“ i nl dieadvantagps hv works of int*rnr»l ini- j IralltUn, I puvemont. StamHnir on tl>e wharf at ' IJuifalo, wl el witli flour at tlie rate of from (J.)0 to b'tlor from Hon. Wm. A. (1 jujjti111, ^ I^ Av rtp.'v fa an hta'loduii toath tuJ thr Cde~\ BulTalo, whore canal boats were l-ein{;load- ‘ ' ■ • • - 1 A rr.oM THs HitLflBoRoroR nr.ronntR. Tityistry of yitirrin^es.—Wo have been reqiiestod u^aiii lo rcioicd Ministers of the Gospel and Juftices of the Peace, that, 1)V the act of the last Legislature, it is made their duty, whenever they marry a couple, to furnish the (^lork of the Comity Court, of the county in which fiie marriage takes plaoo, with n cerfifioate of the fact, whose • * 1 - 1- A fn-ottun nf droiind ou the . I*!,.".’'" *‘V'* , i * t • * j i * , X, 1 I X- ' oO Imrrelsi to the boat, I inquired what hn,/r'.uf, nf (.nai.Ujrowjh, (. A\ \';mN(iT>N ( ITY. .Inly 7, i city of New York, a distance of more than />.-r;- I tu kuowledgo tho polito in- |,ii]^.s and received for answer, 4SJ viiafior, of f ho ( V.'sid. nt and Pinvtors nf —less by *20 per cent, than we p.'>y ' , (he .N rfli .irnliii i ]»ailroad ( onip.iny. to ,,m. ^-^^onors from Hillsboro’ to Ualeiirb, ' duty it is to record the same in a book to , the .■(•K'brafiou of bn'akinj; ground, on that and they make nothiiiL' at tliat. Yet this be kept for that purj^ose. A failure to tri.'.it piibliv- wmk. on the 1 Itli iii>t.. anil j,j,vo of jrood fortune, the Krie ('anal, was ^ perform this duty will pulijei't the Minister I Vf j;n f tliat I shall be disappointed in the raint-d down on wt'stern New York bv t or J\istiec ty a line of TWKNTV-i'lVK IHH.- | l.l.v.M.re orbcin^pivM-ntat tiiisiHten'stin.ir |>n,vidcnee whieii has .lenied his Idess-: ; (t-remony, :is wrll as in my purpyst', t'»r iij^^ to us. It cost the State tw‘nty odd : AVo are informed that althoujrh there are ; some time eniertaiiied, ot attendinji the uiiilions of dollars of l>onowetl money; biit twenty bonds on tl>c offu-e of our (’lerk, : annual meeting ('} iho stockholib'rs. ■ duf'* l-'oi- years it ; given since the law took efrect, and upon ’ J o t)u* li lends ot tiiis i-iiferpris‘, wif)i was clamored airaiust in oleedons as a poli- which licenses were issued, but fh»ir vt-x-- ' V.lioTu 1 h:ivo }it'cu pvom!^ to co-ooerai*' in cy abi.ut t> i iiin the State and j'anjx'rize; lilii ah s I) ive been returned to the ('lerk. lie darkest hours ot its tate, as Wi il as to j ,.,,p]o; Imt l>y (ho introj>id st.it‘smanshij) This is strange, when we considor the im- .dl tiie good ( it:/.eiis ot the Stat»* wlm shall and his asstu iatos, it went stead- ; portanee of tlie law as providing the means i ]'11 tic’.patt I’ll tlie eeleiiratinu of its ha]i]>y j]y forward, conipiering all op])osition. and ' of porjietnating the (‘videii>‘0 of marriages, (>jiniii')ifenient, I otbn m\ ]i:*art_\ coiigra- his nanu- is now reverenced as that (if a ' to say nothing of the S2’> fine to wliich the ful,iri"ii> and good w islu Ih.o miit li lu.uofactor tiiroughout the land; but ' omission subjects the jiersnus who solem- b.i >cco accoui>>!i'-l\t‘d as tht* sub'cnpli"!i j„.,)pK' of tliat great State are not con- nized the marriage rites in tliese cases. "ft lie ii'ilc capital >tok. the org:mizati"ii tiiiK' this h'ttcr; It has been suggested that omissions i>. (he cr?iit).!n\. th('siir\c\ >f the t‘nriie roaches you, if not now. a law will ha\'e pass- will s>me(inios occur for the want of a jiro- e ! iheir Legislature to )»orrow and e.xpund per form of a eertiiieat*'; but as the ,uh- j ii'ne milli\jtis of dtdlars more in enlarging at nici is all that is imjiortant, this need! tlie graiul Canal, so as to carry twice a not ot'casion anv delay in the ]>erfi>rmance much as is now carried on its wafers, at it tile t‘iirir‘ route, the Icttiu:^ ot the contr.icts for grad ing and (oii^fraction thn'ii'rhoiit the s.nne. and the I'etual l-reaking nf gnmn !, in the face of all the disct>nrai:t'menfs and i s:ti>n cm (iniiten d snici* tlie lir-t a>scm- the .';ame cost, and ct.uscivu‘ntly to cheajien ) l.ige of the tiii'iids ot the wiirk at ,‘^ali>- transptirtatiou proliablv ine-!ialf below burv two vears since, afVords surely an oc- rates c.isiou f.ir iiuitual felicitation and mjoji iuir: :m:'I I iooj; (nrward to the day oi' it.v liu;il coinjiletii'ii. :i' a time of delivi ranee, not Hit rely fi iiiii the sh;ickles ofcnnimercial bnu- di'u'e. but tV'im the dominieu «'f ]»rejudices and ('rrnr. M'hich. hnwever bouotly enter tained. have been the bam of t»nr pp's- pcrify. !II till' beautiful :ill'':.'orie' of (bildsmith, pnliHsiied nearly a century tack, certainly In i\>re railroads were built or tlionj_dit of. we read of the Minister of an Ivistein ,fiu en, wli.ise adiuiuistratioii of atl'airs was so much comj'lained of am-ai:r her subjects, tSiat a day Mas appointed f" hear tiiosc tiiaking accu>ation> airain.-t him. and wheu he 'iuiuld >tand upon hi> def nee. The day b.-iii:: arri\( (I. tlie tir-t w ho cc'inplain- ei wa> a i ;*rricr who-iipplicd. tin-city with t'h. Iie c.\chi'i:ied that it was th;' cu- f-'U!, f’me inimt n;orial. f' r carriers to bring f'.« n- ti'h on a ii"i>'-. in a hamper, which 1-‘ing jilaecd i>ui- .-iih*. a« i balanced bv a s(0!:e nil the I'ttn'V. wa- *hu> conveyed with ■ a-^e anl M.I’.ty; bur tint thi' prisnjur. iiinv-, 1 by a 'jiirif of i’lne’/ation. nj- per- li 'ps bribe ! by tl; • hampei-ni:;ker->, had e'. li :"d all e.irrit'r.- to u e tlie st-ii!.' nn l.>ii- Hiit with the innumerable advantages of the (’anal, it atford.-: too shiw a pass;ig(' for our ]>rogre'i>;ive age. hi’.s ln'cn laid down bv its siile from IbifTa- lo to Albany, and is being extended, along the shores of that natural canal, the llud- snn river, to the city of New York. 'riii'i is exclusive of the New York and Krie Kailroad. tiic L'l'catest work of tiu kind yet comj'lcted 'lioots off from the Hud>nu river thirty miles above the city, and crossing the wa ters of the ht'Iaware. the Siis(juehanna, of lake )ntario. the 31 issi.~sii'[ii, and lake Krie. trikes the lattt r Lake at Punkirk, 4-’) miles only from Mufialo—a total dis tance of 4(itl odd miles. A traveller who >hall jnis^ bv oiu' t'f these l\oaiis tVom tlie city of N.'w York to the Lake, and fail to get through in It! or 17 hours, and at tin- rate nfcents or less per mile, will be .