked oi Mr. Sullivan and ha declared that the national committee had decided not to have Br van aa one of ita speakers. The reaaon assigned by the committee for this reported decision, according to Mr. Sullivan, Is that, in their opinion, he would "do the ticket mere harm than -rood." When informed oi air. ouuivan a declaration. Mayor Harrison said: We have Invited Mr. liryan to apsax and I hope that he will accept. We think that he will do tbe ticket more good than harm." k OE0RQ1A TRAGEDY. Mrs. Dobert Flovd Shot asd Killed By a Thirteen Yeax Old Boy. By Telegraph to tne Homing Star. Dublin, Gb., July 13. Informa tion haa reaohed the eity of the killing vaatardav of Mn. Robert Floyd, in T.-iwrv diatrict. thla county, by Mal colm Ourrie, the thirteen-year old son of Mrs. Elmlra Uurrie. uurne snot Mrs. Floyd six or seven times ana tnen hnt Mn. Thomas Flovd. his alster-ln- law, in the aide, lnfllcting.a serious but not dangerous wouna. Tha row started bv Mra. Currle en daavorinir to tret her child which for nmA vaara had been in charee of her nn who had married a daughter of Mra. Floyd. It la said tnat Jars, ts ioya started towards Mrs. Currle with a knife, when the boy began ahootmg. irintni-i-i-iArinitani.lv. No arreata have vet been made. It Is said, however, that Mrs. Ourrie and her son Malcom win do arresieu. Ah a matter of fact. Mr. Ron t well haa resumed the old prin- ftlnlea of Jefferson in which he grew to be a legislator for State and na- AkA Nf A T A t-fl A tion and governor of the State. He was a Democrat fifty years ago a Free Soil Democrat and he helped to make the Republican pariy, since JpfTarBon'a tjartv had forgotten jei- forsou. He is a Democrat now -but tViorn ia not ono like him in l am i-nan Hall, and not a greater any where in the country.-Sprlngfield Republican (Ind.) STor Ovar Six ay Teare Mrs. WInslow'a 8oothing Syrup haa k..n . ,iBri for over 60 years ay mu- nf mothers for their children while teething, wun penecnuwuM. v. ..whAa thA p.hild. softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is i Via hut nmcdT ior isiarruwa. a. n relieve the ooor Utile sunerer ibiuiwi- .! Hnld b DruffiZlsts in every t nf the world. IFBDU Uto vouia .Hstttia RA-anre&nd ask for "Mra. Wlnalow'a Soothing syrup, anu iaae ww...". - J ,.i no other kind. PACKINGHOUSES AND THE STRIKERS. No Stoppage of Ooerations in Trust Companies' Plants Has Yet Occurred. BUT EVERYTHING CURTAILED. Uteaaive Preparations for the Strike ', Breakers Mob Oatbreaks Team. stera' Sympathetic Strike New Workmen at Plants. ' BT TelegraDh to the Homing Star. Chicago, July 13. To-day bore out predictions of the packing house pro prietors that the big strike would not cause a atoppage of operations. In the great abbatolr district things moved slowly indeed to-day, but they moved. All the packing houses reported that they were slaughtering a little. Every department was said to be doing some work, not much, but aome. and waa expected to increase the activity to morrow. Loading and anionine waa in progress, though heavily curtailed, aa.was the buying or cattle. Some hundreds of new workmen were hired and put to work in the places which had been vacated )n thousands. On the other band the strike spread aomewhat by the action of teamsters in considerable numbers, but ostensi bly acting as individuals, refusins. to handle products touched by newly hired non-union men. This refusal was usually based on the time honored plea that a different course, contracta notwithstanding, would put the team ster in peril of his life. . Extensive installment of sleeping cots and cook ing apparatus tor strike breakera at the various packing houaea waa apparently tne main irritant cauae ror action by tne teamsters, aunougn tnere were.a number or sporadic mob outbreaka on small scale. The packing house proprietors did not appear to share tbe alleged fear of mobs. One of the most interesting state ments made today regarding the atrike aitution came from Miss Mary E. McDowell,of the University of Chi cago settlement near the stock