;. -' ... -: v- ; . ( ; I -. i ,. . t pit Sr.! if!" 1 1 n i WILLIAM II. BBBN ASD Bdltor sad Proprtatof. Friday, Aug. 12, 1904. National Democratic Ticket For President : ALTON B. PARKER, of New York. For V ce-Presldent : HENRY O. DAVIS, . of West Virginia.' State Democratic Ticket ssassssssassassas For Governor: Robert B. Glen. For Lieutenant Governor: Fbakois D. Wisstoh. Associate Justices of Supreme Court W. A. Hoke. George H. Brown, Jr. 8Ute Auditor: B. F. Dixosr. State Treasurer: an laot. Secretary of Btate: J. Betas Grimes. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Jotner. Commissioner of Labor and Printing H. B. Yarker. Oorporatlon Commissioner: S. L. Rogues. Commissioner of Agriculture: -8. L. Patterson. PARKER AHD HIS PRINCIPLES. The acceptance address of Judge Parker, to be found in the tele graphic department of The Stab this week, gives us a partially clear insight to the man and pre pares us to believe that his utter ancea are but the beginning of a rev elation of the biggest American in the bunch. What man of ability, inspired by a laudable ambition and with good chances of being the next President of the great American world power, would deliberately declare that one term in the Presidential chair Is enough for him ? Yet the Demo oratio party has selected for its leader a man who declares that, if elected President, he will retire to private life at the end of the term, and that he shall not be a candidate for, nor shall accept a re -nomination. In view of the shameful precedents at the White House, with its pres ent occupant and some of his prede cessors deliberately wire pulling for a second term or a renomin'ation, Judge Parker's reasons for not de siring a second term are full of soundness and lofty patriotism. Hear him: "I am fully persuaded that no in cumbent of that office should ever be placed in a situation of possible temptation to consldor what the effect of action taken by him in an administrative matter of great Im portance might have upon his politi cal fortunes." Words like those coming from a man who is likely to be chosen President, and with the allurements of a second term ahead of him and the probable demand of the Ameri can people that he should serve them again as their chief magistrate, in dicate the strong man that Parker is. Behold the unselfish patriotism of the man I Who else In America, unsolicited and of his own volition, without pressure and with only the good of the Republic as his motive, would get his consent to take a posi tion like that of the lofty man who leads the Democracy to-day? He sees peril to the Republic in the ex amples of Presidents in furthering their political ambition, and very few thoughtful men are there but who will concede the wisdom of the position of the next President. There are so many texts in Park er's speech of acceptance that indi cate the sage and statesman that it would require columns to refer to them with the proper estimate they so eminently deserve. Catch this: "If we would bave our trnvam. ment continue during the ages to come, zor the benent oi those who shall succeed us. we must ever be on our guard against the danger of usurpation of that authority which resides m tne whole people, whether tha usurpation be by officials repre senting one of the three great de partments oi government, or by a body of men acting without a com mission from the people." Here is another Instance In which Jndge Parker makes a declaration that should startle the American people: . "It must be confessed that in the course of our history executives have employed powers not belong ing to them, statutes have been passed that were expressly forbidden by the Constitution, and statutes have been get aside as unconstitu tional When It was difficult to nnlnt out thefrovislona said to be offended . I A. J 11 . a a Kuuflt in ineir enactment." Another danger to which he points the American people, and to . which the Star has several times re f erred as a violation of every prlncl pie of our government, is the recent incident in Colorado. Alluding to , the deportation nf citisens without trial and to the lawlessness of the . mobs, he truly declares: "In both ixutances the reign of law gave way to force." "These illustrations pre sent some evidence of the failure of - the government to protect theciti ten and his property I" Behold here n declaration that should last as t as the Republic lasts; - 'JThe essence of good government -lies in the strict observance of consti tutional limitations, the enforcement of law and order and rugged opposi tion to all encroachments upon the sovereignty of the people." Ti "Big Stick" Is properly char- aoterized by the Democratic noml nee, and in this connection he again makes an utterance that should live through the ages: We are not a people bent on con quest, or engaged in extending our domain in foreign lands, or desirous of securing natural advantages, how ever great, by force; but a people loving peace not only for ourselves but for all the nations of the earth." Judge Parker endorses the St. Louis platform and elaborates some of its planks in a convincing way. As to the tariff he takes a position that will deceive no voter In the country. He states the necessity for revision In strong terms, and his position is one of statesmanship "wise and beneficent revision." He palpably demonstrates that, "judged by past record of performance, rather than of promise on the part of that party in the past," the peo ple need not look for any revision from the Republican party, which, In its role ofdeception, promises all things to all classes of citizens. Parker tells us, for the first time, why, how and when we became a world power, and also convinces all people truly inspired with the principles of liberty that while we enjoy and advocate liberty for our selves we oannot deny it to the Fili pinos. However, we will have to refer you for. the whole truth to J udge Parker's acceptance speech, which every American should get into his head and heart a proclam ation which should be filed with the archives of the Republic. In this campaign the Democratic spellbinders can have oodles of , fun by taking hand primaries as to whether the wages of their auditors have increased over the