NOT SO FaT, AFTER ALL! You have doubtless heard of the custom er who took a dog skin to the tanvivrd, wliich ho roooinnu'ndel to be “the darna- tioiioiit fattest dog skin” that had ever luvn seen in that istahlishinent. “liut,” >ail the tainnT, "I 1> n"t like sneh very fat d ' >15 > kins.” “AVell, now,” reniaiked the di'i ivcf nwiUT nf tlie artielo, “it is not Mil h a ■lui ii'ftifiit I’.it dcg skin as you might HU'i'i'x*. alter all! ’ iV'rtaiii Incoi’deo leaders, snstaiiiel by ]>n'tty much the eiitire hvofoco ]iri‘>s of tlie State, some time siueo (111 rtiuedy—the “constitution the vei v thinjr! It was, in short, tlie"d:ir- irowo/i's New YorkIiO-| gislature have before them a bill auth> i rizing married women owning stock in cor porations of any character, to vote in elec-' tions for trustt'CH or directors, as the case : uiav be. This is taking a step in the wo-' man’s riiihts direction. OBSERVER. f IE¥niLILl£,» THURSDAY. Jl.'LV %, 1S51. Tiik Central Rail Road.—Mr. John I Pennsylvania Politics.—We dircct Early Peaches.—We ought gKjnor to C. McRae, an Engineer on the road, pub-! ^^tention to the able article on the preced- loud” Thf' nifni who has lately been trying to make half dollar.s from a chemical extract Ilf tlie silver leaf tree, received a letter by the last steanu'r from his friend in Califor nia, who tried, before he left, to hatch chickens from lishes a letter in the Green.sborough Pa triot, from which we learn, that “the whole road, with the exception of orie or two sec tions, from Goldsborough to live miles west of Hillsborough, i.s under contract.” ing page, copied from the North American, the leading Whig paper in Pennsylvania. have mentioned, that we have been eating delicious ripe Peaches almost daily since the 2-itli ult., gathered from small Tret J!,- It is a full refutiition of the charges of set out only years ago, obtained froin alntlitionism so constantly urged against j the Pomological Gardens of Messrs. .1. & Pennsylvania Whigs. Nor does it stop I T. Lindley, of Chatham county. Those !lie i tate, some tune since “oi'cneu " | of June to abroad, as a sign of improvement in tlu' in t K .n iint o i iusMon, ' , ijt'in tiie egg jdant man. We understand Town well as in tlie paper, and that it rt iiiodv—the “constitutional u'lneU;. —,i i i .. « r 1 » • „ ,, I - \ ,1 ...11 1.:,. ,'nod coaeht's between San rrancis-o and n itiMiu'st fattest siilijecf tuev could Imng 1 1 'pi .. -ii 1 • i 1 I-.- 1 . . ... I i*,.t tlw. tlic (.>Kl hlulis. I hey will have a tlnrd into the political taiaaid. hut suk». tlu 1 . i' . 1 ^ f'thc con^ri sHonal canva.^s, these i ^Itt-’^l'ted to raise I's.'OS ha\f diM'ovi’vcd >peiiing ^me h adrrs ;ui ! pr Idicaiitiii.i the good people of North 5:iri'Iina an* not s > ready as tlic\ lio]ied iiid su)i|i '>>‘d to t;ike the initiative in a li'iui iai'i J iiK'Ht ot th ' l{*‘jiul>lic; and they lire jii't ni'w v, iy .cm‘rally and pathcti- cailv rnj.:iged in the betnitifiil ext n-ise of ‘ i L.w ’.iiir oil'.” Tlicir candidates, afti-r all. ,,, 1 . 1 • ^1 I contracts were readilv taken, one halt I hero. I'or the war is carried into the eno- I who would have early and fine Iruit, (and W e now issue tlie nrst numlior of the . , , . , , i,. - , * I , , „ „' ■ • ^ 1*1 ^ 1 • 1 , Cl • iir , , XT 1 *n cash, and the other liali in stock. All my s country, and appealmi? to facts, of; it is no more trouble to cultivate such nrst Senii-W eekly ^Newspaper ever printed , , , , I , . , . , ^ . . . 1 1 • 1 • i-.- \ 1 11 . , . X m * . f F '11« W ‘ contracts below Raleigh are to bo cuiii- which it defies contradiction, it shows most j kinds than interior (lualities.) suonM pat- , botore he lelt, to hatch ' 1 ' ' ' 1 / ^ pleted by January l8r>o. j conclusively, that the charge of abolition-' ronize this or some other of the Nurseries the egg l lu^siher ‘ ^ ' I'he Hillsborough Record(-r and Greens-j ism agiiinst the is correct. which have been established during the bonmgh Patriot propose to invite the Pre-1 We are told in this State, that when a I hist tew years within our own State.— sident and his Cabinet to the cclcbration | Democrat turns abolitionist, his connection ! Messrs. hindley, Mr. Fentress, and Mr. in (ireonsborough on the 11th of this ■ with the Democratic party is “formallv ; ^lock, are all reliable men, who under- month. 'J'he Patricit says that the I’resi- • di.s.s(dvel.” liut such does by no nutans ! stand their bnsiiu ss. dent lately assisted at the completion of a 1 seem to be the case in Pennsylvania. great Northern Roal, and might with | Thrrr, we see the author of tin* Wilmot (Mjual projtriety ]>articipate in celebrating jiroviso, the most fanatical ;il»olitionist in the beginning of a Southern Road of eijital the State, a member, of the Deinocratie importance to the sectii n in which it is (’onvention, voting for tlic' ssiccessfnl can- that they are about establishiiiir a line of coifs from horse ehesnuts. ^1 Pir.'/ni I — In a cla>s in col- 1'ge, tlien> w is ;i iiir>iulier iioteil for his wafgi'ry. ()iie d:iv, the I’r'ft'^sor ot ho^’ic w ; • endt avoriiig t > siil-stantiatu tiiat a thing reinaiiis the siiine, iio?v,ithstandi;ig a sub stitution in some iif its pnrts. Our wag, who had been exercising the Yankee art of will be so sustained by the pul)lic as that we shall be compellf'd to ‘‘take no step backward.” It i.san experiment, however; and though a number of our friends, here and in other part.s of the State, have e.