FROM TIIK MOBILF. nEBAl.D ASH TRIBCNE. ■“,«« TH. ,,vN.»Dv.r. i A SLAVE CASK IN MOBILE. ANOTMKH I>KKAI>n’L TltAOiKDY. j The case of the 8t:ito V!«. 1 ctcr (.ole- nro t all.Hl ui>nu tliis morning to rc-j (’ity Court ye.stcrday, , or.l ani.tlu r n»o.t i>ainful tnigody, (KTur-1 was not only an the vin'f Ix'tWfcn (•-.MitU’UU'n wlio may almost { facts connectod with tho tiial oiigli^t to sji- h.. :.o„.i.lrn>,l"ifir.ons of this rUoc. Tlu- j tisty the North, that our system of slave- , nv.!uisf:....,> whi. h rausoa it, howovcr. :‘T, and our treatment ot tiro negroes, are hfitiiT of the most ih licate nature, we shall ! Vreferaolo to theirs, rilhi.le to them Mi'i ‘>sary to m itiiiKiiion of th( inir l i'-t. ahoMt (lark, I'r. liorenzi' IV M il- llaiii'i, sou of .'ohn M. W illiams, residing i iu>t across tl\(’ river, on the Amherst side, ; rEOM THE ASHBOROCOn HERALD. WHAT IS TO BE GAINED. In case South Carolina scceJea, as she threatouH to do, wherein will her present condition bo improved? Will her plantern raise more rice and cotton than ut present? In case a nosri'O make.s his pseapt', will they find it ea.'^ier to capture himi' \\ ill South With all their i C’arolina he more ros])eeted abroad as a than as a part ot this oulv in «o f ir as will \k'freedom, there are f*ole little nation, than as a part o t iis te^-aud many of tl.eir ^reat Uuiou? llowand wherein eon- e afl iir 0’» ^nnd iv even- • iH'!Ii')es are in wors.e condition than diliou will bt‘ improved, toi the lite ot us W - 1 our slaVes. ! - -au’t .ee. For her ami cotton she eloped with the eldest dail.ilhter ot ('apt. Uiehard (I. M'>vris>, wh*« also lives iiume- • liately ever the river, wilh the purpv>so of inarrvim: her. 'I'he eoujtle, a-ct.uipani-d by one of W.' Iirothers, and a .Mr. Kdmund Colemau was a fre.> man of color, lie I -au’t ^rot more, and certainly she will stand was indicted umler the statute of 11. : a clianc.‘ to p t less when compelled to pay which provides that “every free iie-ro who j duties on all she sends to other States. If Miall have come to this state sim-e the 1st i a noirro ruii.s away as soon as he ^ets intt» ofi-ebruarv I aud siiall have boon ad-! N'Tth Carolina he will be in a separate moui>he.l bv any sherit!', c\:c. that he can-j and distinct .izovernment, and from that not remain ill tlie stat(>, and shall not with- ir"vernment 8.^uth Carolina w t() any State, even Maine, capture him, and briiiix him back to labor, and in so doiui; the law." i f the riiited Stales will protei-t him. Not ->'0, when he secedes. have no n .ll , ,1 tl.' (Mi irlotlonvillc route for >'> thirty days thereafter depart froni the , right to lematid him. \\ hile in the I iiion, lady L'-ttiuiT wind of the elopement a. ci- nupn.onmeiit in the peiuteiitiary tor two dentally, in a -ihort tiuie after it occurred, ^ i Capt Alon-- ami h^^ .-.'U, Kirhard (I... K "as proved tliat ( olcmaii had been ...vpared iuaucliatclv for a pursuit. They 1‘vinj: lu the city snu-e 1 s JI—that he wa.^ overhauled the ruiiawav-^ in Charlottes- eousi.leivd treated aud acte.l as a tree imvin.' been disappointed in porson.—ihat he had remaine 1 in the n-adv~c..uvevan. f from that '‘^ate, witliout havini: left it, until the .«iim- luer of 1S.')11—that under the exciti'iueiit that then totk jdace about free nep’oes, he left the city with his wife and children, and went to ( Miio—that he returned to the city of Mol.ile iii tiiefall ('f 1—h'tivin^' his wite and ( iiildrm in Onio—that on his }trosjtect return, h'> ^vas adiiioni>hed by the slurili hopch's«. ville, they iiu'ctiii”' a rc.ady ciiuveva!H-f place. The daui,diter wascout-ealed in th‘ llotvl. but the father and brother got ]>os- se.--iou of lier, and tiicii had Williams and iiis partv bound over in the sum of a thou- 'a'lti tloilars t>ach. Both partit's hit t*>r home, and on '[’uesday evening they put u]i accidentally at the same llottd, in Liv- iuirston, Nel'uu county. \\ hen \\ illiaiiis s j'artv and young Kichard Morriss were 'cati'il at the sup]H'V table. o]>]io>ite each I'ther, ."otue indignity was otFered young ^lorri.'S by the other party, hen heihreu hi.' jdate into the face of \\ illiaius. Mor- ris.>, \\ illiaius and Hill tlteii coiumemed a gciural shooting, which n'Milted, after .'■••me eiirht or ten rounds, in the iiumedi- aTc death of young ^lorri.'S, and the mor tally wounditig of Hill, and it i." said of Williams also. Young M. was shot in the aiul in a vital part of the body, by W illiatns, it i> >upposed. Hill was .'liot by .^lorriss, in the centre of the l>rea.'t. and \V;lli;nu> w;i >]iot by him in the side or bark. hi u this occurri.nre t'>"k place, tile fit her and (laughter were in their n>"m, up.'tairs. A lue.-.'age wa~ f.irthwitli d’ -'patriiftl to tlie t'aniiiies i>f the parti->, an I arrivi'd here at :in early hour vester- d ;y m irning. The news of .o dreadful a tr. gr ly Ilf (.our'C created the gr»“atet (‘x- ciument and regret in tili^ enuununity.— fii the teelili;:' nf the unhappv familie.- iiiNolved. whose cup of irrief has been per- liap> fiirever embittereil. we shall n«'t at- tfiujit a dcM-riptioii. Language woulil be ii;adf.[uatc to the ta.-k. .V' we ha\e gathered tle'-se facts altn- gethrr fr^n rumor, there may Ix*, and d-'ub’il.'^s are, m.niy inaceuraeie~ in them. ]>ut there i' no il.iubt a1>"ut the .'.id termi- n..ti"U ot the afiair. \\ hen we receive the authetitic and detailed pavtieular.', we shall ;:'ivi' them. r. S. T!i-‘ rejHii t has --iiice reai he.l lu-re. lliil had died uf hi.' vvnuud. —Mr. Morri.'.' wa.' 1 'It one", aud that through the bodv. uas hot killed in tht‘ general Juelce was >hot liy William.'' brotiier lb attt r he i Morri>^ ' had .'hot down both of h:s :'ntagonists, Hill and I>r. W., atul wa' ivtiiing from the dining room. !>r. W' tir.'t cap exp'ihi.-d when lie w;ir- .'h.a by M. Hill an>l . bnth .'Imt aft“r thev were v.'iiUiided, but without effect. .Morri." lived but iive minute', dying in hi.' father'.' arm', w)io nut him at at the head nf the .'tep'. K.ibeit W illiam.' ha.' lieen am .'ted. Ill relation til the trag.