w rOBUSHID i I L M I N G T Q N, $1.00 N. C, A TEAR IH ADVANCE IJS5SSSOOOOBBOOOOO I assss8iS225S - - ",1888888888888888' .-w I ssgggsssgssgsssSs "188888888888888888 SSS!3SSS55SSSS8R2S rS8S88888S888888S8 8SS88888S82888888 88888858828888888 VOL. XXXV. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1904. NO. 42 DEED OF A WRETCH. CONFESS,0N FR0M SWINDLER' A STRANGER KILLED. FEU FROfl CLIFF AND KILLED. f. 2 I 8S88SSS2S8888888 188888888888888988 3, the Post Office at Vllmtgtoa, ft. C, - Second ClaM Matter.l SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. utwcriptioo price ot tb Weekly 8Ul Ii 1100 Imonthi " " rut foil"1 : Single OTf fct, pottAft paid Ing to do with his action in refusing to nonor uovernor Vara .men Mississippi, by declining to consent j to the naming of a poatoffice for the Governor. Got. Vardamaa states that 'never in his life hu ha writ. ten or said anything derogatory to or reflected upon the fair name of the good mother of Theodore Roose velt." We hope Vardaman is not guilty of what Payne charges him with,, for she is not to blame be cause her son has gone wrong. The Greenville, S. 0., News says: "Hujler, the millionaire candy man. is shortly to establish a seminary for ' young women in Asheyille, which is evidence that the stray money of sap headed young men will be turned to good account." At any rate it stands to reason that the "Hnyler seminary wlUturn out sweet .girl graduates" of a brand equal to "Huyler's Best.'' Crazed by Drink, Christopher Eilers Shot His Wife; Then Fired Upon Himself. AT CAROLINA BEACH. Evidently Without Provocation Ishumia Act Vu Committed-Victim Broufht -to Wilmington This Morsler. Peellsf axils8t the Ms. B10 MAJORITIES NOT DANGER OUS. -e take from the Raleigh Enter- , a liepublianpaper,'the follow editorial, which originally ap p,1 in our esteemed Democratic contemporary, the Raleigh Times: A sixty thousand majority is a de cidedly unhealthy one for any politi ck party in thli country tduhave. Such a condition breeds recklessness, extravseance'. and- arrogance. Such ! condition has, and always will, In the end prove to the detriment of the pftriy thus situated. This happens by engendering bitterness, strife and fac tions In H own ranks. These things ire beine demonstrated every day in the Democratic party In North Caro lina. And with the present gait we ire going it will not take more than four years to demonstrate this in a way mi', to be forgotten In party councils aod In future campaigns. Natural enemies are soon reconciled when the battle is fojght out, but enemies lu the same household sur vl? death and ihe grave. We wouKl liko to Bee the Demo cratic majority in North Carolina 100,000. We would like to see eve ry.whlte nun in the State within the rank3 ot Democracy. The bet ter able we would be to go into prima Ties an.! fight it out to the satisfac tion of the majority, Instead of a jtig majority's being a detriment to -ipartyitiaa palpable advantage. With a hi majority there will be strength within the party to reform itself, but with a small majority we wotiM bo ;ifriil of our own shadow and woul.l have to swallow every thing objectionable and support every jnck-o'napcs the party would put up. With a smaU majority we woul.l have to twiat around and wire band wire out to hold them to gether. We would bo too afraid to ttep on the toes of some of the fel lonwho arc not wanted, and prin ciple 4nuM have to be sacrificed in or.ler to placate some element that w;ii not axreoablo to some other. With a big majority tho chances would bo that tho best element wooM get in control of the party and certainly there would be le8j chance of ring rule, "reckless- ne, extravagance or arrogance." A big party can afford to be inde pendent within itself, but a measly little party would be afraid to di Tide ami consequently would have Jo bend tho knee to every little boss that wouM bob up with a warning that wo can't do this and can't do that for four wo may get licked. With a small majority in the Dem ocratic party In North Carolina, the Greensboro convention would never have ilared to endorso the Watts' bill. It would have been too afraid to drive away the liunor vote, but The Stab acknowledges the plea sure of a visit from Mr. S. W. Dib ble, managing editor of .the Sunny South, Atlanta. ' The Sunny South is the oldest and most successful liteary publication ever undertaken in the South, and its merits have made it eminently worthy of its large circulation in the homes, of Dixie Land. We are rather stuck on the propo sition to run the Hon. Dan S. La- mont as the Democratic candidate for Governor of New York. The Hon. Elihu Boot will probably be the Republican nominee, and intel lectually it would be a race of the giants. Both Are ex-secretaries of war and are men of national reputa tion. The Texas Democratic State con vention vomlnated the Hon. R. V. Davidson for attorney general of that State. . Mr. Davidson was born at ABbeville, N. C, and is a brother of Hon. Theo. F. Davidson, of that city, and who was formerly at torney general of North