Tiir C.rrAr The numorouB f'ion'i.'an-l ^ ‘ * »• i'UANCl> \ i't.KKV. IttJy • i’ Ii>A.kiii-hain, Rkh- wi .iiii c->inif.v. N. ’•. v.iil be iutcrtsu-d in V. = n • li ' in)j'ro>-i'':!? of the country to jmrvhaso, to which the marital rights of whi. h h ir.' r.'in..vo.L We insert her l^rd Jo not att^ich, further than the ; li'tt'T t'r in liini. r.*^t ciulnrsing his .-onti- I:i a jTlvut.* IvUor. ho tui'h ;rcnu;ii- N. hi'^jiitaiity.— "I h:i\*' 1 ‘ UlIi* a {iri'tfv pJant.itioii ab^'Ut 12 milv.- > i:th-W‘. >* ; f tlic c;ty "1 li’.ttle 11 k, w'-vtr I v. 'uiil I'c vcrv ::la'l t- >ee "U 'f \ ',\ i’ ' 'it t" th-' •irtat V,'.-r. * A';v N ,tlj ( ;ir'Ihii.iTi wl' Oii you in V MO hi' \v. ary way" in this ■ 'T . ti n. fX'iiiil t ■ him tV ’lu uu- ;.:i Inv;- t j I'll. a!i-l ’ '1 ii'Hi ii- V .1 i-. .V -t ii;y li"’,:.'. 'u ti;'. lar.j:u:i^t' "f the t.;v •■fl'.e !'•'i the uiaik't afTi'r'-'."- I ■»i’l Mi-vinj' *iy him in •• r ■t’ :iTiv V rti-'!i "f fh'-‘ St.it'. V 'U i-i!-h haproii' S'. I a >'f l Tuivii Hi ly r. uulu a i'-.- r.-V’ lt’, rf thorw iiiv t^iiMrcn; if rvmo., the half ah- c.lutvly an.] f.revcr. If the estate* i:^ -mall, on application the Court will allot her the wh.*le without reference to creJi- tor?; and -he can, during coverture, acquire an ot;ite in land or no;:roer>, by deeccnt or pernancv "f the profit-'. Then this too i'^ the country for married wouieu. l>ut let thi-iii take care and marry within the b-r- uTs of the State, or the /"' where the 0'>ntract i.' consv.iuniatt''! may bla.'t some V'riul't h 'T'O anl ew-ntually ]'l '} the de il with the ch;ldrcn. Texa-. 1 have no i- ul.t, i- -iii-HTi. r to ill ;he Southern St.ito-, and acci rdin^ to Waudv Th'>?nj .:ii. c-tton can be raisetl ilicn ti' atlvantM'^ at two cents the ] "mui. I learn froni tli -se v'ho have livid ;n iii 5 - >'■ ' f the St.:t. . that the raius canii- t and that 1 e dcp.i: K'd on. They have their wet and :r\ —.■a; uis, and a? tliese - re u^t rejniar, .» l’..rnier no | ve calcul:.t. to meet th.ni. t cvu’.d p S' =sin . .nT."’'-a!uv .\:il V V t’i.it :hi [\:on 1 dv;..’ nit out mi.ny l u: aiiV I t..r Wrv I 'Iht V. KJ’ A. >En:iY. F TlfK OF-SfTvVrn. /• ./ // .{• .S ; I th..'^ j',1 i* nrjl.t I •- int.-r - t .' 'iiie f y l.r it-'* 1 e. ' I ii r ' lU’ ! tV. ni ti.e ' il "'V.o-;’; -w. ; ; t'l ■ ; : r V tier'd. 1 ‘ 'rt-l:i'led t- " .. '■ : J w ■ * " * V • ' t - *> *l * - V . : ' \ i:r ■= W ll k- W V. ■t ■ : T ‘ ! ■>. I = = vi;. le-'iU-:; 1 r ‘ y t’ '' n ' t - V . 0 y L ve '■ iLc cr ^ 1 : .lui. t. ; . ; a'l"’. r. 1: 0 ^ ? W-." 0 ■ ' - •• J T: ’ . N . r..r .1 ; \ ; 1;' '. ' ; V : tl S- '• ' . . i .. ■' T — 'y A'" . . -■ - J . ' ;' ■. ” _ . ■■ T . V r '■:' - V ' K-. 0 - ■. .. ' '. vo;;: .'. ■ . -e. \ •-. :■ \ ■ '- ' ■ \ w , t- r. : 0 A •’ : . ' , ■ I K>r. 'J :;S :r, y ;av.-. I . , V •• licai;;}-: ■: Hi t ^e )'hi- f a X 'ih I Ilian, that tb.oy t W:;t'- T‘j t- ‘ t t ' tl.f * ,'i w. ul ; ' ■ f;ir :’i* 'xicate the ■iV TiUU: ■•.UiT v.i tr.' . The L^x h; rv Ov t ■ on \ tI’.’s |rro.-it st.i- “ .11 t r h.i\o /Sj.'n Arru'*. TrTE GUEAT .lENNlNOS K."TATE. Thi>t is a subjcct which has deeply in- t.*re.'‘ted a lar«:re number ot our reader^, who have fancied that they had x iue di rect concern in the matter, and, for their edification or amu.'^ement. we insert to-Ja_\ au article from the Mobile Tribune, which t-eeins to cnntaiii something more tangible than any other publuation we have nut with. I.J cviiiu'ction with it. we may re peat the folloxs ini: ; livum>tanci. ' which were mentioned by u^, iu the Times of February i:**. I'pon the death l»;iV'rn'r Xi'tt in ]7X>, /' - ,/•':(/I.. W lio \V;1> 1 n si- dent of the C .’..niial I uuvil of Virginia. Kxame the acting Governor, and oxen the functi'T,- of the otl'.ce until the arr Aa; of t.1 "• Sj->tsW'.v.l ir. 171 It Is IviU'-- f.l in I’harb'tto and the neuhln^nuj . uu- ties, th.at M.td;un Ke.id, a r»lu.ii'kal'ie lad_\, who w;(!- til-.' aiv.’i'tor of nu\-t >1 t!;; t\ui;ilie^ . f thnt in Svnnhern Virginia. TV;." tI'.o :rr.'.Uvl-il..Utlitor 't l.> 'v "or' Her maiden ii.iUiO Mar_\ H d. ht r iiv'ther’:- i.an^ w.,> l'r's^di;i About tlv v-;;r 17 ''.'. M.iry H 11 n -rrird i'o- ';>)• 1!' Ke.*^’. .■ 1 ti l} r\ ^id. d >n the i si.ite - alK-d Fl.shv F. .ist. in lOtT; . sui'S- •^uiutlv vt r.ed b\ doin'. h..r . S;U' -I'.d u; 17^'C leav :- -_:.t ir 1 17"-. leav 0 g ; :.n > - r v,d Uf -r. '' ■ \iCV V I w ei n n V I. ' I :bt V" . -' ’7ivi ' •V;: n A. the ' F i 177 ' •r FuiT;',)'..' .It r. .^i i r ■- IX p w, V I.' •• i ovt. .'r luHi '' n wl.irh V T!; 'u :d \»::L -ut 1 St n {'■a:i y.'U ' c i;’.:ry ' If \ \i It .. u y,. II.■ r 1. n • Tiiin- .r L " t' 0 t^‘ tIj- tr-iVf 1 1 . Kv. ili- ':ui -■ r- .1 - .V:l r ■ y.. 1 V'-’ir it. .1, ■i V T.k- '. ‘I, C.iK a V . iu it \ !T V T! r wlifthr .,n i;. t Lnd I 'h tt n of V V- u know d to :hi' foinitry l»"ubtl. f'r ' u;. ;i'' d -•iny t * i:id ' 'i.i'- 'V dl t 1j r it- V. • jli" ■!.' iiiy. .'ii iii'tiy aiid ;.0 '’ b'- ] art:. ' i -.^'d! ]|.-re a.' t,!-’ - lii tl.- 'Ili'p- iy p .r!.' "f HIl—. !id •■■.. Mi 'iV '■• tl, ;!l t::.-e rirlit' d by th. w lit- I t tl*' 'kii ' i. Th . t' ni-s'iV wIm hav■■ i;, ,i>;d d'*!.'- a b:!d I’li'in i'l tLr j • rut \ f ;.!•• i r V ith ItU!.--, -li" V\ pi- '. r.t i it (•■■-.r nc '.)tt T :lli i : . 1 .> ti I: •. 1- t t ■!:u‘i . r!. •j't t" Ki. xviil., ttio .'am.' -t': w ;r. r tii.m 1; ■ I. i h'lr' ' wmp/ lut at unrtji .it .-h T'l Ku'.iXV’iie. : •'i i. ' tijr-.* wi -k- h ir i orivin^j-. hard tuir^ing at t.ia^L iV-rij o dd a:i i I2J cx^ t-^ t!;- ' iV- 1-:; -I.-i i;' ■\vu and k-e; :i--i' rl,, I •' t itlil". at ' iwre !t . : v,ll •!,.r. A!' ut t^-. ;tar, 'u; 1 "iirli* d. > 't.;tt '. t.:i:; -d in tli.it ibn-i-- I.ili i'V the way-'idi-. .