S Fi M I-W E B K L, Y. eflKBRMBCMrxVBnWtl ui I ■HIIIHII II ■ ir-T»wni> II M (Vol.. I.] I'AVET'l'KMI.I.K, X. €., 'I'l I'.SDAY MORXIXCJ, .U’LY 20, 18D!, [XO. iiii !'■ Ill I i>i ■ I T'mrri— PRINTKD liV -1 n. XHW15V. EDWAIil) J. IIAI.i: & f'OX, jjniniits AND I’UdiM’vir/roi^s. W I’ric^^ I'"' St-mi-Wcfkly (>ifr.KVKK if iti ii'h uui': >^l ■«'> it' .hirinp tlu- vear t'f or ■i''> utter the viur Ims '.I. Wi'f'Klv (>ii'K.iivvu OO per iinimm, if ill oi! if paid tlurinj; tlic ye*r.«'t ' i' '■ rii'tii'ii; vr '*'• lU'ti-r tin* vonr has ADVl'llTlSll.Mr.NTS ii..-^iTt--,l f.,,-^ixty cents per H^Btiro fur tlu* tii>t, aii'l tliiriv crius t'or eacb Buuceediiiir l'U^li^•:lt;"ll. ^ i-arlv advi-rtiM-iiioiit,' by special i-..ntrai-ts, at reas"nal>le rates. Ail- vcrtiser.'' are iciiucsti-il to state tlie iiuiiibcr ul iiisertlvii' 'loirt'ti. i>r tlii'v will lie c’iitiimeil till forbid, aii'l cliari:eil a'-f'rtliii;ily. ■tiers to llie Ivlitors must lie jiost-paiil. U111)S. SWKKT MOl.ASSF.S. 1000 Sai-ks i.iveri'ool SAI. T. with our usual 50 titock of dll' 'Ci;k!!;> July Ji. 1' Bfegr \ Rve \H3lis^e\ !>lv .1. \ T. AV \1>1>II.L. I'tf (>f \ViHiauis's llectitie'i X \V. 4 8Ct'Tcu ri-r.ni.i; wah ii letter inuiavfd I'li it. ■will be litierallv rewavlf!. if lie will i:iiWl> l.Ki: W! July m. ISM. ;i;\i., ti, riio fiii'le •etiirn it t \Si.( »\V. i',-’J\v ED\VL\ (,LOV8:ii. Watch-Maker aud Jeweler, A i' Tlii: ul.K STANlt. LlU'iJI Has leturii' ’ tVi'iu the N.'rih with a lir;_e ns'.'rtiiieiit : f \'i .Vl’t’!! i'.S, (,'!.•>'1\-'' ANi> JEWELltV, wliii'li he iiivite the puh'ie t " ex- amiBB. Aiiii’iiu l;is stm-k can i>e fi uii'l,— Gold a '1 Silver Wati'lu s of all kiii l.'? and ! : tol .''ilver F ih, (!uard. and Wst I. Sih\ :', St"ii'‘. ail 1 Steel Ke\s and 1’ ’!' ai.d i!alHiliL: "f ;ill kinds ! ' i'. ;' .hi. SiUer and .''teel and (.Ii-ld Thiinl it '; tine >i'i;d ai‘1 SilviT I’ens an! I’eneils: !..;d and Silwr I'x-l: liiiikles: r..ral Jie.id.-t; Sh*eve lhit!"ns: tine >; \I:i'>- tine rni'l e.ininnn tine and (.••muiii’n I’ist'Silver •^r Sj'-.ii': r.iit->: I’ursi^; 'M t.i •■10; I’!at«'d fake I’askets. ; i' ■ iidh stl. k.s: llra^sdo.: lIaik- !ani- MII.ITAUV cnoDs. S:;shes. riUlt'.'n.'.^riU^h-.''tai>, riutOCS, l :ii vVe., I’ar!i.-uh'r jvttoiitinu |.ail to tlio Hepairin. ■: 'tniehes :ii;d .lew.-lrv. FOR 8AF.K, Till' .I:iclisoH Spring Pliirp. Mcori* Coiinty, X. ('. rHiiiis loeation, unsurpa!^>.‘d for henlth. i>er- IL haps, in the I'nion, im innv for sale. 'I'hv sanative proj'ertie.s of the water are extensively known to many who have been either healeil or benetited by it. It la.intain;)'_M_ aeresi of pine turpentine land. li!ivin;r vacant hind adjoining. It has on it a jri'od Jiweliin;; lK)rSK, with snit- nlile Out-houses. There is a jrood ran^ie tor tJtcck. with an extensive outlet. It mi^rlit he a desiral'k* Summer retreat from the nlia^miltiek regions. It nii^ht nlso prove a desirable situa tion to a man prepared to lloaril on an extensive scale persons wishin;; to resort to the Si>rinir. Any person wishinj^ to jnirehase ean eitluT call and see, or address to iiiy ininie, New (.iileail I'. .Mo-jre Conntv, >. (.'. 11. Mcl.AnilN. .laly 11, IS'.l. r»-i;t i:Qrrrv sai.i*:. 7" ll.fi be sold at the fonrt Mouse door in V w the 'I'own of I'ayetteville. on .Monday i the first ilay of Seiiteiuber, at 111 o clock by | l>crees of the ('i>iirt of Knuitv, the fullowinj ' VaUuihlt. IIKAL KSTATI':— * ' I « 1,1 A( ■ri'S Ilf l^tinl 111 till' Xiirtli ! side of Cape I’ear lliver. in Chatham and ('nm- I heriand Counties, 3'’inin;4 liraiier, I’lurt, Stc- , ]ihens and others, known as the ‘•Huckhorn ; I.niids.'’ 'I his land lies immediately on Uiiek- ; horn Falls, and is valuable for w ater privileu:es. ! Alsu, tlu* iiiti-ri'st I't’ the late William i »’■•Iviile in and to I'our l.d'l'S in the 'I’owii of Avera.~b‘>r*'iiirh. iii>>n a credit of six. nupiiths. ; the ]iuri'h;;ser irivinj; bond wiih approved se curity. Al"ii, oiu“ vacant L )T in tiu''I'l'Wu of Fayetteville will fie S'^M. up' ti a cr^'dit of six ni"iiths, upon hnnd and aond security, at the ! .MAllKFT liiM'SF. in the Tnwn of Fayetteville. \ on 1‘dnesday the i’.nih .''i ptemiier. at I'J o’clock M.. to-wit: on the South West corner of the ' M;;rkel S'piarc, known :is the “rdiike l.nt. " Aiicii i) A. SMI rii. I CKriv .Nia.--tir. I .IniV 1 s.'d. • r.-ts sai.b: vai.i aki.i: REAL ESTATE. V virt\ie of a llocree of the lion, the ('oiirt of F.i|uity in and for tlu* County of .Nloiit- liojiK'ry. I will, on the 1 Uh day of August next, expose to I’ublic Sale, to the liijrhest liidder on the premises, (the residence of the hite Col. .lohn C’rnmp,) the very VAliL'A^LH lwl■^\l. KS'I'A’l'i] known as the »y\irroirs of the on the Mont^oinery siile of the Itiver, consist ing of several Tracts, ciintaininir I S or 1500 acres in all. The band incliidiiiLr the buildiiiirs, iniprovenieiits, and the Narrows, will be sold in tin* first place, anil the several surronndin;^ 'I’racts afterwards, separately. This band is valnaMc not only on account of the fcitility and Tirodiictiveness of the soil, be- injr well adajited to the culture of Coj'ii. Wheat, Cotton, Tob.'icco, \c., hut also on ni'Count of the excellent F1.''HKUV attaclu^ to it at the Nar rows, where a ^reat nnmhcr of Shad may be annually caught, and the Water Tower afforded by the fall ill tiie Kiver at this placc, wliicli en terprise and capital could make useful and pro fitable by the erection of Mills and .Machinery of every description, to any extent that mij:ht he desired. I’.esides these capital advantafres, | Vc.stiiijTS; Cashmeret; i>rab d'Kte: York Nankins; the situation is beautiful, romantic and healthy; in short, desirable in every ]i'iint of view. il GOODS. I h I. 1. r. COIINCIL & CAIX A Kli now receiviii”: a lar^e stock of Sl’lllNCi /TL AND SL’M.MliK (.iOODS, consisting in pa rt I if— Stripeil Gro-de-I’aris; black and coVd Silks; eniliroidered, printed and lilnck Jhireye and l>a- rei'e-de-Laiiie; i’aris-de-Chiue; Cniji^de-l’ai’is; rich enib'd Tarltans; jirinted Freiicli l.awns; eni- broidcred and [iriiited Swis.