DAVISS PATX-KILLER, y\M'L J. HINSDALE. 68tf 1.10U srtle hy Api il Works on Free-Masonry. l^W Mnsoiiic Trostlo-lioanl, a'h»pt«d to the Work riiiii Loctures, as practised in the liOilgOS, Chapters, Councils, and Kncampments i.t'Kniplit Toniiilars in the United States, by ( has. 'V. Moore. Till' Froo-.Mason’s Manual, a coni]:ani'n for tlie initiated throufrh all the icj:rees ol’Masonrj hv l!ev. K. 1. Sti'wart. ‘ The True Masonic Chart or Hieroplyphic .Mouitor, bv J. L. Cross. The Free-Mason's Monitor, containing a de lineatiou of the fundamental principles ol !• ree- Masonrv, operative and s]>eeulative, hs well in a reli^i)us as a luor.il view. I>y /. A. Davis. For sale t.v K. .1. II AI.H X SUN. .May ::i. - _ ^ LKSSONS IX Ml SIC. III. WlllTAKF.ll would respectfully in- t'orni the citizen.s of Fayetteville and vi- ciiiitv, that he lia.s :i^ain coinnieuced ^ivin(i he.s- son.s nil the Pi.inii Forte. He returns Iiis thanks t..r the lihcr.-il patronage heretofore received, and liunibly solicits a conti»i\iance of tlie .-ianie. Ml pains haU be taken for the advani cnient ot his pupils. Instruction a1«o jriven on the (Initar. I’ianos tuiu-d and repaire.l in tiie best numucr. L. H. WIUTAKFIt. Aufriist l!4, .>ltt m:\v I.aw liooiv. Vl> VMS'S Doctrine of F.'piity, the excellenf ' work prescribed by the Supreme Court of North Car-.lina f. r the course of I.ejral Study. I’rice 'i'- lor sule l>y i:. .1. IIAT.K vc SON. -'r'ii 1^. _ _ I Ki'port! ill linu niid rpvp:>.sals liy Ll TTl.K \ r.UO\SN. for i>nltli.sh- ' inj; bv >ubsiription a New Series ot liAW AND Ft^riTV KKl’OHTS. fH’^HF. want of s 'lne .system by wliivh the de- .M. cisions and judicial opinions ot the seviT;d C'ltirt.s of l.aw :uid iviuity in F.iigland c;tn be more pronij'tly and cheaply furnislied to tlu* li.^ril profe.«“ioa in this country, has h>ng been soriousiv felt and ackiiowled^oil. riie siil>Si-rioer> ]U'>po'e t-> republish tlie.-e re]>"rts in tall, as ta.-t as tli>'V appeal' in l.n;:- Innd, and v'an be receivcil here. They will con tain repiiits of cases decided in the llioise of Lords, the I’rivy Council, the sevenil CfUrts Fipiity, the Court of Uuecn's llencli. the Court of (,'oiunion I’ieas. t!ie (,‘oiirt of l’,xcheijU**r and K\ciiei;uer Chaiaiier. t!ie Kccli siii.-ti> al :ind Ad- ndraUy Courts, the Court of liankruj tcy, in- rludini: also ihe Flection t'.is. s, the I'r. wn Ca- s'-s Ueserved, and liie llai’.way and Canal Cases. Tiiese Ilcp-:ts will be piiblisheii in monthly nuuibcrs ]';u ts, coianicncinji with the deci- sii’HS of .\Iichaelmas ■ November i T'TIU. is..t), ;inil will be c.arefully editeii by a ntetnbor ot the Har. with n'tes and references to anal.■lJro^l^ Aiuerie;in tlecisious. Kach number will consist of over three hun dred pages closely ]>rinted octavo, on the l>est paper, and in clear, f;iir type, and will contain u table of cases. i»ud a tiill t tble of contents, tliU> forming a complete volr.nie by itself, as well as a part of an entire sei ies. ' The price of tliis publication, forming six volumes octavo, will be >ilU a year, payable in advance, or the .mx volumes, hiindsoniely aii i uniformlv bound in law sheep. s^l J. LITTl.K IIROIVX. : 112 Wa5hin"tni street. Ho.«tou. i Tiie .''’ubj- fibers are autliorized to re ceive siibseri]'tions fi>r the ;ibove work, the first >'-iume of whicli is alrc: dv issr.ed. ii.\i,F, & SON. May l"-'l. 7'tf j XKW ii(U)KS. I IFIC.H lU NTS ACPoc- J try of the NV.r.erly Ni.vels; Harjier's Maga zine, and International ditt-^, April Nos.; Alton ? Loi ke: Lavengi-o. rutii:ini > ciieap ediri'>n: M:ins- ti-M's .Mcxican W'ai', illustrated, cheap and bound edition.*: OeiMes on [’lank lti>ads: Complete j Fai'mcr and Carilener, by Fes'-cnden: Vouatt A: : M.trtin on I'attle: New Masonic Ti’ostle I!i>ard; rreemast'ii's M:;nv..-.!; .'.lajuuic t'li.irt: I'iefma- > 5-m's AJfinitnr: Coi'is;';!th‘s '*•, rk.-; 'JiLcllan on the riiteqiretatioii of Scriiiturc": .M.Ccsh ,,n Di- v'ne (iovernnient; McCutfCs Headers, second and thinl part-^: Ihivies' Siirvcyin,;;: (Jutin s Do mestic Mr Uciiie. vVc. v\.c. .Inst i-eceiveil bv April U. K. .1. HAI.I-: & S(»N'. Wlieeier'.s lli.siory ul’ North (aroliiia. j ^^!1K iindersiLined Ii is b«;en aj'pointed Gene- j I'.'il Agent for '.>1. .J. 11. Wheeler in the ‘ (til Ci>ngressioiial District, and wishes to ap-; p'-mt snb-Agents in ench of the ronntics of Kiitnwon, t'olnnil'U'. liladeti, Brunswick, New Hanover, .'^anipson. I)uplin and Onslow, nnd a'ks that applic!iti"n be made tfi him iiHme- diately. Die Work goes t'l pi-ss in August, and tiie jirice will Ic (ne D>ill.ir jier volume. ' and consi'tiii- of twn vc'himcs. .1011N M. Mardi '.il. IK-'il. »'>4-tf ITotice to Buildeirs. ON Friday the 5th day of September next, will he Let to the lowest bidder, at Mc- Laurin’s Old Store, the following Bmldings, vu: A School House. 