paralyzing increase in the cost of living. How many hands will go up in support of the ingeniously prepared and decep tive statistics sent out by the Re publican Department of Commerce and Labor? Says the Raleigh Posh "The Wil mington SZA.B thinks there is a chance for the goverment to get on Bpeaking terms with the constitu tion if Parker Is elected. That will be 'like renewing a forgotton ac quaintance." Let us rejoice, Broth er Phillips, that Judge Parker in his acceptance speech yesterday has extended the glad hand to the ox in the ditch. Roosevelt is .now after Turkey with the "Big Stick. If any meas ly foreign nation does not show us as much favor as it does European nations we are going after them with a show of our teeth. Suppose, however, some of the big powers de cide that we are not entitled to any "favored nation clause" from them. Will we go after them with our war ships, too? i Prof. Schurman says: 'The young man's opportunitv has changed brm." It is just the outward ap pearance of the "form" that has changed. If the form is covered with an Eton jacket, a bolero, or a peek-a-boo waist, the young man will seize his opportunity just the same. A congressman up North Is trying to get up with a thief who stole his set of campaign speeches. In view of the fact that the Coal Trust has announced a raise in prices, the thief will never be convicted for laying In a stock of "hot air" for the Winter. As fast as the Japanese push the Russians back they repair the rail way and propose to operate it be tween Port Arthur, Muckden and Nieuchwang. The little yellow men are something to be wondered at. Judge Parker's resignation is being discussed by the press all over the United States. We hope that the papers, after the election, will be able to tell us about Roosevelt's complete resignation to his defeat. - If you have not before realized the statesman, the patriot, the emi nent American, and the man of earnest purposes that Judge Parker is, just read his acceptance speech in this morning's Star. The Northern papers contain fre quent Items about attempts to lynch negroes up North. Just think of one at Hartford, Conn., August 4th, to lynch a negro for murder I At Rftleiirh nor AVGOCk received tri artriArlnla for the educational addresses he and Hon. Francis D. Winntnn do- liver in the State of Maine during oepsemDeroy special invitation Of the Governor and RnnoHntaml ant nf Public Instruction of Maine. They Will SPeak m that State from Ron- tember 14th to the 20th, the times and places being as follows: Sep- iemDeritn,ttiddexordand Podland. September 15th. New fW.1 nd Rockland. September 16th Bath, wwwwn ana soutn rarje. septem ber 17th, Waterville and Bangor. September 19th, Lincoln, Pittsfield and Augusta. September 20th, Fox croft and Farmlngton. $100 Keward, $100. The reideTB of thl papet -wUl bft pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded diseasa tbatcoienee baa been able to tun lna,l) itast&jres and that to Catarrh. UaU'a Catarrafc Cnra tathe only poeitlTe cnr now known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh belns a conatitational disease, require a constitutions treatment, HaU's Catarrh Cure U taken internally, acting: directly upon tha blood ana mucotia jrarfaoes of the cystem, thereby destroylnjt the foundation of the disease, and rIt lnjSthopatiot rtrenfrUi by building Bp the con atltatlan and Misting nature in doing its work. 'iim proprietors hare so much faith in itscnratWa powers, that they offer one Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure, goad tor list of testimo nials. Address, . . 3. CHENEY tt CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Drnrgists, 76c. Hall's FamUj i'ilij ftre Uie. best JUDGE PARKER'S NOTIFICATION. His Speech in Acceptance of the Nomination for Presidency -by Democratic Party. ON THE LAWN AT R0SEM0UNT Notlllcatloi by Chanp Clark, Ihalrmaa of the ComnUtee Maty Democrats of Natlaial Promlaeice Preseat. Taomaay Represented. By Telegraph to the Homing Star. Esoptjb, N. Y., Aug. 10. Judge Alton B. Parker to-day received formal notification of his nomination for the Presidency of the United Btates as the candidate of the Democratic party, and In accepting gave public expres sion for the first time of his views on the Issues of the campaign. The notification was brought to him bj Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, as chairman of a committee representing every Btate and territory In the Union. Mr. Clark in a brief peeeh informed the candidate of bis nomination, and presented to him a formal communication signed by the committee. 'Standing barehead, during a brief lull in the rain storm which bad lasted since soon after daylight, Judge Parker accepted the nomination and iet forth his views In a peeeh that evoked fre- Jiuent and hearty applause. He spoke or a little more than half an hour. The ceremony waa held on the lawn atBosemount, under the trees at the north of the house, and was attended by upwards of 600 people, the larger number of whom came from New Yorklclty with the notification com mittee on the steamer Sagamore. The company included many Democrats of national prominence as well as a large and representative delegation from Tammany Hall. There would bave been a gala day gathering from Kingston and vicinity, where perhaps the judge Is best known, but the rain had been to heavy and continuous that few local people ventured forth. It was at first decided to hold the ceremonies on the Bagamore, owing to the storm, but the protest of those who wanted Judge Parker notified at bis own house was so vigorous that at the last moment tho little platform erected on the Parker lawn was hasti ly decorated with flags and the cere monies were held there, according to tha original plan. During most of the time occupied by Champ Clark's speech the rain was falling in a steady drizzle, but it stop ped entirely just as Judge Parker be gan his address, and held off until he iln lined. Bep.esentatlve Clark was speaking and Judge Parker was standing bare headed without shelter when a man In the crowd called: "Somebody hold an umbrella over Judge Parker." A number were immediately offer ed but the Judge refused them with a courteous wave of the band. "Justice for all, special