S M fl 1-W I'l 13 K li Y. (VOI,. 1.1 favi:tti;\ iLi.i:, n. v.. Tiiuusn.vv aitbiinoon, .u i,y it. i85i [.NO. .y] i UlMKI* r>V -j. 15. NKWHV. E])\VAill) .1. IIaim; & sox. i:i-i ri>r.s am* rnoriur.ror.j^. |(f|. i ;',.r ibc .'vuii-V' fokly Ob>k.hvv.U { 0> ii piii'l i:i .•t'h :Uicf; { .')0 it' j-uM (hiruij the ^ ■\ .r uf cr .tltvi' ihe \c:ir jfbr th'- \>\ r1ly >r.'Ki;\ri; (*i> ]>f-r ;amuiii. if i:i ;t'!\.Tiicf; *■_' 'ilHl' |MiU ilc.i'iiijr tin- ^ s i v O'* iiftor tho year .•Xi.i;-.- 1. >.\! V1:];T1.n|:MKNTS \u:uvA i-.nt> » Jj _ ■ , .^Nta' ■ ('•■r t)io first. :iinl t cuts I'.ir i ,u'Ii 1^' '' l;iiL ^ I'.'trU ;iilviTti>. MH'iits ' .1 :U i r.ltr,-;. A l- ; vei .ill* 11,'nu' tlif nuiulu'T >it | ins ■!:; •!!' ! !. 1 :■ tiioy nnIII be till ^ :lll'i c!!: !;.’ i .MCCoririll^ly. ; r > i''0 !',(liti'r«: b>' }'i>vt-]>ai(l. ■ i-tf > irvifgrM- Lilu* piXiir. .'''.i':—. I 1Mail ('•'iiifai ''>r tV 'iii JL i . I Itcv-.IU' t'l l’ialci;_li. will I-' ;,un«'n'-“ Opi ' ,t’ 'IIS th'> 'lay, witii iivw aiul (V'nir> T taMi' Cy..■ hm •'. aii'l oavct'ul l*ri\«TS.— r'j li'.i'. 'i tin' Fa' o trmii The !.,.'■ U art'. ill 1‘licviiu'. til ’ Fa\- n t. !. i;i i:.,l. =.ill. t' f \ a;’■ r' i;;_h Itc- ; I ill r,i>Si'iimT>- \. !il Ilf Ci liv i'\i.i MII II Otlii I H.ii. ;i-i tin". liia\ M 'I'iie "l' fe; : . I.e. i:iitu tiirtluT imiiif. ru iialf- |»; : • 1‘. M. I'.;vticN i;\'. ;iii.l :it J 1‘. \|. fl'i i. nitr 1. ir. of t r.- 1 tin • . i; ^’v. 'n..' 1, l.y ti-iit; III. t ' S't u!'f ;i liKi'ra' sli;lrt' MCltluiCK i»Avii> .m.m;ii,i.. 1. I'.'.l, 7s.tf \\ w rj:i) ^i () p>i)Kuo\\. ^ ^ ^ ft I'cr a ti-nn •■!' ti'. V" t I scnrity jrr.. ii'. h;- ter-'-r ^'i;; '”.y ..r • 'Tii; aiiui’.ally. \ ; ... .1. II., ;iiiii at tliis .1- :,n. 7>-:f COPPBH WOBK. 'i'l iilMvNTIM: STILLS. rElllK •it-.-.l tl,i'll. _B K:• vft'.-villc (.11 ll;,y stri-et. hcaily | (pt- r ■ ■>l.'li.i"li>t l'.;ii>' 'ii.if ('liinxli. t..r tlii' ; pu; ■ : ,'!• 'M'cutiii'r tlieir liu.'iut.-.' in ail it.- ^ •.•..I'lv : -.11'! lit' ■v.oi'ii pr ’ !v u'Uv ill L'uri’hll, lUtASS. STKKl.. l.'u '.;- 1... li‘ ri-\iairt''’,. IV-ll-liaiiir’ip^', niak- in;. ;■ I' ; nt' l’uun , ati.l vi jiairs of a’’ kill i ill this liriiiii h tiiiuikfully rvccivi-*! pr. •■I].’ ;. . ^ ^ Ui iiTs :irc f.ii'iii'stly «i'lii itt'«l. v.itli all a>.sii- ■ r*iii i' ' ii'a tliii-iiii^li kiioH ic-iljr** fl.i'ir l>u- - «h ;... : a!i variii'st ilc.-iit* t" wi.l j:i\e ; ii-ti"ii. ii'iiu-.shall 1m- Missati>f!.'.i. .M.'.iiiJiK .v .-cir.v\i:t/. 1. T.'^-hii 1 I'UI'.sli 'I'i'.AS. \t:: \ riNK !• . '!'i I.M'ji.iv. ii T, I'- .1" aa.l i_ llysini 'ri;.\S. (»r .siijit rii;- ';Ualiv.y. — ^ F-i‘ - '■ ■ ; V \.\i L .r. ffi.\>i)Ai.i:. Otf roi: SAU:. V.'M. Itnwr.AMV.-s Kxtrn thi.k Mill ■s«y I'.i'i I .AV, S. f, uii.-l lU iVft. i». .X W. .\K LAI i:i.\. N I *. 1f al low im:\s. Kl SHi:i.. CdW F'-r -a!r l.y (!h)K ,v TAVMi!:. ■hi! ... A i:\ ( I ' ~lv. Til ( .\ilL\S S Si:i{M()NS. I’A.''l'( iirs I’ioa I'l'l' Iv. alijrflicjil ( atiKilic ri’tith. ill Si\ Scrmiiiis. tic"veicl in Triii- . iii!n‘h. '•.'iiniliiis. /i'M,. }i\ t!i'‘ IN v. \V. !>, . t' i ia-i ly (li .Niii tii r.ii dliiia. I’riijf ' ill .lur I’ari^li, by a •uiitry I’ai- - l>an'jliti-r. ^;1. I iiao^.' iiiii'—. 1,- l’,. v. I?.'i'ay’.iir. T’l ci'nt.s, .Vli’.'frs by -I'l., 7') i-t'iit.s. Kann st- • 111 ),v ilii.. 7■') cfiits. r.ji K.iciiv K. .1. \ sd.v. j SALIvM PAI‘KU-M1LI>. j rpiMK Miliscriber hns taken liarfri' of tlii.s oM i aii'l Wfti kimwii KsIablisIiiiK-iit. aiiil is jirt*- ' i' ll' i t'l iittcii'i tu Jill oi'iJtT.s f'ir j J’riiifI’apor. Mercli:iiil.* luid , l’:irtory \\ ritppiii;^, \c. I 111' ^IiIl Iins I'i'cfiitly bicii tlnii'iiiijrbly retittci V i;ii iifW iiiai liiiiorv. atiii tlii' subsel'ibtT ln-licvos ! ' an fiinii>!i I'ajur nf a.s ^noil i,iiaUty ami at ^1 lii'a|> I'l-ic" ji.? can be 2>urt'ii;;.‘iC(l any mIicm', N 'Till "1- .■'until. rHAULKS 1'.. .'^^lloHKI?. ■ : '-in. .fiinc 7. 1?^-'jI. 77tf WAS'l'El), '■‘A 1.limber fi>r Waioii.s, 1iiiclies L ^ ‘ i It. I 1 •] to ■'> in«'Ia-s. ! tt. \\ tlif (tjik aii'l Hickory, for .\xk'trcos. 1 I'MKI ti. Unit'- U;ik tor Toiiirucs, J5ol.'ters anl ) Ml I’.ist (>:ik Hu . . f..i- ('arts anl NVajrons. ■ Ml SjHlk.'.. t 'lr w icli tlie liiirlii -t c.: li juici- will’n* jctiil. M "'I t'» i:. n LLKii. M: .. r.'. IK'.I. 7J.tf 1) \\ IS S PAIN-KlLLi:i{, I^l ii: lie by S.V.M L .1. H1N.SI)AI,K. Vjiril Jl. r.Htf III IC I| Tli> 4 liiiiH ii I ii ntitif'l, l,y Itcv. \V. D. Wilson, I). I).; .Manu- .'I' !''hurcli I’rincijdfs, by lo; Orifrinal Tliou'rhts j = 'ii ri[)tin'(‘, by 'v'il; f’cavea’s llelj) to (.'ate- * ;n;/; McC.i-.li i,ii iJiviiie Government; I’rityi'j'I 1*' - . [ilain anil line. .lu-t I'cceived. 1 K. J. HAM-: A SO\. \VANri:i), ra^HK I,a« ,,Mrt of No. 1 Dev. DattU-’.s H»!- ' i jioi't.v, aii'l the l,i:,t of Cases in Ibt Dev’.-j j 1, ; • . ! I -I'rioer' j.jiy a rfaboniiblf jirice I I ’ ny 'nM N'lis. ot Ivfjiorts j,rcviou.-i t-> IrcileH'B i 1- ■ ;U'.l -‘M l'>juity. I L. ■}. HAL! & bO>:. ; l>cok?i and Stationery. ] MWIK W. Sl)\\ M\S CO.. Wliok'Milo l>()i)k.Mi!('rs iiml Slalioiicrs, UnOADWAY, NkW VnlUv, ori.l) (.'.'ill the attention of (,'onntry deal- er? to their Stork of HOOKS AM) STATIO\i:in, Whieli is one of tlie mojit F.XTKNSlX K .VN1> C >M 1’l.l-;’!'Ii ast-ortiiients in .New Vui k. ami is I'rtVr'-'l to buyi'i s jit tlie very l,()\\ F..S'l’ l*I!lCl'',.s;. Tiicy ari- the l’!ibii>hcrs of the followin;; v;;l- I'able ainl ]>!iiinl'ii'Sclio.)