iJ. h^aifittfcillc Hotels r vVi: i' ri:vn.LK, n. c. nn i M'U'ii'liil Ituildinir li:i» now S I'of ;i ill (■jn'r.-iti'.'ii jtiiicc .May ’. Til*' :ui«l I'm iiitiirf nf all kimls is li, \\, ••iii't llic r‘ 'ill.'' .•"UVfiiifiit :iii'l [>U'.i8.iiit. I . i'.il'U* i.-j :ihi:i_vs t'iiriii't)«vl »vitli (lie till' iii ir!v«.'t ull 'nl.':, ui'.i'il bN a tiiic vi'jretaMe Dr?. W. P. Mdliat and H. A. H aving associated tlR-mseUes in the I’nic- tice of Medicine anl Surgery, otfer their prolcssioniil feorvices to the coninuuiity. Oue or the other of them niity be found at all times at their UtHcc. when not professionally engaged. W. 1*. MALLKTT, M. U. H. A. Mc.SWAlX. M. D. \pril t'Utf AKiti V A3. >r .\F.\V MAriNTVlvK has received and oilers » w • for ^all■; l)iihiestic !uul iiiip'^rtfd [Iry (n'ids. cniliracinp nianv new stvlf> i>t jtrtss (iikmIs. and ti lonj; list • •I soliii f(.r woariiiJ: appaicl. — ALSO— TSW' IxMi\K‘i i.-'d rer.'*. aii i ’l'ra\flit'T' "ill fiiul de- 'iiablf acci>iii'ii.nl:it'itiis and aJtentive serMints. _ pain.-, \\ill l.e «, .av 1 t- ^Ive ciitiry >ati^:'a.-- Ne« •'tUe I...niK'ts , , . , ,, ‘ ‘ I'uini-ii-Ml. [,ci:Ii"ni. and ! edal I.raid llat.s, ' I'aniili.'s I- Aiiiii.di. d uith larjre. aivy. T i-l.i-nal.i.- .M-Ie.-^kin and tine Wool Hats. I,'..Ml d..,i.-.i,- .-..nvouieni'.v and hand- 1-me and Sic.n- , V I • ' '■ iai'--' 1> t ■!( \vall I’aner. very pretty ' \. i-i: r _•> » ■ ' ’■ ■ ce. ii 'C'. t'» uivc "on. ral ^ ,\N.N id:''N>\. ,T j. 1^’>" -'-'I' * I;-lv .\la’i-r:it lii' '."I ’ i. ” bii-^i- w.i-- : ; -• ,dy 11. \i :V V. ,\ \N. 7- -tf ror roN t.i\ r vc i'ouv. ?5 i: VV \ rKAlI' K aro tiM’ xiitli'’- fc V! ••o * \ •••; 1-- yettev' r ; c -.tl ‘ 1.;' l.ii'U.' l's it . : \\ati r r>' \ ''■■:t‘'ri (tl.N.'', tu. -iuLu utici :■ ' .v.i n. ■ a. > \\ii i:l ' . .t' ll. til '.. I'i-'i. 1>'1. .■)7-t’.St d V’ iii.i' A Paj'iT.-^. rti-d ■ ■ l->r.-. t'hiiiiniy ^^.•l■een' anil lHii-deiin;i I’aj-er. (-1 aii i >'4 >il lotli, new pi'tteriis. J 1 .11 d .■)-! while an-l oi-l'iv I Straw .M-itlinp. 1 i.i'.r.-il.i' a\d I’ara'"!'. Iiitt.-uu.re o > \Vr„a and ('..tt-n ('rtrd>. l.it..rty I’i-int, .\prill^-'-l. •''.•--ni SiH'uiix (Mifodti, •JA.MKS kw.k n 5 AS .11 ••'1' r.r.n;i\ I.I) a l.ir^c and pe;»er:il « I.":’! ! lln Mt Ilf El ki : iiit'Mt Ilf IDSSV iiOi Anii i;;' wKii'h ai'e: rj'H* ] ei u.T ti .voriri:. •r'^.ip hen-ti'^- '.T e.,-':;ii-- ni- l.T the 'if.I. \. 15i''\ il: 1 1' 'ii'; 1 ii.'S"!I', iinitnal r ■ .\ i;o\vi. WI>. i!i.r.i;in' w, m k.vy. .TM1\ r. 'I'lio luult'rsiuih'il \m!i iim.' :1:”'iM-idf'-i o?' the late :it •' i ::- I rn;'f S al d it\ l.nmln'rimi. nndcr ‘ii” . ir > ; Kd'V- l.\Ni> \ .Mi l\ AV. V here ti • i • •-1 ovory de- s ri>'ti; ’.i can iic on the ni i-t icif::" in ible ti'lMl'-. \. !: .WI AVl>. I .; i' Vt. M K vV. I ... ■ 1. .'''I. I.i/r i i‘ i’.i: N. ^ 'I'iiat \. !!*.:n\viv I I-. .y the p';,'" .e f . rryin'_' I '* 'M' >nH, ■■>f th. .'•uv ' 1!“^ 1 . \ii l!i' :■ i p;t-t : .M I- .1' ,■ L- :.ti: ;; A. Ill:: IN. 1 -.-.'.N . Ill ; ,v i;f%\ .«t_\ Ic 'aiii ■ ■'. •J.'.d •• (liii;ih,ini. ;'pi •• I’rinti* 1 and Knit> d l,a^^ns. I'ri'cailf .".K'i oilier .'-ilk.-'. S-.v; -^-.id i.tlier Mnsliii'. iri'-li l.ii.i'i;,'. i.a\v’.i and I'iaiH-r;*. Ui.l.iiu t l.ace and i:d-inc-. Silk, l.invn, and T. ;t.-n ll.ai'lki'rchiei’-'. I ndirc''.!' and I’ar .'■Mj el ti’ii' 1' t!is ai: I ’.i'sMiiores. 'I'ut :iu 1 \!i'viiui ('.I. .•'iniere. II 'Iiik :'. nnc"n.iii"n!y chea[>. i; ifiiiL" ri.itli,'. .\nk*-!- tirand. Will, niMiy i.tlu i- iJoii !'.- all ■ f whicli lia\c been pin'ih:i>"d I'v the pai'kn;^e IVr Tho'e w:.-iii'ii: t.. p'-'r. ii:;-.- ly w h'll.'r-.de "r ret.iil, wi'! pN'.'i-c r:i''. hi'I..rc P' n i::fV-ewhi'ie. ;i - _ i - I.:.., il’- e\;'ccu-'l l!i \i I cl. ■ ‘ ti /: i\i.v e ^ \ i:r\ii\ Ki* t ii :■ i'->ni-i=Tiu, '>v. ■ H - . >1 1 1'■ r 'V"M 'vket ' -; I--. 1 is ii'i-v' Mire 't tr-ini New ) • , a l;.r^e a- I; III-' t -'t' 'Cl d !>S 3» B 9»«•» ('ill st-ii-i-U-d :•! ":it tl-.e w m!' .--I I'm- p>'..ple tl’-. k I -'n.'i-^T' ii-i V ».■ I* I 1 •" ' 1 • a V . !• -T-.. "l- '■-r . !r: ; »i: ■ I'fv /••n d 'rylf,--. I't'. I n.unellc.l »'-•n- S.i't!' !! .-' ti- I ! //' -, i'. -r ; , 1 .1- li\ iii- V ■^r - t ■ ; ' . ' - lA ^ - V • ■"*'! ■ '' ' •- "''•L"'^i'V- . t ■' ill' ‘ r . ANmiN ili'n.1.. I ^ l!i‘>^i- 111- VV V: ; f,i l:;ili'l- • i :■ i rii-’- r ■>' •.vcl }iv Mr ■!; . iN >i>i \N. '"i. '■ ■'- ; .r; li.i..:-. (- i.i.-n• p.. 'S. ,v.-. A uu _'- i-'t !l il' •’liirhliii:: t it', •■ iri-i ' Mid I 1 ' k-. f: in ^1 t- 1 . 1 M- d V- s s .,t i-v..: vri;. rv. I L. l.- .li Mi :.ii I Straw ilats, • : I 'T ! sniiin.'. —:i’, v>' ' ■ I ■ h II I >-o. \v‘ -t* r. 's ' . ! -II ■•‘d t’la’-' r nii--t'. I;:i! .-V:.: . P k.-t ai. i I -KU- * Uti-iy. '!'r!!T.-s. I .af'ri ...t.'. r.o'kets, liui kei'. I’.-iil-', 's '! \> . . - 1'.! :dli-'. \' !.■■ ' -i.d '' •” I . 1> - ;;t. s I.li !i. .■'tcvl and I'' t.Ki H r.l'.ji'S mwa: ^ n:M\Li: siiiool. .s.- - ,-,i - -, SB. Mi- • : ■ 1* . - u;;. \eral- -It. •.'.1.. '■ . 1V.-..U..J •. .. '-'..I- ’ V. - I : r.irt \vi •i. I i . . . Nv.-. ' il. - t \ v' 'f.u 1'. IT.-l.T -. I. .i .- >!•■!.!- 1. .\. !». . X. r.. 1" y ■ III ■J .' II pi tin I HI •■d. 7 i-Jiii -It I'or I ''.I I. « i.'i'iEl I'} Gr0''-nsborou'4h, W. C. cP. a ■---n I-' ■d. •V. .lulv 7. \-r:- -p .V I -r v L iiCC iiil* l«uii rg'ijn; \ • T III iM."