\- pressed a lively interest in its success, their number is not yet suilicit nt to re lieve ns of tlu- apprehension df loss both (‘1 labor and moiu'v. Vnder circum- 1ocated. liKiilsi.ATiVr: DitCf .MKN rs.—We are in debted to Mr. Lemay, the Editor of the ll.Jei^h Star, fur a b>iund eojy. in '2 vols. of the Do« unu nts printed by order of the i late Leiri.'latnn'. ’riu*>e are valuable to an ill mu IVUllllL The Members of the Fayette- V!LLK In^)E1>KNI)ENT Lkiiit InfanTKt Co.mtany will a.s- seiable at their Panide Ground on the 1th inst., at o’ckK-k A. M., precisely, instead of 1) o’clock, as notitied. J. mcGIlvary, o. is July Ibol. 7 (>\V IMvVS. AnA 1;L'.'?HELS tO^V l’K.\S. Ki.r s:,’.,. l»y COOK vV TAYl.oIt.- jiiivs. iRoi. i-;.vv S\tA) OF V il.l ABLi: RSAl. ESTATE. 15 ilidatc tV.r tlie iL.iiiinutic.n, api.laiulwl l.y Kdit,,,—a c»nai.l.itr—i.n l tlicv will ui.- ,;nr ii'Fi ki'i'ii tor .ii.-tiiiioii ^ wliittlin^., at l-'tigtli ii‘M up liis jiick kiiitV, as Mui mi_ht suppA>e! They are engaged i iiujuiriii'-: in a i;; ■-! 'InMUioUS aiitl hui-habl;' t ' ,■ ' fhr (III,/ skill lit /In t'jni/(i. It Wont do, gejitlenien; it i'- toi> plain a c;i>e: it w;ll reijtiire iii'Me iiujiiuh lu-e to btek uut iVoni your position tlian it re- • juired to a'-'iiiiit' the same. The e‘ii'- I rated ^iiiioriiy lleport on Sece>>-ioii. in t!u‘ la>t Legislature, and flu* t'anie^f. elt- tjUeiit >peei lu's of tlu* most di>tingnished men (.f y.iur party in favor of the d'K trine, r eeivi*i] by your jiarty ]pics> with tlu* t'aiiiU 't applau>e. cannot be >o >0011 ol)lit- , iateii a> you .iiua:.:iiu*. 'J'he j)i'Ojilo havt* MiiM*. much a." \ou may proume tiii lU tiieir gulliltility. \\ hy, we rejK'at. art* net those powTful, ^ groat el- !j!i lit. thrilliiiL' Sece-^^ion sjK-eehe> jn'h- j never do any. Hall'll.’ 1> it a'cert iiued that the dog skin ' i.' /'•'/ r'nL’ .''Ir. Slu nard’s spt-eeh—tiie speee'i 1 f a 11 A/';/ in favor of Si'eo'iou, is jnibli.^u, by a Deiuucratic press, and a V'liulertiil “[larade ’ matle abiiiit it. It can't hurt t!u |)emi>eraev. l>ut vou dout C.Ueh them i*. the tanyard with th>!r vim —it i:' too fat for the nuirket’. (t !islii)rniiijh Piiti ii’t. “Suppose I ,-houlil lose the ldale of this knift*. and should get aiiotlu*r made and in serted in if> jilact—would it be the sanu; knife if was beforei'” “To be sure,” replied the l’n>ft-ssor. “Well, then.” the wag continued, “sap- ]iost' 1 should then lose the handle, and get another, \\ould it b(> the same .-tilly” “ )f i‘our.''eI” the I’rofessor again replied. “Init if sniaeliody should tind the ohl blade and the ol 1 handle, and should put them ti»get!ur. wliat knife would that be':' ' AVe nev: r lu*ard tlio Professor’s answer. Dr. Johnson used to say, “lie who waits deal of good at once, will L'jlifniii'i.—(>11 .Monday t'veniiig 1a>t, this city Was visited by a fhnnd 'r .--torM, ^;ii' '■iiipaait d by con^ideraMe rain and wiii'l. aiivl in the \icinity there \va> hail, ^lu- liglitning struck at the !)e:;f and Ihiiiib Asylum: pas.-ing down the wafer pip ' of the .'^outht'rn wing of the edilu'. it penelrat(.'d through tlu- brick wall t\so or tliree tei't aliovi* the grou’ul, makinir a h >h* fir its jia."-aLr‘' not more than flu* 4t!i oi'aii iiieli in diain'ter, shattering the I'li.k I'lit little at fh'j eiitraiiee, aiul stnick ill the ilofir of the kitchen, in the bas.'- juenr. tearing' up the briek. and kii'x-kiiiL'’ 1 wn the eo k a w.^nian heioimiiiL' t" Mai. lle'i W lii. 1'. ( oliin.- th wh" .■'food .it a ta- spot where it- force v.a.-t .v- jieiided. anil breaking the stone jai.s on the tal’le. Wat: r wa> ininiediafely dasheil U:i n the V. 1111.!n, when sht* revived and hpoke. eiiiiij.laining of much jiain in lu r lejs. and ai.p'aring to be ]>artial!y «u*]iriv- C"i of In r rea-on. A ]ihysi(-ian was called IJi. And nndtr treafinent it is li »peil .-he w;!l ri \ r, th >’ h. r dr-licate sitn ition Jaak*'s It an extremely critical cas". We inul. r-tand there weri,* child:^n in the ho v~rai>eil uuiuiurod. ”1 he I'l'-Uiklin rod attached to the centre buiidinir. in this in>tan(a*. jm'ovcJ to bi* in- el'ii etnal.—/»’//' //// S'uf. SiuiL'i l>!t.—A son of Mr. Urit- t in Kiiekehee. of Sf;‘,nly coinify, aged «ii'iut II \ear.'. wa> bitten by a rattle fiiiake in the harve-t li>-li on 'I'lnU'day. flu llJth ii!'?., and diel on Siturdav the 14th. Sn!isLiii ij 11 ntrh Dinn. .\1I our readers who were aet-ns»onu*d to read the journals twenty years ago. will remember Shoceo ,Jones, the ipiiuortal di*- tonder of the fame of North Candin i. We had thoutrht tlie mortal }>art of him was sent to the bourne he was .so fond of de- .'i-riliing in fine rhetoric when he wrote 'luel-challenges, until a lew da\sago, wlu*n :i frieiui adviseii us that lu' h id lafclv lis tened to him sayiriL' mass in a Uoinan ('atholie ehapel in Mississijipi. Wh » wouhl have thought if!''—Int’.rnati'ju'il M(iijr-.!m . A touri.'t in England, writing in ati ex change paper, .'ay.':—"There is one thing that I see in England, every where in nlacos of worship. 1 allude to a deep. |uiet, solemn composure all over the con gregation at the clo.'O of the .service', when the beneillction i- uttered. It lasts for half a niiinUe. Not a he.ul is rai.'cd. not a foot sfii'. and there ir- mui h revereiict* ajtparenf.'' A mo^f commendable o'.tw.ard obser vance. a.' all who li.