3»> feet equnre, one story high, with on apartment 24 feet square at each end of the l?uilding. Also, a Dwelling House for the I’rincipnl Toucher, by 42 feet, two stories higii, with a passage of 10 feet through the Kuildiug. . Plans and Specifications will be subniittel at the time and place above stated. For turthei jiarticulars, apply to J«.din C. .McLaurin, Laurel Hill, N. C. JAMKS ('. McEACHIN, JAMKS T. UOPKll, .roHN P.AKF.R, (’. STEW ART, dai.’l stew AKT, DAN L I'. MclNTYItE, AH’PvDOCH McKlNNON, JOHN C. McLACRlN, Huilding Committee, liiclinioml County, N. C., 8-v\t'>S .luly i'.», isr.i. i A 1) i - : s IR A1 u J K i : s fi) i *:n c i : F()K SALK. fllHE Subscriber now- offers for sale all his 1. Turpentine and Farming LAND, contain- iiiij about .Vcrc.s, situated 12 miles East of Fayetteville, on the tJoldsborough road, com- nion’v known as Palmyra. It has a gooil dwelling house, out hnildincs. \c.. and a store where a large amount of busi ness is d'piie. and increasing daily. This is a r.ire cli.ince for turi>entine getters, merchants. iScc. and w ill be sold a bargain. .\ny one w ish- ing to purchase, and wishing further infonna- tiou. can apply >n the premif-es, to .1. W. MCKPHV. or P. T.WLOR, Fayetteville, .lidv 2i;th. 1H’>1. ' Stf I FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RANAWAY from W. J. Buchanan, of John ston county, on the 8th of January, 1V\0 ; NEGRO OYS, Pan and Stephen. Dan is about ' 25 years *' age, stout built, of dark complexion, and weighs about 175 lbs. Stephen is about 28 years of age, weighs 170 lbs., of yellow com plexion, speaks very slow when spoken to. ’ Said Negroes were rai.sed by Elizabeth pbv of Cumberland county, in whose vicinity ^ they are sui>i>osed to be lurking. I'will give the above reward for their appre hension jnd confinement in any jail so that 1 get them, or ij!25 for either; and an additional I reward will be given for proof sufficient to con vict un\ ->-hite person of harboring said Negroes. I 11. F. MURPHY. I Jan. 21, 1H.31. ! >'OTici;;~ ril.L be sold on Friday, the 2'Hh inst., ^ J at the residence of the late Peter .Me- Kellar, all the ]>erishable property belonging to ' his Estate, consisting of Horses, Mules. Cattle, Sheep, Hog.s, Wagons, Farming Utensils, and Hlacksmith Tools. ! Also, one family Carriage and Riiggy, togeth- ^ er with Corn. Fodder, Oats, v'ic. At the same time and place, if not previously ilisposcd of. will be leased for a terni ot years, 12.->,KK) Turpentine Boxes. Terms at sale. L. McKELLAR, J. McKFLLAll. Ext'cutors. August I. l^'M. lO-ts m:\v ijooks. imol’.ROWS LWKNCP.O; fi.iice Aguilai s Women of England: Mis? Strickland's Lives of the t^ieeiis i f .c.tlanil; .Vlton L..cke; Hint* to Sportsmen; NoIh.1v's .•on: Daviil (Jup- jx-rfield: Scenes in .Missi .^ippi; Love and Ami»i- »i-ii: Irving's Works. II \o!>.; M,,d. in I’.iitlsli Ksjayists. H vols.: l!nilib r’s ('Mnipan]..n; I'ole- Jiian's Letters from Europe: Al-bott's Malleville; Southey's T.ife an.I ;iirresp.,nd( n. i-: l.ife of ^ olijiihonu; A ith a Variety ot School lU»^»ks, etc., juts received by K. J. HALi: & Son. M:u-ch 11. I.".')], Xl{.\V iiOOKS. HARPF^IIS .'laga/.ine f.,r .lune: Internation- id do; Tlio Sisters, or the Fatal Marrifi^'es: i^ckwiek \I.r..a.!, or the Tour in Francp; P^eve- nes of a Racheloi" Sheridan's Lif.; and Dr.i- Jn.itic W orks. 1 volume; Young Lady’s Friend; Schj..l Books. A.C. Just received. E. J. II.VLE .'-ON'. June Ki. 18.',1. PROPOSAI. Tj^Oll )nil,lication of a Volume d' SEllMt ).\S, M by the Kev. J:,r\is i’.arry l>ii\ton, late i.'-ctor of St. John’s • hurch. Fayetteville N C —to bo edited by hi> son. the Rev. Jarvis Bux ton. and accompanied with a Portrait, and Notice of his Life. The proposed volume will he i>rinted in large tie.ir type, and contain over ',00 paites «ub- Terms, Two Dol- stiintially bonnd in leather, lars. payable on deliver\. I. derived from the I e, v.i jrivcn to the i«ernianont Fund for • iissionary purpo.ses in the Diocese of North * arolina. It is desired, (as few if ,iny copies not pre- lous y ordered will be ptibli^hed,) that persons Mb mig to suhscrilje would inuneiliately notify le l.,(litor hiinselt, or their own Minister, whom le resjiei;tfully reqiic.“ts to receive Suliscribers’ tuiiiiefj, and to f..,rward theni to his Address at Ashovilie, N. June. Ifj.'jl. 70 IIV’Rf II ISOOB4*« Tdcntilied, by p, v. W. D. W ilson. D. D.; Manu al of ('hurch Principles, by do; ((riginal Thoughts on Scripture, by Cecil: P.eaven's Help to 'ate- ‘ iiisiiig; McCosh on Divine Oovernmont; I’rayer Books, plain and fine. .Inst received. E. J. HALE & SON. CAIRNS'S SKHMOXS. A PASTOR’S Ple.a for Evniigeliral f'atholic Truth, in Six ScrnionB, (hdivcred in Trin- f hurch, Columbus, (itio., by the P.rv. W. D. t aims, formerly of North ('arrdinn. I’riee Tif) cents. Also. Scenes in our Pari:di, by a Country- Par sons biiughter. Thankfulness, by I’.ev. C. U. Tavb.r, ~r, r.„f« The Angel’s Song, by do., 7;', centB. ness, by do., 75 cent?. tor sale by 1 I TlM f : ,,'T C’AR'niA(;H MO I'KI.. rilHK Subscriber liaving fitted up and en- JL largeil the .above in Ii hin'irii House, is HO^r prcjiared to entertain travcller.s with inrn'uxi'l comfort. R»>IVT McNABB. ('arthage. Moor.- I’o.. N. C.. > May -‘5, IS.,1. i Greensboroiigh, N. C. f«1HE next Session of this Institution will _lL commenci' on Monday. July ». On appliiMtioJi to the Priii‘i]>al. circulars will be torwarded. gi\iiri all neccssary intoi-niation respecting the .School. RKMlAltD STKllLINC., A. M.. Principal. Cov. J. M. Mor.nif: »i>. Proprietor. .!une 17. 7t’.-10w}«l HILLSnoUiK CII Al’ADKMY. f KIHE acting Trustees of this long est:ib- JL lislied Seminary, t.ike great jdeasiire in annomicini: to the ludilic, that they have enga ged the s. r^ices of Mr. IIENJ'N'R. HCSKE. who w ill h'^reafter » "nd-.ict the .