\il ' Fu.l:»r' iti I v> ry tliiiiL: i- of -■ !ii. ; W !;ilo '"ri 'I ' in- rv W;M ' !i> liic of.^tlur'. It r ..i- in N rth ':Lr"Iina. it i- L v*-,r' I f ^ I ^ toil, nld ;i-- i- i;i .1' ' " n a.' f rTi^no. an.l hi' i-iin- • 'i-'iit ill b'.].-: iiiit: up hi'dei-n pi- 'I: r th.iii imiii.'te/Iml’’ to tlie eiii''V- ir- f lVf'!i travii iiiiL , •; l-ind ’T'' t> M®th 'hip;' i l';ir ]{ I aiu uiiub!.* I.; d" oiher coiiiitry in a ' 1 -i' a _ irhr-r’ "r h 'in^le aiti^ n 'i' •niy •"Ur .i a var,- - ,1.1 ... ,] ■f - [ rv.M - « '.:r"'ili fiiil''ly 1 T \\ij a r-trr.'^i li ■ i' I 'lt a t iiiilv d- •:!V th up y .'"li lij 1'. till.' iu ev- rv p..:r T): and t!. • .■•■rri -I. ?o th-. th ij I-'!;' on ■ ' ll. of t’ - It 'Ur V .r *1.. '\ i!! . I •:aix r i ft Ill-'V I'.l *•: -^'iriirs a ;:m- f'Ui. !; tiurr* V .'I-!', - ”5:: I'l’i'; !■ t. a:: ti;,.t ! . f N'.rt:. ’il i' iti- ' for iiiak- wil l i;t' I’.-- !■: not ^*' U . tin.- d .'ii’e to ri u':-';t:iti-iii-, 'houl I ( :tr iuiia. hat iTfixj ;.,1 dfHii fi'. in sir ■!'i 'iio-.- ^h'l are not aid*- ! * 1. t!ii‘ w ind anl i t'i-- . .uMti.iU' . f patrioti-iii !i_r in orr bo-luj'.' “What 1:- ft>r the nan.-o of Kii;_'"^'' iiil.l who i-; >iu ! oi;>id'-'d v»'.'h f life, wh' 'C j.MS'OS'ionsare on i''ii. l>ut tho ov.-ner t'f a f'W .'I-!', - i.f vrita a t\iniily irr u:;d him. liH' iiU')th-r anu a .''ipor; >r v.artiing him likf the 'iin]>h- Liunci'- U'’.' his heels. I' it not a jwior pros- i-n r-.-iti.irk' d ' y th"''* vi'it'ni: •:. ' • ■ . t'..tt tii- ro is lu're friend'liip. 1, • ';*v—a L'roar- r fi"W nf the •'milk of h'Mii‘.!i ki'i ii.t""—in the southern heart. t!i i:i in rh.- mM, r or.unti It is true be- y'.ti'! ( :i '-'..u. that there is more real fV‘' I'hi>i i:i ii'. w conntrv tlian in an olil. S M i. ' V h.ir- li't b--;-n thrown togi -^ -r loi\ir er >r.i'h t • r-tlr up tuo.-o j.cttv eti\yings tluit divide 1 Id'-r connnunitio'—th"se dis- tiiieti“US in sori;il lifi', whit h are the 1 reed'-is of L'.il. Kurope and all the older kin^rdoni' 'how the ravap»' of tjnie. iu her lor! I h'-r ei'vuuiiii'j and }s--w \ ork and the oi.I.-r cities havt* their ••nj>fier t.-n t!ioU';unl” flauntinr thn>ugh life. Ibre 'trife—fainih feud.'—havi- not bi-«-r) h ind- 1; ;b ' (.'iiarit ' till 'Huh wh''in t;.« I.;-! t = the diuiiiiigs C't-ite mu.-t be traeed. t-e dt M•cr,d;^nt^ of 'V. ,Ti-nnin^' o.i\e n •. l iiin. and t > this eon. lu'^'u. we bt’tve. thtv have c- at la-t. lint our il’;’T'>n i' th.it 't is ku 'wn tin re were '• \iral I ' f " ni ('h .rle' va^one. Our t'ri.nd. Gtii. t'abt l!. of I*aiivil!e. who h:-..'l n acting f-r .' me cf the Virginia Ji lit.-d-'iit a ye: r ag ' examined the . hi record' 'f Kllz:d-eth City ’ounty. •i!.d, if hi' r- '• itrehc:- uid ti“t d* the f... '.' D'*w -tateii by the M. bile pa}.er. h* i fit.iinlv di.'-overe'i f ^ ideiice th^t ^.^tl>f;'•d lihn M hi' h.iving id.-iit;f:ed one “t tie- iiiie^ of Amerleati J' l.niiig'' ' ' entite 1 *o thi- Fngli'h f.'rtune. Il i« eertainly a w .;;dtrfid j nx'fof the .'Uiall r* 'jH.a : paid in our rej-n> liean fiun- trv to .(Uf-tion.. , f p. iii_re.-. that th • In U' to ;in immen-- « -tate 'h'Mild tor s> l-.n^ a ]»ri"d be ui; ibjc to j.rodui e th- ln.-:i i\. /• * .V ' • T ,r.r . THK ji:nmn«;.' i stvtk. If '.ni' by the pajKTs that in .dl p^lrl^ ■ f tfio ountry there are (d.iimant.' b^r the l.ir:/*- .Jennitiu' e'tate whi( h lii ' in Kng- land. inviting s' laf luiky fe’h'W to t.ike p '"• '>! n of it. \V.' h !V'- a f w fact' ■ oneerning it v hieh ta:;v be int* i-.-Mni: to nur r-ud- r.-. Win. d. niiiii'j-'. 'wlio h 11 the j'riiuij'.d f it. v,a> ;tn d>l i:ii'« r. \vli-)t»k ;ri'-at j'ea'Ure in aefUiiHil.iiin_. II • w;.' l- rn soin t.i;ie i- bout 17*'*'. and dit-d in 17'.*^. lea’>i.u' no i"Ue and inttsta.te. 'I'he t’olh'win;; :>, .«.tid to be a c rr et li.'t of hi.' ■ tl'eet~: X' UtilO . )H (I ;r • u .V1 K * I •J pi-r annum i;» f tKlli 17 >. N ‘ K , tM4) 4*AJ ►'•liercs arr-:.r^ X- T 1“ i: |W Hil 1T iV» 11 .V?'* an y-^ii -;:iu the friend of i>n.> \v''!ii.ut I i. niinir the eiieiuy of anofbtr. 'J'aeiT- is n«. ui eii'oi-h aloiif tin' roail to f>r:uu'', witliowt j xtling ■.■a*'h oth' T a' w>- j'li"; ui;d v.h' iher we r*-- •rar'l our (-•omf >rt iu a ■ ’!v.i,irv or ;».jci;d p.>l,u of \i.-w, th-- ,'f.h 1 .'‘'u;h we>r P')s.'(.‘>s ad\:inta_''- iiirouiparably -n{«.rior t > N ■!Ml (':ir' I’li.i. 'i’hi.' b tfer i- writ" lie n. ■with the h"P'.' th.-.t if m y : .- in*- of your numer''u' r-.uhT' to an i...c>tiration -d’ the 'nbj.ft. aiid not f'r any jx-T'onal n.i- toriety. \\ hut car-- I ii"W f-ir notorietv in on as a }».-rf t-i a iria’i uf fiinilv on the v.diite an l reil'it !,e I 1,111'if North ’;'rohli:i? Vvh.it c.iu !••• (l.iiui ill the future/ What can hi' Il 1 Iren exj)i-et' A .^upi'-Tt surely: air to b,(;:ithe. \vat» r to «Uink and bread to cut. fav..r in that .[Uarter. Siie gave mv mv N'l 'ir, it i- tiie >t:.^e that t:i- 't tak‘ eari.- lite. :.n'l around her fireside' ai'e entwim-d .'f her otiVp'. ing'. and not the off-^pnii:: the. tlu- deare't recoil, . ti'.n> i-f infancv; and it i.' tin 'e iirc'ides tiial I wouid remove, and Xoitii Carolinal' 1 f.-. 1 f r her *or hi.' p-.u tiit; but a' one vho lia' rt'-i'i'. ..d hi.' portion, and h'--k.' f >r tieith' r b.ar 'r .'•tafej and v.heii she beeoiue.' uuabh- to .fo h.-r I'.iit, ilien it is their duty, like the -I of the land of Caii.ian. t‘'- l. ^ in Mir-iiit of a hctti'r eoun^ry. The cuur-Ne iiei.-t n ually a h >ent, is lir.'t t^i look, an i a i.iini. Tiii' i.' n-'t ’J'i - e.'urse I iiomI i ' on a ill"re 1 at th- ill ikin;.'- .' -- b(--t pian. I', to iimve in ar. tlio.'e tire.s 1 \vi>}i to see buruiii>' f^- nei’ou' s >;I. \ ei v n 'p* etfullv Vo;ir=, I’l; VXCIS'a. TKIUIY. I^.ttle 1’i'x.k. .\/k.. -*ih dulv. Is^Oi. 1 hf' JiiHi" )>'(; uf thf. /V».'’