WAN'rKl), FIKST r.itc Bout llnii'ls. Tonstiint cua>l"\nu'iit ;iutl high w;i|;ci frivou. K. M. OUUELL. .Tnh- i:>. -l--t i^rs. W. i’. Malloll and H. A. MiSwaiii, S ■ VVINJ .isS'H-iatoi' ti)*.Miiselves in the I’rac- ■ I tii'f .'I' M*' iiciye aifl Stir;j:'rv, offer their .T\icC3 ti> the I'ntiiiiuinity. (>iic ur tlio vtl.i'i- I'f them ni:»_v l>o ltnui>l ;it ali tillu■^ ;;I llii'ir not jiriit >sioii;ill_v eiiprnirv'il. U. 1>. \lAI-i.i:TT. M. i». 1!. A McSW Vl.N. M. I». \|iril t'>'''tt’ l'.ii;;iiNh Krporf?* i«i l^aw aud I'q nil y. l>y I.l'I'TI,!-; .'c f'M- iii^ !'V ii;itiiui a New Si’i'it's nt LAW AM» ki;i’i)i:ts. rn'^ni: want I'C sv'tom liy whu-U tho 'U'- ■. jii'liciiit i>t' tho st-vcrnl (' )’u t> "t' I..HV aii'l in I’nirlanil In' iiiori' choai'iy I'.u’ni.'iu'il to tliu i;.il iu this cininti-v, lia.s long In;*”* ' r: 'ii'.v ti'it iUi'l •!. 'Ihf 5iili-;i;nlii'rs to it'i'uMi.'li thi's*' rt> in tu’l. a.s tu>t :is tin . in l.n;^- I 111 I. an'l ran Im> I'oi'civo l h> ro. I lo'.v will r.iii- t in rt'ports •t' c ;m's ili\-iiU-il in tlio llou.so of I., r is. tin- ri'iv\ I’ oriii'il, tlu' scvcial nuitiiiit j . -li''.. ti;.‘ t’"r.!t of tjufcn's r.onrh. the ('oiiri ..t I'..mni.'u ri.'a.'. i;:0 Coiu t .'f K\rli(" ;iu'r an ’. I'N -ln uioM-( iian.lii r. lli‘ l\> lt sinstic.c :;ial .\i|- niM-i]r,\- lu’ts. fill* •' iirt of HankiM'i'ti-y, in- r!u'iin'.r i!'-' lin' 1'Ji'i‘ti.ai ';im s, tiio I'l own i’a- sc' !!■ . I'M-.l. an I the It.il iwa v anil • ;:nal ('asos. Tin will In* oulilislu’-l in monthly !iM:iilii'rs "T par's, cioiiniini'iiig wit:i (lu‘ i|> !‘i- ,if Mi.-liai'hn i-i , N-iVi-niix !■; I i-rni. Is'i". :iii 1 will ivu-'.-fully o li'cil l y a tueinoor . f tho I! ;;-, with n. Iis an I ri'f reni.v.' to unalagoiis Aiii’-rii-:in 'hv.s. 'US. wi'l ci'U'ii'^t •{ t’lVi'o lam- ■!m'{ .-l. sr’.y j rinti' l ; ; t:'Vf. nn the liest ail 1 in clear, fair t\ i»‘. an>l will contain a : ■ >t’ casos. ii-.ul a tull taolr i.f eontonts, tiiU' '.■■rniin;^' a co;n|ilft> viliy ii.'cll'. as H MS 11 (lart of;;') entire iTits. jiric)' I'f I'.ii-i pn’i'ile.itoin, f.lining six ^ ’'.line-; .p.-?mvh. will I>o a ; ;r. ['ayal'le in lil'.iMi o. nr till' V"luin >. lianus"inely an'l U.;';! rnilv b.i'ui.l i:i !;. a --]iee;i. I.ITTI.I-: .V i:!:‘wv. 11 J ''' .i.'liinn '^ti-et-r. i’"st. p. 1 ‘ T:!- .^-'.r.s I'.lieis arc a!ith"ti,’ei! t'l re- f. -nlisn it 'i'-;'.' 1"r tlie al'.ivc worV. the tii>t vi>iui;,c '•i'uliicli is alre.i'K i-- ••■■1. j;.'.!. :i.\Li: sov. >1 :''-;f M:\\' 1^)0;vS. r i;; .11 iii xi's \i Tcriiaimiv.- roe- II J try ■■ft.'i'.' \V,ivcr!y \. \cls; Iiar|>er's M.i r.i- ;■ :i' , an.l Inti ra iri .n.il ditto. ,\[.ri! .\os.; Alt'.n I. M ao; l,a I. l’\;t:i;ii!i's eiicap f iiti: !i; M.ins- l l's M''\ie.ui Vi';ir. iUutra'e !. clu'ao iman'l ili-iMos i.u I'lanii il'ii'l'; r.nii-loti- i 'ir’iii-r ai’.'l ' I:\nl.'ii'-r. ty I'e.-'i ii it iv. V^natt 'Vttii-tiu -11 I'attle: N*".v M i 'iii\- T; 't'e i‘>o:\nl; Fre. u’.—'in's Manna!; M-iM'iiii- ('iiart: I’reenia- s. u'' \!‘>:iiror: tlolclsiairli's V. ' iks; Mel.eil.in >>n • 'iht> ri>ri' :i";i of ."riij.'ur's; Met’ovh on l*i- ' ■■■> «;-.v.rni:ient: - lIi. iii'. si---.n'I ■ i thir.l ] ;f ;; l» ivii >' .-'lit \ : \ inn: ;iinn's l*o- Jae-lic >!• lie;;.. . vvi-. \e. .'a t r.T> l.e l l.y A] ;' i;. .1. .v >iW. V\'li;r!(‘r‘s Ilhiory tii' Xorili r:iro!iii;i. un l-'r'iu;u'i ii.is !..-fn a|M' >;iitc'l ^ r i' .'.-. 'itli'r t ' l!. .1. ii. in tlie T'ii r .ngrosi-'Ual I'i ■; :i t. a:. I t> :ip- J ’r;t 'U'.- V'i'.'I.t': ill r,u-!. i‘I' t'.'' o ■o;ni,> "I' l; ‘I' ■II, ('•■innitiiis. l.;-ii|i ii. il: ni.^'vii k. Ne.v ii.-iN'.v "r. .''.iia] ' ii. ii;;[i!in aii'l au l II - ':;.ir aoi ;i,,n !>• nnole to liini ininie- ' ui. '"'.y. T!ie Vv'urk es I I prv'd in An._n>t, !ia i li.i' prire w'.ll tie ' inc '.' i'^r per v. ’.uine. i i- 'ii^istiii:: "f tW" V Joll.N M. Hn.-K. : I'-'. . i-tf T .r Ku-'iv’:- -• .....I •• ■■ s:- 1'. ■1'^: .-. ; !' ".'.i.r-'. Aut' Ki.iLri'ajMiy >; -I '1:: 'I' r.j, ••r; I. ■ i Inri j.;,; .i . ;ili'i tl..' I! r„..r. l y \l:,;,!.. w; ll.ms. lo.-l W, pN. *'.■ l'’'-;; i.': Ann- li'- y; il-ri.ci's -a/in-; I' ■ 'in ■ a.;! !'tt"; .''in;* aii'i >ii ire. in ,\!a'ieira. I ■ >n an l r'l^ M' l.ieira-iean. hv Kov. Walter M.;:y nv .lac^o AM.’ i r; J !,.• IW-celi ' Am-I'i. .11 K .-p. r M:inn:il: W fl >ter'' ' ’-r ai. i I't •^.iK'r; Tal k'r's i h I'.iM-ivl; l\ ' " - ' '.f 1 itii ir-ni; S." it - In:;,n- t • '•-•r- s: .M-iii l.im N- t ..i. 1 I.et- t i'u\ •'. : .■«, 1 ii; r*:- s . I \ ■ 1 I' f.. ' I. ' C'li^' i; .•'!M'.n liiiitH-ii';*;: ^ - ‘ M ':lii.-v s ii'-cniAc. ■ ! ir. ri.- i ifv- i:. .1. II \i.i-; A s"N. NEW LAW BOOK. A DAMSi’S Doctrine of Equity, the escellcnt /IIl work proscribed by the Supreme Court of North Carolina for the couisc ot Legal Study. l*rice $2 6U, for sale by E. J. hale & SON. April 1-3. Spri (/loodii^ 1851. JA.MIvS kvij: \S .U’sr UKnUVKl) a large and general as.sortinent of " ^;4>ODS, Among which are: 1'21‘> pieces new style *' ilicoes. •• •• (iingliar.i. Jjllt •• I’rintcil and Enib'd Lawns. r>roi ade luul other i>ilks. .'''wi-is and other .Mnslins. Irish l.inens. Lawns and l>iaj>cry. r.o'iinet Lace and Kdgings. I ."^ilk, I.ineii, and’ottoii Handkerchiefs. rnil>rell:iM and Parasols. Superfine t'loths and I'assimeres. Tweeds ami .Merino Cassimere. 