\ca lemy a.s Princip:d. .Mr. Huske is a native of this State, and a (iiadi'ate of oiir C!ii\er.-ity. ami ha.» been en- ga;red for Some time very succe^sfully in teach- in-.r in the town of F iv etf eville. His learning, tine tenqker and Christian idiaracter ;.i\e :^s^ul•- ance to Parents, th.it his duty to children en trusted to his charge will be alily and ci iwieii- ciously pcrforme'I. The Exercises of the next Session will com- menct’ on .Monday, the 21st inst.-int, and as the course >f instruction is preparatnry to the I ni- ver?ity. the se.'sions in future will corresjxuid witli those of ('h.ii)el Hill. Term-: of Tuition, includiiig contingencies, ^21, :ilwa\s in advance.'. No deduction tnade unless in case -if [>ri>tract- e 1 illness. P>v order of the I’xiard. E. .V. IIEAKTT, Secy. July 5th, IJ^-'d. 2-i'.tw President and Faculty nt the University of N. ('aroliiia. • T. Ilai'.rh. Esq. ^ H"!!. ilolif, .Strange, . Faveitcville, E. J. Hale. Esq. I SAI.i: OF VAI.I AKI.i: HEAL ESTATE. virtue of a Decree of the Hon. the Court of Equitj, in au'l b r th“ »'ounty .f Mi>nt- jr' iuery. I will, on the 1 Ith da» of .\iignst next. *-x|>ose to Pnlilie ."'.ile. to the liijjhest biJiler on the premises, i the r« si'!ence of the late ('o|. .John Crunq.., the very V.VU'ABLE RE.\L 1>T \TE kii wn as the mVfrrrotrs of the on the .Moiit;:oniery side of the Ri^er. consist ing of .several Tracts, containing I 1 r I .“VOO acres in all. The Land indu ling the buihiings. improvements, ainl th'* Narrows, will be soM in the fir>t place, and the several surrounding Tniets aft>-rw;ii'.is. 'ie]i:,r:itely. This Laii'l i> valuable not oiilv or, a»count of the fertility and pro.hictivenes- of the .“ioil. be ing well jid ipted to the i-iilture of I’orn. W he.at. otton, lo!i:icco. \c,. but al^o mi .icconnt of the excellent FI>1IKRV attacheil to it at the Nar- row>i. where a "it'.-it niimher of ."Shad may Ik* annually c.iught. and the Water Power afforde-l by the fall in the liiver at this place, which en- ter]-rise and capital couM make iisetul and pro fitable by the erection of Mills and Machinery of every dex ription. to :uiy extent that mi'/ht be ilesired. Hesi'le> tliese capital advant.a^res, the situation i.s beautitul. romantic and healthv; ill short, desirable in every point d' view. lwe|\e nioiitlis credit will be given, the pur chasers gi\ing boiii| and apjirovwl sureties. JAS. L. (JAINES. C. M. E. June 28, ls51. xo'j'ici:^ HK copurtiiership heretofore existing un- ■ der the name ot .1. .\. Lowltinil \ ’o.. is this day dissolvel by mntu.-il c(ui“ent. •lOIIN l!OWI,AM). CILBEKT W. McKAY. ■lOHN ('. MOOUK. rii(,* undcrsitj^Hcd will conlin\ic the business ot the hile firm, at their former Stand in Lumberton. mider the style of BOW'- LAND iS: MclxAV. wh«“re (Jo>Is d‘ everv de scription can be bought on the most reasonable terms. JOHN A. ROWLAND. CILP.ERT W. McK.VY. Lumberton, July 1, lM5l. Itf Li/r IT ni: kxow x, Tlint A. REDWIN has located himself in Troy, for the jiurpose of carrving on the BOOT AND SIlOE business in its various branch es. Tlninkfnl for past favors, he hopes to merit a continu ance fii the same. A. REDWIN. .Time 18-'»1. l-i»\v P. .s, .Ml those in arrears to Redwin Mc Rae will please call nnd settle as soon as possi ble. A. R. A Valuable Farm for Sale. TM'^HE Sub.scriber offers his FARM for sale, M. situate.l on the east side of Big Coharie, known as the Major OUin Mobley place, con- I.lining Cilt'.t .Veres. The land is'in fine condi- t on for tilling, and brings the very best of corn. 'I'he dwelling and otit-hou.ses :ire all in very fine condition, the greater part of them having been lately repaired. On the farm there is a saw and grist mill, which affords a hamlsome income; »h Tp Ih always a ready sfde for the hnnber, and at a gfrf.d price; corn sells readily at the highest riiflrk' prif 1, without removing it. I will #» II ibr ftl,ove at a bargain, as T am de- sirou!? t,r niBkinK new arrangements in my busi- OWEN HARGROVE. Hiirfipn/iri C,., .lime 14, 18.")]. 70-3m MIXKRAI. \VA1T:R^ ^ f. HINSDALE is j.repared to furnish bis cimtomers with SODA »>r MINERAL W\- TFR, with a variety of Syrups, all of a quality I.AXl) FOR SALF. subscriber being desirous to remove to ■ the West, otl’ers for sale the ]ila’e where he now li' fs, containing i»00 in dit- fcrent Tracts on South River, about two tniles from Blocker’s Store, .\bout fifty acres is un der cultivation, nnd produces well. It is first rate Turpentine land, there being about llt.*HMt bo.xes cut, and 50K) more can be cut on the same land. For further particulars apply to me on the tuemises. GRAY CUI.BREATH. August 2. 10-;>t llrwmd. UCN.VW AY from the subscriber, about the 8th of .Iidy, a niu’atto Udlow named WIN'DSOK. about .S-*> yeais old. He is about live feet eleven inches high, full bushy hair: rather slow spoken, and rather spare built, h;s front teeth slightly decayed, and probably one tir both of his eye teeth out. Said negio is :i (’oopcr bv tr:ide. and will attcmjit to pa>s as a free man. and may probably have free paper-', as he has s.iid he t an go any where. He is a little rinkley about the eyes, ami has an tdtl ap- pcar:ince. The subscri>'cr uill give the iibovc reward for his apprehension and delivery to him, in Coiiwayborougii. .s. or coiitinetncnt in ai.y jail in North Carolina, so that he can get him. Said negro belongs to .lames .