! NOriCK. fSjlllE uii(Iprsi}:iui.l. havingdftenninctUocon- JL tinnc liii* biisiiicM.^ in \Vade>*l>orough, takes this iiiutliou of iuloruiiiig tlie public tbut he inuy ttill be fouiitl at his old stand, South of the Aii- bon Hotel, ^ht're he will keep constantly on hiuid a lull assortuiciit of the most choice Liijiiors, Wiues, (,\>rdials. Cigars, and other rc- ireshracnta usually found in this ^'ecti^>ll ot country, lie hopes by strict attention to his bu.siuess. rij;id j'reservation ot' good order, and iinceasinp: care for the conifoi t and cnjoynieiit of his customer.'^, to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. WM. W. SANDERS. AVadcsboroiJgh, .Tuly 1-5, 18->1. Ttf i^\v I.Aw TkVok. A 1>AM>S S Doctrine of Eqtiity, the excellent . B work i>rescribed by the t>upi’Oiiie Court ot r^orth Cai’oiina for the course of Legal Study. Trice Ot> lor sale bv E. J. IIAl.E \ SOX. April lt>. Keporls in and liquify. l’ropos:ils by LITTLE \ DIunVN. f.>r publish- injr bv j^ubscription a New Scries ot LAH AND EC^HTV UET(*UTS. rgillE w int of some system by which the de- K. cisioii!* aad judicial opinions of tiie several ‘ 'ourts of I.;.w and Equity in Er.pland can be more i«romptly uii l cheaply I'urnisbcl to the legal profession in this country, hu^ long been soriouslv felt and acknowlcdj:cii. TIic sub^crii'cr': propose to republish these reports in full, as fust as they apj'car in Eng land. and can be received here. ’1 hey will con- t iiu rejM.rts of cases decidevl in the House of l.ords, the Trivy Council, tlic sevenil (''ourts of E Miity, the I'ourt of (jueen's Uencli. the Court of t’ouimou I’leas, the Court of ENche>pier and iJxclu*nuer (,'hamber. the Ecclcsiastical and Ad miralty Courts, the Court I'f bankruptcy, in cluding also the Electiim Cases, tlie Crown Ca ses lleserved, and the Uailway and Canal Cases. These llepijrts will be published in monthly numbers or parts, comnuncing vxith the di-ci- siinis of Michaelmas (November) TeJiu. If'.iM. Mid will >>e carefully edited by a uien.ber of the Jlar, with notes and rct’ercuccs to analagous American decisions. Each number will consist of over three hun- dreil I'ages chtscly printed oct avo, on the best paper, and in clear, fair tv]>e, and will contain u table of casi s. nu i a tidl table of ci nteuts. thus forming a complete v ‘lume by i.,self, as well as H part of an entii e series. The price of this pul)Iication, forming six Volumes octavo, will be .'jflO a \car. payable in advance, or the si.\ volume.-, handsomely and luiiform'.r bcuu I iu law sheep. ?S12. I.ITTI.K \ r.llOW N. 11;2 Washington street. Uoston. 63; ' The Sub.--iTibei s ;ire aulhorizetl to re ceive subscriptions for the above work, the i.i^t volutne of which is alreadv i^^ued. E.‘j. 11 ALE \ .'^ON. M.\vl'i.:>l. Tt'tf lU)OKS. IEIC.II HL'NT’S A!'T0r.lOt;UAl*IlV: I’.e- A try of the Waverly Novels; llari'er ? Maga zine. :uid Internatiuual ditto, April N"-.; Alton l.ocke; Lavengro, I’utnam s cheap editit u; Ma.ns- tield's .\Iexican War, illustrated, cheap atnl bouu 1 c-iitions: Gediles on Plank Hoad.-; ("omplete Kariner and Uardener, by Fessenden: ^ ouatt \ Martin on Cattle: New .Masonic Tre.>tle Hoard; i'reemason's .Manu.al: Masi tiie (''hart: Erceuja- 8on’s Monitor; Goldsmith’s ^Vtirks: McLellan on the Interpretation of .cri{>ttires: McCosh on l»i- ^ ine Government: Mctiurt'y's Headers, second und thinl parts; Davies’ Surveying: Gunn's Do- iii stic Medicine, Xc. \c. Just received bv April 1 L E. .L HALE .t S(>N. ”\VlieeIer\s History of North Carolina. T^rilE undersigned has been api»ointel (Jcne- ral Agent for Col. J. H. Wheeler iu the 7th (’ongressional District, and wi.-»hes to ap point suh-.\gent3 in each of the c>UQtios of *l’iobeson, Columbus, l>lade'i, ISru’iswick, New Hiiuover, Sampson. Duplin and (.)nslow. and Hsk? that a}ii’lication be made to him imme diately. The Work goes to press in .\ugust, und the price will be One ♦►olhir per volunic, and consisting of two volumes. JOHN .M. ROSE. March 21, IS-'il. Gi-tf BOOK^.—The Widow lluglA - lUu>>.uil and other Tuies, by the .Vuthor of Si- i.iou .'^ugi;-; Rose D 'ligla'S. an .Vutobii.graphy (.f a .^lin;.••tc^’s Dau„diter: Lom’ion L.ili..r. and the I.'indun I'oor. by ,M.iyhi-\v; ILxi'idiold 'Vi.rd.'. by Dickens: Anne (irey: Harper's M;i;.a/.iiie: Inti'rnational ditt": Ship ami Shore, in Madeira, i.'.sic.ii ati I the Mediterranean, by Rev. Walter « •■'.ton: Mary Rell, ))v Jacob Abbott; Th«* I’>eedi Nut, by ditto; The Poultry P.ook, by liennett; 'i'lif .American P.eo Keeper's .M.-mual; Webster's .'speller and Definer; P.irker’s 4th Keadei; Kiime.s's K'.ements oj Crilicisni; Seott s Infan- t;‘y T;ictics; Mem> randum Looks; Note and I.et- t r KiiveIo[>es. •Vlso. further supplies of David Copperfield, cheap edition; Siuion Sugg : Mon,e Influencv; \ ale it ( edars; Mother s I»eci>mjieiise, \e. .lust received by ‘e. j. hale .S; .0N. •Dine 2, LS'jI. Notice to Buildere. ON Fridiiy the oth day of September next, will be Let to the lo-west bidder, at Me- Liiurin’s Old Store, the following Buildings, viz: A School House, 36 feet s*juare. one story high, with nn apartment 24 feet square at e»ch end of the building. Also, a Dwelling House for the Principal Teacher, iJO by 42 leet, two btories high, with a passage of 10 feet through the Building. , • i ♦ Plans aiul Specilications will be Bubniitted at the tinu' and place above stated. For further l)articulars. apply to John C. McLaurin, Laurel ihll, N. L. J vmES C. McE.