——p—I I ■ ■■ I *■" -, tagcfl of an i^and—a cmmtry with a com- rnoM THE natiox.vi. ixTTJLUOENrEn. ulon language; soil and eliuiato ot \aricil AN \rri:\L to HISTOUY. flomonts, all eiuinently suitable to sustain Into the \lisrussions which have Woii U l'';osp‘rous, powerful, and numtTOu^s veral of tho Southern States ulatioii. . , i e to the value of I Aflerhaving, H.tl.cloT,gcourscof,iRos, had every form of govornnient tried on its theatre, Italv nettled down into the follow ing States, independent of and perpetually (ir less hostile to e..eh f>ther. lio- 111 ore g'rnig on in st for the ];v,-Jt two years as the riiion, it is surprising how little has entered of statistical or historical investi gation and di'duetion. (leoirraiihieal distinctions, varieties of - - . „ . , • . •I 'i }• ♦ ) «• . 1. .111,1 ever (fsires to see, troni a single point oi :^(ii aiul cliinate, ditterenee ot liahits an«l ^ i ;. i,Vt tli-it ner- ,o>,,|«T-,i,rm,,stam-cs«itlun,t wIikhtlMs v,o,v, what Italy vva.s .,1,1 K't tl.at ,Hr ('unfederacv iK'ViT c«»uM have lioeii l>ri>iight I son M.-it tnut. > /» ,• , f into existeneo, and whieh, by eiuiMing i Taiutur Vk ir of In^uhtr and (onUnenUtl ■ ■ Siu;iro miles. IVijiulation. them reeij'roeally to sup]>ly oaeh other s | wants, have hitherto uniteii the Mates in V*ands of niutnal interest; l/n , with heat- *h1 appeals ti* prei'idiees aiivl passions stim ulated by artful exaggeration of differeiues whieli Nature lierselt has eroatod bi'tween the remote North and the far South, and whieh existed in a greater extent betore the fstablishnient of this tioverumeiit than .'iiice, iiave constituted the staple ot the argiiuu'iit in favor of a dissolution ot tlie I'nion. Lately we have seen atteiiipt> made to Sioily. Kiiifr'loiii «'t Najilos, l’olK‘(l'*ll>, Tusvan y. Mdilena, I'liriii.i. Luinlianly nivl Veuioo, Kin^'Ioni of Sanliiiia, Totals. lO.CiOO I 17.400 h.'.t(H) 17.fiOO L'lt.LM') 8.:’>00,0(I0 iVXt,0(»l ,'i, 100,000 »* •J4,'>(H).(K>0 1 l!i,78o Here we iiave a surface of, we may say, one hundred aud tw(*uty tiiousaiid .'tjuaie .■ - ■. , . miles, ami a mean pnjiulation ot t\>o hiin- jirove that any State of the I uion. (Nnith | furtv-tivf to tlie .>-(juare mile: a ('aroliiia, for example,) witlnirawing from cjujilly great in aggregate num- it. wouiil, l»y assuming a separate national I’nited States. rxisteiK-e. appropriating to her s.de use her /,,,»/• an‘ masters of the soil upon resonries of eajiital and produets, beeom- in:: her t»wn carrier ami manufacturer, and maintaining an indej>endent intercourse with the foreign worKl, be renlered more prosperous and happy, and, ab(«ve all, more great and glorious tiian site now is. which stands the (’ity once Mistress ot the civilized worUiy Hivided into petty trag- ment.', for centuries p.ist it has been trod- vleu down by tiie Frank, the Hun, the (iotb, Sjtaniard, Turk, liut we turn from the plt ture, ami a>k, The im{.robal»ility of such a result tnmi were those re].ulsive such a procedure we have heretotore, liy facts and ligurcs which no one in the South has so much as attempted to controvert, indeavored to show. Our object iii the jireseiit article, aud in i>ue or two others with which we propose tit follow it uji, is to otler t» the cou>id»‘ration of our readers a series of illu>trations, drawn trom analo gy. of the a'lvantages liki'ly to ae«-rue to ideiuents united as are tlie I nited >tate Hach a whoK‘ in itsidf. with all th*' very best attributes of individual freedom; a common lantruage, and I'ommon history: the s;iine trlorious names to pntnounce as tlu“ hi'i'oes aiul martyrs whose acts secured National IndejHiiileiioe. ('an that man I'.xist wlio woul'l, tor any earthiv coii.'ideratioii, make himsdf an any separate (lovernment l.v hreak'ng up .,1;,,,. „.hm> sleeps a WasIi- into tragments the harmoniotis \\ hole ot tiie I’nion. W ith this jmrjiose, we ask the attention of our reader.- to the followini: Hl.^ToniCAl. VIK\V.>^ (»K Till-: sri'i.IKCT; r,\erv operation in Nature is. to a les: or irreatcr extent. org:ini/.ation or disorgaii- TllK ;^K(’F„s.'I(»MSTS ANSWl-I’.KP. \Vc liavt" rarely met with a more com plete aii'Wt'r to tlu‘ arguments of a party than is coiitaimd in the toIiowiiiL' sliort izition. Animate and inanimate matter article trom the Natchez ( ouricr: alike submit to this universal law. The The South has never a.-ked for any thing L'^reitest Kiii['ires (>f the earth, as well as in>t expressly guiiraiiteid tti her in tin' ('on.'titutioii.— \ iiL'ihunj S' lifiii'/. the most hnmble individuals wliieli serve to compose their m isse respectivcly, are liable to decay, death, and di.'solution.— The causes of ruiii are a> iuliereut as those of orfraiiizatiou. durability of existence i>-. of eourse, a mere (juostiou of time. )n the great Kastern (,’outiuent. through all recoi’vled ai;cs. We tind iii-lability iu the History of Nations: (irandeur rating on ruin; victory ]'Ve]niring for defeat; jiride, f >lly, and pre.-umptiiui laboriiiLX to obt.iin luimiliation; aggregation meriring iiitodt^s- I'otisiii, or division into weaknes,-. IJoth extremes pi'oilucingand perpetuating slave ry and misery in the ma»es. To these conflli J.- y)etween growth and decay, in p'llitieal life, there is one verv I'Miiarkable exception of jip'sperity. with out >criou.« revcr.'c. Th at exanij lc is af- f'Tcb'd by the Anglo-Saxon Nation of . , w i i X- 1 » ‘ 1 ■ • cxi>t tlure. We lie;r to intorm vou that North Ainoriea. On the oi.TinsiiiLr onti- \ .* i , , ‘ , the ( onstitution noM'he-e L''iara^itee> that liellt couilHi.-itioli ami (leeonilio.'ltion have i n > i i I L - - * one s' etiou >haii oe boiinii To mak^‘ su-h acknowleilgeui' iit.'