I rnaM thk wiiitf. man’s xr.wHPArKR. THK im:oi‘lk. Tliif' :i sigiiiticaiit word. It has boon Liui li aliusod. It has boon the soorn of Lillies .inil tho satiro of iihih>so}>hors. (\tr- Tlo well illnstratos wliat wo moan by ono i4' th-'so oloi-trio Ha>lio> of his once donn>- »ratio foolinir in Iiis Frotu li Hovolntiou, j '\how Loui>. in (la>liin;_'^ throuirh one of his i>:inio fiTosts, i l>rou”ht siuhh'nly to hay hv tho >iiiht of a h>n;^ ro\i>:h box, \>ovno on till' >h"uliK'rs of four peasants in a sonu'- vhat t’unoral styK'. “What have yi>u ' thorisaiil the niairnitifont jirinoe.— ' Tho body of (>no of our peasant oonirados, ho ha> jn>t diod.” they roj.liod. “What w.i' th»‘ niattor with hiui?” a.'kod the kinir- bed of huniror, >in‘, " was tlie answer. M'lu' kin:: pivo his .-toi-d a .-jtnr. and Car- I\io adl', witii ininiitablo j>hih»so]>hioal >:inasiu, •‘thrio w:is a part of tlio b»‘^fiii- niii:j; of thi' I'ronidi blovohition. *Vpro- )M>> Ilf this aibision >f (’arlyh*, the othor dav, ill loiiiiiitr np Uroadway, we saw a s|-. I faolo whioli. althi>u_di not nnooninion i;i N \v Vi rk, whore spoouhitiun and uain 1. ivo rodui od the \alne of human life so 1 w, was aftor all .''imowhat oalenlati'd to t in h tho fooliiijrs. A laJiorer lunl fallen 1;. Ill a buildin:^, we learned, and he was , i^ii. r di'ad or snppo>od to lio iji a dyiiii; i -• ,-i'. llis oompaiiions suddonlv hd't their :k. ind without taking thi-ir ooats. How I rhiir niifortujiato oooipanion, phiood i; n; a riido litter and bore him towards t;,!' li-'pital. Thiy naturally fell into a I'jii' r.d pr"oosion, and on the faee of oaoh II- \N:i> 'tamped the ashy mark of solemn >viii] ithy. 'I’lu-ro was dignity in tho pro- --it.II, f’ T it wa> mado up of oarno.'t mon. v.- Ill 'll, fathers I'f fimilio.', and tlioy ii-" 1 to tho t"iling ola.'>, nono the 1, . V !, ri ador. "n this aooount—for in . , • 1 Mh ‘T in ani'tlo. r wo mn>t all work, iu a w ald likx' ours it is tho only t V V I : ■ on-IIpati.Ml. The alismoe of M :k i' tlio abst-nor I'f tli'Hight. of i rt’tirt. ' riv,;i. Ilf -ui oo». -'f nnuhooii, of all triio • : _ii.'y. and in t'ai-t of t \orythiuir. Theso : : ! k d >ad and dowiira't, and thoy ; r ' fur thi- >,nl hb'W .-tnuk down ono ■ 'I ’i.-ir • wn numli. r. and it woiit to thoir h art'. Kioh •no tlomirht, “Why was it t; 1' \Ve Wi re all i>n the Iniilding. 1 ■t i I'Ut a frw m iits bofnre whore lie wa' wli 11 ii'' f-11.” iKiV iildor r»'ador r'.nii’.ubrr the vympa- rhy tii.it w:is oxpr,">od by tho prim os of lvir"p''will'll flu Ihiko I>'Kiiirhoni wa ex- ■;'' d in 1‘aris, atnl wo havo all road «'f ■■■vi'-'v and tho noiurninj- into whioh : , 'lirfs {' K;u '’po »vi ro thiuwn «iu-n ■ 11.'U' w.i' r''(-.‘ivot| that tho In-ad »f I, ' .\ V 1. had r‘«if- d fr>i.t tin* lii «ok in If a rirli iii Mi di'"^ In- ha- a gri'at ■ :m1. Th ' niini! IT of o:irriair*'s th;it \v ! '.Ill T.i thr _r:ivo indioati s oitiicr - ■•■'i'' "T f'rttiuo. A iVi'sidont dio.x , ,' all driTfi-cl ill I'vory part nf •*i :;n i w ■ oaiinot f nb.-ar to s iy . • i; ■ i li 'Vf ^ . Ilia, h m>>re veneration it • f T 'ai.'-aiK-e tli.at it wa.' V that tlif groat Aiidul’ou, t: _v . !• r -t' till- bird', tlu‘ir groat-'f y: ;• !•. . ir. ,i w . !rid o\i i:'-l t!i'‘ adtiii- r, ; •' T^. ;■ '•■'iir; ii' I'f *!• ainiiig in } '■■■ V: .- ;■ ; ;l;.’ir hiiih. 't h"ii 'r, 1 : r. f A . ' 1. . 1 n i jtublio fun.-ral. ;pj' ^ ' - ;i' . rd in twn lino in ^ '• i '. like th 'di ath I'f any : : aii ' _\ ' ii" w.i,' tho ohly man V v -::r.' in tin world'.' ni. iiti..nod witli C»i- ; ’.r. tii 'iiLdit T!.i' pi-iiit ~>ii.11 "f w.irk- - .1 . tii.-v 11 >t h.ivo spaci' in the . . •'! iMii.hl'.ir' 'f a irroat oity to ■; ■ -I. ad br'>tii'r t > hi.' h >mi-, or ? ■ '.V -la li 1 hr. *n-r ti» th ■ h"'})ital'— -V. t!, ir fo. saoic.I eii'iagh t" , ’ 1 j i t’:' !n a W'T ]. i' ‘a man a i i . :• a' ” Tiii> p t f. Ili.w may . ! :i :;u Al,l Tir;iIl. H" May have •'I :i !-',:'_'r.'iii;i..!i ir a hmaii. ni'>>t !' ■ ' .V ll.' :iu Ili'hmali: but wa' lo' V : -' wnrriiv nf symp:.thy' Snm- ' • • . ■ I '' '.V 1 That iratln rcd ar"nn 1 tin- !' ■ • '■! ii d a word that >hnwi'd n- U ;■ A ;;n i tiwiat.’ he put U]"ill tlio Jinnr t!:.- iiii'i"rtuno .and up.'ii tli- - • !i • t"-in .r '-n i'-‘i‘d. Wo will n >t ropoat V . : at wi' tuiiiod away and i'l o_ht Ilf tli'.'O ii'iMo wni'ls of J.an .Ja.|i’,i s !« ■ii'.'- au; f>r rhfV an if thiTooan be fbi.'!- w.»rd'—liu; r than Ibinis’ whiidi ■ havi'jii-t ijii. ti’d—“i!;:_ditoiiu.' llojivi n! thi- p't.ir thy ( hildn n as woll a> the ;■ \\ jiv. th 11. must tiioy ondun- nioro ii' .'iiaro of ^utb ring!''” IJiit from ' ’ ' '.'.'u j.liihi.'.ipliy h-- i labnrat' f] tlic snb- ; '• '.I’all aU'W'-r •‘they do but gmw j' ■: t i!i;-.mi-Ii sulloiiiig;'’ and 15 >ussoau _!r I; IVO add' d. t!io ii"lilost boiiig this V, ; i li.i' .'I'. ii had his biogr.iphy all ti>M ' • • '• whit had .'' Oil him as fow had.— 1 :■ ?!: ' cans.' wa.' tlio .''■.•n of (lod mani- t that h( might bo made po'rfiot .^!i >^;':Ti!!g. • Vetr I'inn. 'i'lir uiuicr.-i;.ni(>(l lia\f (“iitcrcd it'. ciij'Mrtiu'r'ilii)., liii.ler tin- iiaim' :onl stvk-of ii \I,I, X Kl/l”l', f..r tlie 1 iir))..si‘Ilf il.iiii? ;i l»r\ (;...i.|s ami li;ir'|w:iri- llii.^iin'S':. ;iiiil li.ive t- Ki-ii till- .'St.ire -") H.i'^t i.f till' Kavi tteville II.itol. J. 11. liAlj.. A. i:. IIAI.L. T. ,\1. f^Al KKTT. ^ WT" F, :iro ii'iw r-'ci-iviiig a larjie Hiol well se- V * l»'i t*' l ."^ti/ck ut OliV ' •. ii.^iii" I'VITV article usualij' in that •'.;/i'tiii'r witli !.')