1‘mnnets, nnci>mmoidy clieap. Iii'lting Cliitlis. .\nker I’rand. ^'•'itii many other C 1>: .-ill ol' wliich have I'een pnr'! :i>>ed bv the package for 'I hose wisliiirt; to jmrchase by wholesale or retail, will ple.MM- call lH‘foi-e purchasing elsewIn-re, a,s good ijanvains mav be expected this .■'easoii. March lo.'IS'. 1. '■-.‘Uf J. t:. is ii I'.f T5 3 AS III'MOA lil* to llardie's Ibiilding. on U 3. I’crsoii stri-eT. second d'K-r-fioin .Market .'^i]:i:ire, and is mi\v r*“ceiving direct troni New York, a large as-iortment of : .\:u' a.-:: cs'.is ci ibksl b» je » Cavefnlly '^I'lecti'd to suit the wants of the jieoplc . of this .•ommnnity. His stuck cnn.sists ot — Staple :in.l Fancy l>r.V tii>t)l>S, L.’idios' iM’i'ss (iotuN, a \ariety, 2-> cases limits and Shoes, I.a ii.'s' and Mis-^es' (iaitei-s. half (Jaiters, r..."ts .-ind h;ilf r»>";s, of a d i/.en di!l'er-nt .'tyles, 1 icnMciiicirs tine.-t Cali' lioots, enanndled (,'on- gn—. i;,.ot.-. \-c, ,\ large !>'t >f Heady-made 'lothing: ’o;it'‘es and Krocks, from •'i'l .1 to ^I'Jl. I’ani'* and \’v>t.- .if every varivty, Knr. .'Silk. I’anama. l.eghurn and Straw Hats, of latest fashions. Albi.iii, wiiite hip. I’rem li ilair f.ace, wliite 'r ipe. and i.t.her llonnets, \li»es' Lace and ass.irt d t’rapo r>'inuets, \c. II.-irdware. I’mket :in'l Tabb' ( utlerv, I rnnks. IKibnllas, I'laskeis. lluckets, I’ails. I'V'iiims. .\'iat. Xc. .-'a.Idles. Lri ll. s, W hips an l I’..liar*.. Illack.'iidth s I'lols. Ill'll, .''tcel .Hiid .\ails. t.HO( l.lllF.S. I’-'i I!io and La;;uir t I'urt'ee, 1.1 Im'x* s chi-:,p I’liti.-n c*>, t rushed. t.".if. t'lariiicd a id I’rown Sugars, .■'ai'. .^l■ ..i>scs. I'cc. ■'i M nicliiiiii price ! ' rvi u. il i'.r.;U‘ly. Mai’oiia m.-l T'Tt AVinc, hii.l .Ab u. ng.iliel.i W liiskey, 'I'll ail of whicii l.i- wiiM invite ilit* atrcnti"H iit'biners i^cueiallv aU'i !i;s I'neiids and custoui- mr JMiz 'm.w M SI)M}1E1 ARKY, SllEMWELL & CO. Are now receiving tlirect from New \ork and rhihulclphia, their i^priiiK hikI Niiiiiiu(‘i* Cioods, Knibraeing every article w hich is n.snally kejd in a l>ry (Joods Store. They would eail the at- ter.tion of tlie L.\i»iks in particular to thi-ir very handsome stock ol I'ress (.ioods, which have Iteeii .selecteil with the greatest care by one of the tiriii. mnl which will compare, in quality, stvles and prices, with a;iy in tlie market. They w ill luit enumerate, as they have .such a variety; and would s.iy to the Lailies, that they have no (.lennv Liudi gomls, but would respecttully so- j licit a call to see the goods and liear their j names. 'J’o the (ientleiuen they would say. that I they have the iiandsiuiieb't stock of Cloths, (’as- \ siiiieres and Vestings tliat iias ever been e.\- : hiliited in this market. tJive us a call. 1 .Vl.so, (I large assortment of Ladie.-^', (Jentle- i men's, and Chihln'n's l>oots and Shoes, and a I beautiful lot of 1’ai‘asols and I’inbrellas: toj^eth- 1 er witli a general a>surtment of Canton Cnij'e ! .'^Iiawis, while and col'd; Summer \'i/.ites and • .Mantillas; l.ace and .Muslin Capes, Collars and ' Cutis: Mourning and secoiid-mourning ditto. Sugar. Cofi'ee, 'i'ea and .''jdces, i've. I I'avetteville, N. .''ilarch L’-f), IS-'il. (ittf I s ran: ■ iiari\-. Kiivcdeville! M;,rc:i 1'. I^'d. NKW IU)()KS. ^ 3k'’II !»■‘W ^ I, \ \ i.N111; •; A'i^uiiar"' Jib II I.I Kn'.;'.::!! 1; .Mi-> f rii-k!:i ud■.- J;..',f t: ( i.u-.-i::- . f >c..t!an !; Alt..!i T. .^p. .| t-i.if.; ti-.dy ' ."S ,n; iJavid ( I'p- ].iot;'- 1; ~ M: >; '.JiJi': I.-'.c .iiid .\nrii- f ■ : i:v:i|._s V, ]} v. --.; M.'dern l>i-iti>ii '' 1 - : I'fui Icr'' t '■iii|':ihiiiii: ( ".'e- II. p ' i.-t .-r- ir..m li'M ].f; Al.I;..ttV Malii-viil,'; ■ '• y -'! ■• ; li'i ( i ri. si iiudev.i-e; I .iN‘nf Lad v ' li. .1'.;:: w: !i \ ; i. tv ot'.■'.•'ii’.'l i-.i.k'. etc.. ^ ' .1. I! '.I.!'. \ SON !l.# I. M'.\\ nooivS. g g .\l;l i:ir- .M.i-a/):!- . ; li.'"niati..n- E '.i a-d": I sti'lIll'tlie 'il;,; |v,.|jr(.. i ku :, k ■ , .. i. I.,- t;i.- ur in I r ;r: c; I! ;vc- ' ‘ I’ l i'fiiir; >h"Miian',-j I 't'e jiud lir.i- '"■■'i ' I v.Iimo-; 'i'..iin'_M.,idy ' Kricn.i: i;. Av icceived. L. .L IL', i,u .V •' I*;. 1>. I. •' J".'' iiariy I'lliNtii.i. l;ite hi i-t"r "! II si 'liiiM li. F..\cttevilli-. X. (' - -to be edite i by i,is .'^on. the Kev. .Jarvi. iiu.x- t n. and aci-.,nij.uni. ,1 v. j.di ;i I’l.rtrait. an l N"f.;ce of liis Life. ^ ihe },ri.i.os-d vi.liinv will be j rinted j), hn-.n. C-'ai- type, and e.iia.ii.t .,v';r ."itiu ,.uli- p iaii.iily b.,und in ,e.ithcr. Terms, Two D„l- la?'. p;.y.ib!c on delivei'v. Tiie irtprocee.K if'anv. d.-rive.l lr..m the s.-.le. wid pv. ii to the .i-rmanent Fund for .ii-M"iiary puij-i.Nis i;, the biuce.se ot North It ,> (as !o\\ it ;i!iv i‘o|jics iiMt V ' !.:.''/ ' that iH-rsons '■ ' v.i.iiiil iiioiieiliiitch- ii'.tifv lie .r U-. ,fh-ir owu Mini.'te;*, wlioni "-"I'"-lIuMy n- jiie.-ts to r. ceivi^ .Soli.^.-ribeis' italii '. and theiii to iii.s .\.Mrc.'S at . ‘ii \.lle. V. (• • I'li.e, Iv 1, 7t. ' 1 •> nti ,|.,1. by Uev. V., 1), 1,. 1).. \!;iiiu- liunh l’rii,.;p'..-. I.y .I,,: (i,ii_rin;,l Thoughts > r;pt^ire, l,y (•.■•■il: Help to 'ale- i . ■ "'h '*11 I'. iiie (M''. I'l nnieiit, I’j ayer , 1 till.-, .Iii-it reo('ivd. j t;. .i. HALL .