i Hut were it, on the contrary, over so ! bo, perliaps, to sunnnon the public feoling I consonant with the polity of the I nited to arms; a „ t - - ’ cannot, kowcvcr, credit the exi>t- ence of anv tiuch general feeling even in New Orleans. Fi>r though that city bo ^voll kuowii for the resort of many tksj*e- 'and^thc especial rendezvous of thos»' cut-throats, those gentlemen of the l>t)wi,“-khife, who are patriots of the liberty rfiOM Tlir. N\TtO\\T. TVTET.l.ir.KSrKR. Till- ISSI'K (U- Tiu: «'n?AN COXSl’IRACY. | States that Cuba should conquer her own With what sincerity and earnestness we ! independence, the (lovcrnment of the U. have endcaviKvd to guard our country from j States, and all the People of the I niteu the misliap, which has now a second time (States represented in the Congress of Xa- hcf.illi'n it, of having its name placed he-i tions hy that Oovcrninent, are bound b\ tlu'world'in coniuuction with the sue-i the higliest of all human obligations to conjuuction with the , ^ , cossivc unlawful an 1 criminal efforts to i abstain from taking any part in it, or seek- iiivaile aii'l overturn the (lovornment of the I'laiid of Cuba—as nuii h aiui as uii- disnuted a tcrriti'vv of the KinLdum (>t ne ucceasu ui luu xiuu. I Kepresentativc in Congress for several rears |.ast from the State of V'irginia, and Of the Massachusetts Democracy the Washington Union s;iys: “The annunciation of the Deniocralic party in Massachusetts of acquiescence in the Cc'mpromise, and of a determination to maintain it^ will be most gratifying in telligence to the great body of the party of ^(>thcr countries, just lu ]>r«>j»ortiou as they are jnsts of tliat of their own. we si>e S’v.iin as li^ug Island is of the State of New York—nHir readers will bear witness. Wi' h of fi'.i'.ed 'u our duty to ]da-e :ht to resist, bv wliatever forre is ncees- the matter in a true light before them; to expose the top jTevaleiit delusion, in regard t-> the morality and legality of sueh (Miter- ‘ every nation, as prises; to exhiliit thi ir danicer as well as ! right to resist, b' their wickedness; and to demonstrate their I sary, the attempt by any IVoi.le, or any iiK ompat.ii.ility with the duties and obli-: part of a People, to wrest from the Nation i;at!oiis, in reg.’ird to them, of all persons 1 its jiroperty, its I'ights, or its lib(‘rtie.v It i iaiujinu: the "il;;iraeter of citizeU' of the rc(|uires no 7'noh/ between thel'. Statt s I'lilted Slates. If, in these eJlnrts, we had autl Sj>aiii, nor any /.mr of the I . States, had the iri iierai eo-o]>oration of the ]iress , to make eriniinal any atteiujit by (^rgan- of the I'liitril S'ates. instead of aerniies-, izel force fruui the I ’nited States to take eenee in these pr'jeeis bv some, and a pos- , posse.ssion of Cuba, or to attempt in any itive encoura-eiuont of tiieni i>y another way to wrest it from the proprietary State. ing or accepting, without the consent of Spain, anv connexion with it. i , • ■ i i i- f Nati(ms as well as individuals, are j no reason tor supposing that the feeling ot bound bv iiigh moral obligations, indepen- ' any city is to be conioundeil with that ot dentiv of airconventii.nal law. No nation | its gambling houses. has, more than an individual, a right to 1 There may well bo there, beyond a covet his ncii:hbor’s property, his house, his doubt, more than elsewhere of the ta>te s-rvants. or any thing that is his. And ; for rapine and for that particular f^in of every individual, has a ' it which rejoices in the praise of hmu- I>KATH OF THK HON. JAMES McDOWELL, OF VIUGINIA. It is with heartfelt sorrow that we per form the duty of announcing to our readers the decease of the Hon. James McDowell, y*, ... formerly for some years (iovernor of that I in ail sections of the 1‘nion. Slate. * lie died at his residence near liCxingion, Virginia, on Sunday last, at about the age ot lilty-six years^ A nobler gentleman, a more upright man a truer juitriot, never graced his native State. It is recently, in comparison with the ADEL IIUCKS IN A TIGHT PLACE. ja:t. the great national misehii'f might jiossil.lv h:i\e I-'eu averted. Though, when we -iiii>ider the very general feeling on th'’ > ubj eet in some ]>arts of the couu- ti v. and especially in the City of Ni w Or leans and its surrounding region, (the al- T1k‘ law of the Decalogue, “thou shalt not steal," is not move explicit than the un- writt('ii law to the same cHeet "in the heart of every honest man and of every honest Nation. The Law of Nations, the oblijrations of iU"st entire ilc.solation of which would bo .which are acknowledged by the wlnde cir- oiiO of the inevitable conseiueni-cs of the ele of Civili/uiion, impose.' ujton Nations, c"m]'ktc success of these de>]>erate enter- , in regard to each oti'.cr’s ]»ro})orty aud jiuses;) when we have seen money lavish ly subscribed, troops enlisted, the foreiLMi leader of the entcrprisC' in biuh cases ha- r.iiiguing the People at j>ublic meetings in tiie midst of uproarious ajplaust'—and even ( Uliccrs of the I'nited States (lovi rn- 3Uent conniving at these enti‘rj»rises, or so iniimidated iiy the general /’///vyy. as to be ih terred from artenifiting (or beenme inca- jiable i tvi exei uto the laws forbiddiuir their litring out from the ports >f the I'nited States—we feel s;,tisiied that the power of the I’ress. i-ould it have been rallied t(5 the rescue ot the N uioiial h^ ii'>r, might have Im'.'u exerted iti vain. Stiiiiulated by the lui.st cx.igirerated sto- r^ s of the value of the gr. at pi izer-’pre- si nfed to tluiu to be wifh’u the reach of \ ai'T and eiiterprisi'. a band of inex)>i-ri- e.i> ••'1 youths, iiiixcil up with a f w Vv te- i ii!'