.—That rent n phiei-tlie lir't v-ar. ■ „ . , ,, . i* * • 1 * I •••ii 'OiCal ] rc'S exertr- a moraj and roliti- and one crop will eiiaoie vou to ]udgc the .. i • j t . i . ,, , ' , il . ■ • innuenef. aiil tetnl-? in a irre.at de;rree soil. 1 lie same ru will not an.'wer ui * ... i „ i . *• to iiiouM tlse character ot nations, is be- yon-l all (|Ue>tioii; aui] it instructive, say.' the 1‘hilad.-lpliia I^edger, to trace its influence a= it shafK s the destiny of tiic .-ivcr co.niwiiiiL- with thrik-siL!l',!iVT':- 1"’''!;'" "f "1,.™ 1 Ml- ..1. ! I *r lo\,, .-t in the scale of civilization, and the L'>ui,-v .Hi.i ( iiu Minati at-o\e eoth-e, .sugar, i ... . :i u ♦ *i i * ^ i , 1, . ! /• V 1 1 least seti'iMe to the charms o{ freedom, J.ii a." (are eiieiip Ir.’iii >ew (>rh ans bo- , • i ^ i 'L;..'sp ar.: 1,.. ,n,:m ii, .“opiTi'ti- , , I »pi • •• I' ' 1 , lo\ e, can lioast of onlv 111 newsf>aner'I In liil te^fc.l. Ihc pr;i-oi (.nveriinient lan.i ’ i i ‘ ; o-,. 5 I...: />i ♦ • i v.lii.lo continent ot Africa, th*ie are 1' '• i t*ut t>\ hn\ing C iioetaw serip and ] j |u r ium, there are fJ.'x What a con- tra't/ in iVnniark, ''.j. In Polaiid and both couiitrics, and the ':inie (-ye caniii.it .select with i'T'igiU'nt. Corn D'-vcr gets higher than 7'> ccnt'—4h and ")(l b;-in;: the ordinary pric*. If land warrant'-, you can get It much cheaper, irivp,,/" '»re only-(I. 1 ii"us;ind -tnil thou^-ands (f land is held by the “ Fore't Ltvi'.’" Settle and im- i>, • , i • i, - % i 1-7 ?«a ..0 "I- I.US .1.0 !;r“i.i;rz h"0.i to enter it Ir-.m niuL*r you. 'i'his \V«i army of deniz. ns/" * ' ’ 'V pi-.-nate lirc-rature and Vdtaire, we have 1 he laws of the St..te i.f .Vrkai.'.is are (.f a high-toned liberal ehara(-tir. Her co.le, with the exci-ptii.n of I’m. ill lur orgar.ie !,-\v, -iviil ..-i.mpan- fi\..raldv v^irh any of the States, bein^', I ai. y \ ^ ” *•' J v*i.Toi4i y lijviu -U to enter it ir.,m ntul.r vou. Tins ^^'Hnoi. nchoul o-.dd be regarded a- a li.-,;,.an't br..u l, ,.f k le code, and resi.-ted to the death bv an •" the inaii wuo could ap. oHi. fu the other («erman States, y.’jo. In Creat liritain and Ireland, nOd; uiakimr a total in Kun>j.e, A.-^ia, and Africa of 1 ,'l Now. wliat is the luimber in the I nited Stab-'.'' More than all the otlier a . lection fVci.i the m...r enlighu'ned"utl ‘‘T" ‘ix^^rtcrs of the gh.be, l,S(Ki: This - t li .. whole. Th- bo..k, however, is .mite over the \'.luminous, c.m],ri..inu all those little r.-- ^ ainl inil>.rtanee. >'lu re newspapers circulate largelv and the j.ress is free, the greate.st amount of 'Uipri.^ing ‘'i‘-i). h have become the common law ,t North ,’ai'i;Iina, and are excluded Ilieie fri.'iii tlie I j .yrn'j,f(i. ]Ier gallant M'gi-^iaU.i,^ have oiioua a ciiivahwus rtgiud I r the r.ght.' (.f \S', I. rtv ■n;ui, iiuttinu^ her pro- _ .lUi'i.'t l^ y.-n.i :he cuj.idltv of niatri- ;n.,n;al sp.-, idat..r ly enac ting that her and n.-r-A-.-i .d;^li i.,.i be sul del,;.- (.j i : ■ or ji‘ - lid late ,.j 1 . t »- rw t.- V.' iol.-^. .-111.;, cdiitj i-ariii-;.-. A th.1l! ,.iv third .,.f :lij. ( • ct to eltlier V.'i. ,'t U .loilar.-, !o. litV general inu lligence is ob.«erved, the largest .'hare of national prosperity enjoyed, and a more iudu.strious, eiitei'jirising and active p:o|i;’datiou exhibited.” A lltciNiA ]>(»M'S.— 1 wo and a half mil lions of dnlhirs worth of ♦> pnr cetit. bond.s of the State of \'irgini:4, j.ayable iu I;j y.-ai'.'. M negotiate d a few days ago at New York, '.t f^lOl S-uth S, n .~i k. 1>... 1... I>... Did il.v Ii'.lin i.o. t n i-«-r . I>.i ll-- n.iiik ■ k. j (•♦'r c**nt d-' 4 (M r -••nl f!" It I'u.'iil .\:u II t ■>, I.- !i2 *t.. \'-inun' al r -i;V, !».> .,1 Chi l>it ni il-i.-r'-. !►(•. .It r«i)D' I'l. -I C.-I-r..;'.. I I ' UM t tfirt \, ■* I: V. .'I ■. ^ Ml M-r if'f** *jiiO or*A 1., '..l'.: K't :>• - im; r ;ii:(iiim. rnr w.ihin t^r*- : ; ! .r 51 v*. .r». I:i additl-'ii to thi' there i- a eh-->t ■{ till' d---1',' mother, lying at (diild'’ in K .ndoji. wliK h i.' f^tid t > ( onrain a lar:,e ani'.unt > f plate and i'h* r \;duabb s. but h,;S Iiot 1' ;i CIJ... I.ei '-lu-*' ?le h I f the old la-!y. The h-'b- valr.' of rh:' pr. p«-rtv in 1^1'. .rd'ui: t- Fnirll'h a'itii-'riiy. ex-.t-d d ,,!■ tli'.re !l.';ll ."* jTl.l M H.t.CI l( i I -uni whieh w.tuld tnak ■ it- j os-.cs - r. we im.airine. the rhdie>r man iu the world. The 'jue-!;. n n-.w to s-.p.e i-, who are the hi-irs!'—In Kng'.iiid all I.ilm h:t.' e--.i.'- e-1. a;; 1 it is I ' rt.iiu that Uie desccTidants exi't r>n thi' ride of the .\tlant:e. but a' yet unreeogniz'-d. Not l-ng a.ro ,i whole cn- ' 'Ution .:f dcuiiing-'-^. fre.m ail p.irt' of the ( lilted States. Sat at N.ishvdle t.»aj'p"int ciiinniitte.'.- to institute iiKjuiri'-' and rai.'C funl^ tu investigate the matr. r. Subv- )Uently a eonvention sat at 'harh>ttcs\ ille f r a >imilar pui jio-t-. From what we un'h rsfand. th^‘ iiii]'res- si '11 amo'.ii; t,uiin-nt legal men who have examin *i the matti.r i>, that tiie truebei>- are th.- desccmk.nts of. the family of >ir. S. S. .Iti.ntng'. I.f this city. 7 hi geiitle- man ha' already bet n to Knglaiid, t-i in- vetig.ttc the matter, and intends, we learn to prot.eed thither again vii the ;?aUiC bu.'i- n-.-'.'. The !>rltish (iuvernment has been de sirous for a long time to tind the owners of the e.'tate. Through Kntrlish jiajit r.- notice iia.s been ina,de by it' authorit.; but finditig no resjion.se to it, in.'tniction.' wc.’e >eut twice to this country for the de>-ce’i- danto ot Charle.' Jciuiing,', who came hith er from England in 10.''}. The ^ir^t in- fjuiry wa.s addre.