-* Muslins; lloyU-’s am! printed Orjxandie; .Mourninjr. printed: 1‘olka and fancy I.awn; Mournin}r and other (linghams; .lacoiiet and Swiss .Muslins; Silk ami Linen I’op- lin.s; solid col'd Lawns; I’dshop and Swiss ditto; (Irass and other Skirts; l^inen Cambric Mand- kerchiefs. needle-worked; Collars and Cuffs; Lace l iidersleevcs; French needle-worked Chem isettes; fancy Mitts and Kid Cloves of all kinds; splendid Ihinnet and other Kihbcms; Kdjring and Insertinjr; French and Knjrlish I’rints; tojrether with a hirjic supply of utlier articles suitable for Ladies’ wear. French Cassinieres; plain Linen and Linen Drill; Checked l.inen; Silk, .Marseilles and other Ov. T. J>. SS \ a H, taken an o;ticc on Huy Street, West Kncour(i!ic Tsortli Ctirol'ntft. Twelve months crcdit will be friveii. the pur chasers ^iviiiir bond and ajtproved sureties. .IAS. L. CAINLS. C. .M. F.. .lime ‘_’S, 1 . 1 -ts of the Hotel Duihliii^ July 14. 1K’>1. A. in ■l-tf nndc-rsigned is inanufnctnrui^ i JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Folisli, far superior to the l>lackinj; purchased in the : .Nortln ni cities. J!e intemis d»‘votiu2: Ids whole I time to manufactnrinjr ami vendinir this very su- jierior rolisii, and calls upon all who think it to tlie i:it»-iest of the Scmthern perp'.e to iKC'mte indeiieiideiit of Northern inanufiK'turc."?. to give him their aid and patron;,_;e. He is pri-pared to sho\*^ hy irL-'-fii/e friaf. to any out; who will call upon him. the .«//(> rn-rih/ of his over ail other jioiislns or hUirkiuij now Sold in North Carolina. Call and h.ive yotir Imiits :Tnd shoi-s once coniph.‘tcIy blacked ainl polished, and I>n s.itisficd. This article is ojfcred at a price not higher ■h:in is usuaMy charged for otlu’r and inferior (’AU'i'HA(;i: lio'i'i'j,. r||'fllK Siiliscribcr having fitted up and en- Ji- l.irged the above icdl kn >rt! House, is/''>"• piep;u-ed to entertain travellers with Cfinfort. IU)r.'T McNAlU;. Carthage, Moore Co.. N. t'., I .Mav is'.l. 70-tf wi:apimm; vwi'ai. £ ^ ^ 1! F..\ MS Medium size, a i;."i liliie. for t'ottoii Varns. Fri'Pi M.iiiteo Taper Mills. T»ah*i:rh. Fi>r sile h.w by H. i’.llANSUN v\ S(>N. .lul'v Is-M. :’.tf pncca: ■ tiHiiui; i T: nod prici Spectmh : IJrriceiets; (iold Lot k Curd ' .Vcconlc WaUdsg • Cup«; > rirtcks, Ca.«tor> ; iiiou ii .. 1 Swor'l'. I'Oli sAu:. VALL'AT.LL HorSK AND L»T on the Tublii- Sijuare, lor ca.-;h. notes on demand, on a crcdit. Apj>!v to n. McNAl’di. • 'aithage. Moore -.iuntv. .Iiilv l^'d. 7''-4\^ & I'h.M.Md- SCHOOL. rfi^llF. S-ho"l lit the snhsi-riher. assisted by S \liss ('ecilia .V. Totter, of .Middlehurv. Vcrni'iiit. will lie resumed on Tucs l:iy, 1st of -Inly next. T.o.ird any niiiiiher of stuilents. I an bu gotten in the village, at ^7 per month. Tniti'in as hi'retotore, \ i/.: i iiu idciitals iiu-luded. ) For the Uudiiaents. jier Session. .M.ithem.it'n-s. Liiglish tiraiiimar. Histo ry. \c., L.'tiiii aud (ireek L.-ingu.-iires, i;xTn.\. Mnsiv- on the I’iaiio, I'sc of Instrument, Freurh L.iiiguage. Drawing. Needle-w.irk. .Vc.. A. D. M. I.F.AN. .''i:mnn'r\il!e. N. Jnnc 1. 1 >i) .')(! ,s .",(1 lo ,',(1 l.'> (III J ■>'> Iti uu .') IIM Trincipal. il - Favett' 1 v. N. .July lM. \\.\.\Ti:i), ~ g" 'i-' 1 _ lid .‘II LF.''. well broke w -.g ii. .tnd lo't ex'Tc liii'.i .»eM n -\ppiy t : I*. ,v M- L.-mrin. or the Slit .--■•rilier at .''licksvilj.*. ' f 1 .1 \ clicville, on the ea.-3t .'id‘ nf ■ r. N. K. McDt FFIK. -'1. t.-tf tf. AlA'I'lON. i’l at TuMii; .\ui ti.n, i n Thi:isday ti.e leniainiiig ]i;.rt nf my St-ck i; Floral College. t'.. eo|i>isting i \ei v thing n.'ii.iliy kcj’t in ;i Fancy 1' !l^>ab'iis!init,-ut. ,\!1 am: Ilf I'ivf D'll’ars or unde:', r Five, a crcdit till 1st .l.-inuary, is'.J. .lii'l .ippioveil sii'uritv. I), i;. .Mi AKv. jier.l. .Medlin, A'.^ent. , !‘-ol. l.-2t There are S'ltne fine and excellent i.'t of \shich were !'’irchasi-u la.-t (.Li i: I'ou sAi.i:. 8];.\i:i;ill,S very .-ruiicrior tUiie. just r !\i'1 and t'"r .-ale n]>on -onsiL'iiment.- cAi/9'. f:. Fi llkk. yeiirfi o* Fayette': Tj mil ' Tape F Juh ^ C^i I\\1I.L 31^^ of (■i'C'il." of lilllli .'I or Dry Ten c)i8h. witU n lllLLSBOKOnni ACADK.MY. f R'^H K act'nir Trustees nf this long i ji- lished Seminary, take -icat jdeasurc in alinouncini: to the puhlic, that thev have enga- | g-d the ...'ni.Ms of .Mr. t.k.n.fn'k. nrsKF. who uill hcl'caftcr coliilnet the Academy as Trineipal. .'Ir. Hu.-ke i.- ;i r.ativi- of this .