. an: a pr.'p'>rTion. >till youii:^. of ]‘er- si>Ms who. on tile battle-iiiMs mI' 3le\ico. 1 ■eauie fa!!i:iiarizeil with l-I i ‘d and ear- iMiT'—eiijiip.islii^^ aitoiTt ther a bndy of men of ardent eouJaire .Mid •‘liel>'ic \iclei;ee”— had been taiight, by certain ]HesSi.> favor able to th-.' ciiter’pvis-, if not aet\ially in- teivsteil in 't. To b-’lievc that by enli'fing iu it they lia'l }ila> ed thiniselves on the hi'.'li ro;i(l to fame as well as forrune. How lamentable, alas! the sa l reverse i>f all that they h.fl be-. u tl*ns tr.Uiiht to exj'ictl Tr; : ;el "f beiiitr received with opi-n arms by a IVnple wiio weif to luck ii[>on tlifin as the ir.stnin’'Tits nf delivt r- aiii-e, or being jxim d in tuass i.y tliou'ands rt a time, las tin- mannt’aetnriil Te!. :rr.']'h Ib ports and Pioelamations hail promised f t them,') no hand ums ."tretehed fi>r-h bv the peasantry to we’ei ne- thiir advent. 11' r. as the accounts run. did a siiiirh- man of the (loveinmeut t>vver> _'•> over t>> tle in. iiat puiii'liiie-nt is not dii>—general eiind' mnati. n at least—t i th-i.-e author'of all the frauds and det epti«.ns. whn are re sponsible fir the aceumulateil h- rror' with which thev have uverwl d tin ded yming lliell wlio looked Upon tie-ui a- 'J o say t!;at we de. ply lament the un- hajipy fate of rhe ji. rsoiis who. vicMnis of the ui'i't criivl d rep‘'ou, have lo.'t their 1 VI ' in the L ■p. z exp-li:i";i—v.-t ak •'I' tho.'i- otlu r advviitnii wh'-si fat’- is yet n’:iMS' I'Vaiu' d—Wi.ul 1 I,.- but {'.-vblv to exprt.'S til - abiiorri'Mre, v.ha li we tni-t is natural to vi'. of iN of erv.rity an-i 'aii- goiii; rv v;i ;• ne'\ A' truly ■’ » we deplore tie' e.t 1,". b t 'lo if htpt'iMied. We forc- s:!W a;. I di-pr'. at. 1 if. .'.b.^t sin-ere is "Mr syiajiatliy w':!li the ailii.tion of the wiv s, the J '.ren's, tie- brotlii vs, and the s. ters whom this evcJit has boreaved of tin; ol ji.Tts of thi lr j.ridc, hope-, aii'l atVee- tions. ]>::f we nio.vt not suffer our-'-Ivi's to lie blindc I by the t":irs (>f conimi.'vratioii t > the enormity i f the rini ', not so niui ii fif t;i«.-:e u;.fortunate vietinis. as of tliO'C, far ]rs> iioioc, lit than they, who. iirst blind folding th«'ir dupe', leil thi'lll to the edire of the preeipii f, and then ur'j'od them over into the vawning gulf. A et, hear these \iTy men now, in the city of New ^ ork, sereaming themsi lves hoarse with the cry of {{oveiiire! lb‘vengf'1 See them posting lip ]>laeards at all the corners of tin- nar row streets and blind alleys of tlw eity, calling iiuMic meetings to expn.'ss their Vengeful wrath I is this any tliinir than the stratacrem of the artificers of all these hoiiois to shiehl themsidves from the n'spousiiiility for what has passed, and cast it, instead. u]»on tliO'C who have in \aiii endeavored to oj>en the eyes of tlu? l\!op).‘ to the evil deeds oi these consjiirators ag dust the pulihc peaee? It is a consoling eireumstaiice that the I’eojile havi.! not rt'spotidvd to the call of irhts, the same imjicrative iluty as the Hivine haw (hies ujion man. 'J’his nation were it to comiive at such expeditions as those whit h bands of danng adventurers hav“ set I'U foot on thes(' shores against the ft rritorv of Spain, would fdaec itself in the ndation. to the s(K-iefy ot nations, which in human society, is by common consent awarded to the burglar and high wayman. ill addition to the obligations of public law and morality which this (Jovernment is under to rcsjiei t the territory of ^’pain. the I’nited Statis is bound, l>y a solemn Treat V. to iu>n'nti n ]n'acet ul and friendly relations with Sj>a;ii, irifhunt ,jftptimt >i ny iiltin 'I'liis treaty is of thirty years’ sranding, and its fi:'t article is in the foJiowing words: ‘•Tlic.’-e shall lie a firm and inviolable pt lee and .'iiicere friendship betv.ren the I nited States and t!ie:r citizens, and liis (’athoj.r ^iaji'ty. I'.is snee-.-s^ors and suli- jeets. with ut cxei ptiou of j'crsoii^ and phiee.'.” 'I'his (bivevnnii'nt. were it not other wise solfiiiiily ]i!ed^e!. as we have 'hown. v>-'Uid lie bound by a regard t.i it'o mi hor.or and profcs.'i.to eompel it- eiti- izt'iis to respect tie authority of Sjiain s i far a.' to ab'tain tVf-lii all t‘ntcr]':'isi a^'aiust it' ti rrit 'ric'. Noii-int-’rxen'iou in tie- int-M.al a'imini'tratii n of otle r (bivcrnment' is tin* C'^iidish. d {>-liev of tiie I iiit. i St.itcs. .Tiid tntiversailv r'-ei ni'i'd as fueh by every A'lministration of tli's (f'overnne'iit. A' a guarantee of thi' ]n li''v. .im I t ' enable it to keep it' ( irizens withi’.i tb" I'.ic ^f that p licy. t'le I'nited Star. - La- th> i.iiDjip/, 1>> tin >/(»/7./of pas'iiiiT a law jiroviding p iialtii s of tine and im- pnsonne iit to bt> inilieted up n anv e.in- • whosli ill. "Within the territ ry or juri'lie- ti' 11 of the I'airel Stati ', beudri or sot on b‘ >t. or ]ir vide or ]irepare the means for, atiV military cxi;>ditiou or enterprise, to be carried oii again.'t the t. rritorv or d >- niiu:. iis of anv for.-i;;'n I’rince or .'^‘tat. s. stealing,” as a jiassion peculiarly Angh Saxou. Such pt.