(> Case.'; Hoots and Shoes, and —ALSO— A Well si'loi'ted Stock of H.inn T'. all 1)1' wliirh we invitL‘ tlie iitteiitioi) of .Mcr- ' iiauls 111' till! iiitt-riiir, who will fiii'l it to their intiTcst to I'Xiiiiiiiie i.ur Stock before making tlii-ir {iiir.-iias. >. W *. will not be uiidersoM by •iMv one ili'iii'.' buhlIl^■^s iu this j)laee. iiAi.L & s.vcki:tt. \tl"llH? I.'.'*, 18’)1. l(>t^ jrST Ui:( KIVKI), ~ .Mlbl> extra |iiality miil thick- ' t iii'.'«, malic e.\jireB8lV to mir order, .and ^ Ik- .'.(ill ;iH low at* any Saws in this market. .■'•. A ,i-r- ani) .Mill owners are inviteil to examine as we tliink the^y cunuut fail to please and r'l''" >^alist';u!!iou. a:,.;, 12 Mibb CUANKS, aasortud weights KD'l .1. H. & J. MAIITINB, Hay »t. ‘''■•i-'.i't IH, 18',1, J4-;-5tw OBSERVER. ^'AYST'TIS^ILI.ILIS!! TI KSniY, Al'IUST 51), ISil. t"i- ;i‘ -hv t.. b ib’nii. :: '.V- ',;\v Settlements. jH 5 l',i;.'(iNs nri; iniU'bteil to ns wiH cuu- H fer :iii oiilipation if tiiey will settle iluring iiioiith. All persons ti» whom wc iiic iii'ii tili'il will jilease remii'r their bills for imy- .'IH-Ilt. E. .J. IIALK & SON. Suhsci'ilifi'i* f>> tilt' O/iSi'frer irho to n t i iff tltf Svmi- ]Vc( hI^, n ilf p/disf i/irc us iiofic-r. Dkatu ok thk EniTOR (‘K tiik North (\\iuti.lxi.\N.—It has become onr niohin- oholy duty tii record the death of Capt. | 'WiM.iAM II. IbvY.NK, for eleven yi-ars j»ast j tho Kditor of the Nnrth ('arolinian. He ' died at his residence in this town, on Fri- ! day the 2'Jd inst., atti'r a hiiii; and jiainful iUness. j Our very slight ae(|ualntanoe with the! deeeasi'd might Jiot en^iblo us to speak, as j they slionld bo spoken of, of the many j good iiualities whii h his frionds and ae- | (|uaintanoes, all, nooord to hint. AVo there- ' fon“ eopy from the last ('arolinian tho fol- | lowing annnnoiation of hi.s tleath: "Ifrdfh f/' ih' —It is with S!>r- row and regret that wt' annotnioe the iloath j of the Editor of this paper, Wm II. II.VVNK. lie dojiartod this life on Friday. 'J'Jd inst., j at a ipiartor past '2 o’ohn k 1‘. .^I. “l-'or SOUK' time jiast ho was confinod to | his bod, unablo to attond to his business; but his friends and ai ipiaintani'os indulgod : a hope of his reeo\ ery until within tho last b'W day(*. “Tho deeoasoil was a nativi' of W.ishing- ton City, Itut has boon a residont of I'ay- ottovillo since tin- 4th of July at whii h time he took ch.irgo of tho (.’amli- nian. lie loaves a wife and tivi* small ohildren to mourn the loss of a kind pro- tootor and friond. “Sinoo his residence in this plaoo, he has mado numerous friends, who will long riinonibor his many goud i|nalitii’'. "In oonsoijuonoe of this ,'.t.l ovont oi-- i-urring just at the momont ot puttiiiir tin* papor t'» press, we havo not time to Iciigth- I'li ihis annouui'cmewt.” llis remains w've interred i»n Sunday morning, with military honors, by tho In- di'pondont Company and the Fayottovillo Kitii'iiion. whioh latter Corjis tho deoea.>iod had, f >r i riny yoars, oommanded. Favkttkvu.lk I mh:i*km>knt Licmt I .\ K.\ NTU V ('OM PA N V. TIlO Fifty- HiL'llt h .Vnnivcrsaiy of this aiiciont Corp was la 1- I'br.ited on Saturday last, the 'J-jd instant, by a Target I’iring. rdiinor. A;!-. Tho l‘ri/A' fa (rnld .^ledal i was awarded to Mr. Alexander Fvay, he having mado the bo't average shots, and was jirosontod at tho hands of .T. (i. Shepherd. lv>^i|.. ae- oi.mpaiiied by siiuie handsnmo and ajipm- pri.iio remark'. Mr. Tlinma.'.J, rkobin.''in was socoiid be>t. The best >inglo shot wa^ mado by I>r. James (’. Mullins. .Alany invited guests wt'ro ]trcsont on tho oecasioii, among whom wo are glad ti» learn were 'cvoral of tho oldl•^t menibers of the C'lrp' now living. .'ime of them .'Urvivor' ofl'^l;:. 'I’ho 1)1 nntiful ropa't pruvi.h'd. and the enurte'y au'l attention >hown to the guests, g.ivo evidence that tln' proverbial hospital ity of this time-hnnored A'sooiation has iMt dimini>hed: while its full ranks and tho s.ildicrly bearing i>f the luembiTs is an earnest of continued, and wo h.>)>o, of fu ture pros[ierit v. 'I’iio t'llxwin;^ ()iTieor.s wore eli-etod for tlw eii>uiiiLr year: Arh’d .'1. Campbell, Major (’i in’dt. Waltir l>rau!ihou, 1 >t (’aptain. William lluske, *2d Ca]itain. .bdin A. .^IoLau( hliii, iJd Captain, nuiicaii Ml Laurin. dth C:i[>tain. .lames .All (I ilvaiy. fbdorly Sergeant. N.ithan Untnson. I'd Sergeant. •John \\ ilkiiison, .’jd Si-rgcaiit. Ah'x’r .All i’horsou. 4th Sergeant. .James AA’ilkinsiui, .'>th Sergeant. .John .S. Af.iultsby, 1st (’orporal. .lames AI. \'anii. lid ('orporal. W’m. \\ . Frizell, ‘>d C»r])or;il. Thoma.'; .J. |{obinson. 4th Corporal. Favktti;vii,i.k a.\h Ck.mhk i’l.wk llu.VK.—The Stockholders met in this place on Thursday last, -S'J’J.TOO nf Stock, owned ill this town and county, being represented. There were no I)elogates from other coun ties. The mel ting adoptc'il tho following reso lutions; //•(■>/, That the Fayetteville and Centro Flank Koad bo loeated as folioM>; Commeneing at Airs. .Johti.'^on’s corner on Ilaymoiint, in tin* vicinity of Fayetieville; thence to the south-east corner of the I . S. Ar.'onal grounds; thence running be tween the Chicken and old 'I'urnpike roads, cro.s.'ing l’u{>py Creek b(!twoeii the mouth of *Alci>uttie’s (’nek and Alcl'liinil’s old bridge; thence the most eligible route to f»r near Campbell’s Mill u\ Nicholson’s (’reek; tlicnce to or near .McLeod’s Hridge on I>ig Hocktish; thenco the best routt; to or near I).iniel Love’s; an.I thence to or near IJlue’s IJridge; and that the further loc.itioii of the Koad be deferred to a fu- tnn* meeting of the stockholders. Jusf/lrii/, That this meeting recommend to the Directory, that in the cinstrnetion of this (’omjiaiiy’s Road, j»reference be given in all cases to stockholders, either in contracts or otherwise. 