‘x Si>S. ' N'* 1 Lav. X,, I ,v l',attb-’s !:•- l'"‘ti, and i|,f .,1 Ca.sc.'j in 1st l>e\ .s l.'i'uty. ; I 111-leasonablc jiriee "I .111', odil I'l'fvious to Iredell’s , '>•'* awl | * Fi. HALL .5c Sl»\. ! ’AHi\s-s si:inio\s. ^ ,* I’le.t for Kvangeliciii Catholic , ,, ill .'■'ix Seriiiiiiis, (Iclivered in 'I'rin- i J Inirch. ( i)!uni)ius, (bo., liy dn. i>ev. W. H. j I'liiiicrly of North Carolina." I’riee ■>(> i et-.'iis. I *■", ''' ii.,-:' ,11 ..tu- i’;,i l:,li, by a t 'oiu.tj \ I’al'- ! II s ^1 • , 1 li.inktiiiiit s.s, by llev C. IL Taylor, 7‘> eontr;. ' A iK.K.l's i,y 7 ')cent i. F.artu'St-‘ by ilo., 7'j ccnij. I ^ or siilo by L. .1 HALE i . ON. I .Yen' miff SHmmvr For Jf . TII'iM.'-)N is ii'iw r*'ceiving a ■Jp’en li.! ’ .rtnieut Ilf sr.\l.\ihi: HAT. fi.r (len- tlinoii. \iiut!:, r.iiy";. and Infants, ti-wit;—- I’anan.:!. M.iri aiim. !’• I.de aiel Ligh-rn. w'.tii a fUerai a.'S'•! tno tit .>f F.aim-leaf. — ALSO— .\ r;eiy nf leiitb iii.'ii .' Press Il.it, t i-wit: I’ertver. Nutri.;. Nlob’.-kin. Silk and .\ng..!a. "f the l.iJe^t witii an a.'^^'Ttmeiit nf nther sr\!c~ y t .un i in tiii nnrket. CAl’."^ in .-i!.-’- c. ..f dit;erci>: 'r \ ..■m .-lUil prii ' S,—ai; of which will 1 c ' 'i I t-;;'Ciii:Ar f ^r i'ash. —.VI.S' I — .'n :i'-' rrment ••i'd' ;: • I,;i.!■.■>.’. M;s«.s’. \ ' lltl. '. I)i'\>';in I Cili! !;eii - IvOt i J'S .V .'^l|OK.'s_ wMi li w ill lie I'tiere i ••n iioi ral t« !m- t"r th»- lie-i !y Ca !i. i;. ’ 1 l.- i'i' e il! and sat;i('y yl.u^selv.■^ re p'; r« ■!. a s: 1. ■ I s e w here. ■L c. TH(*MSoy. S'lUth-w.-st Cl TM' r .M:'rket .''^•iu.'ire. 1:;. ls:.l. .;;;-tf roii SAU:. .(' / f/,. /'n',;s, 2 /h liilHS. New Cr M01, \SS|;S. ijiiti .Ai.r. •'i' ' •> bu.^!iel' Alum .';i’t. '.iiiuM p.,. I otr'iii Varn. I i-Ji.i'nir;;' aii'l l’!iiw :i ,''iieet;i;i:s. With a 'jencrai .-^tuck ot articles in the (iruci'r' line. .I\M. I). WILLIAMS. Fayetie-.i.Ie. Feb. ]l.'^.'jU. IredGll’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. P ! S'i’ j ui'.islii 'I, fi.r - li- bv L. .L H \LL .V SON. •Line1"'!. 7.', ai:t (mox of rnii..\i)i:LiMiiA. For the Promotion of the Arts of' Design in the United States. , V iJli .'■K-i.dier. .‘ur the year L''-jI, will re- : J eeive tur each .''uliscription of Five Dol- 1 lar>, a print ut 1!iintiiigton's • ('Itristiaiia aii'I ! her Children.'■ engravt-d by .josi-ph .\ndrews, liii-'t'in: and the ci'in|'iaiiion. a print of Huntitig- t"ii s •‘.\!cicy's Ineani,'’ engraved by A. 11. Hit- ehi'*. .New \ mk; I'r tiie elmiee of any two of the ti.ili.wii!-'fill!;’-tp;, ndi'l engravings, vi/; I. .lohn s Ii-.ti-i view with Mary iuevu of S i>ls. p.iiiiteil liy I,ciii/.e, engraved by .'Sartain. "2. Uuth and I’loaz. ]>ainted liy r.otlieruiel, engraved by Sartain. Mercy's l>ream, jiainted by II iintingtiin, engraved by Uitchie. 4. ( 'hristi- aiia and her Children, pxinted by lltmtingtou. eu' va\ed bv .\ndrcws; and a Copy of tlu! ,1’hila- ■ di’I'hia ,\rf Cniou lleporter. a iiKiiithly f>aiiiph- j h r, ci'iitainiiig a rejiort of the triinsactinns "f ' the IMstitutii'n, anl iiiforniatinn on the subject ol tlie Fine .\rt* throughout the whole world. The ,\rt Fnion of I’liila'b'liibia awards prizes in its own i'ertitieates, with wdiicli original .\- merican works of .\rt nuxy be [utndiaseil in any . part id the United States, at the ojitimi and ' l‘Ction of tiie j.'Cr.'joii who may olitain a jiri/.e at t!ie annual lii.stribution, which takes jilaee on ■ the evening of the last week-day in every year. 'I’lie l.xeeutive Committee of the .\rt Fnion, when so ref|Uesl*'l. select works of ,\rt, without chai'ge or eonipensatioTi, from their Free (Lillery, Old ('hestnut .'tr>'et, for tin.so jiersons in the ^ country, who may live remote from (jalleries, or ; public e.shibitions of th! Fin(' Arts. ' .Suliseriptions of meinbershiji, should be made as early as jiracticable, so as to entitle | i;iend)crs to earls numbers of the ••lleporter,” which will be forwarded ujion the receipt id'the I money to .iiiy jiai t of the country. i The Honorary Secretaries will give reeoinis foi- subscriptions, or remittanees mav be made to ■ iK()K(;i'; W'. KKW LV. Corresponding Sec'y, lilO (.'Tiestnut Street, j riiilndelphia. I llonor.iry Sec'y for Ftiyetteville, N. C., j E. ,J. HALE. ! .Tunc 7',. j Works on Free-Masonry. I lAV Masonic Trestle-lJoard, adapted to the \\orkand Lectures, as jiractised in the Lo'lges, Chapters. Cotineils, and Etieanjpments of Knight 'lemjdars in the United States, by Chas. \V. .Moore. 1 he F ree-.Mason’.s ^Linuid, a companion for the initiated through all the ilegrccs of ^In.sonry, by Hev. K. 1. Stev.iirt. The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic ■Monitor, bv .J. [.. Cross. The Frce-.Mason's .Monitor, containing ,a de lineation d'the fundamental principles of Freo- .Masonry. opcrntive and spernlativo, as well in a roHgioua na a moral view, by Z. Davis. I'or sale by E. J. HALE SON. May 31. 7.4 OOOB9S. rniiiL Subscribers are now receiving a por- fl. tion of tlu'ir S'l'^t'oN I> 1 .M I’ >llT.\’ri('N of d(M)l)S this ."Reason.—1>!>^ CL I'Ll'.- LV, CllOCKLUV, CLASS. .VC. .\LS(>— IIOOO yds. ('arpi'f in;;'. s. \V. TlLI.INtillAST \ ’>. (tctober •J'^. LUf XTVU HOOKS. B'^E T IC('FKVI LLL'.'' .\nu“rican Institutions 9 ^ w ith notes liy the Hon. .L C. .'Spencer, juibli-ihed foi' the use of .