‘ople vindicate their na tionality bv exhibiting the crimes whi(h arc the'rcpntaeh of tin ir race, not the vir tues that aiiorn it, and have ahuie made it ' glori(ius or succc^sful. It is the law and I the policy, the morals, the rcligii>usncs', j and the abilities of the A nglo-Saxoii. whiidi have made hin» the first ot nu n. As to ' mere rapine, the savagi' and sensi less lar- tar, who has ravaged from China to the l)anubc, has far sui passi'd him. i I>ut we cannot believe Louisiana so lost ' to either her own consjucuous inti'rests or I that fidelitv to the I'nion which her own j geograjiliical positi(in impos(‘s oii her, and ; which has become with her not less a s( n- I timi'iit than a necessity, as to desire the anne.xation of the rival sugar lands ot Cu ba at a sur(* ciist ol a diss_)lutioii ot this I'nion. Should the latter consC(|ueiiee fail—as is hardly pits.'ible—the former cannot. I’or. Cuba is, of herself, aide to supply, ’ three times over, the whole sugar cou- i sunijifion of the I nited States. It she be I aniieX('d, that culture must cease on the intV'iiu' soil and ilimate ot J^ouisiaiia and ' 'I’exas, where the cane ripens to only half the ('uba length. \\ hat must, as every body knows, fol low/' Whv. suirar-cultun' tnust be aban doned in L 'ui'iana and 'i’exas; and they mu.'t fall back on e(,itton-jilanttng. 'I'iiis ( h; nge will 'ink the Value of tii- ir h.nils and labour one-half. Then comes a second operation: the ct t- toii crop of*the I'nited Stati' is alrea.Iy too large for a remunerating price. Hut compel Louisiana and r‘.\as to plant cot- toti al lie; and its jirixluction will be, oiic(‘. aliiiO't d-iu'ded. As. then, ('uba w:M have thivi-n them from >ug..r-p^;nt;n:r, .'•> they in turn will drive t’r'sii eott >n- jd.lilting \ortii C.tr ditia. Soutii C;p.lina, 'I 'rgia. Teiinesset*. half of Alabama and Arkar.'as. These Stat lu ing tirivi i. to til" produetioii (.f oulv corn and \Niieat, wiil l"se half the value jf tlu ir lands in turn. lUit a third operation eii'tn s; i;rain- .wing i' a!r-‘ady o\erdon- : if a!i"tlier gieat region takes it up, ‘lie jir' iit,' of I’arming ;.Md thi- valiu of f»ini' mu't tall in proportion. Tht'e ;iri' the BY THE AUTHOR OF “COUSIN SALLY DILLIAKlt.” Monroe, Union Co., N. C., ) July 4th, 1851. J Mister Porter—I wishes to lay a case before you that I thinks is hard. You see , I was born a poor man, and luck has been "I"; 'Il'O •"'I'-li '""10 I „„i„ ,„c ,en«(i I w.t9 born; mid what’s giatilyiiii; to “the i'arly, .f the ‘•Mass.-,-, j chu>vtt» Dciliocrao- iyo„!,l not send to tl.c ^aiatc such i-ree Soik-rs as Sumiivr , uiiJ to the House, such as l.oWit liantoul , am oiacc . *'*'*'■ , ' .-tealiiie can enjoy tlicii' l iches—I coiiltlii’t . - , Priucit)les are ot not much importance , „ ® , i i i * i i 1 1 i. i.Ji.li h * 1 1 • ‘x* A *1 do it, ;iU(I so 1 wouMii t stcMi. J inout Jicriod during whitli na\c '*ni>(, 1\ts, jj , > ii r i i - • ’ ' Y V F • nave lugged and loafed aL»(juf as some floes, 1 /*.->. I above that, too; so I ha.s .“uffere(^l i-’iDiH the Dolhtr Mufjnzine. siuiie in this world, and 1 allows to suffer ()f)l)S AND KNDS, 1$V AN OBSOLETE WP.I- some more before I’ll either steal or lu^. i> () K r u V, been in contract with public men, that we have had the op]>ortunity of observing the public coursi* ot this excellent and dis tinguished citizen. So elev;itcd were his aims, so ardi'iit his dt'votion to his wludc countrv, so tree was his character fnuu all the dross of humanif}’, so true to all the duties of a citizen, all the instincts of a iXeiitleiiian, and the responsibilities of a ('hristian—so h'arned, so enlightened, and s.) inoili'st withal—that ho has left bidiind him no superior iiLtlie estimation and re- irard of all with whom lu^ was associated There jirobably was never an age of fhe world in which so mu(di jtains were t.ikeii to make mankind better and ha[ipicr; and yet, from fhe experience of a long life, as well as a ]iretty extensive ac(|uaintance with past generations, derived from histo ry, I doubt whether fhe present has mu(di to boast of in comparison with the past.— In morals we certainly have not imjirovid upon the patrian hs of the Seripturi s; and in jiiiblie or j)rivate life. As a Kepresentative of the People, W( - r i • »t ♦ i r ‘ , 1 • ,1 * as re'fards hatipuicss, the outv ard condi mav sum u]> his charact(.-r I'V saving tliat i » *• • i * 1 . i tion of a large portion of the human race, in countries that boast of fhe hi>rh( st de- i deri\ 11 Vsical fnin COJII- 'iiiail n:/. di'triet, \'ni! -d Slat- s ;i i' even ef oM,- or p'o].]i', le at J>eac( liate t!>: with belelirs whiih the .''ourii will f he aiiie xa'ion of (’u^a. The . :dy peii'ation that we p i"ib!- i'a (V eapeiiinir of >u_.»r—p rha}" a ecu? per jiouiid—and a re iui tion to p.-r th"U- 'ainl of tiiie (igaas, fer tie--, who now p iv ?."») f'or them. Wide and impor'an* a'an th 'ead\c! ' ]>ei-iuiiary eoi>~. .|U ne. they fade into no- thin_f b- t'ire the p ditical ones. Should the Norrli and North W -t con sent fir a time, to go to \'ar with Sp in alone j'lr \w will h ave all others aside in till' argument, though perfectly jtei^aad. ■! if all men we have known, he ajijtroac In the nearest to filling that jilac(^ in the un- boiindeil respect, coiitiilence, and deti relice of thi> House whi(di was left so long Aacant bv th(‘ de.lth td’ William Lowndes, oi Stuith ('arolina.—Anfd’iKi/ IntrU> r. A \rir Firt Aniiiliilitf'ir.— I he New ark Advertiser of Friday eviiiing contains the following: “Vi sferd.iy Mr. ('. l>ow(len. of this city, made an experiment with an incoiubusti- ble gas for putting out tire. He filled a bairtd, open at both (‘uds. t» about one- half itsfapacity, with tar, dry shavings, ami other combustible materials, and when ignited and in full blaz(‘, a few sheets of eomnion wrapping paper saturateil with tlie iras(,-ons prv jiaration were }*ut und r the b.irri I, and the flame was extinguished in a f(w seconds, leaving nothing liut a siiioke proiluce 1 I v till* gas, mixed with a 'inall portion of ,'nioke of the tire. 