>scl some years ago to the Secretary of State of the Cnited Stat» s, aud advcrti.ements (d’ this fact, we liclieve, were made. More recently, the liritish Con sul at Norfolk receiveil from high function aries at home, directions to proceed to Kii- zabeth City county to institute similar iu- Tcstigations as to the descendant.-^ of this ■ame Charles, who, it was believed, are the true heirs. ! In the meantime our townsman, Mr. S. : S. Jennings, had paid some attention to the matter. He proceeded to V irginia hist year, and examined the record.s (d‘ Kllza- beth City county court, found that his great gieat-great-grandfatlier was this «ime Charles dennings. In he was clerk i ot the court of that county, and in the 1..;ind Uftice at llichmond, Va., a patent of land was tound granting to him and Mary, his wife, 14«) acres of land, as emigrants ' from England to the Colony of Va."^ The [latent was i.s.sued iu and signed by ■ iov. Nicholson, and witnes.sed by E. Jen nings, Deputy Secretary. l^y i>uruing this line down our towns- nian found that his great-grandfather was the grand.'on of this .said Charles; and the ju-odfs of this have been .-ubstautiated and authenticated in tucL a way as to leave no flaw iu the chain. 'J he wiiole is complete, and has been certified by the highest au thorities iu the country, both State aud Federal. Thc^ye ycriiicati,)iis. we loaru. Mr. Jcnn»D£?» in hifi *n Is willing to exhibit them to any oue inter ested in the matter. We vbiuk from the evidence accumula ted by Mr. Jennings that there iw hardly :i doubt this family ha? the legal right to this immense estate. hat prwf is ne- e*'''ary for tracing his line to Lnirland has- alreads been fully obtained; and it on»y remains to connect it with the chain in That coui'.trv. T=' do .'O rcquire> money, but with suih inducements as he po?.-H.-s^- t no great difficulty, we suppose, would be etu 'unten'd in this rcs}.*e-ct. As soon a> he i' thus prepared, we learn that it is h ' intention ti^ pre -i‘ed at once to Eng land; t=> aid the agi nt ho has already at work there. The >.u'redne»^ w'th which the British 1.,^ .-^ nro , bs; rved with regard t^- pr ]>-.'rty l.-;.u:ifullv illustrated in thi> matter, litre is an immen.-Je estat.\ whieh wa? left l^.t'ty years a>:-- without any owner. a?id a.** f.ir as the •rovernment knew, without a pr- KibMty. al'ur sk.> great a lap>e of time, of oue bei'nc t'ound. but under the ]>aternal eare of the law.', it is watched^and cheri»h- ed until, we >u]M>"e, it has trebkHl it-^> origina^ vaUie. It i' >till held in trust, to be e- n%eved t the heir. h'>w remote m-- e\er, or li w far > H.•^er reni"\cd from aile- _:i;p . e to Eng- 'h > verei;_nty. Mr. Einer.' '11. in :‘tu' of Ills ree-ont Icc- ’uro. r hit-d a similar iuiident to >ho\v the .''iiitv . f the Engli.'h laws. A man died ^ \en hundred year.' ag«'. lea\ing a p'Tti.of hi.' }>roperty to be invc'ted in ueb -1 way a' t > -upply a bait bread av 1 :i].' t vrb. 'Uis'H Vvr 'hould apply tor it. N v\ Ith.'tan llng revolution—civil war— all 1 pr'';^reaud change of all .-'ort-', the l>t“p.ic't i.' a> ri:,d(liv ob-.i rvcd to-day a-» it wa' when it wa.' fir.'t made. Mr. Emcr- .'on hiiii'elf, to te«t the matter, cnjoyol the bciufit of thi-i >trange and rcni«.tc char:'v. I’ATHK'TI*' ."ACIMFK I.S. Tiie Mox-i.-w-v alls—f>r. should w. n.it ra th r ' iv. the .''luscovic'.'—btirnt il"Wj> rh‘-;r ow;; ' Ity to ' ;ve it from fK-enpariey by Nu- }i i| =n ' i’renehm*n. Thl.' ha- been H'U ally ' 'teeni'_'d a iiobh- in>-tance of p.itrl.-tjc '••It-' ‘ rlti'-e. l>ut. 'urelv, it d-.' ii 't 1 - gin mp ir'- with t!ie 'iipt ri'T iiiai';. r- U"Ui aiid lu'-rit of th-'-'-vho v ;!.l 1 urn down with the 'aiie* patriotic obje t. pi.'itivojy ;t 1- d ligli'- fiil to nitiie'.' .'Ueh surjirl'ieu' ’ii-ratji • - i t h'-r' ie r'ign-itioii. J ■' j h A’! ’t. Esj. atid E'lwird I>. IHnger. E-p mc't ha\'- beeii r« fri 'hill:: the:.;- -l\e.- reeeiifly 1-y a r-p'-ru'.d of th'- F k-of the »;d ]'• ^tu- m* nt. Theri-. it is p-i.-^iMe. tl,. y ha\- foun l th*-Uj id iii'faiic*'of if-.-criMee whl. h they are ' ■ anxious to eniul!t''.— Th«Te ir-. we think, but one 'U« h it.'tance in 'iuT' d or profane hi-t- ry. It i.> th; t ( f the lU'^her of the dead t-hild. ’.vh > willirig that '!. iii^t- 'houi'i dl' l !•• t;-,v liv ing dii!d, in e'jual J rt'. b'-w- n herself and the tiuf )n--ther! Wi l.k - ri fle'- I’f thl'd-",ripti'n. It h.>- a:: un>'u- ou' .'igriificancy. N’ l doubt it ‘tn.-;!- ;_;ati - fully to heaveiil T ‘-urn y le.r i v» i| g> 1.' a nr. ;e ii'>thing. 1 ir h r'*li al!y an ! p.a- t;l-.tically t > cLp the t'-ri h t«. ur iir-iirli- b.-r's dw lliiiL' i' th*' \t ry j»-rtVcti"U "f i:-; ni u. rk'. 11 w ref;e.-hir,^' to •■•jc i f our fi'p-.'t citiz* Us wh' ha- all hi- iife .Iweit in :: p -le-h' U'**. with a laj.buard c-t ri;; -riid a (himii'y of niixe 1 e] pl .^rl aiid ela_\. t> tiiid him- !t’. t->r h in haijii. f r the lir't t;;ne b-li"idiiig the piincely h;tbitj- ti"its ill and ab"Ut Kiiiir, and I{r->ad. and .^Ieetin^ -tree: the liay and the Hatteryl •■()h! ' lie cxelaiiU'. “Won't it be irl-’retu.' patrl'itl'Ui to give tin -*e to the fi. niC'; — J'w "nt bo any sai r:fiee to bom mv p r little eabl in d 'Wn by Ib rd'-rab! !. ; or V' ur'. r.( iirhbor .'^{•riirgn.'. at 1>. •sjv Iut; or yi'Ur-*, ci'U.'in IKn Huilu-. down in S'lakMii .''wamp; f-ir ynu ,-ee. if y-i,i wa't burn th' iii. ’twouldn't be no ^.-reat b "; w- could put i:i- b.-t:* r mV in thr'-t- da\~!— Ibit '1; -e grand dwell n;:-. In n . tl; .* C'.,.: .-"tiM- ot ’em fifty thousand d"Iiar.'. aad are fuil 'i tine furniiure that v't thous:uid' niort 'twill !».