‘'chools, iV:c. Lord Ilo] lai.d's Foreign I’leminisceiices. .lane 15uuverie, (U‘ I’l'osperity and .\dversity. by .Miss .'Sinclair, authi'r of .Model n Acconiplishment';, \c. L. .1. HALL \ SON. .\]>ril 1. Firrv P )I.LAKS KKW AKI). .V.\.VW'.\' tVoni .1. I’ucliHiian. of .b>hn- Uon County, on the .''th >f .laiiuary, TW,i NF.'il'.O iUiVS, i>an aii'l Sit'Yihen. l>an is about -■> years of age, stoiit built, of dark ci tniilcxion, aii'l wi'i*rhs about I7'»lbs. .''teidien is aln'Ut'J' ye.irs of ;ige. wei^h-i 17ii lbs., of yellow ciun- plexiou, spe.ik.'' very slow when spiikcli to. .'^aid Ni groc' were raire'l la L!iza*icth Mur phy f Cunifier’.nid county. i;i who'C \icinity tlic\ .ire suppo--e.l to be luiking. I will ^ive 'bi- above re^.ird lor their a)>pri‘ heii.'ion and ■, >i'.finemcnt in any jail s> that I get thi in. or .'j.ij > I'l.r eithcc: ;.nd an .-I'l'litionai i-ew.-ii'l will he j;ivc;i 1’ r pi.iof siitii. ient to c ii- vict anv v.hiti- llel■^.lU "f h.;il.o;iii:r .s>iij Ne^i"e.. K. F. .(an. -JL 1 .■.' if I'AlJ. vV WLN'li'Ji COODS. % ^ F. ;.»• n >'\ r. i i i%inu '\;r F L L A N I* V V W 1 N T L 11 C o 0 li S. c"i;sl.-t:ng . f a V: r\ general and well b' ted St"' k. I.\ A 1.1, i.!Ai:s. Which we .;re ■ rii'g "ii "i:r .-ii.d tt rms. .Vil - r’' ' f i'lo l" -e pi:r ■h i- d: aiel atf.Tl a.s u.-,:al t'. the I'OKW M'lilNfi l li-I- Nlis.';. .L X 1. \VA1-MLL. 1: y>t. tclteville, N- v. L’.'i. I 47 tf Ni'AV (;OOi>.s. (HR F1I.I. IM) WIMKR SKUK ni’ Drv (Joo'l.'. (iroci'TK''. 1 lartl\Mirc, \ iVc., i. now .rae t" han 1. riri'l r-.i ly i r s.iie. Oir 1 r_'c ; 1 w-'l - 'rthy the atteiili- n of fh' '• wi I':;, t .'ir'^^'i-. ■ W e w •'! ! ..rti-r !'• H i -f C I’r.i.bice. ( : lOix ,v r.O L ii. 1 II W'F in-* r .-eivi-.l tr 'ia N. ■■ V ri>, ni\ FALL .\m> W lNTl R Slock ol (lood.-. C ; '■'•’ii j of a ;_ener d a^' 'rtinent Dry (ioijils, (Irt)rtTiis. lliinlwarr. I'litlfry. ,U. 1 w "i b r--r : r TLIU’FN riNL. .t any kind I’r lu' e. \. KINC. l'» iiii'.i ' N' r’h "f Fayettes db-. Oct. ■J'^. l- i". b,!t .irs'i' ui:( i:i\i:i). r.\iiS I'.i.i and b.ivruira COFFF.F.. -J hhds. Cuba SI ;.\K. 1| b!>i . t ri'.'ih-d and I'.efuied Sugar. 1 hill.', and lia.t'-lilil.'. iliitti r Cr.aekers. • li '\e> ('oilin-i ,V Co'> 11 artt' r 1 \es. ■J!' 1> 'Xes St. am Lefined t 'andy. With a V .ricty "f other (|i"iL, to coin|dete our a-.-' rtnu i.t. S. W, TlLidN'lHAST .V CO. Feby I'l. i.-.M. '.Stf I’.M.N'l'S. liiq i ! ial inii I’aris (Irei n. .''p !iii>ii lirow ti. .''^p.iiiish U biting. N'v inter ••reeii. Chrome ^ ellow. 1-itliar.io and other v.-irieties of Paints. COOK vV .lOllNSON. M; ri h I'L 1«.')1. fi-tf L.\\VI!KX'1-: \ ('O.Mr.WV s PiittMil linprovt'd I'K'sh (iloves ;uil Sir:ij)s. For prodticing a healthy >tate of the •iysti'in by i t iction. rH^llL great value of tlie HOllSL-II .\ 1 R liL- .JL NoVATOK as a therapeutic agent, when :i]iplied to tin' human bndy, is well known to every one who has paitl the least attention to the importance of a healthy action of the .'kin. For sale by J. HlNSji.M.i;. Oct. 1, ;;'nf Durcj.s ~ J'inif.-i, Wiiiilutc ] tirti J ti-f. SAMrKT- ,1. lIlNSDAI.i: Oilers for sale an extensive assortment of (KKIDS, among whicii are the fol lowing; Opium, Camphor, Castor Oil ,\lcohol, .‘^ul- ]diiir. Aloes, .Alagnesia, IHiul'.arb. .Morphine, (quinine. Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Castile So;i]i. >,'^u])er carb. Soda. l!|i.soiu .''alts, .''pontre. Ipecac. .■Sarsaparilla, Kreosote, I’.orax. Arrowroot. Isin glass. Cum .\rabir, (inm .Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo belia, l*!.i.^^tt'rs, l.ii.|tioric*», ('Idoroform, .lujub(' Paste. Cop.peras, W liite Leail, Linseeil Oil. Train oil, IVIiale Oil, .‘'j)erm Oil. .'^weet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, I'opal Varnish, Leatiier \'arnisli, .lapan \'arnish. Window (Hass. Putty, Pumice .'^totie. Ciiromc Creen, Chrome Vellow, l.amiiblack. Patent Plaek, Terra de .Sienna, I'mber, IJIack Lead. Litharge, Kel I.ead, Patent l)ryer, W hi- ting, French Vellow, Yellow Oidire, Venetian Ked, Spanish i’rown, Prussian IMue, S:ind-pu- ]ier, Standi, Sal Eratus, Mustard, Si'ice. Nut megs, Pepjier, Hops. Indigo, .A/ idder. Saltpetre. fJinger, (Hue, Annato, Clove.s, .’\Iaec, Ibirning Fluid, Alum, Oxalic And. Wiiito Erick. Tripoli. Wash lirushes. Paint IJ-usliev. \'Hrnish P.ruslies, Serubliing ditto, SIiop di,.. Tooth do.. Hair clo,. Lopvvool. Pied wood, lilaek Ink, 0]>oileldii«:. v'te., witli a general .assortment of .Medicines: (')ienii- 1 cals of all kinds: French and English Perfume- 1 ry and Soajis; with a full assortment of all the j leading I’ateut Medicines now in use. | Orders from the country jiromptly attended ' to, and good.s carefully jiacked. JB-ilF" The Subscriber feels assured that he can meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to quality and price. S, .T. IIIN.SD.\LE, f)rug!£ist. October 12, IS.IO. I'OR SAF.i:. ~ ONE SET SA^VMILL (.JK.VHTN'tL including an excellent »'iOg (^’hain and Ci'ank. Apply to M. V. JoNEt:. Ai.'ril 1, I8ul. 0 itf Tin A* Sheets Iron If Vfi-c MANUl’ACTOliY. At Wholesale and Retail. r. T. Wa nVs OLD ESTABLISHED TIN AND SHEET-IUON WAEE M.VNUFACTOHV SS P»I:M()VED to the South-East Corner of Market Snuare. ready with the necessary iiiachincry and materials for making I'.VCTOKV DItlJ.MS & t'A.NS, .