\CHIN, JA.MES T. ROPER, JOHN C. BAKER. DAN’L C. STEWART, DAN'L STEWART, DAN’L C. Me!NTVRE, MURDOCH McKlNNON, JOHN C. McLAl’RlN, Building Committee. Richmond Countv, N. C., ) July I80I. J 8-wtoS V DliSllt.VHI.l'; Ur.SIDliNC’K I'OU S.M.K. TM'IHE Subscriber now otters for s.ile all his -M- Turpentine and Farming L.\NI\ coi\tain- iuiT aV')i>ut .\cres. sitxiated l*J miles East ot Fayettinille. on the Goldsborough road, com monly known as Palmyra. It has a pood dwelling house, out-buildings. &c., am! a store where a large amount of busi ness is tlone, and increasing daily. Ihis is a i-.ire cliJinco for turpentine getters, merchants, \c. and will be sold a bargain. .\ny one wish ing to purchase, and wishing lurthcr intornia- tiim, cun apply (>n the premises, to J. W. MI KPHV, or P. T.U'LOR, Fayetteville. Julv 2f.th, IS.',]. ‘ htf Ui:\VAKI), (tbroach.) U ANA WAV in December. 1S'')0, my negro boys ABR.VM and HENRV. Henry is it feet 7 inches high, and about •'>-> y .'ars old.— He is well known in Fayetteville, where he learnt the Blacksmith trade. He is rather small, and very dark, with a downcast look. Abr.im is 5 feet 10 inches high, about 2o vears old, something lighter of complexion thiin Henrv, stout and well formed, and walks up right. These negroes are thought to l>e in Robeson County, near the •■l!ig .'swamp.'’ 1 will give the above rewaril ol Twenty Dt>l- lais for the confinement of either .\bram or Hc!ir\ in the Jail at I.umliei ton, Robeson Co.. or Fortv l)ollars tor the continenient of both at the same placc. K. C. RHODES. July, iSol. b-wOw Fayetteville and Centre Plank Road. mketim; of siu('Khoi,1)i:ks. ■^^tiTlCE IS HFREl'.V GIVEN, that a .Meet ing of Subsi-ribeia to the propo,.ed Plank Road troui F;i_\ettcville to ('entre, in St in'.v ('ounty, will lie held in the H(.»TEL H.VLL in tiic T:'Wii of F;iyettcviile. On 'IlHirvlay the ilst day of .\u?iisl iirxl. for the jiurpose of organizing the Company. prejiarati'Ty (■) commencing the W"ik. Tiie amount neeessjrv to secure the Charter hii'ing becu subscribeii in the Tviwn of Fayette ville anil (.'ounty o!' Cumberland, it is earnestly rci(ue.'ted th.it ;ill w lio jirc interested in tin* W'>rk, cither as dub.-eribers or intending to become so, will ap}>ear at this meeting, in pct- soii or by proxy, and that ail Subs.-ri]ition l>*K>ks in the h.iiids of Conimis.'ioners will be returned to the meeting. It is desired that a vigorous efl'ort should be made j'revious t'.> the nu cting t J obtain tiie sum necessary to carr_\ t!ie Roa«.i 11 its Western iciuiinus. by the shorten': ]ir;«eti- cable route l\v Little's Mills. The triends ot the enterprise, in tiie Cou.a'' s d' Fvichnioud, .Mont gomery, Staidy, and Cnniberland, arc therefore earnestly re fWcstcd to bring to the meeting ail the Subscriptions that can be obtained, under the assurance, hereti tore given, that the Road is to take the sh‘ rtcst route to Little's .Miiis, and thence tj Ccntic. H. LILLV. P.. P. >.!•:. ! J. Ci. C(»tK, ■V. w. STEEL, Com'rs. THitS. WADDILL. H. L. MVROVER. E. J. HALE. Julv 'J-'.. ls.'il. 7-tf T East N. C land from of D. Ju I.AM) I-OK .^ALi:. HE .''111.s. liber offers at j.rivate sale, .ibojit Nine lluiiilred Acre'oi Land. Ivingonthe side of Cuiii-Sw.iinp. in llichnioiid eountv. . four miles S..util of L:iurel Hill, 'll.e lie., cii ;iiid over the stage r>ail leioiin;: I- lyettexille to ( iieraw, j^.ining the lands .^lcLaUlln. .^lrs. (iibon. ami 'ther'. John McLAl RIN. ■y 2 I, h-w2m m:\v liooKs. fl®oRnO\\ S LA\LNii;n; (irace Aguilar’s ■MW Women of lingland; Miss Stricklands Lives of the (>nepi,s .'.f Scotland; Alton Locke; Hint> to .'sportsmen; Nolxxly s .''on; l>avid Cop- )»ertie;d: .Sccnes in Mis.-i.s.sipiii; Love :.ud Ambi- lion; Irving’s Work,, It vol.-.; Modern I’.ritish E.-.s .yists, S vols.; Luilder's Companion; Cole- ni.in’s Letters from Eu.oi.e; Abbott's .Malleville; Southey's Life »nd Corres}.oiidence: Lifcf Laily ( "li|iilioun; with a variety of School Rooks, etc., juti- received >>y E. J. HALE & SON. Mar. li 11, ls.-,i -m:\v jjooks. “ Viil I'.li .S Magazine lor .June: Internation- , .*■' ‘1'*: T heSister.s, or the Fatal .Marri.iges; 1 ichHick Abr .ad, or the Tour in France; P^eve- ries of a Rarhelor; Sheridan's I.ife und Dra- iiiafic \\orks, 1 volume; Voung Lady's F’riend; Scliool Books, &c. .lust reeeived. E, J. HALE A: SON. June 10, P.eet. Ion PIJOPOSAI. ^10R publication of a Volume of SERMONS, by the Rev. Jarvis P>arry Buxton, late 'r of St. John's Church, Favetteville, N. C. to 1)0 edited by his son, the Rev. Jarvis Rux- 11. and accompanied w.th a Portrait, and Notice of his Life. Ihe proposed volume will be jirinted in large clear type, and contain over 6J0 pages, sub stantially bound in leather. Terms, Two Dol lars, payable on delivery. . 