Carolina. Mr. Datidson went to Texas in 1879. - There is a warm fight in Wiscon sin between the Republican factions. Tho Spooner faction is Issuing bul letins that skin the La Toilette faction, and the latter faction is peeling the former. As it Is a case of dog eat dog, let the good work go on. ' ' "Don't worry, because it is wick ed," was the complete sermon of the Rev. C. H. Yateman, at Ocean Grove, N. J., on a recent Sunday. That was all he said, and everybody could repeat the sermon after they got home. The train robbers who held up a train on its way to St. Louis the other day knew that it would not be worth their while to hold up a train after its passengers had been on the pike at the fair. In an English court recently a defendant pleaded that Ife once re ceived 2,000 volts of electricity and that it Impaired his mind. His plea probably Bhocked the court. A paper alludes to a Kentucky widow as a "Blue Grass widow." We don't see what la to Keep a grasB-wldow from being blue anywhere. The man who talks the biggest jou boo tho party fools that it is big I down town plays second fiddle with enough to frame Its platform with out any foar of the result. For the son that tho Republican party is 'man, it has to be gingerly. It has no chance to cut out a lot of leaders that other wise would be given the cold shoulder. It has to evade and quirm around questions upon which ll platform should mako open and manly declarations. It has to play the demagogue in order to maintain t cohesivenesa. When the Repub lican party was in power in North Caroiina in tho nineties it wasn't wrong enough to have its Leg- 'amro adjourn in honor of jred Douglas, colored, but that was committed and the black anl tan affair flattenened itself out J tho celling. We can see how the Republican party could wish for our J0.0OO majority, and as we need it our bnsinoss lot us Increase it in tea.! of arguing hypothetical that 11 Is dangerous. Wait till the evils W a big majority are facing us and 'Wt cross the bridra till von rat to it." u soino whito men get it Into their teala that wo have got maiority his wife holding down the central station in a talk f est at home. Mr. Jacobs Promoted. it waa announced yeswruaj A. O. L. headquarters here that effect ive August 8th. Mr. Ben. J. Jacobs, of the Auditing Department in this city, Is appointed acting agent of the At lantie Coast Line at Charleston. S. C a position of great trust and responsi bility and a decided promotion tor wo appointee. Mr. Jacobs will leave to day for Charleston. It Is understood that the appointment will finally be made permanent. While hundreds of friends of Mr. Jacobs will regret for him to leave the city, they will at the same time rejoice with him In the well deserved promotion. Dover not" Gleao Coming. Hon. R. B. Glenn writes Secretary Lewis, of the Labor Day Committee, that he has a very important murder case to try at Salisbury Sept. tb, and bis clients want him to reach there on the 5th. He says that If he could leave on a sleeper from Wilmington via B. A. L. In the evening of Sept. 4th, reaching Salisbury the morning of Tueadav. he will be very glad to JJooRh tl.cy might stay away from I be here and make the Labor Day or polls or make it an excuse to Tte with tho Republicans. The cam paign ia upon us now and from now & the newspapers will be producing ""'cica and stuffing their columns w'th argn ments to win votes. If we not urtor more votes, Instead of JnK afraid our majority is already y Mr, editors will stultify them- in wrltlnor vot.rMnlncr nrllto- 0 is - a tion. Mr. Lewis nas arrange" the schedule of the sleeper and la writing Capt. Glenn to come, which he Is more than likely to do. Frenzied because of some Imaginary wrong done him and half crazy from the after effect of a protracted spree In Wilmington during the past sev eral days, Christopher Ellers, the un worthy and worthless husband of a most estimable woman, returned to Carolina Beach early last night and for some fiendish purpose unknown save to his disordered mind, renewed a quarrel with his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Ellers, and a few minutes later sent a ball crashing Into her head from a 83-calIbre pistol which he drew from his pocket. Then turning the revolver upon himself, either accidentally or otherwise, he sent another ball Into his own person. The wound of Mrs. Ellers may prove fatal. That of the Inhuman husband is about the throat and Is not serious. Mrs. Ellers was brought up to the city at an early hour this morning on a special trip of the steamer "Wilmington" and was sent to the James Walker Memo rial Hospital by . D. Andrew H. Harrlss, who went down to the beach in the teeth of a storm as quickly as possible to attend her. The husband was also brought on the boat, but he was in custody of Constable W. B. Savage, who went with the relief par ty earlier in the night, armed with a warrant from Justice .Fowler charg ing him with an assault with attempt to kill. Mrs. Ellers, her two daughters and one son, composing a most excellent family, have been Independent