w xHIBi i E) semi-w]eek:i. Y. ., 1,] rJ^ i ayi;ttevii,li:, x. c., Tuesday mounixg, AUtiusTjf isoi. [XO. I >.] I»iBNTK!> in' ,J. NKWliV. EDWAUI) j. hale & sox K01TOKS and rUOriUETORS. PriceiHf*tlic .Somi-Wot-klj I^bskkvkk 00 if advaiiLt.-; t u(t if paid during the ’ sul)scrij>tion: or after tlie yeiir has Fi*r’J|il^''oklv OustuvEti !?2 X) per annuui, if fhSS & a i vaiu.-e; !J>2 oO if paid during the year of subscription; or 00 uftor the year h»3 expired. Al>YEr»TlSEMKNTS inserted for sixty cents p«:r W{Btfe for the tirst. ntul thirty cents for each nnnninrttnjr puMii Htion. Yearly adverti'enjents by special e"ntraets, at reasonable rates. Ad- vertinCn an- requesto l to state the nnnibor ot inaeitioifK de.'sired. or tliey w ill be continued till fur^dp^Aiid I'harfieJ aceorilinjtly. tiers to the iMitors must be post-paid. 10 JU4i p: *• I rUMi’ SKKI). QI.lJ>n White l>iilcli. lar^re Knirlisli N'or- Uuta lia^a Turnip Seed, reeei\edto- daT MKl for bv S. J. Augast t. lo-tf Settlements. |EHP ■Nj' ^vho are indebted to ns will oon- (iisr :in oblijratiun il they will settle during" the prew^it month. All jii rsons to whom we uie in(^eBteff’^vill please render tiieir billi for pay ment. Au^ 1. i:. .T. HALE .«OX. r)^lKL»l(^VL DEi’AHT.MEM l»F siuMCY ■ llIO>U. V.l. ' ■ , ' annual o.iui>e of Le;'tuic.' il c'liiinu'nce on Mnnilay, the Kith of l^-M. and emitiiMie until th** first >t March eriduinir. 'I'he eunuuencfiiu'nt f^r eon- feiTie|5 dejrrees will bt- held a’lout the middle ot . K. L. P>i>iiANN.\N, M. D., I’rofessor jf Ob stetrics, &.(. ’il >''uiKi!!. wNK, M. T>., rr'u'e.ssur o Medi.-a, \o. I PIN. ,M. D., Priifessor ot'('heniistry. iKi.i, tiiiisii.N, .M. D., I'rulisS'ir of ;fui- I'OU SALE, At thf hticeM Mmki't Prues, New ('rop MOL \I?SES. 1‘JOt) sacks SALT. r)(XMl liushels .Vlnin Salt. iUUlO lbs. Cotton Vjirn. Osnaburgs and l^rown Sheetings. With a general stock of urticles in the (Iroeerv line. .)NO. 1). WILLIAMS. ‘ Fayetteville, Feb. lo, IJS'iO. in VVE iust receiveil from New York, niv i « FALL .\NL> WINTER Stock ot* Goods, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry (loods, firoceries, llartiware, futlery, &c. I will barter for TUUl’ENTINE, or any kind of I’roducc. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. I’N, ‘ -l.-itf jrs iniKc'i:i \ i:i)~ ^ Il Ilio and Lagnira COFFEE. Ot/ 2 iihds. Cuba SCC.AH. 10 bbls. Crushed and Refitted Sugar, lo bbls. and haif-bbls. Utitter (’rackers. H boxes ('ollins (’o’s Hartford Axes. 20 boxes Steam Retin«‘d Candy. With a variety of other Cioous to complete our assortment. S. W. TILMNtillAST ("O. Feb'y 10, 1N'»I. /i.Stf PA 1.M'S. L1’>S. Pure nnd N’o. 1 ^VH1TE LEAl>. in (>il. Imperial ntul Paris Oreen. Spanish llrown, Spanisli W'iiitiug. Winter Green, t'hrome Vellow. Lithar^fe and othc;' varieties of Paints. COOK vS: JOHNSON. March 10. l^.M. t.iiltf WAS'VVA). i.r.s. OLD CAST nu>N. * F F " F * " Cor whieh the highest market jirice in (’ash will be j'aid.— l>*-bver.-d >if HAI.L iSc HAl.L S, Fayetteville. Aug. IT, 1n-‘>0. ;;;;tf 'roii.vcro. A ;ot)D Sr(tCK on h;ind: and I shall re- reive regularly. iVoni Mes'-rs. .L .lon*-s ,S; ’o's Fax.‘tory. qualities assortol fVoni comnton to very fine, whieh I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. Ur. T. ]>. llAKiill, Mas taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel l>uildiugs. .Inly 14, 18:.l. 4-tf vz I’Oli SAI.E, WM. ROWLAND’S Extra tliick Mill and Cross-cut S.VWS, 0 and GA feet. 1>. & W. xMcLAL RlN. Nov. 10, IS-jO. 4Gtf " SALi:>r PAPKIi-MIIJ.. I^HE stibscriber lias taken charge of this old anil well known Establishment, and is pre pared to attend to nil onlers for Printing Paper, Merchants’ and I'actory Wrapping, 6cc. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new machinery, and the subscriber l)clieves he e: n furnish Pa[>er of as good iuality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased ttny wliere, Nortii or South. CHARLES E. SHOP.ER. Salem, .Tune 7, 1^-M. 77tf T' \ c‘i'fu*al Walor Wlieol. HERE are scvenil Intndred of these W’heels in Operation in ditt'erent counties in North i Carolina. For proof of their great advantages i over the common flutter wI;.m'I, or any other ! wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently I i-fter to those who have nj'iilied them to their I mills. We can reconiineiul them particularly i for their suj>eriority in c.-iscs of a low head of I water, (ir buck wati'r. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for ; ditfereiit heads of water, at Wilmington, New- ; tiern. Wasliington. Edeiiton jiuil Fayettevilb*. , The wheels may also l»e had of F. A. Brevard, Lincolnton. and L'rinh Wells, Petersburg, Va. Ptrsoiis wishing to obtain the rijjiit to use the wheels, will l>e served on application to I). McNeill X Co., Favetteville, N. i'. D. McNi:il,L. A. A D. J. Feb'v 2-2. 