'I’o tho.'e standing in ( lose proximity it was found inn ixiotis. This i xperimciit was .'cveral time' repeated with like results. Tie- barrel wa.' then reine\i d, lea\ing tlieconi- bu'tildis in a heap upi>n the ground, wb'.i h Were tired, and whi'U fully ignited and in a Ii’aze. Mr. I ►. applied the g.i'cou' Jiapcr. and it wa' iii'taiitly exti:i_ui'hed. ie;ivin_ nothing but tiie sm'k>- leferred to al" •> '1 he philosophy of the thing, ae- cor ling to Mr. l>o\\ilen, is this. The gas u.-e'I i.~ incombustible, and flame cannot exi't in it. or even where there isany eon- .-iderai Ii’ portion of it. 11 tlee lie >iippo.'- es that tlie i i rr(ct mode of using aii_\ in- C ni'\ls!ilde eas 1.' to put oilt tiie liallle ■ f a building, and w in ;i the fiaine i' .'fopp, ,i a V( ry siii.ill i|U:it:t;>y w.iti r will redtn e the temperature of tlu- ciud'-rs b 1 .w the 1'urnin.r point. .^lr. l>. eoii.'ider- hi' pro- cf" ot extinL'ni'hiiiL'' tl..nie a diseoverv by iuni'elt :o ciiieur illy ninh*. He intend' to i:iah ■ o;hei' experiments on the subject." ever known in I’l in the ('hii a^^o l_v a'-coiint of tie.* on th ’ 'i\’l gi'.tph m thi >>r Ilf -Ut y wi'i:.ni the '1 hi.' law I'liiif.j with Spain, and was pas.-i l to pre vent precisi ly similar enterprise' to that of L 'pez aii'l his a"oidates. No law I.a' ever done mere to elevate the charaet-.r of the i'nited Suites than this, unlc" it be the law declaring the l'(Mcigii Stave-trade til be Piracy. Notwith'*anding tlic jiositive and ex plicit b'gi'lation of (’ongvesson this sub ject. it i' notoriou.' that, in the Courts of th(‘ I'nited States for tin; Histrict of Lou- I isiana, it ha.' b i-n f>und impossibl.* to enforce the execution of the law wlun the , oib ii !er has been pros(;( iite.l; .-ind it is iinderstooi! to be cijually certain tliat the ves.'( Is which have most ncently ».'ailed fnuu New ()rh ans im a criminal eXijiedi- tion against the territory of Spain have de]>artetl in defianei* of tlie l.,aw or the (>1- fieers of the rnited States. It becomes highly necessary to institute an iii'piirv, tlurefore, as Mr. Jeticrson said upin ;i memorable oeea'ion, “whether the dt fect was iu th, ti sintniii >/. the /mr, it,- tlu t .tn u- f",,i i>t thr hnr.” If fhe latter—that is to say. it any of the ()iiicers of the (luvern- meiit havt' liceii found betravius their tru.-t iiy eonnivanee, by intentional ab.'i nee from tlieir }»osts. or by shrinking from the that, in sUeh a ijii.irrel, half Knr 'pe will b-' hi r .illie-1 and sncee* ■! in w re.'tiiii: it fniii her. without Inr having previously libeiat ’d t!ic Negrof' to lii;ht agaiiis: U'. what can be more certain than that, as -o 111 as W(“ have eot if. the i-'r.-e-sod i.: — )iute must bi' at ouf(> retiew’il with a \ io. Icuce 'I’.r* to be fital to the I tiion' ('ul-a We cannot take, uni*'s at the priee irf iii^* a t’oreign and then a (ivil war. [' it wor;;^ either pri(e' Certainlv, there anr traitor' wiio ile.'-in* to plunge us in both. Tiiis thin:/ is chi- tlv of ilicir making: jump' with all their ilesigns; but are we to l.-ud them a liaii'l for our own de-;ruetiou' ^\ liaf honour or wli.it ' ii'e i> th'T’- in yiebling to this iii'ane bi'f of i.flier peo- lands' Are we su( h villains and r'b- bers that W(‘ caniii.f let our neighbour ami his gooils alone, even where we s(v tJiat plundering him wiil be our own inevitalde ilestrtietion' i)o we nean to .'how th.it we are, as a jieople, wortliy of not onlv the dungciin but th(> mad-hou.-e';' 'i’lie next news, Imwcvt r, will be, we are jirettv conlid(Mit, the defeat aiul destruction of the whole iiOpez exhibition, f(dlowed bv fh.-it of the next adventurers that have has tened to join hiui. .\s for the sho ting of the -l'.l,we sliouM like to know what else the.se fellows ex- l>e-i.-d or their frietids for them'.' They, Ilf course, did not mean to shoot any bodvl >,t thf l.^jkhi'ii'i.—A terrible -•orm visited Cliieairo on .'^aturday evening -t k. he Ml'I'f ternlie jhat region. We copy f' .b'lirii:’.! the fill iwin- iivi eib-ef of ti,..’ !i_!itiiitig uji m tchii.e and wir^s; ••We ifi not riiiii-niber to have seen in thi' 1 I'i'ude li.htniir,'' s > viv id, inee.^'anf. *..nd pr. I iii_e I. It was Pke nothin^' ' • ni:"-;. as th ill.’. '-mt opening' and ( I’ .'inj ot a thousand doors and windows in Ii t\tii, w hence streanieil ineffable light, making our outer .iiid iiethi r night om- br' .il and brilliant no-n. ••A! 'iiu: the h graphic wires tin- light- t.iugs giit't red and fluttered; ii'W tlii ker- ing to and fro, as in a frolic, and now whirl'iig with a flash and a crack round some wire-wound poje. Not content with its 'peeiiiH I'.s ’;f wire-daticiiiir and running, it tlarteii into the 'I\degraph olVn-e of > - lb illv"' lines, in the iloon l>uildin:^s. si-t a'lde the ast’iiii'hed operatives, and as tli. ugh Prc.'ideiit and I >irectors wcn- noth ing t ' it, ci intniiiced t(de;_rraphing on its iiwn acet.iunt, amusing itself tie- while with melting win s in atiout twenty jilaces, re- ver>inir magnetic poli s. nibbling at bras.', not stopping even at ph.tina, and all with a strange kind of crackling laugh that greatly ediiied tin* Telegraj'hle corps, who •to .sec w hat would rht, it aerial evol.ition the baffery-room, .and finally took a tour down the ga'-pijie to the regions below.” grce of civilization and refinement, will derive notr.vnnjdis fnuiv a conij>arison with tho.'c per:ods (>f jiastoral simplicity which, however embellished by puetr', certaiiilv I once existed in the world. After all, however, happiness, although I the universal juusuit of mankinil, is not ideiitifieii with any condition of life, anv mode ot enjoyment, or any advances in mere human knowledge. It is a creature of the mind more than of the bodv; atid the mo.'t common error we commit is that (d estimating the hapjiiness of men by their jio.ssi .'