-iieve that tlu* place of wor.'hip is the hon>t* of (iod must admit. \V* an* constrained to say. however, tint in many ('f' ur churches the same helitting reverence for the presence of the Most High in His tiiiiple is not manifestc'd, the majority of the *-oiigrotration often rise from their kii(*es before tlu* sound of the la-t M'ord of the henedi.*tiui ha« faded freni the car. 'I'his haste to cs;ape from pros tration before .lur .^!ak^ r, and to dejiart from His sai*n^ eouit,-, is neither right nor decorous. in the entorjirise to -onie forward ])roniptlv and sustain it by their subscrip tions. It will be issued on Thursday afternoons and 'I’ut >day mornings. And it is desira- ' ble that advertisements, &c. intended for insertion, should be handl’d in hy «r lu fore 1 P. M. of Thursdays ami Mondays. S'line rules in regard to advertising will be stated as sooii as we can digest them after an oVi.servation of the jiractical work ing of the two jiapers. The jirice of the Weekly I’aper will be as heretofore. 'I'he Semi-Wockly will be ]>er annuni. in advance; S4 r»0 if paid iiuring the year; and ?;") if paid after the expirati(>n of the year. In every ease where a subscri1>er is now in advaiici* for doubt of its couijdetion. 1 Tiik • WiLMiNXiTON Rail Hoad.—It giv(»s us great pleasure to tind the follow ing commendatory notice in a South (’a- rolina paper—a (piarter in which thing.s in North Carolina are not apt to be praised. We hope yet to see this Hoad paying good dividends. The Iii/avd —The Wilmington and Weldi»n Road is now all laid with a V \irtiie (t‘H DefrcP of the lion, tlic ('oiirt ui hquitv in iirid for ilic County of Moiit- L:(iiiu‘r>, i wiil. on ilie 14ili '.lay cf Aupast nest, expose to Publir l^fdc. to tlu* l.i^jhoijt bidder on the pn'iniscs, ftiiP resitlenoo of the liit * (’ol. .lolin I'rump,) tlie ^cry VALLAliLK KKAL E^l'AiE^ kiii.iwii IIS tlic of the III the Moiit_sfonicry sid#* of the lliver, ^ soim* who ligured in the puVdlc . injf >f sovcnii Tract-., contiiiaiug 11 or |.'»00 man can t.ike exception , and hnall\ ii^- eouncils la.'^t winti*r It ini^ht n^>t be a acix's iu till, llio Lauil iiiolutliu^ tlic Imiiillujx^, warded with the nomination for a JmLge- , Secessionists to call ' "“iN^‘>rows. will l.o «oUl m shijil liOt us hear no more of Whi(j ten- deiK-ies to abolitionism. This fact alone is a sufficient answer to all siu h char-'-es. 11 1 1* I • Ihe tnends ot the Hoad along Its route, the Convention which passed such pa- ,|nnbtedlv rise un in nt h. rcifter stances we must a.'k those who h*ol an in- • • 1 . • • , • , , iisi, up in luagnKUt luuaitir are m the rinost spirits, hiuI entertain no , triotic residutions, to whu h 110 Southern .,,r-iiust - . But we shall be told again, as we have been toM heretofore, that the Democratic Convention pas.sed “]iatrioti(t resolutions.” Of course they dil. So they do every where. Why, even in Massachusetts, n/tt f there is a heavy flange rail, and the road in gotnl order. 'The ^\ ilmington Uoad is now om* of the best in the Vnited States, and the engines and cars are of a siii>erior character. The boats running b«'tw('en Wilmington and ('harleston are also in the lno^t perfect condition, ami the the weekly paju*r, his advance will be trails- route otV(*rs every inducement of sjteed. h n> !iiiI'liift' S‘ii>flli I'll ’(IIII X A\ e have fr'ijUeiitlv thought tl'.at tlu* practice of piircha-'ing at a great di.-tance from hoiii -, in the Northern States.'lu h articles as (iald easily be inanufa tiired and fiir- nislu'd at our own do .is. (*xhibit' consum mate folly on the part of tlie South.— iii;eh a course of tradi* i> not only etileula- ted Iiut certainly has tlu etl'ecf ,■ to drain the S 'utlu rn States of a large portion of fh-ir e.i.-h le-'Oiuee, to dishearten iiu*- (•haiiie- and arri.'ts, and »'xj>el th*'i:i from juii.iiii: U'. 'I'h- re i> an unaecountahle, and we think, «- n.'iirable reluctance to jairehase artich-s iiKide ill our own towns. We think it JiiL'lily ppilialily that ifa hatter, sluK*maker, t;ul"r. .'ad'lh'r. or otlu r tradesman, who is aiiioiiLi't US, and not liberally supported, 'Were to leave his residenci* and locate in ]S'W ^ :irk, I’hiladelphia. or some otlu*r ,_N rtheni city, hi.- Southern acijuaintanccs wlio iiii-ht meet him then*, wouhl patron- Jzc li'in more than they did when lie lived nmong.'t them. Suih is the jiassion for far-tctehed commodities. Hut W’C think the unkindiie.--s, (to say nothing of the w.'Urpations and an o;rance) of our Northern brethn*n is bringing us to rellect ami juoiising us to a sense of our interest, on thi' subject; aiul unless they greatly ini- ]*rove in tlu ir deportment, tlu y may here after expect to receive much less of South ern ca.'h than they have been accustomed to enjoy. Hiilfi/ Sj>riii;/.' (.)/«’>!,s.) Pulhicliiim. , Th> n iJhuini^hiiKj.— Lieut, ^^'nl. D. Porter, of the navy, ha.' an inten*stin;r communication in the Nitional Intelligen cer, in whieh lu* undertakes to show that all the jiheiioiiiena of ehanire in flu* ocean line of .seacoast, and ajipearanee of rocks aliove the water, which have bci 11 observed aiul comnu nted on from time to time, are eaMs(*d by a constant d’minufion of the waters of the eieaii; arui th;it a process is at all times goiim on liv which the ,-nb- stanc-s held in solution in the ocean waft is are conv'-rft'd into solids. A 'Vstem of banking is di.'covered to have prevailed ill or eiirht him lre-1 tian era. Hahyloil ^at least seven vi ar.s Iiefore tlu* ’hris- I'lifiil I'.i-i'itr nt n— .VlUitlier child was ki!l^*d in N.w York last week on aee(>unt of a mi'take by the clerk of a drui:rist in pitting u]i a pre.scription. His name is An.tin S'lnr. He was arrested and ]n*ld to bail to aii.'Wer for the fault. i iiitlri /)iii)ifh .