. A VrojMT tribniial ha> , 1 - , i' I • • been cri ated bv the ('ou'titution for the M-t- rtates have evinced verv i»o\vcrtul i>nnci- . . n ’ i , . . ; ■ I , tleuient ot all .'U, h.( jiles ot composition, and with ni '.'t salut.i- 'rheii vours is not the true Sourhern partv. You are a.'kinir for amendment' to the (’onstitution; for grants of pnwer iicitlur expres-lv u'T iii,!ireetly given. If they were there, there would be no neeti of alter.ition and am' iiilmeiit. \ mi a.-k for the Mi.-'Siiiiri ('oin|'romise line, ^’our own leailers have over ami over again aeknowl- edired it to be unconstitutional. You a>k for a repeal of the .^Iexican !;iw. Now, if that repeal is guaranteed by the (’oii'titu- tion, it is uceoniplished by the ^'ou>titn- tion. and ueetl- not the action of (’onLMes.'. It Would be uvli's- for Congress to d,» what the (’oii'fitution has done already. If you ctuten'l that it is not -o nnieh tln‘ lejieal you want, a- it the ackiiowledgi - nient bv the North that th"s,' law- d'l n>-t waged, with varied vici.-situde, constant warfare. So far of its history, the I'nited I V result' I^Kxt-'rnal pres-ure has ii' t y. t 1 roved more than the expansive ^t^ell'J:th ot the New Knij'ire >f t!ie W'e-t. Are there no .sym{,toius of the existence of the opj)osing lav.-, and of danger to be f. ^red from its action? Though latent, all his tory almoni>hes ti.s t) acknowledge its ex istence. and t>> guari airainst its ever wake ful aud ever malign influciu-e. riiion does 11.,t giv general safety only, but al-i in- div’ilual si.fviy. In j.olitieal >tri!cfnre' the fi.ivrs gain )>o-iiinn .-nid daraliilitv in jii'"f)ortion to the >trengfh and cojie.'ion I f till- whole faliri(. In all our ili'ijui.'itions on our domestic }..licy, we seek, aii'l with the utmost pro- jiricty. our examples of similarity or con- Tra-t in Kurojio. Hence are mainly sought or derived our laiiiruage, en.'toins, and the ba.'C of nur history, and our knowled:;e of the w-rkings of i)ur iii'titutioiis. J^,.t n. then fore, .-pread b-f,.re us t.ibular charts ot Knr"|ie, in its pi>Iitical and natural rlivi- .-'ioti'. and from the review s”e f!;e rn-st prominent con-ef-u-nce.'of aggregati-.u aud o( divi-jon of Knifiire. In advaiie. . we may premise that in re gard to territ.Tia! surface the r.Stat«> falls very little ,-horf of tlutt of all Kurope, an,I that in capability of .-U'taining tiojmi- 1 ition the two r' lrioiis are probably still more similar. As they now stand. North Ain,'rica and I'.uropi;; pre.scnt a most im- {•ortant p.ditical contrast. In North Amer ica. the I nited State.s possess the mihilf Zone, wiih (jiio nation and common lan guage, and wi^h free institutions. Hen; the gn at in-.ral Lw forbid.-n'Volntion, and iH-ts to preserve. In Jliin)}).', change i.s | • -.-•ryday m ,ye In-.idly elaiin'c]; an>I, as' tile human mind expands, the jaihlic voiee ' IS more dearly heani, and more impeni- tive in tone. The I'nited States Iiave be-, gun on a .‘^y.stcm whieh well wii! it bc—if! permam ntly m.iintaim-.] in Ainerica—tha" Kun>i,e can imitate. It wouM be trea.son ’ again.-t human natun' were faction v.-ithin our own borders to mar the most salutary ! example, and so far th(; nio>t siicc- s-ful ’X]if‘riment, e\ r pl.icc-d })ef'onf mankind, j hither by clioico or accident, Hurope I was, jii the middle ;il''cs, and in a too'rreat de "■ jUe-ri'111-, and when that tribunal has sp,iken, it is time enoiiirh to a.'k the aeknowledi:einent by the North that thty weri* in error. In tht> mi antinie to contend that ('ongrcss hould refM'al certain I.rws. is but to eonteml that the ('oii-fitution has not. and that (’,iiiLrri-ss can d" iu that n -peet what the (’,«nstitu- ti'iii i- unable to otf,ct. \ ou ask t ir a repeal of the I’tah and New .M exieo laws. hat more you \v'uid haV‘- ‘hail they ecutain, except a 'oiigre-- .'ionai estaldisliiueiit ot -hiverv, or law- tor It- further j,r"tection. is hani to be -eeti. And yet your own iih s, an,l the tile- of every l>eniMerat;e pap>'r in the State, and the -peeelies .{ mo>t of yiair own a”itation leader- can be ipioted against you, to -how that all sucli b-gislation would be uncon- >titutional .'uid improjier. 'J iien if tlie .''outli uevr a.-ked anv ihint: beyon.l the gnarantit s of the (’,.nsf itutiun. and as you are asking a great deal beyond them, eonte.^...: y,,iir.- is-not the true S'Mitheri! partyl tieii. f^hiitmaii an-l .Jn,ig‘ ( . I'inkney >mith want such ainemlinents made tu the t'on.-tituiion as will insure tlu“ >outii an e-pial iepr* -eiitafi.m in the Si-u- ate of the r,iit( ,j St.ites wilti the North. W ill you plea.se .-how the .-ection and ar ticle where such a ]iro\ i.-iun is guaraiitieiiy Ue-ides, if it is already guarantied^ then your own coufe-i(>n neither they, nor Von who support tin m, belonir to £.1^. true Southern partv! -\ll your demands you in-ist u]>on in^ derthe alternative of scefc.--inn. If’you cannot get tlie former, yon go for a South ern (',>niiress and the l itter. Now jilea.se inform us ui wiiat .-ection or article of tb.e ( oiotitutiiin is either a Southern t'ongre.-s, or seees-ion from the I nion, “e.xjiressly guarantied' ’ If neither are “expressly gn.'irantthen you do not btdoiig to the Southern partvl " If not to the Souili- ern party, to what I'arty do yon cling.'' It mu-t be to that faction to which northern al^olitii.ni'^ts are lemiing so much aiil—the Sewards, Hales, (liddings and Snmm’i's, whoe|ually v.ith you go again.-t the ( om- pronii.sc—it niiist be to tlu! l)i.-iinioii jiai- ty’. of lianxln; Kon- Aniong the maxims canid, i.- tliis one; lir-v i.s the li'iiia;;; vhieli Vice pays to gree remiini.s so, broken up into small , and hostih; fragments. 