• irreat - ii-'a'-rili' ■ to make M ^ i .r- with th* ill! 1>- 'ides, thcv ar'. oiilv s-> u;,;i y * niples ' f the ari't-eraey! Let’' (dap to, and be;:in the blaze. " And the'*- h^r- ie j atr; *ts ilin;; their t- reh. ' into tiie bne id'l hoU'' at thi' west an-l -‘O-t end' of Hnxid streit. ••]}anks arc .'he*ckiug ci’iitrlvancc'. bm- ther Sniflle, to kecji ni' ney out of eijeula- tii'n. We’ll burn tlicm. to. ; but a.s moncv ha- d.vic U' no barm, w.jdl .;i\e it: we’il want ail we can g't to e.irry on the war. L't'> gut th*.'C big hou.'v>. and empty their vault-^. then try the tinder! ’ the {'rev Ts> of If-.'acriliee. l-y wliich t!> annoy the Yank'-*'. I'cc iui' .'ingularly rapi«l aiH .-t. The vaults are emptied. The palaei ' "f mammon blase up furiously. ^ * “T:a^r great churdic.'! The.'C mighty bi'j’ 'teeph '—ahii' .'t reaching uji to hea’.eni hat a .'hanie! What anr tliev br.t >o many tow- i.' uf Tia.belj' Mil mv brethn n. jod has M ilt us to confound them. Fiteh info them with your tardies. Here's one named after S.iint Miiha- l, and another after Saint i’hillip—a taking of holy name? in vain. It i.s true the British sj-ared them, but that was only because tlicy were .•^o lofty, and proiid and ari.'tctciatie. Into ’em boys, aiul let ’em blaze'. It will V>e grateful to ‘Jod to de>troy such wicki d anl ambitious building>l” Saint Michael an«l Saint Philip, accor.lingly, .sending up their reeking and .seething tires to heaven, become appropriate sacrifices to that gfhl- like patrioti.'Ki, which, without a seruple. can devote to the flaujes the poss*.'?ions of other people: * * * Verily, there is no .-'clf-saciifice like that which, having: nothing itself, devotes ail its neighb(U•'^ goods to the fiames for its couutrvi Charleston .\7 «•.. 1 THE N.IfflONAL INTTTXinF^r^R. i Al^OTHTJR ALtWBD P'f'OlTITF, SLATK I • * • • I r' \ ^ K A respectable resident of San lranoi3c1 j . . , , , i mve.s, in the annexed extract from a late] . ( .s Ojhcr-n,/,,vr (.n,n,n>. letter to a friend in Wa.-hington, a gloomy swncr Inf7mham.--\ estcnh.y .U»r,no..n, : picture of the state of thin-s iu that dty. colored man was brought t.on. Eanca.tor k>me of the ovil.-i which he dopicts are (he county, and taken the \ . S, Matshal . ntitural incidents of the pmilhr cause office in this city lie ni the cusf.xly which attracted to the Pacific shore the ot Constable John Apu, who had him sudden rush of—amonir.st many gx^d and «pon a warniut issued by C ‘mm,>.-.ioncr virtuous—multitudc-s oif fierce a'nd unscru- Ingraham, a few days since J he pnson- nulou^ men, from all the cu.ls of the earth, or, it appear.', was conv.etctl in Lancaster united bv the thii>t for gold. It wa> ^aid C'*^»nty of larccny three months ago, anl by the Koman moralist, hundred> of years : •‘'as scutencc'd to the penitentiary tor that a-'o Tl.at -bv .'old all go.nl faitli is ban- ^e wot;ld have been entitled to his i'dieil- bv gold all rights are abu-d; the liberati.m from the Lancaster county jail, law it'cif follows goM; and L'-dd putr. an o’d^xk on Sunday nlgh^ la.'t, if his end t.^ every m'Kic-t restraint/’ lint thi- line and c.-t- had been paid, i' certainly' an extreme view of the cor- ^V-n^talde Agcn, with a full Knowic-dge ruptiu"' infl'.icnLcs of gohl. If the inordi- of th*' fa t, •l^rl^cd in I^ancM.'tci '.’ii >'atur- jiatc dc.'ire for it and it' too ea.'^y aeiji ;si- n.gh^ ja.-t, in witii the owiicr. tion are productive of much evil, st.ll its I uey went int'> the pri.>«on a few minutes .'I'cat abuudanee will not be barr. n o' goo«l; o’clock on Sunday night, armed Ld although our friend percdve^- in jt,, " nh a warrant lor the prisoner s an ..st as i*rtcnt effec ts oulv unniitiguted r * ial ill-, ^ Ma\e. The aii*l Cue wt-re a I ri'dit. r da- will aH,-*e f-r ('alif -rnia paid I.y the r.llegcd master and the iirisnn- when the gol leu flo^vl fhall have rolb-d liberated and bmught on t.. Puihi- awav. and a li^tcrogeneous population, ddpliia, by Con-table Agcn. The name with eupiditv and all its attendant bad ff alleged fugitive i> Danid Ilawkir.*. ati'l pa.'.'lon-. .'hall give plac- to a settled '•-d- m.ister is named W m. M. llistcau. who etv, >-eking wealth onlv in h..n- ,-r indu.'try in Kaltunoro county, Md. The aii'I hon.Table eiiterpris*-. and ui-holding alleged slave is sii.l to have ab.-condcd from at:o la.'t June. I>. P. Kane apj'caied for the i:,t, -ri ■ .-n Later ^Yo, Frauarco. June 14. t'^'^'itive. and Heunott f.r tlie owner. Tiie -Our city ,^e„,. to Ik? doo,„rd. The ^ ye.-terday last conlhiirrati'in Ini-i .-wej't away the au'i hoiii'ral.de eiiterpri»-. an f ujihoiuing o e j.' law and ord' r. with"'it whi' h pr- perty is niastcr a year ui.thinif and liberty it-df n.>thin2: Brown ami K. P. RFPcKtTED orrB&EAK Ty rrr^ • NkW yiRK. dul- Adviecs by the steamer ('herf.kw.' Havana, state that six hundred pf, P«*rto del Principe had revtdted (.n of July. They wore atuick#*«l n-s^ i the troops and rppul^'d. with th.. twenty-eight killed an*] woundt-il insurgents had re^'n-d to The lur.y. aud assumed a defensive attltndi- ] numbers of young men w-r.- ‘ insurgents. lVincip*e and St. .1 / had prodaimei again?t the i overt j, [The aVxive i- diK-rcditcd in N-w y Shfjnhir ('!:■ f- /..( O' -r .1/' ' Halifax recently a j.riv:.- -.f t}... al regiment, now iu gunisnn. turn to f'ngland. app- ared hx court, and voluntarily t--! f. J • , murderc'I a young w-’nan. ab^;. years ai^o, at Nonv'di. Ei,_.: man’s name is Thon.p^r.u, ^ ^ fricshire, Scotland. The vi'- iu ■ felony was a young woman w •’ . had l>cen on term- of intlia crimc was perpctratod in tie- o'r ■ . lonely plac*?. by drowiiini: her 1:, The crime had .'O prev- I t'* ^ iicr's mind that he at lev_"ij v ■. to give hinwlf up to jus*l.,-*.-, : : the law t- take its 0"Ur^-.. I{. nutted, and jc-'bal Iv will b- - sceue of the .fT'ne- t-.> I.'-- me:in> >f thou-an ls, v. h ' arc tlui' thrown int > di'trer- a#a time when bu.