-un* to take the other nii his tu-xt journey. set iut after six n'clock in the mnniiug on the ICrie lload. and with ail >rn[>j>ages from the Imliday (Ki a-inu. and the desire at varinus jmiut^ to otl',>r ropi'cts to the I’re^idciit of the 1 'ni- ted States. AV(> reai he I Klmira, u here w of the (bity. As it would 1«‘ well, liowe\- er, that some uniformit\' shnuld be (>b.serv- ed, the fi»llowing form is na'ommendeil: Statk or N>i;rn ('.a«oi,i.\.y, ) Ciiitnfi/. I , . This certifies that ]., A. B. (a Minister A superb Uaiiroad of tin? (lo.-pel, ora Justice of the IVaee for ■ ' ~ • ' K , . I g r. but balance njie hamp'r with aii"ther: t:'rriel t^r the nii:ht. a di>tanco I'f ••■n i-rd' r (r.tirely r* pugnant to all anti*|ui- tv. and tl;:>so of her ma’e-’v's kinu'd' Hi ii; :t:euiar. niile, halt an hnur befon' -unset. >f the nuiuerou' ll.iilroads conuectiuix the~c twn together at cniivt nicnt points, nr uniting a> braiK iic' tn the one or the other, and the jibu.k roa.ls \shich every wlu-re erect the tye, I have imt r >m for descrip tion. Nothin:: i.> nuTc cert.-iin than that of i lie calli. r fiiii'Iie.i. ani the wlinlecourt shni.k tiieir heads at the innov;itii::r Min- i'fer. Next came the Its'p.i tor of city building'', who chav,'e.l him with hav.ng or'Urtd the demoijfini; (,>t an aneient ruin, in reirard to the popular ta^te for wi>ik v.hicli nb>»ructeil the pa'^aLic thnm-h one ;h;> kind, ef the principal sTrt.He nb>er\e,i that s’adi ^ ’ddin-s a re a-'llc nini.umerit'nf barbamu' anti.,!iity: ci'Utr:i'Ut d finely to sl'.ow h >w r : ef’ ar hitcctiM' inti.,!iity: :h> onr ;n:r.-.,rnrs end. rr“..d and f r t!,.it rea-ou -Imuld '.d suer. .1 aTi I .-ulT, irraduallv to 111 r;>V. The \V>.i"W, ’l 1 hi.'t V who n’ l'caroii wa- a had lauda’ !v atti-m]'t .'i !' ].'*• 1 ha 1 ;-: vciit'' 1 d 'iwu, aiil wa> in prot; -.fations and en to !li V( a i .1-: lumo alia, ihc execiltioil ot i ^eii^ible t" her tc'' ireaties. 'I’iie two flr't •ft’- i;'- miirht j ard-ned; l.ut f 'r the injnry t " the '"X. •>- ;;'!,trary to the cu>t..m' of all anti'jiiity. :!,«■ (Jne( n ■-avs t'le srnrv; nrdereil the criiiiiual ti> be i-anidied fmm her teP'er. “1 rniii ijcr jirc' ku'V. h.-d;_',> n'.v cri;. 'ceU ■nee .■^aid h ”ai oin am t'l i'c *n^ :;re m ;ii :.il leil. - i.,. ! '’le .1 a- lail:' i \ii- eoun:ry i !;ave g.;vne'l—I ■me ].|e:i,-i;re in improving the ' i 1 ;'n l brin.'-iiiL' back a spint >f industry a;;;.i!._r tiie ;; Jiib'rant'." 'I'hi' rei|Ue-.t. -I- mii;:: iv-aev.a:.b'. w;;- grantoi. and a e.'ai ler V.: ' of i, .'ed t'l 1.x a piaec it bau- i hm« !r aii'Weriiiir the Mini.-ter's de>crip- t'-'P. Af^er si.x lie ii'h-:' s/‘arcli. however, file iuijuirv proved fniitle's; ueithev a d>'- >. .iiite tov n nr mined \ illajr''enuld be found in tiie whole killirdom. Then said the .Niini.'ter, •■iio'.v -aii thnt cn.intvy be ill- g iV'Oiieti whifli n 't a de.-nl.ate town or riiie. -1 villai- in The (^hn'cn p rcci\- ioL' • ^i*- jii-;i. e Ilf fh‘ r-mo5Hfranee. r»'Uiitt- cd his '■■ntt ni (' and rotnre.l him to favor. Th ■ pr"';. (■: liV' i f thi> Itailrnad are -er- tainlv witiiin the tevius of the lir.'t co\uit of the indictjnent again-t tin* innovating Miiii.'tej-. They do jo-opose to carry at leasi two b.anijiers nf li-h up the country, aiii ;\\obah'> of cotton or hog-heads of t 'h.aciM down, l.iy means at least as >inipic and eheaji as oui; was carried btf ire. ('"U.-ideriinr al.so that they de.-ign to ( ut down nioiuitain' and lift ujt vallies, .so as to fMiu a path i’"V a I'evy ni >nst r, caiiy- iii- a weitriit of lif'iy foU'and runniiiir with m ire than race-hoise speed over hill ami dale, they are as lieinoii oti'emlcrs against barbarfius antiipiity as he who ri-moved the venerable ruin from the streets of the city. How, like him, they shall do injurv to the se.\. by the iiitrodiietinii nf tIios; nov elties. it is ]>erliaps more !iftienit todehne, unle>' it V>e thtit "tinu' :;ud .-pacc'’ are about to b‘ annihilated t>\ the rapidity of travel, and love to lose its reward for want of tjou- bh'S to f-neonnter; or that education and a-couipii'hmciit'. the graces anil reiine- ments ot life, are to In come so geni-rally iiliu>eil, by the more general difiusion of nppi.itiinities and means for their acipiire- ni' lit, that ceui).etitor> will be(>onie more nnineron.' and the pri/e of admiratiei, niorc diiVieult to win. Jf, however, for anv or a I I of the>P nil ‘•me., wo shall be doomed to Itani'iiment. like tlie ntb nd’ng .'linistcr. and shall be gr.o inU'ly all-iwcd ihc comli- tion of place, permitted to him. 1 trust wc >hall find, by the time thi Road shall be completed and brought into full oj.eration, ■ Incrcii.-' «.f i"lh -'n « l'\ wlnt it tVr.!' mi " and a-i -oou a> voxi coiuinee the people, by a public demonstration, that they can be made without rnin, the\ will demand them, as th' V do conitort.iblc hon>e> to live in. nr imorovc'i tnnls nf trade to work with. 1 cannot litre forbear to mention, for the consolation of tho-e anmng U' who take >■> nineh to heart the mi.-fortunes and blun- d' rs "1 tie- old U di'iirh and tla-tnn Kail- le.that the N 'W Y i.k atid Krie Hail- road. frnm inexperience and bad mana:«'- meiit in its early history, jiroved a dead f.iilure. at a I".-- of nior.‘ than six millions of dollars, one-half of which fell u)>ou the State and ha> never been rcjiaid; or rather, lui' lieeii nWinnui.'hed as a bounty to a new coinpanv, who took it in hand under bet ter aii'piee'i Vor earrving it through to com- ]>letinn. r>'it that it ha- unw been tini-hed and cipiipj-ed at a co-t .f M'ventcen millions more, an ! pr^ iuise> to lie a paying st lerC at the whnh- -nm of twenty-throe millions. We haw not. it i> true, the wonderful resource- :ind advant.iires of New York, and it ir- with no hope to rival her great work' that 1 recite the(‘ outline' i>f her .-v.'tem t'f inijirovcTiienr; liut to .'how that oiir undertaking is not di^proportioued to our meaU' or our nece-'ities. When a ci- tizeli ol MieklelibnrLr or ('ab.irrns .'hall be cnahlod t I I reakfist at home, dine in il.il* eiiih, and sup on the same i;iy at no \cry iinrcasonable hour in Wilmington. Ilcau- fort, Newbern, Norfolk or i'etersburg, be will aceou>]ili.'h no nmre in ovi rcoming dis tance than is now done daily by hundreds, not tn 'ay thousands, in Nt'w York as well in other States of the rnion. And he will readily pen cive what l.enctits will accrue to him when he too can acconi]ilish in one day what now reipiirc.s more than a week. 