'J'he work of mod-1 in time.s has in fact bet n, by emjdoyin/■ \irtn'- I vC means, to bring onler out of eonfu-| Some of the 1 »isunionists of (leorgia, sii.n. huiope has, at every cjmk h of itsi .,j-,,.r working ami lighting for in(»nths )i.-toi V, ])ic.sentcd the extreiiK .s of desjiot-1 1,,. principle.s laid down in tho ' !‘iid liceiitiou.sness—extremes | (i,.(,rgia I’latform, now protend to submit a ike *estructive of rational trfte.dfim, and I 5t j)(»ssible tor a man to (diango {iiodueing anarchy, or the nili- ot tin; few wlioU* mental nature during the first over tlu; Uiany, when human life lost in no j we(^k afti r tiie s( lection of a ('amlidate for innted degree the sun- ],rotectiot> of .-ilher (v riilini/nun fun-t" ever law, humanity, or n;ason. As some com- y,^ pc.-isation for such vcr.Hr.tilKy, birttory has , ,.j,ti]nation of these meny What then shall ncordfd the eonse.iuences, and fiketched or their ac(,uioseence be •ailed? Is it not hypocrisy? iiiefl.K eahly the scenes. -M'f‘ r the revobitionsof thirty centurie.s; •ittor i hange.s jf fortune moi(; m.iiked and | j\ry, Yoric —^J'hc returns of varied than ever were an) where else dis-j the een.sus show that one hundred and .six pl.iyed, let UK view It.dy .is it i«, and why , n(;wspapers were published in the city of is, the fractured exji'.’iieut of tvillen gr.in-j New V ork in luiving an aggregate ... circulation of H2,:St58,478 ^sheets.'^ Four- Italy, though joined to (or rather, in-j teen were printed daily; fifty-eight weekly; d" d, scjnrat^d from) I* ranee on the north-j and fourteen monthly. The rlaily circnla- Ve.-t, Swit'/.erliind on tin? north, and (Jer- ti> i amounted to L’lr'i.Oil; tin we« kly to m:.ny on the northeast, if engn-uped, and and tlie monthly fo 4U1,H()(). with tlie Islands ot Maha, Sicily, S;Tdi-: This ennineration is strictly confiniMl to nia, ' 'isita, lias :in insular charaeter, newspapers, and iloe.s not inc lmle the mi- ,»u itself^ in ,,t t\,,. luitural advan morou:^ {'eriorjieals in other shupeisv FUnM THE REPUni.TO. Democratic I)cnvnciafi»n oj tfir (ration ff>r its Fidel if >/to S^nrcrj/ — J)fWornft{r to hvpvnl of the FiKjitire Slave haw. We arc g^ad to see any effort for adjust- ; niont of (uir national difi»!rences upon the j basis of ac(uiescenee in the (^unpromiso, ‘even though that ac.piie.cence be accom- 'panied, as in two extreme meetings hdd lately at the North and in the South, witli I abstract dcidaration.s ot the most objection- ' able character. , , • • ' Wo wore gratified to see tho Wliigs ot j Vermont avow their willingu-j.«s to a(j- ipiiesee, in spite of the otlensive and fanati cal diH'trines that aceomj>anied their reso lutions. his acijuiesecnce \\ill be ioiiiid in the following resjolutions, which the I’nioH does not publish: “Kcsf Jrcd, That wo ar', as we over have been, di cfi/cd/ty iittac/icd to the I nioii, that we look to tlii' cmirts f the I . Stuh s as thi‘ true iiitrrpn ti rs of the ( oin^titntn/ji and the lairs uf the itatiiai—coiiftdin'j in their n'isdtJiii and fdeliti/—and that irc hare no si/miiathi/ >a' toh ration for the rerohitionari/ iloctnnrs at s/crssnai, nid/i- ficatian, ardisnnionj in whatovi'r ijiiartci m.uiifostLd. I!(Sf,ired^ That in the m,'derate, and discreet, and prai tieabK- mcasuri's iM-oni- nieuded to ('ougress by the present Nation al Administration, and tlu‘ tirm (k‘terinin;i- tii'U to reiji'ess international disonU-r. aud to c.vcntc faithfnU)/ tin fafs nf tin land, and to maintain inviolate the laitb ot public treaties, wo recognise measures an 1 j)riiu'iples to which we gi\e our i-ordial ajiprobatioii, and pledge a lu'arty support. We were in like m inner gratilied that ' the ('onservativi's of Soiitli (Virolina coUjd- t‘il their denunciations of tlu- I iiion with an airreement to endure it. N\ e regarded the declaration of the fmatics of \ erm-'iit, a:il of the seee-.-ioui-ts of South ('arolina, abstraction-—announced to pre-erve the’r consistency. We were willing to accept their allegiauee to the (’ouiproniise and t > the l iiN'U with any e\pressioii> ot )>ri\ate ojtinion they niav v hou.-e to utter. (tpiuioii in America is no t-rime. 'i'he South (’aroliniaii may entertain or exj’re- di‘te-tation of th‘ I ninn. \t-t loni.'a-he "efraiiis fri>m the jiraelical exerci-.- of hi- tpinion-. there is and th( re ought to be ! o “sedition l.iw " to puni-h Ir.in for any tiling that he may write or spe.ik, Th,- s-ime rule nin-f aj'plv to tlu- fanat:e of \’crin '!it: y,'t if the ri -i-taiice t,> the |-'ii- gitive Sla\e law autlfrized by the st.itut ■ i.f Vermont should be attempted, the l-’ed- eral law- woiilil be enf'iced. as th y l..i\e been and will continue to be. uhil.-t the pre-,-i;t .\'iiuini,-tration i- in p- u r. \\*c i it.- a pic-e ,if p.'litical hi.-t,’rv v. iii, h the W'lrhi, We bi lieve. ha:- if't \« t learind tVom the cobimns of the rni,>n. It seem- tll.it ou the ’J‘Jd I'f d lily, l^o], the ••I'cuio ratie State ('>;nvi ii'ii>n'’ met at Montpelier, in Virmont, and a! *pted the foll'iwing re-olution-; That any ;itteni[>f to f ,;.t th" in.'titiition of>la\ery uj ,n ti-rrifoiv un h r the juri-dietion of tin.- I’nioii: anv leL'i-la- ti,n 'f (' >ngre-~ ti.at e.\p ,--- the tree riti- z,‘ii.- '-fa >iver'-iLfu .‘'t;it> t.> p-rpetual -la- very with,>ut due priHf-- of law; that ib- n;e' the tri.d by jury, and -tri]-- i.ti tie- pa’ii'ply "f the ^reit writ of rijLt, i- an inva-i"ii of the leiritim.it.- -iiver>'_uiv >f the States ainl an infriuLreUi, nt on tin- guarantees of to-- ('onstituti.,n, and -lendd be pn'Uiptly n }vll. I. •• A'. '1 hat we d:-e.,\ , r but one distinctive featuri- of tin- W big part\ , in it- pre-eiit ]>laee, a- .-hadow^ d by the pre sent Aduiini'tr.ition. fi b-li’v to -l..y. rv. the maintenance of it- -upr inacy and in- violaliility; we shall then f,re opp,i-e tin- N\ IjIl^ p'ft.