^I. Bell, ot (irecn- ville, N. i'., of Mhoiii 1 hired him. S. 15ELL. August 1, 1851. lo-tf s*J() RI'.W'.VRi>. (for ouch.) fH \N \W',\Y in Decejiibe.’-. ls.',(i. my negro ^ lioA s .M’.r.AM and llKN'lt^'. Henry is •*> feet 7 inches high, and about o-> year' old. He is well known in F’ayetteville. where he le.iriit the Blacksmith trade. He is rather small, and ver_\ dark, with a d .wina^t look. Abr:im is 5 feet li* inches high, about 25 year.' ob|. something lighter of ri>niple\i'>n than Henry, stout and well fonn.-d. and \xalks up right. Tliese negroes are thought to be in Kobesoii (’oiinty. near the ••Big .''wiimp. " 1 will give the above rewanl of Twenty Dol lars for the confinement of eitlier Abram or Hi‘fir_\' in tlu'* .Liil at l.unibert ti. IJole-'on ('■>.. r Forty Dollars f..r the confin ■iiient >f both at tiie same place. R. C. BIloDES. July, Is'il. ^-wiiw Fayetteville and Centre Flank Hoad. MKETINi; OV SToi'kliOLDKKS. m''oTICE IS HLRKP.V (.IVEN. that a Meet- ing of .Subsorib-rs to the proj.o.'t-.l I’lank Road from F.iyetteville to Centre, in .'••t.inlN County, will be held in the HOTEL HALL in tlic Town of F;^yette^i'l''. lii TInirs(l.iy llir 2Ist day of .\iifust nr.\t, for the purpose of organizing the t'oiiipaiiy. pre|>aratory to coninieiicing t!ie w .rk. The amount neccs«:iry t- '••-iire the Cliarter having lieiMi siil)»cnl>e.l in the Town of Fiivette- ville titi'l ('ounty of Cuml erland. it is e:irnestly r»‘questc>.) that all who «re intercstei in the work, either :i« »ul"' ribers or as inteii ling to become so, mill appear at tins nieetiim. in p^T Son or by proxy, miii that ail Subj^Tiptioii books in the liand-i of ('oinnii.s»ioner^ will he n tiirneil to the meeting. It is de» red that a vigorous effort should be ijiadc pievjoiis to the meeting to obt.iin the «nm necess.iry to carry the Road to its Western terminus, by the ^horll•st practi cable route by Little's .Milis. The friends of tiie enf‘Tjiri/e. in the Counties of ISichniond, Mont gomery. .Statdy, and Cumberland, are therofoie earnestly re.jui-stetl to brinir to the laeeting all the .Siibscrii'tions that can be obtained, under the assurtince, heretofore given, that the |{oad :•; to take the shot tc't route to l.ittb 9 Mills, and thence to ("entre. H. LILLY, B. ROSE. I J. ; ('( K IK. ! -V. W'. .S’I'F.KL. Com'rs. TllOS. W \DDILL. H. 1.. .MVROVEK, E. J. HALE, j July-2:’., 1S5I. 7-tf JIo(‘‘.s (’ircular& Lonj; Saws. ^MlllE subscribers niannfactiire. from the liest M. cast-steel, circular saws, from two inchos to five feet diameter. These s:iws are carefully hardened and tenipereil, and are gri*uud and finished by machinery ilesigned exjiressly tor the purpose, and are therefore much superior in truth and unifoi^mity of surface to those ground in the usual manner. They require less set, less power to irive them, and are not so li:»ble to become heated, and j)roduce a saving in timber. They also m.inufacture east-steel mi//, /n'f, anil croxf-mt and hH/rt wf/tK. of sujterior quali ty; all of which they have for sale at their ware rooms. Nos. 2'.( and Jil (lold street, or they may be obtained of the iirincipal harilw are merchants in the United St.-ites. H. HOE (’0., Printing-jiress. nnieiiine, ami saw-maker.s, | 2'.* .and ol (Jold street. New-Vork. ' The following extract is from a report male bv .1 eor.imittee of scientific and practical gen- ! tlen ieii, ajipointed by the Ametican Institute: “Your cunmittee are of unanimous opinion ' that, in the aiqsaratus invented by .Mr. R. M. , Hoe for grimling saws, he has displayed great ingenuity and tact in the adaptation of nva- ehinery to the production of results in the man ufacture of saws, which ni;\y with }>ropriety be denominated the uc ii/fra of the art." I Publishers d‘ newspapers, who will in- ! Seri this advertisement three times with this I note, and forward us a pajier cont.'iiiiing the I same, will be paid in printing materials, by pur- , chasing four times the amount if their bill, for . the advertisement. July 22. 8.;^t unpiir(iriBvd ' pril »!l f.8ff KOOI4K.—The Widow Rugby’s Husband nnd other Tale.s. by the Author of .Pi nion Suggs: Rose Dmiglass,' an Autobiograj.hy of a Minister’s Daughter; I.ondon Labor, and the London Poor, by .Mnyhew; Household Words by Dickens; Anne (}rey; Harper's MagaT.ine’; Inteiniational ditto; Ship and Shore, in ^Madeira, Lisbon and the Mediterranean, bj’ Rev. Walter Colton; Mary Bell, by Jacob Abbott; The Beech Nut, by ditto; Tlie 1‘oultry ISook, by Bennett^ The American Bee Keeper’s Mantial; Webster’s Speller and Definer; Parker’s 4th Header^ Karnes’s Elements of Criticism; Scott’s Infan try Tactics; Memorandum Books; Note and Let ter Envelojies. Also, further supplies of David Copperfield, cheap edition; Simon Suggs; Home Influence; V ale of Cedars; Mother’s Recompense, &c. Just received by , „ E- J. HALE & SON. Juue 2, 1851. Spring Cfooda, 18»1. Tf'ames kyle” nAS JUST RECEIVED a large and general assortment of 1>KY GOODS, Among which are: 1200 pieces new style Calicoes. a .4 flingham. .TJO “ Printed anl Enib’d Lawns. Brocade and other Silks. Swiss and other .Muslins. Irish Linens, Lawns and Diapers. Bobinet Lace nnd Edgings. Silk, Linen, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. Umbrellas and Parasols. « Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres. Tweeds