FOR THE OBSERVER. »ng. Slingsby and hia iLcn had been ca- JTCII OF THE BATTI.E 01' ELI- rousing for several night.? previous, and Z \1^FTI1T()WV. were now buried in profound slumber. Not . -I ic.'i a wateh-dos? warned them of approach. liMZ ^LTiiTO'« r., . ug. , • Brown had desired to capture the whole ‘"l" ir/ t"'* unfortunately, just as his men , CluM, „t wore drawn up nround w in front of tl„. |»rti,-nlara of iIk- j.nbj,.in. .1 Skctoh; , , „..|liog occu|.ied l,y li.e T,.- IS ] hare no rocollcction of havinjr • i i i i i i r , c i -X r ' ries, a man who Lad been awakened from Hii account lit It in i>nnt, it may not i i i i i . , . , . ' sleep l>v the screechinir of an oj^imi door, iiirt'lv luiiiiteresting tn vonr readi-rs, ' * . OjtSERyER. ^ A T $ T a' IS ¥ a JL It, sT TlllKsn.iy, M'fiPST 7. IS'il. Sul)!r7'ibcrs to the We.elclj/ OLxervrr I domestic tranquility, arid regular tribunals to administer laws, are objects of great value, however undeirated they may be,— that it is quite posf«ible for a people not to be progperons and happy, though blessed with ceaseless agitation; that mobs may err in oj>inion and in prar-tiee; and that those who most loudly urge iut^-rual dissension, are often men to whom any change will be canu’ sauntering; out to close it. '.tyal with which the sikilful historian miliar. (istory if^ luit the record of men’s »•- -the language of the I’ast, and it jlil be full, clear, ]K’ifect and eonipre- \e. S.>uie men, for perhaps our l>ril- :u tii.n. l;vo in iiiuuMtal verse, defv- le waves of Letiie or the obliterating Tif 'I'iiiie, in the jinnidly pn>]>ortioned [>s “f oltelisks a!il statues; while wlii 'c iia'iK's ‘‘would sound as loud the ear of fame, ami fill as bright a history." go down to the grave |ratively uukimwii. to sleej) with all ''iMf cradled in a eoHii\, and not a to “tell where gli>ry lies.” It is a ]'lcasai!t task to gather fnun sire II, and reeord and writ, the brave and noftle. which live onlv as jxtrfs, and them down from oiu^’s own to po.sterity, as one luagnificent —briirlit, l)eautifi,l and lastingl— fildptis nobler far to rescue Iroui oblivion s in themselves immortal, and feel It we’ve done a conscious ]»ride that, have >iiven them to Time, so with ourselves. are many stirring incidents in iwrittf n history of i;r llevolutioii of the attentioTi (>f our IIist *rians: Ai'ry many, -piiited scen‘s and sto- tanip life, that have never been ;,of in our ballad.s. No State je old thirteen is full'-r than X*rth lina in these >rlori>.ns little r(>mances wlity. (Mil Iio\v we liavi* detiglitcl, bu^ a boy. f > linger u|'on the knt-e it red grand-j> ireiit. and hear liim tell ^10ben, and how, anil whore, the brave |‘t>f tlie good old (lays met in the elii- mi' •Mi^at, an 1 struck, with tl!' lof- ]'aM\otism, for home, fireside and ini How we have Kiit our eager iiivcn out- wimlf imaginatiou to Hu-- tale 'f s\U]>rise and attiuk'. liave w:it; h» d the old man’s coun- ie* l:1ow and brijrhten in the storv, d up iut> those lini ohi ev(' till P^ein ‘d to hav(' gathered airaiu the Int'’ intensity of his earlier years, atnl tfortli a di sjilay of proud noliility as a.^ the eagle’s in its sun-eonrting W- have listened (ami \vi‘ li>ved fn to these t,th's from lusiro mouths lis, until uur little heart w.nil ! llirob nii'.nly ]ni\se, anl with all the sjnrit pi'Uitlest eouqueror we'd strut anl and swajxgcr an 1 strut again—a h’ hiTo iu miniature' to tli(> Sketch: pretty l>ockerv’s Districts. , 1 1- \ llll If I 11 i ” H. Hearing ' pf/ rts:e aire vs notice. aril wantni^ tlie jrrapnie irlow and vivid 1 i i- i-e i i i i ' ^ , -.1 1 • 1 ,'w. ; the co*Kinir ot hrehxKS, he ciive the alarm: hut li»“tore nali of his unciati companions had caught their feet a broad sheet of fire and the sharp report of 70 guns boomed up up(m the echoes of the hill-sides, and lit up the darkness. CJen. l>rov n, know- in;r the superiority of his enemy, had in structed his men to make u.-e of a >h' ijnrrrc in cas“ they be uiseovcred: he wcmld call oiit t’lc* names nf quite a number of Captain? .-^o as to lead the Ti»ries to suppiise they were bes^t with h niiuiber 'f companies. The ]dan was sue' e«:jful. The terrilied Tories hearing so many dif ferent companies, as they thouirht, ordered into line, after one or two broken discharg es ou their part, betook them to sulden and ]>recipitatc flight. Lea])ing wihMy from wind(iws, doors, and every o]>en space, they broke through t!ie Whig line at some unguarded point, and availing themselves of the shelter 'f an adjacent jjrully, down they ran. helter-skelter, harum-skaium, like a herd of mustanjrs before the scath ing billows of a burning I'rairie. In this cnragement, the Wliigs lost two men killed, ami several wounded. 'J’he Tory ('ol. Slimrsby was mi>rtallv w(>nn'led, and carrit'd off by his men, and (lodwin was shot in the thigh. Several subordi nates were also wounded. Tiu' loss m the \ part of the t iieuiy would have been much ; greater, but tor the darkness of (h- niglit : and the thick walls of the dwelliniz.—' Knowing that as soon as da\ lijrht disclosed the smalliu ss fif his force, the srattcred , eneniv wouM i-oHect and overjxnver them. i the Whi- s very wisely witlnln w. satisfied ' at tlu'ir success;—for although they did ' not succeed in taking their i iieiny, vet it j served as a check upon them, and was haileil by the pt.