\- It' jiritieipl, it ji.i^ n..ii. ; ■■ A'1 hat the \\ li!gs d \ erin iiit, by cnlially approving of I’resident Kill- nion-'- Ao'mini-trati'.n at their late c.n- vention at H.-llow-' |-'al|', endt-ciI and tendereil all i--Ue lip .|i til'- Fuiritive Sl,l\.' law; and that this eon\,-iifj.,n promptly a - ci [>t the ten ler, atel hereby ree,(niin''ml to all their p"htie.i| tra-nds. ;in l thi- friemls of freed,>m au'l huintuity in the State, to ni.-.-t tie- i-.'Ue in every joditn-al gatiiering and at tie* p ,11-." N-'W. so tar from i-oin(-i,ling with the I ni"U in the opinion that the Wliig \’er- inont resolutions were h ,.-tile to the (’oin- pronii,-.', the Hemoi-ratic (’i.nveiiti 'n ex- pre.-.-,-s the opininn that ti:o>,- rt--idnti,,ns “cordially approved the ,\iiniinistration of I'resideiit l-'illniore,’’ and diseo\crs but one di-tinctive feature of “the W big p.irty in ii> pre-ent place, as shadowed by the pre-etit Administration—fiilelity to slavery —the mainten incc of it.- snpn-m.icy and invioiabilitV. ^\ e shall theicfort- oppose the W big party.” 'I’he I >cnioeratie ('on V( ntion “recommend toall I heir pditical friiinls an I thefrii-nds of freedom ami humanity in tint State to IIKct the issue of the I'uLritive Slave law,” alleged to ha\e been “endorsed and teii- den-d” by the Whigs of \ erinont in the re.' ili.tions .'-o much condemiu'd by the ( - nion for their hostility to tin* (’oiniir.iinisel \'et there is iio Wold of cen-ure for thcM- I)( luocrats of W rmont. ^I’licy may declare wh.it Oj.inions th-;/ think proper—4hey may appeal to “their friends ;ind the friends of humanity” to meet the issiu- “of endors ing the Fugitive Slave law” iu every jioli- tical gathering and at the jmlls, ami then- is no whisper of disapprobation for them, liut the Whig Aihninistratioii is denounc ed by the Hcmocrats of \ eruiont for its “fidelity to shivery,'^ ami by thi; I’nion :is having been tal.se to the ('impromise which jiroti'cfs it. ^ Wc trust that iu justice to the Adminis tration, as in jnsticc to tin; hi.-torv of the period, the I nion will let it be known that the Administration of .'Nlr. I’illmore has been denounced by the Ikniocrats of Vermont for its “fidelity to slavery,” and that the democrats d’ W-nnont have pledge.l themselves to agitate the issue of repealing the b’ligifivf! Slave law in (ivery Jioliticul gathering and at the polLs. A Ilod.r. It was rej)orfed on Saturday by 'JVlegraph that a man went over the i'alls in a small boat. Uhe (Jf)urier says: “Jhe statement was founded upon u hoax gotten up in this wise: A eanoc was .sent over and in it was a atufled figure, sitting erect, with paddle in hand.—^ Many persons on either sid; of th(j river saw the incident, and considerable oxeite- nient was ot course created. The follow ing morning it was iinnonnet'd that the body of the poor fellow was to be .seen gy rating upon the surface of the whirlpiw.l, and the hack and wagon driv*rs reapi'd the benefit, of their honest ingenuity!” I A SFJ.nCH FOR TnE UNION. ' Strange as it may ap[»ear, in view of tlie present j)osition of the Hon, 11. H. liliett, of deadly hostility to the I’nion, the au thenticity of the follow'ing extract from an able Speech delivered by him in the Hotise of Representatives of the I nited States, in the year ISk’, is not questioned. As true as it was then, it is now. Jle cannot iinsa// it: “Hut t^i make the will of all the law by constitutional arrangements to jiroteet the weak, and enable the weak as widl as the strong to ruh* theniselvi'S, and thus to secure the blessings ot libt>rty and fre* ifovernnu'nt to all—that is tin' mighty jiro- idem which has puzzled the statesmen and patriots of all ages, and whiidi has, at last, been so wonderfiilly solved in our ( onsti tution. This (.'onstitution was the rvv-ult of a long train of events, of peculiar times and circumstanc'-“S, and a wisdom ami vir- tiu' ({uickeiied by the intensest tluuight, and matun'il by the sternest trials. (uMi- t'eiiieu nny succeed iu overthrowing it— for tie rc is no blessing man is not cap ible of despl.'ing and abusing—but let them not indulge the vain hope that when over- thnnvn. tln'V can re-establish it. Ceutu- rit's rolli 1 ()ver before the birth of this ('oust It at ion; and it may take as many mori' to tind a people either (.-ajiable ot a]>- preciating or ;tdministe:ing such a ('oiisti- tii ion. ()iice falh n, like the decayed ci ties of the old world standing amid.-t ruins and desf Its, it will l>e fallen forever. It the I iiioii Wire to Ik‘ dissolved to-morrov.', it i-ouM not be re-niiited. .\ware of the diflieultv of ot.ildishinir the ('oii-titution. and i's ci,inplet.'ne.-s, when honestly ad ministered, to aecompl>.-h the great objects for v. L;eli it was cn-ated, the pi opk- of the rniteif States have ev-r frowned upon all att'-mpts to alter or at*oli-h any ot its es sentia! f atures. Whenever :iny ]>arty ha- fairlv develop,‘d desiixns ii ,>ri!e to it.- in tv-litv, th' V have been ov rthrowii. To wliat but this ('onstitution must we attri bute the ^dorioiis distiiu-ti in we ]>o.--ie-~, a tlie bippie-t and free.-t peo)ile in fh>‘ worl i.’ ami what an* all our tr-'ubles ;in'i eoiit-'iiti.,iis with each other but pr-'vid -n- tial ri biikes for lep.-irting fr'in it.- wi.-e and ju-t pr, vi-ions? ••Sir. 1 go for the (‘o'l-titntioi. as it is. I want m» diange in it - jirov;-i.tn-: but if tl re i-^ to be any ch.inge. I w ait th-- '^ i-li.-ii::;--.' t,i be in favor of j'opnl ir liberty. In-tead of -tr,.'n_theniiij the legi dative p,,\\, r—froni which :tll u-iirpation- on th-' (' ,n-f ^tu'i'n ha\e origin.tt,-,|, an ! which now tljp ;tt"U t't o\ i-rtlir,iw it—1, t tb.