\nd to do all kind t>f work of I''actories. Also, IIOOFINC, (U'TTEUIN(L and all kinds of .JOl?P.lN(J, done on short notice, and by ex perienced workmen. .V constant stijiply of TIN kejd on hand, at W’holes.ile and Uetail. Country .Merchants and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. AN DU KWS. Sept. 2S. 18G0. Tjitipire Cookillf*’ StOV(‘S. TllF. EMriUi; STOVE is of the latest and most ajiproved pattern. It is better, and can be .sold cheaiier. than any other kiii'l of Cooking .''tove. F'or sale by C. W. ANDUEWS. April S2. IS.'.l. Ci'.ttf ful operation on the Cnpe Fear Uivcr, and continue to oH'er many facilities to the .shipping public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (L>ods will be brought up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. STF.EL, I’resideni. T. S. LUTTEHLOH, .i\gent at Fayetteville. Feb. L'., 1S.')1. ‘ ;V.»-tf HENRIETTA LINE OF « j-r— r FAYETTEVILLE liooU^Hindery. Tin03L\S H. TILLINGHAST respectfully informs the citizens of this place, that he has opened ti NEW EOOK-lilNDEllY, opposite I to Mr. Warren Winslow’s Ofiice, Ander.son street, ' where he is ready to execute any style desired, j from the best to the plainest. I .Music, I’eriodicals, &c. i:c. are bound on a new plan, in several kinds of leather, «*ic. .Jan’y 7, 1K;')1. o:’,tf I ~ ciiaiVles I Conferlioiter^ I (illKEN STHEKT, F.WKTTl-AiLLE, .N. I'. FrtsU. pnrf', Candies, constantly supplied. ! .June IS.jO. llo-tf COTTON Cl.N l'At:T()nv ■a|ES.SRS. ii.AV & niAiicK ITi rized Agents in Fayetteville for the - of Griswold’s l*.itent Water JJo.'c Cotton (jjv^ manufactured in Clinton, Georgia. S.VMCEL GRISWoi.l Clinton, Geo., Feb. 1S51. i37-tL'^|,ii .Strain and lloal!!(, A RE all in excellent onler for business. Our 'I'ow Boats have been recently repaired and ni ide good as new. We have also ;iddel a ut'/r I'lat foi- low water, and well ailapted to the service. She will carry 7>0 bbls. nierchamlizc. and draw oidy liO inches water. 'I'iiose favoring us with their patronage, may expect as prompt and cheap service in every particular as any other Line can fdl'cr. Ci. DLMINtL Pres’t. IL .M. OHHELL. Agent. ,V. I*. C.\Z.\FN, .\gent at AVilmington. Fayetteville. Dec. lil, LS.'dt. oil-tf Tin: i i:i.i:!)um:ii ditk i'iti;.\t cK)Kii\; sTov i:. f.' for .'=ale by the I'ub.scriber in P.aleigh ami I-’a\etteville; in Raleigh at hi.n .''hoi» on Fay etteville Street, undin Fayetteville at .Mr. M. ('amiibcll's. 'I'hc .Sub.-^criber hereby forewarns till persons from pur diasing an\ of these Stoves fi om any person eitlier in or out of North Carolina, e.x- cept from himself or iiis duly authorized .\gents. lie has pun hased the e.xclusive right to \end this St‘>v(‘ within the ."'tate, and will prosecute any pei^on infringing his right, cither by pur chasing. belling, or Using, any excci't those ob tained t'iuiii hiinself. .70.-SK1MI WOLTEIUNO. Kaleigh. .\iiril I'.*, l^•■)l. 'iStt .M a V I) 1 r 1’" a v t o i* v. NO rU'E. fl^HI'! .‘Steamer ('hathani will leavi- this place fl- every .Monday !tnd Thur.sday at 7 o’clock, ■V. .M.. i instead of !• o’clock as at present.) com mencing at 7 o'clock -Monday Itlth inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tue.silay and Fri- ilay at '2 o'clock P. .M. .INO. D. WILIJAMS. Agent ('jipe Fear Steamboat Co. Fuvetteville, Mandi o. V %' ■' it'. . I liy inKii. L\{ f}lAl T\V!) DO'JII.S il',!(;!! \ S(l\^ STOKi:, !'a> illf, ,\. I'. .1.. .'y 1 Vl’ 1 BllOTIiHHJi LI.M:. IMF .■'tf'amer l>R(Vri!FR.'^ and Tow Roats. STEVLNSON and DaTID LFW 1 ;.rc j.r. - p.ire'l to fo|-w;ir I w ith Dk>i>.\ rcit, all g'lods con signed t'. the Pi'iprietor. Ti.e Steajiier Rri tbei.> is of li^r],t Imft. an I well suited to run in low wat‘-r. .''he p.',»i sN,..s power, and speed, and is a'lmir.ibly a'ia.ptcd t > towing. aU'l can accomniod:ite about liu pa«s^n- 1 !i*' proi rietiT c.iut'-’iijdatc' t uniiiii;; the r.oat iii:ii''-;t. ali'l will ;^ive .'pecial atteiitiou to wa\ licight and n.ival 't-.n ■■; to towing, and will al- ai.1 att.-inl to tli«' comt -rt and convenience of i’a-'i'ngei-. From }ij> I.-.ug cxpeticne.- a> .\L''.|it in V'iimi!ig»..n of tlie so\eral Stc.-im P.oat C. ni- paiiie.'. In' think' he cit.’i give s,iti>;'actiou. I'l .Niereha;i:s in th- interior he would say. that all I> >hijiped iiy him. will be delivere l I i til’-ir \t:ei;fs :n F;i \ ettevilb'. lli.i ai:*-!it in ''i!ia.;:L;;' ;i is .F(>H.\ L.\TT.\. to whuin all C'inimunication>i may be addrcssod. as .\‘jent of the .''tc.inier I’.r.illiers, .loIlN I’lVNK''. l*r'i]'rietor. .'la: I V 7J-V No’.illirrn .llt*- rB^IlF. .'^i;ti ■■•.■•'•e-■■ r -pectt llv ■' r •u; e to B the cif/e ’■ of 1 '••:te\jib' Mill •U1- r''UndiiiiT ■ ur.t ’ .. Ih it tlu_. h;i' e ^ lano nce i the ( arri:tc‘ .^iaki:iu \: ■ ' I Smii I f inier’y 1 . . Uj i 1 by .'S;nip-;. 11 M I ';’;n. • iie d'"r be]..w M- Ke- !i; .li'-- here ticv are n -w j'rep.il i-I tn itiaii't- fi. -ive r. .r!cr all kind> f IMI INC VLHI- ( I.K>. tV ni a .'^n'k.’y ■ r P.UL''_y !■' a nine-p;is- .■^ciiLo r i ch. wiiii li, f.'T St: le Mid iur.il'ility. :i!i ti 't be -uri':..'.'! d bv ahv i jtab!i.= i!ment ii; Ibi; pli. Ihe\ li JK'. I '.’ a ‘itrv t at^i-ii! 'i!! t . l,.;yin''ss. aifi ;i i!i ' re t-> ''' rive u!l wh • may I'-'V .;- the;n with a c.iil. to m r;t a slia.rc ■! pc.Mic palr' lia^e. Iwil .MRLNC ’!i ally e.