-inc." is failing; eonti'ien(-i^- l>«-twcen man and man di.-appi-ariniz;; rdiauec up>ou laws and tri bunals piroving h- fK.dess; crimc' f f al! sort-? inercasine f.-arfuMy. and midnight mur- •lerin^rs. i urning^. ing c\rry bo.iv t- dwellini:'. and t • f inilfe.' fr in *!;- 1 \\’e stand a- it w- -:f volc^mo. (; ‘ ■ • . the i'-Ue A 1 -t' r h ia : T • ]' N'ltll ■-.i-n;,. 1 f V arrival !* S^n Fn : • . -Th'-,' h.: -apf a» J r- ' ■ aiti! '’ V. :r. Wu^r,.. ;,r,. c' t.iui'in l.d' '! r-.’ and lynch in k. ej. Wa*' I t tj,, .rujnll- alterno.iu Ucfore the arrival of that liour. a (' .ru- inittce I.f the Aboliti'-n Society pr. ur' d a haboai" C 'r} u.' f^f Jud^'e Grier, "f the F. Circuit ('••urt. made r-turnaMe th'- m irc- ing, at 1' o'cbn-k. At 4 :’d='eV. the C'm- mi-'l'-n ’r arriv- d at the ui t • hear th> ea;?*'. I . M. “«ij. : A. E. Ib rt^. ex- hil'it'-d r t.b? ni '-i-'ii'-r tlo.- hab-o.i.' e'-r. d } v Ju Ije Cr r, b.;t iK. wr ■ I -! r • !ns--l. d that tiie h-;^- C'.r- 3'^ .1 'iir—re-;-:iea'. an-1 d*-- lifvtr th'- ea- ; r-i.it r-n-;rk‘-'l. ,y t'.> Judi:e 'Irier. he in ri;.- ca'>-. ^’he y>- r- r. had le?'^ th** r'’ tu with tlie UIJU'T-'-’riiiJTiL' trr.i* b-- .1 dr* idfu! 'T b riltL' 'M e;,ll ?'» ]--r d. y : .r tl e I. . and tie '(• W-‘uM go S th'-v ;;o'iid ,il; Wa- adj rr’ «lock tl/i' Hi 'niinj. k. JO r!,.. ai till- jiar-a ’v :.f .Mar-hal ib- f'rom t^.r ,V.- • /I- I / rtijhfJ vl M'.il’ili', .-pel t:-' Il K CV'T II rnin^ .i- N r- 'idenee of I >r w if , his - >n J ui- - y.—( )ne . w;tti- .S''1 w •M I^-r.it,. Vi-;:.. tl„ 1 nine • ’./ JO, r-iie vebb'-' s - .-n thi- ''Tfvt. tli-- . dj. .' :.f lii' !/- 'uis. nire.j li-r Ml V'”jn_ r, a 'iiroU‘iei iu -the hahilim- fit' f d a-’; — \ e'f» rd..y tii'-y were in jx rl'>cf health; t> - ilay th' y are ;dl dca-t. vietlui' to that 'ti- ■\ irald. m-.n-t'-r. th- 'di i-’ra. bjly 1 i-t w. k a - ntilar % i'lt.iri. u fell t![!'»n an.'*h'T f,)tndv of thi- \v. Mr. \ a! ti^n. au'.-ti ujeer, w nt with hi'- f^ni N- t" Pa'“ cp.rivrian. (-an ving wjth '.i* m t!,-- .'.-s f d^i a'. . I:, two d.iy- he ;ii; 1 hlr hii irt-n. hi" ui;i le Mr. ’i!' uloi. • li 1 a - r- ^atit girl, all i>eri'hi 1 > f di.iler.t. Thi^ ii^ tvrribb- iudcvd. P. S. V po't Tn'.r'em ■ '-i .minoti »n of th»- b 'il--' i.f Mr'. X iiMie at>d b'r * eir ehil lr-n by an cfnincnt }‘iiy.'i^;ian frat.' - tii* ir un- tiiiirly d»..Tfh to r i» >t>ini:. fr- n'» a pp>er p vi-t-d for e ' .Kin;:! .Syw .'. —The cxj'orf'* cf (o Kn- r p- e'n'inuc- to ni:.-;e wi'ii unabated .1-t,v.‘y. Jiurinir t'ic wt-ek en.iitig P.*th iii'tant the am unt w nt fn in N .w Vi>rk W..S \IKU> «»K likf. /- .V . - o. :. , r, J>,’r 'I'he ity i the ] lace to see the m -t v^•-tl i'-rful chaiiL" ' and up^ and do'nn- of bfc. Here you ni.ty b*d;-1 1 nuibition, pride, an-l vanity, -ne d.'^y .'T'Timin:: ljk-> ;.'-aU'!y 1 ann* r' hieh up in the breeze, th-- Ii-T' hi; l-’-l tl th-- ( irth. • ' t rv ^1.wilier 'int fad.-‘I. t\ery f.-ir f il '.liied—ail blended w ;h the lws*. • >ppo->te t-.'w lure \v.- re-^’ ie. the otie r eveiiin;; >at a li.-ijh- b-r at hii ’ -r. appar.-n’^v in the n* -t p. rf' ct h-' Itli; the ne.\t morning at lU o’dovk he w - acorj.'e—the victim of cho- iera. fMi Thr.r> lay, a gtntlcman como' int > til.- c e;t in the hi..rning full of lu'ty Ilf- ; at i.ight he is in the court of d' ith—the vietlm i*f a dud. T'*dayy.iu p.;^.' a tow. ring tuiflec. a chureh dedieated to the livin'_' (J.-d; io-morr"W v>u w- nd th;;t wav airain. and the . hi’.ri h i.' in a.'he.'. o\ .T ui ri't i v g 'f t*j'-:ii' unn-’i r.n; 1 i il" p! ' I.tT W;*' "ft.-.- -1! it TH!: '.ITIVK Ur.MANi'F.r'. I’illLAr'KLPHIA. Jui. ilb Hawki! '. ch.’iTj-'d a-a fii^itive ‘•i.ive. !»a l a hearing bcf rc F. S. c.iiimi^- s; n-r Iti^.'-rah;.ni ti'i> nr.ruii.:^. w’u- or- u'-\' ■ tLi; he h. 'vijt i-u k t'.' hi' m^-t-r in .'larvi;.,!, I. t'lr in Cfxh—A ere Tin A fmnd a way of bringii.1 ' whi. h is (piite now aijd mav j-r tiv-- with tloit iar"e da.-" if J , dlcr' wh ) d not care wh,;* ti r A y^'un^^ man. the ?'.n of a tt Z' W of c'.mj.K;tence. in Alb.i:,v. A'l:i'. who had been ratJi r r~ e\] loiWnr;'. and rcekb " ir. had e- tiTa' te.l a cn'id^nd-; p.'V'.'-hire j!^ i-?>e of our liv iV ~- Tiie I;v( rv man h.^d rep^-atedlv • jlayaieiit. and y .iun2 .'pR-r.irhn: ten pr- rui'cd f > j-iiy. but failc'tj. .>• app;xM.ti"n wa' ni.tdc t'l the fati, o rei'u^-d : ' pay a cent frr the cul." fin.iliy a 'dcmn pr. >i ci--v. : to the dcVt'-r. that on a ri i v.-.'uld. with'iut fail, p--;y 'o_ jiif-rv ; clairn. -if he was alive."’ I’.,, tiiii. round but the y. imn cr th'- n, did not. The cr-.d:t r a* ori'.r- d-:- ;. upon hi.' c -ur-' and 'O-nf !)-' lrivor r hvtrse. C-e.'i p.-d r l'ij the d.'‘aj‘i-rv ■ ing. t" the r-''i':c;;c-** of Ijj, d '• h-.U'e ' t ill..- father. >f c -. • ri'.al auJ .'t ^-pagc- of this Veiii,’-. : la f; >nt of hi' d'.'or, the '.M u o. wo.' .'truck wi*h nninzcni'-nt. aijd I. ti. • Y 'j-ur fi'ltfil ( '■ :r ,'■ rr 'tati'*:'^ "f til. Ne py-^ -:;t v»-ar c\iiili >r' X> - y'-r-k—The Y.'rk f.T;-„,l' f'..r the ;i li.'it;. n.'e li.eiea^c in the (ju.tid'y of t r' adsnin' t -rwar I'-d to ti'b'-^^.it.-r t't Albrtny. Frun tli- oj^-ninif "t ii v w-.iii I; t . til',-» n-i of f il - n-l Week in -f' :} , ti:'- ijUanti'ies f fi.ur. w he.it a'>d '.'■rr!. It at tiic t;.|e-wat -r w r • f' J I I Itiihtl.; wheilt; corn. lb. r* .ne:n..: t! thc- fprinfity - f the latter left a* fid -wat- r :!iii , yi-ar. e. n.par.-rl iviris the c-rresp.ui.iing pe ri- i -f ia. ! r--ar. 'ii.iWi uii i;ii rea.'e uf .'wil M i- .-f FI u;-. The ii:- r*-a.'e --.f -ni ; r,‘’r the } '( y-ar is 1 busbr]-! Tii'- s .} s.-iiic "ther aiiie't ' nf thi' 'ar>‘ ai' o ijul E -'’^ard urtiTi^ev' c are liS Ii ll'iW'; I.til. rgryiti-, i-f^ide-- vr)u-al. com. : rve a!'