- le- Lri-l\ti\> j, w r be -till fiu'th, r r -trained, i V iuuit it: III- luor ■ ele;;rly deliued; b t the \i t > ]-rin> iple. >n which the (' 'ii-titution ;- I'uilt. !'■ t nlaiir-’ i. in ,,rder tb.it ■.Mea* Democracy.—The Riohmnmd W'hig fitalilo Woodine.s.'? Trithont coiir-, From the following jubilant thus sketche.s the begiunitig, the middle, universal and impartial that which we take from the Wa.-hi„,,;,; ,v . I never t(dd the truth to either friend or foe. nion, it would seem that som.;;,!.,^ and the end of AnieiKaii cmoc .uy Accordingly, “tottering on in vices to the sions had been felt by the K,lit.,r , “All things, they say, and tiagt lies much without the daring of man- Ashe’s defeat />// hts oun fn'i),,i^ especially, have their beginning, t leir .,g tljL> decency of middle age, .sangni- gratification which that p!*per cxpri... ^ inry but stealthy, wicked as it was w'eak, the intelligence of his election violiMit as jiiisilaiiinious, arbitrary and im- it was not an event whieh had ]iotent, most pernicious through the jiow- confidently looked for. We an- ers which it ludd !tml not through its jiarts, deal struck with the cj■ it iK Vcr stopp-d at a crime and trembled cumstanee of Ashe being cli.,,., „ ... only ttdotlie least good. Witliont one overwiielnilng majority,” when; honor gathered from such high eomnnind, no rajidar 0j>j)0sitajn h> his ueh Wide means of winging blessings to Ihe'l)o>^ocrucy certainly have middle and their end. In Ijocofocoism, Jackse,n, Nan Huren and 1‘olk m.irkei those several .stages. 'I'hey may be ,sai to have rcjiresented precisely the lhn great periods of its life. lender (Jen. dackson, it had witli tin passiiuis of youth its vigor, it.s violence and ever^’ thing but its iniiocem e. Stn tig or re pi ( I from his |>eop|e; tin* jioor heart- whieh are peculiar, and no dou!,r less, heailles- child of Heiiiagoguism in its tory, to theinselycs; but as “tli,-ir tl,, ilotage and of paralytic Tartyisui jiassed away, the la.-t of a line which must .soon have m.ide an end of its country, but that, hapjiily, its headlong ilegradatioii first n end of itself.” are not nir thoughts, nor their w:,. way.s,” we must, in the pie-enr j,;. boltl, self-willed, it did, in its lu.«tihood of i,ind; witliont one instant of aflection things and ways of showii blood, just what it listed; it spent in all I manner of wild proiligality the large es- i tate of jxipularity to which it had sudden- i ly and strangely come; it livel with grooms land ]>arasites, sharpers,, bullies and bottle- j holders; corrupted by its exainjile, the I sober eountry-maiimTs wiile around; ro le j,, I a hunfing or on an experiment, with hounds, and horses and horns, over the j corn of its tenants and the fences of the ' l.iw, ruining ni;iny people in a morning’s di\ersion; or, going to town, it nickei I the : windows fd‘ peaceful citizens, cudgeled the I wati-hmen, upset the .stands of hiicksters , and the e.irt.- of market |*eoplc, or sniashel : the lamps :ind left every body to break bi.s .-bins or fall into the gutters in the d.irk- ' ness. So strong a following of sw:i.-h- ind without further conuiunt riiion in the full enjoyment of cies at Aslan’s iv-election, veiitai!] to express the hope that th,, af,',. !Mr. ,Vshe will prove himself tru,- ti,; ( mon: J\arth ('arolIna.—are t ■' learn that the Hon. W'm. S. Adu- ■ conijnoinising democrat, h.i,- been r,-' ed ti Cwngress in the Wilmingt„ti ,]j. North Carolina, by an overwh hn'',. the late pidiiic.-il cont.-.-t in Alabama fully j,.rity. Inde-,-I, tllere wa.s no r. r‘,i: sustained by the ,MobiIe Daily Jlegister, j, >-it"^ion to the election ..f *We need li.-irdly remind our readers that tlio 'I'l ca.sisrv Mild 1‘ost riHice dc{iai-ilacnt.s were both hv.rnt down, nnder Oeneral Jackson and Mr. \'a:i lliiren, with circnnistances not n little rius- pieiou.s. ALAIJA M.\. are irlad to find our own views of W cklers did it carry at its heels, (besides the leading organ of the Hemoeracy and of “Southern Kight.-,” iu that State. The , that its wihl ways won tlu* po]mlace) tliat IJegister says; (juiet fidks ilared hardly resist it, aud the None of the memb(*rs elected to ('on- intimidated UKigistracy couhl searcidy ven- fress are disuiiionists or advocates of se- tur*’ to take it u]i. Mice, indei'd, they tooli iu'art and issued a writ against if; eout-nd for the abstract right of .seee.ssioii but the record of it was soon after exjiung- as a suiir.i-eoijstitutional remedy, but do ed ;ind the dn-tices punished for the of- jjot ur;:e its exercisc for existing causes. appears that Mr. William Win-l',u , cided democrat, was voted fir by ,-i j of the wliigs, with a view t > diiii:i.;‘i y Ashe’s vote. But we ;ire aii'h, say that Mr. Window wi- p!a. 'n\v- they cession. Tho Southern llights inon only field without his knowledge or »• was voted for ag.iinst iiis cxpr, fence which they had imMiit to check, trreat, in >hoi t, were the goiii;iS-on of this the true yo'.nig Hemoenu-y, tfiough it did not yi‘t style itself young: that title was k pt for it- le.ivings of life, its eai ly iin- )■ M-uev: for it is only v tur rake, deeayeil and th.it he w;is in favor of th-- the reirnlar democratic candid,u- In this they are md materi.-illy difFerent from tin* “-rnion” Ib'pre.seiitatives, who all claim to staml U[»on the (leorgiu I’lat- form, and are pledged, in case (d‘ any f.irrher ai:-irre--ions, to resist “even a dis- rii]»tion of «-\crv fie which binds the .''tat-.- d'tre his time, that is fond d imagininLr to th'- I'liion.” '1 hey therefore ^a'actirallif lieguil our fir.'t ■d ni.m."-r «d' wills make law- f,r the m ij r;?'. .lU inert :i —ni.iy !„■ r |uired t, peo] != ; ;.nl thus a iie:irer .ipproaeh in:i\ be m.id*- fo the n.ik I th- ’ry of a tree iemo- ( r.