\e. iited at .-'o.it iioti- . . a:i I I,oV> i ll tli.iti any ithcr est.i 'I:^;l- nitnl ill ioe 1 .a'.e. THOM'..- \- WHIT'' .11 Ml .'; U. r.vp.otfaf. Favettev’ib*. Feb. 17. l ''l. ‘■’'If .^r \ pt ri t ' A. A MeKI/riTAX STILL Continues to carry on the C \RRI.\(^E 111 1 N l.S.''^. ill all it.' iu'anclies. at the U,D .'' I'.\NI». lie returns thank.' for the liVicra! pat ronage he lias heretofore received. :ind hopes, by strict attention to busineS' and a ilcsire to give entii"' s;itisf;iction. to merit :i continuance of the same. He has on hand a very fine assortment of Ciirriai^t's, Hiirouc-hcs, r»tiL»'iii(*s, Ivockuway.', and Sulk('vs, Fini'ihed. and a very l.irge assortment of Work jiartly fini-'hed. w hich, for elegance r f shape and tinish. will c.impare with any other work. Persons wishiii'r to buy. would do well to call iind examine the woi'k. as he is determined to sell L(i\V for ca.''h. lu' notes on short time. All \Vi rk warranted for twelve months, and rejiaired free of charge, should it fail by bad workinanshiii or material. DO^ lU'pairin^i: 1‘aitlifully (woc.u- ted at short notiee. ou vi':-y reasonable terms. J tttri//i, Aj>ri/ 1, | 3la mi factory. rSl HE Subscriber having taken the Establish- .jf. ment of the late A. (.'. Sinqison, (situated ojiposite \\. McIntyre’s Store,) intends carrviii" on the ^ (- arrlan;o Manufacliiriiig Uiisincss In all its Various branches, and would respect fully .solicit a share of the public patronage. Having hail eonsi'lerablo experience in the business, and having been employed in some of the most extensive Kstablishmcnts in New York ami New .lersey, he tiatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surriuniding country aft'ord.s, and by e.xjx'rienced workmen; and should any of it tail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will re[iiiir it free of charge. REP.\IRIN(J done in the neatest nnd best manner, and at the lowest possible prices A. H. WHITFIELD. FaycttcvUlc, Ttb. 11, 1S50. • Jtf Lf\ I'jjv s'i’aiuj:s. rami: . i:i'.-ns f FayotteviHe. and the public generally. -an be aei-oimiiodated on re:;- S' li.ibb' term' with liORSF.S. I'.l'Gtiir.S, and otlici \ cii:e!e'j. at .'Ui'li times a' they ni.iv wi.'h f ' hire, by app’yiii'/ to the sub'erilier. as he i-> n 'W well ).repMiH-.l f. r the husino^'. He will i.-f much ol.l'.^^cu to tiiosc w isliing to hire to give him a c::l!. •L ". POWLRS, Agent. Fayetteville. .Ian. 27. 1>')I. .'nitf U\iSgiM,Y0iTOA' I \* K R > s 'r A n L !•: s. B.L PIlll.I.IPS an.l RoH T WOOTEN are • pri-;-ai--J t • furtii.sh The pu'dic with l!or.(*s, (’ari'iairc.-^. and l>UL''irics. rot: HI it m:. They are ;ils > prejvtre 1 to send ]ia.'seii'rers to any "f the neighlmring' towi.'S. 0:1 reas •liable terms. Their .'lock m.iy be t'ound at tiieir .''ta- I'bs opposite the .Meth I'ii't Kpi'-eopal ('hurch. Hay s'leet. They always have in alTen.l.ini e a good Ostler and Reinsiit:iM. 'I he_\ w ill take horses on liverv :it reason.able ti rtiis. •\ two-horse cari!a^;' will lie in re;idines“. at short notice, to coiivcv passengers to or from the steamlioats. Please give us a call, and if satisfaction is not given, no pay will b,> reipiired. Fayetteville, .March I s.M , (',;;-(;ni Impor'iwn r L\\ EN'riox. ^BlHl’ Subserilier havii;^ Imught the right for H this County, of W.aitman D.ivis's P.CtFNT .'^LLF-.''^F,T I’FR for .'^aw .Mills, gives notice that he is now jirepared to m.inufacture and put itx suceessl'ul "peratioii this nnichine. He claims the following advantages o\er the old mode o) .'w wing: First—(hie hand can tend the mill and s.iw as much lumber in one day .is tw»> iiaiuls can ac complish. Sucoji 1—r.y a peculiar arningement of the tlogs. it will saw one-tifth m .re lumber from the same stock. Third—The Mill is not stopped until the lo'.r is sawed up. .Alter the log is once donjicd. the dogs are not moved, and the lumber is of one uniform thickness. One oj the.sc m.ichines can be seen in oper.ition at .Mr. M( Lauifhin's .Mill in this town, who gives it the following recoin- luendatioii. II. (L HALL, Fayetteville Foundry. Prfy*- .\ Model can be seen at the Fayetteville I'onndrv. iMarch iri, 1S-">1. Oo-tf I Fayetteville. March 11. l«;"il. i 1 hereby certify that 1 have one of W. Davis's 1 improvements on Saw .Mills in use on my mill, I and so well convinced am I of its utility, that in I my ojunion it requires only to be introduced to j be put in general use by mill owners. 1 there- , fore cheerfully recoinniend its use to all .“^aw j I Mill owners who Avmiid regard their own inte- ■ 1't‘St. ARCH'i) McLAn’llLIN. j \V.\NTKI). i.iis. oi.ii i.wsT inoN, for which the highest I I luarkct price in i'asii will l>o paid, I j Delivered at H.VLL .S: HALI/S. I ! Fityciteville, .\ug. 17, iSoO. :>5tf | '1'0!?ACC0. CiOOD STOCK on band; and I shall re- j xlL coive regularly, from Messrs. .L .Jones Co’s Factory, qualities assorted from common to very fine, which I will sell at lowest tnanufac- turing prices. .L LTLKV. Fayetteville, .\pril ^c.tf NO'I'JCl’i.—All Accounts (Ino the Merchants’ Steamboat Conipany, for Freights up to the loth inst., niust be promptly paid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the colle’tion of the sanie. .1. it T. .