yards. Bhe said that tho great difficulty the union workmen had to expeet was that presented by the "casual work- err," who, she said, were at the beck and call of the, Plant superintendents There are about 5,000 of thla class of laborers around the yards looking for work, according to Miss McDowell, and the regular workmen are in con- atant fear that they will be supplanted Many or tneae workmen, It la said, are now being engaged to take the places of the strikers. Miss McDowell made the remark: "I do not expect serious trouble unless troops are called out." Attacking afresh the allegations that the atrike Is for Increased wages, Pres dent Donnolly, the strike leader, gave out the following statement to-day, ad dressed to the public: "Our organization is taking a stand against a reduction In wages for labor In the plants owned and controlled by the rollowlng companies, which are those affected: "Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Nel son Morria & Co., National Packing Company, Bcnwarz & Sulzeberger, Cudaby. All our organization asks is that 18 18 centa an hour ba the minimum. Io view or the fact that in nearly all of the departments the average working time la forty hours a week, it can be readily seen that our demands are not unreasonable. All or tbe Independent companies are pay log a much nlgber rate than we are asking the trust companies to pay Our organization haa never Interfered with a reduction of working forces ex cept where our members were die crlminatrd against." No Advance at Atlaata. Atlanta, Ga , July 13. Local rep resentatives or the packers whose plants are affected by the butchers' atrike reported to-day that they have on hand and in transit about one week's aupply of meats. So far they have received no notice to advance prices. Should the aupply of meat from northern sources be cut off en tirely, two local firms of packers would bs able, It is said, to aupply the local demand. At New Orleaof. New Orleans. July 13. Four of tbe larre packlne concerna affected by the butchera' strike have branches here. It Is estimated that there ia a full week's supply of fresh meat on hand. No announcement of an In crease in prices haa been made. New Orleans has two large alaughter houses in competition with the West ern meat concerns. The managers of these aay they can double or treble their output on ahort notice. Hlfher Prices at Savannah Savannah. Ga , July 13. in con- seauence or tne .strike in western packing houses, representatives of the packers here ralaed prlcea to day one to two cents a pouna ana preaiciea further advance. According to one packer's agent there la In cold storage In thla city about two weeks' supply of fresh meat. Retail butchera are cast ing about ror a local aupply or fresh meats. MASS MEET ISO IN MEMPHIS. Result of a Fifbt la a Gambling House and Killing of Two Oificers. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Memphis, Tenn.. July IS. As a re sult of a recent fight in a gambling house here which resulted in the death of two denutv sheriffs, tbe Com mittee of Public Safety to-day decided to call a mass meeting to-morrow tor the nuroose or dealing with existing circumstances. Several speakers ad vocated the appointing of a committee of one thousand to ell upon Mayor J. J. Williams. Chief or Police John G. Maaon and George Blackwell, sheriff of Shelby county, and demand their resignations as public officials. AH cambllnar houses have oeen closed. U. S. CRUISER BAPFALO Arrived at San Francisco from Her Cruise Aronod tbe World. By Telegraph to the Homing Star. Washington, July 13. The cruiser Buffalo has arrived in San Francisco from her cruise around the world from Hampton Roads . by way of tbe Suez canal. The vessel will be docked ana renaired at the Mare laiana navy yara. with a view of returning to Hampton Ttaaria over the same route, which in cludes visits to Honolulu, thePhillp- rjlnes. Asiatic and European ports. She will atart on her long cruise about the first or August ana win carry a large detachment or landsmen