-iti(- I i\, rniiii-nt—that every man -ftall ml- him-^t If. 1 dete-t the d iiuini.n of one in.in—a king. 1 i| -te-t m -r*- tli>- do- mini ,?! ,,t many, b- i-an-e ni -n- h -artle.'- rni'l -j 'ii-;' !*; but. ab>\-- :d!. I f-ar. and b'.i’h,-. ;iiid 1 'j-:-- mtc tii.in I f r. th,- ■ ok, I ithb'.--. rt in >r-4 ' -- t\rnnnv i f a cao.cii- i,,.ij-rity—-tir-t f!i,- f.an-l tiieii tie- \ictim-,,!' tie- bbt»lv ii>-piti-m i,f -,,ni'- boi-I '■;i 1 m ta. u!i,i u-i s t ,• b _di .I'pirari'in- of the p->’ph- f >r lib. i-tv t > o\. I •!;;•,'W til,- (’--n-'itutn'i; -f hi- > ,uii’rv. and 1 ft him- :f "ii it- ruiii-. Sir. r oul-- - are j.r-v- r' \iily -in i l-ii v-1. ’l'ii, y atm at ,i b;_dit r -i.m-lard of cpiitv in t-rnim-i!f. aa I rc,|u n-. th- r, f re. a hiirle r -t.-iii,! n-'l i,f \ riue t'> a>lmini-ter th in; ami, bi :nir i>pen to th-;c-pirafion- aii l am- biti'in Ilf .ill. th'-v mu-t ntc '-arily b.- li.i- tde t I m-’r- fr-ijie lit and d--p-r.ite c ,n- f. -?- l',;- p"U- r. aiid d..rk>-r eon'pira'':e- a- giin f t!:i ir integrity: aiel b-t u- never f 'r- t the - id b--- 'ii ail hi-t -rv tea,-In--, that e\ I v fi''> 'Vernni'-nt tie- -un In- e\i-r -h-.iie up'iii ha- I ov.-rtlu' wn in tln- n.-nic- of libi-rty and th.- p,-op!c. 'I'ia jt ai 'i'in m Sir‘‘h f a^'ihua. I he (Ir'-eiiville I S. ('. I’.itriot of the Sfh draws tie- f llowing contra.'t betwr«-n the pre-cnt -f.ite -d' pulilie s,-ntiinent in the St;ite of Ill'll (’artdin.'i ind the prevailing feeling witliin it- boril- r- .-cvi-ral month,- ago; “It is iu'leetl am.izing to -iei- what chan ires taki* plac - in jmblic opinion iu the short space f a t‘,-w months. La-t fill the whob> .'^tate secUied to be for sece^>ion. Now, if it was left to :i Vote of the j>eople, a lll.ijo- ritv w-'uld b*‘ found ojvjt-ised to it. Six months siu'-e. there was not a m-wspapt-r in South Carolina that di,l not ad\dcate di-union and >eces,-i-"n. Now we have the Soutiiern Patriot, Hambnri: ricpiiblican. Charleston News, Southern Standard, Co lumbia 'rranseript. and Kr,-kim,* Miseella- nv, all oppos'-d to secession. j “Not a whispi-r was h-'.ird wht'ii the liC- gislature met of any populir expression a- gainst sece--ion. Recentlv Haniburii has, with gre:it unanimity, declared hersidf in , till’ opposition. I-'onr tlious.ind p>“rsons, at j (In-en\ille Court Honsi*, on the -Jth of ■ dnl\. e\pi-essi-d themelve,-; by the pream ble and resoliifi >ns adopted, hostile to se cession. Horry I)isfrict did the same at a i public meeting on the same d.iy. ' “L.ist fall thi-n- w;is not heard a single i Voice- from the leading lueii (d‘ the State iu j opposifi,.n to secession, except from Cul. j tii'aysoti, .Mr. I’oinsett, (ilc-neral Hamilton,! and (leiieral 'riionipson. Since that time I we have sei-ii letters ojiposing, with ixreat 1 ability, the separate iictiou of the State, from dndjie Cheves, dmL'e Hutler, dud-fe O’Neal, Col. I’reston, Hr. Lieber, .Judge Withers, Dr. Dickson, Col. Hurt, Cidonel Chesmit, Col. Orr, Mr. liarnwell, (.'olonel IJrooks, Col. Boyce, Col. Owens and many others. “This lo. >ks jiretty well for the begin ning of an opposition to sece.ssion. But it is not all. Ij,i.“,t fall as,sociations W(‘re formed in almost every district of,' tin; State tor the purjio.sc of agitating and contndl- ing public opinion, as was done in France With .so much sncce.ss during their bloody revolution. But now tlie.s(‘ .laccdiin clubs are dying in Charleston and elsewhere, and th(^- have in a great measure cea.sed to meet. The members have withdrawn, and in tnany iiist;mces are ashamed to acknosv- ledgo tlieir membership,” him.',‘lf yourhful, ju,-t when he h; to t.itier. Admiral ly. liowt-ver, ilit vou;!j- h, ir conform himself, at th: jn-riod, to th.it virtu 'U- counsel ad'lre--,-,!, in what has bi-eome a popular >ayin'_'. to a V"U:h who was named or who wore Boots —a r-ivin'.r which exhorts him to ‘-(Jo it; f-r tliat Ills ]>,ipa is weaithy.” He or it — for wt‘ are ^)>eaking of imj«ers,>nat( I I 'ltr.t- D, inoeraey, ami may use eitlicr pronoun —h.-id, in tht' war.lsliip of hi- minority I that i,'. during tin- eieeti.in I. rge sums f >ntlrage. up,>n c.,pious j>ro- mi-i-,d’,i w,iiiderful econimv, if prmli- gii i;- II -f riu-, .d'a peit.-ct -u]ipre--ion of’ all I'atr-'ii.ige, .-(f a s’trpri-ini: si If-{iri\a- ti in in p-w- r. i-fa gre,;t li 'in r of tin- |,-t- tinu' otlie,--lio|i!(-rs inl,-rfere in lection-;. «,f hoMing ;u al>ominati>-ii tin s Im iiiL' m,-ni- bers lit (’oii;^r---- or ivlitor- witii fedi-ral salarie- or contr.iets, of all rew,iplin;.' ,‘,f Tie- AVbig s of Tenne.s.sce ar-d Carolina have given u.- l";’ ar cheering victories. In Teiin,-- cially, we b.tve «-arrieil all bi-tor,- It will be a long time bef consent to p;irt with this nobi. brother-: in the Soiithi-rn Stat, r.illy around the “i ni- n.” and to us the right hand of f-. lii.->v iry’t-. niiderst.ind’Vi^'^'i-iv th- pdi- ‘ I'^rty wiil we ev aii,i •lifl’er from t h -ir Southern Bights colleagui only as twe iledum did from tweedlcde But this furtln-r explanation is al U'-e tieal char.iet(-r of th,- in-mbi-rs ele‘t. In the first an I third di,-tricts, tho eh-e'ion tir,ni-'l ni.iinlv upon the fpiostion of the ap]'rov;il of tho ('oniproinise measures.— N'>ne of the e:in,]i,Iat,-s W'-ro advocates (d' sece--i ,n. .Me--rs. Br ig;r and Harris W'-re ehosi-n ber-aii-e tif-y were oji].,.nent,-of the taken up (-,nipri'ini-e, while Me.--rs. I/ingdon and .'ludd. tb'-ir an'a,goni,-t.s. were its a,lvoc-ates an-l ju-ti;i,-rs. hi the .see.iiel district, the Southern II:^hr- ca id:-i.;te, Mr. Codiran, was under- h.ill separate u- tV,,m tht-in. l,. t n, ki'eji up,in the trui> N.nion .l I'l-it;' ri.i. chewing all isms, an,! ,--ctionali-iji. cialiy, as the wor-t of all, and ■ i.