--]\i a curious 1 k on the round towers of Ireland, tlu* origin of the tt rm Yankee Doodle was traced to the Persian phrase “Yanki dooniah,” or ‘•In habitants of the New Woild.” l^ayard, in his bftok on “Nineveh and its Hemains,” also mentions “Yaiighi-ilunia" as the Per sian name of .:Vmeriea. i Settlements. PF.ItSONS wild nr* iiiilclito'l to us will con fer an olili>:atioii if they will s**ttle ihii in^ tin* j>r(*seiit rinmtli. .Vll persons to whom wi* jire imlclitcd will jilease remlcr tliuir hills foi- ]i:iy- ineiit. Julv 1. 1:. .1. llAl-i: .‘i SON. Julv 1. 1.13.S;. r.Ati.s wanti:i>, bv II. 15KANS0N S(»N‘. 7?tf terred as a credit for the Seini-wI'ckly for just h.ilf the tinu* to which his receipt shows that lu* has paid, (dating from the 1 st of .1 uly.) If then* be any sniiscribers on^lists in the hands of any Postiii isters, we wiU be obliged bv an immediate return of llu*m. -Vnd we will thank Postmastt*rs or others to whom the lirst No. may be sent, if they will call attention to it. Ful ftTH OK JfLV.—The 7;’)th National Anniver.sary will be eeh*brated with the usual honors. At sun-rise. the National Flag will be hoi>4t‘d on the new aiui lofty Flag Staft', on Market Si|uare, anil a Fed eral Salute will be tire«l. .\t o\ lock A. M- a Procession will be tormeil on (iil- lespii' street, under the direction of .''lajor dcdin H. Cook, and will man h througU (lillesjiit* and Hay streets to the I'ayette- vilh* Hall, when* tlu* !>eclaration of Inde pendence will be road by Major .Vnh’d 31clii*an, and an ()ration dcli\ered by Thos. ,1. Hobii.son, Ks(|. Tiik M\ll.s are somewhat out of order just now, conse(|ueiit. We sup]>ose. uj>on the goiii" into opcr.itioii of the new con tracts. I'or two days we have n eeiveil scarcely any papers from be\oiul the l.mits of ('ur own State. INist.\;k.—Tlu* new r..t*s of j.ostage went into 1 p-'ration on Tuesday hi'f, and our Postmaster iri' done n huge business in .selliuvr the i ew Three (’(>nt Stam]is. one of which w ill carry a h tt- r weighing not more than h ilf an ounce to any lis- taiice not over .‘JtHlO lailcs, l-'or letters wei;iliinir not over an outu-e, two of these stamps must .servo, as there are none jiro- vided of the denomination of six (cuts. 'I'he 'I’wt Iv(* (’etit Stamps will .'I'l ve for ounce letters over miles, or for two ounci* letters not over HtHiO miles. ^^’e take it for g'ranted, that under this eiieap postage system, the general ruh* will be, to ]jic-pnv postage, so as to secure the Three Cent rate. If not pre-pai'l, I'ive cents is the rei)uin*d rate for single letters. (hi Newspajiers, the rates are inaterinlly diminished. Hur weekly jiaper, for in- staiu e, w ill go to all Post ( Hhces in this connty fret* of postagi*. 1’heso offu es are, Kingsbury, Huyn’s Ijevel, Avera'bor- ough. Pleasant Plains, Harclaysville, Hiv- erside, Northington’s, Gibbs’s N Hoads, H.irrington’s Mills, Chalk Levi*l, Argyh*, Johnsonviile, Sunimerviilo, Gray’s Creek, liittle Hocklish. To all Post Offices, out of this connty, within ;’)0 miles of this place, Cby the route travelled bv the mail.) the jiostage on the we*kly Observer will be only Five cents per ijuarter, ]iaid in advance, (instead nf ]:J n uts.) The following are within aO miles;— heavy T rail, excejit nine miles adjoining Sumner and Hantoul had been elected, the eldon, and eight near M iliuiiigtoti, where . Democratic Central Committee jiublished rf.'iohitioiis to w hi( h “no Southern man could object.” In New York they have done the same. And now in Pennsylva nia, they have adopted resolutions exces sively “patriotic.” Rut how have they done soi* Why, with abolitionists in the (’oiivention. lu*artily supporting the nomi nees, ami by uniting with the abolitionists to .secure a party triunipli, anfi jniblishing “patriotic resolutions” t«» gull the South'. Now we do not mean to be understoiKl, as charging abolitionism upon the whole of the Northern Democracy. We gladly and froelv acknowledge that a largo portion of that parfv is sound ujton this jii(*stion. We ha\e never fiilcl to acknowledge this. ^Ve claim like Jiistiie to Northern Wliigs. For our own jjai t we havy not tlu>ught it good pilicy, to indulge iii iiuliscriminate denunciation of Northern nu*n. Such a course must certainly end in alienating all those now tlispo.sed to support our ause. We /.//'»)'•. that there are many men of both parties at the North, true to us; and we al'O know that there are many of both par ties hostile to the South. To the former, we look for the .siilvation of the Cnion, and not to any one party. Who hk;a\ it.'