TIi*' hU' JvJye WotKlbury.—The death of tili.« coiltIonian was mentioned in our ,.,.11111111.^ VI ^ti-nlay. He was a nutive of I'raiK t .-^tfwii, Now Hampshire, and was (il years *f a^e. He graduat^^l witli liiirli i.^edit at I)artmoutli College in ainl was ailmiff«“d to practice at the 1 l,:ir in In 1'^-- lie was eleeted (lov- I i.f hi.' nati\e State; and in lS'25toj tilt- I'liited Stati's Si'iiate. In 18:U (leu-> ,-ral-^k Iooh api''>inted him Secretary of, til ' .N:i\v, the api'ointnu nt bein>i ehauged ' notice. the Sv i retarysliip of the Treasury, on . — ~ till’ n i'ition of Mr. Taney tor that othee I K.itriKt nj n Jjitfer from (lit' S> mor hihtor. l.\ the Senate. At the elose of Mr. A an | Nkw Yokk, Sept. O. liiueii 1 re.'ldeury, Mr. oodbur\ le-j This City is crowded with strangers.— tuniel t«' the Senate, hut during, Mr. * OBSERVER. a s TlllRSDAY, SKPTlMlBEll 11. liH. SnJticribcrs to the With-Ji/ Ohxerrrr tcho (fesire to reeene the Sei)ii- WuMy, uulf t«' th ri'lk— I’residoney was elevated to the iM iieh of the Supreme (’ourt, aiul thenoe- I'.irlli loniparativelv withdrew from politi- ,.il iit'e. His iiauit* h.id re-eiitly been in- I ientally mentioned in eonneeticn with t’iO nemi>ceatie e.uididate lor the Pre.'i- ■ leiu y. r».tli in i>i ivate and publie life he sustaiiieil a hijrh n'pntation li>r integrity :iii.i jiiritv. Hi> name will always be r-I k. n Avitli respect, and his uuniory fully cherished by his friends. ( 'nm m> rcial Ath'. /•V •;>( t/i( S"f> fit PfiSf. The annexed connunnieatiou in relation t ’lie ^t^'ne cual, will he found very in- 'ting. rile writer promi.ses shortly to j; jMie an article i>n the mineral prt'due- r . !i' ‘t’ the s' ctiim of country ariMind (ler- iuaiit"i» ami arsure.' ns there is as great a v.i.i'tv as can he tound in this or perhaps ill aiiv other State, within ten miles around (;, r!i:aiiton. W e 'hall be jilca'^ed to hear from “(’ar- 1, .11 ' at any time. .sl'oNK CitM, OF STDKKS. A 'iHi imeii ol this coal may be seen at t':. ■ ■ ili' i- of the People’s Press, which was t,ik. ;i tr 'Ui a sc;;m of coal a few feet thick, i;i:ii. ^' liely below the dam of a s;iw mill ' : 'ii_.iig to V\ liliaiii Mathews, Km[ . on (tMtieh! (’ri'ck. iie;;r its junt-tion with Town F Tk. Tiiis di po.'it of coal is near the bed of erei k, which wi^uld make mining .some- V : t ■iiiVieulr at this place; but a.' the min- • n! f'Tiiiation indicating the certainty of :r. coal, i.' clearl_\ marked from the foot r' tile hiil at (Jeriiiaiiton, where it either v.ed_"e> out or ilij ,', along the Town Fork ■iiid l>an lliver to Lcek>vilh‘, there may he many ) laee> 'i leete 1 where mining opcra- t. lus ai; be ci^iried to a great depth with- :it the iiillux of water froui below into the iigLriii-S. I lie .'in faee iiidieations of ci\al all the w \ on tlii' l’n‘\ may cniiidently be relied .1.' pointing with tiuu h accui.icy to the - ;:u "t’ coal, are a shelly black slate, a ..V'l , friable >and -tone, argiliacious, gray, I r >vii. black and red shole. (^which is often ! '::iii 11 '.i> when in clo>e proximity with enal. ir"U p\ ritic', ami at some places ‘ 't"lie. rii’- « .;il !.' bituminous, burn> readily >Ai'h :i briirlit fl itm-. and i>, perhap'. much t:. ipiality if the llichmond ami Every respectable Hotel is full to overflow- in: by their companions in Cuba; and then let Daily Paper in ■\ViLMlNOTON.-«\Ve them reflect that a war with England and received ye.'-terday the iirpt Number of the Franco, countries altogether different from | “Daily Journal,” a small hut neatly print- 3Iexico and Spain, must necessarily follow ed and well-fillel sheet. The prospectus the attenvpt to annex Cuba. Let the Pko- will he found in another column of this I'LE reflect upon these fact.s, for the// are paper. the intereste«l parties. Thcj/ have to do j The Journal will doubtless be well sus- the fighting vhich the bullying of the men , tained. The citizens of W ilmington have of maiiife.^t destiny causes. And let them never yet failed to cncourage any entcr- als» take this to them.selves and pmder ! pri.se calculated to advance their character Vkrmont Election.—The latest re-[ Quick During the last fire in'[ turns from Vermont give Williatns, Whig, ' San Francisco, one of the newspaper offices ' f'ALL, a majority of 1,670 over all other candi dates. the Whigs have 104 members; Coalition ists 54; Old Line Democrats 23. “A Card to those goixo to Cuba.” a I-* 1 1 1 I , . _ I —Under this caption, Jno. W. Wilcox upcmit. Suppose Lngland chooses to assert and intere.sts. Trusting to their well-1 iri *i r n • • t • -n *1,... *1 , . 1 r XT ..1 n T 1 , I publisiies tlie lollowjiitf in the Louisville that tiic }>eople of North C arolina are op- known character for enterpri.e and liberal-; ]>ressed by the General Government and ity, the Journal has b(;en issued without desire their liberty. Acting upon this | jtievious annunciation or solicitation of supposition, suppose that North (’arolina ' subscribers. His information is fully corrob orated by the New Orleans.papers. He says: \s to the Astor and the Irving, they is invaded by English troops. Sliouhl we | We .should like to follow the Journal’s j “Seeing the excitement that'now^ pre- have put up the pvice of board to 8*2 50 a feel inclined to submit to such aggre.ssion? | example. lJut judging from the amount j vails, and knowing that, under the influ- day, and still have daily to turn off throngs AN ouhl we not denounce it as piracy? Vet of 7’'x/ « ]>atronage extendecl to the Semi-! ouce of that excited feeling, m,iny brave >f travellers, after putting three or fviur there would be no diff( rence in this ease AVeekly Observer, many years must elapse 'nien may be led into that which single gentlemen in a room and filling up between the action of the English Govern- before any such enterprise can be success-' regret, I design to ■ - * * " ; publish a tew fact.s for the benefit of those ' interested. What I say is to prevent oth- New Cotton.