-dv, th*‘ iiarlnttesville AdvtK'ate of Saturdav has til'- tiilliiwiiii:. -I // A if' t'nl Tr >//. .///,—()iir town wa.' fir \vn into hiiih ex-itcmciit on M'liidav li't by the arri\al of a rnnauav couple irnm til*- enuilfy nf AlltflOrst. Fil-.'t cam«‘ 1*;. il’iaiii.' aud M; » Mnrri.'.' . the aftiane- fd Inver.'’ with two brothrs of Hr. W. ;iiid ,N]r. Hill. Snnu aft'-rwanl.', ^Ir. Jii' hard .^inrri.'.' and hi.' .'ou Kichard ■ the t.if!:i r and brnther nf yii.-> Morri.'.'^; and -dr. Shelton arrived in hot pursuit after tlif lu..;iti\e.'. j’iie whoh- nf Mnudav even ing wa.'i con.'iumd in projtosition.M from on.' .'id.' to tiie otjier—Hr. Williams re- lu'-iiig to i^ive r,[, the Voung l.idv to the Jathi-r. ( oun.'el were calh-d in, who li'- cid' d tliat there wa,- im law by whiidi .^Ir, .'b>rri>' eniild re;nv.-r hi.' dauirhter.—' i>a>'ed tre»dv on both ,'iiles. and \ >riii^r Mi.rri.'S being told that hi.' .i^rer \eoiijd h t be given up without a fight. • irevv a upnu nf Hi'. WiUi.iUl'’ brother.', whn .'howrd th:it he wa i'ullv ]>repare(| tnr ,'Ueh aii enK-rgeiicv, and blood VN i'iid ha\^- been .-;h( l had not the bv.'tand- ei - i)il. rfe.fd to prevent it. 'I'he jiartie^- then arre.'teil, tli.sirnied a/id bound "\'r to ki'ep the jM'aef. | ;i the Cnjir'e of the evening, \Ir. .N]i.rri.;- oi.tained 'ion ('t lii,- (laiightiT, and thu> ended thi- ail iir in ('iiarlottesville. * 1 lir.'d.iy iiinriiing, the .^Ioi'i i.'> par tv, v'lth tile diiughter, st*t out npmi their return h line, aiid a fi w moments after ward'. the \\’iliiams t>arty folh>wcd. 'J’he Williams party i)a.',«ed the others ami ar rived at Living.'tou (Nel.-ion ('. I!.) fust. a;id it .'o happened that both Jiarties 'tnjiped at till' ,'amo hotel. Vouiiiz .Mor- FROM THE OUKF.-VRnoi'oron PATUIOT. A WORD OF warning* The good people within the range of our circulation, are quiet l.'nion-loving people —taking it for granted, in the honesty of their own hearts, we fear, that the stir which they see in the papers about Seces sion is nothing but noisr, such a few disitoncerted spirit? are always in the habit of making about something or other, but that there is no leal (htii;/cr afoot. If such is the case, it is time to wake up, and be no long(U’ (h'ceived or eandess aViont the actual state ot things. The powerful leaders of the Democratic jiarty of the State, and their newspapers, with out a single e.\ception that we know of, are pursuing a course lh(? best calculat*d of any the^- could de\ise to cn'ate disafi’ection to the Cnion; and the danger is, that the massofi of the confiding peojde who have hitherto fidlowed their lead will be en tangled by their soj'histry and drawn into support of their unholy s(dteim's.^ They devotion to tln' ynion; but alasi the w hole seoj>‘ of their argument and lan- ind di.'solves all ptdiiical connections that I guagc betrays the hollowness of their pro be holds with tlu' Federal (b>\enimciit. I f,>ssion. Not a harungm* is made, not a He will then stand in ]irecisely the same j letter written, not a paper issued, on na- ndation to us as does an inhal>itant of i tional afl'airs, without an effort, either (heat Ibitain; in }>eaee a friend, and in war an enemy. Hi'^ slave will be just :is free wlu’u he places Ids foot (>n North (’a- rolina soil as on that of Canada, atul his f regaining pos.e.'sion juft as N. C. LtrE 1NSL'R.\NCE COMPANY. i GEN. JACKj?ON’8 imoCLAMATION. The Annual fleeting of the Stockhold- ] Some inquiry having been made in this er.s of this instituti'ftu took place on Mon- j State, receutly, in regard to au alleged re day last. j vocation, by Gen. Ja-kson, of the doctrines The report of t!,c Directors shoivs that | Proclamation.of 18;!2, whiih the Company is daily growing in pnbfic i -.i • i* , favor, and tlnit it has taken a stand along P>-onounced, as ^^’lth a voice of thunder, with the reliable institutions of thi.** kind in the country—fctr besides meeting promptly dl its losses and defraying all its necessary expenses, it has remaining on hand more than .?4(>,000, to meet future exi> anl losses. “On the subject of Dividem's,” says the report, “the Directors have moved with gieat caution. At the first annual meet- ing, no Dividc-nd was detdared, because they believed the best interest and welfare of the (’ompany dictated sm h a policy.” This year, however, th»*y have dedared a Dividend to Life memlicrs, of fhir/i/ j>rr have been (juite so prompt in aeevpt hi.^^ proposal.*!. As soon as the que^r was pot, Rebecca said, ‘I will ' equal pi-opriety he might hav( .vjii,) Mr. Alden taken a camel instead ofn’} ,, Priscilla Mullins might have dedi.'^'i They both eni]doyed the creature ii,',' amoii^ their ov.n ]m'oj.1c. A\'(. ’iai; that “Sk»'KSSI(.\ is TuFASON,” we opy the following from the Washington Tnion, j what inclined to the belief, t)iat j„ written by the Fditor of that,paper, Maj. i‘**se, the lady was influc-me«l mure ],y jj Andrew Jack.son Dimelson, who was at i; moie by the j , . c- X- I. • ! offered her thaii by the e, the time the i rivato Secretary of J rcsi-1 ” * dent Jackson. — IlK-. "111. 'llV.-.- FKO>I THK V'.\SIIIN;ToN VMON. iuallv unfounded is the insinuation /'Vrr jurnonn /cil/rd Ay (’liHil.— L pon the Ibi'ditou m >sr},, ( KiiH; that (leu. Jackson’s prcK lamation was Mie i l^ailway, (ni the Kth inst.. a rai!w;.y ^. was ju-ecijiitati'd over a bridge intd i ! ley, in con.seijm'nee of a sleeper j, been ]daced on the track by ‘UVli,, years of age. His motive is'Mij.p!,','!,)!* have been to see the cars crush tin- Ky the a«-eideitt live j»er.'ons were in,tmV killed, three r»f whom (a widow v , ’ a^ed 75—iicr ’ - ’ ' ' - ,'llot He but bert. to Icavt* the state, and tailing to do so— he was indicted. The iudu tuieut w;i> pn>Iit ate»t on the , fact that his return to the .