! Hooks, wjiicli !iave a nmeli A I/.’'r'/,7/ ( 'ii.‘>'( ''LV ih.-ui any other work *'f a siiiiihir riiaraett'!; S.'imlei's' I'riiiiain riitiier. SaiiijiTs' rii-toii;il I’riincr. >.iiii|cfs S|iclliiic lio'ik. Samlers' .''cbool Uc.-ob-r. Fir-t SamkM>' School Kea'ler. Secnil I'look. Sanders' Si'hool Koiolev. 'i'hirii linok. S.Hillers' .Sc hool lieailer, I’oi'.rih IJouk. S.uiiler.s' .'si'lu'ol lu-aib'i*. Fiftli Kook. — I'jiwarils of— A((( ^lillniiif ot liidi/i'/'ii have been j.ublisheil. ami their cirLiihition aul sale is .steji'lily increas^in^. UMKTORK'AI. HK.VDKH. Tfi- 111.'- "U'' Mi'iif il .\ritin:tetie. T1i"I,|'"!i's riai'tiea! .\ritlii>.;e;!.'. 1 hi'iU'iin s i!i;.rlier Ai ithinolie. AIUTII.MKTICS t'.-vii aili I'tcil Iiy I'l-Uliiliirt.iii an.I Uiitlaiel i-i'i!nii*'s, Vi.: tiv the I’liblic Si ools i>t theeity I't N. ^ |!v""kl;, II, Now ll.'iv'li an'l Ilartl-Til. C"-.:i.. Si.i’n;.:’ifM. M:>ss . S\incns.>, Au'mrn. (I i.va, Diitbi!". (";e\elatvl, lii'tinit. i\r.. A.e.. till' S;,;ti' .N'liii.il .S-. iiip.il, Ci-!iii., \>i-.-t(ii-M •■si'tii..'!, Ma -s.. ;ii, i .iili,-; 'k'iiiies a'. 1 lli_’ii Si iu'ols t"'i noiiii ',' '.,s to i ■,'ui':'in. Mil'- i''s .luvenile iiicri'';Mi IIisti.!-\'. U illsi'H^ iiistory nt the I iiiti'i! ill.-«on's American iiistory. for Sciiool.s. .NewIlian's I’riu'tical .'^y'tem of Klicii'rii'. *riiy' I'.U'ineiit.s ot »'lu'ini-trv. llitiheiH'k s l,;ciiii iits ol n'l il' >Miith s .Natur.'l riiil.s.,|,liy. Spencer'.s Fnj^iisii tiranaiiiii'. lU'si'ifs iiiir'iwii r'lliiicaiii’i!'. 's.' ki*'[i c n- 'I 'l.t y I'll liui.il. aiiii arcalwav- re.nly tn sii]ij'!_\ all the 'iitb.ri'iit ki;nl' >.f •> C li I M ) 1, 1$ I • (» K I ■H'll in lii.rcri'iit .^erfio!is nf [he C'luntry; SI I 11 ,\s — Sj" ’’llifj 7 Arilft- I h,-\r I'.i;. 1'.' k.s, .biuinals, l,eij_irs, C.i>h llooks. I’ass l’)ii'iks, ai.'l yn:}!nn i.v/>/m/ iiiuK: • U’AIl Kii.'W.s. FOoL.^i'AT 1'AI‘Ki;. I.KTTEll I'Al’tli. UlLl. i.M'Ki:. .VdlK »Vc. ' T!’‘ ‘ !' IT'C!! S. I't;s .iti-; II'- " rs. Fir.. ! ■I'. s, 1‘ai t'.> '!iar at'i'J'.ti' n v.ill I"* ]..iii! t^ uli i r'li"-- tiuiii ('I'lintrv .Mi-nliants .iii'l ;>ri va te iinii viuiia! 'Chi iiV m;.ii. I r iith. rvv ise. i"r Mi 'lii al. Mis- i-cllam "U'. aii'l .''i h iul l’i"ik'-. aii'l no jiaiils will bf sj.an- i I" ei.iii|ib t.' all 'in ii nj- li'i s to the cn- tii'e .'.it.iiui-lii'ii 'I'fiirre.-'i" i; ii iits. .MAKK H. NF.WMAN CO. lliiia'h' ay, .New \ nrk. .Iiltie l.'s.'il. 7'''- It Norici:. r0'?!!F. '■! i.cr ha\iii'.r |n:Oir';''il :'s F.xei ii- S. f"i t" t|.' !;st.'t'.'! Mis. Ileiirii'tta Canii>- 'lell. . ' ^I • n il 1 I'l Hi. 1 ' '>1. nt tIn C.,ui-t ,,f I’ic-is iiii'l \'';.ir!‘T S,-"i'I's Ilf ( imr.i. riaii'I cnMiity. li' litii-' .; 1 |pi'i-,-'iii-' !!:'i i'to"! t" s 'i'i F.s- t;it" t'l iiiakt- iitnin"i’ ite ;■ i\ nn'iii; ai.'l ;ill haviii;.r ciaii.:'-' a;j:aii.'; till'.'.iiiii'. to jiM'sciif iheni »>itliin the till'.! ]'ri-.'.li‘ii 'I li' "|- t h i s n. .1 ^ W i 11 111- I'.’a ;.' ic l in b.ir "1 tlii'ir iccuverv. \() rid'..—All Acrcunl' liH‘ fl;«- Mi'rciialits' Stfa iiibo;it ( ' li'] any. t'.r l'i-i'i.;iit^ lUi t'l tiie l-')tii ii.st . IilUt be [ i ni[i'i\ j'-.i.i t" till- Mil'll Tsi;.:ni il. a^ ii'.'i 'u ' : !■ raniint In' j:iven I'l the colle'ti'in nf tin' 'aiin-. J. i.'c 'I'. W .\ [)l»l !,L. late .\'_'cnts. I’.'ij etteville, .Ian. l-’7, 1H.">1. o itf F.nv iunt'jv- .\i)iili f'a/ ->lnnt. rg'^111'. umli'rsi'j'ne'.I i.' niaun!acturiii/. in Fav- ^ .ttcvilb'. Boot and Shoe Polish, far ‘inpi'ii '1- tn tii" lllai-kiii'.'’ juir'-liasi"! in the .Vnrthi'm ciri'--. U>- inren'ls il'-vfitiiii; liis n hole time to ni.'.niifaetnrinjr aU'l vi*nilinir this very sn- I'crior I’oli.sh. ami c.ills n.ii in all who tiiink it to the inl‘rest nf t''> .'^initlii rn fici plc t'l Ih i-ohh' imleiieniloiit of Nortliem tiia.nufai turL's. to jrive him fheir aid ;in'l jiatrnn.ij,'-'. He is ]irei>are'l to .show, by n/iy/ihi/f- Ir’iil. to any one whu will call i:[ on iuiii. the rltr ;i*\’ liis iner all oTiiiT /r.or nii\>’ solil ill North C.irolina. Call and h.'ivi' yi.ur boots and shoes oni-e eoinjiletely blacked and Jioli:(hed. ali'l be satisfied. 'I'his article is ollercd at a jiricu not hi;_dier than is nsiially chaifred for other and inferior ijiialitifs. and a trial is all that i.-s asked to se rine the ]iatioii;iire 111 the ]inblii- jreni'rally. The nndersi^ned e\[ie fs to visit cv.-ry p'T- tiiiii of tlie .''tate to intindncf his I’ol'.sh, and a.sks now in ad\ance that .Merriiaiits and others visiting Favettevillc will ni\e him a rail. A. .1. WOOUW AIID. June *JI, 1 ,‘.-)l. 77-iiii S HOC’CM) SIMilNdS, Wurroii Ons.siv, i'Oil S.\LK HK stibscribei'offers liis FAIIM for sale, B. eontainins; 71'' :icre.s of tine farminjr land, lyin? till the F.ast side of Little River, in .Mont- ^nmery countv, N. C.. joiiiinjjt I’.cv. \V. N. I’ea- ci'^k and William S. ISaldwin. A jiart of the Farm is in jrood farmin;r condition, and produ ces jrood C'olton and the best id' (’orn. The dwellinir and oiit-houses are in tolenibly pood coiuiition. atfordinp room for several hands and .'iinall white I'aiiiily. In short, it is a valuable I’a'in. and hs 1 am determined to c,, West, 1 will sell low I'or cash or b months' time. lil'.N.I AVilN T. lU'SM. .''Ic''a!Iuin's Store, July I, -'{-(It ADMLXLS'l'KA'l'OlCS SALi:. fB'SllK Suosrrilier. having taken out .'speci.