18i;*. McKETHAN. .^icA LISTER. 6t»-tf M. D., Professor of Aa.atoiny I M. D,. Professi>r of Theory I Practice of .Medicine. , ETII’kticul\s, NL D.. l>enioustrator of An- ; Fayetteville, .\pril o. 1851. J. UTLEY. tiiitf FRKsn 'J'i:as. w;^XTnA FINE HVSON, H J l>o do Imperial, Do do f'TUiipowder. Do do (lolong. and Young Hyson TE.V.'^. of superior quality. —also— Chocolate. P>ar'ey, Sal:ol Oil, MuBtafd, Yeast Powder.', \c. For sale bv SA.>1l j. HINSDALE. A])ril 21. *'i8tf Sta^e liiiie to lialei^li. fjl^HE Fnhscribers, Mail Contractors from Jfl- Fayetteville to Kaleigh. will commence oi)erat:ons this d:vy, with new and comfortable ('oaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— They hav(i reduced the F'are from $5 to $1. The Stage Houses are, in Favetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House: but P;issengers will be conveyel to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of dep.-irture will be, until further notice, at half past 0 P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. frotn Raleigh, laily. The subscril>ers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MTRIKXMC McKINNON, DAVID McNEILL. Fayetteville, .July 1, 7H-tf North 'arolinian and Raleigh Register copy till forbid. ^200 lleward. IW’ILL give one hundred dollars for the .t]!- }>rehension and confinement of ANDERSON and .)1]RRY in any juil so that 1 can get them agiiin, or fifty dollars for either. I will also give •'jilM)for jiroof of any res[ionsible person's harl)oring said negroes. They ranaway fiom my plantation in Moore county on the lOth ol Feb'v last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles abiive ('arthage on Deep Hiver. through the edge of Moore and corners of Cliat- ham and Raiidoljdi counties. Anderson is about 2.'^ years old. a bright mulatto, about o feet 7 or S inches high, well proportioned: has an open cotmtenance, and is (piite plausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to pass for a free man and esc;\pe to a free State, as he had a l»rother who plnycil the same game. .Terry is about 21 years old. (» feet or 4 inches high, stout built: has a down look, )):irticularly when spoken to. and is rather inipuh'nt. Said ne groes formerly belonged to .lohn R. Ritter, in the ujijier enil of Moore county. .\ny information must be addressed to the subscriber at PocWct P. O., .Mooi-e couiitv, N. C. J. L. RRVAN. .\pri! 12, imi. 07tf Fin/ctlccillc Hotels FAYK r rKVILLE, N. C. ^BIHIS large and sjtlendid I’uilding has now j of I). McLaurin, Mrs. Gibson, and otliers. i been in successful operation since May | JOHN McLACRIN. LAND FOPv SALE. ^WllIE Subscriber on'ers at jn’ivate sale, about M. Nine Hundred Acres of Land, lying on the East side of Gum-Swamp, in Richmond county, i -N. C., four miles South of Laurel Hill. The land lies on and over the stage roud leading i from I’ayetteville to Cheraw, joining the lands 1840. The Bedding and Furniture of all kinds is new’, ami the rooms convenient and pleasant. ! The T:ible is always furnished with the best ' the market afi'ords, aided by a fine vegetable | garden. ' Boarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servants, i No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac- i tion. \ Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnisiied. ■\n experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BROWN. June 1, 1S.',0. 28-tf 100,000 Acres Valuable 'r I M 1] 1-: R I. A N D s FOR S.\LE. rM'^llI'^ Subscriber has purchased all the Lands JL belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec’d, lying principally in Rf>l)eson county, atid on both sides of Lumber River, the dili'erent sur veys containing July 2-'), 18ol. 8-w2m WANTED TO HOKROW, for a term of five years. Good security given. I«i- terest annually or semi-atniually. Address letter to A. 1»., and leave at this of fice. June oO, 18-51. 78-tf DOMESTICS. tITTLE River Osnahergs: 7-8 and 4-4 J Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory jjrices; by STARR & WILLIAMS. •Tune 7, 1851. 75-tf INIX )UM A T U )N ~W A N 'J'1':d7 tF the heirs of i5L’LL.\RD MASSEY will a)>- ply to the Postmaster at F'ayetteville, X. ('. they may learn something to their ailvantage. S.-iiil Massey diel in the South in the Fall of 1847: said he was from North Carolina; spoke of a sister l,otty, or Charlotte: and of his having been in the Florida war. I July 2(1, 18.-)1. 8-tf D. H, aiid A atoiny. The fkcilitie« I'or and Cli'tical \n- Btructioii in this institution and unsurpassel. EXPENSES.—Matr iculation fee Profes- ■ors’ ftes ;reptTe) •'5l0o—Demotistrator 's fee ^10—flra hi.iti'in fee n2-'». Thepri' v of r.o.ird. including fuel, lights and servastik' acteu iMuce, is usually or per vcete- ■ ib'gvie. 5cc., containing fviller infomi.T,- tion i^Sceriiitig the School, will be forw.irded to tlijg-sefflyplyiiig lor it, or s|‘eeitio emjuirics wi’ii be iMWfrcd ’’V letter. Addl-ess s. >L\I IMN. M. D., Jjciin of the Facultv. ■ July 22. 