lOBINEUVER. % ATS tt:e Trams TIU IJSDU'. JI I.Y 17. f'l tin' W'lh Ji/ OIiKi rvn MTSRErRESEN'TATioN*.—The GoWsboro’ ■ DOCKEPvY AND OLDWELL. | Dkf.p Riveti Navigatiok.^—vVc ic-Rrn ' Piitriot, in its violent attacks upon ^Ir. f>/ « Lfttn- to the j that 125 Gormans li;i\e lol't Now York for Stmily, seems to have very little care as to j Monfyomert/ County. I this phioe, a part of 5^>0 who hav^ hcen I the matter or the manner of its artitlesi ! Gen. DiK-kcry and Maj. Caldwell both . cngngfd to w^ork on the Cape Fear and In its issue of the ITith, we find a long ar- fiddressed the people of Montgomery, at Deop Rivers, tide, in whifh Mr. Stanly is first abused yesterday. Maj. CaldwYjll’a sj)ecch as an unc onditional su}>missionist, and was juite a ciirio^ity in its way. Some | lA ANIA Ol^llKS. lope oF.NaTOR King ON THK CoMrrvOMTST. ^ Sor*h. Caroliti x ijo'csr.ion F!n{].—A, The pb?!5omcnorr otro?/? •a uAoj/r r/( i;;A, lion. ■\Vm. K. King replies at length to i ™*i’”iioth white fi; " wpp snspomied iV un \vluch th,' Philadel}>h'a Nortli Amfvicau a letter asking his opinion upon the Com promise. He take.s uj) each separate measure, objccts to particular porti(»ns of some of the bills, bnt he re-afiirms his one of the windows of the oiTifi; of the no(i,‘.-'.» as having (K.cnrrcd iu that citv on Charleston Mi-rcury on the -kh ins'int, on AVc'dnt sii:’v st week, was notici-d at which appeared a lone star, atid :i l i't'lo- Norristown by tin* (Mlitor of the Free l’ros, snake with its lu'ad erc'ct at the foot of a who smv>; ‘•I’rcriscly tlu* same plionoiMc- palmetto rreo, ;is if :il>out t«i sfrik;* A non was ol s rvfd at th’s plaie ab*nt a I oj)iniou heretofore exj>rcssed, ‘‘that the | })ortion of tlio imlitar}'tirow up I'ctcwc' tl.o f(UUi'{cr ]>;ist ii’c]i:«-k (rii tIi li"' I'J it (}] • -I*!* />• 1 ^ —^ - i4.l1. 1 *111 *1 *1\.1 Vt-Vf'k\, j 'I .» - j n - rv \ 1 i in- SillflO i'\ Ot J ' * II' 7 / V/ tluMi in the same j'aragrapli as \vi>liing to leadin;x articlos of his j>(>litic*al crcr»l ^ ^ ' p(*oplo (»f the South couhl with honor, and ' arms, and ;ravc niiiC i heers iritf. ih\ ihc north anvl )it.rrh\\t*>t hori/ou V, • V ' of tl.e were novel enough; and his whole speech, fre.pin.tly, and so much at circumstances, accjui-: dark douds were re..which b^ht- Norti. in case they are persisted in. The one end to the other, was made up of ^ ^ Tint *4^0^' ■ i ''I- S.ls did not Jise fiw'n 11'.o'hovi/.oT. J! .—This morning at lOo’cbn k. a J'atriot says: the smallest kind of sophistry, the merest | > , ‘ ^ ^ , subject of .sece.ssion, he says: j conuition ot (lie crops on-the other Mde. (,,or j.cad it w liroke out in the wooih-n Stable in n ar of the (’ape Vear Hank, threaten- tVom the furious manner in wliich it h;t, in t)ie n.iidst of a nuiuber ot old aden warebi'Usi '. >tai'lcs. I'ie., ail as dry “Who that has heard 3ir. Stanlv, as he Muihot his speech ; field.', not onl} of j however, prepared to admit j ''’>!>Oi|U(.iit dulim pri stumps it throughout this district, has not was a direct insult to the int('lligenee of; of the I nion, and a sy>tematic ; i^tates ]»ossess either the constitu-: ' !LUio\id t u beon sh(K-kcd with his wild, kingbv notions? }ii>j audience He is certainly one of the i been made by the Locofoeos tional or reserved ri'^rht to secede from the; tii'--- }iio. iit^ \,i 1 ta e II,. n,a,ny as*.,. ,ba, .W Vmon p.,: t. ,ni.r.pre«ut i,, ,o„.i:.io„. It is " | , . ... this section of country for some time pa.^t. "c : This is Democracy m a new paasc. At j,, ; c id ot tiiiH , itgardk.ss oi all inti.ii tions ot , . have endeavo/ed to do, taking as our an- the North, according to the SukIIk rn IjO-, v. Iih Ii will all, ( f the (K iii;;:id ot tlu'se States must be a 1 nion to tlie ", • 1. . r^' .. , ; duty to let the truth be known. This we : This is Democracy in a new pli.ise. At . tinder boxes, to produce a .>ierio\is con- the Constitution, regardless of all agrcs- His attempts at gulling the ]>eople are aw Ii„, l.v .iu- -i.m;, ,'.y „„o ,,ar,y, on the rij^l.t, of ,l,e I„„ is a ,m. nf ,h,. ,n„s. r.»|«t.,Wt. a,ul aMy oo„. i a».ic in favo,- „f ,1.. C,,,,,,.,,...,;™. I„ U.is ’^.''Vl'ril!i'.'maI!l?,Kr!.r.ll'u l‘ tl.us ,-,.ntimic,l; J'T''i'"'* lo- |M|».rs in llic counlry. State tl.cy are all (.i,p..s,.,l l„ it an.! ,l;,i.n ‘ ' “He wmtoidv"i>;si>its tliit MU ojinrex-^ed i* * *•’ e .t\o\\ed hiniMdt jrlie\ing in From this jiapcr we have .'■hown, that, the right to .-^(ctMlc as cl'>ar :mil |ln..n.‘st'..>ll- ^le n.mtonU as,>.eit.s that an oppres.-cl tlie nirht of Sceession, and that a State * * r n i * i i - / i i Ti i n * member of thi^ Confederacy, has no means l,;ul the ri-rht of iudjnnL' what deMee of ""twitl'-^tanding all tiie boasted clanns to able, th.mgh t!:ey are willing t-. ••ac(pii- the par- esce.” In Soutii Car ilina th"v cal! Hic t.ir .•oiitint'd ti the single building in ■h it oi’ginated. We but .-peak the u- >r,-.il S'Mitiiiieut u lu n we eon^^ratulate of redn .^s for the wrongs inflicted on it. oppression would amount to a sufficient 1 Viii'^-racy, set up b; _ . !’• I ' resort to the i-(|uivocal contest ot f(,|- Jn.j- to withdraw from the Ciiion, ty, anl notwitiistan«ling all the “resolu- Coni]>rouiise all s ivt> ('t' n inif's arid tliey (it /.(11" 0.1 i.i\in__ a lu bpartiiifiit anaich\ and r(‘belli(«ti. and of the time and manner: that sove- tions whi h no Southern man can object who‘‘ac(uiesce” I'Y-dcral Wliigs. .