KXTHAT rilOM TIIK 4th of July Oration lli;XKV W. MILLKU. ESQ. On till' I4tli of May IT^T. tiu' rioii in It wa.i ' •in]n'>oil ft till' statt'^iiuMl t't tlii' \v\sHlN(iT(>\ \v;is t('(l fo ]HV- 'i'K' 'viv its !oliln'v:itious. {liin^ •/■-/V/s, I%(tiitliilith, ^>1' >i>, Rntl.ihf', tlio l'ink)Kj/s, ;iml othor s])irits. wcri' tlw'ri'.'—'riu“V ti'lt tbo rt's|'iiiiisil>ilit V if flu'ir T Uo oycs f'f tlic wli"K* w.ulil wort' njnrn th»‘iu; thi' tVi('ii!s nt' I'no (lookiii^ fi* tiirir (k'lii'vl:itiiin> with :nixi«'U' tlu* of’ tlu' hiviiio Kiirlit Kin«is lookiiiir ti>r tiu’ir tlu‘iiMlisr(>nilitiin*. f ln“ir lis>rv:n-i'I M'Ik'v well kiH'M t)ti‘ iiKtir- iiitudo i>f t!io work tin v wi-n* r.illod ti> TIu'y tin* ct the Infoiv tllMii. 'I'lirV li.i'l I‘;irtU'il f?K' want-«'{ tlifir I'chjpIo. i Iu'V >;•" tiu' !i‘t('rts of wliii.li tln'V liail iis- 'riii1t!t‘l to ri'foriM. 'I’Ih' n.'iilt ot tlu'ir jcitrioiic ]:ilioiir> aiiil iiol'K' foiu-r"sion> was i‘i !i riK''KN'i' (’(>\srrrr I'KiN, n ni'is/i r a momiiiu'iit iuon> diua- Mc (h;iii l>ra>. to tli»* |iatriotlMH and l irv of t!ii"r wlio ado]it(‘d. a?* woll a-^ tliosi' wh.: tV:ii\i«‘d it. It wa> tlio otlVi'finu'of couijToiniM' and coin I'-i'-ion. Nor did if:- inniiiirtal franiM>. dnriiiir :>11 tluir di'l'dn'V- ation>. over si^Iit oftho iinportaiicr of flu’ r.MON. It wi'i a i>ol!(r >tar of tlu-ir lal.or>^. \\' v^liiNCTON. in tlu' K'ttir ad- 1 liy liint. in }>i lialf of tin' i'onvi ii- tion to r()niiivs. saiil “In all onrnlflil'or- ations. V0 ki'pt >toaiiiIv in \i»‘W, lliat wliit li aj^ponredto U', ttu> irr«'atf>t intcn .'t ot « vi>rv true A MH'rican. tiu: ton sou hatk in uk m k I Nlt*N, in which is involvfd our [iros|u'ri- fy, friiritv, s’fctv. porhaji' o)ir national I'xistoneo.” rpon its faro tliat. t’m'litu- tion iiroclainii'd that mu' of tli'’ i liit f oli- jfct.' for whii li it v.a^ ••ordaim d and cs-« tal'lislu'd" \v:i> tin’ t'-naatiou "f "u ni>i‘ v'*ut li. too wiMV till' .'ontina'n:'. in rc’a- f ion to thf !in[H-rt:n;»‘ i.t' tlu“ I "nion. w iTudi )'r« \a!l‘d anioni:>t tin- l\ i j>lt‘ tlu nisidvt-. ami also in tlu' Stato (’■•uMntion^, wiiii tiio«> w h«; ni' -t li">tilc to tin* ;' l"^ tion of tlic 'oii>titntion. /'n.nnJ I'muh Ifih ( lan-d. h. 'iti’tc n"t t- -ay r:i:;t thr ni "t f rv. nt p", y. r of my 'oul i'. fix' t-talilisliiiu nt of a ti’in. i-n- '■;_'ctic Iov- « tlml .11,1 I.I f.lll US is II tfissiifutil’ll i,f tJf ! ilinii. f/ii''/'ii'i' .//lit/ .''i ( nil’ll US tin •• h nf nur Xlhiltiinl"W’v niU't all ■ 'V t'"U tiujifJf r." was tlio laiiL'naL'i'of .///(« Ihnu -n h in tin- M:i'a-lii'.'"t'' (’riivcnt'.on. "I MTKD \Vi> ari-.c'/- /»Y 1>!\ i I'KI> ' t'nU," rxclainu'd, that man and n .■!■!;• patri- r.» t!u (fiiti >n "f \ iririnia. 'I’ii.' l.-^diiiir ni- n >'f all the Stati-s nitfii'd tlir lUa- -i-ntiiMciit. In tlu- South (’anlina (' 'iivrntion, (’'-■t,hs ■ ■ O ff dfidai'; I. >;ir fi M loin and indi j't iidim-f ar"*‘ fi-i;i our tMn\; and wiih 'iu ir w-'•.mM • , lu-itlk;-frf- n>r in ! p '-vU'ut." I ud.-r that i'(iiislitufion. tlin ordain^ 1. a : ! i-.rt.-.Mi.-h 'd "in ord.T to t'.'ini a nioi-. pi ril l t ( nioH; ('f;d ’i'll jn-tici*. cnsurt' di- riH>tii- trau'iuili^y. p:-:'\;!, f r tl, ■ . -.rnnMn ili !i nvo. ’■ri'nio'f " U' i'.:l if.tic, an'i '• ■lUi* tin.- t'k-'.'ii:_' ..f lili.Ttv.' i'Ur try has i-'i.Mim.'i r,. i,, pr- -p litv :i!id jv.wcr f'T np'.vardxpf'ivty years. t- i:ij all tlu‘ p'-iii' nt donii'.'t-i" di''.'i’ii>ion and daiii£i‘i's ot t'^eij"!! war. with a 'in - , .-'S un'Urj>a."-'-d in th'' a'lUals of hninan ,L'‘>v-.viuut'-n*. if the pr]nci].l.-s of that 'onsiirutio;! I " prM;«'rly . .ui l ad- hiTi'd to, mu- pr'.'ii'-ritv wii; i-ou‘;tiu.“ t ’ iai;-n*as". o'u- r( ' 'i;r. iv- a >'iti"’i .vi'l \ t tu'-r ‘ t'ullv i! ■ ‘ ■\ lup ;iii ‘•.1 J' jnscp fr.il.i.' tr..in t}>i- ( .lion. I'vv fii.n :ir I'V. ! •:u and I •: !> p"!!'!!-i.i-.-, v. 'll h.-- '• lii- I" au'l in If viidi'arcil iii th-- li. 't iiin- > . . 1 ‘ ' 'i'‘ luv thi'ory of our Gowmmt^nt, niiJ if pr^fabli.^h- i*«l, will load to the overthrow of our He- publican tvstoiii, and a i*onso(juont destruc tion of our liidependcnro and Liberties. It 13 not niy purp->>'^' attempt an ela borate arjinnuMit to make g(Mid these posi- tion«. Had I the anility so to do, time and the ociasion would not permit. 7?ut there are some n’tloelions whieli it may be hoove us not (o iivi'rlook or disrcijard, and whilst con.Milerin^ them, it will be niy de sire to refrain from harsh or unkind e.\- pvesslons. I shall uevertludt'ss speak with the eandor of one, who teols that the ilay and (H'easion remind him theri* is yet a ('(Mistituti(>n, whic h ^uaraui‘es the privi- h'lrt's t»f freedom. 'I'o ni'.intain suiressfully the right of .'(•re-sion. it is necess.iry to show either that each State has retained her sovi'reijrn- , or has a riuiit, at her own will and pleasitre. to nsuine the po\>ers of sov»'- I’oiirntv whiidi she ('li^inally pr>s'iessed. It will b(' eoiueded that tin' most im portant attributes of sovereijruty in a po- litieal Matt' or eivil society are the riirbt to derlari* war, to rontrait allianees, to niaki; treaties, to. coin money, to reixnlat*' curvt'ncv and roinmerc‘, to ]>un'.sh treason, to irrant letters of niar|ne :ind reprisal, to h‘\ V imjiosts, dntie> and diroct ta'ces. 'I'liese powers are irranteil, >.ipnss /ii)i's, ill the ('onstitutii>n, to tlu' p-neral :ro\ernnu'nt. 'I’ln-v eannot he exorrised hv any one State (Mivi'rnmeiit I'r a number of sill h :iovi rr.uu'nt>, w ithout a Aiolation of the ( oiistitution. In :idditi'n to thi>, there are (••■rtain eNpn s-' pn'hibitious. im pos'd on till' ri>jK'i-tivi’ Stati's. hen the I’eoph'cfthe .evi‘ral States had ratified the ('onstitntion, a (Ii'iural (Jovernnunt was h\ that aef of ratifieation rreafed, and vi>led' with rt‘it;iin liniiteil and di’tined powers, wliu h it had no riirht to tnmseend, hut in tin' sphere of wliirh th.it iovorn- melit wa> supreine. This is so deid.ired liv the verv wor Is of tlie irranf. hy the verv ti'i ins of the ('on.'titution it.-ell. It' latiiruaire Vai.iiot It inisiinder'tood. No i-avil or s"]’hi'try e.iii i" ade it. He wh'> ruii> may read. It s]>eak' out in bold tiMiii.', without h'-'it niev. without et|u;vo- eatioii. Tills t'oNsl 1 If i'ti'N Imrs t!'> I nitnl Shafts, i- iti'h sh’tH hr imr-fi I j,>i r>>'n ni >' t!u r> ■ i, and all tre.l- t’ ' nia.le or whieh shall he made under tl.-- authority .if the I'nited St.it.', slIAi.t. i;v. THK St I‘!!K.MK I.WV nf T!IK «(/•/ tl,: .lr..’,j,s in evei\ State lu' Imund there- II ,1 I h / III fh' ( ’,'11 sf‘f !