—Mcssrs.~Ka7 & Pearce ^ ”• «ame snare that I was myself. The subject here is being in danger, a double cylinder fast press was taken down, all the small purt^, F IIiTj \l l\TI‘ll filiiOnV ^ , e . ,v,- . , .J screw,., I«ll9, &o„ bimed it. a barrel n„: * .1 Ml HIM lilt llUUlll>> To the Senate, the higs have elected j^j. ^rnmnd, and other portions removed J?. ,-f. M*€UthcrtOit 17 out of 30 members. In the House, out of danger. The press was in this sit- ffTAVK just rcceivM IVcni New Y-rk iimf uation at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when, Jl-M. a coinpleto Stock of the danger being oter, Messrs. Amerige SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, and C. Stedman, two New York pressmen, Among «hich may be IVum.l an e.xfensive lot of took hold of it with tbeir deeves rolled up. LADIES’ DKK.'^S COODs, viz: Plain, watered They got it into oj)oration again, and drove off the editions of four of the San Francis co papers, which n*ade their appearance next morning as though nothing had oc curred.—Srientific A mcricun. some of the jiarlors with beds. 1 am ere- ment and our own action in the ca.se of ful in Fayetteville, dibly informed that Howard, of the Irving Cuba. If we approve the latter, we could House, has cleared 8100,000 a year for not condemn the former. The case is not three years past, and if his lumse contin- a new one; but it is a forcible one and ues full, (as there is every prospect,) at the loses not l>y repetition. iiiereaseil jiriee, it will add the trifling sum We trust then, that for the honor of the of ab.mt -?so,0(1(1 to his net profits. There i American name, we fhall hear no more of is evidently a want ot luore Hote ls, >iiict‘ freeing (’uba; that no more of our citizens the ]>ulling down (>f Hunker’s, the Citv, the Franklin, and others, all of which have been sueeeedcd by stores. There is nothing very exciting in the Ci ty now. The money jiressure h is subsid ed, in a great measure; the (’i^ian fcvi r has been >ubdued, for the inomt'iit at least; the abolitioni.'ts are (piiet, and nothing is talked of but business, at least among bu sinessmen. The fashionable world is full of Oj'era-going, Theatre-going, (>ce. I un derstand, that there are abont fiftec'n re spectable [daces of amusement ojien every night, and every night thronged. ]ja-t evening, for in?tauce, it is comiiuted, that 0 or 1(\000 people attended the Opera alone at SI each. Pretty expensive jdea- w ill engage in an eiiterjtrize, of which, .says tile (’oninicrcial Advertiser, “it was con ceived in wickiMbiess and folly; it has ended in ignominy and death to the invaders, and has entailed misery ami irn'parable wo upon many an innocent family. No man of right feeling wcmld, for accumulated worlds of wt alth, exult in having advised ami aided the entcrpri>e; or, having aided, it, can now look upon its fearful ruins without pangs of most painful ri'uiorse or regret. Let us hope that the past will In- a lesson for the future, and that the utter tallaey of the allegations that the Cubans were thirsting for independence having been thus tragic.illy demonstrated, all fur ther attem]»ts to lead (uir young iik u into were the purchasers this morninr of two • ^ i ^ , , * A XT • ' misrepresented as to the arrangements >a ts loni ,lr. John .IcNair, of Alfords-‘ uialc in New Orleans for 3(mr reception ville, Robeson eimnty, at S cents. j and benefit. The facts are as follotvs:— It’- 1 I- ~ -ifr-i There is lUMther nimu-i/ arms, nor aiuiini- ArriDKNT.—e learn from the il- v ni ■ Iv nition in New Orleans; nor is there even a niington Journal of the 8th in.st. that the vessel prcpare] t* take you from that jilaee. Steamer Kverirreen mot with a slijrht acci- and those tliat arc already there are great- deiit in her boiler, on Saturday last, when l.V disheartened at the long delay and want about 20 miles above Wilmington The "* ^ond th(>m oft'. 1 was a mem- Sl,..-,mnr Iloiiricttii rclieviHi llic Kvorgreeii fr...u this ° place, and liave just returned from rSew o Its (argf\ ^ )rleans, and can vouch for the truth of my SnVTH Cauoi.ina.—The E.litor of the i"f:itements. 1 would udvi.^e all those who ilmington Journal, recently returned from a triji through a portion of this State says, that its politics are in a jicculiar state of transition. V*’hiist ail now assis t the intend going to provide themselves plenti fully with money, and put no contiflence in the repri .seiitations of other.s; otherwise, when they reach New Orleans, they will find them.selves most grievously deceived. The tSmn/ichh —S}ieaking of the annexation of the.'C Islands to the I*. States, Mr. J. Jarvis, who has l»een for a .mmber of years a resident of Honolulu, where he published a newspap'r in Eng lish and Haw'aiian, .says that the offer is now made to the citizens of the republic, as a tree gift, of the entire Saiuiwich group, on such terms as (Vmgress may themselves ini])ose. 