\iid iiovv 8©irdi m iuaged, with fheir Kngines in hr-t And again in the same article: reignty is indivisible: that we owe no alle- i t„,” which the I.ocofoc. Conv* iitions adopt, here i.- Senator King, who calls hiiii.v. lr ; niilis oi'Ur tor iMimcdiate use, and an ample “Mr. Stanly holds out to them the giauce to the (ieiicral (Jovcrnment: that inJi.^imtible that IJifler the ai^l 1\ 'f water in the 1'ublic Keservoirs. gbxmy jirospect of degrading and bloody the right to Secede is one of the reserv(>d ^ ' Mfcr ■ pn pertv was sav‘tl from destruction relndlion. in (he event of intolerable op- rights not delegated to the (!i-neral (lov- ... , 1 .1 • .1 11.1 , pressionl” (rnment: that the (leneral Joverument is th*' i: IV. hv their means, than all the eo.-( l • • i • llowdo (hese declarations corresjmnd’ i>ot sovereign: that soverei^Mity is only in i'- , . 1 I .1 * M 1 n 1 hereiit in ami innohiK nifh the iteonle: l'n>t. we are told that .'Ir. stanlv will sul>- , ... ‘ that the tramers ot the ( onstjtution were very guarded in their pliraseologv in de- tining treason, in saying that tri'ason should .... consist in levying war against the I'nitid 'M'’'^''d a^ frank aiio candil, ami true in ^ . ^1^^ A\'iimiiiL'’ton Shitf^i, not the (’t>iixtitnfii)ii. And a great 1**^ tricndship tor the South, he utti'rly re- , hps(er l>oiids (j v.ne deal more of t-iich silly sditl', in the .ame fuses, »‘ither to answer himself, or to an- X, \v Vnrk on 'riuir>d:iv aiteniomi. 'I'hi thorize any one to aii.-'Wcr for him, the ol't- imiiiber of ]J(iHils bid f"r avms-S.'i’i I lJut. uiifortiin.itely for the rejiutation of Maj. CaMwcll as a statesman ami pobti- coiiu o pi\'.S" hopes to >ui ctctl in the aj- liaii, he in the.se matters is at direct issue )>roaching elc( tion. Hi>w far an electii'ii Tlie Cotioii m.-irket i.^ .ste.i iilv di > Iiii'iifr, under liie c.iiiH'lcnt exocctatinii ..f .i large T ']> oTt tiiis -;:i!e and a full su]i]t!\ r- niain- iuL'^ on h;;n(! fi'>m tlie pieviuus ye.ir. We ob^ll\e that til!- pre''iir" f guods fur shijiiiicitt w:.' so trre.it at 11,1 Vie f r th • I r.-ukiiii. rhai 'he cot.ld ii. r 1 i-ini: ali that ■>v IS i[ier" 'ji'i'i’i I- i.i t cd (i.iv mit t) all aggressions, and that no mattir hat thos(‘ aggressions are, he "ay> tht' Cnion must last to the “end of time.” In the very next .sentence it rejiresents Mr. Stanly as pointing out in’r and nhrUiim in ease those opj>re"si(»ns are contintunll It i.' bv >uch means as thoe that tlu> Lo- won in surh a manmr will alvance tin* charaeter of the party we will submit to the public to determiiK'. Mll.ITAnV rnlKT MaKTI.VI..—Ikn’i, TAl.i(tTT ('.xsiilKKKlt.—A high .>lilitary Court has recently been in Session in AVashiuirtoii Citv. its niemi»er>, beiii'j a- m -nir the fir>t in r,>nk and m">t disiin- iiui'hed in the army, and its nl ject being the trial of Urcvet 15rig. Ieii «Ieorge Tal- cott. t'dlonel of ()rlnaiK'e. tlu* Cliiet ot that ( orp',) on tdiarge.-of \'ioIation of the of all the KiiL'ines, Koeivoirs, and Water Work" ^ I t iiow little do we ordinarily afpr ■( late any of these! not this be a warniiiir to property- holu : - ill that Square, to fullow the »-\am- pltf of Mf. .'leKethan ami .^Ir. Ib. nbow, by reiiJ 'Vmilt ih ir w “den Innises. and build- k»g 1 i'riek/ It i" n>! kiiM'vn how the lire nriginati’d. §|l'; .'ke .i!it in the 'up(u>r ."tory, among (he H-'W i .its. ’ iri.iiT At..\iN.—Wc learn th.it in m^V.y part? of the -surrounding i-ountry the «mi i.' .•ihii'"f p. ri'hini: for want t'f rain, a (.riiiial period tor that crop. >'l.i "i: I'llVi.K r»i;u»tiK.—NVe are glad t.irn tVi'iii the (lobl'boroiiiih Ib puidi- can, tliaf tlie work of ra'.."',ng .a m w 1 riilire over th" Nciise near that town, in plaet' of the ii b;i' -,'.r, ha.' bt eii commeiieed, and tile i-.ii" ar>' \peete 1 to pa'^' over it be- ^re the 1't if .\i!gii"t. Prompt ami eii- Cfg.ri.-, Mu. WKU>rKlt.—The report of the ac tual or int--n led r ■'ij.'uation of Mr. Web- sta, of lii' ' at in the Cabinet, is po.'jtive- ly *ontradi teil, by the X. V. ('ommereial, on Mr. \\ t I'sfor’s own ».\p:i> authority. leclaring that there is no truth wh;;t- «fiT iu the '!ory. And by the National iBtelligeu.-er, al"o ..n .^lr. Webster’s an- tfcoiiiv. Th • Intoiligencer adds,— Mr. Web'ter'" health i.' now jierfeetlv good- hi'tt'T thiiii it !i:!.' been for a lo'i;: tim ; but he naturally hnik.' forward \\;th e«ne. i ll to liiat period of the year in whieh he i'. :ind has been for .e\cral year", vis ited w;th a ditri "sing catarrh, or the di."- ea.>^e wliii-ii i." commonly called in KiiLdi.ml in t’li-eoun'iy rlu /• .'_// f'lnr. Th:" i* ;■■■’ di> :il, aiid I 'lii) s on in Aiiirust. Ho - I- ' I mui h l;;st ye.ir from the ne- .,f 'j..-iiHii)L' the hott >r j.art of th ' ftaiftiiu-r in the Senate, and until he tiMik cbarL'e nt th.' Department ot State, which no -m h eoiitiai t. It was contended bv the h«c...il I not leave until ."ome time after aeeii.-ed that he did not know of the ex- t/on'Mi'S had adjoianed. He hf'i)cs bv , . . i i i- i .i . , ,1 t £• 1- • • tin? t»t Thf cMiitr.'K't, tiial lie rM*lit‘Vfu tlu* tatArl an I l»v ehan^i* of clniiafi' to inMi- i i • if not vert, the attack of his nriwel- ''r.ler given tor bali-^ was an incon- come visiter the j»resent "easoii. Some of "iderable one by (’ol. linger tor the pur- hi." medi-al frii-nd." have ad\ ied a ."ca v^’v- p is" of eoiii’iw tihg tli.- u.