•( I'.il nr /(//'■.> '■! ii:i’j Sluf' tn th iitii I ’ j mitII'ithst'imf- ■ -f'’. Thi' wa' \vh.tt th-' People ot the .-•■ve- rai St;.f! ' ;o_:recd t > and ileidared when til. y ratitii'd that t■n-'titution. It is a part of the written sirant 1-y whieh tln-y eedt d i iriaiii p'>Wi i to th*‘ (leiier.il llov- • ‘ri;inent. ••Tin' 'oii't:tuti"n. tlu' law> o) Ci'iiL're" mado in pov'U.-nieo tln reof. and all tre:,Tii ' ni.tde und tin* auth 'rirv of to tho Con.5tituti ii of tbo Utiitcd any moment when »he might dotermino in Convention that interest or neeessity re- ] (juired it! If this were so, bow absurd were some of the most spendid efforts of ' that great Orator, Patrick Henry, in the Virginia ronveiition, and how' ]!uerile were the fears of Mason, (Jerrv, ^ ates, liaiisin T>ut, iny Fellor Citizon.", ^h.ntorrr may ’ atU'vfilimont f> it, Hocupto.ining yourselves be the eonflieting views .nnd opinions of to think and to speak of it as a palbwiium tneu on the principles of our (Constitution, of your political safety and prosperity, and csj^eeially in reference to that particu-! watehiug for its preservation with jealous iar doctrine to which I have referred; how- an.xiety and indignantly frowning upon ever dangerous to our peace and prosperity tlie first dawning of every attempt to atid repugnant to the Con.stitution, it may alienate any portion of your (^)nntry from b(‘ eonsidered by some, and however ne- the rest or to enfeeble the sacred ties whicli Handojph and oth’er di.-tinirui.slu'd men of: cessiiry to tho 'iu-'>teeti(m of liberty and now link together the various parts’.” • that dav! ’ How immaterial what powers coii.soiiaiit with the theory of our (iovern-i Is niK 1/mon woitTil l-itKSKVl.NO? It the I ’.lite.j St.iU'.'. mr :ii- n lilt I'lii.l!" The .fti'lges of e.aeh .'^t:!t.- ir>- I>;»iiti.1 l.y t!,e '•‘'.i''iiut;Mii, law' and t;'>‘;itii ' "f rS- I lilted Stat' . i'-!iiifi I I r •■■■Ilf h- tin ir St'ii' iifrs S'- - ^ ('.,1. 'I'lioy :to r«-- '[ .iri d io a\> r tl.. ,r ih-t-. vin'nation t'> 'n'- ta.iii tiiat t.'iiii'titutii'n, and earrv niit th ^'e law- and rreatie.', u. iratioii' of an "ath. "'rie T' HI I ite r -.-in-.-l f ( t ko :;u I''n.':’ruri in !• T the ' >h nin o'.li- Tii ■ ni'i>t inip"rtaiit even L“iri.'l,ifo:'-. are th. Stat! '. iir "i.'!atii!i. whieh m.iy \ ioIari.Hi of tii.it I n they l anir t t roeci-. law. h'lwever w!'.- it' pri'Vi'ioi!'. or iieet rh- li:t.‘d Stat! '. it i' !i>t a in ' v.y-- of !••- he prop..', d, be in ninii'iif. and if if be. f.. it 1 •'niph.'tioii a a ':;ry r >r i>arti‘-u! Tl I' F''I 'W ri’izcn'. V.- cainiot 1-1 i.'i- our ' Vi'S tl. t!if dai:;j.-r' v. hieli thro:it- eii til.it (' i.'i'titnti'.ii and I’ni'.n. W',- sl'ovilcl 1... uuw'irtiiy tli ■ faiie; i i'oiir .•in i'sr..r^, iintruc to oiii'.•iv', and laifiij. T:> tho.se wl i.-r- to com ‘ alt-T ns. if w-- v.in- to r-'!u,iin .'ny loii-i r i-.;nde.''and iin- eo-i.-cnir.l of 'he ni..v. :ir which are go;nj aroiind n,-. A' lueii. a- AMe rna-; . v.\' ,-!ionld j.r- p.ire to ne .-t thr o;.eliir._f cri.-.v, and ii-olv.' to plant oi.i-'.-lvi's np.jii wiiat. .1'p.it-.iot' We hfdievi- to ho r’.uiit. and leave th ' con-.Mju.'nri ' t > iii.it I'ow- r which n. v- r yet for.sikc.i our County in the hour' ot',ts peril; \- eeaTiiiof th. f;et, it Ini' ci;.,. r.p ii) \1S in all it^ hi l-oU^lle'S fh:.t the 'pii if of fa' t 'in and of a I.iwles-faii itici'Hi I' eX' ! :i:!'.^- it'flf. With unc.‘u>ing z'-al :Mid • i iring hold’a"''. To over‘hrinv our (’oii.'ti- tntiou, .iiid break up the iIc-m foundation^: of '>,ir I iiion. In one section, ii c.vhiitit.' 1' It ii! rccklo'S atf .ik- upon a domc'tic i’i:-liruti..;. .j\,-r which if has no ri 'htfu! • ont.-oL In ji!srili.-afio;i of itsf* 11 j.arpos- e.s it ftppe.ils to .1, ••luLdier l.iw” th ui the oii.'titutifiii, and l.iws of th‘ Coiinti v, which it as.'ails with t!ie ,'].irit of a de- m^'it!. It Would, to acconi]ili.^h its piirji .;- trainj.h; in tl;v du t ew.y fV..ternal ini- pul.se, all decency and oi-.h-r. every holv ■oreeept of charity ;ind leli-ionl if the pa triotic :md eon.erv;.fiv ‘ ii';..ii at the North, who are hrca.nng this .'f.riii, .^hould fail ' ill thi.-ir e.xertioii.' f.» secure a faithful ob- ^i i\;>nct“ of till" ic.-i'iir ,\ct' ot ('oiigress, " hi(di f h(‘j>:o'. isioii'of I he ('onstitntion ' f"l tile l.rotecti 'U .)t our jeiDj.ertV were ii\- t-ii'lvd to h'* enfoiv-d; if they >hould b- »io.d!_\ driven h:ie!{ a!i 1 overwhelmed, ami 1 ina'K.dsm sh.niM -.o far;/; in f In'ascendan- c\, a.' to force it'- lf ,;y;in into tlie liall- ot our Nar’.in, I !e!r''!ature, and ajtpealini: • I it ^'lii'j!,ir /.I/-” .-ij;!;, fri.jn tiic .'^ta'- lite thi'.t i riadnienf, hy whieh our property i.' p'-ofecied from plunder, there V. .1I b'.' no In |.' i n that ihe ('o!is(itntioii will be ].ro.'(:'.e.l and th" I'nion p'Tpctu- :o'edl (iooii til'll, iiol.j,- men! in your e\■ crti'.iis to sfi-ni tliut t'lrrciit wiiicli thn-af- • !is to SWi ep over, alid hear doWn, \vth le- fury, the nohlcxi m> numents of Im- i.cMi w. doin'. (leiH.iMtions, vet unl.orn, N.ill li'O up i‘) 1 I 's.s your names, anl •• aatch from your ; .-he-i” the firi^ofthe. ! 'ftii'-t p.ttriotiMii! I>ut whil.'t We lo.'ithe and condemn th.at .'pirit III l.iule.'sm .-s an.} fanaticism which prevails in other si,*ction.', let us not he l.iindf d lo the danger.-v nearer home, >vhich I iu'ealen our 1 iistitutions. 'i'lie doctrine, that a St.ati has the rl^dit j.eaeeably to with'lraw from t!io I'nir.,, uiiene\ er ill ('oii\ i'll‘ii'li .-^ilie ;n.i\ decide so >o d.>, is, in niy htimhle judgnient, repni:- n.-:ii I'j it.- v;^r -.vitii tho wii: It ■ de.' w’l' the to 1 hi'r h ». *u the W' lfar' ir .'^’tate. .51 i' C'ln'ider "I III lie eonWiotie ■ ir.'jhe't crime ' ia;;i't ci''! V. ik' ' at It.' I rnetioii n -t o I e.'liipn.; • th.‘ S'.’,' iLii’.ify i f 1 til!' ofl'. in aitii' at ti.i one ■t-.fe >r a few. !'Ut all It i' ;i !d'»w .‘t 'I'll,' pi’.Ser ;’.i.'t h.. th" .''fate. -.i* "Ve!-.-i_Mi-y. It ha- !>ee|l SUi : 'n.lere.i f.» the (ii-ller.ll ( to\’ern- in -nt. N > Sf (te Ini'- the ri;rht t.» ih-lineor jniai'h t!'. ...'-ni. It i' il^'lu•■l t'l "i.iv that ;i ]f .I'tieal .' n'i- I ty. whicli h.:- 'Urrcii lered .'^leh lii^rli aii i inij. rt: ’>’ 1 'wer' U' tlm^e i.M-aiit. 'l hy tie i’e iple of t!i" ' •veral St;itc'. in ?h‘(’on- 'titution. to ('oii'_;re,'S. i.- >till '.iviTeii.'-n aii'l snpreiii''. Ill,if e:ieh St i^e h.is riiflit'. no .'