'The Islands ask in return simply to receive the rights and protection ac corded to Ani'^n’ean citizens. The area of the group is 0,500 mih?s, capable of sup- portinir ten-fold its prc's^’nt pr«pulatioii, (8('0,iMl0.) One niilli(>ii dollars’ worth of AmtM'iean merchandise is annually con sumed. Its American permanent popula tion is not far from 1,000, possessing val uable sugar and coffee plantations, in which, and other permanent imjiroveiueiits, large sums have been expended. The fl >ating American jiopulation touching at these Islands annually is not far from 15,- 000 seamen and voyagers, from some four hundred vesst Is. right of scee.ssion, its ]>resent practicability I submit these few facts to you for your *.t!. I'r 11! ' i' trial' madi' with this eoal in the t h-ui, 1; t'liiiuK'es. in heating and weld ing'. 'ikiic'U an' mui-h plca.scti. ()ne i i.' '• ! "1 it i' til ’U.;lit to be e[Ual to four t ii'lh' ' -‘f ! iiari'.'al. • i',’I'liiii and '.lir may Ite looked for in • ' r _'!■•». if rli 'le is any reliance to be ’ . > i 111 t’i.‘ geol.wieul a>iK-iations of i • Salt, from wh.it has been .M“cn, . 't proital.lv be found. CAPvliON. .'L'l’lIKMK rdURT. fJ—Simji'.in V. Fulcnwider ■’ !i. Ir '■ ;i. judgment affirmed. Craig v. 'I ' r tV 111 H'iid'Tson, judgment aftirm- HV. Kyrd from Vaney, judg- I:: '• ••tViriii, d. ()'born v. Ballew from A'’ . radLrmi'iit affirmed. Sloan v. tJ;b. ' . f; 111 Meekh nburg, bill dismis'ed with 1- ' ni'ter V. M'■ Rone, from Iredell, . 1 _Mii'!it alhrme-1. Gr.int v. Honsueker, tr ai ^^u^t «n. jud:rniont afHrmod. NVilson V. Kieliard'ou I>oster, from I'nion, decree f’r [.’‘itriff. Polkv. Uobin'^on, et al. from ’b ki.-iiiiurL'. di'eri-e for sale of Pedro, • jiav costs. Holland v. ('row ami •t; !', from Haywooil, ju lgment reversed, ::t repealed and vacated. A. IJ. Chunn W. I>. .loii.-s from liuiieombe. judg- r:i-Tit aflinned. (’arter Fbyd and Sro«-k t’olrman et al from lJuncombe, judg- . nt aiiirmt d. A'./.>7 ./.—State V. Heverly n.t>h, from = arru'. judgment athrmed. iash v. L' I M-tter. from IL-nderson, all exi*eptions rr'.il' d; report contirmed, order of sale. !• t v. Maxwell, from Iredell, bill di.s- iid". 1 with co'fs. Alexander S. Neil v. \ I’lbv.from (I.istoii. decree reversed, J .Ti * .;i di'solved, plaintiff pays cost. V. W't '1- v Curtis, from IJuncombe, 1 i.n, ijt re\er'fd venire de novo. JiCh- III.- V. I.i.LMii. in Ivpiity frojii Surry, f>rder ' i \v atlinivd. plaintift' pays costs. H. J. ’ I wlv v. W'in.'ton Swangcr from Ashe, J ’i;_'iii.iit revt-rse(l and recorils arc dis- mi'-. l. l>avid Paris v. llobcrts from Ibnieouil.f, judgment affirmed. State to U'-' ..f Sally Potts, V. Ellis Davie, judg- lii' • t ri vcr.'cd, von, de novo awarded.— 111.'. S. Pe.'ivir, V. Young and (’arter, ^ alley, judgment affirmed. Wentz ' Firidier iV Fincher from .^Ieckleuburg, sures, supposing that the other fourteen j .'luh a slaughter-house will be abaiuloiied; Were full, as probablv they wen\ I hear merchants complaining that they arc tempted by the exceeding low ]irice of go(«l> to buy too much. This is verv like ly to be a mistake faiieii into bv niaiiv this year; since the low price of Cotton and other prtnluce will undoubtedly di minish the ability to buy, esjiecially arti cles of superfluity and luxury. Tiik ('t 1,an KxI'KIMTIoN is at an end. Tile arri\al of the Enipirt' ('ity at New York on S.iturday evening hi'*, fullv con- fiinied the news brought bv the ('ht rokei-. Lopez was taken jirisoner w.imlering in the interior alone and nearly c:;haiisted from fatigue and hunger. He \\a> taken to ILi\aiia and ijnrntnl on the morning of Sejit. lt, in the i>resenee of NOM» S}>ani.'Ii troops and :» large concour'c of citizen.'. For three da_\' previou' to the mailing of the Emjiire City, Havana had been thi‘ .scene of jubilee and rejoicing; guns were fired, tonh-light prH-e'ion formed, ainl the principal buihlings illuminatel, on ac count of the capture and execution of Lo pez. ()f tho.e engaged in the exjiedition. ovt r one hunlred are now impri>.iiied in Ha vana. Tiny say that their sufl> ring> be fore their capture wre inten.^^e. For sev eral days tlu-y lived iipon the leaves of trees, I'ce. '1 he prisoners had no arms when takiu. Their companioti.s have ei- . ther been .'hot or liave p ri.'-hi l from hun ger. If any of our countrymen feel di.'p.-ied to avenge the death f L"p*'Z, let them read the folb>wing letter from Mr. Fish(r, one of the officers in his army. It will enlighten them as to his object in aitack- ing ('uba; Havana, August 10, l^.')l. Dkak Sik: 1 take this last opportunity and liberty of sending you this Ktter, for the benefit of those who will probably come to ('uba. .^ir, Gen. Lopez hna ih i, hn! i/s nil: he is a traitor and no gentleman.— 'I'hi re IS iin r^'rtjliifiiitl hi /•>', IIS thf pnj>i rx hurt- Ktiiliil. T(dl all those who intend to visit (,'ut>;i not to come, for they all will be shot. There is no hance to get ba k a- gain. If any officer has r.iised a company or companies, tell them through your pa per, if you think j>rop(>r, to disperse, for the expedition is all a ereat humbug. I don’t like to see O'Hara bringing men here from Kentucky to be shot. Such te.'timony ought to satisfy all, that the people of Cuba do not desire freedom from 8}>ain; or at least that they are un willing to strike the blow them.selves.