^tate. ami a (ira liiate oi'i.tir Fniversity, and h:is been en gaged tor s'lUie tiaie very sncct's'fuil.v in te ich- iiif. in the tu'Hi of F^ivetteville. His le irning. fin«' temj'cr and chiisti:m char.icter give assnr- nnce t" Tc.ri'iits. that his duty to children eu- inisted t>' his charge will be ably and conscien- l iously performed. Ti.i- ilxercises of the next .'^essi.iii will ci in- meiice on .M.mday. the 'Jl?t inst.-uit. and as the (.•o'li-si- i.f instnu rion i~ pn-par.itory to tlie I'ni- versity. the session.-^ in future will ci'rresimijd w itll th"S>' ot 'hai»d Hill. Terms .it Tnition, iuciuding c.> ntingencies. >^JI. always in adv.-inc.'. N.i de 111 tion made utile.ss in case uf' protract- Mi .1 111v M0LASS1:S HHDS jirinie ND iL\S.''I'1S, H. i:i;anson for s.-ile hy ^ SO.N. 1-'I. .''ilk Handkerchiefs and Cravats; brown and bleached .Sheetings and Shirtings; a good assort ment of i-mbroidered Win low t'urtains, (^souie very line.) IS‘a(ly-iiia(l(‘ 'loth in;;. ('oats; Tauts; Satin. Silk. Marseilles and other N ests; a large siij'ply of each. A large lot of rmlirelhis. and fine .''ilk and .Satin Tarasols, as.sorted kinds. IJeaver, I'ur. .silk, i.eghorn and other Straw Hats; also a good supi>ly of Hoys' Hats. White Cl.iji, French Hair-Lace. :ind other Bonnets; Children's tine I’earl Hats, Uonnets and Flats; Wn-aths aud ITowers. ISx»(o and Fine ('alf scwni IS.'ots; Tatent Leather T>r i- iraiis: Cloth and l’«nck I'oii^ress (laiters; Oxford Ties; Tatent Leather ditto; Ladifs' black and Col'd .Silk (iaiters. a tine article: ditferenT kinds of Misses' Shoes aiet (iaiters; l adies’ Slijvpevs and Uiilking Shoes; with ii large sujiply uf heavy .''hoes, for servjiiits. J'addlcs. Hridles. Collars. Tadded Harness, and W agi'ii and Ibiggy Whips. trorkrry, ll:iril\Viiri‘, riillcry. lluHuw-'lViirf. Tiio and Laguira (’oll'ee; ( rnslu'd: Chiritied. I,oaf arid Itrown .''iigars; .Salt. Mol.-isses. Iron aud Niii'.s; Trincipe Cigais; Fr’tieh T-randy; (iin: I’l'it, .Madeira, .'•’wect. and Si-u>'p*Tni-n;j Win.-s. Together with a gn at variet of (Jn. ds o;' nearly e\erv de.'cription. ,\11 of' whifii they .arc di ti rmiueil to >idl very low tor ( ash, or on very a.ccommod:iting tiTiiis to ]iiinctnal customers. jyv.,v Wi- wiiuld hr glad tli.it liiiyers gcnerall\ would c.'ill and examine our .'■tiK-k. .\]>ril L (ii'itf 1^aifctteriHc lloid. I'AYiyrri-AiLLi:, x. c. rSlHlS large and splendid T.nilding lias now H- been in successf'.il opi'ratioii since .May l.sT.t. The Ticdding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table i.s always furnished with the liest the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Ihiarders, l.odgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servants. No ]iains will be sjiared to give entir? satisfac- cure the jiatroiiage tif the iiuhlic generally, tion. Families can he furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An exjterieiice of l!l years will enahle the les see, she hopes, to give 'j:eiicral s:itist'a tioii. ANN 1!I!()WN. June 1. 18'.lt. •-!>^-tf WANTKl), A (;0( )D llody Maker at tlic' ('arriage Imsi- ness, (.iodil wages and st‘ad.\ ‘mploy- A few ]K.':ul;-'s, lllO.stly iVoDJ the South, li;iYL“ iiiaile tlioir way )Mto dur niai'ket. At new ()rlt aii.s tliov are to l»e had in ahtmdatico. (. hicfly lV(*ii thv (wli:iil’ uf'3Ir Felix who Ii:is uiidertakcii to sujijily tluir city with tlit; tinest fruit at a chtMfi rufo. 1>V the way. Vvc oliscrve flu; toliuvviiij' .siiiguiar fact iu «Hie of tln‘ Ncvv (>rlo;ttis ]vipcrs; “'I'hat iMuincut phy.sicl;iii, Ih’. Stoni'— ill whilst* hliiiit ."itiyiii'T!* tiu're are always ioo]i thouj_rht aii'l sdutid ]ihih)^«>jih}-—yo.s- tirday (leclared that lluftfoii’.s luovoineiit was M'orth a thou.saiid (jiiaraiitiiR'a for the hcaltJi uf New C)i leans. ‘No more scurvy/ .s:iid the Doctor. ‘Eat !?t(Wed ]>*a(‘hes, if pi.-ilities. and a trial is all that is as’ued lo so- j voll wottld keep ofi'iiidii!;estioii. Plenty ol nicjif given. Mav Jf.. A. A. McKFTIl \N. 7.‘.-tf 'I’he undersigned expects to visit every por tion Ilf the .St.’ito to introduce his Tolisli, and as!s now in advance th.-it \lerchnnts and otliers visiting Favetleville will give him a call. A. J. WOODWAT.D. .Iiine L!1, IS-’il. 77-')m ]K)OK IJiXDl'JJY. W. H.MIDIF has re.'^umed the Hook E: i& • T.indii.g Itnsincss at the new .Sturc next d.ior to .Mr. T.eusley, .IcwcIUt. where he will re ceive .•in i execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27(f Gunn’s Domestic Hedicine. A I'UllTli F,i’> snjipiy. just rei eived. HALi; SiiV. June I'i, fruit for the pco]>le, and no yellow fevorl’ “The statistics of (.iren. Huston’s planta tion verify this remark, liefore he lioU"ht it ptreat »nortality prcvaikd t\u're, Oiif of its former owners lo.*t titty negroes. He whipped his ne;rroes w heiiever they wei e e:iui:ht oatiiijx a peach, :i melon, or an ap ple. (leii. Huston ha.-» o!U‘hundred slaves oil his ]ilace. He jdaiits thirty aere.^ in nicloiis. IIi.s neofiH-.s live in the peach or- olnu'd. He whips tlicJii unless they eat the Viest and choicest; and this they take care to dol 'i'here h;ive hi'i n hut tlucc deaths (>n the ]ilac(\ and those were old Ir){ifc neo;ro(‘s, who tronhln ( (■a!''—Ac tr 3 *0 r/: l.vnnnj I . Sta^o liiiK' to rglHK .Snhsiiibers, Mail Contractors from M F.iyetteville to IJaleigh, will coinmcni.