! >.\ i'lii v. I'ci i i\iiiL'a 'p'l iidi'l - ■ ituii'iif .''I'.MMKK II.\T.'^ i..' (n-n- iiii-i.. ^ II*'--. 1' -J '. .'I!! ! bi.alit-. t.i-wit- I'^'M III I. -1. .. pt .pi'i- ;iiid l.i-_h"r'’. with .■■U' : ' .> ; i\t .'f I \ \ iii t\ iv-denii'n s I're-- H-iTs, t.-vit: ! N iU'. i, 'd'.!i-'kin. >ilk an l .\ii;i'>!a. ut ■ - ^ I i'--: r . a si.i-t-i,.],; ; !i - n'M.-d.y ri.iii.'l ill till- iii:it-,,ft. .\Nii. (' \ p. ■ l^ulldaIl•■l•. * iilit-reiit -t\ies and pr’i i-s.—all “i wj; •■n ,, ir- CiiKM' l..r '.'H. \ > '-i-r .-Tit ! I il nrlt nii-n '. l.-i lii'-- . \| i- i-^', V a;: I'm.\ , 1 ( 'liildi-cii s I’.iMiT .■!! li;.". n'i vv , .i.-i . Lll ••ral i.ri--— i ! i.e p:.id. ''i‘i'h w in ui’eied i-n litiei al t. rni.- f..r the ■I. . r. U ,\!il»II.L. ‘ t.-.' IMi'isf rail ,-iTid '.iii'fy yiiiir«i lvi ln-ti.rv I'Ui i i',.siii_ i-’.sow here. .1. ■. Tl|o\!so\. Mth-wc-t ei.rner .Nl.'uki't .''ipmre. r,;;-tf .V-. .1. M. \ .... 17. I’v..!.; ■ V. •V.-MI-V I'Kvi .1 lii, -I- (f.' foni i I iiKih f i}ih "■/. ’i "f tlii' !n.-tia;ii. n wii; M'.:idJ v til- liP r ■! J I 1,V. W.tvvU PJ. Vi;r\ ■l- dr:d.p- t'.:it p|.; w;ii t'.:- I t." 'ti'! i. ■ pH-.-;ellt ' I i.e >i"H 11. r,!. r fi- K--I. V.: I, N. '■ .1”:.= •. a. i\ f (■ 'auiilT •■'. l-'l. P* :-t t' e ' i.en- 7'-lw '\idi.w n.i-liy' !'■ ’■ -...'1 T.i’i-s. h; t'." .\iiti,..;- ,.i Si- i. > jta-f i'i.'i;^la~', all Anti'l'i. '.'rapir N!'!-' r.s 1>:. aj liter; l,.it;li.ii I, ’■...r, and ■ I,' i '..n I’.Ti.r. liy vl.iyhe'v; II.his, !],,],) Wnnl,, 1 1 iM-i i-ii-; .Viiiif Iriy: .>1 a'iiic: 1 ;• ; .n .1 .''!,ip ;iii.| .'-^iiiire, in .Ala.leira, . - I.Ill atid tac Me lit '! rani-an. t.y l!>-v. Waher * aijii: .Mary Bed. by .Jaenb Vbliott: Tlie Heei-li .■lit- o\ iitt(i; I lie Poultry I’ouk, bv iiennett; 'i iie .\iiierii-an IJce Keeper's MaTiinil; Wtdi.'tcr’a •;^'.e!!er an.I l>oflner; 1‘aiker’s 1th Ke.ader; K 'H" -s K'l iiieiif, ,,1 fiti. i.siii; Smtt's liifaii- ■ ■■ 1 .■..•iii-; .Mi-iie.r,; ' .in L>i.i,,^s; N.,t.-and Let- ’ ' I'.iiveinpi-.s. •' f 'l'iif'r ■ Ii:.vi.l (■.,j,|„-i'field. >• Iniiiii; .’^'iiiiiji Ibiiiif liitl|ii;i]i ,.- ’.I- • I'...iiirs; |:":..,ii}.e!ij.,-. .vr, .iiwt r-'i;ive'i t ■ 1-. ri \I.i; .v: ."nN •' l-'l. m:\v law |{()ok. 4 I» 'M OOOK9S. ^ 2 ^ II i'. .'^nli'criiiei V al l* now reet-ivin^f a ji.u-- 1 ti' u ..i til. il spcfiM. lMP(»i;T \T!t>N i.f .>*);l.'; tlii> .'^i-:i.'i.ii, — Hl:V (iOdlt.-:, ( ( 'I'ld:- i:V, ;i:ix ki;i;v. ai. \ss. \r. A I so-. s W. TlLLl.\(;ilAT .v: (’ii. '' t ■'.T 2". 4;;,c roil SAu:. At th'' Im'i.-f Mnlicit Hill).';. New rr.j, Ml »l,.\ssi:s. 1 .s.-icks biishei.s .\lnin .'^ult. '.1(10(1 n,~. Ci.ttiin Varn. • (snabiirg'- and lirown Sheetinirs. Witii pciier.al 'tuek .»' artii-b-.- in tli»- Gn cery line. .IM». U. ^\ 11,1,IA.MS. K.t\i tr.-vine, Keb. l.'i, l^.'fM. SAI.i: or VAI.I ABI.K REAL ESTATE. V virtue .f ti Iteeree of the Hon. the Court Ilf I''i|iiit\' in .‘Hid for the 'onnty of .Munt- piiiiery. 1 will,' on the 1 tth day d' August ne\t. ;reatfr ]..iri of tiiein having 4n eii j (Ml tlii.' liuiii there i.-i .a --iivv and oitiiii. 'I'libae \c., but alsi) on aeeouiit of th' ' ''ie.i afimd.s a iiandboiiie ineome; vv,i\.- u readv -ab' fur llu Inniber, and .\KKY, Slli:.M\VELL & CO. A now receiving direct froiu .New \ork /m and I’liiladeiphia, their aiil C*ool«, Kiubracing every article which i.s itsnally kept in a Ury (Jood.s Store. They would call the at tention of the i.AKiKs in particular to their very handsome stock of llress (.ioiid.s. which Intve been selected with tlie greatest care by one ot the tirni. and whii-li will compare, in ipiality, stvles and jiriees wilh any in the market. 'I’iiey «ill iiiit enumerate, as tiiey have siieh a variety; and w«.\dd >ay to the l.a'lies, that they have no j.lcnn\' l.ind) simids. but wuuld re-^pt'ctlull\‘ so licit a call tv> .''Ce the ^oinN and h«‘ar tliv.r nanii'S. 'I’o tlie (ienth-meu tiiey wuuld s ly. tli.it tliev have the ha;nNiiin*st stin k of (.'Kitli.-. ('as- >im'ere.« and \ e- ; ihat li is cvi'T l -vn c.\- hi' '..ed in this maiki t. (.Jive u-i a c^ili. Also, a larue assortment of l.adie.-*'. t.'ientle- nien s. anl ( liiidrt'n > It.iots aiul Slmes. .‘i:id a beautiful lot o; I'aias.ils :ind I'nibre'.ias; t. ;retli- er with ;i gener.'d .i.s.si.i-tment ot i .intun Cr.ijie Shawis. wliite aiivl i'"!' 1: Sumrtler \ i.dl.'S an.l .Mantillas; 1 ri -e and .\Iu''lin ('aiies. ( nll.ir'' ;in 1 I'ulVs; Mouinin;.^' alut M'cind-moundug ditto. .''Ugar. (\ ti. e, l\-:i aii'l Spii es. Xi'. l'a_\ ettev ille. N. ( '., .Marcli - IS iI. ('dtl (wirrii iio'i'i'!,. .''111 scrit.ff ha'ing titte l ni» and eii- HL l.u' theab.'ve nr!l ■■ n ll.'Use. is , l'ie|..n l to entert (in tr ive!!rs with ■ / C.iTuf.iI't. itor. T M.N.\i5]’i. fanl'a-r. M .,n c ... N. . . .May i>-il. I ■ M a('ki:ki:l. ^ I’l'iI.S. .N -v\ .Macker.'l. jiiM n-'i-i'el P-> and for ■ i • tiv .Mav CiH.iiv .v r.wi.itii. 7'I-if !'■ ■ trill, (.f I’ jiiitv. the eN!-llciir expnse to I’ lblie Sale, tn the highest bidder on -work j.rc- r‘I-.? ?';.'■ .>:nT.r.iiie r,,„it .,f ihe inemises. , tin-resi.leiiee of the late 'i>l..John '' .lib ( arnruiM t'.i- ri,.. ,,j- p,■..;,] •iniiip.i tln‘ very N.Vl-I .MWd-., Ill.Al.. 1'..''I .