privilege for none," said Mr. Clark, and the specta tor showed their appreciation of the sally by a shout of laughter. While Judge farter waa speaking there was no need of shelter. The rain stopped and not a breath of air stirred. In the stillness every word could be heard distinctly to the farthest bor ders of the crowd. . ' It Is long years since Judge Parker has been beard in a political speech, and to most of his hearers he was ab solutely new In this capacity. They heard him with a keen interest, not unmixed with curiosity. $he ad dress was delivered in the clear est tones, In a voice seldom raised above the conversational pltcb. but perfectly audible, nevertheless. His enunciation was distinct and his delivery exceedingly deliberate. He used few gestures,;making nis empha sis almost entirely with bis voice. He adhered to the text of his written ad dress, with the wording of which he appeared perfectly familiar, though he held a copy in his hand and followed it somewhat closely with his eyes, while speaking. The speech was heard with closest at tention and applause frequently punc tuated. The candidate's audience awoke to a high pitch of enthusiasm when be spoke of so-called militarism and impe rialists. "Uurs is a world power, "said he, "and as such it must be maintained : but I deny that it Is at all recently that the United Btates has attained that em inence." When he enunciated this principles burst of cheers followed that caused the speaker to wait a few minutes be fore he continued. His pledge not to accept a second term of the office, if he was elected, aroused intense In terest which increased to marked en thusiasm when the speaker went on to explain his position. Then the crowd seemed to yield to the force of his reasoning and at the end of a par ticularly telling period, toward the close of the speech, it gave the candi date the greatest demonstration of the afternoon. The speaker waited for the applause to subside and then made his few concluding remarks, finishing his address at six minutes past three. As Judge Parker spoke his closing words the band struck up "The Star Bpangled Banner," and from the deck of the yacht Sapphire, in the river be low, a number of rockets were fired in salute. These bursting in the air re leased parachutes from which were suspended the national colors. Later, there were whistle salutes Jfrom the steamer Sagamore, John Pierce's yacht Sapphire and August Belmont's yacht The Scout, which brought former Sen ator David B. Hill from Hyde Park. After the ceremony all crowded up eagerly to shake the candidate's hand and to congratulate him upon his speech. The reception waa continued on the veranda until after 4 o'clock, when the company broke up and the visitors returned: to their boats and trains. Jndge Parker's family were escort ed to the Summer house on the lawn by National Chairman Taggart and New York State Chairman Meyer. Mr. Taggart and Mr. Meyer, accompanied by Representative Clark, chairman of the notification committee, then es corted Judge Parker from the house to the stand. The candidate was greet ed with cheers. There waa no wait In the ceremonies. As soon as the little party reached the stand, Representa tive Clark began his address. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. Clark handed Judge Parker, the fol lowing: "Ksopus, N. x., Aug. 10, 1904. To the Honorable Alton B. Parker Sir: Aa the regularly appointed and duly accredited chairman of the national convention of the Democratic party. held at the city of Bt. Louis, Mo., on the etb, 7tb, 8th and 9th days of July, 1904, we, the undersigned, have the honor to convey to you official an nouncement of your unanimous nomi nation by that great and historic party of the people aa tea candidate for the exalted otfijo of the Pr sl dent of tt.e U-iusd Situs at ihe eleetlon to be held on November 8, 1904 nomination so manifestly wise and appropriate that already the country has Indicated its approval of It, and the most convincing auguries are rapidly increasing of its formal endorsement by the American people at the polls. "Requesting your acceptance of this nomination, we are, with assurances of our high esteem and slncerest good wishes, Yours, respectfully, "Chajip Clabk, of Missouri, 'Chairman." It was also signed by all other mem bers of the notification committee. Chairman Clark, was enthusias tically cheered throughout his address and was accorded an ovation which was merged into the reception extend ed to. Judge Parker. During the speaking rain began to fall fitfully and many umbrellas were raised. Realising that the ceremonies might be interfered with. Representative Ulark left out a portion of bis speech as originally prepared. Judge Parker, with bared head. atood on the platform throughout the speech with utter disregard of the rain which dampened him from head to foot, and he smiled with the specta tors at the witticisms with which Mr. Ulark interspersed his address. Mr. Clark concluded at 2:18 and then presented' to Judge Parker the formal notification signed by the chairman and other members of the committee. ' Flags were frantically waved at the close of Mr. Clark's speech, the spec tators cheered, and it was a full min ute before Judge Parker was permit ted to speak. Before beginning his address of ac ceptance, Judge Parker advised the crowd to get under the trees out of the rain. "We don't mind the wet," was the spontaneous reply. Judge Parker began bis address at 2:18 P. M. Speech of leceptaace. Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the vommtttee: I have resigned the offlee of Chief Judge or the Court of Appeals of this State in order that I may accent the responsibility that the great conven tion you represent has put upon me. without possible prejudice to the court to which I had the honor to be long, or to' the eminent members of the judiciary of this Btate, of whom I may now say as a private citizen I am jasuy proud. At the very threshold of this re sponse and before dealing with other subjects, I must, In justice to myself ana to relieve my sense of gratitude, express my profound annredatlon of the confidence reposed In me by the convention. After nominating me and subsequently receiving a commu nication declaring that I regarded the goia standard as firmly and Irrevo cably established, a matter concerning which I felt It incumbent upon me to make known my attitude so that here after no man could jastly say that his support nan oeen secured through in direction or mistake, the convention reiterated its determination that I should be the standard bearer of the party in the present contest This mark of trust and confidence I shall ever esteem as the highest honor that could be conferred upon me an honor inai, whatever may be the fate of the campaign, the future can in no degree lessen or Impair. The admirable nlatform unon which the party appeals to the country for Its confidence and support clearly states the principles which were so well condensed in the first inaugural address of President Jefferson, and points out with force and directness the course to be pursued through their proper application in order to insure needed reforms In both the legislative and administrative departments of the government. While unhesitating in Its promise to correct abuses and to right wrongs wherever they appear or however caused: to Investigate the several administrative departments of the government, the conduct of whose officials has created scandals, and to punian tnose who nave been guilty of breach of their trust; to oppose the granting of special privileges by which the few may profit at the expense of the many; to practice economy in the expenditure of the moneys of the peo ple, and to that end to return once more to the methods of the founders of the republic by observing in dis bursing the public funds the care and caution a prudent individual observes with respect to his own: still the spirit of the platform assures conservative, instead of rub action: the nrotectlon of the Innocent as well as the punish" ment of the guilty; the encourage ment of industry, economy and thrift; the protection of property and a guar antee oi tne enforcement for the bene fit or all of man's Inalienable rights, among which, as said in the Declara tion of Independence, are "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Liberty, as understood in this country, means not only the right of freedom from actual servitude, Imprisonment or restraint: but the right of one to use his facultties in all lawful ways, to live and work where he will and to pursue any lawful trade or busi ness. These essential rights of life, liberty and property are not only guaranteed to the citizen by the Con stitution of each of the aeveral States, but the States are by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United Btates forbidden to deprive any person of any one of them without due process of law. Occasionally, by reason of unneces sary or Impatient agitation for reforms, or because the limitations placed upon the departments of government by the Constitution are disregarded by offi cials desiring to accomplish that which to them seems good whether the power exists in them or not; it becomes desirable to call attention to the fact that the people, In whom all power resides, have seen fit, through the medium of the Consti tution, to limit the govermental pow ers conferred and to say to depart ments created by It; "Thus far shalt thou go and no farther." To secure the ends sought the people have by the Constitution separated and distri buted among the three departments of government the executive, legislative and judicial certain powers, and it is the duty of those administering each department so to act as to preserve, rather than to destroy, the potency of the co-ordinate branches of the gov ernment, and thus secure the exere lse of all the powers conferred by the people. Thomas Jefferson, In a letter to William a Jarvls, touching the per petuity of our institutions, written many years after he had retired to private life, said: "It the three powers of our government maintain their mutual independence of each other, it may last long, but not so if either can assume the authority of the other." It must be confessed that in the course of our history executives have employed powers not belonging to them; statutes have been passed that were expressly forbidden by the Con stitution and statutes have been set aside as unconstitutional when it was difficult to point out the provisions said to be offended against In their enactment; all this has been done with a good purpose, no doubt, but in dis regard, nevertheless, of the fact that ours Is a government of laws, not of men, deriving Its "just powers from the consent of the governed." If we would have our government continue during the ages to come, for the bene fit of those who shall succeed us, we must ever be on our guard against the danger of usurpation of that authority which resides in the whole people, whether the Usurpation be by officials representing one of the three great de partments of government, or by a body of men acting without a commis sion from the people. Impatience of the restraints of law, as well as of its delays, is becoming more and more manifest from day to day. Within the past few years many Instances have been brought to our at tention, where in different parts of our beloved country supposed criminals have been seized and punished by a mob, notwithstanding the fact that the) Constitution of each State guaranteea to every person within its' jurisdiction that his life, his liberty or his property shall not be taken from him without due process of law. In a struggle between employers and employes, dynamite Is . said to have been used by the latter, resulting in the loss of life and the destruction of property. The perpetrators of this offence against the laws of God and man. ana an oiners engaged in tne conspiracy with them, should, after due trial and conviction, have had meted out to them the most rigorous punishment known to the law. This crime, added perhaps to others, led to the formation of a committee of citi sens that, with the support of the mili tary authority, deports from the State, without trial, persons suspected of be longing to the organization of which the perpetrators of the dynamite outrages were supposed to be mem bers. In both cases the reign of law gave way to the reign of force. These illustrations