-ne eaii ih-ny. ’I'iu’ lovernnient of tin- I nite.l .'^tiites i.' a limited irovenimciit. ;ind all th '>• ]>ower>i are gr.inted and re- .M'l ved t l the States r"'p''-tivelv or to th“ P.-oj.i", \\ h,I-t it uoiii'l he iinwi'e and daii^reroM' to liherty to .'uffer the (Jeiier.al (•ovenim I’t to g.» hcyoinl the .'jdnre of its own p'*wers and encroafdi on the riirhts of the .'•'tatc'. >o too would it he d;in!ierou> to tin- >tahili*y ot our i{e)»uhliean sv-tem ainl ‘lU.iily a' iat.d to well reirulafe.l ;r'»yern- meiit. wi'liou; \.diieh lilM-rty cannot long exist, to concede to each State the right to pai’alyze at j.h-a.'Ure the :irm of the (leii- eral (Io\ernmciit, either hy a nullinciitii.ui of it.' law.-, or any of them or hy strikinir trotn its hand, all those powers, which she V'lliint.-iriiV erjuited, not fo)- her own heiie- lif alone, luit for the welfare, the safety :ind protection of ai,1, the States! 'I'o al low each Static to resume, at ph‘a;>ure, l»y .let of *'otiveiitioii or otherwise, all those soverei' n powiTs whi( h Inive l>een granted to the (Jeiieral (iovernment, would make ;ach State the .Judge in her own ca.s‘. Such a doctrine would throw us back into a condition no lietter, if not worse, than in the d:ivs of th(' )ld (''Uifederation. I'h'en were our (Iovernment a eoinpa-t hetweeii tin; .'•'tate'j, as i-> contend'.'d for by some, >till woiihl eai h State ha\e the ri'.dit to jiidire for hor.'tdf / If the .'*tat(;s Wei'.' the parties to su( h compact, would one Stiiti', even in the absenct; of a common arbiter, ha\e the right to .M-t her juduiiiciit up as oninijiotent ag.-iinst the voice of all the other States.'' Is tins the n.ature of mu tual ci^tiijiactsy Hut we are not left in the d.irk ;n this jioint. When the Constifu- tioii Wiis cst.'iblished, there was created a common ai'oiter. 'i'he Supreme, Court the riiitei! .States is there. To that an apjic.il can be had, and .‘ilthough e.ises m;iy he imagined which that trilmnal e;uini)t reach, yet, this is far from proving that in such ca.es each St.ite li:is a right to judge ;ind act for herself. hat ;i fiirce were thoye enacting, who, in the general Con vention at l’hil;ideijihia and the several Stafi' ( (inventions, opposed tlu; Constitu tion upon the ground that the Hoven ignfv of the States would be swallowed uji in the powers granted lo the C'-eneral C.ovcrment, if it was th(,‘!i l'in>iru mul int^mleil that undi r the ronstitutioii a single State wouhl still have ii right to withdraw from the T- hiei!, thi-.j'" eli" the alle^riuucc ef Llt citizeu-J ni lv b-i\e been •^ranted Jbe (leneral (lov-j ment. it may be regarded l»y others, yet i.s an ininiry of momentous importance, Vni'ment if eai if State eouhl at jdeasure ^ there is one alarming fact, whhdi it would not to any one .section, to the North, to ' be weak and criminal in the extrenio, to the South, to the Ka.st or to to the West atteinjit to evade or eonce.il. The j.eriod alone, but to the old and young—tlu; riidi has arrived so much deprecated by Wash- tuul poor, tlu^ bond and fri'e, even lo th(' ingtoji, and his compatriots, wht'n men humblest amoni;st them, of the uiillions of resume her sovereignty, withdraw from th T'nion, absol\i' herself from herjust sh;ir«' of the National obligations, dejirive the ci tizens of the otlu r States of tlm.M' rights which were guaranteed to them within have beirnn fo calculate the value of this souls who are spread over thi.s vast Kepnb- her own limits, hy the (’oiistitution whieh ruion! A calculation made, too, by iminy, lie! it cannot be .sacrificed without entail- thev ff//adopti'.i:' "ith no view to test its virtues, it.s bles.s- iiig the heaviest cur.'^es itiioii every .section. It is known that Mr. Lansing, who w;is ings, its disadvantages or its i vils, for the ihe >''t;ite that >tiike:s it clo\\ n eithei to .1 member of the tJeneral ('onvt'tition, at purpo.se of wholesome reform, without ini- ad\ancO her own interest, or fo jeop.irdize riiiladelphia, fri'in the State of New ^ ork opposed tlie ('oiistitution with much ze.il ;i preconceived, pr in that bodv, on the •'round that too nun h wi'h ami determination, it jiossilj/r, Tu Dr;- ti( jiairiiiir its streiiL'th and >ie;iuty, hut with the interest of otliers, will drink to the ;i preconceived, premeditated, unalteralde b 'ttom the eu)> of it> own folly and mad- 11 will he the act of tlu power \ as lirauted to tlu' (Ii'Ueral (lovern- s'ntny t rl ment; that under it there wnuld be no .-^e- Is nits I M0\ wiiUTtl rnrsi;:itvi.\(i? eiiritv for tin' rt'innant of sovereignty .Never since tin'formation of human • I ivern- w hicii was left the States. ment, has a more momentous |uestion heen lie hec.ime sith.'^i'ijUi'iitlv a iiieiuher of presenteil for the consideration and deci- the New York Stiite I'onvintion, iind when sion of any People! ('nrinfunns sto.fl he- the (|Ue>tion en the ratific.ition ot the (’on- fore tin gates of l{onie and deiii.iiideii the s^itution was pendini;, propos'd a "tniiih- surret''ier of th:it proud iity. Ahii'i'\ Z/o;/,?/” adojition of th.it Instrunient, w liii h ( overed with the spoil of eomjuest, and w.is reieeted. 1 le suhseipii’iiilv nio\ed the flushed with \ ietory, held the fianiiiig adoption of a II.'solution rn'n;/ to the swotd .“U.-petnled over ln'r destinies. i n‘ .''tate of New York, the ri^ht to irif/i/rr»' tyranny and usurpations of tli" S'"urf-, threatening to >weep aw;iy every harrier to ci\il frt'edom, forced the stout he;iils of tin' Kn;^lish j..'ople to demand, even at fill' haziird of civil hloofl'lnd, socurifv, suli'taiiti:il security, tor their politieil ;'riii>i t/ii' ( iii'iii, after a certain numher of years, unless amendnients to the ('on.'titu- tion 'houhl be agreed on. ” This pmpoi- tion :il>o was rejected. 'riiere can he found in the w ritiiiL^s of .\lex;indcr 1 l.iiuilton recently publi.'hed by rights. Our own forefathers were called to respond to the i.'sue distinctly iinidi* hy ('oiiifrc'S. a eorri'sj,>oiidence hetwi'cn him aii'l ."''Ir. Madi.-ioii, w hit h throws much light on this \ i'ry moM inent in the New York (’(invention, and is most i-ondusive against rhis diH triiie. .Mr. ll.unilton writes to Mr. Madison of d.ite duly 17^'', stating that in the New ^ ork Convention the opponents of the Con>tituiion ••had proj> )>ed amendment-, and in-ii'ted Uj."ii the coii.litioii. that if tht'v are not a'h'pted wi'hin a limited time, t}n Stiifi shnii/if //' III lifitrtll tn flfl'- ■fnr>'- frnnj th’ f ninii. ' In :i .