—It is very common at the present day, to charge upon the Whigs the origin and progress of .Vbolitionisni. «*onifort and safetv. To add to the facili ties of this route, tlu* W (*ldon and I’orts- month Hailroail is nearly completed, having ln*in rclaid with henvy iron to within 14 miles of Weldon, and the entire road will be readv for travel by tlu* month of August. Superior boats are being built, and V. ill be in readiness to run from Ports mouth to Haltinuire. This routi* will then otli-r great indiu-ements in the wav of comfort and desjiatch; tor a^ia.sscnger leaving Charleston at 4 j». m. will reaeh Ptirtsinouth the next evening at U o’l hn k, take the steamboat, and after a comfortable night’s sh*ep, will reach Raltimore next niorning, lli lumrs in ailvance of the mail by Hi( limoiid and A\'ashington. The J’resitieiit of the Wilmington Hoad, (Jen. .^IcHae, deserves the higlu'st cn'dit for the energy and ability which he ii:is maiiilcsted. under many trying circuni- stances, in the management of the road, and we trust that its impi’oved ciiidition, whih* it adds so greatly to the comfort of tlu* travt lling juibiic. w ill result iii largely increa.scd proiits to the stiK-kholders. ' h-i rh .f(/it Mrrr It I-1/. 'i'he President of the I'nited States, with the Secretary of fho Interior, the postmaster tu neral. aiul a large e.scort of ofiicial and j'rivati’ individuals, gentlemen and ladies, returned to Washington (’ity on S.iturday ni^ht, after a gratifying visit of a week to (Hd Point, Norfolk. Portsmouth. Hichmond. Frodoriekslmrg. A.(*. Kvery where the President was treat ed with the highest respect, not onlv bv i the first iihiec, ami the several surrouiiiliu^ on Mr. Eemay and luiy up the n niainder 1 Trarfs aftervanis. sepanuely. c .1 1-A- * II * II .1 . - I This l.Miul is vii’.UMblo not oulv on aceount of of the Edition. He .sells them at t.) per , productiveness of the soil, he- I'ojty. : iiijr wvll :ui:i)>teii to ilic culture of 'orn,, ruitoii, Tohai 10. 1.^0., hut 011 account of the \'i;itM(iNT. — Hon. ].,ncius H. Peek, who excellent FL'HKHV attached to it at the Nnr- wa.s nominated for Governor bv die In c* , . “ I aininiiily caught, hiul the Water l^ower anoniou sodi*rs of A ermont, has declined the nomi- i,y thc»fiill in the lliver at this place, which en- nation. He .savs he cannot acc(*pt it, as | tcrprise and capital coiJJ make useful ami pro- , . , 1 * /> • • I 1 • ^ titahle liy the erection W Mills and Machinery lu* considers the lugltue sla\e law eoiistl- ^ every de.scription, to any extent that niiirht tutioiial. I be desired. Hesides those capital :ulTaiitii)res, , tlu* situatiou is beautiful, romantic and healthy; “ „ « T> 'D T r> Ti ' short, desiratile in every point ol vi«.w. m A R K. 1 Xj U , ' Twelve months credit will he given, the pur- In Oreenvillc. on the ‘2;')th Mav, liv the r.(*v. chasers giving boial and approved suretii's. Mr. frofrhiin. WlI.l.IAM T.lllMKS t.i Miss ELI- ; JAS. L. GAINLS, 0. M.' E. Z.M’dlTM II AMI.\H A .S. danrhter of Thomas ' .luiie lJ8. 18'»1. 1-ts Haniiihan. l-^s'). | Jged5“ The S>:ilisl>iiry >Vatchman is reiu03tt‘d 111 IShulen county, on the “i-'illi u;t., >>v the eouv. * J- L. (t. I’.cv. Mr. 'I'ucker, Mr. .lOSKlMI I’AKKf^! to ' .Mis,^ iJKHKi'CA KI.OWKUS. NOTICE. ■ copartnership heretofore existing un- DIED, .H. der the name of .1. A. Piowland & Co., is In Davie roimtv, .Mr. 1(1 i5liAKI> W. J’O.VUI). this l;iy di.-ssolved by nuitnal consent, iu the :!:*.d year of his life. A; Near Wliite Hjill, ISbnlou »*onntv, on t)ie ll*th i (ill..lirilir >>. McivAi. nit., after 11 d;ivs severe illness. .Mr. (Ml.VHbKS Mc.V >K'1( »N, Jiged about years; leavinjl a wife and tW(( chililreii. and numcron.' relations and Irienfls t> mourn their loss. In Franklin coiiiitv, on the I’.'th till.. Mrs. .M.MIV LITTl.KIOIIX. .-..nsort of icn. .lo.s. IJ. I.ittlejohn. in the :-!4th year of her :ige. F AVKTTF.VILLK MAKKKT—li i.v l>r:uidy, p'cb. ')0 a ’)•’> ’ l.ard. 12 a 1 "> T'itto. apple, in a-l-*i Lciither, .sole, a 20 1:5 Lead, bar, a .\lolasse.. H'jn Nails, cut, 7.', a S- Outs, a 1 no Oil. Linseeil. 11 a 12 I’ovvdcr. o hot. ' brovi n. a 1 1 a le, we learn from jiolitieal oj.])0- his politieal fiieiuls. hut. a.' the \’irgini.i paiier... by his nents also. -\t [■'rederiek^burjr. ( .-uvt^ tie Infellijreiu'cr,) “the ,'layor in his addn ss «*lonuently alluded to the band of illustri ous patriots wln>se remains were rejtosing in the ancient State, and al.'O to the tact, that w ithin a sluu t distance, were dejjosited the ashes of the Mother of Washington, and that their soil was tlu* ])lay-«rround of Wash- iiiirton in his early years. 'I’he jieojile of Virginia had beheld, with feelings of ]>roud satisfaction, tlu* linn and consistent course • if the Admini.'tratioa ;n regard to the measures of eouijiromise. and experienced the hiirlu'st contiden-e that in sucii bauds the Cnion would be preservetl. 'I’o these .sentiments the people responded in enthu siastic (lu ers. President Filbnore re]»!i«*d most happily and feelingly. Ile ex]iiessed himself high ly gratified at the opportunity of acci'pting fho salutations of his fi llow-citl/eiis of Let Us see with wh.;t justict* this charge is made. And as Pennsylvania Whigs seem to be the objects of espei ial denunciation at this time, let us loi'k to the record and see what Pennsylvania l)i'inHrat)^ have had to do with this miitter. .lust after t’.ie jias.sage of the Missouri Comproiiiise. .Ja.mks 15i ( h.\n.\n, at a juib- lic nieeiiiiLT iti tlu' city of liaiuaster, P.i., offered the t''.’ilovv ing n;s:dutioii'I “ A’ 'I'liat the r.'|ireseiitatives in Conirress from this District be. and they are herely mo>t earnestly ret|iu*sted. to Usi* iheir utmost endeavors, as members of the national U gisl.itun*. to prevent the ex istence of slavery in aii\ of tlu* territoiies or states, which may Ik* erected by Coii- gre.