-e ojierations this d:iy. with neu- and coiiifortalile (’oaidies. good horses, and careful Dri\i-is.— 'i'hey have j-ednccd the Fan- Iioiii >;.itoNl. The .''tage Houses .are. in Fa', etteville. th«' F;.y- etteville Hotel, in I'aleiLdi. the Varb. ruiigli llonsr; lint Tassengers will ln^ i.iivcyeil to micIi other Houses as they may select. 'I he hours ot departure will lie. until further notiee. at half- past !• T. from Fayetteville, and at - T. M. i'riiiu loilei'jli, d.iily. The sulis« ii'>i-r> h'i]ie. liy nnremitted atteiitinii, to secure a liberal share Ilf the tr.avid. .MI'T.DOC!': .McKlNNdX, DAVlii McNJ;i[.(.. F.iyetteville. .Inly 1, Is-’i. • iS-tf .N'.rth Cai'olinian ai.d T.aleigh Itegister copy till t'ol'Md. fB^HIl Coi,::r*ni r-^hip of Hall .V Hall will ex- JJreiiis,',>>/.—(Jenin, the ^'reat hatter. £. I.ire on t!o> 1st ot .\n;rust next, .-iiid in or- | . r ,i V,,v’i.- : in a note to the eujtor ot the Aew ioi.v ake I Coiiii')-, inviting him to te.st his .style ot hats, holds the following languagi-. Ih‘ heiieuts 1 have derived Iroin tin* I’ress a.s all advei'tisin^i nu'diuin, it is )'•. vond niv power tfi estimate, and Lam well satisti' d, frouv earetiil i>hscrvation and ex- ]M'rieiice, that ailvertisiiig is the luuin-spriii-; of sueee.ss in trver}' hrauch of huslness^. C'lmrt IIIi'>i'.— 1 he \\ Uij| i res- of Ohio arc out in f.ivor of holding the ne.xt V\’ai'' National (’onventiou atCinein- der to eh se liie C'liu ei n. v.e ofl'er our ;it U IlDl't'MD TK ICIl.S. Those wi'ihiu” t jiurch.ises on very faviir.ible t. rnis. will do well to givi' iis a c::I!. ::s V'e ai e dciCi inined io sell oti oiir entire .''t' l-Iv. We will a!.-o .sfll the St. re .-ilid l.ot uccunied by oiiiselvos. .\';si., the Dwi-lliug and W.aichonse in t’lie rear. .\lso. tiiie Ten :iient in the Crick How, now i.ecMpie'l liy K. D. ’'IrNelll. .Ml or any ] :irt ot the ahove I’ronerty will lie oilVrcd ;it priviite sale until the 1st .\ugust, and if iii.it s' ld th n, will './o olYcred at Auction, and due notice given. Ters' i.'; dosin.iis of ]iure]iasing, can gel ]>ar- gaius bv calling iinon ilic nndei>i2ned. HAi.L .'i: H.\LL. May 10, IS.-.l. 71tf natl. !'()!{ SAU:, WM. HoWLWD’S Kxtra and Cro.-,s-ciit .''A\\ .''. 'i an D. .V W. Nov. T.I, l,''-'iO. thick I h). f. .A f bi:. -Ii.rf Mill t. S.") iJl'AN .\1M>. ^JTTi.W I’D from the Subscriber's .Tlaiitation. .111 tlie Fast side nf Cape Fetr T.iver, 11 mib s i -:. v- F.iyi-tte'uii the •_"‘th .hnie last, a sniali T>.\V MU’.K. :’.b. iit T. M-.irs ul.!. with and l.ilge ■ sp.its on a siar in the t'l rdiead. black niaiie he.'ivy tail, without shoes; S'>ine whiti the back, pro.iuced liy the saddle. ,\ ii'war'l i f Five Dollar.' will lie paid for the iK-livery ot' the .Mare to me. or Two Dol'ars and Fifty Cents for anv intormatinn that will leail to the rc- [’^HK f belonging to tin lie. '.!, lying priin-ip.iiiy in Kol.esi.i on both .'ides of Lumlier Uutr, the ve\ s containii.g .\ part of Mon. and ]iri The OVIT V. Juh lo. l^'il. LAMl. f.vpd i}\vv JOO.OOO A(r /'car (iri'rftfI'ui ( 'o/njtff/iI/. of the stock- del lit the K. A lli'.i rd. I!F. MITT. J,.!' Ti- s'deiit a;id Faculty ol llic rniversity nt N. ( al "lina. T. Haigh. Fr,. Jl.ilit. Stran;. ■f. li.r'e. F' H F.a Vftt c\ il'e. Jll v 1, Goods, fepniig I'l-'JtW LAUD AM) liACON. lOOO i.liS. prime LAliD, | .'lOo Iti.'. N. ('. I?acon, hog round, ; 10 li.iriel> Ne" Mess Toik, ] •j •• •• IJoef, j F*'r sale bv II.' T.ltANSMN .V SON. July L-1. l"'.l. b-tf . 1 d//i I/lislralor's Safe. STKriLI. !'■ siild at the ^Llrket II.ms'' in the TV Town of Fayetteville, on Thursday the Tth day of Aui:ust next, TUN .silAltll.'' (>F .ST«» K in the Henrietta Steam ]?oat Co.. FIVK SU.^bFS (IF STOCK in the F.ivetteville iind 'West, i n Tlank T.oad Co., and ONK SHAT.K OF STO' I' in tlio Washingtoii and New Orleans Mi^tii tie Telegraph ('o. Also, at the .Store of JMi-s .S; Deniing. si iiie Ofliee Furniture, and Ftori' utensils, ,vc. t!ie remnant of the Tersotial £ittite Ilf D.aniel .lnhnson, dec’d. %■ .''ix months -rcdit on all sums over ten dollars. .Notes with approved security will be required before the Tmpertv is transferred. G. DL.MINfi, Adin’r Daii’l Johnson, d(>c’d. July 17. G-ts SI,'('frfirs of \orth ('iroltnn. HWI.Vt; heen ajipointed .\gent for the sale of the .ahove uami-d work in the counties ofd nion. .\nson, Stanlv, Hichmonfl. Moiitgom- «y and .Nloore, the undersigned desires the nid of a few active assistants to solicit subscribers tO'thi: work, which is to go to press in .\ugust, aad he re;idy for distribution this Fall. As it i* di -irairie to have as many names as jtossible te the first of .\ugu.st, those wishing a history oT^^v'irth Carolina iand what true-hirarted (’iiro- 'ttiiiin doe, tiof' anl is not willing to contribute nettle ot' his influence and means to save from oSivmn the mmdi neglected history of (lur can eawilv signify it bv for"'arding us tfa^r names to Carthage, (postage jtrepaid, be ing hat .; cU;. ■ giving the name of county and Poet (itliei'. We are authorized to distribute the Work as well as )irocure Kuhscribers. Being engaged in the sale of other bool.S also,* ikSd finding traveViing beneficial to our health, we wl.