-o]tl(' as a dilivi raiiet' from their in.satiate ia\airs. Saltar wa> I'eadv to receive th('iu ou th«-ir return. 'I'wo large beeves had bi'eii eonki'd and sjircail . out on the rich c:npct ol gri't n i^rass at out the yard, and with many a meny lauirh. anil wild huzza, tiio rattling knivi's made discord. 'I’he writer ro^rrets that he had le't all the jtartii-ulars as to dates, Xe.^ that he niiirlit hav(> i:iven a fuller aic«nnt of this little battle. .Vs it is, his ri'Ui^h sketch serves as a Nota Hene to direct tin- att u- tion of some p ntleiiian to a mon* perfect investigatii.n. '1 wo miles East of ]]li/abetlit‘wu, in a quiet grincfif forest trt'es. rep. s,* tln> a^-hes ot (’idonel Webster, a distiuj^uishcil Kn^r- lish officer, wounded in the battle of (luil- , 111 1 . T* 1 bird Court Ilnuse. Hi“ was a man of whom 1.,- tl,e vj Imio Icngtl, of Kvv .hi- ^ Irons, :,nl u:d .l..|.r^.dat..ry warfare thron^-hnnt j„ hand to d,-,'k the turf with e'en a modest flower, to greet the r».'-y sprintr; an I not a single stone to tell that “Here he lies.” %cho (hs^ire to rerrirr thr ,S' »»?'-]IinVl i ,l.‘sirable; and therefore, you will be alway: found on the side of the laws and the eon- Tuk Elkctton is going on to-day, we stitutioii.” This is evidently the key to what fol- suppose. There beine no opposition in i , i - i • j -.i i ... . , 1 , 1 I vluch 1.S quoted witli so much disjip- Mw, l)..tnit, ,t .» a d dl l,nMn..» here.- | ^ .p,,^ No doubt it IS prettv r arm in Stanly's and 11.. . i „ ^ Public Sentiment at the North.— j Foreion.—By the Atlantic, (r-'porteiJ The entire Whig party of the South has by telegraph iu a part of our editiem of sustained the Compromise measures. It Tuesday,) we leartt that fair TJpTand Cot- has done so, because they gave peace to the ton was 5 Jd. oountry, whilst they secured to the South, The propisition for a revision of the the enjoynieiit of those rights which had Constitution of France tras rejectedy 44fi been threatened by Northern Fanaticism, for it, 227 against itw A change of two To the North, we have looked wdth eonfi- votes from the minority to the majority dence, for a ratification of the treaty. For would have giveu it the two-thirds vote we have ever held that wisdom and patriot- neecsKary fn carry it. The puHjeot engfn«.s- ism are not confined to the Southern section es the entire public attention at I’aris, Telegraptu HEl'ORTED FOR THE OBSKRVEK, Union X'irtory in ^Mlabamat MONTGrvMEKy, AIuA.^ > Aug. G—o 20 p. m. ) The I ■ nion Tk-ket is carrying e'fery thing in this State The Mobile D5stri;t I alone will, it is thought, elect the 8ates Kishfs Ticket, The Ihitisli II 'U5'e of (’onnuone lunl re fused to accord a saat therein to Mr. Sal-| MARRIED, In CliHtlmm coiintv, t>i> 20th n!t.. h>v tkc of the T'nion—that the People of the North are as true lovers of their country, Sta.,ly’8«nd j of al.iding t,y the Cuustitutlon I ""■» 1 J 1 . . . J to i welfare—as those who happen to live South I as It ha(f heen interpreted, and of not be-! , . , X- T , /t IT I , 1 1 X 1 1 1 of Masou and Dixon s, ti e! itassed to a second reading iu the i • BIEH. N KW Li.nk OF (u.vrjiKS PGR AUSAW. ■'I'g h*d away to o]>pose the laws r)y every i , ir ri . i i *i • ♦ ^’ i _ . I 1 -II- • I , 1 ' \ 1 • 1 Confirmation of this oi)inion, which has Houm «it Lnds. ! In tlus town, on 1 nefwiaj JO^.V- —e have pleasure in calling attent ion j ncH dogma. And in a .subsequent para-1 . ^ , ., ,. . . .. . Two more heavy failures are reported at ; to the advertisement of Messrs. McKinnon graph the distinguished author shows that I i ^ i ^ Liv('ipool as a con.seciuenee of speculating I ^ I’Vw'w'lVvr & M, Xoill, of a now and most desirable : K. ligion eufore.-s ,l,is dnty. We sulnnit j in and the dl.Kno in its valne.- | SLt li I'r ™ iinl'rovenieiit iu the tnuellin" facilities of , tliat this qtiotation of aii isolated sentence I agita.ioo, must ot tourse enttt ( t tat i |j(. Ikuisos .'ire. that of (j, \\ i-ii:ht, ii. for the ptddie. is a very unfair toode of dealing ,vith the | "l'' I" AVIien the Ptage Line on the Plank .sentiments of a pnlilie man- , ion, t leieioie, Ttithothei evidence of tile The .Vews adds, “Mr. IJadpcr is a I'ed- eralist, and the OWrver can't dei.v that, j " I'""'' P'""'"'" .,.1 , .1 1 ^ • tor ot the llichmond W hiir, now travellinj' \\ natevcr s]iort he may make of our igno-! . • lioad is establislied, as it is e.vpected to be in a few days, or at most a few weeks, wi* shall hope to see many more of our West- omon, the lately elected member of the ! . . ‘J ... '•J^’o^'on, t» Miss E. C, JiAUM.VN, oi Jewish faith. The Papal Aggres.^i;n Hill j ■■■■ i ————————— had jtassed to a second reading iu the Iloust* of Lords. £()0,0()0, and T. W. Stack for j p.WKTTIlVlTd.n M.UtKET—.Wcrsr 7. (■rn friends, attracted by the comfort of ranee of scripture.’ that Koad and of the Wilmington l\ail Koad, and of the tine large coaches and ra]u’d travelling between this place and W; irsaw, or tin* throu«rh-by-daylight line of .steamers to Wilmington, (whenever the river will admit of th(>ir running.) e arc indebted to the lion. Daniel \S I'bster for two beautiful pamphlet cojties of his patriotic and eloquent Sj>eecli to the \oung]Nlen of Albany, on the *iS(h of May last; with a speech of the Hon. .Ti hn i in New En>'land. His object in visiting, and the result of his ob.