-^s. '•/,’i.n/ii 1/, That in the ojiinion d' this luectiiiir. the members ot ('oiigress, who at the hi't session sustained tlu* cau.'t* of jus tice. humanity and ji.itriotism, in ojinusiiig the introduction of slavery into the state tie n eii'Ieavore.i to b“i‘ iiiiel out of t’lo 31issouri territory, are entitled to the w.irne St thanks of every friend of humau- ity.” Now this is no ‘‘Wliig lie." I'or we eojiy the statement from the IPirrisburg Kiystone, the learling Lix-ofoco ](a]ior at tlu* capital of Pennsylvania, 'i'his pajior ‘“warns” the South against putting any lleeswa.v. Ilacon. I'.;i^}rin}r Cotfi'll, ('orii. Cotlee, ( lieesc. !• Ciipjieras. 2 (’i.n.n.'s, F. F. I ') I'lour, a '1^ Feathers. :’.0 a ">2 Flaxseed. >:H1 I lilies, green. I l>itlo. dry, *.• a 11 Iriin, .'^wcdes, ■') ii •> I>o. Faiglish. 15 a 4 Indigo, 1 a 1.', Lime. 2 (H) l-l Prow II .sheetings. Cottou Van;.', •') to H' a 7 2')‘ a 27 -11 a :> no (Ml a 00 IJa 2 t> a t* 1 litto. luaf, 11 .J H 1 Salt. sack. 1 :;o a 1 •')(( I>o. alum, Im. a 10 Shingles. 2 a 2i Tallow. S a 10 Wheat. 1 (Mial 10 Whiskev, 40 a 4-> Wool, ‘ IK M 20 White Lead. 2 a 2.\ .lUlIN MUOUK. uiulcrsigiH'd will continue' the business of the late finn, !*t their forniei* Staiul in Luniherton. under the style ef ROW- L.\M> it MeK.W, where (JooiS of every de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. .TOIIN A. r.OAtLAND. GILHERT W. McKAV. Lumberton, .luly 1, Itf Skrtf^ ’arolinian till forbid. CAIRNS’S SI:RM()i\S. 4I*.\ST()H’S Flea for EvitRffelieal rathoHc Truth, in Six SermoniJ, ielivered in Trin ity Church. Columbus, fJeo., by the Rev. W. ll. ('aims, formerly of North Tarolina. I’ricc GV ceil is. .A iso. Scenes in our I’arish, hy a Couiitry Par son’s Uaughter. Si'l. Thankfulness, by Rev. C. B. Taylor, 73 cents. The Angel's Song, by do., ~o cents. Earnest ness. bv do., 7’> cents. For sale by * K. J. HALE & SOX li:t edits. IS h'redericksburir. He had heard much of taith in Mr. liiichanaii s ]irotessions. ^ et ^'irginia hosjiitalify, but during the so journ of a week in that State he found “tlio half Inul m»t boi*n told him.” He liked till' j»'njil(\ their great Commonwealth, and their steady attachment to the T’nion. Here, at the jday-ground of AVashington; Soiithfrn l)eiiioeratie papers are loud in their of .^Ir. Hiielianan, and full of denunciation of (Joy. .fohnston, who hap pens to be a Whig. Iiut again. 'I’he only law ever }iassed RF.VIFW OF THE MARKET. Cotton.—Sides to-d:iy at 8A cIs. This whs for Manufacturing; it is entirely above Siiijif'Cis' view s. liacoii.—Sales liiive been made since our last : issue at 13 cents from wagons. ; Corn.—The iniantity in by boats is I'oiisiderablc. but the }iri-e has m>t given way. We stiil ijiiote it to 1 OO. I hiiiii'niie Spirit It.—"Ww in.'irket :s well supplied with both I’.raudy and Whiskey. The pri-e.s have continued very steady, nuiging from "40 10 4-') cents. i'diTre.— I’ricc.s h.-ive not been sustained. W'e still )UOte at 11 to IJ. I'l'oiir.—New Flour has made its appearance in market: siile of super at •'> 7”). (lldcrop v ill net connnaiid ov r ~i}. l,ori{.—The niiirk*t is jioorly snpiilicd. It cxniiiiaiids le.idily 12 to 1:1. Mii/rr.t.~-f\.—Tlie market bountifully su))plied. and very gnod: 2’) to 27. (hir.i.—N"’u* in ncrkct. Siii/nri.—Sui'ply for the sc.-ismi good; prices uiii-haiigcd. Soil.—.\bMnd:'.nt •••itpply of both Sack aiel Al- uni. .Sack 1 2'i to 1 }0; Alum f!-') to 40. Dovnshf 'r«.()-/.».—1-1 1irii\»n .Sheetings, very little inovenu-nt. ^'ariis unchanged. IFoo/—In demand, at IS to 20. W 1L.M1 N(;T( )N M .V11KET. Ilnsiiicss n niarkably dn’l. Vrllow I>ip Tur- jieniine 2 40. Virgin 2 70 to 2 7-’>. Hard 1 -‘’n. Spirits 2*1 to 27. b’osin 1 OO10 1 10. Tardull at 1 :>■’>. Lumber in demniid. Hiver Flooring 12 to 12 -'O, W ide 7 ;'»0, .Scimtlinp > 00. l im ber scarce and high, I’rinie .Mill S .^0 to 0 oO. Ordiiiiiry 7 to S. .Molasses 7 to 8. Corn (IS to 70. R:icon 11 to 11 Nkw Vohk viiKK.T.—In the atisence of New York )iapers, the Telegraph reports state Cot ton Viithout change of jirice on Tuesday last. COM.MKUCIAL UKCORD. ance of the same. .Tune ilO. ISoI. J'r BE KNOWN, That A. Redwi.v h;is located himself in Troy, for the purpose of carrying on the IU)Of AND .HOE businessin its various branch es. Thankful for past favors, he hojies to merit a continu- A. REDWIN. 1-Gw 1*. S. .\11 those in arrears to Redvvin & .Nfc- Rae will please cjill and settle as soon as possi ble. _ s r 11 o (M rx o TI c' k. I WISH to in this place a permanent I’KEl’AKATORV SCHOOL for a ITniited number of Hoys. The School will be op'ened as soon a.s a convenient location can he (ibtained, of which, and of other pariicularS, farther no tice will be given. ,T. C. HOOPER. •Tune 2^, 18.')I. 7Mf here, whore reposi*d the dust of the mother in l’(*nnsylvania which intended to .1 f iiin rsiil Mofiil ]*nuitcrn.—The j Yankee Hlade the remedy for the ill;; of the flesh and spirit, ^onijitised of Ijpurr^., J*lnif. mnl J'oota, chilli if taken without a wry face, will Blake any man respectable and happy: Leave off Drinking. ^ licave off Smoking. Leavi* oil ('hewing. |j*ave oil .''imfting. Leave oil Sw*aring. Heave the g hals alone. • Plant your j)loasure in the home circle. Plant your business in some honorable employment. Plant your faith in truth. lioot \our habits in industry. I’loot your feelings in bonovoknee. Hoot your affections in (Jod. I'or directions, see the H(dy Scriptures, (Oiul beware of counterfeit creetls, and theologians. A boy in s*hool who had received his politic, from a democratic father, refused to cipher in fnh'rul money. 