\ 1 L I •VJ -ji), ii,r ,,i(- liy ' kiKiwn as the , ., 1 I ii.\Lt: .V »V4trrotrs of thf -''•I'U 1-. • 1 1 ■ i n th‘- M uitguniery .snlr n| the l.ivor. con.si.st- \ VaJiiobl^ ri 1 in.. iif •^.•vral Trai ts, eiintaininij: II ..r 1500 rn«up V .,* ' ■ , feclle. acris in all. 'I’he I,mid including the buihling.>s, .* ' . *' ' '!b is 1,1^ i S l; \I tnr s!ib‘. ' iiiijii'uveiio'iits. ;ind til*' Ntirriiws. will be .xold in 'i' 'i'h‘ I’lij: * ohar’.''. (n ..t plai-f. and the several £>urroundiii'.r i ■ T ..,! ", ‘ *'i.iii 'li'biey place, ci.n- . separately. ■ i i. ■ ' '•■'"'I i" eoiid.- . 'I'jii, l.aiid is valuable not only mi accotint of , * * V,. 'h'‘ very best it coin. iv.,tiUtv ;uid prod'ietiveness if tlie soil, lie- ‘■"■-•lousi- are ;ill in i„L well adapl-d f. the culture of Cnrn, Wlieat. 'xcellent hl.'^llldiV iiltaclied to it at the Nar-, •iiws. v.lii're a great niiiiib«T of .'had iii.-iv b‘ annually caught, and the Water Power atlnrduH ■ = -I price; eimi s.-lls readily Mt the highest . ,,,. , I I,'" il'*•’ , , '' 'piise :ind ca]>ita1 couhl nnike useful and pro-i I .il .-11 fiie above a. a bargain, a. I am .Kv , ^ Machinery ^ ■ .i.akin^i ne,v aic.ingements in mv biisi- . ,i.. , * . ' > - cwKN II u{(;k(>vi;. V ‘'"V. ’ .. .. w . I. 1! •*. i 'K5.mi.mL thi'se caintnl {i«lvjintaircs, “I"' • I I-., II : Hie siiuatii.n is iieautiful, romantic nnil lieiiUhy: I i> • 1 A I *' I i sli(*rt, iii'sirMhle iu 'vt*rv of viow ‘ Lee «1 [M-r McsM.HT urwl tor .s;,|«., 1 .„o„,hs er^d.t win be gl^n uio pur- ! a »]5 lUM.S. ('riishod and IJetined Si (;aK. { eha.sers giving bond and aiiproved sureties ! hi. 1 . lie.- i line l lys.,11 Tea, | j L. (i AIN KS. (M. K. ii LUaks Lct.1 London I’lirter, jiint biit'ls, June 28, Ix-'il " 4 cn I 5iip'‘l io'- I.I.I porr V\ Hit- I I A M .di iia u i. Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. ' ' TllJdS.;il.V.ST V CO. M\LY. .v SOX. I Jiin. ‘.I, I ■''.’I M'AV I’.OOKS. K T It'(^*r K\ 11.1.r.'S .Viiicrican Inslitnt;.. ;-; with ii'te-^ by tlic lion. .1. t'. Speii-i-r. ]Ulbli'hed f'.r the li.'C of Si lumls. iVe. I.i'ld 1I1- land's Fi.rei’.:n l!eminiscence-. -laiie linuvi'iie. .ir I'm sj.. ! i;.v -i.i .\.t-. . i s;t i. l.v \iiss Sincl.dr. authiir ■ 1. in .\vcomp':i .nii nt^. Ae. i;. ii.vi.H vv SON. A| 1. DOLL.MiS iii:u AIM). fl) AN \W ti'i^ii P.ii,' ii:“.n. "f .1 lin- s' '■ ■•■■■.!;;;v. ;i t!,e ^:li ■>! .'a nu:i i y. TW •* NIv.liO lii i\,N. i i-iii anl Stij^'icn. 11 .11 is .-ibi.wt 'J.'- \ c;i - ,■! •■. -I ■lit ' in’r, - ; ; .ik e. lui HI.'. v\ . 1 1.' 17" ’!.s, .'•ti-ph.-a is , -..at ■J-'' y I's i i _f. \v - 17-' Ilf ■ ■' ■» ni- n. S|.| .k> , '■ .w vv • ii s-; k:.^ t. . piiy lit •'■ I.;; . : • I I • 111 '., in v h. : t:o-v a*>- 'ipp -M i I I.e 1... .' 1 wi': _ \I' r ;r . .\r ii-w- :■ I P r t ir a -T ' i- ; n : ..;i 1 i..a'Uu-nt '.i. an-, 'ail • t:.. ' 1 i_.'t ii'-ni. i.r>:J'. :..r -it;;.-:-; i:.-l :.i. i-i ; •■i^-il rew .rd vv"; _'v- ■. j'-.v j.:- t -af'i.-S-i.T t- - \ i' t all V W Int.- T.l - .i ii • sv .-i \., _ ; , i:. 1. .Mru!-ii\. .;.ih -P I".!. .' :t' I'ALl. vV WIN’l l'.K (.OODS. i! ; • r • er. i •iiir I \ 1. I, \N1' W 1 N T r. i: 1 0(1 ji.s:. ■,,« -t, . f ■ l.\ MJ. 1-L\i:s. 'V I.: !i w r r>- '^’i I • _ :. .iiir ii' ■ ! t. rii.' I,-^ \ ; s. ri- • I’r'i.lu’-i' I: lel w .• !t ‘i 1-1--. : : t; • iiiMu \uii|\'. i‘.i .-1- M'SS. .1 .V T. u A I' M! I.. Ilav sT. -- \ .. J-,. 1-- II. y,-.. \i:\\ (.()()I)s. HI i: FUL \M> WIMI t{ MT( K ''F !)r\ (i Ir«1 lar«lu;in‘. le.w - ■till- l i 1: -le!. a i i t .t -:d". onr «• '‘k ; r_'e aiai v..-:l w. rtl._. the attiTiT' •! , f ■ _ t,, ,i 1.. '''■ will ' at" i 1' ! ■ . k ii i i^f I ::iiir\ i'r ; I I '■ dv T = \ I I if{. I-^ 'I. ..•‘itf III \\ K ill-; rii'i;\*-d tr'.m .N= v. ^..rk. inv P \PI, \M> U I.NTLlt Sl()(*k of (nOCxIs. ( -I: .riii.j ..I :i ' lu-ral aS'wiMmeiit ..f Ilr\ li(i;»(K. (iri'rrrirv llnniuiirt'. (iillt ry, \r. I >1 ■’ ' -; r : - T' IITIA'! IM,. •■! .:.v ki : ■ • 1': ; .1 .'. N KlMi. 111 • s \ 11'. , ; Pri vet li*\ ’ ” o, t i^-'.;i. p;n' .n s r r.}\ i:i>. U i> M.> li - I 'i l.a_ , r. ( 0| 111 -J hlids. fu 1 ."I I. AK. ]|| I'v" .1,..! -.d II' *ine 1 .''II .11. l-’l bb]s. :ir.i -alf !i'.'- UiiM.-r l i i-r C, I ' .l!ir \ I IPir'!'.l.l \\is. ■Jli Ste im Ui-fi’.n-d 'i-.li'! . With :i \arii-t_v .1 i.tiier i.' t.i i nipli te i.iir >• »i tUlOllt. s. U'. TII.IdN(iHA.'-T ( o. Fcby Id, 1>.,1. iv\i\ rs. 40^H> I.iijn-rial and I’ai i- • 1 n-i ii. .''pan;-!' r>r..vvii, S|iaiii'!i Whiting. W int'T (I I'l-eii. ('hriiiin- ^lll.lW. i-itlia|-_'i- aii'l otln-r v:iiii-rii-" nf I'ain;-. rooK N .lolI.NSo.N. M.inh Id. 1>''.I. '-'I i. \ w i:i;N'K \ (’oMivwvs l*ali ni IiuproM-d 1‘It‘sli (»l«»vcs jiiul Straps. Pur prodiifing a healtl y 'tale of the 'v.-tem by Prietiiiii. fJIHK "re.it v.ilue o; tlie HoI!.';K-H ,\ I U KK- J. NdV.V rol{ as a theraiieutic agent, when applied til the human bmly. is well known to everv one who lias jiaiil the least jittentinu to the iiiiportiiiicc of a healtliv action of the .''kin. F,.r sale bv S. .1. !lPN.'il» \LK. o. t. 1. is.'iU. :v.nf Duriis Mi:i)K nM:s. S\Mri:i, .1. lIiNsnvLi: Otl'i'r j'l.r sale an extensive a^s.n tment of (i(M)l).'v. among whieh are the ful- low iu'j; Opium. I'amphnr, Castor Oil. .