'I’he time and circumstances are all jiro- pitious to the couinienccment of our work. We arc in tlic first year of the latter half of the nineteenth century. W’e have juiit iiiiished one of tho.so dccades appointed iiv fh‘ ('onsfitution. wht'u the Federal ceusus exhibit to us anew the jiopidation and sta- ti'tics of the country. 'I'he progress of , North (’arolina lunng this period is less ( hcering that of several otln r States, but ; moic so than it has bceii during anv for mer one. Her pojiuhition, now STO.UOO , ,'onls, will easily attain to and e.xcci-d a mil!ion hy the ne.xt census at the .same rate of iner*ase as during the ia.'t ten ■ y»‘ars. \\ ith the discouragemi'uts to emi gration, by reason of the greate-r disfan * of the fresh lauds at the Staith and 'We.st; the encouragements and rewards to indus try in the expenditure of three million.- of dolhirs in the construction of this work alone, (not to sj»eak rif the improvements on the (’.ape l ear and bey'ul the l^lvie Kidge;) in the grand result which is to flow county, as the case may be,'» solem- nizi'd the rites of matrimony between (V lb and K. K. in county afore.s;iid, on flu ilay of Is^.’)—. [This certificate may be written on the the world, whi h licence or otherwi.so.] ()>ti vritmn Hdvk.—lb'. I>e Rossef, of Wilmington, when he was uj> at the late meeting of .'tockhohlers of the Kailroad. ira\«* US a specimen of (^hiercitron M ark, with tlu' remark that it had Vteconie an ar- tiele of ('xport from the North to consib*r- able and increasing extent, being sent prin- cijiallv to Kuirland, where it is usimI f»r dveiui:. He further rem.irked, th.it North (’andina. along the line of the j'ropxed ( \>ntral Iv lilroad. priMlueed cnormoU' ijii.i'i- tities of tliis artit le; that the Southern pro- • luct wa said to lu- >ini>erior to the North- ei'ii; and th.af the deui.ind ami price would probably h.iiidsomely ju'tify extensive en- gairemeiit' in the b.ark Imsinc''; by the tinii' the llailroad .'honld tro into np.T.it ion. Hut wliat i> (Quercitron H.'.rk' where diout- docs it i^rowy *htr knowledge wa' ahout eipial to yo«/•., wise reader, until Hr. He K. informed u that it was nothing mere or less than the hurk nf i-nr cun ni'nt I'lirJ: 'ffk. The speeinicn. as it is jn'epartd for exportation, may b.- '. eu at our olHee: the M-.aly out'ide is taketi ntV. and tie- whiti- or inner hark cru'hed in the manner U'ed bv our tanners. If we are not nii'takeii in our re-ollcetion. uur informant 'tatcd that that priscut jiriec is r lou. In the report of the lletri^tcr of the Treasury on the comnn re.- a;, 1 na\i;jafi iu of the rnite.l State.' f r the year t iidin_ :’.i>th dime. l^oH, W" find the valne of th ■ export' nf ( >ak Hark and otiier Ive to l>e 82>o,771. Of this 1 w.irth i' s- iit to Kngland, to Kranee, to the Hin'.' Tnwi;-, s'ld.iiiH.i f,. H >!htnd. ?;’>.!to Cuba, and .'iiiaHer iji.aiilit'.o t > otui r countri. >. This is jn'obably only one »if a great m i- ny source' of tra ’e and profitable cmplov- im nt, win’, h had never entered the mind of our people ot the interie.r, for want of more direi t intereour'e with the great World of eoinui-'ree.— (!,■ ■ A Flyiii'j Machine.'a\> a eorre'p.in'Ieiit of a I'rent h douriial. w riting' tronj Madrid, has latelv be. I1 exhibited ill that eitv. crc- at'.nii an e\trai>rdin.iry '•■n'ation amoin/th“ jieoph'. A yonng l.a.ly. named duanita I’arez. who is dt'crib. d a> im feather in ]»oint of 'ize and wi'ight. m.ade, it aj.pears. an *xeur>ion into the .air with the .ippara- tus. ' 'iiriu'j ab. ' e .e.-.-r the b. . I' if tin spei taiors with the ca'e atpl 'wiftnc'-; of a bird. .''he had been .announced to tiy m.>ie than I'jnti b-et horizontally, at ,i height of illMi t'eet. and i>i rcfiorted to li.ive acc m- plished the nndert.akiiiir t.i tlie entire sati'- f.ie'inu of all w!jo Witlle'.'cd the ||o\el eX- jieriiiHiit. No p.iriicnlar d'cription of the machiu'- u-i-d i giv« n. i-xcept ihat the wings, which have a spread of fiftcn feet, are hi'ld by ligaments exi eedinglv flexible, and are moved with a'tonishing (piitdcie ss. An apparatus for tlyinir is al'o announced as recently invt-nted by a Mr Ihirville. of F*aris, who designs exhiliiting it at the ('hamp de Mars sonic time this month, when he will attempt a flight from the mili tary school to ('h.irliot. He as.serts that ino>t complete smci'ss has attended s»‘v- eral pi iv:'.te trials of his conti i\.nice, witli which, on one occasioti, he tli-w across the Si-ine. ’f'he witi;.rs have the same extent as those of the apji.iratus ('xj)crimenti'd with at .Nbadrid. ('onsidering the physical diflieuUies to be oNcrcftme in anv efbot to enable a man to 'U.-fain and move himself about in the air liv means of wings ojierati d by his own strength, or cvt n with tlie aid of artificial jiower, W(“ cannot l»e c,\p'ctei to bidie\e the .'tati'Uients above piott‘d without .-^ome irrains of allowance. Nevertludess, iti age when human ingenuity is accomplishing so much in mo( hauics, which, a century ago, would have been ridiculed as out of reason and p!.s.sibility, prudent men have inaile up their minds to be astonished at nothing in the wav of discovery and invention vvhic li the future may bring forth. Xorth Ann rirttu. trom its comjiietion, that our internal re sources of mineral and agricultural riches j J)r:y>rrat!on.—.\ h;tter to the Tribune are to bo brouijht out a.s jiormanent and , mentions, the circumstances of a merchant increasing contributions to the national j at San Kranci.'^co, who, h.iving been burnt wealth,—I trust she is entering on this ! out of all that ho owned by the previous new (>ra with a brighter ilestiny. The so-1 tires of .that city, when the flames of th(‘ corn! Stato of the South in geographical last conflagration surrounded his building, exf jit; the .second in population from tho in which he hud all he ]>osses.s6d, coolly in- ri volutioii downward, until she has been vited hi.s wife to walk out and see tho fire, oiitstripptd by her younger sisters Teiines-{ and, when they had pa.ssed into the street, see ami Kentucky, she p0.s.su.ss(!s elements in a moment of mad ]»hrenzy, he drew a of opulenc(! and }»ower which rejuirc but : revolver and shot her through the head, the general oxtenaion of a .system of im-, and then instantly ended his own life with p-: provement to enable her to vie with the j another shot. proudest members of the I’nion, to which 1 _ - - . _ umit‘is more devoted, constant and faithful, j Nearly thirteen hundred dead letters, Wllilj. A. GKAHA3I. i containing property of value, consisting of ' money in various sums, bills of exchange, j &c., for amounts ranging from So to 820,- — 000, were sent from the Dead-lettor ofiice I -- ; ^ Mfchiiif (,j Dtrrcfoi-a.