-r await.' us el.-ewhere as weli as th rJ^ a: y. /:. Th. SjianiJt liid/ (’irciis.—Tile aiir ul !r.-, W.i- 111 !■ m lu have ■1 t.i h ib-i’-ate i t‘ r t’le rea- >u. ; -rat. an-I e-'K-. ; v.iti\ be-u ran. it i- been det--e,l. 'j -c(es,-ion \iew,-. and 11 ,d a iii'tr-- So-atb'-ru I’liuht- proliai in' s;iJii' Id I'.ii f :z iii-^, ail' in, all J-: t‘ 1',‘- WoUi in::v !>o s.^id ;ng to what p-trty a man bd.iiiired wh-.-n lu- wa- fit t'l till an otfu-i- t-» the jmblie a Iv .nt iir*-. He also, iu the tloiible vi'-w of a.-inir the lu.iuy with a si-einni'i niod.eriti,,n .'iml of .^....tiling th>' inijtatieu. I- ■ f tl; ■ f w hi- W Mild be c,nip, tit ips. ) g.iVt- -p -i-i.d ! 'Il-l.- to bi th. in lar_f,‘ dam i- --. tii.it h'- u c.iM, at tiie eii l of joiir Vi ,irs. -ivc ni« fh - pm- p-.-rty to tin- n* xt h-ir. bikevv;-t-. h,- :_'o: t lar_'c 1 ,!ii I'Ut of fn • opp..-ite -',rt- . the ]*r,-t ctioni-t- .m-l .\nti-rrot; cii-'iii-t- i>v :_'i\in:r tie ni b',;h ambide.\tcr'»ns obliLM- tein-. t ' be paid in a •‘jii,]icion- Tiril?’.” tl. inch a irreat enemy to the a- to tin an a iv-i - gonn ry ! f r.itner— ■ s,-vi :;*h di-trict. Mr. Bice w.;s ,t - Ilf t!ie d',ctrinc_- id’ tin* 3I.,:;t- *l,i'.''’rni—iii'b ed, om- of it,- -hi-f‘ -and so cxfrem-’ in hi-sentiment- i n -h'lif. n lit -V'tiin and liiinly .ill who tr,idi- "11 b'lrrow.-'l c.ipital ■■/'■//(/ I bn .ik.” he Went lar^rtdy in debt fir tle- V' -ideiicy. Iii-*oi-(“ he i:ot it; and. In-in;r in. nviiici-d that r ineiits in the Spaiii-h bull cin us at M.alr; on the “.^t!i uitimo. w-re ,.f m re tl. u^ual brutal ehar.ieter. T'.ic ■- n m and iier famiiy. toifftliir with the K , wore ]-re.-ent. The iii.-t fi;_li! wa-b r-,' a Wolt ami ,-eVeral dogs; the d,,_- finished iiim. Next a hyena ;;n l , dogs oeeujiit-d the arena. Then a b ;!r eiicount -n d no Ic.ss tli.ai rijii- dog.-; tlu- le r came di vi- t-ii- u-. ] la.-t scene was that whieh attr;>.ct,-i • crowded audience, viz. a conte.-t Uiv a ii'in aud a bull: “J'he lirst w as one of the fiue-t i: .-pecies. N(t sooner was lu- loo.-ed il!'"V arena and csjiicd the bull than In- in towar.l> him at ouee, and attack-'vl ii. wiih liiry. But he only succeeded F-.I.-i-ai-Wi;igd ni.in-Coinpn mise can- ' se;zin-j ttie tail «d' his horned foe. by wi- ■“ 1 fc. ^ j In- dung on with his el.iws. The b, In t!i otl;-r d;-:rjcts the i--iies as to , thus attacked from behind, w i.s uuaVde S iirln "11 li gilt- have not been iiiaue a.- t iKdeiui iiimsdf t>v hi.- h irns; but pre.-i.ii; di.-tinetly a- in S,.utli Al.ibama. j tli,.> li-.u having bitten his tail off cl-o ' * ; . the ruiii]). the bull turned on him. "J ^ oi,'-niirr I ast / hr with.pain, chargeil witli tn nieii.’ tw nt. \\ e ;:.ive. a f»-w davs ; fmy, to-s;ng the l.on. notwith.-tandin. .. ; size, into till' air, «h’di so daii.p- i ; }diick of the latter that it itecanie at lear on w ’liich side th-- vict,-i v w i.. . a to fVi'iht n off liundr -ds of fin- warme.-t fri'-H'!' of ii;thi-:n Bights in th-’ ,-trong D-m'lciMfic i'i.-rr; -: in whi-li l;e run. ;,ml f au.' tiie fo •nil fh • el'-ctioll if .'d White, can- \//// Th. S;/di. r since, th" r, piy of (I ui-ral Wool to the ae- cU'.ition ill,eh- agaiu-t him d‘ con-eutin-^ t > flit- punislme-ut a-ad line of a CatUolu- \ r p.lid a firthiiiL'’ of all thi,- piper; ^-Mier f >r refu-ing to attend a I*r-iti--tant, { The lion .-at dov.n dcii eti whii li. iufb-e,l, Ava- all void, as inadi- iii bis politii-al non-.igi- or at usurious interest. His gu.irdi.ius h.-id gi\t ii him a steward; but viiuthful lonl- bate. fVoni th - irenero-. ity of tht-ir spirit.-, tlie lull fu-e of an arithnietieiau. Be-ides he had hi.- own ideas of h.iw Accouut> >Ii,>uld be kept. So h»- first ku ki-d out of door- the .--^ti'ward; then tiie guardi-ans that h.id furnishi-d him; and. by and l>y. to m ike all bad aceouut.s -month an-l -«(uare. he burned uji the book- th«-m-d\C-.Now, all this is told in ill' taphor; but every bodv knows it to b»- ••Truth .-t-vere iu fairy fiction dre-t.” ('hun-h. w bidi reply has dr:iwn forth the fi-ll-wing card froni the s ddier hinisi If: T" >r of y'i* *\' '■ ) t'rl' .m: Sii;—11 i\in-.: m i n in y,>ur ]i i]ier, of ve- t.-rd-iy, a letter from (i.ii. Wool. r> lativc t" in_\ court m.trfi d, y,,u will j'-.-rmit nu- to (-,iiTeet >-.-V(. rai ur.s.-t.-,tcments which that c 'miiiunii-ati,,n co;itains. 1 le mention-;, that froui the testimony id C,»loiiel (ianhiier. he h;ts no doubt th.it had I communicati I my ,-cru[iU-s to him. In- i('.il. (i. i wiiiiM have excu.-e,l me.— Now Col. ;.irdin, r hiniM-lf has .-eeii a great many of the s,dliers ;it this post >o much lor tin- ••Democracy” in its hoy- ],uui-hed in different wavs, on account of moaning with j»ain, while tiio bull ch::-_ him seNi-ral t.iiies in sccei-s.-i ii; • _• . ed by the cr-iwd outside tlie j.,., . . more than by his ,.wn will; f-.r, . •; - till' lion w.i.s hoes dc nan hat. tl: - ^ sought no 1-iiiger to molest him. un 1 u .. have left him alone but for the ^tiinul.iti which was applied to him iiy the ' tors. The lion was killed.” Ashfahuht l\ai(trt/.—The fowl tr; I, ' tw-t ii A'-litabiila iind New York coii^i:,:: ■ to tbiuri-li. ()ver two thous.ind f iwi- ; shijipeil in two lots from A-htabu!:!. i. week, for Dunkirk, theiiui to take N V. A' Frie B.iilroad to New Yi rk li'. ay, Its glory of youth that brooked no n-tr.iint. strength tli.it .-corned all opp,>- sition. and which nothing !'Ut it- own ill cour-es—Its debauches, r,'ws ;irnl riot- could h:i\«- hurt. But it live,I fast and made a gn-.it hole in its health ;i.- well as n-puiation and in both the .-ifn-cti-ius and the propi-rty of no small p.irt of the sober- on um- of the coldest d.iys of w^intcr, on I ^'3' ^he tears and gro:ms of the slavt absenting tlu-msdves from the I’rote.