-h tfi continue this Imsiness for some time, ojki to make it not onlv" bejieticial to ourself, [Fruiii the Jiitirnal and .Messenger.] AN JJKT.OII OF Tin: AC.K. Ill everv tov.n, \iilage, iir ncijiliborh I. indi- ^i'!ual^ may be found. whi>, it is believed, are atilictcii with liver cumjihiint; but who really l.il'ii;' under a very diH’i'rent dise.-ise. The coin- ni'ii: S'mptoius of liver a-tleetions aie—jiain .and tenderness in the right side, rough skin, with a vellow or hili'iiis hue. jiaii.s in tlic .'houlders and fre.juently in the cill.ir bones, together with more or Ics.s disorder of the digestive or gans. (Hit of this nuieher. not more than mie teiitii h.ave any of these distnrbanct s. except those of indigestion, which may and dues exist with a healthy slate of the liver. The error of the age then is, that it is dyspep^ia. or indigi-s- tiiiti th.it Constitutes this numerous class; and not liver atfecliuns as they are commonly term- eil. To jirove this a correet view, let any )>hy- siciaii of exiierienee investigate well, and he will find that iint more than one in evi'ry dozen cases have really :u:y disease of the liver at all. liesides this, nearly every ejise will at onee be gin to impruve by the use of the proper reme dies, or tiioftc coiiiliined npon scientific principles for the cure of indigestion. in conformity to these views, and strictly within the limits of scientific medicine, have the Tonic Hitters, Vegetable Tills, and Anti acid been prepared, fur the cure of dyspepsia in all its complicated forms. Tiie bitters are ipiitc jileasaiit and gently stimulating, and are to be taken two or three times a day; the .\iiti- iicid at meal times, and the Tills (which are tonic and laxative.; at night. T>y thus using the medicines dailv, the most wretched c;ise of dvsjiepsia in all the country will at once begin to im]irove; not only of that tightness and op pression atti’r eating, or the eructation of l'oid, iiut the powers of digesti"ii will be strengthened, and a regular action of the bowels inainfaiiieiL N'othwithstanding the langour and wrttchel- ness of feeling during the hours of digestion .-ire removed, yet the medicines must be contintied reiruhirlv, with |iroper attention to diet, until every vestige of the disea.se is eradicated. In valids, however feeble or delicate, can use them ,with tlie utmost advantage, as they never nau seate the stomairh or '.'isturb the bowels more than a mild aperient. One package of Dr. Little’s medicines con sisting of Tonic. .Initacid and Vfjei'dilt I'Uh, will materially relieve any one of dysjiep- sia or indigestion, to be found by following the directions; and, if they do not, in any case the projirietor prescrilies them for, he will refund the price paid for a package. Many of the strange and mysterious compli cations (if disease arising from indigestion, in some form, will he cured or greatly improved hy using the«e remedies lor :i while. The fac-similo of the signature of Dr. \V. G. Little will be found upon the outside wra}iper of each of his Medicines. Isold wholesale and retail, by tlit Proprietor, at his Manufacturing Depot, Ni). -04 ilarkct blreet, I’hihidelphia, uud Macon, Cleorgia. To be had iilbo of James Cain, Rockfish; A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend iSc Doug- ( ';ijtr SJfcl lI.^rANT t.i a res.ibitiiin h'llders of the C.ipe Fear .Navi-ati-in ( i ni- ) any. at their general iiieeiing. .May ;io. ls.,1, le’tiee i.' hereby gi\en. tiiat tr. iii and afler the 1st Ilf August n. At. nil lUli.■le^. ••iinimi'dilies. pr.' iilee. 1-. w are>^ and iiieri hainli.-e. i ..n- veyed up'Hi (he Cape Fear Kiver to or fruiii Fave»ii'\ille to ur from .any jm'nt intermediate l.etween Farttevilh' aiitl \\ ili.iingt' n. ar.d tu i.r .•rma U iliniiigtoii t.i ur fiuiii any puint lie- tu.'en the iii-.iiTh ut' T.l.aek Itivi r and F i_\e;t.'- ville. shall be snH)e>’t to tulls, at flu- rate nf tweUe ;ind iiiie-h;ilf per iHiitiim mi the aiiioiint of frei-ht ch.ir.:ed. exeejit article'-e..n\'yed up on ralt'. wood ti:.ts. an 1 cr:.tt iindi r the bui thcn Ilf t'-n tuiis; j.iid when tlie h.i.it owner is the shipper or owner of tiie pru)ierty shipped, the like toll, -hall be charged, to-wit; tv^elve and one-half per centum upon the ciistoni.ary rate of freight charge.1 upoii siieh articles as may be shipped. From ;ind after the l.-t of .\ugu.-t IS’il. t’.ie (ivners. ('apt::insor .\gcnts of :tll hii.-its li lt under ten ti ;is burtlu'ti. navigating the IliviM' between the iiK iith of Hhick Kiver and I'.ayetteville. :ire rei|nired to furnish the Toll t olleetor at Wilmington w ith a list, on oath, as prescribed by law, oi' the amount ot' Ircight ehamed. or of the estimated ainourit, when shipped hy the T>o;it Owner. Notice is also given, that Tin s. ('. ^Vorth has been ap]>oiiited Toll ('iilivctor at Wihnington. and payments of tolls upon articles conveyed from any jKiint below I’ayetteville to or from Wilmington, are to he made to him; and the aforesaid lists of t'r'ight furnished to him. .Ml other paynu'uts to he made, as heretot'orc, to (ieorge .McNeill, (o-ner.al Acent. •lolIN H. ilALL, Tresi.’.cnt. June .-JO, IS.M. 7S-tl.\ ADMIXIS'l'KA'rOirS SWAl r B't H M .Siil'scriber, having t.akeii out Speci.il JL Letters oi'Administration on tiic Fst:itc of I>r. Thos. N. Cameron, deceat'cd, will sell, fin Satiirdav l^d of August, all the IKJl'SLIH >LD AND KiTCHF.N FCI!NITI'HF,. Terms, •» inontlis credit. •l.'iS. (J. COOK. .Xdm’r. ]-2. I.