-ii.:! artillt rv prai - 1^1. and others a visit to the mediciinl tice at l-'eit Mouroe. 'I'h Coe.rt, how- qu iHg ill the .Mleuh.-inie." of Western Vir- State's I'ights Jeffersonian I> nioci it" candidate of tht).e ('onvcntioiis denies (he rigli( (o ."ccede, and says he tor (fovernor, voted for the law to refuse look^^ n]ion ‘‘the gowd old democratic ].ar- tlu‘ jails of I’ennsylvania for tin* confine- tv as the true jiartv of the I nion' I We ment of fugitives; anl was the first man in ."hould like to know where that j>arty is to the Senate in I^^IT to vote for the Wilniot be found. Perhaps Ikirnum can hunt it ’I'hui.-I.:v rendt red : murder in the Ih- t- (iliili! fii I'lyfr-il III ‘ /■ ilr'ji'*'* . »\ t HI- lltii'll- siiict'die j.a t ol ';ie tii.'d ;it B.ddiii 'rt: of a iil iek lo\ »; r-'- b'lie. (only f' year-'.f age I for tin murd'r o( th-' chdd of one .lohn IJt;m>'f. Tli" IS iii imc.r;- ■aner I’ntviso. We have shown, that whilst he up. and M;’,n- openc'i in state • 1 f Kii'i.'.v state that tli vi rd'ct ii ilejree. ’ that it as tlieir de.-ire to; •Ju’ v t>Il _iijliy of i":e ju.y fol.iD 111 V repeated (juestion, “\\ hether he is in favor ^ following were (he sueees."fiii bidi.ei.': of the Fngitivo law, as it now .-t.inds, with- I'- " ■ l);uli?i »ti n. , il. Nutt. \\ ihiiin^tcn. N. ('. out mo(line;ition or ainenilinent.' And with "Ueh iieui as Washiniiton. .TefVerson .^Iadison and -laekson, vi-le the able ad- “\vhe(lu‘r he now repudi.ites hi> votes foi dress of the Hon. 1>. d. Sliitdds, dei lining the Democratie nomination fortJovernor of .Maliama. .''Ir. Dockery read an ex tract from (tell. .laekson's I’rotlaination. issiu'd in the days of South Carolina Xul- lilication. which was an effectual rt}dy to N. N. .Ni.\"ii. \Viliiiiii"t'in. ,N. .\ltV“il .'"iiiitli. W’ilmiii'.'tKii. N. I'.li (iri-ilir. -M:o-s I’.hiff, .'S. (’. .1. W . .M' ('.ill, 1 »:iriiiirii ii. S ’ .liiiiic.'' 1'ariiiJjrti'M. (' ii. I’ll.-u-k t're' k, S, r. , . II, 1 • 1 • -li'lin .\. Ki'ir- r.s, lihe-k •'n i-li. W hilst the 1 eiin^ylvaiiian, his Cn--. .M.i;." r.lnil’, S. the Wilniot Proviso, and for the law re fusing the jails? " 'I'o the"(> ijiiestions. (hough re]ieatedly challenged, he "(ami' /II nfi. r.iino ..flu I lOa lO-t 1 '.iiloo ioi* lO.-i os i,V ; v r'lict with a unanimous r:‘ ommeiid.i- ti’,’i to tif ! 'veruor to lOuiHiiite the pi.n- i.'diment of the jirisoiur to iiiipr;.' i;iiii' t'.t in the Pelliteiiti.ii v for life. 'l iny ^tood diirill.;’ the wiioie (!l!\e tiiey U: reollt « K‘Ve:i f ir mir-1 T in tlie fn>t d-';.ii • , .- ’''i ei; - f>r ni:;r ler in the ">-eon i 1, ;,rie. Tii ■ !>a!t:- iiiore AiiiLi ii au y.-: “'l'li«‘ verdiet will lii'-et w^h f'lie -ii; r;;] ;;pi»roliation of tl;e e- ntiiMiipty as the oidv jir' j. r o:i,.- whieh iier i'' r'd iiith ' "iii^jidar and ni'’"t iinpar.dli ifl c:..-’. the tir."^ W e hrii 'V, w!im !i i;as ( VI r es-i un .’d ’perfectly clear, and the ."t Ms "h'HN- f.,rtii with remarkable tiriohtncss. in this tate of the heavens, t)te rain c^mmcnci d falling quite smartly, increasii’g in volume as it fell, and hnting some four or live minutes " ///./ 7 riii'i Ih'ii/j.—A fren^let'ion of Mis souri h t" l.'tejy made the tr'p from New Vol k til St. ijouis in four daV" aivl srventeen hoiU'. lie went ujion tie- N'w ^’oik anl Kri(; railroid to Dunkirk wiu-rehe took the steam, r to Ch\Ldainl, tbeni c to Cin- einriati. and thenee l.y stealn’r to St. Lnuis. Tlie rcfrnlar tirne fp'm .New York to i'’ne:;i!i;;ti is Jnrlij hn ir:^. \\’hcn th ' e:s>t- I-;! ilee ol' rMllw.iV is conij'lel 'd from .-"t Loiii' To ( ineinnati. the trip to Ne-.v 1 oi'k Will be made in h.-' tliaii t hree d.iy'. -"i: J'lijx ,).:.—'J'hc .M;.rion (S. C.) St:.r. .'p, ;iking of the .'"tate. of feeling in Nonh Carolina on secession lema.rks tliat ‘•there are on1\ tw^) [m vv"ji;pcrsj in ad the .■■tnte that ;ac avowe.ily for di.union— till’ Piflle.’-gh Siandard and tiie llornot’s Ne'?." ^t »;/// / ’ //,■ ihief friend in Philadelphia, (where the .laiinj^ .M::u>t'tiy. \\ liitevilji', \. t' (’liihcrt I’l tier, \\ ihiiiii^foii. N. lO;, lane.. !, of a (■ all the Major had advaiieed on the subjec t (’onstitutional ri;^hts of the South are fullv of State ' right". Secession, \'e. Ibis was admitted,) g(>es for him as sustaining tho."i' rights, and the ]>a]'ers in the interior, where I'ree Soili'iii predominat '", (laim him as a free .'o;i, r. Hear the Potter rather an unkiml eut of Do kery, to eall uj> from the tomb of the Ca|iulet> this old docunK'iit of (he canonized S.iint of D - mo( racy, at ^ui h a time, to disturb ;lie feeiiiiLr> of the ft'W Lieos present, who onee deliu'fite'l to [o the ohl her^> honor. of t lit* ’271 li IMwar'l Kii'tiii-r. dii. .Idlili ,\. 'r!i_\ 1"I-, !•'. M. ,M. l? il'i«iii, V> lii: \ i!'e. .N. ‘' Ciilviii i!:ivr.i-J. iln. llfi’.'i.'M ' V I’rowti, \\ ihiiiii"ti-i', M liMiiiil ('!,ii’k. ('li'vel.-ni'l. 'iii,i. ('•unroll .V ilii.;", V. ;i.'lihi^t''i). r. in .'1,11 tile ."ii'M( -t of ;i t .-ij ita! boy |.ri'oiier h'- ird ti.e a'j;:.i!i't lri)i AviMioe* tie eiii itioii, thoii_ii tli-’i'c f;d y i!iiiie:>t.lo ! i?' pi’,;- of lii' agv. ^'"iiig coin ieiioii. '1 he verdiet r'-mleroii ler.'t percej., ibi;- w:i." no d)»u:,'t lie •ort." licgulatioii." of tha( Dejtar(mcn(; Wilful and belie\ed in ids infallilulity, while thev Disobedience of ( )rders of the Sec retary of w»‘re eontemidating tlu* new creed of j^o- War; and conduet unbecomiuir an )ftieer and a (lentlcmau. The.'C tharges were preferred by the S cretary of War. and gri-w out of .1 contraet given through Hre- vet C(d. linger, for .