■•ul'Sc'luent letter, Wiitteii 'Irriii'.^ the .'ame month, he '.lid. ••the ipi ilitie'tion s ’ i-lit t-i i>e at- taelu 1 to the ailoption of tiie Conr-Mt'.ition, ir,i. th‘ n f! mitim a riijlit in st fnh , in ea.'e the :u;:endmetits jiropo'i .1 'houhl not He adopted in a gi’.eii time.” 'I'here i' no do.iht he r. ferr.'d :■> t!ie propo'it!' n of .^Ir. liaii'iu:.'. The reply of >jr. Mali'oti i' cle.ir and enijdi it.e. opinion." sai.l he. ••i'. th'tt ,t r’ - rniti"U iriti-i/r’ih", it' i:,n iriin' -f /■. tin' ••forest horn I >emi'stbeiies,” and his comjieer'' of “liherty i>r de.-ith.” 'I'he I't'tiius of /SdtHijiitrfi‘ sWi'pt lik(* :i whit'l- wiii'l over the fai e of Kiirope. laying ]iro.'- tr.ite thrones ;ind dyna"ties, when ;^overn- lucnt' ;;nd princes and people h .d their verv c\i'ten.-e sii.'pended iip.iii the d ei.'ion of inonii'Ut. Such, avi', smh events-, were hut ripjilo' on the ocean of mm’s de-'tiny, coni].;ired with th ' nMunt.iin wavi' whieli ri'O' up, in the imiuiry, whether thi~ ’.a't 'triietiire of hiini.iii \\ i.-doin aiel K -pnoli- (•.•in freedom i> to continue loiiji r th.- pridi' and hop.' of civilization aie! chri-'- ti.ini'y. or he da'hed t’> piece- -.M'I .'•■'-troy- e.l h\ the hand of faction and f.in.it.ei-m! l.s Mils I .M'lN WdltTII I'tlK^KHN ,^'k vour'idves whence c.-iim' the nionii- i;ii nf.' of .\,iti .Ii;il T- !i niei t th I' e .I'llC' n all ' an •ide in p );/ /, f/,. ’■if/ii.’i n irtni.i ri'tifii ’iti’,,,, t/iiit II ni'hif 'i- 1 ■III >>f ti.:i' , it th- th- 'II' 'jUciitly that 'In 1 on til it pl;:n. 'I’litjiif'-i /)•■- thi' jiritn iple w.iuhl ;i t • h' lire.-, r . 1. 7’/ ' •’■ ' />.. •»." Ill/'.jti- . i, ll,,:f t • .”„.!..,.t’,l!.i,t:i. yt!” / I'llf- ' •■71' I’t If ll'/’lf ’t iL’iili.i Its* ’ "t mil, IS 'I I 'hill' flniiii/ s n.t A-- A ' / n I'll!, aii'i 111 1 not be receiv- 1,1 r. i- j. ilt_\ I Mlg thr.iiiLrh Voiir (''untr_\ ^\ h.;t lei'.'• cure.I \our fetv ;i!i«l }u ace at h >ni ■ aii'l r.t ahroa.i'' Whit fill- the lieirt if y.'ur eonntrvnn n in a di't.int laii l w rh .i prord eon''’io',i'ne-.' of’ 'I'cnritv ai.':iiii't in-ult or |ii-("ion':' T'l '\h.'t .ii'.' V"U in ! diti I ,pp f. r thov- hrilli.iiif e\p rl... 11 'U> h •II the .i ail'! on t!i>^ land, nhii h h.iv • LMveii ye.nr coun try a li-.ight name aM •!i-..i't tl,.- N '..•.s-'.' Wli 'H • • e.ini. til l'• ii-f.iri-' of |. /’ v-hi. h, I'lor.^ .ill i'." ■' l::' \' i:f ■ f \v..r. wd! liv ill t!ui ■ .• ni! . n t!io r.-- iirt'-h I whiteve;- li.'if the new • t'l a inii' Ii. I."' d t'l d ■ I, /,. ”/tin ■J;!- In -hort any condition nni't \:tiat • the r.itific.iTi 'n.- — I’l'ift.' . nnd.T ’h-' !■ iw r S-ef' '. .1. r, ■ a' ! a>; ! ..i- in 'Ueh .1 e.' . 1 .I-i not in- ,11. ■ti'ii iiir 1 an 1 of tie- L' -titi:- i ll ' \ lur . Irir. ' What ha- n ‘f le.irniii \"ui let ol file se.icide, the adminisiering the fatal poi.son to (Mie’s own hoiisehold, the ;ipplie:ition of tin' de- stnictive torch to one's own dwellinii! Nor is ;iny .-eetion of tin* country niori' i|ee]dy interested in its preservation th.in the S.iuth. l/. t us not shrink froi.i the iiiijiiiry. S i.nier or later we shall h.ive to decide. We have aniong-t ns, a domestic in'^titntion, which :it tin' tinn' of tin* r’lrm;!- tion of the CoH'fifution jireseiitcd diftieiil- ties to its adoption and to the e.'taldish- ne nl of ;i .V.tt ion.il (J 'Verninent. A spirit of coinproinise ;uid conee.'.'ion, however, pri v.iiled, :in 1 ;:ni[)I“ ju'ofection to this in stitution wa-. pro\ ided in the Con.stitution. I nder th;if Instrnnieiif (’ongress is I'l.und to ni;;ke j>ro\ision for tin- restomtion of shives escjipinLr into other .'•'tates. If (’on- grcs' were to neglect this du'y it would Ik' in h.id fiiith and a mo>t ll.i^zraiit viol.ition of the (’oii'tituf ion, 'f'lius lar til (f duty h:!.' been p' rfonu 'd. Congiess (•■|!/*ot .veal the lips or par.ilyze the fiiigne of fanati- ei'inl ^Iust tin’ I nmii lie di'.'olved on that acconn:.'' ^Vould siieh an ;illeni;iti\(_■ n til" \ i-'lence of f.:natie;ii deneiieia- tion ;ii;:'.In'l our I ust it-.it ions':* Would it ii'it r.ith r increase tiiat violence. ;is well .1' f'aeilitate the mean- of insult and wi'.in^r t'l 11''" W. nld not di.'.'olutioii hrin:r witii if the ni'.'t oppr. -sive hnitheiis, in [.r».-par- iii'i a^.iin-t } •;•.■!^ti .igiire 'i.in and infer- f-n i;c", \shieh u 'uld evliiliit tl|. ni'. l\es oU all >ide.' ot" I..'.' ('ollld W'.‘ cea.-,' our trad'- with f'..rein'll n.i'iou^!' Ila.~ riniilaiid .iny niji.thy for onr tK'culiar Iii'titutioi )ii Ml - contrary he.- >he imt -howii through h -r • f ,t.'.--.iien, hi r j.nhhe jir..ml her t.iii.i'iieal iiii "i iiiarii-' .'.•.jt our t . declaim a_Miii't onr p--ace. th.it th re i' am.in-.-t h rpc.ple, a ih-ep ' .if 1 h.isie.l to tili- In •.flif'.on and out h^tl- ic:j.ir.l ^ir onr ligl;' C ,;j1 1 we e\■ II hreak ofi i.ur trade W!t.’l Mie tree •'^tate.'’' \\ • .IlM i.itere-.u,- : W .-ul ! th. r-- 1..' any p—ih;lit\ oj' t ;> eiin'..r a I '!iin. ''- w.ill .ii.iun.I U'' WouM there iii't ari'i- from the \t rv coudition in- .'un: .n w ml 1 throw n ■ ^h c;:u-. ' of ililh, lii’v.' u liicli t!' ' In t::;it;"ii 1 i ' I ol • conf •'h rae'. w ui'.i th. 1/ e-'iitinue h;;i .\ cli.H L’’'- in the which d fV. ■nj. p nn. II' '.v If ail \i't' h"W ii 'ni- '^n di- nianv r.iV' ct .1. wh''ii- • a.-.^ •• and reh_ 1, UK ■ lUire. a- t pre'.nr irithilrn -”sii/i. i- flil h I' ' ’i t tie 1; It. I . 7’//. ./. ,1 n! /•. - r: III’ s'llrti.l nt /,'iih 1 o.N n I-:-. ’Hfim il / »■ .’If ,1 t„ ;f ,f 1 ; :t at II ri/h* t- V-^n!. Il.nl lti!i. .;fi,.,,, r-’-rsi l/nni ltd pr.U'ji fi.ill of tin- It W.i- the h- ■ iill:' I., ll so'i, tin ti .11 hi' h iVi.i one w!i'> cm'r'! op:ii: m -!li •1 tie i . iiny ottier of tli" gr.-at men of th.it d. w .III' .' .•nritiL' if' r.iti!ie;iti..n hv th. \I . ii- nven- 1 f .le.nie- i- f the C. ('■ iistitution. atid rli !>-. Ill .’■'• Ih.io t '- i*,. V uie ni'L'litv il .i-l. w!i"'.- r.. - V. • I t'> th • e.i i,,. tl. i 'lier, r:i: t r i;k U'.iuit i!t»-'! i;\:— ( i' t . tl'.e 'rT.iVe '.f tie- L'r' i * W.' inMiTn.X. h ini iV' '11 the ^p:r:t which h v-i' around fh.it •• 'ii- 'era'-'i 'pit, wh- tin r th!' riiioii Wa- Worth tin t-'il- a.n-l i.in_ei' h ■ eiie.iiu • r. .1 to . 't hli'li it^ 'I'h- an wcr iti'l. II'^ ga\(' it h, t'..ic he hi- .ilh'tf. I plae. am-.ii'j:'' ti..ii of t!ie li.'i'i- r .''r.ite- w ml.l .' .on coin.', aii'l ther*' wouhl .'’.iceceil ;i> cai_'e;- a ih -ire tin II a' i’ ’i \ f.i calculate the \aliie of I - ni 'ii! Il th‘^ I nioti, onr .