.sion of w hat we sujipose the means of being happy. If it Wi le possible for us to be coiifint with our condition in life, without sinking into utter listle.'.'Hf ss and ajiathy, that wouhl probablv come ;is near ly as anything to the hnmim \\hi( h so puzzlei the aneieut }iliilosiph(’rs. >ne day, as the J)crvi.'h Alnmran, fhe w is( st ot all the followers of the Prophet, and the oracle of the ( hief .Mufti of Stam- boul. was sitting in a shaily ::rove I v tin* side of a bubblin:: fountain, on the siiore^ of the Hi isj'horns, tryin^r to Htid out tie- triU‘ road to hapj»;nes-, in order that he miirht l-enefit his fi llow-ereaturcs bv com- niunie.iting the (ii'coscrv, his sp» i-ulations were int' rrupted by a man richly clothed, who, appioaching, .s.if down and .sighed hea\ilv. erviiig out at the ,';ime time, ••l)h! Allah, I I.e.M-e cii thee to relieve me of life, or the burdens with which it is laden.” Aim iran, who was a sort of amateur of mi'ciy. because it afb-rded him tlu’ jdea'- ure of admini'tenng eoii'olafion. appro.u h- (••I the man of sorrow, and kiiidlv iiiquned the eati'e of his grief'; ‘'Art thou in w.iiit lit fooil. of friends, of health, or any of tliox* comt >rts of life th.it are iiecessyrv to human hapjtiness!' or do.'t tlmu lack th • ;idvice of cxperil nee. or the consi.lations of .sympathy;' Sp.-ak. for it i> the bu'incss ot ujy life to bestow thi in on my fcllow- creature.'.'’ “Ala'! s:iid the stranger. ‘*I riijuire none of these.* I have all and nion- than I want of eveiything. 1 have all the ne'ans of hapj'incss but one. and the want of that renders every other blessing of no value.” “.\nd what is fluiti'” a.'ked fhe Dervi'li. ‘‘I adore the beautiful Znleiini; but she Io\es ;inoth(T. and all my riches and honir are as noth iig. I am tlie luo't mi.'crabh,' i f men; my iit'e is a biinlen. a’nl my death \,ouhl be tile greatest of Ides^in^:'.” IJefiuv Almor.iu eou'.d ivplv, then* ap- proaeheil a )*oor creature clothed in raiT'* and leaning on hi' staff, bowed diuvu to the e.irth with a Io.kI of misery. He sat ilowii moaning, as if in great pain, anl, ca'ting his eyes npw.’U'ds. exclaimed, ••Al lah! I'c my st.ir; tor I have none oth. r!” ■ I he I)- rvish wi tif to him and kindiv said. “NN hat aileih thei', p »or man!' Per- ha]>s it m.iy be iu my power to ridicve thv ilistrc'-.scs. A\’hat waiitest thou!'” •• Kverything,” icjdied the beggar; ••a home, health, food, kindred, friends— , ( vcrything. 1 am an outc.ist atid ;i wan derer, dc'titute of ev( rv eonit’ort i f lite.— I am the most mi'cralde of mankiml: for in addition to my own sufleriuirs. 1 see others ar.'und me revelling in tho.se luxu ries for lack of a small portion of w hich 1 am perishing.” At this moment a thinl man a])jU'(Xieh- ; ed, with weary steps and laiiixuid look, and lJuf that's not- to the j)int—or rather to j the Imlf-pint: for the worst pint in my , case V..is a luilf-jtint to begin with. I | ’sjtose I had drunk ai)Out that (juantity of; the ardent, when who should come along but l/tnisti/ii.’' Now Mr. P., it .«o happens that 1 am a loir man in in- : dies, and I can’t b*ar for one of those tall • fellows to be looking over my iiead at i something beyond me. Ses 1: ! “Mr. ILuisfon, look some other course.” Ses he: “What’s the matter Ilucks!'” Ses I: “I don’t wan’t you t>j be stand- in’ thar a btokin’ over my bed.” “Why,’’ .says he “Ilucks, you are a nervously waitiii coim' of it.' '•As if struck with a new thou "V 'I'.'"'"-'' "1 . KMiB* himself I.V tire ,-i.le ..f tli, .■a,.i„« li;o,„ ,„w,re into ' .-t., tel,cl ..at 'his liuil.s at free letigfh, and, yawning di'spcratelv, cried out, ••Allah! what shall 1 do!' what will bccoiiK' of me? 1 :im tired (d‘ life, which most performance of their duties, the ]mblic ' W( Ihirc reijuires that their jdaecs be forth- I w ith su[iplied by men of firmm ss. fearless-j —Professor Shepherd, who iiess, ami a proper .«cnse of dutv. 'The has reccutly explored this land of womb rs, character of the President is too well ■ ^hus writes i>f it; “1 have now explored known to admit of ;i duubf that he w^P ^^‘bfornia for nearly two years. I can (imit no proper exercise of the Kxccutive ' H’uly say il*is a land of won'lers. There the.sc gentr}. / Ac’_// undeistand the mat- , p,,w,.r to c:ms‘ the authoritv and the laws :*i‘e fresh flowers every month in fhe year, ft r. >o journal in New ^ .uk of any cha- (],e I nifcd States ti.i be rc.'l»ecte(i. j !"»! winter now wears the bloom of sp*rin!.^ nurfi r has seconh-d their (-ry. No man ot : will be for the wi.sdom of Conirress ' waterfall.'? three ami four ion mai i.i. m,t( c ii. appiaiaiua, at ic convenes, to imjuire whether f/ie ' high as Niagara; natural bridges, l„eet.,,|rs « lu I, I';''Tlie-.r ^ : „f „hite niarhle, far surnassii,. i„ Uvm.; 111., .lU 0 .1. I ( f nsi i|Ut 111 e .i> sii, it iiiu't he streiiirllieiieil, hv ]irnvi-j‘0*1 luK-kliriilge, \ irgiiiia; some thou- sioiis su li a.'' became nccessarv during fhe | gold-bearing veins, inexhaustible War of l'’'1-J, to protect the O'tTicers (^ the iof iron and chrome creslead, I'nited States in the execution jf their i quicksilver, most beautiful lawful duties, and fo give to the lawi- flicir j l’'’‘‘‘‘hiin clay, and, in short, every thing ]iidper eltieacy. l uU^ss this be done our i ‘ hless an industrious and cnter}>ris- Laws and tjur Courts will become bv ' b>g people. In one valley I f(>und more OI me rroclaiuatioii issiieci hv the I'resi- , , • , . ociomt a '^-i .» \ i i i .1, ... of the r iiited .,.te, (tfiis ,h,y foiii. ii, our 0.,, eountiy. . f.'ic17. Ii’cn gevsers, like the f.imous cne in Ice- scei.e of tlieir guilty and hostile piopat,,- FXCITKMKVT °f Vulcan lousagams a Incndly Power, and seek,, \ *■^^11 h.MKN T. | hy falsehood and m.