— Sun ly then, it is none of our business to strike for them. 'I'liere can be neither benefit nor propriety in our engaging in a crusade to free the world, when tin* world will not ron.sent to be made free. Let ns and. seeing that the Cubans desire no rev olution. but repel fondgn aid’forsueli pur- pitse when tliru>t upon them, let common huinaMtty be heard on beh.alf of the flower of our land, that their lives be not sacri ficed in fruitlc'^s effort' to raise those who resolutely rct’ti.'C to be rai.-^ed." L‘('(>Ki'ColSM.—The II;. hmond A\’hig thus expo.ies the characti-r of the Loeotiico Press and p.irty in Virginia; “I'he effrontery of the Loi-ofocn prc'' in Viririnia is a recoiriiizcd fact among all in telligent observers. To '^oeure a party ad vantage, it will advocate the (’oiiijiromise one day. and the next earnestly sustain one who has been it.s bitterest f.pponeiit. No one .'liould be sur[irised at .'lu h easy anl pliable virtue. 'Snrrrs/ has alwaV' been the coiitr.dling motive of I)eiuocratie ac tion, and, to secure if. there is no purity it will not preatdi, no Jesuiti>m it will not practiee. An »'xeellcnt illustration of this iiigenions lispositi.>ii h.as been furni'hed of late in tin* mode in whic h the congres'ion- al canvass has been carried on. Il.-mo- cratic rcjirc''ii'a'ive.' who, during the la.'t session of Con:;ri were iiotori ‘U>ly hos tile to any peaceable ailjustim'iit of .sec tional >trif*—who l.abored to defeat the only measure which would give rpnet to the Nation—who c.i-oju-rateil with aboli- tiotiists to embroil the country in civil war —now that the compromise has received the >u]>port of the laige niajoritv of the people, imjtuileiitly turn around an 1 pn>- (l.iim them.'elves the TRUKST AM» HKsT friends of the 1 nion. li.it answer can be made to ^u( h an ur.blushing assertion' It is unnecessary to deny it, for » very man ot’ hoiii.stv knows it io Ke false, anl Vi't it it is permitt'-il to go uncontradicted, Lo- cifoeo inteirritv will (daim that the t liarL'e is admitted. .V .safer rule perhaj>s woubl be to a( knowledge that Pemocracy lannot jtrevarieate." “Succi'ss” is the Lik.- doco motto hen* also, and to attain it, no lu^nns are left un tried. It is the party watchword every where. ;ind ill that seii.se the* Loeofoco par ty i. the ‘'only national jvirty.” They are after the “iiationar' spoils. TII !. I>EST EvIMK.NTK. We clip till* fol- lowint' ]>aragraph from the W.ishingtoii I’nion; ‘•'I'he best evidence (says the Allentown Democrat*) th.it Gov. Johnston is standing on a susj.icioiis platform is the fac t that all the whig papers of the South are con- demninir his course, and will rejoice over his defeat. }Vnn.sylvania whig^ery and North Carolina whiggery are two difl'ereiit articles. Not so with the democratic fdat- form—that is a iiiitioinil structure. A rroud democrat here is a good l)einocrat and probability are freely discus.sed and denied by many of the most influential men. The idea e.f separate secession, says the Journal is already obsolete. Of South Carolina’s pretended contempt for cvi'iy thing North (’arolinian, the Jour nal .'ay.': ‘•We are neilher among the pceitliar frii-nds nor jieculi.ir enemies of South Ca rolina. She is simply to us as any other of our neighboring States; but we must confess that, as a citizen of North (’aroli na, we have be n fie«|Uently irritated by the armgaiice of tom* and contemptuous, ness of manner with which the chivalry habitually allude to the “Old North.” On taking our scTt, about three wi'eks siTiee, in the cars from ('harle.'ton to (’amden. We proffered till' -ondiictor a three dollar bill of the Commercial IJank of this place, and one dollar in sjiecle, in ]>:iyment of our fan* of f >r,r dollars, 'j'he note was re jected as contt-m])tuously as though it Were a w trthless raL', wi»Ii the remark, ‘•We Ion't know North Carolina money on this road; we d( n’t take if at all. ’ We st.ited that the Commercial ii' te. were rc- dee;ii.*l in ('barlest'u; but that made no d;ffe.renci—the rule was not to take Noi th Carolin.t monev. (leorgia or Alab.ima money is all ri'_'ht. 'I’his is but a s;>eci- men—the s.ame tone of disparagement fowanls North Carolina ]>er\ades every- tliinir. Wt* mu>t also remark that the coniluefnrs on the So\ith Carolina Railroad are by no means as courteous as th'^se on our Ko.'id, If the* people of South (’andi- na dc'ire sympathy or co-operation, we think tin y jiursue a .'traiige course to id>- tain it.” The Journal of Conimerce has th * fol lowing article on the sime subject: Smifh ('irrnliii/r. — We yestenlay had a eonversation with an infellit^enf gentleman from Sotith Carolina. From him wi* learn ed that the oxci^eineiit there oti jxilitical (|Uf''tioiis is so ^rreat as m.aterially to in terfere with bu'iiH*ss. A large amount of capital is withheld from us(*, on account of the uncertainty whiidi (*xists in regard to the future. Our informant thinks that a decided majority of the peo]de in the Staft* at larre are in fiver of secession, I'iic.; the* only (juesfion is, wlu ther South Carolina consideration, and liope vou will examine into tlieni before acting too hastily in the matter. John \V. Wilcox. Ni;\y ( 'a i.cl i.ati nj 31 acii in e.—A n ex- traordinary calculating machine says the Lomlon Times has been invented b}’ a Flnr flit ton.