of the husband and father for several years, though he has continued to live with them. Mrs. Ellers is stewardess of the Hanover Seaside Club on Caro lina Beach, and the family live dur ing the Summer in the building. Mr. Ellers Is a boiler maker by trade and bad been living at 414 Castle street, this city. He had been drink ing rather heavily for some time, but left on the 5 o'clock trip of the steamer " Wilmington" yesterday afternoon for the beach, apparently more sober than usual but very nervous. He ar rived at the beach between 6 and 7 o'clock on the train from the pier and was put off by Capt. Tom McGee at the club house. Mrs. Ellers was preparing supper for the family when the Inhu man husband came and renewed his ill treatment of her. The shooting took place on the board walk, between the clnb house entrance and the railroad track, a distance tt leu than a hundred yards. The only eye-witnesses of the affair were Mrs. E. B. Loughlin, a daughter of Mrs. Ellers, who was some distance away, and an old colored man called "Ben," who ran at the sight of the pistol. Mrs. Eilers bad been un conscious since she .was shot and the daughter, Mrs. Loughlin, is prostrated with the shock. Ellers himself was too much under the Influence of liquor to give a eon reeled story of the affair, and particulars of the tragedy are hard to obtain. Mr. Hto C. Eilers, an 18- year-old son of Mrs. Ellers and her son-in-law, Mr. Loughlin, were across the sound when the shooting occurred. They heard the reports of the revolver and screams of Mrs. Loughlin simul taneously and hurried over to the clubhouse. In the meantime other persons on the beach were attracted to the scene and Mrs. Ellers was found unconscious on the ground, an ugly wound under the ear. She was taken as hurriedly as possible Into the house by Mr. Loughlin and Mr. A. O. Mo Eachern. Ellers himself was appear ently very little hurt and he was taken In charge by Messrs. T. a. uc Manus and Louis H. Skinner. As soon as possible physicians were tAiAnhnned for and Mrs. Louis Frei- mutb, another daughter of Mrs. Ellers, was notified of the occurrence at her home in this city. Mr. Frel muth quickly got news of the shoot ing to Justice Fowler and Constable Savage and at the same time prepared to go to the beach as speedily aa pos sible with Mrs. Freimuth and a physi cian. Private conveyances were first secured, but the weather was so threatening that the trip across the country had to be abandoned. With the least delay possible, Capt. Harper then fired up the steamer "Wilmington" and In a short time Mr. and Mrs. Freimuth, Dr. A. H. Harrlss, Constable Savage and others were off in a storm of wind and rain. The party arrived at the beach a few minutes before 13 o'clock and Dr. Harrlss gave the patients all the tem porary relief possible. Hs decided that It was best to bring the Injured lady to the city where she could be better cared for and within another hour the steamer was returning. - Ellers waa in court less than a month as-o for ill treatment of his wife, his son-in-law, Mr. Louis Freimuth, being the prosecutor, but out. of eon slderatlon for the family the matter was kept quiet and the defendant was let off with a nominal fine, provided The tragedy last Nef re Arrested ia Savasaafc Proves us dosbted Rslsed Money Order Artist Who Fleeced Merchssts Herr. Postmaster T. E. Wallace, of this city, yesterday received a telegram from Postofficej Inspector S. H. Bush, who Is In Savannab, Ga., stating that the negro arrested by the name Burnes, hu made a full confession of being the party who passed raised money orders upon merchants of Wilming ton and Fayettevllle recently.' In spector Bush says that he will reach Wilmington Monday to still further work up the case against the negro. It is probable that he will be brought here and given trial In the Federal Court. While Postmaster Wallace denies that credit Is due to any other than the poatoffice Inspector, there Is honor enough In the capture and confession of the allck swindlers for both. Soon after the negroes paid a visit to Wilmington Mr. Wallace insti tuted a quiet search at the ne gro restaurants in the city and found that two strange negroes hsd paid generously for their keep with a certain colored landlady In the city and upon leaving they paid her very generously again to express for them a package to Savannah. The de livery of the goods In Savannah was traced and the handwriting of the negro in the written . In structions as to shipment, given to the colored woman in Wilmington, to gether with that on the raised money order was found to be strikingly simi lar. It was also found that the pack age sent by the woman at the request ot the men contained the clothing received in part payment for the raised money orders from Wllmlagton mer chants. The clothing had been pawned In shops in Savannab. In the negro's apartments in 8avannah, where he waa originally arrested for an assault, a number of bottles oi erasing cnemi cals were found. Met Prominent Merchant of Row land, N. C, Run Oyer by Suburban Trolley