=iel.resentation, to so-: A dcspatcli of the I!)tli. from .N’e^r Or- „,>on them but a short tiL.e even with Uuce our own Citizens, especially the young I leans, in the New Vork Commercial Ad- :ind inconsiderate, into their wicked schemes ' vcrtiscr, states that great excitement pre- —^urceed in bringing about a Revolution vail.'^ in that citv, relative to Cuban affairs, in the Government of Cuba, and thereafter ' ’ iiiinr.n'ri;/ it to tiie rnited Staten, there is no possible view in which such a success would not be a enr.se and a plague, rather th-,in an advantage to this country, if it did not, in the first contact, shiver this I nion into fraguieiit.'’. There is, in mir opinion, no consideration of pidicy which ahouhl induce the I.uIkuI State.ri to accept the 1«- ;'.,1 „ .. •.»! r. . 1 'I'he New York Tribiine cxju’csses “its abhoreiice cd such cnactmeufs as Indiana has been ‘guilty of,’ ” in ri f'erence t^ free 11 .'groes, ami adds: “Ilut tin* fact of its jiassage is none the Icss a fact because we ' . unuan .ipj-ioacui'd and askeil, “^\ hat d'n't like if. The immense nuijoritv for- ^lh\ misery.'' hat want- is nothing but a purgatory of w:ints that, wdieii sujiplied, only produce di.'appoint- ment or distrust.” bids the presumption that any resistance could have lieeii elh'cted. And, although est thou!:'” I want a want,” answered the other. prix-eei the jier.'Oiis who mad(! themscivc; conspicuous on fhe (»•( asion. few iutidligent jier.sons, uiiinflueiiced by [lersouid interest or by j»ur]ioses purely l!ictious and disorganizing, but know that, eoulil those jiei'sfin.s—w ho, in the languaixe of the Proclamation issued bv the P there are said to be jx'culiar reasons for: ^with tue inisery (>f fruition. th.“ magnitude of this voti! iii Indiana, we | life in acipiiring riches cannot doubt that the s; line proposition, in j brought me nothing but disappoint- like manner submitted to a direct and honors that no longer gratify naked popular Vote, i pi"ide, or repay lue for fhe labor of thick boots on. The silicious rocks are bleached to snowy whiteness, and brecciat- ed and conglomerate rocks are now actual- hf cnrj/Jiff Shift' of t!u' / nlonl" AVhat an admission from Abolitionism! So then, after a tw enty y( ars’ war, every free State is brought fo this! Aiul these are the philauthrojiists!—AUx. (Ur^ftte. '■'AnntJifr Ontniijf.—A number of per sons iu disguise forcibly entered the house of Hiram Shaw, a Justice of the Pcace in the town of IJerlin, Hensselaer county, on Saturday night last, dnujfjnJ him from fn'i^ hoi, a)uf, after carri/i)i(/ him nfjme flvr mi/cs, fiin'cil aittf fealhertd him in fhe moxt bntfal vianner. When fhe ruffians left him he was so much exhausted that he Was helpless; and but that two of his iuMi. That was enufl; I had ;illers waiiteil fo hit a tall man, and “Forty-foot” was the highest I had ever seen. So 1 goes u]> and jags him in the short ril-s. Se.s he: “t^uit Ilucks!—you are a fo(»l!” A\ell, upon that I digs info him agin. (11, then at la.'t Mister Houston gets mud, and takes me by the two arms, and gives me a shake that made my teeth chatter and my eyes strike fire, and he hands me over the feiicc to a c(uistabl“, and he takes me down to Sabett’s cross roads, where the Court was hchl in a iii.i- .'lieeii [iiKudiim;] hou.se, anl Lawyer “‘doid- U'” Was i nijd'Ved fo defend uk’. He is a mighty goinl harte l man, .Ludus is, and so IS Judge IJattle that tried me; but there was no chance f(U’ me te get off, a:i l s > I ’fess( s guilty, and Jotdus turns i)ito begg- in’ the Judge. He .s.iid I w;is a poor un- fortuiiat • man. with six chihlreii. and a little given to liker, and there was no jail nigh'-r than Charlotte, and it would never ilo to send me to j.iil. ••Has you got any stocks here!'” .-es the Judge to the ."‘herili. “No. sur.” the Sheriff; “this is the second Court ever Indd in the (^ounty of I nion, and we aint redily witii sich things yet.” dl, 1 f‘1' ;i bit of rtdi'f wlien T heard the Sh*rill an.'or. and the Judge looked down at a j>iece of paper, au’i then he -ays— “Mr. Clerk, record th'judgment id’the Court;’ j.,et Mr. Hncks b“ conlincd in tlie stocks for one hour. .Viid, ” s.ivs he, “31r. .'^heriff. you lan come as near as po.ssible to exc'cuting fhe judgment of the Court.” •*Hnv is tli.it!'’’ says Joolus. flariiiL' u}i and looking wratliy at the Judge. ••Your honor don't mean to iiiiliet any unusual punishment!''’ >h. no!” says the Judge, l:if?in; “the iiiiide of carrying out fhe sentence is left to the Sheriff.” And then all the lawyers laft. but Jo.)- lus—and some sail •* ’ t’f Ui'f', Jnofus," and .so got madder still, and says: “Mr. She riff. I dare you to (b> that!” And so they to k me out of the Court house on a gcnenil laff, and as the lawyers c:tme along fr» dinner, thar 1 was lying with both legs through the crack of a rail fence, and .sonii' fellers .setting on the fence making s))ort of me! Aii‘1 I hi'ard that (jiieer-lookiiig feller, ••Ham Jones,” say—“Jsiolus, look- at yyur client!’’ And then 1 thought Jofdus would have laintcd. He turned to tlie Judge, and he ,'ays: ••My (iod. Judge! I never had a cli- ' cut in sich a fix before!” And the Ju«li:e and all of them lawyers laughed out. Hut I felt hurt—my feel ings was hurt a« well as my ft>gs. I don’t know w hether t>r not yuiare a lawver, but I want to know whether it is accorilin’ to the American Constitutron, to put a fel ler’s legs through a rail fence becau.'e thev haven t got stocks in a new countv. I want fo km^w, sir! for ef th:it be according to the constitutiiiu. I’ll ro across the lino to South Carolina and hel]> to make a new constitution! \ ors to command, Akkl ITvc'Ks. i.osr OK mislaId, il note Dll lloljcr* Huihes, fur Four Hiunlreil Piillar.i?. iiunle paviible td tiio uiulersigtiPil. It luars l;ite tlu' 7th of .January and i.s ilue mi tlio 1st of Marcli dt tin* same year. Tiie iintt." is satisfioil, iU’.il is theretere null ami vuitl. McKav. riillojiolis. Ilolicson CO., .Vuj;. I.*!. IS-M. 17-4tw (Hi.MPOl Nl) TONIC Plbl.S. For tlie cure of person.s of ji'ale aiel cailaver- ous haliits. iirup.sic:il swellings of tlie feet and le^t.s. torpM l)owel.s. palpitation of the heart, sujipressiiiiis. iVc. The nii'ile of usini tlie.se pills is. to take one three times a il.iv regularly. They contain no niercurv. nor will they injure any one. l>y their , use alone 1 have often eureil every disease of thi. ela.ss: .nnil no one will u.so a siiijrle box with- and fenrs of collision are entertained be- j ly forming. The roar of geysers at times ^^^•■^i'ilants took compassion upon him, and tween the authorities and the Cuban sym- } may be heard a mile or more, and the ^-'irried him home, he must hav pathlsers. The military have been called out to act in case of an outbreak. The last sentence, we do not believe at all, . For we are not told that any riot has occurred; and we should have been told of it, if one HAD Occurred, Now, without ^U( h legal cause, troops could not be called out la ml of Cuba, with its presenf population, a.s a free gilt, with the consent of all the j tnry^ Nations ol the Karth to the act, [We : ttjerfl; and they are probably disposed just t>haU not. hdvvevc r, on this occa,iion, enter as the rest of the citizens arc: for they are t. Hut “tho military!''” “What mili- ■y'{ There aro none, except the Yoluiu it hirge into this i|uestiou of policy.. For oiiie coiisideratit>n.s bearing ujion it, we re; peclfuHy refer the reader to theexlructa ■. hii h e iiKihi, li't.;n i.ther pppers ] made up out of the citizens at largo. So that. Were there in existonce at New Or- le.nns, any such general feeling as that a- verri'd, to call out the military would only have perished. moment is one of the most inten.se interest eause of anger against Mr. Shaw as you ajiproach them.” , fhat he has recently performed some ; ^ businc.ss for Mr. Van Hensselaer, and for The fi>llowing specimen of sepulchral 3Ie:ssrs. Lansing Pruyn. literature was copied literally from au old “7’//c j>nUif autjioritica x?tvull not rest tombstone in Scotland. a mohient until the wretches fjuilty of thin Here lies the body of Alexander Maephci’son, oiitrai/e are brought to coud*yn AVho was a very extraordinarj persTni. inntiihment.” He was two yards high in his stocking fect " i 77~. ' " ' “Father” said a And kept liis accoutrements clean and neat. ^^e was slew At the battle of AVaterloo, Plump througli the gullet. It went in ut his throat And came out at the f ack of l.iH ci at roguish boy, “1 hope you won’t buy any ; more, gunpowder tea for mother.” “Wiiy not!''” IJccause every time she driuks it she ' blow.S us up.” ! Idle poople take the inost paiiis. . • • .1 T 1 1 . ' «» l«UA »llll- Mistainiug tlU'in. I have boon t neatrfi in- . out being materially licuefiteil, particularlv fe- to the jmrsuit of pleasures that tunu'd to ' males whose health is not well established', hut Jiain in the enjoyment; and my only want j suppressed or otherwise deranged. There is that 1 have nothinir to desire. I have ! ’“any painlul cases ot this kind, where a vv . *1 *. 1 * 1 ' 1 A T • .1 i ^ox or two of tlio pills will not oiilv relievo, but evei^t ling 1 wish, and \ct I enjoy noth-j good health upon corre('t prin(*iples. ; l)r. ,J. It. (iornian and other eniinent jihysicians Alnioran paused a few nionients, utter- ! have prescribed this medicine with admirable ly at a lo.ss to find a remedy for this strange i malady; then said to himself, “Allah! pro- ; bittlc—Sir: For six or eigh» years past, serve me; I see it is all the same whether '''' " atiiicted w ith a swelling of the LINES ON A I'ACK OF c,,.. BY TOM nOOI). “Aye, there's the rub.’-__y, . This pretty pile of painted thi,,,./ My simple tribute craves Altlio’ among tlie I see a set of ••A'/x/r-.*. ’ Yet in some other Cmirt.s I w:,( The great und simple ini.\; For knaves among the good culls. To }'lay off their “■odd trickr." Young liearlg oft (Ji eam of wi4,^, (Dear Fanny once as I did;) l>ut when they wake. Imvef. That '■'honor’s" were divided. The dHimonJ eyes that tieaniej « ■ Once held me iu coniui.md: And all 1 hoped or wished waj tl To bless me with a hand. Oh! what a ^'fhn£linij'' and a stri^ Succeeding years revenl; Men toil witliin an ••uctr” of To leave hehiiKl a "deal. ' There's no revoking death’s stcr' When each last card is plavij.] And sorriiwiiig friend.^ siirrma.i.. 'fhat closes with a '•."piir/. ■ . iSfone (Jimt.—\V(> have been j,. with a fine sju-cimcn of sione c,.^; mine of which has boeii di.'covcrfij vicinity of Germ.-tntown, Stoki sC The reader may recollect huviij. something of this coal, a f.-w v,-J. but at that time it was con'iili,rt.,J;,. of not much imjiortanc'*. peili ip>. bank believed to be very iiiuitv;(i j;, and con.sequently abandoued tiil r when upon fartiicr exauiiiiatinii. jirovcn itself to be riidi ami ext conimuiiication ujton this subject w. bly appear next wix-k. 