9-8t ‘ I ^Tl'S'r REC EIVED."* FKlHjB .''ubsiTibcr, Agent of J. Woltering. has jmst rei-ei\> d I> of Buck’s P.-iteiit Cook-; lid bv iuilges to be the best ' NO'rU'l''.—All Accounts dne the ^Icrcllants■ .Sreaniltoat Company, for I'reiLdits up to the l'>th iti>^t.. nmst be j>r(un])tly paid to the ttndersigned. tnucii time cannot he given to the collection of the .laine. J. &, T. WADDH.L, late Ag iits. Fa^ettevi^e. .Fun. 27. IS”>1. .'»*.tf T' 1. ing S T^l • V K S , St ve now in U'l Juljr 2'.', i^-'>i. .M. CAMPBFI.L. 0-tim .\NC:DYNE C(H'(',n DROPS. j ThU is a ph ^aut inetlicine to take, producing, ] ia muttt eases, imiiie'liate relief, and in nine ■ eases out of ti n a ].roiiij)t cure. It c.xercises . tbc MMt coi»troHinj: intluence tver coughs and ^ irritatioiis of the lungs, of any remedy I ever | kaew; often stoj>)>iiig the most violent in a few ^ houril, tod at tuost in a day or two, by causing : a free »nd e.is\ e.vp»*ctoration. To do this it is , only n«c r uy to take the medicine in acctjrd- 1 ance Irith the directions, and to increase the tote=flllc-h:ilf or tloublc as mueh more for a few tim«s Jn violent case.'?. This is always .s;ife to i do, for ,e'11 in double doses it only nauseates the sioBia 'h for a little wiiile. an effect always beuefidal in this w hole class of diseases. ' earing of Little's Strengf hctung Pl.aster { on th%'fehest over the pain, and the using of the Auoi^ne ough Drops freely, will arrest the | disease in m.-my cases tiiought to be consump- I tion.' jA.id even in consumption, this cotirse ! will ®'oid more relief than any and all the i s I e'.er knew or lieard of. a highly resyieetable farmer re«ili«g in i county. Kead the following; DrijLittle—Sir: .\ftcr sutl'enng four or five we«ks witli il most )>ainful and violent coU'rh, Iiotlrittistanding I was unler the care of a phyai^au without fimling much relief, I setu oti' iu h%Btc for your .\nodyne Cough l>rops. The first &Dse or two relievel me very much, nnd by cOAtinutng, a free expectoration was soon estab lished, when the cough w.is no longer trouble- sume. One liottle freely used, cured me entirely. ^ Boon as I could ride, I visited a iieiglibor «bo was also under the advice of ii physician, who bad been prostrated with a severe «ough, fever, ite., for some time. Your medicine was at OBC sent for and used freely, anl, as in my OKvn «ase, completely cured him. Ib July last, I visited a relation in Marion Georgia, who was badly afflicted for mon^s with a cough, pronounceil by several to be Mii.'umptioii. I advised your Cough Drops to K used, which were immediately sent for, aad #8 usual gave quick relief, and he gradually capered. ^vin, one of iny neighbor’s children was ex- to die from the whooping-cough, and iu that’condition began taking this medicine, fol- lowai by the happiest effect, and was soon re- steMd. I have known other cjises in which 3'our re- Brticfy was given with entire success; indeed, I have heanl of no faibire by it. In my family I bave given your Vennifiige with entire satislac- lloi^ and have heard it well spoken of as a suc- MMiful remedy. Trusting that so valuable me!i- tiiUM may soon be generall known, CHARLTON Y. PERRY. the fac-siniile of *he signature of Dr. W. G. Iaitt]|fe will he found upon the outside wrapper 0( t^h of hi.s .Medicines. wholesale and retsiil, by the Proprietor, .Manufacturing l>epot, No. ;if;4 .Market Philadelphia, and Macou, Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, Rockfish; Mson, Floral College; Townseud A Doug- I'liennettsville; Dr. P. M. C'ohen, (.'harles- t*m; Pijirbee, Barclay sville; P. F. Pescud, Balewh. i. J. HINSDALE, Agent for Fayetteville. WANTED, IHE Law part of No. 1 Dev. Battle's Rc- pijrts, and the List of ('uses in 1st Dev’s ly- 'ubscribers will pay a reasnnal>1e prico y odd Nos. of Hc[iorts previous to Iredell’s 0th Law and .'id Equitv. ■p. J 1UL£ k SON. Norici:. Ill] undersigned, having determined to con tinue his business in W.-idesboi otigh, take.; thVs method of informing the public th. it he may still be low id at his old stand, .'^oiith of the An son Hotel, wl'.re he will k-ep coi;staiit'y on hand a full assortment of tlie nio.-^t cboii-e l.iqUoVs, Wines, ('ordials, t'igars, and other re freshments usually found in this sii-tion of c )untry. He hopes by strict attentiun to his business, rigid preservation of order, and unceasing care for the -omf>rt .ind eii.i-.\ nient of his customers, to merit anrl receive :i liberal share of the jiublic p..'ronage. WM. W. SANDEUS. Wadeslior.'tigh. .luly 1 •'>. 18'1. 7tf IMPOK IWN'r INVEN'l'lON. f^lIIE .Subscriber having bought the right for NO ricE. iJTAlUi .'i ^^ lLLIA.