nnder Instruction. Hne is expectea to arrive at Norfolk about the middle of No- vember. m m m Congreaaman John Sharp Williams will place hia services at the disposal of the National Democratic commit tee and make speeches In the doubtful , States during the coming campaign. JUDGE PARKER PREPARING I ' FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Rf ply lor, isNameroos Letters sad Tele grams of CoagratalaUaa To Have , Snpport of Hearst Hewapipera." f . ..... BTTeleeraDhtothaMrtiminD m Esopus, W. T., July 13. Rose mount, the home of Judge Parker, for the first time to-day . began to show outward signs or the coming on of the campaign. The Lodge house at the gate Is being arranged for use as the campaign office, and linemen put up the special telegraph and telephone lines which are to be in use from now on. une oi tne large rooms Ja being nttea up iodine newspaper correapon dents, witn many convenience. More tnan zuu letters went from Judge Parker in the first outgoing mail, most of them replies to letters and telegrams of congratulation. More than 200 arrived in the first incoming man, ana every mail aince baa anown a marked increase over the one be fore. A force of stenographer nnder the direction or the judge'a private ascretary, Arthur E. McOausland, will bemstauea witnm a day or two in the new omces. The following telegram waa received to-day from Muskogee, Indian Terr! tory: "In an election bald here to day. the first In the United States after your nomination. Muskoeee. claimed by tne uepuDiieans, went uamocratlo. This is the first gun of the campaign and ii considered a fair test. Indian Territory is on nre witn an uncon querable Demoeratie zeal." Judge Parker to-day received notl fication from W. R. Hearst that he la to have the support of the Hearst newspapers. He refused to say whether or not he had any word from William J. Bryan. Whether former President Cleveland is to make any speeches in judge farker'a cause during the cam paign Is not known, but It la under atood that tbe judge haa had an lntl matlon rrom Mr. Cleveland of hla willingness to participate to. a limited extent In tne campaign Judge Parker's dally routine haa hardly ahown a algn of the new honor and the new outlook which have come to him. Amid the hurry and enthu aiaam of his surroundings he ia the coolest and least perturbed of all. To day be arose at six o'clock and went down to the river for his usual swim, returning after about thirty minutes todresafor breakfast. Then he read the newspapers, which arrive here about 6:30 and upon which the Judge depends for his touch with the outside world, ror no evening papers, even from Kingston, are received at Rose mount. Judge Parker is a careful and thorough newspaper reader and he varies from the thoughtful atudy ot editorial discuasion or the grave quea- tioss'oi the campaign and nearly laughter at some or tbe newspaper atorlea about his ideas and doings. A good deal of time to-day was devoted to bia mau, after wnlch ne went tor a horseback ride ror an bour or more, Judge Parker had a letter to day from former Senator David B. 11111, In wh.'ch he expressed his regret that be cannot visit the judge now, owing to prase of business. The judge admitted this afternoon that he had cot heard from Mr. Bryan He said he had read Mr. Bryan's statement, published this morning, but be would not comment upon It. He haa not heard Irom Charlea F. Murphy, leader of Tammany Hall. When the possibility of a joint noti fication ceremony, of both himself and Mr. Davie, aa candidates respectively for president and vice president, was auggeated to Judge Parker to-night the idea appeared to interest him, but he said tbat no such plan bad as yet been broached ao far aa be knew. To-morrow Judge Parker haa an appointment with Senator Patrick EL McCarren. of Brooklyn, la the eve ning citizens of Kingston and vicinity, Irrespective of party, are to visit Rose- mount and pay their respects to tbe Democratic candidate for prealdent. Judge Parker la himself a voter in the third