present some evidence of the failure of government to protect the citizen and his property which not only justified the action of yOur convention In this regard, but made it its duty to call attention to the fact that constitutional guarantees are violated whenever any citizen is denied the right to labor, to acaulre and to enjoy property, or to reside where his interests or inclination may determine; and.the fulfillment of the assurance to rebuke and nunlsh all de nials of these rights, whether brought about by individuals or government agencies, should be enforced by every Official and supported by every citi zen. The essence of good government lies In strict observance of constitu tional limitations, enforcement of law and order and rugged opposition to all encroachment upon the sovereignty oi ine people. The foregoing suggestions but em phtslze the distinction which exists bo tween our own and many other forms oi government, it has been well said, in substance, that there are but two powers in government, one the power of the sword, sustained by the hand that wields it, and the other the power oi tne law, sustained by an enlight ened public sentiment. The difference in these powers Is the difference be tween a republic such as ours, based on law and a written Constitution, supported by intelligence, virtue and patriotism and a monarchy sustain ed by force exerted by an Individual, uncontrolled by laws other than those maae or sanctioned by him ; one repre sents Constitutionalism, the other Imperialism. The present tariff law Is unjust In Its operation, excessive In many of its rates and so framed in particular in stances aa to exact Inordinate profits from the people. Bo well understood has this view become that many prominent memberss of the Republi can party, and at least two of Its State conventions, have dared to voice the general sentiment on that subject. That party seems, however, to be col lectively able to harmonize only upon a plank that admits that revision mav from time to time be necessary, but it Is so phrased that it is expected to be satisfactory to those in ravor of an In crease of duty, to those who favor a reduction thereof, and to those op posed to any change whatever. Judg'ed by the record of' perform ance, rather than that of promise, on the part of that party in the past, it would seem as li the outcome, In the event of lis success would be to gratify tne tatter class, with absolute con ttol of both the legislative and execu tlve departments of the government since March 4th, 1897, there has been neither reduction nor an attempt at re ductlon In tariff duties. It Is not un reasonable to assume, in the light of that record, that a future Congress of mat party win not undertake a revis ion of the tariff downward in the event that It shall receive an endorse ment of Us pait course on that subject by Ihe people. It Is a fact and should be frankly conceded that ahould our party be successful in the com ing contest we cannot hope to secure a majority in the Senate during the next four yearr, and hence we snau be unable to secure any modifi cation in the tariff save that to which the Republican majority in the Senate may consent. While, therefore, we are unable to give assurances of relief to the people from such excessive duties as burden them, it is due to them that we ahould state our position to be in favor of a reasonable reduction of the tariff ; that we believe that it is de mandedby the best interests of both manufacturer and consumer, and that a wise and beneficent revision of the tariff can be accomplished as soon as Dotn branches of Congress and aa ex ecutive in favor of it are elected, with out creating that sense of uncertaintv and instability that has on other occa sions msnlfested itself. This can be achieved by providing that such a reasonable period shall Intervene, be tween tha date of the enactment of the statute making a revision and the date of its enforcement, as shall be deemed sufficient for the Industry or business affected by such revision to adjust itseii to tne changes and new condi tions imposed. Bo confident am I in the belief that the demand of the peo ple for a reform of the tariff Is just, that I Indulge the hope that should a Democratlo House of Representatives and a Democratic executive be chosen by the people, even a Republican Ben ate may heed the warning and consent to give at least some measure of relief to the people. The combinations, popularly called trusts, which aim to secure a monopoly of trade in the necessaries of life as well as in those things that are em ployed upon the farm, In the factory and in many other fields of industry, have been encouraged and stimulated by excessive tariff duties. These ope rate to furnish a substantial market in the necessities of eighty millions of people, by practically excluding com petition. With so large a market and highly remunerative prices continuing long after the line of possible compe tition would naturally be reached, the temptation of all engaged In the same business to oomblne so as to prevent competition at home and a resulting re duction of prices, has proved Irresisti ble In a number of cases. All men must agree that the net result of en acting laws that foster sueh inequi table conditions. Is most unfortunate for the people as a whole, and it would seam as If all ought to agree that the effective remedy would be to appropriately modify the' offending law. The growth of monopoly, of which complaint ls!justly made, cannot be laid at the doors of the courts of this country. The decis ions of the Bupreme Court of the United States, the Court of Appeals of this State and the courts of last resort In many other States, warrant the as sertion that the common law as devel oped affords a complete legal remedy against monopolies. The fact that they have multiplied in number and increased in power has been due, not to the failure or the courts to apply the law when properly moved by ad ministrative officials or private indi viduals, but to the failure of officials charged ith the duty of enforcing the law to take the necessary procedure to procure the judgments of the courts In the appropriate jurisdiction, cou pled with the fact that the legislative