^^’orvations in that Now tlie (juestion very naturally occurs, . . 1 ,, ■ ,1 ,• .. ■ .. .1 x.'" . I section of the T'nion, are fuliv exidained Wiiat, in tlie e.stiination of the News, /« a , . . . * ^ Federalist!' It depends upon the answer to that question, whether we can or can’t ! The A’irginta Convf.ntiox.—This body, which people began to fear had re solved it.self into '‘per{»etnal .^e.ssion,” has at lust adjounu'd. Our memory does not serve us as to the time when it first met, but it IS ]>robably about eight or ten montiis a;io. 'I'he liithmon»l Timt\s jrixes TJrimilvi i>’oh, -y* a •>-> tLurl 14 a l-'V TMtto, .Mjijile, 40 a 4-') Leathor, ‘JO a 2:? in the f )llowiug extract. , .1 tlie tollowmg as some of the most impor- “.'ly ohicet, lu sii‘>rf, was. to acccrtain , . . j- i • ! rU»ur, 1 „ , 1, , • -n i^vhatiVthe real state of Sewanlism in ‘...turcs of the new ( onstitut,on, ; Anthers, oein that Mr. Badger i.s one. The an-, Free-Soilism throughout ; adopted by a v.)te of i.. swci, i\e suppose, 1.' to be found in another ]^nfdland, and, in an inferior degree, | to .‘]C;— arfiele in the same paper, h;atled “Death the pro.-^pects »>f (irov. »J.ilmston's sncc«*s«, i Nearly all Sta'e and oiTif'ers ar(“ under that ambiguous relation to the Com-1 to be elected 1 v the people, in luding the 1 jiroiuise, which he has Uikeii in Penn.s3l- (lovernor ami Lieuten.-iut Gfivcrnor. the i vania. All these involve the great (jues- , Juilges of the Supn'iue, I)istrict and Cir- ruudlfs. F. F. I.'* a of FtMhTalism,” in wlTudi it is said, .speak ing of “]>adger, Stanly it Co.”— C. Spencer and tlieresp.mse thereto of Mr. ,],.p,.ivod of the (’on>titutioual ri-ht to \\ el.ster. at ‘le’ dinner given to Mr. eb- jnd.tje fif the expedieiicv anil necessity of stor on the same day. ; war—that the jmrse and sword of the na- - tion should b* both delivered into the I knnsvi.vama Pui.iTirs.—We refer „{• IVesident, that he who is but the reader, and t s].e i;illy the Wilmiucrtau the Servant of the j.eople shnill deeile .Journ il, to the article wliich we cojiy from without any other restraint but his own the I’iiiladelphia North American.' The march •fi>nrnal cndorsi-s for tlie Philatblphi ‘‘The I'Ostilent di>inas advocated by,.- , ,i x- • . . .1 1! ' 1111- . tion Irhr/fur tlie North intc tli' se nu'ii—that .all iiower shouM bo vest- ; ♦ i * * i i *i ■ i /. i i • 4... /n 1 1 ] • .1 i> -1 * .1 1 not intend, to stanti hy tlie (, ! ConimAnwea ih s Attorneys, ( leiks and d in the IVesiucnt—that onm-css shfmld 1 *1.,. i.-..! 01 -n- . does ; cuit Courts, anil the Justices of the T'eace, I’poswax, 20 II li'J I,Cud, htir. H.', a llHfon, a 1 ,\foIiis.«c.‘t, 2."> a 27 Kjijeinp, I.) a 2** Naile, cnt, 4.1 :i ii ('ottiin, a 7 1-3 « ’>(* r.irn, 'mT :i',».■) .Oil, l.inseod. f») roffoo. 10 Jill Pn«ler, .'i0OBCiM» (’hopso, n all Slt'it. IJJ.i 'J CoppiTMS, 2.} :Su}T!ir, tifown, *i :i !• Ditto, loaf. 11ii i:> ti\ a tj 15 Salt, sack, 1 2.'* u 1 40 Sn a •'12 |l)o. alum, l)u. a 40 Fliix.swil. !v‘l .'^liin'rles, 2 a 2.J Hides, irreen, 4 Tallow, S a 10 Ditto, dry. all Mlieat. 1*0,-i Iron. Swedes, •> a ti Whisk»*y, 40 a A't Do. Kiiglidh, 0 a 4 Wool, 18 a 2> Indigo, 1 a 1 ] White I.cS'l, 2 a Lime, none 4-4 r.rfiwn Slicetin”:.-*. 7 »;ents. ('otton Yams. to 10, 17 , and es]>ocially the Fugitive Slave bill.— C])Ou the solutifui of that (piestion will, 1 think, depend, in a great degree, the issu* ; of our coming elections in Virginia. If we can assure our.selvt'S and satisfy the peo- ]ile that the North generally and Massa- Sherifis. Tlie legish'tun* is to be ajipor- tioiicd, tlie Ilou'^e of l)elegates on the Suf frage basis with a We.stern majority of four teen, and the Senate with an Eastern ma jority of 10, which arrangement is to eon- tiiiue until Isc,,"), when the JA'i;i>lature Pennsylvanian, and tlu' Pennsylvanian en dorses fir the Potter county I'niou. The I iii'in endorses for David \Vilmnt, and ealls upon the “democratie free soiler.> ” tor helji to eleet l>i«rler, :®d denounces Fillmore, Webster, Clay, and Crittenden, and all “tlK- chaiujiuns of the fuiri- tive slave law." loyal and true to the Fnion, v, ill sustain h;s aruii(.s into any ofTending State, to subjugate and enslave her people to the 'lictatioii of his Ann//// ideasure.” ♦ n *1 , . i' , ■ 4. ■f ■' I at the )>o!l.s tue )'arty 01 (|Uiet, ot coii'cr- Now the Editors of the News assert that valism, of the and the I’nion these positi^'us have been “advixated” by ,—that is to say, will sustain the Whig 31r. Pad-er, Mr. Stanlv, and some po’iti- ! ^ ^anrot conceive that our ].eople c.d as.soeiatps of theirs d»“si^nated bv the ( husetts in particular, have now made up ma\' agree npfin a new apportionmriit, or their minds toabide faithfully by the Com- ^ siil luit the question of hasis tf> the people. ])ro)uise and to enforce the k'u^ritive Slave Ta.xes are to be iI mfnmn. ONcept that law, I t.ike it that the ( >ld I>on)inioti, ever i slave? under twelve ve.irs of a^e are e.v- mington Journal is now leagued. We ask its particular attention to the fiets, desiring to see whether it will still vom h for the s.uindne.'^, the “nationality,” the to the Stmth, of the Penn- svKanian and (!(»1. Ki"ler‘j' Carolina, between parties or detach- frf Ibitish and Tories, and bo.lies of Its or Whigs, scattered throughout Min try.