district or the ninth ward or the city or Kingston, being reglatered from the residence or his aon-ln-law, Rev. Charles M. Hall. That diatrict Is the only one in that ward regarded as normally Democratic. MINISTER TO MEXICO. Sir Tout kiaof fkeoi of China Officially Received by President Diss. By Telegraph to Ute Horning star. Mexico Crrr, July 13. Sir Tung Liang Cheng has been officially re ceived by President Diaz. The recep tion of this diplomat, who ia the first Chinese minister to this country, la much commented upon in the press as a notable occasion. Mexico was engaged in indirect trade with China in the sixteenth century, but this la the first time any Chinese minister has been accredited to this govern ment. The reception was a brilliant spectacle. Minister Cheng wore all of his foreign decorations and was richly attired in silks. Speeches ex pressing the friendly relatione exist ing between the two countries were exchanged by President Diaz and the minister. ARMY MAhtEUVERS Board of Officers to Prepare a Programme for Manassas Eacampmeat. . By Telegraph to tne aiomlng Star. Washington, July 13. A board of officers, consisting of Brigadier Gen erals Frederick D. Grant. Tasker H. Bliss and Thomaa H. Barry and Lieu tenant Colonel: John D. Knight, was to-day appointed to meet in Washing ton on July 18. whence they will pro ceed to Thoroughfare, Virginia, tor the purpose of preparing a programme for the mat u vers tojbe held at Ma nassas. Virginia, in September next. Upon the completion of the report it ia to be forwarded to Major uenerai uor- bln. commanding the Atlantic Dlvia- Ion, for approval. William Harrold, who lives on Rock Creek, near North Wilkes boro, fell in a well Tuesday morning and will die from the accident. He had just made a blast with dyna mite and bad gone down in the wel to work, lie tilled one box and told the men at the windlass to draw him out. ' They started to do, but when he was about 25 feet from the bottom he let loose and fell. A man went down to tie him to bring him out and he came' near being asphyxiated in the gas also. In about a quarter of an hour a darkey went down and succeeded in fasten inor him and he was drawn out. His skull was crushed and he was nncon scions. ; Working- Nlgttt anA Day. The buaiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made la Dr. King's .New Life Pill. Tbeae pills change weak ness Into strength, iiatlesanesa into en ererv and brain fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. uni zoo a dox. tsoia oy tt. R. BXLLAHV, druggbi, t . LYNCHING IN: LOUISIANA. Negro .Hsvted.by a x0b for Marderoos -' Assaalt en a Wbl e Man ft 1th a Spade at Clayton Statiea. V BTTee&raitAtothaHcTOlngBtar. - NATOHEg, Miss , July 13. Incom ing passengers on the Natchez and Southern Railway arriving to-night report that a negro whose name eould not be learned waa lynched at Clayton Station, Louisiana, eighteen miles northwest of this city, for assaulting Jesse HlUyard, a aaw mill foreman, with a spade. HlUyard apoke to tbe negro about aome work that waa to be done in the mllL r The negro did not respond at once and Hilly ard repeated hia order. -This ang ered -the negro, who picked np hia spade and struck HlUyard a terrific blow on the head.cuttlng him aeverely. HlUyard sank to the floor and tbe ne gro fled to the woods .- , a mob waa formed and caught tbe negro near xexaa river. The negro ahowed fight; he waa shot through the arm and aide. A rope was put about hia neck and he was hanged to the rail road bridge. HlUyard waa brought to Natchez to-night. His wound is dan gerous, but not necessarily fatal. FLOOD IN MANILA. Two Hoadred Lives Lost Property Dam ! sfe $2,000,000. By Cable to the Homing Etar Manila,' July. 13. A cloud, burst over the hills northeast of Manila caused a flood which has destroyed Ban Juan Delmonte. Two hundred lives were lost. The low lying districts were Inun dated. The homes of Americana and foreigners are isolated. Transporta tion through the atreeta la carried on In boats only. Rain has -fallen for twenty-seven hours, totaUng 15.15; this ia unprecedented. Communica tion with outside placea is interrupted. The damage to property ia estimated at $8,000,000. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. A Jolly Bit of Exercise Which Will Strengthen the Muscles. Here is a bit of work thatwill strengthen the muscles involved. The two opponents may be designat ed as No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 should stand in front of No. 2, with bis back to the latter, taking No. 2's right " arm over his shoulder and seizing No. 2's right wrist in the encircling grasp of his own right hand. -No. 2 should make- the 6ame kind of closp around No. l's left wrist with his own left hand, hold ing the latter's wrist at the sidQ, When this position has been taken, et No. 1 sway 6lowly around to the eft, No. 2 making just enough' re sistance as will not altogether pre vent the twisting of both bodies. After three exercises m this posi tion the two boys should ; change places and then again twist inlthe same fashion to the left. A breath ing spell should now follow. Then the original No. 1 may again take his position in front of hia adversa ry, but with the other's left arm drawn over his shoulder -with the hand encircling clasp and withhia adversary's right hand encircling his right wrist . at the side. The twist should now be to the fright and should be firmly enough" resist ed by No. 2 as almost to', prevent the success of the twist. After ihis Nos. 1 and 2 may againichange-po-sitions, but remember that which ever contestant ia in front of the other should be allowed gradually to obtain the victory, though" not without fair resistance on'the part ofNo. 2. The Puaslea' Tea Party. Seven little. pussy cats. Invited out to tea. Cried: "Mother, let us go. Oh, do, for good we'll surely be. We'll wear our bibs and hold our things as you have shown us how Spoons in right paws, cups In left, and make a pretty bow. . We'll always say, .'Tea, If you please,' and 'Only half of that.' " "Then go, my darling children.'.' said the happy mother cat. The seven little pussy cats went out that night to tea; Their heads were smooth -and glossy"; : their tails were swinging free; They held their things as they had learn ed and tried to be polite. With snowy bibs beneath their chins they were a pretty sight. But, alas, for manners beautiful and coats as soft aa silk I The moment that the little kits were ask ed to take some milk They dropped their spoons, forgot to bow, and, oh, what do you think! They put their noses in the cups, and aU began to drink! Tes; every naughty little kit set up a "me-ouw" for more. Then knocked tho teacups over and scampered through the door. 'Baby World. Feeding tha Birda. A dear old lady, told about in an exchange has such a fanny pretty idea about the birdies. She thinks they are like some chickabiddies and that they need plenty of exercise in winter, so she makes little netted bags, fills them with bits of bread and hangs them in the trees. ' Then, when the birdies peck at them, bob, bob, bob, up go the bags, swinging right up in therair, and Master Robin and Miss Sparrow have a pretty game before they se cure their savory morsel, flying backward and forward. How would you like to, jump for your pudding every day, swinging from the nursery ceiling? But the birds do get a lot of exercise, with out a doubt, by this device. Cahlingn In riedare. There is one pawnbroking establish ment In connection with Covent Gar dcu market that 13 absolutely without a rival. This pawnbroklng license ena bles tbe holder to lend money on gar den and other produce by special con tracts that only hold good for forty eight hours as the extreme limit. Many a good load of fruit, flowers or vegeta bles that may arrive late for one mar ket or that may not be instantly sal able Is pledged. Net morning the stuff enn either be ;vtUt nwd or sold by the broker. W'n lilvr: n PtxeoMd. "Wait a seoo'ii..' she said as she stepped into the store. "Certainly." he replied, and wlien he had been uptown, looked through his mniL sDent two hours on 'change and taken luncheon at the club he returned and found her jv.st emerging from the d-jor. Cincinnati Commercial Trfhunp. A Chioago girl wrote the beauty department of a local paper and asked: "What is good for big feetf" Promptly the reply appear ed: "Big shoes." Houston Post. Haw to Male Claterm Oemaat. .