—At the meeting I in Washington to tlie New York (.'ity J’o.st i\'. and ti in.pi.it.iijMii than when the df the iiewly eh*ctcd l>ir«‘ctors of the N. I (Jffice during the quarter ending the oOth heard oii Lailr>ad, held last Saturday, John M. j June; of which letters 81:1 that till ro will not be in the St.ate. at least ill i'r.’.t large and jiopiilnU' part through wliidi if riut.', a desohite town, or ruincl \lllage. or firiuiioU'e, or h.uiilet to claim u- exiles. ill sui'veyiiig, a-i I lia'ic, rcveiitiv bad ^ [.oriunit\ to do, the public work.' of New \ "ik and otluT State north of thi' capi- in- tal, and contempl.ating the manibild adv; tages they f,on{er on the iidiabitaiita of tho'O Stales, it ha.s been to me a matJcrof w iiiiler how vv';\ in the interior ot North ' o-oliu.i. with but little bett-r means oi » T t J 4 MJ, J.I Jlon. J. M. Mciiikhead, IWt N. C. 1{. 11. Co. srimFiME cornt. This tribunal adjourned on Saturday.— Tho following w'ere the closing decisions: Hy Rvffi.n, C. J. In Hiram v. Wil liams, iToni Martin, reversing the judg ment and ordering a non-suit. Also, in AVhitchcad v. Reddick from Beaufort, af firming the judgment. Algo in Ga.skill v. King from Carteret, affirming the judg ment. Also, in Williams v. Kdwards, from Greene, aflirming the judgment. Also, in Lane v. dackson from Pasipiotank, reversing (he judgment. Also, in State v. I'roswcll, from Uand^dpii, declaring there is no error. Also, in J.iaughinghouso v. Hullock, in l'iuity from Ivlgecombe, di.s- missing the bill. Also, in Hobinsou v. Hryan, from llladen, reversing the judg ment. >Also in Ic.\.lister v. 3IcAlistcr, fVom J’ichmond, aflirming the judgment. Al.so in (^ox v. Ruie from David.son, affirm ing the jiidgmeof. Al.so, in Walters v, .Iordan, froni Person, aillrming the judg ment. Also, in l>oo ('X dem Kbige v. Sacki-never, from J*\>r.«ythe, aflirming the judgmi iit. Also, in Kllison v. Andrews, from .^Iartin, aflirming the judgment. .Al so, in Shannon v. donos, from l*ii.s(ju0tauk, directin j: a venire de noyo. Al.so, in State V. (’lark, from IVrson, declaring that there is no error. Als.>, in Cameron \ Mason, in Kijuity from ('umbei land, dismissing the bill with oost.s. .Vlso, in ('ros.s v. Camp, in Ki|uity, from Northamptim, decree for injunction and .scijuestration. Al.'io, in Manchester Kail Koavl v. I{ussell, from New Hanover, atlirming tho judgment. iiv l’i;.vii.'(».v, f/. In Kobe.'on V. .'Iei>on- ald, frmn Hladen, reversing tho judgment, (two cases.) ,Vlso, in r.r (/itii Moore v. I'arker, from Hertford, aflirming the judg ment. Also, in Hiirton v. Ibirton, in Ivjui- ty from (.’aswcll, dismissing the Hill. Al so, in 'I’imberlakc v. H,arris, in K|uitv from Franklin. Also^ in Harvey v. Smith, in Kijuity, from Halifax. Also, in Hinton v. Lewis, in K|uity from Wake. Also, in 1‘hillips v. Humphrey, in Ivjuitv, fVoni bi'Inw. .\l.'o, in State v. .Jenkins, frnm Hichniund, lev daring that there is no err.»r in tlu* jimci'cdinir. Also, in Stat»' Y.ir- rell, from .Martin, judgment bir the defen- tl.uit. Al.'O, in Stato v. Martin, from I’or- s\the. directing a veninr de novo. Also, in Huflaloo v. HaUL'h f rom \\'ako. directiuir a venire do novo. .\l'o, in I'hclp - v. I'he— .'on, li’oui a'hinnton, diicctini5 .a \'cnire do uovo. Al>>. in Simpson v. MeKav. fintn Hlailen. atlirming the ju l_ni nt. ,\1- so. in State \ . ('ohonti, froni 'l’\r;ell. de claring tii.it tln>re i' n.) error in the pr.>- ci-ediu::' nf the Superior 'oiirt iiv Na'U. d. In .IoJU> \ . dnUC'. fii'ia •fon.'>. l‘etition t" remove e'uardi:!ii. order aflirim d. Al'O. in W. od v. H.iil. fVoni I'ci'iuim .u>, rcver>ing the judgm-nt oi the Sup-rior ('ourt. Al--.' in Hail v. Ui id. troiu I*ert|U!!UoU'. allirmiu:: th- ju ign;eut. Al'o. in L".ivitt v. K*heri.l;_'e. from 'liri ituek. a}]irni!t:_' f!ie nr-lcr' if the Superior Cour:. Al'., in Tayh.r v. Ame rican Hl)>b‘ .''o;er \ , i:i l',ijlllf\' fi'oin ^ V.(- Vt-n. de.-Iaring the .-e\,-ral le^r-ci' - :n fh, tir^t chnis.- o{ the will v .id t' nui-'vt.ihi:v. Ae. Al'o, in ( ii.- in \ . \ . in K'jui- t\. t.'.im W a-;;i:;_'t -n. d;."e. ?!n_ t!i>- order t-i be ri \ -I'-. ,1. Al.' >. in H zman v. ){ -a. in I'.ijU.fy. fr' in W I'liiiii:! iii. di-elarinj: the pla!lit;ti' cUtitiv.l io tlie relief a. k 'd fir. A!'I. in State v. W.ar-lcti' of th.- l*oor, fr .111 Nl w Han-ver, tli.it tier, i.* u-i ■rri r in the igi ; t .M'.i. ;n Mi.l^.-tt \. Hrn 'K'. fi'ni.t 1!y 1-. aflirmi'i;.' t!;: ;.idL'- iuci t. A I.'I. l>».n..r V. .'^pniill, in Ivjuit^ tmni \\ a.'lii;igtnii. di'iui.'.'in- (l»e l.jil wiiii 0.1st'. Ao'.ut the yiar 1 ('nloiiel 15) hu wa> 'V. ner of ne.irly one-f iiirth ot'a bl.M-k fronf- inir .N;,'':in. (’••■l.ar. ;in 1 Lil.ertv ^tie. t-. aii'l i>; iadwiy. 11'- wms ;in miuent l.iw- yer. with an ext!'!i'ive praeti.-.'. j wa«; in- firmed by .-Ie- nf the pi - • l’"i, ,u that hi' praetiec at .nc period was w .rth fen thon- '.in 1 d.ill.US a _\e,ir. I U'.-d f;e.pn-nt 1 v to .'it on iuric> in tli.‘ . |p,H site of t h :• CU'* im-ho;i'c) W hen H AMII.I'm.N and Him; w -re the opp .>in._r e .un'd. t ile_\ Were t >> •! h aeut c 1 -.v \ i s a 11.1 i 1 • ]||' IIt .'peakers. A rein.irkaiiie pl.aci otii- day. 'I’lleV Were lidify nf a wiil, 11 \M]i.tin.'h.-n in;r the will in his hands, happened to ImM it be- tween the window and hiv eyes. He ia»,>. atcl prayed the court to vfay the j.roecci- ni^'. an.I, handing the will up to tfie judge, .1 think it was Hroi-khol.'t ljivinir>ton. remarked; ‘Tf the court plca.se, then- i' ;i wjtni‘'S frniu He.-na-u th.it will set this m.itter at re>t. ifth.- r-ourt pb-a.se. ho),] the in.'trument so ;i.s to look throu^.h tin* {lapcr. The water-mark is latcd five years aft(-r the will was siirncd. The tc'tator coubl not m.ake a will five vears after he w.Ts dead.” >f course a verdict for the dofend.aiit was given at otu-e. In till' year iMlO (’olone] Him* was clccteii to the (ifUcc of \ ice-(*r.’sideut of the I'nited States. On the llth .fulv. I>'(l4. he rctiia'd from politic.il life. 