1 lie net proceeds, if any, derived J"®*” ‘ sale, will be given to the jiennauent r uim tor Missionary purposes iu the Diocese of North Carolina. It is desired, (as few if any copies not pre viously ordered wilt be pubhshed,) that persons wishing to subscribe would immedmtely notify the Editor himself, or their ov^n Munster, whom )i« respectfullv requests to receiv-e Subscribers’ names, and to forward them to his Address at A.^heville, N. C. June, —Tli«* Identified, by Rev. W. D. Wilson, D. D.; Manu al of Church Principles, by do; Original Thoughts oil Scripture, by Cecil: Beaven's Help to Cate- rbising; McCosh on Divine Government; Prayer l$(»oks, plain and fine. .Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. CAlir\S^SKR\K)XS; ~ A PASTOR’S Plea for Evangelical Catholic Truth, in Six Serinous, delivered in Trin ity Church, Columbus, Geo., by the Rev. W. D. Cairns, formerly of North Carolina. Price 00 cents. Also, Scenes ,’n our Parish, bv a Country P ir- s m’s Daughter. $1. Thankfulness, by Rev. C. B. Taylor, 7.'. cen*-,. The Angel s ^oiig, by do., 7'j cents. Larnest- ii' ii:. by do., 75 cents. I ji 3 le by r J HAiE 1 FOli HES'W ^B^HE New ."■tor\ fu the .\vonu'. recejitlv M. occupied by .1. Medlin, at Floral Col lege, N. C. For terms. ap[ilv t“ A. .M. MeKlNNoN. July 2">. 1''.'.]. K-;’,w MSalfimore Stvttin Soap mui fan file IIVrA.s. ^H^HE Siiti.'-cribers are now manufacturing and JI. have "'w on hand Pelmont .''perm Candles; Ailamantine ditto; .^Iould ’Fallow ditto, warranted to staml any cli mate; Lard ( >il; ^Cllow, Brow n, and Black Soaps; Variegated Rar do; White Bar do; !■ til lers Soap; Fancy Soaps of new styles and su perior iiuality; to which they invite the atten tion of .Southern merchants in making their tall purchases, witli a eonviction that they can otter iiiducements as regards ({uality and price eipial to anv. SMITH & ( TRLETT, Corner Hollidav and Pleasant Streets, ~ Skefrhrs of yorth Carolina. H\VIN(« been ajipointed .Agent for the sale ‘ of the above named work in the counties of Union. Anson. «tanly, Richmond, >'ontgom- erv and Moore, the undersigned desires the aid of a few active a.ssistaiits to solicit subscribers to this work, which is to go to pre.ss in August, ami t>e ready for distribution this Fall. As it is desirable to have as many names as possible by the first of August, those wishing a history of North Carolina (and what true-hearted Caro linian does not'/ and is not willing to contribute a little of his inttuence and means to save from oblivion the much neglected history of our State‘s) can easily signify it by forwarding ns their names to Carthage, (postage prepaid, be ing but 3 cts.) giving the name of county and , Post Office. We are authorized to distribute ! the work as well as procure subscribers. Being engaged in the sale of other books also, and finding travelling beneficial to our health, j we wish to continue this business for some time, and to make it not only beneficial to ourself, but as eminently and as extensively so to others as practicable. MARK RUSSELL. Moore Co., N. C., July 18. 6-3w \V^\NTh:i), I^lf)UR large .sized good MULES, well broke to tlie wagon, and not exceeding seven years of age. Apply to D. & W. McLaurin. Fayetteville, or to the subscriber at Slicksville, lo miles above Fayetteville, on the cast side of Cape Fear river. N. K. McDUFFIE. July 18, 1851. u-tf Carolinian tf. S r^lI^lIER VtL O TMMI.y'G. WE have received our new Stock of SUM MER C L 0 T 11 I N G—Coats, Sacks, I’ants, and Vests. —ALSO— 2^i bags RIO Coffee, 10 boxes Fancy Candies, 2 hhds. Cuba Sugar, Nails, Hollow-Ware, Porcelain Kettles, Paint and Varnish Brushes. &c. SAM L W, TILLINGH VST & CO .’-i-a 1, cartilage hotfx. rjlHE Subscriber having fitted up and en- M larged the above well kuovtt House, is note prepared to entei’tain travellers with mcreased comfort. ROB’T McNABB. Carthage, Moore Co., N. C., \ 70-tf May 3, 1851. V Kdgoworih Female Seminary. Greensborougli, W. C. j fW^HE next Session of this Institution will ! commence on Monday, July 7. I CUi iipplioatioii to the PriiioipHl, circulars will I be lorward.'d, giving all necessary information ' respecting the School. I RICHARD STERLING, A. M., Principal. Gov. J. M. Mobehe.\p, Proprietor. June 17. _ _ ;ii-10»Pl iiiijJborough" academy. rraHiE acting Trustees of *i»is long estab- JL lished Seminary, take great pleasure iu announcing to the public, that they have enpi- ged the services of Mr. BEN.I’N R. HLSKE, who will hereafter conduct the Academy as Principal. .Mr. Huske is a native of this State, and a Graduate of our University, and has been en gaged for some time very successfully in teach ing ill the town of Fayetteville. His learning. ! fine temper and christiiui character give assur- ' ance to Parents, that his luty to children en trusted to his charge will be ably and conscien- ciously performed. The' Exercises of the next Session will com mence on Alont.lay, the 21st instant, anil as the course ( f instruction is j>reparatory to the I ni- versitv, the sessions in future will coricsj'on'l with those of Chapel Hill. Terms of Tuition, including contingencies, !j21, always in advance. No deduction made unless in case of protract ed illness. Bv order of the Board. E. A. HEARTT, Sec’y. .Tuly oth, 1851. 