•'tate in l''o(> was in violation of the .'tatute of I ^ f 1. It was important then to ascertain with what intention he bft the state. There wa^ progf tending to .'how that he left with the intentiiiu imt to n-turn, aud to remain in a tree >tate. (>n the otliiT hand, the de- feiidiiUt slin\vi>d that he left his jiropertv here, and intended to return—tliat his oli- jcet in leaving was more to prott'ct hi wife and childn'ii, vvhnm he ])urc hased, tiiaii hini'elf. This on this point the -.ub- st.iuee of the t“stimniiy, and inidi'r the eliarge nf the ci-uj-t. tlie jury had t> dcter- m'lie fmm the evidi’tiee. wiieth r Cnlt'Uian when he left fife 't.ite in iSot; i]>t tided to abandiiii his I'e'ideiice her*' or xvli 'ther or n"t he left with the intention nf returuiu;^. If he w;i' in tie' 'tate 1 and 1 it t!ie state in 1''•'lU, with the intention of returning—flu u In* tiid iint eouie \\i?!i;ii tb • act nf 1''11—aud oi;_'ht not tn b.- fnuud guilty. If he 1. ft ihe 'tate. with the i’.iteiitinu I't abandniiiiiix his n si h-uee li'-re, and estab'iisiiiiiir hiui.'elf in another 't ite; and it he afterwird' n 'urned *' Mie 'ta'e—then he came w ithiu the aef nt' 1} 1 —and h:> re.'idence here b, fore l''-'I‘J wo-ald i\, t pmteet him. ( Uher jmint.' were made aud nther ehar- ;fiven, but thi' nne, uinier the evi- detu-e. eoutmlled the Verdict >f 'he jury. The Verdic t w is ■•iinr LOiiltv." All iiiipnrtaii* fart i.' h- re t’i.'i li.-ed.— C >lem,in VM'ur with hi' familv to Ohio, a tree 'tate. He reiii.iine.j th.-re three or f.iur month'. Aeeordinir to hi.'-wn .-tate- meiit'. he w.i' Imt ;i!>le tn i;t‘t almii; there. I he alinlifionist' vi'oiild let givi- him w^rk to do. Kather than rt inain then*, he wa' wdliuij to Separate hiiii'tdf from his wife and ehildreti. to leave a free .'tate, aiiu re turn tn a >’ »\e >tare. covert, or open, to make the peo|.ple iHs.sitislied with the (llovernment. 'I’he main o!‘jeet, of course, is to iner* ase their party capital from tlu‘ modicum of .'Vmpa- tliy tor .seee.'sion which exist.' in ,'ome por tions of the State among the whigs. Some, What, then, can our neighbors of the | howevc r are di.'Unioni.sts and traitor.' Sniith expei t f t gain Iw throwing ofl ail Nil thi.' all. After he Wa,-" inliet- ed. he wa.' kindly tn]d by the Snjicitnr. that if he wnuld leave th*‘ ,'tate the indict ment >hnu!i| he withdravsu. he wa- ad- vi.'edbyhis cnini'id to the nfhr, and to leave tin,' 'tate—and imt tn run the ri:-!; nf a convietiou aud an impri'numeiit the ]ieuitentiarv fnr two'. Hi' III replv v\as: "l ha\»‘b‘en,— I can t 'Upj*ort my wife and children Inert—im une' fnr me there—th true friend' of the ^-lave and the free iit-grn ;ue in flie 'mitli—ami rather than gi>* there and 'tarve, [ will ri.'k iiiy trial, and ri.'k I't-iiiL' 'eiit t> th.. j'eiiiteutiarv.” Hnw hard inU't be the Inf nf a fVee Ile- Lrrn in the free ^tafc'. if he is willin^r_ nnt niily tn lie .'ep.irafei' frniii hi' wife and ehil lreii—but to ri.'k the ilanger of a trial and cnuviefmn, and two year' iniprison- Iliellt III the pelllti-ntlarV Hnw 'trnlllT fnn mu.'t be the tre‘ lleirrn’' eoilfideiiee in ;t .'oiitlu ru -nurt aie.i jury—if when liber ty and exemptinn fmni trial are ofh re.l to him, on the couditinu that he retiiin tn .i tree 'tate. he jii'efer,' tn reni.iiii anl tn ha\■ . lle'jria’.u e to the general govenuueutIt cannot be, it .'eeins to us, that they have f'liliv enunft il the d'st and conse-|iieiices of what tIu'V' projiose. ’I’he govei'iinu’nt ol the I’nit'''! States has forts, arsenals, cu>toiu liou.-es \c. in South (’arolina, tin* 'hields aiul trapjiings of soverei^utv. 'rhe.''‘ are eseiiti:ils tn .Mive- reigntv, ami will lie (.-pi'eially so to the little ilepablie of Sou'.h Carolina'' ^Vill li"r peojih* diive out the ofueeis and sol diers of tiiC I nited States, and taki' pi's- >, -.'inn nf thc'c imiiortaiit pn.'t.''/ It they attempted 'o to do, will tiu-y n >t be tres- p::'sinir nil our riulif' and property, and therebv fnrni'h jut cause for war'' Is it tliat th'- gnvi riim^'iit nf the I'ni- te 1 State.' will i.M\c up their property with out a siiuggh ';:' It cannot, for the I’rt si- dv'iit i' '\> irn to exeeute tile law' and 'Up- pnrt the 'oiistitutioii. l»ut if Snuth Caro lina d'K'' not get po—i -..--inn ot tllC'e fnrt.' and .tr-ien il.', linw can sue be rei_n'.' It tiie i’re.-ii! nt of the I uite i STaft ' .'hall nrder tile s(ii] ' I'f war btdniiL:iie_' tn hi.' gnVfriimelit to en il'd the port' of thi.' >e- eed’nir si'ter, .'.Il'l We think lie Would be bniind tn d.. ,'n i h"W ( ■ uld her p. "pie have any inft r. nur.'C with itlier nations'' Hnw i- ’ul I they send nfV ilicir cntimi and rii-e tn a market' Daibtle.'^ >’'iiie nl them have thnu_-ht nf thi'C tliflieulties. and ii*:dl_v wr sin uld like tn kie \v Imw t!iey eaieiil.ite tn .'un:i"unf th'-m. Ft i- p' "ibh . Ii iw- \er, that theie are .-nni • tilings in heaven, ami p'-rha] ' .i f'w '-n e.irrli, i f whith mdtlu r their j hil'•''ph_v* n-r pi'liti. ha' ever ilrt .iiiu d. r n-..:-! . r - 'li.vKl.orTV, d ane o", JA-s/'. Iii yniir cxchanL'c.' dn you ever cnnn- aern^- the • Hnrm t .' Nest, publi'h'-d ;n our fnv\n' 1 .-.upp-'so \.iu dn NV‘-11, what do vn ir pe 'ph' think nf it!'— Hen> it i' the nrgnn of >|aj. ('ald;ve!l; am’ wliil.'t if indulL'e'i in .•ibii'ivc epithet' >.f flic whi:. party ami Ceii. D'K-kerv, if dnwii with ami -ni’' the palafc' - f nur d* - niiM-ratie >.-e. >.«i(.ni't' preei-. Iv. 'I’n l..,.k at till' Hnriiet ' Ne't. and h.ive lin ei*n- tlieting eviden. e. ]M-. pl.- ,.(it of thi' Di'- trict Would think w* here, whig' and all, ardently de'ire>l a di'n|ntinn nf thi-^ inv- ernnient. {{.-ly up ai if, 'Ueh is nnt the ; -ie; if i> niiiv fnr the walit > f ni:itt ;ial that file Iloiijet cnntiinn' to harp iij ‘U fl:i.' i.lea. Maj. (al'.w.ll is euileaverillir tn riih' iiirnnifn, , a nur pre-. nf (Inveriinr did. upnii a pnpular hnM.\. ,.,r what he think.' 'n. Hut it is a brnkeii r ed fn lean np"n. 1 h“ j ]de in this enuntrv are nnt fn he blinded 1 y him and tin- I Inrm f. In (ieii. DiM-ki I V they have ;t man—firm, tried .Uiii true;—lie is ,t' firm a I ninn man a.' Ht nry (’lay or Lewi-'a.'.';—theirvieW' are his view.', aud he dn.-.