SBMl-WEEKIiY [vor.. I.] FAYETTFAILLE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 18, 1851. [NO. 23.] IMMNTKD liV .1, 15. M:\VHV. i:i)\VAI!i) J. llALi: it sox, Kl*lTOl!:S \M> rilolMUKToruS. lor llio Si'ini-Wffklv OiisKiiVK.ii 1 (»0 if ill ji.lvMiicc: :>U if jwii'l •luring the \c:ir of sul»orii>tii>n: t>r aftiT (Ik* V(.';ir lias i\]iiri'ii. t >■ ilu' Woc'klv (Mi^KiiVKTi *■_’ IM) i>i‘r aiuunti. if I ill ;ilv:mc«‘; if i>;iiil (luriiijr tlif 1- tif Mil)siTii>ti'iii; or •i';! (H» after the vear "i]iircil. • * \l'\ KI!'nSl'M l-'NTS iiiserteil fur sixty cents ■. jii.ii v' for the tir-it. ami thirty eents for each [•.•e.Iiiipr luihlioation. Yearly a«lvertis»‘nu‘nts ;>oi'ial foiitrai'ts. at reasonable rates. Ad- ri-tT' are re'juestiMl to state the nuniher of ;t' >iis .leireil, or they vill he continueil till I. anil ‘harj:i-il a.-cor'lintrly. 1.otters to the JMitors iimst he post-p.-iil. ARKY, SHi:?IU ELI. A: CO. NKW FALL AND WLNTER D. M. MCDONALD 'l.’i ITS the attention i>f buyers to his va- I ^ I 1 i.'Si.rtiiK'nt of '('lii/Hi. ('rockvnj n/rrr, .N ;.//■ iIihI ( 'ijfi'-. 1! lf- ll/ll! ( ilfiS, li'ipt I" n Ill'll Jiriiiili/ 1)1(1 1} ilh-.iil (iiii, /*)(•/ iiiiil Mil'll nil II//..s, ('ii/iir. I,/ tin- l».t i^Hiihlif, lii'if (liiinh'‘nnil ( 'iinilh s. n j'l ir fiiir r/,,l'v. \,icl .'very artii-le \isnally kt-i>t f>r the aeeom- ; ' latioii of ]> i>: all of wliieh 1 will sell ! Keiitnvky • w tor ('ash. or e\elianjro for e Il.iy s*lreet, Sej't. l-’i, 1>''1. lUUtry I’roiluee. ■JJ-lni Presbyterv of Fayette\nlle. raiin: riiKsiivTi.uv »k f,\^ KTri:vii.i.i; B. "il! nieet in the I’resln teriaii Cliuri-h in , I M rt-iisvilii*. W'avne eoiuitv. vi: 'I'hurs'lav lioth ^ . Mt 1- oVl.vk. - •.f. i:;. -JJ-Jt M A ■||) \\ INK M \Ki:iiS. I "K have a few U.irrels of line c(M .\|tplej I'.iaiiily I>i:- -i.ile; stieh as those wh**^ t ’ niakv -.'Oil win‘ l.onli! ;:et. ' .c TV^ l,()i;. T 1^:. I'M. i:--tf •■'I .MMri;vM.i,F. N. I lh -'-i,'i MM'Kl:'. :'>llli lle.:inient. i iN! M 1' > |i i \ 1.11 11F FI I' Kli."'; \ ■•It are here-’i'i li:iv.> \ ..iir rcs{>oeti ve ('.iiii- r;■ ' .11 the I't Thnr' lay i-f ( K-- ■ '• • v I ;i- ti'*- !n\v 'lireels. at the t , \. M., I'lr the iuir|»o>e ..f V u \ •' ^-. ’vi-s are re'|uire>l to atteii l : , \ ' ri'\II' t'‘l' :■ '1. ■ i II. 1). \| ('ol. 'onunanli:i-_'. Jii;* iitii t. ;• 1i*. 'J'-’-tni P'.ilinist. with SiippitMiuMit. \! V' I r.i iii II o! IIVMN.'^ for the use f'f ('Inirciies. A furtiicr'iijijdy just II1'. Snhseriliers are now reeeivinp dinvt -H. from New York and l’hiladel]>hia, the lar gest anil iuindsomest Stoek of Staple a/t(/ /'a/ici/ Dri/ Hoods That they have ever exhihited in this market, enihraeinp every variety of l,adies‘ and rti'utle- nien'? Li|{KSJ> (JOOhS. amonj; whieh nniy be found; lllaek and faney watered ami plain l> Silks; bl.'iek and faney ('oluirps; Lama Twills; figured and (ilain lancy and blaek .Mohair Lus tres: Silk Warp and 'rapc liroeades: Swiss, ■^eoteh and Chene (linfihains; Saxojiy l>e-Lains; Kreneh. F.nplish ami Ameriean I'rints; Kinb'd (’ashmeres; plain ditto; ehanjreable l>e-Lains; watered and needle-work (’ashmeres; eh.-ingea- ble Yoneses; Itrocade Lustres; llaniask .Kolians; black I’oinbazines; second-niourninj; I’oplins; plain and watered Silk Mantillas; colored and tihu k A’t'lvet Mantillas; Urocade I’oplins; and a lar^e assoi-tnu'ut of l>ress ’rrinniiini.'s; French and Kn;rli;^h .\Ierinos; Velvet Neck llibbons and Cuffs, \c. IvMHROlDKKIKS. French workeil ('I'll.ars ami ('apes; French worked ('uffs; French worked 'heiiiisettes; I’n- der-Sleeves; Swiss and .lac(.inet Trimminjrs; In fants' Waists and Caps; llem-stitched and nee- dle-w..rked l.iiiiii Cambric llandkerchifls, iVom cts. to •'fio: and a beautiful :issnrtnu'nt of Veils; every v:iriety of Sha wls, embroidervd and plain; Threaij. (’otton ainl I.inen Kd'^iiigs and i.aces; bl,-ick Silk Laces and Edjiings. LSO— r>lack, blin*. brown and irreen French and Fusrlish Chiths; black and fam-y Ca"inieres; ('nt Velvet, figured an 1 black Satin and Valen- l i.i v-stiii“s, vi-ry hamisomt'; i S.itliiu-ts; leans; Tu eeds; Liiisev '; Flannels, and cotton: Osnabiir^'^; 1 •ni;.r;:els; liamask j Table Coths; ditto Napkins; Centre-Table Cov- . ITS. \«'ry tine; I'i.-iiio C.ivcrs; Irish Linens; Lin- • fii L.iwns; Cambrics: Towellings; (m-u- ; tlemen's Mi'iino .'^hii ts :ind l»rawers; Silk Neck . and I’ockct n.iniikt rcliii'fs: Ladii-s' Merino \'fst: Cashmere and .'^ilk H'>Sf; tiitto ll.-ilf-llose; . the celebr;it»‘d Salom .leans, bl.-ick and >;re\. j Ladies', (ienllemen s and ChiUIrcn's l>tK*TS ami Sll( Men's, I'.ovs’ aii't Infants' Hats .and C.ips. \ elvet. Satin, .''traw and Floreni'e lionnets. l>iito ilitto liitto for \'id evi'ry article usually kept in a Pry (ioods ^JIIIIS LINK OF BOATS is still in succes.s- -M. fill opfnttion on the Cayie Fear IJiver. and continue to ull'er many facilities to the shipping; public. I’ersons ]>{T this Line, may rest as sured that tiicir Cioods will be bronjjrht up with I it much superior to the of W ild Ji'^l'iitch, ami at the very lowest rates of freight, rv, or anvtliini; else we ever ir.