•*nei‘'nt, revohi- :ti V •I int. I ther 1' the II .11. a;e . pr -v th It un l":'t'i. priiieiph III pro ha.1 xsi 11 pie of th.’ > \i'f il St if the \'i'-.:Mii.i C'.i V 'nti ductioil- 111 it' il ‘.'•■n.'. 'til lied pr't'.HindiV. an. It- pr..\i':oii' .'1111 the pniieipli' np..n will! h it w i' ha'- 1. ••.V r-- . ..itioii ot' a riifht t I \»ith'!r,iw i-^ a c iiid:fi.iiial r.itiliei- ti'iii all 1 d le- not make the .'^'’nt • '.i rafi- fyitiL'’ it ;i ineinbi r of tie- I nion! .''in h .m idi' i w.i' ahan.h'n. 'l .i.' w .r-.- th.in a n-jee- fion! ' ('oiild l;tiigiia;re he pl.i.ner or more • •nijihatii'.'' 'I'h' I 'v at It I . f -f ; I't ii-i ! II" . 1 _"l. y t . h'.- i’e .j.le! it, .iiid h t 1 »!'i;ni'iii and r. !.nk'^'l an-! al a-le •!. - ieinni'y of :t' w-irt i I i' a nil'll pill.ir in fi re.'il Ilelel •ii'leiice. the I'tt It a.' ;i l,.f th'iii I '.Illat '.eiyiu 1 -f .1'- f;e- ! ••Vour '•■.i; of .'iij.port of -MU't ;i\N fill I'n; your \ ."ir t.ati.juilitv at h iin>-. \i ur pe.ice' mad, of v..iir .'.ifety. of ynr j'lo'perity. i f that v. rv lihe’tN which yon so highly prize,— Cheri-h a cordial, h.ihitual, and iu.m vahle t.'.e Iiy, I . ’;'’!tn’:"::.il I ae ii. i th J.le.l tha* tie- -lave .'^f.it(-', l.ll\;_ • .' 'i .'.I oi the e"'.i;;try. I'liU loj.:; c.;Il- tinne unih r one iT'iviTinnciit. unh" it he a m-'tian hy or de-poti-m, would he chi- ne lic.tl in tin (-xfrenn ! So b'litr .i- the .N ifMii.ll I,";i'-!.;tlire doe-- if, duty toward- II'. and refrain- from an inv;i>ion of our rieht' of' pro) erty. / m.i r'.r 'lin./in.f tn th> for. in my s ul. 1 li.-lieve. th.if onr ii'l :iie .--ei liiity of our property, all I'l-ai-. »h-].. iei on tin- mainteiiane*.' ' •U'titiitioii us it is aii.l the / II )•» .lee \v - 1 e i f tin nion impiiry mitnr.illy ari'. -^. w hy'h-.ul'l ]y with th till V h.iVe -‘iu_dit to/■»'■/•/'» sii 'h II rnj/ifiii I'.rjiriss t- riiis, if it already i \i>ted. :i- in- depeiid.'tit of or par.iuiount to the Con.-ti- tution, or inherent in tin' theory of the (ti.vernment'/ If such a rii:ht e.\i-ted without any I'Xpres-i reservation, surely it (-Ollld leif Ii.ivc esc.iped the profound .-.iira- citv of .^lr. .^li'di.soii :ind his known since rity would have indui-eil him to (ieclare tin f.n t, in.-iead of iu'i>fin;_' upon fin' ah- siird po'ifioii (if the right did so exist ' th.it t I make it ;iii ex]ircss condition would ! h.ivi" excluded the St.ite from the Knioii! j It is evident th.it in Mr. .^ladison’s opin ion no such riirht e.xisted, nor was it iiis intention to suffer a reservation of any such riirht to he incorporated in the ('on.stitu- tioii, in e.ypress term>! I might proceed to shew tin' (onseoueii- ce-i to which the recognition of .-in h a doc trine Would lead, how it would ])laee most of the .'•^tates in the power of oin', wlntf eni} i;irr:issments would be brought on the ' Niition, what an effect it would have on jiublie cre(lit, how the eonfidenet* of Foi-- ; eign Niitions in the st;ihility of oiir Insti- j tutions Would he weakeneil or destroyed,- ' ho-vv by the withdniwal of one State, in : the event of w;ir, that Stiite might become .-III inlet to invasion, how one .‘'’;ate or a in which all the p-ople are repre--nted, whi( h e.p,'r;it. . directly on the people indi- vidnallv, !n>t upoii tin' Sfiite-—tln-v re- taiue.l all the |iower thi-y did iiot gr.iiit,— l>ut i.ich State haviuir e.xpressly ji.iit .1 with so many powers a' to eon.'titute joint- ofln r .'•'fate a single nation, ruiliint f'rniil flint jn rn-il jmssrss /;(_;/ I'l'jht tnS'iiilr, /iii’illisi sinh SinsSinil ilnis linf hrml- a h-airue, hnt ih sfmi/s th unitj/ nf a nttinn; and any injury to that unitv is not only a hreaeh whieh would result from the eoiitraveiition of a eoiiijiai t, but it is ;ii; of fence .iixaiii't the whole I niiiii. 'J'o ,'av that :iny State may ;it pleasure secede from the I nion, is to sav th:it the I nited Stiites are not ;i n.ition, be an.se it would be a I'ivery s. ntinii-nt which h.is come down to K' from ( nr fon fafln r.- adr.i mi-^ln's u-. t!m vitimiit I ,\!i»\. nnr I jihi r! i> s n ml In- I ■ ■ j’l mil m I riuiii'’t In j.i l-jii t initi il. It Was their Hrin ! - nt’ini tif! It wa- their M-ntinn nt! 'I h. y .-p.-ak to ns fri i:i I'verv page of their eveuM'nl hi.-torv, Kverv > ie- rilii'i' of treasure .ind hlood which tin y made, in tin' d.irke.-f hours of their trials, point to this conviction of their miniN. They wrof.' it uji.ni the hatth- field with their own Id 1, they inscribed it ticross the Arch Ilf tin* Heavens fiy their faiiii'! In the heart- of their children they in- tii-ed it, as ,-i holy sentiment, as ;i never dying truth, and ur are their dcgenev.ite ofi-pring, if we have forgotten or discarded it! itli wjiiit emotions should the iiiipves- sive laniruaire of that sai;e and jiatriot, Kd- inund Itandoljili. tall ujxm our ear>! *•( >ur very (jiiiet. ’ said he, “de]»en.ls upon the duration of the I'nion! Aim.nu to contend that any ]>;irt of a n.i- *4‘*’gbt and intelliixv-nt, few can read tion might dissolve its connexion with tin other parts, to their injury or ruin, with out eommittinj :iny offem-e. Snrssinu, III,'I' fill// ntht r rrrnliitinunrii m f, nini/ In UinrnUi/ /iisfi/h il 1)1/ till' I .rtrriiuti/ n! njt wifhoiif emotion, thi* future fate of the States it se\'ered from «'aeh other. 'I’hen we sh.'ill f('el the full Aveight of foreii.'’n in trigue. I hen shall we hear of pai titions of our country! If a jtriiice, infl.-imed with jirissinn; hnt to call it a constitutional coii(|Uest, should usi* one State right is confouuding the nu'iining of ti-rms, in-tnmu'nt ot i-iislaving another, if and ( an only be doin' throjigh gross error, *'''i‘'‘y St;ite is to be wearied with per]ietu:il or to deceive those who are williiiif to as sert a riirht, but would pause befon* they made a rev(dution, or incur the peiiiilties eonse(juent on a failure.” [.SVr Mitn. '2d nil.. SOI.] A1 so to tlu^ following fri»m liis ‘‘Nullifi cation Message,” tninsmitted to ('ongre.s, • Ian. l(i, 1. “Hy the.se various jmx-eedings the State if South Carolina has forced the (Jent'val few could di-prive the otln-rs i^f inijiortant (iovernment unavoidably to deeidi* tin? new ! alarms, and compelh'd to inaiut;iin hirge military (*stahlishnu*nts, if all (juestions are to be decided by an appeal to arms, when* diften-nce of opinion eannot he re moved by ii(*gotiation; in a word, if all the diri'ful couscijueuces which haunt the peace of rival nations are to triumph ovi*r the land, for what have we contended':' AN hy have we exhiinsted our wealth!;' Whv have we ba.