Car. AT BEACH THIS MORNING. Last Csr Down Itrack Man Supposed to bo W. W. McComlck, ot Robeioa Consty, GsBsIsf Death la stsatly The Trsf tdy. ELEVESTH DISTRICT CONVENTION. Brooke 0. Enple, Esq., Ussilmooily Norn lasted for the State Senate. T The Eleventh District Btate Senato rial Convention, composed of dele gates from New Hanover and Bruns wick counties, met here yesterday at noon and, without opposition, nomi nated Brooke G. Emple, Esq , of Wil mington, as State Senator from this district. Mr. Emple was the unani mous choice in the primaries of New Hanover for the place, and, according to the custom of alternating between the two counties, Brunswick unaak mously ratified the actln here. Geo. L. Petchau, Esq., presided over the convention yesterday. Mr Emple was nominated by Mr. R. L. TruMove, of Brunswick, and his nom ination was seconded by Thos. W. Da vis, Esq. Owing to the fact that there was no coDteit over the place, very few delegates attended the convention. MR. EMPIE IN A QUANDARY. Doesn't Know Whether to be Senator, Bsskrsptcy Referee or Both. Brooke G. Emple, Esq., was appoint, ed by Judge Ihos. R. Purnell referee In bankruptcy and not United -States commissioner as erroneously announc ed several days ago. Mr. Emple re ceived official notification of his ap pointment yesterday, but has not yet decided whether he will accept; in fact, he does not know that he can legally accept. Mr. Empie is the nominee of the Democratic party and Is certain of election as State Benator from the Eleventh District, composed ot New Hanover and Brunswick coun ties. Opinions differ as to whether he can hold the two positions under the law and until that question is Settled he will not accept the appointment of Judge Purnell. He prefers, of course, to be Senator rather than referee, but the public would be glad to have him be both If not Inconsistent with the law. A TRANSCONTINENTAL. TOUR. ha would do better. nlcht Is a sad testimonial to the confi -Says the Charlotte 1 "It is not all fun being Governor oi i n, M 0T tne aflair. At 11 o'clock North Carolina, as is shown by the hMt night Mr. Hugo Ellers was asked ... ik.t u. a wMvnk ha recently com- I what bis iatner tials, the lace of We don't want to talk about llaner of a big majority In the Dieted a reply or nine type-wnwoa pageo to the Wilmington unanuw w. Commerce's criticism regarding his action in the selection or an encamp bad to say or tne affair. The young man replied, wltn a break In bis voice, mi aim. imooi now was sorry for what he had done, but it was too late. Ellers will be kept in custody pending the result of Mrs. Eilers' wound. Rev. Win. eisck la Fayettevllle Yester day Will Come Here Lster. Fayetteville Observer, 9th Bev. William Black was here to-day and met the parties of ladles who are going to join his B. A. L. tour party across the continent, and explained the details of the trip. The following have so far decided to go from here: Mrs. A. H Slocomb, Miss Lil lian Slocomb, Mrs. Mary Hinsdale, Mrs. T.J. Whitted, Miss Delia Mat thews, Miss Janle Williams, Miss Belle Jennings and Miss Loula Baker. Miss Sue Stedman and Miss Annie Evans will accompany tne pariy m far as St. Louis. Th rivAttevllle nartv will take a special Pullman at Maxton. The trip Includes a week's stay at SL Louis, stops at Albuquerque, N. 1L. Grand rknvon. Arizona. Los Angeles, Ban Francisco, through Nevada, to Ogden, Utah, Yellowstone Park, Salt Lake Oitv. Colorado 8prlngs, Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak, and back to St. Louis. Real Estate Transfers From deeds filed for record yester day, the following real estate trans fers appear: Robert G. Grady and J. EL Thomas and wife to Josh Moore, for $360, tract of land containing 41 acres, more or less, in Cape Fear township, adjoining the Lutterloh place. Hannah Turner and other heirs of Watson Turner to Gteorge w. Ennettand wife, for 1225, property on east side of Sixth, 130 feet north of Taylor street, 30x150 feet la size, and I on east side of Sixth, 150 feet norm or ' Taylor street, 33x150 feet In size.' A thick, heavy-set, well-dressed white man. Identified by a 8eaboard Air Line week-end ticket ia his pocket as W. W. McOormick, a lead ing merchant of Rowland. N. O , was run over by a suburban trolley car at Wrightaville Beach at two minutes past 13 o'clock this 'morning and in stantly killed. The scene of the tragedy was the rather sharp curve of the track tj ast over the Bants channel trestle, on the beach side. The car was No. 81, In charge of Motorman James T. Moore and Conductor Lucien Bishop, bound for the last trip to the beach for the night and due to meet No. 37 at the Seashore Hotel, return ing from the beach for the last trip. Both legs of the stranger were cut practically off and hia head was badly cut and crushed by being dragged some distance before being run over. He waa also Injured to some extent about the body. No one who witnessed the accident, not even Motorman Moore, can ac count for the tragedy. The car came over the trestle at a low rate of speed as usual. The motorman saw