—We saw, yesterday, at the counting hou.se of Messrs. Tredick, Stokes & Co., No. Is south Front street, several very interesting specimens of flax cotton. They were exhii>it*d iiy Mr. E. (i. Koberts, who is the patentee for the 1 nitel States of Clu^valier (.'lausseu’s me thod f»f comerting fliix into a lorm which admits of its being spun and manufactured iti the same way as cotton, and with pre- cist*ly the .same machineiy. Tin* samples Polish Jew, named Stafiel, a native of of the fabric which were shown us were War.saw. It works addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, with remarka ble ra]>idity and precision. It al.«o jn-r- t^orms the operation of extracting the scjuare root and the most complicated .'Ums in fractions. l>ut its most singtdar power is. that if a rjnestion be w rongly stated, as for instance*, a gn*ater number being plac ed f*'r subtraction from a smaller—it de tects the error, and the ringing of a small bell announces the diseovcryl The Tini(*s thus describes the machine; “The machine which the inventor calls Aritfniiitiin lii.'ifrniiuiitiilis, is about the size of an ordinary toilet, being about bv 0 inches, an«i about four iiiche.s high. The external mechanism represents three rows c'f cipli(*rs. 'I'he last a’ld uj)j>er row, containiiiii 1-J fi;:t;res, is immovable: the second and tliinl, containing 7 figures, each immovable. The words addition, subtraction, nmUi]dication and division are engraved on a scmicircuhir ring to the right, .and underneath is a hand, which must be pointed to w hic hever operation is to bc' performed. The figures being pro- I't-rly arranged, the sinijde turn of a han dle is thi*n given, and the operation is per formed at once as if by magic.” I.MpoKTANT Patent Casks—Peamnci .’Machine.—We find in a late number of the “.''c'ientifie American” the following reports of Patent Ca.ses in the United Statc-s Court at (’ooperstown, N. Y., which we publish as likely to interest the }K*o}»le of this set tion of North (’arolina: I.MI’OKTANT I’ATMNT t’ASK.s!—rLANIXG MAClUNi:.-^. In the C. S. ('ircuit Court for the Northern District of New York, at (.'oopers town, 7th of August, iSfil, Judge Nelson ]>n'siding. Wilson versus Allen, Law, Heardslee, and Karlow. The complainant praying for an injunction to restrain the shall venture* the movement alone, or defend,mts from usin^ what is known as whc'ther she* shall wait for the com urrc'iicc" ooiworth s Planing 3Liehine. '1 he de- of other States. The friends of the latter fendan's are all patentees, and each lias a alternative are numerous and increasing, patent for a planing machine, as being a Tlu*y ojtposc' frjtiirnii’ secc“ssion, but advo- diff'/reiit invention from the* othc*r; and no catc* rii-iiprnitli)>i ^ that is, sec'cssion when- doubt there* is a great dissimilarity bet ween ever the* other Southc*rn States shall be tlu*m. Ihere is no resemblance between very beautiful as n-garei.s tinene.ss and .soft ness of texture', and were we 11 adapted to rc inove the doubts entertained by some as to the fi'.isibility of the proje*ct of substi tuting flax for cotton in inaimf c tuics. Xorth A mi-rii iin. nnl ftp el Silks: N*e(!le.*-v.-irkpil (’as!«nipr**8: liro- cadc’ .‘iriil \v;itnc*el I’opbus; rhamele'm Louisisoi- !is: ('hc*ne Itep.s; l’lai-1 I,iiitre‘ri; rich Sasorty De- L;iiii.s; pl.ein. watorod »7il f.^-ure 1 Silk warp Alpacas; Swonit .Me.ariiiier I’oplins: blse k Boni- bieziiu's; a few .«upcrieir I'Aciiirip; Dresses; pink, liliio, white and straw oejloreil Tarltans, I'iaifi aii'l w;Xte*|-ed .Mantillas; liay StsitP. jilai'I anil oiiihroii!c*i f*il Tliihot aii'I (,’asliniere Shawls; clralt aiifl black Cashiiicre iJilto. Kre*n?h Worked Lace? .thI ('>lliirs; werkcil Ciiirs; a beautiful b.t IlcrtLa I.ace Capes; fncbjr-sleeves anel Chc.*jni-f 3cttci*: Swiss anil .faconet Triniininjis: Hem stitched and Nce*elk“-wi rk','el Linen (.'.niibrie IlaiKlkercliiefs; black. Hue and white Luce Veils, 1*^0. itc. —Ab?0.~ lUack, bro'^t'n nnel };rpf*n Frfiicli and Fnglish ('loths: V>lack aiul fancy t assinicrcs; plain uin} tijr'il S!»tin Vcstinrs: Valenci« and ♦’a“bnif‘re} ditto: 'I'woc'ils; .Sattiiiets; Kciitiicky .leans; fSilk ami W orste^il pl:tid rcil. bluo anei while* Flaime-ls; f rone-li nnel .''ilk warj'ditto; brown and lileaedicil Canton elitto; Druggets; OsnahurfTs; Frcncli and Kmilish i’rint.»: Irish 1/men.s; Towplinc; Tal'le Ladies’ aiul (ientlenic'n's Kid (ih)vos. ot a very superior epi.-il- ity; .''ilk ioid Cotton Hosiery; Lamb's Wool and Me rino ditto; Ladies’ aiiei eientleiiien s ('nelimere (i!"ves, itc. iSic. A htnjp lot of Jlnimits; jh/les^hin ninl An- Jfntx; Ml )i't mill Cnjin; Jf'it ami liilt HJtbuns. A enporior lot of Gentlemen’s Ca’f Boota and Sluies; Ladies' Gaiters •md othOr styles of .Shoes; Travelliiip: Trunkp; Tarpet Baps, iSC. The aliove rjeiods were sflpftpd more parficu- l«rly fer the I’KT.ML TKA1>K, and will be sold c>n verv .aceomniodatinp terms. K. L. k ,1. A. I’KMr.r,RTON, Sejit. 11, 1N‘>I. '2 Iff Reduction for Cash, 1T1A^'K jnst received "J^O ;ranoti.s of I’e)rter'.^ lU’KMNC FH11», which 1 intend to sell fe-r cents per palbm, or 110 cts. a pi;irt. cash;- ainl ^1 jier "allon whe-n charged. This rule will be observed in all c.-ises. Also, a tine !i.»."irtniei>t of FLI'ID T..\MPS, v:ir;. in;' in prices from 4o cts. to •'20. Call and take a look at these sjilendiil Lnm)>s. II. KHAMIiF’.KT, Airent. AIInr. ?,(). i^r.i. 2i-;;t IVrARRIED, In (bislow e'eiunty, on the -Itli inst.. Ly Ste- plie-n Wallace. F,r*.