3Iessrs. Henry Lilly, Thoina.s AVaddill, George McNeill, .James (». Cook and 'J'ho- nias S. lititterloh, of this town, and Messrs. .John A. Williams, Duncan Shaw, (J. (’. Mc(Jregor and I.auchlin IJethune, of this county, were elected J)irectors. At u meeting of the lioard of Directors, John A. AV’illiani.''*, K.sq. wtus elected I’re- sident, and Juhu M. Hose, Secretary of the Company. AV'c are indebted to the lion. Geo. ]v JJadger for valuable i]K;U!nent.s. (’(juitKcTiox.—AVg are re-juestcd to state, that the titock in the “(\;dar Falls Manufacturing Company” may be taken I in shares of instead of S1,(J0(). Xkwhpaper IIORROWINO—In a late numbi*r of the Charle.ston Conriev, we find the following corrcspmidenee between the Edit(H-s! of that pa]>er and one of their .snb- .scribc'T.s in Charleston: EiJitors (\f till' Ouiin't r: Gk.nti-kmkn: Aon will oblige me to let me know tlu- price of six copies of your valuable paper. I have to keep at least this amount to obliixe my nei:ihbor?>, ' ^ thendore you must not oharge too muidi, else 1 cannot aflord it. I am willinir to WKSTERN ?:LKCT10N.S. Tkxas.—Peter H. liell, Democrat, re elected Govenior. Two Democrats elet-ted to (’ongress.' Al.vuama.—The Montgomery Adverti- .ser and Gazette, a Secession jtaper, thus acknowledges the defeat of its party “in tin* lat(! eloctiiui: AVo have received sufficient returns to atisfy US that the (’ongression.al elections in this State have resulted disastrously for Southern Uiirhts. liut two Southern lend out the iiapor, but it is provokino- to i>- i . ,, i u • i i 1 . 1 * I I • X * iuirlits men, Jsrairir and Harris, have been lonil It out when I lust commence to read i ' . i i i vn 4? i i i 1 1 • • ^ . oioeteil while the iMlimore lederal coRsol- it, ami a husiiK'ss man can not ndnse to i . i tim • i I , , , idationists iiave elected live. T his shows loml the paper tor a moment, iieeause lie i i *• ,i c.' • »i i .. •1,1 ll * 1' I • -11 , li:id tor (Ik; cau.se of the Soutlun Ahibaiiia. will los(^ the ctistoiii ot his neiirhbors. 1 | , sul..cribo to papers, and l' think my- | " Montgomery Jour- •self vi ry hapjiy, if L can read mic at 10 i»r ' the T’nion men have a majority II o’clock. (d F) in the State Senate, ami 40 in the A ours truly. 'lower House. Mr. (’lemons will, there- for»‘, 1)0 re-elected to the U. S. Senate. In North Alabama, says the North Al abamian, “not a sin;rlc individu.il who , Tl{V-TO-OP.LUiK-NHIGHr.ObS. AVe would gratify our com'spniub'iit ‘ Try-to-oblige-Noighbors,” if we wore not deadlv opposed to the ])rino’])h‘ of News paper borrowiiiir. The great class of j.or-i t sons who per.'ist in this s\'.'tein ai\' too \ I'l'jlit '»f secession, or was even aiisju'ctetf of mean to siiliseribo tor a pa]>er—sumo, jior- ; entertaining such heretical views, has been haps who are so habituated to it that they ^tate Legislature or to (’oiigross in that section of the State. A mure nnoipiivocal and overwhelming condemnation and rebuke of the heresies aiiil de.'igns of the “Southern liights" As- soeiatioiis in the State could not have been dministered.” A\vi,r.\ni,i; Farm.—A farm of 41 acres, i near Syracuse, N. V. was sold a few day.'^ sifice, for 817,’)JO—altout S4’J.' per acre. could not leave off the ]iraotic('. oveii if a ]>ap;'r won' furnishi'd them for nothing— and We eaniiot therefore, “under existing oircumMtaiioes,” lu'gotiato for the .-i.x extra eopios reiiuired. If our corre.>.;pondoii^. however, will loan this number of the Courier to sueh as an noy him, ami tlii'y do not :;bato tho nui- i sauce, wo promi.'O to furnish tho extra ]n- I Ahk.v.ns.Vs. K. A\ . .Johnson, Locofo- pi-rs to him gratis, for three months, if he ' *-'N -Anti-Conn)romi.e, re-elected to (’on- will only UK'Ution to tho tiorrowors that ho gross, ha.' thu> pmtei t;'d himself in his ri-!it of, rxiiiiii'/ llis mm ! , , , . ,, • • - i Wo'wonder if tho.o m-wspaper borrow-(.ov. rnor t-y a small m.ajority. j on the 14th instant--giv.ng to tho worhl ers i.ursuo th.' same coui'o with thoir ba- I^t. vlovornor elected by or ' the uddiUoual number d filtoen young ker, Ln-oeiT, \c. It would be amuinir to \aajonlv. Legi.'lalure larirelv Whig. Con- ■ 1- .1 , , , , , liio. 1 he wliole scene Was imnosiiiir. )n see a liltlo euiiy-lioaileil uk Inn runniiig gre.s'ional election equally divided. into the baker’s shop with tho me^.'.■l'_^ , , i” i n * j * ‘ 1n!>i.\,na.— r-ight Democrats and tw AVhi '1^ to Coniiio'S. Massachusetts Df.mocracv.—The De mocratic Convention of this State, say.s the AVashington Union, has committed the par ty “to the duty of sustaining the (’ompro- mi.se measures on the subject of slavery.” AA’e should be inclined to rejoice at this, but we see that the (^hainnan of the (’on- vention was one of the (’oalitionists; and the ('onvcntion has notninatod for re-elec tion, Gov. Dontwell, who was elected by the abolitionists last AVintor. “Actions* speaker louder than words,” and we do not therefore feel di.-^jiD.scd to place much con fidence in the profe.ssions of the Democracy. SoMKTlllNcj.To at.—A AVest- ern Jiocofoco jiaper n'joices at the ybe/, ^ that Green AV. Caldwell gained considera- | bly at “Dockery’s own precinct.” Our : readers may calculate the amount of this j when after looking at the precinct | vote of Hi( hmond (’o., they find that at , Gen. Dockery’s precinct, the vote stoiKl: j Dockerv o.'b (’aldwell (Mil liAiUiK Kkckji’Ts.