'fho fatal termination of the bicl with Hamil- ' ton, .and tho verdict of “wilful miir Icr” rendered by ilie coroner’s jury, caused him , to ubscut him.sclf front this part tf the eotuifry. He tiaveiled through the South ern and Western States, for the purpo.so of getting uji an (“xpodition against ,^lexicl>, for which he was tried f.r high treason, i H(' then fled to Kngland, where his jiapors j wore seiz.ed, and hims-lf thrown into jtris- i on. H(‘ then was liberated soon after, j trav('llel in I ranee atwl (J‘rmany, and re- j turned to New York in iSl'i. He re.suni- ;ed the practice of law at No. ].') Xas.sau j street. Hcing light 1\- esteemed by his feliow-citizous, the eflort wa.s unsuccessful, j and hi- .«^oon fell into decay in mind, body’ I and estate. .M.VTtlKW l/ Havis, his last I s.Iit;iry friend, stuck to him (do.sor than a J broth(,*r, and had him lodged in a scditary ' hut, with a lonely widow, on a de.ser\ sand-bank in the wilds of Staten Island. Here, through the bounty of Mr. Davis he lived for eighteen months; and here on^ the night of the 14th September, ISiJt} died AAltt.N Hl UH, in the eigfity-lirst year j ot his age, with not a friend' to close* his eyes or wipe the dew-drops of death from bis br^-. Wa.^hington, Adams, Jay, and Hamilton, died surrounded by weepin.r Inends, and their graves were bedewed the tear., of a cmitinent. “He that honor- "'l tIT tl*at despiseth me shall be lightly esteemed,” saith the book wln^e Author is Divine. JJurr was buried it J renton. New .Jersey. Laurie Todd in the llmxe .Journal. iiiei.lent t. trviu',: th k va- tniiinleis ot lliiii-h canuou were I lie 'jmt where \i>u now st’.oid, ‘au hold n\ir uai? i i;> t\ie competition «u v.’ii_ tl...-e li.ive ri.-iicd.i-d. like which letters 81:^0 were delivered , .X ».7 - ntiu HVIIMTIU •an hold ' Morehcad, was re-electoil President, and ' to the proper partic.^, and the remaining bu.siuess j (’yrus 1*. Mcudeubull was el icted Secretary ; 4()f», having been unehiiimMl, were re- Lc uaLur- , aud Trta^iuru’--—I'utriot. tui'ucd to the piupcr oliivc iu lliia city. ]>cU’s Life iu Loiubm recently stated that a lady had lost no less than £20,000 on the Derby llace. The Limerick Chroni cle says the lady is the only dauglitor of tlie poet J.«ord IJyron, “Ada, sole daughter uf any house and heart." From the Philadelphia yhrfh American. | THE COALITION IN PENNSYLVANIA. ' What has most distract-ed the country f since the adoption of the “J*eace Measures," ; and more than anytliing else tended to fan ' the flame of agitation, which was fast flickering in its socket, have been the co alitions between the Democrats and the pfilitical Abolitionists or I'^ree Soih,*rs for the distribution of the spoils. While the former have been most loud-mouthed in their profc.s.sions of devotion to.the consti tution and its obligaticms, and among tho- most clamorous champions of the comjiro- mise, tlu'y have notwithstanding all these declarations, courted every occasion where by the unworthy and mercenary alliances to which we have referred might be form ed and con.summated. And tlms, between inces.saiit ami unmeaning protestations a- bout preserving the Union, and base com binations with its worst oneinios, the Ho- mocrats have (ontrived to prevent tin? enjoyment of tiiat jieaoo aiul tramiuility which would have boon rostrirod but for tlicjr dc/nagoguing pnicecdings. They urc the most dangerous agitators; for, bt'^ides exciting the public mind in regal'd to an imagiiiary danger, th*y have so .sh.iped their jdans as to justify the apprehension of a real one. And thi.^ brings us to tho examination of th^ subject more in detail. I'he country was gradually resuming its natural repo.se, when it became startled by the coalition in Mas.sachusetts, which se cured the choic(“ of a Hemocratio Gov ernor, the election of Mr. Hantoul to the .''onato for nine days, and .sub.seijuentlv the election of Mr. Sumner to the same liiirh position for six years. 'I’hese results were cfie(-icl by a union of the main body uf the I>einocratic party with « hainifnl of broi' Soilers. thu> ]>roving the dispo.-ition on the part of the former to make any combination which would insure a fair j*ro- jmrtion of prefit. 'j’h.at co;ilition w.as jier- fected in th(.‘ taco of fh(? most sol-.-mn av«>rvafiotis for tho ('ouipn niise by the Hcmocrats. wle» thus liecamc the princiji;! jf.irty to the b,arg;iin, and. after detunieia- tioii.s of tiieir acc'-pted allu“.', siieh as none but 1 >eniocr,it.' could enipjo\-. Jt u;:s pro jected and ci.mjileted upon 'tlu- .- lino mer cenary ]»olicy \\ui(-h w.as made to oper.lte ill ()hio. when Mr. (’base was el.-ctcd to till- Senate by a similar coiubin.iti in. aii'l when the d u-lg.-s and otlier St.ite ofjicer' wen.i ajijiortioiied among the H unH-rat'. as the’.r >haro of the jirocet-.l.'. It w.is car- rviii:^ out the same principle bv wiiith H'l-lge, SuicliL, \\ hitoml^ Hauiiiu, and 't:o r.' were olecfctl to the Si-nate bv Free .■^i.il influence a!id jiledtres, only up-m a luoie extcii'lc ! .-iealo. and with more pro fit iMe re.'ult' t I the p..rt\. 1 !ie earn-- wliicii wa' jilay; I iu tle- .Stat ' \-, ii.eii We have name 1. and in oth(*rs. i' liow about t-. be ri p-*;it',-1 in i’cnii.'\l va- uia. if til-- ^e^l.•;u, , ,,j intriguing uianai^er' C.in .■'Iiceeeii. 'i'll-' head' of the difi.-n nt taoti.ins ha . e i-.unseile 1 together, arraug.-d tiieir ]ilaii'. negotitUed tli.-ir terni', an.!, for .anght that wa- know, may have siirne i the c'iiitrai t, .1' \\ , ,f, Hrown. tin- ••regu lar candi.lite" ,,f rhe Hem-era.y f.r Speak er, in tlie ] i>f ('.liiere'-. did w ith the Ab'iiitioiii.'*'. who were n -e-sary to .secure b;' eleeti..n. In order to gi\e importance ali-l I’ill. le);i'\ ti( the coallti**t\, the .'o-called National H. in-cr.its introduce.l Mr. Havid iliu it inoi la)] c..ujniuni"n wi:h tho nnven*i,,n at 1 larri''-m i:, w h- ■ > h.,- i' re- ;*n,-:ed !iy ti 'eg-aj.h t ■ h.tve sj. '..:>n a.' f 1- fow.' on the llth of .Jum:— ‘•.^lr. ilm it then airain 'j>-ike at con- >1 ler.ilile length. In the coiir>'- of his re mark' ho dcclavcil h'.s determination to 'Up- }i-rt the II adiii_- n tninafiou' fur G.nern- or and an.il ('.immi''ion.