-ive for ' • ‘^TLKL. President. T. S. LUTTFULOM, Ajteiit at Fayetteville. Feb. I-*), L‘'.’)l. 6‘,>-tf tiy W'e invite the ]>ublic to call and exam ine our larjjc and hai)ds'>nu- .^toek, :is we are al- w.iy- ;in\iin:s to show 4iiir (iouils. £.^1?" II' /."// Suijiir, I'm dml ('i.fji'ir. .\I1K\, .'■IILMWLLL \ C(». return tli.-ink'^ to ti:e l iti/ciis I'l F.i_% i ttfviile, and the i>ubli- V. 1'..r th>‘ \-ry li'n im1 patronajie h-re- tot'"rc b.'t'.wcd .lu thrm. and intfiid, by strict attcnti n to bii^iiu"'. to mi-rit a cmtiiniancc. S. S. Aitr.v. F.iyettc'i il’( C.irolliii.iII ( Sept. 1- •I'.'- 1*. SIIKMW I'I.L, ■L 1!. Mc1>»»NAL1*. l^-M. L'ltf llALi; .s; SUN. ■. I'.M. .'Spanish T'ohttrro. SPANISH t'KIAHS. fur sale • V» (.1V li. J'.K.VNSON 11. l.-M. .V Sf)N. liltf Ml >S PORK AND CllKE.^E 3B tj KIVKO tli-s d.iv. i.v Stt Jl. LP.ANSON >s; SON. . • ■' -Jlrf /y. 3* .1. l*enihvrton I fl A\'l'. just received fr 'iii New Viik ;itid I I Pliil.rlclpliia ;i ciniipi.-te .'■t ick of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, which may b«- foiiii.I an extensive ii.t of ■ ILS |ii;i-,S'^ (i*Oli.'. viz: I’i.iin. wati:*-*! • ; .''ilk-; Necdle-wiirkcd C,is!,nier-s: i.'i I watered Pojijin.*;; Ciiameieon Louisian- • Ilt'ps; Phlid l.nstrt-s; rich .'^axouy I*e- w.'tore 1 and lij^nrrd Si!k \\iir|> - I Moiirniiiir Poplins; black lloin- t -\v superior Lvenin:r l)resses; jiink, ■c traw colored 'J'arltans, \c. I’ .i:. .1 w.-itcred I’ay Sf.tte, j^laid I i'.,],,! ri-'i 'I'iiibet .and C.-ishnicre .''hawls: • ■ '^'i !'!.o k Ca.'liiiicre ditto. r.'l I'dloli'F.PilKS.— French W’orki’il Lace III I ! Worked Cuffs: a lieantifnl lot I’” ;: 1 C:i[i(.i.; Ciider-sh-eves and Clicmi- .'.ml .lacoiiet 'I'rimminiLrs; Hem- N-cdh'-»orked Linen ('aiub)'ic bl.ick. biue and white Lace li.-i and Ikclcliicl. . i\c .Vc. DAG-UEHEEOTYPE IM>in R.VITS. VC. SMITH, 1 •a;'zurrrean Artist. ha\iii, • been iiistrncted in one ot'the lar',rest an>l Ix-st F.stabli-lim'-iit- in New Yoik, and by one of the best Arri'ts in New York oi any where c;s'“. wuiild rc'i • ctfiilly inf..i iit tiie citi/.cns . t Fayctt‘vilic. anil pcr>'iiis lixinir iK'.ir, that he h.a.s a Itooiii in the Fayt'tteville Hotel fitted np fur takinj: l*»;.riicrrcotypes, and would be very ii.'.k Ii pli is 'd lo M.;iit on t!iii«(‘ who m;iy wish to liaVf their l.ikeneS'c- t.lkeii. He h;i' the be:-t materials t' lie b.'ii;_iit any where with- o, t :iny exi i'pti.un. lie intends >t"ppinj: here only :i tew week'. • '.-I'.l sifin, it' \i.u wi>h a correct .and rool Likeni H- le"l> that in- e.iii satisty those ■ who may u'ive him a call, if a correct and ;rood LikeiH >.! will till it. 'I'ime *)f i;ikin'_', fr«*m V M. until P. M. Park or bl.-iek dress's best for takiii"': white will n*'t atiswer well. J’ri.'es fi nni Two to 'I'l ii liollars. Jf'-;- ■ Clii;.i, en one year old a:id UJiWards ta- ki'U, if they I e kej^t sti'l 1'> or I'n seconds. Time for takine; Children, from 10 A. .M. until L’ i>. M. Ijtro" ln.strn-tinns ;riv«-n in tlie Art. Person' taken in ^rroups if they wish it. I>a;.ruerrei'types and .Nliniature i'aintinjjs co- pii'd for those who ni.ay wish it. (»li. Wad '■•me ]iowei-the jrii'tie i;ie iis. To see oniselvi .s as itiiers see iis. It would Irom many a blnnder free us. And foolish nolion. — llniiif. P>nf ciinn* when you will, A perfect likeness y(ni'll have, If you only .sit still. Lovers are of all others the best .'■•.ibjects for .sitting, though the most ditti.nilt to please. .Secure the shadow Kre the substance fade.—Shiil.-^innrr. , “Sejit. ], 18tf TiiK MOST EFFi('\('iors I!i:mi:t)V i:x- TANT AXODYXK cm 111 DUni'S. The success of this remedy outstrips the use of anytliinp of the kind. From persons of the first respectability residin,^ in ditFerent parts of the country, I have received flattering accounts, and amonj: them the followiiijr. Midway, (ia., .April, 1H|8. I'r. I.ittle—l>car Sir: Sour .\nodync Coiiph I'rops have been used in sevi-ral case.s in my family, with most e.'ccellent effect; in fact, we found Cherry, or anything couph."' or colds. In whoopin>; cou"h it proved so effectual as to jirevcnt it doiiij; much harm in anv wav. Vours, \c., [Sijrned'] JOSKPH LAN1-. Ur. Little—Sir; Not lonp since, one of my children, quite a .stout and healthy child, w:is t'or several days much troubled with a wheezinjr .and occasionally ditticult breathing, pain about the stom.ach. restlessness at iiizht, \c. Think- inir it inipht be worms, we "a\e her your Ver- mil'npe, when entire relief was had by the ex pulsion of thirty or forty worms. l)tirin;j tiie month of .March, I liad an attack of w eeks, of a violeiit coujrh, |iain in the breast and side, for which I took the P.alsam of W ild Cliei'ry. w ithout beini: mindi lienefited.