'liie sjiccimeu may b:* .seen an!;. Sform.—On Siinday ni_dif i,-' ■. visited with wiiul and rain, wli;, i; ed during the night a;:d tiie jirii ’ of .Monday; at tiiucs both wi-.i.j. Were very iieavy, :ind the tide lii;::. sidcrable damage has beew dfiir • rice crop, which was very proiiii.«inj al.so learn that the C(irii crop nn ; gri'iundb of the (’ape Fear lias h, sidcrably (lainaged t>y tiie I’n-'Iiet. The steamer bclonginir to the W t'Mi and Pi.il.’igh iJailroail C^.ne,, nut prcceed farther than Sui!:!.\ Sunday last, on accotmt « f the w. , • 'l he .storm at (.’hailcstoii .Set la-’ Ikh'U more sovfie tiian it was h-.r 3Iercury .ay.s—“A sinull sio^ii Soufhi rn wharf, w;i.s totally wm .: sunk. The Schr. (Icorgia, Ca’-r. 1! at Commercial wharf, parted lurLe:- lost her jib and flying jib-boi m hv : foul of another vessid. 1 he .'hip I- ■:n t'Mi, just arrived from Liverjiool. i.: . in the stream, dragged, but bi’ .. .safely, and made fast at iJovcc ^ wi. “The steamers \'anderbilt for W ton, and Calhoun for Savannah, w vented from leaving port, by the • of the gale, and tl>e steamer Ciu’t. not arrive from Savannah from tl. cause. “The cars did not arrive unt;' their usual hour, owing to then] .,'; on the Railroad by the falling of jiosts and trees. “Huife a number of trees witp ' down in our streets, and u sm.i;; ; hou.se, nearly finished, in the vr }>art of the city was jirostratcd." \\ ilminjti,i ,/ Watermelon Sugar is a new ar: The (’hicago Tribmie ackuowi> li.-• receipt of a small (^uantitv of tin. . and siiys: . “We have seen and used sii^:’ from cane, iu:iplo, orn, and b t>, . have never .seen any so pure and ik. ly sweet as this. To our miii'! it i' to the best tjuality of honey. Th melon }>ossesses a great amount nt > rine m.ittcr in a very pure stat', do not .see w Iiy making sugar lr"iii not he made a protifable busiucs' mate adapted to fhe growth of it. S^aenf An>^cdote.—When M;icl'’ was first lieutenant of fhe Sircii. iiiwt command of Capt. Smith, a cinviui- occurred in the harbor of (Jibrahar. • cicntly indicative (jf the firmuessan. ; cision of his character. An An; merchant brig came t^» anchor lu T nited States vessel. Macdm aiLdi. ab.sence of (^apt. Smith, who had ir-r shore, saw a boat from a Hriti'li : . board the brig and take from Iki'a he instantly manned and arniel lig and pursueil the British boat, wliit overtook, just as it reached the fritrat; without ceremony, took the impix." ‘ into his own boat. The frigate s l-'ij' twice the force of his own; but tho a. so bold as to a.stounU the lioutenMt commanded the press gang, and n ' r • ance was offered. When the affair' made knowu to the British capt.ir came on board the Sireu in a greaf r- and inquired how he dared to take from Ills boat. Macdonough replied, that the man an American .seaman, and was uii'ler ’ protection of the flag of the l'niteii>o and that it vvas his duty to protect li*- The captain, \rith a volley "f ' swore he would bring his frigate ali'H;'* the Siren, and sink her. “That you may do,” said “but while she swims, the man not have.” The English captain toM Mai-d"!! ■ fect and logs, together with n wretched state of *hat he was a young hair-brailH'l pursuit. Then, taking up his staff, he went on hid way. Brevity the Soid of IH/.—In tho brief est correspondence known, only two liir- ures were used; the first contained a uore of interrogation (?), implying “is there any news!''’' The answer was a cypher (t>). ^‘None.” This was clever; but neigh- bor Shuttleworth, in Nottingham market, place, beats if. He hag on his chimney two largo T’s, one paiatod black, tho other green, to intimate that he sells black and green teas.—Xottiiajhom lifvifie. The Soa-Board and Hoanoke lb:il Road Was completed to Garysburg on Saturday last, and the Cars were to begin to run between that point and I’ovtsiuouth on yesterday.— (Joldsboro’ I^triot. began uking vour •./ , , (.onipouiid Tonic Pills and Tonic letters: prettv soon the swelling of the feet lunl legs disap- i should have made tho attempt at' penred. appetite became good, and uiueh ini- hazards,” was the reply, provement othenvise. After using two or three | “What, sir!” said the Kngli'h bottles of the Kitters, the Pills were takcii a- ‘ i i . 4. • * i if 1 lone, and by the eiul of three.mouths she had i venture t(^> Hltertci'^ gained thirty pounds, ekin bec»niing clear nml inipress lucn from that brig, white, and looking like ti new^ being in health “You can try it, sir,” replied - and appearance, llespectfull}-, nough The Briti.ah eaptain returned ro Ittlbut Louuty, , 1 1 .L J » ......1 t' F mi ,, ■ M ■ TA ^ manned a boat, and stcoriu llie tivo-#imilu of the signature of Dr, W, G, 1 • m i 1 i-j l.ut Little will be found upon the outside wrapper ^ Macdonough did th(3 sa ’ • ; of each of hiii Medicines. . , the affair ended; the hnglish - 8old wholesale and retail, by thij Proprietor, i a circuitous route and returned to l**' j at his Manutauturing Depot, No. 2C4 Market There was such a calmness in the street. Philudelpliiii. and Mucon, Georgia. yf JJeutenant Macdonough—?u*h V ^V'^i r ®n Rockfish; ia hi« lu„guagc—such a politfuc'^ A. .itson, rloiftl College: fownsend i Doucr- 1 • , i> .1, ..flict'r ' lass. lUMinottsville; Ur. P. M. Cohen, Charles- ^|^>^ner> that the Britisl tom C. C. liarbee, Barclaysville; P. F. Pe.scud, ; ^"Ut he had to deal with no oruiiia . llaleigh. ’ j and that it was not best to put him y. J. HINSDALE, A20u?lT(.TTayeht:\Tdc. , inc^tlo.*-^_Vai‘'5if «

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