a man atanding by the aide of a pile of tim ber to the right and inside the curve as he was approaching, but he. was clear of the track and no particular at tention was paid to him. As the car approached, the motorman was dumb founded when he saw the man step or fall in front of the wheels. Being on the sharp curve, the fender of the car extended away from the Inside of the turn and consequently that safeguard was ineffective in that one particular instance. It is barely possible that the man attempted to board the car to go to the other end of the beach where he was probably atopplng. The suicide theory is also advanced, but it is known that Mr. McCormick is pretty comfortably fixed and was usually of anything but a melancholy dlspoai tion. There were no indications that he had been drinking. A silver watcb, a pocket book, something over $13 In money and a railroad ticket of the iron clad form, signature of the passenger, were the only articles found on the person. The ticket was pur chased at Pembroke, N. O , the junc tion of the a A. L. and A. O. L. rail roads a short distance from Bowland. It is very likely that Mr. McCormick left his home over the Coast Line, catching the Seaboard at Pembroke and arriving here yesterday at noon. A pocket knife and some keys were found on the track near the scene of the tragedy and had evidently been dropped from his pocket. The watch had stopped exactly at 13:03 and It was precisely that time when the acci dent occurred. OoL T. J.VIckery, Mr. Sol Sternberger and one other pas senger were aboard the car, which was stopped within 10 yards after running over the form. The man was dead when persons on the car reached him. Coroner Bell was notified of the killing, and the same car which killed the man was brought up to the city, upon which Dr. Bell, Undertaker Woolvln, Mr. M. F. H. Gouverneur and others left at 3:30 o'clock to bring the body up to the city. They arrived here between 3 and 4 A. M. Motor- man Moore Immediately gave himself up to Chief of Police Furlong, and Mr. Gouverneur became his surety for 330 pending the result of the coro ner's Inquest which will be held to day. Mr. McCormlck's relatives will be notified of the tragedy by the Con solidated officers first thing this morn ing. While at the Beach Dr. Bell sum moned a jury composed of Messrs. Al vah Ward, L. F. Harper, R. M. Mur ray and. others. They visited the scene of the killing and were notified to appear at the Court House to-day at noon to hear the evidence in tne case. Horrible Death la Moastalos. Special Star Telegram. alkigh, N. 0., August 5. A tele gram received here this evening from Bat Cave, near Chimney Bock, N. 0., brought the news that Miss Laura Devereux, of this city, who was spending the Summer at Esme ralda Inn, Buncombe county,- fell from a cliff to day and was killed. No particulars were given. Mist Deve reux is a member of one of the oldest and most distinguished families In Raleigh and has herself won laurels in the literary world. She is a sister of Mrs. J. W. Hinsdale, of this city, and Mrs. Samuel T. Ashe, of Wilming ton. The remains are expected here Sunday morning. RAIDED NEGRO DIVES. City Authorities Inaugurate Cru sade Against Cess Pools of Vice in Wilmington. MADE WHOLESALE ARRESTS. BRUNSWIIK C0USTY DEM0IR4TS. Fall Ticket Homlaated at Convention Yes terday at Ixckwsod's Polly. ; l&pedal Star Telegram. "'. , Bouthbobt, N. a, , Aug. 4. The following nominations were made at the Brunswick County Democratic Convention, held at Lockwood's Folly to-day: Representative Howard O. Curtis. Sheriff Peter Rourk. Register of Deeds G.M.McKei than. Clerk of Court R. S. Newton. Treasurer R. W. McKeithan. Commissioners Richard Dosher, J. W. Tharp and A. M. Ohlnnis. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Raleigh Enterprise: Certain North Carolinians always discover that any person who becomes promi nent is related to North Carolinians of the same name. We have known for years that Jesse and Frank James have relatives in this State, but never thought it was worth blowing about. Mr.,W. R.' Terry, well known as a lawyer and Republican news paper man, died in Raleigh Thurs day and was buried at Rockingham, his former home, Friday. He had been in declining health for several years. Paralysis ended his suffer ings. Mr. Terry leaves two sons in Raleigh, Messrs. V. C. and F. J. Terry. Fremont Enterprise: When Judge Walter Clark was a very young m&n, he was asked by the president of an educational institu tion to deliver a commencement ad dress. In speaking of the selection, some one remarked to the president that he should secure a man with a bigger name. "I don't want a Will be Quite Tweatyfive Offenders Be fore Msyor SprlBier To-morrow. Clean Sweep of Down-Town Alley Knlsasce Charxe- The disreputable hell's-half acre, known as "Racket Store Alley," nearly opposite Front street market house, which has been an almost con stant annoyance to that neighborhood for several years, was once again raided by the police just after 13 o'clock this morning. Although occu pants of the