—The receipts on the Erie, N. Y. Railroad, on the Kith inst.,! amounted to §12,(KM». It is estimated, ' that the entire receipts for tho mouth, will be ?400,(l00. i FR».M TIIK SAI,1S1U I!V \VAT’IIMA\. DAA'IDSON COLLECE. The twelfth Commeiicomi'nt of this Fowell, ]>i Miighly interesting lii.'titution. passed off DIED, In lyower Fayetteville, on the 1-ltb insc., Mr. J.V.M KS MITCilKbL, ageil TV* years, for tliP lust ycai-8 ll resident of tliis place. Siidilenly, at Ken.nnsville, Dnpliit f'otihty. on the 7th inst., Mrs. MAUY -ANNF, FOl TnKR- L.\Nl), afievl 20 years, wife of AiB« iSoutlier- lunii. l'si{. bi Wilinin;rton. on the l‘.tii in.«t.-, Mr. WIL LI.V.M FlIdA.VU, n"i''l H yerirs. In the vicinity ot’ llHlei..rh, on »he 18th inst.. Mrs. NAM’V ■iJLl'FALOK, at Ihe a.lvanccl aire of 10;j vcais. OniTC.VHA'. ])i('il at th** residence of hi*! father, at Snin- mei vil'e. near thin citv. on t*’.v ni^rht i.t the ;>uth iiltimi). .lAMKS .fOILNSTON DU-NAl.DSON, in the L'Jd year of lii« a>ro. Tiie circumstance."* att"«uliiip: the nntimcly liemise of the iint'ortunat> sulijcct of tiiii notice, are still fresh in the nnniory nf all. uml the hand that intlicteil the tntal wouihI. thon;.;!! iiii- nmreil in prisi>n, still pVrinrms its offices in iitc ancl vijror. apparently untouched by the j^ro- f>)unil and deep cahimity it has caused in the Itreasls of father, inoliier. bruthcis, si.sters, I'ela- tives an.l friemJ*-. If the consennenccs of ati ai't tlms iVaiifflit witli mischief, cmil.l be visited npon tlie perjictratoi'. well mifrht Lc call iipon the “rock:* niid moiuitains t') hide him t'Vom the wrath to comel” I'pon tlie I'.^'rits of the deed, from which all these watei.i of bitterness tlow. .and caused the frnsliiiij' blood to ]»onr Irom bloi'.linir he.arts fur niiuiths. we ab.'tain from Comment: It is tlie province of a hiim:in tii- biinal tii'st to^it in jii.ljrmeiit njinn tii.' deed. Mid administer tlie retributive si.nctioiis of tho law. 'I'he hist tribute due to frieltdship it is now its prii\ince to record. The Fiibject of this notice has been from earlv bnyhnod known to this cuinmunity. Witli a iiappy combin.-ition of all those endowments of ]«er?on ami mind calcu lated to in-;pire :i.Imiratiiin and rcspcct, as well as iiiirli hnpes uf future distinction :ind nseful- ne>s as a man an.! a citi/,cn. H. & E. J. LILLY 4 RK now receiving their Fall A' tft' fiiftntls, romjirising mnch the larg est .stock t!rey ir.ive ever offcri'd. lii their slock may lie found STAl’l.E ;\.ND r.\S('T DRY GOODS, .\n"nlM, Silk and Fur Hats: Wr.ol dittof Caps; I inVirelbis; iiunneis; Vajn^i; s\ieeliii{rs.—and iu fact nfurly every article usually kept by us. —A I,S(> - Ahont 10,0(10 pair ROOTS SHOES. I’urchasev? will }iU‘a>e call and examine. Acii;iist !V\ VOS A N1) ToUK. T TI .1 ’ I T V Ii r. offers for .sale I-’ IdiiTs. I’.acon Sides, l-'i hhds. I’ncon Slioiddcrs, 1 hhd. do. Ilan:.*, Itt bills. New I'ork. _ALS( )— 1 tierce ('lean 11 ice. ;■) half bbls. No. 1 M.acken l, ]•') half iioxc.'i Ilaisius. I.iberty I'oint. .August is;”)l. I'l-tf IMFCbS 4‘Vinch Dundee Ha^pinjr, ‘i bales (luuny du. ci.ils r>.aie liopc. ;>0 blji.' No, .‘i Alackcrd. Just receive.l and for sale liy KAY \ J’KAIU'E. .\u.|,ust 25, L'.‘)1. lt)-4t ■•.Alis'Us bin wan’tu borr.uv loaf breait. sir. or to file grocer, with the moilc't nios.'a:::e. “Mi.'>usjust w.int drawiu’ tea for a luinit. 'ri:N.M>sKK.—Campbell, AVhig, elected >ii, .ind tliore would be as iiiiu li proprie- (Iiivrinor. Legishituro Whig in both ty and ju>tieo iu these rei[ue.'t>, as to read anotlr.T man’s newspaper gratis. In reading tho above, wo were foroiblv reiuindo.l of an oecurronoo in this town not many m.iiiths 'inc‘. 'Tho maiiiuT thereof, was this: Not very long .ago. wo wi'ro guiltv of tlu“ impertiiienoe ot sondiiiir his aooount. to one of our own ’I'.iwu "jxifrnns" who had re.id tlu' Hisor\ or for -iovoral voars with out expre.'siiiir any intention of paying for it, Nor indeed, did our gentle reminder pro.Iueo any efli ct at tho time. Several rep.'titions of the offciiee, li 'Wovfr, at last Wednesday morning the Kumenian Six-iety was adilressed by -Mr. \. C. Rarringer. of Cabarrus, iu a very able and .'^eholar like manner. There was about it a linish. and >ymiuetry that is rarely seen. Hi.- aim soeuied to be to load the young to a j'.ro- br.niehos. Congressional delegation—(5 per conoejition of the truly educated ni.in, !..oeos aiul ”) AVhiirs. whi h ho ih'tj?i(‘d to be a jierfoct control ' over the faculties of tho mind—nothing 1'ROM t 15.\. 1 he ( herokeo ha> arrived ^bort of this is a linish'*d edueatioii. In at New A ork, in tour days from H.ivana. | the evening. Air. AVhito, of .‘^oiith Carolina, ’I’he expedition airaiiist Cuba has ended, as addressed tlu* Fhilaiithropic Si>cioty. o wa: the am to bo oxjiooted, most disastrou>ly for invaders. Lope/ has beiu defeated, h.is taken refuse in the .Aloiintains. I'ifty .Americans ha\e been exeoutod :is Pirate.'! heard only a fow of the last roiilonccs at the ( lose, but learned that he did honor to himself and the Society which ho rcpio- sontod. After theso exercises had jta'^sed, Mr. Gorrell, of (iieenshorough, the Annual riio aicounts of the capture and I'Xecu- Abator, was announced. 1 his distinguisii- I'd gi'iitleman aro«.o and delivered one of the most handsome and ap)>ro]>riato ail- dros.ses we havo had the pleasure to listen secured the ilebt. togetlu r with a rei|uest ”1"'“ ■''eas; that they were shot y^.;^rs. It was from beginning to tion of ihosi- men differ. Some >tate that they Were captured unarmed, in open iioats, ‘to st' p my paper.’ riie re.isoii a."igiieil therefor, wa>, in his language; ”1 take several papers from abroad: and there is no U:«e ill my j>aying for tho ()bsorver. a' I eaii lea l it witliout paying, whenever 1 t lio' *se. Dls('I»NT1 NT.\Ni'K.—^\ e roirret to learn from the la>t iiumbrr of tho A>hborouLdi Herald, that it> publication is to be dis continued. The Editor taking leave of hi.' "jxifruiis. ' sav': “For four years wo h.ive piiblihed a weekly I'ap-'r; duriii^' the lir.'t thr.i we sustained lo», s, and the profit.' of the pre sent. if wo -uceeed ill ooHeetiiit: our dill ', will but littl.' more th.in cover tlio.'C lii,'M >. \\ 0 are now ( oiivineed that publi>hin:r ;i weekly paper in a eountrv \illai:o. i' bv ii.> mean> an inviting busiiies'-. 'i'hou'.'h many have made a living by it. few have doni' more. (>f the l.ibnr' in l essarv to turni'h a ;roo l inw'papor. but few poi'oii> and their hoihos delivered to a mob ot (’u- I'ud. smooth, flowing and tdoijuent. It bans and Nigrois. If the.'O statements are true, the days of Spanish authority in ('iiba .lie numbered. Rut there i>, in all jirobability, little truth in them. (>ther accounts lead u.' to belie-, e. that they Wolo taken Jirisoliers \vliil>t :itteinpting to efloct ;i landing upon the I'laiid; and that they were tried and executed ill duo form. Tho :ietion d‘ the ■'‘pani'h authorities, presuming the latter account to bo tnio. liiiv III- consldrled severe. (lood pohcV would havo dictated milder moasiiros.— .'^'till no other cour'o could have been ox- pi cted. They had warned the invader' of was ih.irai torizod by solid truth—whole some advice, and a juirity of style, wliiih niaih' it attractive and useful. Rut as it is to be jiiibK.'hed, vro shall susjiond further remarks. ()u Thursday, whioh was (’ommojiee- iiient day. E.irly in th'* forenomi the Alumni of the ('ollogo hoM tlo.'ir mooting, and hoard an addre>s from .''Ir. Feao.'i k of Rockingham. After whiih, a proces sion was formo'i in the grove, near the houM' of Air. Alexander, composed of Stu- d.iits, Trusties ami Clergy. It moved .'teaiilly .-ind gnicofullv .ihmg fow.irds tho h 'ux'oftho rnsidont, then wheeled to the 1' ft—entered tho (’ha]iel—led by an cxoellent band (d" music, whioh gave life and animation to all. In tho Chap 1 was till' tato they mi;^ht i‘Xpe t. 1 hey had fuvind. as is usu:d mi suidi an oi-casion, a ]iroidaimed. that all engage.l in tho exjie- largi' as'i-mblage of young and old, but dition Would be treated a> pirates and tho o'l.eeially young gentlemen and ladies. 1 .11. .. I ! Seldom do von find thrown toc/ethor su h I niteil States • ovi-mmeiit liad wanu“il j .• ^ an .array oi hoauty, refinement and talent as is soeti on (im f tlio^e ('''iimu'iii o- Tlu* whole day wa.' sjn-nt ptH'clios of tho (iraduatiiiiT kvhii uiucli honor upon them.o!ves tie ui that they need exjiei t no j.roteotiou. entertain anything like a oorroct notion, 'i'lu ir punir'liinont may be coiisiih re.l iH-■ nieiit occasions. A'illa-e editors cannot get large li.ts of l..ss jut. i iu hearin- the s ll* l>boi i' (ipi.jl to What has been their couduet? Thev ' ( lass, many ot which wore woll i>rej>,ired, tliosc of towns and cities who issue their ' . , x- , • i i ’ i n'fiectin X..V »l„.„ >vc. ,-i. ,„.l !'«•• 77 ■t'"'-; .,„1 t..:,; I,..,.., »„.l ,11 w,.„. n,bk-. « m,. »l,a> i „f„„r l., ,i I.mkcn llir...,,;!. tlic ol,l.pu...us ■•t ; ,|,p I tudes, we have tho ,ad reflection th.it it i our treaties with Spain. 'Ihey have there-j ],,.,viu.r more , sneeiallv distingni>hod can only n aeh tlu' eyes of about threeI-,,.,.,j bovond the J.rotoc-' thom.selv's, but where all' did so well, it humlred persons. A sadder n fi. ctn.n ,-^tiil (Government. If the jieoplo of! wt r,' wnmg. porhai.s, to do .o. loni'.'. Wo .111 Imi( I\ 111.ike enough to pa\ i,i i • i i j ■ i '4'' ()n the who|i‘''i tr'in*^T would 1k' iin- .1 . .• 1 • ( ub;i, indeed. Were desirous of than-'o, if; " w in u a .u.io^ii wiiuu e,'>aiv e.xpcn.'i s and support our family. ; v i .! pressed favorably arj to tlio future succo>s 1 lio';i‘ ar." the ro ibyitioii' ut’ -i vill i.r,. ..ili tboy wore bravelv struiri:iin;r tor tlioir , ‘ , . r rr . ■ • . -i 1 in . I ai. Uic ii_aii/.aiioii> or .iMii.i^'« nil-. .> . . , | i (ut loll. Liking into consid eration its location In tho fertile and beau- (’ub;i, indeed, were desirous of t han^re, if | for thoir tor. \Vhat eneoiinigemont is tln ro for an . liberty, tho eonduct of the invaders might i uti-rpri'iiiiT tiia.n to (rintinuo in stu li bu.'i- in some detrroe, bo justitied. Rut ajipa- ..... tiful valley of the (’atawba—its w.irin and iie.-'s. In oui own county the pooph-do tin* }>ooplo of Cuba are contented 1 unwavorini: friend.'—its irrand dosiirn in not read mm h, nor do wo think tluy are ' i . ■ . in a wav to do so soon. Four-fifths of ... the families re.id no p.-.pi-r at all. and tlu y .jo,n the invaders, but oppo.se them, cannot be iii lnc-'d to do so. Many lif maltreat tlu; bodies of their dead. tho.'e% ho do read, I hoose to subserihe for : Thev deiiounooil them as “Devils” who pa]ii'i.' juibli^hod in Noi thorn cities. j wore coming out to (b .'jioil aiuI murder We could continue tlu' Herald, and per- with thoir governiiU'iit, for they not only \ ''U'taining together true soionoe and true religion—and its hand>onie and ajipropri- :iti motto, “Lux alenda nbi orta libcrtas,” it must .'Ucceeed. hajis live at it; but under tho cin uni>tan- th> lu. And they wi ri' not far from right. I, » 1 . ,1 ! Tho ^reat bodv of the invaders were des- ie>, wc lio iiitf elioose so to ilo. We can do bett-r in other business, and, we hope, : p' l'^i'h'es who, nmler the ]iretence of aiding thereby be more usif’ul to the public l'oii- the ('iibatis in a war for Indojiendonce, orally. A juiblic man should ert;iinly . nought only the spoils. They knew the labor wh^re h..