ami .Merino (’assimerc. Bonnets, uncommonly cheap. i Bolting Cloths, Anker brand. | With many other (loods; all of which have been j purclinsed' by the jiackage lor (WSH. 1 hose j wishing to purchase by wlodesale or retail, will ^ ]ilease call before purchasing elsewhere, as good bargains may be expected this seasciu. .March Cl, IH-M. >‘.Uf 1/I’.f .V 7] ■ AS BE.MOVED to Hardie s Building, on M I Person street, second door from .Market .Square, and is now r'ceiving ilirect from New | York, a large assortment of Carefull.v selected to suit the wants of the jx-ople of this community. His slock consists ot — Staple and Fancy DRY (JOOI'.S, Ladies’ Dress (ioixls, a variety, 2-'i (•a^e.s Boots and .Sliol'S, Ladies’ and Misses’ (iaiters. half (Jaiters. Boots and h;ilf Boots, of a do/en different styles. (ientlcjueu's finest t.'alf Boots, cnanielletl t on- gress Pmots. vxC. A large lot of Ikcady-ma'le ("lothiiig: Coats, ’oatee> and Frocks. I'lom •'ifH to ••121. P.'ints and Vests of e>ery variety, Fur. .'•^ilk, Panam.i. Leghorn and Straw Hats, of l.-iti'st fashions. Alboiii. white Chip. French Hair Lace, white Crape, and ether Bonnets, .^li'ses l.ace and as.'^orted Cra)>e Bonnets, &.c. Hardware, I’ocket and Table ('utlery. Trunks, I ml>r»*ll.is. Baskets, Buckets, Pails, Brooms, Mats, \c. S iddles. Briilles, hips and Coll.irs, Blucksiiiitirs Tools. Iroti, Steel and Nails, (ilD H FBI KS. 25 Imps Rio and Laguira t'oJlce, 111 Ixixes che:ip Tobacco, rrushcd. l.oal. Clavitied :ind Brown Sugars, Salt, Molasses. iSlc. 5 M nu'diiim priced ( igars, Fremdi Prand\, .Madeira and Port Wine, and .Nlonon^ahela W hiskey, To all ot «hich he woiibl invite the attention of buyer' ‘.renerally and his triends atu^ custom- erx p:irticiilarly. 1 a_\ ett-ulle. March is, 1851. 03-tf • lYtr Spriitff (tm! Sttttttnvr CiiS «L-m ^ For I *^.11. fC, TH>M.''ON i« now rei-eiving a «}tlendid • as--.itmciit ot .''I \|\| EP. II A'l'.s for (ien- tleiniTi, \ oiitb':. P.o\ s, and In^ int-*. to-wit: — I'aiiamn, Marieaibo. Pi lab- Niid Legli-iril, with a general aS'^'rtiui ut ot I’alm-b af, \l.sn \ v:;r;ety of Cent i lii. ' I>re-^ H- ts, tO-wit; Be:iM-r. Nutria. Nloleskiti. .''ilk atid Anpola, of iIh- iaj.'t 'f_\Ic': with an as-rt:iieiit of «.iln-r 't_\b‘K ii'u:iliy f'inid in tins market. \1>'>. r\PS in aliiiiiilaiK'e. of iJitN rent >tvles an'l prices,—all ot which will be .'oM t'ni; vI-lor ('\sii. —A LS > — \na'-i 'j ti'ient - 'lentleii'.en's. T.nilie'-'. \Ii*.*^es’. Youth-'. Po\s and hildi en's BO( (T.s Slloi;,S. which wii !,e .tliid \,n liberal terms for the i;- oiy t 'I'. ftrir I' ieai‘ r ill jin | satisfy yourselves bcfort- pnrchusii.j. elsewiu rc. J C. TUnMSoV. .''o'lth West Corner Market .''•piare. March 12, 1''51. i.o-tf Tin X Sheci-Mron JlTate manufactory. At Wholesale Retail. F. T. ff^ard^s OLD ESTABLISHED TIN AND SHEET-IRON WAKE M ANU FACTORY IS UEMOVED to the South-East Comer of Market Square, ready with the necessary nnichiiiery aiul materials for making I'ACTOKY DRi;.\lS & CANS, And to do all kinl of work of Foctorie.s. Also. ROOFING, GUTTERING, and all kinds of JOPdMNG, flone on short notice, and by ex perienced workmen. A constant supply d'TlN ke]>t on hand, at W holesale and Ketaif. Country Merchants atid Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W. ANDREWS. Sept. 2S, 18.j0. «f-Y ^ State I Cooking Stov('s. | THE E.MPIRE STOVE is of the latest and most ajiproved pattern. It is better, and can be sold cheaper, than any other kind of Cooking Stove. For .sale by (’. W. ANDREWS. April 22, 1851. tiftf T FAYETTFAILLE JBoo/e-BinAerff* IIOMAS H. TILLINGHAST respectfully , informs the citiienn of this place, that he j has opened a NEW BOOK-BlNDEllY, opposite to Mr. Warren Winslow’s Office, Anderson street, where he is ready to execute any style desired, from tlie best to the jilainest. Music, Periodicals, &c. Sic. are bound on a new plan, in several kinds of leather, &c. Jan’y 7, 1851. 5«tf BAiXKS, f'onfecfiotter, GREEN mEKT, FAVKTitULLE, X. C. Fresh, pure, Candies, constantly siipjilied. June 18.50. 2:]-tf HENRIETTA LINE OF P- \i’ni.\(;.i\ii,Ni.^iMi;ii mioiis. AKI'.V, Slir,\f\VI',l,l, iV CO. A IIK now receiving lirect tVoiu New York ...'m aiel I'hiladelphia. their ^l»riiiu aiifl Lmbracii:'.; t verv nrtic'ic which is usually kejit in a Dry ;omI> .'■tore. Tlu-_v mouM call tiie at tention of the Lmmi:s in ji:irliciilar to their very handsome stock of Drc'S itooiis. which have been >elee(c| with the Uleate't care bv one of the tlrm. anl which will comp.ire, in i(unlify. stu b's and price'. «ith aii_\ in tlie m.irket. They wi!l not enun.eiale. a' the- ha^ v micIi ;i vai ictv: and w.iubl say to the l.adie>i. that they have no ■Icnny Lind, ods. but would rcsjicctt'ully «»- l:cit a call to >ee the ^ooil.s and Ir'ar their name''. To the lientleiucn tbc\ would say. that the_\ hnve the handsoiio 1 slock of ('loths, Cas- 'iiiii-rcs and \ estin^s that has ever been ex- hibite.l in this market. i;ive us a uill. ANo. II l;irge a'sortment of j.adies'. (lentle- inen aiii Chiblreii's Boots and .Shoes, and a beautitul bit of Parasols and Cnibrellas; togeth er with a geneinl assortment of 'aiiton Cra]>e Shawl>, white and colM: Summer \'izites .•iml Muiitillas: I.ace anil Muslin Capes. Ctdlars and ('iiffs: Mourning .‘iiid seconil-nnuirning ditto. Sugar. ('oflec. Te.