|. KJ.I C»X, F.sq. ot Floriela, to Miss U.\H1$.\KA, dauf:hte*r of liCv^is and Ircii.-i Williaiiis, of Jones county. DIED, ^ In \Varre*nton. on the l*2th ult., in the 71st year of her a;re. .Mrs. .NL\1!V HALL, relict of the late .ledui Halt, for mnny yenjs .in .Vss .ciate .Instice of the .'>ii]ireme Court of X. (\ SC HOOL NOTICK. us. IlOl’N will resume lier Schoed, at the' iT3i Masonic Loiijre, on Weel»ie.sday the 1st! day of (Ictobe'r next. i-^ept. 11, If'-jl. 21-Ht CO.M.MKliClAL UKCOKI). Al!I:IVAL?. —llowan and I’en lierry up. with froe>ds fe)r I) iS: \\ Mc l.aurin. W S Peniiierton, rmckfish Co. H ^ K .1 Lilly, A W Steel, S II .'steel, (""arr iV Turner, L F Carr. W S: .) T Anelrews, S II Yoeutji, .1 .S Turner. .1 H Treadwell, 1' P .lohn- soii. Ilaelley, .J \V Maker, K Little. II Ci Hall. .'sept. ]0.—.'steamer luv. (irahi.m with Lifrht- er M. Hrown in tow, with poods for .sundry merchants ot this place and interior. RIVf]R in gofxl lloatinp order. Al’.Un'ALS. Sej't. ■). — Pr. r.ii.;r .'^ea Flower from CardifT, Pr. Hrip .^e:i fnm Trini'iaei, I5rip I’.nena Vista from New York; Schr. A. .L lieKosset trom X. York. 7.—llrip IL-ilcyoii from New York. — Schr. C. H. Ilopers froMi Charleston. FAYKTTFAMLLE MAllKFT—Skpt. 11. ~ Brandy, p’ch. ;‘.0 a o-> j Larel, 14 a I»itt«>. iipplo. ■lo a 47 Leather, se>li‘. 20 a L’O a 'I'l Li-ail, liiir. OA a t R.-icnn, 14 ;i .Mola.s.«e*.s, Uo* a 27 R:ijr>riM{r, 1:5 a 20 Nails, cut. 41 a 4A Ccittou, ■y\ a 7 1 2 Oats, 4-5 0 •‘>0 ('eirn. 1 00 a (til. Linseeel. 00 ('nffc'C. 10 all Powder, 0 (Ml a 0 1 00 ('lieese. !» 11 .Shot, 1^ a 2 Coppcnes. .Sii^ar, brown. 0 a !» raTielk's, V. F. L’,‘ a K'. I>itto, loaf. n a i;i Flemr, 4 a Salt, sae'k, 1 •_>.■) a 1 40 Fe»iitlie'rs, ."11 a l>o. alum, bu. n 40 Flaxseeil. 1 OO :i 1 lliA .ShiiipU's, '2 a 2\ Hides, pri*e‘n. 4 Tallow. S a lo" l>itte». lry. t a 11 V\ heat. ► a 8.T Ircin, Swc*iles. i") a t) Whiskey, 4;') a 47 I>o. Knplish , H a 4 ■Wool, 1.'^ a 20 jnilipe>. 1 a U White Leael, M cL willing to unite with South (’aredina in the establishme*nt ed’a Seiuthern C'enifcde- eraey. M.my, it is believe*l, e>ccupy this ground from pdic v, wlmse rc'al sentime*nts are favorable te» the cimtinuaiiee of the f ^11 ion ii!t if /’.y, on the Irasis of the Coiu- preiiuise. IJut to advoe-;ite the* latter doc trine at prese*nt wouhl ensure defeat; when*as, by taking an aelvanceel position as ro-operntioni.t., they hoj)e to e-arry a majority of their fellow-citizens with them, and so ke*ep the separate .seeessioiiists at bay, until reflection shall beget reaction. The deh*rate s to the (’onvention whie h is some of the in; us one has stationary cutt^’rs, like Law’s, ami the other reeiprwating ; cuttc-rs like Harlow’s. It was alh*ged that ; every one of them was an infringement on ; the Woodworth Patent. The defence pleade*d non-infringement. After three -! days’ submission of testimony on both sides, to show cause that injunctions should issue on one hand, and to show cause that injunctions should not issue «m the other; and afte*r cojisidc*rable discussion on both sides the prosecution wa.s abam.loned for the presc'iit. We have been informc;d that the a.ssignces of the Woodworth patent Lime, ni'ue 4-4 Hrown Sheetinps, Ceittcm Yarns, o to 1*>, »>il cents. ]• KF.VIK>\*()F THK MAllKKT. (^oK.\ is ejuite scjirce; sells readily at •'»1. B.veoN firm, anel occasional sales at prices above epmtafieins. (\)TTox.—.\ fcM' bales new sells at .something above the quotations. Ti hi'knti.nk.—Yellow and Yirpin ilip 1 7'); Hard '.10. No. Re>sin >0. .'•spirits Turitenfine lias adv.anceil; sales at li'i to cents. WlLMINtVrON MAP.KFT. Sm.all fpiantities of li;i»’on rei'eived by Hail intend to aj»ply for an amended specifiea- Road. N. C. Hams retailinp at 2 > cents ]>er II).; AVilmincton. C.. Sei>tember 8, tion to cem*r mechanic al pressure on the ^^ides at 18 to cents. Lard scarce; sales at , , , . . . jy ^ • 11 X 14 Cts. No sales ot iJinihor. 1 urpentine has plank in the act of planing, and also to 5 cents ner bbl.; sales of to l!oo() ' T'e il and venire de m>vo. I’>iir.«ni J.—Ihx‘ eiri dem. of Jones v. "o.r. fnmi lluthcrfonl, judgtnent aflirm- Hettis V. J’.eynfdds, f^rom Burke, be content with the liberty we enjoy, and .:in nt rcve-rsed anel venire de novo.— cea.se this constant interference in the af- on v. \\ heeler, in Lepiity from Lincoln, fjf others. By it, we gain nothing 'Te e fur plaintift-and n port as to what is ; we trust that American 'Te e fur plaintift- and re port as to what is ; ^ ■ lie upon mort;:a;r'.'