—their actions a.«snming an r defensive cast, in proportion as L“S.s or il!-ftirtuue attended them in th*'ir [>r har:',^>r. or in proportion as the of the Crown or of the He ascendant. These little engn;ie- ■re frequent, and niit unfrequentlv di^live. .No where jterhaps in the Stat,- th.y of more frequent ocurrenee r,|a that fi ction comi>ii^ed in w’lat was theff^thou;:li not now' known as tlie cnun- I’daden. Small b' dies of men tif :>ini'S were to l>e found .seatterc'! in 1 there over its entire surface; the generally outnumbering the Whigs, th' ir ranks c'lmposivl of men of all an 1 eharaeti-rs, from a ri^dit loyal I’f King (leoriTf’. whf> entertainel his opio'en houesfly, down to the lowe.-rt ill the descendinir - ale of humanity. Of-j1iis latter el IS- were the compinics eoami iiided by C ilouels .•'lin^^sby and (lod- wioftwi) notorious Tories, who, with a IvkIv of about :5tK» ni' ii, held posscf'sion of VJMb eth Town as their Headquarters, to til# no >matl annoy:;nc(> of the citizens of the pirrouiidinir country, upon whom they levied .'Upplii -; and of the ^ood Whigs in pM^ular, who were the -oiislant oMects of Mr suit an 1 .'t arch. These Whi'^s'^ere, for tfi • nio«t part, men of irood .sense and wterlki:' Worth: and to inind.^ havin.:r a libcaiftl i-ul artrcment of coiieeptiou, the ciJUfe of their Tory enemies was e.xtreme- Ij overbeariiiir. and by no me.ans to be tolerati il. Although small in number, and hunted with ;lie most con.'tiint persever- aa^ Vet un l- r the command of such men a|f^n. Ibown, Colonels Owen, 11 >berson icharil-in, they were ever on the//'// —ready to go at a moment’s call wfcercver their country’s interest recjuired, «R(| always bold in execution. * It wa towards the latter ]>art of the year 17>iU, that Gen. Thomas Prown and Col. Thomas ()wen, who had been for a Iwg t'me wati hing with great vigilance theUiovemcnts of Slingsby and Godwin,; formed the de'^ign of surprising and cap- , t®irg their whole command, and thus to .abbreviation ‘-Co.” We, when and where? Wv. call upon those editors to j>ro- , , . , . 1 , . , , 'bice any speech, letter, or essay, in which ^ueh IS the partv which the \\il- i? .1 ' 1 '" 1 I either ot the genthuneii named, or any t other Whig in North Carolina ever “ad- vo-ated,” e.xpressed, or in any manner in tiniatcd, all or any one ‘‘pestilent dogmas,” as held by him. Nay, we go farther, and (halleiigc them to profluce ! any speech, letter, or essay, of any member Fkdkuai.ISM—DlVINK RiciituF Kings, * of‘he Whiir party in the Cnited States, —We have del-ijed a fwl-flier notjce of ^ which, either directly or indirectly, a.s.scrts will ask more than tin- certainty- of this loyal and brotherly conduct f»f the North. 1 was ]MM'suaded that, iqion a ]ter.sonal and thorourh ex.amination into the facts, 1 should be iible to give that assurance. 1 have sought it, then-fore—as already in timated—not at second-hand, but at the very soun es of information^ have explored opinions rather through and amidst the village and country jiopulations, wdu re j proi laiin it ratified, the Legislature then enq'ted, white males twenty one years (dfl are to pay a cajiitation lax, equal to the tax on ?-K>0 worth of land, sla\es over twelve years of age are not to pay more than the t.ix on Avorth of land, and, incomes and .sjilaries mtiy lie taxed at the discretion of th • Lejrisl.iture; Seven P"r cent, of the existing d(d>t of the State, and of every future de)>t, is to ].e sat apart annually for tho jiayment of the interest and pi ineiiial. The new Constitution is to be , ,, „ . . 1 I . . 11; 1 1 -.L .'^nallote. uth—f?chrs Mai3‘ I’owell and Ira submitted to the voters quabhed under it, ,.^ewster from New York. on the fourth Dinrsday in (Ktobi^r, the —mmm returns made to the (Jovernor, and if he iiiA'ir.v.' or TiiF. M »r,Kr.T. r>\e0N'—Sales to-dnv at 1 Cotton—We rediic** our mint;itii'n.«. Fi.oj'k—Sales ofscAcral loads to-da.y at 0 Do.mkjtk Si injT.s—l!ut littlf* coming in. Triii'KMiXK.—Virjtin Dip 2 20. Yellow Dip 1 8-'). Il.-.r li^l. N.I. ;{ Kosin 70cl.-^. 4:n>».!s, •Spiiit.^ Turpentine solti at 24 cts. Ksrrels 1 J. WILMINtiTOV MAKKHT. Ni> Siilo.s ol‘ 'J’iTnlier or l.nniht>r. Virgin Tnr- {icntine 2 ;*)0, 4(M* libls. Vollow .sold at 2 20, .1 ris.e of i’lO. Hard 1 2-”>. ;jOO hhls. Spirits s«>!d nt 2t.J. K(i.sin dull. Jlav 47.1. inferior, liacon. 11.3 liojf round. Hams lo. Com tu. good supply. Lard 12.'. l>.v tlie hM. lIn^»na Molassets 21. l*OKTOF AlUtlVAL.'^. Au". —Xenvppian hark Kmijriftnt fm ~S. V,, Solirs. Alarie trom New York. Wm Hart and .T. P. I'lrown tii»m Phi1adel}iliia. 4ih—Bark Pros* pet from New York. .Seiir Mary Ahlguil from the attack of the Asheville Nows upon Mr IJ idger's ChapM Hill'of atid upon *he Whig party, that we might iiave an oi'portunity of examining the Ad- j dress it.'. If. The News seiztnl upon an ■ i.soiiited .senieiice of tlu* .Nddrep.^, in whi li it spoke of the “powers that l»e” a«: *‘>r- d.lined of Heaven, " :ind haraetcrized this as ••an explode«l dogma d‘ ile.sjiotism and r'ed»*r,disui.'' We reminded that {>iprr that this (xjiloded do^nia Wus a diK-trine of the Bible; to w hi( h it rejilies. among ether thintrs,— “We icnow a I'cder.dist when we read l:is speeches, and shall denounce him wlien we find him out. Whether he is sustaiu- ( d by St. I’aul or all the Saints in the ealeii'lar, is a matter of no on.sequeiu e to us. 