-ely bctr.iyed tlu* martyrs of the llevolutioni'” Such was the language of j.afriotie fore- *■ V 1 1 X- -11. 1 . , ; * j.iii^Liiia^i.; OI pairiotie lore- piace.s tor National defenceanpiired hy the and dangerous alternative, of pennitting a cast! It was true then. It is no less true eonimon blood and tretisiire, how the States State to obstru.-t the e.xecution of the law nov. It was siw.ken then to the thirti; n m the intenor eould he ( nt o.T enfirely within its limit.s or seeing it attempt to ex- | States. It appeals vet with -ill its nower from the commerce of the )eean, hy the eeute a threat of withdrawing fnuu the T- and j.atriotisni, to St itcs h withdrawal (if a few Atlantic St.ates. how nion. That p.U'ti(m of the people at jire- was addre.s.sed thm, to jiut three millions every kind ot public p.operty and the pub- .sent exercising the authority of the State, of people. Would to Heaven that it cimld I 'vonh hecome a source of an- sidemnly assert their right t«. do either, ring now, as with the trump of an unc^el, qnane , liow hroils wouhl he en-eu- and as .s,demuly anmmnec their determin.-i-f in the «-ars of twentv-four millions—that , deled, ciMl wars follow, cm.piesfs succeed, tion to do one or the other. Jii my opin- ' it couhl be jiroclaimed from every n.oun- heaggran(|.zementot,s..„,e, tln',nipover-M(.n hoth purpo.ses are to be regar.led as : tain top ami reverberate through every ishmeiit and subjugatuiu ot others.•*= ^ revolutionary in their character, and sub- valley of the Nation ~ ' siipremacy ,f the hiws, and ; And wlu.t‘a solemn ai.pea! comes up the integrity ot the I num. The result of from the i*ast to her, to South ('arolina each IS the s:ime, since a State, in whieh, who.se recent and vet threatened counsels trii*. It diiT^its hor to the high and noble destiny vvliich will await her in this si.ster- hootl of Republics, it calls to her view that bright galaxy from whicli the ntnr of her own glory h;is shone for picventy-five year.s. It turii.s back the scroll of histnjy and fixes her eye upon the f*fK>t where are re corded the deeds of her own son* in the first Congress which asscinbieil to unite the infant colonies against oppression, and joining with the voii-e of millions heri* and all ner the world, who w:iich with bulging hearts the f'iite jf this Ilejiublic, it iiiijdores HKK to pau.-e and reflect,—to hehohl the .‘iwful precipi(;e down which she is rushing!'' Will she heed the ajipear/ Will sin; still rush on in her mad c;ireer? It will be as suming an awful responsibility I It will be courting a destiny, over who.-(' future ‘•shadows Imnls and d:irkness” haiiL’’!— AVIien she sh.-;li have left this constelhi- tion, her sitinition may indeed resemble ihiit of the lost I‘li iuif—but may her fate be fiir different. J)t IllitifOiJIU Aifitiilnrs^^J'inintiis, flis- irii inn is/s!—There is a sufficient numbe r of such niei), .North and .South, to destroy the peac(! of the country, and eii'hin^ier (he st.ihility of the I nion, utiles- good nn-ii •.Uid patriots will ;irouse thein.-elves to ac tion! Such men h.ive every thing to g.iin and iioth:ii'.r to lose hy coininotioii jiini I.iwless violein-e. 'i’hey delight in faction and misrule. 'I’he atniosjilien' in whieh tiny Hoiirish. is iiif'ccted with the poi^.onous exh.ihitions of di.-i-oid! 'riiey arm them selves with iirofei'sions of love for Liherty. to betray her strong(;st citadels. 'I'hey put on the livery of I loaveti to suh,erve the I'urpo.ses of the evil one. 'TllKi’ are tin? men who affecting to regard with con tempt .-ill expres-ioiis of atf.-ielinieiit for the I nil'll, would rend it asunder, jnid sui'jeet its fragments to an igno))le and degra'linir suliiiiis-ioii to forei^'H domina tion! I liable by th"ir own virtues to ri.e to di'tineti'.n, .ind ortici;il influence siifli- ciciit to satisfy their re>th s'. ;inibition, i ,\- l»K!l 'l llK i').\X.\KK (il'TJiK .V/.//;iie the nil II I.eloie w ho>e di-ti n.j’ered a:;.i hcivted iiii.igin itioii-. the ide.i of ■•.' ji.jiaie C'lUt'e.Ier.n-ie.-'’ and ••fon-iLMi aili.incc' ' ha-^ l)-,-en damiiii:—h-'imis, the oif>pri:i:r of heart-, ready ;ind ijuii-k for th■' hl:n ke.'t treason t.i ti> -:r own i-.unti v. ,-inil tin foul- c.-( hr.-trayal of th'- hi^.di couii li iice and I'liLiht ho].' ' of mankind! 'Ihe nio>!'e- of ^udi men -le uld V>e ex- p'l'.'i!. tlii'ir I'fforts -houhl he in 't ;iii.l f'oil- e.|, W hat! 'I’o -urn-n !i-r. without a .-tniirLih-. our ('on-titutioii and I 'nioii to 1 ^ CONt-f’NOtl FTSn, We think we hazard nothin'' in ing that there never Inis hcen a statesman, a Whig f-nudidate or a V,i' ; anything, that has been brought im, litical notice, that w;is not luiilod witli* universal Tjinnfncn shout of Ahiilif 11)11!” Our alvers.iries uinlcr^, olie thing if nothing else—tin* iriving a dog a bad name. l»iil ' (Jen. Harrison for the I’rcsidei,, \' Was an AhnI li mn mil"—while th, -tj. li ‘■-'Wh •rifiee to t!i' ir iiin It W U! i- 'V. e.'t e^i .‘iidinix oiir-.-l\into tin* pfli.' of a i-owardly de:.>T.id:irion! w.' not t-verv re.i.'oD w!iich the mind—.-md evcrv And ... c.in ;;Mr.'." it.'cif in .tive which can influetu-e tin- heart of man t . in'lr.e-- u-. Lii nn'et f!i'..' cri.'is with b .1(1 :r. 1 p -friofic n .-"lution':' 1- i.- high tine*, th :t ue-n. v.!e> are I’n t; ruiin.' 1 to 'taiid by the Coii.'titntio;i and I I4iii. -.•-j-eiii'* th'-" who ;u-e pl'.TtiiiL' their de- strii' fioii. had as'iinied th‘ir position! 'I' l coutinii'- l-'Ti^'.-r ;:i;;( five will he eiiiiiinal. Ii"f tle in -'/»■/• o//z! Let them act! ()ur peac" ;;ii'l pi-'i'jierity—the ].eacc ;ind h:iji- p:n -s of I'lir families—all tiiiit is Viiluahle a’;i'l 'acreil on earth, an' h.iniring on tie* i'-iu ! We hoM onr preciou.' inheritance of fr' "d.ini. n-.f for oiir^elvc'; .-d .n-. but for ;ill coininir aLTc- I’he whole of Cliris- •: lei'.Ill I'.ok' to .'Ui- fi ' with tie.* d'. epest anxiety, 'i'he -cattere,. frii-nds of free i iv- ■ ■rni;iei,f. 1-e-it- :i I'l. \vn ia their .'tiu_i,ies, ;it ii ’in.*, for liherty, under the heavy idows of Arie.tary 1‘ower, an* castin*::in imploring look to our .'holes. Kveii whilst 1 speak, th" h -art i f th.it g.ill.int Huii;^::rian who -hot .'111 h a hla/e of liiihf athw.irt tin' des potism- ,iiid hi^oted dyii;i.-tie of the K.ist erii il'itii.'jdien'. lu-afs hit;h with pridi', 1‘ecau-e h'. re—h'rr. an .