- H 'l In-itate tn - I'crson'of talent and infim m-e wh" h.ive hitherto had the ; ontideiice and >u}>pi'rt of the patriotic w hig party, are engaged i i the .'allie uuhnly e;Ml>.-. We dn h' pe an 1 trii.-;f. th.if f'r 111 whii:'. at least. t!u v have received their la>r h' n i'. c .'■peak nf tills 111111' III ■!!•■ iioni 'tv nf nur heart.', v. ifh a prett\ tull klinw l-: d;:e nf the iiin\ inu' of th-- water.', and eiitn at "ur .'lumbering' f* ll"W iti/.eii' tn aw.ik- in th“ dan-> r.' wli.ih thr-.iv-n the tnie iiit ity nf i nr I ; priee . t liberty i' et ery ••Wnlf!" bec.U'.- glal'e nf Iii' v e ball grnw 1. I Ito ■v.l {■ rna 1 v i, ■ We ' ' :iiid hi iiinti V. .'ilani e. e ‘he his "Th.- • N\c d,.'f,int i;denii> ril K I III I M ' > M li I \ M 'U I II '1 I I! || • VN . Till; ••>'11 TMi:i!\ I IJK".". • I r:_’.'in nf tie- l^i'uni.'ui t' a' \\’a h- ill eomilientillll UpnU the pi I eetl- inu’> ot the Laiiea'ter Cnnventinii, - “'I'he 'i;m- 'ni;venrinn r- -n ni nit d Th,- illl^tnll. ■n tnr gn I'l peal th • riinr- ■ law . •f the ■ta! e w !i 1 ’ l;le Ini vet... I Mie V Iv ania re- tii.- : t V f n let. 11- IT '• .1 hn- th.tll ii the .aiin r w hieh ha- t.. . n i.ii" .1 ■t.'llflnn if tile bill li Mi.' lit- ri^ht*^ p;i."ed upon jury the H. ■V‘S ueh a court and IS a fact that ought to open t the abn|itinni>-,..;. Jt >],eak.' volume.-, again.'t the north, and mm h in favor of the south. [It is vvtdl fnr the South to puidi.'h -m h, and fe.r th.' North tn read them.] -\ . 1. K.ii>r'>.. A II’,til! r Inf I null Marh i HI-.— i*e.'terdav. about tWn o’« loek, one of the Ugly visiters explndeil in the passage wav of the freight depot of the Central railroad comjiaiiy in this city, doin^ iiicon.'iderable damaire to dnhll't bill t.i fu'ing the j lil tinli f l'n”lt:ve~.'’ \V.- .are willimi in ehai tliat thi' mi'repi.•--•nt.ttinn .1 v. ,'t >n i.' r.ithei tin- r.-'ult of ieiinr.iut nf dc'i;^n; but Imw. in th-- t.ea nt , mi.'ei al'it- abnllt th.- the tith laU'.' ot t!ie Al t of 4i. tie- I'r -niihl have e.iuimitfed u h .> idiin l'-r. .-eems f.i u.' inei.nipreln n-:i'l.-. Ae nidiiiL' tn the ('nll'tituf inll nf thi.' .''t:ite, •'If auv tiill 'hall m t be icfuitied 1 _\ the t inv--i linr within tell day.', i Sunday' c.xet-pted. i after it shall have heeii jire.'cnted tn itim. it sh.ili be a law, in like ni.iiiiier as if he had sigiieil , . , , , it, un!' >.' the (ieiicral As't iiitdv, bv tle-ir t xprc" them 111 a frank and calm manner; i- i ‘ 1 • • 1 I adiouniment, pn vent its r»-tuin, in wlin h *' it >hall lie a law, unh-'.' sent bai-k ■et- riss and .'Mr. Hill im-T at flu- .' table j *" •'VVr* m'i ‘" 50,„ct),in.. ,1 II,a, ,.xa.l.nale, ‘■'■“'i .M..rri.,s, an,l ho I'l.n.v I,is at' Mill ' » ' liead. Hill thereupon drew a j.i.stol and fill d at Morri's, the .'hot tiiking effect in fl-- reginn of his heart. .>Iorriss then shot Hill in tli.‘ abdoHieii, giving him a severe 1 rel*^- t : and we invoke the wliole power ot tl at ,lha,„. .1,,. si,„l ef. „„,|„.nti..s to l.ring tl„.,„',o justioe. I ’ ““ ’■'I'"'-'* ll'“ i"lii- j Ih lmil F,;.- I'yta. ;lllM the building^. and burning, but not .-;eriou- ly, a ]iernn who was standing near. Kem- ii.ints t>f the appanitus were jiii-ked up, ' em'oraciug the cells in whieh the explosive material was hehl, a part of the bottle eon- taining the camphine, and a c;ird on which written Henry I'rench, with something! The maihine was a box, and jmt on board the May Flower at lJuft'alo, intended, evident- j ly, for exjdo.sion on her last passaj.'e up. The devils incarnate guiding and directing stich proceedings against the lives of inno- j ’ ! cent people must find their j>unishment, ' and we invoke the whole i>ower of the civil and It they vvt-rt- report fhev are delivered, thev wnuld ap|>«-ar m>. lUit thi.' ]iaper mi>ii preseiif- him. and seek-i by such means to warp the judg ments of some who may be thus intiueiicel. Keeolhet. tiiis ,s;iiiH‘ Hnriiet wasonec a whiiT editor; but findbig the atmosphere .if .^leekleiiburg rather too strongly impreg nated with fleinoeracy. doffed hi.' prim-i- ]ih ', or rather, say.' lu- h;is, bi-eause be- vniid tlie limits of Mcekh-nliurg cnunty his paper has little cir-ulation, and within there he mu>t look for “aid and comfort.” Ib'ly upon this, however, tha^ Major Caldwell will b(> cle fed to stay at home bv a larger maj-aity than lu; was the la.-t time he went ov(-r the cour.-c. Talk ;i- bout (Jen. Doekery Ix-ing illiterate—he has as mm h sense to-day as .^lai. Cald well, and kiuiws about a.- mueh grammar, "i'is true, he is not a man of splemlid i-ilu- cation; but take a written article of his. da .il'ter tln-ir m-i.t w ithin thre>- '1 he 1 teuioerat'-i, who wer‘ III a mav’nty in the Legi'latiiri-, were aitiiated in the rejn-al of the >eetioii rcferietl t» by a pur- ]>nse if eiiibarra'sing biv. dolinston. ’] liev refrained from action on the subject until the very l>is( hour of tin- s -'- sion. Then the bill vv;^ taken up in di- reef violation of the parliamentarv rules, and wa' p.-l^.'ed nj't'r a jnint cnnimittee had bc(-n sent to notify the (i iveriior that tin* two Houses were jir pan-d to adjourn, if he had no furtlnr comninuication to make. 'I'he ohjict of these* extraordinary proieedinu> was to ih’iiy the (Joveriior an v opportunity of expressing his reasons fo.t signii'ig tiie liill, if In* apju'oved it, or the l onsiileration which induced him to veto it, if he :idopt'd that coursi*. 'i'he whole ninvement was a wi'etchcd tU(-s thereafter. Mi.'S Morn-S is a raving maniac, and i \Vh,i( tl,r„ thinh of Jinniuui ,',t Ktnj t iHattii' to put an end to in-r existence it lanil.—Some w.-i”; in an Kn;rlish iiei lover should not survive his wouml.— j .'‘Ir. .^Iorris.' pmcceded hnme with hi^ iaU'jrht*i paper, ; qu-aking of liarnum’s great success with I pi.icceiied home with his i the Sw'edi.'h songstress in New Orleans '"'d ttie e.irpse ot liis son, e.spect-I and the We.'^t, .