— I'nder the advict' of yourself and Pr. .Moyer. 1 took two or three bottles of your .\nodym‘ Couirh Projvs and was entiicly cured, finding it much better than the P>alsam of W ild Clicrr;* of l>r. W istar's. Yours. \c.. [Sij.M.ed] .Mil: AN PA FOP.T. Talbotton. .Inne, ISIH. The Kev. Mr. .lackson writes as follows; Pr. Little—Pear Sir: Fur years jiast 1 h.ave been subject to a severe coiijrh and soreness of the Imrjs. scarcely jri'ttinjr through one attack before another came on. especially w hcji a little exposed, .'such was its obstinacy at tinics, that I was apprehensive it was of ;i fatal tciulcncy. To cure it, many tliin;zs were necessarily us;ed, but without sui;ce>s. 'I'wo years ajro. 1 tried the lialsam of Wild Cherry, without l)ein;r much benefited, wlieii your Anodyne Cotiph Props were recommended. Of these 1 t "*k but .a few doses I lelt much relieved: I Ci'Utinned to iniprovi' tlaily. until ihe c"iiirh and other symptonis ec.ased. For awhile afterw .irds. w iien I felt any return, a few doses "if the medicine stopped it. The [ w inter, indeed for a previous. 1 havi' not had much of an attai'k. which not been the case fur seven or eight year.; befnie. .'' vials of ymir Vcrmifuire medicine have been U'cd in my faiiiilv. and with ;i very fine effect indeed. [Si-ned] .1. P.. .JACKSON. Talbot county. Ajiril, I I.''. T'he t'ac-simile of the si;.'natiire of Dr. W. (!. Little will be f'lund upnii the outside wrapper of each of his \|e liciues. Sold wholes.ile .and ret.iil. by the Pr.'jirietor, at his Mrinnfai-turinn Pepnt. No. 'Jiil Market street. Piiiladeljdiia. and M.icoii, fieorpia. g-;; ' To be had alst. ot'.1 allies 'ain. Itoektisli; Wat'on. Floral C.illeee; Townsend \ Pou^- lass. jlennett-iv i!le; Pr. P. M, (’ohen. Ch.arles- toii; t'. llarliut'. P'arv'lav ville; P. F. Pcsend. I!;ilei”h. .'s. .1. IIINSPM.I^ Ajent for Favctteville. JLi.vr., SOLTIlERN HARMONY. fUST HWFIVFUj a new snjiply of tliis j)opiilar Bi'ok. Au«. 18'.1. K. J. HALK & S»X. i WAN'I'I’.I), ll.VNDS, at To ct?. i>er Jay. on the Southern Pl.ank Itoad. Steady employment iind cash payment weekly, if re- • luired. Ai>|ilv to I). M. lU’lK, At tlie Steam Mill, or to A. A. .McKKTMAN. [77-tf] Fayetteville. June Stag‘ liine to lia1eij:»h. r||lHF, Subscribers, .Mail (.’ontractors from fi- Fayetteville to Kaleieh, will commence operations this day. with new and comfortable Coaches, jrood horses, and careful I»rivers.— The I'are is FIVF POLL.XH.S—same as before. The St.ap:e Houses are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in P.alei^h, the Yarborou^rh House: but Passengers will be conveyed to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of departure will be, tintil further notice, at half- l>ast *.t P. NL from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. .\L from U.alciuh, daily. The subscribers hop*, by unreniitted attention, to .secure a liberal share of the travel. MPKPOCK McKINNON, PAVIP McNKlLL. Favettoville. .lulv 1. IS-M. 7S-tf 10MACCO. (loon STO(.’K on hand: and I sliall re ceive re>;uhnly, from .Me.ssrs. .L .Jone.s \ Co'.'4 Factory. i|ualities as.sorted from common to very fine, which 1 Tviil sell ai lowest inanufac- turiiig jirices. J. UTLFV. Fayetteville, Ajiril :’>, 18 )1. i>i>tf NO'riCI'^.—All Accoimt.s duo the Merchants' !steamboat Company, for Freijrhts up to the loth inst.. must he promptly paid to the undersiirned. as much time cannot be ;iveti to the collection of the same. J. X T. WAPPILL, late .\ients. Fayetteville. Jan. -7, IH.'^l. i'>''.tf to Con tract for^ Tli(‘ Snl)scril)(*r wisiu's to con tract for on i-: .MILLION OF I!KP OAK HHD. .ST.V\ FS, of the follovvinr dimensions, vi/.:— Full 41 inches long, ^ inch thick on the thin edge: to average 4 inches in width; none to be less than 'ITiey nni.-t be got out of ^ood, sound timber, and not to show much sap. They must be rough shaved with the drawing knife. For whiidi ipiality of Staves, I am willing t«i pay Sis jier'l. K. P. HALL. U!i, IS')!. IK-tf Wilmington, .\ug. i:dwia GLOVICU. ■ I nCr" 'I'lic ALMANAC for 1' .“^ept. I-'). '.•iniH'is’ vV Phuitcrs* 'I'J. just received. i:. .1. HALF, SON. I NOl'Ki:. riLl l.\!) \ll.\T!;il (iflODK. rBlIIK .''iibscriiierr are iiow receiving a well fl. si lci ted ,'toe\ of .^t.iple .and Fancy Pll\' i (ionpS. Among their 'tuck will be t'ound the ; late't styles of I.adies' and lentlenn'ii's PKF..'".'' ! (i( »»!•.''. togethT «itli .1 go.. 1 ;i>sortiiicnt of I Kc;n!v-iiiad‘('liitliiiiir: I niLrellas; Hats. (’;ii>s, atid 15iiini(‘ts; all kiinls nt’ lluots ami I Slpic'; ('ar]ietiii;f, SaiMlcs, IJri'llfs, hips ;unl ('kII.U '; II irilvv:in* :m'l Ctiflfrv; ljr;i- tli( r; i liilli>\v-vv;irf ainl (’rm ker\-\v;irc; L"at’. ' Lmnji, CnishiMl, ('l.irilKal ainl IJrowii Sii- I lmis; llin, l...ii:iiira ninl -lava (’Mtl'e* -, i .'