\1>DI LIj, late Agents. Fayettoville, .Ian. 27, 18")1. r)tiif J3tanks o f all hhids, C it ti Office. JOHN I). WII.LIAMS, Commission M'orivaredng; *Jierrltant^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. L'., IS.-.O. K. M. ()i{Ui:Lf>, FdKW.UiDI.MI ('().)I.lilS.Sll).\ 11l-KriI.\M .\T 6’'ayelli*ville, .\. .March lit, *ls.->l. J. W lLIvLXSOX CO., ' Coiifectioniiry. Friiil. Nuts, Toys. Fiuiry .Ir- lirlfs. I't-rfiimcry. StMips, \c.. \vii()Li:.SA[.K AM) luyrAii., yitirkft S(i i 11 ihniiiijti'ii, X. '. *'•■'h'rs thankfully rccci%cd and jiunc- tually .-ittcii'led to. .lunu 11. 1K.')0. 1'1-tf T. C. WORTH, (’0)1 .>11.SSI ON AM) KlliaV.lHDl.M; .MEUni.lM, W ILMJXG'roX, X. c. Feb. 1, ISoI. .-,7tf (;i:oK(;i: i:ijjor. COMMISSION MERCHANT, .\ND .Agent fur the siilc oi'Timber, I.iimlK-r, &c. U’lf. »Si .X,;TO\, A. C’. Refer to Henry IJliot. Ji.'i).. | •b'lia. I'.v.ins, I.s'j.. 'umbcrland Co. I'.CV. 1:. .Mi-N.iir, ) .Lm. 1, IS.'iit. sAVA(;i: V.V .Mj:ARi:s, Commissiou and Forwarding Mer chants, ILMINCTON, C\ scorr liALDWIX, 1 "'O'.v Ut Srol>, I\‘Hf . J' U'j!nu//afi/(’ Mcrvluint I'ailors, .\.M> IN (j'eiillciiil'irs ridliiiiiic, lleaiiy-iiiiule, OF Tin; FIRST (.T.M.ITV. !i complete a*s..rtnient of Cents' DRLSS if »t >DS. ,Uarint Sirtft, w Wiliiiiiigtoii, X. (’. .bin. l-'i. L'^'il. .".'iv JII.M I'II II. IILO'Wlllh “ i: A1: il A ij TI .Tl ] O A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, II .1*. C. gt',';'* rr.iiiipt personal attention given to ;dl Coiisijrniiu i.t.'. and Cji.sli adv.-inces made on Mer chandise to be shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1. l.H.-,|. .-7y J. !•:. T()o\iKir~ Contmission an ft Jorirard- infi' •flerrhnnt^ S\ ILMlNC'i'ON. N. IlclVr t: H. r»rMus»»n \ S«.n, i ... A. A. McK* thuii, ) ' I't'S- 1. 1>’1. :.7y HATCH cv lirun.xXK, \\ hnlciulc Di'dU rs in 'J(jl/acc:>, ('i^^'drs mill Snuif. ^BlIIF. .'Subscribers, late of Ral;ini"i’_. havi.‘ M opened a .'store in this t"W;i. aTi 1 h:iving made arrangements with an extensive ILiuse in I’altiniore. lliey can furnish the above named aiticies It sui h prici s that cannot fail t > jilcase. De.ilers and Country .Merchants will fuid it t I their adv.ant.-ijre t" give us a c.iIl liefore juir- eli.-ising elsewhere. Fioul ,sti\.ct, under Mozart Huli, ne\t L*«ir to .Nlcs.srs. poUey \ Hart. ilniingtoii. Dcc. It', is' •. 4; a' I. I.i:\nv.] [.I. >[. v.ii.NK. UllXi^Y A: 7l4r\Si, ('oiiiRii.vsibii and Dealers in Dry (I'oods, ^iI'OtTrie^', llatPs .\ortli St., Wilmington, N. C. i'foinpt attention will be given to the sale id' all kinds of Country Produce which may be sent to their care. April L IS-'il. (.C.-f.in Dl-NTISTltY. s. s. GILCHRIST, Deatal Surgeou, HF.SPLCTFFLLY informs the citizens of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he has taken an olfice in the Fayetteville Hotel, where he is prepared to perform all operations in his ju'otc.s.sjon, and would be ]»le;used to wait on all wlio may favor him with a call. Aii work war ranted. Oct. 27, 1S4P. lUtf Vrrlical Water Whvvl. fBlHLRl' are several liumlrcd of these Wheels in operation in ditl'erent counties in North Carolina. For proof id'their grejit advant.-tges over the cojiinion flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in u.se for saw mills, we contidentlv refer to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recouunend them particularly for their suiieriority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for ditlcrent heads of water, at Wilmington, New- bern. Washington. I'dentou and Fayetteville. The wl'.eels may also be had of K. F>revard, Lincolnton, and Criah Wells. Petersburg. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wbei'ls. will be served on application to D. " McNeill iS: Co., Fa3’ctteville, N. D. McNLlLL. A. V. .McKLTHAN. D. J. McALISTFR. Feb'y 22, ISP.t. r>0-tf DUV COODS AT COSt7~ WITH a view of making a change in »-^tir business, we now ofler i>ur entire stock of DRY (i(*ODS at cost, for cash or country jM'od»»co, taken in pay^'nt nt its cash value. The stock is worthy the attcutiuu of those w ish- ing to buy. Mayl3.—71tf COOK & TAYLOR. VAI-l'ARtK UEAI, ESTA TE .AT AfCTIIlX. ON S.VTl'RDAV the 2tJth of .Jtdy next, the Subscriber will sell at Auction the large, Comfortable, and pleasantly situated HOCSK on the corner of Mumford nnd (^lillespic streets, known as the former residenc« of Mrs. E. Smith. The Lot is large, the Building in good repair, and the necessary out-houscs unusually conve nient. All persons desiring information relative to this property, will apply to W’m. IL Wright. Ks.|. JESSE 1*. S.MITH. Junc21,18'l. 7G-t3 Fo!|I|.1|.v '.l:f‘ Corn-, JPeas, anti Itaf/." [ rB"^HL ."''ubscribcr ha.** on hand and ix^.,, 1 -BL stantly receiving, on consiprniiieiit, ^ i ply of the above articles, which mav l,e j chased at the lowest market jn ice.s at the (ifj j of the Henrietta Stcanib'iit Conipanv. IL ('iRIlKl.r j April H, 1H-3D. 14^, ' J.insced Oil and W'liitc I^cad. 1-^ORsalebv S.\^FL .1. II1\.|)\[ i’ April 21. W A'^iTi:i> vTi.i V lO.iMHI feet (d' White Oak Scantlii,, " by 3-5, for Plough Re.-inis. Address H. (L H.SLL, Fayetteville March 1S-'>1. AUXERAL WA'J'KR. ^ .1. HLNSD.