‘'.■.I. 4-:u large p.irt finely I’iint'ered. l.iinibv’r Fvi\er. wliere a large l.er is now rat'*’ 1 to the (ieo;:retn TI’C'-' Lands are \erv vahi:;blc b LAX!) FOK SAI.J: f Hj 1 H L siibscriher otiVrs hi' I’MIN' tor -ale, M- ci'iit.lining 7T' acres of line farming land, i lying on the Fa-t .-Ide ef L'ttle I;!m r, in M.ait- I goiiierv (.•ount^■. N. ('.. joiii'iig llev. . N. Tca- ' piircha.^e l all tiie Laml. I .;,„i \vilii.-,m S. Ilaldwin. Lstate ot .\hram Dulaii.', | p.,mi ir^ in l-- «1 t’armiiig ci ndi' •iiinty, and | | rotton and the lu st ol' C.irn. Th' llercnt sur-: ar>* in tolerahly go , i I condition, albirding room fur se\ei-d hands and i snial’; white t'ainily. In short, it is ;i v.ibiahl.- 1 I'', rm. and 1 am determined to go We.vt. I will sell lo-.v for (.ji.'li or 'i moi th.'' time. T.KNJ.WIIN T. KCSII. .Nb !'a’luiu's Siore, .Iiih 4. Is.'il. ;!-iit lOOJHM) Aci-fS \;ilu:il)l«‘ 'J' 1 M 1’, i: k A N 1) s FOK S.M.i;. ril.er h ing ti Ta.2z Iii.sts—Save Trouble! j »!11NTF!> -\T THIS (iI'FK'K. jirice o cents, 'I'abiilar List, cofiied from the List re ceived from the 'freasiiry oihce. I’aleigh, of everv thing taxed tinder the .State laws, reaily for tilling up. To which is a'lded the oath which every ) "r>;un f.yed is re'|.iired to suh- scrilie. .Vil ;;pplii'ab’e to other Counties as 'well as tlos. Ju’- 14, W ^ m SFTTLV of Fresh Grouiiil COllN MKAL kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’,-. (Irinding of Hointny and ?ital done piomptl^. F’ayctteville. March IS-il, 1-tt xorici:. V>'1 Ll.lAM.'^ have renioved to the s IIor CM) spij;n(;s, iiid convenient to |iiiiiit:ty of Tini- ■ n mail th tor •t. the Tliiilier and Turi'cntine, tor which piirjiose a large )'art is veil ?iiited. being in a region where the 'I'urjientine yiel is more al.und.intl\ ion ot t.ic ."t.ite. V price, and ia The uan'ii Laml.' noMi:s'rK's. IT I'Ll' Kiver (>snal>er;js: 7- Jiilv li-ewnrd. Imt a , - eminently aiKl as cxtfiisively so to otl;ers . hi.ss, nennettsville; Dr. T. .M. ;oheii. Charles ton; C. C. 13arbei«, liarclayBvillc; P. F. Tescud, Raleigh. * S. J. II1>'S1>ALK, Agtut for fayottcvillc. tiealih MAUK IIUSSKLL. iwOiC C., July ly. 0-iiw fWlLL give one hundred dollars for the ap prehension and conliiicment of .\NDMKSON and ■II'IKK'^' in any jai! so that I can get them again, or fifty dollars for either. I will also give JS'i>**fo)’ proof of any resjionsible person'^ harboring said negroes. They ranaway from my plantation in .Moore c>unty on the lUth of Feh’y last, and are thought to be lurking about Di or 17 miles above Caithage oil Deep Kiver, through the edge of .^Ioore and corners of (’hat- hani and Kamhilph coiiiitics. Anderson is about ■_'S years old. a bright mulatto, about o feet 7 or H inches liigh, well ]iro)iortioiied; has an oi)eii countenance, and is iuite plausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to pass for a free man and esea]>e to a free State, as he had a brother wdio played the same game. Jerry is about ‘J4 years old, b feet :} or 4 inches high, stout built; has a down look, particularly w hen spoken to, and is rather impxident. Said ne groes formerly belonged to John K. Hitter, in the upper einl of Moore county. Any information must be addressed to the sub.scribcr at Pocket P. O., Moore countv, N. C. J. L. DKYAN. April ll’, IH.'iI. I'otf W AN'J EI), (lOOI) HANDS, at To cts. per day, on the Southern Plank lload. Btcady employment and cash payment weekly, if re- (iiiired. -Apply to D. M. 15FI1:, At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKETHAN, Juiic ISol. [77-tfJ ra.7cUcvilk. th.iii any other s win l.i- s •! 1 ai a 1 suit purchasers. Int'urinatioii riS]iccting the title can he ob- t.diu-1 tiy ;ij'pl_\ ing to the Hon. Kuh rt .''traiige. Hon. .las. ('. Di hhiti. (>r A. A. T. .''iiiitli, Fs p, , Attorne\ > at L.iw .: I iin h-rstand there are many tre'p.issers on tlii-se Lanils. to all of whom notice is Iierehv gi\en. that the law will lie enforced against all sU' h ollenders. .\]^].lic,ition for any p:u t of the l.aii'ls can he made t.i my;elf. or to .l.din Win.'luw, INi).. who is diilv authori.sed to make sale of the same. THOS. J. ( I TvTIS. I’avotteville. N. (’., .''Cj't. 1. ISF”). 7(>tf ~\\ AX'I'i:!) 'ro IU)KK()\\r (JoiMi security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. .\ddress letter tu .\. 11., and leave at this of fice. .June ;l(i, IS.'iI. 7S-tf I'nnalo Greensborough, N. C. next .Session of this Institution will H cunimenee tiii Monday, .luly 7. (>11 apjiiication to the Trinci]>al, cir.'iihirs will be tirw ardeii. giving all necessary information respecting the School. KK H.\KD STKKLINC., A. M.. I Trincipal. (Jox. .L .M. M(u!KI!k.m>, Trojirietor. June 17. 7t'i-10wpd . AA'SO.X IIOTEL,^ I Snuth HV.v-/ Curut r JI ii)ii th>‘ C'lin't lluu.«\ \ Wal‘!^I)oronsh, I\. C'. ■ 3 _a ■J '*’-’ I^tth.«c!ilier re.s])oetfully in- ' forms the inhabitants of this coiiiniii- \ nity. and the tr.ivelling puhlic in gen- J-er;i 1. that he has become Troprietor of the .VNslo.V llOTF.L. formerly owned by Mr. West, where he will he hajipy to ai-eomniodate his guests in a stvle that -annot fail to please. .MAKTIN SKiM.VN. WadesViorough, Jiilv 1, IS-'iI. ll-ot H A .''iieetin'js ah Factory jM'ices, b_\ '‘i! I.' on lia ST.M'.K and 4-{ for sale at .1 iin* 7. 