^alt, Miila'scs, Irnii and Nails, j With many other 'io4ids. which will lie sold very cheap for ('ash. or on time to those who ]iay ^ We would be glad if our friends ' and the jmblic giuierailv woiihl ;rive us a call. ' J. T.' COL'NCIL CAIN. Sept. l.LVil. I>'tf l‘A I N FS. Pure and No. 1 WHITF, I-F A P. in Oil. Ini .and P.iiis !reen. Sp: nish I’.rown. .'sjianish Whiting. W inter (ireen. Chrome Vellovv. LitliariTC -ind other varieties of Paints. CO(H\ vV JOHNSON. March 10. IS.-.l. (i^tf Line of 4 liorse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. rgiiii: sui iscrilicrs havin.; secured the mail n. eoiitr.ict on the .above I.iiir. will commence THIS PA^'. rutniing a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches. P.iily. Leaving Favctteville tit t» P. M.. ai.d .arriving .at Wai'avv at \ j.a.->t li M.. in time for the '.irs North .and South. I!e- turniiig. leave Warsaw on the .arrival of the Cars, say al>ont 1 or 1’. ,\1.. and .arrive at F.i v- ttcville ill ten hours. F.very c.ire will be taken to render the line ple.isant, convenient, and s.ife. fl r Travellers. .\ Line of ."stages vvill be e'itablished as soon ;is pos..ibIe. Iiy the Plank P.oad. from Favette- vil'.e via Carth.age and .Vsheborough, to Lexing ton, .''alcni, and .'^aliliurv. .McKI.NNoN .V McNFlLL. Fayetteville, N. C., \ng. S, 11-tf Tin: i i:i,i;iiiiiTi:ii Biik imtevt ()()KL\; ST>\ i:. f.'- for ■'.lie by tiie .''iibseriber in ll.ileigh ani Favctteville; in ItahMgh at his .''hop on F.ay- cttev ille .''treet, .and in F.iv ettev ille .at .Mr. .\. .M. • ',ini]il)eHs. The .Subscriber hereby forew.irns all j'crson^ ftoiii jiurelia-^ing any of the>ie Stove-; fp.m any p( rsiin either in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or his duly autliori/.ed .\gents. He h i' purchase.1 the cNclusive right to vend tliis St ive within the*State. and will prosecute anv pel'.'11 inlringiiig his right, either by pur- cl4a>ing, selling, or using, any except those ob- taiir‘d friiin himself. JOSFPH WOLTF.ItlNCi. l^aleigh, ,\pril P.', IS.j], tiStf FALI. a: \\'1N'I'I:R (iOODS. ’^0 7’ F. .are now receiving onr F .\ L L \ N P ▼ w W I N T F 11 (i (> O p consisting of a verv general and well selected .Stock, l.\ AIJi J.L\ES, Which we are ofTering on our usual terms. .\II sorts of Produce pnrclia.sed; ami we itten.l as usual to the FOHWAP.PINC I5US1- NKSS. J. \ T. W .\PPILL, Hay St. Favctteville. Nov. 'Jo, If'-oO. 47tf Watcli-Maker and Jeweler AT THF OLP STANP, Sii/n of thf Ijitrijf Wntrh, A.'' returneil from the North with a Large assortment of W,\T('H F,.S. ('LOCKS .\N P •IF^S FLI’Y. wliich he invites the public to ex amine. Among his stock can be found.— (iold anil Silver Watches of all kinds and ]>rices; (iold and .Silver Fob. Ciiiard. and \'est t'hains; (.iold, .Silver, .''tone, and .''teid Keys and .Seals: llre.ast Pins aii.l Far-Kiiigsof iill kinds and |iric»‘s: Finder lliii^s; (iold. Silver and .''teel !^!es: .Silver and (iold Thimbles; tine lir.acelets: (iold and Silv«T Pens jind Pencils: • iold Lm-kets: (iold and .'Silver I5elt liuckles: (’aid Cases; Heads: Sleeve IJnttons: fine Aceordeons; Music lloxes; fine and common alking ( 'aiies: tine and cinunoii Pistols: Silver (’u]is; Silver .''[ Port-Moneys; Purses: \ Clocks, from ->'J to n|0; Pl.ited Cake P>askt‘fs. ! C.i'tors .and ('andlesticks: P>r.assdo.: P.ack-(iani- moii; \c.. iVc. MILITARY (loops. .''Word-!, .'^ashes. Lace, lluttons. Ibigles, .''tar.-, Pliimc'. Cajis, \c.. ^Vc. fitly" l*arti(Milar :itt(Mitiim pui'l to the lle)iairing of Watdies and Jewelry. Favctteville. N. ('.. .lulv ‘Jl. ti-^’im Medical College of the State of South Carolina. TIIIK Animal ('oiirse of Lectures in tltis In- Rtitution will commence on the tir.'st Mon day i«» November ne.^t, oil the follow ing branch es: Anatomy—.by I’rof. .t. K. IIOI,I’,R00K. M. D. .Surgery—by Prof. K. (iKPPINCJS!, AI. P. ln-t''tute?i and Practice of .Medicine—b\- Vfof. S. HLNHY MCK.SOX, M. 1). Phvsiologv—bv Prof. JAMK8 MO«'LTIUK. M. P. .Materia Medicu—by Pfofe.'sor HKNKY K. FI’.OST, m. p. Obstetrics—bv Prof. TtlOS. (i. Pltl(»LEAU. M. I). Chemistry—by Prof. (’. V. SIIKPAKP, M. D. Comp.arative .Vn.itoniv—bv Professor LOU IS AdASSlZ, .M. P. Pemonstrator of Anatomy—by ST. JULIAN IIAVKNEL, M. 1). Dr. P. J. CAIN, Physician to the Marino Hospital iind (’linical Instructor, Lectures twice a week on the diseases of that Institution. Pr. K. HKLIN FI..A(JG, Physician to the .\lins House, Lectures twice a week on dise:ises. Demonstrative in.structioii in .Medicine and .Surgery, .at the f’ollege Hospital. In iidditioii to the liegular Lectnres of the College, Hrriingeinentfl have been made between individual meinbera of the Faculty and citizens of Charleston, with Professor Loui.