'riii.** “wicked but witty” epigram, i.s from the French of Ha .Mon: ‘•Ihe world, of fools has such a store, That be who wijiihl not see an ass. Must bide at hoine, ami liolt his door, lass.” FAYETTEVILLE AND NORTHERN PLANK ROAD. riJLIC notice is hereby given, thiit the followin'' Rooks of this Comyiany are now open to ® ' receive subscrijitions of stock; and will remain open until further notice is given. r,y order of the Hoard of I>irectors. .Inne :i0. 1S.')1. 7S-j\v Carolinian copy 1 nunth. if Washington; hero, surrounded by so many hallowed associations, it was impos sible that the sentiment Disimon could exist. He felt assure‘1 that the compro mise measures wiuild ever be siistainoil by Virginia. On that subject the whole 1/iurel Hill, 'Montpelier, Stewartsvillo, country was satisfied.” Springfield, in Hichni(>nd (’ounty; Hum- | After exchanging s ilutations with the prevent the recovery of fugitives was jias.s- »*d by a Democratic Hi'gislature and signoil liy a Democrati* rovernor. Snitfln rii i>e- inocrats, ’ w hilst they have m> reju oaches against the originators of this law, arc makinir a jrreat outcry a^rainst Oov. .lohn- ARRIVAI.S. .luly 2.—Steamer Chathiini. with good.** for sundry merchants of this place and the interier. POK'r OF U . ARRIVALS. Schr. Henr I>elr«ney from Savannah. Hr. Hrig .T:imes Orr, from Cardiff, loaded with Rail Road Iron for the AV. & H. Ii. Co.. li-s ashore on New Inlet Har. aiuI will he a total less. The Steamer tJov. Graham went down to her assist- FOR SAI>K. VVALTAHLE IIorSE AM) LOT on the I’ublic .S(|nare, for, notes on demand, or on a credit. Applv to R. .McNARB. Carthage, Moore countv. .Inlv IH.j). ^H-4w ,ston, because they think that he vill not berton, (Jillopolis, Handalsville, St. I’aul’s, ' assembled pf^ople, the I'resident and suite .«i«rn a bill for the n'j»al of the law pas.sed ance yesterday morning: the sjiils, rigging, Philadeliihus, Queen.sdale, Cowp«'r Hill, sat ilown to dinner with .some two hundred bv Deiiincratsl . eciuipmeuts and a portion ot the cargo will ' ’ . \ • 1 i “ I bably be saved.—lit raid. liecsville, Dondarn-K'h, in Hobeson; Clin-] gentlemen. Add n*sses wore delivered by, Once more. The Democratic eaiulidate . ' ton, Owenvillo, Hawley’s Store, Spring i .Messrs. Hall, Stuart, Sargent, and others, for (Jovernor in Pennsylvania who made A'ale, in Samp.son; Elizabeth 'Town, Pros- [ At (> o’clock, the Presidential party start- “such a patriotic speech,” ace«»rding to the poet Hall, (’ypress (’reek. Gravelly Hill, | el for Washington, and ‘‘on pa.«siug Alex- statement of the North American not only Jiyon’s Landing, in HI ideii; Carthago, So- j andria, says the lnt*lligeneer, near mid-' vot(*d for the bill allowing fugitives to c.s- lemn (irove, (^entrevillo, f’hirk’s Mill.s, night the p:irty was unexpectedly greeted cape, but “more than that, he also votetl New (lilead, Crain’s (’reek, Caledonia, in by a salute of cannon from that )»atriotie A\ ilmot 1 roviso ^looro; "War.saw, in Dujdin; and perhaps city, and the air was rent with entliusias-i . .1 „ . . o. 1 i . . * ^ ^ others. j tic cheers by a multittide of people, who, j aTa Wisher com- ■ '^"'•iiip which I MrS. Ilardill’S SchOOi fdr Ywiflg LadieS,- Thf wo.'if Ejf'irncinnx Rnniift/ K:rt(nit' ANODYNE CorCH DROPS. 1 lie success of this remedy outstrij s the use Or font Fiinitir C'olif'^r. TBIHE First .Session of this Institution will H commence on Muiiday the 2Lst of .Jl’LV, ensuing. It is very desirable that Pupils who expect to enter the College should be present at the ujien- ing of the Session. r.y order of the Executive roMTuittee. 0:;ford, N. .lune 2:i, 1851. 78-iw 0/y>r Fear Xari^ation (^o/njfany; Pl'HS^T.ANT to a rc.sOluti!ui of the stock holders of the Cape Fear Navigatioti Ooni- ]»any. at their general meeting, .May .?0,- 18-51, notice is hereby given, that from and after the 1st if August next, all articles, oomifiOdities, produce, gooils, wsires and merchandise, con veyed upon the Cajie P'ear River to or from' Fayetteville to or from any point intermediate between Fayetteville and Wilmington, and to’ or Irom Wilmington to or from any point be tween the mouth of Hlack River and Fayette ville, shall be subject to tolls, at the rntC of twelve and one-half per centum on the amount of freight charged, except articles conveyed up on rafts, wood tints, and craft under the burthen of ten tons: and when the boat owner is the shipper or owner of the property shipjied, the like toll .shall be charged, to-wit: twelve and , one-half per centum upon the custonmry rate of ! freight charpcd upon stieh articles as may Ik; shipped. From and after the 1st of August i I80I, the Owners, Cnptains or Agents 61 all . boats not luider ten tons burthen, navigating the River between the mouth of lllack River , aiul Fayetteville, are required to furnish'the Toll ( Vsllector at W ilmington with a list, on oath, ' as prc.scribeil by law, of the amount Of freight charged, or of the estimated amount, when shipped by the Biat Owner, j Notice is also given, that Thos. C. Worth has been appointed Toll Collector at Wilmington, ' and payments of tolls upon nftclts conveycd j from any point below Fayetteville to or from Wilmington, :ire to be made to him; and the in terms has never disavowed either of acts, f anything of the kind. From persons of the i aforesaid lists of freight fnrnishcd fo ^ifjh. All first respectability re.