^lS have removed to the Store recently oc‘npied l>y Mr. John D. St.irr, one door west of .Messrs. H. Branson \ Sun. wliere they liave just reeeived atlditii.n,^ t" the Spring purchases of .tajile and Fanev D15^' (lOODS. t'oiintrv merchants are reijuestcd t" examine our stock. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. June 7. l‘^'>l. 7’>-tf .irsr riNisiiED. ^ f llGHT NEW UrcC.lKS. Also, two seen I J iiand. For >.de bv 'a. a. .McKETUAN. .!une 2. 1 S'll. 7 l-tf S HOC CM) SPiilNdS, IVari-fii !%. ^■IHIS delightful .''ummer retreat is now ojien M. for the receptinu ot conqiany. the r>'iiie- dial properties of the water, anil pure atmos phere. offering great indu.-eTnent« to Invaliils, as well as thoe seeking jileasure and the pre servation of health. ,\iuonc the many ini|>rove- ments. are two newly fitted up I'mthini; Houses. The Booms !ind Cabins are neat anil well fur- nisio -I. A good P.and of Music always in at tendance: a plentiful supply of Ice. and the best efforts to plci^, at moderate rates of Bo;trd, as WAN'I'ED. ft. .\shc Lutnber for Wagons. I A to ;> inches thick. ft. .Seasoned Oak Lumber, l;j to o inches. liHMi ft. White Oak and Hickory, t'or .Vxletrees. lOOO ft. White (>ak t’or Tongues, P*olsters and iMhafts. PX) Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. 2(100 Spokes. For whii'h the highest cash price will be paid. .Viq'lv soon to E. I'l LLEl!. .May 10. IS',1. 72-tf WAN'FED. tGOOD Body Maker at tlie Carriage biisi- ne-is. tiootl wages !ind steady emjiloy- ment given. A. McKETHAN. .Mav 2i. 7;:-tf Over 100,000 Acres; l^irc laii^iurfincc* .\ large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, wliere a large (piantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. These Lands are very vabuible both for the 'l imber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, l>eing in a region where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit }>urchasers. Inlbrmation respecting the title can be ob tained by a]iplying ti) the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esij., (Attorneys :it Law.) 1 understand there are many trespassers on these "Lands, to all (>f whom notice is herebv given, that the law will be enlbrced against all such oflenders. .\p]>licatioii for any part of the T.ands can be made to myself, or to John Winslow, Esfj., who is duly authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. J. CLRTIS. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 1, 1S15. 70tf 11HE .ETNA Insurance Comp.iny of Hart ford, having paid the tax imposed l>y the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- jiared to issue Pcdicies of Insurance on Build ings or Goids, either in tliis Town or in any part of the .state, on proper application, de- scrijition of the Property, I'tc. The -ETN.V CO.MPANY has been in operation .about :)0 years. Its caj>ital is jS:{00,000. The lion. "I hos. K. P.race was its first President, and he still holds that office: and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient nieni- The Lonyuwjr of Youitij Ladles.—The llev. A. PealxKlji', iu an adilrcss Lefore tlic Xewburyport Female .School, which has been j>ublislied, enlarges upon the use of exaggerated, extravagant forms of .speech —saying tffy/eiith'cl for jmtfj/, nui^TiiJicenf for fianthoinv, horrid or horriile for immcitar. for Inri/i', fhousamh/'or rm/rimh for any more tliaii “Were 1,” he say.s, “to wiite down, fur one day, the convtTsution of some voung ladies of iny acqnaintanee, and tlien to interpret it literally, it would intply that, within the compa.ss of twelve or fourteen hour.*!, they had met with more marvellous adventure.^ and hair breacUh escape.'’, liad passed through more dfftres.sing c.xperienctis, had soon mire imposing spectacles. Lad eudur- ed more fright, had i iijoycd more raptunv than would suffice for a dozen conuuon lives.” —Some {>oot who evidently thinks “our wrongs is iutolerable”—i>ro- birb!y himself the unfortunate husband td' a Bloomer—comes out in ihe “Carpet Bag” in a dozen stanz:is of profound grief^ most olo(|ueutly done into rhyme. Tht^ folhiwing is his description of the gradual encro.ichment of womankind on the ter ritories of jiautaloons. He say s: They took our hats—at first we hardly misseiJ them— And then they aped our dickeys and cravats; They stole our sacks—we only laughel anl kiss ed them; F’mboldened then they wore ottr very hats; Cntil. by slow and sure degrees, the witches Have tjiken all, our couts, imts, boots, ami breechcsJ Vt mnlr Ijoquachy,-—Jean I^aul sjjys that a lady otficer, if she wai>ts to give tb‘ word “halt,’’ to her troops, would do it some' what after this w'iso; “Yon soldier*, all hers of the Board. It iias at all times sustained ] yon, now mind, 1 order you as Soon a.