« Agassi/, to deliver at the College, during the regular term. ,1 (iK.VTI lTOl'S COI KSK OF LECTUHKS. on such parts of ('omparative.Vnatomy as may be selecte*! by him, in advisement with a Commit tee appointed by the Faculty of the College. IIKNP.V U. FUOST. M. T).. l»caii .if the Faculty. August S, IS.'il. 14-*iw NO'l'K’E. ^TAItl! W lLLl.V.MS have removed to the .'^tore recently o-cupied by .Mr. J(din D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. P>ranson Son, where they h.ave just received additions to the Spring purchases of .''t.ajile .and Fancy DK\ (i(M»P.S. (’ountry iii‘rchants are reijuested to ex.ainiiie our stock. J. P.. STAIUI. J. M. WILLIAMS. .luiie 7. 1 S.11. 7i)-tf D. &/ W. McLaiirin H.VVE juM leoeived n se.a.'^ofiable a(*»ortnient of (iOODH, conwi.-itinjf of I’rintn; Oing' hnniv: Jncoiiet, m»1 Tarltan Muslins; rich Printed Linen Lawns; Lace Capen: ■white anti col'd Lisle; Hilk cnib. rtnd .sup'r Kid Gloves; Ho siery! ditto for >IispeB ivnd IJoys; Linen Cam bric HiimlUercblet's; Taylor’^ Spool Cotlon; bl'k and fancy CnMimeres: Clothn; col d and white Linen Drilling^: tine French dotihle width plain and rib’d Drub d’Kte; 8heetiu{rs and Shirtings; rnilii'clla.s and ParasoLs: IJoots and Shoes; Hard ware and Cutlery; with a great variety which we otter at the lowest prices. —AI..«0_ It'txes Tobaec'o, very low fief tlic box. ]• l)bls. prime Pork. SO bags Ui« and Lnpttirw CotTec. 5 hhds. Sugar. 10 bbls. ]letine«l and (iriinulatcd Sugar. Loaf and Crushed ditto. l?ar and Fancy Soaps. Superior Northern Flour. &c. D. & W. McLAURIK. April 7, 18.')1. tititf For Rent on Favorable Terms, 4(.'omftirtable Dwellitijf House on .Mumfortl Street, under the Oiiks, with a good ri‘V^ of the public works on Hay Mount, and of the! extensive cultivatel fields in front. Also, it goofi st.and for a I’rovisiim or (irocery Store* W'est end of the Wagon Y.ard Buildings. .V pleasant summer residence joining Dr, li. Hob* in.son. Ajiply at the Post Ottice. JOHNMACHAFL .\ugust 14, ]o-*>\V Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. ^ A FUUTHFU supjilv, just rcceiveL ^ ]•:. J. HALE & SON .lune P), IH.'il. ili.\\ l) just received from New \ork, niv FALL AND WlNTFll Stock of (*oods, Consisting of a gt' .assortment id' Dry (iiMHl.s, (irorrrifs. Hardware. riiUcry, if. I will b.arter for TUIIPFNTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KINC., pi miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. L'S, 18.’>(). ' 4:!tf I'OU SAI.E, ~ op WM. P.OWLANP’S Extra thick Mill JL and Cross-cut S.\W.'', t; and tlj feet. P. .'c W. McLAUP.lN. Nov. V.\ IS’iO. 4' I’lJI.NTl.XG INK. A FEW ;i(»Ib sale by Aug. l:;. Kegs, just received and fol* j;.' J. HALE SON. T' —ALSO— l.i->wii .i!iil -recn Fniich and English • ’li'; t.’ae'; a’ld fancy Cassiineres; )ii;jiii and sal'll Ve'tiiigs: Valencia and Ca'bniere ■ I'wei U; Sattinets: Keiitin ky .leans; .“^i’.k , ’ ■I Will-fed .'^erge.k-; phiid Liiiseys; red, blue i ' 'I uliite Flannels: Freii.-h and''iik warp ditto; j '■■•II aiiii bleached C.inton d, Pruggets; 'li'irtrs; French atid English j.. ■ Irish ; ■ ^ ii'; Toweling: 'I'.ible Pi.apers; l.a'lK “1 . 'I'liie'i '■ Kid ^I’oves. of !i very sr.j.erior iua. i and (.'otton Husi'Tv; Lamb's Wfiol and | ■I' ll' ilitto; Ladies'and (ientlenien's (.'ashmere • >\e. \c. I I'l/'iir hit uf IliYinK ^Iiifrslci n mul ,1/j- ' Huh; M.n mill I "J»'J j JJnt mil/ III it JiiIjfji/ii.i. j f>';; A superior lot of (ientknien'.' ':ilf P.oots ''I ."'lioes; Ladies’ (i.aitcrs and other styles of ■ Travelling Trunks; (,'arpet H.ags, iVc. | above CiKids wcrc ficlectcd more particu- ! lar’y for the ULTAIL TKAPE, and wil' be sold ! • n very terms. ; K. 1.. .V J. .V, PEMP.EPTON. ' Sept. 1 1. is.-,I. o,,,- n' Reduction for Cash. 11 WE just receive.l ^.Mi -allons of Porter’s lU 1!NLN> I LLIP, whiei, j intend to sell I T‘i cents per gallon, or '.iitets. a.piai t. cash; ■Si per gallon when ;1,urged. This rule ve observed in all cases. N''.i. ;i fine assortment of FLClp [,\>{I’.S, :iig in [irices from 40 cts. to >::•». ^’;,n mid • -J. look at these splendid Lamps. il. i:UA.M13EHT, Agent. 'n..r, :;(t, ]H.',1, licdcllV l)i;j;(*t?lel Munu.'il. Nl'AV l-i.'ITIoN. A M’’>V ll-vi.-i d .Manual of tlf* J’nblio St;i- » tut-. L.awK Ilf N, C,, from lH:iH to IH-'jl, til iiiehiKive, bv .laiiiea li'e lell. Price Sj:j just ■■'.ved. J l!A!.E .'i £?oN, - 'I, l: -,1 SC HOOL xoTici*:. ILS. HOKN will resume her School, at the .Masonic Lodge, on Wednesday the 1st da v of (letober ne.xt. Sept. 11, 1S.')1. ;ii-ot sTii.Nta.i'-.s WaNti:!); WANTKI), tfO.OOO .l(iiii}.t r SIMMiLKS, well rounded. IH iiicIk'S hmg, J inches wide, J; d' an in h thick, for which ;')() per •uis.ind will 1h‘ paid. ELIJAH FULLER. Sepi. iS'.l. i!:'-:;t ai i:s:.\s\v AiiK. it W. P.E.NNETT, -MaiiufaMurers of fan- cy I’ockinghani and Vellovv Iron STONE W.