«avs the followiii"^ haiiiiy mg the dreadful Calamities which h:id , thin-r; " c ii. befalh-u them woul.l cau-^e the death of hi« ' h-Tm ^ * l i i • i ; “ I he gn-af showman has reaped a rich ! in the South and West. Allah il ; Allahl tln-re is but one Harnum, ami Jen ny Lind is hi.'—jinjit.” and if it don’t (timj.iaiv with any thin ' • , > i ■ that ev-r came from the jM-n .if thjerudite i '‘'‘'b :*ii.l its Hornet I’ll kii.R-k umler. V..ii may say *'V to vour people that suit^ tin* di^- j now trict, and we intend t., ,dect him—the Ipmpose may be Hornet, the Standard, Maj. Cahlwell ^S^c I h' honorable ino- i\:e., to the contrary notwith.standi.i.r.’ ’ j availing themselves of a pretext so _ . ' -— _ I disreputable. 'The Legislature adjourne.l *1 Mmfrni I'arnu r'f Wl/r.—A yoiiiig j pell-iuell as .'^ooii as it performed this .scui- huly, whn jterh.ijis is better ac.jutiinte.l vy mana'uvre, and therefore the bill re- with I'rem li than farming, am! is more at- mains in tlu; hands of the tJovernor by the fentive to her jiiano than her dairy, was provision in the constitution from which recently married to a farmer. Ini-xamin- we have citel, until “within three days wife. 'I'hus has end' ’ oi>i I r ig.'ilios that has ever oeeurred upon the snil of \ irginia. .Nothing is wanliiiir to reiioer it complete—love, iiii.'cry, ma.lnes.'' , , . , , . Sin»i>itl,i/.—A French being au.l.leath makeupthe.'ceiiesof the hlo.nly | tohl that the po..r in I’aris were dying of drama. We tni>t that .so awful a h;.> will be Inst upon the commiinitv (hn Monih’f, I m ini'jriitiitn ing her new domains, she one day visited the byre, when she thus interrogated In-r milkmaid: “l>y the bye, Mary, which of the.«e cows is it that gives the buttermilk?” .1 Fuxa in fJir Fumili/.—“Wall, there’s a row over there at our house.” “What on airth’s the matter, you little sarpinf'/” “Why, dad’s got drunk, mother’s dead, the t»ld eow has got a calf, Sal’s got mar- ri(;d and run away with the spoons. Fete ~ I .t,„,e 1 . ,,,t l,ro>v„ brea.l a.,J | t|,„ Aurora liorax u.ilil lie'., got ,1... ,leli. ain’t all, nather.” number of immigrants arrive.l at the p..rt j , being intormed that the ■ else upon airth?” ot 's. w V.u li.lurin-tlieii.oull, „f.J,„iei.s 7‘" « ‘'™«- 1“;' "I "i“ e,y was lilli.y | in , .■uo>,..|j to l,re,..l a do2,.„ e,.ulc..m-s, e.x-, ,,,,„eal,e», a..,I one o’ ll.e Maltese kitteof. t .it J.a:ir.,ao D, p ,t at Detroit, Michigan, of it, when the Fifth Avenue was .so de- ! *= it out, .ii^oh, how hungry I am! wo men >voi. d^, though not fafally, i lightfully sweet and clean. The Hon. Samuel F. A'inton is the Whig candidate fur Governor of Ohio. composition of federal minds, and was af t(-rwards amemied in order to .satisfy the simples of an oflended democracy, (leti. Jackson never, by any act of his life, ex- ■iif. on the premiums paid in by tho.«e ; plained away the meaning of his procla- who have renewetl their policies prior to inaticm. The piiblicati.jii authorize.l by the first .M.tnday of July. This is a most him contains the fullest jtroof that all as- gratifvinix evidence of tiie prosjierity of the sertions to this i fVeet were gratuitous and —I'f’’ daughter and a In),, Coiiipanv" I nnfoumled. Indeed, the very passagi-s of two attache'! • ■ 'I'he followinir (lentlcmen have been that document which were niisrejireseiited be jury ot imjue^t deeiii'' . elected Directors" for the en.'uing year, viz: as being too federal were {-pproved by that ! .V'ung to be dealt with f.jr hi.M. Dr. C. K. John>ton, ('. H. Ibiot, J. F. porti.m of his cabinet which were never ,mother testififfl jj Jordan, W. H. McKee, W. W. H(d.len, suspected of a federal afhnity. 'riiere is | be .seemed anxi.Mis to .see the train jr.j Seaton (lah-s, W. K. Scott, II. W’. Hustcd, not a .sentiment in that document which I after the train had been thrown W. D. H avwood, Perrin Uusbee, F. ('. militates again.'t the \ irginia resolutions; ; bridge, a}i].eared irightened ami a,- Hill, W. D‘. (’ooke an.l W. H. Jom-s. I• i 'llu> “ri'_h( of” is a favorite I theme with the whole tribe;—not, ;i- they will t. II von, that they ('iit. rtain any de- .'iii- t.) t xcrci.'c tiueh right; but they have s'line all at once, unaccoiintaldy dis- (overed the import;mce of rec.tgnising such right. 'Pile Jesuit.-!—if they «-an “jne- pare the hearts .if tin- j pie’’ fnr the ri'/}'t nf S(-i'C'.sinn. they kimvv the Jmt niU-f xiinn follnw, in the h-ad of Smth Ca rolina. And S.iuth Carolina, tno. is daily deriving “aid and comfort ’ from tin- ciiii- !;iiig and iDWerfu! » flort.' .'f the d iun- iratic .'^e.csr-iniiists of X(.>rth (’arniina to t-oiiimit the entire party t> the ••rieht .d Mccs.'ion.” and to imbue the popular iniml with di.'.irteetion towards tin- icm ral (lov- t rnineiit. \\ hile telling ynu that tln v •■ii. lyi'o” in till' C.impromi'.- nu arur. nf the last Coli-ri they cxhac.'f their vinabularv in ef.ithets of jibu'e of that ('omi’r'imi-ie ami it.' authors. W hile thi.s traitorous plan .d op.-ratioii' i' iiKiinlv i-arrie.l oii bv t!'..- dim leratie 1. a.lei '. if is not v\li"lly eontinol to them. A fi-w,—and we are glad thev a.'t- 'O few. 'Pin* old >fticers of the Conijiany vvt're unanini.iusly rc-*lected by the J>oard of I >irt-cfor.'.— Unh n/h I't ijifiti r. ItruIll'll linn/,' tif (iri • uslnirn .— I he Hraiieh of tin- Dank of Cape Fear, hither to noticed a' to be estaldished in this jdace. b(‘cn orgaiiize.l for the tmnsactinii of business and the of the ])nblic. The f'lowing naim.-d gentlemen an* the ofiiccr.s: f- -.Ie>se II. I.ind'.i v-. lhi-'i-tiir.->. \\ illi.ilil .\. ('aldvvcll, Wilsi M Hill, .lehii A. (tiliticr, .James Sluuii anil Ktlniuiid U. >:rljiirii. I'isi'-uiit I>ay—«-ver;> We'liit-sdjiv. ^ i I -rlt.tho:"' I’l' ’I'll. Xnrth f Iirnlliin (’iml.—The AlbailV Kv. iiing Jiiurnal notices at leiigtli a r»*port of I’rofi'.-i-ir Walter H. Johnsnii «iii the n' j-et nf tht- De. p Kiv(>r ’oal fnriiiation in Nnrth (’arnlina, el i'ing i's notice as follnW': “\\ t- umler'tan.l that iiiim r.'. under the direetinii nf a competent engineer, have alre.idv gon>* on to ojx-u the mint.', and' for a.-tive bii.