disreputable quarter had been notified by Mayor Springer and Chief Furlong that they would be arrested unless they vacated the premises by last midnight, a sum total of eleven defendants, men and women, were locked up in the station house as the result of the raid. Chief Furlong personally directed the movements of his men and made a clean sweep of everything In sight, with the exception of one colored female who produced satisfactory evidence that ahe was sick and unable to leave the room. Policemen Frank George, Leon George and J. W. English were de tailed to watch the premises last night In anticipation of the raid, but before the hour appointed for the wholesale arrests six of the occupants of the alley had to be arrested for disorderly con duct. They are all charged, however, with being a common nuisance and the disorderly charge will be only a sideline when they face the Mayor Monday. While the raid was In pro gress the police had hurry calls to quiet disturbances in "Dross Neck" and Strauss' alley, on the other side of the city. The total number of arrests will probably aggregate 85 before the work of the police Is completed this moraing. The Mayor and Chief of Police are determined to rid the town of such cess-pools of vice and the raids last night are a long way in that direc tion. SARATOGA RACES. of Members Kept etestlsi the Vari ous States aad Territetics Aaaoaeced by Shalraisa Cowherd. Br Telegraph to tba Kdrnlns BUr, , , Washington, Aug. 6. Chairman Cowherd, of the Democratic Oongrea- ' slonal Committee, to day announced the members ot the committee as fol lows: AUtums, John L. Burnett; Arkan sas, Hugh A. Dtsmore; California E J.'Ltvernaih; Colorado, John F. Bha frothy Connecticut, William & Par dee; Delaware, Henry A. Houstov; Florida, S. M. Parkman; Gtorgu, Jamea M. Griggs; Idaho,Henry Uelt feldt; Illinois, Joseph B. Orowley; Ia dlans. William T. Bsener; Iowa, Mar tin J. Wade: Kansas, A. M. Jackson; Kentucky, J. M. Kehoe; Loulslans, R. F. Broussard; Maine, EL P. Plalsted ; Maryland, James E. Denny; Massachusetts, John R. Thayer; -Michigan, Alfred Lusklng; Minne sota, John Llndlss; Missouri, W. 8 Cowherd; Montana, John S. Me Neill;- Nebraska, G. M. Hitch cock; Nevada, C. D. Vanduzer; New Mexico, E. V. Chaves; New Hamp shire; Henry F. Holllst New Jersey, Allan Benny; New York, W. H. Ry an ; North Carolina, W. W. Kltchln; North Dakota, J. B. Eaton; Ohio, J. 8. Snook; Oregon, F. F. Halman; Pennsylvania, Marcus O. Kline; Rhode . n T. T fliliiiiar Rmith ni. ollna, b. E, Finley; South Dakota, C. Boyd Barrett; Tennessee, Hice A. Pierce; Texas, O. B. Randell: Utah, W. H. King; Vermont, T. W. Mai lory r Virginia, H. L. Maynard: West Virginia, D. E. Johnson; Washington, George Turner; Wisconsin, C. H. Welsse; Wyoming, John E. Osborne. Territories Arizona, John F. Wil son ; District of Columbia, Jamea L. Norrls; Alasks, ; Hawaii, ; Indian Territory. R. L. Owens; Okla homa, 8. P. Fredlng. " Senate members Arkansas, Jamei H. Berry : Florida. James P. Taliafer ro; Idaho, Fred. T. DuBols; Missouri, W. J. Bione; Virginia, Thomas a Martin; Montana, William A. Clark; Tennessee, K. W. Oar mack; Texas, Charles A. Culberson ; Nevada, F. G. Newlands. DELAWARE DESPERADOES. To Study Wise Hakiof. Mr. Irvln Bear, of Sol. Bear 8c Co., left last night for New York, whence I he will sail on Tuesday for Germany to study the methods of wine making in the Fatherland. He will be away several months. Messrs. Bear & Co. are engaged exclusively In the manu facture of native wines in Wilming ton and young Mr. Bear will become the specialist for the firm. A number I of his friends bade him good-bye and wished him a safe voyage at the rail road station last night. 4 mm TROLLEY CAR ACCIDENT. Wrecked by Railroad Train-One Mao Killed aad Tea Persons Isjsred. By Telegraph to the Morning' Star. ,KA5SAS Cttt, Mo., ; Aug. 6. An Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe pas senger train from Chicago crashed into a well filled trolley ear to-day at Fifteenth street, In the eastern end of the cUv. J. L. Morris, of Pleasant BlU.IUissouri, was killed and ten In jured, Mrs. Minnie Stanbury, of Kan sas City, seriously. The accident was caused by the crossing gates being up. Harry Black, the nagman, wno was slightly hurt, aaya that he was sick and unable to bring tne gates in io position. The engine struck the car In the middle and overturned It "He's going to take the stump 1 for one of the candidates." "lhe stump, eh? Then I'll bet the other candidate gets the balance of the 1 tree."