*>>0 tons of eannon ball", to a Dr. ('armiehael, an iii"olvent eifi/en of Kiehnieuil. who. not havinur any foundry to make the ball", .'old hi." • I ntraet to the i’roprietor of the 'rredeg.tr Iron ^Vork" in Kit limond, for the >nug sum of which he jmckctcd. Tin .'C balls Were not waiiti'd, the price p.iid wa" too high, and the contraet altojether was against the orders of the .'^een tarv. who. ha', rea.'oii (■> su-p^ i t that it had been 'a,.ieiideavon d rej at« i!iy ti> ferrt t out it- ee{'. b\ ,ln|U'l ili'.^ -if ( i n. I deott. who inviiriaid\ ;i.''ured iiini that there w.i" cofofoi.'in ofli-red f r their coii'iih rat ion by the .'lajor. It wa^; ahout as Weh-ome a visitant, at this time, as were the ghosts of tlu* ."l.iin at the baiKjOet of .^lacbeth. 'I'he .Major i." evidently of the South Carolina st hool of jtol tieians. fully imloe- trinated. I do not pretend (o gi\e hi" word>, but the "ub'itanee of what he >:dd. To give you an iih a of hi>; eandor and fairne.".:, I will mention one in."t.in-e.— den. DiK-kery eiiarri‘d up >n him that .i," evid(‘iice of his beiiiL' a Disunioui.'t in the county “I’nion.’' for iii,'tane • liuK-. whieh say.', “Cov. .John,"ton i' leagued with Millan I'illniore, D.iuitd W eli."(er, and .lohn .1 ('rittemlen, ;ind fltr i/ukI i haiiijnni!> of K. S. AVlielon .V *' (}u I'lniitirr S!nr J,itr.”' And while this Penn."ylvania bocofoco Flee Soil paper is denouiieiug Fillmore, and Webster, a" t hampions of this great Southern measure, the North ('amlina Lo- cofocos. papers and ^andidat -, ar-- ' piaiiy loiid-inoutlud in deiiouneini: them as aho- litioiiist'I It is a ih'Iiberatu .'_\'(em of fraud .and deeejition. both ih* ri; and here, lati-r North ..Vmericau th.an tho't* w>- _■ ;i -.10-1.. U'a ‘.lo-f ’.•'li.' L'l ’ieid I'.rg 1 that .1 iiL'iit oeei;rr-(l ;| ('hnl)li, .'^(•hi'iick \ Co. “ I’lii'.el. Tlniiiisis .MfKfii/i''. \fw \ i.rk. (i. I. W. .^k•'.•l!l, l>:irliii^l,iii, ,\. T. (.’lark, T.'irlioiu'. N. .Mil'll .Mci-nrlaii. lieraw. .VI .1 Mi'Call. iS. .lolui K t'a'viii. Will. I’.\;,| '. M:irii'U II.. .1. ,\. M.'oiltM.v. \\i,lte^ill.. \. I .lorn I>:iV.-'.n. \\ ihiiiiN. •' II. W.H.iCl.. In '.I li.ti 10.1 lO '(l-O .'■M Oll.-J •Ja VC-'I '.'0 , o Oa '.III L'ii '.'0 .■;! ‘.‘O ,) ^'irL■ini:.u .'.i_vs th.’.t i.iWH on tlie od ii.'t. liitw.'. n U.'ii;.;le.in S.uiiT.r aoo 'i h' liias Si'av. iu whieh the l. ffcr was run through the bo.lv l:y the blade i.f a .'Wi.'rd- e'llle. '] lie we.ij.un eliteled between tuC ."i.\th and seventh ribs, p.a.-sed throiiiili tlie cavity of the ( le st and out between tiie (■•glith and ninth rii>s, yet strm;:e to sn.y, the wounded man still livi.-s. ami it i- l!iou_ht may rccovi-r. Sumter was tirre.'tid. ;ioo In addition to the above, tin re were ’J'Jl I 1 * I *• 11 I- \ . I , , , , , bonds liid for, ’Jl 1 at from sii toniost- iiroadest and fiillc"! seii.'C of tli.it term, he have lu retofore (|iio(ed from, thn- draws the ]>aialle| Ix'tween lioeofoco profession and boci.foeo jiraetiee—and (he r>i«*tnre will ser\e for this region as well .is for that:— “Tht times oM the paper whii h claims Col. liigler to be conser\a(ive, or his own vote, whit h utter- Iv denies it. aei oi'ding to the PenU"ylva- nian’s view" of Conservatism. Our co temporary alleges that tlie rejieal of the gniui. Mr. WehsTi-r has doiditless said that if h" should tiiiailv coiiebide to adopt ♦li-‘ former i-oui.'^e, it would prob.iblv lead fe; tli ' neet S"ity of his leaving the Di part- uieiit. 'I’his. we believe. st.ite> the w hole cti^'e in regard to the honorable S"cretarv's intention-:; and this it is. we j.;'i'suni'', oat of whieh has .'j*riing the rum >r of his ri "- ignat ion. li.vr.'iu Ii(»r.—The Washington Fnion Tfi-' ivi'd ,'Ir. Webster's- rejiorted) resigna tion with 111 niifest tlelight. In an article of li.'df a column, 't announces the rcsigtia- tion a- only the fiiltillnieiit of what it had kn own and ]irophcsi(-d montiis at^o. ever, f •i;u>! him guilty on al! tin- eh.irges, and «'iiteu.'ed him "t" !>■ ti -1>> i.sn/ tin .rr- ri> ■Til'* I’residcnt ap]'roved the deei- sion: aiiil a iiied.— “In reviewing tlie-e prtKee.iinL'" the Pn sid nt h.i" .se- n with regret. aii>l feel' c Mistraiiie 1 to no(ii-e. the irregularity and iieMligenee which, (hroULdioiif the transac tion in whii h they originated, ehaiai tt ri/.ed (he conduet of Brevet ('olom'l Huger, eom- mamler of the I''ort Monroe arsenal. 'I'lu' eonli'lfiieo naturally repoS' tl l.y him in tiie head of the ci>r]»s furnishes undoubtedly s.iiiie ajiology for u]s cour.v, but c.'iiinot juatify it. has di'chired in a .''outheru rights iin "tiu^ in Charlotte, when called upon f>r a ']'t'“i'h,—that others might sp'ak if they rho-it*, that fi ir Ill'll)^' I/' In /nil/ ill) siii ii /i to ■■I /n‘ irii. fur iirfihil. i ill ini / inti mtinn^ mu/ t/' tt lu rejdv to tld". Caldwell "aid that /n m rtr itsu/ iUo>i- words in that mectiiiLr irif/i the nniinim/ that (ieiieral D"( kery :ittaclied to them; that he only meant siu li iiction as he was then eiigaired in. Put this [dea won’t do, for that was the very tliiinf which the nu'etiug then wish-‘l him t i ,io. (leii. D u kery t i l (he andieiM e (hat h>‘ ga.Ve (h.' w-rds U'^d by tie .'b'lj >r. and it wu" for them to interpret the meaning. 1 am gl.id t.i lia\e it ia mv ]>oWi r to as- suie you on the iie-t aiitlioritv that .