‘ can best serve_ the publio j and thev have suf- aiid iiroiiioto his i w ii inlerost.'. ’ ' . , . * i fered it. Thk Fir.K A.N.Num.AToR.—A corre-' speiident ot the National Intoliigeiicer has taken the trouble to ascertain, as far as Ftid'M (’ai.if(»rnia.—The (’herokee broujrht nearly two millions in gold dust. th(' rules of the Fatont office would jiermit, the fru//i of the sfatemeiits of Dr. (iraham, jiublished in t!ie ()bserver of 'I’liiirsday last. Ly.nch Law.—A ni'gro was hung by a mob in Columbus, Geo., on the I'Jth in>t. He had been twice convicted of an infa- He finds (hem all correct. He fears how- "as sentenced to be hung. I ever, that tlu' original motive for refusing , a {latent, would be of even more valiility i now, than formerly, for these rea.>^ons: 1 “(’.irbonic acid g.is was known hmg }trior ! to ls.‘i7 to be incapable of supporting either j combustion or anim.il life. Again, in an ! unmixed stati', it must be open to the ob- I jection ot being too heavy, and thus hav- I ing always a tt ndency to fall to tlu! bottom ; (d a room, and so inm h the more as the { air in ti\e room is rarer from heat. Houce j a conflagration might go vigorously on a- I hove the upper stratum of the injected I carbonic acid gas, whilst, in certain cir- j cnmstances demanding their presence in a burning building, firemen would be in dan ger of sufi'ocation from the gas it.self. 'i’hus in such cii.ses it would not only lie inefli- ient against the fire, l»ut be destructive to tho.se emph»y(‘d in putting it out. Fhil- lips’s g;i8 appears, from the various testi mony we have read on the subject, to be tree from all the.se weighty objections.” Crkdit of THK E.mi’irk State.—The Erie (’anal Certificates have all been sold at an aver:ge of one per cent, premium. This sale was etTectcd in the face of mo.st violent opposition froiu the Democratic party. On the morning of the 12th, a pardon ar rived. Great indignation was excited, and a mob of five hundred jiersoiis proceeded to the jail, dom.indod the keys, and these boiiig refused, bmko the doors open and hung the negro according to judicial .sen tence at 4 o’clock, Fu(;itivk Si.avf. T’J*,—A Fu gitive was arrested ho^t week near ('oluui- tiia. Fa,, and carried to Harrisburg, The case was tried by the i . S. (Commissioner, and the slav(^ remando'i to hi> owner. A.vothkr.—A Fugitive Slave has bjen arresti'il and delivered to his master, at Run’alo, N. Y. The N. Y. E.vpress speaks in high terms of eommendjition ot the conduct of the Conimi.ssioner, who v»’hen a number of negroes pas.sed around him, with a view to effect a rescue, pro claimed in an enifdiatic manner: ‘1 want to .say to you colnnnl people, that \ have the order to carry off this man, and there will be force to execute it, telt'graph or no telegrajih, and if any ot you resist, you will be shot down.’ The Lexington (^b.sorver nomiuates Mr. Cl.iy for tlio iiext l’rc..ideucy. f\icf j’nr th^ up ('o)nifj-//.—A mer chant id’ Marion, S. ('., lately ])un ha.sed twenty hogsheads of molasses in this mar ket, paid tho high steamboat freight on u to Ch.-irle-'ton, and the high cliargt's there, ro-shi)ipod it to Georgetown, boatetl it up the Fee Doe, wagoned it to Marion, and sidd it there at three cents a gallon less than Charleston nudassos could bo bought lor; and made a fair profit.— IIV/. 11 rall. AVe understand from good authorit}*, that the Seaboard and Roanoke Rail Road will be completed to Gary^burg by Satur day next, and that very early there.ifter the cars will run daily to and from that point to Fortsmoufh.— WihJun Ptfri(/f. uncoiniiiim viv.-icity and vigor, he united in his person all the ennobling iiuallties uf the open, iiijfcnnoii.s, frank an.l manly jieiilleniiin. (Jnii-k to resent an iiili;iiiity or in.-ult, yet gciitb,*. fur- }jivin;r and n.ilde in his iiMture. Studimis. tlioi|..:Iitfnl. invc-iiL-ating and jjei'etratin^x. v.itii tile le.irninjr i.f tlie p;ist :nid pi'CS"iit. yet i:ii;is- suiiiinn', iiumblc ai:'l comji.anioiialde in his d.iily v, :ilk iind cc.n\e. s.itii.n. 'I’hat a youtii tiins en- .l.iwed, .shi.nl.I in the nn.rniiitr i>f life—just en- ti'i'iioz into manhooil. the pride and solace of his family—with vc’.itlves and frien'!s lMi>kin;r fi>rvvai-d in tiie fntnre to a b.njr life ul cmul.itii.n wit!) tiie hi;ihest of the land, slioul.l be .it one fell swoo]) ci)nsij:n‘'d by the han.l of vinlence to an un1;n:c1y ;ri'.ive. is anmnpr thi.'se inscrut:i)ile di>peiisalii>ns of i’ruvi.lcuce wliicli lui.rtals :ire n.it permitted tu f.thom. nor comprelienI. Tk siu'h dispcns iti.iiis it Iiecomes :ill to bu\v, and adi.pt til'* e.\cl:iiii;iti..n of llie Christian, “tiiy w ii! be d.iiiel” An a^e.l fatlier and motiier, and a numcr..as faiiiiiy ot' brntliei's an.l '^isti rs, are j>ro.';tiiite in jrrief .aii'l niuurninir b> tiiis s;;d evont, and are li'ft to m..iini a loss—never— never t.> lie n ■‘t..re'l—the bri^htc.'t jewel of ilicir circle. 'I'iii' nuiaerons I'licn.ls of tiie de- parti'.l and much l.inn'ntcd yuath unite in >;i; -ei-e condfilence an.l s\nii.atiiy lur his early an 1 fatal demise. While min.!:.rui‘,:- te:os i.f fiiend>hip wiili the deeply alflicteil i'auiily i.f tlie deceased, it is :i i luree of tfie hi^hett earthly cunsulatiou to bc- licM'. th;;t fi'.iM his rejieati'.l deelaratiuns of re- si^nati'ai t.i his tale, and tl.e uiiilormly calm aii.i nn.iily l.Ttitu.lc evin'.ed dur'in;: liis protract ed i.hysic.il suiTci iiiirs. which were most c.'c- cruciatinjr. that lie Ii.