2-tjtw I Ilf^renrft: I President and Faculty of the I. niversity of N. Carolina. C. T. ll.iigh. Esi). 1 Hon. Robt. Strange. ■ F:ivcttcville. E. J. Hale, Es.j. I i or vAi.i AiM.i: REAL ESTATE. ■ ft V virtue of a Decree of the Hon. the ('ourt B# of l'i[iiity in and I’l r the County - f .Mi.nt- gi'mcr\', 1 will, on the 1 Ith day of .\ugu-«t ne\t, f\p' «e to Public Sale, to the iiighest bidder on the premises, (the re:»idence of the Imte I'ol. John Crump. ‘ the very \’A1.LADLE RE.Vl. I..''TArL kU' Wn as the •Wrrroirs of ihe WtdLin o!i tiie M( iitgomery side of the River. cons:st- ing ot .several Tiact.s, containing I I or aeres in all. The Land including the buildings, imjiri’Vem Uts, and the Narrows, v'ill l«e sold iu t!u‘ first place, and the s'-veral surru’.indiug Tracts afterwards, si'arately. This L;ui 1 is v.i'iuable ih t oii'.v on :\cc'Unt of the feitility anl produi tivenes- of the soil, be ing w ell Jidapted to the culture of (,‘orn. \N heat. Cotton. Tobaceo, xc , but also on jiccoiint of the cx'e!Iciit FISHERY att;iched to it at tiic Nar- ii'«s, where a great I.umber of Shad nviy t>e annua.iy caught, and the ^^ater Power atb.rded by the fail in the River at tiiis pbu-e. whieh »-i- terfirise and c.tpital c-'uld make u-eful aiel pr>- lit.ible by the erection of .\lills and Machinery of e\er\ lescripti‘>n, t any ext.-nt that miglit bedeviled. lleside.s the'C eapilal adv aiitttge*. the situu:i‘'n is be.-iutilui, romantic aiid lie«llhy; in -luil't. desM;l’ !e in exery p lint d' \leW. Tw*‘'ve m-’Utiis 1-r. lit wi'l lie given, the pur- cha.', i.s giving b >nd and aj'proved sureties. JAS. L. (iAINLS. C. M. E. .U’.ne 2>', 1 '^•'•1. I -ts MALI: ct sc'iiool. fBlilE .''cliool ot the su'.'crib.r. as'iste*] by I. ^liss Cecilia ,\. Potter, of ,N1 iddlebury. Vermont, will f.e resumed on Tuesd.iy. 1st of July ne.\t. l!oai-'l f..r any numt>»-r ot’ stuilents. can be g tten in tiie Nii'.ige. at $7 j'.’r month. Tuition as heretofure. viz: iu' idi ntals included. ■ For tl.e Rtiiiiin**iits, per Ses-ion. ijiij •'.) Matlu-matics, Eng'i‘'h (irainniar. Histo- >y. \c.. ^ .^«t Liitiu and Greek I-unguag*'s. lU .’iO EXTRA. Music "ti the Piano, 1 ■'> 00 Use of Instrument, 2 •'* French Lantrua 't*, D» Drawing. Needlc-work, \c., •’) t*0 ,\ D. 'lei,FAN, Principal. .Summ* rvillc. N. ('.. June I. ls’>l. i.i-2m A\S).\ IK)Ti:i>. S' Ii/h ( 'nrn - r fn,m th, Court . 3 a The .'^iiEsi rilM'r n-r'iH'ctfully i»- forms tlu- inhabitiints ot this commu- I« « i V-i» nitv. and the travelling public in gcn- ^4|^^Scra'l. that he has become IVoprietor ot the .VN.SO.N H»TEL. formerly owned by .Mr. West, where he will be hapi>y to accommodate ho -'ic'ts in a style that cannot fail to please. ; M VKTIN SIGM.VN. Wadesborough. .luly 1, IS.il. 2-.»t 1.AA1) l-'Oll SAI.i: f BinE subscriber offers his F.VRM for sale, Ji_ containing 7M* acres of fine farming land, lying on the East side of Little River, iu Mont- ; gomery county, N. C., joining Rev. W. N. Pea- ’ cK-k and William S. Baldwin. A part of the Farm is in good farming condition, and prodii- ; ces goocl (Jotton :ind the best of Corn. The ilwelling and out-houses are in tolerably good condition. afTording room for several hands and j small white family. In short, it is .1 valuable i Fiirin, and as I nin determined to go West, I ' will sell low for cash or o months’ time. ! BENJA.MIN T. RUSH. j 1 Mct'allum’s Store, July 4, IS-'jl. ! FOR SALE, At tlie lovceM Market l\iccs, M IIIIDS. New Crop MOLASSES. 1200 sacks SALT. 5000 bushels Alum Salt. 9000 lbs. Cotton Yarn. Osnaburgs and Brown Sheetings. W’ith a general stock of articles in the Grocery line. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Feb. 15, 1850. Spring Groods, 1851. II JAMES KVLK AS JUST RECEIVED a large and geneml assortment of miY 00013S, Among which are: 1200 pieces new style Calicoes. 2'»0 “ “ “ Gingham. .■>40 “ Printed and Emb’d Lawn.s. Brocade and other Silks. Swiss and other Muslins. Irish Linens, Lawns ami Diapers. Bobinet Lace and Edgings. Silk, Linen, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. Umbrellas and Parasols. Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres. Tweeds and Merino Cassauere. Bonnets, uncommonly cheap. Bolting Cloths, Anker brand. With many other (ioods; all of which have been purchased* by the package for C.\SH. Those wi.«hing to purchase by wholesale or retail, will please lall before purchasing elsewhere, a.s good i):irgains may be expcctel this season. March lo, I8-’>1. J. i;. » ie i*.f .V Has HEMU\ ED to HanUcs Building, on Person street, second door from Market .S(|iiare, and is now leceiving direct from New York, a large assortment of I9.-L: b Carefully selected to suit the wants of the people of this community. His stock consists of— .''t.'iple and I'ancy DRV GOt»i'.'^, Laiiies' Dress (ioods. a variety, 2’> cases Boot.s and Shoes, Ladies’ and Misses’ Gaiters, half Gaiters, Boots and h.ilf Boots, of a dozen dilTercnt styles, ticnilemen's finest Calf Boots, enamelled (,ou- gress Boots. \c. .V large lot of P.eady-made Cl' thing; Coats, Coatees and Frocks, from^U to i:12^. Pants and \'e.