\lcnhul. ,'^ul- phnr. Ah>e>i, .Xla;jnesla. Khubi-.rb. Miii-[:hine. (Quinine, ('ream Tartar. S:d .'^mla. ('.-istil,- .'Mjap. SilpiT carb. Sod:i. FpSom .''alts. Spmige. IpCae. ."^.-irsaiiarilla, Krensote. I’mrax. .\i iuw I'u'.t. Isin glass, (ium .\rabic. (Inm .Myrrh, i'ap.sieum. I.u- belia. I’l.-istei-'*. I/n|Uoric«‘. »'liloriifurm. .Iiijnbe I’iiste. i.iipcras. White l.ea'l. Linseed Oil. 'I'r.-iiii oil. Whale Oil. Sperm Oil. Sweet Oil. .Neatsfi'"t Oil. Copal Varnish. Leather Vainish. .1 i)i;in Varnish. W iiiiinw (Jla.s.s. Vntty. Pumice Sti.ni', ('liTo)iie (ireen. Clirome ^’ellow. Liiiiipblai-k. ratviit I’laek. T>'rra 'le Sienna. I’nibi'r. I’l'ack Lead. Litharge. l!ed l..ead. I’atent Iirycr. Whi ting. Freneli Yellow, N’ellow (iidire. Venetian Ked. Spanish I’.iown, I’riissian lUue. S.ii .l-n:'- per. Starch, .Sal Kiatus. Mustard, Spice, Nut megs. j’epjjer, Hojis. lndi'.ro. >Li'lder. S.-dtpetre, tiinger. tiiue, Annato. Cloves. .Mace. Ibiriiing | ITuid. .\liini. 0.\alic .Vcid. White llrick. Tripoli, ' Wash lirii.shes. Paint llrnshes. Varnish Ilrushes. i .Scrubliing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do., ; Logwood, lied wood, Hlack Ink, OpoihMoc. iVe.. with a geuer.il a.ssortinent of .Medicines: Chemi- ciilsofall kinds; Krench and Lnglish Perfume ry and Soaps; with a full nssortnient of all the leading Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the country promptly attended to. and goods carefully packed. The .Subsriiber feels apsnred that he can m«*et the wishe.s of the ]iurchaser in regard to ijuiilit^' and pricc. S. .T. IIJN',s|).\LI', Pruggist. O.-iobi-r l s.3» .i-jtf Tht ^ IfVrc 3IAA t l'A^ TOllY. At Wholesale and Retail. r. PPV#rr#’.s OLD i;ST.\nLL'Hi:i) tin ANI> SHKKT-lPvON w AKi; .\LVNrKACT(HLV fs lli>MOVLl> to the SoUth-Ka.st Corner of Market Snuare. ready with the nece^»ary machini'iy and m.-iti-ii.-ils tm- making I'AC’l'OKV DIMMS vSrCANS, .\tid to i|o all kiml fd‘ work of Factories. Al.>‘o, HOOFINt;. (iCT r!;i:iN(J, and all hinds i>f .l( )l’d!l N(i, d'liie on short notice, and by ex- pi-iienced wurknien. V ciin>t:int ,siiji|ily of TI N kept on hand, at V> hole.'^ale and l’>ct;iil. ('oiiiitry .Merchants :i' 1 I’e.tiai's can be supplied at the ver_) lowe.st lii-i.'..'. ('. W. \M)R KW :n -a »u.' t J • I A A >5M'/l'ilA.\ ^'111' iil'nin-s t" carry "U th.‘( M’.lIM'iF. I. P.-s ! ^ i;s.';. ill all it-i iii-alii-ln-'. at tlie oLI> S rA \ I'. Ill- i-i-ti;i-!.' thanks I -r tlie ’.ibvr.-il j.at- rona-ji- hi- h;l' 1 ei el .fi.rc rcrciveii. and lio|n.-.s. bv strii r.'tiiition t.. biisiiifss .-m.l a di'sire t.i give ( i:tire satisfactinii. to iin-rit a c.iiilimi.-ince I.f the sMiiie. He li: s oil li.ind a very tin'.' ass,,i-t>m.’iit of iiarouchi'-^, I’liuirirs. Ivockawuys, and Su!kr\s. Finished, and n vei-y lar;ri' rissi-rtment of A\ ;-k partly finished. wbi.-b, t'i.r eb-;raiice i.i ,sh:i]>e and fmisli. will compare wiili any other work. Per-^ons wishing to buy, w..uld do well to call ■in l exiimine the wdi k. :.s he is determined to .sell l.( >W for cash, or notes on short time. i!-/'. .Vll I I'k warranted for twelve months. :ind i-i'p.'iired In-;- o!' ch,-il-L''e. slmuld il tail by la 1 vv ..i kiii.'iiisl.ip ;■ matcri.-i!. BlrMtcpairiiiLf laitlilully t'Xt'cn- ti'd I't vli'.rt II'.ti.-.', "11 vorv re.-isoi!able terms. I’ll I/I ftil‘1/-, A fill/ 1, Cai Maiiufai toi-v. ^fij^lIF Siibsuiber having taken the K'=tablisii- ineiit 111' the bill' r. Siinpsiiu, (.situated '.] |iosite \\. Mcinryr..' .s .Store, - inteiid.s carrying on the Carriair‘ Manuracturin;r lousiness i In all its various branches, and would resjiect- I fully solieit a share of the public patronage. J Having had consiiieraMe experience in the bnsiness. and having bi.en employod in some of the uiosf eviensive j-ist.iblishmcuts in New York and New .K-rsi'v, he tiatters himself that he can give >iener.-il sati.st'action. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country attcrds, and by experienced workmen; and should any . of it fail, either in material or w>>rkiiianshi]>. in twelve months from the time of its tielivory, lie , will repair it free of e’i,a-ge. Sfcu'f' I^ I'PA IPil .Nit done in the iie.ntest and best manner, and at the hiwe.-^t possil«le prices. \. H. WHlTFIKLn. rayctt-jvilh Feb. 11, L>-jO. Ttf HENRIETTA LINE OF Sept. llS, IS.'jO. Sliniiki'i' State TllK K.MPIUF, STOVi; is of the latest and nio.st approve.I patlern. It i- I'cttcr. aii'l can be .>old cl.eapi'r. than any other kind of ('o. king ."t ive. For s.-ile by C. U. .\Nl»i;LWS. .\pril -11. l.'^-'il. *''-'t! I!!i: rKIKUK'.Ttll lillH I'lTKVI I H>KIA; S'l'OX Iv n -s f, r ^:-'e 'i' tl.e Subsi'i-iltvr in Ka;ci;^li and H Fa i-tt.'vi. : in l;-di'^ Il at h’s Sho|i ..11 F.iy- • ■ttcvi--v-S:r-i t, and in I . i'tt*-\il'e at .Mr. A. M. '.-I 111 ;-i - s. Ti.'* .'iil.'Ci)'.'!• Ill l eby !■ ■?•■-■.'ani.s all pi'i-s'iii fii'iii p:-. chasii, j: :i,i\ ..f' t’i> se '^t.iv.'s fri.iii any per.' '11 either in or out o' North ( ar' Iina. ex- ci‘;it fi 111 Mii.si-If ,.|-iii.s dill;. ;iiitiiori/.ed .\gcnt'. He has pi:!-cli.:'e.