\RE, would invite tiie attention of Southern merchants to their large stock of / '(ittrif (U'ockcrij- Warc^ Of their own ni:inufactnre, corner of Canal .St. and ('anton Avenue, two scpnires East of the Philadelphia and \\ ilmingtoii Rail Road Depot, l5.\LTi.\IOi;i-:. .''ept. lii, l.s.'il. 22-4tw I'Olt SAI.I',, NE lot of Land containing 2 acres, with Diiifortable Pwelliiig House and Kitidien thereon. The above jirop -rty is in h:ilf a mile of Uobeson Institute, Robeson county. .\lso. Four .Shares of the C:ipital Stock in said Institute. For further particulars, iiifjuire of ALFRFI) JACK.SON. Cumberland C(Uintv. .Sept. I. l.S.'il. IHtf W PAPEU. IiE.\.M.'' .Medium si/.e, (■|'» I’due, for ('otton Yarns. From .M;iijteo Paper Millu. Ilaleigh. For sale low bv 11. RKANSON & SON. JiilV f, IMl. :^tf iai\ LAWHENCK A: (’OMPANY’S Piilciit lni])rovc(i Elesli Gloves and Straj)s, For producing a healthy st.ite of the system Ly Friction. rjlllE great value of the HOR.SR-IIAIll IIE- JL N'(*V.\TOR as a tluTajieutic agent, when applieil to the human body, is well known to every one vho ha'? ]>aid the le.ast attention to thu iiiipoi tanee of;!, liealthv action of the Skin. For sale by S. J. JHNSDALE. uot. 1; o'jtf .MEDICAL PEPAKTMENT OF IIAMPDKN SIDNEY (’(ILLElJE, KK’II V|0\l>, \ \. f^'WW. fiiiirhi'iitli annual course of Lectures M. will commence on .Monday, the Pith of Octoln-r, iSol, and continue until the first of M.arch ensuing. The commencement for con ferring degrees will be held :ibout the middle t>f .M.irch. R. L. Rom.vnnax, .M. D., Professor of (Jb- stetrics, i.S:c. L. W. Cn\MitKni.\v.NK, M. D., Professor id' Materia Medica. .S:c. S. .M vfi’ix, M. !>., Professor of Chemisfry. ('!i,-. Rki.i, (iiiiso.N, M. D., Professor of .Sur gery. »S:c. C. P. .luiisso.v, M. D., Professor of An.atoniy and Physiology. D. II. TiCKKii, M. D., Professor of Theory ami Pr.actice of .Meilicine. \. E. .M. D., Demonstrator of .Vn- atoiiiy. The facilities for Aimfomici/ and CHnirnl in struction in this institution anl unsurpassed. E.\PEN.''I'.S.—M.'itriciilation fee —Profes sors’ fees (aggregate) sjilO.')—Demonstrator’s fee .■jipt—(iraduation fee •'i?'.!-'). The price of Roard, incluling fuel, lights and servants’ jittendance, is usually or jier week. The Catalogue, kc.. containing ftiller infonna- tion concerning the !^chool, will be forwarded to those ajtplying for it, or specific emjuiries will \ be answered l»y letter. Address S. MAUPLV, M. I)., Dean of the Faculty. July 22. ' f-Sw TO COTT()N N'l' I:RS. PIECES (’OTTON RA(JGIN0, 7;') «'oili Ropo, *J(M) lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, bv PETER r.,J01lNH0N. Aug ul J'i, 1V5J Mil' m:\v (;ooi)s. rjl'^HE .■Subscriber is now receiving a large -B. iind well selected stock of GOODS, recently purchased in N-w York for (’.\SII, which :ire ofl'ered for sale at lovv prices for cash, country produce, or on time to jiuiictual men. ;'»(! bbls. No. :! Mackerel.—new. Jt't half and (iiiarter bids, extra No. ]. Kits No. 1 Salmon and Mackerel. ELIJAH FI LLER. Sept. 1, 1S.')1. l'.i-4tw 100,000 Acres Valiisihle T I M H E R L A N D S FOR SALE. fl^llE Siib.scriber li:is jiurch.ised .ill the L:inds M_ lielongiiig to the Estate of Aliram Duliois. dec'd, Iving principally in Robeson and on lioth sides of Lumber River, the different sur veys containing l)v('r 100,000 Acres; Urge finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a l:irge (luantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Til iber and Turpentine, for which purpose a l.irge j>art is well suited, being in a region where the Turjientine yichls more alnindaiitly th.'in any other sei’tion of the St:ite. The Lands will be sold at ii lovv price, and in (piantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be ob tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. Jas. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esj., (.\ttorneys at Law.) 1 understand there are many trespas.sers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforcctl against all such idl'enders. .Vjililicatioii for any part of the Lands can be made to myjclf, or to John Win.slow, Esip, who is duly authorised to make .sale of the .same. THOS. J. CURTIS. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 184-j. 7jtt \\ atch(*.'; aiul Jewelry, At Wliolr^nlr aiiil Ketnil. .1. M. liEASI.EV 'MM'^OULD re>ipectfully inform the ]>ublic W w getierally. that he has returneil recent ly from N‘vv York, with decidedly it large as sortment id' an ft Many of these W atches were V.ought for C.V.^'H liV THE P.VCK.\(iE. and can therefore be s«dd very low. He has Watches id' all kinds; Ch:iins, Keys !iml Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles; Finger-Rings, Ear-l’ings. Medallions, of all sizes, of English and .\nieriean make; L.a- dies' Chatelaines: (’uff Pins; Collar and Sleeve Ruttoiis; Shirt Studs: (iold .''pect.acles. light and hi'avv; Gold Pens and Pencils; (iold and .Silver Thimbles; Rracelets: .Silver Fruit and I’utter Knives; .''ilver S|ioons of all sizes; large lot of Pocket (’utlery: Scissors, best ([U.