‘'ts of every v;iriety. Fur, Si''s. Panam i, Leghorn and Straw Hats, of latest fashions, Alboni. white Chij>, Frein h Hair L;uc, white Craj'c, and other P.onnels, .Nfisses’ Lace and ussorteil Crape Pn'iuiets, \e. Hardware, Pocket and 'I'able ( utlery, 1 rtmks. Unibrell.is, BasKcts, Biukets, Pails, Broi.iiis, Matij, vS:c. Saddles, Undies, Whips and ('(dlars, Bl.icksmith's Tools. Iron, .Steel an-1 N.iils. GROCERIES. 2') bags Rio und L;;guira Cotfec, 10 boxi s eheap Tob.u-co, t.’rusheL Loaf, Clarified and Frown Sugars, S.Jt, Molasses. \c. o M medium priced (’igars, French Brandv, Ma'leira and Port ine, ainl Moriongahela hiskey. To all of whii h he w- uM invite the attention of buyers gen*'rally ai;d his fr;ends and eustom- ers partii ulariy. Fayetteville, Mireh I". 1' 1. t’']-tf • Vrir Spriiiff ami Stttmiifr m:^ K «m am «« Tin 4* Sfiect-Mron Wttre MANUFACTORY. At Wholesale and Retail. r. T. l^ard^s OLD ESTABLISHED TIN AND SHLET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY IS REMOVED to the South-East Comer of Market Sf^uare, ready with the necessary machinery and materiiils for making FACTORY DKUMS CANS, And to do all kind of work of Factories. Also, ROOTING, GUTTERING, and aU kinds of JOBBING, done »>n short notice, and by ex perienced workmoB. jgi*}"- constant supply of TIN kept on hand, ' «t Wholesale and Retail. Country Merchants and I’edlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. ANDREW'S. Sept. 28, 18.')0. 39-Y Empire State Cooking Stoves. THE EMPIRE STOVE is of the latest and most approved pattern. It is better, and can be sold cheaper, tii.-in any other kiiei of Cot>king Stov . For sale by C. W. ANDREWS. April 22, 1801. b'Jtf riii; ri;i,i:i)itni:ii bi ck C(X)Kli\i STOVi:, JS for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in lialeigh at his Shop on Fay- ettevill*' Street, and in I-a\ettovillc at .Mr. A. M. Cainp>)eirs. The .Subscribpr hereby forewarns all persons fr'itn jairidiasing any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized .\peiits. He has purchased the exclusive right to ven.l this Stove within the St.itc. and will jirosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur- chiising. selling. i>r using. :iny cxcej)t iIk'SC ob tained fiom liinisclf. JnSin'H WOLTEKISO. Raleigh, Aj.ril P.', In'.I. ostf 3Iarl)le i'jictorv. FAYETTEVILLE 11H0MAS H. TILLINQHAST respectfuRy informs the citixens of this place, that he has opened » NEW BOOK-BINDEKY, opposite to Mr. Warren Winslow’s OfiBce, Anderson street, where he is ready to execute any style desired, irom the best to the plainest. Musifl, Periodicals, &c. &c. are bound on a new plsn, in several kinds of leather, &c. Jan’y 7, 1851. 5:Uf CJIARLES JiANKS, Confectioner^ liREEN STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. T. Fresh, pure. Candies, conslantJy supplied. June 1850. 2:5-tf FIFTY DOLLARS REWAtip RANAWAY from W. J. Biicl, anan, of .j,. ston cotinty, on the 8th of Jann;;rv t- NEGRO BOYS, Dan and Stephen. D.,l iVaK 25 years of age, stout built, of dark com tile J and weighs about 175 lbs. Stephen i.s ;ii„ . years of age, weighs 170 ib.s., of veliow ‘ plexion, speaks very slow when sjio'ken tii *” Said Negroes were raised by EliziiKctli \i phy of Cumberland county, in who.se vif., they are eupposed to be lurking. I will give the above reward for thclr j hension and confinement in any jMil s., j. I get them, or $25 for either; and an rew'ard will be given for proof sufliei,.,,, vict any white person of harboring s ii.l I- I'-. MUllPHi Jan. 24, 1851. .JOHN D. \V1LLL\MS, j Commission A* Fortrarding \ •llcrchanl^ j Fayetteville, K. C. Feb. 15, 1850. if. TiT ORRELL^ FORW.IKOINT, ('DM.RUSSIAN 1!ER{’IIA.\T .lY Fayc*tl€*vi!le, V, March 10, 1851. 02-tf J. WlLlvJNSON CO., Coiifcftionary. Fruit, .Nuts. Toys, Fancy Ar- tirli's, I'tTfnmcry, Soaps, kc., WIIOLHSALK AXI) RETAIL, Morkft Street, Wilmington, C. Orders thankfully received and punc tually attended to. June II, 1850. 10-tf T T. C. WORTH, C0>I.)II.SS1(I\ AND FUiaVAR!)l.\i; .l!ERfllA\T,, WILMINGTON, N. C. i F'eb. 1, IS'.l. 7tf (il’ORGK 1:LLI()T, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND the or Timber, Liinibcr, kc. WIMIB.ViiTO-V, c. Refer to Ileury Elliot. K.sf|.. ] F.S')., '• ('umbi-i'laud Co. .(oiia. Evan- iicv. E. McNair, Jan. 1, lb50. J •JCtf LU !>i:h. T\\ll DOORS ASUVi: llAKiH \ SUN’S STIIRE. Jan'y 2'. 1>'51. .'i'*-1 Vj>d -I- I'or .1 .N’O'I'ICK. ^■IIIE copartnership heretofore existing un- i dcr the name of J. A. Row land Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN A. ROWLAND. (JILBERT W. McKAY. JOHN C. MOORE. The uiulorsignc'd will continue the business of the late firm, at their former Stand in Lumberton, under the stjde of ROW- L.\ND & McK.W, where Goods of everv de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. .70TIN A. ROWLAND. GILBERT W’. McK.VY. Lumberton, July 1, 1851. Itf LHT IT HE KNOWN, That A. Redwin has located himself in Troy, for the purpose of carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE I business in its various branch es. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continu- (' TH>\lS»iN i II. w ri’i ei\ iiic a st'le:.'!; i • u>-'rtm* nt of .'^I'MMLK M.