- For lining cisterns or vessels to con tain drinking water nothing Is better than a paste made by mixing powder-. 1 brick, quicklime and wood ashes In equal parts with sufficient boiled Un- sypd oil to make the mixture of a pasty consistence.. The brick' should be re duced to a moderately fine powder, and the ashes should be sifted to get rid of carbonaceous matter.. The paste may be applied with a stiff brush and sub sequently smoothed with a trowel or It mny be applied directly with a trowel or wooden paddle. n. to Make I'Inm Puddtntr Sauce. . wo taotefipoonf r.!s of butter, one rc- of powdered sugar, half a cup of begins wntor, one wlneglassful of bv. udy. Civam the butter and sugar, jul 1 the brant?? and boiling water, set tl. vessel containing the sauce In a BTs'Tcepan of boiling , water and beat uvitil very light, if you object to brandy yon may substitute tbe Juice of oae large or two small lemons. How to Remove Marlctna Ink. Taint Iho. marks with a solution of cyanide of potassium applied with a camel's half brush. As soon as the ink dl-.appears the linen should be rinsed In cold, soft w:iter, then washed thoiv onghly before use. Brntalir Tortured. A case came to lizht tbat for per sistent and unmerciful torture haa perhaps never been equalled. Joe Goloblck, of Coluas, Cal., writes: "For fifteen years I endured insuf ferable pain from rheumatism and nothing relieved me. thoutrh I tried everything -known. I came across Hlectrlc bitter, and It's the creates! medicine on earth for that trouble. a lew oottiea oi it completely re lieved and cured me." It's just as goad for Liver and Kidney troubles I and general debility. Only 50c. Sat isfaction guaranteed by R. R. Bella- my, druggist. t PRODUCE MARKETS. By Telegraph to the Horning Btar. Mew Yobbt. July 13. Flour was firm but dull; Minnesota patents $4 95 5 25. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red nominal. Options closed at lc net advance: July 99fxc: September closed 90c; December 89c Corn Spot firm; Na 2 53&C Option market closed at f2c net higher: July ciosea oic; (September closed 51(0. Oats 8pot ateady ; mixed, 26 and 32 pounds, 43Q45. Pork firm; Mess $12 25 1475. nutter firm ;creamery .common to extra iasi7Hc; state dairy, com mon to extra 1317c. Cheese was ateady; State, full cream, small white raccy, 8xc; amau colored fancy 8 ice Eggs firm; and Pennsylvania nearby extras 2324c; Southern 15K17tf; Southern.inferlora .Peanuts ateady; fancy hand-picked 66c; other domestic 3M6Kc. Cabbagea steady; Long island and Jersey, per 100, S3 su3 so; per barrel crate, 75c. Lard firm; Western steam $7 35 pe nned nrm; continent 17 40: com pound "56ic Sugar Raw nomi nal; refined quiet. Tallow dull. Rice quiet Molasses dull. Potatoes quiet; - Long Island, in bulk, per 180 &t, $1 75 &'t Z5; Jersey prime, per barrel, $1 50 2 00; Norfolk prime, per barrel $175 3 25; Jersey sweets, per basket $1 25 175. Cotton seed oil was firm on light offerings, uioslng quotations were: Prime crude, f. o. b. mills nomi nal; prime summer yellow 29X 30c; off summer yellow nominal: prime white szxc; prime winter yel low 3Z&33C. Chicago, July 13. Rain In the northwest, demand ror wheat rrom eastern millers to-day and grave feara of a serious shortage in the crop caused a net gain of o In September wheat. Corn la up !?& Oata made a gain or if e. frovlslons closed unchanged to 10c higher. Chicago. July 13. Cash prices: Flour quiet and steady. Wheat No. 2 spring 98c$l 00; Na 3 spring 88 97cc: No. 8 red $1 081 10. Corn Na 249Kc; Na 2 yellow 51U513c. Oats Na 2 40 40c: No. 2 white c; Na S white 3742c, Rye No. 8 68c, Mesa pork, per bbL, $12 95 13 oo. Lard, per iuo lbs. eg 9ZX 6 95. Short rib aides, loose. $6 923a 6 95. Dry salted shoulders, boxed, no report. Short clear sides, boxed, $7 00 7 18 X. Whla key Basis or high wines, $1 28. The leading futures ranged aa fol lows opening, highest, lowest and closing: Wheat No. 2 July, old, 93 9334". 