| t!ic exelll'ive ri-_dit t'l M-n.j this .''t i\o within the .State, and will pro.sfciite .•in\ pei-s..ii i;ifrinir'iiir his ri'.dii. i-itln-r b\ |.nr- i h.-is '.-:iia_. I.I- iis'ii.-'. .■■M', cxi-.-j.r ti.. sj .ib- t .ii.i : * - :.i l.ii.----H’. .!ol I'll Wol/i F.i’.iM;. !' -• -I.:- ; I'* !-:.l, • Mf M a I* b 1 1'" II (• t ) r v. i;' Noru’K. ^HlHI'i .''le.inier I halliani vvill leave this place H every Mond.iy :in'l 'I'hnrsday :it 7 o'clo;k. A. NI . inste.-i l 111 '.I o’clock as at lu-esent. I eoni- li;enriiig :it 7 ii\-lock Moiidav HUh in.st. 'I'iiuo of leaving W ilmington, every Tiies'Iav and Fri- d,iV at li o'eloi k P. M. •INo. 1». williams. ,\gent • ape I ear Steambo-.tt ’o. Fayetteville. .Marrh '■>. »y !,AI IH'Jl nni iiiiiiiis Aiii'n: iiiii;ii miw Mma:. illf. i\ .1 .1 U'>. 1^ ■ w \ ft ' ^ r ' ' - . E'iaconi’au^‘ rnil!F Su- I .1-1 - 1. . r->, .- I- t- B tlii- ■ !.’I-:.' ot P --;^ i t: - I ni. i.iiu . ' ..nlr^. ti t ! !■• ;. II ■ n .:in' \t tI.i- . ■ • . . -. .--i ■ :i .V M 1 .1 . ■ ' \ m‘ i\i- M' ln's. wl.i'ii- ! \ r .1-; :im ’ t ’ t-.'-!,il-.- t . ; 1 ' , • ■■ • 1 il'lNli \ l.lll- ( Lii.'-. * r . : ! I ' ' liil:i--p si-r^cr t I I - ■ ' . ■ r ' ; ’- ;i 1 ;';t\ . ' . I. : ' ■ . e- ,..:.t-|it in tl.i- p’ TI: ■ ' ■ :1 ' ! ^-I 't ; : - f ' - ‘ 111 - \ -I :i I- : : . - -/• - . ; ! ^ tl,.".i - . n, TM I ! p . ■ : : I r i I’ Ml;lN'. '- -t'v I 1 : : : • : 1 1.1 )\' ! I, ti; .11 ali_\ ■ .. . • • ' TI!: i\: " \ \' II I ! I .'I '.|! - P m:*'! !. . V .■■■■■ ... : ■ :, ,1 • -I i;. " V. iikPK.N .ire w it!i f HlinS LINE OF HO.VTS is still in .succes.- J3- fill operation on the (’ape F'ear Kivei'. and Continue to oti'er many facilities to the shipping public. I’tTsons patronising this Line, may rust afj- sured that their (iood.'i will be brought up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. S’l'KLL. President. T. S. Ll'TTLKLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 1.'.. l.'^.M. ' ;3'.»-tf Li\ i:ijV s’l' r«^ini ; r .- -t. - --’i. .- 1 . :.-.l rea- ' . ■ 1. i ^ ■ . • . ;i' 'K^. l;' I II il KS. and \ . . . • - ;• v-i. I- ' ir--. ’ ' . • ’i^‘- s:. ' /. i- :: .. V I t; '| I , '."I • .- I-- )..:s IJ,. „ iP !'|- n ^ . It -ti: '• vv sliiiig t.' iiirf t. nivt.' iiilK a .ii. .1 W, PcV.r.;:.-. A,tilt. ..; -1. j:. I"'!. * -tf ]. I \ i: i; ^ > 1' A n 1.1: s. ('.irn.'iLii";. :iii(l l»iii!iics. f'oft ssiste:. I ■-- t'-. :i ■ ' ti.. III-.-, -i ;■ wus. ..'I rens..naV'b; t ;.i, . T' si.,,-.^ .,.,y ' i'.>uii.l a; t -cir S’a- ■ ti‘ tiie Ml'.'I .>t !., .ac'j -il '■ i.ui. 1:. 11 ; sU !'i I i : ha I-" ' ‘ ■ i- (> • 1 I ' - r' r •I M 1 111'!sI 11. ! !. \ ui.i t..!vf h .I'si . tivei'V .-1 r 1-i'as "ii;i' te;-iii~. A IVV ; ;-'f .-,i i-;'i:igi- will in re:i ■ |i mi-^s. at ' .1 it ii..'ii-e. to e-;.v.‘;. [i.i.s.-i-;;gfr.s i,. iVom till- stc.-iinboats. pb-:i f -ive ns a c ill. an-l if s,-ttisl;i.-!i'.'i is u..t given. I:" pay will !..■ re.|i|i,f.l. Fax euevi':’,.-. ,\1 .. . h l''-'.l. i',;'-i.in i\iPou I'AN r L\\ i:N'ri(>N. rg^llli .Subs-lit.,.I-I,;,,l.,.U'j!it tlu-riuht for B- tli.s I I. ..! '■' liriu.iu I'.ivi:- s P\ i'KNT S1. Id’-.''K r r 1. i» for Saw Mills, ^i\fs !.,,t;ri. that he is 111.\v -, ri-pait.. uian);f;i-ture .iti'i ].ut in sucfi'ssi111 o!ii'riti''n this in.;rl-.ino. Hi' e’.ai:us the f. llowi’ig a.lvantages over t!;-- i'l mode >f .''aw iiiL"': l ir.'t — »ne han'l c:in ten.l the mill an.' saw a ~ much l;',ii;’'i. i- in • iie dav .-is two hands v-:ui a''- .oinp’s],. .'^ui-oiid- r.y a ja'culi.-ir arr.-ingenier.t of the d">g'. it will .s;iv. oi,e-fiflh tii'.re Innil'cr iruin the S-;n-.e s-ioi-k. Third—Tlie Mill is not st,,jiji,..| nntH the log is sawi-d nji. .Viter the log once doi^i^fd, the dogs are not inovtMj. ,-ind tin* lumber is of one uniform thickne-is. One of these r.iachines can ' be -e.-ii in opt'i.-uion at Mr. .\li-LaTu-hIin s .Mill in this town, who gives it tiie foUowiug roconi- nii'iulalion. II. (i. HALL, I'.iyetteviilc i’.)u;i.Irv. f -/,> .\ .Modt-1 ciiii i ill the Fayi ttevilS- l-’oiindry. March l'>, l>'-'iL (v’.-tf Fayetteville, March 11, IS.')]. I lieieby certify that I have one of W„l»avis's iiiijvrovi-mcnts on Saw- Mills in use on mv mill, and so well .mvince.i ; in 1 of its ntilitv. that iji my opinion it ro.|uires i,;ily to be introduced to be pat in general u.se by mill owners. I tliere- f'.re i-heerfully recoinmen.i its nst* to all Saw .'\Iill owners who would rcrard ihoir own inte- Alien I) .McLAl CHLIN. liaborcrs wjinted, ICOLOUEL* PP.liFFP.UFP.i A T --Si per day. .\lso. KMl p \ KPLNTKP.S, ^ at S'! -lU; to Work on Cajie Fear IJiver. between Haywood and F.iyetteville. Constant employment and ]'.-iymeiit every thirtx days in • '■I'h. A]>ply at Smilcv's Fall, Silver linn, and .ItiiK's's Falls. Mc( FLLorCH CO. .\jiril 2i>, L''".!, H'.iff WAN'rKR I I,RS. OLD CAST IRON, for which the highest market price iu Cash will be paid,— Delivered nt H.VLL ]I.\LL’8. ' F.-iyeitevillo, Aug. 17, 18')0. 3-jtf j TOUACCO. ■ 4 00'>D ."^TOCK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularlv. from >!essrs. J. .Joue.s & | Co s F.*!' tf'iy, .:p’ar:t'cs .T..«.