\ fS f rien- tlenii-n. Youtl.n, Ro-. s. nn 1 infants, to-wit: Panama, M.»r.c.ii' •, Pedale iiH'l Leghorn, with n general a"j rfmcnt of Palm-leaf. — .\LS.t variet\ i.f ieiitlemen'- I*re-- H-.t"', tn-wit; I’e \er. Nutria. .Moleskin, .'■'ilk and Viig.Ja. of the l:tte“t sf.lis; With an a^'ortnieni ot other st\’es UMially fomi>l in this market. .\Kso, C-VP.S in abundant'e, ot ditlerent st\!'.* >*nd price.*^, all of wl.i.h will l.e s. Id tayfiiKM- for C.vsn. —AL.^i- Xii-^K-'.itmcnt oft^entlemen’s. Ladies’, Misses’, Vouths', p.. \ s'and t'hildrcn’s III M >TS \ .''HOF^.S, »li;.h will Ic offered on liber.il terms for the ■ Reatly Ca'li. jXetf Please cal’ .iii'l satisfy yourselves before puri’lia.s.ng elsewhere, J. c, THOMSON, South-west corner Market Square. March 12, l'' »l. ti;’>-tf lil’KLMI AM) !il .)1.^!I:R liOODS. .\l!i;V, MlK.MWKl.l. & C(). VRE now receiving direct fi*ora New York and Philailelpbia, their aiKl >ioods Embracing every article which is usually kept in a Dry Gooiis .Store. They would call the at tention of the Ladik.s in |>.-irticular to their very handsome stock ot Dress Goods, whii'h have been selected with the greatest can* by one of the firm, and which will compare, in quality, styles and prices, w ith any in tlie m.irket. They will not enumerate, as they iiave siicli a vari»*tv; and would say to the Ladies, that they have no i.Ienny I.ind) goods, but would respectfully so licit a call to sec the good.s ami hear their names. To the (Jentlemen they would sjiv. that they have the handsomest stock of Cloths, Cas simeres and \ estings that luis ever been ex hibited in this market. Give us a call. Also, a large assortment of Ladies’. Gentle- m(*n s, iiiid ('liildreii s Boots ;ind Shoes. :uid a beautiful lot of Parasols and Umbrellas; togeth er with a gener.-il assortment of Canton Craj>e Shawls, white and col’d; Summer Vizites and Mantilliis; Lace and Muslin Capes, Collars and Cufls; Mourning and second-mourning ditto. Sugar, Cott’ee, Tea and Spices, icc. Fayetteville, N. ('., M.irch 25, 1851. Oltf 8A\ .VC;i: .V .MKARES, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, M Y W ILMINGTON, N. (’. ISC’Or'i' i.V HALDWJN, : (o Scoff, K^cn .f Co.; I' ashiofiahlr Mrrritant 'J'ailors^ .\.M> nt.vr.KRs IS (j\‘nlIt‘ni(‘ir.N Cloihin^, Krady-niade, OF THE FIRST «,»UAL1TV. Also, (I conqdcte assortment of Gents’ DRE.S.S t.ooDS. .'f/Hrliei Strata i Wilmiii^lon, N. i’. Jan. l'>, JS.M. ."..'ly LIVERY STA1UJ:s. JIIIIC citizens of Fayettevillo. and th? generally, can be accommo.late i soimble terms with HORSE.S, RUtjtijf other Vehicles, at such times as thev ni • to hire, by applying to the subscriber, a's now well prepared for the bii.sin(ss, }j, be much obliged to those wishing tjhire- him a call. J. W'. POWEK.s’, Fuyettevillc. Jan. 27, 1801. n\i s ift.\■« To.v LIVEliY ST A 111.Ks J.T. PHILLIP.S and RoB'T Wdrn p '; • prepared to furnish the publle Horses, Carri;i:os. nnd ron EM HIM]. j Tliey are also prepared to sen] passen ■- any of the neighboring tow us, on re:; tenns. Their stock may be found at t ,i-. blcs opposite the .Methodist Episv-opal Hay street. Tiiey always have in attendance n go. ' and Reinstnan. They will take horse: ... at reasonable terms. A f >vo-hoi>e c.irriage will be in read':, - short notice, to convcy passengers tv the steam1x>ats. Please give us a call, and if satr-.'^icti.ju i: jiven. no pay will be iei|-iiied. Fayetteville, March 8, If^'l. , COITON CLX I'ACTOilY ^»E'=;SRS. RAY & PEARCE t^ • . ...Ts rized .\gonts in Fayettevill.,- I'nr i.i!- of Griswold's Patent IVafer Bo.\ CoftMU i,; manufactured in Clinton, Georgia. SAMUEL Clinton, Geo.. Feb. li?51. •j7-tls; i by M) / .a\ti:b> 1:^9 ^ii:i>i \’i rn lO.oOO feet of White Oak . , for Plough Beams. Addic'S II. O. IIALL, Eavettev ;Ke I’. i:' rch 3. 1S51. riiroiirn^fo ^oiithei’ii lli*- cliaiiii*!!). rOlllE Su>>scribers respi'ctfully announce to I the citizen'- d' Fayetteville and the sur- rvju:iding ■ aniti j , that the\ have commencevl the ’:irri;i;;4> .\t the o’.d .Stand f'.rniei-ly ■: i-upied by Simpson \ .McLaiuddin, one door lielow .A. McKe- thai.'s. where they are tiow prepareil to manu facture to order all kinds of RIDING ^'EllI- CLE.s. from a Stilkey or Buggy to a nine-pas- set^icr t i>:u h. which, for style and liurabilitv. shall not f>e surpassed by any establishment in the place. They hope, by a Strict .'ittention to business, and a desire to jdease all who may favor them with a call, t.. merit n share of publii- p.itronage. 16(5’* REI’AlPilNG neatly exe«-uted at short notice, nntf i.OWER than any other establish ment in the i>lace. THOMAS V. WHITE. JUNIUS B. RABOTE.VU. Favetteville. Feb. 17, ls'>l. '/.‘tf .lO.MA'il li. IILIIXSO.C «i:.\KKAL C AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ll*ilmin^ton^ .1*. C. Prompt persvuial atteiitivm given to all Consignments, and t'ash advances made on .Mer chandise to be shipped or sold in this market. Feb. 1. Is51. 57v .1. E. TOO.MER, Commission an ft M'orirarft- inf;' •Herchanty uilml\c;to.\, n. (’. Refer to II. Branson \ Son, ) A. A. ML'I\‘th!in, Feb. 1. iN’il. Favetteville. N. C ance of the same. June 30, 1851. A. REinVIN. 