'I'he «>ditor of the ()bserver know s V' rv Well that the sjiee h of Mr. Badger on V.hii h we were commenting and which conuuent has elii it^'d his tart re]ily, was i ilelivered at Ji time when resist;;mc to the ‘•He sleeps Lis last sleep. In.* lias tiis last hat tie, .N'o .sound can awake hiiu t> j:lorv .‘ijrain." P.. TtiK Wiiiits OF New Voi-.k.—A eon- sultntiun between couimittees of tin' two scf-tions of the ’\\ big j'iirty, has re»ulted in the call of a gent'ral Whi^ State Couven- t;..rt, to make nomination' for t!n' I'all !'- lection, on a ]datform ••embodying: a eoui- ]i|ete declaration of Whiir principles, .unl an endorsement of the cour-e of the Ad ministration.’’ (/’is/iitri)’ I'rnuiJf (/nl’i-fr.—The s>‘s- sion ojienetl on the day a-l\* rti.'i d. Wcdne.'day,) with between fii';v and >ixty boarder.'—‘‘and still they come.” '1 he eviilent-e and of usefulness by this institution, in affonlin;' the menus of c.ln- cating the dau;.diters of North (’aiolina in their own State, is m.ttter of .'■iiitcre ^ra- tifieation to all thou-hts are tuni. d j Government was threatened; and to the de\idopment of mental and j hy.' j,, to dissuade men from rc'sistanc*^, re.sources at home.—I'ntriot. ; -sj,. made an arguue-nt to show ,, ” . , .. -,0*1 t r 1 the divine ri^ht of rovernments to the Mont-ii.—A sale of 1;So shares of Bank , ^ , . • , . , . , , rr 1 1 olieilicnee ot their citizens—the inniuitv st'M k in this iilaee, this week, has aft irded i- • .1 . ’ ' ’ of resistinir tlie government ot one s ( onii- try under any cireiim.'tances, and in fact re{iro]ueed th'* very ar^ruuunts of the or gives countenance to .any one of these doirmas, or that alludes to ;iny one of them but f or the of condemnation. ^^’i]l the Hdit^jrs answer this call? Will they produce the ]>rofifs on which their most offensivQ imputation i.s founded? >r. failiui: to do jio, will they retract thetdiargt'? ( )r do they think all means fair, in jtarfy warfare, when used to injure the reputa- t; ;i .".r.d ir.flticncc of a political opponent';' Now there is not a man in eitlu r or the political jiarties of the State, who Vielieves miMi's ideas are most their own and genuine, than in the great t(»wns, where they are I imitative, sudden, and of derivation from ' cli(|ues and party and tumultuary influ- i enees. The result is, that f shall be able ‘ to sjicak of the condition of the public i mind in New Kngl.uid not as of a thing j believed u]on high testimony, but dirt'ctly and positively known, throu;_h faithful examination l>y myself. I shall be able, th(‘refore, to speak, as I love to sjieak to our readers, with a strong coTui leiiee, a perfect assurance that I am right; and with that confidence, I now pledge myself to ' Virgini.i and the South jreiierally, that not merely is New England, as I was told, ; rtonimj riijlil upon the, but ’ ha* iilrnnJy rtnttf riijtif. TIu-re i.* not oniV a revolution of her public mind on foot, as to that subj(‘ct, but a revolution already On the River and hourly expected, 10.000 Log round. 1000 lbs. piime Lard. 20 barrels Mess I’ork. 10 “ Prime do. G “ Mess Deef. ,, , . 1 Ml 2 dozen Perreluin Kettlen, atssorted si- irom this .summary recapitulation it will ^ ^es, for Preserving. elected is to be snjK-rseded b}’ the new Legislature, which will be elected on the second Monday in December and will meet (ui the second 31onday in January, and thereafter the sessions will be biennial. what we have quoted from the News to be efleet^'d; still in, but needing no true. Every body of the least intelligence knows the contrary to be true—knows that the Wilier ]iarty. and ^Ir. Badj^er particu- l.irlv, deiiouui-ed thi“ late war with .Alexieo as uncon.'titntionally couimcnced, because ]>recipitafel upon us by hostile movements ^toppin of our troops directed by the Presiileiit without .allowing Cougr(‘ss to judge of the “exjiedicncv and necessity'’ of su( h move ments as tendetl direct I}’ to war—lc- nonnced its mode of prosecution bec.mse ctilculated to vest all jiower iu the IVesi- further advancement to make it either ef fectual or .secure.” The Editor's opportunities for observa tion seem to have been abundant. For he ha> travelled throu;rhout the whole of Van in the villages and in the country, in fact wherever he found tiiat ho could obtain the ojiinioii.s of the I’kopt..k. He has attended j'ublic ineet- ing.«, dinners and all sorts of gatherings, talketl with farmers, mechanics, and men be perceived, that the prominent moditiea-j tioii"^ of the ]>resent ('onstitution consist in i the adoption of the system of popular elec-j tions iu all ileji.irtments of the govornment, i in the abandonment of the principle of the | representation of projti rr\’, and in requir-' ing the Legislature to ])rovi(le for the pay-1 ment of the present and every future pub-; lie debt. ' (Vn^iiis —In the State of Dela- J ware there are three,«emi-weekly and eight j weekly newspapers pubiisin d. Of tliccc,! the Blue Hen’s Chi( ken is set bnvn as having tlie largest circulation, viz. 2750 copies. The Gazette, at ilniinjrtui, has II. A«{r. 7, 1831. 13RAXS0N & SON. lltf MACKKKFJ. IMSU. UAKTKK r.hl.o. No. 1, Half hbls. No. 2, libls. and Hall bula. No. o. Hourly’ ex* petted l>v II. UI1.