«ortcd from conmion to very fine, w hich 1 will soli at lowe.st niaimfac- ! turing prices. i * J. I'TLKV. I rayctteville, April i FAYLnKVlLLE f J1HUMA.S II. T1LLIXGHA8T respectfully ' JL informs the citizens of this place, that lie has opened a NEW liUOK-BIXDEHY, opposite to Mr. W arren Winnlyw’s Officc, Anderson street, where lie is ready to execute any style desired, from the best to the plainest. ■Music. PeriiKlicals, kc. Ace. are bound on a new plan, in several kinds of leather, &c- Jan’v 7, is.'il, . Ai-ltf a!sl ISoal^^ A KL ''ill in excellent oivlor for business, (hir .L n 'low Floats have been recently lejmired and ma'h* g.‘od as lu-w. We have also added a 1,1 v l-'lat for low waii-r. and well adapted to the si-rvii-f. She will -:irr,v 7(>* bids, incrchaiif.'i/.e. and lravv only 'J-l inches water. 'I hose favoring us w ith their patronage, may i-xpect a.s lu-ompt and cheap service in every liarlii'ular as anv oliicr Line can offer. (i. DKMINC.. Pres’t. |{. .M. OHUELL. .\gent. \. D. C.\Z.\C.\. .\ijrent :it Wilmington. Fa vvttev ilie. Her. 21, ]>-')(•. -'I'l-tf CHARLES liAMvS, Coitfcrtionfi\ liKL’EV STIIKKT, F.Ui;Tlh\II.Li:. I’. iri sh, i>tn r, Candies, constaiitlij supi'lietL .I line Is.'iO. i;;‘.-if JOHN 1). WIIJ^IA.MS, i'oiitiitissiott • Uerrlunft. Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. ! ■'». lS-’»l(. K. AL OKKKI.L, fi)K\v\iu)im; rinniissiiiN )ii:Rrii.\.\T .\t I'ayc'tfeville, .\. i\ -March Hi, tJ-J-tf J. \\ ILKfXSOX ('().. Confrclionnry. Fruit. Niit,^. Toys. Fiinry .Ir- lirlrs. IVrfiHiitry. .Soiij's. .\r.. wiroi.K.s Mj-: AM) Riri'Aii., .^'(irkrt. Sfr>t/, W'lliiiuiyto/i. A*. trdei-h thankfully leceivcd ::nd punc tually attended t .1 line 11.1 s>.")(t. P.'-tf T. C. WORTH, CUM^IIS^ION \M) FHKWAHDIM, MFItCinM. WJL.MlXCiTOX, (\ Feb. 1. is.-,]. .*>7tf iiii()Tiir.!;\ lim:. rB^IIL .'>ti-.-iiiiiT li|{ >T II li I! s jtnd Tow Ito.at'. E S l’LVFNSoN and 1>AVI!» LF.WIS at-.-prc- p.-tri-'l I . toi w-ird with !>K'I'v1( ii. all g N eon- dglie.l t I the Pr.iprietor Ti l- Ste.-inicr P.rotliei-s is of li;.'hf draft, an l "ell s T.ti-d t’l run in low wafer. .''In- p. ssesses p'lvvi '-. .-iii.l sj.eed, .-ii.d i' :i.lmirabl v- a.i.ijitfl to t'-'vii.;.'. an 1 l an ai'i‘ niliii.date nb..',it - > pa'-'Mi- I '. The pi .t^.fief.ir eoiiteinplafi s runniiiL'^ the Mu.-it i. , '••it. nil.I will ._-ixe sjiecial attention to way tie;; lit .111 i nava: st-.ie-; to towing, aii'l will al- s. at'. I. I t'. tin i-..niIorf and ci.nvenieiiee "f P i”'''i'jiT'. Frum hi- ’ .ri;: e\j.erieiiee as \gent ii W ill!: :i;_’I..;i ol tin- s,.\eral '^te:mi I'"..it ( olll- ji.-ii.i.-s. h*- thiii.vs ne isi.-f s .tisfneii..ii. 1' ^lev liai.lr in tin- interior he v. ouM say. 'il t a i ii. !' 'iiip; '‘'1 i i iiii'i. will i.e d.-L-er -'l f ' ' r Vu'-ii's in FaVet(.'\;lle. Hi- iv^eiit in W :'ii;iii-; .1! i- .Ii»||\ r L\'irA. t-i w !;.,ni all . - 111' \ .-:-t ■ lis III , \ i.e .i-i liesse-i. a.- .'.geiit >1 ;he .'•teami-r Ulotheis. .I(*HN K.\NK.s. Pruprieiiir. ^l • r-. 7J-V A: ^I'crrliant.s. and Dcalci’.s in Dn (t!hk1s. GnKrrios. Il:c!!*'. Eliii!lsiitf. \ortSi :iS«>r Wilniiugton, N. C*. Proiir^it ."ttenti'.n will 1 e givi n t" the sale of a.’l ’;'.n'!s .'I C • !;try Producc vv!:ich m-.y be sent t'« ti'eir care. .\prii 4. i> 'i. i; s. di:ntistrv. s. GILCHRIST, Dental Surgeon, l..''l L( I 1-( Ll.\ inti'i-,ii.s the citizens of I .-: v ettev ille and vLelnity, that he l.as taken ail ottii e in the Fayetteville Hotel, wliere 1;‘ i.- prep.lie.1 to ]ierf..nii all i p"r,ttious iu hi.s proiessi.-n, an.l would be plc.’.scJ to wait on all wh.i iii.-iy lav or him with a call. All w ork war- ranteii. t)ct. i:7, I'P.'I. Oltf l3otcSiki*i«iN Vorlii'al WaU'i* IVlK'c!. ^S^Ill-P'I' are several inin.lred f these AVh»-els ft. in operation in ditl'ereiit counties in North .-irolina. For proof of their great advantages over the con^nn.n tlutter wheel, or anv other wheels iii.'vv in us-i.' tor s.-iw niiUs, we contideutlv refer to those who have apjdied them to their mills. W e can rccoinmend them jiarticularl,v for their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. W e still keep a supply of W heels, suitable for ditler»*nt he.-ids i.f vv:it«,*r. .-it \Vilniington, Nevv- beru. W’asliingt.in. Ldcnton and F.-iyetteville. riie wheels may also I.e li.-id of K. Prcvard, l..incolnion, and I riah Wc’ls. Pi-tei>burg, Va. Persons wi.shiiig to obt.-ilu the right to use the wlieeN. will be served on application to D. McNeill *. t'l)., Fayetteville, N. t’’. D. McNKILL. A. A. McKKTH.VX. D. J. .McALlSTKR. Feli’y Isp.^. ''lO-tf ])U\ (;()()1)S AT ('()S'1~ jT^rril a view of making n cliange in «nr busiiu ss. we iiovv oti'er our entire stK-k of DPiY fiOOD.S at cost, for cash or country produce, taken in jiavment at its cash value. The stoek is w>rthy the attention of those wish ing to buy. Mayl;5.—7Uf COOK i: TAYLOll. Administrator’s Sale. ^■^IIE bub.scribtr having tnkcn out JL Letters of Administration on the list Dr. T. X. Ciimeron, dee d, will, ..i, the 21 «t inst., sell on a credit of (i irn,[,t),« I Horse uiid 13uggv, one Darouche, an.l f . i ■IAS. U. COOK. I Jnlv 1, 18.-.1. • j €:or»9^ anti Ilatf, j Subscriber has "u h>:U'l ai..] -Il .stantly receivinjr, on c.jiisi;:inii(.,,, ^ . I ply of the above artirle.s, whieh lariv i.u i chased at the loW(;st market jirices at'thc (li ' of tlic llcurietta Mcainboat Conip;,iiv/ Pv. M. Ol;i;i--r, -\pnl S. 1 s.,0. J ^ ■ J.iiiscetl Oil {uid \\ liitc |^OIl s.l..by SAM’L.1. liIN.