-dity: Rutton- hole .■'cissors. Surveyor’s ('ompasses and Chains; M;itheniatical Insfruments; large (piantity d’ fine and common Pistols; fine and common sin gle :md_ double-barrel Guns: (i.ame R.-igs; Shot P.elts and Powder Flasks: Military (ioods, in cluding the Hass Drum and the smallest Riitton; Violins and extra P.ovvs; Flutes, Clarionets, Fl.a- geolets, Accordeons. of all kinds and sizes; Mu sic P.oxes: Perfumery; .''oaii; Lather Riushes; lL-»7.ors and Strojis; Dressing and Pocket (’ombs; Plated and Rritannia Ware: and various other things too tediotis to ei^umerate. fiHiy Call and give me a trial. Cash jtaid for old (iold and .''ilver. Watcuks ui\d .Jkwklry neatly Rejiaired. Fdifi’ttvriUv^ A. V.—Conicr of .]fiir/c)'t Sipiarr. Ij2-t’.m] _ J. >L REASLEY. ANTED, :!(RM) ft. Ashe l.timber for Wagons, 1 t«i inches thick. ft. Seasoi\ed (Linuber, 1] to inches. 1(MM> ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .\xletrees. 1(MK> ft. White Oak for Tongues, Roisters and Shafts. 1(1(1 Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. •J(M»(l Sjiokes. For which the highest c.ish price will be paid. Applv soon to E. Fl LLEU. May P.t, 1S.')1. 72-tf ~'i P>bls. No. 1 Herring. “ :{ Mackjprel. 1(»0 I’ales Hay. 10(1 Pieces Cotton Ragging. ')(> Coils Rope. •J(li) Lbs. 'I’vvine. :;o Hhds. ;■) Hhds. F.iir Sugars. ■»() ISags Rio Coffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and (iroceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by JNO. P. WILLIAMS. -\tigtist 14, 18.')1. lott HA(^(;iN(i AND ROPE. ^kUR COTTON RAGGING AND ROPE have arrived. Our friends can send in their orders, and they shall be .supplied. SALEM PAPER-.MILE. f BIIIE subscriber has taken charge of this old and well known Establi. linient. ami is pre- ]i:ired to attend to all orders for Printing Pupcr, Mercluints’ and Eactorv W rappings ^.'c. The Mill has recently been thorou'jhly refitted with new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good nuality and iit as cheap prices as can be purchased any where. North or South. (’HARLES E. SHORER. Salem, June 7. IH.'d. 77tf ,irST EIMSIIEI), PillT NEW F>UG(ilES. Also, two second hand. For sale by ‘a. a. McKETHAN. .Inne ‘J. IS-'il. 7 1-tf L' 1)0MI;ST1C8. River Osnabcnrs: 7-S Vertical Water Wheel. HERE are several hundred of these Wheels in operation in different counties in North Carolina. For proof of their great advantage!* over the oommon flutter wheel* or any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have ajiplie*! them to their mills. We can recommend them particularly for their superiority in cases of a low head of wjiter, or back water. AVe still keep a sujiply of Wheels, .suitable foi* ditlerent heads of water, at Wiliningtoii, New-i lK‘rn. Washington, Kdenton and F.ayetteville.. The whetd.s may also l>e Juid of E. A. Rrevanlj Lincdnton, and Uriah M'elU, Petersburg, Va. Persons wisliing to obtain the right to tisc tli0 wh«-els. will be served on ajiplicatioii to D. McNeill iS: Co., Fayetteville, N. C. D. McNEILL. A. A. McKETHAN. D. J. McALISTER. Feb’y '12. 1810. 6(Vtf WANTED, A(iOOD Body Maker at the Carriage ness. Good wages ami steady emplojr* nient given. May li'i. A. A. McKETHAN. 7:>-lf ITTLE River Osnabcrgs: 7-S and 4-4 Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, bv .STARR AVILLIAMS. June 7, l'^^')!. 7-j-tf KIN’(i and .V. Mc.MlLL.VN have entered • into cop.artnership in the Distillery d' Tur]>entiiie. and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Pliink Road, 8 miles from Favctteville. N. KING. May!'.—71tf A. McMlLLAN. IWitited. WK wish to buy •Jd.iXMi barrels Turpentine. KlN(i .t McMlLLAN. j.i:ss()\s JN Mi sic. 111. WIIIT.VKER would resjtectfiilly in- form the citizens of Fayettevilh* and vi cinity. that hi' h:is again coinmenceil giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the patronage heretfifore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. .Ml jiains shall be taken for the advancement of his pujiils. Instructi«>n also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and rc})aired in the best maniu'r. L. H. WHITAKER. August-JL 18'A :i4tf \VAN’n:D TO BORROW, Good security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. Address letter to .V. R., :nid leave at this of fice. .lune^!**, IS.'d. 78-tf SWEET MOLASSES, 10(K) .S.ii ks Liverpixd S.\LT. with our usu;il Stock of C. Slot. EP.IES. J. & T. WADDILL. July 21, IS.',1. A good supply of Willianis’s Rectified Rve Whiskey. J. i!c T. W. ^TR.VW ('I'TTEUS, ('orn Shellers, and a va riety of Ploughs ami Plough fixtures, for SJile by J. li: T. WADDILL. .Ian. 4. Ootf 40 K(')R SALE, At th»i fou'rtit Murhi't HHDS. New Crop MOLASSES. 12(1(1 .sacks S.\LT. .5(M)() bushels Alum Salt. 0(KK) R)s. (’otton Yarn. Osnaburg.s and Brown Sheetings. WMth a general stfiok of articles in the Grocery line. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. ’ Fayetteville, Feb. 15, ISiiO. IREDia.L’S EWfTY, Vol. 6, I ■ UST ^,td)l;-ihcd P.nd for s-ile by ' tP i’ J. HAXd'^ A SON. Augtist 1 S, 18.)1. COOK & TAYLOR. 14tf 1». 11 P JOllASOA AS JUST RECEIVED and ofTcrs for sale, cheap,— bags superior llio COFFEE, 25 barrels CofTee .Sugar, 50 barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and o, Loaf and Granulated Sugar. —ALS(.>— A large assortment of Iron and Nails, Shov els, Spades, Trace Chains, .Shftvels and Tongs, Blacksmiths’ Rellovvs, .\nvils. Vises, H:inimers, Pianos. Augers and Chise's, Files, Collins’!; Axes, ^c. August 10; 14tl’ WKfWTf '.irS Ql Airi o DIC- I'lONAin; A FURTHER supplv received, xm E. J. HALE & SON. Aug. 1:L HENRIETTA LINE OF Steam and Freifflil Boats, Are all in excellent order for business. Our Tow Roata have been recently repaireil and made good as new. We have also ar«led a ncir Flat for lovv water, and well sMlapted to the service. She will carry 700 bblg. merchandize, and draw only ’JO inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may expect !W prompt and cheap service in every particular as any other Line can offer. G. DE.MIN(J, Prefi t. R. M. OKRELL, Agent. A. D. GA7.\UX, .\g*;ut at Vi'ilmin;Tton. Fay»;ttcyill»', Dec. 21, IS'jO. .)0-tf ERESH TEAS. Extra fixe hyson, Do do Imperial, Do do Crnnpowder, Do do Oohing, ami Young Hyson TEAS, of superior qoalit^-. _AI„‘0— f’hocolate, Rarley, Salad Oil, Muetard, Yeasi Powders, 6lc. For sale bv SAii’L J. nrXSDALK. April 21. C8tf ^ Dv. T. 1>. IB AKiJn, ^ H.\.^s taken an (>tHce oti Hay Street, West of the Hotel Ruilding.i;. July 11, 1851. 4-tf MINERAL WATER. 7 ^ J. HlNSDALK prepared to furnish bi# ctistomers with SOD.V or MINER.VL W.\' TER. with a variety of Syrups, all of a (nialify tinsiirjiassed. April 21. fiStf drugs'd: .AIEDICINES,"^ I^nii/s, Oih, ]S iiiihnc OhmHf /V7/, Samtkl .T. Hinsdale Ofl'ers for sale an extensive ap.‘»ortinent of (.iO(»DS, among whfcli are the fol» lowing; opium. Camphor, Castor Oil, Alcohol, Sul' phur. Aloes, Magnesia, Rhubarb, MorphinCf IJuiniiie, (’ream Tartar, Sal Soda, (.'astile Soap, Super carb. Soda, E]>soni Salts, Sponge, Ipecac* i^arsaparilla, Kreosote, Bora.x. .VrrowriMit. lsin» gl.iss. Gum Arabic, Gum Myirh, Cajisicnm. Lo* belia. Pl.isters, Liniorice, (’hloroform, .lujubt Paste. Co]iperas, Wliite Le.ail. Lin.seed Oil, Trait* Oil, W hale Oil, SjK'rin Oil, Sweet Oil. Xe«tsfo#>t (HI, (’opal Varnish, Leather, J;ipart Varnish, Winilow (tla«s. Putty, Pumice Stone, (’hrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Lanipbl.ack, Patent Plack, Terr.a dc Sienna, Umber, Black Lead, Litharge. Red Lead, Patent Dryer, Whi' ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Bed. Sji.anish Brown, Prussian Blue, Sand-pa' per, Stari'h. Sal Eratus, Alustard. Spice. Nut' megs. Pepper, Hops, indigo. Madder, S!iltpetr«v Ginger, (Jlue, Annato. Clove», Mace, Rnrninf^ FluiiL Alum, 0.\alic Acid. W hite Rrick. Trijiolif Wash Brushes. Paint Rrushes, Varnish Rrushes, Scrubbing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do.^ Logwoofl, l?ed wood. Rlack Ink, Ojiodeldoc. k*'.f with a general a.ssortment of .Medicines; ('hcml- cals of all kinds: French and English Perfume ry and So.a]»s; with a full as.sortnicnt of till th€? leading Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the country jiroinptly attcnde'l to. and goods ciirefully pticked. Tl't‘ Subscrilier feels assured he cat* meet the wishes i.d' the purchaser in regard tc> quality iind price. S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist, October 12, 1850. 42tf Five Insurance. fTf^HE -ETNA In.«urance Company of Hart-- JL ford, having ]>aid the tax imposed by the' Revenue Law of the late Legi.slature, will con tinue its .\gency iu Fayetteville, under thtf management of the under.-igtied, who is jtre-^ pared to issue Policies of Insurance «>n Ruild- ings or (ioods^ either in this Town or in any l»art of the St*te, «>n proper application, de-^ scription of the Prf»perty, ,Vc. The -KTNA CO.\lP.\NY has)>een in oiveratiort aliont :-5(( je.-irs. Itri capital is )*:|00,000^ The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first Pre ddent^ ani\ he .iitill holds that office; and several of ita^ first Directors are still active and efficient metn- ber."* of the Board. It has at all times snstaineit the highest character for tke prtrience of it» maaagenitHit, and for the lil>cralit/ with wliicb it has ever adjusted its fi- J. HALE, .\pent. >fapch K>, 1851. (52-tf Settlements. PERSONS who arc indebted to us will con fer an obligation if they will settle durin^f the present month. All persons to whom we ai«‘ indetife'l will pl*'aso rend»r tbf>ir bills for pajr i:. J. iULi: .’v iio'i.

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