-» .1 .... i .. ,1... J .... J jj.jyg tinished .»peakiug, to stand still. the highest charact» r for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. H.VLE, Agent. March 10. H2-tf follows; — Families per month, each ])erson. Single persons, “ Per week, “ Per day, “ .'j;20 OO 2-‘. OO 7 (M» 1 2-'> SELF-SETTER for Saw .Mills, gives iifitici* th:if lie is now prepared to m-iiiul.i-ture and put in successful operation this maehine. He claims t!ie following advantages over t)ie old mode of Saw ing; P'irst—One hand c.iii teml the mill and saw as mu(di lumber in one day as two hands can ac complish. S«i 'i\d—By a peculiar arrangement of the do^s, it will saw one-fifth more lumber from the same stK‘k. Thir>l—The Mill is not stopjied until the log is sawel up. .After the log is once dogjred. the dogs are not moved, and the lumber is of one uniform thickness. One of these machines can be seen in oper.-ition at Mr. McLaucldin’s .Mill in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. H. G. TIALL, Fayetteville Foundry. A Model can be seen at the Fayetteville Foundrv. March 15, 1851. i3-tf Fayetteville, March 11, 1851. I hereby certify that I have one of W. Davis's improvements on Saw .Mills iu use on my mill, and so well convinced am I of its utility, that in my' opinion it requires only to be introduced to be put iu general use l>y mill owners. 1 there fore cheerfully recommend its use to all Saw far superior to the Blacking pttrchased in the Mill owners who would regai-d their own inte- , Northern cities. He intends devtiting his -.' hole Children under 12, and .Servants, half j.rice. SAM CEL (’ALVERT. June •'>, iS.'d. .7-’>-tl.5.V KING n-.id A. MeMTLLAN h.ive entered i.™ • into eoj artnership in the liistillerv of Turpentine, atid have erected a Still on the West sile of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KING. M„vO.—71tf A. .Mc.MlLLAN. l\*anted, T E wish to buy 20,(MX) barrels Turpentine. KING & McMlLf.AN- Kncourdirc ]\orfh ('oral I tin. f KIHE undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, EQITTV SALE. Ur ILL be sold at the ’ourt House door in tlie Town of Fayetteville, on Monday the first day of Septemtier. at 12 o'l’ock .M.. b_v Deeieev i f the’ourt of F.'piitv, the following Valuable R1;AI> ESTATE:— 15 I •* Acres of Land oji the North Kast siile of Cape Fear River, in rhatham and Cum berland Counties, joiuing Braxier, Burt. Ste phens and (ithers. known as the ••Buckliorn Lands.” 'I'his land lies immediately on Buck- horn Falls, and is valuable for water privileges. Als’, flu* interost (d’ the bito William Colville in and to Fmr l.OT.S in the Town of .\ver:isbor(Migli, upon a cndit of six ntonths. the purchaser gi\ing bond with aj>proved se curity. Also, one vacant LOT in the Town of Fayetteville will lie sold. u]ion a credit of six months, upon bond and good security, at the M.VRKET llOl'Si.; ;i, (),; Town of F’ayetteviile. on Wednesday the od September, at 12 o'clock M.. to-wit; on the South West corner of the .Market Siufire, known as the ■■P>lake Lot.” AIK'H'D A. T. SMITH. Clerk \ .Master. Jnlv 22. 18.">1. 0-ts rest. ARCH’D McLACf'HLlN. WE are now receiving oiir W I N TER ; O O D S, con.sistin- FALL (S: WINTER GOODS. FALL AND _ of a very general and well selected Stock, IN AI.L L1-\ES, Which wc are offering on our usual tpnns. All sorts of Produce purchasel: and we attend its tisual to the FOl{W.\RDING BUSI NESS. J. T. WADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 2->, 18-)0. 47tf NEW GOODS. Oil FALL A.\U WIMER STOCK OF Dry(; oods, Groceries, Hardware, &.C. &c., is now come to hanl, and is ready for Bale. Our stock is large and well worthy the attention of those wi.sliMig to pundiase. We will barter for :iny kiad (d‘ Country Produce, COOK X 'J .\\ LOR. Sept. 2, 1850. 3otf DRY (;OODS AT COS r. WITH a view of tnaking a change in «tir business, wc now offer onr entire stock of DRY GOODS at cost, for cash or country produce, taken in payntent at its cash value. The stock is worthy the attention of those wish ing to buy, Mayl8.—VUf COOK & TAYLOP.. NEW BOOKS. JI^E TOCQUEVILLE’S American Institutions with notes by the Hon. J. C. Spencer, ]Miblished for the use of Schools, ho. Lord ilol- laml's Foreign Reminiscences. Jane Bouverie, or Prosjierity and Adversity, by Miss Sinclair, author of Modern Accpmjilishments, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. April 1, CHECKS, ON ALL THE BANKS IN FAVETTEVTLLE, Just PriuteJ ajid fjr Sale at this OfSce. time to manufacturing an«l venditig this very stt- i perior Polish, ami calls upon all who think it to ; the interest of the Sotithern people to beeome ■ independent of Northern manufactures, to give ; him their aid and patronage. I He is prejiared to show, by nhxnhilf Irinl, to I atiy one who will call upon him, the vhm/ aupe- , rmritif of Ids over all other /wlinlie* or hlarkiug now Sold in North C.nrolina. Call anI have yc.ur boits and shoes once completely blacked and jiolished, and be satisfied. This article is ofiTered at a price not higher than is usually charged for other ami inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is askdl to se cure the jiatronage of the public generally. The uiidersignol expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Fayettcvillu will give him a caO. A. J. WOODWARD. June 21, If^ol. 77-*>nt NE(iR( )ES W'aN'FED. ('iASH paid for likely young Negroes, if ap- J plication is made soon. J. &L T. ■WADDILL. Sept. 10, 18.S0. 