departments of some of our State gov ernments, as well as Congress In the manner already referred to, have, by legislation, encouraged their propagation. What is need edin addition to the passage of. a statute revising the tariff rinitrs 16 a reasonable basis Is not to much other and different law, as offi cials having both the disposition atd the courage to enforce existing law. While this is my view of the scope of the common law, if it should be made to appear that it is a mistaken one, then I favor siuch further legislation within constitutional limitations as will gWe the pjsopie jut and full measure of protection. It Is difficult to understand bow any citizen of the United Stales, much lets a descendant of - Revolutionary stock, can tolerate the thought or perma nentlvdenvinetbe right of self-gov ernment to the Filipinos. Can we hope to instill into the minds of our descendants reverence and devotion for a government by the people, while denying ultimately tbat right to the In habitants of distant countries, whose territory we have acquired either by purchase or by force? Can we say to the Filipinos, "Your lives, vour liberty snd your property may be taken from you without due process of law for all time," and expect we will long glory in that feat ure of Magna Char ta, which has become Incorporated, in substance and effect, into the Constitution of every State, as well ss Into the Fourteenth Amend ment to the Constitution of the United Btates i Can we hope for the respect of the civilized world.whlle proudly guar anteelne to every citizen of the United Btates that no law ahail be made or en forced which shall abridge the privl leges or immunities of citizens of the United Btates, or deny to any person the equal protection of the laws, and at the same time not only deny similar rights to the inhabitants of the Philip pines, but take away from them the right of trial by jury, and place their lives and the disposition of their prop erty in the keeping of those whom we send to them to be their governors t We shall certainly rue it as a nation if we make any such attempt. Viewing the question even from the standpoint of national selfishness,tbere is no pros pect that the twenty millions of dollars expended in the purchase of the islands and tne six hundred and fifty millions said to have been since disbursed will ever come back to us. The accident of war brought the Philippines into our possession and we are not at liberty to disregard the responsibility which thus came to us, but tbat lespon slbllity will be best observed by preparing the islanders as rapid ly as possible for self-government and giving to them the assurances that it will come as soon as they are reasonably prepared for it. There need be no fear that the assertion so often made of late, that we hsve now become a world power, will then be witnout support. Uurs is a world power, and as such it must be main talned ; but I deny tbat it is at all re cently that the United States has at talned that eminence. Our country became a world power over a century ago, when, having thrown eff foreign domination, the people established a free government, the source of whose authority sprung, and was continu ously to proceed, from the will of the people themselves. It grew as a world power as its sturdy citlzsns, to whose natural increase were added immi grants from the old world seeking to obtain here the liberty and prosperity denied them in their own countries. spread over the face of the land, re duced the prairies and forests to culti vation, built cities, constructed high ways and railroads, till now a nation which at the formation of the govern ment numbered only three millions in population, has become eighty mil lions, ano irom ocean to ocean and the lakes to the gulf, the country Is the abode of a free and prosperous people, advanced in' the highest de gree in the learning and arts of civil ization. It Is the liberty, tbe advance ment and the prosperity of its citizen-. not any career of conquest, that make tne country a world power. This con dition we owe to the bounty of Provi dence, unfolded in the treat natural resources of the country, to the wis dom of our fathers manifested In the form of government established by them, to the energy, industry, moral character and law-abiding spirit of the people themselves. We are not a military people, bent on conquest, or engaged in extending our domains in foreign lands, or de sirous of securing natural advantapt s. however great, by force; but a people loving peace, not only for ourselves, out tor an the nations or the earth. The display of great military arma ments may please the eye and, for the moment, excite the pride or the cltl zen, but It cannot brine to the coun try the brains, brawn and muscle of a single immigrant, nor Induce tbe In vestment here of a dollar of canltal. Of course such armament as may be necessary for tbe security of the coun try ana tne protection or the rights of its citizens, at home or abroad, must be maintained. Anv other course would be not only false economy, but pusuanimous. i protest, however, against the feeling, now far too preva lent, that by reason of the command ing position we bave assumed in the world, we must take part in the dis putes and broils of foreign countries: and that because we have grown great we should intervene In every impor tant question mat arises in other parts oi tne world. I also protest against the erection of any such military estaousnmeni as would be required to maintain the country In that atti tude. We should confine our Inter national activities solely to matters In which the rights of the country or of our citizens are directly Involved. That is not a situation of isolation, but of independence. The Government of the United states was organised solely for the people or the United States. While it was contemplated that this country should become a refuge for the op pressed of every land, who might be fit to discharge tbe duties of our cit izenship, and while we have always sympatoizeo with the people of every nation In their struggles for self gov ernment, the government was not created for a career of politiclal or civilizing evangeliza tion In foreign countries or among alien races by