\XS0X & RON. ;\U" 7, 1851. lltf Kope and Twine* A LIj qualities for s.ile by jH. JiHANSON & 80N, Au;;. 7, 18?.l. lltf ~ ~ NCW IS THE TJ MI? 1'^OH H clie«p lot of Readv-mnde Gentlemen's ^ ^ (.'I.OTHINO, ma-le expresely for the 1000 semi-weekly, the Journal SU(J ditt-o, : Southern trale, ,und eut in a very superior In the St^ite style, and made of p>od materials by the best and the Republican 11 >0. of Florid.i eicrht weekly and 1 semi-weekly paper are puldi.'he.J. 'J’he largest circula tion is that of the A!).ilaehicola Adverti.ser, 1 .’>D0 copies. ’Ihc Tallahassee Sentinel has 1 •200. Both art'Whig papers. There are three Democratic and six Whig papers in the State. In Georjria '>3 papers .'>.re published, 4 bein^ monthly, 4D w'eekly, 4 tri-weeklv, and daily. ()f those D» are Democratic, S Whig, I independent, 4 literary. 2 nie.d- ^ I ical, 1 a.irricultural, 4 religious, I Union, evideuco fif two gratifyin^^ facts, first, that there is plenty of money s,mrn]iiri in the ' country, and secondly, that i.itr banks en- ' joy the entire eoufidence »f the public in ' their soundness and in the manner of their administration. 150 shares of stock in the Bank of the State sold at from 118 to 1201, ami Io.‘) shaifjs in the Paiik of Fear at from 118 to lloj, and judging from sycophants and [>arasites of Charles Stuart in favor of the divine right of kings.” We hope there are few who will concur with the News in its contempt for the pre cepts of the Bible, or its extraordin.-iry idea that those precepf.s are “fcver:iL’’ of every party and occupation. In his de dent. In short, that the whole principles stati ot opinion, lit j jicutral, and the character of the not says, he has even “spent s une days in the wilds which surround Moo« head Lake, among its lumber men and hunters, the children of the f irest and the frontier.” Such information, foumled upon sm h ob- S'Mv.ition, is just what is wanti'l at the South. No very groat importance has been iittaehed to the denumstratituis of I nion the disaiipointment or unsncces^tul bid- ■ , ^ ,1 • 1 • .l ^ i 1 .1 ' * * • 7 7 1- I-or our iiart, we flunk it is to be re; ieited ders, the amount 01 Juiuls seeking * investment is at this time very lar;rc. that our public men so seldom look to that Most of the stfxk was taken in R,-ileigh, source for their jirinciples or for a guide to Salem and Green.sboro.’ ; their actions. G>hor(» Patfiot. VdJndJth' lidnk —At a sale of stock of the Bank of the SUite, in this jilace, 40 .shares sold at 812H, cash, jier share. (.'hnrlotte .foiirnol. of the AVhig party are oj)j*osed to the exer- cis(! of any power by the President except thosi' vested in him by the Constitution and Laws. These ]>rin-ij»les have gov erned them at all times, ami have been es]>eeially manifested during the reigns >f Jackson and Polk—not less when the for mer “took the responsibility” of removing the deposites from the jdace where (^m- gress had jmt them, than when the latter, with equal disregard of law, plunged the country info a war with Mexico. Surely the Editors of the News must have ima gined, for the time, that they were writing stated, 'i'he largest circulation is that of the Augusta Sentinel, .5(‘»((t>. The Tenijw'r- anee Banner, in Greene county, has 5(KMP, the Augusta (\>nstituti(uialist, Southern Cultivator, Macon ’rdegraph and Macon Me.-'senger have ea(h about oDDO. lu Viririnia there are 04 papers, (!1 weekly, 13 semi-weekly and tri-we«‘kly, and 20 daily. Of these 24 are D 'moeratie, o7 Whii, and of workmen. In tlx* above lot is every artielc suitiiVile for Gentlemen's wear, and mafie for my own tratle. Cll.VS. iJAPiR. The Ono>ls can be s^'en at the Store of Mr. Campbell, on Friday the 8th Inst. Sale to conunence same Afternoon nt •‘3 o’clock. Aug. 7. \\ JLKiT\J^X)X d: ESLEK, ^ DK.VI,Ki:s IN (“tnt f'l-rfion'tr>f, Foi> itjn Kruifa, To- /i(fcco, and Sni'ffj AND l.MPORTERS OF »iI’I»FKIOR II.4V.4WA CfUARS AT WIIObKSALE AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. An-r. 7, IH.'.l. lltf feelini: in the lartie cities. The Pp.fiPLK of neutral, religious, Staf‘ rights, literary, kc. The circulations are not ac- We admit that the Address was dollver- cd about the perifxl of South C;.rolina Nul-: i • 11 1 i .,1 c about their old enemies and pre.'sent con iification; nut it was after tlie j>as.s;ige ot * federates, the Locofocos, who, if they “ad- the ('( Tariff of 1S;5;{, and tliere- fore njhr all danger of resistance was iver. and not as the News says, when resistance was threatened. the South have looked to the 1*k^»plk of the North fora full ratification of the Coni- and an unhesit;iting acknowledge ment of their rights. That they have not looked in vain, information .such as this, " i derived from the peoidt' thcm.selves, renders certain. “New England is not merely METHODLST HYMNS AND DISCfPlJNES. H I'ST received, a now snpplr, all sizes, plain and gilt. Au;;nst •'>. K. J, HALF & SON. curately (ditained by the census, and there is, tlierefore, no in «iuoting them. They an* all small, howevt;r. WANTED TO BUY, ^ on ;J0 LIKKLY YOUNG NEGHOES; apply at the FayctteTille Ifotel. August*). 11-tf In S«uith Carolina there are 45 new.^jpa- ; CYPUESS LOGS WANTED, pers, 27 W(*ekly, 7 daily, 4 tri-weekly, 1 : |r WOt’l.D contract for 2.'.0 or thousand semi-weekly, 4 monthly, and 1 quarterly, i m fppt Cypress Timber, in Logs, to be d»»liv' Thev are all set down as either Democratic, ■ cred as early as the water in the riTers will al- 1.