-il S. Fetters of .\ihninistration "n the I’..state of l)r. Tlios. N. t'amcron, deceased, will sell, on S:iluid;iv L’'l ot' Aumist. ^dl the M( U'SF.IIO 1.1 > AND KITCIIFN Fl’IINlTrilF. ’i'ernis, (■) iiii.iiilhs credit. JAS. (!. COOK, .Adiii'r. Jlllv 1l’. d-ot MOI, ASSI'.S. HHl'S. jirime M(M,.\S.'sFS, t'or sale by F.KANSON \ .-^ON. otf Tas Lists—Save Trouble! tBUlNTKD AT THIS OFFICF. |irice cents, a Talinlar List, eojiied fii tii the List re- i i\ed I'ri :ii the Tri'asiiiy otlice, llaleijili. of , every tliiii;^ t;i\ed uii'.ler tlie St,lie laws, re;idy I'll- fiiiinir up. To which is addcl the oath ; V. hi.-h every pi'rsnn taxeil is reiiuired to sish- scribe. All apulicabie to other counties as well >.s this. .luiv It. 1''.1. 7 A ino.''f Ii-III'I' l/ h.'t'iiit! * VNODVNF I'OFCIl I)i:ol'S. The viu-i'i .--s of tl'i remedy ouistri]!' tin- i:s*' ' f aiiylhin^j' t tlu' K.ii'l. I'loia pi-i'ons of the ■ first ri'.'pccr.iiiilit\ n sidiiiir in ditierent p.-irts f i the rountry. I ha\e leceived flattering account.s. mi'l aiiioiij; ilicui the li'llow iiiir: I s, lj \.. June 1, l.sl'i. I |)r. A'oiin^- llear Sir: ILniiijr had a severe ; roii^di for s iiiie Iwt .fy yv;nijiiriin:- which time 1 li.'i'e taken riany prei aiations, put up by ditierent ]iliysitiaiis, Wistars celebrated I’lalsam of Vtiid Cheiry. .\r. ,\i'., to hut little . adv;i!it.iLr*‘, troiii your reci'iiiiiui.'ialioii 1 was in- 'iiii-ed to Ti_\ Hr. Little's .Vii.ulx ne Cou^ih Lrops. I 'iiid 1 take ji'ieM'Ure in '’atiiiL' that I fouii'l them to lie the very l>e'f jirepuratioii that 1 ever used. lUspectfullv voiiis. j ‘ 'a1U!.l.M COL.'^oN. ■ />' n'un !>t 1 IIIpi/sittn)i, mill nnmi tin tis/- ■ nf' Sii/isflfuli.--. 'j'he f-ir-.simile of the siL'iiature of lr. W. (i. Little will be toiind upon the outside wr.ipper of e:ndi of his Mi dii iiii's. S"!'i wholesale retail, by the I’rojpr'eti'r, at his M.'iiiulai turinL^ Hepot. No. iJt,} \Lirket street, I’hiiadelplii.i. and Macon, (ieorj^ia. To Vf had n>«o of .l.nriies C:iin, kfi~h; \. N'af'i l!. 1 '"’ai C ,.'--i: Ti'Wli'Ciid M lioiiii- lass. lM'iiiu:ts\iile: I'r. I'. M. ( olieii. (’h.'irles- t'lii; C. C. i;,,ibee. 1>:>rcliiv sville: 1’. F. 1‘escud, r.alci-l. .1. 11 IN.'sH A l.F. ,\,:eTit t'or I'av ettex ilk*. ^IHS deli;rhtfui Siiinmer i i treat is nnv ojien dial properties of the water, and pure atmos phere. otl'erin'r ^reat iii'lueements to Invalids, as Well a.S those seeking: jilrasiire and the pre servation of health. .Viiionir the many improve ments, are two newly titled up r.atliin;.f Houses. The Ilooins and ('a>iins are iieat and well t'ur- nisheiL A f;ood Ibind (d' Music always in at tendance: a plentiful supply of Ire, and the best efforts to please, at moderate rates of 15oard, as t'oilow's: — Families jier montli, each person, 1(1 Single persons, •• •• Jo •»(> pur week, *• 7 (HI I'er day, •• I Children nnder lli, and Servants, half price. s.\.mi I':l c.\i,vkht. JllTK! 7o-tlo.\ S4»,000 Jnlv 1. LliS. KAUS WA.\TKl>, by II. nilAXSON & SON. 7Htf FAYETTEVILLE AND NORTHERN PLANK ROAD. PUBLIC notice i.s hereby given, that the IWoks of this Coinj)any are now open to receive rrbcrr'y.t’cy.* of «t-c'k: aiirl t.:1! rciaaiu open tuitil further notice is ”iveii. J{y order of the Board of Directorii. June SO, I^'jL 78-Iw Cur .iliizia:: C'jj>y 1 mouth. .^a mr^m SI. I’i’LV of Fresh (iround CO({N MF.,\L i a kept for .sale at the .%lil!, late .Anderson's. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done proinjitly. Favetteville, .March 18.31. 12tf I.AItl>. L15S. LAlUl, lor «ale bv II. BRANSON .-ON. Jul\ 14, 1S.-.L i-tf '6^:: I a ('ape J'\ ir J^S'HSFANT S.j Kl'.W .VIM). iJTR.WFT) from the .Subs.-riV»er’s I’laniation. on the Fast side of Cape Feiir l»iver, 11 tiiik's below Fuyidteville. on the li'.ith June last, a .small BAA' .Al.SIiF, about lo years old, with a star in the forehead, black mane and lur-e embroidered, printed and black Bare heavy tail, without I'hoes; some white spots on th(“ back, jirodiiced by the saddle. A reward of Five Hollars will be paid for the delivery of the .Mare to me, or Tw(> Hollars and Fifty Cents for any inform.ition that will lead to the re covery. ,1. B. L.VNFl. July 10, IS-'^l. -l-;kwpd "~l*KOP()SAI. S^'^OR publication of a Vohinie of .SKRMONS, by the l’»ev. Jarvis Tiarry lUixton. late li’ector of St. John’s Church, Fayetteville, N. C. — to be editeil by his son, tlie Rev. .larvis I5ux- ton. ;ind accompanied with a I’ortrait, and Notice of his Life. The proposed viliimo will lie jirinted in lur^e clear t_\ ))e. and contain over oMl pajres. sub stantially bound in leather. Terms, Two Dol lars. payable on delivery. The net proceeds, if any, derived from the sale, will be ^iven to the permancLt Fund for Missionary juirjioses in the Diocese of North ('aroliiia. It is desired, (as few if any copies not pre- \ioiis!\ ordered will )»e piiblislied. i that persons wishinjr to s)|l;scribe woiiM immediately notif\ the F.ditor himself, or their own .Minister, whom he respectfully reipiests to receive .'subscriliers' names, and to forward them to Ids Address at ,\.sheville. N. C. June. L's'il. 7'> SALI-:. NF SFT S.WVAIILL G FA K LN( i. inclu.'iint: un excellent Li “ t'hain iind Crank. Appls to M. V. JONFS. ril L l-S-M. i.iiif i)()Mi:s ric:s. fITTLK River Osuaberjis: 7-S :ind 4-1 J Sheetinvrs alwavs on hand, and for sale at Factorv prices, liv >TARll \ WILLIAMS. J line 7. 