>r. althouL'h he 'iiid he Could tiot give iu hi' adhe>ion to all the rc,'-.lulion> p;.'^e.l by th.at (’otiven- tinli, Kenluti..n' ad'-pted in I'ctui'yl- va’iia !' iii'H^ra'ie ('.i!iven*i..n, n iw-a-d.aV'. were tie.at.-1 with but little r, 'ped, either at h'lme nr abroad. He h'-j't .l for b-jter tiling,, lieic.iftt r.” S-> mie h infiiit i;ce di.l ,^Ir. ^ViImo^ (>x- crei'c in th:if 'otn cut Ion, th.-it n-i nii mber r"-e iu hi.' piaco to la-tnike the seiifiiiienf wli! h he utten.! in cont:mjit of the n-.'O- liit: -II': aii.i will'll, on the .'U.-icediii:: day. a ,'lr. Hi• wer undert.iok fo «jUestiou W ;1- ni if'' politieal inf.'irrifv. ho wa^ “hi.''ed down ’ w;tii eric.'of ••>J).nno.” (t was ex- l»e-iient in Wiluinf to denounce the regular n-'olutions. which .arc ,'0 nmch \auntod in thi> [i.irt of the St.-ito, becaiis; he wadi knew, w hib' his followers were willijtir to t.ake the o;indida*os ;js they stood, and up on his repre.-ii'iitations, they wamld not >w,dlow tho “platform'’ which sustained the -\dju>tmont and repudiated the act of l'^^47. lenying the jails to fuo:itive slaves, f>r tho }i.is,'aee of which Col, Hi:,der bad so zoalou.'ly laliorcd when the law ha^pen- e l to be more acceptable than it is at the prc.-iont time. it may be broadly a.'serted. from all th.it occurred in the Harrisbur-.r (ouvenliou. frotu the singular dc.feroneo , with which he was tri'.ated, and from the manner in which a manly assailant was ••hoite.l lown,'’ that -Mr. Vv'ilmot was its controlling' spirit. I Jt that body was composed exciuivoly : of “National Democrats,” as i.s falsidV I pretended, why was it, we ask, that Wilmot was admitted at all? Why wi.s it that he. of all others, was so miu-h flat- , teredy And why is it that not one voire j in the party pta-ss hero has been rai.sod to I repudiate the association. We toll the people of this State and the jieople of the ; South, who have been misled by the arts and hypocritical profes.sions of ‘ I,.KM>foco- . ism, that the wire-workers not now I lisp a syllable disparaging to David Wil- inot, and that the siloiice observed by the I IVnnsylvanian and its confederates' is a I silence occasiom'.! by fear of the loss of I his power, and the apprehension of a full I exposure of their schemes. Atid yet, while this party is thus outraging all its profes- SK.ns designed for ofi'oct in our communi- ty, by openly confederating with the prime leader and chief ot Aholitiouistu, its or^rans have the eff-rontery to eluirge others with sectional sympatliies; whih* they are ar ranging combinati.ns wigdi will'do ui,»re to disturb the quiet of the country than any that have been formed. What is the South to .^ay sind feel when it .sees a great party descending to court the favor of a desperate faction, merely to (dttain power? What is the South to say when David Wil mot is found affiliating with a Demf>cratic convention, and «Iictating his tonus of sup port by utterly repudiating their resolu tions? Can it he supposed that the Southern people are so wilfully blind that they will not di.scover in this sign a determined pur- ])Ose to raise again the flag of “aggre.ssion," 1 hy placing tuc sUtuUard iu thu harnls ufau to ri avowo'^ inesndiary? vram otir frionds 1 CAROLIN.\ r.viL t^o.xb here to beware of this contaminating in- ['V'e have already pubb>hed ai, y,.. fluence, and, to join with us in crushing a of the late itieeting and celebration,,, combination so venal in its design and so Central R:»il Ii>ad Company, but tl dangerous in its tendencies. ^yhoever «-hicdi has been forwav.l.,i . minnoses that Mr. Wilmot entered into this ‘ supposes umi bv a centleman ot the West, conta:. coalition without a well-insured consulera- 7 ^ tion, will finl his error soon gazetted. A ticulars and "f'' ^ . IditMnal part of the bargain is that the aforesaid ^ We therefore j.ubli.sh it, oiiiutiii.,, D.ivid Wilmot is to be nominated as the ; v,i,it.h it is not necessary regular candidate for the President Jud^- jj^yrd of Hircctors, Arc.] ship of his district, and is to receive the Lv thi- u -> or tlic party as the .7"^i ,4,1, y,:'' for his suiiport ot ( ol. Bigler and there Hi\oi.r 1 "■ular ticket. And in order that the coun- - ~ giuai IK M l. at the annujil meeting ot th*- try ii.-.y .....I.TRt.mil tho . mitri.^t , >'„rth (.’arnliiia Itail I',,, th,,t».tR,p,.r™edl.ythc cn,o,n,t.. p,t« ,h.,r..U(.-). .m, ,I„. i„:; the N,.ithcrn a.iJ >„Hh-weston, pa ^ |,ave tl..m,-hl ' ,.t,h,s^tat^^^■h.•re^hc,;o.aro ^^ ,1,.„ thorcf n„.l ,.f the to conciliate, and in this legioii, will . , ♦ i • , i- •* ♦• fl.o rilifie-ition n'-cfcd fhorowifh might not lie lanur, Itirnish a few citations tor tlie f uiiuaiion _ i 4i ‘ i r of th.,.-M-lm ,„av t...t have ival,-h.'.l ,|,c | ni^ t.. y.ai ..wl the iea,l,T. ,,l prn^n s-...!'lhl»,lecepti..,>,afivehavefm,„al 1>'>'V"S l» it neces.sary to do. The following is frfim the Hralfor«l J'rpor^er (.NIr Wihuot’.« im mediate organ, which is now woiking in the same liarm.'ss with the J* unsi/fnutittn. “ We accejit him (Higler) as our ciindi- date, for his ability, houesfy and integrity, and for the .success and perpetuation of tho.so jirinciples, which, ilhistr.ated and en forced by the lamented .'^hunk, have done so much towards redeeming our State fn'iii it-i tinanci.'-d cmbaMassments, and shall hibor for his triumph, but ire tottdhj rrjm. did*!' fhr i.-.Otr wliirh is lltfi ntj:ti d fi) !,f> ruisid Ay fhfute u liosc t ndatnm is ijr' oh r fo S'l fjir hij/Monr hoir fhr I: nrr fo thr Jinn I oj aidrt rj/ than to sec the jtrineiplos of De- mocra-y (riuun»hant. i*'ighting ;i battle ujion the justice of the Fugitive Slave Ji.iw would 1 le all ujihill bui'u‘ss in thisroifion. and the chqi-trap of tin; I’nion being in d;mger, m.ay be good bait to catch cotton .several animated dis us'ians nrov • were conducted, generally, wiihr.i, ble propriety and good sci,.-e. l).''an-d to b; imjiressod with thi-in;ij,. Hail Hoads cannot be built bv . oratorical display, or by tho iuvec;,t low and vulgar prejudices. Aitli.” variety of o]iinion was entcrtaiiu-d the various fpiestions that caiin- up f.. tion, yet fhere was a m.anife't (let.;; tion so to act as to preserve haiiue’;- '(■cure the most comjietelit otlui r' i:. construction of the work, and tln r. i ha.'ten its coniplcfioii iu a .'ubsta-.iti;-' nor witli reasonable cost, and witii.;- ju.'ticc and ( (juality to individu;.! >• holders and to the State. Kruiii the rcjiort of the Pn 'id- n: ;• j)0;ir- that the 'cvoral corjis of Kv.