-hI a stronjr :in:i well found ed linpe. that in leaving: tiiis earthly taliernacle, he Was on'y e.\chan_i:in_ir it f'.r th.it l.iiihiinjr of liod. the ‘•iiouse not H:a.h- with li.-oi'is, etcrn.-il ill the ilcaven.^!’’—Muhih />.//,'»/ llii/isii KM M i:U('l A l / R!A:()U1)._ AUlllVALS. Aujrl^^—Chatham, v.ith Icats I'xpres^ aiid 'releirraph. with ^..ods f. r il I. Myrover Co. C Cl Yates. U'.ount's Creek Co. C 1) Nixon. Mrs A ('liaiabi i>. F. I’ulh r. i{ockti>h C. . (I McNeill, .•s (ioihvin. Wiii'llen I-w'i. t. I' A Marrison, (' Hr "wn. .s^mith M li.aker, I’ai ker (.)j;den, .Sum- merei v'c I’o;vc, (i !5r.in !t, .N C.lisou, F Iteeuis, i?i-.-r\ .Maxwell. N L Stirli. .i ,M A I'rakc. O .''|.rii:k’e, .) II Oc .1 .Martine, 13 C ilall, an.l Mrs I liurst 'II. A»r_ 21 — Ro^an, wiiJi boats M Cronly, ()dd Felli'vv. ::ii.l I’en I’.eny in t-.w. witii jroods tor l!a\ \ l*c. roe. Ilonst ai i': (!\tibv, 1) .Nlurjiliv, W 'm Walsh. U D McNeil:, C .McNeill, llockti.^h Co. 1’ Mi'!ita;:ne. 15 ll'.s-,' S n, Sih r. .1 .\’ew- lin. \V !. Van K:;ton. H A Sehwentz. .J C Thomp son. T ai'.lins' n. l.ii.-s ,v L F Carr. II .V F, .1 l.iliy, fi W .Mel.anrii!, 'I'.'' Lutterloh. .N Kinir. T.i .b.liiison \ ('o, ,J 11 Hawley, il.iiikin \ Mc- I.e.in. .1 ^V I’. wers. .1 .V 'I' V. a.l.liil. lloIt\ C.ir- rl'_'^an. .Niiss M .'S Itarrv. .) li ,V .1 ,J Keilv, C !■' H i: C... F Fries. J \V .Muri.hy. .] ij Ib.lt, A A .Mi i'Ce’iian. Mieklo \ .\sIio. ilowaii I’.ictorv, W II T i.amlMTt. Au” 22—Cha'.ham. with boats Kxprcss, Alike I’rowu. ai'.'l Ca^^il’,y Fi.it. with j;oods for .1 Mc- I'.er. N (iilismi, W l)rau;j;i'i n. il L Myrover iV Co. .) 1* Willi;.ms. II Fraujliert. C D Ni.'won. M N Leary. .Mureliis.'n, Keid .V Co. .1 I'tley. .V A .^b•Kl'ti:an. 1> .1 .Me.Mister. I!, jrer .S; Maxwell. .1 ■V Williams. -I Lumrii, Ii Felo. C (.1 Vatcs. .''now Caiiiji C.i, F C.ald.M'i! .s'..n. I.'’,;n>l l ord Co, () Sprinkle, (J L.oi.ht. T R Tate, (’ \V .\r.drews. Starr .V V> iilianis. W..o!len I^iliot. .M ili-owu X Son. Saninieii'l I’nwe. 11 II .lones, .'^helly iV Field, .1 Ii Liieisay, Txson I’erson. W 11 \ T Lambert. .) \ 1! Lindsay. C .V Ilariison, Kin;r & Hejic. F Fi>!ier. .lenkins Itotierts. i .Mc Neill. .1 F Ch.iiiibirs. .Smith \ baker, il’iams, llaywi.od \ ('o, (’ F vV 1) It Co, I] Fuller. -\usr 2'>—Cov ttraliair., wiili boat Cumbt»rla!id in t.i\», with jiiiods f..r C -V llarris.m. II L My rover iV Co, C I) Nixon. 'oun-il \ Cain, .! Wo!- terinjr. i-i Fuller. Saunders \ Taylor. \\'olleu & Fliiot, .''tarr .V Williams. C T Matjrii \ .Son, N K .MclMitlie, V. illi.iins, Haywood it Co. .1 W Con rad, -\ Hunt, .lenkins iV boliei ts, .1 F Cinoiibers iS: Co. Dr.-iiurhon, \V Holt \ Co. U Hi.xoii. .1 T (> Wilbar. K T Lonir. 15 luise \ Son. 1’ F I’esend, I’ 'I’liompsoii. L F Carr. U Hedsole, 1> .Murphy, I) .McC.-ili, .1 iiinsdale, C tj ISarbee. C t’aison, F t' Hall, .1 !• W i!l;:im--, A A McKe- than. Stifh .'i: Co. A Wats.ni, Hall li; Saekett, .1 A Hove, .) Ft'ey. (’m-k 'I’aylor, W I’rior. S T Hawley \ Son. Cedar Falls Co, .1 C 'I'hompson. ■I ,\l A Hrake. H Ilr.-.i.jon .'^oii, .J .\ Camejoii. Shelly \ Field. The liiver is rif.inj"' p^'ctty rapiil'iv—some ^ (o I* li'ct at tliis tiiiio. ^ FAVKTTFVII.LI; MAUKFT—Ano sr 2»1. B'nycMri ille .XorlUorii l‘I..\.NK 1U).\I). t^ilK Stiickholdors in tho Fayetteville and . Norlheru I’laiik Ilitad Comjiaiiy are re- Vi ith a mind of to meet, on Saturday the 2ith Septem ber ne.vt. to take int^i consideration the location of sai.l Itoad, and for other purposes. l’>v ortler of the I’.iar.l ot Hiiectors. JOKb W ILL! A MS. I'res’t. .\ug-ust 21, 1801. lij-:>tw IIKIIK IS A ( llANCK, Tiiiibor and 'J'iirpentinp men. .\s wf desire to remove .South-west, we oHer for sale some 'fhirteen or Fourteen Hundred .\cres of well-timbered L.ANi,'—nine hundred acre! lyiji;; on tiie Turn]>ikc road, from three to ti\c niiles West of Fayetteville: tive hunrlred on the Chicken road, about thr sanu* distance from town—with improvements on both places. Tho above b'inds will be .«old low. For further jiarticnlars. »l'}'1y either lo 8. S. Cilchrist. in Fa\etteville. i>r (.'. .Mcl’herson, ou the iiremises. An;r. 22, 18.‘il. H'.tf \\ ii. Iler.-ild cojiy } times. ~ Nffwlu)OKS^ B f \uiM-n s Mafraziue for .\up:us(: Interna ls M tional dfi.; .McWutfc'.'s Reaflers; .Mai'k- ham's Fii'rland: Souther!) first Class Book; Smith's Crammar; Sheridan's Hramatie Works: i\ames' Flements of Critieism: Smith's tirst IJo-k in (U'O'iraphv; .ioucs’ 1’hilotfo]ihv. .liist rec'd. Auff. 2.’.. ‘ K. .L 1I.\LK S(»N. Vr.-oidy. i>'ch. -'.o ;i I'Uto. aj.ple, -42 a 4.'» i.ard. 14 l.eatiier. Sole, 20 MARRIED, In Fayetteville, on the I'.tth inst., Mr. .lES.'^'K PAUKs'to Mi.ss FLIZA I’illLLIl’S. Near Kaleijih. on Tuesd ly last, by the liev. Mr, Toby. Mr. L I>. TOLSO.N, of .'Mabiuna, to .Miss CL.\l.’l)l.\, davij^iiter of the late Fiev. Thos. Mercditii. In .Sampson couiitv. on the 2->d .luly. by Da vid A. F.izzeli, Ks.p.'-Mr. .lOSFI’Il .1. KLLIS, of Onslow county, to .Miss .SL’S.VN II., youngest daujihicr of .Nlo.ses Cox. In Winnsboreujrh, S. C., on tlui H'th instant, by the Uev. .\lleu .McCor»|Uiale, Mr. !*. SllK.M- WFLL, of tho firm of Arey, Shemwell vSi ('o.. Favetteville, N. to .Miss Ebl/A15K'J'll J. .McLl'NN.VN, of this county. On the I 7th inst, in Oxf.>i'l. X. C., at the resi dence of Mr. K. Kingsliurv, by the Hev. .loseph .L Ilidley, .Mr. THO.MAS klNGSnFIlV, of Lit tle Ivoek, .\rk., to Mis8 M.VRY .\NN, eldest dauf!;hter of Mr. AVm. T. Bryant, late of Eliza beth oity, N. C. POBITOF * ARRIVALS. .August 20.