1 S.")l. 7 ’-tf nf / to tllC (Icutll of flio fonni-r .\;_rent ot'the Henrietta Steam l!oat C,.., the Book' and accounts previous tn 1st .l.'inuary. I >•'’!. h i\e been jilaced in my hands for settle ment. .Ml pers'iiis haviiis: unsettled aecouiits, ■iri- request.’d to conic forward ami settle, as it beroiiies necessary to close up tlie old books as soon us p'.'ssible, RoBT. JOHNSON. I'.'iyetteville, June 1-5, l^•”ll. 7i-tiw KlNt; and A. .McMlLLAN have enter.*.! J.M • into cop.irtnershi]) in the Distillery ot' riirpi'iitine. and haxe erected a .’■'till on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western 1‘lank Ko.id, S nii'a'.'- from Fav ettcvillc. N. KING. C'. —71tt* A. McMTLLAX. NEW P>()OKS. fBIIIE AVork.s of Alexander IL-miilton, 4 vols.; -B. The Fcnmlc Jesuit, or the Sj>y in the F'ainily; The Nightingale, or .Jenn.y l.iiid Koiig- stor; The Coiflplete .Angler, by AViilton & Cotton: The Course of ('reiition, by Jno. .An.lerson, D D.; Tales from Shakspeiire; The (,'ry.stal Fount, ;i choice collection of Tempeniifce Songs; I’ictorial F'li.iksjicJi I c; P.i.^ti(i'’s I^ketchi's, liy Ppen.ier; Tom Racquet und liis three .Maiden Aunts; Mar shall’s Book of Oratory. &c, Ac. Just received. ' E. J. HALF. SOX. J 7, ISdl IS F wish to 'ouv 'Jii.iMMi li;irrels Turpentine. KING vV .Mc.MlLLAN. ^B'^IIF. Ci.jiartnci ship of H;i!l Hall will e\- B_ pire oil the 1st ot' .\u:ust iie\i, and in or- 'ler to ciose tiie coiicern, we oiler our (i()oD.'' :! I:FDI'C1;I> rRlCli.s;. Tho.'e wishinj: t" noike pun h;ise' on very tavoi'alti'itiis. \sill i|.i well to iri\e lis a eall. as we ale determined to .-.ell oil oi;r entire .““toi k. \N'e will also .-(-'ii the .''t> re and Lot occupied bv '111I'seiM ', , .Ms'i. lh I I'lr.ni; aii'l arehoiisi-ill the rear. 1 ,\l,-'i. i i:e '1 ei.eiiii'i't ill the lirick Ko^^. i."',v j oerllp.ed 1\ K. I*. McNeid. ’ .Ml or any iiart “i the -iino ,• I’roperty will be off i'l-d at priv.ite sale until the 1st .\ii;.'i''t. .-ind il li.-t ' 'M iheii. will lieotleled at .Vuctioii, and due notice :_'iveii. , 'jaiiis liv c.iili; Ujioli tiie i ndi rsii:ni'd. i ‘ ‘ ‘ HALL .V 11 \!.L. ' .May H'. L'^ol. 7ltf ai;t i of a. For tiia Prciiiotion of the Arts of Design ia tlie United States. f^'1\'FRV .^lember, for the \ear is.")], will re- J i i i\e f.-r each Sii!).-. ! iotioii ol l ive ]'■.!- ; b.rs. a print of Huntington's "t'hrisiian.i ai I ! her ( hildrcii." eiivrra . i-d by .loseph .\ii.liews. B.istoii; and the coiiipaiiion. a ) tint of llnnting- toii's ••.M''!c\'s Drejiiii. " eli;.;ra\ed by 11. Rit- chic. N-.''\ "l oik; or the . hoice ot .uiy two of the foll.■\^ iiig four sj'leiidi'l i iigrax ings. \i,^: 1. .lohn Kiio\'s Interview with .Mary n of Scots. paiiitC'l I'.v Lent/.'', ei'praved by Sartain. L’. Ruth and Boriz. painted by Rothermel, engraved b\ Sartain. o. .Mercv's Dream, jiail.ted b_\ II uiiiiii;.;to|i. eii'.rraved liy Rit. hie. L Christi ana aiel her Children, jiainted liv 11 i;iitii!.;:ti ii. eii^ri'.'i'ed l.\' .Viidl ew s; mi'i ;i ropy of the l'hil;i- dc’phiri .\rt I’nion Re|" rter. a monthly jianiph- Ict, r' litainiiig a rejior: of the trai.sai tions .'f the liistitiiti' ii, and iiiforniation on the subject of the I'iiK' .\i-;s throu;_diout the whole world. The ,\rt 1 niou of I'hi'adf'ljihia awards firi/*s in its own Certiticates, with which original .\- merlc'iii wurks of ,\rt may be jiurch.ised in any ;iai t of the I nitcd ."states, at tlie option and se lection of the person who may obtain a pri/.e at the annual I'istrihiitioii, whicli takes jilare on the evening: of the last week-da.y in exery year. The Fxeciitive Committee of the.\rt Cnion. xihen .'o re.jiie-Jted. select worksof Art, without ('har;re or eomjieiisation. from their I’ree (iallerv, lilli Chestnut Street, for those jicrsons in the country, who may live remote from Gal!erics, or public e\hibitii ns of the Fine .\rts. .'subscriptions of membt“rshiji, ^S”>. should Tie iiiadi! as early as j'rarticable, so as to entitle members to early numbers of the "Reporter, ’ '.viileh w ill be I'oi warded upon the reccijit of tic.' nioHcy to any jiart of the country. Th-.i Honor:iry Seeretaries will giro receipts for '•iibscriptions, or remittanrrs mav be made to (iFlMKiH W. DFWFV, CorrcspoiuliH'i See’y, JlO Chcstniif Street, l'hila(leli»hia. llonorarv See'v lor Favotteville, N. C., K. J. HALF. June i, is.'il. ~,Tj. ^JTR.XW Cl TTFRS, Corn Shellers, and ii va- riety of I’loughs and I’louirh ti.xtures, for sale I.y J. k T.' ADDILL. Jan. I. .').'{tf S NO rici:. 5'f.\RIt \ WII.I.I \\l.' have reniovcl to the .■store recentlv ".cupied by .Mr. John D. .''Iiiir. line door wI- t . f Me-si-'. II. I’.raiis ii vV .'Soil, where tiiey l.av*- jii-: ri'ccivcl adilitions to the ."•ii in.ir piir. h;.-C' >'I iinirv Uicri'l J. T. CH>1\\( IL vV C’ALV A JIK now r‘ceiving a large .stock of Sl’RiNG -VND SL.M.MFR (iOODS, consisting in l>art of— Stri[ie*l Gro-de-I’aris: black and coFd Silks: ind Ba- rege-de-Lain«‘: I’aris-de-Chine; ('rape-de-i*;iris: rich emb'd Tarltans; printed I' leiich Lav. ns; em broidered and printed Swiss .Muslins: Hovle's and printed Organdie*: .Mourning, piinted: I'olka and faiic.v Law n; .Mourning and other (iiiighams: .laconet and Swiss .Muslins; Silk and Linen I’l p- lins; solid cnl'd Lawns: l!isho]i .