Intervention in their affairs. The most efficient work we can do in uplifting the people of other countries is by the presentation of a happy, prosperous, self-governing na tlon as an Ideal to be emulated, a mod. el to be followed. The general occu pation of our citizens In the arts of peace, or the absence of large military armaments, tends ' to Impair neither patriotism .nor nhvslcal cour age, and for the truth of this I refer the young men of to-day to the histo ry of the Civil War. For fifty years, with the exception of the war with Mexico, this country had been at peace, with a standing army moat of thn tim of less than ten thousand men. He who thinks tbat the nation had grown effeminate during that nerlod should read the casualty rolls of the armies on either side at Bhiloh, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, at Stone River and Chlckamanira. I would be the last man to nlnck a sin gle laurel from the crown of any one of the military heroes to whom this country owes so much, but I Ins'at tbat their moat heroic deeds proceeded Infinitely more from devotion to tbe country, than from martial spirit. As I have already proceeded at too great length, other aueationstuvo-eated In the platform must await my letter of acceptance. Mr. Chairman: In most graceful speech you have reminded me of the great responsibility, ss well as the great honor of the nomination be stowed upon me by the convention you represent thl day. Be atsured that both are . ju: ic'.i.ed to keenly appreciated that r. um .d In U.ir presence. . I accept, gentlemen of the com mittee, tbe nomination, and it the action of tbe convention shall ba en dorsed by an election by the people, I will, God helping me, give to the dis charge of the duties of that exalted office the best service of which I am capable and at the end of the term re tire to private life. I shall not be a candidate for, nor shall I accept, a re oomlnatlon. Several reasons might be advanced for this position, but the controlling "one with me Is that I am fully persuaded that no incumbent of that office should eyer be placed In a situation of possible temptation to con sider what the effect of action taken by him In an administrative matter of great Importance might bave upon his political fortunes.' Questions of mo mentous consequence to all of the people have been in the past and will ba in the future presented to the Presi dent for determination, and in ap proaching their consideration, aa well as in weighing the facts and the argu ments bearing upon them, he should be unembarrassed by any possible thought of the Influence his decision may have upon anything whatever that may affect him personally. I m4ke this statement, not In criti cism of any of our Presidents from Washington down who have either held the office for two terms or sought to succeed themselves; for strong arguments can be advanced in support of the re-election of a Pres ident. It is simply my judgment that the interests of this country are now ao vast and the questions presented are f u quently of such overpowering mar nltude to the people tbat It Is Indis pensable to the maintenance of a be fitting attitude the people, not only that the Chief Magistrate should bs in dependent; but that that Independence should be known of all men. THE NEWS IS RlLEIQrl. Two Corporations Chartered Ceavlcfs Made Successful Daeh for Liberty. Special Star Correspondence. JJalbiqh, N. C, Aug. 10. The Franklin Telephone " and Electric Go., of Franklin, Macon county, was chartered to-day for the pur pose of establishing and operating a telephone exchange and an electric light and power plant in that town. The capital Is $15,000 and the in corporators are J. S. Trotter, Sam L Kelly, of Franklin, and J. H. Weaver and W. M. Farr, of Ashe ville. The Kings Mountain Hardware Co., of Kings Monntain, is incor porated with $10,000 capital for the purpose of conducting a general mercantile business, C. S. Elamjand J. P. Parker being the principal in corporators. Governor Avcock Bnant to.rUv fc Hillsboro attending the annual meeting of the North Carolina State Farmers Alliance in session there. His private secretary, Col. P. M. Pearsall, has gone to Morehead to spend the remainder of the week in the North Carolina National Guard encampment. Governor Aycock is to review the troops at Morehead Augu8tl6th. A successful dash for liberty was made by the three white and two negro convicts at the camp on the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound railroad last evening and as yet neither of them has been recaptured. Thoy were being escorted into camp for the night and the five managed to run in among a group of women and children and then get ont of range before the guards could get good aim at them. tElEIVERSHIP MADE PERMANENT. Affairs of Jnsoita Cotton Mills espt. Ar- rlogtoa Stricken With Paralysis. Special Star Correspondence. J j Raleigh, N. O., Aug. 9. Judge W. R. Allen today issued an order making permanent the receivership tor tbe Juanita Cotton Mills in Ala mines eonntv and namlno TPvanlr A J ' p, A- . Daniel, of Goldsboro, as co-receiver tAt- w-k Vfc . ... wua u. a. mrDee wnose report to tbe court ss temporary receiver showed the liabilltiM t.1 44 4RK and et. A9 . 951, not Including the cost of the piant to-aay wnicn amounts to $83, 211. The comnanv ha nn hand S33 318 worth of cotton warps In the banc's Of J. K. Mitchell & fin. RI1I nthla aggregate $81,429 and there is $21,000 mortgage indebtedness. Capt J. P. Arrington, institutional clerk In the State treasure, m sirick-. with paralysis early this morning and nis ure is despaired or. uis whole b3dy is affected, the attack being, brought on bv anonlexy. H haa for s. num ber of veara bnnn nrnmlnunt In Rials politics and was sheriff of Nash coun- A. m . B m . ty ior a numoer or terms. GOVERNOR COrl MENTS FAVORABLY. Jadfe Parker's Speech Takes Him Back to Old Days sf the Constltatios. Special Star Telegram. Ralkgh, N. a, Aug. 10. In com menting upon Judge Parker's speech to tbe notification committee, Gover nor Aycock to night said it muat girt great satisfaction to all Democrats and attract favorable attention from inde pendents and conservative Renuhli cans. "It takes us back to Ihe earl aaya or. tne uepuoiic wnen tbe branches of government were in fact kco-ordinate and tha constitution waa . - - - tne guide and limit beyond which no rancn or government ventured," be said. A charier la liaumi In (hA rVvittl Ice and Coal Company, of Elizabeth Ultv: canltal. 