^lont- iTone ry i riiht >i.|.- uji. and no mi"take. Her gaihiiit and ]iatriotie Whig'; are not of the "tamp that desert their st.indard in j:;,,,! the hour . f p ril. iJeiiiit mo>( of them in- (elligcii( ami re.uiing men. they are not to be gulled by speeiou arguments of dis- ajtpointed and ambitious otfiee seekers, pol- it;. iaiis whose motto rule or ruin, 'fliey think and at t f >r then.-' lvi s. In this con test thy wiil .'taiid to their arms, and on th(‘ flay of (doetion be found at their po"t I'a.ttliiiir for the ('onstitiition and the I nion. The conte"t in this Di.'triet has narrowed down to ( nion or Disunion. 'I’his is the near latter jiriee, and ID at or und.ei ■''>. SI (OI KT. The followiiiix decisions ha\e lieen deliv- I\ I/•’in-iltinil. An ‘■'.•'Iir'iojt J:', l.oiii" to rhe mouth of ,’diik iIm ' laih" above the mouth oi'tlie Y' has I'OCU JiM'jected at tie' We>{ "teame" "U'diert Caiiijibiil’ ha hai t‘.'ied for till- triji. and is to go ;i further beyond th** e,\pri'-s terininu \o ya '_ e ; St. Lou ilii ■"(Olli'. The been miieh of the lie can run. The di.stan-e from ly water to (!ie mouth of Milk n nry Ciilxoi;. a survivor of Gtn Vv’ashiiigtoii's Life-( 111.11 (1 attended the cek- bration atNiwbnig, (New York.) This aired veti iaii eoin]>ieted hi? lOtlrh _\ear on th ■ l-Sth ot 1'. hruary last, 1 iit still retains hi^, strength and reeidh-c tion in a remark- ab’e .U-grei—tiie ri Wal'd of :• temperate ai: i well |i''iit lif‘. He “a" in the ba’.th- of Priueetoii. 'i're:it..n. mid Voiktown, an-i w .,' with W ashingt.iu de.ring his encani|'- iii' nt at Nuwdmruii. Ccn. lioi'Kvr.v has j-iiMi.slied llic Idlo’^ir.g !i’i (tf'liiiiai n..' til :uidres« tl_U‘ j'enj.h*:— (■‘•JK-'T'!. rntj.'cri H'^ coiiaty. 'riu_'.'tl.i_v. .Iiilv 2'1. ?’■ I, ii's I'liiiiii ei.uiity, .Jul.v 'Ji. s (jiil'l I'liin*. I'aieti (•{ii'jit". .'lily 'lij. "ii'io- ."^Mtnnl'iy. .Inly 'Jii. ’ii iT'hHt-'. 'I'- f .■^'li'.y, .'lily Dal^'-'. i-'nilMV. .\i‘Tiist 1. l.aicoliioai. S';itiiruuy, • DIHD, At Viili, .il' ,, ('iiin.ly, f'li th' '. t’li iiirt I. I'.. ^'ANl'KP.S, r.'[. Att.aiiey nt taiw, a;_ed '2'2. .Ml. .^:iii(lers w;iri a jii':‘>liijitc r’f (>iir I'ni- versity (jf llic einssrit l'"l>, and wa.s jiist eiitiT- iai: ujidii life in the jii.-ietiee of an hoiioratile jir. ;-'ssi"a, with l.iir j i ^'^pects. 'vvlion !;e was CUT d 'wn. 'n':iviti^ li's p;irciits cliilJlcs'. In l’oih'i"!i. on flic iu.'tniit, II I’UW OOI', S"ll -il' J’l'ilH'ls 1’. ll:i_\ ■■•■iiiid, :eieii .ve.'iTS. ■■11 tlie ]-'.ili "I’June. iK'.,r Madison, llockiiip- li.iiii i -,aiit'.. -u tlie Ills; VL-:ir ol Li'S iige, BENJ. W. .’vlKKN, i:.' ,. h (ho Pk\ksi».v, d. In Staifori! v N*v."om, fi'om Sfanlv; m itioii for re-t.ixiii2 the co"t," river i" mile.' ^ti.it y.;I'l ■ orv i t :in •Id 'Ve I,a' iiiaid ’.n \’er ii.-ai'o I 1 who r. deiiounc d tin* Wilmot proviso to he allowed. Also, in Ka_\ v. Kay, Ironi lately prei(.'rred I conijilaint t'> Mr. Attor- .f as uneou'titutioii.il and a-rfrressive upon Cumberland, affirmiiii: the judLrmeut of the m y .'^ax; . again.'t an ardent bachelor of the South; and y( ('ol. P>i-:ler voted for Superior (’ourt. A1so, in Piggs v. I'\r- sixty, fr.r “eourtmg In r too strong. it ill terms. Now whieh are we to believe, rtdl, from .^!artin. revt-rsing the judgm''ut 'I lie attorney replied, that it w:i" ibflicult in the Supi'rior Court, and directing a non- to reach suit. .\lso, in Dm ! r i/>nii Smith v. Pry- t^ nijieratun an, from Pladen. ord.cring a nmr' >/• im- in the book". III. Also, in Kitchen v. Herring, in ei(ui- “Why, thi" ;s just tv, from New H.'iiiover, directing a decree .a^trricNcd sjiinster, ‘‘U i of that si.rt, as •'the mean f eourt'hips was not .'ct d.wn man, “stroiii ami the uniu'.jipy court.'hip ' retiri'd. sulfeier from Ihe President de 'ins it je.-opcr. particu- point at is."Ue. and on this will tin* battle Taking for granted ther-'f^.re, the (ru:h ‘li'^^ppr-d.dioii .d' all i„. The Whigs of Stanly too, 1 , , . , . , , private correspondence on oiiieial iinsine'.'. h'arn (rom the most reliabh* source, an of th'- reiiort—‘tile w;sli was father (o (he N , .i , . ,, , , , ... . >ucli a praeCee not oni'. )ite\eii(" the pie- .,]j ]-,.;idy cocked and jirimed for the con tb 'Ught”—it indulgesin niiieli .'peculation »' to the cause and effect of the rc'ignafien. ^riii'se ton, it had long since known, for, with tli“ ." demnity and .sagacity .'O eharac- t''ii"tie of '.li,. immortal I’ickwiek, it aii- iiounee", that .^!r. Welistor is about to ru:i for Pre."ideiit either in opposition to Mr. il J' ilbiiore, or as Mr. Fillmore's candidate! Au'l .'Ir. .\ndrew Jackson ])onel.son had known all this for inonth>I What wondcr- ’ fill f r sight! Put w hat a damper to the Cn’ou’s hope.s of di'tiiietion in the proplndieal w ay, must have been the Intelligencer’s autlmritafivc denial of the report! .Vll its claims to un- U'Ual ."a;ra'ity ami great political foresight Were sinldcnly blighted, and iii'teal of be ing a .‘icer, it has rendered itself ridiculous by attaching any importance to the ba.se- 1 "peculations of a AYashingtnn letter writ'-r. 'fiiK pKiiiT TO Skckhk.—Since they have found it unpopular, .Mes.srs. Caldwell and Itufiin deny that they iidvocate a right to .secede “at }ikasure.” Now, they s:iy, a St:ito can (»idy secede for “adc([uato * can.