87 tf w]L\i‘iMN(; papi:r. J RE.VM.s .Meliiim size. 15 Blue, for Cottim Yarns. From .Manteo Palmer Mills. Raleigh. For sale low bv H. BRANSON & SON. JulV 0, 1851. :Uf l.AWRKXCK .'t ('O.mT’ANY’S Patent iini)rov>(l Elesii Gloves and Strap.s, For proflucing a healthy state of the system by Friction. HF, great value of the IlORSE-H.MR RE- i NOV.XTOR as a therapeutic agent, when apfilied to the human body, is well known to every one who has ]>aid the least attention to the importance of a healthy a-tion «d' the Skin. For sale bv S. J. HINSDALE. Oet. I, 1850. 80tf WANTED, I^'^oni large sized good MCLES, well to the wagon, ami not exceeding well broke seven years of age. Apply to D. & W^. .McLaurin. Fayetteville, or to the suh.seriber at Slicksville. lo miles above Fayetteville, on the east side of Cap« Fear ri\er. N. K. McDUFFlF,. July 18, 1851. 0-tf Carolinian tf. w Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. IL Jp^UST published, for st^lp by Juno 1851. E. J. HALE & SON. 75 HOODS, fBlHE Subscribers are now r«celving a por- JL tion of their SECOND IMPORTATION of GOODS thi.s Seas»n,—DRY GOODS, CUTLE RY, CROCKERY, GLASS, &o. —ALSO— 3000 yds. a)4Mortefl Carpeting^. S. W. TILLINGIIAST & CO. October 28. 43tf ROOK RINDERY. W'. 1I.ARJ>IE has resumed the Book liimling Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desin^d. Augcat 1. 27 tf R.i; s f \ii, lijf: il vs, o TSii.va. 7" E have received ouniew Stock of SCM- MER C L O T H I N G—(’oats. Sacks, Pants, and Vcstb. _A I.S >— 25 bags RIO COFFEE. 10 boxes F’ancy C.andies, 2 hhds. Cuba Stigar, Nails, Hollow-Ware, Poirelain Kettles, Paint and Varnish Brushes, \’c. SAM’L W. TiLLINGlIAST i Ct). April 1, 1851. Ootf naltimorc Steam Soap and Candle Whrks. HE Subscribers are now manufacturing and have now' on hand Belmont Sperm Candles; Adamantine ditto; .Mould Tallow ditto, warranted to stand an^’ cli- Tnate; Lard Oil; Yellow, Brown, and ISIack Soaps; Variegated Bar do; W'hite Bar do; Ful ler^’ Soap; Fancy Soaps of new styles and su perior quality; to which they invite the atten tion of Southern merchants irv making tlieir Fall ptirchases, with a conviction that they can ofter inducements as regards quality and price equal to any. SMITH & CURLETT, Corner Holliday and I'leasant Streets, [7-Ctw] Baltimore. THRFIE House Servants, good seamstresses aud washers. Liberal prices will be paid. J I T. WADDILL. Mav 26 !il'Rl.\G l\l) mm.W (.OODS, I S .1 1 . .T. r. COLNC H. i.V~CAL\ till’ now receiving a large stock of SPRINti .\M> SL’.M.MER (iOODS, consisting in part of— .Sti’iitcd Gro-de-Paris: )il;ick and col'd Silks: embroidered, primed and b’laek liarege and Ba- n'ge-de- Laine: Paris-de-Chine: ('rape-de-P,tris; rieli enib'd Tar!t;ins: j>rinted French Lawns; em- broidereil and ]'r'iited .Swiss .Muslins; Hoyle's and printed Organdie: Mournitig. printed: Polka and fancy f,:>w ii; Mourning atid other (iinghanis; •laeoiiet and .Swirss Muslins; .Silk and Litien Poji- lin>; Solid col'd Lawns: Bishop and .Swiss ilitto; (iriss and otlier .Skirts: Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs. needle-worked: Colbirs nnd ('ulfs; Lace L'ndersleeves; French neeille-worked Chem isettes: fancy Mitts :ind Kid Woves of all kinds: sjib'iidid Bonnet and other liibbons: Edging and Inserting; Frt'iich and F.nglish Prints: together with a l.irge suj>ply of other articles suitable for Ladies' wear. Freneh Cas.uimeres; plain Linen and Linen Drill; Clieek‘d Linen; .silk. .Marseilles and other Vestings: Cashmeret; Drabd'Ete; York Nankins: .Silk Handkerchiefs ami Cravats: brown and ble.-iched Sheetings anl Shirtings: a good assort ment of embroidereil Window ('iirtains, ^some very tine.) K('aidy-ni:id«' f'iolliiii;;. Coats: Pants: Satin. Silk. Marseilles and other Vests: a large supply of each. ,\ Large lot of I’tnbrellas, and fine Silk and Satin Parasols, assorted kinds. I>eavcr, Fur. Silk. Leghorn atid other Straw Hats: also a goml supply of Boys' Hats. White Chip, French Hair-Lace, and other P)onnets: Children's fine Pearl Hats, Bonnets and Flats; \\ reaths and Flowers. IIOOl>> IIIKI Fine Calf sewed Boots: Patent Leather Bro gans; Cloth and Buck Congress (Jaiters; Oxford Ties: Patent Leather ditto; Ladies' black and col'd Silk Oaiters, a fine arti-le: different kinds of Miss(*s’ Shoes and Gaiters; Lailies’ Slijipers and Walking Shoes; with a large supply of heavy Shoes, for servants. I Saddles, Bridles. C.'ollars, Paddeil Harness, and Wagon and Buggy Whips. (’rockery, iliinlwurc, Cnlkry, Hollow-Ware. * Rio and Laguira Coffee; Crusheil; Clarified, Loaf and Brown .Sugars: .Salt. .Mol.