. neatty v. Conner, ,, , tr ill Catawba, iuiljcment affirmed. Posfen ' or ejursc ves, we juil ' Henry, from liune-ombe, judgment re- T't (1, venire ele novo. Armfic Id & (!o., V. I' lrti-r, from Davidson, plaintiff recovers » ol but no ce»st. Seroggs v. Scroggs, from Iredell, excejttions overruled, account ‘onlo»od costs out of funel. A. (,'. Mc- /•>utire, v. P. M l-'.ntire, from Rutherford, judgment affirm' d. Ilice, v. Woodward, everywhere*, and (’done 1 Bigh r wouhl be , to decide on the course to be pursued are as zeah)us]y supjuu teel in Virginia or Lou- already elected, and a large m;ijority of isi.eiia as he is in Pennsylvania.” the*m irere, when elected, in favor of im- ^ The alnif>st unanimous eonde*mnation of mc*diate sec ession. But our informant apply to (’ongress for an extension c»t the bids, at 2 lO;—this inchnles Virgin. Hard 1 O'). T ,1m. tm.’s ,.f,iir e bv the S,,ufhe*rn Whi.r thinks the views'of a number of them have : Woodworth patent. Tt would be a very Nothing doing in Tar and Pitch. Spirits Tui- ' / ' •, * already chansed, and that the lemger final imprudent move to get an amended speci- pentine has a.lvance-d I^ ce*nts per palhui; sales Press IS not only an evidenc-e of (loyernor . • 1 1 ^ 1 *1 ,.oi-or;»,rr ui.fbrIr.vir.o for it wmihl i>t:i(A. Common Rosin 00 cents; sales of be- actiem can be deferred, the more hope ' tie.ition co^erlng such .1 devue, lor it weniiU o. there is that neither South Carolina nor assuredly be a wedge to split itself. The the nation will be disgractid. There is a | ]>resent prosecuticm, wc think, were not chance that even the Convention will not i fully weighed in the balance by the as- dccide in favor of separate action. If*hey | signees ot the \\oodweu th j»atent. do not docide it, tl.oy ,„a.v be in- i .v.v.x„„i.ator.-Wc )e„rn duced to postpone nnal action, which will ! , t n- > » 1 be equivalent to a Union triumph at last. ' ^atlemal Intelligencer s«London So mote it be. I Correspondence, that a gentleman well ac- ircticii's Maimal.r NEW EDITION. Anew Rovisod Manual of the Public Sta tute Laws of N. from 18n^ to IHol,- both inclusive, hy James Ireilell. Ppicc just received. K. .1. HALK .'ic SON. Sejit. 9. l.S^'il. in{()SPK(Tl'S OF Tite l^aUv Journal* Subscribers this day commence thcj' JL ]inblie:ition in the town of Wdminpton, of a elaily evening ]vaper l>y th^* above title. It will be issued every elay (S»inelays »*xcepteel) after the arrival ot the mails, so as to give th« very latest intelligence from all inarter.-». The j'ublishers will also avail themselves of every adelitional facility witliin their reaedi for the coU*ction of news. ! Particular attention will be ]'.iil to tlio Com- merci:il de]>nrtmcnt of the pap* r. and full :ind accurate reports given of the state of our own markc‘ts. as well as of all others having an}' in fluence upon the trade* of this p'ace «.r section. The growing imp>rtance of Wilmington, and the ine-reasitig w:ints of the mercantile commu nity at I:irge. have seeined to call tor and war rant the coTnniene*e'nient f'f this enterprise. North Carolina is ahuost. if not epntc, the cmty State in tiie I'nion in which no daily paper is piiblisheel. California, vvhic-h but yesterday was a wilderness, has a flourishing elaily press, while North (''arolina ha# noi one within her liorders. Such shouM not be t)ie case*. e belies e that we e-an f.iirly apiieal to the Statef pride, as well as to tl e intc'rc sts of our fello\\- eitizeiis. to sustain us in our present ettort fa remove tliis reproach. It i« .scarce*ly iu*ce“ssnry to refe' to tliP poli tics of ••The Daily Journal," as it will be undei' the same ciliteirial management with tlie Week ly ‘•Wilmington .lournal,” which paper will continue to be jmblisheil on the same terms as formerly, deriving, it is to be hoped, additional interest from the use of the more extended fa cilities which the* publicatiem of a daily must reniler necessary. In polities it will support the doctrines of tlie Democratic party; yet; while firm and elecided iii the assertion and maintenance e»f its own opiuieuis, will be mode rate and respee-tfid towards those who may dif fer f)'om it. Tt'nax.—The price of “The l>aily Jenirnal" will be six dollars per annum, invnrinhly in ad- vnmc. The he*avy outlay aftetielant upon the’ j.iiVilie ation cd'such a I'ajter will render a strict adhcr.uice to this rule ii.ipi'ratirr. A tri-weekly paper will be issueel at four dollar? per annum, shoiihl a siiffie'icnt niunbcr of tri-weekly sub scribers be olitained. The ‘-Daily Joiirnal” is now before the pub lic. The labor and outlay which its issue entails is very considerable, and will require* a gene rous supjiort te> save eis from heavy loss. Ir.' starling it, we have relied up.>n that liberalit;. wliich has heretofore been extc*ndeel to us, and h.-tve launcheil our bark, eleterinin>il that it shall .sink or swim upfin its own merits. F( LTON .'i PRICE. 18-M. .Jedinston’s bael conduct—it is the very best evielence that the Southern Whigs are alwa}s sufficie'iitl}* inelepenclcnt of jiarfy ties and sufhciently devoted to the Consti tution ami the Union to deiieuince treason tween and 8000 blils. Shingles scarce: common 2 T>0 per M. Neithing iloing in Staves. Corn market entirely bjire; arrivals looked for. A few rafts of Timber have been sedel at *> -50 to ‘t (K» per M, according to quality. \t Charleston, middling fair Cotton 8} to 9. DAGUERREOTTPE ! PORTRAITS. A('. S.MITII, llaguerrean .Artist, having • been instructed in one of the largest anei b -st Establishments in New York, and by one' C'. the best Artists in New York e»r any where else, would respectfully infeims the citizens ri Fayetteville, and pcrsenis living near, that he j lias a Room in the Fayetteville Hotel fitted np j for taking Dapierreotype.«. and wonld be very to them in any ejuarter. It is the very interference in Cuban affairs is at an end. | that they are not -untrue to If .so, we shall not indulge in vain regret : ,South ” against 2,100,780 last year. Increase 2o(I, for the fate e»f tho.se unfejrtunate Americans who have been deceived anel executed. Tt is a severe lessem to us, but it was not un deserved, and may be preHluctive of much benefit. It m;iy have, we trust it will Jiut the fact as the I’nion states it, that Locofeicoisni in Penn.sylvania is ]>recisely the .same with Locofc)coism in V’^irginia is al.so the very best evidence that the cohe- PiioCiKK.s.s.