-^e.” ^ et the same gentlemen contend that the right of scce.ssion is a sovt*reign right never surrendered to the (ieneral iovornnicnt. Now how can this be? The right to se cede is a sfivereign right. Yet it cannot be exercised at the pleasure of the sover- ' ijrtify, hut only for “adequate cause”! A vt'iy singular sort of sovereignty, this! 1 :i re lirimed No doubtfulness in her. Disunion or .'Recession meets with no favor among her }iatriotie citizens. Tin; Dii-KKKK.NrK.—'Ihe Locofoeos in the ease,” ."aid tii ;i^>.''rie\C(J sjnnster, ‘•it s the hnan temper;! “obstruction law” is nee* S"arv for the ]>ro- tor the plaintilb Also, in .'lotley v. .'bit- tuii' of h;s atb’etion that T don t bke. teetion of .'"outhern ri«:hts and iu fulfil- ley. in e«|uity. from Stanly, directing the ’ihe attorney promi.'cd to “talk to th ment ot a constitutional dutv. \ et Col. report of tin.* .'i.ister to be reformed. .\l"o. Pit:l r voted eiiiphatia!Iv in favor d’the in Peppin v. Allison, from .'lartin. din r- aet ofl^'dT, w ithout reservation of any ing a reference to reform the report. Also. we to credit, the Dickinson to use of Pynum v. dones, from ]ii]ier which claims (Vd. Higler as the Wayne, ilirectinji a I'rtiii’f i/i imrn. Als(>, friend of the .''outh and the Constitution, in .^leadows v. Smith, from Jones, direct or his own vote, which repudiates the as- ing a n nin f/e umn. ,Vlso, in >'^tate v. sumption'' Powers, from Stokes, dei-laring that (In'n* 'rill* Pcnn.ylvanian declares (he fugi- mu."t be a nnirf i/i in>n>. Also, in Dal- tive slave law to be the safeguard d' the ton v. Dalton, in e|uity, from Stokes, di- I'niou; and when w*e a."k Col. liigler recting the injunction to be niaite perpet- whether he is in favor of that law “as it ual and the cos( to In- ]>aid by dcfemlant now stands, without modification oranu’iid- Christina. ,Mso, in .lones v. Simmons, in ment,” he is silent and refuses to answer. e»juity, from Halifax, directing a refcr- 'I’luis we have the organ and the candi- enee. Also, in Mabry v. Hrailley. in eipii- date in direct opposition to each other; and ty, fn>m Halifax, dire ting a ndcrciiee.— vet the Pennsylvanian dares to invoke the Also, in I’itt v. Albritton, from Pitt, a- siip))ort of this community for a man who warding a renin /t imro. r.w r.T I’H VII. .1.1-; M ai;K!:t- -.Ir I.Y 1 7. Dr.iii ly, o'. h. r.t) ■1 ■ l.Mr.l, 12 a Hitt.., !e. 10 a I.e.ither, s •}le, 20 ft r.e.‘"',v:ix. •_o a ’J’J I.i'ji'l, hir, r 7 I’Mccin, i-’.i a l:] 2o a 21 i Tl T, i:; a '2 > .■'iOi-i, Cut. ri 5 ' '•■10 :i. 7 !, n Si »at«. ('o -n ^^'O' a '.io‘ i lii, hioM 90 ('.1 ■ • . f. 11.’ p.-l 0 i ., :(■ , tlt'J • 'lie- - ;. «.r li n ■ ]4 a ‘J t 'ii)>prr:. .11 .■'iic. r. brii'.vu c, ‘ !l • '.■ni'lles, r. F. I'.' a ir, Mitto, hia .1'. 11.? :t i:; I'lonr, a •”> S;,!t. Slick. , 1 :;u ;i I I .">0 Featliers. a -‘Iii l>o. a'.uni. hu. a 10 Fi.'ivsoeil. >sl Sh:i des. .) a 2.^ Hides, sireon. } Tallow. 8 a lo‘ l'itti>. '!r.% It a 11 Wheat, *,»0 a lr,iii. S'veili ,'S. a ti Whi:^e v. •JO a }.' I'o. r.ii.:;’i "i.. a 1 Wonl, IH a 20 lieliiro. 1 :i 1 White !.• r iJ. • ) a l.iiiLe, L‘ 1-f V.r nv. n .■"! • eetin 7 cent.-’. ('v tliin IlilS , 'i to lo. Ks Hi-: VI OF ' niK MAlt KF. T. 1’ M'tiN'.— -The n n.'intit.v eominir in i.‘ ^ C'n sidei- te>t. S' rvatioii of a distinct and intclligilde record of any tratisaetion. so indi.s]if‘n."able iu a government wli-.'e public agenrs are liable to b" fVeijiiently chanif' d. but i" in- comp,'itilde with the a.iniitted aeeount;'.- liility of everv ofhcer enijdoved in the di."- this State s;iy that the Administration is bur.semcnt of public money"!" hostile to (he Son(h. and that .Mr. Fill- niori' is in leagin* with tht; abolitionists. In Kentm kv they si'Ctn to think otlier- ]''lVK DAYS r.ATKl? FUO.M KfP.'H’l'. The Franklin arrivtd at New York on Monday last, with liiverpool d;ite.s to the lid inst. ’t't),"' eA»;imcr''ial news i^• ur.favf'rabh*. Cotton am! I'Mour had both declined. Cot ton had fallen id. with limited iieniand. Nothing (d’ importance had transpired in Parliament. The visiters to the (Jreat Exhibition are decreasing:. The number tration conducted on Democratic principh's on the 1st of July was :)7.O0>. ho.stile (o (he Sou(h and in league with I5y the death of (he Karl d' Derby, Lord abolitionists. has not the courage to avow himself can- v. Petteway, from Kdg‘Combe, affirming didlv, or tin* integrity to rest upon tlu* tin* judgment. Also, iu rjmlge v. Hoiis- nierits of positive opinions. We can t» ll ton, fVtun Duplin, affirming the judgim'Ut. the Pennsylvanian that the.^e efforts to de- Also, in Dickson, Mallory iS: Co. v. Jor- c('i\e are already n'acting and that mis- dan, affirming the judgment. Al."o, State triiided men in its [lartv who scorn such i.i r>/. I5ritt v. Cook, fr ni Hertford, at- trieks. are determim'd to e.\)»ress thcdr re- firming the judgment. Also, in Fendiie seiitmeiit and indignation in a form which v. Baxter, from ('urrituck, affirming the will be effectually felt at the pulls. They judjrment. .see not only the evidences of a delibcratt 1>K \TM KV VDI.I NT.VltV .T.\!’>VATU)N. At Springfield. Mass.iidinsetts, on the 1st instant, ('oi'oiier l>l.ik* held i;ii impicst upon the body of ('ni in /ins ]!> fun. at th- House of Correction, in the coiir-i oj' whi( h tin* foIl(>wing cireuiiistani es were hrouuht to light, inilicating one of the most e.vtra- ordinary cases (d’ .s^ lf-"tar\ation on recerd: It seems that on the lOth June Itegan was committed to jail, on the ( harge oi drunkeune.'S and riotous conduct at the de]'o(, to remain thirty days, or till a fine of five (hdl.'irs .