-tant i placi* d wors!i:p lu re; ami it is i-vident j through in twenty-tour hours, tliat ii hi- harsh disp'isitiou would pv-rinit i Lleactland h;in to excu.seauy of his lui-n. he had uranv j [Has it never occurred to the (lid lii:.' opp-irfuuities of doiuLT so. In.-dea-.l of that, i Ashtabula that we New Y ak' I, ahuig with twenty othvM-s, were oidioed i this poultry in money e.inir!, to stall,.I on a lo^r vlurinu six (>r eiirbt hours ^'hidings Wt>uld say, in no small er portion of the people living on the es tate. By and by came that wilier st.-ige of ]>e- luocracy which Mr. Van Buren represent ed. Its head gri-w craftier, its In-art cold er: it exchanged its vices of vioh*nee for th ov,. of cunning and selfishness. Its priii- oiples did not improve; but if grew more ,l,.(.(.„t; and though thonmghly i-orrupt, it ;itt(-mpt'‘d to turn respectable. AVhere it h;id co'*'i>*-it'ded, it began to ajole; wlu-re ■'tti-nding church, also mentioned that it bad coinp.-lled. it took to infriiruinL'. account of not attending church and this I Houth.'' And that as we send iiacx to the Colonel’s own kiiiiwledge. j exchange sugar, mola.ssos, rice, andcott, :i. He says that I have only forfeitetl about ' -^hstabuliaiis eat uj> these tears aiii five dollars, instead d‘ that, ten didlars * to sweeten their palates, (>r cev ■ have been stopped of niv pay. AVhat 1 their backs.”*]—A. J. Ijjpress. j'rincijially complain of however, is the grossly unjust manner in which my trial was comlucti'd by the i.itficers of this post. Jhe witness who swore that I rcfu.st-d to a.-k permission ot (,'ol. (J. to gi-t excused TJif Crojis.—\\ e have had an opp"r: '- nity this week of ^ieeing our ftiends fr : various parts of tlie County. We lean from them that notwitlistxiinlinir the la' ]irotractcd and excessive drought^ by whi the crops luul been niatoriallv injuri '• there will bo nearly an avera«;e vitdd another .soldier was with me. As I was 7!,„ „„'.»l nil,- ,„a,,kl„.l ,.itl„.r tl,„;,,,,|, ' ■■■Hoiilj re. ^ , th(> vtc'-’^^ flit' virfue.s; and here the iHsed t> at.--nd diurdi, or displayed any- i ,i;A,.;i-ts to tb.. change w:is such as »>;'de the bail di.scon- a spirit of in.subonhnatiou, I callcd ' lif tl^grrd.’‘'’o,inhouM l^^ai^-vc;-rsinglJ'‘p^^^ I'tk^d this |Jears!'"h is''s!mmwh^!t for the benefit of snnP' ^-rt or other be- while in some portions'of Dupliii‘the\-n‘i- sides one’s self, and esl''-‘ially when tb.at 1h lu % ed that his answer would attend been almo.st ruined by the drou-'l‘f. pers,mage is the object "t md,,„iy else's re- " couse.iuenco ol tho ^t the distance of fiftee i iiiiles eastwar.. s).ect or affection. The -'^‘V(,r,.i:rn who sit.s paitiafit^, did not call on any other wit- ^ains have been yory abundant aud tl,- upm :i disputed tioone must ha'e vigour, ' '■'O respect fully. streams overtlowin.r Smart l\cply.—A commercial traveller left an article belongitig to his wardrobe at -an inn, iind w'roto to the chambermaid to forward it to him by the coach; in answer to Avhich he received tho followin'’-- C* “I liopo dear sir, ynu ll not I'cel hurt, I'll frankly- ti-11 yon all about it: I’ve niiido a shift with yeiir old shirt, .'ud you nmst make a *hift without it.” lie largo of his virtues or his criuies. If not ihdermiued to l»e good, he niust make himself im])o.sing: for while to be dreaded is to be ]>refty safe, to be d(*spise*l Is cer tain ruin. We have in the.se few wonls written tin* history of twosliort reigns, the Van Rnren and tiie Tyler, whi.-h form the middle age and the wane of corrupt IX'in- ocracy. Comes the last stagi* of lireakiiiir-np, of broken-down Democracy; what Shakspeare dAMFS Dr(J(;AN. Fort (’oluml)us, August D», streams overflowing. Jhe 31ilis in this region have Ih-cii at staml tor the last two t>r three week>. ar.'i IVrsian s.s.—The j.olitem-.ss of ‘n'P'^'^siblc to pnieure meal, .V the Persians is of a si»e ies j.erfectlv orien- ) , “ has ra iir i tal. A nobleman of high rank wvnt one we think the rivers and strein,' d.iy to the French Ambassador to bei' liis " , not now, Mlkd jvardon beeau.se the weather was so bad iu running over.— GohLlntro' iVr.sia. Cotton,—The first bale seen of ii' .v The . 'i'l f 11 • C’otton iu this market, this season, w;i5 Me.Tiiiem, (.'aiUHins. ruriti.-, (Am.) Ny.-, April. l.s.M .A«i:t. (Hr ) June, .Xtrii-H. (Hr.) K>ri**. .-Xiip.. IS.51 lialtic, (.Am.) ('»in>tock. “ AVERAOK riME. Avfrnjic nf ’iin.-rd stCHiiit-r.s ties, its “m.'inly voice changed to a child- isli treble,” it.s swagger to a shamble, A thing patched up, .shrunk, shriveled, it stand.s with props, it goes hobbling upon a •stick of the South, a crutch of the North, both broken. Its strength, its; wit, its very sex, are gone. It drifts, a di.sniasted wreck for its voyage to Dead-man's isle, making i prol night hideous as it pa.sses, and fit with ’ toulnos^ ■ morn It h for few except corruptiou without eap;icity, uupro-1 thj i^a'rjute dn^s. houfK. lien. J. learn from a Correspondent that t!io n; 4i» first bale of now Cotton was received in 13 Augusta on the 13 inst., aud piircliaMil by the (iranitcyillo ('ompany, at ct-, In Uambufg, the first bale of new (’ft- tou was received on Saturday from tin he ^iteamer pacific, which xailcd at n ^ iv Ji)istrict, and stdd to iMessrs. Sale, Lark 30 % -il r . . dismasted no( n on Hatunlay. six hours after *h« arri ^ Messrs. Sale, l.ar . M Steersman, ter« rflceived by the IJaltic! go that it is ( harleston (ohru, ca(-man s isle, m;iking | probaltlo the Knglish merchants will m_ nn.„ i T.. ianadt.—The law of j)/'iniO'/'ndiii'i sfeiict' to aboli.sh the rigiit of priniogom turc, ju the rucccs?ion of rcul ct;tj.U'