95. 93. 93Vc: do., new. 92 93, 94 Jf, 92jtf,94 c September, old, 87X87tf. 88 tf, 87. 88Xc; do. new. 86M86M, 88X, 86, 87c. Corn No. 2 July 48K48tf, 49tf, 48i 49 49X; September 4848, 49X 49. 4S48Mc, 49),; December 44 44X. 45M45s. 44XQ44X, 450. Oata Na 2 July 89, 39. 38M. 39He; Beptember 31H. 32X, SIX, 32Jfc; De cember 32X, 33 X, 32. 33S3H. Mess pork, per bt! July $12 95, 13 95, 18 95, 18 95: September lis io. is 17H. is uu, 13 10. Lard, per 100 lbs July $6 95, 6.95. 6 92 6 92K: September $710. 7 15. 705, 7 07; December $7 12 K, 7 12K. 7 10. 7 12. Short ribs, per 100 11)S July $7 50, 7 55, 7 45, 7 457 ;ep- tember $7 72, 7 75, 7 65, 7 70;October $7 77. 7 80, 7 72. 7 75. NEW YORK COFFEE FUTURES. New York, July 13. Coffee Spot Rio steady: mild steady. The market for coffee futures opened ateady at unchanged prices and with a light de mand: eased off 5 points, but closed steady at unchanged prices. Sales 13,- 000 bags. NAVAL STORES MARKETS. a- bv Telegraph to the Horning Btar. New Yobk, July 13. Roadn dull. Strained common to good $2 953 00. Spirits turpentine ateady. , Charleston, July 13. Spirits tur pentine was firm at 52XC; no sales. Rosin firm; aales barrels; A, B, C $2 35; D, $2 40: E, $2 47; F, $2 52; G, $2 55; H, $2 75; L $3 20; K,$3 SO; M, $3 55; N,$S 65; W G, $4 15; WW, $4 45. Bavanbab. July 13. Spirits turpen tine wss firm at 53Mc; receipts 1,085 casks; sales 519 casks; exports 120 casks. Rosin was firm; receipts 3,715 barrels; sales 3,128 barrels; exports 3,810 barrels: A, B, C. $2 47; D, $2 52; K,$8 57X3 60; F, $8 68 2 65; G. $2 67; H, $2 87; 1, $348: K. : M, $3 15: N, $3 85: W G. $415; WW. $445. She Before we were married you nsed to cay yon couldn't live without me. He A man never ! knows what he can do till he tries. Superior (Wis.) Telegram. THE CLEANSING AND HEALING CUBE FOB CATARRH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Basy and pleasant to use. uontaina no in- jorioos drag. It is quid sorbed. Given Belief at once. It Opens and Cleanses Ba. the Nasal Passages' OLD N HEAD Allays Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Hembrane. Beatores the flenses of Taste and Smell. Large slaa, SO cents at Druggists or oy mail; Trim use, iucta oy man. ELY BROTHERS, SB Warren street New York. ab-l l V a a ( CdMMERCIAI WILMINGTON MARKET. (Quoted offiolauy at the closing by the Chamber ox uommeroa.) STAB OFFICE, July 13. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market steady at Sitfc per gaUon. v ROSm Market ateady at 13.40 per barrel for good strained. TAR Market firm at $1.80 per bar rel of 280 pounds. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market firm at $9.25 per barrel for hard, $4.00 for dip, $4.25 for virgin, n Quotations aame day last year Spirits turpentine firm at 47; rosin nothing doing; tar firm v $L65; crude turpentine flrmat$3.CU, 3.853.75. . beoeipts. Spirits turpentine 62 Kosin 125 Tar. 825 Crude turpentine . . 170 Receipts same day last year 93 casks v spirits turpentine, 157 barrels rosin, 193 barrels tar, 77 barrels crude turpentine. COTTON. Market nominal. Same day last year, nothing doing. Receipts 2 bales: aame dav laat year, 1. - (Corrected Bei Begnlarly by Wilmington Produce Ion Herchanui. nrliwt mnrAnnntlns- uommisa those paid for proa nee consigned to Co mm la slon Hercoants 1 COUNTRY PRODUCE. PEANUTS North Carolina, firm. Prime, $LS0; extra prime, $1.35; fan cy, $1.40, per bushel ot twenty-eight pounds. Virginia Prime, $1.05; extra prime, 1.Q76 ; fancy, $1.10. Bpanlah, $L10. CORN Firm: 60ffi65o ner bushel for white. N. O. BACON Steady: hams 132h 15c per pound; shoulders, 12c: sides, 12c KGKJo Dull at 1516c per dozen. CHICKENS Firm. Grown. 35Q 40c: springs, 12tf20c TURKE1 SYS Firm at 12513c for Uve. BEESWAX Firm at 2525c TALLOW Firm at 5Wa6Wc ner pound. SWEET POTATOES Firm at 90 $1.00 per bushel. BEEF CATTLE Firm at 2B4c per pound. MARINE. ARRIVED. Schr Josephine Ellicott. 