„;,; i \pril -Jl. „s„ m«^A.\T5:i> 1*2 W w HL'Mit) feet of While Oak .'laut j.,,’ bv ;i], for Plougii Jieani.s. Addn-'s * II. C,. HALL, Fuyettevilk- r.,,,,,. March 1.S.'>1. ~ MINKKAL W’VJ'KIJ. ' .T. HIN.''D.VLE is preparcl to fi;;; , I. eiistomers with .SODA or -MlNi;i;\i^* TEH. with a variety i f .‘^yiups. all of ^ ,,, nnsuri>asscd. ' April I’l. .\- i.As'r No'i'ici:. rj'^O those indebted to T. C. H- le=s they pay up befor.- ,,r tlui ij, . •1 ( iimbei land 'ount,v C.oun. sui; in w ill be instituted. Nov. L'J. I.’'-V». .JAME^ i’.ANKS. : III"!-’.,. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AiTf!]! !ur lli(‘ sale ofTiiiilMT, l.iiiiiin r. kv. P'-t.-r t'l Il'-n;-., Flliot. Fs.,., j •l..na. Kvaiis. F.s j.. ■ 'iinib.Tlaii'l Pev. L. .McNair | ■Ian. 1, IS.'.ii, -jiiff SA\ a(;k \ii:a!m:s. Commission and Forwarding Her- chants, ,M. V II.Ml NC'l'ON. N. scori' \ IiAIJ)\\ IV, s., ,-v K- n > ■ . I ttshiottablc Mcrcfut/it ’/\il!ors, -VNI. !IK\(.KI(S I.N (Icnilt'iiK'n's I'ldtliiiii:. K(ud\-iiiad«‘. OF I'ilF FIllsT VCALHV. Al'... a e.ii.ij.lete 's..rt!iicnt • f 'icn!s’ DKFSS • iO( »DS. • Stt'ftf. o'V'r-.r.Vivl.‘..( 'WilmiiiLaoa, X. C. .Ian. 1-'.. 1--M. .iii\i;i'ii II. iiL(ii\.\(ii!. U s:it A I. 1 O TI Tl I^MOA AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 15 ,V. €\ Pi'eiiipr j.i-rs .n:il .-ittc;.:;i n given to all f:'.>;ir.i^e:,r s. a l. i a -1: -:dv -! iiee- IMa'Ie .1; .\]er- .-iiaii.lise t. Ill- s’. i; .-c'i . r .' i-1 in this la.-.rket. F^ .1.1^.'.’. ‘ :,7y .1. i:. 'I’oomuTT ('iinnnission ami Fonrtfrd- tJivrchant, W !LMl\(/i’)\. V. ('. Keter t - 11. I’raiK- -n .v .''••n. ) ,, ... ,, , , 1 h :iv ettcviil.'. N. . -\. V. .Mi Ketli.-in, , F.'b. 1, 1'■'.!. TiTy .V m lillAXK. ~ n '/V Jhii'i f': in '1 iibiii'co. i 'linirs aiiii Siii.'tf. ^B'^'Ili u>.si .ers. lat.' h.-ivc ..’leue-l •. st->re in thi toWn. - . hr'- ins 111.id" : r.'al:”eliii-iits w til an e\telis;v ii. ^se in Ii :;iii- ii-. T ;ey e.-ui lunush the a’>nvc naun-d a;'t,i s .,t s.|, !i iiriecs that Ciinnot to pb-a^c. Di-.'lei,' :iw'l ( .'U?iti-v i\rei-i-ii:iiits w iii lind it f t.ieir r’.'lv •' . _'e t' _ivi- Us at. !..v'...ie pur- ; h.l'ili- I ■ 0 .. li -!-e. Fi. V’ s-r.-i-f. n;i-ler M ./art H .11. next d '-'rt" '•li'ssr--. pi.i’i.y Hart. W iiniiiigt ■!!. De.'. 1(», l>-'i>. P.'tf M:ss().NS IX Ml SK " fn. WHIT.VKKil would r. • Jm li.j'in the citi/ens of Fav etti-\iii.- . ciriity. that he has a'l.iin coninienced gui;. [,' sons oil the Piano Forte. He r.'tiiMis 1;:- •' lot tl.e liber,il ji.-iti'onage lieretofnre rii-i-'.,. and hnnibly solicits a continu.-iiice of tl„-.^,„ .\H pa;ns shall be tiiken for the a'lvam • r his jmjiils. ■■ ' Itistnierj.,1, given on tl.e (Jnitar. k^i: 1 iaiU'S tuned and rcji.-iired in tin-' i ,- I. II. W’i/lTAKIil; -\U^Kst :.'4. l.S.'itl, I) U . .\IcK jinrni n \\ I. iu--' reee.vt.-d a '''•asonable ass irtu., ■ .1 III Mill s. e. .iis;-the^ of rri);'v; ( h.-iiii.s; -la.-"net. S .visv :nid Tiiritaii .Mu.sJ'/js: ri^ I'rintei l.i.i'-ii l.awi.-; Lace Cap.-s; wl;ire;,ii' V"! d Lis|i-: .'■'ilk endi. and .siij.’r Kid (i’.-.w-;- . 'i'Tv; ditto t^r .Mis'cs ,-ind l!o',»; i.;;u->i i .j. br;.; H.-iii'ikercliiefs: 'i’aylor's .'-j..i.,] r -t..;,: >, .'ind faiu-y ’.issini.-i-r-s; Cloths; c.-l’d ai..': v.'-. -. Linen Drillings: tiin- French double widiii . and rib d iir,.'. d Lte; Sheetings and Shiivi.^. I nil'i-elias ,-ind Pa]-.-,- .!s; i:.,.'it'and Slmes; 11;, v'ai-eaii'l I'lirk-ry; with a great variety vv, wc "lier at the lowe'r pric'-s. —ALSit— b.iNO-^ T..1 :ie'-.i. \ery b^vv j , ;i,,. ill bbis. prime P'irk. • •II b.-igs Pi., :ind I.aguir.i • :! '.• ■| hhds. Su-ar. Ill Kills. Kefuied and ir ' '’.-.te l Sup.i-. l."ai' .iii'l (’i'iishe-1 ditl . Par Mii-l F.iiii V .s .a;-s. Snjieri'.r N .rthcrn Fiimr. D. \ W. .MeLAFKIN ril 7. Is.',!. r,.>: f.V.p/#;« cjLoTiii,v(i7 F. !':iv.- received our new Stoek . f SI'" •MFP C L o T H I N O— oats, v Paa'-^. and Vests. _ \LS(»— 1'". bags IU(i CUFFF.E. Ill boxes Fancy Candies, '2 hh.;'. 'nba .'>u:r:ir. NaiN, Hollovv-\\'are. I’orcelain Kettles. 1'.. and \’arnish llrnhe.«. \c. SA>1 L W. TILLINGILVsT >v • n. .\]n!l.!s.M. l..^rI i.\\\ XO'i'K'i:. tllCH’D .\. T. S.MITII ha.« taken an o" on Andersi,.ii street, nearly oi'jiosite • Fayetteville Hotel. lie will attend to the iecti'.n '.f claims and law business gener..i and e.'j.ecially t> the taking of accounts of i ei-uti i-s. administrators, gu.-mlians aii'l \ ■ either in suit or v>thervv;se. •L-in’v 11. is.'il. .■>4-tf gr '- Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. ^HF. S ;^''i"’bcr is r. ci ’ i ,. larir'' :tssnrtment in h - 'elected by himself in Pliihnli ij.i.i New \ ork. and IJoston. wh'i l.. ' gether witli his own maiiiitM-ti : ti >'k very complete, consisti: _ : V.ALt .\15LK RK.U, KS T.V TE .VT .^I'l'TIll.N. OX S.VTl UDAV the ‘J»'>th of July next, tlie Subscriber will sell at Auction the large, comfortable, and pleasantly situnted HOl'^E on the comer of .Munif,»rd and Gillespie streets^ known as the former resilience of Mrs. E. Smith! The Lot is large, the Huilding in gool repair, and the necessary out-houses unusually couve^ nient. -Ml persons desiring information relative to this property, will apply to Win. IL Wright. Fsq. JESSE P. SMI TIL June 21, 1851. 