«l K.irler. 1 V ■.:-‘h*“F: butter I'-tJll.i:'* lbs lard F -) bacfH I U l>- ! Tbi- c>:plaiia?inn of *hi=» un-'xampb'd ex- hibit un.l'-ubtcdly th-. .h-oip'v.F^ of canal tra?ip rt.';! T! \ILFt-'• vD L*N~ ; Ti'c A'b'nny "Kniek^'rb •'k. J- iiiL' tlie duty f .^Mte I>r, 'I.;t’.;r- fjU’rc railro.td e--ni^‘iU'- ' * i i»r vid.- Co .jly rcj-li-.-'J the driver; "I hav- • bury him.” ••Z"ua.l.'," -^-’y't\,- ' • "it is t my »'-n a’irc a;, i . '•(’an’t be.” s y.' the driver, or i. iiayc }'ay- d my cnijd-'iycr accor.ii; mi'e, ”it he w;i> alive, and T '■ >- have the m.iii-y c-r the youi.*;.' i;ia:.'- b. f-re I leave your d'M.r.” Ti.. /. tlciaan cn.-eiitcd t.-j piav aud moved off. j;. r-. f , ~i Kiver wa' yi.'itv-i- by a ~ 'tornt on ."^aturlay. w hich w,.- l y high winJi and heavy raif*. Ti '•f Cii num's mtL.._'e:ie wa- bl "'i; duiing th‘? f.reni> n >L‘xIiib}i;»,>n, a wilt 5) .;v-:t a thousand p^-r.sNMi*- vrpre]* . Tho greater coufn.'iio»i prc'^'aiied the dr.' Dcb*d and 5c»cral p were hurt. The ^'cat canvas waj torn, and a htmdred c.ca].e h 'I s wo. tbrotj.'h it. One woman had a I-.-l' i r an-i uianv othei:- wore bruisvd Ui. r r 1 r~~ ' re- uble tn-.ck'. sta’-.-' tlii.t durii'i tho year ending •Tanurv. tli-.. numb-, r of v.V/-*h: at the t •-k (dac S'---t--- - Ur ntl'ed J ' U(- !o;U-! three, which e-'I!!.'!-.:!s d*-p:- dred ai:I >i-veuty-i,iiie ui-.:u ; while the number i-ru.-hed amounted to two hundred lii Te. .*^Ueh aceidents. it i; Fr.i'ci .« d -i.\* V- V vi otie hun- f their lives, and m ; 11,led and nine';-:, u ■ ar;:!ud, are the most but no oue w.;.- killed- At FninkliT? iCt.'i, the other hTse »as ;:ra2;ing in a yard«c-artl, . when *hc clcph:»n{i» belonging to t; Tc gerie rcrenfly in thi? city woi> y along. The uor?c did re-t ‘'b.-,. ; . • till they Were cI»^>o to !;:m. w‘- ^ iiig up aud seeing the huge a:i:ii;: i '*urted b;;ek iu a frioht. ran t > sit:- ^ide ef the \arJ, >:\-i...i t -i' :* :. (juiveiing, then dropped dead.— .V }' A/t N. Y .1 af if'-rr,—A corre.'p 0. ''psrit of the Times rel: not only the ncvt numerous, but th fata! fall the di.':istcrs to whieh railr'Oad? are bable; alel Vet they i-' iujiri'e tb-j very da,'.' w hich it i> uui.'t easy t-o iru;*r't ai^aiu.'t a r-moubdi 1 ing ruin. You have a niarrit-d prevent by supplying the roads with friend livins at one eufi of the dty; you vi>it the family on Sun.lay; all ar-- well, lively, au'l web-"Uie you i:ailv; before the next Sui;day you are invited to the fir.ur- als of h.df tlu* member', suddenly cut v-lT iu the mi'l't ot life. ^ ou leave a neiuh- bor jii ar by t .-niiiht w;th ojkmi store, «|o- iiig, a.-^ you think, a fi'turi>hin'r bu'ine.". llij next day hi' doors are do.sed. IF has ab.-eonded, or the .-'hcrilt has elo.-.ed the C'T-.-c-rn. A friend and his wife, arm doulde traek- Th- f:,: -\ nn ilnJ'itor.—31 r. Thonjaj Ihivcnport f St. Loui>. iijf irni' the 3Iis- souri Ib-publieau that he has rcceiv-d a liill of 1 *vling ann'iuudng a .'hipment of machine to New Urleans from Liverj-v.l, which he exjH-cts to n'cdve in St. I.ouis a- b'.ut the middle of n- xt month, bv whi h time he hopes to give c-ueh a demonstra tion a.-» will convince the mo,-: .scep-.tical tf It I.-, k 11 the power a.' well as efficiency ot }‘hilii.s .Ii aim. an.i J'.'k'lig as happy and harmo- t- i . . r *i n • ' . - . l ire .\nn;hiiator to accomplish all it-^ name tw.) iii'W.', you meet t>-ni',rht pro- • i- ~ ‘ implies. ni"U menadiiiLr on f!u- liCVt-e. an-i as vou turn from them, you ejaculate— • ll.ij.jiv. hupj.y. hapj\v pair!” ••i'lr. Jenkins.” .s.iid mine host of the .'^wan, '-a.' you always eouie in late, have The next day you hear, to your utter you any objecti(.ns f . this gentleman occu- confoundment, that they are the most ill- py'’',iT your bed until the stjige goes outi” ^ortc'l couple alive—tight like oats and “Not the least. I will be infinitely dog'—and are abi»ut to separatt! The ‘'bligcd to you if you put him there, .s'o next day. more than like, you hear that i'bat the bedbugs can have their supper be- the wife has dfii>ed and gone to Europe, fore I cotue.’’ or that the husband has suddenly taken ■ , — pa.^^.'age for California: They who f.,r ^ years have been friendly, for .somethin.^ or , “‘-'i.irbbor farmer ot his and a for nothinir become .-^u-ldenly estran^^ed . «'>s, will make this year. and, castini: strange and .-ini^ier hx^ks'up- ^ bu.hels of wheat. ’\\ e hear ot anoth- on each other, take separate paths to the " B^ittletown. suppost^d to grave—where even the work of chani:.. reach Id.iKlU bushel^. The wheat this From thf Baltimore Sun. * 1 hf Ii')!ih (/>n.us—The Ih'vU.te >.f thi' Xiition.—_)ur foreign jiapeis by the -\sia bring an abstr.a«-t of the Iri.'h census. It ]>resents a most melancholy and depressing picture. The population of Ireland shcw> a deficiency of above ‘2,000,000, as com- I'ared with the numbers which would have been attained this year had there been no intcrrujition of the ordinary rate of in- crt-a.se. On the last three oc-casions of taking the census, the numbers wore— t),801 S'7 T,7G7.401 ^ The report about to be published will show, in 1 Sol, vcrv little more than 0,- 51:),7'.M. Tb.e same report will ahso show a rcuiiirkable decrca.'C in the number of “houses,” as eompari.l with the number in the proceeding censu.s, ami, of course, still greater, as compared with the number which Would have aj.jKured now, h-.ul the fortucr rate of increase been n\aiutaincd. still goes on, aud the brains of leanud ' towanls Mill- pundit.s by way of a chan.^e, serve ^ feat for the bxlv-worm to batten ou! j ex« ellent t|aautity „ . . ‘•The car of victorv. the plume, the wre.nth, I 1 nyinum. ^ befeii.l not from fate's bolt the wise, the hi-avc: ! No note the clarion of renown can breathe, i T al.