-imaud ju b_dT)ir t'l ni tl • eharaeter :uid ai-ility of the men wh' are .nj-.:.:e.l in t lii' eiit i J’ri'-, th. ie .•.ill iie nn d.iubt f' th'-ir >Uee-.-.', fnr theV are g.-nth men w h" carrv out w hat thev und itak'*, and .|o n..t jump at coiiclu.'ions. “(’"a! i.' .'lie .if r!ii' ;^i-eat '..i;ree .•! w. altii tn (Ir>at Drit.tiii, and m-xt to imn i' tin ir m »t peiuianent reliaiiee. In the Cnited .'^taft s it i' bee'.niinif a va'i tra.i-. ainj the dt-man.l. e.'peeiallv fnr l-ituminou>, i' cniitinuaHy ^M'eater than tin* supply.— T'.V -Iv. ih'iU'.llel earen.-- nf thi' enll,lil..,l> v W’ r*- 'hq.j’. il ti. ni I il !•; ii-lplii;i l.i't sea'nn. whie’i ^Im.w.' a rapi.My in. r- ri'- 'l d.-maml nv.-r vt-ar-: ar.d uni." I’rnf. .n i' l.trgely mi'takeii. which i' imt like!'., a' h'* stain!' af the In ,;d of tiie Lri 'ilo-Tieal pr.'f '.'’..111. iiiel there can b.> n.i b.-tter authnritv. thi' d. p isif of bituminous cn;il i" likely t.i prnv.' invaluable, nnt onlv a a fuel. 1 lit tn the .iwm l.S if the mill.-, the .pnili’y b.-in-j- un.ju.-'» ihi-, w'lile it.' en.«f, .,.-liv( r- 'i ’n >. w ^'.irk. i.' mm-h h" .iliv n’her enal ni [li ,,, I!; ■ eh..laeter.’’ COMMrXKW'l'lox. there is not a wnrd in it wliii h (leii. Jack- ’^'bat they should .lo. s »n I'ver consenti .1 to mo.lifv or to chano’e —not one that any member of his cabim-t dt'siri-d to clnmge, either then or since, that ever we he:ird of. Nor is it tine to ,'ay that .^Ir. Livingston the author of that docutiK-ut. It was }iut int^ form For THK (JBsKHVKF!. Favkttkvii.i.k, AL-irch L'l. Iv'd •f the Ihur Sir: At a niwetin: ninh-r om ( hiefly by him, iM' it was a document berhtnd Agricultural Society,” hel I in (i to b* jeeonled in the Stati* J). partnieiit; Court Hou.>e in Fayi-tteville, 111 the Vi’. ' but its essentia! features were irawn up ucsd.iy afteriioon of ^laixli Term nf .1 immeiliafely under the direction and die- b''ounty ('.»urt, the undersigm'd Men* at of the (.ieiieral himself. Imh-ed, . l"’bite.l a Committee to ]-rocure soine win'll pres'-nted to th.* cabinet it un.ler- to deliver an ^d'lress befi re the Sik v- wi nt impnrtaiit changes, anl parti. ularlv at first Annmd M«-etim', to be )ii.'i(;, in llmse f'e:itui'e.' which refer to rh'- man- *'* f'*''of Fayettev i!le. on the W’edii m-r in whi. li the constitution was form--.l, day aft.-rmaiii of D. eemh{-r 'J’erin of t'- and tlie mode in whi. h ir b'.iind all the C.ninty (’.mrt, in this year. coiiimoii and united gov- , In disclnirg- of thi-: duty, fla* Coiiinj,;. tee t.ake great pK a'Ure in*i. etiiiir v„u’ Was not a mail of word-; and beg that ymi will favour the .Sn'iet- with an ^\' .in tin* oe.-a.sion. ith Very gi; at rc'/.'-'i-f, vours. Af,, 1 ll.\.\(iK. - ruinuiiltcr', william T. .s.vucu, ) Hi.m. Koufjkr Mvinr.K IIIIJ.. .'.Jay 16, fnth t,u !■: M'hili-( n the (’in-uit 1. ceiv. I y 'iir e nimiinic.ititm inviting in.. • delivei' an l^efore tlu- (’uiuiicrla!;. .Vgr;i-uiiur::l S 'ciety during the wctk ■ nur iK-.-einb.'r (’ountv (’.mrt. I have deferred an>-vveriit;r till tlii.- tiiiio. ]ieopl i rnment. (fell. .lack he sti-kled not at the phra.'-s .if rln-torii- ami . loqm-nt diction, lie wiiit stniight to the point of duty witii hi.' h. .irt in hi> han.l. lit- was a .--.•i.ii. r of tin- levnlution. and km vv what wa' meant by the tvrannv and npj.ressinn which justifi.-d tin war for nur indepcii'leiice. 'I he riizlit an 1 the dutv ■ ■I' r^ 'i>f.iiiee. a.' uiid'-r-tno.l 'ov tli.- irreat nn.n of thaf .my. he ha.l siieil hi> binoij tnr; ami ,1 Ii.- ». i-.- aiivt- to-d-.v \ ■ w.iu’d shell it as flet-iV it tiu‘ same jU'f O.ieatinli »-xi't."i. lJut n-ifals * In.^ie wouid ev. r in- dm t- !iim tn -av that .'Uch a iU'tifieati in i.' ilb i-.lftl b if th- l:i' the pa.'.'a:^e nf tin- ( ' •."inn if C.iiiui- ". ''ill;/ e.\.tr,u t ifniii iiis m. - (’'lULrre" ^.nt.iin>. in a f' vv In- aiv.iiv.'.t',n-k if th'' vn-vv riiiht ■ m]irniii!..t‘ 'I ie- fni- .-nl' ]v;;:: I !niS. the ;iiip' 'i talu nii;- iu-^ti all /. .'1' iri lle;id , -neir. M .^I^. M. K. u,.t th. — I’ri-'i.h-nt aeeniiipaiii.d bv thf ( lii.-t Fn- . (J .V V i;li. .-.Ill 1 'f A "i' -. .i"i o-n-d af fie- (’■•iirf HoU'e in thi' pl.iet ( ’nntr iet' nt Kna.i on _v .'lerdav. t » let out the that part of the (’« i.tral Hail lie^h li'iVViIl eniintV. l.irje .!.inrt 'i' I t. nuni!.. r .d ; vvt’-e in att- n- iii.iny f'mni :i lj '’ii^ig . r.nt’e'. Will- no^v r\v ]|t\^.‘wn ...etl.'n' to id ;.ir •!!.• •- I 1 1 f i-I' m r- j'Ut iii. lint Vve are gr. t;* ^:’ tn ,te tluit al- fh -UL'h oiaiiv )•!•! - 'Ii- f.i.L 1 1.1 t a' ! lI■L'(.- ( • i| i' r.n^I ' as V l.;i I ii .j ■•.I in oi.tain. yet fli r.* vv |.i m ieml sati'fa' tioi;; an l :i' r- a -'iial-le iu'-m. bid h-r' .'ulunil' tl eln .'V- t'lll!v tn ;; plaill n 'ei"itV. T!li distlil'U- tjiii. Wi- ilmibt ii'-t. wa.' m.n:-.' as e.pially ’ a' ,t e -uM liave been dnui-. S'"/. ]\'i*>h. cM'ttiiee ‘if thi' rii;lif. Imw. vt-r. ,ep; Jid iip..n the eaU'i’S wliieh may its '-M-r. i'**. If i-; tin* rut',,, j.r. 'ii] p I' s that the pmper a-pjical.' oth-r im-ans of rc.lrC" ha->-.- iieeti ni.ide in -otnl faith, and which cun never b.- 1 i;.dit;'uliy r.■>;..rted to unh it be un- av iitia'd.-. It i.' nit tiie ri:_'ht of the State, but nf the in.i;\ iiliial, and of all the indi- . vidual' iti the .'■^tate. It is tin* ri*_d^f .if mank.n.l c-'en. n.l.y t.i set iire, by ail means . in their ]>ovvor. tin* bl.-s>ings 'f liberty ami h:i].pin> ."; but when, for the'..* ]-urposes. any iiodv of nicii have vnluut.iriiv iis.' ieia- t«.| tin n:'-Ivt > umbra ]‘artieular fnrm of - ivernmeiit, no portion of them can di- '-!ve tin- i.-ition without aekiinwl.edg- iii- the correlative riu^ht in the n-mainder t.t .lecidc whctlii r that li.'.'dution c:m be p.-i-niitt.-d cn:i~i,-.tently with tlu* ^-eneral j h;ipi«iii«-.". in this view, it is a ri»;ht de-; }i',';nling nj on tin- po-,ver to enf.'ice it.” ri i;rr.\N cdi irrsiiir. 'I’!u f’nll ivving p!i*a.'iim- anecdi.r.-. in liea- tivi-1 fthe !nb of t'lU' Puritan l’ori-.'-.*h"rs, is t'r-ni t!;.- ivw w-.rk of Mr. ijai>v;ird, ' .;r;;!.-i ••riymouih an-1 tli.