343 tons. Alley, Boston, O D Maffltt. Bchr Ralph M liavward. 529 tonr. Green, Norfolk. O D Maffltt. Clyde steamer Oarib. Chichester. Georgetown, S O. H G Smallbones. Stmr Tar Heel, Bradshaw. Fayette- vllle, S M King. uiyde steamer Navahoe. Devereux. New York, H G Smallbones. Stmr City of Fayette vUle. Robeson. Fayetteville, Jno S McEachern. CLEARED. Stmr Tar Heel, BradBhaw. Fayette- rUle, S M King. Clyde ateamer Uarib. Chichester. New York, H G Smallbones. Bchr VYm v Hood. Smltb. Boston. U D Maflitt. Bohr Ben j O Frith. Keen. New York. J T Riley & Co.". Stmr City of Fayettevule, Robeson, Fayetteville, Jno S McEachern. Clyde steamer Navahoe. Devereux. Georgetown, S O, H G Smallbones. EXPORTS. COABTWISE. . Boiton Schr Wm P Hood, 12,008 cross ties; cargo by is a Keith uo; vessel by O D Maffltt. New York Schr Beni C-iTrlilu 19,660 cross ties; cargo by Clarkton Cross Tie Co; veaael by J T Riley & Co. TGRE16N MARKETS. By Cable to the Horning Btar. Liverpool, July 13. Cotton: Spot, good business done; prices 14 points higher; American middling lair e.wa; good mlddUng 6.78d; middling 6.68d; low middling 6.54d; good ordinary 6.86d; ordinary 6.16d. The aales or the day were 10,000 bales, of which 500 bales were for speculation and export and included 8,900 bales American. Receipts 4,000 bales, no American. Futures opened nrm ana ciosea Julet; American middling (g o c): uly 6.87 J; July and August 6.28d; August and September 5.93d; Septem; ber and October 5.44d; October and November 5.28d; November and De cember 5.24d; December and January 5.82; January and February o.8id; February and March 5.21d; March and April 5. 2 Id. COTTON MARKETS By !lWDh to the storninu Narw Yob t. July 13. Cotton waa quoted quiet at 11.15e, net receipts bales; gross receipts 274 bales; stock 56,418 bales. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling uplands 11.15c, middling gulf 11.40c; Balea 761 bales. Cotton futures closed barely steady; July 10.81, August 10.77, September 9.82, October 9.55, November y.oy, December 9.52, January 9.62, Febru ary 9.53, March 9.56. Charlotte Observer: Such of the ; Democratic papers as have been re I ceived since the adoption of the na tional Democratic platform, are pleased with it, and the independ ent press tspeaxs well oi it. it is apt to grow in popular favor as pub lic familiarity with lb increases. There was never a platform, taken in its entirety, upon which every member of the party for which it was written could unite, but the mass of Democrats of the country will subscribe to all the material planks In this one. It is powerfully written and the only objections urged against it are tbe omission of reference to the money question and its too great length. The omission of a money plank cannot be regard ed as oi consequence iu view ui Judge Parkers telegram on this i subject and his well known poaition in the matter even before that tele I gram was sent. ' BAPTIST UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN naiiEiGii, n. c. Diploma given to the Arts.Sclences and Pbilosopby ; i- Music, tn Art and In Expieu.nn. Oourar la study similar U '"u.- ia uo.iV colleges. Recitation periti.!, oou hour each. Ftealty of.aix mn and t-ntyfour women. School of Bible taught by a full graduate of Wale Forest and Newton Theological Beminarr. Thor ough Buainess Course. Excellent equlpmeut tor leaonioc vinemia.ry. Biography ana rnysir-. ochoui ui Music unsurpatsno in the Houtu. The comfort rf students lot.k.d af.tr by Lady Principal, Lady Phyx.ciaii, two Matrons and a n urae. no'n, uwrary tultlou, beat, lights, bath.,, fees ror physician, nurse and library, iier.ou Jer session; In the Club from $45 to 55 less. No discount n any very body paya exact! y t .-a e r tes. Be lieved to 00 tne cnapt-.i bcmhh oi iib grad i'1 the Sou in. For further i fornj'.j.. 'dress President K. i. tawh, j, 8 4. W Raleigh, N. O.

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