-:r. were orgaiii'i-d and con;monced i,]. • about the :JOth, or j*crhap> the 1 ir ; of last .'^ejiteinber. Since that i ■' have located the entire Hoad, '2'Jo u. . length, which distance, added to t;. pcrimoutal surveys, make the .‘^iim ot miles surveyed. They ]ikcwi.e madi mite esliniates of the uuinbor of ' yards of earth ami stone to be excav.- the number of cubic yards to be fi!i , the entire co^t of grailuatioii, and t!,- pr able (.-o.st of the entire works, aii-I maps and profiles ot the H'i.i./. jt,'c/ci \\ higs. but won't go down with the people.” Ag.ain, sav'■ the Pittsburg ‘•The fugitive sl.ive law. s i notorionslv held in aldi irrciici* by the masses of tho Heiuocratic jiarty in Pennsylvania. Ins been i fudnrsrd hi/ f}n- jiili/i idn.-i at Hdd- nnj—w h • ••resolved” the “ 1 >» inocratic )>ar- ty wiil faithfully observe and so far as in them lies, the im st infauKiU' law that ever dis'^rai-'d our statute book! ' -\train. ,s;tys the Hlairsville A }'ddcli to n, vations and dejircssions. which claims to be as orthodox as the All, or the greater jiart of t'ii';' w. Prn> d)!Idn or any other )*r;iit: they executdl in a bttle ni-.ic ti,a.: -The re,-.lutions of the convention in utoiuhs, including th> wint-r nioiiths. Opposition to th“ anti-kidnap]*ing law of .-ilso a]i]icars Iri in the 1’re^i ieiii's r-; I''17. whil" it may advance the in'e>’e..ts that t!io gr.’u’uation ot alnio't th.' (■ of tho.se ir w,-is inf'.'tided foail. can neither line is now under eontract, T'l bee mil prove a credit t) the jiarty, nor a benefit from the Neu,-;e Hmr, one t-nu:ii;,« to the nominee, especi.iHy when it is r. - Pud -igh by tic 1st day nf Januai v 1' membercd that that law wa'-^ rot id tor hi/'- and Ironi Halcigii to (iiarlofte, the f'ttf, Iln/h r^ diid i^itjtiitl Itij I‘ yttu- ts //, tv,-t'uimus, by the I .'t day of .Jauua\', 1' S/iiiii/,\ It nid/i r'lioiti thr I h Ill'll rdiij (h - and that tin- -ontracts have been in;:,' hij]i!id f‘> lii’i'.'ir.' Acr-iin. tin' ludi'yn ndrnt T)‘ rnor,-nt, of Mercer county, w ho.se editor is a cand;'late for A>Socia'e .Judge, saVs that tho Whig r'-' .iuti.iii' at Lancaster are such as will ••efi'eetually purge the Whig Jiarty friun every taint of Abolitionism.” Thc.-^.' few I xtra-ts. out of many with which we are jiroviib'il. '^'mw, w hile the Locot'ocos in the Abolition counties of the State are en deavoring to projiitiato faVor by jiandering to the Wor-t prejudices, an.l denouncing the Whig f -r havini,: yielded every thing tho ?'outh in the Lanca.-ter ('oiivoii^ n. to that in this (iry ai.il i's vi iniiy they an- " nde.ct iiL' the e;'nva' i n ‘'ro-oids dir.a fly oyiposito. and with pretcieled ho.'tility t>» the declarations of their .\bo!';tion alliis. We h:;ve fre.puntly t-xpo> -.l tliis i:ro>' imposition, and wo now a^raiii hold it up to publie indignation, th.it it may receive th.at j.ani.'hmeiit which dttcctcd fraud so jti-rly d'.-.'erve.'. Th- —AVe arc pieas-I to state flr;t tl.(' pro'jiects of a line yi.'i 1 of th.' Hi(e cr.ip iii thi- seorioti are vt-;y (-n- cie,-.iijin:_'. More 'O than in f'nncr y'ars. Planter' with wdioin wc li.-ive -onvers-,-d. ^ ;isiire us that ihc g-r.iwfh i-; luxuriant, and ' lu'ds fair, if nut ^'. riou.-'iy injuro l by the ti'ii.tl dr..wback. freshets and rice birds. \ t.i h.arvi .'t ai.iui!'l.intiy. I '1 lie (‘orn rop i,.i also flm^. e iir.der- st::nd.— W dnxiiiijf'di llndd. f S‘‘ d,n Puv- r.—At 'sr'. Childs Platt, yesterday inspoctod a A'/-'" Al'JiIii-dfioii the pressroom of M j'.> Spruce street. w lu ichine that w.as taking in broad .'iicots at one side and jtilini; them up neatly folded, at the opposite side. AVith but a boy to ; feed it. he turned out eighty folded ]'apers '■ per minute, and avc presume it would do much more, for we .sci? no limit to tho speed at which it may be worked. Here is ;inother step forward, and next we ex pect to be invited to see a mabin‘ takiuir in raw citton at one end and sending forth folded newspaper at the other. A»ic J ork pdj)' r. [One of the machines described :iboye has b(‘cn iu ojK-ration in the ofiice of tho National Intellig'cnccr for .several months past, and a beautiful and mo.'t ingenious machine it is. It is goarovl to the same ni 'St exclusiv-ly with citizea,' ■ ('arolina. T'no President rc^mrts the en’-r. ]>cndituros .if the pa.'t year to bo only u'' ?:!>•.HIM), It is doubrfiil whctlier an iii.'taiir. be found in the history of Hail lb .>i struction in which so much work ir.i- ': .'killfiilly done in .so 'hojt a tini". ;i:., so 'iiial! a Cost, by so small a force, V, credit thercf re is due the Prisalei,- Directors of the Hoad, the (_'hief Kiitrii and his accomjdi>hcd corps of A''i't... riider their (iircctioii, judging iV.'Ui • hi'tory of the pist, .'iie .'^tockli -i ! .' ' n’.iers in‘ere't--.i may e!i.-rish the eonfident as.surnnce that tho entf-rj rise w' be rapidly c-impleted in an enluriug m ner. an.I with no I'lincccss.iry expendir;; May We not congratulate oiir.'elves. t; the Legislature granted a chart--r si) hl>,. that oureitizons subscribed their n; an-- freely, and that they have now offere.l labour, their bone and .sinew, to on;;,; the cnter]uis- by them so nobly begti;;; -V work caleulated to reveal tie.- known TO.-amvc.'.- and wealth if the Sr • to arou.'O energy, and stimulate onici[-:- to open to our citizi'ii.' the markets -t' •. world, commenced by North ('arolina: tcrprisi', su.'taiii'.'d l.v .Vorth Carolina . , tal, and executed bv North (Jarolina . b'lur. may truly be called a North (V: lina work. (hi the ni.irning of the llth, fho ■ set ajiart for the c-'romonies of ••break; . grouinl,” tlie street.' of (Jroensbor(>ugh v.' thronged by su h a multitudi'. for nun;’ • and I'.ir intolligent and healthy appear;: as is said never before to have been sc; ’ that ])lo.i.sant and thriving town. About 11 o’clock A. M.. a jir.iccs' ' w-as formed on West Street, under rho iv- rection ot .Jn}iu L. rklorelica'l. Phiet M;ir- shal, and. ,J. D. (^'uniming. d. H. (irctt-:. •J. F. Howlett. and .J. 11. Lindsay. .Ir. A.'^.sistant Marshals. 'i’ho procession having with some diiTi- enlty boon formed, advanced to Soutli .-t.. preceded by m.