-ind .'swiss ditto: Grass and other Skirls: l.inen Camliiie Hand kerchiefs. nei'dle-workcd; Collars and Cutl's: liiice I ndersleeves; French needie-w orkel Chem isettes: fancy Mitts and Kid iloves of all kinds: s])lendid Bonnet .'ind other Ribbons: I'ldgingand Inserting; French and Fnglish Prints: together with a lar.ire supply of other articles suitable for f.adies' wear. French Cassimeres; jilain Linen and IJnen Drill; Cheeked Linen; Silk, .M.'irs»*i]les and other Vestings; Cashiner*t; Drab d''rite; York .Nankins; ."silk Handkerchiefs and Cravats: brown and bleached Sheetings and Shirtings; a good assort ment of embroidered Window t'urlaia.s, (^some very line.) j y-iii:il4‘ ('lothhsu:. ' ('oats: I’ants: .'satin, .“silk. .Marsi'illes aii'l other Vests; a larirc siipjily of each. ■A large lot of I'mbrellas. and tine Silk and ! Satin I’ara.-'ols, assorted kinds. I Beaver. Fur, .''ilk. Leghorn and other J'traw . Hats; also a good .sup]il\ of Boys' Hat'. White ( hip. French Hair-Lace, and other I I’.onnets; Children's tine I’earl lials, Bi.iineis I and Flats; Wreaths aiel Flowei'. iiiid j Fine Calf sewed Boots; I’atent l.eatlier f!r i- I ^ri.iis: Cloth and l>uck Con^re.-s Caitei-s: O\foid ! Ties; l':itent Leather ditto; La'lies' lil.-iek aii'l rori.1 Silk (iaiters, a tine article; difVerent kinds of Miss.'s Shoes :ind G.liters; Ladies' .■slipp.-r.' iiiid VVa’ikiiijj: .'■^hoc'-; «ith ;i I.tr^e Mipp-.' ''1 I heavy Shoes, for servants. I Saddles. Bridles, ('oll:irs. I’added Harness, and agon and Ibiggy hips, I'rorki-ry. llaniwjrt'. ('nllcry. Ilollow-Warf. Rio aii'l I .'igiiira Cotfee; ('rushed; ('!arifu*'l. Loaf an ! Brown .'■■ugars: .“salt. .Molasses. Iron and Nails; I'rincipe Ci.irars: French Brandy: j ' (iin; Fort, .Madeira, Sweet, and Scuppernong ^ Wines. i Together with a gn'at variety of (Joods of. ; nc.'iriy every dc.-: ription. All ol w hich they ari' detenniiied to sell very low tor Cash, or on very I accoinmodatiii',r terms to ]iiineiu;il . usiomers, K.-JV U'e Would be glad that biiyei> generaih Would call and examine our StocK. .\jill L 1>->1. f.'itf i lAVE i\srii.\N( i:. rniiiF I tidersigned I'as been appointed .Agent I EL of t'oc Noi th C^iroIina Mutual Life liisu- rai.ce Compjiuv . Lverv member for life }'.-irtic ip.itcs in the protits of the C.niiiiany: and tiu' .'innual preniiiini for life membership, where it j amounts to or more, may be paid one-halt' ! in cash, and th.e other h:ilf in a note at I'J months, j Delit 'i's' lives niay be insured Ity creditors. I .V man m.i.v insure iiis own life for the exclusivi tienelit of his f.iniily. The livis of slaves may I be insured. j This system is rajiidly growing into t'avor. all j over the civilized wiu'ld. It is one bv which ;; yari to a H'soh’tion of the sfock-. hohkrs ot’ the Ca]ie Fear Navigation Com pany, at their general meeting, .Nlay ot', 1851. notice is Jiereby given, that I'roni jmd after the 1st of Aiifiiist next, all articles, coii.iii.idities, lirodiice, g(iods, wares and merchuudisi', con vex ed upon the Cape Fear River to or from Fiivtttcville to or troiii any point intermediate between Fayetteville ainl U ilmingtoii. and lo or irom Wilmiiigton to or from any point be tween the ni'iiiih of I’dack River and Fayette ville, shall be subject to tolls, at the rate ot' twelve and one-half per cenluiii ..ii ihe amount of ireililit ehar;j:i''i, except al Iieies i . ll. e\»'d llji- oii rafts, vvooij flais. and Ciaft under the l iu'then o;’ ten toi.s: and when the bojit ouner i? the shipper or owIII r of the jiropert.e shijiped, tin- like loU shall he charjjed. to-»vit: twelve aud one hall jier ci'i.tiiin upon the customary rate of freight charged upon such articles as may be shipi>ed. From and afii r the 1st of .Ae.jiust l^•')l, the Owners. Ca]iiaiiis or Agints of all bo.-its not under ten tons burthen, iiavi^iating the River between tiie month of JUack River .'ind l'';i v ettevilb*. an* reiiuired to furnish the Toll ('ol lee tor at Wilmington with a list, on oath, as jire'cribed h.v 1,-iw, of the anioiint of freight charged, or of the estimated amount, when shipped by the Boat Owner. Notice is also riven. that Thos. C. Worth has been ajipointed Toll ( ollector iit Wilmington, 1 and payments of tolls upon .'irlicles eoi,vevi;il I fi'oiu ;iny })oint heiow I'.i vettev ille to f r from I Vv ihiiinjiton. are to be made to hin.: and the aforesaid lists of trei'j,ht fiirnisln d '■ !;im. .Mi oilier ]iaymciiis to he maiie, a.- loici lore, to , (ieoi'ge .McNeill, (ieneral .\'.:eiit. I .loJlN JL ilALI., I’redd. nt. I Jun.* :;h. is.M. 7.''-i!.\ P C) i: T U Y Kcward. | R ILL give one hundred doll.ii' for the ap- i ' m prehension and c. iitinemeiit o| DFi!''! >.S and .IFRRV in any jail so tiiat 1 can fS' T them . auain. or lifty dollars tor either. 1 will also ^ i;ive .sliKlfor iiioot’ of jmv respolisiiib- p.-rsoirs li.'irboriii'j: said nef-roc,. They ranawav from my planiatiou in Moore couiitv on rlie lOtii of ; Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurkiiiji about ] Hi "I- 17 miles above C;irthage fin Deep River. , throu'ih the edire of .Miore and rorm*rs of Chat- ' h.'iiii and Randolph eountii'. .