-i.-yluin from p rse- ciit ion and oppre.'.-iioii h;i' hceu teii'len-l him hy our (Jo\eninieiit. .Noble adsoe.ite of a no'de (;;u-e! .''h nild the efh ;T' of the wicked :ind de.-igning nu n. who an' exert ing themselves to pull down iiud (hstroy our ii!'"titiitioiis, succeed. Tiirki.-h prnhr- tmn, even under the frowns of the Ausfri;in d' spot, ni.iy he te.r hi tt-.r for you. and your hrave comnides, taaii .Vne riiaii liher- ty ihi n eoiild be! Ah! there V.'ouid then l:e no Ani'-rican hlnrti/—nn hln rti/ rrifuln- ti'il I Ilf hnr! •■No i.n.in! )mt rMtlicr ih.rknpss visi)t1e SiTviim only ti> ili'covor si:rii.>i of \v... lic.iiii'ii.H i.f si.n-inv. linleriil -^liaih-s. wiicro pc.-iee An.l ri-.-t c;iii never .Iwoll. li..[ e never ci.aies Tliiit i'*iiiu' at alll"’ .'leu and yiafriots of North Carolina! ^ our .State has been ever true to the con- stitufiiin and tlie I nion. 'Though always jealous of her own liberties and riirhts and re.-iolved ev( r to maintain and (letend them at all hiizards she has neverthelos aet(*d with il liberal tiiid patrioti- devotion to the wholo conutrv! lu this crisis let her '.n>t forti.it thill high character, but nitlicr let us iill rally fWr ••our ('niittfrji—our irholr Country—and nothing but nir ('nnntri/," and by the hh'ssing of (rod we neiv be eu- ahled to do much tov.ard.s jirotecting its jieace, honor and prosperity, and vindicat ing the juitriotism and wisdom of the great and good men, who t>t;ihlishi-d our Insti tutions, and licfpieathed us the rich bless ings we now enjoy! !Iiiitll friilU till' I'^.ijilnsmjl nf a (\iiu- filiiiif LnmjK—A\ e have another unfortu- nati* result from the use of caiu]ihine to record, in the death of 3Ir. Thomas, of Al- gii*rs, ;i remarkably hale and vigorous man, in the enjoyment of ]>erf('ct health. He h;nl filled a hniss himp with the eamidiine, Avlieii the fliime of a candle, which he w;is holding. communicated with the ciimjihiiie, causing aii exjdosion, which threw the hurning li«|uid over his person, set his cloth es on fin*, and burnt him .so b.idly that the best medical advice and attention were of no avail. Camphine ought to be banished from every residence, and its use interdict ed.—Xi tr (Jrleaiix Jhilh tfn. 'I'he “Ordiiiiince’ ! *Tlie reader’s attention is ciilled to the following ixtraet from the Proclamation of : ‘'y^ral .laekson iigainst the proceedings ; by ii usurjiatiou of jiower, the (^'.nstitution- and niovenien'tsral-e' h'urnTu."\rs ouwanr of NMvth ( arolina, issued Dec. 11, I ; nl authority of the Federal Crovernnient is to the brink of dissolution*: ‘it points her pa.ssed hy tJwt State | openly defieil and set tu^ide, wants only the to the great deeds of her own aneestry— to their eoiumou toils and suf^eri^gs, to the : to fields of glory upon which their valour was ■titnfu... K •* 1 o* * , displayed, in the common cause of a com-: 'titution ot the I nited . tates , consent of the othrr ^Sfntcs, p'om fhi;'r tnost nion l'ni(U)! ]t points to the bright sUirs ! from the .’ith the goveruuicut j [ 'I,, jmrjc SIT.] " | llutled-c--aud'i 'I'he Iron Trade of Western IVnusvIva- nia is ruinousl}- affected by the pre.-^ent 'I’ariff. The Pitt .''burg (Gazette siiys; ‘‘Ma ny of the furnaces up the Allegluiny are now out of blast, and tho.se yet in blast are in a very' depressed condition. The prices ot pig-metal are too low to save the pro prietors from actual lo.'^s. 'I’he con.sequenee is that every cla.ss in that section of the State, except the wealthy specuhitors, is sufferiu;;.” claimerl the right and threatened to s/vfv/f’, j form to be inlependent of the Union.- I if (Congress attempted to enforce the Ta-! The riyht of a penph nf a siw/lc .State I lift hiws vyithin her limits: | (thsnloe t/n'nisdrnt at u'Ul and in'thout ti ; “Ihe ('oiistitution of the Tnited States 1 rotn^ent of the othrr Stute>^, jmm their mosi i iinm, ai pmuts to tlie Uri*rl , then tonns a i,orerniiin,f. not a league, and ! miemii oUi.jntioii,^ a',,d hazard thf, IlLerties f of their fame, which .shine out fri h. »>etween ; in,a hnppin.ss of th. millions romj>o.ii,;f i cle:ir upp.i'r sky. It is luiil.rled wi - . . es or in any other manner, its ^A/.s ( iun„, rimuot hr arkuoirhdijrd:'— voice of her own Marion—and Sum tharaetu- the It a goveniuicut 1 f 'b. vaac SlT.l 1 ,,.,i i T Ilaudaome Tomt.—The following is a toast given by Col. A. A. Adams, at the 4th of July celebration at Warren, Ohio: Unde Sam: The gentleman whose birth day we now celebrate’ \viih u family of thirty’ millions of hand.sc»me girls and boys, and land enoiojh to yi't'e them eat h a farm, and have pleuty left fur Lis ^ruuU childrou. o«s Tl’CSll , little fellow” w;is as furious for sl;u\.p- a Southern planti'r. ,'\Ir. (’lay. the ..v, of a large slave pniperty in a* slave St ' of course came in for his share i,f t)|(. sort of denunciiition. And (len, 'p- why (’a.ss who wa.s exerci,'cd in (hiily for the abolition of slavery all ,'v,.r world, and tluinks (Jod he never iiwii,.,] shive, is the gu:irdi;in tingel of ‘■i,ur i^. liar histitiitions”—while poor oM in liO-of'oc(> judjiment, would juiii|,‘.,j biirter of his slaves for an election l,\ -j,. slavery vote.-—bec:iu.se his atmuiil in the Presidency would much iin.rc tj,.. coni{»ciis.ite his los.s hy their einaiicip.-,,, S > we go. The open bargain f.,r .i State oflices in .’Vfas.s-i -hii-etts hetwi").. I'reesoilers and the 1 »emo(-racy, hv m]| the hitter stipuhited to yield tlie (itRi- .- tiiat pestilent crew, while they wuuM „. be ln*l>J n^spoiisible for their ii|.':i.;ir„, ‘•e.scaped whipping”—while (Jov. .loin,,, and his sit in Penn.'^ylvani;i , nut I'liiiii/ wc admit) are the very ahoniiin.ti. of desohition.” S') when (iov. l’i>), brought forward by the W'hig- in \ York for .'^'. iiator. the Parrot crv v, . eh:ittered :is w;is th(*ir wont. Vi t if, gentleman h;is seizefl the e:irliest iii-c;i,i„f, since his (‘lection to pmclaiui fli" nation.il W'hii/ views wliii h will him in his present exalted itosition. J>ut will these e.xpressions of j,,-: ' sentiment ever re.ich tho.-^i*. to Idiml peJ-V'Tt wllo.s,-. jllllirill'-llts IIJIOJI ;tii \\ liieii and \\ Ji;g iiieasiin.-. is with t joiirii.iiisiii of ••!Ji iiini-riif i/." il liihor >{ Im: Never. (i ivernor Fish will stand a f.ih. ly iibiis'tl iij.in with them to the emi I'f t!i ch.ipter. ith them, suhji.'ct to >i,ui, h uiondile ex(-eptions, the pl;in of the wi|. liiig witiie-- is the safest and be.