- l’ilg;;ni>,” ^'e. ’I'lu> valiant ’aptai:i h. Lavinu' hi> win'. i' ..t.'.rnU^ cl obt.i; llill;! ;in ifln r. 'i'he stnry is an old on.-, but vvH! !>c:ir a. re-]ienisal:— A >’ii,rt tiim' after the death of .^lrs. St.iii-lish. tin- bereaVi'd cajitiiiu fnuiid his In-art till" 1 witli t.-n-ler int.-re.-t fnr Miss Frisciila .\Inllius, dauirhter .d'M r. William ?du!iin. lit* cherislicl the iiupres.'ion tli.i* if .'he .-nuld be persn:td.-d tn unite her fnrtun.'s with his the Inss whieh he h;id .'if'laud ‘ ^‘-'^l'‘'rionce.l would be repaired. He there fore, ;u-i-uding to Puritan cu'tom, made -e i 11 g.—.S'. I ii.l, ur'/ Wiifi h! .^Ir. John Allien, as lus messenger. ^Ir. Mullins made no objection, although he oii-'erve III om* o; lapt-r mill in (leor- iiiight rcH.'-iii-ibly h.ive done (-ea.'o'of .Mrs. Stamlish havini -io, the de bt cn .so re- -personal ajijiearam-i wi* can only say that it must have been ;i .source of pride to tiieir friends and jialreu." 'I'he Literary Soeiety (Baconic.) formed ;i pr.K-e.'si.'U on Wedncs.lay night, accinjia- .1* »• 1 • 1 J'l V'X V II nil f .^1 id > . I e -ave l„s e.a.sent, l.wt iiiloriued j.,.,,,, .,teville. .\i; . i, voiuii- l,c co„. \,a. ,|uite i„,p..>i,.,;, a..,l'an eNr,I- 11 I • 1 adilress frotn Kev. II. McNeill. Dii 1 riseilla w:i i‘’i!led inf.t t le rnoni, not n'l, 1 i . 1 i , 1. - - I, - , V ■ viii, utu thursdav, manv .select addresses were de- .s |.,r wliai |,„n.o,,. sl,e wu, waote.l ■ „.rv superior r ot ao UK i, , .Vl.leo a ot notile torm, n fa.r a,ul ,s,„„e eigi.: a «-el!..«ea- , s,.,„ewl,at Hon,I|.les,oii. an.l eiigaguig , o,prepared bv t( tli. n til... , loa.ioer.s ar..,-,. aiel ileliverej Ins message : V|,n« after” the next meeting of the Li'gi.'hiture. ('unimnn Thiuijs Kx^ihilnrd.—H. 10. l’eter.son,*a jmblisher of Philadelphia and Member of the Academy of Natural Scienc«*s, has compiled and published a volume of great value to the unscientific, j ami therefore much the larger, portion ofj the community—being a “Scientific Ex-i plan.-ition of Common Things.” The vol-1 ume contains aoO jiages of nciirly 2,000 distinctly articles, furnishing the ritinmh' of an immense number of thin'-s in naUire which are unaccountable to the unlearned. The price of the v«dume is onl}' 75 cents, and we undersUmd lhat as nniny as 1,000 cf)pies were sold in a few weeks after its apjK-arance. Mr. Crittenden left this city on Satur- d:iy morning ujKm a visit to Kentucky. Iiis Lady is alread}’ there, having preced ed him by several wwks.—Xat. Jnt. ever iieen nscl f.>r such a ]iurpt»se. li irhiiciik/ W'hii/. 1 h(-re is a kiti-ln-n in this town i-overed with cotton sheeting, manufa.ctured at a Factory lu*n-, and (oati-d with mineral paint, we believe. It was jmt on after the roof had been burnt off by fire. [()i5si;i:v Ki?. A Jiiire ('oinjunit/ nt Dimier on thf Ath of July.—A friend of ours yesterday dined in conqiany with f..ur ladii-s, sisters whose jiges amounted to three hundred am! twenty-si.x years, av*rairing SI years and | *-'^'^''^*''■1 as the c.dony then had no horses, () months. ' The threc'^ oldest rode in a 1 mounted on the back of a bull, carriage to the house .f the youn.est atid I covered with a piece of hand- remaiiied until tin* uiid.lle id' the aftc*rnoon I marriage cere- and returned to their respective homes— were performed, he relimpiishi'd i respect IV they are all comfortably well this morning, and have all resided in Baltimore over fifty years.—Ikiftirnoi'c l*nlriot. The eccentric D •. Byles said one lay to his servant, “Go and tell your mistress that Dr. Byle.« has jmt an end to himself.” The girl flew uj) stairs, with a face of hor ror at this dreadful news. The astoui.shed wife and daughter rusheI into the parlor —and there was the I).x-tor, calmly walk ing about wiib a part ot a cow’.s tail, that cj □ he had pickcd up in the street, tied to his I vant employed bulls instead of c;imels, it eotit behiiiJ. may bo doubted whetUer Rcbccca would Mrs. Hardin’s Sciiool for Young ladies, AT Komi^ mix. Near Fayetteville, N. C. next Session of tliis F.v.mii.v Sciiom., i>i ■ 1 under the immediate oh.irge of Mr. and this .seat to Ins new biide. J lacing fiei ; Hardin, ■will oomnieiioe on Moii'lay tbo on the back of the bull, he* returned home | *Jlst day of .July ne.\t, anti end on tfie 20th ot in joyous triuni}>h, leading the ungainly | December followinjr. Early notice i.s reijnc-ste I ;inimal by a rope fastened to a I'ing in his nose. In relation to this event, Thatcher says, “This sample of primitiv’e gallantry would ill compare with that of Abraham’s ser vant when, by prox/, he gallanted llebec- ca on her journey, with a sjdendid retinue of damsels and servants seated on camel.s, Isaac going out to meet her. Had the ser- from those de-sirinjr i)laee.s fur their dHupliters or wiivdfe. the Seliool beiup liuiiteil in iiiiiuber. Tlie preseut Session will tenninate on tlie !'tb .June. H- Rose Hill, M.-iy 2t, 1S.31. 73-eowit-*0j ^ Se’ttlements. PKIISOXS wlio are indebted to ns will con fer an obligation if tliey will settle during tlie present month. All persons to wlioni we lire indebted will please render their bil!s tor pa/- mcnt. Julyl. E. J, HALE ^ SON. OBS not ’ ecau-- I have hesitated at ;.ll abour ■■'‘inplyinLf with voiir rc.picst. but sunj- .- i^g there wa pi. nty ef time I have ju-t pnierainiat'-d t'rum day to day till n 'V.. 1 actept. mif because I f.-e) that I li:,-. th" agi-ictiltiiral knowledge which the (in: ;!S':;.nei! ni" .loscrvcs. hut b(*cause I f. fiattered af being called upon, and will t^ dcavor ft! le.irn something by Decemb. r. But in siibi r .';erioU'ne>s, I am rcj' ! t.i lin 1 that onr farim-.-.' ar.* Wiikiiiif 'Hi ’ a .'--Use .d’ the import,tOce of the bu-^iiii '- in which they are engaged, and to a cnii viction that .'kill and information ar. es.sential to succcs.s in it as in any oth. ; pursuit iu lii’e, and am glad to avail ;iiy. .':'lf of ev--ry opp'^rtunitv in mv pi.w.