—At a Free Soil meeting in Lynn, Mas.s., -\bby Folsom was present Teual receipts of Cott.m, •2,r?.V.,44:i bales, jnuch pleased to wait on those who may wish t., have their Likenesses taken. lie has the best materials that can be liought any where with- ^ ^ _ out any exception. He inten'ls stopping here miaintpd wVth thp PvanTnio,///s Tsalniist, Avith SlinpIcilK'Ht. ' «i*ly « weeks. ciuainted with the exact mu(tu>, apetnnai r 'on wish a correct and goml 4 Likeness. lie fe^els that he can satisfy those j irl’LETsO.V ' > ^ of Phillips’ Fire Annihilator, accompanied , , 1 • r c V I by two experienced operators, left Liver-1 receivecL and made a speech in f.i\or of sending a week, for the purpose of visiting 1 f^ept. 10, I80I. delegation to the State Convention, half of; United States, and brin ging the in-i S\l K" whom shoulif be women! She also strong-1 valuable capabilities of that machine fully ' r i/lv oA I jVj from \ ancy, judgment rever.scid, venire eJc have, a .salutar}' effect upon that j It Ts a fact fijg i class in this country, who “Having no frecdoiu to tight fe>r at Home, Must combat for that of their neighViors; Who think of the glories of Greece and of Rome, And get knocked on the head for their labors.” At the commencement of this attempt ; to wre.st Cuba from the crown of Spain, ;ioyo. Jiale v. Harrison from Mecklen- buig, de;cree fur plaintiff, defendant pays ei»st.s. J)en on dem of Bradford, y. Frwin Irotu Mecklenburg, reve-r.seel, vcn de novo. Iti'ij on clem Lyerby y. Wheeler from li 'wan, judgment affirmeel. Boon v. Jias- 'V'D in Kejuity from Caldwell, bill di.s- iiii>.s('d with cost.. Aydelotte & Kudeselle, , v, • 1 1 llufr,.,an». i» K.|uityfrom Ga*to„, ,lc^ ive for plaintiff, defendant pays cost.— »uust yet be ours”; many ot the old “mani- .'loaii V. .McLean from Iredell, judgment fest destiny” men, who went for Texas and beluw reversed, juelgment tor plaintiff. j “54° 4(j' or fight,” who now insist upon ^ lij (ijitrt. Long a loliver, v. Lot them recol- - - — * , i parties Me.^ican w'ar, in which, after all j whilst the business of the Brokers is fall- di.siuis.sed^ ^ ^ I thcir boasting, they by no means succeeded . ing off. In Boston also, says the Adver- The Cejurt will probably adjejurn ou !“whipping Mexico before breakfast”: j tiser, a sensible improvement in the money ONE fine young HOR.'^E, low, by H. liRANSON & SON. Virginia Locofocos have already shejwn ' ^^ ’ I ^^eaboard and Roanoke K.mlroad. their willingness to support abeditionists | irownn for the \ ice 1 residency. I from the Weldon Patriot that for ofiic-e by voting for the notorious Gi*o. | Anothkr Coalition.—The Benton and ; the Cars have commenced running regu- W. Thompson, a more bittt'r abolitionist, ! Anti-Benton (abolition and anti-abolition) ; between Portsmouth, \ a. and Garys- even, than Col. Bigler. I De-mocrats of JNIi.ssouri, following the ex- j " Sept. n. It Monky Market.—The New York Com mercial Advertiser says that the traces of the late pressure in the money market are j let theia tluixk of tuo Laj-J blows rccciveJ | m-a'kct -was apparent. ample of Massachusetts, New York, and; lMrORT.s and Exports.—Foreign goexls Ohio, are attempting to re-unite. : valued at ?13,275,427 were received in S. I.REMK CouKT.-Hon. Rufus Choate i York during the month »f A>.gust. „ „„ „ I The exports amounted to ©o,o9-t,14a.- of .Massachusetts ,s spoken of a. .,su,table! 1" . ’ > fast di.sappearing in that city. The Banks ‘ ^ ‘ 1 1 'Difference against the United States of discount to the extent of their receipts, It?''™'**" “> oolburj-on the l«nd, of the Sunreme Court. Where the Specie goes.^—The ex- More Gold. The Georgia arrived at pQj.^^ of specie from Xew York in August, New York on Sunday night, the 7th inst., j amounted to 82^673,444. The imports lio 'viLli 31,500;000 iu gold iluaL j §13(3,503. Likeness ^^■i^ do it. Time of taking, from 0 I A. "^I. nntil '> P. ! iJark or black dresses best for f;i.king; white' j ■p-i’I n(it answer well, i Price.s from Tv.o to Ten Polltirs. j Children one year r>lel nnd nrr^.ireJs ta- j ken, if they can he kept still 1-t or •JO .^conrls. I Time for taking Children, fr >ra 10 A. >L until •2 P.* M. Instniction* piven in the Art. Persons taken in groups f they wish it. Daguerreotypes and Miniatnrc PR.intiugs co pied for those who may Irish it. some power the piftic pie us, MESS PORK D CylllliESE i To see ourselves as ithers see us. It wonld from many a Hutider free ns. And foolish notioii.—Bums. Spanish SmokiN^ Tobncro. *^500 SPANISH CIGARS, for sale low by H. BRANSON & SON. Sept. 11, 1851. 21tf R ECEIVED this day, by H. Sept. 11. BRANSON & SOX. 21 tf Settlements. PERSONS who are indebted to us will con fer an obligation if they will settle during the present month. Ail persons to whom we aie indebted will pleaise render their bills for pay ment. 1^. J. ilAL£ a, SON. Aug. 1.- But come when you will, perfect likeness you’ll ha^e. If you only sit still. Lovers are of all others the best enbjecto fc.f Bitting, though the most difficult to please. Secure the shadow Ere the subBtauoo fa,f’.e.— y«pt. 1, 1-8'f

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