-Cleveland Plain Dealer. name, said tne president, "i want a man, and in after years, Clak will haye as big name as anybody." Freemont Enterprise: A Re publican contemporary charges us with something like criminal negli gence because we .said something about the Republican platform and did not state whether ft was the na tional or State platform to which we. referred. We do not especially like to apologize but in this instance we are constrained to kow-tow and beg forgiveness for our temporary Inad vertence to the existence of such a thing as a Republican party in North Carolina. It is understood from reliable sources at Raleigh that the Philadel phia syndicate will' now proceed either to perfect the bid that they have already filed with the Governor or submit a new proposition for the lease of the A. N. C. Railroad. It is also learned that several other bids for the road are now being prepared to be filed before the meeting of the road's stockholders next September. It is definitely learned that one other bid in particular, which is backed by North Carolinians, will be submitted probably next week, the legal repre sentative of this syndicate having already arranged to come to Raleigh in a few days to look Into the mat ter. The trial of Jesse Allen, col ored, for assault on Jennie Oakley, the little 10-year-old daughter of M. F. Oaklev. was begun at Oxford on Wednesday morning before Judge Henry R. Bryan. A verdict of guilty was rendered on Friday and the prisoner was sentenced to be hanged. Allen is 20 years old, and is of the "big black burley type." Charac teristic of hia class, he showed no signs of emotion when brought Into the court room, but seemed stolid and Indifferent. .The little girl and her mother both went on the stand. The girl made a good impression, as she is bright ana intelligent, one told a straight Btory. The defend ant showed no signs, of emotion when the jury brought in their verdict. . A correspondent writing, d torn Hillsboro, August 4th, to the Ra leigh News and Observer sayB: An afternoon spent on the Oconeechee farm these days is an inspiring joy. The famous old farm Is just now maturing and harvesting one of the most abundant crops in its history. Already the grain fields have yield ed nearly two thousand bushels of tribute in the shape of the cereals wheat, oats and rye, while the en tire premises are flavored with the delightful odor of new mown clover, alpalphla and other luxuriant grasses, As fine corn as ever tas seled is now waving and silk in or on one hundred and for ty acreB of rich-rolling fields, and sixty acres of cotton (planted large ly as an experiment) is blooming and boiling away to abundant maturity. Nearlv a thousand fat and healthy fowls of every variety are on daily dress parade over the green meadows and orchards, while herds of cattle, sheep and swine feast to lavish fat ness on the pastures green. Pi geons, rabbitB, squirrels and other pets romp and play In the beauti ful groves, while the whole situa tion is sweetened with the choicest honey gathered by a million busy bees from blooming fields and ripen ing orchards. Ooooneeche ia a model. Its owner, General Julian S. Carr, and his family are sojourn ing at the beautiful country home on the farm and the friends of the general are rejoiced to know that he is rapidly recovering from his re cent illness. Two Lesdlof Events Worth Over 150,000 Woa-by J. R. Keene's Horses. By Telegraph to we morning Star. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 6. Delhi, undoubtedly one of the best 8 year olds In training, won the Great Re public, the 150,000 stake race run here to-day and Syaonby, also from the stables of J. R. Keene, added the Sara toga Special to his . list of winnings. Delhi had little difficulty in Winning hia race. He jumped out in front at the start and cut out a hot pace the full distance, passing the grand stand the first time with Waterboy in sec ond position, but he began to fall back soon after and was never a factor. Mercury was a good second most of the way. The Picket finished strong in third position a length behind Mer cury, who finished second by a length. . The Great Republic was worth $13,- 000 to Mr. Keene, be having receives $3,000 for nominating the winner in addition to first money. The Special netted him $13,000. Twelve Nef roes Escsped from Georgetown Jail Ose Shot and Cspiored Poise . Is Pursuit of the Others. Br Telegraph to the Morning Slat. Philadelphia, Pa,, August 6. A special to the Evening Telegraph from Laurel Hill, Delaware, says: "Word waa received here that In the pursuit of the twelve negroes who escaped from the Georgetown jail yesterday one man was killed near Old Furnace mills. It Is not known whether the Information refers to one ot the escaped negroes or a member of the posse. Sheriff Steele telephoned to-day that the negroes are suppessd to have escaped from Cy press Bwamp last night and are ( making their way to this city in order to get over into Maryland. Nearly everyone In the vicinity ot Laurel is armed and the search for the negroes is genera). "It has since been learned that the man reported to have been killed during the search for the jail-breakers Is still alive, but is fatally lofured. He Is a mulatto. When oraerea to halt he refused to do so and was shot by a citizen at noon to-day. He gave his name as Bmitb, but he Is believed to be one of the Brown brothers, who escaped from the Georgetown jail. Three of the es caped convicts were discovered ma king for a thicket three miles from Laurel. They were shot at but It io not known whethor any one was hit." ED. BLENNERHASSEVS WILL. FLORIDA TRAQEDY. Union Army Veteran Shot and Killed by Ills Son at Arcadia. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Aboadia, Fla., Aug. 6. Matthew Drlegers, a Union army veteran, was shot and inttantly killed here to day by his son, O-.rles Drlggers, who was Insanely intoxicated at the time. Drlggers had threatened his wife and driven ber from home when his father called to see him and at the time was having a quarrel with his brother-in-law, who was also intoxicated. Mat thew Driggers went into the house and his son followed, drew his revol ver and shot him four times, the fatal wound being in the head. After kill ing bis father, Charles Drlggers went out on the front porch, where his brother-in-law Whldden was lying In a drunken stupor, and beat him over the head with hia revolver. Young Drlggers waa arrested and is now in jail. M m M UNITED MINE WORKERS. Written la 1855 aed Filed Yesterday la St. Louis-Estste la Irelssd Worth $2,000,000 The Beneficiaries. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. St. Lorjis, Aug. . The will of Edward Blennerhasset, written at St. , Louis In 1855 by a member of the famous family of Blennerf asset-Burr fame, was filed In the Bt. Louis pro bata court to-dav by Lucien M. Bnreve, an attorney of Chicago. The delay in the probation of the will was occasioned by litigation over the estate of Edward Blennerhasset. Mr. Bhreve says that the estate is in Ireland, that it is worth $3,000,000 and that Edward Blennerhasset's right to share in it has just recently been es tabllshed.wherefore his will is brought forth and filed for probation. ThB beneficiaries of the estate are Mrs. Therese Adams, a Jdaugbter, and Henry and Richard & Blennerhasset, sons ot the testator. Richard S. Blen nerhasset lives at Niagara Falls, N. Y. His sister, Mrs. Adams, Is also alive. Henrv Blennerhasset is dead and his brother and sister will divide his share in the estate between them. Mr. Bhreve says it was almost posi tively ascertained that Henry, the missing ion, was slain by the Barbary pirates infesting the North African coast He was a sea captain in the British merchant marine, and nobody has seen norlheard of him since he sail ed from Naples in 1853. RUSSIAN PRISE I0URT. Ho Af reement on a Wage Scale Confer ence With Operators on Moaday. By Telegraph to the Homing Btar. Knoxvillk, Tenn., Aug. 6. The i United Mine Workers' convention for District No. 19 hu adopted a resolu tion condemning Governor Peabody's i course in the Colorado labor troubles. 1 While no agreement has been reach ed on a wage seale, it Is believed j that the men will demand a five, to ten per cent, increase. Operatives 1 of the district do not conceal the fact that they will not only refuse to -rant anv Increase, but will demand m. rAdnetlon of 10 Der cent, on the pres ent scale. Predictions of a genera! trika throughout the district are fre quent. Operators and miners will meet in joint conference on Tuesday. TO OVERAWE BOXERS. tho France Sendioi Reinforcements to Oeoeral Commaadiag la Tosfsla. Br Cable to the Horning Btar. Paris, August 6. The general com manding the Frenca forces In Ton quln, French Indo-Ohlna, having renreaeuted that the frontier potts are insufficiently guarded and asked for 6,000 men, the .government- has de cided loeend retaforcementa. A thou sand men will depart on the next, steamer and farther reinforcements ore e xoected to leave France -later. The rtinfonwmeBta are intended to overawe the Boxerawho are contem plating a rising. Was Eve a summer girl before the fall ? Philadelphia Bnlletln. Sunken Steamer Knight Commander Ad Judged a Lawful Tilze. By Cable to the Homing Btar Vladivostok, Aug. 6. The prize court yesterday adjudged the sunken steamer Knight Commander and Us cargo a lawful prize. The trial of the case and an iuyeitipatl-in of the steam er's papers, ftc, exiablisbed the fact that the cargo, consisting principally of railway material, was consigned through a Japanese port to Chemulpo, leaning ralrly to me inference mat u was designed for use on the military railway under construction from Beoul totheYalu. St. Petersburg, Aug. 6. Russia has communicated to the United States the Uf cision of tne Vladivostok prize court in the eae of the Portland and Asiatic Ima steamer Arabia,confis ticatlngEuc'i part of the cargo as was consigned t f Jopantsfl ports The foreign omce is cremuy cou Mfirtnff iheobiecllocs miked abroad in Russia's lit of contrab d, decision has b-n reached. but no Ex-Senator Henry G. Davis, who is a Mason, took part yesteraay in laying , the corner stooe of the new lietbodisl Episcopal cnurcn in n.i.iua .OT .Va thn eeremonicii beimf con ducted undef the auspicrs of the Ma sonic Grand Lodge of Wrat Virginia. Senator Elklns also participated. Tho Pronto nt tin. oT&ntAd a par- don to Lieutenant Patrick W. Hou- rigan, U. S. N., who waa convicted h ftnnrtmartl&l in oi uubu against the articles of war for government of the navy. if li Ii I) ii UK the p. a campaign, Selahl ment site." 3-.

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