«iding in liff'erent parts of ’ other payments to be made, as heretofore, to’ the country. 1 have received flattering accfiinits, ' (leorge McNeill, Generitl Agent. ][(• j and among them the following: .JOHN H. H.\Lf>, I’resident. .•\.Mi;nirrs, 0.\., .lune I, 1818. j .June •»0, 18->1- 78-tl.\ I>r. Young—Dear Sir: Having had a severe ■ NO l’lCI'j A large number of Post Offices to which ■ late as was the hour, waited on the wharves «^^E take this plan to announce to the pub- w'o send papers are between oO and 800 | to cheer the IVosidcnt.” 1- -'b*ilc School will be opened miles di.stant. Subscribers at all such of-1 „ ~ at this placc, on Monday the 7th of .lulv next, . „ ... .,■ 1 I >iORTII CaR01.I.\.\ (. AUUIAOE?:.—1 he under the care of .Mr_ Thomas F. Ellerbe, late J)cr iiuarter tor the , referring to our from Aljihama. Mr. Kllerhe conies to us well cckly l>ai»cr. ' v j i* ' recommended, both as to his qujilificntions and i mi o -nr i i rvu • a. r \ upon the number and quality ot morals; and from his experience in teaching, , Semi-W ookly Ob.SCrver IS not »I' «ays- - tied to go free of postage within this coun-! ‘'‘‘"’•‘ges niadu m tins place, and his having been lately a member of a Col lege in .Mabania, we feel w arranted to say, that we believe him fully capable to teach all the branches of a com»non English education, and also to instruct students in the higher depart ments of English and (Tassieal education, and to prepare young men to enter the first Classes of any College in this SUite. We also gi,ve notice, that should any wish to patronise our School who live at a distance, they t}” but the postage on it is 10 cents per ! hile our Fayetteville and Wadesbo- fiuarter under 50 miles, 20 cenfs between j rough coteniporaries are boa.sting of the 300 and 1000 miles, 40 cents between carriage makers of their towns, we would 1000 and 2000 &c. i them know that our town also prc- 1‘apersofthe weiirht of the Ob.server, | not sent from the ofSee of publication, ‘2 ! makers, (and we have three shops,) cents if sent under 500 miles, 4 cents if i . w lere, ji.iiroiiioe our ocaooi wno live at a UKstance, tiiey' 1 1 .1 -i t and some specimens which we saw the will find Roar4 here in good families as chea'p ^'’Or 500 and less than loUO miles, &c. , «J sev(*ral houscT pk-pYre'd*'!md* wlilinV^t?^^^ ' ‘V«*cer Jarnagin, formerly a Whig : to say, cannot be beaten any where in the boai^iers. • . Senator from Tennessee, died at , State for real elegance ot lorm and exccl- Floral College, June 23, 18-31. 78-2w Memphis on the li4th ult. 1 lency of finish.'' . - I time I have taken many preparationfi, pnt up mittcd to both. j different physicians, Wistnr’s celebrated These arc facts, and thev' will .siieak for j IJalsain of Wild Cherry, &c. &c., to but little themselves. A tittin'i^ commentary they : "d'antage, from your recommendation 1 was in- furnish, upon the ‘•p:itriotie resolutions I^ and speeches,” of whieh we arc so con stantly told. Oen. Dockkky has published the following appointments to address the people:— Troy, Montgomery county, Tuesday, July 8. Mineral Springs, Richmond county, July 12. AVadesborough, Tuesday, July 15. Furr’s, St-inly county, Thursd.ty, July 17. Moore Smith’s, Stanly county, July 18. Albemarle, Stanly connty, July 19. Concord, Cabarrus county', Tuesday, Jnly 22. Fesperman's Store, Cnion county, July 21^ Davis’s Gold mine, Union county, July 'lb, Monroe, Saturday', July 2H. Charlotte, Tuesday, July 29. Dallas, Friday. August 1. Liuoolntou, Saturday, August 2. and I take pleasure in stating that I found them to be the very best preparation that 1 fever used. Respectfully vours, ABRAM COLSON. Beware of Im)>ontion, and acoid the v4e of iSubstitritf'.s. The fac-simile of the signattire of Dr. W. 6. Little will be found npon the outside wrapper of eacli of his Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. 264 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon, Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, Rockfish; A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, liennettsville; l>r. P. .M. Cohen. Charles ton; C. C. liarbcc, Bardaysvillc; 1’. F, I’escud, Raleigh. S. J. lilNSL'ALL, Agent for Fayeitevillo. AT R0!!»E IIII.I.V Near Fayetteville, C. TMIHE next Session of this F.\mily School, JL under the immediate rharge of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin, will commence oh MdnftaV the 21st day of July next, and end oh the 2)th of December f6Howing. Early notice i^ rec^uested from those desiring places for their dariphtera or wards, the School being limited in number. The present Session will tevminiitc On the 0th June. W. H. HAhDIN. Rose ilin, >Iay 24, 1861. 73-eowit20j .^W~LAW BOOK. ADAMS’8^1)©Ctr'^^ of Equity, the excellent work prescribed by the Supreme Court of North Carolina for £he course of Legal Study. Price $2 60, for sale by L. J ^lALL k SON. April 15. Blank Warrants for 6lIc htrs-

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