-11111 costs were paid. For tin* first few days (d‘ his confinement he \lso, in Pi(( was very sullen and obs(inate. but ofii r- wise there was nothing remarkable in his conduct. lb* was twice confiiud i’.i the solitary cell, ate ."oni(‘ of the nu'als. and, wlu'ii ordered, did some work. thoU'..;h he soon stopped. ()n(he I'hiday after h;s committal he refused to eat or drink, de- clarcil that he would have his lih»*rty or starve, and in every way exliibited the most doii'tred olistin.icv and determination Nash, J. In Huntley v. Waddill, from ' iu his purp ose. He wa" j.ut into the .soli- wise There' the Democratic candidate for f'':iMd such as was practised in the eh-ction Anson, iifiirming the judgment. Also, in tary cidl, but, as tar as could be seen, dal (b.vernor i-^ "tron d'- in f-vor of the Com ‘"rnia- Walters y. Walters, from Hohe.son, affirm- not even touch the fo.id which was left at 1 deidarcs that the (ieneral (Jov- Imt il,.' j rk'e i- I'-.ill;' r.!:>hiti>in(?il. I 'oTTON.—Nut iU!tc ,“0 liria; odd ycstenlsiy «t s;. Wnr.'.T.—N'o'.v ."clls nt Tu i; i;.—Ye;’r/ -v Virir'ii 2 10- H.'ii'it .'^1. No. '■) Hi.siii 77.1. No Siik-s Spirit,'! f. I' llio last f“w ila;. s. 'I’I'l* i^rtiele liiis ailvaiice'l ets. ill New York, ov.iiijj t'l the ij’.aall stock uu liiia.L No Mtlior cLaa;' • ■wortliy of noti.'c, :\t >'cAv Yerk, tli-.* l-'rniikl'ii'.: iicr,-.? h:,.j a vory do]a'(*s'Ui>r on tie* cnnnn intiiket iii Mmi- (i.iy lii.'t, iuhI ih' re was no •.Iisj,"Sitioii i,i ope- r:iti*. t 'oi-ji 'i:' t> V. ! I.MiNCT(».N MAllkKT. I’-.eT.n, r 'lui'l. 1 ! f, to VJ. •’orti 70 to laini se:ireo ;it 1_’/. to 1:“., .'s.iles of VcHi^w I>ip Terpeiuine ;it ‘J -iO: \ ir"in li 7o; Ih'rd 1 ‘^o. Spirits oxcited; rold :it to Tnr 1 I’riiii** Mill i'itiit.rr S'-); o-'lin'ivy N7 to I'OK’B' Ol' AitnivM-s. 18—.''.-hr-s. il;iiliai)t :m'l M;iry .M.acall from Sli.'ilidttc. l’>—l>!irk Snj liia I'ri'tu ISiiston; Hriils (.’arelitic t'r*'iii l^'istmi. Sns::nu;di from N. York: Schi's. .Ami |-^li/.;ilietli Irnni li.ilt.murc, D. Kllis juiii 11. \V. I’.riovii troin New York, \N m Lf i-rat't I'luiii l.ittlc lUver. .'11 (Imt Hist rut or s iS'iir. , ■ . ^ ■ c *• .1 /’ or .iir. roiK, mu tnev see also me lorma- Maners \. nancrs imrii i\ooc."oii, iiim m- '■■■ i * ir • i (lovernor is stroni^lv in f.ivor of the oni- . , , • \ i • v mi ''■ s"l'l if the M:irk(t Huusp in the , ,, tion of a coalition which m.'iv again (hrea(- mg the judgment. Al.-^o, in Arey v, >te- l>i^ Oooi thiough liui.iv, >.uui-ta_.. . un- t.,wh of Fivonwillp on Thiirshtv tlio j iomi.se, and dcidarcs that the (.eiieral .o\- |i„, * and which is phenson, from Cumberland, anirniing the ' day, .^londay, ami 'I uesday, but cdten re- tVv SM.MtL.'^ ernment, “although inanagt'd by \\ bigs, is c.ah'ulated to ('xasjicrate the South more judgment. Also, in fhi*' ex i/rni l"'loyd v. pi'ati'd his 'ry of “libertv or di'ath. ()n sToCK in the lioiiriett:i Steiiia l?'iat Co.. I'l\ I’ comlucted upon strictly /J>'i)in'nifir [irin- deeply than tin* combinations between the Tayhir, from liockinirham, awardinir a I uesday niirht Dr. (irav was ."cnt foi. and ."^I!.\HL.S Ot SPOt K in the !•: yett*\ntiif , i|,|,s.- A, .„r,li.,a I.'. Il.i.-, a„ .\.!n,i„is- Al„.lili,.ni..|.. an.l IVnn .-n.ls in all tI.e \Uo. I),..-,r .1,«, IVi,-,. in pers,l;>,lin.j.- 11,-an 1,. • c ’ . • ,I II .. / k .1 ,• I>, 1.- , 1. n; :.._4i... ' .n i.f hnvii ( )ii K lU tlie .ihiiii),. iH ann w iieioi." other States. What name is there so well v. Mburn, from Kockingham, aflirmiiig tin* | about a gill of water and soim* bn*ad. ()n , eic^rai.n known ami .so sternly marked throughout jmlgment. Also, in Pearce v. Hlaekwell, I 'Vednesday, however, he again refused to ^ Den.m- s, t!'' fmm Kockingham, affirming the judgment, i cat; and on J hursday he was, in sjute of utensils. \o. tl nrtie Telcfrrajiii t,‘o. .\lso, nf the ."turo f>t si.iiR* ()ffi,'c Kurnitnrc*. and the whole South as that of David Wilmot!'' fmm Kockingham, affirming the judgment. ^ cat; ami on J hursday he was, in sjute oi utensils. \o. tlic reniiK'r-t oi' the l'er-,.n;l Not very far from the And yet this is the man with whom the Also, in Ringgidd v. McC.owans,'from Pitt, ; tin* most vicdeiit resistance, thrown upon Dst.itc of Daniel .lulms. n. dee'!. St4inlpy, the I’rotectionist leader of the truth, when we rendh ct, that the Wilmot Pennsylvanian ami ('ol. IJigler have now affirming the judgment. Also, in A/r the floor and a little milk grind was forced becomes fourteenth Ikirl Proviso was proposed by a Democrat, juiss- fraternized; who was associated as a lead- illiams v. Davis, from \\ rtrn*ii, af- through the nostrils. His resistance ed by a Democratic Coimress, and signed big sjiirit in their Harrisburg ('onvention, firming the judgment. Also, in >biore v. 1 ‘ .• i> • I ^ at which he jrave in his adhesion to the Hvman, from Martin, awarding a nuirr by a D.iuocratic Presidt'iit. ... '?t i i i i /* i i • wu • u . k cambdates, whih* In* demmnccd the reso- ’t' /nno. Also, in Stringer \. l>uicham, (Hiio.