40. 000. W. J. OTnndl and W. T. Old being among the in corporators. Mr. Josiah Merritt Dead. A telegram yesterday to Capt. T. O. Lewis from Moultrie, Ga., announced the death of Mr. Josiah Merritt, for merly of Wilmington, at that place, Tuesday. Mr. Merritt left here about two years ago to engage In business at Moultrie. The remains will reach here Friday morning. He was for years with Williams & Murchison and was highly esteemed In Wilmington. He waa engaged for some time In farming at Magnolia, N. C. A wife and several children survive him. Pmta aa Knd to It All. . A trriavnna wall ftftimna romM result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs, Dizziness, Backache, Liver Complaint and Constipation; but thanks to Dr. Klno'a New T.lfa Pills they put an end tt it all. They are gentle, but thorny. Try them. Only 25c Guaranteea by R. R. Bel lamy, druggist. t cj a 3 "x r.s :n i y. . Bean th yf ijiB MM tub naw wwaj3 liie Kind Yds Have Always Bought 8igiiatnn MONEY ORDER ARTIST Negro Arrested in Savannah Operated Extensively in Several States. HERE AND FAYETTEVIUP, Psstofllce Inspector Back Worklnr Hp the esse Here Pnotofrsph of the Swindler sod Severs! Articles I Merchandise Identified. Postoffice Inspector San gar ri. Buck, of this district, arrived in the city last night from 8ava'nnah, Q, where he has been looking after tie case of the negro Burnes, who has confessed to being one of the two raited money order swindlers who operated here and . at Fayetlevllle about two months ago. Inspector Buck brought with him a photograph of the negro and Messrs. A. Bbrlt-r and R. P. Ham me, the Wilmington merchants who were 'tken in" bj the game, were asked to see if they could recognize the likeness. Mr. Bhrler and Mr. Julius Taylor, his clerk, could not identify the man from the picture, but Mr. Hamme easily did soat once. Postmaster Wallace re ceived yesterday a package or clothing from the several pawn shores in Ba vannab, where the negro had left them. However, with the exception of one pair of socks which were sold to one of the negroes at tbe store cf Mr. Bhrler, none of the goods were c'alaei. Mr. Buck, the inspector, says that the negroes operated quite extensively In othsr States, having passed a total of 135 of the raised or ders wh?ch the authorities have thus far traced. Bo for as known, thty passed only five In this immediate section of the Slate two here, two m Fayetteville and one in Raleigh If more serious esse can be made agalntt the negro now under arrest, he i not be brought here for trial. Mr. Buck came to Wilmington from Fayetteville last night and yesterday afternoon's Fayetteville Observer iai of his visit: United Btates Postoffice Inspector Sangar H. Buck, who, after a Ion chase ran down tbe negro money order raisers and captured one of them in Savannah, arrived here this mornh g with a picture of the captured negro and two pair of shoes, which the negro bad pawned In 8avannah. Mr. Hoi llngsworlh, of Holllnaworlh & Com pany, at once recognized the piciun as that of the negro he sold a pair or shoes to for $5, and gave him 135 in caah in return for a $30 money orrit r, which had been raised fro n 30 cents He also Identified the pair -of shoes ai those he sold to thn negro. Mr. Ransom Barns Identified tho other pair as those sold to a negrj by one of bis clerks, receiving In payment a $30 raised money order, and giving the negro the balance in cash. Inspector Buck is not yet crtain at what place the negro will be tried, as be and hla companion, who is atlll at large, operated in a great many pltces. & N. C. WILL BE LEASED. Qovernor Calls Meeting of Stockholders at Newbern for That Pnrposr. Special Star Telegram. J Raleigh, N. 0., Aug. 9. Governor Aycock instructs President Bryan, of the Atlantic and North Carolina rail road, to issue a call for a meeting or the stockholders in Newbern Sept. 1st for tbe purpose of c nslderlng pro posals for a lease of the road, three bids being In the hands of His Excel lency. The Impreaatoa prevaila hern tbat tbe meeting will certainly result In a lease of tbe road, aa the 8taU' proxy must necessarily attend becauMi tbe meeting Is called by the Goyernur especially for conaldering the lease proposals. Heretofore, the States proxy has withdrawn at regular meet ings when matters of the leaae came up. Private stockholders control meetings when votes are taken, and will certainly vote for one or another of the proposals. Suicide In Pender. Persons arriving In tbe city yeater day from Burgaw report a case of sui cide which occurred In what is known as "Murry town," six miles from Bur gaw, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sid Riyenbark, a farmer there, is reported to have taken a dose of strychnine with a view of self destruction. II u deed was diacovered by members of the family and a physician was sum moned but it was too late to save the life. Mr. Rlyenbank died Monday morning. No further particulars were learned. Mr. Rlyenbank leaves a wife and several children. William Canady, the negro youth who stole the purse containing a nugget of Klondyke gold from Mr. W. B. Litgen, was given preliminary trial by Justice Fowler yesterday and sent to jail for the higher ciurt in de fault of $50 bond. End or Blttar Flglit. "Two physicians had a long and stubborn fight with an abcess on my right lung," writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont, Ga , "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort, I tried Dr. King s New Discovery for Consump tion. The benefit I received was strik ing, and I was on my feet In a few days. Now I have entirely regained my fieaitn." it conquers all Coughs, Colds, and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by R R Bellamy, drug gist. Price 60c and $1.09. Trial hot ties free- t Gin Machinery ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW MILL and WOOD -WORKING MACHINERY. white, for rmoaa GlBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S. a Pttsss mention this papsr. r 1