—iSchrs. Marion from Little River, A’irginia- from Charleston. 22.—Sohrs. Jonas .Smith from Savannah, M. P. Malioney from 1‘hiladelphiii, W'aUe ami Elouise from N. York. I’-ecswax, I’acon. Hap.f;in}r, Cotton, Corn, ('otfee. 'heese. ('op'peras. Candles, F. F Flou)'. I oat hers. Flaxseed, 1 Hides, p’oen, Hitto, dry. Iron, Swedes, Ho. F.np;lish, liidijio. Lime, I- -lia .‘^(1 a ;J2 10 a 1 4 «( I.ead, bar, .^Io]ass''s. Nails, cut, O.-its, Oil, Linseed, I’ov. der, o Shot, Sufrar. brown. Hiti.i. loaf, .Salt, sack, 1 Do. alum, bu. I’l.Shinjrles, rallow. I 1 1 Wheat. I *) 'Whiskev, > 4 Wool, I 1.', White l.eoil. a 20 a 7 a a 11 a 11 a 1 C, Ciu 7 a 27 4.1 a 4~t o -jO IM) (HI a r. 00 lia 2 t) a 11; a 1 2.-. a ] 1(1 ;;■) a 40 2 a 2>. I* a hT a ;»o 42 a I-') 18 a 20 2 2^ SO'VICK. A LL persons in debt to theTatc firm of Ciil- christ X Wright are informed that their notes and accounts are in my hands for collec tion. and tiint unless i>ayment is made l»y the 1st .Monday in !^ei>tcmber. their notes and ac- Coiuits will lie placed iu the hands of riu utTiccr for collection. A. AI, C.UllT.EI.L, Hay street. One door Wi-st of E, Glover's Jewelry Store. AiiLMist 21, i.s.'ii, i>i*. On ('fius. K^ I*n rrnttf!rc^ ami Cnrr nf (. ouauiiiji/ion. PARENTS, fret this work; read it—teach your children its j.recepts. It is a per fect life preserver to children and youths. Get the book; read it, practice it, and live loii^, I can say. from my own experience, it is wortli its eight in gold to many invalids. I’.-if.er llindinji. -in cents; Muslin, '7^ cents. Sold by H. -\lexander, near Wilmington; C. liiil're, Di iiggist ;ind CJiemist. Market street, Wilmington. N. C., and S. S. Fitch, 707 Broad way, New York. 11. ALEXANHER, Agent. August 22. 18.')I. l(i-:;t Medical Inslilnlion of Yale rolle,*,^', NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. course of Lectures commences aunual- .3- ly on tlie last Tlnirsday uf September, and Continues sixteen wci-ks. Hk.v.ia.mi.n Sii,i,i.ma.\, .M. I>. Ll.. I». on Cliemis- try an.l I’harmaey. Li,i 1\ K.', .M. L). ou tlie Theory an.l Practice of I’ll} sic. •loN.vTiiw ICsiiiiir, M. I). :uid Practice ot Surgery. Ti.motiiy p. P)I.ki:s, M. I). Cn\ni.KS lIuouEit, .M. I). Ph\ siology. Hknuv I’k.insii.s. .M. I>. an>l Tli‘-rapeutios. i.ectiire fees. .'lO Gim luation, ^l->. CHARLES HOOKEF.. Dean. New Haven, .\ugust }, 18'>1. Hl-Gtpd l AI.I, ,\3riT"wiNTKR ^2'^HE .‘^nbsi'fibcrs have re«'eived in part, an.l H- expect to have in Store iu a few days, their entire Stock of Stdj/lc mnl Fanc!/ J)ry Goods. .\m.ing tiii? .'^tock will be foun.l .all the lute \a- rieties (if L;i.lii >' and Gentlemen's l»ress (joods. '1 lie larger j.ortioji of their .'^tock h:ts been laid in tor tlie \\ iioIes;ile Trade, in which line the uii.lersigued do not intend to be undersold. Country .Mereh.'iuts will find it to their inter est to ex.iiiiiue this Stock before making their pur; h.-i.'cs. STARR X WlI.LIAMS. NOTKli. TRUST SAi;ri (L'lLSl ANT to the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed to me (ly Robert ('ochraii, 1 will expose to smIc at Public .\uction, on .‘'a- turday tiie 27tli September next, at the Market House iu tlie 'I'own id' F;iyette\ille, the iutere.st ol the said Robert (,'ochran in and to the Lot and I'.njiroveuients 0!i the West side of Green street, near la-cles's liridge. and adjoining tJie residcncc of Dr. B. W. Rohinson. Terms made known at sale. \\. .1. .\NHEPiSON, Trustee. Fayetteville. .\ug. 2i>, 18')1. I.j-wts wa7\i1^d. rgIHE Sub.^criber wishes to purchase 3t‘Mi,0(H» B_ Ih.s. KAJS. tor which the liighost cash prices will bo ]iaid on delivery in FavetU-ville. HAA'If) MrRPllV. Koektish, Cumberlar J, Aug, 20, l8ol. on the Principles ell Obstetrics. . on Anatomy aicl on Materia MeJIca .\bitriculation, !f!;'i; none , 4-4 Brown !heetinps, Cotton Yarns, '» to 10. A sri’PLA' of Fresh Ground CORN ME.\L kej>t for sale at the Mill, late .Anderson’s. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, March 15*51. 12tf NOTK’K. •'j cents. rSlHh “Richmond .Manufacturing (.'oinpany'’ 17 •“ , wish to procure tiie services of a Macju- — I »>i-jt to superintend their Cotton Mills. 11E\ OI' THI'. Al.VKKLT. | lo such as can come well recommended, fair CoitN—An arrival of l.SOO bushels will have ' wages may be o1>tti,iued, and u healthful and tendency of keeping the jiiice from mlvaTicinfif. j permanent IfK-ation secured. Bacox —Large arrivals of Western will keep Address the sub*scri))cr. the market ea.sy. Fi.ocr—The market coutinue.s to full. AV i L.MI N(; T( )N M A R K ET. Ii.'icon very scarce; hams 13 to 14, hog round 12 to 12^. Com has advanced to 80 cts., stock ver3’ small. Flour 5 00 to 7 50. Lard in de mand at 12.] to 13 ctR. No sales of Timber. Lumber—Flooring Boards 12 (M) to 12 oO, Wide 7 r>0, Scantling H 00. Turpentine—Yellow L>ip 2 20, Virgin 2 -jO, Hard 1 26 to 1 oO. Turpentine 2'>. W. F. LE.\K, Pres't R. M. tjo. Rockingham, Kictuiiond countv, N. C., 1 , r August If?, 18ol. ' NKGKO RIlNAVVAY. HANAWAY from the .Subscriber, about th.- tiTst ot the present month, a Nepro man named Henry. Said Negro is about five feet ten iiudies high, bright mulatto color, and i» o • 1 ‘‘‘"'"t ’>0 ye.ars of age. lit is a brick mason by tepints ; trade. '' I A reward of Ten Dollars will be given for iii.-^ At New York, Cotton firmer, but no advance, confinement in any jail in the State, bO that I .\t Charleston, Cotton market .|uiet and firm; can get him. ’ sales of 85 bales at 0 to 84,—quility middling j) 'icKN'KilfT, fair. Kuleigh, Aug. IJrdl. lo ;jtw