1 -(>w P. S. All those in arrears to Redwin Mc Rae win please call and settle as soon as possi- A. R. A Valuable Farm for Sale. fWIHE Subscriber otters his FAR.M for sale, situated on the east side of Big (.’oharie] known as the Major Ollin Mobley place, con taining 1399 Acres. The land is in fine condi tion for tilling, and brings the very best of corn. The dwelling and out-houscs are all in very fine condition, the greater part of them having*been lately repaired. On the farm there is a saw and grist mill, which affords a handsome income; there is always a ready sale for the lumber, and at a good price; corn sells readily at the highest market price, without removing it. I will sell the above at a bargain, as I am de sirous of making new arrangements in my busi- OWEN HARGROVE. ijiiapaoi Co., Juiie li, 1.‘351. 73-5lj A. A. McKiyrilAN ^^TILL continues to carry on the C.\RR1.\GE BU.SINE.s.S^ in all its i>r.inches. at the OLD STAND. Me returns thanks for the lifteral pat ronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strii-t attention to busine.ss and a lesire to give entire satisfaction, tti merit a ci'utinuaiice of the same. He has on hand !i very fine assortment of Carriatjes, Harovichos, l»ur^ics, Ivockaways, and Sulkoys, Finisher!, and a very large assortment of Work p.-irtly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell Low for cash, or notes on .short time. JJfet)' ’ All Wi rk warranted for tvrelve months, aiuI rejiaired free of charge, should it fail by bud workmanship or material. HA IX’U BI RRANK, sale Deaiers in 'I'uhacco, ('i^ars anil S II Ilf. HE Subscribers, late of Baltimore, have oj-ened a .Store in this town, and having made nmingements with an extensive House in B.-iitimore. they c.m furnish the above n.amed articles at suclf prices that cannot fail to please, j Dealers and Country Merchants will find it ^ to their advantage to giv« us a call before pur- j chasing elsewhere. I Front street, under Mozart Hall, next door to Messrs. Policy & Hart. Wilmington. Dec. 10, 1850. 40tf A. J. OK\t>V.] M. MONK. >;ISADY A: Commission Mercliant.s, and Dealers in Dry Goods, Gr(K*eries. &c., flail's Buildiii;;, IVorIh M'alor St., Wilmington, N. 0. Prompt attention will be given to the sale of all kinds of Country Pioduce which may be sent to their care. A]iril 4, 1851. C(>-Cm Corn^ l*cas^ an ft MMay, ^B'^HE Subscriber has on hand and is con- stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup ply of the above articles, which may be pur chased at the htwest market prices at the Ottice of the Heiu ietta Steamboat Company 1). W. McLaiiiii Have just received .1 ."ea^innMc : of G 00 D .'s. cons-stiug id’ Pi ',."', hams: .Jaconet. .Swiss and Tarltan !\i r Printed I.incii Lawns; Lace Capi ': -.r:,;:- col d Lisle; Silk enib. and sup'r Ki«l i; .k . siery; ditto for Misses and Bov.^; ] ■ brie Handkerchiefs; Taylor’s Sp ! i t: :, and fancy Cassimeres; Cloths; c.I'j .■.■j tr: Linen Drillings; fine French dot;’ ’. . i.; and rib'd Drab d’Ete; Sheetine- >;: • , L uibrellas and Parasols; Boots ai. s .W . ware and Cutlery; with a great v.u. we oiler at the lowest prices. ! ^ —ALSO— 2G boxes Tobacco, very low per tl.e' 10 bbls. priiijc Pork. 30 bags Ri’o >Tnd Laguira CofTce. 5 hhds. Sugar. 10 bbls. Refined and Granulated Sii j'- Lo;if and Crushed d.r Bar and Fancy Soaps. Superior Northern Flour, vtc. D. ^ W. McLAUK” April 7. 18.’'.!. TTv \^N( i7T:. tRCH'D A. T. SMITH has taken «t: . on Anderson street, nearly / ; Fayetteville Hotel. He will attend t" th- lection fd’ claims and law business gn and especially to the taking of accouiits ecutors. administrators, guardians and I'iir: either in suit or otherwise. Jan'v 11. 185I. I-;: CE^inet Furniture, Chairs, &c fBlIIE Subscriber is rec' M, large assortment in h> selected by himself in Philn !''; New York, and Boston, wh^■ gether with his own nianiii.-.': makes his Stock very complete, consistii.p Chairs, 'Fables, Sofas, Uedsie.’i ash Stands, Burt'aus, Looir j iiig Glasses, Side Roani.'. j Sccrotdrie's, ^Vc. All of which will be sold on the lowest fi'm - Cash, or on short time to ]uinctual cust. iii^ JOHN W. li.VKKE Sept. 30, 1848. ;:'tt April 8. 18-'iO. R. M. ORRELL. 14tf f’ul ojieration on the Cape Fear River, and continue to ofier many facilities to the shipping public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest as-| ^ sured that their (Joods will be brought up with | tilCtOrV dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. ~ ^ ’ A. . .STEEL, President T. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent at Fayetteville Feb. 15, 1851. 5'j.tf NOTICE. TB^HE Steamer Chatham will leave this place 1 JL every Monday and Thursday at 7 o’clock j .. ^ ^ -'V o’clock as at present.) com-i DLy ivCJiairing lailhfully oxceu- 7 o’clock Monday lOth inst. Time ! ted at short notice, on verv reasonable terms leaving Wilmington, every Tuesdav and Fri Faijettvriflv, April \, ' HENRIETTA LINE OF ^teniii and Freight Boaf§, Are all in excellent or.ler for business. Our Tow Boats have been recently repairel and made good as new. We have also added a n>nr Flat for low water, and well adajited to the service. She will carry 700 bbls. merchandize ana draw only 20 inches Tvator. * Tho.se favoring us with their patronage, may expect as prompt and cheap aervice in everV particular as any other Line can offer. G. DEMING, Pres’t. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent at Wilmington. F'av'etteville, Dec. 2l, 18.50. 50-tf iMiNEUAL W'aYeR.~ NJ. HINSDALE is prepared to furnish his • customers with SODA or MINERAL WA TER, with a variety of Syrups, all of a quality unsurpassed. 21. G8tf I.in.sced Oil and White Lead, For sale by SAM’L J. HINSDALE. April - -on, o’clock P. M. JNO. D. WILLIA^IS, Agent Cape Fear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville, !March 3. ! rmillE Subscriber having taken the Estftblish- j nient of the late A. (\ Simpson, (situated opposite W. McIntyre’s Store,) intends carryinjt , on the ^ Carriage Manufacturinjr Fiusiness In all its various branches, and would respect fully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been employed in some of the most extensive Establishments in New York and New Jersey, he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affortls, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either iu material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. repairing done in the neatest and best manner, and at the low-est possible prices. A. H. AVHITFIELl). rayfctievillo, Fdb. 11, 1S50, 7tf brotiii':rs um. To Cotton Ji' n^fotten .fl'iiiv fftcturers. ^ B ^ HE Subscribers h.ave for sale ;i JL sortment of F'lNDLN'GS. to wii'^h would respectfully call attenti.in. .4 const ant supply of the foUotrinc always on hand: J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Maclit Cards. SHEARING MACHINES.—Parson.s. 1' ard’s, Curtis’s. Davidson & Park’s. Daiiicl ^ V.VRIOUS M ACH INF:S.—Parkhurst Burring Machines, Spooling Machines. Nsf ; Machines, Brushing Machines. Kellogg > 1' Wool Pickers, Cotton Whipper.«. or "■ Water Wheel Regulators, Cloth Winder.';. 1 Cutters, Bobbin Machines, Quadrants and !■ Bacon’s Patent Cotton Pickers, Hardw-'^' ers. Waste Cleaners. SUNDRY ARTICLES.—Holbrf^k's T Riveted Pickers, Revolving Temples. W ooden Temples, Superior Picker Lciitli*’''- Lace do., do. Bridle do.. Stretched Leathfrl' ing. Leather Belting, Roller Cloth, Wiishf-^ .Sheep Ridler Skins, Calf do. do., Spindlf ing. Loom Corl, Bailing Twine, Puckinp l’> Tape, all colors. Shuttles, all kinds '.ml' Tenter Hooks, Tack Hammers. Wt»vl .v”' Roving Guides. Mule Spindles. Stctd opinuies. f and DAVID LE>\ IS are pre- , Skew ers, Cutting Nippers, Ring TravciK i' I«red to fonvard with Dksp.xtcii, all goods cou- : Brushes, Flocking di.rCartl Tacks and 1’ signed to the Proprietor. , Comb Plate, Card Cleaners, Shuttle V.yr.- wJi •; teanier Brothers is of light draft, and and Washers. Rivets and Burs, Screw Pr well suited to run in low water. She possesses power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passea- gers. The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and oonvenienco of Passengers. From his long oxpevience as Agent in ^y^lmington of the sevoial Steam Boat Coiu- panies, he thinks he can give satiafaotion, l8 AOCllfeUMPii. Afi Airnnt ^ Roller Buckles, Glass Creel Steps, .spindl Fuller’s Jacks, Factor3* Lamps. Worsto ness. Cotton do., Steel and Cane Reeds. ' len Bobbins, Speeder Bobbins. Spools, nil ^ Books on Dyeing, Teasels, Heddlc Male.'. Banding, IJelt Awls, Emery, Vat Ncttf. ■ Hooks, IhressPapers and Plates, Paj'Ci’ I*'’ Ring ’rravellers, French Teasels, Anierio;i: glg^ Together with Secoud-hand M:h'“ In prc»t variety. Refer for quality of Cards nml articles. erally, to F, & II. Fries, Salem, N. I [V EDW. EDIT Price for tht paid iu year of su expired. For the We« pnid in year of su has exjuri ADVERT per square succeeding ■ by s]>ecial ct vertisers nr iiisertiims forbid, and Lett I f I;’1NGLIS1 J folk, day and fu’ August 4. FERSOV;, fer an the present indebted wi nient. Aug. 1. ME T HE foil October, 18-' M.-irch cnsu fening decr -March. R. J.. Bo stetrics, i:c. I-. W. Ct Materia Me: .s. ,M.\i cia 'iis. 15ki,i| pery, &c. I’, .lonj onl PhvsioN D. IL Tt I and Practic*! A. f]. Pkt atomy. The facilil itruction in EXPENS sors’ fees JjilO—Grad The pric4 servants’ at week. The t^ata tion concer those apply be answere T' I HE S»1 j'.lSt ing S T > \ Cooking 6i July 29, A This is ^ in most of oases out > the moKt' irritationsj knew; ofttj hours. Hn| a free aiui only i!ect*ij nnco witlil dose one-ll times in vl lo, for ev| the stoma beneficial ] The w« on the clH .\ nodyne «Iisease ir tion. At will nffoj^ remedies | F rom Tiilhiit cfl Dr. Li^ weeks wi iiotw'ithsi physiciail in hfiste tirvt do.** eontinuiti lished, some. (J So Sl-M)ll j who vva.sl who had! fever, \| at once own Cl In .li county, months be consij to be and as recover*^ Agaii pectcd that coj lowed stored., I hav] inedy have h have gi^ tion, cessful1 The Little of eachl Soldi at his Street, A. W’atl lil68, ton; C.| llalei{ S. Equity! The r for anj 6th Lai communications may be addi>ettsed, aa Agont of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN B.\.NKS, Proprietor. :l-7 lo. 72-y vicinity. THURLO Hl'GHES .v • 11 North 5th St., Phihi'b’'; .J*, iyc*?