-inn the long nijrht of the lonolv grave, i Or chcok the headlong haste of Time's o'er- 1 whelraiii" ■wave!’’ ' h(tf C'>»it>titutts (( .Mint.—Fowler, the celebrated jihrenologist, makes the foHow- ing sweeping asscrtiou: “Young man, middle-aged man, it mat ters not what may be your age, your size, your strength, your riches, your any thing ebse whatever, you are no man unless you have been iu love. Acty> —Avt*id too much working, eatiug aud drinking, and thinking, tb.is hot weather. All three heat the blood and brain. Particularly avoid getting in love or in tl passion. And that you be sure of not getting into-a close prison, to W prey ed upon by fleas, muscjuitoes, and other minute monsters, don’t carry a sword cane, a pistol, bowie, sluug shot, or a brick in your hat. uf ir.yinjtt r.'s.—The greatest ,s;ile which any journal ever attained is proba bly that of the uumlx-r of the Illustrated London News containing the account of the opening of the Crystal palace. About one million of copie.s wore sold, which, at the retail price, would amount to ^IlIo.O'^O. A } oung lady whose name was Mayden. having luarried a gentleman called MuJd, gave rise to the following; Lot's wife, ’tis sai.l. in .lays of old, . For one rebellious halt, Wh8 turneil. as we are plainly toM, Into a lump of salt. The snme propensity of chonoe Still runs in wom.nn’s bloo-j; ' for here we see a case as strange— A yiaydai tnmcd to -'f.-.;W. 1> wing; -\ di>tingui?hel member of tu : . ture was addressing a temj^eraije- -- and he g- t rather prO'V l»ut ,'h . i di^^K•^iti-'U t.f “ let up.” though ti. u cucc waxed thinner. Finally, the ] iiig ofBcer got excited, au-d ivjiairi-ii friend ot the .'jx' ikcr'' in.juind how i, I'^ngcr he im^Lt rea.s>nald\' be exj-.':' sjH.ak':' AV’hereupon “the friend ah>. he didn’t exactly know—when he Z"' that I •ranch of the ^ubjoct he e(^ii-.r spoke a couple of hour>!’’ ‘■That'il never do; Fve got to ro - few remarks my.self,” .sjiid tl^iP IV'-: “how >hall I stave him of^ ••^^ell, I don’t know—in the fir.'t y I should pinch his left les, ar; 1 then shoubln’t stop Fd stick a pin in it.” The }‘resideut returned t.. hi? scat, hi.' head was invisible f-T :• nien: Soon atterwanis he ret»irned to tho • ther” who had prc>cribed "the piu>t\. treatment.” and ^aid: “I pinched him. and he didn’t ta’K'- least notice at all—I stuck a pin iiit leg, and he didn’t seem to cure; I i.r - it in. and he kept on ."poutin;! as liar ever!" cry likely, ” said the wair, “'^ei' Nothing has been scon of the IV-' since. ‘•Well my lad, that is small .. 'n-.' arc hoeing." “Yes,” said the l>t\y, while he eetiini his labor, “we planted small corn.” ‘‘But it looks rather yellow.’’ ‘•Yes, >ir, we planted the yellow k::- returned the boy. “lJut 1 do not believe you will b more than half a crop.” “No, sir, we planted on .shares," halb the youngster as the traveller rQdo awa; Four Etiitors at lie.^rt/viUc.—e i’*’ • stand that four Editors were reccntb guled on at Berry v il le, iu F county, and, that oue of them ••rcturij thanks” in the following style: ‘•Of squirrels hot. of squirrelsi coM. ^ Of squii reb teuder, of si^uirre’.s lou? Ot -•i.iuirrels voung, of s»juirre’s i ’.it — >ye thank the L. rd, we've h.nl en- Piednio'it H POKT or AHi:iVAL.S. *2'2.—Schr. E. I.. 1$. Wale-s from .Sa'iU 2-i.—Schr Lcrov from New York. OllSl ^AT'.ST TI’ESnU. sIlfh'-r tcho de»h'e to rm t plpasc (Jf'' University o We are much gra number of SMub-t increased beyon l Ilaleigh Star .'ays dents now (txcecds ter from a Stuilcul mentions that the applicants f.u' adu the good fruits of the North. ANOTHK.lt VlL’ Skckssion.—e considerations to . which the doctrin unfounded assumj to show, that eve mitted true, tlu* r be deduccd froiii ■ That ]>o>,itl(.n i ■was cstal'lishcd i tween, the States tie.s—and from it quencc, the ri:h that Rtiy Stato li; secede when she cause cxi^ts t'»r whatever may be er States coneeri sufficieiiey of >uc’ not rightfully ii withdrawal aii'l cediMg State th*- granted by tla- c Let us tlu-n f position, and so recofrni.'i'f! amon drawn from it eai Tf our coi!>titut sovereign States, form an alliaiice timatc kind, am .have le-*s ol>ligaTi other treaties ol comnieii consent ted to have up' thereto. The obbgat^u lipon the biiidiuu law of nature Vattel in his 'J ii tions: ‘lt is a s‘-ttl( that he Y%ho ha cuie, ha.' e-'iiferre thing promised, the breat h of tion of another deiitly aet oi rob a man of would no longer any coiameree 1 did not think ti faith with ea(-h protni.ses. ”—}>>* engagements of one hand, a j> ;; duce, on the oil breach of a tn'a of the perfect vij we hav(- c.intrac injustice against (7pon tlie sup stitution wa a i tween ver-igv each of tlu- jiart aud neither if from it without justice" against to rob a man of Then lii.iw loi pact sub>ist or t strunient on it;-! made to endure it was luaile bjj their licuet't aul ty,” and therefi always. Hut, j ration, it is sufi I limits no tinu, names no evei which it shouhl to dissolution, the coiistitutioi States oxi>;; fc agreements b vhich are pers* ing from those tion, and henc guish them fro lueuts, la^ s do: “A nnl allii the State, and tiJi'r.ss thf fx J Itililtf'iL ' See iiiade by a rep: m/, for it rcbi State. Wln-n State, or an :i eludes a treaty contracts; and pend on the Ir the instrumei members of tl ing body, chai but the State '—See. This alliauc have assumed and was desigi ance, a treaty States that n foree, and bir every State. Sujipo.se Si the Fnion, tlu tiou U'J bjU;:i'l V.hat pretence JU're deelara^ 1 uioii, or UI v. iiit Ic.ss biud tlu-u before s seen, thatj coi

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