^ iiou 11H.H.IV , UP,,tral, literary, religious or |^ -i 1 » • f ronun,, right, but \v^^nhro.h,rnmcv;.jht." tenineran.-e, hut we observe that the (Jeen-I.Ll vocate” no such “pestilent dogmas,” have teni]>e ranee qn:intity will please correspond with the sub- opmion w'ould do e.xeeution—such as Vypikets, shot jETuns and sabres, and each niuni fully bent (ui having “Slingsby ai)d hiaJevils,” or the wild huzza of a grand ■;.structing Saltar—now Conimi.ssary •ral, bout wdiat time to look for them, left his i\'0use on foot about 12 o’clock light, anti taking a neighborhood road ;irrivcd on the banks c)f the river li below Elizabethtown. There beinj; was never intended to assert “the iniquity of resisting the governiucnt of one s coun try under nmj circumstances,” nor tf* re produce any arguments ‘‘in favor of the divine right of Kings.” If thi' News will turn to jiages 13 and 14 of the Addres.s, it may find the following pa.ssage:— “ Vou will readily underjitaud, when ques tions arise upon the meaning of thefumla- mental law, that the sense put upon it Dirirf hiipui'fiition.—Our enterprising r«|ifeve th(“ "ood people in that part of the' young friend Alex. McKae, Jr., of this coouty in w liieh their marauding ileseenfs place, has very recently receiviul, direct ' general reference to that case. .'■) frci|ucnt, from .so fnlious and evil from Liverpool, the largest assortment of e«|8e(|ucnces. Leaving their resj>eetive j China, Ghiss and Earthenware ever exhib- yiliies of abode, they l»eat about silently ited in this market. The assortment is tla»)nLdi the country, collecting here a man | conqilcte, of all varieties, and latest 9$^ there a nrin, until they arrived at the ' styles. Tlie (joods were shipped from Boiee of Mr. William Saltar, si.x miles I Liver]io(d to Charleston, ami on their arri- frmi the .e ene of the future action, and I val there, placed immediately on board a * the opposite side of the Capo Fear river. I vessel bound to this port. They arrived Bee tlieir force numb red 70 men, all i here during the latter port of last week, told,—armed with su(di weapons as in their The invoice amounts to over five thousand dollars and the number of packages fifty- four. So far as a cursory examination of a pf»rtion of these articles will warrant an opinion, they seem to be of exc«dh*nt pial- ity and apjtearance; the cnt-glass especial- j*'suucting raitar—now i^onimi.ssary , ly is very superior, dKpera]. ‘•bout wdiat time to look for them, ! It is the design of Mr. Mcllae, we un- I'dt his i\'0use on foot about 12 o’clock ; derstand, if encouraged in his enterprise ’ ’ ‘ • . 1 1 1 ' by au a})[u-eciative couupunity, to continue the fiystciu of direct importations thus largely commenced. An opportunity is oats convenient, and the river being i therefore offered to test the sincerity of they forded it at what is now known j those who are constantly preaching up the rown’s Lauding, taking good cjire t-o [ doctrine of Southern indepepdence in eonr their ammunition and firehK-ks dry, | tradistinetion to Northern va.ssa.lage. The bufreting the waves—not “with hearts result of this experiment will determine oft^ntroversy”—but noi.seless as the na- the value of the profe.ssions so repeatedly tuif ‘if tile ease would admit. Thence up | utUued in our streets. the^iank throuLdi the denstdy interwoven i It is to be hoped indeed that an enter- iMii^e of elm and briar, so c(uiimon in low prise* like the pre.seiit, in con.sonance with |Monds, they proceeded to de.s ribc a eir- | correct jmblie sentiment, and necompauied cle, so .is to reach the village from a quar- I with exjK rise and exertion, will not be tefJeast exjictted. j suffered to languish for inadequate sup- Jt now the hour of in the morn-j port.— W ilmiwjton Herald. certiinly defended their jmictical appliea-■ trust and believe that this is a cor-. yiHe Patriot which is a .staunch I nion pa-' scriber in Wilminpton, and learn particulars as i reef statement of Northern sentiment it, for ' p«‘r and nothing else, is not so stated, i early as jirsvcticable during the present month, of the . The (Miarleston Mercury is rativl at 50D0 ! **• inc : . . * i«*i ll-8w 1. .1 .. 11. , tion by Jackson, Polk, I'cc. They eonld 1 It therefore had no otlu r f *i i ..,1 fi-Jn 1 b- t-. f.-.i..o 1 .. 1^ .i-i I ”P'”’ truth, depend the sjilvation _. J ; not, ,f the\ ha 1 fiied, ha\e fiamed a jaia- ; . 1 1 • r 1 subscribers, the Courier 5(K>0, the Even- graph more . ntirely in opposition to the ! ’ I'^'l'pniess of our | principles and practice of the Whig party, [ Counfr}. ^ ^ Carolina there arc 52 newspapers and of distinijrtiishcd members of that 1 ClIARbKSTox .\Nr* Posti\.—The Pos- ' published, 40 being weekly, 4 srmi-weekly. AVibnin^^ton, Aug. o, 18-jl. party which it names, ever since the party j ton peojde admit that mu h of the South- fri-W(( kl\, fJ s mi-imuithl\, and 1 month- , , . .111- • , 11 . 