-f. //;,v, in;.^ sworn a horse was 1.5 f*“*'t hiirh. being L^ently eo;-r'‘cted—‘•llaurl--,y..u\u.';ni, not feet.” ‘-I*M I Siiy fut/ wliv iln.j. I U -tick to it. Ihrltiftoiiil li Itni. 'l In (Jiiiiii nndthr \iinhies.—Col. .''^ji.-r. hiinie. writing on the 1>^th of .1 uiie fi.';:, I/itidori fo fin* New York Sun. s;ivs, tii.f iire 111 .n* Am'-riciins than :iny other >trai.- ger- vi.,itiiig the Kxhihition in Lond-.n .■ this time. A’isitors from I-'nuice, um, Holland, :ind Irehind, run over fur d.iy or two and return. 'J'lie Kmpen.r llus-ia will not jiermit hi.- suhjects to- farther thiin (►.-ft-n.l, or on a hathini: t oil the N'irth Se;i, hence, not a Uu"’ l.;ce is to be .sfcn iii I/uidon, although tli- Kin]>*ror h.is .some magnificent g'»oii>f ' exhihition. (^iiite a rich >ccne took jd;:ce l.i.-t v - at the Fair. 'I'he (,>ueen gave out oii 1’;. il.iy. thiit -he would visit the fair the in-,• in-irning at i) o’clock, tifteiided by her! • die- ;ind gentlemen in waiting, to iii'j • each de]>artim'nt jiorsonally. and to rci information from those .-icvenillv inclian;': eon.se«|Ueiit]y there Wiis ijuite a :£athci'ii.. of nohlo i.l citizi >(s fr-ini the We^t K;, After a time the (^>ueen arriv .! ,if t lieautiful fancy so;ip stand fn-ni Phihulc jihiii. at e;ieh great corner of whieh. st.ii!' in bold relii-f. the busts of Washington ; 'I’.iylor, with :ui in.cription on the hea l I’iich. v;z; *• Tills is all •sohd snnji. 'I’ht' Queen .'iv’omed to doubt the fact. ;!■ suddenly tiiking ii gold pin from her dr. wa iibout testiiiLr the truth of it, hy r ;;- iiiiig the pin info the head of ^Vi^shinL'^‘ when the i’hihidelphiaii. .seeing her ohi • ]dacel his h;ind between the |iin and hi:-' iiiid Avith gravity and politeness of his ^ dy. observed—••Ifistne bust of (ii-mi Washington, your 31ajesty.’’ (Jiiiek : thought Prince Albert ,>^ai(l, with .i sin'- to the interested (^)ueen, ••It is oulv in\ i.- ty pick.iiir ;it liberty.” 'J’he next uioruiii: an (U’iler i-.ime from Iluckingham Pal,; for a b.ix of the Phihidelphia .so.-ip. Aiiotlier seeiie ejuaily ;is rich h:iji|'r- 111. After the l^);ieen and ('ourt h;ui .v umiui'd die irrciit variety of .\iiierican and expressed her surpri.'^e at the (•n. hiinging in clusters fnnii the st;iik>. t' Prime rem;irked, ••America is indeed :i-- cond Kgyp!; ihe hind of promise, t; ■ could supply the world with bread.” Ni"- tin* stalk of gniin. a ^^■^llkee from Conn"- ticut had ]>;tehe 1 his stand, exhibiting baskets and hoxes of jiatent hoot and .'!• appearing at a little distance v. much like grain. On pii.-^sing, the (.Juet eiKpiired Avh;i1 kind of seed it was, ['iii- (.^ueeii, l\v the way, is short sighted.] “Seed, marm!” replied the ('onneeticu! man, “why they ave (liudim,'' at the .same time lifting his foot to show tiuir us*. 'i'he (^ueen ki pt her gravity as well iis she could, hut the Prince turned fo eive vent to a smile, while the l)uche>> t'f with other hidies in waiting, tlro^.\ioA veils and placed their handki'rchiefs over ther tiices. The Prince asked how tlioy were nuide. ‘'Whv, sir,” iHiswered Jutiii- tlian, ••we just throw junks of wood :it en'^ end, and the peirs come out at thef>ther^ fast as to keep the women folks hii.-v enough. Ah. sir, ('onnecticut is quiti'a smart pHiee for such notions.” The (,)ueeu aud (’ourt also visited ••Th^' Xcw York Sun;” the Sun and Tribune ari neatly encased in glass, st;»itding on :: pcdestiil. 1 nder the ‘'Sun,” is printeil i- broad chtiracters—'•‘•(hd^ one hall' Inr this jiiijtf r—20,()()() striir/i' off in >' hour." The (^uten remarked: “C'he.i; reading iu the I'nited States.” The Priia-t' replied: “They have no stiiinp :tct.” Tl: party also inspiected the specimens of boek- binding and other Amerii-an contribution-', expre.ssing them.^elves highly gratified witli them all. Ihw' the Aliittt r to he S tth d.—'IIh Ciimden (S. (^.) Journal settles all the difficulties of secession in this wise; ‘ We believe that England would acknow ledge us as an independent republic, and come in aud trade with us, simply pas.in;j: the.se blockading ships by, and if, in their passage, these ships .slumld fire on them, why, a hrnadside from an KiajUsh stmm- ship would settle it, we think rather to the ilisulvantage of a Yuiikee revenue bloektult' cutter.” Profitahle X^eirstfiiiper.—It is reported that the Xcw York Tribune new.spaper will divide this vear 8S0,t)00 clear j'r(_>fit, iib(mt S24,000 each to (J reeley Mo Klrath, aud the rest to seven associates in the cditorrlsip and booking. [L'oubtfu!.] irho desire t'> ri please " The IM.mk.s. Mails have bei three due this i ern mail, th:it i at Cheraw, and again takes a re between Canide are lost. We I reform this evil Letter to the Kl “(len. Doeke quite a warm t Spring in llichi ly came off vii t “On yesterd; sion was warm Read th' u Ath of .1 id 1/ (>rt I.KR, Esq. ;it II, Skcession.— the subject den sideration of th Hamilton, tlnii' to them. Wt' of all our readi ther to say on The “Draft the (’onstitntii drawn by Ham New York, am the 2d volume Congress, so f conclusive ag;ii as.serted on the cau.>e it is de.-^ which that rii:l sionists all afVi (Nnistitutiow w as .«ep:irate .-im that .sovereign;- for just cause, judgeil of. reti league, treiity, any inijuiry as conclusion, siq to l*e trwo. it is j>roves that ]>ri clvision. P»ut ticatiou” cm] pro]»osition-, fo granted iu ;ii are -‘derived fi tSfates” ai'd fi by till rn w ner ces.sary to tin nelf evident-th constitution ii who made and aud hencc th;i of tho I'nited the eonstitutid the I.^nited St declares, ••on: them—and th udmittcl }iriii( li.«h may ;iiiun people who ni; it and resume The ditb'n-i the Secessioni ble. TIk'I h the act of the as united. :iud in indepi'udeii ties. Th'ff 1 States, as sep; ties, and form ment tor the ’ hut a comi'aci between the tinct eonimiii aflirnis a righi resume the lo fesjjjonist-' iii1 , sovereign nn i trrally, to n-si for^elf, h'.-n other niemhei I^tates had ne Iters of ihe eo It se.'in.' th ty of ex[)osit «f ratific.ition ory »'f the Si .secJi; certainl The [lowers wore vlerived States iis ;i i of the .''tate> resume, so f;i crs granted 1 It is wortl expressed h\ ratification, been rejie; fi the Supremi for reference a legal fri/L-m In the eas, see (^l he “The (’onsti was ordained States in th er»j)hatiiiillij stitution dec UxiTKi) Sr.^ Again, in Wheaton ‘H is, “'I'he (J( government from them; i and are to b and for theii Again, in tiinore (7 Pt was ordidnei