-irtial music, and whccW to the right and jn-ocoedod along that stn-i to the jilaoe scdoctcd for the ccronioiiie-^ et tho occasion. Here a sjuico an huiuhcu foot s.juaro Inid been enclosed with ' and ropes. The North side cxtt iidiiig to a beautiful gmve. which had becuwvHtur- ftioti ho in*rorluc and tendered bin' the first earth of t Mr. Graves arcep out hesitation, an delivered a speoci the same cut bust President. At tin he laid down th. hard earth with :j of w’hicb produe. the entire asseml-] spade, and with dug up in a cop) j occa.sion. hi fh iiumlxT of oaeh i State; tho names] subscribers to thi dent, Dir- ei.T'au| is then to bo se.ah huiidrol years boil The ccremouie.s| ^hg closed, tho ; paired to ;i most pared and gi . i n ford. At 8 o’chn k ill and gentlemen, n Kiuall, procee-led of Edgeworth iifj tion given by the| Odd Fellows, '1 ders formed a ]irij jruperb regalia. the beautV ni' th haudsomelv ilbinJ Avitli mine rolls t| which it lua.v not One rcprc'entil and car. upon ;i ti by .some ingi-niou rung, tho sbi ll v> tiiey darteil ..vi; genuine Hail 1! ia> the coat of arm ' fin one side repij hands of the K-j other tho union o| with the blv of tl the.se and nther t| a fiiK' oxhii/itinii ■ cou lusion of the .«ent iij) bearing tl ('ounties throii-li bwatod, and ot till to its constructioiij was aniiouiiet d .-iif asceuded. e.ue \U'! J .•'hoiving t'l ii i!' - ij section -nj"yed tis others, a fit endih a good wishes »har j J}ut on llli' ne;; finest oxhi'-iti'-n v their neat dre.-.-e.' and sjiarkl'ng e\ bolb’s pronieiia.ieil >valks with w hieh recently oriMiueiit tlu'ir ]iU‘s«-nt ;e sibly sone- . plighted, rv.'l arn and a ]roj' r del .“lire. With the ,1 ■■ ami the glee of t out' of the most has for ; 1 i;.g tin Slate. Hiitiiii'' ' mated tin- '••. ic. , each section. !. li- ro.solveil t.: ii -I -,i great CUtei j-' ,-c and ci>n\ ‘ ni-'iit fo ass'H-iatioii' of tl; Vour,' ,s,eam eni;,..,- tvhiel. m.ives tho pnnt.lip ; ,.o,erve.M'"r tbe l..a.h,„e, a.ul f..W, the pap,T* as last as 'l-v their pnicoful fon.is and appr.,vini Mr. K. N. Smith, ot Sjiringhidd, (.Ma.-^s.^ ; ; and was l.rougdit on and pui in the Intelli- : ' the ..(,uaro, a bear- , gencer 1 tiful picture of tlie Hail Hoad .seal, paint- Sfrdirftrrrie's.—The Monmouth, X. »J., ' presented b\ tho ladiCs of Ll_' Tmpiirer states that Mr. .John S. Whitlock, ! '"’(irth School, was suspended in a supoii'ir of Raritan township in that countv. has Irame from a post high jiuoao t » succeeded well with his admirable straw- hcaus of the nuiltitui»e. It lopiesentoi •> ! btury jiatch d fourteen acres. He has i K'comotive and tender upon ‘a Lail Le.u, : cloafod from it, by sales, this season, Si-',- Kiver covered with steam boat.-. ; *2()0 over and above freight.-, and all ex- j •' canal,^ canal L’oats, a beautitul I>Lni'‘. j (Cowaii s Island,) the capital, tree.«, moi.n- — ^ ! tains, auil (clouds in the distance, gilded 1 y I Mr. W. W . Corcoran, ot this city, in a , the rays of tho rising sun—a tit emblii:'- j letter transmitting lilty dollars, bearing : the rising of the sun (>f North Caroliffn ' date im the 4th ot duly instant, to the | pj.,,pjirity, dispersing the clouds of sl''t'* j (lenoral Agent, expresses his intentiou ■ jm,l despondency from her borders, to contribute the like sum on each voming j \ little further to the right was annthor Ath of ,hdj iox the W ashingtou National ! pj^^.tnro, representing an arm and open pen.sos. Monument until the .said 3Ionuineiit shall ! be completed. hand, extended by our friends of tho We-t to their frirndg i>f the East. And furthor I ^ , t ■ rn n 1 I to tlic Hglit was u vory imposinir oar-o er rjiutrr to a*( to America.—J wo teniales ,.7. . * 1 1 1 , ,1 frame 01 hue spo.cimens ot the mineral .iiia were discovered 111 casks on hoard a vcs.sel • 1/ 1 1 c xi ♦. I , , ^ . 1 i. /'.I 1 X U't the agricultural products ot tlie Stati, bound irom Liverpool to ( harleston, a 1 .1 .1 f x- 11 1 • • 1 , , ^ ^ \ ■ e * 1 ' most tastetully and niireniouslv arraiigcu, ; short time since, alter being lourteea days 1 . ^ y ^ e-. . i at sea. Several others similarly concealed I were subsequently discovered. They had I no money to }>ay their pas.sage. \Vhat j they did for foixl we are not told. Jenny Lind at Ctiea.—denny Lind’s another offering from the ladies of F.dgo- worth. Within this square, thus graced by the ladies on the North side, and adorned by the most choice sjiecimeus of their hanlv- work on the South side, entered the Pn’- I concert at Utica took place on Monday, sident of the Hoad, the Hon. Calvin Graves. I ij and tickets and the Rev. Professor Hubbard. After ‘ T •'^’ The wonderful tjiles of a very appropriate prayer, offered by Mr. . Miss. Lind 8 chanty have preceded her, for Hubbard, the President of the Road ail- one woniiin ipp led to a gentleman to ob- dressed the assembled multitude in a loud tom an mtrixluetiorx to .lenny, saying «he voice, ch-.'cied by the waving of handkcr- ‘ c»>nit forty miles to see her, for she chiefs on the p.^irt of the ladies, and tho au -c cuny to gi\o Lor a wuoon,” loud IiUii^us oi ti^y guiitlc-iicii. in coiic'U' Tn?'. Hni!iT \ KuncK THI La the Stato. • per;:: ]>istriets in v.hiel Stanly aie i-a niakiug to cn. i to the Jieople a-.ii ci':il Iov nitiieiit State wbii h r--- or Sx-cod." f iiig article IV. 111 fi timely r.-plv r > t.'i thir- elainor. It died, and pr- : \ S'ln, (’as-i, P.'ik. I (rnindy, l>: k:ii,' .Johnson, ami \ari of tho Doiieic. ey a hov liaving fl.at law which w.i- in North (':H' :o,a th- Tho ‘‘.'■t • !.ir 1 with an air 1 I' .11. tiovn a X . .. j Willld h.ixe file laws. With lilt t tin's, it w >ultl n It would be a ciir It weuM !•]!! rity, the ■ io' iiy. certainly, th- viet are wo singuhir it b;storic:il l.iet.-^ wi In N-iveniber 1 solemn ('o!iveii? 10 ()rdinaiie.-. n-illn Ordinanee ih-el.ir “And we 1 h to tho end that it by tho loveiniao 3'eoplc of the Co t;rmined to ni.iit and dt'claration. er d^'cld/f fhdf in }>lieotioii 11/' f'liii-i- af (loi'i rn it‘> Ilf, I dicnc&, ifiit that S'lge by ('ongre the emiiloyuu'nt against the State con.stitutioiial .m any act aiioli.'hin' this State. iVe. ds t/er rout in nd In ion, mid tin if trill thi til lj'n, th / from all furfln r and jirisirrr fl with the i>,oph tci-ll forth n-ith fd't Tdte Qon rnm> nf, things irhiih .so? States Wd!/ nf IJere there wa. ration on the pa detenninafion to tempted to enforci; her borders. Thi. njet by tho Proeh of date pee. 11, tlju. and