—'I’he Hon. Samuel F. H inton, lutions, and who i.j now treated with so from Carteret, judgment affirmcil. ,\lso. the Whi"' Candidate for (Jovenior of Ohio, much consideration for the sjike of hi.s Ah- in Fit/g(*rald v. I’atterson, in equity, from House of Loril of J)erby. A serious riot jiad occurred in Liver pool, between tin* .soldiers of the Jilst Regiment and the police. Several men were ki'led, ami many severely wounded. There is no news from France. The , J , 1 ■ i-. [ (dition followers, that the J’ennsylvanian CaswH*ll, declaring the plaintiff entitled to has commenced the camiiaitrn. In his first , ’ ■ , • , • i. /> 7 • / . , , . . dares not utter one sv able in his dispar- an account.—hnleni/i JteyiMer. was so great that it was not tleemed ad- yisiible to pursue this course. I’rom this time he went .sV.r wi(h- out eating or drinking, and his determina tion was such that, (hough he two or three times rinsed his mouth, he refused to swallow ordinarily, thouirh it is pos.sible he did swallow a few droy.'s on one or two oeeasifms. He was finally foH that his Six months eveilit on all "unis o-\Yr tCT! rlolhirs. Notes with apio-oved security will ho required hefore the l’rej,frty is f.riinsterreii. HKMING, Adm'r Dan'l .I'lhii.son. lf*c'.!. .Mllv 17. ij-f'' „.. . , , agonierit, an,Iwa^jil.nta,. the ,. , ,, , ,, ,,, I resident s Visit to I oictieis IS the leading timents in ref(*r«*nce to the diflerene^s be- he was cheered by tin; convention at the biP'it. Cd. Heiii} K. ( tai«r, of I eiiii- topic. His speech was expected to be tween the North and South. He .siys: expense of a “National” Democrat, who ^| bn.ther was reaily t() ].ay hi.s fine, anl that highly cojisorvative in its cbara ter. M. “AVIiile we must cxact from all others a hi.s.sed down for eharjiinr that Wilmot mean, M e a cot , ( ismi."."et . | jjg slnnihl be liberated. exjnes.sed hi.- FOR SALK, Thi'.f;irkson Spring IMarr. Moore (’oiiiily, f. TH'^llIS location, unsurpassed ft r hfialtli, p'*r- hajis. in the I’nion. is nov fi^r .>.i]e. The s.iiiJitive properties of the water are extensively known to many who hiive ’leen eithi-r lie^i'**'! or honefit!il-hy it. It contni'is acrcs of pine tiivpentine land, bavin;:; v^.cant lanrl aljr>iriinjr. ! he slnuihl be liberated. de Tocpmvillc was busily engaged in draw- faithful'idiJi^vlu^J d* dVe'V^/iuirc.ucnt's of had supported Mr. Van Huren. | ('(IARI.kston, July 1-. I "S "w ing'up reports in favor (d'a revision of the the Constitution, we must ourselves be' )ur coutemp(irary may prate till doom.tt- Hea/ttinJ the llonora/Je Hw. ('. j " w ‘I / he\v'is*so weak thit he could Stock, with an extenmve outlet, ft mi^dit be a constitution, which were expected to be e.puilly ready ami willing to respect all day of its A( ) Demoera^ ,.„._The Columbia (S. C.) e d r k- the rights that are secured to them by the devotion of its bdlowers to the ( nion; anmmnees that Hon. m. C. IWm, while that instrument. It is only by the ,d>-, 'vhen we see it and (hem eonfederat- on a vi.^it to Fairfield district, had been j ^ pre.sented to the Assembly on the 7th Jul}' desirable .Suninier retreat fn iii the niiasinatH-k repons. It might also prove jv desirable s';tn:t- tion to a man prepareil to Brninl on an exT>nsiv*i The Washington I’nion thusseores those .servance of this rule, on all' .sides and in ! ll!! struck by paralysis, and parthdly prostr.-j- | ^ Any"ifer^n who are for resdstanee and yet “acquiesce” all parts of the country, that we can hope j Constif ution for the ted. His left leg and arm were affected. Cai.ifoknia.—The Whigs of California whilst they call others “submihsionists’ to get on and preserve our national exist- . . .1 •, ,, r, ~ ■ 1 is in vain, perhaps, to argue with *^1 f II •''tate Convention adopte tho.se who ajiply to us and to others the Excesjive I.mportations.—The a- t le o owing resolution: term “tniitor,” because we prefer a manly ,„„unt of importations of Dry Goods into n,... compromise support of the Compromi.se to an unmean- York, for the month of ni( a.'urcs auoptcu by Congress receive our ing di.sc(mtent, which has neither the pa- ^ i*>n-qq t t ifi'n ‘ Old.al a{)probation, and in defence of the triotism to pursue a constitutional remedy, v Jn June , Coll titution and the I’nion we will ever nor the courage to avow a revolutim;iry $2,008,.570; anl in June 1840, ?1,015,- bc fuULd faithful aad true.’' oue.” 1001. poils of office, and at the hazard of re- },jy speech and vision were not impair opening sectional agitation, the country will believe that their profcs.sionH, like, their principle.s, are regulated by the most' The Tragedy.—-Iha last Lynch- venal and the most contemptible consid- burg \ irginian has the following: orations.” i information from Nelson C. TL with regard to Williams and Ilill, i.«, that the •July 14, lo'il. McLAniTN o-r.t C;iri cither cail oft he time. On Monday, for the fir.«t ami see, or nddrcss to my name, New Gilead P. til did his obstinacy appear in the least ’ J> " • • subdued, but during the following night he died. Dr. Gray and his attendartt-s endeavored in every way to ascertain if Kegan exhi- TBERSOXS nre itidebted to xis win pntr- bited any si'gns of insanity, but they all ter an ohlipation if the.v will settle .lurin- Gov. Graham and l^ady, we understand, former is entirely out of danger, and the i agieed that bo app(^ared to be perfectly All pt oh (.hou arrived in Hillsborough on Sunday last. Ralciyh iSiar. ... - ~ , 1 in(!cbtel will please rentier ttw.r bills fif j ay- latter improving, with a fun* prospect of I sane, displaying only the moipt systematic ment. I recovery* jbjlinacv and •wiirulne^.- July 1. L. J. liAl- i 3.^?'