1 1 1 . The Palei:rh IIe:;ister, Star, Recorder, harl an existence. And, that bemg so, it [ ern trade herct.dore enjoyed by that city Standard,"and U.e Fayetteville Ob- n'sults, as in very truth ;uid ileed it is, that ; has been withdrawn, in eon.setjucnce of the ^ server have each fnun loUD* to 170D sub- Me.ssrs. “Badger, Stanly, tS: Co.” are not j movements permitted there in contraven-' scriber.s, 25 papers are Whig, :md IS) De- Federalists, but Kepublican.s, sincerely and ; tion of the rights of the South. And we mocratic. ardently, as all their lives .show’, attached I .see in the National Tntelligencer a letter ^ ~ to our Republican institutions, to the Con- j from an dd correspondent of that paper, i QOM.MEKC I.AI K 1^(0 Iv j ). from the commencement of its operafi(tn—' stitution f7.s /V »'.s', without the engrafting i S.imuel Martin, of Campbell’s Station, j AKHIV.VLS. a sense for ywirs unquestioncl—never 1 upon it of any new fangled notions of Nul-> Tonnpssof' wlm savs tfi:it a liVo i -Vugust .'th and 6tb (.ape I par Stenmboat que.stioned but by excited or interested j IJfication or Secession. Jiundn^r I'lairl and Cnmphinc. tol'RNlNG FLl'lD at BO cents per pallon. JL# Cam]ihinc at oO “ “ “ Ikitl> of the best (jutdity, eon.'^tantlj’ on Land and (or sale by Aiijr. 7, 18-j1. S. .1. HINSDALE. lltf portions of II,.. rcoplc--iind uniting m .ts | Scripture to support the clear and concurring J'l'ig-■ , 1’'i 1 *1 . meiit of the legislature, the executive, and] Ncw.s, since it holds that .authority the judiciary of'thc union—you will readily } such slight estimation; but perhaps it Line of 4 horse Post Coaclies from ; 17. ,i. rr ,i cQfo . f . ri- +T * ' -Vupust otii an-l otn—.apc i-^ar .''lenninoar i PflyBttevllle tO "W&rS&W D^ilyi j East Tennessee, wdio ,.a\s that a like effect : i.ighters Expre.«s and Cumberlaml. with ! Subscribers h»vin;i secured the mail npon the Tennessee trade with Charleston ■ jrood? for Kirk &, .Icnklns & Hohert.s, H X contract on the above Line, will commence perceive, that fhi.s exposition (whatever it be) so sanctioned by opinion and ]>ractice, must be the true one, or else that all at tempts at exposition are vain, and society must be dissolved. Nor will you be mis led by subtle doctrines, couched in lan guage unusual and unintelligible to plain njen—which no one can explain, however he may affe^^t to understand; and you will firmly rejiel every effort Ui arm you, rroN NO HKTTKR FOt XDATION TUAN VOriFERA- will have some regard to the exhortations of old Will. Shakspeare, who somewhere say.s, “Oh, while you live, tell truth, and shame the Devil!” This may be an ex- M’ill follow from the disunion movements of South Carolina. He says that the trade of Tennessee, and of North Alabanui, and Northwest Georgia, will be diverted to Augusta and Savannah. This is a natural result. The friends of the Union in the Snruth arc not likely to ]doded dogma of Federalism, if the News have a stronger affection for disuuionists pleases, but there would be much advantage in revivin" it. in South Carolina than for disunionists in Boston. .Both are hostile to the true in- . . , , ... , c. T-. • I tcrests of the South. And if South Caro- At the last great tire at San Franci.sco, ! ^ hocomc, as she threatens, a on the 2d of July, besides the destruction ‘ f^rei T Long, Ennis, Shemwell .S: Co, K.arnhardt & | THI.*^ DA V, running a Line of Fotif Horse Mofs, Snow Camp Co, H L Myrover, II PrHn.»on | Coaches, Daily.. Leaving Fayetteville at I past Son, P Sloan, W H vt T Lambert, Jno D Wil- ] 0 P. .M., and arrWiig nt Waraaw at J past 7 A. liams, Z & J Jones, B Rose & Son, C Benbow, j M., in titne for the Cars North and Sortth. Re- H Erambert, Houston & Overby, Waldauer & i turning, leare Warsaw on the nrrival of the Otterburg, E Glorcr, J Hollingsworth, G Elliot. [ Cars, say a^>otit 1 or 2 P. M., snd aiTite at Fay- L F Carr, E Fuller, J Woltcrinp, .1 R & J Sloan, A M Shipp, Rowan Factory, Murchiaon, Reid & Co, J Cowles, C Banks. Ang. 7—Cape Fear Steamboat Co’s Lighter Telegraph, with gooda for Rummcrell, Powe & Co, C W Andrews, .1 H & J Martine, E Olorer, W H & T Lambert, .1 R & .1 Sloan, Z & .7 Jones, Prof Deems, A D SfcLean, G McNeill, Bitting & Franci.s, N Kendall, Island Ford Co. J & B G Worth, M A Baker, A A Holt A Co, Brow n k etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to render the Une pleasant, convenient, and sate^ for Travellers. A Line of Stages will be established as soon as possible, by the Plank Road, fro» Fnyette- ville via Carthage and Ashebotongh, to Lexing ton, Salem, and Salisbnry. McKINNON k McNElLL. Faj’ettcville, N. C., 8, 1851. 11-tf Carolinian, Wilm’n Herald, Snlisbury Watch- Hayncs, G Riley, Mark Russell, King & Hege, ' man, S»lcm Vresa, Chrraw Gazette, WAdvaboro’ i , ...1 ., 1.1 I o p , J D Williams. B Rose A Sou, H L Myrover & Argus, Abheboro’Herald, wiU pnblisii 3 months TIO.N AM) i-AUAix.x, ugaiu^t the ordinary i ot ten squares ot the city, and three miL ! houth, the sot»ner the latter seek out new Co, Blum & Smith, S E Johnson & Co, Ennis, j „ncl forward accounts to M- McKinnon, Faj- hiw's and judges of proi>erty. Pespite of ‘ Hons of dollars worth of property, several . avenues for their trade, the better. After ; Shemwell & Co, D S H, D W Rogers & Co. * etteville. these and other arts, you will hold fast j lives were lost. Really San Iraneisco ap-1 Recession, that trade musi centre else-j The River rose about sir incbcs on Tut3d.T.y, —— ^—- your inf^igrity; you wil] realize, that peace. ; pears to be a doomed city. j v/here. ( but fel] three yesterday F^lcnh JOT e f -

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