1 ^ol. s\ij:m 5^ IIII >v.licei"’ e wild I.\MS 7'i-tf rqiHis lielightfiil .''iniiiiier r tre.it is iiuw o]ien ' M. for the recej.tioii ot coinji.iny, the rinie- ! dial prujicrties of the w.ater. and ]uire atmos- i jiliere, otli-ring great inducenicnts to Invalids, j as well as tliu-e >ecking ]ileasure .Mi l the pre- ; si'rvation of health. Among the many improve- i ment.-. are two lu'wly fitted ti]' Kathing Hoii.scs. , '1 he Kooiiis and ( thins are neat and well fur- ; nis';e 1. 1 Hand of Mu.sic alw.iys in .at tendance; a plei;tilul silii]>ly of Ice. and tlic 'ast efi'ur;' to please, at nioilt rate rates of Hoard, as folh,‘W'; — F;itnilies ner m.iiith. each ]>ersun, .'SJO (.0 Sill; !e J ersiins. •• •• J.'. oil Ter week, 7 (>’> (^TAl'.K .S: Stufc recently oceupii'd by Mr. .lohn D, Siarr. one door west ot Mes.srs. H. liranson \ .Son. w here they have just received additions to th(‘ .'Spring purchases of Staple and Fai.cy DK\' (iOOii.S. (.'ountry merchants are reeucstc.l ty examine uur stock. J. I!. SI Vilit. J. .M. WILLIAMS. June 7. 18-'il. 7u-tf Dissolution of Copartnership. H 11 firm of lllocker i Hullard was tlii.s day JL dissolved by tiintiial consent. J. C. Pdock' er alone is authori/.ed to settle the atl'airs of the same. J. C. IH.OCKLT>. C. W. III LLAKD. Harrisonburg. June li. iSol. 74-tf T. S.—(!. W. T.iillard also withdraws from the firm of 15. ('uibreth Os: Co. .1. C. Tdocker ami T>. Cul'ireth will c ontinue the firm under the name and st\leof 15. (.'ullircth .'c Co.. at Cedar Creek. old ire- paim:k-mill. r h.'s taken diarge of thi R- and well known llstabii'-liment. and is pared to attend tu ad ordei.- lor Pi'iiitiHiI Paper, .Mi'rci'aiits* aiul l''a; t(>rv W nipping, The Mid ha'^ ri i cnt’y been thoroughly reiitte 1 wltli lo w machinery, niid I he .'i.Ii.'criher h'lievc- he can fnrni'h T:ip.'r of as y 1 uuality and at as che.ap prices a.s can he purchased any where, North or South. CHAKI.FS F Salem. .1 line 7, I ■''•'il. Ti'r day. Iren nil h-r TJ .liine Jnlv I. 1 l!') and Scrv.-ints. half ]irice. SA.MniL CALVKKT. 7‘.-t 1 u.V LT.S. KAiiS hv H. Hi:ANSON want HD. Si )N. 7Mf diOT.FK. 77tf WA.NI'I'.II. I.iimher for Wagons. 1.1 to u iiiche IIKSPKRIAX IIAIU’, //f’lr H 'ulc, Just ri'Cf'ii'iiJ. A«L.S(), Bishop Hasi'om's .Sermons; The Week, / m comprising the La't Day of the Week, the First Da.v of the Weck,_ the Week Coinjilcteil. 'I'iie I.ands of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Travel. The Tath ot' Life, by Kev. Henry A. Rowland. Tom Hacipiet, and his three Maiden -\unts. Ktiiiuette for Ladies. Do. for Gentle men. The Psalmist and Supplement. Butler’s Hudihras. Plutarch’s Lives. Madam Roland, h}' Abbott. Dictionary of Quotations, Latin, French, &c. Union Hible Dictionary. Burns’ AVork.s. Poetry of Flowers. Flora's Interiircter. Hook Keeping. Sch jol Hooks, ^cc. E. J. HALE & SON. May 0,1851. o(M>0 ft. A'h thick. r,00(l tt. Se.asoneil Oak l.umher. 1 j to imdies. 1000 ft. W hite (lak and Hickory, for .\\letrees. 10(10 ft. White (>ak for Tongues, Holsters and .Shafts. 1(XI Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2l'(M) Spokes. F'or which the highest cash price will !«e paid. Apply soon to K. FFLLFK. May T.'. IS.'il. 7lJ-tf NOriCK. rglHK CO) i.irtnershi]! heretofore existing un- der the name of J. Ibnvhind .V Co., is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. ‘ JOHN A. ROWLAND. (Wf.HLRT W. McKAV. JOHN C. MOORF.. 'I'ho iindcrsijriK'd will continue the business of the late firm, at their former .Stand in Liimberton, under the style of KOW'- L.\ND iV ■McK.A'^', wdicre (ionds of every de scription car. be bought on the most I’casomihle terms. JOHN A. HOWLAND. (ilLHfclirr W. .McKAV. Lumbertoti, .Iiily 1. IS-'il. Itf LKT IT'iu: KNOWN, 'I'hat A. l\ninviN has located himself in Ti-oy, for the juirpose of carrving on the J’.OOT AND SflOE business in its various branch es. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continu ance of the same. June oO, 1851. A. ri:dw'in. 1-Gw P. S. All those in arrears to Redwin it Mc Rae will please call and settle as soon as possi ble. A. R. A Valuable Farm for Sale. rBIIlH Subscriber offers his FWRM for sale, JL situated on the east side of Big Coharie, known as the Major Ollin Mobley iihice, con- COPPER V/ORK. Tl iUM-.N'riNi: S'ni.LS. [^HK .''ubscrihers have located theniselvi's in Favettevilh* on Hay street, nearly ojijio- site tlie Methoilist llpiscopal ('hureh, for the ]iurfiose of jirosccuting their business in all its branches. Turpentine or other .Stills made to order and w.arraiited to wor'iv well: and all kinds of work ]iromi>tlv done in (.'OTTLK, HKAS.S. .''’rEFL, IKON. ic. Locks niJide or rejiaired. Hell-h.inging, mak ing or rejiairing of Tumps, and repairs tifall kinds in this hranch thankfully received and jiroiiiptly executed. Irders are eariu'Stlv solicited, with an assu rance that if a thorough knowledge of their hu- siness and an earnest desire to please will give satisfaction, none shall be dissatisiied. .MAIILMR \ SCHWARTZ. June'JS, is.'il. 7S-lm KING and A. Mc.MlLL.