-isses. Iron and N.'iils; Principe Cigars: French Brandy; Gin: Port. Madeira, Sweet, and Scuppernong Wines. Together with a great variety of Gooils of nearly every de.scription. .All of which they are determined to sell very low for Cash, or oti very , accommodating terms to punctual customers. We would be glad that buyers generally ‘ Would call and examine our Stock. .\]>ril 4, 18-51 60tf ~ 1)RLS & M EDICIN Es7 Oil.i, ^yul(Iolr Vnrnish, ti'c. SaMTKL .]. UlNSnAf.K Offers for sale iin extensive assortment of GOODS, among which are the fol- lowing: Opinnj, Campiior, Castor Oil, Alcohol, .Sul phur, Aloes, Magnesia, Rhubarb, Morphine, (>uinijie. Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, (’a.itile Soap, .Su}>er carb. Soda, F.psom Salt.'?, Sponge, Ijiecac, .Sarsaparilla, Kreosote, P>orax, Anrowroot, glass, Gum Arabic, Gum .Myrrh, Cajisicum, Lo- l)eli;i, Plastera, Liqtiorice, Chloroform, Jujubf Paste. Copperas, W'hite Lead, Linseed Oil, Train Oil, W'hule Oil, Sperm Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatafoot Oil, Copttl Varnish, Leather Varnish, Japan Varnish, Window Glass, Putty, Puniicc Stone, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Lampblack, Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna, UmVjer, Black Lead, Litharge, Red Lead, Patent Dryer, Wan ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Stind-pa- pcr. Starch, Sal Eratus, Mustard, Spice, Nut megs, Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre, Ginger, Glue, Annato, Cloves, Mace, Burning Fluid, .\l«m. Oxalic Acid, White Brick, Tripoli, Wasii Brushes, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Scrtibl)ing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do.. Logwood, Red wood. Black Ink, Opodeldoc, &c., with a general assortment of Medicines; Chemi cals of all kinds; French and English Perfume ry and Soaps; with a full assortment of all the leading I’atent Medicines now ia nse. Orders from the country promptly' attended to. iin.l gofids carefully packed. The Subscriber feels assnrod" that he can jneet the wishes of the purchaser iu regard to quality and price. S. J. HLN.SDALE, Dni'^gibt. ; Ootobw 12, ISo? NEW liOOKS. I^OT’TIIERN H.ARMoNY; Gillespie on Roads, Religion of Geolojry: Mattison’s Astronomy, P>ulwer's new Play; 'Taylor’s Meilical Jurispru dence: I.ittle .S: Brown's English Reports. Vols. I and 2: Leacling Cases in Equity: Combe’s Phi- siolog3'; Smith's .\rithinetic. &c. &e. Just received by July 28. E. J. H.VLE & SON. HHDS. SWEET MOLASSIX lOOO •JfS" Sacks Liverpool S.VLT, with our ttstial .Stock of GROCERIES. J. Si T. WADDILL. July 21, 1851. (Uf A good supply of Williams's Rectified Rye Whiskey. ‘ J. & T. W. ED \V J ; J.O VEli”. every one of you, ou the s{K>t where you liappen to be; don’t you hear aae? halt, I sav. all of von!” h.ym Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND, Si'i/n of the Lanji- n.\S returned front the North with a large assortment of WATt'IlES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, whieh he invites the public to ex- j amine. Among his stock can be found,— Gold and Silver Watches of all kinds and I prices: Gold and Silver Fob. Guard, and Vest ! Chains; Gold. Silver. Stone, and Steel Keys and j Seals: Breast Pins and Ear-Rings of all kinds : and prices: Finger Rings; Gold. Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver and Gold Thimbles; tine Bracelets; Gold a:ul Silver Pens and Pencils: ' Gold Lockets: GoM and .Silver ReU Buckles: ! Card Cases: Coral Beads: Sleeve Buttotis; fine i .\cconleons: Music Boxes: fine and common ’ Walking Canes; fine and common Pistols: Silver I Cups: Silver Spoons; Port-Moneys; Ptirses; Clocks, from !?2 to ii!40; Plated Cake Baskets. ■ Castors and ('andlesticks: Brass do.; Back-Gam- ! mon Boards; &c., &c. MILITARY GOODS. Swot^ls, Sashes, Lace, Buttons, Bugles. .Stars, Plumes, Caps, I'ic., &c. Particular attention paid to Repairitig of Watches and Jewelry. Fayetteville, N. C., July 21. _ Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. ^ FURTHER supjily, just received. June 10, 18.51. I'rire of Land.—3Iore than thirty doU lar.s a stjuare foot has just been paid for a lot 50 feet hy 52, ou the corner of Wall and I’earl streets, in Novr York, by the Seamens’ leaving ]ianlc. The entire eobt of the lot is $80,000. Onr of the Retorts.