-i and Spices. «V:e. Fayetleville, N. C., March "2 >. lS,jl. *ellt . fl ^■^Hl.s I.INE OF BO.VTS i.« still in succes.s- fill operation on the Cape I'ear River, and C(.>ntiinie to tiJfcr many facilities to the shipping public. Persons jp.'itroiiising this Line, may rest as sured tliat their (Joods will be brought ii|t with disiiatch, and at tin- very lowest rates of freight. A. W'. STEEL. President. T. S. LCTTEKLOH, Agent at Favetteville. Feb. 1.5, 1851. ' (3).tf I.iiisced Oil niu! Wliitc T.cad, IJ^OR sale by April 21. SAM L J. HINSDALE. f.8tf MKSI'HKIAX U.M!1>, ^1 mir SiiKjinif reccivcil. tLSO, Bishop Bascom's .Sermons: The Week. cunprising the Last Day of the Week, the Urst Day ot the \\ eek, the Week t’omjileted. The Laiuls of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Tr.ivel. The Path of Life, by Bev. Henry A. Rowland. Tom R.iciiuet, and his three Maiden .Aunts. Etiquette for Ladies. Do. for Gentle men. The Psalmist and Supplement. Butler’s Hudibr.is. Plutarch’s Lives. .Madam Roland, by Abbott. Dictionary of Quotations, Latin! French, K:c. Cnion Bible Dictionary. Burns’ Works. Poetry of Flowers. Flora’s Interpreter. Book Keeping. School Books. »S;c. E. J. HALE & SON. l^Iay 5, 1851. MIX’f f AM(' AI. H()()KS. 4PPLET0N’S Mechanic.s’ Magazine; Bor den’s Forniuhr for constructing Rail Roads; V\ ightwick’s Hints to Architects, by Downing; Minifie’s Mechanical Drawing Book; Mahan*^s Civil Engineering: Bourne’s Catechism of the Steam Engine; Mill-Wright’s (Juide; American House Car^ienter, by Hatfield; ^Mechanic’s Own Book; Mechanic’s Text Book; Cabinet Maker and ri>holsterer’s Companion; Builder’s Com panion; Dyer ami C^lor Maker’s'Companion; Painter, Gilder and Varnisher’s Companion. E. J. HALE & SON. JOHN I). VVHJJAMS, CammisH'ton A* Fortvtirtfhig •lie reliant^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb, 15, IS.jt). 8teani and Froisrhi Boa^ Are all in excellent order for litisincss Tow Boats have been recently n.r, and made go>d as new. Wc have alsi, j„|l" new Flat for lew water, and well adaptH t' service. She will carry 700 bbls. mtrtli- V and draw only 20 inclies water. Those favoring us with their patrriti.io-p expect ns prompt and cheafi service iii particular as any other Line can ollVr ^ G. DE.MINt;. R. M. ORRKI.L. V A. D. CAZ.M'X, Agent at Wihuiic.n,,' Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 1».}(>. I!. M. F()u\v.\Ri)i\(; (’(i)niissiii.\ .■rerciiam at March 10. 1851. ;2-tf TiiK ri:M:i{R\Ti:i) nirh (>oKiA(; sTovi:, a.s for sale by the .Sub-ieriber in Raleigh and Fav’etteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville Street. and ill I'ayetteville at .Mr. A. M. C.-impbeH's. The .Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of the.se Stoves fconi nny person either in or out of North Carolina, ex- cejtt from himself or his duly authori/i‘d Agents, ile has puri^hasi'd the excliisiv(* right to vend this .Stove within the .s^t.-ite. aiidwiil j.rosecute any ]ieison infriiiging his right, eitlier ]uir- chasiiig. selling, or u.'liig. any e.\cejit those ob- t.iiiied fro'si himse!!'. JOSi.PH WOiTEItlNG. Raleigh, .\pril 1'', l>'’'!, •>‘'tf Marl)l(‘ i'actory. J. WILKIXSON ^ CO., Confcflionnry. Fruit, \iits, Toys. Fanry Ar- lirlcs. Perfiiinpry, Soaps, kf., WHOLKSALK AND RI:T.UL, Mar/cel Street, Wihniugtun, X. V. Hif - Orders thankfully received ami punc tually attended to. June 11, 18-50. 10-tf T. C. WORTH, (■())I)IIS.SIII.\ \\U F(IH\VAKU1.\(J MERniAM, \VIF..MlXG rOX, X. (\ F.-b. 1, 1S51. . 'S. ■ V 57tf (;!:()U(;k klt.iot, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND .\;i;ont for tho salt- of Timber, I.iiiiiIkt, c;. Refer to Henry F.lliot. I's'p. | •Jona. I'.viins. Ls')., - Cumberland C.i. Rev. E. McNair, j Jan. 1. of'ff SAVA(;i: MEARKS, Commissiou and Forwarding Mer chants, W ILMINCTO.N, X. C\ -!i ri',1. at t!,.-; r, :i ! .sc'orr UALDWIX, Hy Ci:0. I. VTDF.R Tuu uooK.s AP.ovi: inii:i! \ stiiri:. Fayt*lli‘» r. J an’v 20. 1K51. ■)-l Yjrl m ,.io I Kiiroiiraf^o .^oiillirrii rliaiiicN. TM^IIE Subscribers respectfully announce to I. till- citi.'ei - of F:;cttcville aiid the •••ur- roiiii.lin- e.iuntrv. that they have comuienred the Carrisitf*- ^liikiiiu .\t tho oiil Stnnd lornieriy « cupied l>y S;ii;psin \ McLauchiiii. ojie .1... r below A. >*eKe- than's. where tiii-y are r.‘ w prep.ire'l to nianu- t;ii lure to or>h'r all kinds ot Rll)INt» \’KH1- • 1.1,.s. tVoiii a .'•'u’kcy or Biigi:.' to ;i i.iiie-pas- seiiuer ( .-a. h. ^'bich. f. r styli- 'nd dur;iM!ity. 'bull n- t In- surp:;sse i I'V aii_\ esta ihsl.iiieiit ia tlu' placi . Thi'\ hoj,e. by :i t.i, I att. iition to busine.ss, a;- I a desire | . a'o wlo. iii.iv (avor them with a l i.il. to no I i> :i '!i: ic i t jmlilic p;;tronage. RKl*Mi:iNJ Iie itly exe. iite.l at short notice, and LOW 1.15 th:iii .'iiiy other esta^'Iiah- lucnt in the pla-'c. Til' iM '.S ■;■. W 11 ITi]. -IIMCS P.. R.MKtfF.AC. F..vette^i!le. I’d.. 17. 1n'I. '•‘•tf (.'«rr. ti, h'-eii i\ Co. '. raahlondbli Mcrclmnt 'I'tiilors. ANT> JiKAtrns IX (J('n!lriiif‘!i‘s ('lotliin.ii:. I’nidy-niade, UF Tin-: FIRST »iCALiTY. -\lso. a complete a'sort'iient ot (khts' !»RE."S (.OtiDS, .V arln I Strcf u’ s' ,'.r:.'.w7s.! Wilminpilon, N. (’. Jan. l-». .ii).\i;i’ii II. iii-(i,sM)iir ai: A i:KA l ( onn i AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Prompt pei 'oiial a'fcntion given to .