-r et contributing to what I consider the iii"'’. imjiortaiit interest il' the land iu wliich i live. I am. gentb*mon. Very respcctl'u’ily. V lur ob’t ^erv'^. i:o. STR.\N'(;i’ .Mes.^r.x. MrI)j.Ar!>iir>. \Vii,i.i.\.m T. Smith and V.. ,s;ri:.v.\(,!•;. Cunuiiittee. F>U5 TMI-: (tHSKItVKR. ii.viiN'.iTON. N. C.. June, L. d. IIaI.K A: S*»N (irntl uitn: 'I!-- Ibibcson Institute closed its *2d Se-^siou It-’ week. 'I’he Ae.idemic Halls were crow.i. to overflowing during the interesting e-i ■ i- Sion. Nearly seventy students were jip- sent, and as far as time would permit, tlii- examinati' n was tba'ough; but jH-rmit iin to sugge.'t here, that two da.vs is bv n meiins sufKcient the commencement ox- erci.'Os ot sueh an institution as this. TL- M.ithematical department alone would h;i'. /-W. —A -Ciitl iuati wa- ‘V ei.ui.i ui.' ncariy consumed the time. The vniii!.- in our .'Hit-'- n >.iturday l.a-t. ta!!% :;ig ab’iut ^ g*'ntlemen in this dejiartmcnt evinced h'ti: fanning, 'ai l he Iml ••b. eii fanniiiir for ", "‘'■ '•*'^‘^'''^>*'1- >• ' J^l'aui talent and industrv, and reflected uiu. . eh veii yea,-', aid t!iat In- Ii.kI bcen't.ud- He cherishrl toe impn-nm ,.,,.,iit their ex'.-ellent in.'tructor. ' 1 in^ le.s and I. ! ev, ry y.-ar, and that >!h* eyuld be pe.>t,a,b-d Ni unite her , (h, (’lassies, ami c-i.f hi.' cr.ips increa't'il in .juaiit:ty iu the jiro- ^ '‘-'U'- n os> w m 1 n , eially the latter, they deserve great ]iniise, portion h- redin-etl tin* (pian'it v nf laud. i» paiu ( . e t n-ie- ; .^vell as f.>r their noble bearing and ;ri'B- liele..p. ],i, eaii;.. i.alh re.l eu-rv .OL-i.t, I'';"'', eu.(.,m "la.le : ,|einaulv deportniei.t; and in ro'ereiie; !.■ an.l sav, l„. I,a« niairare pil^s -.v.rtli V;". K",""" l'"' ' their Un'e—«'rv fine- I*i'j>’r —We .uir i’.\( h.-ing.--^ that ;i | gia is cngagetl in manuf.ieturiiiLf :in article of papt'r fur ro' liug, vvhieh is bern-vel to lie lu'tter and . h.-a]ier for that purpose than alnio>t any tiling elst-. 'i'his iiap.-r is m.-iile of till* sanu- materials as w rapping ]>aper. and is a .piartt-r thick. It is si-iuiely 11:1 ih-d to a soin-d covering of, ami men mo- i"iooer,', ar".-,* ami ueiivereu ms mes.s-i>-e • '..1 i ' M.inv . .,,.,1,1. f...... I 1 1-1 .1 * • ' V*. !• I • I i- 1 , young gentlemen tor the oeeaMon. *'ianv lougliiv taii«*l, an.l while the tar is i'i«*en, : tor .'^tamlish, in bidittinrr b-in^mijie, and a *1 *• 1 >1 „ . rh.* „ „ 1 f-.. • 1 -I- 1 • r,M ■ 1 ot Orations; wfieflier we refrani tn» a g.Mi, eating of sand siftc.l upon it. J he , prepos.'cs^uig, c-.urteous style. J>r,sc.lla : arrangement, or the delivery, oof til n lH*'s as h.ird as stone—en- , listene. attentively, heard every word, and ' ..ertainly exc*ellent. and would have tir.-Iy inipervnms t,. vvater—tjuite as pro.d ; then, a ter a short p; ise, as if gathtring | * „ement to a graduating against lire as any metallic ro.d, ami .s;,nl strength to r*ply, she fixed her eyes upon i If (\>Heges. We have no to lie more dura de than any other in | tlie messenger and .sanl. with a frank and j,, that in the female depart- Ue were not before aware that paper had }deasaut cunfenance. full of ineanitig, ‘ ...everal chis.>.es \vere equally well 1 nthee. .lohn, why do you ind speak tor 1 prepared; but with the exception of a clas.-' vuui>clf. . ohn s ruddy counti'nancc be , j,, J{,,(any, the students answered the ijuo.'- came led; he took the hint, made a p.dite ; ti,,ns jiroposed to them iu a tone so h>w. jow, tade l;uvwell for the present, and re-; having a heavy ear. we could not well turned to .'*'tandish to communicate the | understand them :esult ot his n(*gotiation. Henceforward j Situated in a luon^l and religious neigh- he V i.'ited t.>i himself, and eie long theii I porhucnl, at a listauee from town or vil- nuptials were solemni.-'cd in due form, and : students have little to abstract Mis> 1 riseilla Mullins became Mi.', doun I miuds from their studies; hence their I proficiency and almost unparalleled im- 'Iradition reports further, that 'vlicn : p,.r,voment. A SpECTATon. Alden visite.l (’ape C-hI, for the purpose j - of entering into the conjugal relation with ; TIHRSI jfta?- /•/ vho drsjre to /•' jihasc yi I'f- *■'* " Mu. Wkijstk delivered by M July, on the oe Corner Stone o tol, came to h;i publish a part give the .eiiiain that the wlnjle ()h.erver. The OoN}Hi fear that the State are not 1 importance, to of sustaining tl tration, by el AVhigs to the the like numb, iu the late C n a party, warial measures of A The LiH'td.K-o- '‘ac(pii.-sce” in loo evident re •-avil at those n ready at any ni tiou which tli.‘ uted to fjui.'t. a majority I'f newc.J agitat" men of both there is dangei L.H:of(K-o I'art' Whig, will L'r; position of adv eessi’»n,—b. t\v there is but tli must see wh 1 with the late s rolina. The W’n'_- reason to be Administr iti"' by thcniseivc' tilled all tin- p friends, iu n- and utterly fai his adver.sarii-' iiuimeiitous .1 tions of hi'; ( two fronj Ni -n the uu>.'t inif; Whig States o And if the »li by a vfite Ilf Whig St.ites, would hav e fa who were call dent—on f^ur A. (lUAH.VM. guishel state*: I'^ich ha.-l rei jualifii-d })ioo part}’ friends, majorities, t» gift, and une Hxc“cutive Cti ('abinet ap]ini mediately aft tinguished S.i Departments, e.l iu their ov slave proper! three genih-n Stiite.% consti the J'resident Now d.ies ; that these fm •me of them, an Administi the South, o ry'/ If there .«uch a bebn-f. rrats who wii that thi i/ .lo ('arolina at I wilh a s. >1 it a I is mdy umb- are thonglit of the Natio: they have no tion of their own citizens them by ever to his conntr as many sla^ tbe people, w for his tidel which for tv liad, unb-r ; Tt may then did and rtHe all parties in dition of thi •whether it w tion of the ■^ave Johiisi .Southern }>a Wilraot Pro gon bill, by for by 1) avi( To the W it may be sa Cabinet ('"U Southern W as s«'iisitive are^” To } phatically b by a N • »rt I State as anj of the .\dni ■which must blunders, vv befiiU any of Such are Administrat tion. Of it? act the Adjust

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