\ndersoii is alioiit I J'' .ve;irs old. a liri^'hl mulatto, about ■'> fei-t 7 or ' S inches lii^li. well pnipoi'tioned; has an open countenance, and is t|iiite plausible. It is be- I lieved that he w ill ende.-i vi.r to p.iss fora free ‘ man and escape to .-i fi-ee .^tate. as he had a brother who played the s.-ime game, .lerrv is ; .ibout l! 1 years old, b I'eet o or 4 inches liigh, : stout built; has a down look, particularly when : spoken to. and Is rather impudent. S;i;I ne groes formerly belonged to .lohn IL Ritter, in the upper end of Moore county. .\n_v information must be addrcs.-e.l to the ! sub.'ciiber at I’ocket 1’. ().. .^loore countv, .N. C. i J. L. BRV.\N. i .\pril I'J, is-'il. ij7tf Tho follovvinjr beautiful Hiu-.' we cut iVniu the Nc'y York Trilnnu'. M:mv a Lere;ivcii jiarciit’s hoart will iVspoiKi to tin; so filaintivoly oxpro.‘';.'iC'«]. THF LITTLE BOV TIIAT DIED. I am all alone in niy chamber now, .Vnd the midnight hour is near; And th«' tagfiots t-rark and the clock's dull lick .Vre the only Sounds I lu'av. And over my Saul in its s'llitude. Sweet feelings of sadness glide; For my heart and my eyesarefu.ll when I think ()f the little boy that died. 1 went one night to niy futlier's house— AVeiit hotiie to the dear ones all, Ak'1 softly 1 oi>ened the garden gate. And softly the (h»or of the hall. My mother came out to meet her son—• She ki.s-scd me, anl then she sighed. And her head fell on my neck, and she werii For the little boy that died. I shall miss liim wlieti the llowi*rs come In the garden where he playcJ; J shall miss him niore by the lire-stde, N\'heii the tiowers have all decayed. 1 shall see his toys, and his empty chair, ,\nd the horse he used to riile; .Aii'l they will sjieak, with a silent speech. Of the little boy that died. I shall sec his little sister again j With her ilaymat-.-s about tlic aoor. And I'll watch the chihlren in their sport.?, ,\s I never di'i V.efore; And if, in the group, I s;ee a child Thai's dimpled and laughing eyed, i'll lo(ik to see if it may not be The little boy that died. A\ e shall all go home to our Farher's house— To our Father's house in the skies, Wliere 1 lie hojie four soiils shall have no blight, Our love no bro'Kcn ti»'s: W q sh.ill roam on the li.inks of the River o! rein.*c, .\nd bathe in its blissful tide; .\nd one of the joys of our Ileaveu shall be— The little bov that lied. \\'AN'ri:i>. A GO»D Carriage I’AINTKR will tind steady /m employnient ;ii;d good wages, by imiiiedialclv lo A. A. .McKKTHAN. I'avettevilk*. .\nril 14. L''.'>l. , (.;!tf (;ooi»s. c cx.Miiii.e oui pie !ind I .incv Db^ , ,, ,11 ■ , , laiiiilv. tor a small sum annuallv. m:iv be pro- it- are reiiucsted t.i • . . i .1 line 1 s -‘. I. ST \RIL V. ILI.l VMS. 7‘i-tf Dissolution of Copartuership. f|1Hi; firm of Bl'ick'.'r ,X nullard vas this day M. itissoheil by mutual consent. J.C. Block- '■r iiie i- .'iti: iio! i^i -i to settle tho .-iT'iirs of tia* .'. C. i;| .. ;i i^ c. w. LUl.LARD. Harris'inbur:r. J'ine L’, l.s-'ij. 71-tf 1’. S.—G. W. Builai'l also with'Uaws from the tiriii ot' 1’. ( ulijreth .V Co. .1. C. Blocker and B. Ciilbreth will c uiti.ine the tirm uiider the name and si\leot B. Ce.ibrvth .V C I., af ('ed.'ir f’reck. ! vi'led for. alter the death of its head, on whose i exi-rli'iiis they may h.-ive been dependent for a support. li is a uo': j iimstmeiit of nioiiey, eveii if one sliouM live huiu alter faking out a i.i.'e I’oMcy. Fvplanatory ii.niiphb't', and the . ncccssarv iihiii’Ks, I'lnnished on atijilieatioii. i;'. J. H.U.F. F:iettfville. .lime IS.'iO. 7’_' /list ri ri in ,/. L"(>, llish"}' B.t-. om's .''ermoi.s; '['he Week, conipri'iii;.; the i,.ist D.iy of the 'A eek. the ot the W i'c’k, the Week 'olii j ilet »'■ 1. of the .Moslem, a Nai l ativ e of (»r'.en- T!ic Rath of Lil>‘. by Ri v. lleiiv.' Tom Itac'pief. and his three Maiden .irsr Ki:sL'in:i). ’^U^iliT NLW I'lLGtilKS. Also, two seeotid J hand. I'lir sale bv .June L’. l^'il. A. A. ."McKKTH.VN. 7»-tf W'AXTKI), i H.XND.'s. at 7o cts. ]ifr dav, on ; the .'soiitlKrii I’lank Road. Ste;idy | employment and cash payment weekly, if re- j ■ [iiircd. .\polv to ' D. M. BFIK. I At the Steam '^lill. or to ' A A. .McKFTII.VN. L'^M. Fayetteville. Fils! 1 >ay The L inds tal Travel. Row land. .Aunts. Ftii|U>*ttc I'or L.idies. Do. for Gentle- nieii. The I’s.ilmi.'t and Supplcim nt. Butler's ■ Iluuibras. I’lutarch's Livis. .Mad.im Roland, { by .Mibott. Diciionary of (Quotations, Latin. ^ French. i\:c. Fnion Bible Dirtion.irv. Kurils' ' V. i i ',.s. 1’oi‘t’ v ot' Flowers. Flora's Interpreter. Book Kee[iiii”. School I’xioks. t^e. E. J. HALE \ SON'. I Mav is.'.l. vl (ii’inf IIIr>"iiti'lii.—The Albiiny Ar- •rt’.s describes a iie'.vly iiiVL'iiteJ tiiaciiiuo fur ]iLiniiii wood vvhicli is no'vv in operu- tinii in tliiit city. It says: A sati.'l'actory i(_lc;i of tiie invention can only be foniifd by seeinjr it at work.— Tliougli siini»lc in it.s construetioti, anti ca.'ily conijirclieniled at a jrlance, it is dit- , . I Kcult to convey a clear uncler.standitig fd *' ^ I the njtrrnvfh\ on p;ipor. ft Tvill U Mitiicient, perliaji.s, t'» s;iy that iiutiiing lieretufoie jnventod approaches it, cither . . ,, , in re.sjiect to the speed with which it doe.s AcH'^ \ aiuahlc it.s woik. or the accuracy of surface and 1 M 1» Iv Fi A N I) S 1 Hnish wiiich it gives to every thing and For S\LE. I •*”}’ thin;r which parsses through it, iti the rg'^HF Subscriber has iiurcha.sed all the Lands ''haj.e of a plunk or board. A rough board belonging to the Fstate ol' Abram Dubois. i placi'd within its vorteX coines out a.s cven dee d, lying prim ipally in Robeson county, ami | utid ptilished as a luii ror, to the tUlie of .