-ill C. iisignments. aiul Cash advances made on Mer chandise to be shipj'cd or so’d in tiiis m.uket. Feb. 1. IS.M. :,-y ~ .1. !•:. 'J'()()mi:r. i'otiiiHission tnf! I'orirarft- tUerrhaiit^ N. C. Ref.r to 11. Bnms^i ,v Son, . A. McKethan, 1 Frh. 1. Is51. 57y IIA ri'ii cv iu imTaxk, ~ U /i >/( s,//r Drtiirrs in Toharco, ('igars (UKI Snujj. ^M^IIf’ Subscribers, late of B.iitiniore, h.ivu 'B A. A. McKF/riIA.\ ^^TILL continues to carry I'li the C.\UlllAtiE Bl'SlNl'SS, in all its branches, at the OLD STAND. Ho rettmis thanks for the liberal jiat- ronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to bu.'iness ami a ib-sire to give entire satisfaction, to ment a contiimaiu’c of the same. He has on hand a very fine assortment of (’cirriaixc's, lijiroiiciies, l]u"^ics, IvockawMvs, juid Sulkoys, Finished, and a very largo assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and finish, will coni^ai-e with any other work. Persiuis w ishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell LuW tor cash, or notes on short time. .Vll W rk warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by bad Workmanship or material. D3^ Uopairiiiir faithfully oxoru- ted at short notice, >11 very reasonable terms. opctH'd a .Store in this town. ,nnd having ma>b- arrangements with nn extensive House in l’.;iltiniore. they can furnish the above immed articles at such jiriccs that cannot fail to please. Dealers ati'l Country Merchants will find it to their advant.-ige to give us a call before pur- oh.'ising elsewhere. F !‘ont sfivet, under Mozart Hall, next door to .Mes..ii-s. Policy Hart. Wilmington, Dec. 10, 1850. 40tf -V. J. on.\nv.] [.1. M. MoxK. ;ieAOV &: .nOA K, romniis>io!i Mereliants, and Dealers in Dry (JimhIs, tirocc*ries. &c., IlallS ;%orl!i Wairr St., Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention will be given to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce which may be sent to their care. April 4, 1851. GO-Giu Voru^ ami Miay. Subscriber has on hand and is con- Ji- stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup ply of the above articles, which may be piir- cha.sed at the lowest market jirices at'the Office d' the llenricttji Steamboat Conipanv. R. M. ORRELL. April 8, 1850. i4tf TJVERY STAHi.Ks. rWlIIE citizens of Fayetteville. M generally, can be aceoniiT!o.i;,;,.,| son.ible terms with HORSES, i;i ;;(,i[.\ other Vehicles, at such time.s us tv y tnv to hire, by ajijilying to the subsi rii.i-r now well jirepared for the busincs j| be much (ddiged to those wishing Lirct." him a call. J. W. Powi:i;>. V Fav-ottcville, .Jan. 27, 18-51. LIV I>, [j:, JJ. PHILLIPS and ROll'T WOfiTI'v • preparetl to furnish the public with Horses, ('arrianrcs. anti j5u,r. I'OK Mi M it i:, ' They are al.so jirepare I 1^> .sen i • any of the neighboring towns, terms. Their stx-k m.iv be fomi'i hies opposite the .Methodi-t • Hay street, Tiiey always h.Tve in nttendMncf .and i’>einsm:in. Thvv wiil ta'k',- ho) . at reason.-ible terms. A two-horse carriage will l e in rc;i ; rhort notice, to convey j> iss":i._rei-' the steamboats. Please give ns a call, and if s.iti'*’), • given, no pay will rtouirc I, Fayetteville. M.ir-h s ToT'VOS (.\\ !’V( T()I(Y ^JESSIIS. RAY \ PK.\i;(’i; are t'. -lTS. rized Agents in I'ayetteviil-,' f.. of (iriswold's Patent \V;,tcr I’.ox 1 .CiT.,h i;; manufactured in ('linton. (ii oi _;,, SAML KL Clinton. Heo., Feb. ls51. ■! iTtTi£:iu v's i n V f feet of W (life Oak by ;>|. ior Plough Beams. Audrr-> H. c. I’ALL, Fayetiev:-’ r ' March 8. 1S51. J). T E just received a seasonab-e .••• I H of *; (Ml Ii.s_ C')iisisti'',j' ; f i’l : •> hams: .Liconet. Swi?'- an! Tarltan >i' Printed l inen l.awns: L;ice I'.ipc.'; • Col d Li.'le: .Silk eiii'.i. an I suji'j- Kid » , • sicry; ditt ■ for Mis.'cs an I Bo;..'.- Ii:,:; brie ilajidkerchiefs: Taylor’s Si ■ .1 r r- and fancy C.issinieres: I'b ths; cl'd . Linen Drillings: fine French doul'ie and rib’d Di-ab d'F.te: Sheeting' ; n i Umbrellas and Para.sols: Boots .-iici ii , ware and Cutlery: with a great var • f we offer at the lowest prices. —A LS(.»— 2; boxes Tob:w“co, ver^' lew per 10 bbls. prime Pork. 3() bags Rio and Laguii.i ( ofiee. 5 hhds. Sugar. lO'bbls. Refined and Gninulated S .: ■ Loaf and Crushed dif I’jir and Fancy Soaps. Superior Northern Flnnr, »^c. D. & W. McLAlT! April 7, 1S51. • L A'A Siri'Ri:. A RCH’D A. T. SMITH has t-iken on Anderson street, ne.irly eiv --- Fayetteville Hotel. He will atiend : lection of claims and law bu.sines'^ and esi>ecially to the taking of nccouiii- ecTttors. administrators, guardians ait'i [■ cither in suit or otiierwise. •Inn’y 11, 1851. Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, k fB^HE Subsci'iber re.- JL large assoi-tnieii! in ■ ■ selected by himself in I’i;!.:. New York, and Boston, w' Itethcr with his own in i: ■ makes his .Stock very complete. c.'i.>:.-t’ ■. Chairs, I'ablcs, Sof;»s, Btul'it \\ ash vStands, Bureaus. L"" ing Glasses, Side Ijoani-^. Secretaries, t.Vc. \'c. All of which will be sold on the lower! t' T ■ Cash, or on short time to punciii.il i i 't • JOHN W. UAlx Sept. :^0, 1848. ' • xo'j'ici:. ri^HE Steamer Chatham will leave this place every .Monday and Thursday nt 7 o’clock. A. M., (instead of 9 o'clock as at present.) com mencing at 7 o’clock Monday lOth inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. M. ^ JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Agent Carriage Manufactory.! Fayetteviiie. MarThT ■ /m. SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL » kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s, (hmding of Hominy and Aleal done promptly. J’ayetteville, March 1831. 