\N have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery of | rurjientiiie. and have erected a .Still on the | West side of the Fayetteville and Western Tlank | Road. H miles from Favetteville. N. KINC. M;iy',i._71tf A. Mc.MlLLAN. j T E wi.'jh to hiiv •Jo.tlix) barrels Turpentine, j KING .V .Mc.MlLLAN. j F'ire I»9sur€fi9rc. | rjTHF, .KTN.\ Insurance (''or.ipany of Hart-| fl- ford, having jiaid the tax imposed hy the i Kevenue Law of tin* late Lcgi.slatiire, will con- | tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the j management of the undersigned, who is pre- | pared to issue Tolicies of Insurance on Build- ■ ings or Cioods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on pro]>er application, de- scriyition of the Property, \c. The .F, TN.V C(,)M1’.\NV has heen in operation about oU years, its ciipital is >!(:{00,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, | and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem- i hers of the Board. It has at all times sustained , the highest character for the jn'udence of its management, and for the liberality with which j it has ever adjusted its losses, j E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 1851, bJ-tf uri’: iNsn^ANcjv raiHF. I'ndersigned has been appointed .\genl (if the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu- r.ance Coini'any. Kvery member for life partic- : ipates in the profits of tlie Company; and tho annual preniinni fur life nn nibership, wdiere it amounts to or more, may he paid oue-half in cash, .ind the iithor half in a note at TJ months. Debtors’ lives may be insured hy creditors, man mav insure his own life for the exclusive lienetit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. j This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one hy which a family, lor a small sum annually, may be jiro- riiied for. .after the dpath of its head, on whose : exertions they may have been deperideiit for a . support. It is a goud investment of nioiu'v, ! even if one should live long after taking out a . Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the I Jieces-'iirv Blanks, furnished on application. ! ' E. J. HALE, i Favetteville. .Time l8-'iA. 7’J I'UKSll TEAS. S;^XTRA FINK HV.SON, J Do do Imperial, ]>o do ('Junpowder, Do do Oolong, and Young Ilysou TK.VS, of superi(>r iu!ility. —AL.S( >— Chocolate. Harley. Salad Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powiiers, \e. For sale bv •SAM’L J. HINSDALE. .\pril ‘21. t»8tf NOriCK. rp'^lIH .Subscriber liaving qualified as Execu' JL tor to the F.state of Mrs. Jlenrietta Camji- bell, at March Term. 1851. of the Conrt of Plen.s and Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, hereby notifies all persons indebted to said Es tate to make immediate paynient; and all having claims against the same, to jiresent them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded in b.-ir of their recovery. M. V. JONK.s, Executor. March 10. IS.'O. r,Citf ivrcM p'r Stoamor and for sale, H BBLS. Cruslicd and Kefiiicd SUGAR, B 1 chest tine Hyson Tea, .'! casks best l-ondon Porter, pint bot'Is, 1 cases superior old Port Wiije, 1 cask .Madeira Wine, 5 hhds. Cuba Molasses. S.VM’L AV. TILLINGHAST \ (’O. June 'J'), 18-'»I. T7tf ^ \\'ANTi:n, “ fJlHREE House Servants, pood seamstreB.'^eii aud washers. May 2(5. KC \\\ NIC AT. 1UK)KS. A PPLFITON’S Mechanics’ Magazine; Bor- den’s Formula- for constructing Rnil Roads; W'ightwick’s Hints to Architects, by Downing; Miuifie’s .Mechanical Drawing Book; Mahan’s lately repaired. On the farm there is a saw and Civil Engineering; Bourne's Catechism of the grist mill, which affords a handsome income: taining Hl'J') Acres. The land is in tine condi tion for tilling, and brings the very best of corn. The dwelling and out-houses are all in very tine condition, the greater part of them having been ^TRAW CUTTERS, Corn Shellers, and a va- ^ riety of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for sale by Jan. t. J. il T. ^VADT)1LL. 6-3tf Steam Engine; ^^i11-AVright’s Guide; American House Carpenter, hy Hatfield; Mechanic’s Own Book; IVIochanic’s Text Book; Cabinet Maker and L’pliolsterer's Conipanion; Huilder’s Oom- ]i:inion; Dyer and (^)lor Maker’s Couipauioii; Painter, fjilder and Varniiher’s Companion. L. J. HALL i ZOy. grist there is always a ready sale for the lumber, and at a goofl pric:,-; corn sells readilj’ at the highest market price, without removing it. 1 will sell the above at a bargain, as 1 am de sirous of making new arrangements in my busi ness. OWEN iLlRGROVE. LuEipsan Cj., JujiC II, ISCl. '/O-ora .JUST FINISHKI), I;iIGHT NEW’ BUGGIES. Also, two sccond ^ hand. For sale bv ‘a. a. McKI’THAN. June 2, 1851. 74-tf I)AV1S\'5 I^OK sale by April 21. PAIN-!vIMJ:K. SAM L J. lliNSD.AI.E. Liberal prices will be )iaiiL J. i T. WADDILL. 7utf NEW JU)()KS. rMlIIF' Work.s of .Alexander Hamilton, 4 vols.: JL The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Song ster; The Complete Angler, by Walton & Cotton; The Course of Creation, bj' Jno. Anderson. D D.; TalfeB from Shakspeare; The Crystal Fount, r choice collection of Temperance Songs: Pictorial Shakspeare; A Pastor’s Sketches, by Spencer; Tom P.acquet and his three Maidtn Atjcts; Mar shall’s Book of Orator}', &c. &c. Jtiat received. E. J. HALE &. SON. .Turo 7, 18.'T. ^ CHECKS^ ox ALL THE BANKS IN I AytT:^ILLE, Juit i’ricted and for Sal# at tlii* v1t'5*r