—T>uring the la.st hours of the ses.sion of the New Hampshire Legislature when the Sergeant-at-Anns was requiring the attendance of every niqjU' ber, 3Ir. Kittredge of Canaan asked leave to be absent ten minutes, he pledging him self to retnrn within that time. The re- (jUfst being refused, a divi.sion was called for, when Mr. Kittredge himself rose in favor of the motion. I Sjunk) r—The gentleman from Canaan { must not vote in a case iu which he is in- j ti-rested. Mr. Kittredyp—Why, at the commence- I meiit of the session your honor voted for yourself as Sj>eaker. Sjx aker—The gentleman may go out. Lotnll Courier. the E. J. HALE Oi S»N S' rietv of Ploughs and Phmgh fixtures, for s.ile bv ' J. .S: T. WADDILL. JatK 4. 5:;tf WANTED, A correspondent from Lebanon Springs,, N. V., says Mrs. Partington has arrived there, and is looking for some of the ce dars of Jjebanon, of which she has read iu a book publ’shed by the liible Society^ She found nothing but a anetlFr from the Siiakers who was marking billiards at hi» t.-ldc, LIFE INSURANCE. fWIIIE Undersigned has been appointed .\gen* JL of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insn- ratice Company. F]very member for life partie ipates in the profits of the Companj’; and the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to ii;30 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debt(>rs’ lives may be insured by creditors. ntan may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, nil over the civilized world. It is one by which a. family, for a small sum annttally, may be pro vided for, .ifter the death of its head, on whf>se exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessarv Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. I'ayettevillfc, June 1800. 72 LBS. RAGS by H. BR.VNSON July 1. MOF.ASSES SON. Tstf ART TNK)N OF PIlILADELPinA. For the Promotion of the Arts of Design in the United States. I^VERY Member, for the year 1851, will rc- _i ceive for each Subscription of Five Dol- llllU.s. prime liars, a print of Huntington’s “Christiana and , ^ liRANSO. i’ o * . jjgj, (]'hildren,” engraved by Joseph Andrews, July {», ]8ol. '"ft NEW HOOKS. fB^HE Works of .Mexnmlcr Hamilton, 4 vols.; JL The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family: The Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Song ster; The Complete .\ngler, by Walton \ Cotton; The Course of t'reation, by Jno. Anderson, D D.; Tales from Sliakspeare: T>ie Crystal Fount, r choice collcction of Tcnipe..ince Songs; Pictorial .Shakspeare; ,\ Pastor’s S'.etches, by Spencer: Tom Haccpiet jinl his three Maiden .Aunts: Mar shall's 15ook of Oratory. ^;c. iS:c. Just received. E. J. HALE SON. June 7, I'^ol. soirruERx JUST RECEIVED, poptifar Book. July IBol. ILARMONY a new supply of this E. J. HALE & SON. AN LED, GOOD HANDS, at 75 cts. per daj', on tlie Southern Plank Road. Steady cniployi»errt sikI cash paeynient weekly, if re- iiuircd. Apply to T>. M. BUIE, At the Steam ISIilT, or to A. A. McKETB.^N, Jtme23, 185L [77-tf] Fayetteville. TOR RENT, fJflllE New Store, on the Aveme, recently JL occupied by J. C. Medlin, at Floral Col- [cgc, N. C. For terras, apply to July 2a, 1851. A. M. McKINNf»N. 8-yw Hlanks of all kinds, I .-.r Balt uT tiiit Boston: and the coiirpanioii, a print of Hunting ton’s “Mercy’s Dream,” engraved by A. H. Rit chie, New York; or the choice of any two of the followiag fottr sj>iendid engravings, viz; I. John Knox’s Intervfew with .Mary (Jueen of Scots, painted by Leutze, engraved by Sartain. 2. Ruth and Boaz, painted by Rotherntel, engraved by Sa»tai». Z, Mercy’s Dream, painted by Hufrtin'gtow, engraved by Ritchie. 4. Christi ana and her Children, painted by Huntington, engraved by .Vndrcwd; nnd a copy of the Phila delphia .\rt Union Ilepoiter, a monthly pamph let, containing a report of the transactions of the Institution, and information on the stibject of the Fine Arts thvoughont the whole w orld. The .Art Union of Pmladelphi.a awards prizes in its own Certificates, with which original A- nie.rican works of Art may be p.irchased in any part of the United States, at tb.-.- optioa and se lection of the person who may obtain a prize at the annual Distribution, which takes plac^ on the evening of the last week-day in every year. The Executive Committee of the Art Union, when 80 requested, select works of Art, without charge or compensation, from their Free Gallery , 210 Chestnut Street, for those persons in the country, who may live remote from Galleries,- or pnblic exhibitions of the Fine Arts. Snbscriptions of membership, $5, should be made as early practicable, so as to entitle members to early nmnbers of the “Reporter,” which will be forwarded upon the receipt of the money to any part of the country. The Honorary Secretaries will give receipts for subscriptions, or remittances luav be made to GEORGE W. DEWEY, Correspoadiug Sec’y, 2^10 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Honorary Stc’y for Fayetteville, N. Jun«- IWl