7.j-ts [VO],. (.'hairs, 'I'abit's. S(,)tas. Heclsteails. W' asli Stands, Hvirt'.aiis, Look ing" Glasses, Side iJourds, Secretaries, »^c. vk:c. .\ll -if wl.ieh will be .s,,M i.Ji ihe e v\e?t tcriJ.-'‘ -r airh. or till short time t pun.-iu.;l ciist.-mer'. JOHN W. liAKFdt. Sejit. ad. ]-''lS. 'To^i'attoit A’ %%*ooHen tfiaim- i'artitrei'S. rg^in: Subscribers liave for sale a genen.! jL s.irtnient of FINDINOS. to which tiny w.'fdd rcs]'cct:'ul;y call attention. A coit»la:i'i Aiijifili/ of ihe ft^Uoicin^ Aiiii'h n uJirnijK on liniiJ: J. & L. Woodoock’s superior Tdichine Cards. SHEARING MACniXE.'^.—Parsons, Uow- uiiFs. Curtis's, Davidson ^ I’ark's. D-inieVs. VAUIOI’S M.Vl^HlXE.S.—I’arkhur.sf’s Patcii- P.iirring Machines, Spooling .Machines, Nappin;’ .Machines. i;i-i:shing .\L-u-liines. Kellogg s PateiiT Wool Pickers. 'otton Wliip.pcrs. or Wjllows. Water V. heel Peirul.-itors. ( loth inders. HiM-i; ('utters, luibl.in .\|acJiines, (Juailrants atid Peci.-. P.-icoii’.s P.-itcnt Cotton Pickers, HarJv.ustc Pick ers. Waste Cleaneis. .'sl'NDPV AUTP’LES.—TIollirook’s Patent Piiveted Pickers. Revolving Temples. .law aii i Wooden Temples, Supenor Picker Leather, '1'>. Lace do., do. Bridle 'lo.. Stretched Leather Pcli- ing. Leather Pelting, Holler Cloth. Washer 1'. Sheep lU'ller S':\ins. Calf do. do.. Spindle P>.i: ing. Loom Corl, Bailing Twine. Packing Ib.v Tapi, all colors, .‘'huttles. all kituN and siit'. Tenter Hooks, Tack Hammers, Wood .Screw . Uoving Guides. Mule S]>indles. Steel Punch' Skewers, Cutting Nippers, lling Traveller'. I'U't Brushes. Flocking lo., Card Tacks and Plicr-. Conib Plate, Card (’leatiers. .shuttle Eyes. Nut-' and Washers. Rivets and Burs, Screw liriver-. Roller Buckles, Glass Creel Steps, Spindle stcj''. Fuller’.s Jacks, Factory Lamps. Worsted Har ness. Cotton do.. Steel and 'ane Reeds. Wiml- len Bobliins. Speeder I’lobbins. Spools, all kin''.'- Books on Dyeing, Teasels, Heddle Males. Mule Bamling. Belt Awls, Emery. Vat Xetts. 't-‘ Hooks. Press Papers and Plates. Paper Fenihi>. Ring Travellers, Frencl* Teasels, American do- Together with Second-hand Machinery in great variety. Refer for quality of Caitls and articles gcnc- erally, to F. & II. Fries. Salem, X. C.; L. !•- (.’liilds At Co.. Lincolnton, X. C.: A. Jenks. Fs-i , Builder of Machinery. Brideslmrg. Pa.: ami t.» Manufacturers generally iu I’hiladelphia and it^ vicinity. THrPLO HUGHKS « 0.. 11 Xorth otli St., Philadelphia. .Sept. -t>, lS-'>0. 30-lypd NFCROES WAXTKf). C'lASH ]*:iiil for likely young Xegivics, if ap- y plication is made soon. J. cV T. W.M'DILL. Sept. 10, lt50. I'ULNTHl) KDWAltl) kditoks ; Price for the S-mi jiai'l iii ndviiuci year of subscripi expired. For the W’cckly >i paid in adviiiua year of siibscvip has expired. Ai»vi:i!Tisi:.\ii: l>er s|Uare for the t succeeding ]tiiblica by special contract vertisers are rcipn insertions desii ed, f«>vliid. and cli-.iV'^c' c-£f“ Letters to t \VI! Al'l 150 From Manteo Paj. Itiw b,v Jiil,y Is-'il. I'O A VAH WIH.F Public Sipiar «>r on a crcdit. .\] Curtilage, ^lool■(' lllLl.Sr,(lK fl^nr. n.-t-uv' T Jfi. lislie-l Seiiiii finiiouncing t" the ged the sciviees i who will hi'icatt-' I’riiicip.'d. Mr. Hliske is a (ivaduate of ..'.ir I uaged for soiiic tin ing in the town oi line temper an.l eb :iiicu to Parents, t trusted to his cl;.-ir ciou.-ily perfornie.!. The Exercises ..l iiience on Moii'l-i.'. course of instrui-ii- vei'sity. thi' scssio with tho.se ol Aiai Terms of Tniii' •iiJl. alwn v s in ;i'i No deduction m; ed illness. P.v ol-d .luly Ith. l>-"il. Pres; lent .-in'l F t'liroliii.-i. T. llalirb. F.s, Hon. Ib'l':. .''ti-.-i E. J. Hale. Ls.j «Ai.i: o REAI [ ]( V virtue of a td‘ Eipiity ill goniery, I wil.. on e\])ose to Piibli.- .' tlu‘premise', tlie ( rump.) the very known as ’i.e ,'%*tfrrotrs on the .Moiit;,;.inn'i iiig if several i i-;.' :i(-res in all. Tlie iniproveniei.t-. an. first I "• ■■ rads al;e. - a.- . This Lan.I is va the fertility aii l pi iug vv ell adaple l I ( ottoll. Ton;..-I". .•:.cel!eiit FISH 1.1 rows, wlieie a vn aimually caught, ; liy the fall in the tcrfirise aiel ca].it fitable by tlie en ■ •if every dcs.'iipt be desire’. lie-ii' the situatii-n is Ke iu short, des. 1.11 lie Tv.clve 111' i.’h- (li.-isers giving b..] .1 •Uine "Js, 1 I. cwiri'i fHlHE Si'lis.-i-il _B. larged llie a jireparcl to entei comfort. Cartliagi', Mi ■! the Tri M.VLi: .‘v 1 rS'iiiK o jl_ Miss iVedi ^'ennon^. wiM be Jiil,V lieM. I’.oar can be ;:-^tteii iu Tuition - hereto!' For the l''.idiin"o Matheir.aticr. lln ry. }atiii Jli* . !i ' ' k Musir '‘II the Pia l’»C «*1 llistrlllllell FrcB^h Langiia-i N'.'idie »'U^linierville, 40 Julv is.-.i. .hdv 1 L I^-'il. s.) ^TPAYKD fill on the Hast miles belfiw F.-iy a small II.\\' .^i a star in the foi heavy tail, witio the back, jirod.m of Five I)o!l M! V the Mure t'l me. for any informal covery. Julv 10. L'S.'jI. i-'t NF. SllT SA an e.scellcu Apply to April 1. IS'.l

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