\LL is jircjiared to furn:.!,; c»istoiiiers with SOD.V or Ml.NHlVM, v,. TKR. with a variety of rups. all of a . unsiirpas.sed. April 21. LAsr xoric'i:. fBlO thos; imlebted to C. T. Oardner. | JS- less they j»ay up before or iuring jIh- of CiiiiiLerlaiid 'otinty (’ourt, suit in all . will be instituted. .lA.MLS RANKS, .Vtt"ii;,... -Nov. 22, |S.'>0. .47.1 l.l';ss().\8 J.V .Ml SK. III. U!UT.\Kl:l; v,.'u:-l rcsj.(.,ir >. Am form the citizens of Fayetteville an.j v. cinity. that he has again commenced ,-ivin_ {, sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his ti. .’i, tor the liberal p.-itronage heretofore rer, -. and humbly solicits a continuance of the -Vd j.ains shall be taken for the auvanceiL.. his pupils. Instruction also given on the (^niitar. I’ianos tuned and repaired in t!' '.e- manner. J,. H. WIlFi'.M.: August 2J. iSotl. J>. A: \V. McJ juuriii L jii't received a seasonal.ile assortnii- of (;oMlS. consisting of I'rints; (I::,., hams: .lacoiu't. ."swiss and Tarltaii .Muslins; 1; Printed Linen Lawns: Lace ('a]ies: white ;i' col'd Lisle; .'«ilk emb. ainl suji'r Kid Cil'.vc,. j| . sii'ry: ditto i'or .Misses and Roys; l.ineii C:o,,. brie Handkerchiefs; Taylor's .'spool C'lrti.’i; hi k and fancy Cassinieres: Cloths, col'.I and wb'iTi- Linen Drillings; tine French double \vi It’a j and rib'd Drab d'Lte; Sheetitigs and Siiirti'.p.:- Fmbrellasaiid Parasols; Roots jmd Shoes: 11,!: . ware and Cutlery; with a great variety wiii,.., we otl'er at the lowest juices. —ALS(.t— 2*i boxo.s Tobacco. Very lo’.v jicr the b' X. Ht bbls. prime 1' ork. ;;> Kio iiiid Laguira CofTeo. •’> lihd-i, .'sugar. In libls. Refined and Cranubited >u;:;;!'. Loaf and (‘rushod uitt". Lar and F.incy .'^oat.s. Siijierior Nortiicrn I'lour. vS:c. D. a: W. .\IcLAL'R1N' April 7. l''^')!. f Vfl, IE 1:11 €:Mj O TIMM. YU. F; have received our new StTick "t >I ▼ r .M FR C L O T 11 1 N C—('-.ats, . Rants, and \'ests. _ALS0— 2-'. liags MTo coffF.K, in boxes Fancy ('andics, 2 hhds. Cuba Sugar, Nails. Holiow-Ware. Porcelain Ke':.''-. F.iii.i and Varni.'h Rrushes. iS:c. S.\M'L W. TILLIN(;HAST i-'. .\pril 1. ls.-,1. L A W' X( )'J'R 1 tP.CH'D A. T. S.MITH has taken an Of^' on .\nderson street, ne.'irly ojiposite t Fayetteville Hotel. He will atteii'l to the 1 ■ lection of claims and law business gener-.' . and especially to the taking of accounts . 1 ocutors. administrators, guardians and ju rt;.^ cither in suit or otherwise. .lan'v 11. is.'il. makes his Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, kc. f S’^HF. Subscriber is receivi!,.' Ji- large ass«u-tment in his !iii.'. selected liy himself in Philadelplii.:. New York, and I'ostoii. wliicl’. t • gi ther with his own nianufai in; , ick very complete, consisting ■! Chairs, 'i'ablfs. Sofas. l>(‘(lst; :n!'. \\ a.-^li Stands, Hurt'aus, Look- iniX (Jlasses. Side IJoards. Secrctarirs, A:c. t^'c. .Vll of whn h will be sold on the lo'cest terui' ' r Cash, or .«n short time to I'Unctii.-Tl cust' iiier''. j(>HN W. r,\KKR. .'^ept. -io. ISI.'^. ;;.'itf To Volton A* l\*oolten •Uitiin- faetnrrrs. Subscribers have for sale a gciier il -1'- Jl. sortniejit of FINDINCS. to whicii thry .Would resjiectfully call attention. A constant sup!>}>/ nf the f'oHoiriii^ ArlicIfS a/ictii/s on hand-. J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Macliine Cards. SHF.ARINC. :>IA(MTINLS.—Var.son's. H 'v- ard s. ('nrtis's. Davidson iK: Park's. Daniel '. V.VRIOl'S MA('H1NLS.—Parkhurst's Pater,t Piurring Machines. Spooling M;ichines. Nap]iin2 Machiiics. lirushing ^lachines. Kellogg's P.itful ool Pickers, Cotton iiippers. or ill""-- AVater Wheel Regulators. I'loth AVinders. FI ’i.^ ('utters, Robbin Machines. (Juadrants aiul Ri c'.-. Racon's Patent Cotton Pickers, Hardwaste I’ici.- ers, Waste Cleaners. SCNDRY ARTICLES.—Holbrook's I’atey Riveted Pickers. Revolving Temples, .law anl Wooden Tenijdes, Sui>erior Picker Leather, d- Lacc do., do. Rridle do.. Stretcheil Leather ing. Leather Belling. Piol’.er Cloth. W.isher 'i . Sheep Roller Skin.s, (,’alf do. do.. Spindle rul ing. l>oom Cor>I, Railing Twine. Packing R"; Tajie. all colors. Shuttles, all kinds andsi/'-. Tenter Hooks, Tac'K Hammers, Wood Screw. Roving (iiiides. Mule Spinlles, Steel Punchi -■ Skewers, Cutting Nippers, Ring Travellers, l•ll^' Rrushes. Flocking do., Ctird Tacks and I’licr.'. Comb Plate, (’ard (,'leaners. Shuttle Kyes, Nut' and Washers, Rivets anil Rurs, Screw Drivers. Ridler Ruckles, Glass Creel Steps, Spindle .''tep'. Fuller's .Jacks, Factory Lamps, Worsted Har ness. Cotton do., Steel and C;int‘ Reeds. ^^ol'I- leii Hobl>ins, Speeder Robbins. Spools, all kinds. Ibioks ou Dyeing, Teasels, Heddle .Males. .Mule P)anding, Relt .\wls, Ktuery, Vat Netts. ( loth Hooks, Press Papers and Plates, Paper Fenders, Ring Travellers, French Teasels, American do. Topetlier with Second-liaud 3Iachincrj in great variety. Refer for quality of Cards and articles genc- erally, to F. & H. F'riis. .''^alem, N. C.: L. Childs & Co., Lincolnton. N. C.; A. .lenks, Ksip. lUiilder of Machinery, Rridesburg, I’a.; and t" Manufacturers generally in Philadelphia aud its vicinity. THCRLO Hl'CHK.'! & ('(>., 11 North oth St., Philadelphia. Sept. 20, 1850. 3',i-1ypd NIX;i!OKS WA.NTi:i>. C'l.VSH ))ald for likely young Negroes, it a!'' J plication is made soon. J. cS: T. WADDll.I.. Sept. 10, 1850. -'If

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