*r River, the ditierent sur- i jos a milUitC—and this without driv ing the machine.—Its tuaxiniuin capacity is double and even treble this speed—aud the greater the power and the rapidity of the working, the more perfect is its exe- ciitioii. AVe can well bi lieve that it will turn out work at the rate of LiOO aud even •JDO feet per iniimte—or as fast as it can be icil. 1:, this rc.spcct it ont.-trips the fuMOUS Woodworth invention, and promises to ! supersede it entirely. The maximum c:t>- ! parity of that machine, wo are told, is ! tliii'ty or forty feet per minute. Such as I are interested in the progrc.^^s of improve- o!i both sides of Lumber vev s eentaiiiinii lar.iie luirl tineiy Timbered, and convenient to ! Lumber River, where a larjre ipiantity of Tim ber is now i.ifted to the (ieorgetovvn market. These Laiels are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, tor which purpose a larne p.irl is v^ell suited, beiii!; in a le;.iion where tiie Tiir|i»*'iiiii‘* vieids iimre abundaiii!> tiian any other section of the .''t ite. 'i'iie Lands will be sold at a low prire, and in (quantities to suit purchasers. Inlormatioii resi>ecting the title can be ob- t.'iineil bv aiiplyin;; to the Hon. Robert .''traiitre, Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, or .\. .V. T. .''mitii, I'^s.,., I .Vttorneys at Law. ) ^ .. . . I 1 understand there are many ti •spassers on i nii'Ut wul see 111 this something new and I these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby | stran>fe, and well worth inspection and I given, th.'it the law will be entorced against all ; .study. The iuveutor may be seen at such otlenders , t , , Towii.seudV ftiritace, at any time, to cxhi- .\iiiilication lor aiiv part ot tho Lands can be , • . . ,■ i • i ■ ■ ' bit tlie cap;;city and jiowcr ol his uuichine t( all visitors. made to myself, or to .lohn Wiiislovv. E*ii|.. who ! is duly authorised to malu* s.-ile of the s:ime. { THOS. J. CLRTIS. I Fav ettc' iile. N. C.. S.-pt. 1, liS-}.'. 7btf .I line Fire li^HHrance. HE -KTN.\ Insurance (.’onipany of Hart- M!'X’IL\M(\\L lU)OKS. ; 4i’I’LET(iN'S Mechanics’ .Mag:i/.ine; Bor- | I den's Formula' !or constructing Rail Roads; j ^ W ightvvick's Hints to .Vrcliitects. liy i)owning: ; .Minifie's Mechanical Drawiii;! Book: Mahan's I Civil lingineerin;!:; Bourne's ('.itechisni of tlie ! .'ste.-iui I'iugine: Mill-Wri;:ht's iJuide: American ■ j House Carpenter, by Mattield; .Meciianic s (Iwn ^ I Book; .Mechanic's Text Book; Cabinet .\Liker : ford, having paid the tax imposed by the i I pholsterer'.s Companion; Builder's Com- Reveniie Law 'f the late Legi.slature, will con tinue its A.ufiicy in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is [sre- pared to issue Rolicies of Insurance on Build- i)i;:s or (ioods. cither in this 'I'own or in any part of the State, on ]iro]ier ajiplieation, i!e- si-ription of the I’rojierty, I've. 'I’he .iiiT.NW CO.\n’.\.N \’ has been in o]>eration about o(l year.'. Its caiiital is SgtttOO^OOO. The Hon. 'I'hos. K. Brace was its tirst President, aiid he still holds that otlice; and several of its first Directors are still active and etticient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. JL\LE, .\gent. .AJ-ii-ch Dl, 1S.'>L b2-tf XKW liooivs! fElGlI IIFNT’S Al TOBIOGRAPHV; Poc- A try of the Waverly Novels; Harjier's .Maga- zijK*. and International ditto, April Xos.; Alton Lficko; Laveugi'o, Putnam's cheap edition; Mans- lield's .Alexican War, illustrated, cheap and bound editiims; (ieddes on ('lank Roads; Complete Farmer and (iardener, by Fessenden; Vonatt iV Martin on Cattle: New Masonic Trestle Board; Freema.son's .Manual; Masonic Chart; Freema son’s .Alonitor; Goldsmith's Works; McLellan on the Interpretation of Scriptures; Mc(,'osh on Di- ' vine Government; McGutly’s Readers, sccond and third parts; Davies’ Surveying; Gunn’s Do mestic Medicine, &o. ie. Just received by I April 14. E. J. HALE & SOX. i Wheeler's History of North Carolina. 71^HE undersigned has been appointed Geiie- ral .\g(}nt for Col. J. II. Wheeler iu the 7th (.'oiigrcssionul District, and wishes to up- ; point sub-.\gents iu cach of the counties of ; Robe.sn>, L'olunibus, Bladen, Brunswick, New i Hanover, Fanipson, Duplin und Onslow, and j asks that applicatiou be made to him inime- I diatelj. 'I lie AVork goes to press iu Angust, ! and the price w ill he One Dollar per volume, and consisting of two vclunics. JOHN M. PvOSE. :i'.rcli 2i, ISol. i4-t:' panion; Dyer and ('olor .Maker's Com[»anioii; i’aintcr, Gilder and A'arnisher's Comiiaiii(>n. E. J. HALE iN SON. Gunu’s Domestic Medicine. A FLKTIILR siipnlv. just received. ‘ E. J. HALF .'v SON June l(i, ISol. NLW JU)()KS. ~ ARPER’S Magazine for .June; Internation al do; The Sister.'