12tf The Subscriber having taken the Establ?sh- ment of the late A. ('. Simpson, (sittiated opposite \y. McIntyre’s Store,) intends can-ying ui the Carriage ^Tamifactiirin^r Business In all its various branches, and would I'espect- fully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, and having been employed in some of the most extensive listablishments in New York and New Jersey, he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either in material or workmanship, iii twelve months from the time of its delivery,’ he will repair it free of charge. REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb. 11, 18G0. 7tf illl3 lilitK. fJlIIE Steamer BROTHERS and Tow Boat.s, STEVENSON and DAVID LEWIS are pre pared to forward with Despatch, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Brothers is of light draft, and wtd suited to run in low water. She possesses power, and speed, and is admirably’ adapted to towuig, and can accommodate about 20 passen gers. The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the s^vei-al Steam Boat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would sav that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayetteville. His agent in Wilmington IS JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all communications may l)e addressed, as Ageut of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May lo. 72.y [VO riUNTJ- EDWAK EDlTOl Price for the paid in adv year of subs expired. For the Week! paid in adv year of subS' has expired. ADVERTLSl f>er square for t sitccecding pub b-, sjiecial cont vct'tisei's are ri insertions deslr forbid, and cha Letters 'I'l ■PT^NGLISH \ folk. Rut day aud ftu- sal August 4. s PERSONS ter ail obi the present moi indebted will nicnt. Aug. 1. To Cotton Wooden furfurers. f Subscribers have for sale ;i -M. sortnieiit of FINDINl.s. to wiiicb would respectfully call attention. *1 constant supj^ly of the follotritii' .4'' always on ha ml: J. &.L. Woodcock’s superior Cards. SHEARING MACHINES.—P:n-on V ard’s, Curtis’s, Davidson & Park's, l»i : ' V.\ RlOU S M AC H1N ES,—P:i rk I. u; - • ' 1’ Bumng Machines, Spooling Macbinos. N Machines, Brushing Machines. Keile^u'l - Wool Pickers. Cotton Whippers, or "• Water Wheel Regulators, Cloth W iiuloi'^. Cutters, Bobbin Machines, Quadrants ami ^ Bacon’s Patent Cotton Pickers, Hardwa>' • ers. Waste Cleaners. SUNDRY ARTICLES.—Holbro„’.s T Riveted Pickers. Revolving Temple^. Wooden Temples, Superior Picker Lcntb Lace do., do. Bridle do.. Stretched L, .itla; ing. Leather Belting. Roller Cloth. :i'' - Sheep Roller Skins. Calf do. do., S]'iii'il^^ ing. Loom Coiil. Bailing Twine. P;u'k‘!>- Tape, all color.s Shuttles, all kind' Tenter Hooks, Tack Hammers, WHeJ ■■■ ' Roving Guides. Mule S]>indle8, Steel 1’^^', Skewers, Cutting Nippers, Ring Tifivclioi'^ • Brushes, Flocking do., Carl Tacks aiii Comb Plate, Cai'd Cleaners, Shuttle I vtN ' and Washers, Rivets and Fiurs, Scretv b Holler Buckles, Glass Creel Steps, Spiii'i^' Fullers .lacks. Factory Lamps Wei' tfl ness. Cotton do.. Steel and (’ane Reels- len Bobbins, Speeder Bobbins, Spools, all ^ Books on Dyeing, Teasels. Heddle M ili"'' Banding, Belt Awls, Enierv, Vat Nctt-^.' Hooks, Press Papers and Plates, Paper 1‘ Ring Traveller, French Teasels, Anuii' ■ Together with Second-hand in great variety. Refer for quality of Cards and a’ticli'' erally, to F. & H. Fi-ies, Salem, N. . Childs & Co., Lincolnton, N. C.; A. .Iciik'' Builder of Machinery. Bridesburg, P'' - M.anufacturers generally in Philadelpl‘!-‘ ‘ vicluity, THURLO HUGHES n North 5th St., Phiia'b''!''' Sept. 26, 1850. ■'-' I:! ' .MEDIC IIAMPDE tti rS’S HE -3- will comi October, DS51, March ensuing tel l ing dej^rees March. U. L. Bou.vj ctric, \c. b. \\ . 'll AMi Materia Meilicn S. .M.vt IMS, Ciis. Bkll U g-ry, &c,. ’. P. .loIINSf and Ph^ sioloay D. H, Tri'KE and Practice ol A. M Pkticc utoiny. The facilities siruction in tlii EXPENSES sors’ fees (aggr ,Sil()—Gradual The price ol servantij' atteii Week. The Cat.-ilogi tion concernin tliose applying be answered b, July 22. .TU5 f B^HE Subs' just reci ing S T > V E Cooking Stov€ July 29, 18 ANO This is a ph in most case -:ises out of the most cont irritations of kaew; often ^ lioiirs, and at a. tree and eai only tiecessai a lice with th dose onc-half times in vioh do, for even; the stomach 1 liciieticial iu J 'ITie wenrii on the chest Anodyne t’o di.seasc in tion. Aiul will afforl remedies I e From a hi Talb,>t c»)uu Dr. Littl veeks with Motw ith.-itan physician in haste for first dose or continuing, lished, whc Some. One So soon as who was a’ who had he fever, &c., at once sen own case, c In July county, G months wit be consuur to be use'l, and as ust recovered. Ag.-iin, pected to that condi lowed by stored. 1 have luedy wag have heard have given tion, and h cessful rem cines may The fac- Little wilb of each of Sold wh at his M street, 1* A. Watso hiss, B- ton; C. C. Raleigh. S. J. T IIHE por: Equity. The sub for any tith Law

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