!, or the Fatal .Marriages; Pickwick .Abroad, or the 'I'onr in ••'ranee; Reve ries of a Bachelor; Sheridan's Life .ind Dra matic Works, 1 volinne: Voung Lady's Friend: School l’>ooks, iS:c. Just received. E. J. H.VLE & SON. .Iiine D), ISol. “Works on Pree-Masonry. EW Masonic Trestle-Board, adapted to the AVork and Lectures, as yiractised in the Lodges. Chajiteis, Councils, and Encainjimonts of Knight Templars in tho I nitdl States, by ( has. W. Moore. The Froe-Mason’s ^lannal. a conpanion for the initiated through all the degi'ces of .Alasonry, by Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True .Alasonic Chart or Hieroglyphic ■Monitor, by .1. L. C^ross. The Free-.ALison’s .Al.niitor, containing a de lineation of the funlamcntal principles of Free- Masonry, operative and speculative, as well iu a religious as a moral view, by Z. .\. Davis. For sale bv E. J. HALE i: SON. May 31. ' 74 liocTlTjUNiyKRYr AV. H.AKDIE has resumed tlic Book Binding Business at the new Store ne.xt door to -Mr. Jieasley, Jeweller, wliere he will re ceive and exccute binding iu any style desired. August 1. 27 tf ~SOU'l'HKKX IlAItM()NYT JUST RECEIVED, a new supply of this popular Book. E. J. HALE iS; SON. Sc^t. 20, IS50. IS‘porl*N ill B..a\« aisd S'qiiH y. Propo.suls 1 V LITTLJO .v BRiiW.N. for piibii..,h- i.ig bv subscription a New Series ot L.VW AND E(H ITV RI'.l'ORTS. rS'MIF. want of some system by which the de- B. cisioiis and judicial opinions of the sever;il ('oiiitsof Law and Eijuity in England can be more promptly and heaply tiirnished to the legal lu'ofession in this country, has long been seriously fell and acknowledged. The subscribers propose to republish these reports in lull, as fast as they a}>jiear in Eng land. and can be received here. 'I’liey will con tain reports of cases deciiled in the House of I Lords, the Frivv (.'ouncil, the several Courts of i E'piil.v. the Court of (Jueen's Bench, the Court I of Common Pleas, the (’oiirt of L:»chei'iuer and I Exchcipier Chamber, the Fcclcsiastic.-l :iiid Ad- I miralty Courts, the Court of l‘>aiikrujit^\, in- ' eluding also the I''lecti(>n Cases, the Crown Ca- I ses Reserved, and the ILiilway and (.’anal Cases. I These Reports will be jniblished in monthly ! numbers or parts, conimeneing with the leci- ; sioiis of Michaelmas (November) Term, IS.'iO. I and will be carefully edited by a member of the I Bar, with notes and references to analagons ; American ilecisions. I Each number will consist of over three hun- 1 dred jiages closely jirinted octavo, on the best ' jiiijier, and in clear, fair type, and will contain ; a table of cases, and a tull table of contents, thus forming a complete volume by itsolt, as ! well as a fiart of an entire series. ! The price of this jmblication, forming six I volumes octavo, will be silO a .ve.ir. payable in j advance, or the si.x volumes, handsomely and j uiiifornilv bound in law sheep. :^ll.’. I ‘ LITTLE .V BROWN, i 11'2 AVashington street, IJoston. I The .'subscribers are autlmrize'l to re ceive subscriptions for the above woik, the lirst volume of which is already issued. E. J. HALE \ SON. May 1H.'1. _ 7>tf NKW'lJ()()KS. OlUlOW’S LAA'ENGRO; Grace .-\£tuilitr’s AVonien of England; Miss Stricklaud’s Lives of the Queens of Scotland; Alton Locke; Hints to .Sportsmen; Nobody’s Son: Daviil Coj>- perficld; Scenes in .AHssi.ssifipi; 1/Ove and .\inbi- tion; Irving’s AVork.s, 14 vols.; Moflern British Essayists, 8 vols.; Builder’s C'onijianion; (jole- man’s Letteiis from Europe; Abbott’s .Vlallerille; Souuiey's Lifij ami Corres'jjon ’ei.ce; T.ifc -f T.u'.y Ojkjuhoun; with a variety of School Books, etc., juts received by E. J. II \LE i: SON. 31;.rcli 11, IGol. I>r. T. 1>. AS taken an Ottiee on Hay Street, \\ est of the Hotel Buiklings. July 14, Ds'il. 4-tf II \\a.n'i'i:i>. : FlI’i.'^T rate Boat Hands. Conslaiir ' cmjdovmeiit and high wages given. R. .M. ORRFLL .lulv 15. 4-Jt W KA1M‘1N(^ VWVAi. J RE.\MS Medium size, M. ™* li.') Blue, for ('ott07i A’ariis. From .Maiiteo Paper Mills, P.alei'..:h. I'or sale-' low by JL 15RANSON vS: SON. .hiiv il, I8')i. ;;tf FOR SALK. 4 VAI.l ABLE HOLSE AND J.OT on the' .i Public SijUare. for cash, notes on demand,- or Oil a credit. Ai'jilv to IL MfNABP.. C:irthage, Moore county, Jul.v ]8;')1. 7^-4w J!IIJ.SBOHOl(;il A(’AI)KMY.~ rn^lIE acting Trustees of this lojig estab JL Fished Seniinar.v. take great pleastire iit announcing to the yiublic, that they have engn- ged the services of .Air. 1)EN'J’N R. Hl'SKE, who will hereafter conduci. the Acad'.*niy a.s Priiicijiid. Mr. Huske is a native of this State, aiel a GradiiJUe of our rniver.sity, and lias been en- ga.ijed lor Some tijiie very .successfnllj- in teach ing in the town of Fayetteville. His Icarninj:, tine tei.iper !ind Christian character ;rive assui aiice to Parents, that his duty to ciiildreii en- trn.-red to his charge wi" Lo abl.y .ind con.^cien ciously perfori.ied. The Exercises of the next Session wip. coni- mence on .AD.uday, the l!lst instant, and as the Coui'se of iiistrui'tion is pi'cparatory to the I'tii versity. the .«e.ssions in futuic will conespoud with those of (,'hapel Hill. Terms of Tuition, including contiiigencit s, •?21, always in Hdvancc. No deduction i.iade unless in case of protract ed illness. Iiy order of the Board, E. A. IIEARTT, Sec’;. . July otb, ISol. L’-iitw Rfj'-rmft*: President and Faculty of tiie University of N ■ Carolina. C'. T. Ilaigh, Esq. | ilon. Kobt. Ktrango, r FaycttevihV* K. J. Fsn I (HMCKS. i ON ALL THE bANK.S IN fAVFTTFVILLi,- Juit I’riiitcd i’or i.uic ac tiii5